Installation of an industrial hood. Russian manufacturers of ventilation systems

Ventilation industrial premises one of the main components that is included in a set of measures to create favorable indoor air conditions for humans. The ventilation system must not only meet all sanitary standards, but also fully comply with the construction requirements of the building. It must also support meteorological parameters different rooms- this must be taken into account when installing industrial ventilation. Proper ventilation is the main condition for creating a comfortable atmosphere in the room.

The requirements for different ventilation systems are also different. For example, in a country house and in a city apartment they will be completely different. In an apartment, the main factor is high-quality purification of outdoor air, while for country house What's more important is the noise level. Therefore, cottage owners choose ventilation systems that produce as little noise as possible during operation. The air outside the city is much cleaner than in the city, so the requirements for the quality of filters in the city are stricter. Therefore, it is better to design a ventilation system at the construction stage.

Each ventilation system must take into account the flow of air from the street and its exhaust back. To balance it in the house, they must be carried out synchronously.

Classification of ventilation systems

Today, many different types of ventilation systems are known. This diversity is explained by differences in the purpose of the premises, the nature and type technological process. Based on this, a classification of ventilation systems was developed according to:

  • the method of air movement - artificial and natural;
  • purpose – exhaust and supply;
  • design - ducted and ductless;
  • service area - local and general exchange.

Natural ventilation of industrial facilities

Natural ventilation in the room is the most common. It does not require additional equipment or power supply. With this type of ventilation, air movement occurs due to differences in temperature and pressure.

In buildings where there is a large amount of excess heat, the air will be warmer than that outside. Cold air will displace warm air from the room, thereby creating its circulation.

Industrial ventilation systems based on natural ventilation operate due to different air pressures. It should be noted that this difference should not be less than 3 m, the length of the air ducts should not be more than 3 m, and the speed of the air in them should not be more than 1 m/s.

Designing such ventilation is not complicated and does not require the use of additional equipment and electricity. Its effectiveness depends on factors such as temperature and air speed. In some cases, natural ventilation does not make it possible to solve the problems of effective ventilation, so additional equipment and installation of ventilation for industrial premises are required.

Mechanical ventilation of industrial facilities

Mechanical ventilation requires air movement equipment in the system. Such equipment includes electric motors, fans, air heaters, etc. With its help, ventilation systems provide air supply and removal. If necessary, they can heat the air, humidify and purify it. This distinguishes them from natural systems ventilation. To create comfortable conditions, ventilation of industrial premises can simultaneously combine both natural and mechanical types of ventilation. The choice determines how ventilation for industrial premises will ultimately be installed.

In the case where it is required to install and install ventilation at a facility, its design and installation depends on the facility, its location and purpose.

Supply ventilation of industrial facilities

This type of ventilation is used to supply fresh air from the street and return air from the room instead. In this case, the supply air can be additionally processed, for example, humidified or heated.

Exhaust ventilation of industrial facilities

This type of ventilation system is used to remove contaminated air from an industrial premises. They are used where air should not flow from one room to another. For example, in bathrooms, laboratories, catering establishments, warehouses.

As a rule, it is combined with a supply system, because without it, the exhaust ventilation of an industrial facility will not be effective. Although, such ventilation can be installed independently. Two systems can be installed both in the entire room and in its individual sections.

In the case when the amount of exhaust air turns out to be greater than the supply air, there is a high probability of the occurrence of such negative phenomena as drafts. The exhaust ventilation system of a room removes contaminated, warm air from certain places, in certain quantities - this is all taken into account when installing ventilation for industrial facilities. If necessary, this air can be additionally purified from impurities that should not enter the environment.

Local ventilation of industrial premises

Such ventilation is designed to provide air to the room through flow ventilation. The exhaust air is removed by local exhaust ventilation. Typically this type is used in production workshops. In residential premises it can be used when part of it is used as a workplace where there is significant heating of the air or emission of harmful substances.

Local supply ventilation for industrial production

This ventilation is suitable for open production with the release of harmful substances, if it is not possible to install a local exhaust system.

When is local exhaust ventilation installed in industrial premises?

It is used in premises where harmful substances are localized and their further spread is preventable. Its use is also possible in residential premises. In rooms where harmful emissions are present, a local exhaust ventilation system is very important because it guarantees the removal of harmful substances (gases, smoke, dust) that emit thermal appliances. To remove them, the systems use local suction.

With this type of ventilation, the air that is removed from the workshop must be cleaned before it enters the atmosphere. The complexity of the device and its design depends on the degree of cleaning required. For optimal cleaning, as a rule, several filters (two or three) are installed during installation.

This type of ventilation system can be called the most effective, since the removal of harmful substances occurs immediately upon their release, preventing their spread in the room.

However, local exhaust ventilation cannot completely solve all the tasks assigned to it. It is not able to localize substances released during production if they are distributed over a large area. A similar situation occurs when activities are carried out over the entire area or work with these substances is directly related to their movement. General exchange ventilation systems will be more effective here. They are able to remove polluted air evenly throughout the room.

General exchange supply ventilation of industrial facilities

Such ventilation is used to assimilate excess moisture and heat, diluting vapors that were not removed by other types of ventilation. If there is a lack of heat, then general exchange supply ventilation is combined with heating of the supply air or its mechanical stimulation. During its operation, the supply air fully compensates for the air removed from the room, which contains harmful substances.

General exchange exhaust ventilation in workshops and industrial buildings

Such a ventilation system is an installation that uniformly removes air from the room and carries out general air exchange. It is suitable for installation in apartments and offices, cottages and country houses. In workshops and industrial buildings with harmful emissions, more complex installations of such a ventilation system are used. In this case, the air ducts are laid on the floor or in the form of underground ducts. If there is a need for general exchange exhaust ventilation, then its design is carried out taking into account all the characteristics of the given room.

There are cases when the installation may contain an extended exhaust duct. If the length of such an air duct is more than 30-40 meters, a centrifugal type fan is installed instead of an axial one.

In the case when various harmful substances, such as dust, moisture, etc., are distributed dispersedly in the room, then it is not possible to get by with just one ventilation system. Here, general-exhaust exhaust ventilation, which removes harmful substances from the air, has proven itself well when installing ventilation for industrial premises.

Duct and ductless ventilation

A ductless ventilation system does not contain air ducts. In it, air exchange is carried out through vents, windows, etc.

It is quite simple and therefore cheap, but ineffective compared to the duct system. In a duct system, there must be special channels where air moves to certain places. Both systems are used in apartments, cottages, and industrial facilities.

Industrial ventilation differs from the ventilation of residential premises not only in scale, but also in the equipment used, requirements and a number of other parameters.

Ventilation of industrial premises must cope with a number of complex tasks

Ventilation systems in industrial enterprises must cope with a number of complex tasks: extracting large volumes of exhaust air from premises, so their design and installation must be approached with special attention.

Types of industrial ventilation

Like domestic, industrial ventilation there are two main types.

  1. Natural – exhaust ventilation, in which air circulation in the facility is carried out due to the natural flow of air masses through the ventilation ducts. The operation of such a project is based on the difference in temperatures and pressures inside and outside the premises. The design of natural type industrial ventilation must take into account the amount of heat emanating from production equipment.
  2. Forced ventilation system of premises in which specialized equipment is used to circulate air masses. This scheme is good because its performance and efficiency are completely independent of weather conditions, and the supply and exhaust of air is ensured by fans and other equipment.

Each of these industrial ventilation systems has its own installation and operation features, as well as advantages and disadvantages.

For example, installing industrial ventilation of a natural type will allow you to significantly save on room ventilation, but mechanical supply ventilation will cope with the exhaust and supply of air, regardless of the outside air temperature and other factors.

Features and operating principle of natural industrial ventilation

If for your enterprise you have chosen the installation of industrial ventilation, which works solely due to the difference in temperature and pressure indoors and outdoors, then in this case industrial equipment during operation it should not release harmful substances into the environment. Otherwise, you cannot do without supply and exhaust ventilation with air filtration.

In order for exhaust air to leave the production premises naturally, it is necessary to calculate and install special ventilation openings, which must be located at different heights.

The principle of natural air exchange in a room looks like this:

  • heated air rises and leaves the premises through holes made in advance;
  • heavier clean cold air falls down through the same holes;
  • air flows mix, exhaust air comes out, clean air penetrates inside.

Ventilation of industrial buildings in this way is used quite rarely, since its efficiency is not enough to provide a large industrial area with fresh air. Even the most accurate calculation will not help where equipment operates with the release of harmful substances into the air.

Advantages of forced industrial ventilation

Industrial ventilation systems that use specialized ventilation equipment to ensure efficient air exchange are much more efficient and boast their own advantages.

  1. Large coverage area - industrial air handling units use special powerful fans that provide intense air flow.
  2. Efficiency – the operation of an industrial ventilation system does not depend on any external conditions.
  3. Additional capabilities - this includes the ability of supply and exhaust systems to filter the air at objects, humidify it or dehumidify it.
  4. Targeted air flow – with proper design and installation, it is possible to target fresh air directly to work areas.
  5. Increased work safety - ventilation of forced-type industrial facilities can capture and remove harmful substances and dangerous gases from the air in an industrial building, and purify air masses.
  6. The ability to carry out installation work in buildings after their construction is completed. This distinguishes forced ventilation from natural ventilation, the design of which must be done at the design stage of the entire building.

The disadvantages of a forced ventilation system include the high cost of the equipment that the system needs to fulfill its purpose.

The main disadvantage forced ventilation is a high price

In addition, equipment for circulating air masses produces a lot of noise during operation, so when installing such installations at an enterprise, noise insulation calculations will also have to be made.

Types of industrial forced ventilation systems

The purpose and classification of supply and exhaust ventilation may be different. There are five types of forced supply ventilation.

  1. General exchange - such ventilation ensures air exchange throughout the entire facility. Most often, such a hood is installed in rooms where work is carried out with toxic and harmful environment substances, as well as where there are no fixed jobs.
  2. Local ventilation of industrial enterprises - such ventilation is used where it is necessary to ensure effective air exhaust in a specific area. For example, local equipment is used for its intended purpose if it is necessary to remove exhaust air from the source of the emission of harmful substances.
  3. Mixed type - by installing such exhaust equipment you guarantee the ability not only to carry out general air exchange, but also to carry out ventilation in the workplace.

Regardless of the type, ventilation design industrial building involves complex calculations. In ventilation systems, there are different principles of air supply:

  • supply - the exhaust circuit implies the presence of a blower fan, and the exhaust air exits due to the fact that the pressure in the room increases;
  • exhaust - when installing such a system in a room, the fan works to drain air masses, but their entry from outside occurs due to rarefied pressure;
  • supply and exhaust - such schemes are the most effective, since in them both the flow of air into the building and the outflow are carried out using specialized equipment;
  • recirculation - such a system is calculated in such a way that the exhaust air is cleaned using special filters and then returned to the room again, representing a closed supply and exhaust circuit.

During installation the desired system it is necessary to take into account the working conditions at the site, as well as the needs of production.

Equipment for industrial ventilation

Installation of industrial ventilation systems involves the use of specialized equipment. During calculations, some of its characteristics may change, but the main components remain unchanged.

  1. Ventilation ducts are special pipes, the cross-section and size of which depend on the amount of air that needs to be driven per unit of time. Exactly from proper design channels determine the efficiency of the entire system; it is through them that air is transported throughout the facility. Channels can be made of plastic, aluminum, metal and other materials.
  2. Fans are the main component of any air circulation system; they provide the necessary power and also set the direction of air flow.
  3. Shaped parts - like pipes, can be made of plastic, serve to connect channels, create their turns and forks.
  4. Filters - an industrial filter can trap large and small impurities that are inevitably found in the air of any industrial facilities. To calculate the required type of filter, you need to know how dirty the air in the facility is.
  5. Recuperators - the difference between an industrial ventilation recuperator and a domestic one is that in a unit of time it is capable of heating large quantity air.
  6. Air conditioning systems – ventilation systems must be equipped with such systems if you want the air in the enterprise to be not only clean, but also fresh.

Recuperator - equipment for the ventilation system necessary for heating the air

Typically, additional components can be used with basic ventilation equipment to increase the efficiency of the overall system.

Features of industrial ventilation design

Whatever the ventilation duct and whatever classification of supply or exhaust equipment you use, when installing an air circulation system in an industrial enterprise, it is always necessary to take into account certain points and parameters.

Before you begin calculating ventilation, it is necessary to determine the basic conditions of the room, that is, its area, the type of equipment used, the configuration of the space and much more.

It is worth taking into account the climatic features of the area in which the production plant is located. You always need to take into account the intended purpose of the room: if it is a plastics production workshop, then the power of the exhaust equipment should be quite high.

The ventilation calculation should include the following data:

  • cross-section of incoming and outgoing air channels;
  • area of ​​ventilation holes;
  • air exchange rate;
  • estimated equipment capacity;
  • the amount of materials needed to create the system.

Calculation, design and installation of ventilation systems for industrial premises is a very complex and responsible process that must be approached very carefully.

If you do not have the necessary skills and tools for this, then it is better to entrust this work qualified professionals who will cope with it much better, and the system itself will last as long as possible and will effectively cope with the tasks.

Mechanical air exchange occurs thanks to special installations for replacing exhaust air with fresh air. Air flows can be heated or cooled, regardless of the temperature and season outside, and the air can also be purified, dehumidified or humidified.

How to choose ventilation equipment?

Ventilation equipment, air ducts and other products used in the system must be subject to mandatory certification, fire and sanitary hygienic assessment and have confirmation of their use in the construction industry. Also, in rooms with a corrosive environment, it is necessary to select materials with protective coatings; it is allowed to paint air ducts with non-flammable materials no more than 2 mm thick.

Despite the numerous characteristics for selecting a ventilation system - types and intensity of air pollution, purpose of the room, number of people present, etc., the entire ventilation system is classified into several categories:

  • Supply units - provide fresh air from the street. Additionally, such a system can be equipped with various filters and heaters.
  • Exhaust units - used to remove exhaust contaminated air, for example, in a restaurant kitchen, in bathrooms, etc. Additionally, the exhaust system is equipped with filtration for air purification, for example, in production. Exhaust ventilation equipment located in bathrooms, smoking rooms and other premises is not allowed to be located together with equipment for supply systems.
  • Air handling units are the most effective method to create optimal climatic conditions. Such a system provides an influx of fresh air while removing polluted air from the room; it can additionally be equipped with various automation systems, filters, heaters and fans.

Our catalog contains different kinds ventilation equipment with detailed technical characteristics, description, photos and prices. You can place an order through the shopping cart or by calling the numbers provided.

Before proceeding with the actual installation of industrial ventilation, it is necessary to gain an understanding of the goals and objectives of this type of ventilation systems. Industrial ventilation is a special type of ventilation system designed to handle large volumes of air. The main criterion for classifying ventilation systems as industrial is air flow. At this point in time, it is believed that industrial ventilation systems are those that handle air flow rates in excess of 10 thousand cubic meters per hour.

The main feature of industrial ventilation is the fact that its use is carried out under conditions of intense steam and gas emission, which are accompanied by harmful emissions. Thus, we can conclude that the main goal of the design and installation of industrial ventilation systems is to maintain the air composition in production premises in accordance with SanPin standards.

Types of industrial ventilation systems

All types of industrial ventilation can be divided into 2 groups: natural and mechanical. The criterion for separating them is the method of stimulating air. In the case of natural ventilation, movement is driven by wind or gravitational forces, while in the case of mechanical ventilation, various devices are used, in particular fans.

There are several types industrial systems ventilation depending on the method of their use:

System typeCharacteristic
General exchange Can be used throughout the entire room
Local Used in a specific area of ​​the room
Local Used to remove contaminants and harmful substances in places of their formation
Anti-smoke It is used in appropriate technological situations in production, most often emergency ones.

Installation of industrial ventilation systems

Ventilation standards for industrial premises are established by SNiP (building codes and regulations) 2.04.05-91 and 41-01-2003. According to these documents, the installation of industrial ventilation must be carried out in all production premises without exception, regardless of their functional purpose, area and number of people working in them.

Objectives of the industrial ventilation system:

  • providing workers with fresh air;
  • removal of dust and harmful odors from premises;
  • implementation of filtration of harmful impurities formed during the main or auxiliary technological process.

Composition of an industrial ventilation system

Mechanical ventilation can be supply, exhaust or supply and exhaust. From the main ventilation components (air intake grille, air valve, air filter, heat exchanger for heating the air (heater), fan, silencer), you can assemble a supply ventilation system capable of heating and cleaning the air from dust. The exhaust system consists of similar components with reverse air direction. In addition, in such a system there are no elements such as a heater and a filter, since the air, as a rule, does not need to be processed. Currently, supply and exhaust ventilation systems with heat recovery are most often used due to maximum efficiency. Supply ventilation with heat recovery allows you to significantly save energy, since less energy is spent on additional heating of the outside air with a heater.

Design principles

Modern market engineering systems offers a huge selection of different ventilation systems that make it possible to create the most comfortable conditions in the workplace. The selected technological scheme must satisfy some basic criteria, namely:

  • efficiency;
  • efficiency;
  • reliability;
  • quick payback.

It is important to understand that the installation of industrial ventilation systems should only be carried out by specialists with the appropriate level of qualifications and experience, but it is worth paying attention to general principles design and installation of industrial ventilation systems.

Installation stages

The design and installation of industrial ventilation systems are subject to a general algorithm for the design and installation of various systems. The entire procedure for installing industrial ventilation can be divided into three stages:

A) preparatory period - calculations, design, selection of equipment, supply of components;

B) installation work- assembly of the air duct system, installation of equipment, assembly of the electrical panel, connection;

B) commissioning - testing, performance testing and commissioning.

Let's go into detail work algorithm.

  1. Preparation of project documentation after receiving initial documentation from the customer and terms of reference, which outlines what needs to be done and what requirements are presented.
  2. Coordination of the work schedule with the customer.
  3. Checking and studying working documentation.
  4. Production and supply of materials, ventilation equipment, etc. Preparation and approval with the customer organizational issues production of work.
  5. Acceptance of premises for installation.
  6. Carrying out installation and hidden work. Laying of air duct networks in accordance with the project.
  7. Individual tests of ventilation units and other equipment.
  8. Commissioning (all parameters, in particular air flow, must be set in accordance with the project). Conducted by highly qualified installers or engineers.
  9. Complex tests (testing of systems working together in all modes).
  10. Commissioning (transfer of documentation, personnel training, if necessary).
  11. It should be noted that upon completion of each point of the above algorithm, acts of work are signed.
  12. The procedure for designing and installing industrial ventilation systems must comply with State and Industry Standards (GOST and OST) “Installation of industrial ventilation and air conditioning systems” OST 36-134-86.

Let us dwell in more detail on the main aspects of all three stages of installing industrial ventilation systems.

Preparatory stage

The working documentation must meet two requirements: execution in accordance with GOST and the presence of a work completion stamp signed by the responsible person (all agreements with the customer must be recorded on paper).

Working documentation must contain:

  • general data on production (layout diagram of ventilation units, characteristics of systems, system specifications, material for the manufacture of air ducts, information on insulation of air ducts (heat and fire protection);
  • drawing of the ventilation system (coordinate axes of the building, marks of clean ceilings, dimensional references of air duct installations to coordinate axes or structural elements, cross-sectional dimensions of air ducts, places of insulation of air ducts);
  • drawing of ventilation units (assemblies and fastening points, joints);
  • blueprints common types non-standard products and designs;
  • drawings of non-standard fastenings.

Getting ready specification materials. The scope of work is indicated, information is given on the elevations of the air ducts according to the height of the room, and instructions on the assembly of air duct parts into transportable units.Compiled routing- a document that allows you to complete the installation operation from start to finish. This document contains the following information:

  • scope of work (conditions and features of work);
  • technology and organization of work (quality requirements for previous work, requirements for work technology, technological schemes, in particular insurance of ventilation system elements, transportation of products and materials);
  • requirements for the quality and acceptance of work (requirements for the quality of supplied materials and products);
  • operational quality control schemes (list of technological processes subject to control);
  • safety precautions, labor protection, economic and fire safety;
  • resource requirements (necessary machinery, tools and materials):
  • technical and economic indicators (cost estimates and work schedule).

The work project (WPR) must contain a title page, an explanatory note, a construction master plan, a building plan, a work schedule, technological maps, cost estimate, equipment delivery schedule to the site, specification of materials and list of mechanisms and tools. Aimed at ensuring that the installation is completed efficiently and within the specified time frame. The initial data are the assignment for the implementation of the project and the construction organization project. Complies with the following tasks:

  • organization of preparatory work;
  • placing orders for equipment production;
  • determination of storage locations for equipment and materials;
  • compliance with safety requirements

A work schedule is drawn up (the name of the work and its volume).

When installing industrial ventilation, it is necessary to take into account many nuances and features that affect the efficiency of its operation and the durability of the structure. Please note that only highly qualified specialists who have the appropriate theoretical knowledge and experience in performing such work should install the air exchange network.

It is also important to choose the right places for installing equipment, in particular ventilation units, heat exchangers, air heaters, filtration systems, etc.In the future, the air ducts are laid out based on the location of the equipment.

Air duct fastenings

Should be considered design features the building itself, the design and material of the air ducts, as well as their orientation in space (vertical or horizontal). Air ducts are often attached to walls or ceilings using various fasteners, such as a clamp, stud, crossbar, etc. The methods of their fastening directly depend on the size and shape of the cross-section of the main channel passing the air flows.

Ventilation ducts in industrial premises are usually attached to the ceiling. In commercial premises, it is advisable to use air ducts made of plastic or copper, due to their greatest visual appeal.Currently, two main types of air ducts based on material are used - rigid and flexible.

Made from multilayer aluminum, galvanized steel and fiberglass. Almost the entire ventilation system is installed from them. Special shaped parts are used for arranging turns, contours and branches. If production conditions require transportation of air containing aggressive impurities, then air ducts with thicker walls should be used. Such air ducts are easy to install and have high performance air movement.

Rigid duct ventilation system

Made in the form of a corrugated sleeve. The frame of such an air duct is a rigid steel wire, twisted in a spiral and covered with laminated foil or polyester. Attached to reinforcing rings moving along the wire. The advantage of flexible pipe is that it is easier to assemble and install. The negative aspect of this type of air ducts is large aerodynamic losses, therefore it is recommended to use such air ducts in short sections at the connection of distribution grilles.

As noted above, one of the factors influencing the efficiency of the system is the shape of the air duct cross-section. Under equal conditions, round air ducts have the following advantages in front of rectangular air ducts:

  • less aerodynamic resistance to air flows,
  • absence of necessity flange connections,
  • smaller surface area,
  • lower cost,
  • Great practicality in terms of cleaning the air duct.

Aerodynamic testing and balancing of the air duct network

  1. The bottom line: with the help of control devices (throttle valves and dampers), the air flow in each branch is balanced from top to bottom in the system.
  2. Inspection of air distribution devices (checking for interference around the device, serviceability of control devices).
  3. Operation of the air ventilation system.

    In conclusion, we will dwell on how to properly use an industrial ventilation system.

    • It is necessary to maintain air mobility and stable performance of ventilation systems.
    • Provide uninterrupted operation ventilation systems of special technological complexes.
    • After current repairs on our own or with the involvement of contractors, inspect all systems and draw up a corresponding report.
    • Do not allow unauthorized persons into the ventilation chambers.
    • Regulating devices must have adjustment measurements and be sealed.
    • At least once every 3 months, inspect ventilation shafts, air intake devices and ducts.

    *IMPORTANT! All ventilation systems must undergo scheduled maintenance depending on their purpose, operating mode and location. As a rule, the required maintenance schedule is established by the design, installation or maintenance organization. But any system must be serviced at least once a year!


    Designing and installing an industrial ventilation system is a complex and responsible process. The finished air exchange network must comply with the strict rules established by the current building codes and rules (SNiP) and state and industry standards. The microclimate in the room depends on how well the industrial ventilation system is designed and installed, which directly affects production efficiency.