Modern problems of science and education. Motivation as the main psychological condition for studying a university student Motivation for studying at a university

To do this, we must prepare a specialist capable of making non-standard decisions in non-standard conditions, the main result of the implementation of the so-called innovative education. It's fashionable, but it's not a panacea. Imagine for a moment that all this works and even effectively. Further, we will get what we already have in advanced schools, universities, of course, not of a natural science profile, however, it has already reached them.

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When creating this technique, the author used a number of other well-known techniques. It has three scales: “acquisition of knowledge” (desire to acquire knowledge, curiosity); "mastery of a profession" (the desire to acquire professional knowledge and form a professional important qualities); “obtaining a diploma” (the desire to acquire a diploma with the formal assimilation of knowledge, the desire to find workarounds when passing exams and tests). In the questionnaire, for masking, the author of the methodology included a number of background statements that

They are not further processed. A number of formulations have been corrected by the author of the book without changing their meaning.


Mark your agreement with a "+" sign or disagreement with a "-" sign with the following statements.

Questionnaire text

1. The best atmosphere in the classroom is the atmosphere of free speech.

2. I usually work under a lot of stress.

3. I rarely have headaches after experiencing worries and troubles.

4. I independently study a number of subjects, in my opinion, necessary for my future profession.

5. Which of your inherent qualities do you value the most? Write the answer next.

6. I believe that life should be devoted to the chosen profession.

7. I enjoy the discussion of difficult problems in class.

8. I do not see the point in most of the work that we do at the university.

9. Telling my friends about my future profession gives me great satisfaction.

10. I am a very average student, I will never be completely good, and therefore there is no point in making an effort to become better.

11. I believe that in our time it is not necessary to have a higher education.

12. I firmly believe in the correct choice of profession.

13. Which of your inherent qualities would you like to get rid of? Write the answer next.

14. Whenever possible, I use ancillary materials for exams (notes, cheat sheets, notes, formulas).

15. The most wonderful time of life is student years.

16. I have extremely restless and interrupted sleep.

17. I believe that in order to fully master the profession, everything academic disciplines must be studied equally deeply.

18. If possible, I would enter another university.

19. I usually take on the easier tasks first and leave the harder ones for the end.

20. It was difficult for me to choose one of them when choosing a profession.

21. I can sleep peacefully after any trouble.

22. I am firmly convinced that my profession will give me moral satisfaction and material prosperity in life.

23. It seems to me that my friends are able to study better than me.

24. It is very important for me to have a diploma of higher education.

25. For some practical reasons, this is the most convenient university for me.

26. I have enough willpower to study without being reminded by the administration.

27. Life for me is almost always associated with extraordinary stress.

28. Exams should be passed with a minimum of effort.

29. There are many universities where I could study with no less interest.

30. Which of your inherent qualities hinders learning the most? Write the answer next.

31. I am a very addicted person, but all my hobbies are somehow related to my future work.

32. Worrying about an exam or work that is not done on time often prevents me from sleeping.

33. A high salary after graduation is not the main thing for me.

34. I need to be in a good mood to support the overall decision of the group.

35. I was forced to enter a university in order to take the desired position in society, to avoid military service.

36. I study material to become a professional, not for an exam.

37. My parents are good professionals and I want to be like them.

38. For promotion, I need to have a higher education.

39. Which of your qualities helps you learn? Write the answer next.

40. It is very difficult for me to force myself to study properly disciplines that are not directly related to my future specialty.

41. I am very worried about possible failures.

42. The best thing I do is when I am periodically stimulated, spurred on.

43. My choice of this university is final.

44. My friends have higher education and I don't want to be left behind.

45. To convince a group of anything, I have to work very hard myself.

46. ​​I usually have an even and good mood.

47. I am attracted by the convenience, cleanliness, ease of the future profession.

48. Before entering the university, I had been interested in this profession for a long time, I read a lot about it.

49. The profession I am getting is the most important and promising.

50. My knowledge of this profession was sufficient for a confident choice of this university.

Processing of results. Key to the questionnaire

The scale "acquisition of knowledge" - for agreement ("+") with the statement under paragraph 4, 3.6 points are affixed; according to item 17 - 3.6 points; according to item 26 - 2.4 points; for disagreement ("-") with the statement under paragraph 28 - 1.2 points; according to item 42-1.8 points. Maximum - 12.6 points.

Scale "professional mastery" - for agreement on item 9 - 1 point; according to item 31 - 2 points; according to item 33 - 2 points, according to item 43 - 3 points; according to item 48 - 1 point and according to item 49 - 1 point. Maximum - 10 points.

The scale "obtaining a diploma" - for disagreement under paragraph 11 - 3.5 points; for agreement under paragraph 24 - 2.5 points; according to item 35 - 1.5 points; according to item 38 - 1.5 points and according to item 44 - 1 point. Maximum - 10 points.

Questions on paragraphs. 5, 13, 30, 39 are neutral to the objectives of the questionnaire and are not included in the processing.

The predominance of motives on the first two scales indicates an adequate choice of a profession by a student and satisfaction with it.

More on the topic Motivation for studying at a university (T.N. Ilyina):

  1. The formation of motivation for learning and the formation of learning activities as the leading
Motivation and motives Ilyin Evgeny Pavlovich

Methodology "Motivation for studying at a university"

The technique was proposed by T. I. Ilyina. When creating this technique, the author used a number of other well-known techniques. It has three scales: “acquisition of knowledge” (desire to acquire knowledge, curiosity); “mastery of a profession” (the desire to acquire professional knowledge and form professionally important qualities); “obtaining a diploma” (the desire to acquire a diploma with the formal assimilation of knowledge, the desire to find workarounds when passing exams and tests). In the questionnaire, for masking, the author of the methodology included a number of background statements that are not further processed. A number of formulations have been corrected by the author of the book without changing their meaning.


Mark your agreement with a "+" sign or disagreement with a "-" sign with the following statements.

Questionnaire text

1. The best atmosphere in the classroom is the atmosphere of free speech.

2. I usually work under a lot of stress.

3. I rarely have headaches after experiencing worries and troubles.

4. I independently study a number of subjects that, in my opinion, are necessary for my future profession.

5. Which of your inherent qualities do you value the most? Write the answer next.

6. I believe that life should be devoted to the chosen profession.

7. I enjoy the discussion of difficult problems in class.

8. I do not see the point in most of the work that we do at the university.

9. Telling my friends about my future profession gives me great satisfaction.

10. I am a very average student, I will never be completely good, and therefore there is no point in making an effort to become better.

11. I believe that in our time it is not necessary to have a higher education.

12. I firmly believe in the correct choice of profession.

13. Which of your inherent qualities would you like to get rid of? Write the answer next.

14. Whenever possible, I use ancillary materials for exams (notes, cheat sheets, notes, formulas).

15. The most wonderful time of life is student years.

16. I have extremely restless and interrupted sleep.

17. I believe that in order to fully master the profession, all academic disciplines must be studied equally deeply.

18. If possible, I would enter another university.

19. I usually take on the easier tasks first and leave the harder ones for the end.

20. It was difficult for me to choose one of them when choosing a profession.

21. I can sleep peacefully after any trouble.

22. I am firmly convinced that my profession will give me moral satisfaction and material prosperity in life.

23. It seems to me that my friends are able to study better than me.

24. It is very important for me to have a diploma of higher education.

25. For some practical reasons, this is the most convenient university for me.

26. I have enough willpower to study without being reminded by the administration.

27. Life for me is almost always associated with extraordinary stress.

28. Exams should be passed with a minimum of effort.

29. There are many universities where I could study with no less interest.

30. Which of your inherent qualities hinders learning the most? Write the answer next.

31. I am a very addicted person, but all my hobbies are somehow related to my future work.

32. Worrying about an exam or work that is not done on time often prevents me from sleeping.

33. A high salary after graduation is not the main thing for me.

34. I need to be in a good mood to support the overall decision of the group.

35. I was forced to enter a university in order to take the desired position in society, to avoid military service.

36. I study material to become a professional, not for an exam.

37. My parents are good professionals and I want to be like them.

38. For promotion, I need to have a higher education.

39. Which of your qualities helps you learn? Write the answer next.

40. It is very difficult for me to force myself to study properly disciplines that are not directly related to my future specialty.

41. I am very worried about possible failures.

42. The best thing I do is when I am periodically stimulated, spurred on.

43. My choice of this university is final.

44. My friends have higher education and I don't want to be left behind.

45. To convince a group of anything, I have to work very hard myself.

46. ​​I usually have an even and good mood.

47. I am attracted by the convenience, cleanliness, ease of the future profession.

48. Before entering the university, I had been interested in this profession for a long time, I read a lot about it.

49. The profession I am getting is the most important and promising.

50. My knowledge of this profession was sufficient for a confident choice of this university.

Processing of results. Key to the questionnaire

The scale "acquisition of knowledge" - for agreement ("+") with the statement under paragraph 4, 3.6 points are affixed; according to item 17 - 3.6 points; according to item 26 - 2.4 points; for disagreement ("-") with the statement under paragraph 28 - 1.2 points; according to item 42 - 1.8 points. Maximum - 12.6 points.

Scale "acquisition of a profession" - for agreement on paragraph 9-1 points; according to item 31 - 2 points; according to item 33 - 2 points, according to item 43 - 3 points; according to item 48 - 1 point and according to item 49 - 1 point. Maximum - 10 points.

Scale "obtaining a diploma" - for disagreement on item 11 - 3.5 points; for agreement under paragraph 24 - 2.5 points; according to item 35 - 1.5 points; according to item 38 - 1.5 points and according to item 44 - 1 point. Maximum - 10 points.

Questions on paragraphs. 5, 13, 30, 39 are neutral to the objectives of the questionnaire and are not included in the processing.


The predominance of motives on the first two scales indicates an adequate choice of a profession by a student and satisfaction with it.

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true, reflect the requirements for education in the context of the transition to the information society, and can be used as the basis for changes in the school learning process.

In conclusion, it should obviously be noted that the sociocultural characteristic modern education is based on the following significant trends:

1) informatization of education,

2) ensuring the openness of the educational environment of the school to society,

3) changing the understanding of the value-target purpose of the school learning process.

Based on the foregoing, we can talk about special conditions and requirements for activities.

teachers. These requirements are determined primarily by the requirements to achieve a new quality of education.

In this regard, there is a growing need to implement a subjective approach to teaching, to ensure the unconditional right of every child to actively choose and independently design their school life. At the same time, the role of the teacher changes significantly: from the transmission of knowledge and methods of activity, he must move on to designing an individual trajectory for the intellectual and personal development of each child and pedagogical support for the advancement of schoolchildren along an individual educational route.


1. Krylova N.B. Cultural studies of education. M., 2000.

2. Bulkin A.P. Sociocultural dynamics of education. Historical experience of Russia. Dubna, 2001.

3. Toffler E. Futurochok. SPb., 1997.

4. Pinsky A. Education of freedom and non-freedom of education. M., 2001.

5. Kalinovsky Yu.I. Philosophy of educational policy. M., 2000.

6. Abdeev R.F. Philosophy of information civilization. M., 1994.

7. Udovik S.L. Globalization: semiotic approaches. M., 2002.

8. Moiseev N.N. Information society as a stage recent history. Information and self-organization. M., 1996.

9. Klarin M.V. Innovations in world pedagogy. Riga, 1995.

10. The main results of the international study of educational achievements of students R!BA-2000. M., 2002.

E.A. Rozhdestvenskaya*, N.A. Roshchina**, E.N. Kubarev**


‘Tomsk State University’ ‘Tomsk State Pedagogical University

The motivation for studying at a university is directly related to another important problem - the problem of professional self-determination, which is more relevant today than ever before. This is due to a number of both socio-political and economic, ethical, moral reasons, in a word, everything that makes up the socio-psychological conditions for the existence of a person in Russia. It should be noted that often young people, making a professional choice, prefer fashionable, prestigious and most highly paid professions. In this case, a situation is possible when young people practically ignore those activities that are close to them in terms of character type and other psychological characteristics. However, an inadequate choice of profession in the future may prevent not only

professional growth, but also the formation of personality, namely, personal maturity. Now society is increasingly moving towards humanization, the development of the potential of each person, and in this regard, a person is interested in the deep meanings of life, himself, his activity (including work). Most professions cease to be rigidly operational, given, so success in professional activity depends not only and not so much on the formed professional skills, but on the development of the general psychological culture of the specialist. Therefore, personal maturity becomes one of the main factors of professionalism. And since in this context the problem of self-determination and its dependence on the characteristics of the motivation for learning at a university has been little studied, we

E.A. Rozhdestvenskaya, N.A. Roshchina, E.N. Kubarev. Features of motivation for studying at a university

It turns out that it is very important to consider the relationship of professional self-determination, features of the motivation for obtaining a profession with the level of personal maturity.

The general principle of the study is to recognize the fundamental possibility of forming motivation in the course of learning (and not just taking into account and fixing cash motivation as a prerequisite, a condition for starting learning).

When studying the formation of learning motivation in the natural conditions of real learning, we took into account the following general provisions:

1. The psychological study of motivation and its formation are two sides of the same process of educating the motivational sphere of the student's integral personality. The study of motivation is the identification of its real level and possible prospects, the zone of its proximal development for each student and the group (stream) as a whole. At the same time, in the process of formation of motivation, new reserves of it are revealed, therefore, true study and diagnostics are carried out in the course of formation.

2. When organizing the study and formation of motivation, it is important not to allow a simplified understanding of them. The study should not be considered only as a teacher’s registration of what lies on the surface and catches the eye (“wants” or “does not want” the student to study and become a highly qualified specialist), but it should be built as the teacher’s penetration into the deep patterns of the formation of the student as a person and subject of activity.

3. The teacher can study and form the student’s motivation himself (without waiting, for example, for the arrival of a psychologist) through long-term observation of students in real life conditions, analysis of students’ repeated judgments and actions, thanks to which the teacher can draw fairly reliable conclusions, outline and correct ways its formation.

The purpose of this work was to identify the features of the motivation for teaching students of Tomsk State Pedagogical University in the specialty "Pedagogy and Psychology" who study full-time and distance learning. The subject of the study was to identify the relationship between the motivation for studying at a university and the desire to become a highly qualified specialist (in other words, the adequacy of a professional choice).

The sample consisted of 3rd year full-time students (21 people, of which 4 were men) aged 19-21, as well as students studying remotely from the cities of Sharypovo, Zelenogorsk, Tyumen, Langepas, Ra-

duzhny, Nyagan (34 people, of which 5 men) aged 19-25 years.

As a research methodology, the questionnaire "Motivation for studying at a university" was used, from which three scales were analyzed: "Acquisition of knowledge", "Mastering a profession" and "Getting a diploma", and the questionnaire "Motives for learning activities".

During the study, the following hypothesis was put forward: full-time students should have a higher level of motivation, and such motives as “become a highly qualified specialist”, “acquire deep solid knowledge”, etc. should prevail. At the same time, these motives should deepen or appear with age.

The data obtained as a result of the study showed that the hypotheses put forward by us were not confirmed. As it turned out, the motivational sphere is more formed among distance students. Thus, according to the scale of acquiring knowledge, they turned out to have higher indicators (35.3% have high indicators, 29.4% have average indicators, and 35.3% have low indicators). Among full-time students on a similar scale, only 0.4% had high scores, 23% had average scores, and 76.6% had low scores. On the scale of mastery of a profession, 23.8% of full-time students had high scores, 19% had average scores, and the largest number of students had low scores - 57.2%. Distance learning students have a similar percentage distribution: half of the students - (50%) have a low indicator, an average one - 32.4%, while a high one turned out to be typical only for 17.6%.

As the results of the study showed, full-time students are mainly focused on obtaining a diploma of higher education (diploma scale). There were 95.2% of them among the surveyed. Among those who study remotely, the main thing is getting a diploma (58.8%). For the rest, the motives for acquiring knowledge and mastering a profession still prevail. These data have significant differences (p<0.05) с данными, полученными у студентов дневного отделения.

Having received such data, we tried to analyze what motives of educational activity prevail among full-time students. As it turned out, the dominant motives turned out to be the motives of “getting a diploma” and “constantly getting a scholarship”. Taking into account the fact that we are talking about students at the faculty for the third year, the picture is very bleak. Students do not strive to become highly qualified specialists, to successfully study for this

goals, acquire deep solid knowledge, etc. The main thing for them is to obtain a diploma of higher education in a currently fashionable specialty.

Thus, significant differences were revealed in the motivation of the educational activities of diary students and those studying remotely. The latter had a higher level of learning motivation than full-time students. Moreover, it can be asserted with a certain degree of confidence that in the process of learning the necessary motives for learning activity do not exist in them.

develop even with age. Thus, our hypothesis was not confirmed.

Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Perhaps applicants for the specialty "pedagogy and psychology" should be more carefully examined for the content of the motives of their educational activities, so that random people do not get into the faculty.

2. Probably, the teaching process (and maybe the curriculum) of special subjects should be changed.

A.I. Sorokina*, K.A. Ohezina*, T.V. Esikova**


‘Bashkir State Pedagogical University “Saratov State University

Formulation of the problem. In preschool and early school age, when the basic personality traits are actively formed, the study of conflict manifestations of children with minimal brain dysfunction (MMD) is of particular importance. In the process of playing and learning activities, children often find themselves in problem situations that lead to conflicts, for the constructive resolution of which they must be prepared. Participation in conflicts acts as an inevitable moment of growing up; through overcoming internal and external conflicts, the formation of self-awareness of the individual takes place.

In the scientific literature, there is more and more data on MMD, which manifests itself in childhood. The most frequently discussed issues are related to the hyperactivity of such children, the rationale for chronic brain syndrome in general, manifestations of childhood encephalopathy, etc. . However, it should be noted that with a sufficient number of studies close to this topic, the conflict nature of children with MMD remains little studied, and the concepts used do not have clear definitions.

The ability to resolve conflicts is one of the manifestations of the social adaptation of the individual and contributes to productivity in interpersonal interaction. In this regard, it became necessary to conduct a special study of conflict in children with MMD.

Traditionally, conflict manifestations are considered in terms of deviations from social norms, expressed in states of depression, frustration, passive options for avoiding active social

al role. The child in this case does not take part in resolving situations and demonstrates an unwillingness to solve the problems that give rise to them. Therefore, it is important to study the socially active, developing type of conflict manifestations of children with MMD as individuals, revealing themselves in the process of interaction with the environment. It, in turn, manifests itself in actions aimed at overcoming problems and acquiring useful life experience. In this regard, it is important to determine how conflict manifestations contribute to the formation of the psychological stability of the individual.

The clinical picture of MMD is diverse and changes significantly with age. Manifestations of MMD are characterized by various features in the behavior of children. They are characterized by clumsiness, awkwardness, difficulty in fine motor skills; there are difficulties in manipulating a pencil and pen, there is an inadequacy of friendly movements, lack of formation of the leading hand, restlessness, distractibility, mood instability, increased fatigue, which in general becomes an important factor in the formation of social immaturity and destructive conflict in these children.

The success of pedagogical activity is largely determined by the teacher's ability to extract a psychologically justified effect from the analysis of problem situations that give rise to children's conflicts.

From the history of the issue. Traditionally, children's conflicts are viewed as phenomena associated with deviations from the so-called normative

Learning motivation is “... a particular type of motivation included in the activity of learning, learning activity”. Like any other type of motivation, educational motivation is systemic and is characterized primarily by direction, stability and dynamics. In line with the study of educational motivation as such, the central issue often becomes the question of the structure of educational motivation, the types of motives, and its components.

A number of researchers in educational motivation distinguish cognitive motives associated with the content of educational activities and the process of its implementation, as well as social motives due to various social relations of the student with other people. Among the cognitive motives, in turn, there are broad cognitive motives, determined by a person's orientation to the assimilation of new knowledge, and educational and cognitive motives, characterized by an orientation towards the assimilation of methods of obtaining knowledge, as well as self-education motives - the focus on self-improvement of methods of obtaining knowledge. Social motives include: broad social motives - the desire to be useful to society, narrow social (positional) motives - the desire to take a certain position in society, to earn authority, as well as the motives of social cooperation - the desire to understand, analyze the ways and forms of their cooperation with others, to the constant improvement of these forms. A number of researchers (L.I. Bozhovich, P.M. Yakobson and others) postulate the need for the presence of both components (cognitive and social motives) for the effectiveness of educational activity.

In domestic psychological and pedagogical science, the problems of motivation are grouped around a general methodological approach - the activity one. It is based on the principle of the unity of the human psyche and activity and sets the system in the study of the need-motivational sphere of a person. In the activity approach, the motive is a holistic way of organizing the activity of an individual, an integral stimulus and regulator of activity, including educational.

The psychological aspect of motivation and its formation are two sides of the same process of educating the motivational sphere of the integrity of the student's personality. Ways of formation and features of motivation for each student are individual. The task is to, relying on a general approach, to identify in what complex, sometimes contradictory ways, the formation of a student's learning motivation takes place.

The entire period of study at the university can be divided into successive stages of preparing students for professional activities (initial, basic, final). According to S.A. Pakulina, at these stages of students' education at the university, there is a change in the types of educational activities from educational and cognitive to educational and research, and then educational and professional, which leads to motivational changes.

The motivation of educational activity is the correlation of the goals facing the student, which he seeks to achieve, and the internal activity of the individual. In learning, motivation is expressed in the student's acceptance of the goals and objectives of learning as personally significant and necessary.

The concept of "motivation structure" in domestic science is used when it comes to dominance, the hierarchy of motives, the allocation of their main groups and subgroups. The hierarchical motivational structure determines the orientation of the student's personality, which has a different character depending on which motives have become dominant in their content and structure.

The main structural elements of the motivation of the educational activity of university students are cognitive motivation and motivation for achieving success. Their stimulation directly contributes to increasing the effectiveness of educational activities.

Distinctive features in the development of educational motivation of students is that:

· At student age there is a transformation of motivation, the whole system of value orientations, on the one hand, and intensive formation of special abilities, on the other.

· There is a pronounced desire for higher education, interesting work, and the acquisition of a profession. The attitude towards good living conditions and material security is increasing.

· One's own moral worldview, a moral "I" is being formed, which presupposes the existence of a stable system of beliefs that are not dependent on external conditions and the pressure of others.

· Communication at this stage of personality development is the leading activity along with learning. In communication, the main changes occur.

The motivation for learning activities is heterogeneous, it depends on many factors: the individual characteristics of students, the nature of the closest reference group, the level of development of the student team, etc. On the other hand, the motivation of human behavior, acting as a mental phenomenon, is always a reflection of the views, value orientations, attitudes of that social stratum (group, community) of which the person is a representative.

The value orientations of the personality of university students are:

· in one's own prestige, i.e. winning their recognition in society by following certain social requirements;

· in a high financial position, i.е. addressing the factors of material well-being as the main meaning of existence;

· in creativity, i.e. realization of their creative possibilities, the desire to change the surrounding reality;

· in active social contacts, i.е. expanding their interpersonal relationships, realizing their social role;

· in self-development, i.e. knowledge and development of their individual characteristics;

· in achieving, i.е. setting and solving certain life tasks as the main life factors;

in spiritual satisfaction;

· in preserving one's own individuality, i.e. the predominance of one's own opinions, views, beliefs over generally accepted ones;

· in the degree of significance for the individual of a particular life sphere, within which he tries to realize himself.

The specifics of learning motivation, along with general indicators of the meaningfulness of life, reflects three specific life orientations and two aspects of the locus of control:

goals in life

• the process of life, or interest and emotional lability;

The effectiveness of life, or satisfaction with self-realization;

Locus of control - "I" (I am the master of life);

· locus of control - life or controllability of life.

Learning motivation, being a special kind of motivation, is characterized by a complex structure, one of the forms of which is the structure of internal (process and result) and external (reward, avoidance) motivation. Such characteristics of educational motivation as its stability, connection with the level of intellectual development and the nature of educational activity are essential. Educational activity is motivated, first of all, by an internal motive. The greatest influence on the effectiveness of educational activity was exerted by the need for achievement, which is understood as "a person's desire to improve the results of his activity." Satisfaction with learning depends on the degree of satisfaction of this need. This need makes students concentrate more on their studies and at the same time increases their social activity.

We must not forget that learning is not individual, but collective. Psychologists have obtained evidence that the nature of learning motivation is influenced by the group cohesion of the study group. In particular, when working in small groups, cohesion contributes to an increase in interest in the subject, and its absence, on the contrary, negatively affects cognitive interest. Student age is characterized not only by the desire to achieve a high position in society, but also by choosing a profession based on the acceptance and approval of this profession by others. Motivation of educational activity among students is expressed quite strongly. All aspects of human relationships are very important. Many of their actions are determined by the need for communication, the desire to maintain good relations with others. In the activities of many students, it is not the process itself that is important, but the direct result.

For the development of learning motivation, it is necessary to form it by the teacher himself due to the correctly selected type of teaching. The type of teaching and the nature of motivation will depend on how and what material is presented by the teacher, what role is assigned to the student - passively absorbing a sponge or actively working with the teacher.

The most productive in all respects is training in which the following conditions are met. First, the student is given basic (invariant) knowledge. As a result, the student is able to independently solve a specific educational problem. Secondly, the student is introduced to generalized ways of working with basic knowledge. Thirdly, the assimilation of knowledge occurs in the process of their practical application. If all conditions are met, then learning becomes creative. As a rule, success inspires the student and he has a need to acquire new knowledge.

Both cognitive motives and success motives can be combined into two groups: internal and external. Internal educational motivation includes internal motives for entering a pedagogical university, broad cognitive motives, and relevant professional motives. External educational motivation consists of external motives for entering a pedagogical university, narrow cognitive motives and irrelevant professional motives. With internal motivation for achieving success, the latter is the real result of one's own actions, their qualitative assessment; with external motivation for achieving success, it reflects the assessment of achievements by society and orientation towards it.

In the course of changing the types of educational activities from educational and cognitive through educational and research to educational and professional activities, the subject of activity and its motives change. As learning activity develops, its meaning becomes "psychologically decisive" and acquires the function of motivation, the motive becomes a personal formation, and not "a transient, random external stimulus."

In this regard, in the structure of teaching motivation, we single out motivational-semantic formations (cognition, achievement, dominance, affiliation), which are a complex multifunctional system that combines motivational and semantic components.

Cognition is expressed in the desire for the depth of professional knowledge, for explaining the new, in curiosity, expanding life experience. The satisfaction of knowledge is expressed in the connection of personal meanings with cognitive activity and in the embodiment of the knowledge gained in real practice.

Achievement is characterized by a focus on performance and success, self-confidence, awareness of the value of any business, perseverance in achieving goals, self-criticism and independence. Satisfaction with the achievement entails awareness of one's role in what has been achieved, provides realistic goal setting, hope for success, continuous self-improvement and improvement of performance results through knowledge and increased efficiency.

Dominance is revealed in conflicts and disputes, in the ability to quickly convince others, in getting pleasure from participating in important decisions, in directness in expressing one's disagreement, in striving for seniority and responsibility, in the ease of speaking to a large audience. Satisfaction with dominance is achieved in actively influencing the tastes and views of people, in persuading others, in direct participation in solving common problems, in striving for social superiority, in demonstrating one's own competence.

Affiliation includes the joy of helping others, the preference for society over solitude, interest in friends and compassion for their troubles, empathy for the success of others, the prevalence of duties over rights in relationships with people, a large number of friends. Affiliation satisfaction is associated with communication with pleasant people, with the help of others in overcoming difficulties, with the possibility of receiving help from others, with satisfaction with one's social position, with the absence of a feeling of loneliness.

The structure of motivation of educational activity of students of a pedagogical university is implemented in motivational strategies. These are complexes of methods of activity that mediate most situations of students' involvement in learning activities, reflecting the dynamic side of motivation and ensuring the development of its content: 1) internal-objective strategy - avoiding difficult life situations; 2) internal-subject strategy - the desire for cooperation, overcoming differences and joint creativity in all major activities; 3) external-subject strategy - rivalry, following external norms and rules, self-affirmation of the personality in the external; 4) external-object strategy - adaptation to other people.