How many bricks are used to lay the base? How a brick plinth is built on a strip foundation: types of blocks, as well as step-by-step instructions for construction

Brick is rightfully considered a universal building material. It is sold everywhere, working with it does not require the use of machinery, expensive equipment or complex tools. Therefore, for those who prefer to build with their own hands, brickwork is one of the most attractive options.

Of course, in order to lay a brick plinth, or completely build the walls of a house from it, you need to have some knowledge and skills. We will share some of them with our readers.

We hope our instructions will help you avoid unwanted mistakes, and the video in this article, which talks about how to lay a brick plinth, will be a good guide in this matter.

Basement part of the foundation: how to do it right

It is quite difficult to say which is better: a base made of brick or concrete, since each of these materials has its own advantages. Concrete is definitely more durable. Therefore, when the span of the structure is, for example, four meters, a monolithic foundation wall will have a thickness of 25 cm, and a brick wall will be twice as thick - 51 cm.

What are strip foundations made of?

As for the base of the strip foundation, it should be even wider: 50 cm of concrete, and 77 or even 90 cm of brick. Therefore, the lower, supporting part of the foundation, which is called the cushion, is often poured from concrete or laid out from prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs .

The foundation strip, or basement walls in the recessed part, are erected from FBS wall blocks - but the basement part is made of brick.

  • If you focus on the thickness of the walls, then it would seem that the advantages of monolithic concrete are obvious. But if you think about how labor-intensive this work is - from installing formwork and mixing concrete, to reinforcing it and bayoneting it, then it becomes clear that dealing with brick is much easier.

  • Foundation blocks can be called the golden mean: installation is quick, the foundation can be loaded almost immediately, without wasting time on long waits. The only problem is that moving them requires lifting equipment, since with a length of 6 m, a block 400 mm thick weighs about a ton. But it is not possible to drive a truck crane to every site, and the price for such services starts from 1000 rubles per hour of work.

Brick has one more advantage: if you use face brick along with ordinary brick, you can kill “two birds with one stone” at once - lay out the base and veneer it. Moreover, using the well masonry method, you can not only decorate, but also insulate the structure.

Is it possible to use lime-sand bricks?

Many people are interested in the following question: “Is it possible to build a base from sand-lime brick?” In general, it is not recommended to use it for laying foundations and plinths. But in those years when most of the current standards were developed, many materials and construction technologies did not exist at all.

  • Now there are many opportunities to protect the masonry surface from atmospheric influences. Sand-lime brick, constantly exposed to a humid environment, loses its strength, so it cannot be used under any circumstances for the construction of the recessed part of the basement walls. But the ground part, that is, the base, is possible, but only for low-rise building and with some reservations.

Pay attention! The strength of the clay brick used for laying the plinth should not be less than M75. If the base is made of sand-lime brick, then its grade should be at least M100. In this case, the surface of the masonry must be protected by two layers of waterproofing - for example: impregnation and waterproof plaster. But there are other alternatives.

  • Excellent protection for brickwork, especially silicate, are finishing options such as clinker tiles and various types facade panels, mounted using a ventilated facade system. In this case, in addition to waterproofing, the surface is also protected by a windproof membrane, insulation, and the hanging material itself.

The only main thing is that they don’t forget to put it under the first row of masonry. roll material, but we will talk about this later. For regions with a dry climate, this option for building private houses from sand-lime brick is quite acceptable.

In any case, this is most convenient when the base is erected in the same plane with the walls of the house, as shown in the photo above. We will tell you how to properly lay a brick plinth in the next chapter.

What you need to know about the base

So, the base is a continuation of the foundation, and encloses the space of the subfloor or basement. It also serves as a kind of layer between the walls of the building and the foundation buried in the ground, separated from them by double layers of horizontal waterproofing.

Design features

The height of the ground part of the foundation usually varies between 27-90 cm, and is calculated depending on the climatic characteristics of the area. The more snow falls in winter, the higher the house needs to be raised.

The aesthetics of the facade are also of great importance - well, it doesn’t look beautiful when the base is too low. Therefore, they try to make it higher, even if this is not particularly necessary.

Advice! You can ignore the proportions only if the base is in the same plane with the walls. In this case, the façade can be finished without visually highlighting the base. The cladding is made from the blind area to the roof with the same material - for example: vertical siding, thermal panels, or, as in the example below, clinker tiles.

  • The design of the plinth can have two more variations: recessed and protruding. It is in these cases that the disproportions immediately catch the eye. Let’s say right away that for a sinking structure it is better to choose frame options finishing: base siding panels, corrugated sheets, tile modules hung on the frame. They make it possible to visually align the surface of the plinth with the plane of the wall.
  • For a protruding base, various types of cladding are most convenient: stone, tile, mosaic. In this case, the trim mounted on the sheathing would only increase the size of the projection, which would complicate the installation of the plinth flashing. Although, of course, there cannot be a single solution for all situations.

Most often, a protruding base is obtained in those houses where, for the construction of the walls of the house, not brick is used, but another wall material with higher thermal characteristics: frame structures, timber, logs.

Thickened foundation walls are provided when it is necessary to make a warm basement. But this design of the base is most vulnerable to the effects of rainwater. In general, the construction of a brick plinth has its own characteristics, which will be discussed below.

Sequence of work

Before you start doing anything, you need to decide on the size of the base. But first, you need to calculate the length of the walls. Its exact size is determined so that whole bricks fit in a row without having to cut them.

To do this, add the thickness of the seam to the length of the brick and multiply it by the number of bricks. One seam is minus from the final figure, and the calculation is ready.


  • The length of the plinth will depend on the length of the walls, and the thickness will depend on its design and the type of subsequent finishing, which, by the way, you need to think about before starting work. We have already talked about height. Let us only note that here too you need to ensure that the bricks are laid intact.

  • Any masonry is carried out on a rigid base. In the case of the base, this strip foundation made of monolithic concrete or blocks, brought to the surface flush with the ground. If the foundation walls are entirely made of brick, then there is no division into the buried and above-ground parts, and the support for the basement wall is a concrete pad located at a depth, under its heel.
  • There is also a third option. This is a decorative base, which is erected along the perimeter of a pile or columnar foundation. The support for it is a shallowly buried concrete tape, which is poured specifically for the masonry. In all cases, double waterproofing of horizontal surfaces must be performed under the first row of bricks. Usually this is roofing felt glued to bitumen mastic.

  • Then they begin marking, which is done using a water level. Correctly determining the zero level is very important, since the level of the finished floor of the first floor is tied to it, and the height of all structures is measured. “Zero” must be found at all four corners of the foundation, and if there is a difference between these marks, it will need to be eliminated.
  • The masonry begins from a higher point of the foundation, and the difference is eliminated under the first row of masonry by laying pieces of brick on the mortar bed. And to be more precise, they first level the base for the masonry, and then carry out waterproofing work with rolled material.
  • Masonry work is carried out in the same way as if it were the walls of a house. Regardless of which seam dressing system is preferred, the first and last row should be bonded - and only whole bricks should be laid in it. This is especially true for the last row, since it is on it that the floor slab will rest.

  • Relying on the spoon row is permissible only when chain ligation of seams is performed, which is also called single-row. There is no need to reinforce masonry up to 50 cm high - only corner areas can be strengthened. In a wall 70-90 cm high, longitudinal reinforcement with steel mesh can be installed in the middle.

Pay attention! If the brick base has a protruding structure, then the protrusion, or as it is also called - the edge, must be protected with a cement-sand screed made of M100 mortar.

  • Keep in mind that poorly filled seams are blown through by the wind, and greatly reduce the already not very high thermal properties of the masonry. As for the solution itself, in order for it to be more plastic and better fill all the voids, it is necessary to modify it.
  • As an additive, lime or clay lime paste is used in masonry mortars, which must be strictly dosed in volume. Let’s say, to make a mortar of M50 grade from M300 cement, which is most often used for laying foundations, you need to put 0.6 parts of plasticizer and 6 parts of sand on one part of it.

  • Many people ask: “How to paint a brick base?” If used for its cladding face brick, then there is no need to plaster it, much less paint it. It is enough to treat the surface with water-repellent impregnation, and the structure will be perfectly protected from moisture, mold, efflorescence, and other misfortunes.

A wall made of ordinary brick must be impregnated with a penetrating compound and plastered with waterproofing plaster. To ensure that the subfloor of the house or basement can be ventilated, technological openings (vents) or windows are provided in the basement. Well, to drain water from the foundation, you must make a blind area.

To increase the stability of the building being constructed, a plinth is laid on the surface of the strip base. The base is the part of the foundation located above the ground. The walls of the structure are erected directly on this part. To lay out the plinth, you can use concrete or prefabricated reinforced concrete structures. However, for wooden or frame buildings excellent option there will be a brick plinth laid on a strip foundation.

Types of brick plinth and their features

Setting up a reliable base is quite a difficult job. It is this part of the structure that is exposed to mechanical and atmospheric influences more than other structural elements. If the material is chosen incorrectly or the masonry technology is not followed, deformation of the base may occur and, as a consequence, destruction of the entire structure. Therefore, it is necessary to know and take into account many nuances in order to avoid unpleasant consequences during the further operation of the building.

Types of brick plinth

The brick base has several varieties:

  • A sinking base is laid out when it is planned to build walls from gas silicate blocks. This design allows rainwater to drain quickly, as the wall protrudes above the base. The installation of a sinking structure does not require the installation of an additional drain.
  • A protruding plinth is ideal for buildings with a basement or underground floor. This type will serve as reliable protection from the cold. However, when choosing a protruding type of base, you should install a drain around the entire perimeter to protect the waterproofing layer.
  • The plinth, built in the same plane as the wall, is used very rarely. Firstly, the waterproofing in this case remains unprotected. Secondly, the design is not very attractive. This option requires additional waterproofing of the base and its cladding.

Choosing a material for constructing a brick plinth

To get a reliable base that does not require repairs, you need to choose the right material. It should be remembered that only high-quality bricks are used to lay out this part of the building. When choosing, it is best to focus on three parameters:

Types of bricks for the plinth

  • The material must be highly durable. The brick for constructing the plinth should not change shape under the influence of load or weather conditions.
  • The service life of the brick should be maximum.
  • The decorative properties of the material must also be at a high level. It is necessary to use brick that matches the overall style of the building.

When choosing a brick for laying a plinth, you should familiarize yourself with the main physical properties some types of this material.

Sand-lime brick

This material does not tolerate high humidity. With prolonged exposure, the brick loses strength and begins to collapse. A base made of sand-lime brick can be erected in regions with a predominant dry climate and with high-quality waterproofing.

Red clay brick

The manufacturing technology of such material allows it to be used for the construction of both the foundation and the plinth. Red brick can withstand more than 50 freezing cycles without changing its strength characteristics. Therefore, it can be used in the construction of structures in places with a humid climate and heavy precipitation.

Ceramic brick

Ceramic brick is a material that has a very long service life. It is an ideal option for arranging a basement on a strip foundation. This brick is not afraid of moisture and has good frost resistance.

Calculation of material for the base

Before you start laying the plinth, you need to calculate the required amount of brick. Firstly, this will allow you to purchase material from one batch. Secondly, you can save money on this without buying too many products.

Only an experienced specialist can calculate the exact amount of brick taking into account the thickness of the mortar and the percentage of defective material. However, there are several ways that allow you to carry out the calculation yourself.

To do this, you need to know the volume of one brick, the dimensions of the building and the height of the base.

  • First we calculate the volume of the brick. The standard product has the following dimensions 25 * 12 * 6.5 cm. Therefore, its volume will be 0.25 * 0.12 * 0.065 = 0.00195 m 3.
  • Now we determine the volume of the base. For example, the building has a size of 9*10 m, the optimal height of the base is 1 m, it minimum thickness should not be less than half the length of the brick. This means that the volume of the base will be equal to (9+10)*2*1*0.12=4.56 m3.
  • Next, divide the volume of the base by the volume of one brick: 4.56/0.00195=2338.46. That is, to build a basement for a 9*10 m house you will need 2339 bricks.

In this case, the length of the brick, the length and height of the base are taken into account.

  • We calculate the number of bricks required for one row of masonry. To do this, divide the length of the building by the length of the brick: (9+10)*2*0.25=152.
  • To determine the number of rows, you need to divide the height of the base by the height of one brick: 1/0.065=15.38.
  • Next, the number of bricks in one row for the resulting number of rows of masonry: 152 * 15.38 = 2338.

Comparing the results, we get approximately the same number in both cases.

Building a brick plinth with your own hands

The plinth serves as a support for the load-bearing elements of the building, so the work must be done with maximum quality. To build a strong and reliable base, it is necessary to accurately perform each stage.

Setting the corners

This stage is considered the most important. Careless performance of the work will lead to the fact that defects may appear during the overall masonry process. To set the corners, you need to lay out the bricks without mortar and check the correct placement. To do this, measure opposite sides and diagonals with a tape measure. Both parameters must be equal to each other. The angles with proper laying have a value equal to 90 0. The correct horizontal and vertical position of the masonry is controlled by the building level and plumb line. If all parameters match, the bricks are fixed with sand-cement mortar.

Laying bricks

Bricks must be laid on a sand-cement mortar. To prepare it, take sand and cement in a ratio of 3:1, mix and dilute with water to the consistency of thick sour cream. The masonry is carried out in horizontal rows, laying one and a half or two bricks. The next row is performed with the bricks rotated by 90 0, that is, with dressing. In this case, it is recommended to shift the longitudinal seams in adjacent rows by half a brick, and the transverse ones by a quarter.

The thickness of the seam between the bricks should not be more than 1.5 cm. Reinforcement of the masonry must be done every four rows. A metal mesh is used for this.

The height of the base depends on design features buildings. If there is a basement floor, masonry can be done to a height of 0.8-1 meter. For an ordinary house a height of 0.5 meters is sufficient.

Basement waterproofing

The base of the house requires mandatory waterproofing, which serves as protection against moisture from the soil and precipitation. The following materials can be used to waterproof the structure:

Waterproofing a brick plinth

  • Coating waterproofing, which includes polymer or bitumen mastic, cement-based mixtures. It is applied to the surface using a brush with even distribution.
  • Roll waterproofing is represented by roofing felt, hydroglass insulation, and euroroofing felt. The material is fastened by gluing preheated rolls or by fusing. You can glue roofing felt onto bitumen mastic. This will make the waterproofing more effective. In all cases, it is necessary to ensure that the sheets of waterproofing material overlap each other up to 15 cm.
  • Penetrating waterproofing, when applied, penetrates into the smallest pores of the material and clogs them. The material is applied only to a damp surface, and upon completion of work it is necessary to moisten the insulation for 10-14 days.

Base insulation

To maintain heat in the house, it is necessary to insulate the basement. These works can be carried out either immediately after the construction of the base or after the completion of general construction work. Foam plastic and expanded polystyrene are most often used for thermal insulation. The insulation is attached using a special glue that does not contain acetone or other solvents. The outer surface of the base is treated with an adhesive solution. Sheets insulation material apply to the surface and press tightly.

To save money, you can simply plaster the surface of the base. Ordinary plaster plays the role of a good insulation.

Laying a brick plinth on a strip foundation is a complex but accessible process. Must be done correct calculations and follow the sequence of work. And an insulated base, protected from the negative influence of natural phenomena, will make the structure more attractive and improve its technological characteristics.

How to lay a brick plinth on a strip foundation

Types of bricks for the basement. Calculation of the amount of material. Step-by-step technology Brick plinth masonry. Tips and tricks.

Most people believe that erecting a brick plinth on top of a foundation is only possible if high-tech requirements are met, and that it is practically impossible to do this with your own hands. However, it is quite possible to lay out such a base yourself. You just need to understand the details of this work. So let's get started!

The brick base protects the underground from the outside, being a continuation of the foundation. However, brick is not the most reliable option for a plinth, as brick is short-lived and has low moisture resistance.

First, let's look at the pros and cons of a brick plinth; do you need to lay it out of this particular material? It is worth immediately noting that laying this structure is not the most best idea, since brick is short-lived and has low moisture resistance. But still, despite these shortcomings, many want to make it out of this material. And this is understandable, since it harmonizes perfectly with any facade decoration and looks advantageous on any building.

So, how to lay a brick plinth correctly? What should you pay special attention to?

First of all, you need to know which brick is most optimal for the base.

If the walls are laid using M75 mortar, then only solid bricks marked at least M100 are ideal. A hollow brick can accumulate moisture inside, in its voids, which is absorbed into the brick itself and gradually destroys it. Periodic temperature changes also contribute to the destruction of such bricks.

Setting the corners

This stage of work involves placing bricks along the width of the proposed base, on top of the foundation; the solution is not yet used here. It is necessary to set it strictly according to the level, since it will be impossible to redo it later. Then you need to measure all sides and two diagonals to check the evenness.

Laying a brick plinth on top of the foundation

Basement brickwork: c. chain ligation system for corners 1 brick thick; g – the same in 1.5 bricks; d. whole and partial bricks; e. laying the corner of the plinth with a chain ligation system; 1. foundation; 2. pillar (log with a diameter of 10–12 cm); 3. an order of two planed boards; 4. risks on the order of 77 mm; 5. bond row; 6. spoon row; 7. bed; 8. three-quarter; 9. half; 10. quarter.

Only after all measurements have been made can installation begin. For this we need a solution of cement and sand, prepared according to the following ratio: for one part of cement, three portions of sand, diluted with water. The amount of water depends on the desired thickness of the solution.

The thickness of the future structure varies from 380 to 500 mm. It depends on what you will use to insulate the base. The height varies within 30-40 cm. The high base gives the building aesthetic appearance. The height of the plinth also affects the height of the floor of the first floor.

The main condition in at this stage work - carefully fill the horizontal and vertical joints with cement-sand mortar to give the base strength.

Base insulation

To keep heat in your home, you need to take care of insulating the basement. Here you will need waterproof materials, for example, polystyrene foam. They are used to treat the outer surface of the base. Expanded polystyrene must be secured with special glue. It is needed because it does not contain solvents and acetone, which are harmful to polystyrene foam.

Basement waterproofing

Before laying out the structure, you need to make sure that all materials with waterproofing properties are in stock. These include: plaster, ceramic tiles, natural and artificial stone, roofing felt. Why is waterproofing needed? It is necessary to protect the base from moisture. Waterproofing is carried out at two levels: at the very bottom, before the first laying of the basement brick, and on top of the bricks. The easiest way to create waterproofing with your own hands is to lay roofing felt in two layers. One layer preserves the risk of moisture getting onto the wall, and by placing a layer on top of the structure, we provide protection.

The second method of constructing waterproofing: using extruded polystyrene foam, which is fixed to the outer surface of the base. This material has zero water absorption, which will undoubtedly protect it from moisture. Expanded polystyrene also has the quality of thermal insulation, which will protect the floors of the house from frost.

There are several other ways to build waterproofing yourself:

  • treatment with bitumen lubricant. To do this, you need to apply lubricant to the entire surface of the brick, in several stages, in thick layers;
  • You can create effective protection against moisture with simple plaster mixtures;
  • You can apply a waterproofing layer that protects all the pores of the base from moisture and water.

Well, if you combine all the proposed methods for constructing waterproofing, then you are guaranteed to protect your structure from moisture.

Waterproofing plays a very important role, since the strength and durability of the entire structure will depend on its quality.


There must be holes in the foundation masonry that are located at a distance of 15 cm from the ground. This is necessary to ensure that the entire base is ventilated. These holes are covered on top with flaps or metal mesh.

Brick base protection

It is necessary if you suddenly have to stop for a while construction work. In this case, it is necessary to put a film on top of the structure, which is guaranteed to provide protection from wetness, direct sun rays and destruction.

List of required tools:

  • trowel (trowel);
  • jointing for masonry joints;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • hammer-pick;
  • plumb line to check the verticality of the walls;
  • mooring cord.

Taking advantage detailed instructions, you can safely lay a brick plinth with your own hands!

The basement is the ground part of the building, which is a transition from the foundation directly to the ceiling of the first floor of the house. The construction of the plinth can be an above-ground continuation of the basement walls or an underground fencing of the structure. It all depends on the design of the building.

A brick base is placed on a strip foundation of different widths. You need to know how to properly lay a brick plinth so that the walls of the house have sufficiently reliable support. All parameters of the underground walls are calculated at the house design stage. Laying a brick plinth begins after preparing the foundation.

Types of strip foundation

Monolithic base poured using formwork

Strip foundations are used on soft soils or for multi-storey buildings. Basically, the strip foundation of buildings comes in 3 types:

  • monolith;
  • precast concrete;
  • from rubble stone;

A monolithic concrete base is erected by pouring reinforcement with liquid concrete. The volume of the tape is formed within the boundaries of the formwork.

The foundation of a house from prefabricated reinforced concrete blocks of factory production is arranged using lifting mechanisms. In this case, formwork work is not necessary.

The foundation of the building is laid by a team of masons in dug trenches. Rubble stone in one case they can be laid with cement mortar, in another embodiment, rubble masonry is carried out with a gypsum-cement based mortar.

Preparing the foundation surface

Bitumen will protect the base from moisture

Brick laying on the foundation is carried out on the prepared surface of the base of the building. Preparation of the base involves installing waterproofing. It is made from a two- or three-layer gasket made of roofing felt or roofing felt.

You need to start by covering the base of the foundation with hot bitumen. Layed sheets of roofing felt or roofing felt form a reliable barrier to the penetration of moisture from below.

The width of the applied waterproofing layer should be such that its edges protrude outward by 5 mm. This will prevent water from flowing into the seam between the masonry and the foundation.

They begin to lay the base on the laid roofing felt. The first row of bricks must not be laid “dry”. A layer of mortar should first be laid on the waterproofing.

External boundaries of the plinth masonry

How to lay out the base so that its walls are maximally protected from external atmospheric influences? They lay a brick base on a strip foundation in three options:

  1. The underground wall protrudes outward beyond the plane of the house wall. In this embodiment, the threshold of the upper part of the underground fence is made in the form of a slope. This is done to ensure free flow of rainwater onto the blind area of ​​the house. The surface of the slope is covered with roofing iron, asbestos or ceramic tiles, slate or other facing material.
  2. The outer surface of the underground fence extends inward beyond the plane of the building wall. With this option ground floor made of brick and protected by the upper projection of the wall from precipitation.
  3. In the third option, the brick base is in the same plane as the upper walls. To some extent, this brings savings in bricks. However, experts believe that the brick base in this case is most susceptible to negative atmospheric phenomena.

Features of the brickwork of the plinth

It is recommended to build a red brick plinth

Bricks for the foundation plinth are mainly used in red standard size. Sometimes the masonry is made of sand-lime brick.

Masonry with a thickness of 1 brick is made when the walls of the house are equal to or thinner than the width of the base. The width of the underground wall masonry is determined by calculations based on the load on the building’s foundation and local climatic conditions.

If difficulties arise with the calculations, then by contacting the owners of neighboring houses, you can find out how many bricks they laid on the strip foundation of their buildings and how thick their basement walls are. Based on this, it is not difficult to decide on the shape and thickness of the foundation walls when building your own home. To learn how to make a base of 1.5 bricks, watch this video:

Under no circumstances should vertical seams of adjacent rows of masonry be allowed to coincide. This can cause the brick wall to collapse.

Protective coating for basement walls

Siding - inexpensive covering for the base

To protect the brick, which is laid on a strip foundation, the masonry is lined with various materials:


Plastering the plinth is the most common method of protecting brickwork. There are various compositions of plaster mortars on cement and gypsum bases. One of the popular methods of plastering is covering the walls with a “fur coat”. By adding pigments of the desired color, an overall harmony of color is achieved with general view facade of the house.


Facing the base with siding involves covering the brickwork with panels made of plastic or galvanized metal. Before installing siding, the walls are insulated with slabs of expanded polystyrene or polystyrene foam.

Natural stone

There are two types of facing masonry with natural stone.

In the first option, natural stone is used in the form of slabs of regular geometric shape.

In the second case, the base is covered with wild stone or flagstone.

Artificial tiles

The cladding will protect the base from mechanical damage

The tiles are laid in the same way as natural stone slabs.

Using artificial cladding is very beneficial.

Modern production technologies building materials make it possible to obtain an artificial cladding that completely imitates the structure of valuable rocks, and the cost of the artificial material is much cheaper than cladding made of marble or granite.

Self-construction of brick basement walls

Some amateur “experts” believe that to lay a brick plinth with your own hands, you just need to watch a video on the Internet. This is not entirely true. For more information on how to mark and lay a plinth, watch this useful video:

One person without work experience alone can only ruin the entire masonry. You need to start laying bricks along the base of the foundation together with an experienced mason. A specialist will show you how to make brickwork correctly.

Calculation of the number of bricks

Up to 400 bricks are consumed per 1 m3

Determining the need for masonry material is easy. To do this you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. At the design stage, the total volume of the masonry is determined by multiplying the length of the foundation perimeter by the height and width of the basement walls.
  2. The average consumption rate of bricks per 1 m 3 is 400 pcs. By multiplying the consumption rate by the volume of masonry, the average amount of brick is obtained.
  3. Bricks are transported on wooden pallets in the amount of 300-330 pieces. in each delivery set.
  4. Having this data, you can determine the material requirement in the number of pallets. You need to purchase material with a reserve of 5-7% of the total quantity of bricks.

The strength and reliability of the entire building depends on the correct formation of the brickwork of the plinth. The blind area around the house, made in accordance with building codes and rules, will ensure the durability of the building’s basement.

Basement is the lower part of the external wall of a house, built on a foundation and designed to protect the walls from the destructive effects of moisture. A house without a basement is at risk of mold infection and rotting, may lose its ability to resist cold weather and increase heat exchange between interior spaces and the street.

One of the indisputable conditions is the strength of the base, because it bears the entire weight of the walls of the house. That is why the materials used must be of high quality, characterized by frost resistance, low moisture resistance and pressure resistance.

There are three plinth options used in construction:

Base width

To select the overall width of the plinth, you should refer to the building design drawing to determine the material that will be used to construct the walls. For example, for gas silicate bricks (commonly known as foam concrete) with a side size of 600 X 300 X 200, the thickness of the masonry should be 30 cm, and if additional insulation of the walls is planned in the future, then a width of 38 cm is what is needed. But when using brick as a decorative element on top of foam concrete blocks, the thickness increases to 60 cm.

Base height

The question of where the base ends remains controversial to this day. The most reliable option is to determine the height based on the maximum amount of snowfall over several decades. The base, calculated using this simple technique, will protect the walls from the effects of capillary moisture, thereby increasing the reliability and durability of the built house.

But basically the height corresponds to the level at which the floor of the first floor of the building is located. This rule also applies to houses with a basement.

Designers usually prefer tall, as it gives the home lightness and grace.

Construction of a recessed brick plinth on a reinforced concrete strip foundation

The following instructions are intended for construction on a ready-made foundation.

Setting angles when building a plinth

One of the most important rules laying the plinth - correct alignment of the corners, because incorrectly aligned corners will lead to further curvature of the walls and, accordingly, defects in the construction of the building.

The simplest way is this:

Place a row of dry bricks in all corners, determining the width of the planned base. Angles are set according to level.

Using a tape measure or twine, measure the lengths of all sides and both diagonals - the dimensions must coincide down to centimeters and be correspondingly equal.

It is also worth checking future walls for possible curvature, using the same twine along the inside of the line from corner to corner.

Waterproofing the upper surface of the foundation

Insulation is necessary to further protect the base from groundwater.

Two layers of roofing felt are laid on the foundation in the following ways:

  1. on bitumen mastic or heated bitumen;
  2. connection with a burner, treating the surfaces of roofing material.

You can use rubemast, glass roofing material (stekloizol), euroroofing material.

After setting the corners, it’s time to start laying the base. To create it, bricks are usually used, bonded with cement-sand mortar. Only solid red brick is used for construction.

It is advisable to start the laying from the corners, then lay the rows opposite each other on one side with a thickness of the applied mortar of about 20-25mm.

A plumb line checks the accuracy of laying the vertical surface after 3-4 rows of bricks.

After the final check of the corners, the wall laying begins. To make the row even, a thick fishing line is stretched between two corners.

The minimum height is at least 4 laid rows; finishing in the form of natural stone, finishing tiles or siding is allowed.

If the house has basements, ventilation holes are left in each side of the base at a height of 10-15 cm from the soil, measuring from 7 x 25 to 15 x 25 cm. If the length of the building exceeds 3 meters, the vents are in increments of 2.5 meters and covered with nets or small gratings.

To protect against moisture penetration, you need to lay waterproofing materials Having made a distinction between the plinth and the brick wall, for cheap construction you can use, for example, roofing felt folded in half. Of course, you don’t have to make do with only them; the choice of materials for insulation is now quite extensive. Double waterproofing is necessary in order to protect the house not only from the external influence of the elements, but also from the influence of groundwater on the foundation.

Video - how to make a brick plinth