The current state of youth policy management. Youth policy: problems and solutions

This work is devoted to research in the field of problems related to youth. Issues of local importance for all types of municipalities include the organization and implementation of activities to work with young people aged 14 to 30 years, which determines the development and implementation of municipal youth policy. Under municipal youth policy understand the set of goals, objectives and measures for their implementation taken by the authorities local government, to create and provide conditions and guarantees for the self-realization of youth and the development of youth associations, movements, and initiatives. Municipal youth policy is developed within the framework of state youth policy. Municipal youth policy reflects the attitude of the municipal authorities to the problems of youth, determines the legal, economic, organizational foundations for the development of young citizens, contributes to the fullest realization of their potential in the interests of society and the municipality, the development of youth movements and initiatives.

Youth is one of the main socio-demographic groups in Russian Federation, the share of young people aged 14-30 years at the beginning of 2008 amounted to 26.8% of the total population of the Russian Federation. Municipal youth policy, as a rule, is carried out in relation to the specified socio-demographic group, children's and youth public associations, and educational institutions.

The development and implementation of municipal youth policy is carried out by a special structural unit created in the local administration (department (division, committee) for youth affairs). The tasks of this structure, as a rule, include the implementation of measures to ensure the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of young citizens, the creation of conditions for solving their social, everyday and material problems; organizing work to prevent neglect, crime, drug addiction, alcoholism among minors and youth; promoting the cultural, spiritual, physical development of youth; creating conditions, guarantees and incentives for the free and independent activities of children's and youth public associations, movements, initiatives aimed at the civic formation of adolescents and youth, military-patriotic and spiritual-moral education; development of a system of comprehensive social services for youth and a network of teenage and youth clubs in the community, etc.

Advisory bodies on issues of development and implementation of youth policy (for example, youth councils) can be formed under the executive and administrative body of a municipality. Support for youth initiatives, youth, student, and children's public organizations can be provided in the form of municipal grants, assistance in implementing projects, holding events, organizing competitions, festivals, etc.

This work will examine the goals, objectives and ways to solve problems in the field of youth policy.


Chapter I. Theoretical foundations youth policy studies

1 Youth as a special socio-demographic group

2 The essence of youth policy

Chapter II. Study of youth policy management

2 Youth policy management at the regional level

3 Management of youth policy at the municipal level



Relevance. The socio-economic and political transformations taking place in Russia have an impact on the aggravation of contradictions in society, including in the system of managing socialization processes. The main contradiction in the sphere of socialization of youth is the contradiction between objectively becoming more complex social relations, the increased demands made by society for the socialization of the younger generation, and insufficiently used socio-economic, ideological, political and educational means of influencing people.

The socialization of youth is carried out against the backdrop of a dilapidated economy, corruption of the authorities, the miserable existence of the majority of young people, increasing criminal lawlessness, etc. The main contradictions in the sphere of socialization are the contradictions between:

the objective need to reform the education and upbringing system and the state’s ability to provide it with resources and funds;

  1. old values ​​of society and new ones. Young people are influenced by both the ideas of socialism and liberalism - the values ​​of the market, private property, freedom, democracy, as well as religion, church;
  2. emerging new production, market relations and the unclaimed innovative potential of youth. Today in the country, the alienation of young people from productive labor is clearly evident; for many young people, work has lost its meaning as a means of self-realization and self-affirmation. At the same time, the harsh realities of life (unemployment, non-payments, delayed wages, etc.) encourage a certain part of young people to reconsider traditional views, encourage them to work conscientiously, acquire new professions and knowledge;
  3. youth needs to improve their well-being and opportunities Russian society satisfy such needs;
  4. the declared construction of a legal social state and the legal, social vulnerability of children and youth. The country has clearly identified the impoverishment of youth, a decline in the birth rate, an increase in the number of divorces, orphanhood rates, child morbidity, and mortality. Only 14% of children today are practically healthy, 35% suffer from chronic diseases. The level of teenage crime, drug addiction, and substance abuse has increased, which are growing 1.5-1.9 times faster than among adults.
  5. formation in Russia of a new political system and inconsistency in the implementation of the political course towards democratization. In Russia, there is now political indifference among young people due to fruitless political discussions, promises, etc. At the same time, political pluralism is being established in society in the creation of new youth structures.

One of the main reasons for negative phenomena in our society is the discrepancy between words and deeds. Adopted laws and programs are not implemented; democracy is often a cover for bureaucracy and criminality. This socio-political and information situation in Russia requires a new strategy and methods of working with youth. Managing socialization processes can become quite effective, but this requires the following conditions:

  1. objective consideration of the characteristics of the previous and current state processes of education, mentality and behavioral characteristics of young people;
  2. timely blocking and elimination of factors inhibiting the process of socialization of youth;
  3. the presence of a scientifically based state youth policy and effective mechanisms for its implementation.

Thus, the study of contradictions that manifest themselves in the process of socialization of young people requires understanding the conditions, factors, coordinates of socialization, and its time frame. Reducing the passport age from 16 to 14 years is a response to the spontaneous development of the teenage labor market. Most young people have largely accepted the demands of a liberalized market economy and the principle of individual responsibility for their own destiny. They rely on themselves, their knowledge and skills, which should help them achieve a high standard of living. Although encouraging an extremely individual model of socialization threatens to result in desocialization. There remains hope that the current generation of Russian youth will find the inner strength to resist the pressure of individualism, the unlimited growth of which contradicts the establishment and development of democracy based on the personal participation of citizens in the affairs of society.

The relevance and insufficient development of research on this problem determined the choice of the research topic: “Youth policy management using the example of Krasnoyarsk.”

The object of our research is youth policy

The subject of our research is the management of youth policy using the example of Krasnoyarsk.

The purpose of the study is to characterize the management of youth policy using the example of Krasnoyarsk.

Research objectives:

1.Analyze the literature on the research topic.

2.Describe the basic concepts of work.

.Describe youth policy management using the example of Krasnoyarsk

To solve these problems, we used the following methods: analysis of literary sources and documents.

Chapter I. Theoretical foundations for the study of youth policy

1 Youth as a special socio-demographic group

The attitude towards youth has always been relevant for the state and society. It absorbed the assimilation by new generations of the achieved level of development of society and the state and was expressed in this regard, firstly, in how young people perceive life of this company and the functioning of a given state; secondly, what is new that the younger generation brings to social development and the activities of the state, and, in this regard, what is the reaction of previous generations to youth; thirdly, to what extent youth becomes a factor of development or a factor hampering the development of society and the state.

Youth is not a self-developing system; its life is determined by existing socio-economic and political conditions. The young man, according to this, carries within himself the past, present and future.

The problems of young people are especially acute during times of turning points, changes in direction and pace social development, changes in social and government structure. Under these conditions, changes are most acutely manifested in the nature of intergenerational interactions, in the content of intra-family and intra-group relations, in the essence of the norms governing value orientations, life plans, and behavior of young people. The issues of education, socialization, formation and development of the younger generation are arising in a new way.

The need for a special policy towards young people is determined by the specifics of their position in society. It is not enough to understand youth in the traditional sense, only as the future of society. It must be assessed as an organic part of modern society, bearing a special function, irreplaceable by other social groups, of responsibility for the preservation and development of our country, for the continuity of its history and culture, the life of elders and the reproduction of subsequent generations, and ultimately - for the survival of peoples as cultural -historical communities. Youth has its own special functions in society that cannot be replaced or implemented by any other socio-demographic group.

Young people inherit the achieved level of development of society and, due to their specific position, need to appropriate for themselves the spiritual and material benefits accumulated in society in the form of education, housing, cultural, sports facilities, etc. She immediately takes for granted what is new, developed by her predecessors in science, technology and production, in education and culture, literature and art, in all spheres of human life. Her start in life is at a higher level than that of contemporary adults and elderly people.

At the same time, young people are just entering working and social life; they are not yet fully included, less integrated into existing socio-economic, ideological, political, family and everyday processes. It is easier for her to perceive turning points, but they are the ones that do not allow her to experience the fullness of social interactions and limit her potential.

Youth is the main subject of family formation and demographic processes.

This creates opportunities for choosing the pace and direction of young people’s entry into government and public life. It is this circumstance that is the basis of its innovation activity, her creative contribution to the development of society.

The younger generation is responsible for the present and future of their state. The responsibility of the younger generation is realized on the basis of their mastery and transformation of a system of values ​​and norms and their implementation in activities that contribute to the revival of Russia.

The conditions for the formation of youth responsibility for the future of the state are: expanding the democratic participation of youth in the development of society; eradication of poverty and significant socio-economic inequalities; expanding the rights of children and young citizens in the political and economic fields and ensuring their representation at all levels of decision-making; Providing support for information provision, greater visibility and accountability in management matters, as well as in decision-making on economic and social issues.

The likelihood of realizing a particular concept of Russia's development largely depends on the extent to which it is supported by the younger generation, its creative activity, and the way of thinking and life of young people. The decrease in population, and therefore youth, due to the deterioration of the gene pool and the spread of negative phenomena, creates the need to analyze the threshold of these manifestations, after which the impossibility of stabilization and development arises. Decrease in population due to the size of the territory, nature economic development in the last decade, socio-economic processes in the youth environment, the content of employment of the working-age population in the foreseeable future gives rise to the need to analyze Russia’s place in the world economic economy, in the distribution economic roles. These are no longer problems of youth, but problems of national and state security.

This situation is aggravated by the striking and ever-increasing contrast in the characteristics and problems of youth across regions, categories and groups, generated by the inconsistency and incompleteness of socio-economic and political transformations. Structural changes in the economic and social sphere have led to an increased importance of the regional component in the state and public life. But this has little effect on the development of young people.

Against this background, the widespread civil inferiority complex among Russian youth becomes especially alarming. A new phenomenon is the actualization of national identity as a factor of tension.

At the same time, solving youth problems as a priority direction for the functioning of Russian society is in its formation stage. Along with this, in public life and public policy there is a mistaken hope that everything will work out on its own in connection with the development of macroeconomic processes.

The processes taking place among the youth of Russia are very contradictory, ambiguous, and sometimes multidirectional. State reports on the situation of youth in society systematically and in detail analyzed the evolution of the life of the younger generation. The summary conclusions of the reports can be summarized as follows.

In general, Russian youth are in favor of continuing changes towards increasing the socio-economic well-being of the country, creating a civil society, and building a rule of law state. In terms of socio-political attitudes and value orientations, she generally accepts the ideas of a democratic society, freedom of opinion, and freedom to choose her own path. Two thirds of young citizens recognize freedom of expression political views, the ability to act in accordance with conscience.

Young people are very pluralistic in their political orientations. Communication with various parties and movements has a clearly expressed rational, pragmatic character.

Among young people there is a clearly expressed understanding of their importance in the affairs of society. The desire of most young people to independently resolve their issues and build a life perspective was reflected in their increased desire for education and mastering prestigious professions. The value of education, which had largely lost its importance for young people in the early 90s, has again taken its place among the priorities. life values youth.

The majority of young people are dominated by sentiments and actions that indicate their focus on life and work in a society with a market economy. In general, the younger generation adapts better to current conditions and enters deeper into the modern economic system than the older generation. Despite all the problems and difficulties, some young people look to the future with confidence.

The modern younger generation, for the most part, is very patriotic and believes in the future of Russia. It wants to live in a great country that provides a decent life for its citizens and respects their rights and freedoms. In general, society has a generation focused on sustainable development and creative work. State youth policy measures are aimed at stabilizing these processes. However, the measures taken so far do not correspond to large-scale social processes that reflect the crisis of our society. The crisis has had the most acute impact on the younger generation: the number of young people in Russia is declining, society is aging, and the socio-economic burden on workplace in order to ensure the life of all generations; each new generation of children and youth is less healthy than the previous one, diseases moved from old age to youth; the nation's gene pool is under threat; the intellectual potential of young people is decreasing, and at the same time the innovative capabilities of society are decreasing; the problem of youth employment has sharply worsened; the financial situation and access to education are deteriorating; the self-awareness of young people, their self-identification, organization, role in public life, politics, protection of their interests, the subjective position of manifestation have significantly decreased; The spiritual and moral values ​​of a significant part of young people are being destroyed, young people are increasingly criminalized, drunkenness, alcoholism, drug addiction, and prostitution are on the rise.

It should be especially noted that after a short decline in the last two years of the past century, there was a surge again catastrophic moods. A large number of young people believe that the situation in the country has become worse. For the first time in many years, a quarter of young Russians recognize that the most important thing for young people is so that there is no war . Among the social problems that most worry young people today, the first place is the rise in crime, inflation, rising prices, corruption in government structures, the environmental situation, increasing income inequality, the division between the poor and the rich, the passivity of citizens, their indifference to what is happening. Among the personal problems experienced by young people, problems of material security and health come to the fore. But the focus on a healthy lifestyle is not being developed actively enough. The dominant values ​​are money, education and profession, business career, and the opportunity to live for pleasure. Historically rising value human life expressed, as a rule, through the desire of young people for well-being and to increase the level of their security. With all the gravity of the current situation, in general, and young people in particular, it is necessary to see that young people have acquired a greater measure of freedom as a necessary condition for fruitful activity, self-determination and self-affirmation, economic freedom, freedom of political beliefs, civil liberties, freedom of philosophical beliefs, freedom of religion. Having these prerequisites, the new generation today is already entering practical life.

Young people played an important role in the presidential elections, and, in their opinion, they were choosing not so much a personality as an acceptable lifestyle for themselves. On the other hand, today’s generation of young people does not, by and large, have sufficient potential for the restoration of Russia. The process of social adaptation of youth is extremely uneven and contradictory. Young people are the most socially disadvantaged part of society. Each generation, according to the main indicators of social status and development, is worse than the previous one: less spiritual and cultural, more immoral and criminal, more alienated from knowledge and education, less professionally trained and less work-oriented. Against the backdrop of reforms in recent years, important shifts have occurred in the social consciousness of young people. Despite the fact that among young people there is a higher level of social optimism and a higher readiness to live and work in new conditions, the growth of dissatisfaction with the quality of life has become more noticeable in recent years. Attitudes towards providing social guarantees, working at state enterprises and institutions, and striving to have a guaranteed salary, although not too large, have intensified. The general reduction in the number of young people, the number of young families, and the number of births of children increases the danger of weakening the economic, political and military power of Russia, reducing its authority and influence in the world. The decrease in the number of young people entering working age aggravates the problem of recruiting the Armed Forces, law enforcement agencies and other security agencies, as a result of which the threat to the country’s defense capability worsens.

The reduction in the number of adolescents and young people leads to a deepening of the problem of forming labor resources capable of increasing the intellectual and technological potential of Russia, a reduction in the volume of training of highly qualified personnel, deformation of the system of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, which leads to an increase in Russia’s external technological dependence. The increase in the incidence of asocial manifestations among the younger generation and the number of youth crimes aggravates social tension in society and poses a threat to the development of a democratic rule of law state and the formation of civil society. Increasing social and territorial inequality in the sphere of young people’s access to quality education, weak interconnectedness of the structure of training specialists in the system vocational education with the needs of the labor market for qualified personnel, aggravate the problems of youth unemployment, leading to a decrease work motivation, deprofessionalization of young people, increasing sentiments of social apathy and civil indifference among them. Difficulties with obtaining an education, a profession, employment, social self-determination, creating a family, organizing a life, having and raising children, organizing health care, and leisure provoke an increase in migration sentiment in the youth sphere, threatening the sustainable socio-economic development of Russian society.

In these conditions, a targeted socio-economic policy, consistent reform of the economy, social sphere, integral part which is a strong state youth policy. Focus on consistent evolution and the formation of social relations that adequately reflect achievements human civilization, the rejection of shocks as the only way to resolve social contradictions requires ensuring the continuity of generations, social peace and social security, sustainability in the interaction of nature, society and man. The solution to this problem is a strong state policy, an integral part of which is the state youth policy.

2 The essence of youth policy

The “youth factor” largely determines the direction of ongoing processes in society, the possibility of social stabilization and economic growth. After all, the growing generation is, in the long term, labor and economic potential, on which the progressive development of society or its decline depends. Therefore, the state policy in relation to children, adolescents and young people should be structured in such a way as to ensure the most effective upbringing, full-fledged education, and successful socialization. The goals set in this way require not just the improvement of all systems of work with the “youth factor”, but its complete restructuring, the formation of a new ideology, theory and practice of educational work.

The changes that have occurred in recent years in the country's economic and political relations have created a state of uncertainty in society. Today, the youth of Russia, like the older generation, experience instability and discomfort and are the focus of conflicts. The gap between the past and the future, between rosy expectations and harsh reality, between the former statist infantilism and today's need for personal initiative, between law-abiding and permissiveness, the struggle between reformers and conservatives - these and other pain points characteristic of the transitional state of Russia have a particularly strong impact on the younger generation. Of course, on the one hand, the younger generation has the least burden of remnants and has a higher ability to adapt to new conditions, but on the other hand, the younger generation “finds itself in a situation where, by the logic of history, it is called upon to continue development on the basis of inherited material and spiritual values, it is forced, being in the formative stage, participate in the development of these values, often independently, often despite the relapses of old thinking.”

Today it can be argued that “there is not a single generation in the youth movement in the country that would be able to fill the political and cultural vacuum created as a result of the departure of the previous generation from the scene. Perhaps the state should think about the continuity and coordination of the scattered efforts of young people, who are not always able to independently find their place and determine their social function and role.” And here the central position belongs to the system of state support and subsidies for youth policy. State youth policy is the activity of the state aimed at creating legal, economic and organizational conditions and guarantees for the self-realization of a young person’s personality and the development of youth associations, movements and initiatives. When comprehending the role and significance of youth in new conditions, one should be aware that youth can represent not only the potential for positive change, but also a possible factor of social instability. That is why state youth policy - main element youth policy implemented in the country, and therefore for control over its formation and implementation there is a competitive struggle between parties, socio-political movements and other organized social forces.

The formation of a viable younger generation is becoming one of the main strategic objectives of the country's development. In this sense, youth are an object of national-state interests, one of the main factors in ensuring the development of the Russian state and society. The concept of state youth policy is aimed at determining the content of the activities of executive authorities in the development and implementation of the state youth policy. Policy towards youth is formed at the level of society and the state. The state has the greatest resources for pursuing a comprehensive youth policy. State youth policy is an activity of the state aimed at creating legal, economic and organizational conditions and guarantees for the self-realization of a young person’s personality and the development of youth associations, movements and initiatives. State youth policy expresses in relation to the younger generation the strategic line of the state to ensure the socio-economic, political and cultural development of Russia, to develop in young citizens patriotism and respect for the history and culture of the fatherland, for other peoples, and for the observance of human rights (Main directions of state youth policy in the Russian Federation Resolution of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, 1993). State youth policy is a purposeful activity of bodies state power, public associations and other social institutions aimed at solving the problems of young people in all spheres of their life.

The Concept of State Youth Policy of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Concept) is a system of defining the most important goals, objectives, priorities and measures of state policy aimed at ensuring the state strategy in creating conditions for the realization of the social, intellectual, cultural and economic potential of the younger generation.

State youth policy is designed to ensure:

· strategic continuity of generations, preservation and development of national culture, instilling in young people a careful attitude towards the historical and cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia;

· the formation of patriots of Russia, citizens of a legal, democratic state, capable of socialization in a civil society, respecting the rights and freedoms of the individual, using the capabilities of the legal system, possessing high statehood and showing national and religious tolerance, respect for the languages, traditions and culture of other peoples, tolerance to spiritual opinion, the ability to seek and find meaningful compromises;

· formation of a culture of peace and interpersonal relations, rejection of forceful methods of resolving political conflicts within the country, readiness to defend it from aggression;

· versatile and timely development of young people, their creative abilities, self-organization skills, personal self-realization, the ability to defend their rights, and participate in the activities of public associations;

· the formation of a holistic worldview and a modern scientific worldview, the development of a culture of interethnic relations;

· development in young citizens of positive work motivation, high business activity, successful mastery of the basic principles of professionalization, skills of effective behavior in the labor market;

· young people’s mastery of various social skills and roles, responsibility for their own well-being and the state of society, the development of their culture social behavior taking into account the openness of society, its informatization, and the growing dynamism of change.

In the area of ​​the effectiveness of state youth policy, the main contradiction appears to be the slowness of positive changes in the situation of the majority of young Russians in relation to the intensification of measures taken by society and the state. In the context of a systemic socio-economic, socio-political, spiritual and moral crisis experienced by Russian society (non-payment of wages, social benefits, failure to comply with the statutory guarantees for the protection of health, safety, guarantees of individual rights and freedoms, education, employment, social protection) young people are more confident that they can follow their convictions and freely express their views, and are practically not confident in the possibility of influencing making socially significant scientific decisions, obtaining a quality education, employment in a specialty, obtaining judicial protection, and realizing creative abilities.

The condition for establishing the responsibility of young people for the future of the country is the expansion of youth participation in the democratic development of society, the eradication of poverty and deepening social differentiation, the expansion of the rights of young citizens in the political and economic fields and ensuring their representation at all levels of decision-making, providing support for informatization, transparency in management issues , as well as when making decisions on economic and social issues.

To strengthen positive trends in the youth environment, state youth policy should be focused on supporting and facilitating the implementation of civil initiatives, participation in socially significant and socially useful activities in combination with the necessary measures of social protection, promoting adaptation and modern socio-economic conditions, correct interaction in the event of manifestations of deviant behavior.

State youth policy is carried out in relation to:

· foreign citizens, stateless persons aged 14 to 30 years - to the extent that their stay on the territory of the Russian Federation entails the corresponding responsibilities of federal government bodies;

· young families - families in the first three years after marriage (in the case of the birth of children - without limiting the duration of marriage), provided that one of the spouses has not reached the age of 30, as well as single-parent families with children in which the mother or father have not reached 30 years of age;

· youth associations.

State youth policy in the Russian Federation is formed and implemented in difficult economic and social conditions. In the modern period state direction implementation of youth policy is practically the only one. Political parties do not have a clear, developed, formalized youth policy, and, as a rule, reduce their role to the proclamation of positions that should be reflected in government actions towards youth. Youth and children's public associations also play an insufficient role. Due to organizational weakness, they cannot adequately protect the interests of young citizens and organize effective work among youth. In most cases, the role of trade unions in solving youth problems and in developing and implementing professionally oriented youth policies is low. A significant negative impact is the fact that with the expansion of market relations, labor collectives have lost their previous experience of supporting young workers and solving youth problems.

Thus, the role of the state, its structures at the federal and regional levels, and local governments in the implementation of policies towards the younger generation acquires dominant importance. In the conditions of the modern federal structure, two levels of state youth policy with certain specifics of its implementation are clearly visible: federal and regional, supplemented by municipal youth policy. With the deepening of the independence of the regions, a territorial experience is emerging that combines the general and the individual - an all-Russian approach to solving youth problems and the features, opportunities, and specifics of the regions; a regional regulatory framework is being created. The system for managing state youth policy at the federal level is a multi-level process and includes the activities of all branches of government.

State youth policy in the 90s of the twentieth century. carried out on the basis of a single concept. The main approaches to state youth policy in the Russian Federation were determined in 1992 by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation On priority measures in the field of state youth policy Over the past 8 years, it has been possible to formulate elements of the legislative framework for the implementation of state youth policy, which was reflected in the approval in 1993 by the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation The main directions of state youth policy in the Russian Federation , in the adoption of the Federal Law in 1995 On state support for youth and children's public associations in the Russian Federation , as well as in more than 40 constituent entities of the Russian Federation laws on youth policy issues, on the implementation of targeted programs for the implementation of state youth policy.

Lawmaking activity in recent years has great importance to protect the rights of young citizens and youth associations. However, the implementation of adopted laws and other regulations in the interests of youth remains problematic. The settlement of important but private issues, the strengthening of guarantee mechanisms in the exercise of the rights of young citizens turns out to be in conflict with the practice of law enforcement, with a massive violation of constitutional rights and guarantees in relation to citizens, including young ones. Non-payment of wages, failure to comply with legal guarantees of employment, education, social protection, protection of property and non-property rights of citizens create the preconditions under which attempts to solve certain youth problems have little effect.

There is a strong belief among young people that the chances of young people to realize their civil rights - to education, work, medical care, freedom of conscience and political opinion, judicial protection, etc. - are extremely insignificant. The view of young people on the possibilities of realizing their rights is far from optimistic: the most realistic for them seems to be the opportunity to follow their convictions and freely express their views, the least realistic is to influence the adoption of socially significant decisions, get a good job in their specialty, receive judicial protection, realize their Creative skills. Many issues of legal regulation in this area remain unresolved. Mechanisms for representing the legitimate interests of youth before the state and society and expanding youth participation in public administration have not been sufficiently developed.

Solving problems of education, labor and employment, healthcare, leisure and recreation, devices family life youth requires coordination of actions of a number of federal executive authorities. This task is largely associated with the work of the Government Commission on Youth Affairs, the Regulations of which and its composition were approved in August 2000.

Almost all federal ministries and departments are involved in solving youth problems to one degree or another. The main mechanism for participation in solving youth problems is their implementation of social programs for which they act as government customers, the inclusion of subprograms and sections on working with youth in their social programs.

Federal programs play an important role in the implementation of GMP Youth of Russia , comprehensive targeted programs for the implementation of state youth policy, adopted in many constituent entities of the Russian Federation. It is worth noting positive developments in addressing youth issues in a number of areas. Actions to address youth employment problems have been intensified, objectives have been expanded and clearer guidelines have been defined at the level of federal and regional programs. The formation of a system of regional organizational structures support and development of youth entrepreneurship in the field of small business. The fact that a program has emerged to provide housing subsidies to young families for housing construction indicates that the first steps are being taken towards the implementation of measures for long-term lending to young people in order to purchase housing and start a household. An example of support for a real youth initiative is the completion of the construction of MZhK facilities that began before January 1992. Legislative measures were taken to provide social support for youth. Recorded in the presidential program Youth of Russia expected final results of its implementation, namely: leveling out the demographic situation in the country, increasing the income level of youth and young families, improving social and living conditions; creating conditions to support young families, reducing the number of divorces and the level of neglect among children and adolescents; ensuring secondary and seasonal employment of youth; advanced training and formation of labor resources that meet market requirements; growth of business activity and entrepreneurship among young people; improving the health of the younger generation, reducing mortality, drug addiction and alcoholism among young people; increasing the spiritual, moral, intellectual and creative potential of the younger generation - turned out to be impossible.

The Program implementation strategy, which in the first two years envisaged the establishment of the industry infrastructure and the launch of the main mechanisms for carrying out activities with optimal and stable funding, and in the last two - the debugging and improvement of the activities of industry structures and reaching the final indicators, turned out to be disrupted. The weak legislative and regulatory framework of state youth policy at both the federal and regional levels had a significant restraining influence on the implementation of the Program; lack of a stable and fully formed system of youth affairs bodies in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; difficulties in organizational, logistical and personnel support of the main directions of the presidential program.

The program approach in these conditions showed its negative sides: the system of envisaged measures cannot ensure the fulfillment of such large-scale tasks of social development throughout Russia for many decades.

The experience of implementing state youth policy in the regions shows that the medium-term programming system has generally justified itself. To ensure the necessary correction and overcome the excessive inertia of programs, a formalized mechanism for annual monitoring of the situation of young people, processes in the youth environment, the state of implementation of state youth policy and the institutions that ensure it is necessary. A more effective and comprehensive personnel policy is required, the involvement of trained workers in the implementation of newly developed projects, the formation of appropriate data banks, and educational and methodological support for specialized programs. It is required to differentiate functions in the field of organizational and legal approach to the implementation of state youth policy as an intersectoral sphere, on the one hand, and as an independent industry, which has its own institutions, organizational and financial mechanisms, a system of subordination, its own personnel, information, scientific and methodological support, standards activities. The main content of municipal youth policy, as experience shows, is expressed in the following: social support youth, young family; support for public initiatives and talented youth; organization of youth employment; prevention and counteraction to the spread of crime and drug addiction among young people; civic and patriotic education of youth; organization of work at the place of residence; development of youth and children's self-government; information support for the implementation of municipal youth policy; support for youth entrepreneurship.

Also an important element in the development and implementation of the GMP are annual reports on the situation of youth. The practice of preparing reports on the situation of youth is widespread. At the same time, the provisions and conclusions contained in them only once became the subject of discussion at a Government meeting. Processes related to the institutional provision of GMF are proceeding quite intensively. They include two groups of phenomena: the formation of bodies for civil medical care at the state and municipal level and the formation of institutions for working with youth. It should be borne in mind that these institutions are formed through various channels: under state and municipal bodies, as public institutions, as structures operating on a commercial basis. The need for their activities is significant; their work needs to be brought closer to the young person, to his place of residence, study and work. This problem will not be resolved spontaneously. It will be more successfully resolved by stabilizing the work of state and municipal bodies for youth affairs and the State Medical Marshals. Despite all the differences in the implementation of youth policy at the local government level, we can talk about common problems: a narrow departmental and sectoral approach to working with youth; lack of information about federal and regional projects and programs of social work with youth in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; disunity and lack of common approaches, uncoordinated activities of structures working with youth; lack of state-national ideology of education and social development of youth; insufficient status and powers of youth affairs bodies in the executive branch; lack of state and municipal social regulations and standards for social support for youth; insufficient or complete absence of material and technical base of youth affairs bodies.

Stabilization of the work of state (federal and regional) bodies, municipal bodies on GMP depends on a number of factors: the search for an optimal management model, intellectual and personnel potential, information support, budget financing resources, material and technical base. Experience shows that the constant functioning of the GMP body allows, with limited other resources, to move the work forward, unite personnel, conduct events, and organize youth. And it is extremely important that the course towards stabilizing the work of the GMP bodies is actively supported by the leadership of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities.

This is all the more necessary because the subjectivity of young people themselves in the implementation of youth policy is extremely low. Youth public associations have not yet received sufficient development; their activities are mosaic and fragmented. They do not ensure the realization of the entire diversity of social interests of boys and girls. The organizing and directing role of the authorities for the State Medical Assistance and Youth Affairs is decisive in all this. The process of forming a personnel corps to work with youth in modern conditions. If in previous years work with youth was based on an ideological paradigm and planning its initiative on the basis of a public mandate, which required a certain type of leader, now approaches to training specialists for working with youth are becoming more diverse. Quantitatively, this work is less extensive than in Soviet years, but today practical psychologists, sociologists, social workers and teachers focused on working with youth are being trained. In a number of territories, on the initiative of ODM, state orders are being formed for the training of specialists to work with youth. We now have specialists in juvenile justice. Modern experience in personnel training needs to be optimized, combining forms of pre-university, university and post-graduate training, and improving their qualifications.

But the fate of specialists working with youth again depends on the stability of the work of ODM. It should be noted that in the 90s in public life the need for state youth policy was generally realized. However, opposition to this understanding has been significant and persistent. This was clearly manifested in the repeated liquidation of youth affairs bodies. Equally significant resistance was shown in the legal and regulatory sphere (non-adoption of the Federal Law On the fundamentals of state youth policy in the Russian Federation , inhibition in program development Youth of Russia ), personnel and information-analytical (lack of specialists to work with youth in modern conditions), financial and economic (underfunding of youth work activities, squandering of the previously created material base for working with youth) spheres. Periodic inspections of the protection and implementation of the rights of children and youth, carried out by the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation over the past 5 years, indicate gross violations of Russian legislation in this area.

State youth policy in the Russian Federation is carried out for the purposes of:

· creating legal, socio-economic conditions for young citizens to choose their path in life, the implementation of programs (projects) put forward by them in the field of state youth policy in the Russian Federation, social formation, self-realization and participation of young citizens in social activities;

· upbringing and education of young people, protection of their rights and legitimate interests;

· implementation of socially significant initiatives, socially useful activities of youth, youth, children's public associations;

· promoting the social, cultural, spiritual and physical development of youth;

· preventing discrimination against young citizens based on age;

· creating conditions for a more complete inclusion of youth in the socio-economic, political and cultural life of society;

· expanding the opportunities of a young person to choose his life path and achieve personal success;

· realizing the innovative potential of youth in the interests of social development and the development of youth themselves.

The goals of the state youth policy are implemented at all levels of government and management of the Russian Federation. The tasks established by the relevant state bodies in the implementation of youth policy should not contradict its goals.

State youth policy in the Russian Federation is aimed at supporting and stimulating families, enterprises and institutions of non-profit organizations, public associations and citizens engaged in activities to create favorable living conditions for young people, their education, training and development.

Tasks for the implementation of the State Medical Program are determined by all state executive bodies and approved by the Intergovernmental Commission on Work with Youth. Tasks for the implementation of GMP in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are considered and approved by the state executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Local government bodies may apply the goals and objectives of the GMP defined in this Concept.

Supporting youth associations is not only an urgent task, but also a promising direction of activity of government authorities, pursuing the goals of self-realization of youth in Russian society, which is impossible without their real participation in reforms and the formation of new ones. social foundations lives of Russians. Youth and children's public associations are active participants in the formation and implementation of state youth policy in the Russian Federation. The principles of the activities of the state executive authorities for the implementation of the State Medical Policy are based on the constitutional provisions of the equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen, state protection of these rights and freedoms, the creation of conditions for a decent life and free development of man and citizen. The implementation of these provisions in relation to youth is ensured on the following principles:

The principle of responsibility - the state is responsible to new generations of Russians for the socio-economic, environmental, cultural state of the country, and new generations are responsible for preserving and enhancing the received heritage.

The principle of continuity - state youth policy cannot depend on organizational changes in the state government system, the arrival or departure of certain political figures, officials of government bodies. The adopted strategic directions of state youth policy should not be revised more often than once every 10-15 years.

The principle of priority - measures in the field of state youth policy are developed and implemented as a priority in the activities of the state to ensure the socio-economic and cultural development of Russia. The strategic side of this principle is the recognition of the high efficiency of investment in youth. This setting presupposes an approach to calculating financial resources for the purpose of supporting youth and their associations, based on predicting the positive (including financial) consequences of such social investments both in the foreseeable and especially in the long term.

The principle of participation - youth is not only an object of upbringing and education, but also a conscious participant in social transformations. Supporting youth associations is not only an urgent task, but also a promising direction of activity of government authorities, pursuing the goals of self-realization of youth in Russian society, which is impossible without their real participation in reforms and the formation of new social foundations for the life of Russians. Youth children's public associations are active participants in the formation and implementation of state youth policy in the Russian Federation.

Operating principles:

The principle of activity of state executive authorities for the implementation of GMP:

· respect for the rights and legitimate interests of young people in various areas of public policy in the Russian Federation;

· coordination of the activities of federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the implementation of state youth policy in the Russian Federation;

· providing state support to local governments, individuals and legal entities in carrying out activities to implement state youth policy in the Russian Federation;

· combinations of state, public interests and individual rights in the formation and implementation of state youth policy;

· attracting young citizens to direct participation in the formation and implementation of policies and programs relating to youth and society as a whole;

· providing a young citizen with a state-guaranteed minimum of social services in communication, education, spiritual and physical development, health care, professional training and employment, the volume, types and quality of which must ensure the necessary personal development and preparation for independent life;

· priority of public initiatives but in comparison with the corresponding activities of government bodies and institutions when financing activities and programs related to youth.

The basis for determining the main directions and priorities of state youth policy is a wide interconnected range of processes and phenomena:

· general objectives of public policy;

· capabilities and resources of government;

· content and direction of social policy, implemented social programs;

· level of development of state youth policy;

· stages of the life path of young people;

· realization of the rights of a young person as a citizen;

· the nature of the processes of inclusion in work and social life.

It should be borne in mind that a number of priority areas of state youth policy are of constant, contact importance and are associated with providing necessary and sufficient conditions for the entry of youth into working and social life and are relevant in any socio-economic conditions of the functioning of the state; other priority areas are relevant for specific socio-economic and political conditions, determined by the level of maturity of relations, activities, functioning of institutions and objects of their influence, national and regional characteristics.

When determining the main directions and priorities of state youth policy, one should proceed from the general concept of state policy, take into account sectoral concepts and sectoral programs, the general and sustainable in regional programs.

Strategic Goals state policy is aimed at:

· creating the basis for sustainable economic and spiritual development of Russia, ensuring a high quality of life for the people and national security;

· strengthening the democratic rule of law and developing civil society;

· staffing for a dynamically developing market economy, integrating into the world economy, highly competitive and investment attractiveness;

· assertion of Russia's status in the world community as a great power in the fields of education, culture, art, science, high technology and economics.

In accordance with these priorities of state interests in relation to youth, there should be:

· education of a patriot - a citizen who cares about economic prosperity and the continuity of the spiritual traditions of our society;

· education of a citizen who actively participates in state and public life, in the functioning of civil society institutions, including in the work of youth and children's public associations;

· training a person with a modern general and professional education corresponding to the structure and dynamics of material and spiritual production;

· the formation of a highly developed person, knowledgeable about history and the culture of their state, its achievements in economics, science, literature and art.

Social policy, which includes social development, social support and social assistance, family and demographic policy, is based on partnership between the state and the individual, creating conditions for social formation and development, ensuring equal starting opportunities, social support in obtaining general and vocational education, in artistic, scientific and technical creativity, targeted social assistance to those who have limited own capabilities, and those who find themselves in difficult life circumstances.

In relation to state youth policy, this means:

· observance and prevention of violations of the rights and freedoms of a young person - a citizen;

· social support for young people who have difficulty accessing education and realizing and developing their abilities; work with gifted children and creative youth;

· targeted social assistance;

· social support for a young family.

These problems are implemented in the activities of health care, education, culture, physical education and sports, media, labor and social protection authorities. The implementation of the rights of a young person as a citizen is carried out by the state executive body, the police, the prosecutor's office, the court, and the citizen himself. Youth affairs authorities also participate in solving these problems, but only from the point of view of the State Medical Service.

The modern socio-economic situation is characterized by limited state resources and the state in regulating social processes, which has led to limited opportunities for young people in obtaining education, employment, a decrease in the material standard of living, and difficulties in resolving housing issues. The fundamental problems of a young person’s life are not sufficiently guaranteed by the state and actions are needed to compensate for this insufficiency.

The determination of the main directions and priorities of the State Social Policy should be determined taking into account the content and structure of the activities of ministries and departments of the social block and the social programs they implement.

IN Federal program Youth of Russia , adopted for 2001-2005. The following main directions have been identified. Taking into account the specifics of the conceptual and design documents, it is possible to clarify and differentiate the main directions and priorities of the GMP.

The priority directions of state youth policy in the Russian Federation are:

· support for socially significant initiatives, socially useful activities of youth, youth and children's public associations;

· promoting the economic independence of young citizens and the realization of their right to work;

· state support for young families;

· provision of social services for youth;

· providing conditions for health protection, formation of a healthy lifestyle for young citizens, their upbringing and education.

Priority directions of state youth policy in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation based on taking into account the social needs of youth, national traditions, and the characteristics of the territories of the relevant constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

State youth policy is carried out:

· government bodies and their officials;

· youth groups and their associations;

· young citizens.

Federal executive authorities.

The competence of federal executive authorities implementing state youth policy in the Russian Federation and providing state support to local governments, public associations and other non-profit organizations operating in this area in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

These bodies, when implementing state youth policy in the Russian Federation, involve public associations, other non-profit organizations and citizens in carrying out activities in this area on the terms of contracts, and use measures to stimulate such activities.

The powers of federal government bodies in the field of state youth policy in the Russian Federation include:

· determining the foundations of state youth policy in the Russian Federation;

· the formation of federal executive bodies implementing state youth policy in the Russian Federation;

· development and implementation of federal target programs in the field of state youth policy in the Russian Federation;

· ensuring financing of federal target programs in the field of state youth policy in the Russian Federation and measures for its implementation from the federal budget and extra-budgetary sources;

· fulfillment of the international obligations of the Russian Federation and representation of the interests of the Russian Federation in international organizations on issues of state youth policy in the Russian Federation.

On issues of state youth policy in the Russian Federation that fall under the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, federal government bodies and government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation shall:

· development of social norms and standards that ensure the implementation of the rights and legitimate interests of young people in the field of upbringing, education, science, culture, physical culture and sports, healthcare, social protection;

· information support and scientific substantiation of activities for the implementation of state youth policy in the Russian Federation;

· shared financing of interregional target programs in the field of state youth policy in the Russian Federation and measures for its implementation;

· maintaining registers of youth and children's public associations and providing state support for the activities of these associations;

· providing measures to stimulate the activities of organizations and citizens to implement state youth policy in the Russian Federation;

· establishing measures of state support for young families;

· ensuring youth employment;

· providing summer recreation for children and youth;

· organization of training, retraining and advanced training of civil servants implementing state youth policy in the Russian Federation;

· carrying out scientific research on problems of state youth policy in the Russian Federation, as well as social examinations of programs (projects) in the field of state youth policy in the Russian Federation;

· ensuring coordination of the activities of organizations to implement state youth policy in the Russian Federation;

· ensuring compliance with legislation on state youth policy in the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, coordination of the activities of federal executive bodies in the field of state youth policy in the Russian Federation is carried out by the authorized federal executive body for the implementation of state youth policy in the Russian Federation.

Chapter II. Study of youth policy management

1 Management of youth policy at the federal level

state youth policy

Now there has been some progress in resolving organizational issues at both the federal and regional levels. Adopted at the end of 1994, the Federal Target Program “Youth of Russia” acquired presidential status from mid-1996 (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 1996 No. 716). Designed for the period 1994-1997, the program was revised in connection with the tasks of continuing actions to implement the state youth policy in 1998-2000. and in this form approved by the Government of the Russian Federation (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 18, 1997 No. 746). The new program “Youth of Russia” was also given presidential status (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 15, 1997 No. 890).

Currently valid new program“Youth of Russia”, designed for 2005-2010.

In the sphere of legislative and regulatory support for state youth policy, the Federal Law “On State Support of Youth and Children's Associations” is in force. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 16, 1996 No. 727 “On measures of state support for public associations working on military-patriotic education of youth”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 3, 1996 No. 387 “On additional measures to support youth in the Russian Federation” Federation", a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation have adopted laws regulating issues of national policy, etc. In addition, it should be noted that the fundamental state document developed at the end of 1999 concerning the policy of the Russian state in the field of youth is the National Doctrine of Education in of the Russian Federation, which sets the priority of education in state policy, the strategy and main directions of its development. This doctrine defines the goals of education and training, ways to achieve them through state policy in the field of education, the expected results of the development of the education system for the period until 2025 and reflects the determination and will of the state to take responsibility for the present and future of domestic education.

Currently, state policy in the field of youth is carried out through the implementation of the Federal Target Program “Youth of Russia (2005-2010)” (hereinafter referred to as the Program), which was developed on the basis of a sociological study of the situation of young people in Russia and includes those problems that concern young people - employment, education, recreation, housing for a young family.

The main goal of the Program is the further formation and strengthening of legal, economic and organizational conditions for the civic development and social self-realization of youth.

In this regard, the following main tasks are envisaged:

A) formation of a legislative and regulatory framework, development and phased implementation of a long-term lending system and other forms of financial support for young people in order to obtain an education, support business activity, build housing and start a household;

b) formation of a system of bodies dealing with issues of temporary and secondary employment of youth, development and support of youth entrepreneurship;

V) further development of the system of social services and information support for youth, basic forms of organizing leisure, recreation, mass sports and tourism, including international;

G) support and development of various forms of artistic and technical creativity of youth, youth and children's associations;

d) creating conditions for spiritual and moral education, civic and patriotic development of youth, and comprehensive personal development.

The implementation of the Program’s activities is aimed at gradually solving the following problems:

  1. formation among young people of a civil-patriotic attitude towards the Motherland, respect for its history, culture, traditions;
  2. increasing income levels, improving social and living conditions of youth and young families;
  3. strengthening the institution of the young family, reducing the number of divorces, reducing the level of neglect among children and adolescents;
  4. reducing the unemployment rate and ensuring the maximum possible secondary and seasonal employment of young people;

Increasing the level of qualifications and formation of labor resources that meet the market requirements in their professional and quality characteristics;

  1. growth of business activity and self-organization of youth;
  2. improving the health of the younger generation and reducing mortality;
  3. reducing the level of crime, drug addiction and alcoholism among young people;
  4. increasing the spiritual, moral, intellectual and creative potential of the younger generation.

The program is implemented in five main areas:

  1. Formation of conditions for civic formation, spiritual, moral and patriotic education of youth.
  2. Solving socio-economic problems of youth.
  3. Intellectual and physical development of youth.
  4. Social support and protection of youth.
  5. Ensuring program implementation.

The first section “Formation of conditions for civic formation, spiritual, moral and patriotic education of youth” includes the following main activities:

  1. methodological support for the development of citizenship, spiritual, moral and patriotic formation of youth;
  2. development and support of various forms of education;
  3. scientific and information support, logistical and personnel strengthening and financial support for public associations and organizations working in this direction;
  4. working with funds mass media;
  5. organization and holding of international, all-Russian and interregional events dedicated to anniversaries and memorable dates of national history and culture.

The second section “Solving socio-economic problems of youth” includes four subprograms of a socio-economic focus:

  1. ways to solve the youth housing program. Formation of the legislative and regulatory framework of the state youth housing policy, conducting scientific research in this area. Development and gradual implementation of various forms of state support and stimulation of the construction of economical housing for youth and young families by providing subsidies, loans, long-term loans, and attracting extra-budgetary sources of financing. Supporting initiatives of youth, enterprises and organizations aimed at solving the housing problem of youth in the regions;
  2. socio-economic support for a young family. Creation necessary conditions to provide socio-economic support for a young family, adapting it to the transition to a market economy. Development of centers to assist young families in solving economic, legal, social and everyday problems, information and reference services for employment and retraining;
  3. promoting youth entrepreneurship. Stage-by-stage development of a comprehensive system of organizations providing assistance to youth entrepreneurship (regional educational and entrepreneurial centers, business incubators, business support centers, etc.). State support and stimulation of youth entrepreneurship in the production, scientific, technical, innovation spheres, and the provision of services to the population;
  4. solving youth employment issues. Organization of seasonal employment of students, including through the system of public works, restoration of the system of student teams and coordination of their activities, completion of the formation of an all-Russian system of youth labor exchanges and youth employment centers in order to promote youth employment for permanent and temporary work, and ensure secondary employment.

The third section “Intellectual and physical development of youth” includes five subprograms:

  1. support for talented youth. Identification and development of individual personality characteristics, increasing creative potential and ability for self-development, assistance in intellectual development;
  2. development of artistic creativity of youth. Fostering among young people the need to master the values ​​of world and national culture, the desire to increase the values ​​of spiritual culture, and participate in the cultural life of society. Conducting youth competitions and festivals in various genres of art;
  3. support for mass children's and youth sports. Fostering the need for exercise in the younger generation physical culture and sports, healthy lifestyle. Promotion of mass children's and youth sports competitions;

4) international youth cooperation. Involving Russian youth in the system of international youth exchanges. Exchange of representatives of children's and youth organizations in order to study and implement international projects and programs. Establishing direct partnerships between youth organizations of the Russian Federation and foreign countries;

) state support for children's and youth associations. Creating conditions for self-realization of youth in the field of economics, science and technology. Organizational, methodological and financial support for programs of children's and youth associations.

The fourth section “Social support and protection of youth” consists of three subprograms, including a system of legal protection measures and social policy in relation to youth:

  1. legal protection and social adaptation of youth. Creation of a regulatory framework that ensures legal protection and social adaptation of youth. Testing of modern forms and methods of preventive and social adaptation work, including in the field of drug addiction. Strengthening the role of the public in protecting the rights of young people, creating a mechanism for legal information and consultation;
  2. formation and development of a system of clubs and social services for youth. Improving the legal framework for the organization and functioning of institutions social services youth, youth and teenage clubs and community centers. Selection of optimal models for managing teenage and youth clubs, development of new directions for their activities. Development and implementation of an information support system for youth social programs;
  3. development of a system of youth, children's and family recreation. State support for the system of organizing leisure and recreational recreation for adolescents and youth. Development of new trends in organizing the activities of health institutions.

The fifth section “Ensuring the implementation of the program” consists of two subprograms, which include activities for information and personnel support of the state youth policy:

  1. creation of a system of information support for youth and youth; politicians. Providing conditions for access to information characterizing the life activities of young people. Development of a system of information and documentation centers for youth at the federal and regional levels. Carrying out research work, scientific, practical and educational events, implementation of publishing projects;
  2. creating a system for training and retraining specialists in working with youth. Creation of a methodological basis for the development of curricula and programs, educational materials; development of effective teaching methods taking into account professional characteristics. Ensuring the development of a network of regional educational institutions, providing them with financial, scientific and methodological support.

The successful implementation of youth policy is directly dependent on the coordination of the activities of various departments, institutions, government structures and public organizations on the basis of common state views on the socio-economic, spiritual and psychophysiological development of youth. This requires comprehensive programs of joint actions of committees for family, childhood and youth affairs, health care, education, culture, social protection, employment, military commissariats, and law enforcement agencies. Taking into account the new realities, it is necessary to orient social institutions and authorities towards an active dialogue with the younger generation, involving family and youth as full partners in posing and solving current socio-economic and political problems.

Ways to solve youth problems lie in improving the entire system of state youth policy, both at the level of principles and at the level of specific activities of government bodies. We are talking about clarifying the concept of state youth policy on improving the regulatory framework in this area (primarily the adoption of a federal law establishing the foundations of state youth policy in the Russian Federation), regulating the observance and protection of the legal rights and interests of youth, to bring the legislation of the Russian Federation in this part, in accordance with the norms of international legal acts ratified and adopted by the Russian Federation, primarily the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, on the definition and compliance with the principles of financing this area. There is a need for significant activation of state youth policy at all levels of government: local, regional and federal. At all levels, there are opportunities to adjust socio-economic policies to take into account both the general needs of young people and the needs of their various social and age groups and direct them towards the revival of Russia as a great power - an idea that is receiving increasing support from the population and young people.

2 Youth policy management at the regional level

The regional youth policy management system is a subsystem common system management of youth policy in Russia as a whole, however, it represents an independent process, which is confirmed, first of all, by the implementation mechanisms and legislative form. It consists of two parts - national standards adopted at the federal level, and acts operating within the region and reflecting regional characteristics (opportunities and needs). This situation is justified by the following provision: youth policy, being an integral part of the social policy of the state, in accordance with the Constitution of Russia, falls under the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which is reflected in regional legislation.

We can identify three decisive factors for the effective social management of state youth policy (GMP) in the region, which represent a certain sequence of actions by executive authorities:

1)development of a regulatory framework for state youth policy;

2)improvement of the organizational and technological mechanism of GMP;

The development of a regulatory framework for state youth policy is one of the most pressing areas of activity for both federal and regional youth policy bodies.

Currently, state youth policy at the regional level has developed as an independent process, which is actively developing to solve its socio-economic problems, starting from the legislative level. In the absence of a Federal Law “On Youth,” sections of youth policy are included in the charters and constitutions (basic laws) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In fact, every subject of the Russian Federation has working normative legal documents of various levels that determine the content of work with youth and a system of measures for the implementation of state youth policy. They, as a rule, take into account the regional specifics of state power and local governments, such as the functions of the executive branch and responsibility for their implementation; measures to support non-governmental organizations and structures, primarily youth, in implementing activities in the field of state youth policy. Subjects of the Russian Federation, having a regulatory framework at various levels, determine the content of work with youth to implement state youth policy measures.

With a subject-subject approach to the analysis of the formation and implementation of state youth policy, it is important to note that the existing system of regional legislation provides for two groups of subjects of regulated legal relations. The first group consists of government bodies, the second - young citizens and their associations.

GMP management bodies in the regions face a real problem of determining the priorities of the strategic goals of youth policy in relation to local conditions. The natural course of action for governing bodies of state youth policy in the regions is to adapt to the most significant trends in the regional environment. Based on our analysis of the existing experience at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the legal, organizational and program content of regional youth policy can be summarized as follows:

1. Legislation of the subjects of the Federation on state youth policy.

Main directions of state youth policy in the constituent entities of the Federation.

Legal and social protection (guarantees) of young people based on federal laws and legislation of the constituent entities of the Federation.

Ensuring the personal rights of young people.

Ensuring the rights of young citizens in relations with educational institutions.

The rights of young citizens to guaranteed receipt of social services.

Ensuring economic independence and support for young citizens, promoting the realization of their right to work.

Youth employment, youth labor exchanges, youth entrepreneurship, ensuring the rights of youth in the labor market.

9. Support for talented youth.

Support for a young family.

Youth housing construction.

Prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency.

Sports and leisure activities for youth

Issues of development of the youth and children's movement

Civic-patriotic and spiritual-moral education of youth

Social service for youth.

State management of regional youth policy.

Programs on current issues of life.

Taking into account the above, these priorities can be expanded to also include:

  • support for socially significant initiatives of various youth groups, children's and youth public associations;
  • prevention of extremism and crime among youth;
  • social protection of young people, establishment of standards for social support for particularly needy youth groups;
  • implementation of youth policy in a specific region using the method of medium-term programming in all main areas of activity;
  • expanding the practice and unified coordination of sociological research and monitoring on the situation of youth, participation in the preparation of the annual report on the situation of youth and the implementation of youth policy of the Russian Federation;
  • formation and development of regional information systems for youth assistance.

3 Management of youth policy at the municipal level

An urgent socially significant problem at the municipal level is the state and development of the youth environment, creating conditions for their positive development. Currently, the share of young people from total number The population of the Izhemsky district is 25%. However, all young people should not be classified as a homogeneous mass; certain categories should be distinguished. The social and legal status of a young person’s personality is based on three system-forming categories. This is work, education, freedom of creativity. These three categories determine the place of young citizens in society. Thus, the development of youth policy should be aimed at ensuring social protection, social rights and guarantees for three socially significant categories of youth:

1.working youth;


.creative youth.

These three categories of youth are the targets for the implementation of youth policy. And youth policy means a set of regulatory documents whose action is aimed at solving the problems of youth and, in general, improving the quality of life of the younger generation. The main indicators of the quality of life of these categories of youth are: health status, level of knowledge, educational and professional skills, income, level of employment and degree of realization of rights

The subjects of implementation of state youth policy in the Russian Federation are government bodies, local governments, employers, public associations, other legal and individuals carrying out activities to create necessary and sufficient conditions for the life of young people, their education, upbringing and development.

At the municipal level: - ensuring compliance with regulatory legal acts on youth;

work of social services for youth;

implementation of regional “Youth” programs and municipal programs developed on their basis

The main content of municipal youth policy, as experience shows, is expressed in the following: social support for youth, young families; support for public initiatives and talented youth; organization of youth employment; combating the spread of crime and drug addiction among young people; civic and patriotic education of youth; organization of work at the place of residence; development of youth and children's self-government; information support for the implementation of municipal youth policy; support for youth entrepreneurship.

In the activities of structures for the implementation of state youth policy, the main thing, the main focus should be on coordinating the activities of all state structures and on interaction with social, political, public entities for working with youth, in the implementation of the youth policy of Russian society. The fragmentation of these actions does not allow for the unified and purposeful implementation of state youth policy, or for channeling the efforts and capabilities of numerous state and national structures related to solving youth problems into a single direction.

Efforts must be focused on developing the infrastructure of youth policy, primarily at the municipal level, and strengthening the material and technical base of youth affairs bodies and their institutions.

A more effective and comprehensive personnel policy is required, the involvement of personnel workers in the implementation of newly developed projects, the formation of appropriate data banks, and educational and methodological support for specialized programs.

Due to the insufficiency of material, technical and financial-economic resources, it is necessary to pursue a policy of separation by mechanisms in relation to different sources (budgets of youth affairs bodies; budgets of sectoral departments, budgets of comprehensive programs, budgetary funds, extra-budgetary funds, budgets of different levels, intermunicipal targeted financial pools, etc.), principles of financing (competitive; targeted), objects of financing (providing programs and activities; ensuring the functioning of sectoral institutions of state youth policy; direct financial support for youth (loans, subsidies, grants, etc.))

Criteria for the effectiveness of program implementation depend not only on the results of its implementation, but also on the solution to the entire range of economic and social problems of young people. In this regard, it is advisable to raise the question of more specific indicators of the effectiveness of program implementation, which will more accurately reflect the results of the work of youth affairs bodies


Youth policy is directly related to the established system of social management, its priorities and mechanisms. In the context of the transition to a market economy, supporting the self-realization of the younger generation is becoming increasingly important for youth policy.

The mechanism for managing youth policy should not be built by changing only the governing structures of the state; it will not be effective if only its state elements are created, no matter how ideally they are lined up. It is necessary to ensure interaction between the structures that form and implement state and public youth policy on the principle of complementarity.

The project approach to youth policy management allows in modern conditions to more accurately formulate tasks, determine the scope of activities and establish sources of financing.

The real subjects of youth policy should be not only government bodies, but also young people themselves between the ages of 14 and 30 through the youth public associations they create. Increasing the subjectivity of the public component gives the development of youth policy in Russia a sustainable character, based on the continuity of achievements and sensitivity to current challenges.

The connection between national security and GMP is a pressing issue domestic policy Russia. World experience shows: national security largely depends on the characteristics of young people and how much they identify with their country. It follows from this that departmental management in this area of ​​public policy is not enough.

The Russian youth movement today is going in different directions. The formation of systems for coordinating relations between youth organizations and between the youth movement and the state is one of the ways to truly include the youth movement in the management of youth policy. Their role is determined by the extent to which they are able to participate in building civil society in Russia.

The practice of adopting federal, regional, local target programs aimed at solving the problems of youth policy should be continued, but when developing and implementing such programs it is necessary to proceed from the principle of subsidiarity, which corresponds to the task of establishing a state-public model of youth policy.

List of used literature

1. Aleshchenok S.V. On the problem of a new conceptualization of youth // Methodological problems of youth research: materials for discussion / Research Center at the Institute of Youth. - M.: Youth Institute, 1998. - P. 34.

2.Gareev E.S., Dorozhkin Yu.N. Youth of industrial Russia: life and socio-political orientations // Sociological studies. 1993. No. 1.

3. Dunaev L.S. Political socialization of youth // Free Thought. 1996. No. 7.

Zapesotsky A.S. Youth in modern world: problems of individualization and socio-cultural integration. St. Petersburg, 1996.

Zubok Yu.A. Social integration of youth in an unstable society. M., 1998.

Ilyinsky I.M., Sharonova A.V. Youth of Russia: trends, prospects. M., 1993.

Kasyanov V.V., Sleptsov N.S., Revenko L.V. Socialization of youth: essence, features, trends. - Krasnodar, 2004.

8. Kovaleva A.I., Lukov V.A. Sociology of youth. Theoretical questions. - M.: Sotsium, 1999. - P.3.

9.The concept of state youth policy. M.: Department of Youth Policy of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, 2001. - P. 31.

10.Kokhanovich L.I., Lisovsky V.T. Youth of Russia - social development. M., 2002.

11. Kupriyanova G.V. Youth policy of the Russian Federation in modern conditions // Analytical Bulletin No. 15 (103). Youth in the conditions of socio-economic transformation of Russian society. M., 2007.

Modernization in Russia and the conflict of values ​​// Ed. N.N. Kozlova. M., 2004.

Youth Renaissance (problems of socialization of youth) / Rep. ed. V.R. Bystritsky. M., 1990.

Youth of Russia: situation, trends, prospects. - M., 2003.

Youth of Russia: social development / Ed. IN AND. Chuprova et al. M., 1992.

Youth: the future of Russia / Ed. Ilyinsky I.M. and others. M., 1995.

Morozov V.V., Skrobov A.P. The inconsistency of socialization and education of youth in the conditions of reforms // Socio-political journal. 1998. No. 1.

18. Nekhaeva T.G. Organizational and legal basis for the formation and activities of youth affairs bodies of the Russian Federation: Information Bulletin. From the experience of implementing youth policy: a collection of documents and materials / T.G. Nekhaeva. O.V. Tatarinov. - Tula: Tula State Pedagogical University named after. L.N. Tolstoy, 2001.- P.18.

19.Novikov V.G., Petrova T.E., Feshchenko V.V. Problems of forming youth public associations in the Russian Federation. M.: Russian State Agrarian University, 2001. - 78 p.

20. Pavlovsky V.V. Sociology of youth and juvenology // Sociological studies. 1999. No. 5.

21.Rakovskaya O.A. Social guidelines of youth: trends, problems, prospects. M., 1993.

Ruchkin B.A. Youth and formation new Russia// Sociological research. 1998. No. 5.

Social psychology of personality. M., 1999.

Sociology of Youth: Textbook / Rep. ed. prof. V. T. Lisovsky. St. Petersburg, 1996.

26.The strategy of state youth policy in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 18, 2006 No. 1760-r.

27.Federal Law “On State Support of Youth and Children’s Public Associations” // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. July 4, 1995

28. Khorakh I., Vochek Ts. Youth and its value orientation // Humanization of education. 1995. No. 2.

At the same time, solving youth problems as a priority direction for the functioning of Russian society is in its formation stage. Along with this, in public life and public policy there is a mistaken hope that everything will work out on its own in connection with the development of macroeconomic processes.

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This article talks about the problems of youth policy development in the Russian Federation and their solutions. Youth policy is one of the important and promising areas of social and economic policy of the Russian Federation. The main problems cited in the article are the lack of a full-fledged federal law on the implementation of state youth policy and the insufficient development of the infrastructure of state youth policy. The article also provides information on the implementation of state youth policy in the Ryazan region.

  • Formation of attitudes towards Donald Trump in the Russian media space
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Youth is a positive factor of all changes in society, and on the other hand, a factor of social instability. Therefore, this topic is relevant in modern state. Currently, the government is very concerned about the development of our youth. In this regard, the state is increasingly directing efforts towards the development and support of youth, developing their socio-political activity by ensuring its stability and further development. Local governments play an important role in the development of young people and government bodies authorities implementing youth policy based on scientific, social and practical research among the youth of the city and region.

Youth policy is one of the important and promising areas of social and economic policy of the Russian Federation. The main goal of youth policy is to create socio-economic, organizational and legal conditions, support and guarantees for the self-realization of youth in modern conditions, the realization of their interests and social status in society, the maximum disclosure of the personal potential of youth in the interests of the development of civil society, as well as to support youth socially significant initiatives.

The main problems at the moment in youth policy are:

  1. lack of a full-fledged federal law on the implementation of state youth policy;
  2. low level of goal setting and setting strategic goals in the youth sphere;
  3. insufficient development of the infrastructure of state youth policy;
  4. lack of qualitative and quantitative criteria for assessing the effectiveness of local government bodies in working with young people and involving them in socially active activities.

Ways to solve problems in this area:

1. At the moment, the regulation and development of youth policy in the Russian Federation is contained in the “Strategy for the Development of Youth of the Russian Federation for the period until 2025”. This strategy is designed to respond to the challenges and opportunities facing Russia in the development of youth, to determine the goals, priorities and instruments of state regulation of the sphere of youth policy.

This strategy cannot be a full-fledged legislative act; therefore, it is necessary to create a regulatory and legal basis for the implementation of youth policy in the Russian Federation. It is also necessary to develop and adopt an appropriate federal law (for example, the law “On State Youth Policy”) and a specialized all-Russian program. The adoption of this law will help develop and improve regional youth policy in one legislative “track”

2. In addition to the legal regulation of the industry, there are no clear strategic objectives and goal setting in the field of youth policy, which leads to misunderstanding between the regions on the development of ideas and directions of state youth policy. Regions need to clearly set tasks and directions of their activities in which they must move to achieve a common goal.

3. The insufficient development of the youth policy infrastructure is closely related to the shortage of personnel reserves in the field of youth policy. Only in recent years in higher educational institutions began to diligently train personnel to work with youth. However, these personnel cannot solve the problem due to the fact that they have a good theoretical knowledge, but no practical skills in working with young people.

4. Another problem is the development of qualitative and quantitative criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of local governments in working with youth. At the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, these criteria for assessing regions have not been developed, which leads to inhibition in the development of youth policy in the regions. It is impossible to establish which region is working effectively in this direction, and which is not able to cope on its own and needs the help of its “neighbors.”

Ways to solve problems in the field of youth policy:

  1. Creation of the main legislative normative act “On State Youth Policy”, which will clearly regulate the youth policy sector.
  2. Development of clear strategic objectives and goal setting, ideas for regional development must be clearly developed
  3. Training areas related to youth work should be created in higher educational institutions
  4. Development of an assessment of the effectiveness of the activities of local governments in working with youth, to develop qualitative and quantitative assessment criteria for regions by which the work of regions in the development of youth policy will be assessed

Specifics of the development of youth policy in the Ryazan region

The implementation of youth policy in the Ryazan region is based on the priority directions of state youth policy:

  1. support for socially significant initiatives, socially useful activities of youth, youth and children's public associations;
  2. support for young people who find themselves in difficult situation, promoting employment and youth employment;
  3. assistance in solving housing problems of young families;
  4. popularization of a healthy lifestyle and safety culture among young people.

Youth policy is intensively developing in the Ryazan region; an example is:

Center for the Development of Social Activity of Youth “Potential”.

The Center for the Development of Social Activity of Youth "Potential" was created from the headquarters of school activists, the headquarters of children's associations and the headquarters of youth activists under the head of the administration of the city of Ryazan.

The Potential Center implements its activities in the following areas: work on the development of the children's movement, work on the development of school self-government, and the development of social and club work.

In 2015, more than 800 people took part in the Center’s activities.

Promoting professional self-determination of youth in career guidance and self-determination of youth, the Center for Vocational Guidance of Youth of Ryazan has been created. This center provides assistance in finding employment for young people for temporary, seasonal and one-time work, and the career guidance center for youth informs about the availability of vacancies for permanent work in the city of Ryazan.

Youth self-government

In order to train promising personnel and the personnel reserve in local governments, the youth administration of the city of Ryazan has been formed. In 2014, 25 people took part in the competition to form the youth administration of the city of Ryazan.

The applicants defended their individual social significant project on the topic “My contribution to the life of the city of Ryazan.” Based on the results of the competition, 17 candidates were selected for the youth administration. In 2015, the composition of the youth administration of the city of Ryazan increased to 21 people and duplicates all structural divisions of the Administration of the city of Ryazan.

Also, the Youth Government of the Ryazan Region and the Youth Parliament under the Ryazan Regional Duma are an advisory body under the Government of the Ryazan Region.


  1. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 7, 2008 N 1445 (as amended on May 21, 2012) “Issues of the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation” [Electronic resource]. URL:
  2. Astafieva V.S. The role of children's and youth organizations in the formation of civil society/ Scientific Bulletin Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, 2011, No. 166, p. 170-173
  3. Official website “Administration of the city of Ryazan” [Electronic resource]. URL:
  4. Official website data Federal service state statistics, based on the 2010 population census [Electronic resource]. URL:




Regional stage

Section “Youth Policy”

Topic: “Youth policy: problems and solutions”

(using individual examples of the Lazarevsky district of Sochi)

Scientific supervisor: Yazykova Alena Vladimirovna

“The decisive importance in strengthening the spiritual and moral foundations

society acquires issues of general education, culture,

youth policy. These areas are not a set of services, but rather

total space for the formation of a moral harmonious

a person, a responsible citizen of Russia."

V.V.Putin 13

State youth policy is a system of state priorities and measures aimed at creating conditions and opportunities for effective self-realization of young people, for developing their potential in the interests of the country.

“Youth is a generation of people who are going through the stage of socialization, acquiring, and at a more mature age have already acquired, educational, professional, cultural and other social functions"(V. T. Lisovsky). 20

World communities, starting from the 1950-60s, have been pursuing targeted policies towards the younger generation. The United Nations plays a special role. In 1965, its General Assembly adopted the “Declaration on the Propagation of the Ideals of Peace, Mutual Respect and Understanding among Youth among Youth.”

According to the UN Assembly resolution of December 14, 1995, the World Program of Action for Youth until the year 2000 and beyond was adopted. In developed European countries (Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Great Britain, France, Italy) an effective state youth policy is being implemented. The forms of its implementation are different, but the general trend is the widespread involvement of public organizations, as well as the active participation of federal bodies in solving the problems of various categories of youth.

State youth policy in the Russian Federation has its own history.

Under the conditions of the USSR, a powerful public association that influenced all aspects of the life of the younger generation was the Komsomol, which in fact was a social-state system that pursued appropriate state policy in relation to youth. At the end of Soviet Union The Komsomol was in the deepest crisis, while the need to solve problems remained, and therefore, in 1990, the position of Commissioner for Youth Affairs under the President of the USSR appeared. In May 1991, the USSR Law “On the General Principles of State Youth Policy” was adopted, and in the summer of 1991, after the elections of the President of Russia, the RSFSR State Committee for Youth Affairs was created in the new Russian Government. On September 16, 1992, a committee for youth affairs under the government of the Russian Federation appeared. On June 24, 1998, instead of the State Committee, the Department for Youth Affairs arose in the Ministry of Labor and Social Development, but on September 22, 1998, the State Committee for Youth Affairs was revived again. From May 25, 1999 to May 17, 2000, it was called the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Youth Policy. From 2000 to 2004, it was abolished again, and from June 1, 2004, as a result of administrative reform, the Department of State Youth Policy, Education and Social Protection of Children arose within the newly formed Ministry of Education and Science. IN Federal agency In 2004, the Department of Youth Affairs was created for education. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 14, 2007 No. 1274, the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Youth Affairs was created.

Purpose work is to study the directions of implementation of youth policy, analyze and identify youth problems, including at the district level, and search for ways to solve them.

Subject - problems arising in the implementation of youth policy at the All-Russian and regional levels.

Achieving the goal requires solving the following tasks :

study theoretical basis implementation of youth policy;

analyze the state of infrastructure for young people, socio-economic conditions for young people, providing conditions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle, health care, prevention of social negative phenomena among young people in the region;

develop proposals for solving the problems identified in the study and increasing the efficiency of management in this area at the district level.

Used in this work set of methods , selected according to the purpose, subject and objectives of the study:

Theoretical (collection of information (Internet resources, literature on the topic), analysis, generalization);

Research methods:

sociological: interviewing, survey.

analytical: analysis of the information received.