How to tie tomatoes in a greenhouse: the best methods. How to tie tomatoes in a greenhouse video How to tie tomatoes in a greenhouse

In order to grow good harvest, vegetables need proper care. If you leave the process of growth and maturation to its own devices, you will not be able to get a decent harvest.

The tomato is one of the most demanding plants, because it is so easy to improper care destroy the entire harvest

Why is this necessary?

Both in the greenhouse and in the open ground, tomatoes need high-quality care and timely tying. If the gardener is not attentive to the tomato bushes, they will grow and fall to the ground. Therefore, the first and main rule for growing vegetables in a polycarbonate greenhouse is their timely tying up.

Some types of tomatoes do not need staking. These are low-growing individuals that have a small stem and stepsons that can support heavy fruits. However, tall tomatoes need staking.

It is extremely necessary to tie tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse, because the plant is not able to withstand the weight of its fruits. Otherwise, during active growth, the stem will bend to the ground along with the harvest. Ripe fruits will become prey for worms and other pests. This is precisely what justifies the obligatory tying.

Tomatoes have shoots - stepsons that grow from the main stem. They need to be removed, because the stepsons take away the strength from the bush, since the ovary also forms on them and fruits are formed. However, the ripening of such fruits is impossible, so you should not burn the plant, but you need to get rid of the stepsons in time. Tying is beneficial in this matter, because it is more convenient to carry it out when the plant is raised from the ground and all unnecessary elements are visible.

The need to tie up plants contributes to quality care for them. For example, watering must be carried out in the root area, and this is difficult to do when the plant is lying on the ground. A tomato garter will prevent water from getting on the leaves, which means it cannot spoil the plant.

Materials and methods

Tall bushes need to be tied up. Exists detailed instructions which can be viewed on video. Before you begin the garter process, you need to do the following:

  • carry out stepsoning;

  • select suitable supports;
  • choose the right material.

In order to tie up tomatoes in a greenhouse, you need to decide on the material. Gardeners advise choosing natural fabrics and considering the possibility of doing without stakes. Twine, cotton and linen fabric are perfect for garters. Negative side natural materials lies in their fragility. If synthetics can be used for more than one season, then organic materials will have to be renewed annually. And yet, the use of natural fibers has a beneficial effect on the growth of tomatoes without squeezing the stem.

Today, in gardening stores you can find a special device for tying. Most often they are made of plastic, which is better when using them. The principle of using this tool is simple: you need to select a suitable support and fix the tomato bushes with its help. The device will be a good helper for owners of large greenhouses. With its help, you can properly tie up the bushes, which in the future will ensure big harvest. You can see the procedure for how to properly tie tomatoes in a greenhouse in the video.


There are many ways that show how to tie tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse. You can find photos on the Internet that fully illustrate the process. The section presents popular methods of gartering tomatoes in polycarbonate greenhouses.

A popular way to garter tomatoes is using stakes. To do this, you need to drive a block near the bush, and use fabric or twine to tie the plant to it. It must be remembered that the stem is tied to the bar at the top of the head. The disadvantage of this method: when the bush grows quickly, you need to often move the garter along the post or make a new loop.

An equally popular method of tying tomatoes in a greenhouse is linear. At the ends of the bed, two bars are dug in and a wire is pulled across, to which the tomatoes are tied. The convenience of this method is that you do not need to re-garter after a certain time. This method is definitely better than the stake method.

Another way to garter bushes in a greenhouse is by trellis. This method is one of the most difficult to implement, but at the same time it is distinguished by its reliability. It is used without stakes, but the installation of special metal frames is required. The base is made of metal rods through which a thick rope is pulled. It is needed to secure the plant. The method for tying up tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse is presented in the video.

The advantage of using the trellis method is that the plant does not need tying during the growth period, since they are woven into a tight rope. Also, the undeniable advantage of the method is that, unlike other methods, the central pillar is not fixed and can develop stepsons. In this case, the shoots will help increase the yield of tomatoes in the greenhouse.

The article listed the main methods of tying tomatoes in greenhouse conditions. These tips will be useful for novice gardeners who have just started growing vegetables in a greenhouse and don’t know how best to proceed. How to tie up tomatoes in a greenhouse, watch the video.

When growing tomatoes in our climate, including in a greenhouse, they need to be tied up. Gartering tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse can be done in several ways.

When growing tomatoes in our climate, including in a greenhouse, they need to be tied up

Varieties are usually planted in a greenhouse tall tomatoes, which necessarily need a garter to preserve the harvest. If this is not done, the following problems are inevitable:

  • plants break from the weight of the fruit;
  • fruits lying on the ground are more susceptible to attack by pests;
  • after watering, the leaves and fruits rot;
  • tomatoes receive little sunlight and are not ventilated.

Options for gartering tomatoes

There are several ways to garter tomatoes in a greenhouse:

  1. The simplest one is tying tomato bushes to individual support (stakes, pipes, rigid rods). This method is best suited for short or medium-sized plants. The peg should be 25-30 cm higher than the bush. Despite its simplicity, the method also has a significant drawback: as the plant grows, it will have to be tied up again and again. In addition, if the garter is incorrect or there is too much fruit, the peg may fall down along with the bush.
  2. You can strengthen tomatoes in a greenhouse using a wire frame. To do this, you need to purchase a coarse mesh and wrap it around each bush. This method allows you to support not only the stem of the plant, but also the branches with fruits. The disadvantage of this method is the inconvenience of harvesting; moreover, if there are a large number of bushes, this method will be costly and labor-intensive.
  3. When growing tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse, trellis fastening of bushes is often used. For this purpose between metal poles, installed along the edges of the greenhouse, pull strong ropes in the form of a mesh every 30 cm. Then the stems are fixed by tying them to a trellis or threading them through the mesh cells. The disadvantage of this method is that rope trellises cannot always withstand bushes that are too tall and heavy.
  4. Instead of rope, you can use ready-made metal or plastic trellises, or make something similar yourself from scrap materials. The method of fastening will be similar to fastening to rope trellises. This method is the most convenient for use in polycarbonate greenhouses and allows you to increase productivity by preserving more fruit-bearing stepsons, since it is not difficult to securely fix them on the trellis. The structure of the trellises and the methods for attaching tomatoes to them will become clearer after viewing the diagram below.
  5. Tying tall tomato bushes to the roof of the greenhouse. Very convenient option, which does not require large physical and material investments. However, in this case, you will have to keep only one stem of the plant or tie each stem separately.
  6. In cases where the design of a polycarbonate greenhouse does not allow tying tomatoes to the roof support, linear fastening can be used. To do this, you need to stretch a rope or wire along a row of tomatoes and tie the plants to it.

Varieties of tall tomatoes are usually planted in the greenhouse, which necessarily require staking

How to tie tomatoes in a greenhouse depends on the variety of tomatoes and the gardener’s preferences. In any case, it is better to try several methods and settle on the one that is most convenient for you.

Garter material

The options for garter material are no less varied. Thin twine, fishing line, or wire are absolutely not suitable for fixing a tomato, as they can easily destroy the plant by cutting into the trunk and grinding it.

The garter material should be strong and moderately wide. An old sheet torn into strips 3-4 cm wide would be ideal. Many gardeners use knee socks and nylon tights for this purpose. If you reuse fabric material for a garter, you need to disinfect it by scalding it with boiling water or washing it with laundry soap.

In addition to available materials, you can use commercially available clips to secure both the bushes themselves and the clusters with fruits. These clips are inexpensive and will last for several years with proper care.

The garter material should be strong and moderately wide

In addition, if you grow a lot of tomato bushes every season, it is better to use a special device for gartering - a garter. This device quickly fixes the plant stem to the support with a special tape, which, if there are a large number of bushes, can significantly reduce the time spent on gartering.

When tying, you should always remember that even a slight constriction can lead to the bush drying out and withering and, accordingly, the loss of the crop.

Tying tomatoes in a greenhouse is a necessary condition to obtain and maintain a plentiful and high-quality harvest.

Tomato garter (video)


Not all gardeners know how to properly tie tomatoes in a greenhouse or on open ground. Gardeners often wonder why a garter is needed, and what problems it can solve. This standard and, at first glance, optional procedure will protect the crop from spoilage and help protect the plants from damage. If you don’t tie up the bush in time, it will break, and tomatoes lying on the ground are easy prey for slugs.

If such procedures are not carried out, the likelihood of the following unpleasant events increases:

  1. Fruits lying on the ground may begin to rot after watering or rain; if the soil is characterized by high humidity, then tying will help avoid such problems.
  2. Under the weight of ripe fruits, the bush may break, as a result of which the tomatoes will die and the yield will suffer significantly.
  3. When ripe tomatoes lie on the ground, various pests will certainly want to eat them.
  4. The procedures are also carried out in order to avoid a lack of sunny color, because if the fruit is in a suspended state, it receives the required amount of ultraviolet radiation and ripens faster.

So that the plant does not die, the tomatoes have time to reach maturity, and the yield does not fall due to the invasion of slugs, they resort to the help of a garter. This procedure is carried out in several ways, has its own characteristics and directly depends on the variety of tomatoes and the quality characteristics of the soil.

Attention! Tomatoes are tied up in polycarbonate greenhouses; a similar procedure is not neglected when growing tomatoes under film or planting them in the ground.

To properly tie up a plant, you should follow certain rules:

  • some gardeners advise gartering immediately after planting a tomato in the soil;
  • the devices will have to be reconstructed as the bush grows and develops; make sure that it advises the growth of the plant;
  • When carrying out the procedure, make sure that the device does not harm the plant stem, does not pinch it, or cause it to dry out.

The direct purpose of the device is to support the bush and ripening fruits. You will have to make sure that the tomatoes do not touch the ground and that the stem of the plant is not subjected to serious pressure.

Device for gartering tomatoes

You can use any tool that can provide support to the bush, but it is better to resort to proven devices that cannot harm the tomatoes or affect the yield.


This is the name of the device that is attached to the frame beams of the greenhouse. It is hooked to a bush, while the rope (the twine itself) is in a taut state, but this is a moderate tension. As the tomatoes grow, they will tend to climb up and wrap themselves around the twine, which will provide them with reliable support.

Naturally, if there are no frame beams, then using this method of gartering is extremely difficult; you will have to build a special fastening.


Not many gardeners use a free loop; to do this you will have to:

  1. Secure the rope and use the vertical beams of the greenhouse frame as fastening.
  2. Throw the rope over the fastening and form a loop so that the tomato bush fits into it.
  3. If there are fruits on it, then the loop should be located under them, as if supporting the stem of the plant.

This method is good because periodically, as the fruit and the bush itself grow and develop, you can change the fastening, raising the loop higher or lowering it down. A loop can be used to connect several bushes, provided that they grow in close proximity to each other.


Clips are successfully used as a fixation; they can be purchased in specialized stores. A clothespin holds several bushes together and helps secure them to the support. Pegs are used as the latter.


Pegs or sleepers can be either vertical or horizontal. Let's look at the main garter options that gardeners readily use:

  1. The stakes can be placed between the rajahs or in close proximity to the bush. As the bush grows and develops, it will use the stake as support.
  2. You can place supports horizontally and tie tomatoes to them, in which case the device will have to be modernized and monitor the growth of the bushes.
  3. Some gardeners attach ropes to the trellises and hook tomato bushes, allowing the use of a loose loop.

Methods for tying tomatoes

The better ideas of gardeners have already been brought to life; there is no need to “reinvent the wheel”. It will be enough to use proven methods; preference is given to those that have proven their effectiveness in practice.

Wire frame mounting

A structure, a structure made of wire, is placed around one or several bushes. As the bushes grow, they will use this structure as a support. It is advisable to help the plant and push the fruits through the wire rods to avoid damage.

You can build a wire structure around one bush, in which case, as it grows, it will “lean” on the structure and use it as a support. You can use both fine and coarse mesh, depending on your preferences.

Linear mount

The unusual structure is being built in a greenhouse. To make tying, you will need:

  1. As the basis of the structure, we use large-sized stakes or frame beams of the greenhouse, located in its various parts.
  2. We install one or more large sleepers in the middle of the structure. We check the fastening for stability.
  3. Using a rope, we connect the structure so that the result is a structure that can support the weight of the fruit.

Trellis fastening

An original way to garter tomatoes, which is not often used for certain reasons. The trellis is being placed various methods, the device can be presented in the form of a horizontal, as well as a vertical mount:

  • If you cultivate tall varieties of tomatoes in greenhouse conditions, then use horizontal trellises as fastening. Install them next to each bush;
  • you can connect vertically located trellises using horizontal structures;
  • At its core, the trellis method is similar to the usual tying of tomatoes using pegs, only in this case the pegs are large, which eliminates the need to change them.

Mesh mount

IN polycarbonate greenhouse This design without stakes with reinforcement and mesh looks great.

You should adhere to the following scheme of actions:

  1. Using a coil of wire and reinforcement, form a mount in the greenhouse.
  2. The wire is placed at different heights; it can be secured from above, using a greenhouse frame as a support.
  3. Place the reinforcement in the lower part, and use wire to connect the reinforcement and the upper parts of the greenhouse.
  4. If necessary, use the horizontal parts of the greenhouse to form a grid inside the structure.

This type of garter is called lattice. If we are talking about tomatoes that were planted in the ground, then you can surround them with a net, then push the ripe fruits through the holes in it. At its core, this type of support resembles a corral in which tomatoes successfully grow and ripen.

You can make the mesh yourself, but it’s easier to purchase a ready-made one. It is surrounded by several bushes, so that the plants rest on the attachment areas from different sides.

Everyone knows how to tie tomatoes this way. Nowadays wood is rarely used; preference is given to special devices made of plastic.

What is the essence of the method:

  • We drive a medium-sized peg next to the bush;
  • make sure not to damage the rhizome;
  • we tie the bush to a peg using a rope;
  • As the plant grows, we upgrade the mount.

If you use wood, then decide on the height of the pegs; if the support is not high enough, you will have to change it.

Features of gartering tomatoes in a greenhouse and in open ground

It is easier to tie up tomatoes in a greenhouse or hothouse for several reasons:

  1. You can use the frame of the structure as a support.
  2. It will not be difficult to build a mount using available materials and greenhouse beams.

If the plant is planted in open ground, you will need to build a structure that can be used as a support for the plant.

Let's consider the preferred types of garters for various structures:

  1. In a polycarbonate greenhouse or greenhouse we use trellises - high beams that rest against the arch of the structure and allow tall plants to rest on the prepared beams.
  2. In a greenhouse, preference is given to the lattice method, which involves connecting the vaults of the structure with parts of the reinforcement to construct a support.
  3. If the tomatoes were planted in the ground, you can use pegs or a net. It all depends on the preferences of the gardener.

In greenhouse conditions, plants grow faster, they reach 2 meters in length. As for tomatoes that are planted in the ground, achieving such heights is considered rare. For this reason, the fastenings are not made high; they have medium size– this is quite enough to support tomatoes and achieve the required yield.

Gardener mistakes

If we talk about beginners, then they tend to make mistakes, but not only novice gardeners “sin” with this. In most cases, gardeners make standard mistakes:

  1. They select low-quality material. In this case, the structure used as a support may not support the weight of the fruit and collapse under the weight of the tomatoes, crushing the bush. To avoid such problems, do not use the same mount several times, upgrade the design.
  2. Monitor your blood pressure levels. If the loop strongly squeezes the stem, it will disrupt the flow of juices in it, causing the plant to dry out, as a result of which it will dry out and not bear fruit.
  3. Check the reliability of the support and, if necessary, reconstruct it. A similar need arises if the bushes have no restrictions on growth.
  4. Make sure that the fruits do not touch the ground, otherwise the point of carrying out such procedures is lost, and the tomatoes still remain at risk.

To tie up tomatoes, you do not need to have any special skill; this procedure, which is simple at first glance, will help to significantly increase the yield and avoid various problems that gardeners often encounter.

Garter of indeterminate tomatoes:

Proper tomato garter is the key to a good harvest

Garter tomato in a greenhouse

It is easier to fix tomatoes in a vertical position in a greenhouse than in open ground. All that is needed to tie up plants is supports and garter material (narrow strips of fabric, nylon tights or knee socks). Plastic clips are great for this task and can be used for several seasons.

For tying, do not use wire, fishing line, thread, twine or other thin and hard materials.

Tying options

There are several of the most popular options for gartering tomato bushes. The choice of mounting option depends on the variety, the height of the mature bush, the yield of the greenhouse type and other factors.

Tying to a separate support

This option is suitable for mini-greenhouses, mobile and small stationary greenhouses in which compact and medium-sized bushes are planted. As supports you can use wooden stakes of approximately the same length, metal or plastic pipes and thick rods. They are installed next to each bush and must correspond to its height. A strip of fabric is wrapped around the stem and secured to a support.

Wire frame mounting

This method is used for small bushes with abundant fruiting. You will need a coarse mesh metal mesh, which is wrapped around the plant. It turns out to be a wide “pipe”, the base of which is dug into the ground. If necessary, it can be moved to another place, and the stems and fruits are tied to it at any height. The only difficulty arises during the harvesting of fruits.

Linear mount

This is a very convenient method that allows you to quickly and with minimal effort secure most bushes, especially if you have a long greenhouse with plants densely planted around the edges. The structure can be installed immediately after the construction of the greenhouse, and it consists of two metal pipes , which are installed at different ends of the shelter. They are pulled between them rope, to which the bushes are tied at the same distance from each other. Disadvantage of the method: it will not be possible to secure tall and abundantly fruiting bushes in this way.

Gartering a tomato using a trellis

Gartering a tomato in a polycarbonate greenhouse has its own characteristics. In particular, the trellis method of gartering tall tomatoes is most often used there. A pair of strong supports are installed at different ends of the greenhouse, and ropes are pulled between them at different heights with an interval of 30 cm. Tall stems are attached to ropes with plastic clips or threaded through a rope “mesh”. This method of fastening allows you to conveniently place spreading bushes with fruit-bearing stepsons.

Vertical trellis

This design is a variation of the previous one. It is ideal for gartering tomatoes and cucumbers, especially tall ones with removed side shoots. A rope is attached to the ceiling of the greenhouse, which is secured at the base of the bush. As the plant grows, it “crawls” along it, and you only need to additionally tie it up or secure the bush with clips. With such a “rod”, even the tallest and most fruit-bearing bushes do not break.

Mesh mount

This is a combined option that combines trellis fastening and fixation with mesh. A metal or plastic mesh is stretched between the supports, which allows you to place powerful and compact bushes.

Tomato garter in open ground

Almost all of the methods described above are suitable for open ground; the main thing is not to use natural fabric, since it rots and over time becomes a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. Let's talk about the features of each method of gartering tomatoes.

1. Tomato garter stakes. In a greenhouse, plants are little affected by weather conditions. When grown in open ground, tomatoes have to deal with wind and rain, so the requirements for supports are more stringent. For seedlings of low-growing and medium-growing tomatoes, the stakes should be 25-30 cm higher than the bushes, and tall varieties need supports 2-2.5 m high. Each peg is buried to a depth of 20-25 cm, and it should be 10-10 cm away from the trunk. 15 cm so as not to damage the root system. Do not tighten the garter material tightly so that it does not squeeze the stem.

2. "Tomato cages"- for each bush or group you can build a small separate structure in which the plants will be protected and securely fastened.

3. Caps. Unusual and convenient designs, suitable exclusively for open ground and any tall plants. The essence of an improvised “wigwam” is to build a pyramid from available materials. Most often they use wire, vines or stakes with a transverse ligament. The pyramid covers several young plants at once, and the distance between the structures should be about 1 m.

4 ."On the Hook". Sticks should be installed on both sides of the tomato ridge to tie up the bushes. A cable is pulled between them. A fishing line with loops at different heights is attached to it (the distance between them should be 20-25 cm). S-shaped hooks made of thick wire are inserted into the loops, which tighten the fishing line. Its other end is tied to a peg near each plant. Now all that remains is to place an elastic rubber ring under a branch or a bunch of tomatoes (it can be cut from a bicycle inner tube) and put it on the hook. As the bush grows, the hook is removed from the loop and threaded into a higher loop.

Unusual ways to garter tomatoes

All non-standard methods of gartering tomatoes involve using original support structures. To sell many of them, they use willow twigs, hazel, blackberry stems, cuttings of seedlings, tree and plant vines, twine or grape vines.

  • Hoop support. To create this cage support you need three poles and three hoops of different diameters. The diameter of the hoops increases from bottom to top, and the stem is attached to them using plastic clips.
  • V-shaped grille. In this case, two buried grates are used, which deviate from each other in different directions. Plants are located between them and naturally support the structure throughout the season. The height of the trellises should be selected depending on the expected height of the plant. There is no need to tie up the plants; they themselves “spread” freely along the trellis.
  • Old TV antenna . Some items are already ready-made supports for tomatoes and other crops. For example, such as a branched mast or an unnecessary television antenna.

What to make pegs for gartering tomatoes from

Can act as supports for tomatoes various items. Planks, wooden boards and woody branches, plastic and metal rods and rods, metal or plastic mesh with large cells. The main thing is not to tighten the tomato garter loop too much so that the plant does not experience excessive stress.

What tomatoes can be grown without a garter?

Can be grown without a garter short And early ripening varieties. They often say that they do not require a garter determinate varieties. These tomatoes stop growing after setting 4-5 bunches. From the general group of determinate tomatoes, we distinguish superdeterminant, which ripen very early and do not require pinching at all. In “simply” determinate plants, you need to remove excess shoots, otherwise you can end up with a plant overloaded with fruits that will develop poorly.

But still best choice for those who dream of simply planting a plant and enjoying the harvest - this standard tomatoes. This is one of the varieties of determinate tomatoes, which are distinguished by a short and dense stem and small stature.

Agricultural technology for cultivating plants becomes more advanced every year, acquiring new nuances of planting and care. The tomato is a demanding plant that requires many activities, including not only growing a bountiful harvest, but also preserving the fruit. Therefore, to get a lot of bright, juicy fruits, you will need special knowledge and skills. One of the important components of crop care is timely staking of tomatoes in the greenhouse. This will be discussed in the article.

Not all varieties of tomatoes can be tied up. It is mainly needed by tall bushes that bend to the soil under the excessive weight of the fruit. On large areas Tomato gartering is not carried out in open ground, because low-growing, early-ripening varieties are planted there, which quietly develop without support.

Industrial cultivation of tomatoes in a greenhouse

However, mainly tall varieties are cultivated in greenhouses, and they are characterized by abundant fruiting. The use of such varieties is more feasible from an economic point of view. This makes it possible to obtain the maximum amount of fruit from a small greenhouse area.

For your information! Some gardeners believe that tomatoes, especially in open ground, do not need to be tied up, since the plant should take root further along the stem and develop naturally without human intervention, receiving additional substances from the soil.

Growing tomatoes on a horizontal trellis

But creating greenhouses and growing plants in them is in itself an intervention in the normal course of events, so you need to guide the process from beginning to end. Let's take a closer look at the main advantages of gartering tomatoes in a greenhouse. And let each owner decide in the future whether it is necessary to tie up tomatoes on their site.

Great harvest tomato in a polycarbonate greenhouse

It turns out that without a garter, a tomato can simply lose its harvest. In this case, a well-developed root system and proper plant care. In addition, it will be much more convenient for greenhouse owners to collect ripe fruits on tied tomatoes rather than look for them on the ground.

How and how to tie tomatoes in a greenhouse

Successful and timely tomato garter - key point care After watching a video that demonstrates methods for tying tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse, you will know exactly how to properly tie tomatoes in open ground. Because there are no differences between them.

Devices and material for garter

It is very important to use the right materials, which will securely hold the tomatoes. To tie up bushes, first of all you will need:

  • wooden stakes or metal rods,
  • reliable twine or wire;
  • durable mesh made of metal or plastic.
  • “garter” material in close contact with the stem of the plant.

Tying tomatoes in personal greenhouses

The material for this purpose must be selected in such a way that it does not harm the delicate and very fragile stems of the plant. Fishing line, thread, wire and other thin binding materials are not suitable for this, because over time they will cut into the stem, pinching it, which will lead to the death of the plantings.

The best option- cotton fabric, cut into strips of 4-5 cm. It will be strong enough to hold the plant and moderately wide so as not to cause irreparable damage to the bush. Some gardeners prefer to use nylon synthetic fabrics, for example, stockings or tights that are unsuitable for wearing. They are soft, quite durable, stretch, do not dig into the stem and can last longer than one season.

Note! Used material, which is planned to be used next season, requires disinfection. To do this, it is immersed in boiling water or placed in a chlorine solution, and then rinsed in ordinary water. This will help get rid of pathogens inherent in tomatoes.

Garter a tomato with cotton cloth

There are also a variety of reusable devices on the market, such as clips made of plastic. They are used to tie the stem and to hold clusters of fruit. Such things can be used continuously. It's worth purchasing once, and no problems in the future.

Special device for garter

If tomatoes are grown on an industrial scale, then it is worth acquiring a special mechanism - a garter, the principle of its operation is reminiscent of the functioning of a stapler. The device wraps the stem together with the support with a special tape that meets all the requirements. Similar device often used when growing grapes.

Garter mechanism

Garter methods

There is no single instruction on how to properly tie tomatoes in a greenhouse. Each gardener adapts himself, introducing new nuances and discoveries into the process. We will explain general recommendations.

There are different methods for gartering tomatoes. When choosing one of them, you need to take into account the power and height of the planted variety. So:

  • Stakes located directly next to the bush (cuts of reinforcement, metal rods, wooden stakes, rigid plastic pipes, etc.)

Using garter stakes

The length of the rods should be 27-30 cm longer than the expected height of the bush. At this distance, the supports go deep into the ground. It is better to install stakes before transplanting seedlings, and not when the plant begins to fall. In this case, the possibility of damage to the roots when driving in the support is eliminated. The trunk of the plant is covered with a garter ribbon, its ends are crossed in a figure eight or twisted and tied to a peg. After the tomatoes are tied, the same is done with large tomato trusses.

Please note! This method is more often used for bushes of medium height in open ground, because under significant loads such a device may not withstand and fall, taking the plant with it.

  • Horizontal trellises are a very difficult but reliable method. To do this, high stakes are driven into the soil of the bed at a distance of 1.3-2 m. Then, in a horizontal position at a distance of 37-40 cm, a wire or reliable twine is pulled between them.

This method allows for the development of not only the main stem, but also a pair of stepsons, which will help increase the number of fruits.

Horizontal method on trellises

  • Linear method- using a vertical trellis. It is often used in the greenhouse method of cultivating tomatoes in a greenhouse. The photo shows that the principle of the method is to tie the plant to the ceiling of the greenhouse, then the growing bush is “pulled up”. This helps protect the tomatoes from injury.

Vertical trellises

One of the varieties linear method is tying tomatoes with a rope to the top wire, which is pulled between the stakes from above. The upper end is attached to the wire, the lower end directly to the plant. Over time, the rope can be “pulled up” or the stem “wound” around it. This way you can tie up tomatoes on open areas soil.

Remember! Tomatoes are tied at the initial stage of plant development, otherwise the already grown bush of the plant can be damaged. The process must be constantly monitored and the second garter must be started before the stem touches the ground.

Video about gartering a tomato in a polycarbonate greenhouse

Remember! Fertilized soil, regular watering, proper care and timely tied tomato bushes are the key to obtaining beautiful and tasty fruits.