Technology and stages of production of double-glazed windows. How is a double-glazed window made? Manufacturing technology of double-glazed windows for plastic windows

A double-glazed window is a product consisting of several (two or more) sheets of glass, hermetically connected to each other by a frame. Today, as a rule, double-glazed windows are manufactured on fully automated lines, strictly adhering to production technology. However, small batches of double-glazed windows can also be produced manually.

Glass and Glass Products Company - .

The production of double-glazed windows includes five stages, at each of which the glass undergoes special processing, the quality of which determines the quality of the finished product. Let's take a closer look at the stages that glass goes through before becoming a double-glazed window.

  • Stage No. 1. Glass cutting.

In large enterprises where the production of double-glazed windows is automated, it is carried out on special tables designed specifically for “cutting” sheets of glass. Most often, glass cutting is carried out in automatic mode; the cutting process is controlled by a special computer program. The use of automated glass cutting machines not only makes the work of enterprise workers easier, but also allows cutting sheets of glass to be extremely economical, minimizing the amount of waste.

It is also possible to cut glass manually: the worker takes measurements independently and cuts the glass with a special tool.

At the same stage of production, such important elements of a double-glazed window as spacers (spacers) are also manufactured. Spacers are made of aluminum or plastic profiles and assembled using special plastic corners. In the same case, when the production of double-glazed windows is carried out in large quantities, spacer frames are made on special equipment without the use of corners. The spacer must be filled with technical silica gel (molecular sieve). Silica gel is needed so that the moisture that remains in the double-glazed window does not condense on the glass when the temperature drops. Silica gel is poured into spacers either manually or using special equipment.

  • Stage No. 2. Glass washing.

On at this stage The prepared glasses are washed. If we are talking about a small production of double-glazed windows, then glass washing in such mini-enterprises is usually done manually. In large enterprises, special glass washing equipment is used to wash cut glass. Washing glass in a car occurs as follows: the prepared glass passes between two rows of brushes, the brushes rotate and easily wash the glass from various types of contaminants. Only demineralized water is used to wash glass.

  • Stage No.3 . Primary sealing.

At the stage of primary sealing, a layer of sealant is applied to the side surfaces of the spacers. Today, butyl sealants are typically used for primary sealing. If double-glazed windows are made manually, then “butyl cord” is used as a sealant. When producing large batches of double-glazed windows, to minimize costs and speed up the production process, primary sealing is carried out using special equipment - a butyl extruder, which allows you to quickly apply butyl strips of the required width to the surface of the spacer. According to the technology, the width of the butyl strip should not be less than 3 mm, the sealant layer should be uniform, without empty spaces.

  • Stage No.4 . Assembling a glass unit.

In the case of manual assembly of double-glazed windows, the prepared spacer, with a previously applied sealant, is placed on the glass, while adjusting the indentation, which should be the same on all sides. Then the second glass is laid and the finished glass unit is crimped with a hand press or processed on a pressing table. If we are talking about assembling a double-glazed window, then before crimping, another spacer frame and a third glass are placed on the second glass.

In large enterprises where large batches of double-glazed windows are manufactured, the latter are assembled and crimped using automated production lines.

  • Stage No.5 . Secondary sealing of double-glazed windows.

After the double-glazed window has been processed by the press, it is secondary sealed: the side parts of the double-glazed window are covered with a layer of sealant. This is done to ensure that moisture does not get inside the glass unit. For secondary sealing, thiokol, polyurethane and silicone sealants, which in the manual production of double-glazed windows are applied to the finished products with a spatula, and on automated production lines - using extruders.

In this article you will analyze everything related to the production of double-glazed windows for windows: equipment, its price, technology using a video example, as well as the entire technological process.

At the very beginning of organizing a business for the production of double-glazed windows, you should decide on the raw materials for sheet glass. There are two options: regular raw materials in the form of quartz sand or “secondary” raw materials in the form of broken glass.

The furnaces for both raw materials have no fundamental differences - the only difference is in the settings temperature conditions. Both imported production line and domestic production line can be ordered. Of course, a line from JSC SKLOPAN LIBEREC (Czech Republic) or from CIEFFE FORNI INDUSTRIALI SRL (Italy) will cost more than a domestic line from JSC Steklomash (Orel) or JSC Nakal (Solnechnogorsk). In any case, the minimum cost for equipment will be somewhere around 10 million rubles.

What are the benefits of producing ready-made double-glazed windows for windows?

It has been established that producing sheet glass is less profitable than products made from it. You also need to take into account that in Russia flat glass is produced by large factories in sufficient quantities, and the cost of entry into the club of flat glass manufacturers is high and amounts to about $150 million or €113 million.

It is much more profitable to organize the production of ready-made double-glazed windows for companies specializing in the production of metal plastic windows.

Equipment, manufacturing technology and personnel

The process of manufacturing double-glazed windows is relatively simple and consists of the steps and operations listed below.

First stage:

  • cutting glass to specified sizes;
  • washing of cut workpieces.

Second phase:

  • production of spacer frame;
  • applying internal sealant to the frame;
  • connecting glass and frame into a single structure - a double-glazed window.

Third stage:

  • sealing the finished double-glazed window with external sealant (one-component, two-component) or silicone.

To perform the operations of the first stage of manufacturing a double-glazed window, you need a table on which you can cut glass in a semi-automatic mode. For example, you can buy a Mastercut-3.2 table for €25-29 thousand. It can be serviced by one worker. To wash workpieces, you need a special glass washing machine equipped with a filter for water purification. The machine costs about €20-25 thousand, the filter - €1,700-3.5 thousand.

All equipment (line) that is required for full production

Video about the technology of manufacturing double-glazed windows:

The washing machine should be operated by 1-2 people. Their responsibilities also include loading and unloading glass, moving glass to and from the machine.

For €35,000 you can buy an entire line for the production of double-glazed windows, where one person can handle the washing and assembly of double-glazed windows.

There are also lines exclusively for assembling packages.

Line automatic assembly packages Alaska / Price $18,000

One person must be assigned as the operator of two automatic devices, which must be located close to each other. On one of them, a spacer strip is cut for the inner frame of the glass unit, on the other, a molecular sieve is poured into the bag. The cost of the first and second devices is €5000 and €2300, respectively.

Another worker is needed to seal the double-glazed windows. He must apply a layer of butyl to the sides of the spacer strip before gluing (stage 2) and perform the final sealing of the finished bag (stage 3).

To perform these operations there are different instruments. You can purchase a manual rotary table for €1500 with a manual pneumatic press for €950. For €2800 you can buy a rotating table with an automatic drive. A special table for assembling and sealing double-glazed windows with pneumatic clamping costs €1,800. The final sealing process must use either a hot melt sealant extruder or a two-part sealant extruder. The cost of these extruders is €8500-8800 and €25000 respectively.

IN summer time in the southern regions of the country, it may not be possible to do without an industrial-type refrigeration compressor (€3500). With its help, accelerated hardening of the sealant is achieved.

Let's summarize:

  • The cost of equipment for the production of double-glazed windows will range from €64,950 to €107,900
  • Salary of 2 operators (2 x 25...30 thousand rubles) - from 50 to 60 thousand rubles.
  • Salary of 1-2 auxiliary workers (2 x 15...20 thousand rubles) - from 15 to 40 thousand rubles.
  • Production of double-glazed windows: material costs
  • Construction glass 4 mm thick – 190-430 rub./m².
  • Spacer frame – RUR 594.13-891/100 m (price depends on width).
  • Plastic corners for connecting frames - 24 RUR/100 pcs.
  • Molecular sieve 1-1.5 mm - 70 rub./kg.
  • Butyl tape (3 mm) - 3.5 rub./m.
  • Sealant components - 254 rub./l.
  • The price of a finished double-glazed window is about 930-1560 rubles/m².
  • The cost of manufacturing a double-glazed window at the costs at the above tariffs is 500 rubles/m².
  • It is quite possible to organize a business producing double-glazed windows with a total area of ​​300 m² per month.
  • Net profit at this volume will be about €5,000 per month.

Double-glazed windows have long been popular because they create a comfortable microclimate and silence inside the house. And why? The dimensions of the individual elements of the package are verified, and together with the geometric rigor of the profile, this ensures the required quality of plastic windows.

What is a double glazed window?

It is often mistakenly referred to as an entire window made of plastic. This is not true. A double-glazed window is part of it; it is a chamber that is sealed and cannot be disassembled. the main role window package - to resist heat transfer from the house to the street and vice versa. The simplest and most economical design is single-chamber. It is formed by two glasses. They are separated to be at a fixed distance from each other, with a spacer frame around the perimeter. It has perforations, that is, small holes facing the inside of the chamber. Inside the frame are silica gel granules or molecular sieves. They play the role of dehumidifiers for air or other gases (inert) located in the chamber. Butyl is used to adhere the glass to the frame and provide primary sealing. A secondary polysulphide seal gives the joint strength when inserted into plastic profiles. Here's what it all looks like in the photo:


If you do not take into account the name of the manufacturer and the plastic profile for the window used by it, then the classification is simple. Double-glazed windows are divided into (see photo):

  • single-chamber;
  • two-chamber;
  • products with three chambers.

Single-chamber has a width of 12-36 mm and consists of two glasses. The two-chamber one has three glasses and, accordingly, two spacer frames. The width of such double-glazed windows is 24-64 mm. In southern latitudes, one camera is enough. In moderate areas it is worth thinking about two, in northern regions three is acceptable. It is also advisable to choose products with two chambers for windows in houses near airports, highways and noisy industries, given the increased noise of such structures.

Features of glass unit design elements

Manufacturing a double-glazed window is a painstaking and precise job, so certain requirements are imposed on its individual elements.

It is worth considering them separately.

  1. Distance frame. The most commonly used materials for its production are galvanized steel and aluminum. They are reliable, durable; In addition, aluminum weighs little. But these are metals, and they will act as “cold bridges” in the window design. Therefore, intensive development is underway to create plastic* frames, and they do not even need perforations: the desiccant is introduced into the thermoplastic, which by extrusion (extrusion) creates the required gap between the glasses. When making frames with perforations for the holes, it is necessary to choose a diameter so that the desiccant cannot spill out through them during transportation.
  2. Dehumidifiers. They are needed to remove molecular water between the glasses. After all, moist air promotes heat transfer, and the room will cool faster. And although different dehumidifiers have different dew points, this is not so important: their task is to absorb moisture when assembling the bag, since after sealing it no longer enters the chamber.
  3. Sealants. Double sealing prevents moisture from penetrating inside the bag. This creates resistance to heat transfer, since dry gases conduct heat poorly. Butyl as a primary sealant is good because it creates moisture resistance with a minimum joint width. This allows you to maintain the ideal geometry of the package.
  4. Glass. Any type of glass can be used. Which to choose? Depends on what additional qualities the consumer needs. Tempered glass, triplex and reinforced glass, as well as sun control and patterned glass, are rarely used. More expensive are photochromic glasses, which can change color, and smart glasses, which change transparency. If the glass is not energy-saving, then it does not have any effect on heat transfer resistance. It weighs more than all the other elements of the package combined.

When you bring the flame of a lighter to special glasses, it is reflected in both, but with an offset and a different shade of the flame!

Stages of creating double-glazed windows

The very first step is cutting the glass. It is produced according to standard sizes, but the customer can specify their own sizes, because the current standard windows do not coincide with those produced previously. The glass in them can be transparent, transmitting up to 95% daylight. Sheet transparent glass is marked M with a digital index from 0 to 8. M0 is an ideal canvas, but for double-glazed windows you can also choose M1.

For aesthetics and to protect the room from prying eyes, decorative glass and film coverings are also used. Functional glass can have increased strength, energy-saving or self-cleaning coating, protection from solar heat or ultraviolet radiation - there is plenty to choose from.

At the second stage, the glass is washed with demineralized water. This is done by a special brushing machine. The task of this stage is to ensure ideal adhesion of the sealant and glass, so dust, grease, and microparticles remaining after cutting must be washed off.

The third stage is fastening the spacers into a spacer frame and applying the first sealant to it.

At the fourth stage, the bags are assembled directly, that is, the glass is connected with a sealant to the frame, after which the product is put under the press for a few seconds. The bags are ready, all that remains is to secure them with secondary sealant in plastic profiles.

It is worth adding that a conversation about what a double-glazed window consists of will be incomplete without mentioning that you can choose to replace the air with argon, krypton or xenon in the package chambers. They raise specifications products, but not for long.

Reduced fuel consumption thanks to double glazed windows

In a city apartment, words about saving fuel sound a little abstract, but for country house the owner will consider everything thoroughly. It is advisable to install energy-saving glass here. Their surface is coated either with metal oxides (k-technology) or alternating silver and dielectrics AlN, BiO, TiO2 (i-technology). These surfaces reflect the heat of the room back from the glass, and the same happens with the air outside. This action resists heat transfer to “nowhere”. After all, a significant part of the heat no longer escapes through cold windows. And this share was 40-50%.

You can further reduce heat loss, and at the same time improve the sound insulation qualities of double-glazed windows for windows. To do this, the air in them is replaced with an inert gas. Moreover, with ordinary glass, the heat transfer resistance in this case decreases by only 3-5%, and with energy-saving glass - by 30. It becomes almost twice as warm (40% + 30% = 70%). How much fuel is saved thanks to this!

Energy-saving glass does not sweat and does not “cry”!

Sound insulation level

Thanks to the air or gas layer in the glass unit, the resistance not only to heat transfer, but also to the propagation of sound increases. Even a single-chamber double-glazed window reduces noise by 34 dB. You can calculate: if a truck “growls” at 70 dB, then single-pane windows reduce its noise to 36 dB. For comparison, noise in a library is rated at 30, and 35 is normal human speech. It is clear that with an increase in the number of cameras, the sound almost completely disappears (see photo).

Marking of double-glazed windows

It characterizes the type of glass and the dimensions of the distance between them, as well as the number of cameras. The letter M denotes ordinary glass, the number in front of the letter is the thickness of the glass, and behind it is the brand of glass. The number delimited by hyphens indicates the distance between the glasses of the package. The number of these numbers indicates how many cameras there are in a given double-glazed window.

For example, marking 6M1-20-6M1 gives the following information: a double-chamber double-glazed window filled with air, consisting of six-millimeter glasses with a distance between them of 20 mm. If the chamber was filled with argon, the marking would look like this: 6M1-20Ar-6M1. With a different type of glass, instead of M there would be a different letter indicating the type of glass: F - float glass, PI - having a heat-reflecting film, and so on.

Resistance to the penetration of noise from the street and heat transfer between the street and the room is the main function of a double-glazed window that composes a window.

In this article we will talk about all the stages of manufacturing plastic windows.

It's no secret that any production begins with the purchase of materials and components. In addition, semi-finished products are needed. Therefore, the manufacturing technology of plastic windows, like any other, begins with input control.

For all components there are corresponding . Thus, seals must comply with GOST 30778-2001, fittings must comply, and profiles used for assembling windows.

As for storing the material, it must be stored indoors under normal conditions. Direct contact must be avoided sun rays and do not store near heating devices. The temperature in production workshops should not be lower than +18 degrees, otherwise at low temperatures the processing of PVC profiles may not provide the required quality.

Stages of production of plastic windows

The entire process of manufacturing plastic windows can be divided into 11 stages.

Stage 1. At this stage, the reinforcing profile is cut. To do this, use saws for cutting steel reinforcement with abrasive cutting wheels installed on them. Alternatively, metal cutting discs can be installed. The reinforcing profile is cut at a right angle. After cutting, burrs are removed using an emery wheel.

Stage 2. At the second stage, the PVC profile is cut. It is cut with double-head or single-head miter saws. Imposts are cut at an angle of 90 degrees, taking into account a margin of up to 6 mm on each side, depending on the profile system. The profiles of the doors and frames themselves are cut at an angle of 45 degrees, taking into account an allowance of up to 3 mm on the side for welding.

During the cutting process, the base surfaces of the profile are pressed against the vertical stop and the table surface. Clamps are used for this. However, care must be taken to avoid deformation of the profile.

Stage 3. After the PVC profile is cut, the drainage windows are milled into the lower profile of the window block box onto milling machine with end mill. The diameter of the cutter should be no more than 5 mm. This can also be done manually using an electric drill with a specially sharpened drill with a diameter of 5 mm. For drainage windows it usually does not exceed 25 mm.

Stage 4. At this stage, the PVC profiles are reinforced. Reinforcing profiles are cut to length and inserted into them using a special machine or manually using a hand drill.

Stage 5. After reinforcement, holes are drilled and grooves for fittings are milled on a copy-milling machine. Also, if you have a power tool and special attachments and devices, this can be done manually.

Stage 6. The process of milling the ends of imposts using shaped cutters with their further assembly and installation of fittings. Before installation, silicone sealant is applied to the ends of the impost.

Stage 7. The profiles are welded on a special welding machine. The temperature of the welding knife is about 250 degrees.

Stage 8. At the eighth stage, the impost and are installed. All this is done by hand on an assembly table using a screwdriver or electric drill.

Stage 9. After the impost and support profile, sealing profiles are installed. Installation into the groove begins from the middle of the grooves of the upper horizontal profiles of the sashes and frames. The seal is installed as a single continuous contour without stretching. The ends of the seal are glued end to end with cyano-acrylate second glue.

Stage 10. Hanging of accessories. For a swing sash, a main lock, hinges, corner switches, middle locks and an additional middle hinge clamp are installed. Matching parts of the locking mechanism and hinges are installed for the frame. For a tilt-and-turn sash, a lower hinge on the sash, a main lock and corner switches are installed. If the sash is narrow, then a middle lock on the sash and scissors are placed on it. If the sash is wide, then the lower middle lock, the middle lock on the sash and scissors. Upper and lower hinges, a tilt-and-turn mechanism striker and locking mechanism strikers around the perimeter are installed on the response frame.

Stage 11. The final stage includes cutting the bead and installing the double-glazed window into the profile system (as tight as possible!). Attention! Cutting beads must have guides. To avoid sagging, the sash with double-glazed windows must form a rigid structure. After the beads are installed with a plastic mallet, part of the sash is settled. Preliminary adjustment of the fittings is carried out on the stand, and then on site after the window has been installed.

A double-glazed window is a hermetically sealed connection of two or more sheets of glass into a single structure. Only a hermetically sealed connection allows the basic principle of thermal insulation to be implemented - to constantly keep dry air or other gas, for example, argon, inside the glass unit, which are the best thermal insulation materials. If a double-glazed window is not sealed, then moisture, which is constantly present in the air, gets into it, and the heat transfer resistance of such a glass unit that is no longer sealed will not differ from conventional glazing. In this case, the cost of manufacturing a double-glazed window is in vain, because It costs much less to buy and install two glasses.

Below is a description of the main aspects of the technology for manufacturing double-glazed windows and possible equipment for their production, taking into account the following types of production: Small workshop production - productivity up to 50 double-glazed windows per day; Industrial production - productivity up to 300...400 double-glazed windows per day; Fully automatic industrial production - productivity 400...900 double-glazed windows per day.

The main products used, namely, glass, spacer, absorbent (molecular sieve) and sealants - more or less the same for all types of production. Process technologies, however, differ depending on the type of production.

The type of production that requires lower capital costs for equipment is a workshop plant. The maximum productivity of such an enterprise does not exceed fifty double-glazed windows per day, provided that the double-glazed window manufacturing technology is followed.

Production begins with glass cutting, which is done by hand on a conventional cutting table. Following this, the glass is broken and folded onto a stand (pyramid). The next step will be to clean the glass using a glass cleaning spray or just water. In any case, the glass should be wiped dry with a cotton cloth or suede. It is recommended to remove dust particles from glass using compressed air. Any sealant “sticks” only to clean and dry surfaces. If these conditions are not met, then the sealing at the point of contamination will be insufficient, and moisture will penetrate into the internal cavity of the glass unit.

The same distance between the glasses (distance) in a double-glazed window is maintained using hollow aluminum or galvanized steel frames. Straight sections of the frame are fastened with corners. Corners are made of plastic, cast zinc or steel. The material of the corner is not important when choosing it. The most important factor is the mechanical stability of the frame. As for the cleanliness of the frame, the same requirements are imposed on it as on glass: surfaces must be cleaned of dirt, moisture and corrosive substances.

Preparation of spacer frames can occur simultaneously with glass washing. The aluminum spacer must be cut to the required length. It should be taken into account that the perimeter of the frame is always smaller than the perimeter of the cut glass.

On one side, corners are inserted into the cut distance. The distances prepared in this way can now be filled with absorbent, preferably using a funnel. Spacer profiles filled with absorbent are assembled into a frame.

Then the frame is coated on both sides with the first (internal) sealant - butyl. This can be butyl tape applied to the frame by hand. But it is better if butyl is applied using an extruder. In this case, butyl is heated to a temperature of 115...140°C before being applied to the spacer frame, and this facilitates the adhesion or “grab” of the sealant to the spacer.

Using a butyl extruder increases the speed of butyl application to the frame, but requires additional capital costs. Extrusion or application of butyl to the frame occurs as follows: after heating the butyl to a temperature which, according to its type, ranges from 115°C to 140°C, the butyl enters the nozzles using hydraulic press. A conveyor belt moves the frame along the nozzles, which apply a layer of butyl of constant thickness to it. If you don't like the butyl coating, you can remove it and repeat the coating process again.

The frame prepared in this way is applied to the glass. You need to make sure that the distance between the edge of the glass and the back side of the frame (i.e. its outer edge) is the same along the entire perimeter of the glass unit. After this, a second glass is applied. Butyl sealing is provided only after pressing has been carried out. This can be done using a small hand-held pneumatic press with rollers that can move along the edges of the glass unit - this can save time. Since the pressure of the hand press is regulated by a pressure reducing valve, the pressing always corresponds to the required force.

After pressing, a second or external sealing is performed. The cheapest method of applying sealant (in terms of capital costs) is to use cartridges. This method requires only a mixing device and a compressed air blower (injector). The mixing device consists of a motor-driven mixing coil that must be inserted into the cartridge. To avoid excessive heating of the sealant, which accelerates the chemical reduction reaction, the maximum allowable rotation speed is 200 rpm and the mixing time should not exceed 3 minutes.

Sealing of the connection is usually carried out on a rotating table equipped with suction cups that hold the glass unit. Rotation of the table provides easy access to the glass unit from any side.

The minimum thickness of the secondary sealant for double-glazed windows filled with dry air is 3 mm, and for those filled with argon - 5 mm. These requirements are especially important in corner areas.

The penetration of water vapor through polysulfide is not a linear function of its thickness, i.e. if the thickness of the sealant is reduced by half, the rate of vapor diffusion does not double, but increases significantly. Likewise, doubling the thickness of the sealant layer will not reduce the penetration rate by half, but will only reduce it slightly.

Although increasing the thickness of the sealant layer will only lead to a slight improvement in quality, reducing the thickness will cause a serious defect, which, depending on the extent, can lead to premature damage to the glass unit.

If necessary, the manufactured glass unit can undergo final operations, such as, for example, removing excessively applied sealant using a spatula (spatula) or adjusting the corner area. You can adjust the seal in the corner area using a damp cotton brush.

In small-scale production, glass units are usually sealed and pressed in a horizontal position. In this case, measures must be taken to Avoid sagging of the top glass under its own weight. This is especially true for double-glazed windows big size. When sealing large double-glazed windows, one corner must be left open and the sealing must be completed when the double-glazed window is installed in a vertical position. This allows the glass to acquire a parallel-flat position. Only after this is the last corner sealed.

Ready-made double-glazed windows are installed vertically on stands; an inclination of 5...6 degrees to the vertical already keeps them from tipping over. This storage position will stop further unnecessary pressing of butyl. Horizontal storage of the finished glass unit leads to excessive compression of butyl and loss of sealing quality. Cork spacers placed between the glass units protect the glass surfaces from damage due to friction that may occur during storage or transportation. After polymerization of the sealant (time from three to twelve hours - determined by the temperature in the room and the type of sealant), the double-glazed windows are ready for shipment.