Heating the poultry house in winter. How to organize proper heating of a chicken coop in winter? Bedding made from natural materials

Natural heating, due to the insulation of the chicken coop and deep bedding, is not enough for cold winters. In this case, the chickens will not die, but they will not lay eggs either. Therefore they use artificial methods heating Modern infrared heaters have become the most popular among poultry farmers.

Features of infrared (IR) heaters

A distinctive feature of infrared heaters from other heat sources is that they heat not the air, but objects located in their area of ​​action. The air in the room is heated by solid objects (perch, chicken, bedding).

How heat is distributed with conventional convection and infrared heating methods is shown in the figure below. It clearly shows that, according to the laws of physics, warm air from an ordinary heat source rises. It turns out it's hot at the top and cold at the bottom. The infrared heater does not have this drawback. In its coverage area, the temperature is distributed evenly.

Moreover, when heated by rays, oxygen is not burned and the dryness of the air does not increase, and drafts do not have such a decisive effect on the temperature in the room. But this does not mean that the chicken coop does not need to be prepared for winter: insulate it, caulk the cracks, lay deep bedding.

Structurally, they can be designed for installation on the floor, for mounting on a wall or on the ceiling. Ceiling heaters are better suited for chicken coops. In this case, they will not interfere with either you or the bird, the working area remains free. It also eliminates the possibility of burns. The heating panel is equipped with a protective mesh.

When installing IR heaters, you must follow safety rules, since their heating elements become very hot.

  • The long-wave IR heater has a heating element in the form of a metal plate, the heating temperature of which is 230 degrees. Therefore, the minimum distance to the nearest heated object should be at least fifty centimeters.
  • A short-wave IR heater heats a coil in a glass tube to a temperature of 600 degrees. For safety reasons, they should not be installed closer than three meters to heated objects.

IR heaters can be used for local heating, that is, a specific place in the chicken coop. To do this, just point it at the desired object. Moreover, the heating of the object occurs instantly. This rapid heating will reduce energy costs.

And if the heater is also equipped with a thermostat, it will automatically turn it off when the set temperature is reached. This will further ensure energy savings, since, with a well-insulated poultry house, the heater will only turn on occasionally when the temperature drops below the specified limits. And so it is always in “sleep” mode.

If you purchase an IR heater without a built-in thermostat, then it is better to additionally buy an autonomous one. Without it, you will not achieve efficient and economical operation of the device. In addition, you yourself will have to control its operation. If this is not done, heated objects may ignite.

The advantages of infrared heaters are

  • silent operation;
  • no burning smell during operation;
  • the air does not dry out;
  • Dust does not circulate like from fan heaters.

Infrared heating lamps

Another way to heat a chicken coop based on infrared radiation is infrared lamps. They are otherwise called infrared mirror flasks (IRFL). This is one of the most convenient and economical ways to heat a poultry house. With a 250 W lamp you can heat an area of ​​ten square meters.

Their advantages include the following:

  • high coefficient useful action(up to 98%);
  • with its help you can not only heat, but also illuminate;
  • The heating principle is the same as in infrared heaters (they heat up solids, not air);
  • its glow has a calming effect on the bird;
  • has a positive effect on the bird’s immunity;
  • does not dry out the air, does not emit any odors;
  • Easy to install and easy to change.

But keep in mind that infrared lamps cannot be mounted closer than one meter to heated objects.

How to choose?

Stores and online stores offering heating equipment have a wide selection of infrared heaters. The main criterion for their choice should not be financial savings, but safety. Otherwise it will look like the picture below.

But in any case, the power of the heater must correspond to the area of ​​the chicken coop. You need to navigate as follows.

Important! There should be 80 watts of power per square meter of area.

Based on these numbers, you can determine what power heater is suitable for your poultry house. To do this, you need to multiply the area of ​​the chicken coop with the capacity of one square meter. And you will get the required value. Just take into account the height of the ceiling.

For a chicken coop, it is better to choose ceiling or wall mounted models. They don’t get in the way and don’t disturb either the chickens or you. They warm up the objects underneath well, thereby promoting uniform heat distribution throughout the room.

Pay attention to the heating elements installed in the heater. When you need to heat a specific place, and not the entire chicken coop, it is better to choose tubular (carbon) heating elements rather than halogen and ceramic heating elements. They are more durable and safe. Their service life is practically unlimited, they are not afraid of dust and moisture. If the voltage is unstable, they automatically turn off.

Installing infrared heaters usually does not cause any difficulties. To do this, it is enough to have basic construction skills and strictly follow the instructions included with the purchased device.


Infrared heaters can be

  • long-wave;
  • medium wave;
  • shortwave.

Heaters with short-wave radiation have a negative effect on living organisms. Therefore, they are installed in rooms where people are not present.

Long-wave and medium-wave heaters are harmless to humans. It is even claimed that they have a healing effect. In particular, they increase immunity. But there is no substantiated data on this matter.

Medium wave heaters are:

  • halogen - a lamp coated with an additional composition and filled with an inert gas;
  • quartz - a tungsten filament is sealed into a quartz vacuum tube;
  • ceramic - in comparison with quartz they are more economical, used in medical institutions;
  • carbon - the heating element is carbon fiber sealed in a vacuum tube.;
  • tubular - they are also called mecathermic. Dear models. In them, a steel spiral may crack when the metal heats up and expands.

Carbon and tubular heaters are preferable from this list. Their advantages were described above. Halogen models have a negative impact on health. Ceramic ones are not dangerous, but they are not reliable.

Bottom line

Infrared heaters are a godsend for poultry farmers. Their use will allow you to create comfortable conditions for your birds and yourself without any special capital investments. It will be convenient for you to clean the chicken coop and feed the chickens. And they, in turn, will simply be ashamed not to thank you with their egg products.

There are several ways to organize heating of a chicken coop in winter. But preference should be given to economical options. And some of them will allow you to combine heating and lighting, making keeping poultry less expensive.

  • In winter, chickens rarely leave the coop. In an insufficiently warm room, they often get sick, egg production and weight gain decrease. Before purchasing a chicken heater, determine how warm the chicken coop should be. Today there are breeds that are resistant to frost. If the walls and floor of the barn are insulated, then some hybrids can easily tolerate the cold without installing a heater.

    The climatic conditions of the region are also taken into account. If the winter is warm, then a powerful heater for a drop-in chicken coop is not needed. In regions with cold winters, the issue of heating the poultry house is taken more seriously.

    Regardless of the climatic conditions of the region, the building is sheathed with thermal insulation, thanks to which the barn is cool in summer and warm in winter. It is also worth insulating the floor and roof. It is advisable to do this while building the shed. If the roof is gable, then an attic with dry straw is installed under it for better heating.

    The minimum thickness of the litter, consisting of sawdust and straw, is 10 cm. The floor is pre-treated with slaked lime. This will help minimize heat loss and protect the birds from infections.

    To ensure that the air humidity level does not go beyond normal limits, a ventilation system is installed in the room. Laying down insulating materials, leave holes for window frames or hoods. More efficient forced ventilation. Ventilate the room daily.

    Heating the chicken coop

    You can also heat the chicken coop using a halogen or ceramic IR lamp, an infrared or conventional heater and a stove. As an option, you can organize blowing with warm air.


    All heaters that are on the market are divided into 3 groups:

    • infrared;
    • gas;
    • electric.

    Regardless of the equipment design, it is convenient to use, which is its advantage. Most heaters are equipped with a thermostat, which allows you to adjust the air temperature in the room. The heaters do not fail when the temperature drops sharply, and they are compact in size.

    The equipment is protected from birds. Upon contact with heating elements Birds often get burned. And if the wires are damaged, the equipment fails. If the rubber hose is damaged gas equipment, a gas leak occurs.


    Most often, heating a chicken coop in winter is carried out using electrical equipment. Its disadvantage is high energy consumption, which increases the cost of maintaining poultry. The choice of electrical equipment is falling due to its low price. However, if you calculate the cost of heating, it becomes clear that it is better to spend money on purchasing gas or infrared equipment.

    Using gas appliances allows you to save on energy consumption. However, it is considered dangerous. It is used when large rooms need to be heated. At the same time, the operation of the devices must be constantly monitored. Even a small gas leak poses a fire hazard. The use of gas devices is permitted only in rooms with good ventilation.

    An infrared heater for a chicken coop is currently considered the most the best option. It consumes minimal energy. To heat a poultry house with an area of ​​10 square meters. m., an IR heater with a power of 500 W is enough. The equipment can be mounted anywhere, even under the ceiling, which saves space in the room. The equipment is safe.


    Heating a chicken coop in harsh winters using a heating stove has a number of advantages. You can fold the stove with your own hands. In this case, you only need brick, which is a cheaper material. Firewood, peat or coal is placed in the stove, and when burned, heat is released. The price of firewood, peat and coal varies in different regions. To understand how profitable stove heating will be in a particular region, compare the price of electricity and fuel for heating a room during the season.


    If the chicken coop is small, then the oven will take up a lot of space in the room, which is a disadvantage.

    It will take a certain amount of time to build the furnace. In addition to this, you will have to install a chimney. To make the structure fireproof, fireproof bricks are used. The structure heats up during operation, which is why it is protected from chickens. In order for the equipment to constantly work, you will have to manually add fuel, which is also a disadvantage.


    Halogen or ceramic infrared (IR) lamps are often used to heat coops. The main advantage is that they emit heat and light. They are also energy-saving sources of light and heat, which makes keeping birds cheaper. Being small in size, the IR lamp heats large areas. For heating 10 sq. m. one lamp with a power of 250 W is enough. Moreover, any heater of this power is larger than a red lamp. An alternative is conventional incandescent lamps. However, they consume a lot of electricity. In addition, between yellow and red colors for lighting the poultry house, it is better to choose red.

    A coop heat lamp heats specific items, so they are energy efficient. Even while they are working, the bedding dries out quickly and is changed a little less often. There is also no combustion of oxygen. The last advantage is the ease of installation of lamps and their replacement.

    The only disadvantage is the high pricing policy. However, they consume less electricity.

    The best option is a halogen mirror IR lamp emitter, which is more suitable for heating rooms. In mirror lamps, their inner surface is covered with a special layer, which increases their operating efficiency several times.

    They use a convector less often. They have heat radiation compared to others electrical appliances, minimal. Heating a room with its help is expensive. If the choice fell on a convector, then choose better model, which are protected from dust and moisture.

    Choosing equipment for a chicken coop

    It is not always possible to install the equipment for heating chickens that you want. Before going to the store, assess the condition of the chicken coop.

    If the shed is well insulated and has a small size, a heating lamp or a low-power heater will suffice. There must be an outlet in the house.

    If the room is large, it is better to use gas structures. An IR lamp for chickens is also suitable.

    Electric heaters, even with the lowest energy consumption rates, are unprofitable. If the room is small, the only way out is to install it under the ceiling.

    A small poultry house can also be heated using conventional water heating. Installing it at home is easy. However, such an autonomous system is expensive. But it quickly pays for itself during operation. It is also safe for birds and animals in the barn. Metal pipes do not heat up to such an extent that birds could get burned from touching them. In addition, such heating does not take up much space. Installing water system, it is better to equip it with a thermostat, which will allow you to maintain the required temperature in the poultry house temperature regime. This option is also good if there are frequent power outages in the region.

    Brooder heating

    Chickens are hatched even in winter. Not all coop heaters are good for heating the brooder where chicks are kept for the first time after birth. If the brooder is made at home, you will have to think about how to warm the newborn chicks.

    Most often, an IR lamp installed under the ceiling is used to heat the chicken coop. For a small area, an ordinary light bulb, which is used to illuminate a house, is also suitable. With this heating method, make sure that there is no overheating.

    You cannot install a heated floor system. There is a high probability that the chicken down will catch fire. Ceiling options are the safest.

    Heating a chicken coop IN WINTER / How we heat the barn in WINTER TIME

    But it is advisable to choose equipment that, with minimal daily electricity consumption, produces high thermal output. Do not choose cheap equipment that has a short service life and is most often energy-consuming and fire hazardous.

    When it comes to insulating and heating birds' homes for the winter, it is important not to make a mistake and use exactly those materials and technologies that will be relevant to the local climate and will allow the birds to survive the winter safely. The equipment and heating of chicken coops in winter deserves special attention.

    For heating the poultry house in winter time use two methods:

    • natural;
    • artificial.

    Each of them has its own pros and cons. For regions with warm and temperate climates, a natural heating method is suitable, since 7 degrees Celsius is enough for chickens to winter normally.

    If we are talking about winters with severe frosts, when the temperature drops to minus 20 and below, then artificial heating is indispensable.

    Now there are a large number of methods for artificially heating a chicken coop, and each farmer himself chooses which method will be the most optimal for him in terms of price-quality ratio.


    Natural heating is the insulation of a room using building materials. It is preferable to make the walls double, filling the space between the layers with polystyrene foam or foam. Carefully seal all cracks inside, leaving only a small hole for ventilation.

    The floor in the chicken coop also needs to be insulated; for this it is made of two layers. On top it is covered with bedding, which is a 10-15 centimeter layer of sawdust, straw, slaked lime or peat.

    The barn must have natural heating. But you shouldn’t limit yourself to it only if the temperature in the area drops below -10 degrees. In addition to natural heating, artificial heating should also be used.

    Types of artificial heating

    Artificial heating allows you to create the desired temperature in the chicken coop. When the heating is of high quality, the owner of a subsidiary farm does not have to worry about the health of his charges.

    Before carrying out artificial heating in a chicken coop, you need to familiarize yourself with the most popular of them, learning about the features, pros and cons of each method. Main types of artificial heating:

    Red lamp for the chicken coop

    It is a red lamp with a mirror bulb inside. This is an infrared heater that runs on 250 W electricity. Enough on average to heat an area of ​​10 sq.m. This heating method has its pros and cons.

    1. The rays of the red lamp are aimed at heating all surfaces, not the air. Thanks to this, the air does not become dry, and the floor mat is regularly dried.
    2. The red light of the lamp can be left on at night; it does not interfere with the chickens' sleep. Scientists have proven that red light has a positive effect on laying hens, strengthening their immunity.
    3. Easy to use. The red lamp is simply screwed into the socket and voltage is applied.
    1. High power consumption.
    2. Fast failure. Some lamps are not of high quality; when choosing this type of heating, you need to give preference to trusted manufacturers and read the reviews.

    The red lamp must be installed at a height of 0.5-1 m from the floor. Also, the equipment must be kept away from water, since if splashes come into contact with the glass, the lamp will crack and fail.

    Electric heaters

    These include: oil radiators, air heaters, etc. Install the heater in the chicken coop in a safe place to prevent the birds from getting burned. Give preference better devices with automation so that the desired temperature is constantly maintained in the room automatically.

    Expensive heating device. It is more advisable to take it if the number of chickens is large. The boiler is not autonomous and requires the constant presence of a trained person to control it.


    The simplest and cheapest heating method. Allows you to heat the chicken coop in winter without electricity. The disadvantages of this method include the fact that the stove quickly becomes covered with rust, it must be monitored and fire safety must be carefully observed.

    Infrared heater for chicken coop

    In addition to red infrared lamps, there are other types of IR heaters. Unlike the main types of artificial heaters, it has a bactericidal effect. Which one is better to choose? Devices from the following companies have proven themselves well:

    • "BiLux". Heater of domestic production. Automatic control, maintains a constant room temperature at 12 degrees, power 700 W;
    • "Philips". These IR heaters have high power and can last up to 5 thousand hours.

    Water heating

    If the heating in the house is carried out using water heating, and the chicken coop is adjacent to the house, then similar heating in the chicken house will be the most optimal and economical way of heating.

    Do-it-yourself heating of a chicken coop

    Heating a chicken coop with your own hands is not difficult if you follow certain rules. If the temperature in winter is low, then you will have to use two heating methods at once.

    You need to insulate the chicken coop naturally. Without preliminary preparation and insulation of the room, there is no point in installing even the most expensive equipment, since the cold coming from the street will negate all the work of the heating device. Work algorithm::

    1. Floor covering in the chicken coop. Slaked lime is used as bedding. To do this, first prepare the base: it must be clean and dry. Slaked lime is sprinkled on top at the rate of 1 kg per 1 sq.m. Over time, the litter will become damp; you need to regularly loosen it and add a fresh layer.
    2. Insulation of walls and ceilings. It is better to insulate the ceiling with roofing felt and mineral wool. Mineral wool or polystyrene foam is also suitable for walls. Special attention pay attention to carefully sealing all holes and cracks: even a small hole in the walls and ceiling can take away a large amount of heat.
    3. Windows and doors. They are insulated with plastic film or fabric.

    After the chicken coop is prepared and insulated naturally, you can think about installing special artificial heating equipment. Since infrared lamps are now very popular, the installation of artificial heating will be considered using their example.

    1. If the room is medium-sized (about 12 sq.m.), then a 250-watt device is suitable.
    2. For the lamp, attach a platform with an E27 ceramic socket to the ceiling.
    3. Install a protective fence around the lamp to prevent water from entering the lamp. And if the equipment bursts and falls out of the flask, so that it does not harm the chickens.
    4. It is convenient to equip the lamp with a thermostat with a sensor. This will allow you to maintain the temperature at a constant level of 10-12 degrees, and the lamp can also be turned on and off at a given time.

    The importance of insulating a chicken coop

    For those who are familiar with raising chickens, the question does not arise about whether it is necessary to heat the chicken coop in winter. Temperature is very important for these poultry.

    • If we are talking about laying hens, then the warmth in the room directly affects their egg production. Meat breeds gain weight worse due to lack of heat.
    • Also, from the cold, birds suffer from respiratory diseases, their paws can freeze, and the risk of death from sudden rupture of the liver increases.
    • In winter, the cold can reduce the number of eggs laid by chickens by half, and to protect themselves from low temperatures, birds are forced to consume several times more feed. This allows them to warm up: accumulate subcutaneous fat and develop warm fluff. Therefore, insulating the home of chickens becomes a matter not so much of caring for the birds, but rather a method of a rational approach to organizing a farm.

    If the question arises whether chickens need additional heating in winter, then the answer is clear: of course they do. Each poultry farmer chooses which heating method to use, based on personal experience, financial opportunities and reviews of other farmers.

    In Russia, raising domestic animals is complicated by harsh climatic conditions. For example, in winter, many pets need additional heating. Chickens especially, because they have no feathers on their feet. Therefore, heating is a pressing issue for those who have decided to seriously engage in poultry farming.

    The article tells how to warm a bird during the cold season. Different methods are being considered, each farmer can choose the one that seems more convenient and economical.

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    Why warm a bird?

    Breeding laying hens has specific goals. As a rule, chickens are left for the winter in order to obtain eggs and/or for subsequent breeding. In both cases, the livestock should be treated with care. After all, discomfort will immediately affect the health of the bird and the number of eggs.

    If it is cold in the chicken coop, then an enhanced diet will not help - the bird will lose weight, and you can forget about high productivity. After all, 40% of egg production depends on temperature.

    Drafts and walks in the cold are bad for the health of birds; they can get sick and become lethargic. If a farmer raises young animals in winter, then heating will be needed even in the southern regions, because the hens may not have enough of their own heat to hatch.

    At what temperature is it necessary to heat a chicken coop in winter? In the room where the birds winter, the temperature should not be less than 7°C, ideally 15°C. If on the streets low temperatures, you should think about insulation in advance.

    No additional costs

    In warm latitudes, you can make do with improvised methods, without installing stoves and heaters. But first you need to prepare the poultry house - you need it. The most accessible and cheapest way is traditional whitewashing. A solution should be prepared at the rate of 1 part lime to 5 parts water. It is used to process not only the floor, but also the walls, ceiling, and wooden perches.

    Then it is necessary to insulate the walls, windows and doorways. This is a reliable way to avoid heat loss and prevent dampness during the rainy season. Each crack is sealed with rags or special putty. Doors and windows must close tightly.

    An exhaust hood is required in the chicken coop - with its help, not only the temperature is regulated, but excess moisture and the smell of ammonia are removed. This is especially important if goats or other livestock live with the chickens. The ceiling is insulated using mineral wool, foam plastic, roofing felt. The walls are sheathed with any available insulation.

    Only after this comes the time to think about the floors. Regular bedding will help maintain a fairly high temperature in the pen. But it must be done correctly.

    This is how you can heat your pets without wasting electricity. This method is called natural. Fermentation bedding has recently become especially popular among farmers.

    Beneficial bacteria

    A modern way not only to heat a pen for birds or livestock, but also to get rid of harmful fumes and turn animal excrement into valuable fertilizer. The preparation from bacteria is mixed with peat, straw, meal - how to properly compose the mixture is indicated on the packaging.

    After some time, microorganisms begin to “work”, populating the litter. They feed on animal excrement, but to do this, be sure to stir the layer regularly. In addition, the room must be dry enough, or new invisible residents will die.

    One bag of bacteria costs from 2 thousand rubles, the price depends on the weight and manufacturer. Consumption is approximately 100 g. per square area. The expenses seem large, but the pen will not need to be heated - after all, the “living” litter releases a huge amount of heat, heating up to 25°C! It will be valid for 3 years. Feedback from farmers about its use is generally positive.

    Thrifty Russian owners have already invented their own analogue. They make warm bedding themselves, using the usual “Baikal EM 1”. One liter of the drug will cost several times less than foreign ones. To start fermentation, just water the straw with a mixture diluted in a bucket of water.

    Important rules:

    • Before “launching” the drug, it is necessary to disinfect the floor and walls;
    • The room must have an exhaust hood to prevent condensation from accumulating inside;
    • Twice a week, the litter must be thoroughly loosened so that the bacteria are distributed evenly over it and oxygen enters the lower layer.

    Heating using equipment

    A gas boiler

    Practical only for large farms. In a private house, installing an additional boiler will cost a large sum - because for this you will have to draw up a plan, pay for the work of the craftsmen, and then pay the bills.

    Electric heaters

    There are different types- convectors, oil radiators, . A very expensive method, especially if the poultry house is large. The convenience of modern heaters is that they are equipped with thermostats. When the room warms up to the set temperature, the device automatically turns off.

    Economical method

    The house can be heated using a stove. After all, installing a “potbelly stove” in a chicken coop will not be difficult. Yes, and you can assemble it yourself from an ordinary barrel. This method is cheaper than gas heating, especially if the owners always have firewood (coal) at hand. The main inconvenience is that the stove requires constant supervision. It will be necessary to make a chimney in the room.

    Separately, it should be said about compliance with fire safety rules. The place where the stove will be installed must have concrete base and be away from walls, nests and perches. Also, you should not leave a burning stove unattended for a long time.

    Brick stove

    For a small room, it is quite possible to build a brick oven yourself. It takes a little time, and it holds heat much better than a “potbelly stove”, and is also safer to use. You will need about a hundred bricks, doors, a grate, a burner and a valve. Detailed step-by-step description works and diagrams can be found on the Internet.

    Only about a square meter of space is required. To prepare the base, film, roofing felt, glassine are placed on the floor, then a layer of sand is poured. Then the masonry is done according to the diagram. At the end of the work, the stove must be whitened and allowed to sit for a week so that the solution hardens properly.

    Diesel stove

    A very practical option - does not smoke, is safe to use. The air is not saturated with decay products, so the room is safe. Automatic system control will turn off operation in case of overheating. Therefore, such a unit can be safely left unattended. Installation does not require special skills; it is easy to follow according to the instructions.

    There are also disadvantages - the fuel must only be of high quality to avoid breakdowns. Repairs are very expensive. The cost of heating is not the lowest. Proper installation of the chimney is required. During operation, a diesel stove burns oxygen, so the room must be ventilated.

    Red light

    If the chicken coop is small, as a heating device Infrared heaters are quite suitable. Power should not exceed 500 W. They can be mounted on both walls and ceilings. But the placement height is required to be at least 1 m from the floor. You need to purchase a device equipped with a thermostat and a rotating mechanism.

    Infrared lamps can be used. They create a good microclimate in the poultry house - they reduce humidity, have a calming effect on the nervous system of chickens, and promote better absorption of feed.

    The application has a number of features:

    • The IR lamp requires careful handling;
    • For use with ceramic cartridges only;
    • To prevent the bird from coming into contact with the lamp, it must be surrounded with a metal grill.

    Many owners note a number of positive qualities of this heating method:

    • Low cost of equipment - a domestically produced lamp will cost about 200 rubles (service life - up to 5 thousand hours);
    • One 250 W lamp heats 10 square meters. premises;
    • Installation and replacement are easy.

    IR lamps come not only with red, but also with transparent bodies. In the first case, they give off maximum heat, in the second they enhance lighting. Foreign-made analogues are distinguished by a reinforced case made of hardened glass.

    You can heat your chicken coop in winter different ways. Everyone is free to choose the one that turns out to be the least expensive.

    It is especially important to keep the coop warm in the winter for the following reasons:

    • To prevent colds in poultry;
    • To prevent arthritis of the legs;
    • In order to maintain the necessary conditions when hatching eggs;
    • For normal weight gain in broilers;
    • For high .

    At low (less than +5 degrees) temperatures, the birds' immunity drops sharply, and they become more susceptible to colds. In addition, low temperatures contribute to the accumulation of humidity or frost indoors. Which can lead not only to colds, but also to many others infectious diseases laying hens.

    There is no feathering on the legs of chickens, so in a chicken coop with a cold floor they quickly develop arthritis of the limbs, which leads to a decrease in egg production due to a deterioration in the general health of laying hens, as well as to broken legs in broilers that quickly gain weight.

    The steam heating system can be heated by a gas or electric boiler. Steam heating is cheaper than electric heating, but the equipment for its installation is bulky and expensive, and also requires constant maintenance by a boiler specialist, so heating a chicken coop using steam heating is more suitable for large farms with a large number of poultry.

    Stove heating can be used in small and medium-sized chicken coops, but this method is a fire hazard, so it is not recommended to heat a wooden chicken coop with natural litter with a stove.

    Installation instructions

    A good result with subsequent energy savings on heating can be achieved by insulating the chicken coop with mineral wool and clapboard boards. To insulate the walls you will need the following materials:

    • Mineral wool;
    • Rolls of shielding foil;
    • Lining;
    • White lime;
    • Nails and screws for wood;
    • Beam with a section of 100x100;
    • Aluminum profile;
    • Wire ties;
    • Sealing foam;
    • Buttons with wide caps;
    • Screwdriver;
    • Hammer and tape measure;
    • Hacksaw.

    You can also use rock wool or polystyrene foam. Instead of lining, any wooden boards 10-15 mm thick. The boards must have smooth longitudinal edges so that they can be fitted closely to each other without gaps. Nails should be chosen twice as long as the thickness of the facing board; nails with a narrow head, like for a bathhouse, are best suited so that the chickens cannot get hurt.


    After preparing the materials, you need to draw up a drawing diagram of the insulated room and get to work:

    1. Remove all hanging structures from the walls of the chicken coop;
    2. Make a lime solution and cover the walls with it;
    3. Attach timber to the walls vertically every 0.5 meters;
    4. Cut out half-meter pieces aluminum profile and attach them with self-tapping screws horizontally into the openings between wooden beam every meter so that there are 3-4 partitions for each opening;
    5. Lay layers of mineral wool or foam plastic into the resulting rectangular recesses, having previously cut this material according to the size of the openings;
    6. Secure the cotton wool using wire ties;
    7. Unfold the shielding rolls and attach them to the walls using buttons;
    8. Nail vertical clapboard boards around the perimeter of the wall;
    9. Fill the gaps between the floor and walls with sealing foam;
    10. Cover by wooden walls water-repellent solution.

    The beam is attached to the wall using long nails (if the wall is wooden), or anchor bolts(if concrete). Cover the wool with shielding foil from the top of the walls and gradually reach the floor. Insulation of the ceiling in a wooden chicken coop can be done in the same way. If it is necessary to insulate both the walls and the ceiling, then the entire procedure must be started from the ceiling.

    After installing cotton wool briquettes in the ceiling, there is no need to immediately cover it with foil. First, you should go to the same step when working with walls, and cover the ceiling and walls with foil and clapboard at the same time, starting from the ceiling.

    Economical way

    If a farmer's budget is limited, he can use hay or straw to insulate the walls of the chicken coop. To do this you need:

    • Dry the straw well;
    • Pack tightly into individual bundles;
    • Tie the bundles on four sides with knitting wire so that you get rectangular briquettes with a side of 0.3-0.5 meters;
    • Screw several screws (up to half the length) into the walls from the outside every 40 cm in a checkerboard pattern around the perimeter;
    • Attach the straw briquettes to the screws from the outside using binding wire as shown in Figure 2.

    This method allows you to well insulate the walls in a small chicken coop without significant financial costs.

    Experienced poultry farmers advise that when snow falls, throw it on the outside walls of the chicken coop - this helps to better retain heat inside it.

    It is important to remember that in the spring this snow must be removed before it melts to avoid flooding the floor of the chicken coop.

    In addition, experienced farmers offer:

    • Use double glazing in ventilation windows;
    • Insulate ventilation pipes with cotton wool;
    • Use a vestibule door.

    If the ventilation window in the chicken coop has one glass, then a significant part of the heat will escape through such a window already at -15 degrees. To avoid this, you need to use double glass and high-quality rubber seals, and if the window is made of plywood or boards, you need to make sure that there are no cracks in it and that it fits tightly when closing.

    Often in well-insulated chicken coops there are drafts or the temperature drops below normal due to the fact that the ventilation system has not been insulated. A significant portion of the heat is lost through improperly installed ventilation pipes. To prevent this from happening, the poultry farmer should:

    • Carefully coat the cracks between the ceiling and the installed vertical pipes with a sealing mixture, and if necessary, fill large cracks with pieces of mineral wool;
    • A damper must be installed on the pipes to regulate the air flow.

    Many poultry farmers have noticed that the rubber seal for plastic windows also well suited for doors and windows made of other materials - wood or metal. Before the start of winter, you need to check all the seals in the chicken coop and, if necessary, replace them. This seal is sold on construction markets and is installed with regular superglue.