Construction of a garden house from logs. Houses made of rounded logs

Beautiful country house made of rounded logs leads potential buyers to believe that such an object is incredibly expensive. However, small buildings for summer living can have a very reasonable cost. To achieve this, you need to know where you can save money. This article will tell you about this.


Small country houses made from rounded logs, in addition to their toy appearance, have a low cost due to the following advantages:

  1. Less material required. Of course, you can build a grandiose vacation spot, but, as a rule, owners are attracted to small properties for seasonal residence. No need to pawn monolithic foundation, enough pile grillage or reinforced concrete pillars. But the installation of a flooding platform takes away from the owner up to 50% of the entire budget allocated for construction.
  2. A dacha property, as a rule, does not require thorough interior decoration. On the contrary, classic design is in demand country houses made of rounded logs - log walls, plank floors and ceilings. Naturally, the surface is perfectly sanded and varnished.
  3. Dachas are built from lumber with a smaller cross-section, therefore the price is lower.
  4. But there is a caveat: leaving wood uninsulated without regular heating means dooming it to premature aging. This cannot be allowed, so you should spend money on insulation, but still this is incomparable to the damage.
  5. The construction time for a cylinder dacha is significantly shorter than that of a permanent residential building.

If the owners believe that the usable area of ​​their dacha property is small, they should consider many project options with a variety of roofs. For example, installing an attic roof is guaranteed to add a full second floor to the house.

How to save money

So that the dacha costs the owner affordable price, the construction stages should be implemented correctly. Let's look at each in more detail:

DIY installation

Having studied all the described saving techniques, you can begin construction. Even with a little skill, houses made of rounded logs will be erected quickly. Let's consider the sequence of work:

All country houses made of rounded timber require insulation of the internal space. You should start from the attic: a sheathing is created on each surface for inserting the material. Wiring or water supply pipes hidden in cable ducts are laid under the future insulation. Then the walls, floor and ceiling are covered with the selected inexpensive coating.

So, judging by what is written, a small dacha made of rounded logs, built with your own hands, will cost the owner an amount much less than he thought at first. The most expensive material is a log, other expenses can be optimized, and the structure will not become worse from this.

When choosing material for building a garden house, you should pay attention special attention on a rounded log. Wood - unique natural material, to which there is no alternative. Its ability to “breathe” allows you to maintain an atmosphere of freshness and a healthy indoor climate. Garden houses made of rounded logs and their advantages are known to many. This explains the popularity.

Reliable, profitable, fast

To obtain a rounded log, the workpiece is cleared of bark and passed through special cutter, which leaves only a solid core. As a result of all actions, a finished cylinder remains. The final stage is the treatment of the log with antiseptics and other substances that increase the wood’s resistance to external influences and increase its durability. Then “cups” are cut into the body of the wood, which allow the entire structure to be assembled in the shortest possible time. What else are characteristic of log houses?

  • reliability and durability of the structure;
  • high manufacturability of the material;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • external attractiveness;
  • profitability (allows you to save on finishing);
  • excellent thermal characteristics(the walls do not allow moisture to enter the house and retain heat well);
  • favorable price-quality ratio;
  • fast construction time;

Log garden houses, construction and installation

Despite the classic look, building houses from logs leaves a lot of room for creativity. You can use ready-made projects or create your own unique design. Extensive experience in construction allows us to meet reasonable deadlines and take into account the individual wishes of the customer. In our activities we are guided by the following stages:

  1. Design – development of a layout. At this stage, a 3D model is created and a detailed estimate is prepared.
  2. Installation of the foundation. Construction can be carried out on several types of foundation: on a shallow strip or on monolithic slab, as well as on a pile-screw foundation.
  3. Assembly of the structure.
  4. Roof installation.
  5. Summing up communications.
  6. Installation of doors and windows.
  7. Installation of partitions indoors.
  8. External finishing.
  9. Interior finishing.

Creating a project for a future building allows you to set the following parameters: appearance, design, materials and their required quantity. The project plans interior spaces and places where utilities will be located.

Housing for all year round

Log garden houses are usually built from pine or spruce wood. These trees have high strength and thermal insulation, which allows the house to be used for year-round use.

Our company is engaged in the design and construction of turnkey garden houses and mansions at competitive prices. We use high-quality materials and the latest technological developments, which provides an additional guarantee for the service life of the building.

In order to turn an ordinary garden plot to a countryside vacation spot, you just need to do everything necessary for a comfortable stay in this area. What do you need for relaxation, except clean air and summer sun? We bring to your attention log buildings garden houses for shrinkage to choose from - get a place where you can put away all the garden tools and where you can drink hot tea in the evening. Such a house will not only be environmentally friendly environment, but will also delight you with its appearance.

Do not forget that wood is a material that can rot, but by treating the log house with a special antiseptic, this can easily be avoided.

For the construction of log garden houses, spruce or pine is used, which, in addition to all the characteristics of wood, also release beneficial fumes of resins into the air, which are very beneficial for the human body.

The attractiveness of the house is not even worth mentioning once again; such a house does not need additional finishing, except perhaps covering it with an antiseptic and a special varnish. In such a country house you can stay comfortably not only in summer, but also in winter.

"Capital Estate" offers you a huge selection of log country houses, where everyone will find the ideal solution for their dacha.

The SeverStroyLes company offers a solution to this problem for everyone who wants to purchase a turnkey log house made of rounded logs with maximum benefit for themselves. We always have a large selection of models of various sizes and designs in stock and on order - you can definitely choose the best option for your operating conditions. By contacting us, all clients receive what they desire most - high-quality, inexpensive, practical and attractive homes that will make their stay summer cottage much more comfortable.

We offer various types such housing of any size with different amounts rooms, layout and architectural solutions. Pay attention to the projects of country houses made of rounded logs presented here, study them, and we are sure that you will definitely like one of them. If this does not happen, we are ready to individually develop for you new project, taking into account all your wishes. In any case, you will receive a high-quality and inexpensive home, which has many advantages:

  • environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic design, bestowed by nature itself;
  • country houses made of rounded logs are very strong and durable;
  • they give the unique beauty of wood texture and its fragrance;
  • provide a pleasant microclimate for living at any time of the year;
  • automatically regulate temperature and humidity in rooms.

Prices for country house projects made of rounded logs

The cost of any wooden residential buildings largely depends on their size, layout and architectural complexity. Other factors also influence it, but you can be sure that our prices for country houses made of rounded logs are formed taking into account the maximum benefit for you. We do not chase excessive profits and do not inflate them unreasonably, as we understand the importance of having affordable and high-quality housing in our time.

In any case, you can buy country houses from rounded logs from us inexpensively, because we carry out all types of work ourselves, without resorting to the help of third-party organizations. We own our own log production, which allows us to reduce overall costs and set the lowest possible prices. All you have to do is choose suitable model, contact us, and very soon a high-quality wooden house– call!

Our company builds inexpensive turnkey garden houses in Moscow and the Moscow region. Over many years of activity, we have collected many successful forms of houses from economy class to exclusive solutions at a reasonable price. In the site’s catalog you can find both small options for purely utilitarian purposes, and full-fledged country houses for long-term comfortable living in the summer months.

Do you want to build a garden house according to your own design? We will take care of all the hassle - we will develop a unique design project, professionally implement it “in wood”, carefully deliver the kit to the site and assemble it as quickly as possible. A garden house made of timber will certainly become a decoration of your dacha and a favorite place to relax.
Here are just some of our advantages that will help you make the right choice:

  • The prices for our garden houses made of timber are perhaps the most favorable in Moscow and the Moscow region. This was achieved by consistently reducing production costs. High quality materials and components are used.
  • Ecologically clean materials– dry profiled mini-timber and board made of hardwood. They are processed using our own technology, without the addition of adhesive components and other harmful chemicals.
  • Minimum construction time. From the sketch of the project to the turnkey delivery of the garden house it will take no more than 7-10 days. If you choose a ready-made solution, the delivery time will be significantly reduced.
  • High quality. Our team is professional builders with impressive experience in the industry. What is important is that the entire construction process will be controlled by our management.
  • Modern design and comfort. Our country houses combine pleasant, cozy shapes inspired by rustic motifs, while at the same time they look quite modern. A thoughtful layout will make your stay at the dacha as comfortable as possible.

Order the construction of a wooden house from us - it’s inexpensive, quick and hassle-free. We will help you arrange your suburban area so that you get only unforgettable impressions from your summer holiday.