Long-burning stove made from pipe 630. How to make a long-burning wood-burning stove for your home

Solid fuel boilers sometimes become the only option when you need to heat a room. There can be many reasons for this: the inability or economic infeasibility of connecting to the gas main when you need to heat a temporary structure, or solid fuel is more accessible than all other energy resources.

The most economical ovens are long burning on wood, which, unlike conventional boilers, have a higher efficiency. It is quite possible to make such stoves yourself, if you get acquainted with the recommendations of experienced craftsmen. Thus, you will get double savings: on operation and on manufacturing.

What is the difference from conventional ovens?

First, you can consider what disadvantages the owner of a conventional stove faces:

  • very low efficiency, the level of which can be increased to 80 percent, no more;
  • You constantly need to ensure that you add a new portion of fuel on time (usually this needs to be done every 2-3 hours);
  • there is no way to automate the combustion process and thus reduce labor costs.

There are none of the listed disadvantages in top combustion furnaces. We can say that they have become an improved version of the traditional stove, which has not lost its position for many centuries. In addition, it has a lot of advantages, including the almost complete absence of soot, small dimensions boiler, the ability to regulate the combustion process. There are many designs that you can make with your own hands.

Bake long burning is designed so that oxygen enters the fuel in limited quantities. Firewood (coal, pellets) does not burn, but smolders. At this moment they release so-called pyrolysis gas. It goes into a separate chamber and burns out completely. As a result, efficiency increases by another 10-15 percent, and the fuel loading period extends from 8 to 12 hours.

For such stoves, sawdust, firewood, coal and pellets can be used as fuel. That is, it is not difficult to choose it depending on the region and the availability of any type of fuel. When such advanced stoves use pellets, the fuel loading process is easily automated. You just need to monitor the filling of the bunker.

Reference. Pellets are gradually becoming a popular type of fuel. They are easy to use and allow you to save the Earth’s natural resources, as they make this type of fuel from waste from the wood processing industry.

An automated long-burning stove using pellets can operate without human intervention for several days.

Materials and tools

To decide how to make a long-burning stove yourself, you need to prepare all the tools in advance and stock up on materials:

  • for the furnace body you will need a metal container of at least 200 liters in volume (sometimes they take an empty, broken gas cylinder for this purpose);
  • two pieces of pipe with a diameter of 10 cm;
  • metal channel; for body legs;
  • approximately 60 pieces of refractory bricks (if it is decided to line the stove with bricks);
  • sheet of metal with a thickness of 60 to 80 cm diagonally;

  • mixture for masonry (preferably ready-made, but you can make the solution yourself);
  • hinges for doors;
  • necessary tools which are used when working with metal (for example, “grinder”);
  • electric welding equipment, electrodes;
  • level and plumb lines,
  • construction tape and other marking tools.

After all materials and tools have been prepared, you can begin the process of making the stove.

How to make a stove with your own hands

When choosing a room where you can make a long-burning stove with your own hands, you need to keep in mind that for welding work You will need access to 220 V electricity.

The body can be made of stainless steel, cast iron or steel. When you make it yourself using welding, you need to take steel sheets with a thickness of at least 4 mm. The most convenient and stable design will be obtained if the body is shaped like a rectangular parallelepiped. But the main thing is to make it airtight.

However, it is easier and more reliable to choose a ready-made container. For example, even a used fire extinguisher is suitable for a low-power oven.

Important! If a used gas cylinder is used for the housing, special procedures must be followed for safety reasons. An empty cylinder always contains gas vapors, which can lead to an explosion. Therefore, before cutting off the “top” of it, the balloon must be filled to the very top with ordinary water.

Separately, another circle is cut out of a sheet of iron with a diameter 2-2.5 cm larger than the diameter of the body itself. You need to cut a hole in it for a pipe with a diameter of 10 cm. The pipe is immediately welded into place.

The legs are made of metal channel. They will not only support the base, but also “push” the fuel during the combustion process.

The lid is made separately. They also cut a hole in it for a pipe 10 cm in diameter. A “skirt” is provided along the edges for a tighter connection between the lid and the body.

Holes for the firebox and ash pan are cut out on the body. Metal doors are hung on them, to which handles (from a corner or channel) are welded. The firebox and ash pan are separated by a grate on which fuel must be placed.

Oven base

When making a coal stove with your own hands, you need to take care reliable foundation. This must be done, even if the stove is not heavy in design.

There is no need to make a recess for the foundation. It is enough to make a smooth concrete “pillow”.

In order to mark the base of the furnace, you can use building materials such as ceramic tile or brick. In this case, straightness must be strictly observed, controlling the surface of the base using a mounting level.

Chimney device

When it comes to heating equipment that runs on solid fuel, it is imperative to install a chimney. In this case, the chimney is made from a pipe with a diameter of 100 mm.

At a distance of 50–100 mm from the upper edge of the stove, a chimney pipe is cut in. This is a segment steel pipe, into which the chimney will fit tightly. The smoke channel is made with a small horizontal section - 50 - 60 cm of a straight pipe is enough to weaken the draft. A large number of knees before leaving the premises is not allowed.

A chimney made of several sections is easy to use. This way you can clean it without any problems.

Important! Sections of the prefabricated chimney pipe are assembled in the direction opposite to the movement of gases.

Final stage

After the stove is assembled and installed in a permanent place, it can be given an aesthetic appearance using refractory bricks. As practice has shown, this does not affect the performance of the boiler in any way. There is an opinion that due to a decrease in heat losses, the fuel burnout period increases. However, this has not yet been proven.

Therefore, the owner of the stove can choose whether it is worth spending additional money on covering the stove with bricks, or doing without this step. Sometimes in this way they make a stove for a long-burning greenhouse with their own hands, which is very convenient and practical.

Whatever fuel is used in a long-burning furnace, the operating principle is the same. The pyrolysis process, with minimal access to oxygen, significantly increases the efficiency of the furnace and increases the burnout period of the fuel.

There are some rules for the manufacture and installation of a stove, compliance with which is important for further operation:

  1. For safety reasons, there should be no furniture, objects, or other things for a meter around the stove to avoid a possible fire.
  2. If you install the stove on a small pedestal, then, if necessary, you can easily remove and disassemble the chimney.
  3. Not much ash is formed in a long-burning furnace, but from time to time it needs to be removed, leaving a small layer for thermal insulation of the bottom (thus reducing the intensity of its burning).

To improve performance characteristics, a heat reflector - a metal or foil sheet - is attached to the wall behind the stove. It not only protects the wall from fire, but also returns heat from the wall back into the room.

Of course, gas is currently the most cost-effective and less problematic to operate. But its connection is not always possible. Many regions are forced to make do with other types of fuel. Electricity, although a convenient energy resource, is very expensive. In such a situation, long-burning solid fuel stoves will help out.

In the context of today's high cost of energy resources, the issue of paying heating bills in the winter - the most expensive of utility expenses - is becoming more and more pressing for every family. For city residents, this issue is not so relevant, since the presence of central heating suggests only two options: either paying for the energy consumed by the meter, or paying at the average tariff based on the area and the number of people living on it.

For residents of private houses, the choice is much wider and they are free to choose from a variety of options for heat sources - gas, coal, wood, electricity - and heating systems. According to numerous parameters, in this “battle” the long-burning stove often emerges as the winner.

This is not surprising, because electricity is a kilometer-long bill for the energy consumed; gas is cheap, but the initial documentation and investments in laying a gas pipeline eat up all the benefits from cheap fuel. As a result, classic country stoves or a fireplace with wood are left as the most affordable and convenient fuel.

Modern technologies have led to the fact that a seemingly ordinary heating device has undergone a number of technological changes and as a result, today there is a much more progressive type of heater than a conventional potbelly stove - long-burning systems. Their parameters are much superior to other types of heating systems, having an efficiency of up to 90 percent. For example, you can look at the average fuel consumption in stoves of the same power with different types of fuel (in the example, the boiler power is 10 kW):

  • diesel drip stove - 3 kg/h;
  • solid fuel stove - 1.5 kg/h;
  • long-burning furnace - less than 1 kg/h.

As you can see, the numbers are convincing, so it’s worth figuring out what such a system is and how you can install a long-burning stove with your own hands.

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What is it and what are the advantages/disadvantages

The operation of a long-burning stove is based on the process of pyrolysis, that is, the chemical decomposition of fuel under the influence of temperature. This is realized by using two combustion chambers in the design instead of one, as in conventional types of heating systems.

The first chamber is filled with fuel (wood), which does not burn actively, but only smolders - pyrolysis occurs with decomposition into methane, hydrogen, etc. The resulting mixture of flammable gaseous substances is transferred to the second chamber and burned here. Thanks to this scheme, combustion is much more complete, since in conventional stoves a significant part of the combustible gases is released into the atmosphere through the chimney without being used.

Like any other technological process, heating using pyrolysis has both positive qualities and disadvantages and they need to be known and taken into account before deciding on use. Benefits include:

  • The most complete combustion of fuel, due to which significant savings occur and the coefficient increases useful action(up to 90%);
  • Thanks to complete combustion, the solid residue from combustion (ash) is minimal - the remaining handful of ash from burnt firewood can easily be removed and will not accumulate in mountains of slag on the site;

  • Environmental safety is again ensured by almost complete combustion - emissions into the atmosphere contain almost nothing, with the exception of water vapor and carbon dioxide;
  • Absence of foreign odor in the room during combustion - such aromas in conventional ovens can appear from unburned organic residues;
  • The full use of the fuel stored in the firebox ensures significantly longer combustion than in standard systems - thanks to this, you have to “throw” firewood into the firebox much less often;
  • Fast “start” - the time for the start of warming up the room occurs faster, since it does not require the active combustion of a large amount of fuel, but only the beginning of the release of a gaseous mixture in the first chamber of the system;
  • Since the main source of heat production for such a stove is gas mixture, then smooth adjustment of heating becomes possible, almost the same as in gas boilers(adjustment is made by reducing or adding the amount of air supplied to the chamber necessary for combustion).

Of course, there were some drawbacks:

  • The cost of modern equipment with pyrolysis technology can be quite high, especially with additional functions;
  • Long-burning industrial furnaces most often require a permanent connection to electrical network for the operation of their components - forced air supply to the combustion chambers, various sensors and relays, flow-through water heating pump (if used);
  • Long-burning stoves are much more picky about the quality of the wood mass placed in the firebox - excessively wet wood cannot support slow smoldering, which means the system will not receive pyrolysis gas for the main combustion;
  • The overall dimensions of pyrolysis type heaters are slightly larger than standard ones, since the design has twice as many combustion chambers. And in comparison with gas or electric systems, space for fuel storage is also required;
  • The impossibility of fully automating the heating process - you need to put firewood into the firebox by hand;
  • A technologically complex scheme for arranging water heating - too cooled liquid in the heat exchanger is quite capable of overcooling the combustion chamber and extinguishing it. This is overcome by using bypasses that partially mix the cooled liquid with the already heated one.

With a generally identical technological device, long-burning furnaces differ in the material from which the body is made. There are:

  • cast iron - standard advantages of cast iron stoves, such as fairly quick heating and relatively long-term uniform release of accumulated heat into the room;
  • steel - very fast heating and the fastest possible transfer of heat into the room, but rapid cooling;
  • brick - the most classic version with all the advantages brick kilns, with maximum heat accumulation, very long-term and uniform transfer of heat to the surrounding space.

Important! Modern pyrolysis boilers and furnaces can be equipped with additional functional elements, such as semi-automatic fuel loading, sensors, automatic temperature controllers, etc. Such additions are very effective and useful, but they significantly increase the cost of the units.

There are various models of long-burning stoves on the market, the design of which includes additional functionality. Such an “add-on” could be a hob, a wood-burning “storage-dryer”, a firebox with aesthetic glass doors - such a stove will look like an attractive fireplace.

Do-it-yourself gas generator furnace

Despite the apparent complexity of pyrolysis technology and the operation scheme of long-burning furnaces, it is quite possible to heat a house with such a unit with a metal body self-made. To do this, you will need skills in working with metal, a welding machine and similar construction “wisdom”.

The simplest option (and the cheapest) would be to use a ready-made metal frame, or rather a container, to make such a stove: a fuel barrel or an iron gas cylinder would be quite suitable. You can also weld the body yourself from a piece of pipe of the required length and diameter. A stove made from such raw materials will be far from aesthetically pleasing, but fully functional and suitable for heating a greenhouse, garage or workshop. And thanks to its small size and lightness, such a stove can be quite easily moved from one place to another - a “mobile version of the stove.”

Thus, to make your own gas-generating metal stove, you will need the following materials:

  • a steel sheet of sufficient size so that you can cut a disk with a diameter equal to the diameter of the body;
  • metal profile from which the pressure piston will be made;
  • door for the firebox (can be purchased from a hardware store or welded with your own hands from a metal sheet);
  • a metal pipe with a diameter of 10 cm and a length equal to the height of the furnace body with a reserve of 15 cm - with its help the air duct of the clamping piston is made;
  • a metal pipe with a diameter of 15 cm and a length of at least five meters is the basis for the manufacture of a chimney pipe.

Installation of a self-made long-burning stove requires care and the correct sequence of actions:

  • Preparing the body. If the base is a barrel, then you should simply remove the lid, and if it’s a cylinder, then you need to carefully cut off the upper part using a grinder (the lid of the unit will be made from it). When pruning, it is advisable to fill the container with water for stability and to prevent overheating. If the body is self-welded, then when welding you should follow usual measures precautions.

Important! When making a housing from an old cylinder, special care should be taken - before starting work, be sure to make sure that it is completely empty!

  • Installation of supports. Simply put, prepared metal legs need to be welded to the body. They should provide the body with a level and stable position;
  • Feeder piston. Making this pressure piston involves cutting out sheet metal circle along the inner diameter of the body (slightly smaller for free movement). If the body has a square cross-section, then a piston of the appropriate shape is made in the same way;
  • The center of the piston is cut into a circle with a diameter equal to the diameter of the air duct. This pipe is welded to the piston. In the prepared structure, the tube should protrude 0.15 m above the edge of the body - if more, it should be trimmed with a grinder;

  • Cuttings of metal profiles are welded to the lower surface of the piston to ensure a tighter fit of the logs and sufficient air access to them;
  • Unit cover. For a barrel, its lid is used, for a cylinder - a cut-off top, for a self-welded body, the lid is cut out of a steel sheet according to the diameter of the body. A hole is cut in the cover for the air duct and handles are welded to it so that it can be conveniently removed to add fuel;
  • Weld the hinges and install the ash pan door;
  • Cut a hole for the chimney pipe and weld it in the upper part of the unit body;
  • Install valves in the air duct and chimney to regulate draft - they will serve as regulators of heat generation activity and operating time without additional fuel loading;
  • Insulate the chimney pipe to prevent the formation of condensation in it and cover its top with a protective umbrella made of galvanized steel.

Important! You can heat a house using a gas generator stove of your own making not only by making it from metal, but also by building a more classic version from brick. This option is somewhat more complicated, since the two-chamber structure must be laid out with brickwork. Otherwise, all recommendations for configuring a metal gas generator furnace are suitable.

Initial ignition of a homemade unit

For start homemade stove the following actions should be taken:

  • pull the piston out of the stove;
  • pack the firewood tightly in the firebox - the maximum possible load of fuel can be to a level just below the chimney opening;
  • Cover the top of the logs with small wood chips soaked in fire liquid or paper sheets;

  • insert the piston into place;
  • close the lid;
  • set fire to a piece of paper or rags and throw it into the firebox through the air duct;
  • after 15-20 minutes, when the firewood starts to burn, close the chimney valve - this will stop the firewood from burning and it will begin to smolder, producing pyrolysis gas.

As can be seen from all of the above, long-burning stoves for a summer house or private home are the optimal solution in terms of organizing autonomous heating. It is convenient, economical, efficient and environmentally friendly. In addition, if you have certain skills in construction and working with metal, it is quite possible to equip own house a self-made gas generator furnace, which will significantly reduce initial costs.

For a more comfortable use of solid fuel for heating, it is best to use a home-made pyrolysis furnace; drawings and photos of such units can be easily found on specialized websites dedicated to space heating systems.

People started using solid fuel boilers quite a long time ago. Until a certain time, this method of heating rooms in cold weather was the only possible one. Further development of heating systems made it possible to create units operating on liquid and gaseous fuels. However, with all the variety of equipment, solid fuel boilers have not lost their attractiveness. The fact is that the development of modern technologies has made it possible to create installations capable of operating without human intervention in the combustion process for a long time.

Purchasing a long-burning furnace manufactured in an industrial production environment allows you to get a unit that has a presentable appearance and a guaranteed service life. In addition, such a device provides a high degree of operational safety. The disadvantage of such devices is the high cost of the units. This forces many to think about the question of how to make a long-burning stove with their own hands. It is quite difficult to make a pyrolysis oven with your own hands. Before you start making a long-burning stove with your own hands, you should study the operating principle and design of such a unit. In addition, a person who decides to make a long-burning stove with his own hands must have extensive experience working with metal and possess certain professional skills.

Do-it-yourself long-burning stoves can operate on the following types of solid fuel:

  • firewood;
  • coal;
  • sawdust.

All of the listed types of fuel have a relatively low cost, which ensures the popularity of this type of heating equipment. The most common unit among homeowners has become a long-burning wood-burning stove with their own hands, made at home. This is due to the low cost of fuel and its general availability in almost any region.

Manufacturing a structure from sheet metal is the most complex option for designing and assembling an installation, as it requires a large number of installation operations. Manufacturing this version of the furnace will require the craftsman to:

  • carrying out accurate calculations of the dimensions of all structural elements and precise marking of sheet metal;
  • accuracy of processing of all parts of the unit;
  • accuracy when carrying out welding work.

Installations made of sheet metal can have different shapes. The shape of the structure in this case depends on the preferences of the master and the availability of free space for installing the stove.

During the process of manufacturing the structural elements of the unit and assembling the structure, the presence of special rolls will be required to allow the sheet of metal to be shaped. In the absence of rolls, the furnace can only be made in a rectangular shape.

A mandatory element for the safe use of a pyrolysis furnace is the foundation on which the unit is installed.

The foundation must have a high degree of reliability. The foundation for the stove is constructed from heat-resistant building materials. The design of the stove has a small mass, so the stove does not create much pressure on the base. During operation of the installation, a high temperature is created, which can cause damage to the foundation; in order to prevent the destructive effect of high temperature on the foundation, heat-resistant materials must be used in its construction. The material used is refractory brick, which is laid on a pre-prepared concrete base.

When the budget allows, you can purchase a long-burning stove manufactured at the enterprise. This option has graceful look, can last a very long time. In addition, the unit is absolutely safe to operate. However, not everyone can afford such a purchase. And then the question arises about making such a stove yourself. It is also called pyrolysis. The creation process is relatively complex and requires strict adherence to all the necessary technologies and algorithms. First you need to thoroughly study how this device functions. You must have experience with metalworking and other turning skills.

Main characteristics and advantages of long-burning furnaces

Long-burning stoves, created independently, can operate on the following types of solid fuel:

  • firewood;
  • coal;
  • sawdust.

The cost of fuel cells is low. For this reason they have become very widespread. The long-burning wood-burning stove has gained great popularity among home owners. It is created at home, called “bubafoneya”.

What is a long burning stove?

There may be slight differences in the designs of long-burning stoves. But the principle of their operation is similar - this is the generation of thermal energy during pyrolysis (not using the open flame method), when the wood is exposed to an impressive temperature with a limited amount of oxygen. And the fuel smolders, forming hot gas. It contains:

Pros and cons of long-burning stoves

The use of long-burning stoves operating on solid fuel in the heating system of premises helps eliminate almost all the shortcomings inherent in standard designs using similar fuel:

  1. Pyrolysis units are characterized by higher efficiency when compared with classical modifications.
  2. Long-burning stoves do not need to be constantly loaded with wood or coal.
  3. The operation of the pyrolysis system can be automated.

A small caveat needs to be made regarding this last benefit. When to use homemade apparatus generating heat, there is usually no need for automation, since even one load of fuel cells guarantees uninterrupted operation within 20 hours.

Design features of pyrolysis furnaces

Combustion in a pyrolysis furnace is characterized by low dynamics and high efficiency. It is provided by air supply using a regulator. When the fuel cells ignite thoroughly (approximately 20 minutes after loading), you need to close the air supply hole. This minimizes the passage of oxygen.

The main contribution to heat generation in a pyrolysis furnace is made by flue gases, which are located in a special sealed compartment

The fuel smolders and is almost completely converted to gas. And the flue gases are concentrated in the ignition compartment. When they burn out, a lot of heat is generated. If you try to implement this method of combustion in a conventional stove, directing its operation to smoldering mode, you can cause serious damage to your own safety. In the best case, the gases will rush into the chimney. At worst, they will end up indoors, bypassing doors with weak seals.

Making a long-burning stove with your own hands

Before starting installation and assembly work, it is necessary to correctly calculate the operating mode of the furnace and its design, and then prepare all the necessary materials and tools. We will consider the furnace manufacturing process step by step, starting with the creation detailed diagram thermal unit.

Calculation of furnace parameters according to drawings

To make a preliminary assessment of the upcoming scope of work and the configuration of the main elements of the pyrolysis furnace, it is necessary to study general scheme her devices.

For reference, we present a table of the dependence of the main parameters of the furnace on the diameter of its base

Table: thickness of the workpiece and height of the duct ribs for different diameters of the furnace base

Inner diameter
furnace cylinder (D), mm
Workpiece thickness
pancake (q), mm
Ribs height
air ducts (H), mm
300 8÷1040
400 6÷850
600 4÷660
800 2.5÷480

When the diameter of the cylinder does not fit the values ​​​​indicated in the table, the thickness is calculated by proportions, focusing on the standard of the metal sheet (its thickness).

The air channels must be made rounded and arranged in a spiral. This will ensure optimal mode movement of flue gases.

Required tools and materials

Very important stage preparation - selection of necessary materials and tools. The key component is a cast iron barrel with a capacity of 200 liters. You can also work with a steel barrel. The main thing is that it has no defects or rust. If there is no suitable barrel available, you can use:

  • element of a very thick pipe;
  • sheet steel;
  • massive fire extinguisher;
  • unused gas cylinder.

The main requirement is wall thickness. It determines the service life of the furnace.

Other materials:

  1. Metal products for making legs. Fittings, elements of small-sized pipes or channels are suitable.
  2. Steel 5 mm thick. You need two circles that have the same diameter as the barrel.
  3. Ready-made or self-made door.
  4. The pipe is 10 cm in diameter and 15 cm long longer than the barrel itself.
  5. A pipe with a diameter of 15 cm and a length of approximately 5 m. It is necessary for the chimney.


  1. Bulgarian. Instead, you can use autogen.
  2. Ax and hammer.
  3. Measuring instruments: level, plumb line, tape measure.

Selection of installation location

After installing the stove, they make a reflector, but plan this before measuring and welding. It helps to optimally direct heat flows so that the room is heated evenly. In addition, the reflector seriously increases the level of safety during the heating process.

The area intended for installation of the furnace must not violate any of the fire safety criteria, since the hot furnace body is a potential source of fire. And this is what it becomes when the user violates the operating rules of this unit by incorrectly calculating the amount of sawdust or firewood.

The oven should not be placed near walls or any flammable objects. Sufficient space should be maintained around it. For example, the distance to wooden walls cannot be less than 25 cm.

Even before the assembly process, it is necessary to select a workspace. All stages of production will take place there. The following criteria apply to the premises:

  • availability of power supply;
  • availability of the necessary space;
  • powerful sound insulation;
  • protection from precipitation;
  • ability to store workpieces.

Soundproofing is needed in order not to cause discomfort to neighbors. After all, the work turns out to be quite noisy. You can do without this insulation when the work area is located far from residential buildings.

Step-by-step instructions for self-assembly of a long-burning stove

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Let’s assume that we use what is available in private garages or workshops. These are old gas cylinders. They are prepared for work as follows: the upper side of the structure is carefully cut off. The formed element will become the basis. For cutting, a grinder or autogen is used here.

    The top part of the gas cylinder is cut off and a window is made for loading firewood.

  2. After cutting the top side, a side hole is made in the cylinder body. It is needed to load fuel into the furnace during its operation. Based on the parameters of the hole, you need to make a door and then put it in place. The door should close this hole very tightly.
  3. Below the marked hole, another smaller one is made. Ash will be removed through this compartment. It also functions as a blower.
  4. When the cylinder is ready, the next stage begins: preparation of the starting material. Here we take a pipe with a diameter of 10 cm and a metal sheet. A circle of slightly smaller diameter than the balloon is prepared from it. A hole is created in its center for the working pipe. The circle is put on it and welded.

    A pipe is welded onto a circle slightly smaller in diameter than the cylinder and a lid is obtained with which to cover the burning firewood

  5. 2-3 channels are welded onto the lower side of the circle. Their role is to increase the mass of the lid.
  6. Then the circle is lowered into the prepared (cut) gas cylinder. After this, holes for the pipe are created in the lid. After which the cover is placed in its position and welded.

Video: do-it-yourself bubafonya from a gas cylinder

Features of manufacturing a sheet metal stove

Let's consider working with a sheet metal base. In his work, the master must precisely:

  1. Calculate the parameters of all structural components.
  2. Mark sheet material.
  3. Process all elements of the device.
  4. Carry out welding operations.

Required conditions:

Modernization of the furnace, increasing efficiency

There are three main ways to increase the efficiency of a stove: one of them is related to the chimney, the second is related to the fuel, and the third is related to operating conditions.

Chimney design optimization

For the chimney, as already noted, a pipe with a diameter of 15 cm and a length of 5 m is used. If you install a smaller pipe, especially in diameter, then it will not cope with the resulting loads. And the furnace itself will operate with reduced efficiency. To adjust the draft, a valve is installed in the pipe. A door is created at the bottom of the chimney for easy cleaning.

Condensation forms and accumulates in any pipes. And in pipes during pyrolysis it turns out even more, since the gases, having parted with all their heat, have negative temperatures at the outlet. This trend becomes the reason for high-quality insulation of pipes. The sandwich technology copes with this task perfectly. Its essence: a second one is introduced into one pipe, and a thermal protection layer is made between them.

You can also make a sandwich pipe with your own hands by wrapping the chimney insulation material and protecting the structure with an external pipe

In areas where pipes pass through the roof, it is necessary to perform thermal insulation using a metal box filled with insulation. A deflector is placed on the head of the pipe. It prevents precipitation from entering the system and also protects against the effects of wind.

If the installation site for the stove is a fireplace, there is no need for a reflector. When the stove is located in a room, the surrounding masonry performs two functions:

  1. Protective screen for walls and things.
  2. Heat accumulator.

Since the body of the structure is metal, the oven quickly heats up and cools down. Cooling occurs immediately after the fuel burns out. Therefore, a brick screen created on three sides of the stove accumulates heat and releases it over time. You can use corrugated sheets or a smooth metal sheet as a reflector.

What fuel is better to use in long-burning stoves

The efficiency of the furnace also depends on the fuel used. It is best to use dry logs. But since the stove is homemade, you can save on fuel. The device can even work on waste made from natural materials.

  • cones;
  • wood chips;
  • sawdust;
  • nutshell;
  • straw.

Coal gives a good combustion temperature. But its use is justified when the oven is made only of materials with a decent thickness. Otherwise, such a unit will quickly burn out. A table showing the specific heat transfer of various materials can serve as a guide.

Table: specific loading coefficient and specific heat transfer of various types of fuel

Operation of long-burning furnaces

At first glance, it may seem that to fire a pyrolysis furnace you just need to throw firewood into the combustion chamber. This is just a superficial impression. It is important to do the following:

  1. Remove the cover, take out the pressure circle and pipe. Place fuel on the bottom of the stove. The filling limit is the opening of the chimney pipe. Fuel elements are stacked as closely as possible to each other. Light small branches are thrown over them. And they are covered with a rag soaked in kerosene. You can also place paper.
  2. Then the pressure circle must be returned to its place, and the lid must be closed. When the unit flares up, you need to close the damper that conducts the air flow. And she will remain in this position for a long time.

When creating a chimney, be sure to provide convenient ways cleaning it. It is best if the structure can be quickly disassembled. When a composite chimney pipe is made, its parts are connected so that the joints are located in the opposite direction compared to the moving gases.

Cleaning and repair of long-burning stoves

If the stove is used incorrectly, its performance may deteriorate and efficiency may decrease. Therefore, periodically check the device for cracks and other defects. It is especially important to study the areas around the perimeter of the combustion chamber door and stove. If serious cracks are found, the defective parts must be replaced. Small gaps can be filled with sealant.

All burnt and cracked parts of the stove must be replaced in a timely manner.

Video: long-burning stove - cleaning and checking

if you have small house, garage, or you just need to efficiently heat a utility room, a long-burning stove is best option. Having some experience working with metal and welding skills, such a device can be built in 1–2 days. If the result is successful, you will be able to save money and gain satisfaction from the process of making a useful thing with your own hands.

Owners of private houses often face the question of efficient and long-lasting heating of premises at low fuel costs. To combine all these criteria in one furnace, you will need to purchase expensive heating equipment. What to do if such a heat source is needed, but finances are not enough? There is a way out of this situation: you can make a long-burning stove yourself. All you need is available materials, skills in working with a welding machine or experience as a mason.

What is a long-burning stove, where is it used, its advantages and disadvantages

Table: advantages and disadvantages of long-burning stoves

Advantages Flaws
  • efficiency; much less fuel material will be required;
  • efficiency; long-term heat generation is ensured when loading a small amount of fuel; these structures have a high level of efficiency, which exceeds 85%;
  • dimensions of the structure; long-burning stoves are made in different sizes;
  • ease of operation;
  • For long-burning furnaces, you can use both solid and liquid fuels.
  • complexity of the chimney design;
  • the design is not intended to connect to it a chimney system with many bends; During the combustion process, intensive condensate production occurs; therefore, long-burning furnaces must be equipped with chimneys that provide the structure with high draft;
  • in the process of burning liquid fuel in the furnace, a lot of soot and other harmful residues of burnt fuel remain;
  • In order for the stove to operate in economical mode, you must first heat it in normal mode;
  • Long-burning stoves are not universal. You need to decide in advance what fuel the stove will run on - solid or liquid.

Types of long-burning stoves and their choice for self-production

These stoves are usually made of bricks, metal or stone. They can be round, cylindrical, square or irregular in shape. Depending on their design and method of burning fuel, long-burning furnaces differ in types.

Classic long burning stove

The design in which the flame spreads from bottom to top, pushing burning gases through layers of combustion material, is classic. This type of furnace is equipped with a heat exchanger and an afterburning chamber into which an additional portion of air is supplied. Prominent representatives of this type are long-burning furnaces: Buleryan (Breneran), Butakov furnace, as well as modified designs with different heat exchangers.

In Buleryan furnaces, the role of a heat exchanger is played by curved pipes located inside the furnace body

Long burning shaft furnace

Another type of such structures is a shaft furnace. In this design, the combustion zone is shifted to the grate part. The products of fuel combustion are discharged through the adjacent compartment, in which they burn out, creating heat exchange. This type is best built from brick, which has been confirmed over many centuries.

In shaft-type furnaces, the combustion zone is located directly above the grate

Hearth oven

This is a top-burning design in which the top part combustion material, and the direction of fire is in the opposite direction. Such a device requires oxygen supply under the burnt layer, so the furnace must contain special air delivery channels. Simplicity of design combined with efficiency and functionality has led to the creation of many DIY options. In this case, the material for its manufacture will be used cylindrical containers. A striking example of this type of heating units is a stove called “bubafonya”.

You can use an old gas cylinder as a body for a homemade stove.

Gas generating furnaces

Gas-generating furnaces or structures with additional combustion of pyrolysis gases. In this design, the combustion material burns under the influence of two factors: high temperature and a small amount of oxygen. This leads to the release of flammable gases, which burn out in the additional chamber. The designs of this type of furnace are the most complex to manufacture, but their efficiency and ease of use are superior to previous options.

Pyrolysis gases burn out in an additional chamber above the firebox

Furnace design, its features and operating principle

Before you start making your own stove, you need to carefully study all the characteristics of the device.

If you plan to make a unit for heating a large room, then the stove must have high heat output. For example, for a house or room with an area of ​​150 m², you should choose a stove designed to heat up to 200 m². This “reserve” of power is necessary to be completely sure that every corner of the house will be warm.

It is also necessary to take into account that not every room is adjacent to a heat source, so heating it will require more time and power from the heating device.

If it is intended to heat a room with an area of ​​30–50 m², then the stove can be made without the specified “reserve”. In such a small room, heat loss will be minimal, so a unit with low power is sufficient. Automatic fuel refueling will greatly simplify its maintenance. When making such a stove, it is possible to provide hobs for cooking on its body. If the stove is not only a source of heat, but also an interior item, then its body can have windows made of fireproof glass.

Design features of long-burning furnaces

Long-burning heating devices have design features that distinguish them from other furnaces:

  • the combustion chamber has a volume for loading a large amount of combustible material;
  • the body of long-burning stoves is equipped with a large door;
  • the combustion compartment in the furnace body is divided into two chambers; one chamber is designed for smoldering flammable material, the second for gas combustion;
  • the design of such a stove provides for the presence of a special bumper that prevents flame from entering the chimney;
  • This element of the furnace frame is made of a metal plate, which is welded into the upper part of the combustion compartment.

Differences between a conventional and pyrolysis oven

To understand the operating principle of a long-burning stove, you need to compare it with the operation of a conventional stove.

The work of a conventional stove is to heat its surface and transfer heat to the room. The combustion material is ignited from below, causing the flame to spread to the sides, heading upward. This occurs due to the access of a large amount of air into the combustion chamber. The fuel in such a stove burns quickly, which is why the air temperature in the room is unstable - it either drops or rises.

The operating principle of a long-burning furnace is different. The firewood is ignited from above, and the fire spreads downward, while air is supplied only to the burning site. As a result, the material smolders, releasing heat evenly over a long time. In addition to the combustion material, pyrolysis gas is released, which also serves as fuel, additionally creating heat.

In a conventional furnace, fuel burns quickly, in a pyrolysis furnace it smolders slowly

To make stoves, you can use almost any available means. In our next article you will learn how to make a long-burning potbelly stove from a barrel: .

Required materials and tools

To make a long-burning stove, you will need the following materials:

  • metal barrel for fuel and lubricants with a capacity of 200 liters; as an alternative material, you can use a steel pipe with a diameter corresponding to the drawing or an empty gas cylinder with a capacity of 50 to 100 liters; You can also use sheet steel with a thickness of 3 mm or more;
  • to make an air supply channel you will need a pipe with a diameter of at least 50 mm;
  • for the chimney a piece of pipe with a diameter of 100 mm is required;
  • a steel channel or a section of an angle with a flange width of 55–65 mm;
  • for the air distributor you will need a metal sheet of at least 3–5 mm, with a diameter slightly larger than the circumference of the housing;
  • to make the lid you will need a steel sheet with a thickness of at least 3–5 mm;
  • metal hinges for the door;
  • if the furnace body is equipped with a water circuit, then sheet steel and two threaded pipes will be required.

The tools you cannot do without when making such a stove are:

  • welding machine, electrodes;
  • Bulgarian;
  • file;
  • electric drill;
  • metal drills of various diameters (including core drills);
  • hammer;
  • an anvil or other stable hard surface;
  • yardstick;
  • building level;
  • pencil.

Calculation of basic parameters

A long-burning solid fuel stove can be made from available materials, such as a used gas cylinder, a piece of large steel pipe or a metal barrel. You should select a material with a wall thickness of at least 5 mm. This is due to the fact that a thinner casing will burn out after some time.

Option of the “Bubafonya” stove with a water jacket

Furnace size

In the absence of any drawings and diagrams for the manufacture of the furnace, you can make all the necessary calculations yourself.

Calculation of parameters in the Bubafonya furnace

In this case, it would be more accurate to talk about its diameter - D and height - H. These values ​​should be proportional to each other, where a ratio in the range from 1:3 to 1:5 is considered optimal. The height of the stove is usually made at least 100 cm, since this parameter is directly related to the duration of operation of the unit. However, it is not worth making a structure that is too high, as it will be inconvenient to load it with firewood. It can also negatively affect traction. It can drop so much that the maintained flame inside the combustion chamber goes out.

As numerous thermal engineering studies have shown, you should not make a stove with a small diameter. From this narrow unit, the air will simply be drawn into the chimney pipe, causing the stove’s power to significantly decrease.

If the stove frame is made too wide, then uniform combustion of fuel will be approximately interior walls There will be no camera in the middle of the fireplace. In this case, only the central part of the combustion material will burn out. The metal circle of the piston will sag and clog the fireplace, causing the flame to go out. The optimal diameter of this design is from 300 to 900 mm.

Thickness of material used

This criterion must be taken into account, since the thin walls of the housing will burn out after some time. In this regard, it is necessary to select a material with a thickness of at least 5 mm. This is especially important if you plan to equip the frame with a water jacket, turning it into a boiler. In the image, the wall thickness is indicated by the symbol Δ.

If you use material with a wall thickness of up to 4–5 mm, this risks causing the oven to lose its power. Due to the thin walls of the housing, the temperature above the piston plate will drop. As a result, the afterburning of pyrolysis gases will be reduced, and therefore the heat generated will be reduced.

However, for heating small spaces such as a garage, shed or small workshop, the thickness of such material is quite acceptable.

Parameters of a metal pancake

For efficient operation of the furnace, not only the diameter of the round plate on the piston is important, but also its thickness. After all, the metal pancake is a partition and at the same time a heating surface for igniting pyrolysis gases.

When making a metal pancake, you should adhere to optimal size. The distance from its outer edge to the inner wall of the oven should be 5%. In the image, this gap is indicated by the formula C=5%D.

The diameter of the metal pancake should be slightly smaller than the internal diameter of the oven body

Outlet pipe parameters

In the image, the diameter of the chimney pipe is indicated by the letter S. It is recommended that its diameter be at least 80 mm.

Air supply pipe dimensions

In the diagram, its diameter is indicated by the letter d. To design such a furnace, you can use a 75 or 80 mm pipe. The pipe must be welded to a metal circle (into its hole in the middle). The result is a part called a piston.

Another option for a long-burning stove is Bubofonya. Description of the operating principle, calculation of materials, as well as step-by-step instruction on installation in our article: .

Preparatory work and choice of location for installing the furnace

If the furnace is made of sheet steel, then it is necessary to cut it into blanks in accordance with the drawing:

  • cut identical fragments from the corners that will serve as a grate;
  • you can also use metal corners to make stands and handles for the case;
  • It is also necessary to cut the pipes in advance.

The location for installing the long-burning stove is selected with the condition that when assembled it is not installed closer than 100 cm to the wall.

Since the furnace body will be completely heated, it is necessary to take care of the insulating material in advance. To do this, you can build a stand from brick, which should be 30 cm larger than the base of the case. Alternatively, you can weld steel rods or angles to the stove frame.

At the installation site, from the side of the door into the combustion chamber, it is necessary to lay insulating material. As such, a basalt or asbestos layer is used, on top of which a steel sheet with an area of ​​100 cm is placed.

The walls next to the stove must be lined with insulating material

Do-it-yourself long-burning stove: diagram and step-by-step instructions

The most common materials for making long-burning stoves are metal and brick.

Making a “bubafonya” stove from a gas cylinder

For making your own “bubafonya” stove, a used gas cylinder with a volume of 50 liters is best suited. The order of work is as follows:

Video: how to make a “bubafonya” stove from a gas cylinder

Making a long-burning stove from brick

Of course, in comparison with homemade metal structure a brick oven looks more advantageous. However, her self-production- the process is labor-intensive, requiring certain skills and time.

There is a hob above the combustion chamber for cooking

Foundation preparation

Since the brickwork is quite massive, the stove definitely needs a solid foundation. The depth of the foundation must ensure the stability of the structure. The foundation is prepared as follows:

  1. First you need to dig a small pit 30 cm deep. Its width and length should be 10 cm larger than the expected dimensions of the stove.
  2. Level the bottom of the pit and cover it with roofing felt or other insulating material.
  3. Pour a 10 cm thick layer of sand on top, which must be compacted.
  4. Place a layer of fine gravel of similar thickness on top of the sand cushion.
  5. To ensure the reliability of the base, it can be reinforced with a metal grid. To do this, use reinforcing bars connected to each other with wire. The width of the grid cells should be no more than 10 cm. The thickness of the rods is selected in the range from 8 to 12 mm.
  6. Place the grate in the pit so that it does not touch the bottom. To do this, place broken bricks under the metal frame.
  7. Fill concrete mixture brand M-200 or M-250. The concrete must completely cover the metal frame.

For reliability, the foundation can be reinforced with a metal grid

After a few days, when the base has hardened, you can begin laying brickwork for a long-burning furnace. Before starting construction work, it is necessary to soak the brick in water for a day. This must be done so that the bricks laid in rows do not draw moisture from the mixture. Bricks should be laid as follows:

  1. The first and second rows must be laid out in continuous layers.
  2. An ash pan will be installed on the second row, so you need to provide space for the door.
  3. On the fifth row, a ceiling is installed above the door. Subsequently, a drying chamber box will be installed in it.
  4. The sixth and seventh rows are designed to accommodate the grate and install the door into the combustion chamber.
  5. From the eighth to the tenth row the firebox will be placed. When laying the combustion chamber, it is necessary to use fire-resistant material - fireclay brick. Use clay-based mixtures as an adhesive for masonry. Ready-made mixtures intended for laying stoves are available for sale.
  6. The eleventh row serves as the ceiling of the combustion chamber and forms the area for the chimney. On top of this row it is necessary to lay steel reinforcement and fill it with cement mixture.
  7. On the twelfth row, a place for the hob is formed.
  8. Starting from the thirteenth - fourteenth row, rows for the chimney are laid. Its height is made according to individual projects, so the number of rows can be increased several times.

The procedure for laying bricks for a long-burning stove with a hob

Video: long-burning brick stove modeled on a children's construction set

How to upgrade a long-burning stove yourself

To make a homemade stove less of a hassle, it can be improved.

Modernization of the Bubafonya stove

The weight of the Bubafonya stove structure usually reaches 150–170 kg. This creates inconvenience, since it must be turned over to clean it from ash and other combustion residues. To avoid this, you can improve the design by making holes in it with doors. However, it should be taken into account that the peculiarity of such a stove is precisely the absence of extra cracks through which air can penetrate. Therefore, when manufacturing doors, they will need to be carefully sealed in the closed position. This can be achieved by welding metal sides and seals to the body.

Air draft in the combustion chamber will be improved if the number and shape of the ribs on the round piston plate of the structure are changed. To do this, instead of channel sections, you need to weld steel plates. At the same time, they should have a slight bend along the entire length of the part. This shape will allow the incoming air to swirl, which will be evenly distributed in the combustion chamber. To obtain the desired effect, 6 to 8 plates are enough.

Curved ribs on the piston help improve traction

Modernization of a brick kiln

A long-burning stove made of brick will take up much less space if its design resembles the shape of a triangle and is placed in the corner of the room. An order of this design will require less building material and, accordingly, financial investments.

The brick version of the long-burning stove can be upgraded with a separate damper to switch between winter and summer heating modes. In the autumn-spring period, when there is no frost, but the air is saturated with dampness, this damper will help prevent the heating from being too hot.

An additional damper will make heating more comfortable

Features of operation of a long-burning furnace

The functionality and effectiveness of these heating devices depends on the correct operation:

  • to reduce the rate of fuel combustion, it is necessary to reduce the amount of air entering the combustion chamber;
  • to avoid the occurrence of condensation in the pipe, it is necessary to calculate the exact number of revolutions and eliminate unnecessary bends;
  • it is desirable that the humidity of the loaded solid fuel does not exceed 20–25%;
  • While the stove is operating, you should not open the door of the combustion chamber, as carbon monoxide will enter the room;
  • 3-4 times a month it is necessary to heat the stove at maximum mode; this will help burn all the slag accumulated on the walls of the furnace;
  • During the cleaning fire, it is recommended to use alder firewood; this wood does not emit intense heat and sedimentary burning;
  • The efficiency of the stove will increase if large logs of firewood are placed in it.

By learning how to make a long-burning stove with your own hands, you can not only get a source of heat, but also save money. Having gained valuable experience in the construction of long-burning stoves, you can help not only friends and acquaintances, but also make it a source of income.