Growing greens on shelves in a greenhouse. How to grow greens in winter in a greenhouse video

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Growing greens is a business that you can do on your own plot by building a greenhouse on it. It doesn’t promise super-profits, but it’s perfect as a side hustle.


The goal of the project is to organize a greenhouse farm for growing greens for its implementation in the Rostov region. The main target audience is concentrated in Rostov-on-Don. The target audience is small wholesale buyers who sell their products among the city population aged 20 to 50 with different income levels.

Growing demand for fresh vegetables and herbs, fashion for healthy eating and state support Agriculture became the reason for the active development of the greenhouse business. In Russian greenhouse farming, it is profitable to grow fresh herbs for sale - they are more unpretentious than vegetables and do not require constant care. As marketing research shows, the need for salad greens increases by 10% every year.

Thus, the idea of ​​organizing a greenhouse farm for growing greens is relevant. This business has the following advantages:

Preferential conditions for doing business related to agriculture;

Increase sales without investment!

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To implement the project, we use our own land plot with a total area of ​​50 sq.m. The personal plot is located in the Rostov region, 25 km from the enterprise is the city of Rostov-on-Don.

The initial investment is 182,000 rubles. Investment costs are aimed at the construction and equipment of greenhouses, advertising promotion, and the formation of a working capital fund until the project reaches payback. The bulk of the required investment, 68%, falls on the construction and equipment of greenhouses. Own funds will be used to implement the project.

Financial calculations cover a two-year period of operation of the project. It is expected that after this time, business expansion will be required. According to calculations, the initial investment will pay off in the ninth month of operation. Based on the results of the first year of operation, a net profit of 513,800 rubles and a return on sales of 47.8% are predicted.


The greenhouse business in Russia is a promising area, which is explained by the growing demand for fresh vegetables and herbs, the fashion for healthy eating, and the state priority for the development of agriculture in the country. Today, the state is increasingly concentrating on the development of the industry, helping beginning and existing farmers, allocating land plots at preferential rates, subsidizing interest rates on loans and providing grants for the development of greenhouse farming. However, the main problem hindering the development of the industry remains high utility tariffs.

Currently, the greenhouse business continues to actively develop, increasing the volume of production of vegetables and herbs in domestic greenhouses - through the construction of new greenhouses and the modernization of old production facilities. As a result, the gross harvest of vegetables and herbs from protected soil in two last year grew by 17.7%. Despite this, the need of Russians for protected soil products produced in the country is satisfied only by 26%. About 600 thousand tons of vegetables are harvested from protected ground in Russia, with a demand of 3 million tons. And this need increases annually by 10-15%.

In the Russian greenhouse business, it is profitable to grow fresh herbs for sale. These products do not require as much light and heat as vegetables, they are more unpretentious and do not require constant care. Practice shows that growing greens is 5 times more profitable than vegetables.

In addition, according to marketing research, people’s need to include various varieties of greens in their diet increases by 10% every year, which creates a significant demand for these products among consumers.

Thus, growing greenhouse greens is a promising business area. The peculiarity of greenhouse growing of greens is the possibility of year-round production, under any climatic conditions. Table 1 shows the key advantages and disadvantages of growing greenhouse greens that should be considered when planning a business. With proper development, a business can generate stable and high income.

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of greenhouse growing of greens



Greens grow quickly, which allows you to harvest several harvests a year and quickly generate income;

High and regular demand for products, which allows you to find sales channels;

Both wholesale and retail sales are possible;

Simple business organization;

Greenery is easy to care for and does not require much attention;

Small starting capital;

To grow greens, you do not need to have specialized knowledge;

Possibility to organize a business from home;

Fast payback

High level of competition in the market;

The market depends on seasonality;

Short shelf life of products and rapid loss of presentation;
- to grow greens year-round, an expensive greenhouse is required;

It is impossible to sell products through stores without obtaining permits;

Low price for products

When organizing a greenhouse business, it should be taken into account that it is profitable only if the production is located in the southern or central regions of the country. It is more profitable to pay for the transportation of products to the northern territories than to engage in a greenhouse business there, paying significant heating costs.

Thus, we can talk about attractiveness of this business. Growing a greenhouse business can be a profitable and highly profitable business. A detailed business plan for growing greens in a greenhouse will help you avoid problems when starting your own business.


Leafy vegetables include lettuce, parsley, dill, onions, cilantro, basil, garlic and a number of other crops. The greatest demand is for lettuce, onions and dill. The most profitable type of greens to grow is onions, as they are an unpretentious and fast-growing crop. However, when selling it, it may be difficult to find buyers, since many people grow onions. The most cost-effective green is lettuce. Lately, growing arugula has become increasingly popular.

It is recommended to start by growing several crops and gradually expand the range. When selecting crops for cultivation, the following parameters should be taken into account: growing season, required area for sowing, greenhouse growing conditions, hardiness, demand, price. Table 2 presents a comparative description of various types of greens, which will help to correctly formulate the assortment.

Table 2. Characteristics of types of greens for growing

Types of greenery

Greenhouse cultivation

Growing season


Required area

Long-term storage


This project involves growing the following types of greens: parsley, dill, lettuce, onions. All products comply with GOST requirements (GOST R 55904-2013, GOST 32856-2014, GOST 33985-2016 and GOST R 55652-2013, respectively). Transparent plastic containers and cone bags are used as packaging for fresh produce, which improves the presentation of the product and simplifies transportation. Packaging: 100-150 g. It is also planned to produce products in the form of assorted sets, which include at least two types of greens.

The products are sold at room temperature, refrigerated and are intended for sale in retail and wholesale trade networks, in enterprises Catering and for industrial processing.

Ready ideas for your business

Small wholesale prices for greens vary between 50-150 rubles. per kilogram. It is worth considering that the price of greens fluctuates depending on the season. On average, the price is 80 rubles. per kilogram at retail prices of 200 rubles. per kilogram.


Features of the business greenhouse cultivation greenery lies in the fact that the target audience is not the end consumer, but wholesale buyers, product distributors, represented mainly by various vegetable and food stores. At the same time, the advertising strategy must take into account the requirements of the end consumer in order to plan production and predict sales volumes. Portrait of the final consumer of the product: city population aged 20 to 50 with different income levels; gender and occupation as such do not play a role.

Thus, the project’s marketing policy covers both the assessment of end consumers and promotion methods among flower retailers. Advertising is aimed at establishing long-term cooperation and developing a client base.

The most difficult task in the greenhouse business is finding a market. Greens are a perishable product, so a well-functioning system of distribution channels and a competent marketing strategy are necessary. In order to create sales channels, a novice entrepreneur should:

Analyze the competitive environment, assess the level of demand for products, develop your competitive advantages;

Ready ideas for your business

Conduct a price analysis of the market and offer more profitable terms as a supplier: lower cost, flexible system of discounts for wholesale buyers, guarantees, etc.;

Issue a catalog of finished products on paper and on the Internet. Generate a list of potential buyers and send out commercial offers.

Channels for selling fresh herbs products can be:

    retail grocery stores with a wide range of products;

    grocery chains;

    vegetable bases;

    farm shops that specialize in selling organic products produced in Russia;

    establishments of the HoReCa segment - restaurants and cafes.

Promising markets include online stores, which have recently gained popularity and offer customers fresh, farm-based products. To develop this market, you can team up with vegetable cooperatives presented on online platforms. In the future, with proper advertising of your products, it is possible to open your own retail outlet.

Each sales channel has its own advantages and disadvantages, which relate to the final cost of greens, volumes of lots sold, terms of cooperation, etc. In order to establish distribution channels and not suffer losses from overproduction, it is necessary to create a stable distribution network several months before the harvest. It should be noted that searching for new customers and developing sales markets is a constant process, so a sales specialist is needed to carry out this function. His responsibilities will include attracting clients and working with them, as well as advertising support for the project and analyzing the effectiveness of using the advertising budget.

Promotion is carried out different ways. The advertising budget is 30,000 rubles and consists of the following types of costs:

Creation of a product catalog (commercial offer) and printing of advertising material (including business cards) – 10,000;

Direct marketing is a way to increase sales by sending commercial letters to potential customers. Effective direct marketing is ensured by narrowing the target audience and delivering high-quality mailings that may be of interest to the client. This same group of expenses includes the costs of promotion on the Internet, call promotion and fare– 20,000 rubles.

Participation in various thematic fairs and business events is also expected.

The competitiveness of the project is ensured due to the high quality of products. In all promotional events, attention is focused on the advantages of purchasing goods from a domestic manufacturer (savings on transportation costs, lower prices, reduced risk of supply disruptions, guarantees, a flexible system of discounts, high quality products, which is achieved by reducing delivery times).

Ready ideas for your business

When planning sales volumes, production capacity should be taken into account, since the maximum production volume depends on the area of ​​greenhouses, growing conditions, varieties of greens, etc.

The maximum production volume is calculated based on the greenhouse area - 50 square meters. m., an average ripening period of 30 days and an average yield of salad crops - up to 4 kg per 1 sq. m. In total, the annual yield of the greenhouse will be about 2400 kg per year, and 200 kg per month. This indicator should be taken into account when planning sales volume.

How much can you earn from growing greens? With an established product sales system and an average retail price of 200 rubles. sales volume will be 40,000 rubles per month. In winter, when prices for greens increase significantly, monthly income can double.


How to open a business growing greens from scratch? The project organization algorithm involves the following stages:

    Register a business as an LLC or individual entrepreneur;

    Decide on the place and technology for growing greens;

    Purchase specialized equipment;

    Hire qualified workers;

    Plant the seed.

Let's look at each point in more detail.

Organizing a business for growing greens includes the following steps:

1) Registration with government agencies. This project concentrates on growing greens and positions itself as a personal backyard farm. Its activities are not taxed and do not require registration. This option is suitable for small production that plans to cooperate with small retailers.

The company is located on a personal personal plot area 50 sq. meters, located in the Rostov region. The city of Rostov-on-Don is 25 km from the enterprise. Because the area of ​​the plot does not exceed 2 hectares; to organize a business, it is enough to obtain only a certificate from the local administration that this plot belongs to you and is used for growing greenery. For small production volumes, it is not necessary to register as an entrepreneur: in this case, you sell the products yourself or sell them to resellers at wholesale prices. If in the future it is planned to sell products through grocery stores or vegetable warehouses, business registration will be required.

2) Production technology. The production technology involves the creation of two greenhouses (total area - 50 square meters) and the use of irrigation equipment. The process of planting seedlings, some care operations, as well as harvesting is carried out manually. The production cycle should be planned based on the fact that the first harvest is expected 30-40 days after planting the seedlings.

There are different technologies for growing greens in a greenhouse:

Hydroponics (growing plants without soil in liquid media using fertilizers). The cost of 1 hydroponics installation is about 1,500 rubles. for one installation;

- “intermediate” (peat, hydroponics and regular soil are used). This method is 3 times more expensive than conventional hydroponics.

There are also different types of soils that can be used in conjunction with hydroponics. Each soil has its own characteristics (Table 3).

Table 3. Types of soil for greenhouse cultivation of greenery

Type of soil


no unpleasant odor, plants do not rot, low price

require maintenance (need to be filled hot water and place in a container).

from 300 rub. for 1 cubic meter

high availability

requires the application of various fertilizers and nutrients.

from 700 rub. for 1 cubic meter

Expanded clay

Retains moisture, lightweight, affordable price

does not contain nutrients, so it is necessary to fertilize regularly

from 1400 rub. for 1 cubic meter

practical, economical option, good air permeability

heavy and does not retain moisture.

from 50 rub. per kg

coconut flakes

environmentally friendly, durable, universal primer

high price.

from 100 rub. per kg


retains moisture long enough, allows water to pass through, does not harm plants

high price

from 1500 rub. per kg

The choice of soil depends on many factors, including the characteristics of growing the crops from which the assortment is formed. Features of growing selected types of greens are reflected in Table 4.

Table 4. Features of growing various types of greens

Type of greenery

Features of cultivation

    After germination, about 25-30 days pass before harvest.

    Watering is needed abundantly and frequently, and after cutting, fertilizing with fertilizers is required.

    When it’s cloudy, additional lighting is needed; in winter we also add phytolamps (3-4 hours)

    Seeds germinate in 2-3 weeks, harvested 40-50 days after germination

    Short shelf life, requires additional lighting in winter

    Shoots on 5-7 days; Harvest - in 10-12 days.


    After cutting the leaves, fertilizing is needed

    Harvest in 25-30 days

    Does not require special conditions or special care, but to increase productivity, onions need to be regularly watered and fed with fertilizers

3) Purchase of equipment. Another important question when implementing a business project - how to choose a greenhouse for growing greens? The construction of a greenhouse is very important stage organization of this business. The quality of the products produced, and therefore the success of the business, depends 60-70% on how high-quality and technologically competent the greenhouse is designed.

For growing greens at home all year round capital structures are suitable for solid foundation. The most effective greenhouse system for growing greens is a thermos greenhouse. This design due to double coating and solar collector allows you to do without heating. Greenhouses with a wooden frame, covering (roof - polycarbonate, walls - thick film) with a total area of ​​50 sq.m. will cost an average of 60-70 thousand rubles.

The amount of investment required to create greenhouses is 122,000 rubles. Of these, 80,000 rubles. - funds for the construction of greenhouses, and 42,000 rubles. – purchase of greenhouse equipment, the list of which is given in Table 5.

Industrial greenhouses most often use hydroponic technologies. They can significantly save space and reduce the cost of finished products. Plants are grown in liquid nutrient solutions, without the use of soil. The cost of a hydroponics kit for a greenhouse is about 70,000 rubles. When growing in soil, greenhouses must be equipped with a drip irrigation system. The cost of an automatic drip irrigation system for greenhouses with an area of ​​150 sq.m. – 12,000 rubles.

Lighting for greenhouses is provided by LED lamps, which have spectral characteristics completely identical to sunlight. Thanks to this, the normal process of photosynthesis in plants is ensured. In addition, LED lamps save up to 60% of electricity and do not heat up.

Table 5. List of farm equipment

Expenses also include the purchase of seeds, but you can grow them yourself, which will save you money. You should also provide for the cost of biofertilizers - this expense item will amount to 7,000 rubles.

4) Search for product sales channels. The greens growing business will bring stable profits throughout the year only if sales channels are established. Therefore, special attention must be paid to the stage of searching for clients and establishing commercial cooperation. Wholesale sale of greens is the best option for organizing sales. The basis for successful sales is a competent pricing policy and a flexible system of working with clients.

5) Selection of personnel. At the first stages of work, the entrepreneur can perform all actions independently. In the future, he will need the help of a sales representative who will look for new distribution channels for products, as well as an assistant working in the greenhouse.


In the first year of operation, it is planned that the entrepreneur will independently organize the production process. It is allowed to attract third-party assistants to certain stages(for example, during periods of high sales).


The financial plan takes into account all income and expenses of the greenhouse business; the planning horizon is 2 years. It is planned that after this period, business expansion will be required.

To launch a project, it is necessary to calculate the volume of initial investments, which include: costs for the purchase of equipment, advertising promotion on the market, the formation of working capital, which will cover the losses of the initial periods.

The initial investment for a greenhouse for growing greens is 182,000 rubles. Of this, 68% falls on the construction and equipment of greenhouses, advertising - 16%, and working capital - 16%. The project is financed from own capital. The main items of investment costs are shown in Table 6.

Table 6. Investment costs

Variable costs consist of the power spent on watering, heating, and Supplies(seedlings, fertilizers, etc.). In this case, utility costs are considered variable. It is also necessary to calculate the cost of production. Practice shows that the cost of growing greens is 10-60 rubles (depending on the crop). To simplify financial calculations, the value of variable costs is calculated as the average cost of growing greens - 25 rubles.

Fixed costs consist of advertising costs, depreciation charges and biofertilizer costs. The lack of staff eliminates personnel costs. The amount of depreciation charges is determined linear method, based on the useful life of fixed assets of 3 years.

Table 7. Monthly expenses

Thus, fixed monthly expenses were determined in the amount of 17,000 rubles.


The payback period for the project with an initial investment of 202,000 rubles is 10 months. The net monthly profit of the project upon reaching planned sales volumes will be 18,000 rubles. Reaching the planned sales volume is planned for the fifth month of operation. Return on sales in the first year of operation is 47.8%. High profitability is achieved due to high markups on products. Annual volume net profit for the first year of implementation will be 245,575 rubles.


To assess the risk component of a greenhouse rose growing project, it is necessary to analyze external and internal factors. External factors include threats related to the economic situation in the country and sales markets. Internal – the effectiveness of organization management.

Among the internal risks are:

Greens are a perishable product that cannot be stored for long. To avoid losses, it is necessary to constantly monitor the market and forecast demand;

Errors in estimating sales volumes, which can lead to product disposal. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of this risk by creating a well-functioning product sales system;

In order for growing greens in a greenhouse as a business to be profitable and bring stable profits all year round, you need to study the entire algorithm of this process. Find out how to competently implement the idea of ​​this type of income, where to start, what investments will be required for initial stage. Familiarize yourself with the types of greenhouses and the crops suitable for them, learn how to sell products and some legal subtleties in setting up your business.

Advantages and disadvantages of growing greens year-round

The agricultural business is mainly seasonal. But there are crops that can be grown and sold all year round. These include greens - they are in demand at any time of the year. Dill, parsley, green onions can be grown in greenhouses even in winter and sent for sale.

Sales of products on the market

Year-round cultivation of edible herbs has a number of advantages:

  • the technology for growing greens is very simple and does not require special agronomic knowledge;
  • greens are unpretentious and easy to care for;
  • it can be combined together when growing different species;
  • Several harvests can be harvested throughout the year.

Growing green onions per feather

For all its attractiveness, year-round cultivation also has its disadvantages:

  • the need for significant financial investments to create a greenhouse and heat it in winter;
  • short terms of sale - the harvested crop quickly deteriorates;
  • For a high yield, you need to regularly apply expensive, high-quality fertilizers and buy good seeds.

The process of growing greenery itself is simple, but building a greenhouse and its full equipment requires considerable effort and expense. Therefore, it is worth starting to implement the idea of ​​a green business only after a thorough study of all its nuances.

Large-scale business

Greens in a greenhouse as a business idea

Year-round growing of greens is a fairly popular business, and its main feature is quick profits. You can start selling products within 1.5 months after launch. Another plus is high profitability, since the demand for these products is always high and does not depend on the season.

Current product

Overview of crops suitable for greenhouses

A properly equipped greenhouse for growing greenery in winter for sale is a guarantee good harvest and quick profit. It is also important to know which herbs are suitable for greenhouse conditions.

Almost all types of greens grow well in greenhouses:

  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • green onions per feather;
  • various varieties of lettuce;
  • cilantro.

Dill can be freely grown together with parsley

Dill is quite unpretentious, tolerates cold well, sprouts quickly and is resistant to disease. The first harvest can be harvested in 1.5 months.

Parsley can be grown either curly or regular. It is resistant to cold, and already a month after germination it is suitable for sale as bunched greens.

Green chives

Green onions should be selected from hybrid varieties that produce lush greens and do not form bulbs: batun, slime, chives. Green onions need regular feeding with various mineral complexes.

It is better to choose fast-growing varieties of lettuce for the greenhouse: cress, frisée, oakleaf, romaine. This culture is very photophilous, loves nutritious soil and abundant watering.

Growing lettuce

Cilantro sprouts quickly, it is undemanding and resistant to cold. The soil for cilantro should be well fertilized and constantly moist.

Algorithm for starting a business and implementation options

A herb growing business should be started by drawing up a rough business plan. At the initial stage of its development, it is worth carefully studying this niche in your region:

  • level of competition;
  • sales points;
  • terms of implementation;
  • average prices for greens in the region.

Small business growing green crops

Another article of the business plan is the formalization of your activities. The registration conditions will depend on the volumes in which you will grow greens in the greenhouse all year round.

The small business category (one or two greenhouses on your own site) does not require official registration. However, to sell products you will need a certificate from local authorities authorities confirming the availability of the site.

The medium-sized business category (a large number of greenhouses) is registered as a peasant farm; it must be registered with the tax office. In this case, you will need the necessary package of documents provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for registering a farm.

The scale of an industrial greenhouse

The next stage is the purchase of materials and equipment:

  • materials for building a greenhouse;
  • equipment for irrigation and lighting;
  • fertilizers;
  • priming;
  • seeds;
  • equipment for heating in winter;
  • containers for growing.

You can sell your own greens grown by yourself and through resellers. If you have not registered your activities, then you can sell greens yourself only in markets. You can also supply products for sale to chain stores and public catering outlets. But this method of implementation requires accompanying documentation.

Greenhouse products on store shelves

In order not to look for sales points, greens can be handed over to resellers. True, the purchase price will be significantly lower than if sold independently.

So, the algorithm for opening a business for growing greens is quite simple:

  • market research;
  • registration of activities (if necessary);
  • purchase of materials and equipment;
  • building a greenhouse and planting greenery;
  • search for sales points and sales.

Upcoming expenses and income

The size of the costs and income of a greens growing business depends on its scale and volume of production.

For a small business on its own site, the initial investment is minimal. The costs will be as follows:

  • purchase of material for equipment of one or two greenhouses;
  • purchase of soil, fertilizers and seeds;
  • installation of additional lighting and heating systems.

Such a business can be launched quite quickly, and the first profit will not be long in coming. However, you should not expect large incomes, since the volume of products for sale will also be insignificant.

Farms and industrial greenhouses require more serious investments both at the initial stage and in the future. For a large-scale business, additional expense items are added in addition to the above:

  • land rental (relevant for industrial greenhouses);
  • construction;
  • paperwork;
  • staff salaries;
  • taxes;
  • costs for electricity and water according to the tariff for enterprises;
  • packaging and transportation of products.

Growing greens in winter is profitable

If some items on this list may not be relevant for farms, for example, land rent or wages, then to organize an industrial-scale greenhouse, all these costs will have to be taken into account.

Income from this type of business depends on the crops grown and the method of their sale. It is most profitable to sell products through stores or a public catering network. In winter, profits increase because supply decreases and demand remains the same as in summer.

The profitability of growing herbs for sale, according to various estimates, varies from 15 to 25%. On average, a farm greenhouse pays for itself in 1.5-2 years, while an industrial greenhouse pays for itself in 2-3 years.

The profitability of the business of growing greens in a greenhouse in winter also depends on the climatic conditions of the region: in the southern regions it is higher than in the middle ones. In the northern region, production costs are much higher, which significantly reduces profits. Costs can be reduced by increasing the sales market and making the heating system more economical.

Features of growing greens

One of the most difficult stages in the organization year-round cultivation greenery to earn money is the construction of a greenhouse. For a stable income, it is necessary to equip it correctly, and it is better to get acquainted with this process visually - by photo or video.

Polyethylene will not last long

Selection of greenhouse and equipment

A greenhouse for year-round use should be as durable as possible: the frame is best made of galvanized metal. It is practically not subject to corrosion and has a long service life. The most popular materials for walls and ceilings are polyethylene film, polycarbonate and glass.

A greenhouse made of polyethylene film is easy to equip, but its service life will be short. The film cracks from frost, tears, and becomes brittle over time. This design requires repairs every year, and its maximum service life is 4 years. The only advantage of polyethylene film is its low price. You need to cover it in two layers so that an air cushion forms between them to retain heat.

Economical and durable polycarbonate

Polycarbonate is the most popular material for building greenhouses. It is durable, effectively retains heat, transmits light well, and makes it diffused. Another advantage is that the shape of the frame can be any, both straight and arch-shaped.

Glass is the most durable and most expensive material. Its main advantage is its almost unlimited service life. Glass transmits sunlight well, but retains heat less well. For greenhouses, glass with a thickness of 5 mm or more is suitable: display glass, tempered or multilayer.

Also, to grow greens for sale year-round, you will need to equip the greenhouse with the necessary equipment:

  • lighting and heating systems;
  • irrigation equipment;
  • racks;
  • thermometers.

Glass is not a cheap material

Lighting and heating in winter

Greenery in winter needs additional lighting and heating. LED or fluorescent lighting is best for greenhouses. Conventional incandescent lamps are, in principle, suitable for growing greenery, but their use is not economical, and the spectrum of their light does not have the desired effect on the process of photosynthesis.

Additional bow lighting

The easiest way to heat in winter is a wide metal pipe and a barrel. The barrel is placed on the ground near the entrance, and a pipe is inserted into the bottom of the barrel. It stretches through the entire greenhouse, rises to the top and is brought out. Such a stove needs to be heated with wood. This option is suitable for one or two greenhouses due to high flow rate firewood

Soil bioheating can be used as additional heating. Manure 40-50 cm thick is placed on the bottom of the beds and watered with hot water. After a few days, the manure begins to decompose and generate heat. You need to pour soil on top and you can plant greens.

The following types of heating can also be used for heating:

  • electric or infrared heating;
  • wood burning stove;
  • gas heating;
  • water heating.

A simple and inexpensive heating method

These types of heating are more suitable for industrial greenhouses: they are quite expensive to install and operate.

How to prepare a greenhouse for growing greens

In addition to additional lighting and heating, it is necessary to equip a place for growing the greenery itself.

You can use the main area of ​​the greenhouse for planting, but this method has many disadvantages:

  • the landing area is limited by the size of the building and is used uneconomically;
  • inconvenient to care for: for watering, weeding, harvesting, you will need to constantly bend over;
  • plants will need more water and heat.

The usable area can be increased with shelving. This method of growing has many advantages:

  1. Increasing yield: several tiers of shelving will allow you to grow more greens.
  2. The soil in the rack warms up faster, thereby shortening the growth period of plants.
  3. Saving water: the bottom of the rack can be lined with film to retain moisture.

From such an area you can collect big harvest

You can make your own shelves from wood. But the service life of such racks is short-lived - over time, the wood will get wet from moisture and become deformed. It is better to purchase ready-made racks made of plastic or metal that will last for many years.

Rules for caring for plants

To learn how to grow greens in a greenhouse all year round, you need to become familiar with the care rules. Although herbs are not fussy, growing them in greenhouse conditions, especially in winter, requires special care.

Green onions will grow well if a number of conditions are met:

  • regular abundant watering;
  • no draft;
  • moisture stagnation should not be allowed;
  • maintaining a comfortable temperature: 19°C during the day and 12°C at night;
  • fertilizing with ammonium nitrate once a season.

Grow parsley in greenhouse conditions easier than anyone another herb. It is absolutely unpretentious and always gives good seed germination. To speed up the harvest time, you can take the advice of experienced gardeners. Parsley seeds should be sprouted in a gauze bag. Sprouted seeds should be placed in the refrigerator for 10 days and then planted in a greenhouse.

Dill is also unpretentious, but when growing it you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • dill needs to be sprayed several times a day;
  • maintain the temperature in the greenhouse at least 15 degrees;
  • loosen the soil after watering;
  • In the dark, be sure to illuminate it.

Parsley is a perishable product

Leaf lettuce needs at least 16 hours of light. The most comfortable temperature for salad is 18 degrees, at night – 10 degrees. Also, when growing lettuce, it is necessary to monitor soil moisture: when water stagnates, the root system begins to rot.

Harvesting and transportation

Greens quickly lose their marketable appearance, so they need to be sold immediately after harvest. It must be collected correctly to increase its shelf life.

5-6 hours before harvesting, the beds need to be watered abundantly. Then carefully dig up each plant with a special spatula. The onion must be pulled out of the ground along with the head, lettuce - along with the root. After harvesting, the crop is washed, packaged and transported.

The harvest should be transported in waterproof containers. The bundles should stand vertically and be pressed tightly against each other. Water and special substances are added to the bottom of the container to help maintain freshness longer. Most often, regular aspirin is used for these purposes.

Packaging for supermarket

Video: how to make money selling greens

Growing greens all year round with a reasonable approach brings considerable profit. This business has many advantages:

  1. Anyone can start it - no special knowledge is required. It will be enough to study the information well on the Internet and you can start implementing the idea.
  2. The income is stable and does not depend on the season.
  3. No risks: with proper arrangement of the greenhouse, there will always be a harvest.
  4. Consistently high demand for products all year round.
  5. Minimum initial investment when organizing a small business (one or two greenhouses).
  6. Development prospects due to increased production volumes and profits.

Video: How to make money selling greens

With small volumes of grown greens, income will be low. But if these funds are invested in business development and gradually expand it, then over time the profit will increase several times.

With double glazing on a stainless steel frame. They create the effect of a thermos, maintaining an optimal temperature from 15 to 28ºC.

Glass is too fragile and expensive, and plastic film does not provide stable room temperatures. Industrial greenhouses have impressive sizes (from 0.5 hectares and above). For beginning farmers it is worth building a structure of 100-120 square meters. m, in the future, greenhouse farming can be expanded.

The shape of greenhouses for greenery can be different. In cold regions, pitched structures are the most popular, providing good insolation and preventing snow from accumulating on the roof. It is also possible to use traditional ones. For growing in soil low buildings are suitable, rack greenhouses have more impressive dimensions.

Green business: advantages and disadvantages

Having decided to grow greens on an industrial scale, It is important to know the pros and cons in advance similar enterprise.

Among the advantages of this business:

  • the ability to harvest several harvests per year;
  • greenhouses are suitable for any green crops, from common to exotic;
  • high demand for fresh herbs;
  • in winter and early spring, the markup increases significantly and profitability increases;
  • Possible cultivation by hydroponic, aeroponic or soil methods;
  • business suits even people without much experience in agriculture;
  • greenhouses minimize the risk of low yields.

Despite the obvious advantages, the business also has some disadvantages:

  • high construction costs and;
  • V summer time high competition from homestead owners;
  • perishable product, which increases the percentage of defects;
  • a large amount of fertilizer is required to increase the nutritional value of the soil;
  • To increase income, it is necessary to operate with large volumes of products and constantly increase them.

What should you grow in greenhouses?

Experienced farmers believe that growing greens is the most promising option greenhouse business. Green crops grow quickly, their taste remains unchanged regardless of the growing method.

Among the crops in particular demand are:

  1. . Hybrid varieties that do not form bulbs are suitable for growing for greens. The most different varieties: batun, slime, chives. Plants are not too demanding on lighting, but need a large amount of complex mineral and organic fertilizers. Green onions can be grown hydroponic or aeroponic.
  2. . Very productive, grows quickly and requires frequent cutting. Growing requires good humidity and lighting.
  3. Parsley. For cultivation in greenhouses, ordinary leaf and curly parsley is used, which is in great demand in stores. Very demanding on soil nutrition, watering and lighting. At lower temperatures, growth stops.
  4. . Any variety is suitable for cultivation, but the fast-growing Iceberg, Oakleaf, and Frize varieties are especially popular. Lettuce grows well in hydroponics and requires plenty of fertilizer and water.

A very promising direction is growing greens in miniature plastic pots. These containers are placed in cassettes and can significantly extend the life of greens on store shelves.

Dill, lettuce and parsley in pots attract attention and are readily sold out.

Cost price this method of cultivation is almost equal to traditional, and the markups for this type of product are significantly higher. In pots you can grow not only the usual greens, but also a variety of herbs: mint, lemon balm, anise, rosemary, thyme.

Greenhouse equipment

Industrial greenhouses are most often use hydroponic technologies. They can significantly save space and reduce the cost of finished products. Plants are grown in liquid nutrient solutions, without the use of soil.

Hydroponic technologies significantly accelerates the growth of greenery, the plants have beautiful appearance. Unlike vegetables, greens grown hydroponically do not develop a watery taste.

Another option - soil cultivation in tiers. Along the walls of the greenhouses there are racks with a nutrient substrate into which the seeds are sown. Rack growing makes it possible to save on heating costs by increasing the number of plants per square meter. m greenhouse.

Greenhouse equipped with a ventilation system and heating. Industrial greenhouses are heated using pipes laid underground. To reduce electric heating costs, innovative methods are actively used: biofuels, solar panels, use of infrared cables. It is best to heat the structure in a combined way, using several methods at once.

An industrial greenhouse designed for soil cultivation must be equipped with a drip irrigation system. Lighting is also very important. Lamps under the ceiling are not enough; local lighting is needed for each tier of the rack.

To organize a continuous process, batch sowing is recommended. This allows you to harvest without overstocking. After harvest soil is mixed with fertilizers, carefully loosened, watered and sown with a new batch of seeds.

Expenses, income and profitability: calculation rules

When calculating profitability it is important to take into account all costs, both one-time and monthly. These include:

  • land lease;
  • registration of a legal entity;
  • construction and equipment of greenhouses;
  • purchase of planting material and fertilizers;
  • expenses for electricity and water;
  • payment of taxes;
  • salary of hired personnel;
  • packaging and labeling;
  • transportation costs for delivery of finished products.

Some expense items may be excluded from the estimate. For example, land owners will not spend money on rent, and small greenhouses do not need hired help, which excludes salary costs. Branded packaging is needed by large farms that have registered a trademark and sell through retail chains.

According to professional estimates, the cost of one polycarbonate greenhouse of 100,000 sq. m start from 100,000 rubles. 10,000 rubles will have to be spent on seed, at least 15,000 rubles will be required for heating.

Profit depends on the chosen crop and method of implementation. The most profitable option is to sell through retail stores or public catering chains. In the summer, a kilogram of greens can cost from 80,000 rubles; in winter, the price rises to 150,000 rubles. This growth is associated with a decrease in supply and a lack of competition from private farms.

The profitability of the greens growing business is not very high. According to various estimates, it ranges from 15 to 25%. An industrial greenhouse will pay for itself in 2-3 years, payback of a farm greenhouse medium size - 1.5-2 years. Profitability is significantly higher in regions with warm climates.

In the northern regions, the cost of greenhouse greens increases significantly, reducing profits. Well-established logistics, an increase in the sales network and a thoughtful approach to heating greenhouses will help reduce costs.

Growing greens in a greenhouse as a business - simple, but financially intensive process. A large initial investment is required to achieve success. Even before the construction of greenhouses began It’s worth thinking over a clear sales plan and calculate all upcoming costs. To begin with, it is worth building one small greenhouse as a training option. If the process goes well, you will be able to significantly expand your farm.

Useful video:

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For a profitable business of growing plants in a greenhouse, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules. You need to properly equip the greenhouse and know exactly how much greenery is growing and what the microclimate and care requirements are. Profitable production requires attention and certain knowledge of agricultural technology for each crop.

Winter cultivation and sale of greens brings good income. The most commonly grown plants are parsley and dill. But besides the obvious advantages of such a business, there are also disadvantages.

Pros of growing greens for sale:

  • Greenery is easy to care for and does not require much attention;
  • It does not require a large initial investment, since the seeds are cheap and no special equipment is required for care;
  • You can quickly earn income, since the ripening period of greens is short;
  • Greens have regular demand in the market.

But numerous reviews from farmers also highlight negative aspects. Such a business requires a constant clientele, since greenery quickly loses its presentable appearance. You will also need finance and time to equip a greenhouse and create optimal conditions for growing crops. But these expenses will quickly pay for themselves with timely sales of products.

When growing greens in winter, it is necessary to properly design a greenhouse. For coating, you can use film, glass or polycarbonate. The best option is cellular polycarbonate.

Glass does not diffuse light, so plants can get burned. In summer, it is recommended to shade the greenhouse to avoid this.

The winter greenhouse must be equipped with heating, automatic watering and a system for maintaining microclimate parameters. Thanks to modern developments, greens can be grown in northern regions. You can equip a new generation greenhouse and save significantly on electricity and heating.

Experts advise growing greens hydroponically. Thus, the vegetative period of crop growth is shortened. In addition, caring for plants is much easier. Hydroponics does not require fertile soil, you just need to buy plastic cups.

This production technology also involves the purchase of a nutrient solution that needs to be fed to the greens. It is also convenient that when growing in this way, plants can be placed vertically. This will help to use the greenhouse space as economically as possible.

Rules for storing and collecting greens:

  1. Before harvesting plants, it is necessary to water them. This will make it easier to pick greens from the beds.
  2. Collected cultures should be stored in waterproof containers. There you need to add water with aspirin. This way the greens will stay fresh longer.

It is important to follow these rules when growing crops, otherwise the plants will quickly lose their fresh appearance. Greens can also be planted indoors using liquid fertilizers. It will cost more, but the plants will have a distinct taste. Hydroponically grown greens are tasteless.

Agricultural technology for growing parsley in a greenhouse for sale

Parsley is in demand all year round. At the same time, the business can also be set up all year round. To do this, you will need to equip a winter greenhouse and comply with a number of business plan requirements.

The nuances of growing parsley:

  1. It is necessary to first establish trade relations;
  2. The winter greenhouse must have lighting and heating;
  3. Seeds can be obtained independently or purchased;
  4. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the plant’s microclimate and care requirements.

Only by knowing the agricultural technology of parsley can you properly organize regular sales. You can only sell fresh-looking greens. The maximum shelf life of the plant in a cool place is a week. For a good income, you need to collect the maximum amount of crops.

Together with parsley, you can grow onions, dill, and lettuce. This will increase profits, and bunches of different greens are in greater demand.

First you need to familiarize yourself with the classification of the plant. Parsley can be either leaf or root. Both types are quite valuable in terms of vitamin indicators, but the root one has a valuable root crop. Leaf parsley can differ in leaves: smooth or corrugated. The first option has a richer smell.

Parsley seeds germinate slowly. Before sowing, it is necessary to bring them to the hatching stage and only then sow them. The first harvest can be harvested after a couple of months, then the products will be ready for sale every month.

The optimal temperature for seed germination is 3-4 degrees. But greens should grow at a temperature of 15 degrees. Watering should be moderate. Fertilizing should be done 2 times during the growth period of parsley.

The nuances of growing dill in a greenhouse in winter for sale

To get fragrant bunches of dill you must follow certain rules growing greens. First you need to prepare the greenhouse. This event starts from February. Then the area under the greenhouse needs to be cleared of winter precipitation. To quickly heat the ground, it is necessary to cover it with film or roofing felt. Already in early spring the soil will warm up quite well.

Before sowing, the seeds must be soaked. But you shouldn’t germinate them, otherwise there will be problems with planting them in the ground.

It is important to remember that when growing dill for sale, you do not need to sow the entire greenhouse area. So the plants will not receive their share of light and will not grow into lush bushes. Therefore, it is better to plant in furrows.

The nuances of growing dill:

  • Sprouted seeds must be planted in beds, sprinkled with a little soil;
  • It is necessary to regularly moisten the soil with water from a spray bottle;
  • It is necessary to get rid of weeds on time;
  • Periodically you need to loosen the soil so that there is no hard crust that will prevent the dill from germinating;
  • Dense plantings must be thinned out;
  • At least once during the growth period you need to fertilize.

To quickly obtain a harvest, it is recommended to use early ripening varieties of dill. And for regular cultivation of the plant, it is necessary to sow it. In addition to growing dill in the ground, you can try growing it hydroponically. This is a budget option, but the greens will lack a characteristic taste.

Business growing garlic in a greenhouse

For industrial enterprises, such a business must be registered. But if sales volumes are small and exclusively to acquaintances, then there is no point in formalizing everything. The legal grounds for registering a business are if more than 1 hectare of land is involved in growing garlic.

Benefits of growing garlic for sale:

  • You can set up a business at home, in the country;
  • Garlic is in demand among buyers;
  • Minimal competition;
  • Requires small financial investments;
  • Garlic is easy to care for.

There are 2 types of garlic: winter and spring. Before starting a business, it is important to determine which type will be used. Winter garlic is more suitable for cultivation for sale. It is frost-resistant, has high yields and excellent taste. Spring is more suitable for growing in warm regions.

Garlic is not sown by seed. Cloves and bulbs are used for planting. They must be of high quality, not affected by diseases.

The microclimate for garlic depends on the selected variety. But the culture is completely unpretentious in care. The growing technology must include regular watering, loosening, removing weeds and shoots, as well as fertilizer.

Growing greens in greenhouses (video)

To grow high-quality greens in a greenhouse, you must follow certain rules. Each crop is unique, but for better profits it is recommended to grow several types of greens at once and sell them in bunches. For year-round cultivation, you will need a winter greenhouse with heating and lighting.

Greenery in a greenhouse can be a good idea for creating a personal business, on the one hand, on the other hand, the structure can be used for growing unusual green crops for yourself and your family. Before starting a high-budget event, look at what a modern factory for growing greens all year round looks like, think and calculate the payback of the future enterprise: will you be able to compete on prices with similar farms?

What to consider at the initial stage

On the Internet you can find cost calculations, calculations of profits and payback periods. The event looks quite tempting. The only thing that these business plans do not describe is the organization of a product sales system. It is planned that your product will be purchased continuously and the entire harvest; all calculations are based on this fact. But first you need to find buyers, find out which positions are relevant, what types are in demand, and when they are in demand. First, you should still try to grow crops little by little, test ideas, and study technologies.

Cilantro, parsley, and lettuce are considered “long-term” crops (the growing season is 50-70 days); growing them in winter greenhouse not the most profitable activity, profitability increases in the spring, summer and autumn. Dill, onions, basil and mint produce a harvest 30-40 days after germination, so growing them in winter is more economically feasible.

What should a greenhouse be like for greenery?

An ordinary greenhouse with a polycarbonate coating is suitable for cultivating early greens. The size at the initial stage can be small: 3 meters wide, 10-12 meters long. By mid-April, a suitable microclimate has been established, suitable for sowing. For year-round cultivation, the greenhouse must be additionally equipped with:

Most plants require twelve hours of daylight for development; in winter, additional lighting is required. When growing for sale, you need speed: with slow growth, the economic component decreases; if it is not marketable, your products simply will not be accepted. For additional illumination, ordinary lamps are not suitable, since their radiation spectrum is far from solar, so fluorescent or special phytolamps, as well as various types of energy-saving ones, are used.

The design of the irrigation system depends on the technology chosen. Some farms successfully use hydroponics (growing without soil mixture; plants receive nutrition from water in which the necessary substances are dissolved). Automatic and semi-automatic watering systems are also used.

The greenhouse must be equipped with an irrigation system: hanging sprayers are used

It is advisable to use the entire volume of the greenhouse for planting. For this purpose, shelving is installed. The shelves should be high enough on top of each other to allow light to reach each plant. Heating is either centralized (water) or used infrared heaters.

If you plan to grow for sale, then it is better to forget about homemade products. By the way, equipment manufacturers produce not only large industrial systems, but mini versions that are quite affordable.

Tip: Lighting equipment is selected so that per 1 sq. meter of area accounted for 6000-10000 lux. The effective distance from the lamp to the plant is calculated based on the power of the lamps and the standard illumination.

It is better to use pendant lighting; the closer to the plants, the more efficiently electricity is used

What greens are grown in greenhouses: selection of varieties

General rules when choosing seeds:

  1. The key to success is high-quality planting material (shelf life, storage conditions). Pay attention to professional series and large packages. Such products are intended for commercial use; purchasing in bulk is cheaper than retail.
  2. Give preference to varieties with short growing seasons, but pay attention to taste.


Select varieties of dill that are tolerant to light, always of the bush type. For example, Iney, Almaz, Kutuzovsky, Sevastopolsky tolerate lack of light quite well, they can be grown on the lower tier of the greenhouse. The Aurora variety also performs well.

The varieties of dill and parsley are chosen to be early ripening, the plants must have good dense bushes in order to have the best presentation


Parsley is planted mainly as leaf parsley. It is necessary to pay attention to the period of wilting, so if there is no information on the packaging, contact the manufacturers. There are varieties that wilt literally an hour after harvest; they are grown only for personal consumption. Also, you should not breed curly parsley; its greens are tough and are used mainly for decoration.


Lettuce is a vegetable crop, used as greens. There are leaf and cabbage varieties. The best-selling (and most expensive) cabbage variety is Iceberg (weight from 300 g, light green color). Batavia is a hybrid leaf variety that is in high demand.

The Batavia variety includes many varieties of both domestic and foreign selection: Grand, Rapid, Fanly, Bohemia, Dachny

You can try growing root or field lettuce, which are small dark green leaves gathered into peculiar rosettes. This type of salad, along with the Frize variety, is widely used in restaurants. Lollo Rossa is a good variety of red leaf lettuce. You can select varieties that will be unique, then there will be no problems with sales.

How to grow plants all year round

The seeds of the edible grass are very small and germinate slowly; to speed up the process, they are soaked in hot water (60 ° C) before sowing. When it cools down, the procedure is repeated. The sprouted seeds are sown in ditches or special cassettes. Can be used the usual way: pots, then picking, after the seedlings develop, replanting again. Cassettes with small cells (up to 2.5 cm in depth, length and width) are more convenient, seed consumption during sowing is lower, the root system is not injured again, and labor costs are significantly reduced.

Working with cassettes is convenient - each plant is quickly removed with a lump of earth

For soil, you can use a purchased universal substrate (loose, without lumps), or a mixture of garden soil with peat and vermiculite. During all periods of germination, seedlings must be well moistened, otherwise the plants, especially parsley, will grow more slowly. Most species are watered by irrigation, except lettuce (it does not like moisture on the leaves). You can immediately add mineral fertilizers to the water. It is more affordable to use EM technology (with effective microorganisms) instead of using expensive mineral compounds.

Tip: Greens do not like overdose of fertilizers; the concentration is calculated so that the solution contains no more than 750 milligrams of salts per liter of clean water.

A kind of conveyor is organized in the greenhouse: seedlings are grown in some containers, and plants for sale are grown in beds and containers. Every two weeks, the crop is harvested, seedlings are planted in the vacant space, and the next batch of seeds is immediately sown.

Growing dill and parsley in a greenhouse

The seed sowing depth is about 10 mm, the top is crushed with soil, immediately watered with a sprayer, and fertilizers are added to the water. The crops are not demanding on the composition of the soil. If cassettes are not used for seedlings, the distance between sprouts should be 2 cm (after germination, the planting is thinned out). When they develop to a height of ten centimeters, they need to be thinned out. Removed specimens are not thrown away, but planted in another place. They are planted in the ground in rows at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other. Dill ripens in 30-50 days, parsley takes longer - an average of 60 days (depending on the variety). Productivity 1-2 kg/m2.

To reduce moisture evaporation, plantings are mulched or covered with sand.

The air temperature must be at least 15 °C. The soil is kept constantly moist by watering with warm water. Twelve hours of daylight are provided. The greens are fed during watering with fertilizers dissolved in water. You can do it differently: use ammonium nitrate or peat twice a month. Another way is to water the soil before planting seeds with EM preparations such as “Baikal” or “Siyanie”.

Salad is considered unpretentious appearance and quite in demand. When breeding, it is very convenient that each outlet is one commercial unit, which is packaged in cellophane.

Lettuce cultivation is the most profitable home business

The temperature should be strictly within 16-20 °C. If it is higher, the leaves will become coarse; if it is lower, the plants will be stunted in growth. Lettuce ripens quickly: 40-60 days (depending on the variety). The substrate must be loose. Watering is carried out under the plant; water should not get on the leaves. The soil can be covered with non-woven material. Lettuce loves to be fed with compost. It can grow without additional lighting all year round, except for November, December and January, when daylight hours are too short. Leaves and heads of cabbage are cut off before the stem forms, as after this they become bitter.

Growing lettuce in a greenhouse: video tips, soil selection, cassette growing method


Greens can be grown for sale in your own greenhouse. To seriously engage in this type of business, you need to try out different varieties, decide on priorities, and find places to sell your products. Greens can be sold by small chain stores; lettuce and specific herbs such as mint can be offered to restaurants. In addition to the usual crops, cilantro, mint, lemon balm, basil, all kinds of onions, leaf celery, and sorrel are grown. New items are coming into fashion, for example, arugula (Eruca sativa), purslane, pak choy salad, chicory, wild garlic, tarragon (tarragon), chard (chard), oregano, lemon grass. All these types are widely used in Chinese, Japanese and Mediterranean cuisines, dishes using them are increasingly being prepared in culinary programs, so perhaps it is worth occupying a still free “niche”.

Advice: before starting the event, it is useful to consult with the local agricultural institute; the information received from specialists is unlikely to be superfluous.