Interdisciplinary integration is a necessary condition for modern education. Interdisciplinary integration in music lessons

Interdisciplinary integration: goals, objectives, principles.

Interdisciplinary integration is a necessary condition for modern education.

In the 21st century, it becomes obvious that the main value of a person is the ability to develop, the presence of cognitive potential. The need to know is the main component of human spirituality, along with the need to do good and compassion. “A reasonable person - and only he is able to optimally determine the future of mankind, and not predetermine his death by his activity” (V. Vernadsky). The process of cognition is endless, and the "modern achievements" of science are only the achievements of a specific period of time, which will be continued in the future.

The excessive categoricalness of textbooks sometimes extinguishes the cognitive interest of the child, creating the impression that discoveries are no longer possible. The rapid development of the principles and methods of teaching, the modernization of programs and textbooks, the emergence of new types of educational institutions have not saved the modern school from the predominance of information content over development. Developmental learning involves a critical look at the acquired knowledge, their personal assessment, as well as imagination as a result of judgments about knowledge and their assessment. Without the development of the imagination, any talk about creativity is untenable. The principles of developmental education lead to the question of their implementation in daily school practice. Practice has already answered this question by turning to integration.

The other side of the issue is that the adoption of the Basic Plan severely limited the maximum allowable workload of the student, thereby protecting his physical and mental health, while the volume of required knowledge, skills and abilities is growing. The discrepancy between the amount of knowledge and the amount of time provided for their assimilation is deepening. The best solution to this problem is the use of interdisciplinary integration.

Thus, interdisciplinary integration today is the most important factor in the development of education, the practice of its application is diverse, it is difficult to cover all the really existing options.

Psychological and philosophical foundations of interdisciplinary integration.

Scientific basis of this pedagogical technology originate in the works of I.P. Pavlov and I.M. Sechenov. Further, psychologists, having analyzed the features of thinking and memory, came to the conclusion that training should be structured in such a way as to form in students the ability to reproduce previously acquired knowledge in order to better memorize new material. Objects or phenomena that are interconnected in nature are also linked in human memory. Intersubject connections make it possible to look at an object from different angles and remember the whole object or phenomenon of reality more firmly on the basis of intersystem associations.

The most important characteristics of memorization are the methods of semantic grouping of educational material and the allocation of semantic strongholds, the semantic correlation of what is learned in connection with something already known. Consequently, mastering the method of transferring knowledge of one subject while mastering another introduces greater focus into the analytical and synthetic activity of students, increases the effectiveness of independent methods of work, and provides better organization. mental activity and, finally, develops a logical sequence in solving both general and particular problems.

The objective basis for the integration of scientific knowledge is the unity of the picture of the world. In addition, there is a commonality of research methods used in the field of knowledge acquisition. The philosophical basis of interdisciplinary integration is the principle of consistency. The tradition of a systematic and holistic consideration of the learning process was developed in the 60-70s by Yu.K.

Integration as a goal and means of learning.

Integration (from lat.) - restoration; the state of interconnection of individual differentiated parts and functions of the system into a single whole, as well as the process leading to this. Researchers interpret the integration of learning in different ways. Yu.M. Kolyagin, for example, believes that in relation to the education system, the concept of "integration" takes on two meanings: as a goal and as a means of education.

Integration as the goal of learning should give the student the knowledge that reflects the connectedness of parts of the world as a system, designed to teach the child from the first steps of learning to represent the world as a whole in which all elements are interconnected. Integration as a learning tool is aimed at developing the student's erudition, at updating the existing narrow specialization in education. At the same time, integration should not replace the teaching of classical subjects, it should only combine the acquired knowledge into a single system.

The complexity of the problem lies in how to dynamically develop integration from the beginning to the end of training. If at the beginning it is advisable to learn “a little about everything”, then a synthesis of disparate knowledge and skills, then by the end of the training it is necessary to know “everything about a little”, that is, this is a narrow specialization, but at a new integrative level.

Analyzing the literature on this issue, we can formulate the following definition of integration: integration is a natural interconnection of sciences, academic disciplines, sections and topics of academic subjects based on the leading idea and leading positions with a deep, consistent, multifaceted disclosure of the processes and phenomena being studied. Therefore, it is necessary not to combine different lessons, but to supplement the material of one subject with the material of another, combining the selected parts into a single whole. Moreover, with any combination of material, the idea of ​​the subject to which the lesson is devoted should remain the leading, main one.

levels of integration.

The very concept of an integrated lesson remains controversial. Such can be considered a lesson that solves specific and long-term tasks and represents a new complex unity that lies on a qualitatively different plane than those two or subjects on the basis of which it was planned. Therefore, neither the presence of several teachers, nor the mechanical combination of the material of academic disciplines are indicators of the level of integration. This level is determined by the range of tasks that can be performed only through integration. First of all, this is the intensification of cognitive interest and the process of developing general educational skills and abilities.

At the 1st level of integration, educational material is integrated within one specific subject. Not memorization, but the study of educational material makes it possible to move from subject education to a comprehensive one, when a single whole is created from different parts of the educational material.

At the 2nd level, the conceptual and informational sphere of different subjects is combined in order to better memorize information, accompanying repetition, and introducing additional material into the topic.

The 3rd level is associated with the tasks of comparative-generalizing study and is expressed in the development of schoolchildren's ability to compare and contrast phenomena and objects.

At the 4th level of integration, students themselves begin to compare facts, judgments, establish connections and patterns, apply the developed learning skills. The purpose of integrated teaching is to teach children to see the world as a whole and freely navigate it.

Non-standard forms of integrated lessons.

Integration is not only a special combination of educational material, but also a way of organizing educational activities, involving the analysis of educational material from various positions, isolating the main thing, operations with the known in a new aspect, solving learning problems, and performing tasks of a creative nature. Integration allows you to direct the lesson in the direction of cooperation, where opinions may be contradictory, but any opinion is respected by everyone, even if they do not agree with it. This helps to develop one of the most valuable virtues: the ability to listen to another, to delve into his evidence, to compare someone else's point of view with his own. “The feeling of belonging to those who reflect on the subject studied in the lesson is one of the main components of the motivational sphere of the lesson. This feeling is capable of developing the most human of all passions - the passion for knowledge ”(V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

The complexity of the presentation of educational material expands the scope of the lesson, turns integration into a process that combines training, education and development. A lesson of any form and any type can be built as an integrated one, where integration is understood as a way to solve a learning problem, a way to act in a lesson in order to create a sustainable interest in the subject.

Taking into account this or that distribution of responsibilities between the teacher and students, integrated lessons have a variety of forms, including non-standard ones. Here are some of them:

A knowledge sharing lesson, when the guys are divided into groups and each of them informs others about their research on a given topic. This form is most effective when the topics of the subjects coincide.

Checking lesson. There is work in groups and pairs, a lot of preparation of students is required. In all types of activities, there is an urgent need for objective and accurate assessment criteria, so that when checking the knowledge of classmates, each student has a convenient and well-known scale (system) of indicators for assessment.

Creative search lesson: children independently look for a solution to the problem.

Lesson-publication of a newspaper or almanac. Groups of students and individual students are given tasks of a creative search nature on certain topics, and the results of the work constitute the content of the proposed publication.

Lessons based on imitation of activity or organization: “Court”, “Investigation”, “Patent Office”, “Scientific Council”, etc.

Lessons based on forms, genres, methods of work known in social practice: research, invention, analysis of primary sources, commentary, brainstorming, interview, reporting, review.

Lessons that remind public forms communication - "Press conference", "Auction", "Benefit performance", "Rally", "Panorama", "Telebridge", "Report", "Live newspaper", "Oral magazine", etc.

Lessons using traditional forms extracurricular activities: KVN, "Field of Miracles", "Connoisseurs Club", etc.

Lessons that transform traditional ways of organizing a lesson: lecture-paradox, express survey, lesson-test, lesson-consultation, lesson-workshop, lesson-seminar.

Lessons based on fantasy: a fairy tale lesson, a surprise lesson, etc.

For primary school, the most typical lessons are holidays, travel, fairy tales, KVN, lessons with elements of role-playing games, and excursions.

Solving the problems of a modern school using the method of interdisciplinary integration.

The main tasks of the modern school are preparing a young person for life, showing the diversity of the spiritual sphere, and satisfying cognitive and aesthetic needs. No stable curriculum is able to include all this in itself. Eliminating these shortcomings, supplementing, expanding the existing knowledge of students, stimulating their cognitive activity is the primary task of an integrated approach in the educational process. It is the integrated approach that allows you to use the power of emotional impact on the child, organically combine logical and

emotional principles, to build a system of scientific and aesthetic education on the broad involvement of the educational potential of the lesson, on the comprehensive development of the subject of the educational process - the student. Integration is a process of continuous interaction between subjective and objective, internal and external, figurative and conceptual, intellectual and emotional, rational and intuitive, analytical and synthetic, that is, harmonization of scientific and artistic ways of understanding the world in the educational process.

In fact, in the process of integration, the boundaries between education and upbringing are erased, the abilities of each child develop, the teacher practically and purposefully implements the following pedagogical ideas:

1. democratization and humanization of the educational process, its focus not only on the assimilation of the amount of knowledge, but also on the development of the creative abilities of the individual, on the formation of high spiritual and moral values ​​and an active personal position;

2. ensuring the continuity and continuity of the educational process at all stages of development;

3. creation of equal conditions for the disclosure and improvement of the natural intellectual and artistic and aesthetic potential of each child;

Along with the intellectual tasks of the lesson, using interdisciplinary integration, you can solve more complex tasks:

1. to form an idea of ​​the harmonious unity of the world and the place of man in it;

2. to form moral qualities, a moral and aesthetic assessment of objects and phenomena, to cultivate an attentive and sympathetic attitude towards the environment;

3. to develop the creative possibilities of the individual, his general creative potential;

The main didactic and psychological principles are:

1. personality-oriented principles (the principle of adaptability, the principle of holistic development, the principle of psychological readiness);

2. cultural principles (the principle of the image of the world, the principle of the integrity of the content of education, the principle of a semantic attitude to the world).

Problems facing the teacher conducting an integrated lesson.

All school disciplines have a kind of integration potential, but their ability to combine, the effectiveness of integration depends on many conditions that must be taken into account when planning an integrated lesson or course. First of all, the level of preparedness of students of a certain class is analyzed. Difficulties in their learning activities may be one of the reasons for using the integration method. Sometimes the successful study of one subject by schoolchildren depends on the availability of certain knowledge and skills in another.

An integrated lesson requires additional training, great erudition, and high professionalism from the teacher. When developing such a lesson, the teacher should consider:

1. The purpose of the lesson (this may be the need to reduce the time for studying the topic, to eliminate gaps in students' knowledge, redistribute priorities, etc.)

2. Selection of objects, i.e. sources of information that would meet the objectives of the lesson.

3. Definition of a backbone factor, i.e. finding a basis for combining diverse information (this is an idea, phenomenon, concept or object)

4. Creation of a new course structure, i.e. change in the functional purpose of knowledge.

5. Processing of content (destruction of old forms, creation of new links between individual elements of the system).

national project

Methodical development

Interdisciplinary integration in the course of physics
as a means of developing cognitive activity

Work is done

Emelyanova Elizaveta Sergeevna,

teacher of physics MOU secondary school No. 4


Yaroslavl, 2015



1.1. The concept of interdisciplinary integration in pedagogical literature 7

1.2. Levels and types of integration 9


2.1. Interdisciplinary Integration 12

2.1.1. Cross-subject horizontal sequential integration 12

2.1.2. Cross-subject horizontal parallel integration 24

2.2. Transsubject integration 25

2.2.1. Design and research activities in the course of physics 26

2.2.2. Extracurricular activities 29

Conclusion 31

List of used literature 33

Appendix 34

Synopsis of the lesson-generalization of the material "Electrification of bodies" 34

The work program of the elective course "Design and research activities in physics" for 7th grade 39


Ideas about the modern picture of the world is the basis for the formation of a holistic worldview among students. Modern sciences, moving in different directions, increasingly began to intersect, for example, in the fields of quantum cosmology, synergetics, nanotechnology and global ecology. In traditional school education, of course, attention has always been paid to the integrative connections of the sciences, but often fragmentarily and unsystematically. In physics they recalled mathematics, in chemistry - physics, in biology - chemistry, in social science - biology, in history - social science, in literature - history, in Russian - literature, etc.

The organization of a large-scale over-subject integration of courses of school disciplines is laborious, and includes not only problems associated with the classroom system, but also a different degree of initiative of the teaching staff and inconsistency in the work programs of teachers when studying related topics.

Therefore, I consider the way out of this situation to be the use of elements of interdisciplinary integration in physics lessons, and linking it not only with mathematics, but also with other disciplines taught at the middle and senior level, including modern works of cinematography and literature.

Physics as a science studies the most general and fundamental patterns that determine the structure and evolution of the material world. The main task of physics is to discover and study the laws that connect various physical phenomena occurring in nature.

Physics is closely related to the sciences natural-mathematical cycle. It is the basis for astronomy, geology, chemistry, biology and other natural sciences. A number of frontier disciplines emerged: astrophysics, geophysics, biophysics, physical chemistry, and others. Physical research methods are of decisive importance for all natural sciences.

Physics has a strong connection with subjects humanitarian cycle:

    The Russian language, like mathematics, is a means for describing all conclusions based on the results of an experiment. The correct understanding and application of physical terms is the key to a successful study of physics.

    Foreign language. A huge number of modern scientific articles, including those related to physics, are published in foreign languages. The ability to obtain information in the original source allows you to catch those nuances that may not be taken into account in the translation.

    Literature. Often in various literary works the physical phenomena occurring in nature and the physical laws that have become philosophical are described colorfully and quite scientifically.

Physics is the basis of many technical professions: shipbuilding, aircraft building, engineering, mining, jewelry, astronautics and others. And even those professions that, at first glance, have nothing to do with physics, rely on its laws: forensic science, gunsmithing, many sports.

Physics, like other sciences, has a history of formation, which, in turn, influenced the worldview of many scientists, and indeed all people of the corresponding era. Therefore, it is easy to connect physics with such sciences as history and social science.

All of the above points to the existing connections of sciences in the process of teaching physics. In addition, the federal component of the State Educational Standard (2004) and the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation set the task of forming a holistic worldview among students, corresponding to state of the art development of science and social practice. The basis for its formation is the cognitive activity of students. Its development is facilitated by the use of interdisciplinary integration.

Methods of interdisciplinary integration are becoming increasingly relevant for use in the modern education system, as they make it possible to avoid problems associated with fragmentary knowledge, inability to apply it in practice, and low motivation for learning. Interdisciplinary integration allows you to create a “success situation” that is necessary for both poorly performing students and those who are one step ahead, since it is important for each child to receive approval not only from the teacher, but also from classmates, especially in adolescence.

The organization of education at the middle and senior levels has great opportunities for interdisciplinary integration, since it is at these levels that, on the one hand, such disciplines as physics, chemistry, the beginning of analysis, biology, geography are taught, and on the other hand, the psychophysical characteristics of this age group provide an opportunity work with the operations of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction. However, this is rarely implemented in practice, and in high school students have difficulty applying the knowledge gained in other lessons, not to mention the fact that the modern world does not seem to them the result of the cohesive work of mankind, science and technology.

Unfortunately ready teaching materials, for the implementation of interdisciplinary integration, addressed to the teacher-practitioner, which are in the public domain, is not enough. There are some examples of the application of cross-disciplinary integration in the Internet space, which are mainly used in primary and higher education.

It was these facts that prompted the creation and application of their own methods for implementing interdisciplinary integration.

Objective: generalize and describe the techniques and methods of organizing interdisciplinary integration and examples of their use in the study of the course of physics.

Objectives of the competition work:

    Consider the theoretical foundations of interdisciplinary integration and the principles of its use at school.

    Highlight the main areas of application of interdisciplinary integration.

    Describe the techniques and methods used in the work in each direction.

    Give examples confirming the possibility of their application in teaching.

    Analyze the results and identify the difficulties that have arisen when using these techniques in the educational process.

The techniques described in the work can be used by middle and senior teachers to prepare for lessons, to develop lessons using elements of interdisciplinary integration in courses of other disciplines, and to conduct extracurricular activities. The work is in the public domain in the Internet space on the site:

    1. The concept of interdisciplinary integration in pedagogical literature

In modern science, the term "integration" is used in the following meanings:

1) as an association into a whole, into a unity of any parts, elements (O.S. Grebenyuk, A.Ya. Danilyuk, B.M. Kedrov, M.G. Chepikov, N.S. Svetlovskaya, A.D. Ursul, Yu.S. Tyunnikov, G.F. Fedorets);

2) as a state of interconnection between the individual components of the system and the process that determines such a state (O.M. Sichivitsa);

3) as a process and result of creating an inextricably linked single, integral (ID Zvereva, VN Maksimova, LN Bakhareva). one

In the pedagogical literature, integration is also seen as the goal and means of learning. It acts as a goal when it is supposed to create a holistic view of the world around the student, as a means - when it comes to finding a common platform for convergence of subject knowledge (Yu.M. Kolyagin). Thus, a theoretical analysis of various approaches to the definition of the concept of "integration" showed that researchers interpret its meaning in different ways.

Integration arises if there are elements that were previously separated in some way, objective prerequisites for their unification, and not in total and side by side, but through synthesis, and the result of such an unification is a system that has the properties of integrity. The development of the pedagogical idea of ​​the integration process is significantly influenced by the progress of scientific knowledge. Integration is closely related to differentiation. These processes are reflected in the construction of a system of educational subjects and the search for ways to generalize the knowledge of students. The process of integration is a high form of implementation of interdisciplinary connections at a qualitatively new level of education.

Based on the foregoing, it can be noted that the roots of the integration process lie in the distant past of classical pedagogy and are associated with the idea of ​​interdisciplinary connections. Basically, the idea of ​​interdisciplinary connections was born in the course of the search for ways to reflect the integrity of nature in the content of educational material. The great didactic Jan Amos Comenius emphasized: "Everything that is in mutual connection should be taught in the same connection." Many teachers turn to the idea of ​​interdisciplinary connections later, developing and generalizing it. So, in D. Locke, the idea is associated with the definition of the content of education, in which one subject should be filled with elements and facts of another. I.G. Pestalozzi, using a large didactic material, revealed the variety of interrelations of educational subjects. He proceeded from the requirement: "Bring in your mind all essentially interconnected objects in the very connection in which they really are in nature." Pestalozzi noted the particular danger of tearing one object from another. In classical pedagogy, Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky (1824–1870) provided the most complete psychological and pedagogical justification for the didactic significance of interdisciplinary connections. He believed that "the knowledge and ideas communicated by any sciences should be organically built into a bright and, if possible, an extensive view of the world and its life." K.D. Ushinsky had a great influence on methodological development theory of interdisciplinary connections, which was studied by many teachers, especially V.Ya. Stoyunin, N.F. Bunakov, V.I. Vodovozov and others. Some aspects of improving the education and upbringing of schoolchildren from the standpoint of interdisciplinary connections and integration in education were considered in the works of famous classical teachers; in the works of Soviet didacticists I.D. Zvereva, M.A. Danilova, V.N. Maksimova, S.P. Baranova, N.M. Skatkin; scientists-psychologists E.N. Kabanova-Meller, N. Talyzina, Yu.A. Samarina, G.I. Vergelis; methodologists M.R. Lvova, V.G. Goretsky, N.N. Svetlovskaya, Yu.M. Kolyagin, G.N. Seizures and others. A number of works are devoted to the problems of interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary communications in elementary school, which are the “zone of proximal development” for a gradual transition to the integration of educational subjects (T.L. Ramzaeva, G.N. Akvileva, N.Ya. Vilenkin, G.V. Beltyukova and other).

Thus, it can be concluded that interdisciplinary integration is not a completely new direction in pedagogy, but it is of particular relevance in the formation of consistency and integrity of perceived knowledge among students at the present time, and is also one of the ways to increase the cognitive activity of schoolchildren.

    1. Levels and types of integration

An integrated lesson is a special type of lesson that combines training in several disciplines at the same time while studying one concept, topic or phenomenon. Integration in the modern school goes in several directions (vertical and horizontal, parallel and sequential) and at different levels. In the pedagogical literature, there are different classifications of interdisciplinary integration proposed by A. Katolikov, O.I. Malchina and others. In my opinion, the classification of N.A. Kuznetsova most fully describes the possible levels and types of integration:

    Intra-subject - integration of concepts, knowledge, skills within a separate academic subject:

a) vertical integration: the content is gradually enriched with new information, connections and dependencies; "pressing" the material into large blocks, students expand and deepen the circle of knowledge on the original problem;

b) horizontal integration: the content is built by enlarging the topic, uniting a group of related concepts, information is comprehended by moving from one element to another, which is available within a large assimilation unit.

    Interdisciplinary - a synthesis of facts, concepts, principles, etc. of two or more disciplines:

a) horizontal integration:

    sequential integration. A topic is taken as a content unit, which can be related to the topics of other academic disciplines, the material of other subjects is included sporadically; the independence of each subject, its goals, objectives, program is preserved; the topic can be considered both only on the program educational material, and with the introduction of material from another subject

    parallel integration. The subject of the analysis are multifaceted objects, information about the essence of which is contained in various academic disciplines; the independence of each subject is preserved; all analyzers (visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, tactile-motor) are included in the process of cognition, which ensures the strength of education (melody, drawing, object, word, product);

b) vertical integration: combining several school subjects in order to organize a dialogue on a given topic, specific content, image, etc., which, as a key phrase, goes through several lessons during, for example, a week, a different amount of time is allocated (from 5 minutes and more); a different approach to the topic is being carried out: new relationships, associations, etc.;

c) mixed type of integration links: both serial and parallel integration links can be used in the lesson.

    Transsubject integration is the synthesis of components of the main and additional content:

a) horizontal integration: combining into a single whole the content of educational areas, organized according to the interdisciplinary level of integration, with the content of additional education

In my opinion, in the conditions of the class-lesson system within the study of one subject, it makes sense to use interdisciplinary horizontal integration, both sequential and parallel. Interdisciplinary vertical integration requires the joint work of the entire teaching staff and the development of appropriate methodological support in the form of elective courses or complementary work programs.

Intra-subject integration is not related to the organization of the system of the world, but only gives the opportunity to create a conceptual apparatus within the subject being studied, without application to other disciplines.

Transdisciplinary integration implies a higher level of "merging" of subject areas and in reality can be implemented in extracurricular activities (project and research activities, games, theme evenings).

We will rely on this classification when describing the techniques.


    1. Cross-disciplinary integration

In physics lessons I try to systematically use interdisciplinary integration. Very small, for a few minutes, elements of material from other subject areas are involved in setting a goal for a specific lesson or for a certain time period, as a consolidation of material or as high level homework. At the lessons of generalization and consolidation of the material at the end of the study of a large block, parallel integration is used, where general concepts and phenomena (sound, light, inertia, elasticity, etc.) without increased attention to the physical side of the process. In high school, such lessons can be conducted not only as reinforcing, but, on the contrary, as introductory. The elements of these lessons can be used separately to organize consistent interdisciplinary integration.

2.1.1. Cross-subject horizontal sequential integration

Geography integration

    Working with a contour map. In geography lessons, students work with a map of individual continents and a map of the world, which helps to form correct spatial ideas about the planet Earth as a whole. In physics lessons, tasks with a contour map can be used to consolidate the material and as a way to formulate the topic of the lesson when studying any section. Students are invited to mark on the map the spread of scientific theory, or the application of a physical device for practical purposes.

This technique allows you to consolidate the knowledge gained in a geography lesson, improve your skills in working with a map, broaden your horizons and trace how the formation of scientific theories and practices took place in the world community (this makes it possible to get away from a one-sided view of the course of historical events)

Example. Students are given pre-prepared task cards, handouts and contour cards.

The task. Read the text. On the world map, mark with arrows the movement of the doctrine of electricity around the world. Sign the countries (and the capitals of these countries) in which scientists worked who contributed to the development of views on electricity. Tell your classmates about the spread of views on the nature of electrification. (Handout is provided in the annex to the lesson using parallel horizontal integration).

    Mini projects. In the process of studying physical phenomena, students are invited to find out what natural phenomena are used in different zones of the Earth to improve human life.

Example. Physical, economic and climatic prerequisites for the use of power plants of various types in the countries of the world.

Integration with local history

Local history is not allocated as a separate course in the school curriculum. In the middle and senior level, local history issues are considered in the study of history, geography, music and world artistic culture. In the lessons, I integrate with local history when studying the "Mechanics" section, using the following techniques:

    Measurement of the length of a city object (streets, monastery walls, river sections). Students are invited to calculate the length of an object in their free time using any means of transportation: bus, bicycle, car, legs. To do this, you need to know or calculate the average speed and measure the time of movement along the object. Students prepare their research in accordance with the requirements for registration laboratory work(name, purpose, equipment, progress, conclusions).

    Tasks using local history material.

Example 1. The water surface area of ​​Lake Pleshcheyevo reaches 50 square meters. km, and the greatest depth is 25 m. Calculate the pressure exerted by a column of water on the bottom in the area of ​​maximum depth.

Example 2. Calculate the length of the Trubezh River, if it is known that a boat launched from the source of the river hit the mouth in a day. The speed of the river is 1.5 km/h.

History Integration

In physics lessons, it is customary to use the inclusion of elements of the history of the development of physics, but often this comes down to small reports and abstracts of students associated with the name of a particular scientist. However, the use of such types of work does not give students the opportunity to feel the historical era and the prerequisites for the development of certain views on the phenomenon under study, as well as the consequences of its practical applications. Therefore, I use the following methods in my lessons:

    Statement of problem questions. This technique can be used as homework before starting to study the topic.

Sample Questions:

    What historical events led to the discovery of the nuclear bomb?

    What consequences (environmental, historical, economic) did the use of nuclear weapons in Hiroshima and Nagasaki have?

    What historical events confirm the primacy of the discovery of radio communication by A.S. Popov?

    Compliance tasks. The technique is used to consolidate the material at the end of the study of a topic or section. Students are offered facts from the history of physics and world history, which must be divided into groups according to the principle of correspondence to a certain era.

Task example. Before you are cards on which events and names are written. Correlate these events and name the time period in which these events took place and people with the indicated names participated. Write a short story.

Card text. Cold War. The Great Patriotic War. World War I. War in Chechnya. N.S. Khrushchev, V.I. Lenin, A.D. Sakharov, W. Churchill, I.V. Kurchatov, I.V. Stalin, B.N. Yeltsin, G. Truman. The first atomic bomb. Atomic bomb test in New Mexico. First radiochemical plant. The first nuclear reactor. Bomb test at a test site in Kazakhstan. Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The design of the Kalashnikov assault rifle. H-bomb. Thermonuclear bomb. Complex "Topol-M".

Integration with Russian

In the process of using physical terms and introducing them into the vocabulary of students, there is often a problem with the spelling of words and their understanding. To solve these problems, I use the following methods:

    Messages revealing the etymology of the term under study.

Example. Chaotic (from the word "chaos") movement. The word was borrowed at the end of the 18th century not through Western European languages, but directly from Latin or Greek in the meaning of disorder, disorganization, lack of system. The roots of the word - in the Greek word meaning "open, open." In ancient Greek mythology, "chaos" is the primary formless state of the world. It looks like an abyss, an abyss, an abyss. It is filled with fog and darkness. He is an infinite space, an unorganized element. He is the foundation of all that exists. At present, the word is active both in everyday life and in science. In everyday life, chaos is a heap, accumulation, confusion. In science, this is chaos theory - a branch of mathematics that studies the complex behavior of dynamic systems. Chaotic motion - chaotic movement in the system. 2

    Morphemic and phonetic analysis of the word according to the plan. In high school, the use of detailed parsing is not required.

Example. Phonetic analysis of the word diffusion. 1) Spelling of the word: diffusion. 2) Stress in the word: diffusion. 3) Dividing a word into syllables (transfer of a word): dif-fu-zia. 4) Phonetic transcription of the word diffusion: [d "if`uz" y "a].

Morphemic analysis of the word synchrophasotron. Three roots in the word: sync (simultaneous), phase (cyclic), throne (short for the word electron). Synchrophasotron - charged particle accelerator.

    Explanation of the use of the physical term in other scientific fields and literature. The assignment is given to students as homework.

Example. Diffusion. (diffusion) - the spread of cultural features (for example, religious beliefs, technological ideas, forms of language, etc.) or social practices of one society (group) to another.

Integration with a foreign language

In the process of studying physical theories and terms, it often becomes necessary to turn to the original source: a scientific work or an article in a popular scientific journal. Since English is an international language, a large amount of information about discoveries in the scientific field and their application is found in foreign sources. There is a need to teach children how to use their knowledge of English to translate popular science literature with physical terms.

    Work with the primary source of the scientific work of a scientist who has contributed to science. Students are offered text and dictionaries. Students not only have to translate a passage from a book, but also correctly present it in a retelling.

Example. Translate the text using a dictionary. Tell your classmates about the contribution of the scientist, whose words are given in the text, to the development of views on electrification. Do you agree or disagree with his point of view? Justify your answer. From the book of the "father of the doctrine of electricity" William Gilbert: "All bodies are divided into electric and nonelectric. There are electric body: amber, sapphire, carbuncle, opal, amethyst, beryl, rock crystal, glass, slate coal, sulfur, sealing wax, rock salt - which attract not only straws and splinters, but all metals, wood, leaves, rocks , lumps of earth and even the water and oil. Flame destroys the property of attraction. This property is formed at friction".

    Working with an article from a popular science publication or website.

Example. Translate an excerpt from an interview with Wired magazine by British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking. Analyze his statement. Present arguments for and against his opinion. “We just developed the descendants of monkeys on a small planet with an unremarkable star. But we have a chance to understand the Universe. This is what makes us special" ( Translation. We are just advanced apes on a small planet with an unremarkable star. But we have a chance to comprehend the Universe. This is what makes us special.)

Integration with biology

Physics studies the most general laws of nature, which are used to explain the processes occurring in living organisms. Based on the knowledge gained in the lessons of physics and biology, I use the following techniques:

    Conducting joint research. In the lesson, when analyzing the relevant topic, I suggest that students conduct a joint study (you can also do it individually at home). For example, when studying the topic "Atmospheric pressure", we discuss its impact on human life. As you know, the reason for feeling unwell during weather changes is associated with a change in atmospheric pressure and, as a result, internal pressure. Normally, the internal pressure should “adjust” to the external one due to the constriction / expansion of blood vessels. I suggest students to trace how their internal pressure changes when the external one changes. This type of activity can be carried out at home. It is more productive to use the time left at the end of the lesson to record the experimental data in a table that can be posted on the school stand.

Example. The study of vascular elasticity. Purpose: to find out how the internal blood pressure changes when the external atmospheric pressure changes. Equipment: barometer, sphygmomanometer (or other device for measuring blood pressure), table of results. After receiving experimental data, students can compare their well-being on certain days and the pressure difference, and draw a conclusion about the elasticity of their vessels.

Integration with chemistry

    Using a plan for describing a chemical element. When studying the topic "Aggregate states of matter", "Phase transitions", "Structure of the atom" to the calculation problems of finding the amount of heat, specific heat capacity of substances and the like, I add questions related to the chemical properties of elements, interesting facts, methods of obtaining the substance in question from other chemical elements.

Example. An atom of this chemical element contains 17 protons and 17 neutrons. Describe this chemical element according to the plan:

1. Position in the periodic table. A) the sign of XE; B) period number (large or small); C) group number (main (A) or secondary (B) subgroup); D) relative atomic mass (Ar); D) serial number.

2. The structure of the atom: A) atomic formula (composition of the atom - the number of protons, neutrons, electrons); B) diagram of the structure of the atom; C) electronic formula (Klechkovsky's rule - 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 4s 2 3d 10 4p 6 5s 2 4d 10 5p 6 6s 2 4f 14 5d 10 6p 6 7s 2 5f 14 6d 10 7p 6); D) energy diagram.

3. Properties of an atom: A) an atom of a metal or non-metal; B) gives or accepts electrons; B) an oxidizing or reducing agent; D) oxidation state: the highest oxidation state (has a “+” value and is numerically equal to the group number. The exceptions are fluorine, oxygen, copper, gold, elements of group VIII A p / gr.), the lowest oxidation state for non-metals (has “-” value and is numerically equal to the difference between the number 8 and the group number); E) comparison of redox properties (metallic and non-metallic) with neighboring CE: in the period, in the group.

4. Description of the substance. A) the formula of a simple substance; B) type of chemical bond, type of crystal lattice; B) properties.

Fine art integration

This integration makes it possible for students who have difficulties in studying physics to show an active position. Conducting such lessons is most effective in classes where children with disabilities study. handicapped health, so the educational material is emotionally colored and students remember it better and reproduce it easier.

    Picture and graphic plan. At the lesson of mastering new material at the stage of its consolidation, each student draws his own pictogram depicting either the definition or the properties of the object, which he builds in a general row in accordance with the plan for studying the material. After discussing each individual drawing, a retelling of the studied topic is made based on the picture and graphic plan. In the next lesson, I use this series of icons to update knowledge. I use especially well-executed logical series for work in other classes at the stages of consolidating and generalizing knowledge.

    Using the works of artists who have contributed to the development of world culture. To determine the topic of the lesson, the paintings of famous artists are well perceived by children. The same pictures can be used as visual conditions for computational or qualitative (logical) problems.

Example. When studying the topic “Wave process”, I draw on the painting by I. Aivazovsky “The Ninth Wave”, when considering the topic “Work and Power”, I use the painting by I. Repin “Barge Haulers on the Volga”; on the topic "Conditions for the floating of bodies" - a painting by John Everett Millais "Ophelia" (based on Shakespeare's "Hamlet").

Music integration

    Use of excerpts from music. For example, when studying the topic “Sound vibrations”, the physical foundations of the characteristics of sound are analyzed: pitch, tone, timbre and loudness. Students are invited to arrange the compositions they listened to in descending / increasing order of frequency, amplitude of vibrations, fundamental tone.

Integration with informatics and ICT

    Working with information from articles in the journals "Science and Life", "In the World of Science", "Details of the World" and Internet portals of a popular science nature. The list of Internet addresses is on the board in the classroom and on my website, which I use when working with children. I suggest that students prepare a small report on the relevant topic about the use of the laws and properties studied in the lesson in modern science and technology. Another option for the task is to track how often popular science publications address a particular problem of John Everett Millais, and rank the most pressing issues in science.

    Working with video information. To determine the topic of a lesson or a problematic issue, I try to use short popular science cartoons or clippings from full-length films.

A huge number of films with elements of science fiction are currently appearing in the cinema, some of them were created in collaboration with famous scientists (Kip Thorne, Interstellar, 2014). Many, however, do not rely on reliable scientific facts in any way, so often in films you can see the obvious incompetence of the creators in matters of modern science. Students are happy to look for “film bloopers” from the point of view of science and are included in the process of searching for movie clips with such errors.

The famous sitcom "The Big Bang Theory", which tells about the life of physicists, is a great success with students. When studying a certain topic, we organize a viewing of the corresponding passage from the series and discuss its meaning.

Example. In the Luc Besson film The Fifth Element (1997), the characters of Bruce Willis and Mila Jovovich fly in a spaceship from Earth to the planet Flostan Paradise. Students are asked to answer the question: “Why are passengers not offered another way to spend time on board, other than sleep?” The film indicates the distance to this planet - 1 light hour. Students are asked to calculate the distance in meters and the flight time at the chosen speed (taking into account that it is less than the speed of light.) Using the table of speeds close to the speed of light, calculate how much time has slowed down for passengers on board relative to passengers on Earth. I use the task partially in the ninth grade when considering the topic “Light. Electromagnetic waves ”and completely in the 10th grade when studying the special theory of relativity.

Literature Integration

    Discussion of the truth of folk signs will be taken from the point of view of the presence of a scientific basis in them.

Example. The nature of the weather can be judged by the color of the dawn at sunrise and sunset. The color of dawn depends on the content of water vapor and dust in the air. The air, highly saturated with moisture, mainly transmits red rays, so a bright red evening dawn portends inclement windy weather. "Bright orange sky at sunset - to a strong wind." The intense bright yellow, golden and pink colors of the evening dawn indicate a low moisture content and a large amount of dust in the air, which indicates the upcoming dry windy weather. “Dawn of red color in summer - to rain, and in winter - to a blizzard.” “If the sun sets with a red dawn, and rises with a bright one, to a bucket and a clear day.”

    The use of excerpts from the works of classics of literature, which describe natural phenomena.

Example. When studying the topic “The force of friction” at the stage of formulating the topic of the lesson while listening to an excerpt from the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" I propose to answer the question: "Why can't a goose stand on ice?"

Neater than fashionable parquet

The river shines, dressed in ice.

Boys joyful people

Ice skates cut through the ice.

On red paws a goose is heavy,

Having thought to swim in the bosom of the waters,

Steps carefully on the ice

Slides and falls.

    Statement of a problematic question after reading an excerpt from a literary work.

Example. When studying the topic “Conditions for the navigation of bodies”, I draw the attention of children to an excerpt from Jules Verne’s novel “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea”: “In the space brightly lit by the searchlight of the Nautilus, some kind of black bulk could be seen hanging among the waters. I peered intently, examining this gigantic cetacean animal. And suddenly a thought flashed through my mind. "Ship!" I cried…”

Question: “Will the sunken ship “hang” motionless in the depths of the ocean and not sink to the bottom, as described in the novel by the author?”

    Composing poems with given parameters on a specific topic. At the stage of fixing a certain topic, I suggest that the guys come up with a poem (quatrain, three-line or Japanese haiku) with a given size, rhyme or rhythm. It is possible to give as an example a well-known poem with a given parameter, which the trainees remake under the chosen topic.

Example. At the lesson on the topic "Friction", the students were asked to compose a poem, observing the rhythm of Matsuo Basho's haiku.

Forms of work organization when using the techniques described above can be varied: independent, pair or group work. It is convenient to display tasks on an interactive whiteboard using a document camera. The use of Internet resources contributes to greater involvement of students in work. All techniques can be adapted to different conditions: the level of training of students, the state of the material and technical base of the educational institution, to solve qualitative or computational problems.

2.1.2. Cross-subject horizontal parallel integration

We will illustrate the possibilities of using parallel horizontal integration using the example of a lesson on the topic "Electrical Phenomena", which is studied in the 8th grade of the middle level and in the 10th grade of the senior level of the secondary general education school. (Attachment 1). This lesson can be used at different stages of studying the topic. More effectively: in the 8th grade - as a lesson in generalizing and consolidating the material, in the 10th grade - as an introductory lesson on the topic "Electric field". The lesson uses integration with geography, history, fine arts, English and literature. Such lessons are most successful when using a group form of work with the subsequent presentation of the results. Required equipment: handout, interactive whiteboard and document camera. Appendix 1 provides a lesson summary and a list of handouts.

I spend similar lessons at the end and beginning of the study of other sections, for example, “Sound phenomena”, “Mechanical phenomena”, “Optics”. To organize such lessons, I use the techniques described above in paragraph 2.1.1.

    1. Transsubject integration

Transdisciplinary integration is a synthesis of components of the main and additional content of education. In the process of using elements of interdisciplinary integration directly in physics lessons, I saw the possibility of using these techniques in extracurricular activities. Outside the classroom, where the content of an elective course or a thematic evening can be loosely linked to the content of the curriculum, students will be able to show more initiative in choosing a discipline related to physics, involve teachers in other subject areas in their self-study and get their advice. It also makes it possible to present physics as a necessary but insufficient resource for understanding the world in all its diversity.

Starting from the 2013-2014 academic year, I have been implementing the course "Design and research activities in the course of physics using interdisciplinary connections", compiled a year earlier. Currently I am working on creating a program for the course "Astronomy and ICT", which involves group individual project activities using interdisciplinary integration.

2.2.1. Design and research activities in the course of physics

Design and research activities have great opportunities for interdisciplinary integration. One of the possible options for its application is the use of a long-term project involving methods research activities.

I developed an elective course "Design and research activities in the course of physics using interdisciplinary connections" (Appendix No. 2), where much attention is paid to interdisciplinary connections between physics and other sciences (natural, humanitarian, social and technical).

This course was developed for students of the 7th grade of the secondary school No. 4 in the 2013-2014 academic year. The course is designed for 17 lessons with a frequency of 1 academic hour in two weeks. The main elements of the content of the classes and their focus are described in detail in the work program (Appendix No. 2).

In the process of implementing this course, students received skills in working with projects and a certain personal result (students not only participated in project activities, but also independently planned it, formalized and analyzed the results). Some of the students from the 7th grade parallel initially united in a group of 15 people to work on the project “Problems of vision of students of secondary school No. 4 and ways to solve them” (Appendix No. 3). This group was joined by a 9th grade student. This topic was chosen based on the interests and capabilities of the group members:

Group 1 - compiling questionnaires and conducting a survey in order to identify the presence of vision problems in students of MOU secondary school No. 4, their possible reasons and the use of preventive exercises in primary, secondary and senior levels of MOU secondary school No. 4 (sociology);

Group 2 - statistical data processing using computer technology (computer science);

group 3 - study of the nature of the causes of visual impairment (biology and physics);

Group 4 - consideration of the principle of obtaining an image on the retina of the eyeball (physics);

Group 5 - clarification of the characteristics of eye diseases and the frequency of their occurrence in the world (work with information).

In the course of the activity, the students solved all the tasks they set, received specific results and made the necessary analysis of the work performed. With this research, students spoke at a school conference in the section of natural sciences, and also received a Diploma of the second degree at the section of biology of the City Research Conference of Schoolchildren and presented their work in the section of physical and mathematical sciences (2014).

In 2015, students decided to continue working on the project and planned activities at school to prevent visual impairment in primary grades (Appendix No. 3). The direction of their activity has changed a little: research based on biology, physics and computer science has been transformed into a social project. The founders of the work (a group of 10 people) were joined by other students who last year worked on their individual projects within the framework of the course "Design and research activities in the course of physics using interdisciplinary connections", and this year they decided to support their classmates and joined in work on the project.

The second part of the project "Problems of vision of students of secondary school No. 4 and ways to solve them" is still in the process of implementation, but it is already possible to draw conclusions about the increase in cognitive activity and the sustainability of cognitive interests based on the following results:

    The number of people wishing to participate in this project increased by 45% compared to the previous year (2013 - 10 people, 2014 - 18).

    Despite the fact that the course was ungraded, the trainees completed their studies and expressed their desire to continue them in a new direction.

    In the physics lesson, 8th grade students often present small reports on the topic of the lesson related to historical background or the application of the knowledge being studied in the applied fields of the natural sciences.

    Ekaterina Z., a student of the 9th grade, after a successful presentation at conferences, made a choice in favor of the physical and chemical direction in the 10th grade, although she initially doubted her abilities in the natural sciences and gathered in a socio-economic profile group. Studying in the 10th grade, for the first half of the year she independently chose the topic of individual research, conducted the necessary experiments and formalized her work, although the project activity in the 10-11th grade is presented in the form of a long-term study.

    Students with different levels of achievement in physics took an active position in the team, using their knowledge in other subject areas.

      1. Extracurricular activities

After the implementation of the elective course "Design and research activities in the course of physics using interdisciplinary connections", the idea arose to develop a program for a course of extracurricular activities for
Grades 5–9 "Astronomy and ICT". At present, astronomy is a branch of physics; it is not included in the curriculum as a separate subject. Astrophysics is an excellent basis for forming a holistic worldview of students and increasing their cognitive activity, since, firstly, the modern scientific community annually advances in the study of the Universe; secondly, the study of the mega world is based on the knowledge of all scientific fields: geography, physics, chemistry, and others; thirdly, in cinematography and modern literature, issues related to the study and use of outer space are raised no less often.

The course program involves the study of basic astronomical terms, celestial bodies and methods of studying the Universe through the project activities of students: 5th, 6th, 7th grades - collective work, 8th, 9th grades - individual. In the classroom, issues related to planning project activities, designing work using ICT, speaking to an audience, and others are also worked out. Suggested topics for study for each year of study:

5th grade. Astronomy and astrology. Starry sky. General overview of the universe. Scenario. Scenario preparation plan. Performances in front of a large audience. Group project: performance script for the elementary school "Myths and Constellations", event for the elementary school "Myths and Constellations".

6th grade. General overview of the solar system. Scale. Model. Layout. Fundamentals of design and modeling. Planning of project activities. Group project: scale model of the solar system (papier-mâché technique).

7th grade. general characteristics and a review of the nature of the planets of the solar system. Sun and other stars. Publications. Working in Microsoft Office Publisher 2010. Group project: Terrestrial Planets collage, Giant Planets publication, Star Systems webpage.

8th grade. mechanical movement celestial bodies of the solar system. Stationary and non-stationary stars. Methods for studying stars. Website. Information Security. Working with Internet sources. Google sites. Individual project: web page for the Starry Sky website.

Grade 9 General information about galaxies. The Big Bang Theory. Tunnels. The expansion of the universe. Conquest of the Universe. Animation. Video. Animation software. Individual project: animation on the theme "Galactic Adventures".


The use of interdisciplinary integration methods in physics lessons is not only an important process, but also laborious. But, despite the difficulties that arise, over the 2 years of work on the implementation of interdisciplinary integration in the process of observing students, the following results were obtained:

      Students in such lessons demonstrate greater activity, including cognitive activity, than in ordinary lessons.

      During the preparation of homework, they take the initiative in finding additional material, which they share with each other during the break and at the lesson itself.

      In such lessons, students often feel successful, are not afraid to express their opinions and show their interests.

      With each subsequent integrated lesson, students quickly find the relationship between subject areas, often creating a problem situation on their own, which are used for further work.

      When using the possibilities of the Internet, students began to access popular science portals both to prepare for lessons and for the purpose of additional reading.

When using the methods described in the work, the following difficulties may arise:

      When preparing for lessons, the teacher needs more time, the teacher has a constant need to deepen knowledge in integrable subject areas.

      At the first lessons using this or that method of interdisciplinary integration, there is a problem with the preparedness of students for a broader view of the process or phenomenon, which takes much more time in such a lesson.

      With an increase in the number of integrated lessons conducted in the same class, in order to maintain interest, there is a growing need to attract new techniques and methods of work.

      The large amount of material designated by the educational standard leaves little space for integrated lessons.

      Not all students have a high level of independence, so most of the techniques have to be implemented directly in the classroom. And here we are faced with the problem identified in paragraph 4.

Of course, as in any new activity, when using the techniques and methods of interdisciplinary integration, the teacher and student have to spend more resources. But, in the end, not only the results obtained give strength to move in this direction, but also “drag out” the very process of self-learning and self-development.

List of used literature

    Alekseev N. G., Leontovich A. V., Obukhov A. V., Fomina L. F. The concept of development of research activities of students // Research work of schoolchildren. - 2001. - no. one.

    Alnikova T.V. Organization of design and research activities in teaching physics [Text] / T.V. Alnikova, E.A. Rumbesht // Vestnik TSPU. Issue. 6 (57) series: natural and exact sciences. - Publishing house of TSPU, 2006. - S. 172-174. (0.24 p.l.; ed. 70%).

    Belfer M. A few words about research work ah schoolchildren / M. Belfer // Literature: ed. house First of September. - 2006. - No. 17.

    Glazkova K.R. Research lessons: the formation of a creative, critically thinking personality / K. R. Glazkova, S. A. Zhivodrobova // Physics: ed. house First of September. - 2006. - No. 24.

    Dick Yu.I., Pinsky A.A., Usanov V.V. Integration of educational subjects // Soviet Pedagogy. - 1957. - No. 9.

    Zakurdaeva S.Yu. Formation of research skills / S.Yu. Zakurdaeva // Physics: ed. house First of September. - 2005. -
    No. 11. - S. 11.

    Zverev I.D., Maksimova V.N. Interdisciplinary connections in connection in modern school. - M.: Pedagogy. - 1981.

    Ivanova L.A. The problem of cognitive activity of students in physics lessons when studying new material: Tutorial. - M. : MGPI, 1978. - 110 p.

    Research activity at physics lessons: [Electronic resource] // Festival pedagogical ideas. - Access mode:, 05.11.2014.

Appendix Summary of the lesson-generalization of the material "Electrification of bodies"

Lesson type: consolidation of knowledge on the material covered.

The purpose of the lesson: consolidation of previously studied material in the process of solving problems, modeling, demonstrating experiments.


1. Educational:
-to consolidate students' knowledge on the topic "Electrification of bodies";
- to teach students to use the previously acquired knowledge in practice;
-show the relationship of physics with other school subjects and sciences.
2. Developing:
- to develop in students the collective principles in a single connection with individual characteristics;
- instill in students a sense of responsibility for the assigned work;
-to develop and encourage initiative in students, the ability to generalize the material.
3. Educational:
- to develop the ability of students to correlate their own opinion with the collective;
-continue to work on developing in students such character traits as the ability to find an extraordinary solution;
- to teach students to defend their opinion, to achieve the final result;
- monitor the implementation of safety rules by students when performing experiments.

Equipment for the lesson:

Electrometer, glass and ebonite rods, silk, wool, sketchbook, pencils and felt-tip pens, a set of task cards, Physics 8 textbook.

Lesson plan:
1. Organizational moment, setting goals and objectives of the lesson, repeating the rules of technology
security / 2 min.
2. Actualization of knowledge (oral survey) / 4 min.
3. Explanation of the rules of the game part of the lesson, distribution of task cards / 3 min.
4. Work in groups / 10 min.
5. Presentation of group members with the results of work / 10 min.
6. Summing up the lesson / 2 min.
7. Reflection / 1 min.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment, setting goals and objectives of the lesson, repetition of safety rules.

2. Actualization of knowledge. Front poll:

What is meant by electrification of bodies?

How can bodies be electrified?

What are the two types of charges?

What does it mean to electrify the body?

What is each charged body surrounded by? What is an electric field?

3. Explanation of the rules of the game part of the lesson, distribution of task cards.

Now that we have remembered the basic concepts related to the electrification of bodies, let's try to consider electrification from all sides.

To do this, we will use the knowledge acquired in other subjects you study: history, geography, English language, literature. Thus, we get six groups, four people in each.

Get together, please, in groups. The first and third desks of each row turn in a chair to their classmates. Now you get cards that represent your tasks. You and I get 6 working groups and one group of experts, from the last desk of each row.

The necessary equipment lies at the department. You have 10 minutes to complete the task.

After completing the task, each group will present the results of their work. And the expert group will sum up your work and our lesson.

    Group work.

    Presentation of group members with the results of their work.

The first group will tell the history of the development of views on electrification.

The second group will show the way to promote the doctrine of electrification throughout the world.

The third group will indicate the main properties of electrification, described in the book of William Gilbert, translated by them from the original source.

The fourth group will demonstrate the phenomenon of electrification.

The fifth group will talk about the phenomena in which electrization is observed.

The sixth group will consider how poets and writers represented the phenomenon of electrification in their works.

4. Summing up.

Now let's listen to the conclusion of the expert group.

5. Reflection.

Let's evaluate our lesson.

Card 1

Arrange the stages of development of views on the issue of electrification of bodies in chronological order. Paste on a piece of A4 paper. Choose a group member to share the story of electrification with your classmates.

The ancient Greeks were very fond of jewelry and small crafts made of amber, which they called “electron” for its color and brilliance, which means “sun stone”. From here came, however, much later, and the very word electricity.

Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus, who lived from 624-547. BC, discovered that amber, worn on fur, acquires the property of attracting small objects - fluffs, straws, etc. This property was attributed only to amber for a number of centuries.

The birth of the doctrine of electricity is associated with the name of William Gilbert, physician to Queen Elizabeth of England. Gilbert published his first work on electricity in 1600, where he described the results of his 18 years of research and put forward the first theories of electricity and magnetism. Here, for the first time in the history of science, he used the term "electricity" (from the Greek word "electron", which means "amber").

The next stage in the development of the doctrine of electricity was the experiments of the German scientist Otto von Guericke (1602-1686). In 1672 his book was published, in which experiments on electricity were described. Guericke's most interesting achievement was his invention of the "electric machine".

In 1729, the Englishman Stephen Gray (1666-1736) experimentally discovered the phenomenon of electrical conductivity. He found that electricity can be transmitted from one body to another through a metal wire. The silk thread did not carry electricity. In this regard, Gray divided all bodies into conductors and non-conductors of electricity.

Charles Dufay established two kinds of electrical interactions: attraction and repulsion. This law was published by Dufay in the Memoirs of the Paris Academy of Sciences for 1733.

The concept of positive and negative charges was introduced in 1747 by the American physicist Franklin. An ebonite stick from electrification on wool and fur is negatively charged. The charge formed on a glass rod rubbed with silk was called positive by Franklin.

Franklin in the 1840s built the theory of electrical phenomena. He suggested that there is a special electrical matter, which is a kind of thin, invisible liquid.

In 1785, the Frenchman Charles Coulomb established what determines the strength of the interaction of charges.

In 1745, Academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences Georg Richman built the first electroscope - a device for measuring electricity.

In the 18th century (50-80s), the passion for "electricity from friction" was universal. Experiments were carried out on electrifying people, igniting alcohol from a spark, etc. More powerful than Guericke's machine, electric machines were built.

In 1852, the English physicist Michael Faraday created the doctrine of the electric field and explained how charges interact.

Card 2

Read the text. On the world map, mark with arrows the movement of the doctrine of electricity around the world. Sign the countries (and the capitals of these countries) in which scientists worked who contributed to the development of views on electricity. Choose a group member who will share the spread of views on the nature of electrification to your classmates.

Card 3

Conduct an experiment demonstrating the phenomenon of electrification. Formulate the purpose of the experiment, designate the necessary instruments and materials for your work, describe and demonstrate the course of the experiment. Answer the questions:

    How can the body be electrified?

    How can an electric field be detected?

Card 4

Translate the text using a dictionary. Tell classmates about the contribution of the scientist to the development of views on electrization, whose words are given in the text. Do you agree or disagree with his point of view? Justify your answer.

From the book of the "father of the doctrine of electricity" William Gilbert:

“All bodies are divided into electric and nonelectric.There are electric body: amber, sapphire, carbuncle, opal, amethyst, beryl, rock crystal, glass, slate coal, sulfur, sealing wax, rock salt - which attract not only straws and splinters, but all metals, wood, leaves, rocks , lumps of earth and even the water and oil. Flame destroys the property of attraction. This property is formed at friction"

Card 5

Using your life experience, remember the phenomena that prove the existence of electrification or are based on it. Make 2-3 drawings depicting these phenomena.

Card 6

Read excerpts from works. Find for each of the works of its author and title. Select the passages that describe the phenomenon of electrification. Explain your choice. Analyze the actions of the protagonist/protagonists.

A hurricane was coming up. The duckling jumped into the door of the hut. “In the hut lived an old woman with a cat and a chicken. She called the cat son; he knew how to arch his back, purr, and even emit sparks if he was stroked the wrong way.

Hans Christian Anderson. "Ugly duck"

Koval-Bogatyr went to look for the Serpent, who had fled from the battlefield. Koval-Bogatyr lay down under an oak and hears - thunder rumbles. The forest rustled, buzzed, spoke in different voices. But then lightning flashed and thundered so that even the earth trembled. The wind came up. The forest roars. The oaks crack, the pines groan, and the firs bend almost to the ground. And the lightning will flash, how it will flash almost across the whole sky, it will illuminate the dark forest, and again darkness, as if underground. Perun cleared up, as soon as he was enough lightning into a pine tree, he would slash it from the top to the roots, hit the oak tree - he would split the oak tree.

Belarusian fairy tale

“A damp, cold wind blew from the sea, spreading across the steppe the thoughtful melody of the splash of a wave running ashore and the rustle of coastal bushes. Occasionally his impulses brought with them shriveled, yellow leaves and threw them into the fire, fanning the flames; the darkness of the autumn night that surrounded us trembled…”

Maksim Gorky. "Makar Chudra"

Ivan, a soldier's son, began to fight in mortal combat with the Serpent-Gorynych. He swung his saber so quickly and strongly that it became red-hot, it was impossible to hold it in your hands! Ivan prayed to the princess: “Save me, beautiful girl! Take off your expensive handkerchief, soak it in the blue sea and let it wrap your saber.

Russian folktale

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 4

I approve

Principal of School No. 4

Order No. ___

dated __________ 2014

elective course "Design and research activities in physics"
for 7th graders

Physics teacher: Emelyanova E.S.

Pereslavl-Zalessky, 2014-2015 academic year

Explanatory note

Relevance of the course: This course is aimed at the formation of key competencies in the field of physics and over-subject knowledge and skills, the integration of the content of education, taking into account the psychophysical characteristics of students. The course uses research learning and educational design technologies that allow you to productively assimilate knowledge and learn to analyze it. It is these goals that the federal state standards of education of the new generation are pursuing. The knowledge and skills necessary for organizing project and research activities will in the future become the basis for organizing research activities in universities, colleges, technical schools, etc.

Course value: students get the opportunity to independently choose the direction of their research activities based on their interests and already acquired knowledge, thus minimizing the possible "failure situation" in the study of physics; look at various problems and questions that arise in the study of the world around us by foreign scientists, historians, poets and writers, their teachers and classmates.

Course objective: development of students' research competence through mastering the methods of scientific knowledge and the skills of teaching, research and project activities.

The main objectives of the course:

    formation of the scientific and materialistic worldview of students;

    formation of the idea of ​​physics as an experimental science, closely related to other sciences, not only of the natural and technical cycle, but also of the social and humanitarian cycle (deepening and expanding knowledge, concepts, formation of primary experimental skills and abilities);

    development of cognitive activity, intellectual and creative abilities, creativity in thinking;

    formation of the ability to plan their activities and work in accordance with the requirements for conducting, designing and presenting experimental work;

    development of skills of independent scientific work;

    gaining experience in working in groups;

    creation of motivation for the study of problematic issues in the world and domestic sciences;

    development of communicative and speech competencies;

    formation of a culture of working with various sources of information.

Expected results

Upon completion of the course, students should know:

    fundamentals of the methodology of research and project activities;

    rules for searching and processing information from the source;

    main stages and features of public speaking;

    structure and rules for the design of research and design work.

Should be able to:

    formulate the topic of research and project work, prove its relevance;

    draw up an individual plan of research and project work;

    highlight the object and subject of research and design work;

    determine the purpose and objectives of research and design work;

    work with various sources, including primary sources, cite them correctly, draw up bibliographic references, compile a bibliographic list on the problem;

    choose and apply in practice research methods that are adequate to the objectives of the study; formalize theoretical and experimental results of research and design work;

    describe the results of observations, experiments, surveys; analyze previously known or obtained facts;

    conduct research using various instruments;

    follow safety instructions;

    formalize the results of the study, taking into account the requirements.

The following vital practical tasks should be solved:

    independently obtain, process, store and use information on an exciting problem;

    exercise the right to free choice.

Capable of showing the following relationships:

    without communication difficulties to communicate with people of different age categories;

    work in a team, group;

    present the work to the public.

The place of this course in the educational process of the school. The work program for the elective course "Project activity" was implemented within the framework of the state educational standard in accordance with the basic educational plan for the 2013-2014 academic year. year, designed for 17 lessons during one academic year (1 time in 2 weeks).

Forms of organization of the educational process

The course program provides for extracurricular activities, work of students in groups, pairs, individual work, work with the involvement of parents, teachers, school students. Classes are held once every 2 weeks in the physics classroom, project activities include experiments, observations, surveys, interviews, meetings with interesting people. The project activity provides for the search for the necessary missing information in encyclopedias, reference books, books, electronic media, the Internet, and the media. The source of the necessary information can be adults: representatives of various professions, parents, enthusiastic people, as well as other children. Most of the design and research activities are designed to be performed by students independently after school hours in accordance with the requirements and rules for conducting an experiment or research. In collective classes at the school, the teacher gives lectures, revealing the main features and technologies of work, and also provides advice in difficult situations.

Interdisciplinary connections underlying this course. The described course is designed to organize and strengthen interdisciplinary connections that underlie the educational process. One of the objectives of this research activity is to consider physical phenomena as an integral part of the world around us, studied by a number of sciences of the natural and mathematical cycle (chemistry, biology, geography, ecology, mathematics, computer science), described by the humanities (history, social science, literature) and used by technical (mining, mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, aviation, etc.).

Basic methods and technologies

Forms and methods of conducting classes : lecture, conversation, practical work, experiment, observation, collective and individual research, independent work, defense of research papers, mini-conference, collective and individual consultations.
Control methods: consultation, report, defense of research papers, speech, presentation, mini-conference, research conference, participation in research competitions.

Main theoretical elements of the course content

Lesson 1. Project activity. Projects in modern world. Design technologies.

History of the design method. Method of educational projects. Classification. Requirements for project activities.

Lesson 2. Physics around us.

Physics as one of the fundamental experimental sciences. Physics and natural sciences. Physics and social sciences. Physics and Humanities. Physics and technology. Physics and life. Physics in nature.

Lesson 3. How to choose a project topic. The main stages of design.

Topic and subtopics of the project. Goals and objectives of the project. Formation of creative groups. Formulation of questions. Selection of literature. Planning of project activities. Determination of forms of expression of the results of project activities. Criteria for monitoring activities.

Lesson 4 . Idea Fair. Ways of obtaining and processing information.

Types of information sources. Drawing up a plan of informational text. Formulating plan items. Abstracts, types of abstracts, sequence of writing. Summary of the rule of note taking. Quoting, rules for quoting. Review. Review.

Lesson 6. Study. Basic research methods.

Study. Method of research as a way of solving problems of the researcher. Theoretical and empirical research. Analysis, synthesis, abstraction, induction, deduction. Research methods (observation, comparison, experiment, survey, literature analysis, questioning). Hypothesis. Goals and objectives of the study. Drawing up an individual work plan. Selection of tools. Presentation of the results: tables, graphs, diagrams, drawings.

Lesson 9. Abstract rules.

Abstract, its types: bibliographic (informative, indicative, monographic, review, specialized), popular science, educational. The structure of the educational essay. Stages of development of the abstract. Criteria for evaluation. Theme, goal, tasks, subject, object, problem, relevance. Making an abstract in the environments Writer and Microsoft Word. GOST requirements.

Lesson 11. Forms and types of presentations.

Presentation forms (paper and electronic). Types of electronic presentations (interactive, continuously running, static, animated, multimedia). Presentation rules. Making presentations in Impress and Microsoft PowerPoint environments.

Lesson 13. Ways to influence the audience.

Public speaking. Preparing a speech. Speech planning. A culture of speech. The art of the orator. Facial expressions and gestures. Appearance. Secrets of successful performance.

Calendar-thematic planning of project activities in physics


Topic of the lesson

The main elements of the content of the lesson

Formed Skills

and skills

Additional task

the date of the

Project activity. Projects in the modern world. Design technologies

    Projects as a type of activity.

    Design technologies, design basics.

    Project documentation.

    Project Requirements

Search for the necessary information on a given topic in sources of various types; choosing the type of reading in accordance with the goal

Prepare messages on the topic "Physics around us"

Physics around us

    The connection of physics with the sciences of the natural sciences and the humanities.

    Physics and the world around us.

    Physics and modern trends in science and technology

Use basic intellectual operations: formulating hypotheses, analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization, systematization, identification of cause-and-effect relationships

How to choose a project topic. Main design stages

    The main stages of the project and their role in achieving the final result.

    Choice of project topics based on personal interest

    Manage your learning activities.

    Determine the goals and objectives of the activity, choose the means necessary for their implementation

Choose 3 topics that you would like to work on during the year and establish a connection with other academic subjects in them

Idea Fair. Ways of obtaining and processing information

    Consultation on the choice of topics for educational projects.

    Formation of project teams

    Work in a group, defend your point of view, give arguments in defense of your opinion

    Highlight the goals and objectives of your project activities.

    Define milestones

Individual consultation

    Setting goals and objectives.

    Distribution of responsibilities among group members.

    Activity planning

    Use various sources to obtain physical information.

    master various ways work with scientific literature

Collect the necessary information, organize it

Study. Basic research methods

    Research methods.

    Research stages

Apply basic methods of cognition to study various aspects of the surrounding reality

    Choose a research method for your topic.

    Plan your research

Implementation of experimental research activities

    Selection of the necessary equipment.

    Implementation of the experiment

Independently plan and conduct a physical experiment in compliance with the rules for safe work with laboratory equipment

Conduct a survey/questionnaire/results processing

Individual consultation

    Analysis of the results of the experiment.

    Discussion of intermediate results

Interpret the results of self-conducted experiments, physical processes occurring in nature and in everyday life

Design the practical part of the study

Rules for the abstract

    Requirements for the design of text documents.

    Features of document design using a text editor

Use computer technology to process, transmit and organize information

Prepare the theoretical part of the study

Individual consultation

Correct the abstract

Forms and types of presentations

    Presentation types.

    Presentation script.

    Technological requirements for the design of presentations

Use multimedia technologies for processing, transmitting and organizing information

Write a script for your presentation

Individual consultation

Design a presentation using a PC for speaking

Ways to influence the audience

    Methods of creating a comfortable psychological environment during the performance.

    Basic rules for conducting discussions

    Master the basic types of public speaking.

    Follow ethical standards and rules for conducting a dispute

Make a plan for speaking to an audience when defending your project

Individual consultation

Identification of achievements and outstanding problems;

Objectively evaluate your educational achievements, behavior, personality traits

Prepare to defend the project

Project Protection

    Public presentation of each participant of the project activity.

    Reviews of teachers.

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Interdisciplinary Integration in Primary School


Chapter 1. Theoretical Foundations of Interdisciplinary Integration in Primary School

1.1 The historical aspect of the process of interdisciplinary integration of primary school

1.2 Basic characteristics of interdisciplinary integration and its didactic model

1.3 Development of a conceptual framework for the functioning of interdisciplinary integration in primary school

Chapter 2

2.1 Analysis of textbooks for elementary school from the standpoint of interdisciplinary integration

2.2 Features of integrated lessons in primary grades

2.3 Analysis of student survey results



Application No. 1

Application №2

Application №3

Application No. 4


Relevance of the topic: Primary school is a valuable, fundamentally new stage in a child's life: he begins systematic education in educational institution, the sphere of his interaction with the outside world is expanding, his social status is changing and the need for self-expression is increasing. Primary education plays an important role in common system education, since the personal experience of the child obtained in elementary school, the level of development achieved, serve as the basis, the foundation for subsequent learning.

The growing flow of various information with traditional methods of selecting the content of training inevitably affects the learning process, often complicates the content, disrupts stability, and leads to overload. junior schoolchildren educational information, which has no general educational value. The existing subject-based system of education, which involves the acquisition of knowledge as a result of studying individual courses-subjects, leads to the fact that students do not always perceive the educational material about objects, phenomena in a holistic way and do not always clearly imagine the picture of the world around them. The weak connection of educational disciplines with each other gives rise to serious difficulties in the formation of a holistic picture of the world among schoolchildren. Subject disunity becomes one of the reasons for the fragmentation of the worldview of a school graduate, while in the modern world tendencies towards economic, political and informational integration prevail.

The new challenges facing the school today require new approaches to the education and upbringing of children. Along with the traditional ways of developing schoolchildren, new methods of innovative teachers are gaining momentum. Pedagogical science and practice in a creative union strive to find new solutions for the implementation of the educational process. Under these conditions, attempts are being made to solve the problem of renewal, content, education and upbringing, which many teacher-researchers are new to. ry-practitioners are beginning to look for ways of "interdisciplinary integration".

Integration in education is an integral feature of the time, one of the aspects of the socio-cultural development of society. "At the current stage of development of educational systems," writes Z.E. Gelman, "the idea of ​​integration is not just a methodological device. It is a methodological principle, a kind of cornerstone of education in the 21st century." The main goal of integration in education is the formation of a systematic knowledge among younger students as a means of a holistic perception of the world and a condition for further education and self-education. Integrated learning allows students to show the world in all its diversity with the involvement of scientific knowledge of literature, music, painting, which contributes to the emotional development of the child's personality and the formation of his creative thinking.

In the domestic educational theory and practice, the problem of integration was considered in the works of L.N. Bakhareva, V.S. Bezrukova, N.I. Vyunova, G.I. Ibragimova, I.D. Zvereva, Yu.S. Tyunnikova, V.N. Maksimova, G.F. Fedorets and others. The studies of O.L. Aleksenko, L.P. Barylkina, S.I. Volkova, L.M. Dolgopolova, V.I. Ivantsova, E.L. Melnik, A.I. Popova, E.N. Potapova, E.Yu. Sukharevskaya, L.I. Tikunova, Z.P. Shabalina and others. They identified the foundations of integration in elementary school, determined the methods and conditions for building an integrated content of education.

Methodological and theoretical foundations of interdisciplinary integration in modern conditions incorporated in the works of E.P. Asaulyuk, E.B. Evladova, L.P. Ilyenko, L.V. Zankova, Yu.M. Kolyagin and others.

The problem of interdisciplinary integration of teaching and upbringing in elementary school is important and modern for both theory and practice. Its relevance is dictated by the new social demands placed on the school. The analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, the study of the experience of teachers of general education schools allows us to conclude that the pedagogical possibilities of interdisciplinary integration in the educational process of elementary school are not used enough. It is important to take into account the fact that the integration links between the subjects of elementary school are poorly developed, are presented inconsistently, there are many disagreements among scientists in understanding the essence of these links. Teachers, not having a clear system of methodological recommendations on this issue, are forced to solve this problem at the empirical level. Long-term observations show that junior schoolchildren, and later high school graduates, having received training in certain subjects, find it difficult to apply knowledge, skills and abilities in the study of other subjects in practice. They lack the independence of thinking, the ability to transfer the acquired knowledge to similar or other situations. All this is due to the mutual inconsistency of classes in various subjects in elementary school.

The main contradiction underlying the topic under study is that younger students, by their nature, grasp the phenomena of reality holistically, their thinking is "integrative" by nature, while the school, dividing the world into "objects", to some extent goes against the indicated children's intentions. We kind of warn with our research: do not get carried away with objectivity.

Purpose of the study - development and experimental testing of a conceptual model of interdisciplinary integration in elementary school.

Object of study - interdisciplinary integration in the educational process of elementary school.

Subject of study - interdisciplinary integration as a means of holistic perception of the picture of the surrounding world by younger students.

The following tasks were set:

1. Analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem.

2. Identify the basic characteristics of interdisciplinary integration.

3. To develop a conceptual model for the functioning of interdisciplinary integration in elementary school.

4. Conduct experimental testing of the conceptual model of interdisciplinary integration in elementary school.

The research hypothesis is on the assumption that:

2. The use of this potential would increase the degree of integrity of the picture of the world formed in children, would lead to an increase in the radius of the indicative basis of actions, and would improve the motivation of students' learning.

3. Primary school teachers need to more actively master a relatively new competence for them in the integrative sphere of the educational process.

Research methods: analysis of pedagogical, psychological, methodical literature, questioning, conversation; analysis of questionnaire data; conducting experimental work, high-quality processing of the results.



The question of the implementation of integration in the pedagogical process arose at a time when the knowledge collected and generalized by philosophy ceased to fit within the framework of one science and began to stand out as independent branches of knowledge. The differentiation of sciences led to the separate teaching of academic disciplines. In the process of fragmentation, as the history of pedagogy testifies, the natural connection between knowledge that exists between objects and phenomena of the real world was broken.

The process of integration in education has a long history and is associated with the idea of ​​interdisciplinary connections, which arose as a result of the search for ways to reflect the integrity of nature in the content of educational material. Even the great didactician Jan Amos Comenius emphasized: "Everything that is in mutual connection should be taught in the same connection."

Later, in D. Locke, the idea of ​​interdisciplinary connections is associated with the definition of the content of education, where one subject is filled with elements and facts of another.

IG Pestallotsi revealed the variety of interrelations of educational subjects and pointed out the danger of separation of one subject from another.

The idea of ​​the need to implement interdisciplinary connections in the learning process, which can be interpreted as one of the forms of integration, was expressed by K.D. Ushinsky. He believed that the knowledge communicated by whatever sciences should be formed into a broad view of the world and its life.

KD Ushinsky merged into a single whole the separate elements of 2 types of speech activity (writing and reading) to form in children the ability to communicate remotely using text. As you know, the method of teaching literacy created by K.D.Ushinsky by means of integrating writing and reading turned out to be so good that it is still used today. Ushinsky had a great influence on the methodological development of the theory of intersubject communications, which was carried out by many teachers, especially V. Ya. Stoyunin, N.F. Bunakov, V. I. Vodovozov and others.

In the article "From the child to the world, from the world to the child" I. Boguslavsky noted that back in the middle of the 19th century there was a contradiction between the child's natural, holistic perception of the world around him and its artificial division into subjects in school education.

In the countries of Western Europe, and most of all in Germany, the first comprehensive programs began to be created. The authors of these programs tried to combine the studied phenomena around some single core, for example, the surrounding area (homeland studies), labor processes or culture.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the outstanding educational reformer J. Dewey, proclaiming the child the Sun, the center of the pedagogical universe, put forward a new principle for constructing curricula: "From the child to the world and from the world to the child" .

Subject-centrism was replaced by complex themes, circles that expand as the child grows up: family-school-district-city-country-mankind-Universe, which led to the expansion of the content of education.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the "Circle of Moscow City Teachers" (I9IO-I9I5) under the leadership of the innovative teacher N.I. Popova's teachers developed their own program based on the complete integration of subjects into an integrative course: "Natural Science" - acquaintance of the younger student with the surrounding nature, and "Social Science" - acquaintance with people, society, institutions and responsibilities. The "deep and broad" relationship between the humanities and natural subjects was emphasized; history with geography and natural history. Grammar and arithmetic could be combined with other subjects through material from their respective fields of study. In elementary school, the idea of ​​studying one "subject" was put forward - world science, integrating all other disciplines into a single educational complex.

In 1915-1916, under the leadership of the Minister of Public Education, Count P. I. Ignatiev, in the materials of the school reform, much attention was paid to establishing interdisciplinary connections and integrating educational material. It was planned to introduce a special course "Homeland Studies", which included such areas as Nature, Animal world, Man (population, material, spiritual and social culture), where students would observe the surrounding life and study the collected material. As an integrating core, concentric circles were established: school - street - village (or city) with its environs - county (with native parish) - province.

Significant changes in the content of education and its organization were introduced in 1923, when the so-called integrated programs prepared by the scientific and pedagogical section of the State Academic Council (GUSA) began to be introduced into the practice of the school. Comprehensive training implied the integration of knowledge of different subjects in the process of solving specific vital problems. Educators considered subject and complex education from opposite points of view. The schemes of the State Academic Council identified three main blocks: social science - labor science - natural science. In accordance with these principles, the content of the educational material in the programs of the GUS was concentrated around three topics: nature, labor, society. At the forefront was the labor activity of a person, which was to be studied in connection with nature as the object of this activity, and social life as a consequence. labor activity. Academic subjects were deprived of their independent tasks and dissolved in the integrative courses of elementary school, or remained in the middle level and served as their content for the study of complex topics: "City", "Factory", "Collective Farm".

But not all subjects were so lucky, because until 1927 literature, history, geography were integrated into the course of social science. Integrated lessons have caused a certain decline in literacy and math skills among students.

Such a decrease in the quality of knowledge and the strength of the formed skills forced us to abandon the very idea of ​​integrated learning and switch to the so-called "subject-centric" system, i.e. on the subject-specific teaching system.

In the early 1930s, the Soviet school returned to the traditional subject system of education.

In the period of 50-70 years of the 20th century, in general education schools, much attention is paid to interdisciplinary connections, the principles of teaching and the content of education are being developed. Interdisciplinary connections are considered as the leading principle of didactics and are currently defined as one of the ways to integrate school education.

Integration as a full-fledged scientific concept appeared in pedagogy in the first half of the 1980s against the backdrop of rapidly developing interpenetrating processes in the economic, political, social, information and other spheres of life. Since the second half of the 80s, integrative processes in domestic education have become relevant again. Generally, four main approaches are used:

1. Combine the content of the education of individual disciplines into interactive courses (homeland studies, world information);

2. Decide to study all disciplines only in a creatively developing paradigm (integration by method);

3. Transfer the educational process to a computer basis (integration by technology);

4. Agree on common methods for all teachers communicative communication with students in the classroom (hermeneutics)

Both new objects of an initially synthetic nature ("World Artistic Culture") and artificially constructed meta-objects ("Sign", "Number", "Symbol") are created.

The mass Russian teacher learned about the possibility of integrating individual subject disciplines after July 1991, when the International Conference of Teachers, which took place for ten days at the Moscow State University, completed its work. The conference was attended by American and Russian teachers. Russian educators were surprised by the lack of a state standard for the content of education in the United States and the presence of 15-16 disciplines in the certificates of American school graduates (compared to 22-24 disciplines in our matriculation certificates).

Thus, a decrease in the number of disciplines in foreign schools is achieved through integrated courses and subjects.

The history of integration in the education of the twentieth century is definitely structured in accordance with three qualitatively different stages: the turn of the century - the 1920s - problem-based complex education on an interdisciplinary basis (labor school), 1950 - 1970 - interdisciplinary connections, 1980 - 1990 - actually integration, 1990-2015 - meta-subject integration (non-subject learning).


At present, the problem of interdisciplinary integration is again given great attention in the process of organizing training and education in elementary school.

The concept of integration in the modern world is used very widely and is considered in various aspects. Literally Latin "integrafio" - restoration, replenishment; "integer" - complete, integral. Therefore, integration is "the unification into a whole, into the unity of any elements, the restoration of any unity" .

To date, in no dictionary, no reference book can not find a methodological definition of the concept of "integration". Despite the fact that this problem has been dealt with for a long time, there is no single point of view on this issue yet. Researchers interpret integration in different ways.

So, N.S. Svetlovskaya understands integration as "the creation of a new whole based on the identified elements and parts of the same type in several previously different units (school subjects, activities, etc.), then the adaptation of these elements and parts into a previously non-existent monologue of a special quality." She believes that an important condition for integration is the construction of material on the basis of the natural subordination of a single goal and function in a number of subjects and in methodology.

L. N. Bakhareva interprets the concept of "integration" similarly, revealing it as "a process of convergence and connection of sciences ...", representing "... a high form of embodiment of interdisciplinary connections on the quality of a new level of education ...", contributing to the creation of a new whole "monolith of knowledge ".

The author notes that integration does not negate the subject system of education, but is a possible way to improve it, overcome shortcomings and is aimed at deepening the relationship and interdependence between subjects. This approach to the problem is based on an understanding of the relationship between integration and differentiation.

I. D. Zverev and V. N. Maksimova consider integration in pedagogy as a process and result of creating a continuously connected, unified, whole. In teaching, it is carried out by merging in one synthesized course (topic, section, program) elements of different academic subjects, merging scientific concepts and methods of different disciplines into general scientific concepts and methods of cognition, complexing and summarizing the foundations of science in the disclosure of interdisciplinary educational problems.

V. S. Kukushkin believes that "integration is a process in which disparate knowledge in one or several different subjects is combined into a system that has the property of integrity." The combination of disparate knowledge into a single whole is extremely necessary in order to help students learn to highlight the main thing, analyze and generalize, which is extremely important in modern life. With integration, it becomes possible to break out of the framework of one academic discipline, visually, in action, show how everything in the world is interconnected, and at the same time increase the motivation to study your subject.

According to Yu.M. Kolyagin, in relation to the system of education, the concept of "integration" can take two meanings. Integration can be considered as the goal of learning - "creating a student's holistic view of the world around us", and learning tools - "finding a common platform for convergence of subject knowledge". As a learning goal, it gives younger students the knowledge that will teach them to imagine the world as a whole, in which these elements are interconnected. And as a means of learning, integration is aimed at developing erudition, expanding and updating knowledge. At the same time, however, integration should only combine the acquired knowledge into a single system, and not replace the teaching of traditional academic subjects.

We believe that the theory of education integration developed by A.Ya. Danilyuk. In it, the author reveals the concept of education integration: "integration of education is the implementation by a student, under the guidance of a teacher, of a consistent translation of messages from one educational language to another, in the process of which knowledge is acquired, concepts are regulated, and personal and cultural meanings are born." In other words, this is not so much a formal combination of different knowledge into a new educational text, but rather a combination of different texts in the mind of the student, leading to the formation of mental conceptual and semantic structures.

1. Dialectical unity of integration and differentiation. Integration and differentiation are considered as two tendencies of human cognition: a) to represent the world as a whole, b) to comprehend the patterns and qualitative originality of various structures and systems deeper and more concretely. Differentiation and integration are manifested one in the other and one through the other. Differentiation does not lead to the loss of the integrity of the system, but is a necessary condition for its development and functioning.

2. Anthropocentrism - a special, historically developing attitude of the teacher to the educational process, in which the central place and active role is given to the student. According to this principle, the student occupies a central position in the educational system, and his consciousness is the most important factor in the integration of educational content. The student becomes not only a semantic (what for), but also an organizational center of education (the subject of teaching, the subject of constructing educational content), provided that he integrates different educational texts in his mind. The integration of different knowledge by consciousness leads to the emergence of new knowledge, so the most important indicator of an anthropocentric, developing education is the student's ability to generate new (conditionally new) tests.

3. Cultural conformity. Modern education is becoming more and more cultural in nature. Culture acts for him as a model-image, in accordance with which it organizes itself. Education is not the whole culture, but its part, which, unlike all its other components, reproduces culture on a small scale in its integrity and internal differentiation. Consequently, the educational system is a special, scientifically based image of culture.

Integration in the modern school goes in several directions and at different levels:

1. Intra-subject - integration of concepts, knowledge, skills, etc. within individual academic subjects;

2. Interdisciplinary - synthesis of facts, concepts, principles, etc. two or more disciplines;

3. Trans-(cross)-subject - is a kind of inter-subject and means the end-to-end connection of a particular subject with other subjects (learning a foreign language on a musical and visual basis).

Interdisciplinary integration - is manifested in the use of laws, theories, methods of one academic discipline when studying another. The systematization of the content carried out at this level leads to such a cognitive result as the formation of a holistic picture of the world in the minds of students, which, in turn, leads to the emergence of a qualitatively new type of knowledge, which is expressed in general scientific concepts, categories, and approaches. Interdisciplinary integration significantly enriches intradisciplinary.

According to the number of subject areas, it can be: two-subject, three-subject, multi-subject;

According to the diversity of the content of objects - close, medium, distant;

According to the level of depth - shallow, deep, intermediate.

The factors of the interdisciplinary integration option can be significant, information-capacious concepts, problems, images, events, i.e. content elements. Some educational technologies, for example, an organizational and activity game, a project method, can also be a factor in interdisciplinary integration.

Interdisciplinary integration is the source of meaning formation for students. Meanings are the essential and most integrative characteristic of a person and cannot be bypassed either in the course of studying the foundations of the students' meaningful education, or in the process of theoretical understanding and practical implementation of the phenomenon of integration in the educational process:

1. The integrated process involves non-semantic content components, but as a result of their interaction, the meanings of some components are revealed to students through others. It is in this case that integration is one of the mechanisms of meaning formation for students.

2. Meanings do not appear as the result of integration processes at the level of objective knowledge, but, on the contrary, they perform the function of integrating non-meaningful patterns of content into larger blocks, initiating the integrative activity of students and raising it to a new, systemic, but not necessarily semantic level.

3. Semantic neoplasms of students make it possible in conditions of proper semantic integration, in situations of mutual contact, mutual merging or, on the contrary, mutual repulsion of diverse meanings.

4. The material of the integrative activity of students is not homogeneous (either only meaningful, or only semantic), but heterogeneous elements of content. An example of such an integrative organization of the educational process is, for example, the facts of students' perception of a work of fine art and the teacher's explanation of this work, for example, from the standpoint of strict mathematics. It is difficult to predict in such cases the meaning-forming result of such an organization of the educational process, but doubts about it can be minimized.

In terms of interdisciplinary integration, meanings are especially easily extracted from the content represented by a literary text, contemplated or perceived by ear (aesthetic meaning) and its analytical reading (intellectual meaning). In the second case, meanings acquire the character of scientific judgments. Diverse meanings, touching in one cognitive structure and mutually influencing, give rise to a new, multidimensional meaning.

Meanings are also "carved out" at the intersection of different content (special courses "Mathematics and Painting", "Mathematics and Music"). The integration of diverse, mutually distant content creates great opportunities for students to create meaning: the content of the same subject area can turn to students with a semantic side through the perception of similar content in another subject area, and therefore, the meaning-forming effect of integration is obvious. Moreover, in the conditions of contact of two unequal semantic substances, and even more so their interpenetration and mutual merging, the phenomenon of semantic resonance, semantic interference, can arise, generating a meaning of a higher order.

Quite large units of its content can serve as an example of the interaction of the humanitarian and natural science cultures in the educational process - integrated courses with equally and symmetrically presented subject areas. An integrating factor in teaching these areas of culture, as well as a fragment of individual manifestations, can be the material of a separate subject, from the specific content of which integrative connections diverge radially to the content of other subjects. An example is presented by that part of the mathematics lesson in elementary grades, which is devoted to the concept of a point. Questions: "What does a dot mean in writing in Russian and when is it put?" (at the end of a sentence), "What corresponds to the point when the sentence is spoken aloud?" (special intonation); "What corresponds to a period as a punctuation mark in music?" (pause); "What does the point on the map mean?" (locality); "What can be indicated by a point on the ground?" (city, village); "What role does the dot play in Morse code?" (signal); "Can any galaxy be called a point?" (can); "What does a line segment consist of?" (from dots); "Which of the segments of different lengths has more points?" (And there and there are an infinite number of them). The basic, mathematical concept of a point appears in linguistic, geographical, astronomical, musical and other contexts, as a result of which the student's consciousness turns into a fan of meanings that enrich his semantic matrices.

In this case, there is an "expanding meaning" (a point in linguistics, mathematics, geography). The well-known position of modern didactics works, according to which the development of personality is its transition from one sign system to another (for example, in terms of translating a work of art into a mathematical coordinate system). Forms of organizing the integrative activity of students, aimed at the formation of meaning and meaning-enrichment of the highest levels, are very different. These can be "meaning tasks", in the form of tasks to explain the meaning of a particular fact, to reveal its meaning in a figurative and artistic form. These can be conversations to clarify some episode of the text being studied, the search for a common value-semantic basis of various facts, the organization of "insight" situations, "explosively" throwing the deep meaning of the knowledge being mastered into the process of understanding. But these can also be "random" remarks of the teacher about some situation of the educational process, the students' response, or his humorous, individually oriented remark with semantic overtones.

Of particular importance for the emergence of meaning is the integration of mutually distant training courses - from the natural science and humanitarian educational areas, to which the technical area is added. The field of interdisciplinary integration can be represented by the border area of ​​not two, but several subjects.

There are two types of interdisciplinary integration links in the lessons: a direct link that goes from lessons to the content and technologies of other academic subjects (when studying indefinite pronouns in a Russian language lesson, the question to the class is: "What corresponds to an indefinite pronoun in mathematics?" The answer assumes: ("X "), and feedback that goes to the lesson from other training courses and enriches it with diverse content (in literature lessons, material from history lessons coming through students through students) .

In elementary school, interdisciplinary connections can be established according to the composition of scientific knowledge (factual, conceptual, specific).

In the studies of well-known scientists and teachers (I.D. Zvereva, V.M. Korotov, E.I. Skatkina, V.N. Maksimova, etc.), interdisciplinary connections act as a condition for the unity of education and upbringing, a means of an integrated approach to the subject system learning, both horizontally and vertically.

Horizontal thematic using interdisciplinary connections in primary education currently occupies a solid position. At school, interdisciplinary connections are established according to the composition of scientific knowledge (factual, conceptual, specific).

Actual interdisciplinary connections, for example, are established in the process of familiarization with the numerous facts of symmetry in the structure of bodies of nature. So at the lesson of mathematics the topic "Symmetry of bodies" is studied, at the lesson of the surrounding world "Autumn has come" photographs, herbariums of tree leaves (maple, ash, etc.) are shown and questions are discussed: What is the beauty of leaves? What is the meaning of symmetry? What is symmetrical?

This helps students to see and understand that symmetry facts take place not only in mathematics, but also in nature, in fine arts, in the technology of manufacturing objects of observation.

Conceptual interdisciplinary connections are of particular importance for the formation of natural science concepts. For example, in the lesson of the surrounding world, children get acquainted with the concept of "deciduous", "coniferous" trees. At the lessons of fine arts, this concept is fixed in drawing branches of deciduous and coniferous trees, at technology lessons - in the corresponding modeling, while the concept is not just duplicated, but associatively fixed.

An interesting solution to the problem of vertical thematics based on interdisciplinary connections is found in the work of the candidate of pedagogical sciences I.V. Koshmina, the author proposes to use interdisciplinary connections for the development of a child's broad humanitarian and environmental thinking, his perception of a holistic picture of the world and the moral and aesthetic education of schoolchildren. To do this, several school subjects are combined according to the principle - a dialogue on a given topic. The theme contains a specific content, image, emotional condition, moral and aesthetic meaning. It is like a key phrase, a figurative-verbal symbol, a leitmotif goes through several lessons during the week and allows objects to enter into a dialogue. During the week, without changing the general theme of the lessons, the teacher several times goes to the vertical theme and reveals it through the content of various subjects. The topic can be considered both on the program educational material and on additional material at the discretion of the teacher. A vertical topic in a lesson can be given from five minutes or more. Also, the implementation may be different; a different approach to the analysis of the work, a new or creative task, a brief conversation on the content of a vertical topic, a small remark, an emphasis in the course of the explanation, a problematic dialogue, an explanation.

Each vertical theme has a brief definition of the general content, one or more epigraphs that introduce the emotional and poetic image of the theme, its philosophical and aesthetic content.

Epigraphs, as it were, offer different turns of the topic, different directions for its disclosure. The content of thematism covers everything that is included in the concept of "culture".

The sequence of topics is determined by the calendar, seasons, holidays (folk, Orthodox, civil). Each group contains various moral and ecological themes. The content of topics and logic are determined by the age characteristics of students and their preparedness for reflection, reasoning, and the ability to highlight the main idea. As a result, students receive a kind of holistic picture of the world in terms of the content of the vertical theme.

The depth of interdisciplinary integration can be superficial, short-term, one-touch. This is something like traditional interdisciplinary connections. Such an inter-integrated level can be designated as elementary. The average level of interdisciplinary integration is represented by a deepening in the lesson into the content of another or other academic subjects, but to such an extent that the defining subject does not lose its specificity (in the Russian language lesson when studying conditional subordinate clauses- appeal to the formulations of mathematical theorems, each of which contains these same conditional clauses). Deep interdisciplinary integration is characterized by a certain "equality" of diverse content and the organic interpenetration of its mutually distant components (a lesson in the special course "Mathematics and Painting").

Usually, in interdisciplinary integration, weak, medium and high levels are distinguished. Interdisciplinary connections are usually considered a weak (low) degree of integration, when the material of another subject (facts, illustrations, concepts, musical fragments, etc.) is occasionally included in the study of the material of one subject. At the same time, the independence of each subject with its own goals and objectives is preserved. An integrated lesson is considered to be an average degree of integration, when an object that is extremely difficult for students is studied from different angles by means of several academic subjects, but at the same time, the independence of each subject is maintained in general. A high degree is the creation of integrated courses.

The following forms of organization of the educational process based on interdisciplinary integration are distinguished: layer-like, spiral, interpenetrating, contrasting, individually differentiated (creative).

Layer-like - the population of various types of activity (cognitive, artistic and aesthetic, gaming, communicative, etc.), the content of which is permeated with one value or object of knowledge. For example, the image of nature is revealed in the visual arts, in its various genres (still life, landscape), displayed through color, light, composition; in literature - through artistic means of expression in the text; in music - through the sounds of nature, songs.

The image of spring

Posted on

action play, theater or labor

sound art of music

word literary reading

color, light fine art

Spiral - the content, methods of activity in which the student is included, gradually increase, quantitatively and qualitatively change. Depending on the level of cognitive activity of students, the cognition of a value (object) can be carried out from a detail to a whole or from a whole to details. For example, one can first appreciate the beauty of the landscape of one season and then rise to the understanding of the beauty of nature in works of literary, musical, and visual arts.

Contrasting form - on the dialogue and showing the contrasting facets of the world, on the disclosure of value through its opposites (good-evil), knowledge of the whole through a part, plurality and through singularity.

friendship - enmity

action-word game - imaginary situation

portrait image fine art

sounds of music art

word-image literature

The integration of content promotes communication, the exchange of knowledge between students and the teacher, encourages reflection, self-esteem, and motivation. Younger students try to comprehend and organize the world, and when faced with contradictions, they immediately give an explanation. Therefore, the teacher should organize communication in such a way as to reveal to younger students the merits of such a value and its significance in life; stimulate students' need for it.

The interpenetrating form is built on the basis of one type of activity, for example, a game, into which others are organically intertwined: cognitive, listening to music, perceiving painting, etc. This form is most often implemented in elementary school.


Fine Collaboration -

art game action


There are such types of lessons as lesson-performance, lesson-tale, lesson-investigation. The volume of content and the degree of penetration of another type of activity into the main one depends on the tasks set by the teacher and the level of development of students.

An individually differentiated (creative) form is the most difficult form of organizing an integrated lesson, requiring high professionalism from the teacher. Students independently choose activities, organize subject space and communication around themselves.

1st group 2nd group

Fine Labor

creativity co-creation

Group 3 Joint communication,

Literary play action

co-creation theatrical

The teacher must be able to transfer the student from one type of activity to another; the product created by the student serves as a means of translation. For example, you can create a composition from drawings, invent and play a fairy tale, create a building, study and calculate it mathematically, etc. Content integration allows students to see the object being studied holistically and creatively fulfill themselves.

Integration on an interdisciplinary basis in elementary school implies the adequacy of the actions of the teacher (teaching) and the actions of students (educational-cognitive). Both activities have a common structure: goals, motives, content, means, result, control. There are differences in the content of the activities of the teacher and students.

1. At the target stage, the teacher sets an interdisciplinary goal, and students, under the guidance of a teacher, must realize the interdisciplinary essence, select the necessary knowledge from various subjects, direct attention, thought not only to the assimilation of generalized knowledge, but also to the development of skills and synthesis, personality traits, abilities and interests.

2. At the motivational stage, the teacher encourages students to acquire worldview knowledge, to generalize concepts from various subjects. Students mobilize volitional efforts, directing them to a cognitive interest in generalized knowledge.

3. At the stage of the content side of the activity, the teacher introduces new educational material, while simultaneously attracting basic knowledge from other subjects. Students learn general subject concepts, problems at the level of generalized knowledge.

4. At the stage of choosing means, the teacher determines visual aids, textbooks, tables, diagrams, questionnaires, assignments. When solving integrated problems with the help of visualization, younger students perform the actions of transfer, synthesis, generalization

5. The next stage is productive. The teacher applies pedagogical skills, and students, using the systemic knowledge, the ability to generalize, apply it in practice.

6. At the stage of control, the teacher carries out mutual assessment, mutual control of the readiness of students, evaluates the quality of assimilation. Students show self-assessment of knowledge and self-control.

Integration in primary school is quantitative, i.e. "a little about everything." Younger students receive more and more ideas about concepts, systematically supplementing and expanding the range of existing knowledge. This requires the ability to synthesize disparate knowledge and skills. The result of training is the need to know "everything about a little", and this is already specialization at a new integration level.

"Ultimately, integration should contribute to the reunification of the integrity of the worldview - the unity of the world and man, living in it and knowing it, the unity of the earth and space, nature and man. Here there is a general humanistic basis of the process - placing modern man at the center, with his place and role in the natural and social environment".

For integration in primary education and upbringing, there are both favorable and unfavorable factors that largely determine the tactics of integration.

A favorable factor is that integration has great potential in the development of the child's intellect, which are not used in traditional education.

The first negative factor - a limited number of subjects - can be compensated for by the fact that the content of a small amount of acquired knowledge should reflect the real picture of the world, the interconnection of its parts.

And the second negative factor is the difficulty of presenting the integrated course in such a way that it is understandable and interesting for children of this age.

As can be seen, the problem of the integrated content of education has its own difficulties. But at the same time, there are factors that facilitate its solution. One of them is the fact that in elementary school the main part of all subjects, with the exception of some, is taught by one teacher, so it is easier for him to move to integrated learning.

Integration of items is possible under three conditions:

1. The objects of study must match or be close enough;

2. Integrated subjects use the same or similar research methods;

3. Integratable subjects are built on common patterns, general theoretical concepts.

Integration is the highest level of implementation of intersubject communications. The functions of integration consist in the formation of a systematic knowledge, systemic thinking in students, the development of their abilities to transfer (near, middle, distant) knowledge and methods of activity, the formation of a scientific picture of the world in younger students.

Functions of didactic integration: holistic development of personality; the integrity of the formed picture of the world; formation of an indicative basis for actions of a high level of generalizations; development of simultaneous thinking (the ability to see something in common behind outwardly different-quality, different-character, heterogeneous processes); development of integrative consciousness and ways of integrative activity.

In modern pedagogy, there is no generally accepted list of integration functions, therefore, the most common, invariant functions of pedagogical integration, which are related to all its varieties, are distinguished. These can be: methodological, developing, technological functions.

The functions of pedagogical integration are ways of displaying its activity when it performs a certain task or role.

Each of them is capable of accumulating a number of smaller functions.

1. Methodological function.

Three aspects of the methodological function of pedagogical integration can be distinguished: heuristic (serves as an initial basis for the development of new pedagogical concepts), ideological and axiological (is a means of intellectual and spiritual enrichment of the participants in the pedagogical process), instrumental (expresses its ability to act as a tool: knowledge and transformation of pedagogical science ; knowledge and transformation of educational practice; ensures the continuity of new and old, theoretical knowledge and practical experience).

2. Developing function.

Development is accomplished through differentiation of the whole, allocation of functions, acts of behavior in it and their new integration, unification into a new whole. Differentiation leads to the emergence of new actions - perceptual, mnemonic, mental, etc., to the multiplication, enrichment and improvement of mental activity, integration - to streamlining, subordination and hierarchization of their results. Integration serves as a means of forming new mental formations, a new structure of activity. Consider an example concerning problem-based learning, which is based on search and cognitive activity. It includes such indicators as the formation of new knowledge: the formulation of hypotheses, the formulation of new questions, etc. Using integrative-pedagogical terminology, we can say: in the course of problem-based learning, true integration is carried out, associated with the transformation of knowledge and the appearance on this basis of psychological neoplasms in a person. One of the main reasons for this situation is the heterogeneous nature of problem-based learning. Further, when solving the simplest problem situation, the student is forced to draw on knowledge of various origins, to perform various types of mental activity. In problem-based learning, the student deals with a search model containing an infinite set of data of different quality, which he selects and synthesizes.

3. Technological function.

Its content includes: compression, compaction of information and time; elimination of duplication and establishment of continuity in the development of knowledge and skills; dissolution and interpenetration of knowledge and skills of some disciplines into others; systematization of concepts, facts, skills, denial of some part of acquired knowledge, skills in the formation of generalized integrated properties, establishment of subordination and coordination.

Of the identified and described invariant functions of pedagogical integration, the developing function occupies a central place, which extends to all areas of educational theory and practice, including the very subject of human education. At the same time, this does not negate the negative possibilities of integration.

Based on what has been said about integration in general and its interdisciplinary variant, as well as some additional material to this, we will isolate the most significant integrative components of training and bring them together into a holistic model.

1. Integration is the convergence, connection and merging of diverse content components in one subject or process. Intersecting, diverse content forms a common, i.e. integrative part, and specific, i.e. uninterrupted zones. At the junction of diverse content, in border areas, it is possible to create problem situations, solve intersystem cognitive tasks, tasks to transform the content of one subject, block or topic into the content of another subject, block or topic.

2. Building the learning process on an integrative basis leads to the formation of knowledge of a higher order, increases the radius of the indicative basis of actions, and contributes to the overall intellectual development of students. In the border areas, situations are formed from which students are able to extract the meanings of what they are studying, and this circumstance should stimulate the teacher to develop and include "tasks for meaning" in the educational process.

3. Interdisciplinary integration, its interdisciplinary (to put it more broadly, intersystem content) serve as a means of forming the so-called simultaneous thinking already in children of primary school age. Simultaneous thinking is understood as its ability to see what is common behind outwardly different-quality phenomena and processes: a wave of water in a river; a wave of fire moving across the field; flu wave in the city; sound wave.

4. An important component of interdisciplinary integration is an integrating factor that unites content of different subjects around itself. The factor of interdisciplinary integration can be metaknowledge, i.e. non-subjective, non-subjective knowledge. As a rule, within the framework of a particular subject it is specific, but in the conditions of inter-subject teaching, merging with knowledge of another subject, it loses part of the specifics in larger knowledge, but is itself partially colored by knowledge of this other subject.

5. In addition to the concept, the concept, cross-cutting interdisciplinary ideas can act as an integrating factor if they really unite the material of various subjects not one-time, but over a relatively long period of time or even throughout the entire period of teaching interacting courses (in interaction, for example, mathematics and art, such a factor of interdisciplinary integration can be the idea of ​​harmony). Initial classes, as will be shown in the next chapter, are no exception to this.

6. Of the other integrating factors, which, depending on the situation, are no less important, are methods of activity (observation from different angles, including from the standpoint of different academic subjects, including primary classes), problems (to solve any of them , translating into problem situations, one has to involve the material of various subjects and even turn to extracurricular material), meanings (they are understood by students, as a rule, with the involvement of material from other "dissimilar" and also "similar" material and also on the basis of the meanings of this "other " material.

7. Educational technologies can act as an integrating factor. The above integrating factors are more of a content nature, we now emphasize the role in the interdisciplinary interaction of technologies, i.e., the sequence of procedures for the implementation of content. These factors include, in particular, the game, which, as a rule, combines the content of the most diverse planes, without being content itself. If we include the theatrical component in the game and take into account that the game continues to take place as a leading activity at school, especially at an early stage of education, then its integrative significance in primary education becomes clear.

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Lecturer Sergeeva L.Yu.

Modern society is in need of generalists who have systemic and functional knowledge about the world, the place and role of a person in it, and who have a creative, systematic style of thinking. Familiarization of students with the results of the integration of sciences has become an urgent task of the educational institution, no less important than familiarizing them with specific knowledge. Integration enhances the developmental impact on the personality of each student.

In the history of scientific natural science, for several centuries, the trend of differentiation of sciences dominated, the subjects of scientific research were delimited, which allowed each science to study them in sufficient detail. Thus, a powerful foundation was created for the further development of natural science, but at the same time it gave rise to objective prerequisites for the integration of sciences and ultimately led to the emergence of such sciences as physical chemistry, chemical physics, biochemistry, geochemistry, etc.

Such a connection is not just a combination of two sciences, but a new systematized internal fusion of them, which contributes to an in-depth knowledge of the laws of nature, the rise of scientific knowledge to a higher theoretical level of several leading branches of scientific natural science. Thus, the emergence of the so-called "bridge" or "hybrid" sciences is a pronounced version of the integrative approach to scientific knowledge.

The study of natural disciplines should contribute to the formation of a scientific picture of the world among students, their intellectual development, the education of morality, humanistic relations, and readiness for work. In addition, it is not enough to mechanically transfer the main directions of the integration of sciences into teaching, it is necessary to build an effective didactic system of interdisciplinary connections. Without this, it is difficult to convince students that many processes and phenomena studied by various subjects are one in nature; to form their ideas about systems of concepts, universal laws, general theories and complex problems.

An integrative approach to learning should be understood as a special type of interaction between a teacher and a student, in which the teacher organizes and directs the student's activities to generalize knowledge gained from courses of various disciplines, while interdisciplinary connections of these courses are realized in a specific research work (theoretical, practical).

In the conditions of an integrative approach, the following principles of organization and functioning of the learning process become leading:

The principle of interdisciplinary integration, which implies the systematic and purposeful implementation of interdisciplinary connections as the main mechanism of knowledge and methods of action in learning, as well as the leading way to create problem situations, formulate and solve interdisciplinary educational problems;

The principle of unity within and interdisciplinary integration of knowledge and methods of action, reflecting the dialectical unity and interconnection of intra- and interdisciplinary connections in teaching chemistry and other natural disciplines;

The principle of horizontal and vertical dynamics and coordination of students' cognitive activity, which determines the dynamics of the development of a student's cognitive activity during each academic year (i.e. horizontally) and its continuity (coordination) in the transition from one year of study to another (i.e. vertical).

An interdisciplinary problem situation and an interdisciplinary educational problem are the basis for involving students in the process of independent problem-search activity, as well as the most important means of its directed motivation and management.

An interdisciplinary problem situation is the creation by a teacher of a state of intellectual difficulty for a student, when he discovers that he does not have enough subject knowledge and skills to solve the task assigned to him, and realizes the need for their intra- and interdisciplinary integration.

In the learning process, any interdisciplinary problem situation is realized in the form of a specific interdisciplinary educational problem.

An interdisciplinary educational problem is understood as a form of practical implementation of a problem situation of an interdisciplinary nature that arises in subject education.

Thus, with an integrative approach in teaching the disciplines of the natural-ecological cycle, a prerequisite is the disclosure to students of the interdisciplinary nature of the educational problems being solved as the basis for motivating and managing their cognitive activity.

Recently, the problem of integrated courses instead of subject education, especially in the basic sciences, has been intensively discussed. Supporters of integrated courses believe that with their help we will get rid of the overload of students, and most importantly, we will create a holistic view of science in them. The most organic way is to create integrated courses based on what is already integrated in science from the standpoint of general ideas. The integrity of an integrated course is possible with the interpenetration of sciences in a subject. When creating an integrated course, such a didactic condition for its assimilation should be taken into account as the degree of novelty of information: its initial presentation or presentation on the basis of propaedeutic or systematic knowledge.

An integrated course is designed to consider one complex object from the point of view of different sciences or different objects based on a common approach.

Integrative courses:

    the course "Natural Science for the Humanities" - aims to convey the content of natural science disciplines in the volume of the program for grades 10-11.

    In general, the object is the same - the foundations of the sciences, but they are covered from the standpoint of history, philosophy, fiction, even religious beliefs.

In this discipline, an interdisciplinary synthesis is implemented (questions of physics, biology, ecology, astronomy are included in the unity), the unity of philosophical, methodological and historical-scientific knowledge (there are questions related to different methods of cognition), the unity of historical and modern knowledge (included, for example, questions physics of Aristotle and quantum mechanics, the doctrine of the noosphere by V. N. Vernadsky); the relationship of scientific and religious knowledge (it is said about the emergence of Christianity and Islam); correlation of artistic and scientific perception of the world (the Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri and the Dialogue on the two dominant systems of the world are compared); correlation of philosophical and artistic comprehension of reality (in Lucretius's poem "On the Nature of Things"). The course contains tasks for highlighting different methods of cognition, comparing them, summarizing the lessons on the picture of the world in different historical periods.

However, for the initial presentation of information, the course is difficult. It is characterized by a certain raggedness due to the violation of some necessary links between knowledge. Therefore, a holistic course did not work out. But still, this is one of the most interesting integrated courses.

Other integrated courses consider different objects, based on a single approach - synergistic. Elements of synergetics are introduced into all taught disciplines and, in addition, there is an integrated course. The purpose of the latter is to create a modern picture of the world for the student - natural science and social.

The concept of school science education states that the formation of humanistic and ecological ideas is one of the most important tasks (of a chemistry course) of a modern school. Interdisciplinary connections (of chemistry with other academic disciplines) should be built on the basis of material that reflects the attitude (of chemistry) to man, to nature.

Indeed, the education of students of humanistic norms and principles of attitude to nature is very important in the context of the progressive human impact on the environment, which has already reached such a scale that the natural mechanisms of nature are often unable to neutralize the undesirable and harmful (impact) consequences of human production activities.

Therefore, the laws and phenomena of nature studied in the lessons of chemistry, physics, biology, the main directions of scientific and technological progress, must be considered in conjunction with environmental problems.

Obviously, the role of the school in the formation of ecological consciousness is great.

The difficulty in the formation of ecological culture among students is due to the many aspects of environmental education. It is interdisciplinary in nature, so the disclosure of relevant aspects of environmental education through an integrative approach (including integrated lessons) should be a priority.

Our time is characterized by the penetration into science of the idea of ​​a universal connection of phenomena. The world, as in ancient times, is a single organic whole. Only now such an idea is based not on intuition and demonstrative conclusions, but on scientific theories. The ideas of Vernadsky, quantum mechanics, and Einstein's theory of relativity brought a sense of unity to natural science. During the approval of these ideas and theories in science, a close friend of K.E. Tsiolkovsky, the biologist A.L. Chizhevsky wrote: “Now we can say that in the sciences of nature the idea of ​​the unity and connectedness of all phenomena in the world and the sense of the world as an indivisible whole never reached the clarity and depth that they gradually achieve in our days".

Sooner or later, any teacher has a need to implement interdisciplinary connections with other disciplines, as he begins to feel that otherwise it is impossible to form a comprehensive scientific picture of the world among students.

In order to fully realize the full potential inherent in the material being studied, a system of interdisciplinary connections is needed, an integrative approach to teaching students. The most important component of an integrative approach to teaching chemistry is specially organized integrated lessons.

In contrast to lessons in which, in order to establish interdisciplinary connections, chemistry material is illustrated with information from other subjects, in integrated lessons, a designated topic or problem is considered from different points of view by means of several subjects. Such lessons are prepared and conducted jointly by teachers of natural science disciplines. The material of such lessons shows the unity of the processes taking place in the world around us, allows students to see the interdependence of various sciences.

In this direction, it is still necessary to update the theme of integrated lessons, to diversify the forms and methods of these lessons, to rely more heavily on interdisciplinary connections, the greening of natural science disciplines.

At present, the problem of interdisciplinary integration is again given great attention in the process of organizing training and education in elementary school.

The concept of integration in the modern world is used very widely and is considered in various aspects. Literally Latin "integrafio" - restoration, replenishment; "integer" - complete, integral. Therefore, integration is "the unification into a whole, into the unity of any elements, the restoration of any unity" .

To date, in no dictionary, no reference book can not find a methodological definition of the concept of "integration". Despite the fact that this problem has been dealt with for a long time, there is no single point of view on this issue yet. Researchers interpret integration in different ways.

So, N.S. Svetlovskaya understands integration as "the creation of a new whole based on the identified elements and parts of the same type in several previously different units (school subjects, activities, etc.), then the adaptation of these elements and parts into a previously non-existent monologue of a special quality." She believes that an important condition for integration is the construction of material on the basis of the natural subordination of a single goal and function in a number of subjects and in methodology.

L. N. Bakhareva interprets the concept of "integration" similarly, revealing it as "a process of convergence and connection of sciences ...", representing "... a high form of embodiment of interdisciplinary connections on the quality of a new level of education ...", contributing to the creation of a new whole "monolith of knowledge ".

The author notes that integration does not negate the subject system of education, but is a possible way to improve it, overcome shortcomings and is aimed at deepening the relationship and interdependence between subjects. This approach to the problem is based on an understanding of the relationship between integration and differentiation.

I. D. Zverev and V. N. Maksimova consider integration in pedagogy as a process and result of creating a continuously connected, unified, whole. In teaching, it is carried out by merging in one synthesized course (topic, section, program) elements of different academic subjects, merging scientific concepts and methods of different disciplines into general scientific concepts and methods of cognition, complexing and summarizing the foundations of science in the disclosure of interdisciplinary educational problems.

V. S. Kukushkin believes that "integration is a process in which disparate knowledge in one or several different subjects is combined into a system that has the property of integrity." The combination of disparate knowledge into a single whole is extremely necessary in order to help students learn to highlight the main thing, analyze and generalize, which is extremely important in modern life. With integration, it becomes possible to break out of the framework of one academic discipline, visually, in action, show how everything in the world is interconnected, and at the same time increase the motivation to study your subject.

According to Yu.M. Kolyagin, in relation to the system of education, the concept of "integration" can take two meanings. Integration can be considered as the goal of learning - "creating a student's holistic view of the world around us", and learning tools - "finding a common platform for convergence of subject knowledge". As a learning goal, it gives younger students the knowledge that will teach them to imagine the world as a whole, in which these elements are interconnected. And as a means of learning, integration is aimed at developing erudition, expanding and updating knowledge. At the same time, however, integration should only combine the acquired knowledge into a single system, and not replace the teaching of traditional academic subjects.

We believe that the theory of education integration developed by A.Ya. Danilyuk. In it, the author reveals the concept of education integration: "integration of education is the implementation by a student, under the guidance of a teacher, of a consistent translation of messages from one educational language to another, in the process of which knowledge is acquired, concepts are regulated, and personal and cultural meanings are born." In other words, this is not so much a formal combination of different knowledge into a new educational text, but rather a combination of different texts in the mind of the student, leading to the formation of mental conceptual and semantic structures.

  • 1. Dialectical unity of integration and differentiation. Integration and differentiation are considered as two tendencies of human cognition: a) to represent the world as a whole, b) to comprehend the patterns and qualitative originality of various structures and systems deeper and more concretely. Differentiation and integration are manifested one in the other and one through the other. Differentiation does not lead to the loss of the integrity of the system, but is a necessary condition for its development and functioning.
  • 2. Anthropocentrism - a special, historically developing attitude of the teacher to the educational process, in which the central place and active role is given to the student. According to this principle, the student occupies a central position in the educational system, and his consciousness is the most important factor in the integration of educational content. The student becomes not only a semantic (what for), but also an organizational center of education (the subject of teaching, the subject of constructing educational content), provided that he integrates different educational texts in his mind. The integration of different knowledge by consciousness leads to the emergence of new knowledge, so the most important indicator of an anthropocentric, developing education is the student's ability to generate new (conditionally new) tests.
  • 3. Cultural conformity. Modern education is becoming more and more cultural in nature. Culture acts for him as a model-image, in accordance with which it organizes itself. Education is not the whole culture, but its part, which, unlike all its other components, reproduces culture on a small scale in its integrity and internal differentiation. Consequently, the educational system is a special, scientifically based image of culture.

Integration in the modern school goes in several directions and at different levels:

  • 1. Intra-subject - integration of concepts, knowledge, skills, etc. within individual academic subjects;
  • 2. Interdisciplinary - synthesis of facts, concepts, principles, etc. two or more disciplines;
  • 3. Trans-(cross)-subject - is a kind of inter-subject and means the end-to-end connection of a particular subject with other subjects (learning a foreign language on a musical and visual basis).

Interdisciplinary integration - is manifested in the use of laws, theories, methods of one academic discipline when studying another. The systematization of the content carried out at this level leads to such a cognitive result as the formation of a holistic picture of the world in the minds of students, which, in turn, leads to the emergence of a qualitatively new type of knowledge, which is expressed in general scientific concepts, categories, and approaches. Interdisciplinary integration significantly enriches intradisciplinary.

According to the number of subject areas, it can be: two-subject, three-subject, multi-subject;

According to the diversity of the content of objects - close, medium, distant;

According to the level of depth - shallow, deep, intermediate.

The factors of the interdisciplinary integration option can be significant, information-capacious concepts, problems, images, events, i.e. content elements. Some educational technologies, for example, an organizational and activity game, a project method, can also be a factor in interdisciplinary integration.

Interdisciplinary integration is the source of meaning formation for students. Meanings are the essential and most integrative characteristic of a person and cannot be bypassed either in the course of studying the foundations of the students' meaningful education, or in the process of theoretical understanding and practical implementation of the phenomenon of integration in the educational process:

  • 1. The integrated process involves non-semantic content components, but as a result of their interaction, the meanings of some components are revealed to students through others. It is in this case that integration is one of the mechanisms of meaning formation for students.
  • 2. Meanings do not appear as the result of integration processes at the level of objective knowledge, but, on the contrary, they perform the function of integrating non-meaningful patterns of content into larger blocks, initiating the integrative activity of students and raising it to a new, systemic, but not necessarily semantic level.
  • 3. Semantic neoplasms of students make it possible in conditions of proper semantic integration, in situations of mutual contact, mutual merging or, on the contrary, mutual repulsion of diverse meanings.
  • 4. The material of the integrative activity of students is not homogeneous (either only meaningful, or only semantic), but heterogeneous elements of content. An example of such an integrative organization of the educational process is, for example, the facts of students' perception of a work of fine art and the teacher's explanation of this work, for example, from the standpoint of strict mathematics. It is difficult to predict in such cases the meaning-forming result of such an organization of the educational process, but doubts about it can be minimized.

In terms of interdisciplinary integration, meanings are especially easily extracted from the content represented by a literary text, contemplated or perceived by ear (aesthetic meaning) and its analytical reading (intellectual meaning). In the second case, meanings acquire the character of scientific judgments. Diverse meanings, touching in one cognitive structure and mutually influencing, give rise to a new, multidimensional meaning.

Meanings are also "carved out" at the intersection of different content (special courses "Mathematics and Painting", "Mathematics and Music"). The integration of diverse, mutually distant content creates great opportunities for students to create meaning: the content of the same subject area can turn to students with a semantic side through the perception of similar content in another subject area, and therefore, the meaning-forming effect of integration is obvious. Moreover, in the conditions of contact of two unequal semantic substances, and even more so their interpenetration and mutual merging, the phenomenon of semantic resonance, semantic interference, can arise, generating a meaning of a higher order.

Quite large units of its content can serve as an example of the interaction of the humanitarian and natural science cultures in the educational process - integrated courses with equally and symmetrically presented subject areas. An integrating factor in teaching these areas of culture, as well as a fragment of individual manifestations, can be the material of a separate subject, from the specific content of which integrative connections diverge radially to the content of other subjects. An example is presented by that part of the mathematics lesson in elementary grades, which is devoted to the concept of a point. Questions: "What does a dot mean in writing in Russian and when is it put?" (at the end of a sentence), "What corresponds to the point when the sentence is spoken aloud?" (special intonation); "What corresponds to a period as a punctuation mark in music?" (pause); "What does the point on the map mean?" (locality); "What can be indicated by a point on the ground?" (city, village); "What role does the dot play in Morse code?" (signal); "Can any galaxy be called a point?" (can); "What does a line segment consist of?" (from dots); "Which of the segments of different lengths has more points?" (And there and there are an infinite number of them). The basic, mathematical concept of a point appears in linguistic, geographical, astronomical, musical and other contexts, as a result of which the student's consciousness turns into a fan of meanings that enrich his semantic matrices.

In this case, there is an "expanding meaning" (a point in linguistics, mathematics, geography). The well-known position of modern didactics works, according to which the development of a personality is its transition from one sign system to another (for example, in the conditions of transferring a work of art into a mathematical coordinate system). Forms of organizing the integrative activity of students, aimed at the formation of meaning and meaning-enrichment of the highest levels, are very different. These can be "meaning tasks", in the form of tasks to explain the meaning of a particular fact, to reveal its meaning in a figurative and artistic form. These can be conversations to clarify some episode of the text being studied, the search for a common value-semantic basis of various facts, the organization of "insight" situations, "explosively" throwing the deep meaning of the knowledge being mastered into the process of understanding. But these can also be "random" remarks of the teacher about some situation of the educational process, the students' response, or his humorous, individually oriented remark with semantic overtones.

Of particular importance for the emergence of meaning is the integration of mutually distant training courses - from the natural science and humanitarian educational areas, to which the technical area is added. The field of interdisciplinary integration can be represented by the border area of ​​not two, but several subjects.

There are two types of interdisciplinary integration links in the lessons: a direct link that goes from lessons to the content and technologies of other academic subjects (when studying indefinite pronouns in a Russian language lesson, the question to the class is: "What corresponds to an indefinite pronoun in mathematics?" The answer assumes: ("X "), and feedback that goes to the lesson from other training courses and enriches it with diverse content (in literature lessons, material from history lessons coming through students through students) .

In elementary school, interdisciplinary connections can be established according to the composition of scientific knowledge (factual, conceptual, specific).

In the studies of well-known scientists and teachers (I.D. Zvereva, V.M. Korotov, E.I. Skatkina, V.N. Maksimova, etc.), interdisciplinary connections act as a condition for the unity of education and upbringing, a means of an integrated approach to the subject system learning, both horizontally and vertically.

Horizontal thematics with the use of interdisciplinary connections in primary education currently occupies a strong place. At school, interdisciplinary connections are established according to the composition of scientific knowledge (factual, conceptual, specific).

Actual interdisciplinary connections, for example, are established in the process of familiarization with the numerous facts of symmetry in the structure of bodies of nature. So at the lesson of mathematics the topic "Symmetry of bodies" is studied, at the lesson of the surrounding world "Autumn has come" photographs, herbariums of tree leaves (maple, ash, etc.) are shown and questions are discussed: What is the beauty of leaves? What is the meaning of symmetry? What is symmetrical?

This helps students to see and understand that symmetry facts take place not only in mathematics, but also in nature, in fine arts, in the technology of manufacturing objects of observation.

Conceptual interdisciplinary connections are of particular importance for the formation of natural science concepts. For example, in the lesson of the surrounding world, children get acquainted with the concept of "deciduous", "coniferous" trees. At the lessons of fine arts, this concept is fixed in drawing branches of deciduous and coniferous trees, at technology lessons - in the corresponding modeling, while the concept is not just duplicated, but associatively fixed.

An interesting solution to the problem of vertical thematics based on interdisciplinary connections is found in the work of the candidate of pedagogical sciences I.V. Koshmina, the author proposes to use interdisciplinary connections for the development of a child's broad humanitarian and environmental thinking, his perception of a holistic picture of the world and the moral and aesthetic education of schoolchildren. To do this, several school subjects are combined according to the principle - a dialogue on a given topic. The theme contains a specific content, image, emotional state, moral and aesthetic meaning. It is like a key phrase, a figurative-verbal symbol, a leitmotif goes through several lessons during the week and allows objects to enter into a dialogue. During the week, without changing the general theme of the lessons, the teacher several times goes to the vertical theme and reveals it through the content of various subjects. The topic can be considered both on the program educational material and on additional material at the discretion of the teacher. A vertical topic in a lesson can be given from five minutes or more. Also, the implementation may be different; a different approach to the analysis of the work, a new or creative task, a brief conversation on the content of a vertical topic, a small remark, an emphasis in the course of the explanation, a problematic dialogue, an explanation.

Each vertical theme has a brief definition of the general content, one or more epigraphs that introduce the emotional and poetic image of the theme, its philosophical and aesthetic content.

Epigraphs, as it were, offer different turns of the topic, different directions for its disclosure. The content of thematism covers everything that is included in the concept of "culture".

The sequence of topics is determined by the calendar, seasons, holidays (folk, Orthodox, civil). Each group contains various moral and ecological themes. The content of topics and logic are determined by the age characteristics of students and their preparedness for reflection, reasoning, and the ability to highlight the main idea. As a result, students receive a kind of holistic picture of the world in terms of the content of the vertical theme.

The depth of interdisciplinary integration can be superficial, short-term, one-touch. This is something like traditional interdisciplinary connections. Such an inter-integrated level can be designated as elementary. The average level of interdisciplinary integration is represented by a deepening in the lesson into the content of another or other academic subjects, however, to such an extent that the defining subject does not lose its specificity (in the Russian language lesson, when studying conditional subordinate clauses, an appeal to the formulations of mathematical theorems, each of which contains these most conditional clauses). Deep interdisciplinary integration is characterized by a certain "equality" of diverse content and the organic interpenetration of its mutually distant components (a lesson in the special course "Mathematics and Painting").

Usually, in interdisciplinary integration, weak, medium and high levels are distinguished. Interdisciplinary connections are usually considered a weak (low) degree of integration, when the material of another subject (facts, illustrations, concepts, musical fragments, etc.) is occasionally included in the study of the material of one subject. At the same time, the independence of each subject with its own goals and objectives is preserved. An integrated lesson is considered to be an average degree of integration, when an object that is extremely difficult for students is studied from different angles by means of several academic subjects, but at the same time, the independence of each subject is maintained in general. A high degree is the creation of integrated courses.

The following forms of organization of the educational process based on interdisciplinary integration are distinguished: layer-like, spiral, interpenetrating, contrasting, individually differentiated (creative).

Layer-like - the population of various types of activity (cognitive, artistic and aesthetic, gaming, communicative, etc.), the content of which is permeated with one value or object of knowledge. For example, the image of nature is revealed in the visual arts, in its various genres (still life, landscape), displayed through color, light, composition; in literature - through artistic means of expression in the text; in music - through the sounds of nature, songs.

The image of spring

action play, theater or labor

sound art of music

word literary reading

color, light fine art

Spiral - the content, methods of activity in which the student is included, gradually increase, quantitatively and qualitatively change. Depending on the level of cognitive activity of students, the cognition of a value (object) can be carried out from a detail to a whole or from a whole to details. For example, one can first appreciate the beauty of the landscape of one season and then rise to the understanding of the beauty of nature in works of literary, musical, and visual arts.

Contrasting form - on the dialogue and showing the contrasting facets of the world, on the disclosure of value through its opposites (good-evil), knowledge of the whole through a part, plurality and through singularity.

friendship - enmity

action-word game - imaginary situation

portrait image fine art

sounds of music art

word-image literature

The integration of content promotes communication, the exchange of knowledge between students and the teacher, encourages reflection, self-esteem, and motivation. Younger students try to comprehend and streamline the world around them, and when faced with contradictions, they immediately give them an explanation. Therefore, the teacher should organize communication in such a way as to reveal to younger students the merits of such a value and its significance in life; stimulate students' need for it.

The interpenetrating form is built on the basis of one type of activity, for example, a game, into which others are organically intertwined: cognitive, listening to music, perceiving painting, etc. This form is most often implemented in elementary school.


Fine Collaboration -

art game action


There are such types of lessons as lesson-performance, lesson-tale, lesson-investigation. The volume of content and the degree of penetration of another type of activity into the main one depends on the tasks set by the teacher and the level of development of students.

An individually differentiated (creative) form is the most difficult form of organizing an integrated lesson, requiring high professionalism from the teacher. Students independently choose activities, organize subject space and communication around themselves.

1st group 2nd group

Fine Labor

creativity co-creation

Group 3 Joint communication,

Literary play action

co-creation theatrical

The teacher must be able to transfer the student from one type of activity to another; the product created by the student serves as a means of translation. For example, you can create a composition from drawings, invent and play a fairy tale, create a building, study and calculate it mathematically, etc. Content integration allows students to see the object being studied holistically and creatively fulfill themselves.

Integration on an interdisciplinary basis in elementary school implies the adequacy of the actions of the teacher (teaching) and the actions of students (educational-cognitive). Both activities have a common structure: goals, motives, content, means, result, control. There are differences in the content of the activities of the teacher and students.

  • 1. At the target stage, the teacher sets an interdisciplinary goal, and students, under the guidance of a teacher, must realize the interdisciplinary essence, select the necessary knowledge from various subjects, direct attention, thought not only to the assimilation of generalized knowledge, but also to the development of skills and synthesis, personality traits, abilities and interests.
  • 2. At the motivational stage, the teacher encourages students to acquire worldview knowledge, to generalize concepts from various subjects. Students mobilize volitional efforts, directing them to a cognitive interest in generalized knowledge.
  • 3. At the stage of the content side of the activity, the teacher introduces new educational material, while simultaneously attracting basic knowledge from other subjects. Students learn general subject concepts, problems at the level of generalized knowledge.
  • 4. At the stage of choosing means, the teacher determines visual aids, textbooks, tables, charts, questionnaires, assignments. When solving integrated problems with the help of visualization, younger students perform the actions of transfer, synthesis, generalization
  • 5. The next stage is productive. The teacher applies pedagogical skills, and students, using the systemic knowledge, the ability to generalize, apply it in practice.
  • 6. At the stage of control, the teacher carries out mutual assessment, mutual control of the readiness of students, evaluates the quality of assimilation. Students show self-assessment of knowledge and self-control.

Integration in primary school is quantitative, i.e. "a little about everything." Younger students receive more and more ideas about concepts, systematically supplementing and expanding the range of existing knowledge. This requires the ability to synthesize disparate knowledge and skills. The result of training is the need to know "everything about a little", and this is already specialization at a new integration level.

"Ultimately, integration should contribute to the reunification of the integrity of the worldview - the unity of the world and man, living in it and knowing it, the unity of the earth and space, nature and man. Here there is a general humanistic basis of the process - placing modern man at the center, with his place and role in the natural and social environment".

For integration in primary education and upbringing, there are both favorable and unfavorable factors that largely determine the tactics of integration.

A favorable factor is that integration has great potential in the development of the child's intellect, which are not used in traditional education.

The first negative factor - a limited number of subjects - can be compensated for by the fact that the content of a small amount of acquired knowledge should reflect the real picture of the world, the interconnection of its parts.

And the second negative factor is the difficulty of presenting the integrated course in such a way that it is understandable and interesting for children of this age.

As can be seen, the problem of the integrated content of education has its own difficulties. But at the same time, there are factors that facilitate its solution. One of them is the fact that in elementary school the main part of all subjects, with the exception of some, is taught by one teacher, so it is easier for him to move to integrated learning.

Integration of items is possible under three conditions:

  • 1. The objects of study must match or be close enough;
  • 2. Integrated subjects use the same or similar research methods;
  • 3. Integratable subjects are built on common patterns, general theoretical concepts.

Integration is the highest level of implementation of intersubject communications. The functions of integration consist in the formation of a systematic knowledge, systemic thinking in students, the development of their abilities to transfer (near, middle, distant) knowledge and methods of activity, the formation of a scientific picture of the world in younger students.

Functions of didactic integration: holistic development of personality; the integrity of the formed picture of the world; formation of an indicative basis for actions of a high level of generalizations; development of simultaneous thinking (the ability to see something in common behind outwardly different-quality, different-character, heterogeneous processes); development of integrative consciousness and ways of integrative activity.

In modern pedagogy, there is no generally accepted list of integration functions, therefore, the most common, invariant functions of pedagogical integration, which are related to all its varieties, are distinguished. These can be: methodological, developing, technological functions.

The functions of pedagogical integration are ways of displaying its activity when it performs a certain task or role.

Each of them is capable of accumulating a number of smaller functions.

1. Methodological function.

Three aspects of the methodological function of pedagogical integration can be distinguished: heuristic (serves as an initial basis for the development of new pedagogical concepts), ideological and axiological (is a means of intellectual and spiritual enrichment of the participants in the pedagogical process), instrumental (expresses its ability to act as a tool: knowledge and transformation of pedagogical science ; knowledge and transformation of educational practice; ensures the continuity of new and old, theoretical knowledge and practical experience).

2. Developing function.

Development is accomplished through differentiation of the whole, allocation of functions, acts of behavior in it and their new integration, unification into a new whole. Differentiation leads to the emergence of new actions - perceptual, mnemonic, mental, etc., to the multiplication, enrichment and improvement of mental activity, integration - to streamlining, subordination and hierarchization of their results. Integration serves as a means of forming new mental formations, a new structure of activity. Consider an example concerning problem-based learning, which is based on search and cognitive activity. It includes such indicators as the formation of new knowledge: the formulation of hypotheses, the formulation of new questions, etc. Using integrative-pedagogical terminology, we can say: in the course of problem-based learning, true integration is carried out, associated with the transformation of knowledge and the appearance on this basis of psychological neoplasms in a person. One of the main reasons for this situation is the heterogeneous nature of problem-based learning. Further, when solving the simplest problem situation, the student is forced to draw on knowledge of various origins, to perform various types of mental activity. In problem-based learning, the student deals with a search model containing an infinite set of data of different quality, which he selects and synthesizes.

3. Technological function.

Its content includes: compression, compaction of information and time; elimination of duplication and establishment of continuity in the development of knowledge and skills; dissolution and interpenetration of knowledge and skills of some disciplines into others; systematization of concepts, facts, skills, denial of some part of acquired knowledge, skills in the formation of generalized integrated properties, establishment of subordination and coordination.

Of the identified and described invariant functions of pedagogical integration, the developing function occupies a central place, which extends to all areas of educational theory and practice, including the very subject of human education. At the same time, this does not negate the negative possibilities of integration.

Based on what has been said about integration in general and its interdisciplinary variant, as well as some additional material to this, we will isolate the most significant integrative components of training and bring them together into a holistic model.

  • 1. Integration is the convergence, connection and merging of diverse content components in one subject or process. Intersecting, diverse content forms a common, i.e. integrative part, and specific, i.e. uninterrupted zones. At the junction of diverse content, in border areas, it is possible to create problem situations, solve intersystem cognitive tasks, tasks to transform the content of one subject, block or topic into the content of another subject, block or topic.
  • 2. Building the learning process on an integrative basis leads to the formation of knowledge of a higher order, increases the radius of the indicative basis of actions, and contributes to the overall intellectual development of students. In the border areas, situations are formed from which students are able to extract the meanings of what they are studying, and this circumstance should stimulate the teacher to develop and include "tasks for meaning" in the educational process.
  • 3. Interdisciplinary integration, its interdisciplinary (to put it more broadly, intersystem content) serve as a means of forming the so-called simultaneous thinking already in children of primary school age. Simultaneous thinking is understood as its ability to see what is common behind outwardly different-quality phenomena and processes: a wave of water in a river; a wave of fire moving across the field; flu wave in the city; sound wave.
  • 4. An important component of interdisciplinary integration is an integrating factor that unites content of different subjects around itself. The factor of interdisciplinary integration can be metaknowledge, i.e. non-subjective, non-subjective knowledge. As a rule, within the framework of a particular subject it is specific, but in the conditions of inter-subject teaching, merging with knowledge of another subject, it loses part of the specifics in larger knowledge, but is itself partially colored by knowledge of this other subject.
  • 5. In addition to the concept, the concept, cross-cutting interdisciplinary ideas can act as an integrating factor if they really unite the material of various subjects not one-time, but over a relatively long period of time or even throughout the entire period of teaching interacting courses (in interaction, for example, mathematics and art, such a factor of interdisciplinary integration can be the idea of ​​harmony). Initial classes, as will be shown in the next chapter, are no exception to this.
  • 6. Of the other integrating factors, which, depending on the situation, are no less important, are methods of activity (observation from different angles, including from the standpoint of different academic subjects, including primary classes), problems (to solve any of them , translating into problem situations, one has to involve the material of various subjects and even turn to extracurricular material), meanings (they are understood by students, as a rule, with the involvement of material from other "dissimilar" and also "similar" material and also on the basis of the meanings of this "other " material.
  • 7. Educational technologies can act as an integrating factor. The above integrating factors are more of a content nature, we now emphasize the role in the interdisciplinary interaction of technologies, i.e., the sequence of procedures for the implementation of content. These factors include, in particular, the game, which, as a rule, combines the content of the most diverse planes, without being content itself. If we include the theatrical component in the game and take into account that the game continues to take place as a leading activity at school, especially at an early stage of education, then its integrative significance in primary education becomes clear.
  • 8. An important characteristic of interdisciplinary integration is its depth. The integration of subjects can be one-touch "these are mostly classical" interdisciplinary connections, but there is nothing reprehensible in them. The connection may be deeper, but with a noticeable excess of one of the parties (in the primary grades, for example, foreign language on a musical basis). The deepest level of integration is "equality" in the interaction of subjects ("Dostoevsky and Einstein" - a special course in high school).