We find out how to care for geraniums at home so that they bloom: features and basic rules for growing. Instructions for pruning indoor geraniums to stimulate flowering Pelargonium has small flowers, what to do

Indoor flower Geraniums are loved for their beautiful, long-lasting flowering. Why geranium does not bloom, if the plant looks healthy, becomes a mystery for the gardener. The secrets of long flowering and the reasons for its absence are known. From the first steps we will create conditions for the proper development of pelargonium. Advice from experienced gardeners will help you create a garden on your windowsill.

How to make geraniums bloom at home

Already when planting pelargonium, care must be taken to ensure that the plant pleases with its decorative effect. The soil chosen is light, consisting of turf and leaf soil, sand and humus. If you take a container with room for the roots, the plant will grow root mass and leaves. You will have to wait a long time for flowering. How to make geraniums bloom quickly? Plant several bushes in a spacious box, let them be cramped. Dry cow pats should be placed on the perforated bottom after drainage. It will nourish the roots with a full composition of organic matter for a long time.

So, when landing you should:

  • choose the right container;
  • create a moisture-intensive nutrient substrate;
  • plant several plants in one pot for rapid development of flower stalks.

You need to choose a place for the new plant that is bright, but inaccessible to direct midday sun rays. Under the sun, the leaves get burned and lose their decorative effect. Why doesn't geranium bloom in the sun? It blooms, but quickly loses its beauty; in the garden, geraniums should be kept in gentle conditions, not in direct sunlight.

Geraniums can be watered with hard water and even from the tap. Salt deposits on the soil must be removed periodically.

If geraniums don’t bloom, you need the right one. Over-watering will lead to rotting of the roots, and then you won’t be able to wait for flowering. Geraniums in a pot should be watered when the layer of soil on top dries out. Geraniums will bloom if the soil is low in nitrogen. But they increase the vitality of the plant and are needed for lush flowering. How to feed geraniums for abundant flowering? You can use superphosphate extract. It is better to use a special liquid composition for indoor plants, where nitrogen is 11%. However, they do not like pelargoniums and should be used in small quantities. In fresh soil, in the first year of life, feeding geraniums is generally not needed.

If, despite proper maintenance, the geranium does not bloom, we will use shock methods.

Why geraniums don’t bloom at home

Let us remember when all plants strive to procreate. Then, when there was a threat to life. Therefore, you can create conditions for a healthy plant to throw out a peduncle in various ways:

  • cool wintering with restrictions on watering and nutrition;
  • the best stimulant for flowering for geraniums is iodine ;
  • hard pruning of plants in early autumn, leaving 2-3 eyes for all varieties except;
  • move the plant to the balcony in summer to create a temperature difference.

What to do if geranium still does not bloom? You need to plant it in the garden, it will bloom! In autumn, keep the plant in the flowerbed for a long time, avoiding freezing. In a warm room, trim the bushes and keep them in spartan conditions in winter. In spring, the stubborn plant will bloom on the windowsill. However, it should be remembered that in winter dangerous time for a plant. It must be protected from drafts, hypothermia, and not over-watered or dried out.

Do not use this method for royal geraniums! Once pruned, flowers can be expected on this variety for years. Perhaps this will be the answer to why indoor geraniums do not bloom.

For long-term flowering in the room, once a week the plants are watered with iodized water at the rate of 1 drop of iodine per liter of water. In this case, a single serving should be 50 ml. Feeding flowers with microelements stimulates flowering.

Some features of caring for geraniums

Over hundreds of years, our room guest has shown her character. The best flower growers have learned her preferences. Information has been collected bit by bit on how to make geraniums bloom at home for a long time and in large blooms.

Fans advise giving the plant potassium salts more often, but in microdoses. The extract from will the best fertilizer. If you infuse a spoonful of wood ash in a liter of water, drain the liquid and use a diluted spoonful for watering, aphids will not settle on the plant. The leaves will be dark green and the roots will be healthy.

There is no need to water the geranium so that the roots are bathed in water. As soon as excess moisture appears, the plant will stop flowering. If the geraniums become crowded, the dishes need to be changed. When several plants sit in one box, the top layer of soil is replaced with fresh soil in the spring. Geraniums are planted as soon as the crowding begins to interfere with the development of the bushes.

You can search the best place flower, moving it around the room. But as soon as the buds appear, the plant is left in one place, without even changing the position of the leaves. Geranium will reward you with long-lasting flowering for your care.

Geranium is not the only plant for a gardener. If taller specimens hang over and shade the pelargonium, you won’t be able to wait for flowering. Geranium does not like neighbors to interfere with admiring its beauty.

There is no need to force geraniums to bloom in winter. Create conditions for her to rest in the cool, and she will thank you with a summer riot of beautiful inflorescences. IN room conditions In winter it should be placed right next to the window. Even if the temperature is 15 degrees, it won’t hurt her.

Special conditions must be created for wintering to the most beautiful plant– royal geranium. Her flowers are double, the shades are the most unexpected. But it will be able to bloom profusely if it is allowed to rest at 12 degrees in winter, not pruned and kept healthy. Ampelous geranium loves the same conditions.

Royal geraniums should not be planted in the garden. Hybrid plant very decorative. This is an indoor plant; it doesn’t even need a balcony. When the buds appear, the tops need to be pinched so that the plant’s energy does not go into growth, but into flowering. Faded branches need to be removed.

Fans have noticed that geraniums live for five years, in good conditions, up to ten years. However, over the years, the decorative effect of the bush is lost, and it blooms weaker. Therefore, by cuttings, you can annually obtain young bushes that will be fluffy and compact. Pelargonium grown from seeds will give you abundant flowering in the first year.

Everything written above concerns healthy plants, without the slightest signs of diseases of any kind. If the color of the leaves changes, the stems begin to dry out or turn black near the root, you need to achieve not flowering, but save the plant. Diseases can be:

  • physiological, when conditions of detention are not met;
  • bacterial, viral and fungal;
  • associated with the infestation of insect pests.

After the cause of the disease is eliminated, the plant will become healthy and bloom. Bush care products have been produced specifically for pelargoniums. Using them increases the immunity of your pet, which will definitely affect the duration of flowering.

The flowering period is the process of sexual reproduction of plants., consisting of several successive stages.

  1. The formation of flower primordia in the buds.
  2. The appearance of flowers, their pollination and flowering.
  3. Seed formation. Most important stage, allowing the geranium to continue to exist.

How long does this period last?

With proper care, the flowering period of geranium lasts from early spring to mid-winter. Some representatives of the plant bloom well all year round.


Necessary home conditions for the formation of buds

To create a comfortable existence for geraniums, it is important to choose suitable home conditions:

  • Pot. Geraniums love small pots. In spacious pots it collects green and root mass.
  • The soil. Geranium prefers fertile soil.
  • Drainage. Water stagnation should not be allowed, as this can lead to rotting of the roots.
  • Lighting. The place for growing the flower should be light and warm. If the geranium is located on a windowsill, it should be protected from direct sun rays. Under the scorching sun, the plant will very quickly lose its decorative effect.
  • Fertilizers. Flaw nutrients leads to wilting of the plant. The leaves may turn yellow and fall off (from what?). Potassium and phosphorus fertilizers are suitable as fertilizing.

    When using complex fertilizers, you should pay attention to the nitrogen content in them. It should be no more than 11 percent. Otherwise, geranium grows lush greenery and. It is advisable to feed once a week.

Plant care

Let's look at how to properly care for geraniums so that they bloom all year round or in the country all summer, how to care for them so that they bloom better.

What needs to be done to make it bloom in the spring?

Geraniums need replanting in spring(?). During this period, geranium develops the necessary nutritional elements. Geranium is quite sensitive to this procedure, so it is enough to simply transfer it to new pot slightly larger volume. It is advisable to add magnesium sulfate and nitrogen to store-bought soil.

If the soil mixture is prepared independently, then it is necessary to add a full range of mineral fertilizers to it. Long-acting granular fertilizers are suitable for this. They must be mixed with soil during transplantation. Over time, they will dissolve in the soil, releasing nutrients to the plant for a long time.

Geranium is quite capricious when it comes to watering. It should not be over-moistened. It is preferable to dry it rather than overwater it. Excess moisture can lead to rotting of the roots and further death of the plant.

How to ensure that there are buds all year round?

It is possible to extend the flowering period due to. Proper pruning stimulates geraniums for active growth and future flowering. After autumn pruning, only 2-3 eyes may remain. There's nothing wrong with that. Just be sure to leave the geranium in a cool room after it until January.

The plant must rest. Already in January, geraniums can be moved to a warm room. After the plant begins to grow, it should be pinched.

What should I do to make it bloom on the street or in the country all summer?

The most important condition for favorable flowering is right choice landing sites. Geranium prefers sunny areas. For lush flowering throughout the summer, the plant should be slightly shaded. The soil must be fertile and well drained. Loamy and clay soils are not suitable for geraniums at all.

For abundant and long flowering, the plant should be provided with regular watering. If the soil moisture is insufficient, the flowers will be small or will not form at all.

It is imperative to remove faded inflorescences from geraniums. Removing them will ensure maximum decorativeness all summer. An equally important factor is. It promotes the appearance of side shoots. Before flowering, it is advisable to add fertilizers to the soil that contain a high phosphorus content. This will help create a lush and dense bush.

To form a large amount large inflorescences It is advisable to apply potassium fertilizers. It is necessary to feed once every two weeks during the formation of inflorescences and during their active growth.

How to make a plant bloom abundantly and luxuriantly?

Sometimes, even if all the conditions are met, a geranium may still refuse to bloom. You can force her to do this only under the threat of her existence. There are several ways to make a plant bloom.

It is worth understanding that the use of these methods is only possible for healthy plants. There is no need to force flowering from diseased flowers. It must be immediately saved from fungal or viral diseases, as well as pests.

Dampness and humidity can lead to fungal diseases, black or root rot. This disease is quite difficult to fight. Therefore, experienced gardeners advise beginners to immediately destroy infected flowers so that all other flowers in the house do not get sick. If you are not afraid for neighboring flowers, you can try to cure geraniums with fungicides.

During flowering geraniums you cannot:

  • prevent water from getting on the buds and inflorescences;
  • treat the plant against pests.

In the video we learn how to make geraniums bloom profusely and for a long time:

Daily inspection and provision of all necessary conditions for the existence of a plant is the key to a lush and long life.

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Geranium or pelargonium is a plant that grows naturally in South Africa. This part of the continent has a harsh climate. Thanks to breeding work, it was possible to develop varieties and species that are successfully grown in Russia and even not only in open ground.

The main thing is to care for it correctly, but not everyone succeeds. Pelargonium seems to be healthy in appearance, the leaves are large, green and juicy, but the coveted flowers do not appear. What is the problem? In order for it to bloom, they take care of watering, feed with fertilizers and replant until the ovary appears.

Reference! Among all geraniums, the most capricious is the royal one. It will never bloom without regular watering.

To do this, simply place homemade pelargonium on the balcony/loggia in the spring in a darkened corner and enjoy the appearance of bright buds on the stems after a few days.

When and how long does it bloom?

Experienced flower growers say that best time for flowering geraniums - spring-summer. In the autumn-winter period, it blooms only if you take care of the lighting.

If you grow it on a “southern” or “west” windowsill, the inflorescences do not disappear all year round, but at the same time they are small, not lush and not bright. After dormancy, pelargonium blooms more abundantly!

Geranium – indoor plant, on the care of which they do not spend a lot of time and effort. She requires special care during flowering. As soon as the ovary appears, they evaluate whether anything will interfere with the formation of inflorescences.

Why is it important? For example, leaving the flower pots to be “torn to pieces” by direct sunlight, the flowers will not be bright. In other words, a flowering geranium will turn into a weed without taking into account the features from the list below.

  • IN winter time provide coolness to the plant. The main thing is to know moderation in everything: air temperature in the room below 10⁰C is unlikely to be beneficial, contributing to its premature awakening from a state of rest.
  • The “south” window is an excellent place to place flowerpots with pelargonium. She loves the sun, but not in excess.
  • Light and nutrition are two mandatory conditions that must be observed by gardeners who want to enjoy flowering all year round.
  • The more branches, the more places for flowering. Shoots are pinched to enhance branching.
  • As soon as the flowers fade, remove them.
  • Pelargonium rejuvenates and gains strength for growth with regular pruning.

If geranium is grown from seeds, it will bloom 130-140 days after sowing. This will happen when the plant has gained good vegetative mass.

On a note. Many gardeners sow geraniums in pots in early February in order to enjoy the beauty of the flowering plant in May.

How long will flowering last? How many buds will appear? If you do not take care of the geranium, do not feed it or apply fertilizers rich in nitrogen, it will not bloom on the 130-140th day. Everything will happen late, and besides, there will be few flowers. This process will be affected by factors: lighting, watering, temperature regime.

When the amount of phytohormones is sufficient, the formation of flower primordia will occur. Soon exogenous shoots will appear on the growth cone. Sepals will form, then petals.

After the formation of the anther and filament, the stamens will develop. Carpels look like corymbose leaves on short stalks. Their lower side grows more intensively than the upper, resulting in the formation of a cavity with fused edges.

A style and stigma are formed in the upper part of the carpel. These processes occur inside the kidney.

Once the flower is developed, pollination must occur. To do this, the parts of the plant involved in this process must become free and accessible. It happens in different ways.

If you take a pot of geraniums out into the open air, insects will pollinate the flowers. Self-pollination or artificial pollination can also occur. As soon as this happens, the petals and stamens, stylodes and stigmas will fall off.

The calyx will be preserved, as it is needed to protect the ovary, which will later turn into a fruit. The flowering time of one flower is 3-10 days, and there are up to 50 of them in one inflorescence.

How does this happen at home?

Geranium emits a scent of varying intensity depending on the species. To make sure of this, take and rub the leaf between your fingers. Immediately the room is filled with a wonderful aroma, and along with it bactericidal substances are released, purifying and disinfecting the air in it.

Note! Pelargonium blooms all year round, the pot of which is placed on a window facing south.

Flowers appear on the branches, looking delightful against the background of leaves of different shapes - from whole to cut, depending on its type.

More often the leaves are green, but the border is bronze, silver or white. And this beauty is enjoyed every day for 4-5, or even more than 10 years, if the care is competent.

Unlike the usual indoor geranium lemon blossoms modestly and rarely, but at the same time, light green or white buds are in harmony with luxurious emerald greenery. Beginner flower growers correct the lack of flowering by applying fertilizer or moving it to a windowsill immersed in bright daytime sunlight.

They are doing the wrong thing. The main reasons for the lack of buds are heat and excess fertilizer. To correct the situation, water the plant for slaughter for two days in a row, washing off excess fertilizer from the roots. Then they return to the previous watering scheme.


Look at the photo how geraniums bloom, including lemon geraniums at home.

The necessary conditions

  1. Temperature. In winter, pelargonium feels good if the air temperature does not exceed +13⁰С. If the temperature is not controlled, it will shed its leaves and expose the stems.

    In summer they shade it and maintain the temperature around +18⁰С. Up close heating devices do not place flowerpots so as not to provoke drying out of the soil. In the summer months the pot is taken out to Fresh air or planted in open ground, protecting from rain and wind.

  2. Air humidity. Spraying the foliage is prohibited; simply moisten the soil on time.
  3. Lighting. Pelargonium prefers diffused light, otherwise the leaves turn yellow or red. If there is not enough sunlight, the long-awaited flowers will not appear.
  4. Fertilizers. It is important to consider the time of year and dormant period. In the spring months they are applied twice a month, and in the summer - once a month. Organic fertilizers cannot be used for these purposes.

    Fertilize the soil with potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus, mixing them in equal doses. It is not advisable to fertilize the soil on hot days and during the winter months.

  5. Transfer. Pelargonium is replanted in the spring (read about whether it is possible to replant flowering geranium, when and how to do it). Carefully select the pot and soil for these purposes. The plant does not like spacious pots. Ideal soil mixture: sand + turf or humus. Transfer from pot to pot is carried out carefully so as not to damage the roots or cause them to rot.
  6. Seed propagation. Seeds collected in summer are sown in February-March, not forgetting to water with warm water and cover with film to create a greenhouse effect.
  7. Cuttings. The cut shoots are placed in a jar of water, and as soon as the roots appear, they are planted in the ground.
  8. Peace. The duration of this period is 2-3 months. If you do not provide peace, you will not see abundant and lush flowering.

Sometimes, even if all the above conditions are met, flowering does not occur. Only radical measures will help, but what kind (you can find out how to care for geraniums at home so that they bloom)?

Read in detail about why geraniums do not bloom, as well as what to do in this case, and from this you will learn why there are flowers but the leaves do not grow, as well as how to ensure proper care.

Attention! Geranium does not tolerate dry soil and excessive watering. She suffers from this, the roots rot.

The plant loves abundant watering. It is important to ensure that there is no excess moisture in the earthen coma. If this happens, i.e. the water will stagnate in the pan, the roots will rot. What should be the frequency of watering during the winter months? Once a week or even less often. In summer, pelargonium is watered more often - 2-3 times a week.

In addition to watering, it is important to feed geraniums. If it grows in the garden, then for abundant flowering it is watered with mullein, which contains many nutrients. They collect manure and then wait for it to “ferment.”

Afterwards you need to take 1 liter of manure and dilute it with 10 liters of water. It is undesirable to do anything differently, since unfermented manure - common reason death of the plant.

If there is nowhere to get manure, buy universal complex fertilizer at the store. An excellent choice is the Cheerful Flower Girl Multiproduct 2 in 1 for Geraniums and Balconies.

It is bought at the end of April, and from May to the end of September it is applied as written in the instructions, once every three weeks. Pelargonium is fertilized only if it is not in the sun. Otherwise, the nutrients will not be absorbed and the pelargonium will get sick.

If a pot of geranium is placed on an open loggia, water it with water and iodine to stimulate flowering. It is advisable that the water be rainwater. Add two or three drops of iodine to it, mixing everything thoroughly.

Before applying this fertilizer, water the geranium abundantly with ordinary water. Otherwise, you may burn the roots. The frequency of watering with iodine mixture is once every three weeks.

Miracle fertilizer for pelargoniums. Feeding with iodine:

Is it possible to spray?

If geranium is sprayed during flowering, the buds wither and fall off. It pleases with flowering without spraying, provided it is watered regularly.


Geranium care - necessary condition, if flower growers want to enjoy beautiful pink and white buds in the spring and summer. It doesn't take up a lot of time. 15 minutes spent on weekly care guarantees that there will be no problems with flowering.

To admire the abundant flowering of pelargonium, you need to follow the rules of care, pruning and rest time. Let's look at these in detail important features growing pelargonium.

Geraniums - description

The plant, which is commonly called geranium, is actually pelargonium. It belongs to the geranium family. The name "Pelargonium" is translated from Greek as "Stork", due to the resemblance of its fruits to the beak of a stork.

True geranium is a plant that can often be found in forest or meadow areas. There are varieties bred for garden growing, which winter well without shelter.

Some types of geraniums in the photo

Georgian Meadow Balkan Katarina Adele Oxford

Geraniums grow very quickly. Most species can be grown from seeds. When sown in autumn-winter, they bloom in the first year.

The Geranium family includes 5 genera and 800 plant species. Geranium leaves have a beautiful carved shape and are fragrant in many species. Leaf colors: green, variegated, with yellow veins, with red and yellow hues.

Geraniums are an excellent antiseptic, have anti-inflammatory and other medicinal properties. Various extracts and essential oils are made from them.

It is very useful to keep pelargoniums at home; they disinfect and purify the air, and also repel flies, moths and mosquitoes. Leaves of aromatic species can be added to tea (in dry form).

The smells of such fragrant geraniums are so diverse that they can resemble anything: apple, rose, citrus, pine, caramel, pineapple, coconut, wormwood and so on! Most of them do not bloom as brightly as other pelargoniums, but they more than make up for this deficiency with their unique and healthy aromas.

Indoor pelargoniums are divided mainly into four types: zonal, thyroid (ampeloid), royal (large-flowered), fragrant (fragrant). There are a large number of varieties and hybrids of pelargonium.

Pelargonium - gallery

Ampelous pelargoniums can be kept outdoors in summer. Thyroid pelargoniums look great in hanging flowerpots along with others hanging plants Pelargonium Fragrant with a pink-mint smell Pelargonium cape with the smell of lemon Zonal pelargoniums are distinguished by dense caps of inflorescences Royal pelargonium has large flowers

Pelargoniums blooming

Pelargoniums bloom from spring until the onset of frost. The decorative effect of these plants lasts on average for five years. But with proper care, observance of rest time and proper pruning, pelargonium can live and bloom for more than 10 years.

Comfortable temperature for flowering pelargoniums is from +22 to +27 o C.

For long flowering you need:

  • at the beginning of plant growth, pinch above the fifth leaf to properly form the bush;
  • do not plant in a pot that is too spacious, adding size only as the root system grows;
  • place pelargonium on eastern and southern windows;
  • do not allow the soil to flood;
  • cut off yellow leaves;
  • pick off fading inflorescences;
  • do not overfeed the plant, especially with nitrogen;
  • once a week add iodine to the water for irrigation: 1 drop of iodine per liter of water, 50 ml of solution for each plant;
  • in summer, ventilate plants, protecting them from cold drafts;
  • When flowering, try not to move the plant frequently.

Placing pelargoniums on northern and western windows significantly impairs flowering.

Pelargoniums need an abundance of light, but they still need to be protected from direct sunlight. Otherwise, the leaves may get burned.

With a lack of lighting, plants stretch out and stop blooming. Therefore, it is better to place them not in the back of the room, but in the brightest place.

If you do not have the opportunity to provide pelargonium with good lighting, then buy phytolamps or ordinary lamps for additional lighting. daylight with a yellow spectrum.

Daylight hours for pelargoniums during flowering should be 12–14 hours.

Planting a flower, soil properties

If you want your pelargonium to bloom long and profusely, you need to take care of this from the planting itself.

It is advisable to replant pelargonium only when the root system has outgrown, without damaging the earthen ball around the roots.

Planting or transshipment can be done in early spring, before flowering begins. When planting, you need to ensure good drainage (2–2.5 cm). There should be drainage holes at the bottom of the pot.

The following are suitable for drainage: pebbles, expanded clay, large perlite.

Plant pelargonium quite closely, maybe several bushes in one pot. Then the plant will not spend a lot of energy on growing the root system, but will spend it on flowering.

Soil compositions for pelargonium

  1. Universal soil 10 parts + cut sphagnum 1 part + sand 1 part + humus 0.5 parts.
  2. Loam 2 parts + soil with peat and fertilizers 2 parts + large perlite 1 part + sand 1 part.
  3. Deciduous soil 2 parts + loam 1 part + peat 1 part + crushed bark 1 part + compost/humus 0.5 parts + perlite 1 part.
  4. Turf soil 2 parts + sand 1 part + humus 1 part.

When compiling and choosing soil, be guided by the fact that it should be quite light, nutritious, neutral or slightly acidic.

Neutral soil is considered to be soil that does not contain chalk, limestone and other minerals. For example, leaf soil and peat are slightly acidic. Sour - pine litter.

What can be added to the soil

  • Peat: nutrition and breathability. If there is an excess of it, the soil will dry out too quickly. High-quality peat is brown.
  • Loam serves to retain moisture and nutrients. Excess leads to soil compaction.
  • Perlite loosens the soil, accumulates excess minerals and, if there is a deficiency, releases them to plants. Use a large one.
  • Sand loosens the ground and prevents it from caking. Sanitize it before adding it.
  • Charcoal - antiseptic and nutrition. Add 1/4 of the total amount of soil.
  • Sphagnum moss: Moss that retains moisture, is breathable, and has antibacterial properties. When added to the soil, it should be cut into 1–2 cm pieces.
  • Humus/compost: fertilizing and loosening the soil. Add no more than 1 part of the total volume. When planting, instead of humus, you can place a dry (!) cow pat on the bottom of the pot. Fresh organic matter cannot be added!
  • Crushed bark: breathability, loosening.

There are ready-made soils on sale: “For pelargoniums”, “For geraniums”.

Fertilizing at home

Pelargonium is fed from March to November 2-3 times a month.

In the first year of planting, it is enough to fertilize the plant only with nitrogen fertilizer for good growth. It is best to use ammonia for this: half a teaspoon per liter of water.

In the future, the nitrogen content in fertilizers should not exceed 11%. The abundance of nitrogen in the soil leads to the growth of the green mass of the plant and stops its flowering.

For good flowering of pelargonium, fertilizing is necessary, containing mainly phosphorus and potassium.

It is best to use ready-made compositions for pelargoniums or geraniums for fertilizing. Fertilizers for plants such as petunias and violets are also suitable.

During flowering, you can feed with fertilizer for flowering plants. When dosing, follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

  • A very good fertilizer for pelargonium is made from ash. Infuse a tablespoon of crushed wood ash in a liter hot water 3 hours. Consumption: one tablespoon of infusion per plant. Stir the infusion before use.

At spring transplant You can add a pinch of granular rose fertilizer to the soil.

Plant care to achieve abundant flowering

The main thing when caring for pelargonium:

  1. do not flood the soil;
  2. trim on time;
  3. maintain a rest period in winter.

Overmoistening of the soil leads to rotting of the root system, and lack of pruning and dormancy reduces or stops flowering.

It is necessary to water pelargonium in the summer as the soil layer dries halfway, in the winter - after it dries completely. You can check this with a wooden stick (for example, a bamboo skewer).

When watering, water the soil well, removing water from the pan. You need to water carefully from a watering can, without getting on the leaves. There is no need to wet the flowers.

If you have hard water with limescale, it is better to use boiled or bottled water for irrigation.

If the air is too dry, do not spray the pelargonium, but place a bowl of water nearby.

Rules of care in the table

Period Lighting Feeding Humidity Watering Temperature
Spring-Summer-early Autumn: growing season, flowering.Bright light 12–14 hours.
Placement on south and east windows.
Keep away from direct sunlight.
Additional lighting with lamps in low light conditions.
2-3 times a month with fertilizer for pelargoniums or flowering plants.Average.
Do not spray.
If the air is very dry, place bowls of water nearby.
Moderate, when the soil dries halfway.
Does not tolerate waterlogging.
+22+27 o C
Late Autumn-Winter: dormant time, shoot growth.Bright place.
Less than 12 hours of daylight.
No feeding.Low.
The lower the temperature, the lower the humidity.
Water when the soil dries completely.+10+15 o C
At least 7 degrees!

Pelargonium care - video

Quiet time

The dormant period for pelargoniums lasts from December to early spring. There is no need to fertilize it at this time.

To do this, at the end of autumn, the plants stop feeding and are watered rarely, when the soil is completely dry. If the earthen lump begins to lag behind the walls, the plant needs to be watered.

During wintering, pelargonium feels good on the windowsill, where the temperature drops in winter. But it is necessary to ensure that during particularly cold periods the pot is not cooled below 7 degrees.

To do this, place it on polystyrene foam or another stand, and make sure that the pelargonium leaves do not touch the cold glass.

Less than 12 hours of daylight during rest is desirable, but the lighting brightness needs to be high. Plants continue to grow and with a lack of light they will become very elongated.

Before pelargonium goes dormant, it needs to be pruned or pinched shoots.

Pinching bushes: how to do it correctly

When pelargonium produces more than 5 leaves on one branch, the top must be pinched or carefully cut off with small sterile scissors.

This technique must also be done on a new plant. You can leave up to five leaves.

Pinching a flower on video


If you do not do it in time, the plant begins to lengthen greatly and blooms worse. Pruning not only creates a beautiful bush, but also increases the number of inflorescences and extends the flowering period.

Royal varieties are not often pruned, as they are compact in size. If the branches are stretched out, then you can either pinch the tops no later than November, or cut off the branches after the 7th bud.

The remaining pelargoniums are pruned immediately after the end of flowering after the seventh bud or up to 3 eyes, that is, “to the stump.”

The depth of pruning depends on the condition of the bush. If there is only one trunk and it is young (green), pruning is done after the 7th bud. If there are several stems and they are already becoming lignified ( Brown), then it is better to trim “to the stump”.

Some pelargoniums will need to be pruned or pinched again in early spring before flowering begins. This is done when the plant has become too elongated over the winter. To prevent this from happening, in winter you need to supplement the pelargonium with lamps.

In winter, pruning is not done.

How to prune a plant for lush flowering: step-by-step instructions

  1. Before pruning, do not water the plant to allow the soil to dry out. This is necessary so that a lot of moisture does not escape through the cuts.
  2. To trim, you need to disinfect a sharp tool (knife, cutter). You can disinfect, for example, with hydrogen peroxide or scald the blade with boiling water.
  3. We trim the branches, making an even cut above the bud. We make the cut in one movement, do not saw, but cut slightly obliquely from the bud down.
  4. We treat the sections with an antiseptic: ground charcoal, turmeric or brilliant green.
  5. Place the plant in a bright place (but not in direct sun), and do not water for another 1-2 days until the cuttings dry out.
  6. After drying, we spill the soil and continue watering as the earthen clod dries completely.

Cut branches do not need to be thrown away. They can be rooted in water or peat.

For better rooting, dilute Kornevin in water on the tip of a knife. When rooting in peat, pour the same amount of Kornevin into the hole, water warm water, and stick the cutting.

It is better to use boiled water, not tap water, without limescale.

In spring, pinch the tops or cut off too long branches after the 5th-7th bud.

Pruning pelargonium to stump - video

Trimming after the 7th bud - video

Flowering problems and diseases - table

Problems Causes Elimination
Flowering has stopped and the leaves are withering.The soil was filled; little light.Check the condition of the soil, dry until completely dry. Then remove the clod of soil with the plant from the pot and inspect the roots. If necessary, remove rotten roots, treat with Fitosporin solution and replant in new soil.
If there is not enough light, move the flower to the brightest place or provide additional lighting with lamps.
The leaves and twigs began to wither and turn yellow.Disease, pests.Check the condition of the roots and the presence of pests. Treat the plant and soil with preparations. For example, Fitolavin, Fitosporin, Fitoverm.
If root rot is detected, replace the soil and trim off diseased roots.
Spots on leaves.Viruses; fungi.Remove all diseased branches and leaves. Treat the plant and roots with Fitolavin and Alirin-B.
The lower leaves turn yellow, starting with drying out of the edges. The flowers are drying up.Lack of moisture in the soil.Water the soil in two steps. After thoroughly moistening the entire soil once, then again after a while.
Drain the remaining water from the pan.
No floweringToo warm wintering, diseases or lack of pruning.
Perhaps the pot was overfed or too spacious.
If the plant is healthy, take it to the loggia at a temperature of at least 10 degrees. Bring it into the house at night. When flowering, it is advisable to leave the plant on the windowsill.
You can pinch upper parts twigs.
You can check whether the pot is filled with roots after the earthen ball has dried out. Remove the plant from the pot: if the roots are not visible, or the soil is crumbling, then the plant needs to be transferred to a smaller pot.
Rusty spots on the leaves, their falling off. Spots on flowers.Fungus.Treat with fungicide. After a week, treat with another fungicide. Process this way 4 times.
The trunk is elongated, flowering is sparse.Little light.Place the flower in the brightest place. Prune in the fall.

Necessary conditions for treatment:

  • during treatment, it is necessary to cut off all inflorescences so as not to deplete the plant;
  • feed the pelargonium with complex fertilizer with the addition of an immunostimulant (Epin. Zircon): 8 drops of stimulant per half liter of water with fertilizer;
  • water the plant only after the soil has dried;
  • Provide bright light, keep away from drafts, hot and humid places.

Treatment of pelargonium - video

Caring for pelargonium is quite simple. The main thing is not to overwater the plant and do the pruning on time. Don’t be afraid to trim the branches, this will only bring benefits and will allow the pelargonium to bloom longer and more luxuriantly!

Geranium is flowering plant having fragrant leaves, which is grown for decorative purposes or for obtaining essential oil. Interestingly, this flower also has another name - crane bird.

ATTENTION: The appearance of both names is explained by the fact that the Greek word “geranion” is translated as “crane”, and the fruits of these plants themselves are similar to the beak of this bird.

Many people are accustomed to geranium growing at home in pots, and it often grows and blooms well, since it is a rather unpretentious plant. However, this flower also feels great outdoors, both on an open balcony in a flower tub and in open ground.

Moreover, it is often found in the wild - in the mountains, in the tropical zone. Certainly, At home in flower pots and grow in nature different types geraniums, because there are more than 400 species around the world, and only in Russia you can find 40 of them.

If you have chosen geranium to decorate your interior or front garden, you are right, because geranium blooms beautifully, often and for a long time, thereby helping to create coziness in the house and add freshness and beauty to the garden.

If the location of the flower allows it to receive a sufficient amount of light and sunlight, and if you properly care for it and do not forget to water it, then the inflorescences will bloom one after another almost all year round, delighting the owner with their obedience and responsiveness to proper care.

When and how long does it bloom?

This, of course, depends on what type of plant you choose for yourself. Mostly geraniums bloom from early spring to mid-winter. It also happens that they produce inflorescences all year round, without stopping even in winter.

But how does this work? Of course, an individual blossoming flower cannot remain fresh for such a long time as on the first day of its appearance. Sooner or later it fades, but at the same time other inflorescences bloom, and later a new one will also appear in the place of the lost flower. That is why withered buds do not spoil the overall picture, and their change occurs unnoticed. You will learn more about when, how and under what conditions geranium blooms in.

First of all, in order for plants of this type to bloom magnificently, it is necessary to properly care for it at the appropriate time of year:

  • Winter, as a rule, is a period of rest for her. Therefore, if you want it to delight you with its flowering in spring and summer, in winter you will have to put it in a cool place and provide it with light watering.

    ADVICE: If the usual place for this plant in your home is a windowsill, and there is a battery under it, it makes sense to move the pot to another place (away from the battery) in winter, for example to a balcony.

  • In spring, geraniums should be replanted. Why this needs to be done in the spring is explained by the fact that in winter it “sleeps”, all processes slow down, and it takes a long time to take root, and sometimes even dies.

    In summer, geranium blooms and spends all its energy on the appearance of new inflorescences, so at this time it can also have a detrimental effect on the condition of the plant. But in early spring, before the buds appear, when it “comes to life”, it can best withstand changes, including replanting.

  • In summer, it is recommended to find a place for the flower where it will receive plenty of sunlight. In addition, the rate of flowering will be favorably influenced by stronger watering than in winter, but moderate.

But these measures may not be enough for geraniums to bloom. It will also promote better and longer flowering if you do the following:

If the lighting is so strong that the geranium gets sunburn, or, on the contrary, not sufficiently necessary, then most likely it will still bloom. However, it is not as long and beautiful as it would be with decent care.


Let us consider in detail what a gardener should do to achieve lush flowering of the plant. First you need to choose the right pot size. If its size is too large, then the geranium will spend all its energy on developing the root system. Maybe new leaves will bloom, but not inflorescences.

Thus, by following all the principles of caring for geraniums, you can ensure that they bloom for a long time and amazingly, delighting you with their beauty every day.

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