Why does the toilet cistern sweat? Why does condensation appear on the toilet tank and how to get rid of it

Modern man places certain demands on the toilet; it must be comfortable, beautiful and, of course, clean. And suddenly a problem arises when, it seems, all measures have been taken to create a comfortable and aesthetic closet: the water supply and drainage system has been replaced, and a new toilet has been installed, but moisture collects on it. And not just on the pipes, but on the tank, which, in theory, should serve without any interference.

What can we expect?

Condensation on the toilet - this initially minor nuisance can result in a number of non-critical, but rather troublesome consequences, such as:

  • Pools of water accumulate on the toilet pedestal and then on the floor.
  • The appearance of dampness, and then, as a consequence, mold, mildew and unpleasant odors.
  • Rusting of metal elements of plumbing fixtures, for example, parts that attach the toilet to the floor.

You, of course, can endlessly wipe away the condensation and place containers to collect the drips, but who needs this hectic housekeeping, it’s easier to get rid of this “disease” once and for all.

In this article, we will try to understand why the toilet tank is sweating and we will tell you what to do if there is condensation on the toilet.

Causes of condensation

If such a situation arises in the house, it is better to immediately figure out why the toilet tank is sweating and eliminate it. The main factors for the appearance of “tears” on it are:

  1. Increased humidity in the apartment, including in the bathroom, due to:
  • Ineffective work.
  • The presence of leaks in life support systems (water supply, heating).
  • A large number of indoor plants requiring regular watering and irrigation.
  • Frequent drying of laundry in large volumes, for example, at the birth of a baby, etc.
  1. Malfunction shut-off valves, leading to a continuous supply of cold water to the tank, which does not have time to warm up to room temperature. In this case, if the temperature difference between the water in the tank and the surrounding air is 10-15 degrees, condensation will certainly occur on the surface of the drain container.
  2. Location of hot water supply pipelines in close proximity to the drain tank.

Now knowing why the toilet sweats, you can decide on methods to eliminate the problem.

Ways to deal with condensation that forms

Let's touch on each reason separately and figure out what to do if the toilet tank is sweating in a specific situation.

Drain system malfunction

The first thing you should pay attention to is the proper functioning of the tank itself. With a high-quality installation of a plumbing fixture, there should not be a continuous flow of water from the tank into the toilet.

It's easy to spot:

  • Visually. Constantly flowing water leaves characteristic marks on the toilet bowl.

  • Aurally. Continuous filling of the drain tank is accompanied by noise, which in itself can become an unpleasant irritant for the inhabitants of the home.

Attention! In addition to the troubles described above, permanent leakage of water into the toilet will also adversely affect the family’s finances if a water meter is installed in the house.

Any man can handle the repair of a drainage device with his own hands; it is enough to have a set of wrenches, fum tape or sanitary sealant with you.

Insufficient ventilation

If no faults are found during the inspection of the toilet, pay attention to the ventilation in the bathroom.

Checking the draft in the ventilation duct is very simple; you need to hold a piece of paper to the grille at the entrance to the ventilation shaft. If the ventilation system is functioning correctly, the leaf will be attracted to the grille and will be held in place without outside help.

If not, steps should be taken to correct the problem and improve the efficiency of the ventilation.

How to do it?

  • Firstly, you need to continue to inspect the ventilation duct and, if a blockage is detected, clear it yourself, or call the relevant services.
  • Secondly, ensure free air exchange in the room by installing it at the bottom of the door. The problem can also be solved by providing sufficient clearance between the toilet door and the floor.
  • If all measures have been taken, but condensation still appears, you will have to arrange forced ventilation in the bathroom by installing a household fan in the ventilation duct.

Advice! It is better to entrust the selection of a device model of appropriate power to specialists.

But installing the fan is not a difficult task at all, besides detailed instructions to the unit will help to complete it in a short time, and the price of the issue will not be more than several thousand rubles.

Note! The device is especially relevant forced ventilation in combined bathrooms, where after taking water procedures the humidity level inevitably increases.

It is very convenient when the fan turns on and off synchronously with the lighting in the bathroom. If necessary, you can connect a relay that allows you to prolong the operation of the fan for some more time after turning off the light.

Reducing the temperature in the bathroom

Establishing a favorable environment in the bathroom temperature regime can also help combat condensation.

To do this, it is advisable to take outside the premises:

  • Hot water pipelines.
  • Heated towel rails powered by the heating system.

The greatest effect can be achieved by implementing all the above measures to eliminate condensation on the toilet cistern in a complex.

Additional measures

When choosing plumbing for your home, pay attention to the new and improved models of toilets with double tanks. This means additional plastic container for water, not in contact with the outer ceramic. This eliminates the possibility of condensation forming on the surface of the drain tank.

That's almost everything about how to get rid of condensation on the toilet.


Now all you have to do is, following the tips described above, carry out the necessary work and we guarantee you that in the near future you will forget about the “tears” on your plumbing fixture. If this problem arose with new equipment, then it is better to contact the store and return it under warranty, and let the manufacturers deal with the condensation.

In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

Drops of liquid, and sometimes large drips on the flush tank in the toilet, are a common occurrence. Gradually accumulating on the floor, such moisture requires frequent cleaning; in addition, condensation on the toilet cistern leads to corrosion water pipes(with old plumbing). Another problem is the formation of fungus, mold and constant humidity, resulting in a specific smell in the bathroom.

So what is condensation? This is moisture that appears from the influence of cold water with a temperature of 6-10 degrees on the surface of the ceramic tank on one side (internal) and room air having a temperature of 20-24 degrees, acting on the outside. To eliminate this problem, you need to understand the cause and know how to eliminate it.

Most often there are two reasons: humidity in the bathroom and a large difference in temperature between the surface of the cistern and the surrounding air.

Condensation forms at the “border” of warm and cold air, so a difference of 12-15 degrees between the walls of the tank and the air is sufficient environment for moisture to form.

The following phenomena can be a source of increased humidity and differences in degrees:

  • Lack of proper ventilation in the bathroom;
  • pipe failure;
  • riser in a room with constantly circulating water;
  • hanging laundry to dry;
  • malfunction of the shut-off valves of the tank, which causes increased water consumption;
  • penetration of air with increased dampness from the street through cracks in door or window openings;
  • marriage committed during finishing works: waterproofing of walls or ceilings that does not meet standards, illiterate installation of double-glazed windows.

And also the primary source and reason why the tank “sweats” may be a combined bathroom with a bathtub.

Malfunction of tank shut-off valves

Condensation can accumulate on the surface of the tank due to the continuous flow of cold water because the drain mechanism is faulty. This leads to filling in the toilet, thereby reducing the temperature on the surface of the walls of the tank due to cold water.

There is only one way out - repairing components or replacing all fittings. In addition to eliminating condensation, repairing the drain tank device will save a lot of water. This is especially important for users who have water meters.

Consequences of condensation

The constant presence of moisture on the surface of the drain tank is not only a small nuisance - it a big problem, which in a few years can cause a lot of discomfort for the safe living of the family.

This is fraught with the following consequences:

  • The microclimate is deteriorating;
  • condensation promotes corrosion on metal elements;
  • any redecorating made with expensive materials will be reduced to zero due to prolonged exposure to moisture;
  • Mold and mildew will appear in the room.

And if you leave the bathroom unattended for a long time, then puddles formed from condensation can penetrate to the neighbors on the lower floor. And this threatens not only damaged relations with them, but possible financial expenses for repairs.

How to get rid of condensation on a toilet tank?

There are several options and methods to eliminate this phenomenon.

Tank modernization

Often the formation of condensation is eliminated by various manipulations with the drain tank:

  • Method No. 1. Repair of the locking mechanism inside the container. Due to an incorrectly adjusted float, the valve does not close and endless circulation of cold water occurs.

Note: With frequent draining of water, and accordingly, filling the tank, an increased amount of condensate also forms, since cold water does not have time to warm up to room temperature.

  • Method No. 2. Replacing a conventional tank with a double wall cistern. This is the most reliable option, but it is not suitable for all users due to its high cost.
  • Method No. 3. And now stores sell special plastic inserts made in the shape of a tank. They just need to be inserted inside the container, while the flushing and water supply mechanisms do not need to be removed.

Double wall cistern

Manufacturers of current toilets understand the problem with condensation and recommend their own options. There are many on the market now different models plumbing fixtures with a modified tank design that prevents them from getting wet.

The improvement lies in the manufacture of products with double walls. It practically reduces the formation of moisture on the outer surface of the tank to zero. This type of drainage tank is equipped with a special plastic tank inside.

Attention! Plastic has low thermal conductivity, and besides, its walls have little contact with the inner surface of the ceramic tank. As a result, the temperature of the earthenware tank is constant.

Thanks to this design with a reservoir built inside, there is no liquid remaining on the walls of the external earthenware tank.

Thermal insulation of the tank yourself

Some home craftsmen insulate the tank from the influence of cold water by using insulation that is glued to the inside of the tank.

To do this they use:

  • foamed polyethylene 6-8 mm thick
  • silicone sealant
  • waterproof glue
  • stationery knife
  • roulette
  • 10 mm wrench and socket wrench.

For these purposes, tepofol, foamed polyethylene, polystyrene foam, etc. are used. Insulation is effective method removing “fogging” from the tank. The basic rule to follow is
This is to use a material with a thickness of no more than 10 mm, otherwise the volume inside will significantly decrease.

To thoroughly insulate the walls of the earthenware container, it will be more convenient to remove it and remove all the internal fittings. Rinse and dry the tank. Then prepare the patterns. In order not to be mistaken in size, it is easier to cut and fit first on thick cardboard, and then transfer it to the insulation.

Glue the blanks with any waterproof glue, and coat the joints with sealant, and you need to apply the insulating material not only to the wall, but also to the bottom of the tank. After drying, install the container, assemble the accessories, turn on the water and put the modernized product into operation.

Another option for insulation is external insulation. But at the same time, you need to take into account that it is easier to paste heat-insulating material on the outside without gaps, but it is more difficult to design aesthetics.

Therefore, you can buy a compact toilet with a tank, which you can install in a niche in the wall. And then it can be insulated with any material, and then covered with cladding. But this is an off-budget option, and it is not suitable for everyone.

Half flush

A good way to eliminate condensation is to mix cold and warm water(this option is possible in autonomous heating systems).

A second similar solution to the problem would be to use the release of half the volume of water by pressing the button twice or using the second key.

Changing the microclimate of the room

Along with measures to remove condensation in the bathroom or with a shared bath, an option is used to change the microclimate. This includes natural or artificial ventilation. If there is a gap at the door or window, then you don’t have to think about the influx.

You just need to check the hood in the ventilation duct. To do this, just bring a match or a lit piece of paper. If the flame does not deviate towards the passage, then there is no draft, and then we must try to figure out the reason: the mesh is dirty, the channel is blocked, etc.

At the same time, we must not forget that the natural hood in the bathroom must be large. Undoubtedly, the lower the speed of air movement, the larger the cross-section the well must be for its outlet. And no one will deny that in forced ventilation air exchange occurs faster.

This rule is reflected even in SNiP standards: the air speed for a conventional hood should be up to 1 m³/h, and for forced ventilation - from 2 to 4.5 m³/h. Therefore, for a room of the same area, the dimensions of the ventilation shafts should be different.

For example, to transmit an air flow of 300 m³/h you need:

  • at forced circulation– well size 170×200 mm;
  • with a simple hood, it should be increased to a section of 260x400 mm.

Thus, if all attempts to restore natural exhaust in the toilet fail, then you need to set up forced ventilation.

Air dryers

Another way to reduce the level of humidity in the bathroom is to install a dehumidifier. It absorbs excess moisture, while it collects in a tray located below.

Moreover, the device operates until the required humidity levels in the room are reached. The operation of the dehumidifier directly depends on the readings of the hygrometer mounted inside.

Heating water in the cistern

To get rid of moisture on the walls of the tank, they often use an increase in the temperature of the water in the tank. In principle, everything is understandable: if there is no difference between the temperatures of the incoming water and the surrounding air in the toilet, then there will be no condensation.

In fact, the following options are used to implement this method:

  • Option #1. Instead of cold water, a pipe with hot water. Even if the temperature of such incoming water is high, when mixed with the water in the container, it becomes close to room temperature. This solution to the problem is suitable for those users who do not have a water supply meter installed.
  • Option #2. Construction of a heat exchanger. To do this, you can use a hot water riser that runs inside the toilet. You just need to wrap a copper tube around it and put insulation on top. Connect one end of the tube through a tee to a pipe with cold water, and direct the other into the drain tank.

Attention! Water, passing through a coil around a hot pipe, heats up by 3-4 degrees, sometimes this is enough to prevent condensation from forming on the tank.

  • Option #3. Install a water heater in the bathroom and make a connection from it.

Forced ventilation

Before removing condensation from the toilet tank, you first need to create the proper ventilation level in the toilet. This requires two components: air inflow from external rooms or from the street and its exit through ventilation ducts.

In case of insufficient air exchange during natural exhaust, forced ventilation is installed. Fan performance is usually taken according to the average data of SNiP standards. Taking these indicators from the table, it is clear that for the toilet room the air speed should be 50 m³/h.

Thus, according to experts, there is only one fundamental way to deal with condensation - by creating fresh ventilation.

Not only residential buildings, but also many of those where people work are equipped with various engineering communications, integral part which are plumbing elements. Like all technical devices, they can fail, and then you have to think about repairing or replacing the faulty product. But problems often arise that cannot be solved using these methods.

One of them, and far from uncommon, is that the toilet tank constantly sweats. And if in administrative buildings this is mainly a concern for technical staff, then in a home it is a headache for its owners. Condensation provokes the development of putrefactive processes - mold and mildew will find a permanent “registration” in the toilet room. And leaks to the lower floors cannot be avoided after puddles appear on the floor. If we also add discomfort from excess humidity, then there is little pleasure from fogging up the toilet cistern.

To understand how to deal with this, you need to understand what causes it. Condensation on any surface appears only due to temperature differences. And this is a law of nature that cannot be changed. After all, the temperature indoors is always higher than outside. And the water comes from outside, colder, which leads to fogging of the toilet tank. Therefore, you need to try to restore thermal equilibrium or minimize the consequences.

Reasons and ways to “fight” condensation


A malfunction of the shut-off valve elements results in cold water constantly flowing into the tank. And it makes no difference whether it flows in a large stream or in a thin stream. Its volume will only affect the intensity of fogging of the toilet tank, but condensation will form in any case.

Recipe– adjusting the drain system or replacing a failed part.

Increased fluid consumption

The more often the drain is made, the more cold water comes from the pipes. Naturally, the toilet tank will constantly sweat.

Recipe– in rooms with big amount potential “users” of this plumbing equipment can pay attention to reducing the volume of water supply. This can be adjusted. Naturally, without compromising the quality of cleaning the toilet bowl when flushing.

For families with a large number of its members (hence, “users”), it is advisable to install a model in which the drain is adjustable or stepped. In the first case, the drainage of water is stopped manually, according to sufficiency, and in the second, you can choose the “option” of drainage - full or partial (1/2 of the entire tank). This will reduce the flow of liquid (and its influx from the outside) and sharply reduce (or completely eliminate) fogging of the toilet tank.

Recipe– applicable only for private buildings, as it consists of additional insulation of the water supply route. This can slightly increase the supply water temperature and reduce the level of fogging in the toilet cistern.

Increased humidity levels in the toilet room and adjacent rooms

Recipe– if the toilet tank is sweating, you can try installing dehumidifiers. In some cases it helps.

It is necessary to check the functionality of the ventilation system. If it does not provide high-quality outflow of air masses, then this can cause condensation. By the way, ventilation holes are often tightly covered with cladding so as not to spoil general form", and this sharply reduces the quality of ventilation.

There are also more prosaic tips from Internet users. It is clear that not all of them are suitable for a particular room, but they are still worth mentioning. Maybe it will be useful to someone. After all, it is impossible to give a single recipe for all occasions, since the operating conditions of plumbing in each room have their own characteristics.

Proposals from “traditional craftsmen”

If hot water pipes pass near the installation site of the cistern, this may cause the toilet cistern to sweat. You need to reinstall it or purchase another model of plumbing fixture, with a different fastening of the drain tank.
Provide forced ventilation in the toilet room.

If the toilet tank sweats, it should be insulated. It is clear that this method can be tested if it is “hidden” installed (the container is recessed into the wall or covered with facing panels). Users advise using, for example, polystyrene foam sheets and neoprene sheets. There are many options.

You can try to get rid of fogging in the toilet tank by replacing the metal tank with a plastic one.
Some argue that this problem can be eliminated by placing a container with thicker walls. This will lead to a shift in the dew point, and as a result, will prevent fogging of the toilet tank.


This problem can only be dealt with experimentally. If you want to get rid of a sweaty tank, then an acceptable solution will definitely be found.

A good option is to install a toilet model in which the tank has double walls. This eliminates the interaction of the liquid with the environment (thermos principle).

Modern toilets are comfortable and aesthetically pleasing, and the inside smells pleasantly of scented products. To make it comfortable to be in the bathroom, it requires special care. Do you agree?

The room must be constantly cleaned and problems, including the formation of condensation, must be eliminated in a timely manner. If water constantly flows down the outer surface of the tank, an unpleasant odor appears in the apartment over time, and the plumbing fixture loses its attractive appearance. appearance. Due to droplets of water constantly flowing from the surface of the cistern, puddles form on the floor, which must be wiped off in a timely manner. Of course, you can adapt some kind of container to collect water, and then remember to empty it of its contents in a timely manner.

To get rid of condensation on the toilet tank and avoid negative consequences, you need to find out why the tank in the bathroom is sweating.

The most common reasons for the formation of condensation on the tank are:

Temperature difference

As a rule, the air temperature in the bathroom is higher than the surface temperature of the tank, since the latter is constantly filled with cold water. In the bathroom, additional heat sources are often installed, for example, heated towel rails and heated floors, which makes the temperature difference even greater. This is felt especially well in the cold season.

Condensation forms on the tank of plumbing equipment due to the fact that the air temperature in the room differs from the temperature of the water in the toilet by about 15 degrees.

Therefore, the outer surface of the tank begins to fog up.

Malfunction in the drain mechanism

Often condensation appears when the drain tank is constantly leaking, which, as you know, most often occurs when the float valve breaks down. If this is the case, then the problem can be easily solved by purchasing a new valve.

Due to a faulty mechanism, cold water from sewer pipes flows continuously in the tank without having time to settle.

As a result of the movement of cold water flows, condensation appears. If there is a meter, the owner of the apartment will have to pay for the leakage.

Most modern plumbing models do not require “local” repairs, so manufacturers do not produce small spare parts for them.

In the event of a breakdown, you will have to purchase a set of shut-off valves. If you can identify faulty structural elements and make repairs at the site of the breakdown, you will be able to reduce the excessive consumption of cold water, which is important for housing with a meter.

You can solve the problem without plumbing skills with the help of a specialist.

If you are familiar with the principle of operation of the drainage system, then you can carry out the repair yourself, while saving on calling specialists.

Depending on the toilet model, there are two ways to solve the problem - replacing the shut-off valves or local repairs of failed structural parts.

Condensation forms at any water pressure, but the degree of fogging of the tank depends on the power of the pressure. To fix the problem, you must either replace the faulty parts.

Lack of ventilation

A well-functioning ventilation system is the main condition for maintaining an optimal level of humidity in the room. If the bathroom is poorly ventilated, numerous problems appear, including condensation on the drain tank. Checking the condition of the ventilation holes To reduce the level of air humidity, you need to adjust the ventilation of the bathroom. Each apartment has special ventilation “windows” that provide air circulation.

In pursuit of interior beauty, some residents seal these holes. finishing materials, which, of course, is unacceptable. To disguise ventilation windows, you need to buy decorative grilles that are specifically designed for this purpose. They can be selected by color, shape, and design. Before installing decorative grilles, clear the ventilation ducts of debris.

Air ventilation in the room can be organized even more efficiently if you connect a forced ventilation system. To calculate the power of the ventilation system, you must contact specialists. After assessing the condition of the bathroom and the intensity of its use, professionals will give recommendations on the choice of equipment.

If your toilet cistern is sweating, you need to urgently check the serviceability of the ventilation system in the bathroom.

You need to bring paper, a candle or a lighter to the ventilation grille. The system works fine as long as the paper sticks and the flame burns evenly. If paper falls or the flame goes out, then urgent measures must be taken to restore ventilation.

You can solve the problem of constant condensation in the following ways:

  • Cleaning ventilation ducts.
  • Installing an additional fan on the exhaust duct.
  • An effective option for getting rid of exhaust air and obtaining a clean influx is to leave a gap 2 cm high.


Double wall cistern

Manufacturers of modern toilets are aware of the problem of condensation and offer their own effective solution. The latest toilet models are being produced with an improved cistern design that prevents them from “crying.”

In these models, an additional plastic container is inserted inside the tank, the walls of which do not come into contact with the ceramic surface of the product. As a result, its temperature is always constant and equal to room temperature. This constructive solution allows you to solve the problem once and for all. However, for many buyers, these models still remain inaccessible at a cost that is several times higher than the price of conventional toilets.

pasting the internal walls of the tank with heat-insulating material

Some amateur craftsmen try to insulate the walls of the tank from the effects of cold water using heat-insulating materials that are glued to them from the inside of the tank.

However, this technology does not completely solve the problem of condensation.

If you still can’t afford expensive “no-crying” models, then try installing forced ventilation.

Even a simple fan, inserted into the ventilation window and turned on when the light is turned on in the bathroom, will solve the problem of condensation on cold surfaces. If the toilet cistern continues to sweat after this, call specialists to install more powerful ventilation systems.

Buying a dehumidifier

Another solution to the current problem of high humidity in the bathroom is to purchase a dehumidifier.

The principle of operation of the electrical appliance: a powerful fan directs a flow of moist air into a special cooling chamber, in which the process of condensation of moisture occurs and its separation into a special container. Then the dried air is heated and successfully returned to the bathroom.

How to remove condensation on a toilet cistern

Modern toilets are comfortable and aesthetically pleasing, and the inside smells pleasantly of scented products. To make it comfortable to be in the bathroom, it requires special care. Do you agree? The room must be constantly cleaned and problems, including the formation of condensation, must be eliminated in a timely manner.

If water constantly flows down the outer surface of the tank, an unpleasant odor appears in the apartment over time, and the plumbing fixture loses its attractive appearance. To get rid of condensation and avoid negative consequences, you need to find out why the toilet tank in the bathroom is sweating.

We will tell you how to independently figure out and eliminate the cause of tank leakage. Useful tips and expert advice are presented in our material. For clarity, it is accompanied by thematic photographs and videos. This will help you get to the root of the problem faster.

If drops of water are constantly forming on the tank of your toilet, the first thing you need to do is identify the cause of their appearance.

A common cause of condensation in a toilet is high rate humidity in the room. To normalize this indicator, it is necessary to identify the cause of the increase in humidity.

Dry indoor air has a negative effect on human health, but high humidity also leads to bad consequences. This may cause fogging of the tank, walls and floor.

Increased humidity in the bathroom can be caused by various reasons:

  • The apartment or house contains a large aquarium or a lot of vegetation that requires constant watering. In these cases, the problem can be solved by installing dehumidifiers.
  • Washing and drying clothes is carried out in significant volumes, which is more often observed in large families. It is recommended to hang washed laundry on the balcony or in the yard.
  • Moisture can settle on the cistern and bathroom wall surfaces due to leaking sewer pipes or connections. It is urgent to identify and fix the plumbing problem.
  • Insufficient ventilation does not fulfill its functions, as a result of which the room cannot dry quickly.
  • Due to a breakdown of the shut-off valves, cold water may constantly flow in the tank, which does not have time to reach room temperature and causes condensation to appear on the walls of the plumbing.

Condensation forms on the tank of plumbing equipment due to the fact that the air temperature in the room differs from the temperature of the water in the toilet by about 15 degrees. Therefore, the outer surface of the tank begins to fog up.

Since water enters the toilet from a water supply system located underground or outdoors, its temperature depends on external weather conditions.

In winter, the heating season begins, during which the room heats up. During this period, the greatest difference in temperature between the air in the bathroom and the water in the toilet is observed.

The laws of physics will help identify the original source of the malfunction. As you know, warm air currents, in contact with cold water (in the drain tank), are converted into droplets of moisture. The process of condensation formation on the tank can be stopped with a more detailed study possible reasons this phenomenon and ways to eliminate them.

The consequences of condensation on the drain tank

If you do not take immediate action when water droplets appear on the toilet cistern, then a puddle of water will appear under the plumbing equipment.

In the future this will lead to the following consequences:

  • increasing humidity in the bathroom;
  • the occurrence of mold and fungi;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant damp smell;
  • plumbing will be subject to corrosion, causing it to rust and lose its attractive appearance;
  • formation of rust and corrosion, gradual destruction of the sewer pipeline;
  • the tank and its bolts will begin to rust, become unusable and require replacement;
  • rotting of floor and ceiling materials, which can cause partial destruction of the ceilings.

The problem of condensation in the bathroom, at first glance, may seem insignificant, but if this phenomenon is ignored for a long time, serious consequences can occur.

Dampness, black mold, unpleasant odor, discomfort and complaints from neighbors living below about the appearance of stains on the ceiling are the results of continuous condensation on the surface of your toilet cistern.

Due to constant condensation in the bathroom, pipes corrode and rust, which subsequently leads to their destruction and leakage

In addition to pipe corrosion, there is a more serious problem. If you ignore the formation of puddles on the floor for a long time, then under the influence of moisture a gradual process of rotting of the floor materials occurs.

As a result, water seeps below, provoking processes of decay of materials on ceiling living below neighbors. At first, damp stains will appear on the ceiling. In the future, the destruction of the ceiling between apartments is possible.

If your toilet cistern is sweating, you need to take drastic measures immediately. Methods for dealing with unaesthetic condensation depend on the reasons for its formation.

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