Wooden products for hand baths. Making homemade sauna stoves

Since purchasing a factory product from a world-famous manufacturer is a very expensive business, many of our compatriots prefer homemade stoves for baths. If you carefully study the design of such a furnace, it becomes clear that there are no particularly complex parts in it. Therefore, you can make it yourself with minimal skill.

In the sections of our article we will talk about how metal and brick homemade stoves for baths are made.

Metal models

Design and selection of materials

Most homemade sauna stoves are made of steel and brick models. Of course, there are also original designs that use factory parts (for example, solid cast iron fireboxes), but they are rather the exception, and therefore we will not consider them.

A metal stove made of steel pipes is the simplest device. To make it, we will need a piece of steel pipe or a thick-walled barrel, as well as welding machine and Bulgarian.

Note! Having welding skills is mandatory, since the tightness and strength of welds directly depends on how effective and durable our homemade sauna stove will be.

So, if we like the steel model, we begin planning the work:

  • First you need to decide on the design features. The easiest way is to download drawings of homemade sauna stoves online and choose the appropriate option.
  • However, if necessary, you can design the device yourself, based on the dimensions of the pipes at our disposal. Here it is important to correctly select the power of the stove, which will be approximately equal to half the volume of the firebox (in liters).

Advice! For homemade varieties, it is better to make a power reserve, since their performance is usually somewhat less than that of factory-made samples.

  • As a rule, steel pipes with a wall thickness of at least 8-10 mm are used for the manufacture of all workpieces. To make a standard compact stove for a steam room you need about one and a half meters of such pipe.
  • We will also need some gratings and sheet metal. The dimensions of the metal sheet must be determined in advance, since they depend on the dimensions of the individual elements.
  • In addition, it is worth buying two sets of hinges and latches for the firebox door and ash drawer, a tap for the water tank, etc. The price of these parts is low, so you don't have to worry about going over budget.

When all the materials have been purchased, you can begin making the structure yourself.

We assemble the blanks into a single structure

A homemade sauna stove made of steel pipe is made according to the following algorithm:

  • We cut a one and a half meter piece of pipe into two parts - 90 and 60 cm (approximately). The larger part will be used as a blank for the firebox with a heater, and the smaller part will be used as a water heating tank.
  • Next, we begin to process a segment of 90 cm. In the lower part, we cut out a groove up to 50 mm high and 20-25 cm wide. The resulting hole will work as a blower, providing the firebox with oxygen.

  • Above the ash pit we weld a thick steel plate with a fixed grate. This plate serves as the bottom of the firebox.
  • We make a combustion hole in the wall of the pipe. We weld hinges on one edge of the hole and hang the door - it can be made from the same steel sheet, first bent along the radius of the pipe.
  • Next you need to make a heater - a container in which to place heating elements(pebbles, cobblestones, etc.). As a heater, you can use either a piece of pipe or a metal basket welded from reinforcing bars.

  • From a piece of pipe 60 cm long we make a tank for heating water. To do this, we weld the bottom with a hole for the chimney in the lower part, and install a tap in one of the side walls.
  • It is better to make the lid on the tank in such a way that at least a third of it remains open: this way you can add water without fear of getting burned on the metal.

Note! We check the quality and tightness of the seams, since if the tank leaks, the stove may go out and carbon monoxide poisoning may occur.

We weld the firebox with the heater and the tank to each other. For a more durable connection of the parts, you can fasten steel strips or a coupling made of sheet metal around the perimeter. We pass the chimney through a water heating tank and weld it to the bottom as tightly as possible.

Homemade iron sauna stoves are quite easy to install.

  • The structure must be installed in such a way that the firebox opens towards the front door.
  • It is worth pouring into the base of the stove concrete foundation up to 30 cm thick. It would also not be superfluous to lay two layers of refractory bricks on a clay mortar.
  • The distance from the edge of the stove to any vertical surface should not be less than 20 cm.
  • To ensure fire safety in a wooden building, heating structures can be lined with half-brick masonry. By the way, this will also save you from burns!

Laying a brick

Materials and solution

If you want to make a more complex model, we recommend that you carefully study additional sources of information, and first of all, the video in this article.

The selection and construction of a stove for a bath must be treated with particular close attention, since the stove is its most important element. In a bathhouse, it performs two very important functions: it heats water for procedures and warms up the air in the room. The stove comes with a closed or open heater.

A stove with a closed heater retains heat longer, but it takes more time and wood to warm up the steam room. If you plan to use the sauna not often, it is recommended to give preference to a closed heater. With an open heater, the steam room heats up quickly, but when watering the stones with water, it cools down faster. The stones located in the steam room must be solid and rounded.

If you want to build a homemade stove for a bath, consider the recommendations and advice of stove makers. Before building a stove-heater, you need to familiarize yourself with existing projects and choose a suitable design for yourself. Then a good waterproofing of the foundation is carried out, which must be poured 5 centimeters wider than the stove. Grate bars are installed in the firebox to sift ash into the ash pan. With the help of an ash pan, fuel combustion is improved, which makes it possible to heat the steam room faster. The distance between the firebox and the ash pan should be at least 30 centimeters. When venting the chimney, be sure to install a damper in the exhaust pipe to regulate the intensity of the draft.

Requirements for sauna stoves

  • There should be a place under the stove separate foundation.
  • The oven must be hermetically sealed, without any gaps or cracks.
  • It is necessary to have wooden trim located near the stove, treat with antiseptic, but to protect against spontaneous combustion it is better to sheathe it with steel sheets.
  • The metal elements of the stove must not come into contact with elements made of flammable materials (plastic or wooden lining, etc.).
  • The ash pan should be at a distance above 15 cm from the floor.
  • The distance between the ceiling and the upper edge of the stove should not be less than half a meter.
  • Recommended near the stove sew up the floor metal sheet.
  • The stove is installed near the dressing room door.

Homemade stoves for a bath must meet the following conditions:

  1. The oven should provide temperature in the upper part of the steam room not lower than 80° C, and 45° C in the lower zone.
  2. The stones on the stove should be fine warm up so that enough steam is generated when watering them.
  3. If the stove operates using solid fuel, it must burn evenly.
  4. The chimney and furnace firebox must be sealed.
  5. The oven must have high efficiency.

Options for a homemade sauna stove

Metal homemade stove made of sheet metal, has a lower firebox and a tank for heating water. Part of the oven is lined with bricks. The lower firebox and wall are also brick. The stove works in this way: water pours through the side door, from which steam is released.

Oven from sheet iron works the same as in the previous version: water and steam enter through the side door. The internal walls are brick. For the construction of such a sauna stove, sheets of iron more than 5 mm thick may be suitable.

Brick stove for a bath - this is one of the most popular options. It looks like this: the firebox is lined with refractory bricks, below the firebox there is an ash pit, and a cast iron or steel grate, which is designed for laying stones. IN brick oven there is a chimney and doors. Hot water is supplied using a coil. The furnace is built on a foundation. For this design, a solution made of sand and clay is used. It is unacceptable to use a mortar for laying bricks that contains cement, which is not resistant to high temperatures. The brick oven is fireproof. Laying such a stove is a rather labor-intensive and complex process.

Bath stove made of metal pipe

The most interesting option is a metal sauna stove made using metal pipe. It can be erected in a short time without problems. Before starting work, you need to carefully consider the location of the future stove.

To build a homemade stove from a pipe, you will need:

  • Tools- grinder, welding machine, electrodes diameter 3.4.
  • Materials- a metal pipe with a diameter of 50 cm, a wall thickness of 1 cm and a length of one and a half meters, sheet iron 3-10 mm, fittings or rod 8-10 mm.
  • Construction materials- sand and crushed stone 0.1 cubic meters, cement 150 kg, brick 300 - 400 pieces, clay.

Below is a functional diagram of a metal stove made from a pipe for a bath.

1) blower; 2) firebox; 3) heater; 4) door; 5) tap; 6) hot water tank; 7) chimney pipe; 8) platform for brick pipe; 9) brick pipe; 10) gate; 11) upper part of the tank; 12) hole for the chimney; 13) lid with handle; 14) hole for pipe; 15) bottom of the tank; 16) a grid of reinforcing bars; 17) steel plate; 18) grate; 19) ears; 20) coupling made of steel tire.

In order to install a stove in a bathhouse, you must pour the foundation under it t. We knock down formwork measuring 1 × 1 m, 30 cm high. We lay the reinforcement in 20 × 20 cm squares in one layer, tying them together with wire. To prevent the reinforcement from lying on the ground, we drive four pieces of reinforcement along the edges and tie a lattice to them by weight. Next we fill the foundation. To the foundation didn't crack, when dry, place wet rags on it, which we wet throughout two weeks. For ventilation, open all windows and doors.

Step-by-step technology for making a stove from a pipe

Step I. Preparation of parts from which the oven will be made

We take a pipe length one and a half meters, diameter fifty centimeters, pipe wall thickness not less than one centimeter, and cut out the parts necessary for the furnace. We cut the pipe into two parts: one 60 centimeters, the second 90 centimeters. From a section of pipe that is larger, we will install firebox and heater, and use the smaller section for the hot water tank.

Step II. Building a furnace

At the bottom of the larger piece of pipe, which is intended for the heater, a hole is cut for the blower. Its width is 20 centimeters and height 6 centimeters. Mounted above the cutout by welding round steel plate, the thickness of which is not less than 1.2 centimeters. Then a part of the metal for the grate in the ash pit is cut out separately. Four lugs are welded to secure it.

Next, we cut out a niche where the firebox will be located. From the rest of the pipe we make firebox door measuring 25 by 30 centimeters and hanging it on hinges. A latch is attached to the door. We make a heater from a piece of pipe 30 or 35 centimeters high. We weld it over the firebox and make another door, the size of which is 25 by 30 centimeters.

We fill the heater with rounded stones ( half its volume). We install a steel coupling in the upper part of the stove, which is needed to attach the water heating tank.

III step. We make a water heating tank

To make a tank we use section of smaller pipe(60 cm). We weld the bottom to the end of the pipe section, the thickness of which should be eight millimeters. It is necessary to cut a hole with a diameter of 15 centimeters in the bottom to install the chimney. It should be offset towards the rear wall of the tank.

We weld the chimney tightly to the bottom of the tank so that avoid water leakage into the firebox. The top of the tank is closed with a metal lid, in which there should be holes for the chimney and for water. To the chimney, 5 centimeters above the tank, you need to weld a steel square platform with sides of 30 centimeters to install a brick pipe, which is led through the ceiling and then through the roof.

We equip the brick pipe with a valve. Opposite the water hole at the bottom of the tank, we weld a valve with a tap.

IV step. Installing a finished stove indoors

After assembling a metal stove from a pipe, you can install it indoors. When installing the stove, you must adhere to technological rules:

  1. Necessary strictly observe the size of the site on which the stove will be installed. The platform should have a square shape with a side of 70 centimeters and a height of 15 - 20 centimeters. The stove should be installed at a distance of 20 centimeters from the wall.
  2. A stove of this design is installed on concrete foundation, lined with refractory bricks, 20 - 30 centimeters high, using clay mortar.
  3. In places where the chimney outlet passes, it is necessary to make thickening brickwork- about 12 centimeters. Floors (wooden) are covered with cardboard, asbestos or felt, moistened with a clay solution. The span of the pipe from roof to ceiling should be plastered and then whitewashed with lime. The height of the outer brick pipe should be more than 50 centimeters from the roof level.
  4. The firebox doors should be directed towards the exit, and the heater door should be directed diagonally towards the corner of the bathhouse.
  5. The shelves in the steam room should be located near the wall where the stove is. It is necessary to calculate their height so that while sitting your head does not touch the ceiling. The heated air rises, and because of this the ceiling is very hot. You should not install lamps on the ceiling in the steam room for the safety of being in it.
  6. If the bathhouse is wooden, then a metal stove should be used for fire safety. cover with bricks. The height of the brick lining is 120 centimeters, the length is 80 centimeters on both sides of the stove. Now you can build the wall.
  7. The stove test must be carried out without anyone present in the bathhouse.

To build a homemade sauna stove from a metal pipe, use our instructions, which will help you make your dream come true. Good luck!

It is impossible to imagine a bathhouse without a stove. At the moment there are many options for what this unit will be like. Firewood, gas and liquid flammable substances can be used as fuel. But at the same time, the cost of ready-made units is simply sky-high, and there is very little guarantee that the stove is suitable for a bathhouse. Therefore, many people decide to make a sauna stove with their own hands, so that it exactly meets all expectations and works for many years.

In the photo - a homemade sauna stove with a heater made of twigs

This activity may seem daunting at first, and that's okay. The main thing is that to build a stove for a bathhouse with your own hands you will need step-by-step instruction, compiled by knowledgeable people. By doing everything clearly and correctly, without violating safety rules, you can build truly reliable homemade stoves, without spending as much as is required in the construction market.

Primary requirements

The current options for making bathhouse stoves with your own hands are quite similar to factory designs, namely:

  • such ovens are similar to factory ones in appearance, that is, they are aesthetically pleasing and fit well into the overall interior;
  • identical to purchased options, economical in fuel consumption;
  • they do not take up much space in the steam room;
  • It is also important that they do not need special, additional care;
  • can be made both for heating with wood and to work on liquid fuel and other alternative sources.

Which option to install in your own bathhouse needs to be decided based on the characteristics of the given room. But, regardless of which design is chosen, the requirements for how to make a stove are the same for everyone, and they must be followed.

  1. It is important to maintain a certain thermal power, which can be clearly adjusted. The fact is that one power can satisfy the requirements of a bathhouse made of timber, and not fulfill them at all in a frame-type room.
  2. It is imperative to install a heat accumulator and a steam generator made using a special technique. With their help, the heat and humidity levels in the steam room are regulated.
  3. It is also important to install a convection regulator.
  4. There should be no objects or surfaces in the steam room that can heat up to more than 150 degrees Celsius.

Homemade metal stove for a bath

These are only the basic requirements for how to make a stove yourself; in fact, the size of the firebox, fire safety and other aspects of stove work are also taken into account.

Features of furnaces

There are two main types of sauna stoves: “hot” and “cold”. It all depends on the temperature of the walls in the steam room. The outer walls in a hot bath can maintain a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius, which actually guarantees warmth inside. This is an ideal simple sauna stove that will be used infrequently. There is no point in installing constant heating in it, and such a structure can be melted quite quickly. Main disadvantage similar design The problem is that it is almost impossible to regulate the temperature there, and the steam room can overheat. And this is not always safe for human health.

In the case of a cold appearance, a homemade sauna stove will not heat up as much. Their maximum temperature is 50 degrees Celsius, so you won’t get burned on them. The bathhouse is heated through the use of special stove channels. With their help, cool air from below passes through the stove in the bathhouse and returns from above, already hot and ideal for procedures. It is through the use of such systems that heat and humidity control can be adjusted.

Brick oven

Homemade brick sauna stoves are an excellent solution. Since this material is heavy, a solid foundation must be laid under the unit.

Construction of a homemade brick oven

It is not recommended to use cement, because it is not resistant to high heat, and in about a year the stove will collapse. In this case, a solution of sand and clay is used for laying bricks. The main thing is to create a durable structure that can last a long time in the house. When installing a furnace, the following points should be taken into account:

  • the firebox is built from refractory bricks;
  • an ash pit is installed below it;
  • It is imperative to install a grate for stones; for its manufacture it is recommended to use steel or cast iron;
  • a curved pipe is installed for hot water, it is also called a coil;
  • the chimney is laid;
  • doors are installed in sauna stoves.

Metal oven

Stoves made of steel and cast iron are much lighter than brick structures, they heat up faster and provide good heat transfer. In addition, such a structure can be created anywhere, while a brick oven can be created directly at the place of future use. There is no difficulty in welding a sauna stove with your own hands. First of all, you need to cut the steel sheets or a piece of pipe big size. A metal stove is made in the same way as a brick stove; you need to create the same parts. It will just look completely different, and the performance will be higher.

Before choosing a homemade metal sauna stove for construction, it is worth considering that the disadvantage of such a design is the occupied overheated area of ​​the unit. That is, it is easier to get burned in a steam room with a metal stove than in a brick stove. But coping with such a disadvantage will not be difficult and will take a lot of time. The furnace can be lined with bricks with fire-resistant characteristics and a converter can be hung on the body of the unit.

Diagram of a homemade metal stove

Another plus metal structures is their long term operation, which is achieved due to the fact that the firebox cools due to the air circulating inside the structure.

You should not make a unit yourself that runs on electricity or gas, since the design of a sauna stove is quite complex and the likelihood of an explosion due to improper construction is quite high. Even factory stoves with such fuel do not always live up to expectations and are not safe to use.

There are many metal sauna stoves on sale, but good ones cost a lot of money. If you have sufficient experience in metal welding, you can make a furnace yourself, according to your own dimensions. Read on to learn how to make a stove for a bathhouse from metal (sheet metal), drawings and photos.

  • 1 Metal stove for baths and saunas - what is the difference
  • 2 Homemade stoves for Russian baths
    • 2.1 Heater: what size and where
    • 2.2 Drawings of homemade metal sauna stoves
  • 3 How to make a sauna stove
    • 3.1 Drawings and diagrams

Metal stove for baths and saunas - what is the difference

There is a significant difference between the steam modes in a bathhouse and a sauna. In the sauna the air temperature is very high - from 85C and much higher. At this temperature, the humidity simply cannot be high - you will immediately get burned, and the broom will crumble in five minutes. And it is really small, about 5-15%. In a Russian steam room, the temperature stays between 55-65°C, occasionally rising to 70°C. At such temperatures, the humidity “catch up” is high - 50-60%.

One of the options for a welded sauna stove

To achieve such different tasks, different approaches to constructing a furnace are required. A sauna requires the largest area of ​​contact between the stove body and the surrounding air and acceleration of the passage of air flows along the walls. Everything is subordinated to the task of heating the air in the steam room as quickly as possible. There is a heater, but it is small, open, and is usually located above the firebox. The stones in it warm up to a maximum of 200-250°C, since they give off a lot of heat to the surrounding air. You can get a little steam from such a heater. But you don’t need a lot in the sauna - one or two ladle will give 15% humidity. I just can't stand it anymore.

In a Russian steam room, the task is different - not to overheat the room and achieve a large amount of steam. Moreover, the steam must be of a certain condition - it must consist of very small droplets. It is also called “dry” and has a high temperature - about 130-150°C. Under this condition, after soaring, the body feels light and energized. Such steam is obtained only from hot stones whose temperature is at least 500°C. To achieve it, the stones are “packed” inside the firebox - a box is placed in it - a closed heater.

Here the heater is located inside and a tank is attached on top

As you can see, there are significant design differences. They must be kept in mind.

Homemade stoves for Russian baths

What else should you keep in mind when designing a stove for the Russian steam room mode? The fact that having heated metal walls to keep the temperature within the required 60-65°C is unrealistic. Be sure to melt it. At the same time, hard IR radiation comes from the walls of the furnace and is difficult to be nearby. The problem can be solved in two ways:

It's also worth talking about seams. In homemade metal stoves (in factory ones, too, in principle), burnout often begins precisely at the seams. In production, this problem is avoided using bent structures. In the upper part they try to avoid seams altogether. When making a sauna stove with your own hands, you are unlikely to be able to bend a sheet of metal 6-10 mm thick, so there is only one thing left to do - make the seams as high quality as possible.

Kamenka: what size and where

The required number of stones depends on the volume of the steam room (provided that the bathhouse is properly insulated). Different sources have different recommendations with more or less amounts - from 20 to 40 kg per 1 m3. In principle, the more stones, the easier it is to obtain the required amount of steam, provided that the oven has enough power to heat them.

The problem is that stones of different types have different densities, and, therefore, the same mass occupies different volumes. In principle, for an average steam room with a volume of 12-14 m3, the dimensions of the heater are approximately the following: 30*40*30 mm. The parameters can be changed slightly, made wider/narrower/higher - look at the design of the stove.

The heater can be of different shapes and sizes

The ratio of the volume of the firebox to the volume of the heater is a complex thermotechnical calculation that not even every heating engineer is able to master. It is much easier to use ready-made drawings or experimentally determined proportions. At a minimum, the volume of the firebox “free” from the heater should not be less. It’s better if it’s even about 30-50% more.

A little about what part of the firebox is best to place a box for stones. Everyone has long come to the conclusion that the highest temperature is in the upper part and at the back wall. This is where it makes sense to place the container. Firstly, part of the thermal load from the arch of the firebox will be removed, and secondly, the stones will heat up well.

Don’t forget about the maintenance of the heater and the fact that water must somehow get into it. The service hatch should be positioned in such a way that you can reach the farthest edge with your hand without any problems. And the water supply deep into the heater must be organized so as not to get burned. Typically, a tube or system of tubes is inserted, which diverge across the entire plane of the stone container. On the room side, this tube ends in a funnel. The pipe is lined with stones. When water is supplied to it, it is distributed over the surface of the heater/stones and evaporates.

Drawings of homemade metal sauna stoves

This stove was designed for a steam room 2*3*2.3 m. It was made from sheet metal 3 mm thick.

Metal stove for a bath with a closed heater

To activate combustion, it is possible to connect an additional air duct laid from the street. Other solutions include stiffening ribs (corners) welded to the sides of the firebox in the upper part of the firebox so that the metal does not bend during strong heating.

The following diagram of a metal sauna stove is made with air supply to top part fireboxes These are so-called gas afterburning furnaces. There is a metal plate welded on the back wall. Air from under the grate is supplied into the gap between this plate and the rear wall of the firebox using air ducts. This seemingly simple device solves two problems at once. Firstly, it cools the back wall, reducing the likelihood of it burning out. Secondly, the air is supplied to the upper part heated. Flue gases heated to high temperatures are concentrated there, most of which are flammable (up to 80%). When these gases mix with heated air, the combustible substances ignite, the temperature in the upper part of the firebox becomes even higher, and the stones heat up to higher temperatures. In this case (when using dry firewood) much less fuel is required. Many furnaces are built on this principle. long burning, but in sauna stoves it has come into use recently.

Furnace with secondary air supply

Approximately the same model, but without afterburning, made in a different format. The dimensions are not indicated here, but it is easier to understand the proportions and arrangement of the various elements.

Three-dimensional model of a homemade metal stove-heater

In this case, the volume of the firebox is about 130% of the volume of the heater. Normal ratio. The chimney is shifted back, which is not always good - difficulties may arise when installing the chimney - it may rest against ceiling beam- you will have to bend the chimney, which is undesirable. So think about the location of the pipe.

Even among bathhouse lovers, there is a constant debate about whether a tank for heating water in a steam room is good or bad... Some regulate the humidity by opening/closing the lid of the tank. They are happy with this option. Others say that this steam is “heavy”, and take the tank to the washing compartment, and heat the water in it by building a heat exchanger into the firebox and connecting it to the tank with pipes. The following diagram is a stove in a metal bath with a water tank.

Drawing of a sauna stove with a water tank

The design is clever - with the help of a “spark arrestor” the path of flue gases is longer, it stays in the firebox longer, and heats the walls better. If you don't want a tank, you can put stones in its place.

An interesting option with a tank located at the back of the stove. The chimney is moved back and passes through the tank. The height of the tank is large, heat removal will be effective - the temperature of the chimney at the outlet of the tank will definitely not be high.

Option for a small stove with a large tank

The heater is interestingly designed. It is not very large, but its volume is enough for small and medium-sized steam rooms. It closes with a lid, which on the one hand is not very convenient: closing the lid after applying water to the stones will be problematic. On the other hand, it is convenient to maintain.

Furnace sections and dimensions

How to make a sauna stove

As already mentioned, the main task of this type heating devices— quickly “catch up” to the required temperature and be able to maintain it. There is a simple solution - install a fan that will blow on the walls of the furnace, accelerating heating.

The convector casing performs approximately the same function. This is the casing around the oven body. There remains a gap of 1.5-2 cm between it and the wall of the firebox. Air is sucked into this gap from below. It passes along the walls, heats up, and at the same time cools the walls. Then it rises upward, spreading heat throughout the steam room.

Working principle of the convection casing

If the furnace body is made of thick metal, then the casing can be made of thin metal. It rarely heats up to high temperatures, and burnout does not threaten it. If in a sauna stove the heater is located at the top, above the firebox, as in the photo, then holes can be made in the body to ventilate the heater. Then part of the air that rises along the walls will enter the heater, blow on the stones and heat up even more. This type of heater is called ventilated. It is good for dry air saunas.

Drawings and diagrams

The design of sauna stoves is simpler. You need a normal size firebox that can accommodate large logs. In the upper part, above the top of the firebox, the sides of the heater are welded, the volume of which is usually 20-25 liters. There may be variations in width/height/depth, but there are no special tricks.

Diagrams of metal sauna stoves

Installing a tank to heat water in a sauna steam room is not the best idea. You won't be able to control the humidity, and at high temperatures it's easy to get burned. However, there are several options for installing tanks in the photo above.

Another type of heater is inside the firebox. If desired, you can put a lid on it and this oven can be used in two modes - with the lid open for dry vaping, and with the lid open for obtaining more pair.

Heater inside the body

Spending time in the bathhouse can last for hours, while vacationers spend only a quarter of the total time in the steam room itself, mostly relaxing in the relaxation room. Therefore, it is important to pay Special attention so that it is not only comfortable, but also pleasant to be there or in the dressing room. Just as the retinue makes a king, so the cute decorative elements create an overall cozy atmosphere in the bathhouse. It is advisable to fill the premises with beautiful decorative crafts in the same style to create a harmonious space, and not a designer vinaigrette from a mass of mismatched and different-sized items. Literally a few well-chosen figurines, panels or signs with thematic inscriptions will help add zest to a particular bathhouse room without turning it into a hardware store.

Lots of different original crafts can be found in specialty stores or souvenir shops. And on the Internet there are many creative trading platforms where craftsmen offer handmade bath products. But if you love crafting, it won't be too difficult for you to create simple and impressive crafts on your own. The first thing that comes to mind when mentioning a steam room is wood carving for a bath. In addition, there are many other options for what kind of homemade products for a bathhouse you can decorate its premises with. Your possibilities are unlimited.

Decor options and materials for production

Often you will not see many metal or plastic products in a Russian bath or Finnish sauna, since traditionally the steam room is considered the kingdom of wood and other natural materials. Experts even try to select various mugs, scoops, tubs, buckets and other bath utensils from wood. There is a completely logical explanation for this, other than a purely aesthetic one. In a steam room, the hot air quickly heats up the metal and can burn a person. And plastic, upon reaching a certain temperature threshold, begins to lose its solid structure and release hazardous substances into the air. A compromise option could be heat-resistant plastic, but it is not suitable for every bathhouse interior design. But the tree will never burn and, under the influence of temperatures, releases beneficial phytoncides and a subtle woody aroma.

With the help of wooden crafts you can even achieve a healing effect in the bathhouse.

At high temperatures, some types of wood produce resins and essential oils. For example, various items created from coniferous trees, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the respiratory system. They are also able to have a calming effect on the nervous system, strengthen the hair structure and increase blood microcirculation in the capillaries located near the skin.

It is good to purchase wooden crafts and decorative items for the bath, made from natural wood, and for practical reasons. Such products are easy to restore, which will have to be done after some time. Proper impregnation and processing of wood before creating a decorative element for a bathhouse will help to extend their service life.

The following crafts and decorative elements are most often found in the bathhouse:

  • panels on the walls;
  • carved door handles;
  • decorative figures;
  • signs;
  • dining utensils.

Other natural materials that are also found in the design of baths (although not as often as wood) are straw and birch bark. The latter is most often used to decorate the rest room to make tubs, various boxes and caskets, stylized in antique style, Russian bast shoes. It is quite difficult to make such products yourself, without having experience working with birch bark. And ready-made jewelry is inexpensive. They can be used to decorate a relaxation room, but it is better to keep them away from the wash room or steam room.

Bathhouse straw is most often used to make various decorative figures designed to emphasize the traditional Russian design style. Common options for straw figurines are images of birds, horses, female and male characters, and brownies. Straw is quite easy to work with, and anyone can make a few simple straw crafts for a bathhouse with their own hands. It is customary to decorate walls and shelves in the rest room with these decorative elements, where a normal level of humidity is maintained.

Choosing the right wood

It is important to carefully select wood for crafts. It must have a perfectly clean surface: without fungi, areas of rot, or obvious structural defects. IN different rooms baths are subject to various conditions of temperature and humidity, and only selected wood is able to withstand these difficult conditions for years. This is especially important for items that will be used in the steam room (wooden tubs, mugs, buckets).

To use items in the steam room, you should choose low-density wood, such as linden and alder.

The fact is that low-density material reduces the level of thermal conductivity of the product, and it can be safely picked up in the steam room. But for the decoration of the washing room it is better to choose denser wood. In both cases, it is desirable that the wood has a high content of resins, which increase its ability to withstand high humidity.

For wooden crafts I use the following types of wood:

  • aspen;
  • Linden;
  • alder;
  • maple;
  • pine.

Advantages and disadvantages of some types of wood used for making various bath crafts

Breeds pros


Linden. Good in the absence of viscous resin. This material is resistant to moisture and is able to absorb steam without negative consequences for appearance. The soft structure of linden can be easily processed by hand, and crafts made from it are distinguished by their low weight and low level of thermal conductivity. Another plus of linden is that it is resistant to high humidity, which allows you to use items made from it in a steam room. The disadvantage of this wood is that over time, crafts made from it become dark, which not everyone likes. Therefore, linden is recommended to be used to create mugs, buckets and various wooden basins for baths.
Beech. It is often used for bath crafts, as it is convenient to plan and process on a lathe. But it is characterized by a low level of moisture resistance, as it is subject to severe warping from moisture. Therefore, it is better to place beech crafts in the dressing room. Even if you plan to keep them in rooms with low humidity, it would be a good idea to additionally treat the surface of the finished products with special protective oils and wax.
Alder. It is considered a light and soft wood with a sticky texture. It is easy to process and sand, and alder crafts are famous for their velvet surface, very pleasant to the touch. Not durable.
Maple. It produces objects with a clean and smooth surface that is easy to process and tint. But this wood is difficult to cut, so you will have to put in a lot of effort.
Pine. Wood coniferous species captivates with its availability and affordable price. She smells pleasantly of resin. It is precisely because of the abundance of resin that it is inconvenient to work with. It can damage the paint layer, dull and clog cutting tools.

In addition, pine has a striped structure, which may not be suitable for every product.

Homemade useful crafts for the bath

One of the most favorite decorative items are various wooden panels and signs. Both elements consist of a large slab of wood on which a pattern or phrase is carved. If you are planning to do something like this yourself, then first of all think about what your bathhouse sign will look like visually. Develop a sketch and only then start working.

For the main stage of work you will need the following items:

  • wooden beam;
  • saw;
  • incisors;
  • soft pencil;
  • sandpaper (No. 180, 220);
  • stain;
  • brush;

First, sand the wooden beam from the inside, and then draw on the surface with a pencil the clear outlines of the future sign or panel. Use a saw to cut out the required shape. Then draw the pattern of your choice on the blank and apply the letters of the phrase you like. Using a cutter, outline the drawn lines, and then trim below the outline, giving the words and ornaments three-dimensionality.

After this, go over the cut surface with sandpaper to remove all blemishes. Then apply the stain with a brush. One layer of liquid is enough for the entire product, and in the recesses, go over 2-3 layers to shade them and add additional volume to the letters and patterns. At the end of the work, open the product with varnish and let it dry for 10–12 hours.

In a similar way, it is good to cut out real pictures, not just signs. Instead of cutters, you can use a burner to make patterns. But they won't be as voluminous. And for those who are not ready to take on a cutter or burner, there is an easier option for creating an original bathhouse panel. For it you will need:

  • tree slices;
  • picture frame.
  • silicone glue;
  • glue gun;

Remove the glass from the picture frame, as it will not be needed for the panel. Apply silicone glue to one side of each piece of wood and apply it to the inner wall of the frame. Fill the entire space, as if putting together a puzzle, so that there is a minimum distance between the cuts. You can use cuts from the same tree or from different ones to get a more patterned image.

The question remains at your discretion whether to open the finished panel with varnish or not, since there is no urgent need for this.

Functional crafts for the bathhouse - hangers

Bath decor is designed not only to please the eyes of vacationers with its appearance, but also to serve as a useful item. An example of a decorative element that combines two functions at once is a bath hanger. To make it you will need:

  • drill;
  • saw;
  • a sheet of paper or plywood;
  • pencil;
  • timber beam;
  • sandpaper;
  • wooden hooks.

On paper, draw the shape of the future hanger if you do not want a laconic rectangle. For example, it could be an oval, a quadrangle with wavy edges, and so on. If you will be making several identical hangers, then it is recommended to use a sheet of plywood rather than paper. Cut out a template from it, attach it to wooden board and transfer the outlines to its surface.

Cut out the hanger blank and mark points on it for the location of the hooks. Drill holes in these places. Similarly, make holes in order to organize fastenings there. Sand the edges of the workpiece using sandpaper. Attach hooks for clothes and fastenings to it. Open the structure with varnish and let dry for 10 hours. After this, the finished product can be hung on the wall.

An interesting replacement for wooden hanger hooks can be tree branches with small knots.

They are convenient for hanging clothes and towels on. They can be attached to a board or inserted inside the frame of a finished box. In this case, the hanger can even be regarded as an unusual panel, giving the bathhouse originality.

Rustic Door Hardware

The uniqueness of a Russian bathhouse is given by such items as carved wooden handles on internal doors. This door element looks very unusual, made using a beautiful tree knot or part of its roots. To implement such a project you will need:

  • branch or part of a root;
  • saw;
  • jigsaw;
  • wooden cut;
  • cutter with attachments;
  • sandpaper;
  • dowels;
  • clamp;
  • epoxy adhesive;
  • drill;

Clean the wood section from bark and sand it. To create additional volume, you need to make a figured cutout. To do this, apply fantasy outlines to the saw cut that correspond to the size of the handle. A version of this form is shown in the photo on the right.

Go along the contour of this shape with a jigsaw, and use a cutter to process the edges of the cut to give the workpiece texture. Clean the side ends with sandpaper. Remove the bark from the knot or root chosen for the handle and try the element on the base. Use a saw to trim the edges so that the ends fit snugly against the surface of the base. Apply epoxy glue to them and press them to the main element, for greater strength, clamping both objects with a clamp.

Drill two holes at both ends of the handle at an angle, and then drive dowels coated with glue into them. Cut off the excess pegs protruding above the surface of the handle. These dowels will help make the structure stronger.

Leave the product to dry for 24 hours, then open with varnish and set aside for another 12 hours. After this, you can attach the finished handle to the sauna door.

If you don’t want to do it for a long time door handle, then you can simply attach an unusual knot to the door. It just needs to be sanded and varnished first. And craftsmen who know how to work with cutters can make it with their own hands beautiful element decor by applying patterns to the workpiece.

Crafts made from straw will add a touch of antiquity to the bathhouse

Our ancestors played with straw toys, making them with their own hands. And therefore to modern man It will not be difficult to build decor for a bathhouse from straw. But in order to start weaving crafts, you need to properly prepare the straws in advance.

To do this, you need to soak it in water and leave it for 5-6 hours, and then steam it. This procedure will make the material soft and flexible, which will allow you to bend the reeds in any direction while working on a bathhouse craft. After soaking and steaming, you must carefully sort through each straw and remove the leaves from them. Choose only straws that are ideal in appearance for work, getting rid of stems that are blackened or uneven.

The first step in creating any straw figurine is to work on the frame of the future product. The frame is made from bundles of straw or wire. First, think about what exactly you want to make - a man or an animal - and then use wire or bundles of straw to give the required shape to the frame.

The finished base is then braided with straw. IN certain places The product will need to be tightly bandaged to ensure the structure’s strength and clarity of shape. These places are always indicated on the diagrams according to which straw crafts are created. For example, in the case of dolls, bandages are made on the arms, neck and waist of the straw man. It is recommended to bandage moistened straw, since once it dries, it will firmly retain its shape.

When creating the heads of people or animals, it is important to form them from especially beautiful rods with a uniform surface and color. They should be folded in such a way that there are no thickenings that are found on the stems of wheat or barley straw directly on the face or muzzle.

To give the finished figurines greater decorative appeal, you can make additional decorations: tie ribbons, sew miniature national costumes, and so on.

Decor for a bath from scrap items

Wide scope for imagination opens up the possibility of using ordinary things to create new ones unusual crafts for decorating a bath. And in some cases, you don’t even need to do anything special for this. For example, an old tin bucket or basin can be cleaned and used for storing logs. This is especially convenient when heating the stove.

Interesting decorative items can be made from an unnecessary garden watering can. You can place soil in it and plant an unpretentious flower inside. Decorate its surface with colored ribbon. Such decoration will add coziness to the dressing room.

Craftsmen will be able to make an intricate shower out of an old watering can with their own hands. To do this, you need to cut out its bottom, pass a water hose through it and secure it in the spout of the structure. Then hang the watering can on the wall at a comfortable height and use the shower in the washroom.

There's nothing better than candlelight to create a relaxing, romantic environment. In the bathhouse, you can build funny candlesticks that will help emphasize the rustic style that reigns in the dressing room or relaxation room. The most simple option The candlestick I had at hand was an old ladle. It is convenient in that it can easily be hung on the wall using a nail or simply hooked onto a ledge with its curved handle. Alternatively, you can attach it to an aged wooden plank and place it on a table or windowsill, leaning it against the wall.

If you prefer several candle holders with small pill candles, then you can make them from old tablespoons. To do this, simply bend the end of the spoon handle so that you can use this hook to hang it on the wall of a glass or jar. And bend the scoop of the spoon in relation to the handle at an angle of 90 degrees. Hang this structure and place a tablet candle in the scoop. If you wish, you can decorate the walls of the glass with paintings or ribbons, but even without additional decoration, such a craft will look very beautiful and appropriate in a bathhouse.

Watchmaking craftsmanship

Many bath procedures are strictly regulated by time. For example, people with different levels of thermal hardening are allowed to stay in the steam room for no longer than certain periods. Therefore, a bathhouse simply cannot do without a wall clock, which will be clearly visible from anywhere in the rest room (after all, you also need to rest for a certain period).

In an aesthetically designed bathhouse, everything should be beautiful, and the clock is no exception. You can make original “chimes” with your own hands without spending a lot of time and money on their creation. All you need to purchase is a clock mechanism, which is sold at any craft and hobby store.

For example, you can build a wall clock from several saw cuts wooden beams square shape. In one section you need to drill a hole in order to attach the clock mechanism through it on the back side, and attach the hands on the front side. It is best to assemble a structure of nine elements, fastening them together into one large square of 3 by 3 elements. Glue them together using epoxy glue. Nails will help to mark the hours on such a dial. Arrange them in a circle, using only four numbers: 12, 3, 6 and 9.

Another clock can be made from an old wooden tub. Drill a hole in the center of the bottom and attach a clock mechanism with hands. Create a clock face at your own discretion and hang this design on the wall.

The clock can also be constructed from several wooden slats. For example, for a hexagonal clock you will need 11 slats. Two of them will be located on the back side, and 9 slats need to be nailed to them different sizes, which will form a hexagonal shape. Drill a hole in the central rail and thread the clock mechanism through. Watch how to do this in a short video.

Organize the dial using nails. Moreover, if you use old and rusty nails, the design of the product will only benefit from this. It will acquire a now fashionable touch of antiquity.

Another simple method for creating a wall clock for a bathhouse with your own hands involves using a cut from a large tree. This craft will look very laconic and at the same time stylish. The numbers on the cut can be burned out with a burner, or you can do without a dial at all.

Decorating bath rooms will require a fair amount of ingenuity and a sense of taste from you, but the result will allow you to be known as a skillful person who was able to create unique crafts from scrap materials with his own hands. Some of the products do not require great skills and even children can be involved in their production to introduce them to an interesting hobby.

Many bathhouse decor options do not require large financial outlays, and they will look as if they cost a fortune.