We build a frame house step by step. DIY frame house: step-by-step assembly instructions with photos

In the article we will look at the nuances of construction frame house do it yourself, video posted in this material, will help us with this. However, before moving on to viewing, we list the advantages of frame buildings.

Advantages of building a frame house


If you decide to build a home using frame technology, then the cost of the materials required for this will surprise you. Due to latest technologies manufacturing and installation of building parts, ease of assembly, lightweight foundation, the process of building Canadian houses is significantly cheaper than for other buildings.

Construction time

The construction of a one-story frame house will be completed very soon. A deep capital foundation is not a prerequisite here. Since there is no shrinkage, the construction of a Canadian house can be carried out in one stage.

Environmental component

During construction, they use mineral building sandwich panels, which are safe for human health.


For frame country houses, the important point is that heating them will require spending 3-4 times less energy resources than for a brick building.

Durability and service life

The use of a metal frame and a special composition of moisture-resistant cladding materials makes it possible to operate the house for over 50 years.

Thermal insulation

Houses built using frame technology are cool in the summer and retain warmth in the winter. This became possible thanks to the use of sandwich panels, which are comparable in their thermal insulation properties to brick wall, thickness 1.5 m.

Aesthetic component

In the construction of buildings using frame technology, it is possible to implement a variety of original ready-made projects and also to take part in the design of a completely new building, from a small country house, to a building several floors high. In finished frame houses, a hidden communication network is implemented, laid in the walls and ceiling.

Building a frame house with your own hands video - how they do it in America

Typical frame house project

For me, it was a matter of principle to choose exactly the option when, with the least labor and material costs, you can quickly and efficiently build a full-fledged residential building for a family.

After studying several sources and many options, I decided to settle on the option, and took the standard project “Canadian - 1” as a basis.

I really liked this compact two-story house 7x7.5 m, and after making necessary calculations, I decided that such a project was well within my capabilities and means.

If there are a sufficient number of living rooms and utility premises, it looks relatively small, and the cost of construction is several times less than during construction brick house the same dimensions.

A typical project provides for the consumption of materials in the following sizes:

Edged boards 5x15 cm - 25m3;

Roofing board 2.5x15 cm - 3m3;

Polystyrene foam for insulation - 25m3;

Rolled insulation insulation - 5 rolls;

Polyurethane foam - 30 fl;

OSB - 200 sheets;

Roof waterproofing - 3 rolls;

Soft roof - area 70 m2;

cement, tar, solvent, antiseptic, anchor bolts.

According to the project, on the ground floor there is a living room with a kitchen and a large dining room, a bathroom and a small hall with a vestibule from front door. The second floor consists of three living rooms, a small common hall and a fairly spacious bathroom. The project was also attracted by the fact that the garage has a common wall with the house, which saves materials and provides additional thermal insulation.

I chose a project, prepared the necessary materials for the first stage of work and began construction.

Before you build a house with your own hands, we lay the foundation

A properly installed foundation is the key to how long a house will last and how comfortable it will be to live in. Since my site is located on the bank of a river and the groundwater is high, in order to avoid moisture, I did not make a basement and decided to make a foundation according to TISE on concrete piles.

My goal was to build a house with my own hands cheaply, and therefore the option on poles suited me also because of its low cost.

For the piles, I used used asbestos-cement pipes with a diameter of 250 mm and a length of 2.5 m. I deepened the pipes into the ground by one and a half meters, so that a column 1 meter high emerged above the ground. I reinforced them with fiberglass reinforcement with a diameter of 16 mm, filled them with concrete mortar and secured No. 22 anchor bolts at the top of each column.

Within a month, I personally erected 24 pillars - the basis for the future house. The concrete in each column hardened within two weeks. This time was spent purchasing and delivering materials for tying the foundation.

As soon as the concrete had finally set, I started tying - I first selected grooves from the ends of the beam with a cross-section of 15 cm for better tying, and at the joints I deepened the sockets for fastening the anchor bolts.

According to my calculations, it took me a little more than 30,000 rubles to build this - the cost of the material.

In order to fix the frame as securely as possible when assembling the harness, I placed a wide washer under each nut - this way I tightened the nuts all the way without the risk of unnecessarily damaging the beams. As the work progressed, I simultaneously treated the entire structure with tar antiseptic and waterproofed it with construction tar.

In this form, the foundation easily survived the winter, and I was convinced that I had done right choice.

To build a wooden house with your own hands, we begin to build the frame of the first floor and frame it

You can see from my step-by-step photos how to build a house with your own hands, without using heavy equipment, additional labor and unnecessary funds.

With the onset of the first fine spring days, I set about installing the walls of the first floor. The principle of constructing a frame dwelling is that the finished frame parts are installed in the proper place and secured there.

I assembled the structural elements piece by piece on a flat area, and then lifted them onto the foundation and alternately fastened them to the base and to each other. In addition, I assembled the technical openings for windows and doors separately and also lifted them onto the walls for fastening.

Since the structures are relatively small, I coped with this work practically alone, I just resorted to the help of my wife so that she would hold the structure while I was doing the fastenings.

Sheets of roofing material must be laid between the foundation and parts of the structure.

In a month I managed to put up three walls on the first floor.

When installing the structures, I ensured that the frame posts were spaced 60 cm apart from each other, since the standard width of the OSB sheet is 120 cm.

I adhered to the same principle when installing floor transfers.

It took me two more weekends to remove all the walls of the first floor - I really wanted to quickly build a house with my own hands.

Of course, thinking about how to build beautiful house with my own hands, I studied a lot of reference material, including the book “Individual house “platform” - it inspired me to create!

Taking the “Canadian” project as a basis, I made a frame during construction in accordance with the provided assembly technology. And although I changed some things during the work at my own discretion, I did not change the basis of the project in order to avoid improper distribution of the load on the load-bearing structural elements.

As a result, this is the frame I got for the first floor:

Simultaneously with raising the walls of the first floor, I began to assemble the frame of the future interfloor staircase.

The next step in solving the problem of how to build a frame house with your own hands is the process of tying the first floor.

To do this, we lay two layers of insulation along all the upper edges of the structure and then lay a 5 cm thick board along the entire perimeter.

Our ceiling joists are also floor transfers for the second floor. Therefore, we lay them apart from each other at intervals of 60 cm, attaching them to the harness.

Work in good weather goes well, and the results are obvious.

Now I know for sure that anyone can do it with their own hands wooden house build. This is a job in which the main thing is to comply with all the required standards and do everything with the utmost care - only then can you properly build a house with your own hands.

For those who are interested in this issue, my step-by-step photos will help you build a frame house with your own hands.

This photo of me shows that the first floor frame and floors are completely completed. This is the beautiful “platform” I ended up with.

Work doesn't always go quickly, and on the next weekend I was able to do little - the intense heat got in the way. But the staircase, which I installed anyway, served as additional support and added rigidity to the overall structure of the first floor.

Still, a lot has been accomplished in a relatively short period of time, considering that I worked almost alone.

By the way, since according to the design there should be a two-meter wide balcony-terrace above the southern side of the house, I set the ceiling joists above this part of the first floor to the required length so that they protrude 2 meters beyond the boundary of the wall structure.

The wooden parts in the right places were additionally fastened together with metal corners. To screw in the screws, I used an electric drill with a special mount for self-tapping screws.

As a result, the transfers of interfloor ceilings look like this:

Of course, it is difficult to calculate all construction costs in advance - there are many factors that influence changes in the final cost of the project. Moreover, you still need to solve the problem of how to build a beautiful house with your own hands, and not just put up a wooden box.

When building the foundation, frame of the first floor and floors, I spent about 80,000 rubles on materials.

The approximate amount I plan to spend to build a house made of wood with my own hands is 500 thousand rubles.

The next stage of completing the task of how to build a frame house with your own hands - we begin to build the second floor, and sheathe the structure with OSB sheets

It is very difficult to work in hot weather, especially at altitude. Therefore, construction is progressing slowly. I assemble the wall frame on the ground, then lift it and put it in place. If you work carefully during the assembly of structures, joining them at the fastening site does not present any difficulties.

The photo shows how the first wall of the second floor was installed:

On hot days it was impossible to work more than three to four hours, so in the middle of summer work slowed down a little. But as soon as the intense heat subsided, work continued at the same pace. At the same time as the side walls of the second floor, the end walls were also brought “under the roof”.

It was already difficult to work here alone to build a wooden house with your own hands, so he invited two assistants, and the heavy facade structures were lifted using ropes and inclined guides.

Along with the installation of the facade structures, they also made a screed along the ridge and starting rafters.

Having finished mounting wooden structures walls and ridge, I started covering the walls with panels - things went much more fun. First, I covered the corner parts of the walls with panels.

I tried to do the work of covering with OSB sheets in a few days - I didn’t want to take any risks and decided to protect the inside of the structures from the threat of getting wet during rains. You can see from my photos how I managed to build a house with my own hands almost alone.

How to build a house roof with your own hands?

This is exactly the question that confronted me as soon as I finished building the walls.

Before that, I had done almost all the main work myself, occasionally resorting to outside help when it was necessary to support part of the structure or lift heavy façade parts to the second floor.

And now, in order to solve the question of how to build the roof of a house with your own hands, when it came to lathing the roof, I had to call another assistant, since I am not very successful at working on the rafters alone. The work was much more fun together.

As well as ceilings first floor, I put a 5 cm thick board on the rafters, and installed the rafters also at intervals of 60 cm, so that I could then lay the OSB sheet on a base of three boards.

My assistant and I installed a vapor barrier on top of the rafters, using 3 rolls of roof hydraulic membrane.

OSB sheets were laid on top of the vapor barrier material. They were lifted onto the roof in the same way as the façade frames.

One side of the roof has already been covered with OSB. Remained small areas and another ramp. Since autumn is approaching and the rains have become more frequent, I threw away all other things and began to work closely on the roof - in order to protect the frame from excessive wetting. The work is hard, but perseverance conquers everything, and a helper is very helpful.

On at this stage It took me 7 cubes of 150x50 boards to build; almost two - 200x50; and 65 sheets of OSB - for external cladding, without floors and partitions.

All the lumber has practically gone into use, only the smallest trimmings - no more than 20 cm, are stored for further use as fuel - on a fire or in a smokehouse. If you use materials sparingly and carefully, you can build a house with your own hands relatively cheaply.

But since this season I am physically unable to cover the house with siding, in order to prevent heavy and frequent rains from spoiling the material, I decided to treat the slabs with tar diluted in a solvent.

The house temporarily acquired a gloomy black appearance, but is now reliably protected from moisture and destruction.

How to build a wooden house with your own hands: insulation and sound insulation

When I had completed the exterior work, during rainy weather I did a little work on the interior - insulating and at the same time soundproofing the floors with foam plastic slabs.

The gaps between the joints and walls were foamed with polyurethane foam using a gun. From the bottom I hemmed OSB sheets to the floor slabs of the first floor using wood screws, having previously supported them with spacers. This is very important in order to properly build a house with your own hands - in this way I not only protected the internal structures from strong temperature changes, but also protected the foam from destruction by mice, which love to live in it.

The floor inside the room was covered separately in rooms, so as not to damage the foam in the ceilings.

Isolon was laid on top of the log on the floor and secured with a construction stapler, and on top - OSB sheets, which were laid on the floor in a checkerboard pattern. This is important, because when laying sheets joined at four corners, the floors begin to creak heavily.

Gradually, the inside of the house is transformed and takes on an attractive appearance. Here you can already get serious about the internal work on wall insulation.

The work for the construction season has been completed, I covered the window openings for the winter with OSB sheets and covered them with film, and mothballed the construction of the house until next spring.

So, I have completed the main work and my dream - to build a house out of wood with my own hands - is close to completion. In winter, if the weather permits, I will deal with internal finishing works, and with the onset of spring, work will begin to boil with renewed vigor.

I hope I explained in detail and proved with the help of photos that you can build a frame house with your own hands!

Perhaps some of you, after reading my article, will be inspired to build one, and the photos given here will help him with this.

It is rapidly gaining popularity among individual developers. In Canada, this is a government program. In Russia, this means solving housing problems independently, and in the shortest possible time at the lowest possible cost.

It is possible to build a frame frame with your own hands, even in the absence of special construction education, skills, or experience. To do this, you will have to make an effort, understand the technology, and also acquire the simplest skills in performing construction work. As a result, you will be able to build a frame house with your own hands , and get for affordable price individual house to suit your special requests, needs, needs.

Let's bring detailed description technological operations. Using technology, you can do it yourself ( step-by-step instruction, 6x6 m2 - the dimensions of the house that we took as a basis) qualitatively.

Frame house: step-by-step instructions

Let's list the main steps that need to be completed sequentially in order to build a new frame house with your own hands; step-by-step instructions will give you the right idea about construction.

Frame wall diagram.

  1. Design - planning, thinking through the structure of a house, layout of walls and rooms, doors and windows, plumbing fixtures, water supply, sewerage, electrical wiring, heating. During the design process, a diagram of a frame house is drawn , which indicate locations utility networks and plumbing and heating devices. Working through the schemes frame houses with your own hands , household utility rooms, it is important to consider how the house will be heated - choose a heating system, a layout of its elements. By ready-made diagram Step-by-step construction will be carried out.
  2. Ground work is the preparation of a hole for the foundation and the actual construction of the foundation.
  3. Assembling the frame of walls and roof.
  4. Construction of walls and subfloor.
  5. External doors, windows and partitions.
  6. Interior decoration and internal doors.

Now let’s move on directly to the question, with our own hands, what to consider for high-quality construction and proper execution of the work.

DIY frame house

Preparatory work is necessary for any construction, especially if you decide to build a frame house, you will simply need step-by-step instructions. If you thought through the house design yourself, then you took into account the peculiarities of the location of the building on the site. If you bought finished project and decided to implement it on site, then you will need to “tie” the structure to your terrain. How to build a frame house, instructions will be useful at the very early stages of construction.

Frame house with your own hands step by step photo.

Site preparation

What will need to be done on the site where I am building a frame house with my own hands:

  • Clear it of old buildings, if there are any on the site, of construction debris and stumps and snags.
  • Provide the possibility of transportation building materials, clear the road for the car and a place to turn around.

Shed for storing boards.
  • Consider places for storing building materials; if the terrain is uneven, they should be located on elevated surfaces.
  • Perhaps the area needs to be leveled, for this you need to call construction equipment.
  • For some areas where frame construction is taking place, instructions will be relevant on how to build a fence to prevent theft of materials.

Site marking

By marking we mean the designation of the location of the future structure on the ground. The frame house diagram is transferred to the area using pegs and ropes. The pegs are driven into the ground and a rope is pulled between them, indicating the location of the future external walls.

Marking the site for construction.

Carefully measure all angles, observe the degrees (clearly marked 90°) and the length of the walls. Deviations of even a few degrees are not allowed. They lead to distortion of the structure and improper distribution of loads. Which, as a result, can reduce the strength of the entire structure and reduce its reliability.

Instructions for the foundation

The step-by-step construction of a frame house with your own hands begins with the foundation. This is the foundation of the house, a large, flat and strong “stand” on which the entire frame structure rests. It can be poured from concrete or assembled from ready-made concrete blocks.

Strip foundation for frame.

Frame construction called "light". Frame walls put much less pressure on the surface of the earth than permanent brick structures or concrete monoliths. The frame is also lighter than timber wooden house. Therefore, your building will need a small, shallow foundation.

On a note

When deciding with your own hands, you invariably face the question of choosing designs and materials. For frame buildings, shallow strip foundations or slabs are constructed. In some cases, foundations for frame frames are made deep.

This happens when the soil is unstable, mobile, loose, and the structure is planned on the shore of a reservoir. In this case, which will rest on deep and stationary layers of soil.

Strip foundation

It is a stone ribbon, a path buried 100-400 mm into the ground. The foundation rises 100-300 mm above the ground surface. Thus, the total height of the strip foundation for a frame house is 200-700 mm.

Strip foundation formwork with reinforcement mesh

On a note

You can make the foundation deeper and higher - but this is at your discretion, if you want to use more building materials and get a more massive structure for the foundation of the house.

The foundation tape is poured into trenches prepared in advance. You can mix the concrete for pouring yourself. Before pouring, a layer of sand is poured into the trenches, thereby creating a so-called sand cushion (thickness up to 100 mm) and metal reinforcement is laid.

Slab foundation

A slab foundation is also called a floating foundation. The frame house will rise and fall with it, with seasonal expansion of the soil. Therefore, the slab must be strong enough.

The slab foundation is poured from concrete and reinforcement, and the reinforcement is tied with wire. The reinforcing mesh provides the frame house slab with the necessary strength.

The foundation is poured monolithic slab

Slab base You can bury it minimally into the ground by 100-200 mm, or pour concrete onto a gravel bed without deepening. The total height of the slab should be 200-300 mm.

It is important for the foundation slab to ensure resistance to rising ground moisture. Therefore, when mixing concrete, a waterproof additive is added to it. This will ensure the concrete slab is waterproof and the floor inside the future room is dry. It will also extend the durability of the foundation and the entire structure.

Pile-screw foundation

To obtain a pile-screw foundation, you can use asbestos pipes or ready-made metal piles. For asbestos pipes prepare pits into which a pipe is installed and concrete is poured into it. Pre-reinforced, i.e. place metal fittings inside the pipe. Metal piles are screwed into the ground without removing the soil, without digging a hole.

To make it easier and clearer how to install a pile-screw foundation and a frame house with your own hands step by step photo.

Set of piles for screw foundation
Screwing in foundation piles manually
Compound screw piles foundation between each other
Pile-screw foundation

Timber tying

Horizontal beams are laid on top of the finished piles. This design is called a grillage. When you decide to build a frame house with your own hands, the step-by-step sequence begins with the installation of a grillage, which is also the bottom frame of the frame with vertical fastening of the racks on them.

For the bottom trim choose wooden beam section 150x150 mm. This is a load-bearing element of the structure, which must have sufficient strength and support the walls, roof, decoration and internal household appliances.

To connect the corners of the strapping, choose one of the methods suggested in the picture - half-tree or half-paw.

Half-tree connection options
Half-tree and half-leg connection

They differ in the thickness of the wood cut for corner joints. Half a tree - exactly half the thickness of the beam is cut, half a tree - the beam is cut at an angle to each other. The connection is reinforced from above with a metal bracket or plate. Then the corner of the trim is secured to the foundation with a metal anchor. After installation is completed, the timber is treated with an antiseptic.

Instructions for the subfloor

To build a frame house, the instructions will describe in detail the entire construction process. First of all, the floor of a frame house with your own hands consists of a rough layer and a finishing coating. The subfloor is made of concrete or wood. Finish coating made of wood, laminate, linoleum and other finishing materials.

Concrete subfloor

The concrete floor is poured on top of the ground. It represents a multilayer structure, which contains a layer of waterproofing, thermal insulation, and reinforcing mesh.

Concrete subfloor - concrete screed

The bottom layer is 10 mm sand. On top - thermal insulation made of expanded clay, sawdust with clay - the so-called adobe, penoplex. Next is concrete with a waterproofing additive.

Wooden subfloor

If wood is used to construct a subfloor, then empty space will form underneath it.

Subfloor between joists

Wooden joists are laid on top of the bottom frame and are used as a base, to which subfloor boards are nailed from below. Insulation is laid on the subfloor boards. Then the flooring is spread on the logs: laminate, linoleum, OSB, parquet.

Installation of a frame house

How to build a frame house with your own hands? Step by step diagram construction begins with the construction of the frame - one of the most important construction operations. It is important to choose the right beams and boards (size and cross-section) and connect them correctly. What features arise when the installation of a frame house begins: racks, beams, jibs and crossbars? You can easily start building a frame house with your own hands; the video will show you step by step all the main points of assembling the house.

  • The locations of the posts and joints of wooden elements are measured with a tape measure and marked with a pencil.
  • Carefully check the verticality of the posts, the horizon of the top trim and the angle of connection. The angles between the posts and beams should be 90°.
  • For connecting frame elements, the most reliable options are used - metal staples and nails.
  • The installation of a frame house is carried out from elements assembled in advance on the ground - wall templates, trusses. They are lifted, installed, temporarily supported by oblique beams and then secured with connecting elements.

Installation of walls in a frame house

Step by step construction frame house, the technology for assembling the wall frame is as follows:

  1. Lay the bottom trim.
  2. The frame of each wall (lower, upper and vertical elements) is assembled separately - the so-called wall template. Afterwards, the assembled template is lifted in its entirety and installed on the lower frame.
  3. A second top frame is laid on top of the wall templates, on which the rafters for the roof are then placed.

On a note

Three people will be needed to lift the 6 m long wall template. It’s quite possible for the three of us to raise such a template. Longer walls are assembled from several templates and their joints are connected with special threaded connections.

Assembling a frame house, photos and videos demonstrate the progress of construction operations - assembling the template and installing it in the location of the future wall.


In some frame house installation schemes, not only vertical and horizontal frame elements are used, but also inclined ones - the so-called jibs. They enhance the strength of the frame structure. They are made from boards 150-50 mm or 100-50 mm.

Correct location of the jib


A crossbar is a horizontal board that is attached next to the top trim board. The crossbar is attached to the template during assembly on the ground. For crossbars, wooden boards with a thickness of 50 mm or more are used.

Crossbar across the entire wall of a frame house

The horizontal support between the inclined roof trusses is also called a crossbar. In general, a crossbar is any beam that works in compression.


The corners of the frame are carried maximum load. Therefore, they are assembled from two or three support boards.

Options for fastening frame wall corners

Internal walls

The frame of the internal walls is assembled from wall templates in the same way as the external walls. The internal walls do not carry a large load, and therefore can be of a smaller cross-section.

The main requirement for internal walls is sound insulation. Therefore, their thickness should ensure the installation of soundproofing material during the subsequent arrangement of walls and their insulation.

Windows and doors

After assembling the frame, windows and doors are installed in the openings provided for in the diagram. It is easier to order this work from the manufacturer - along with installation in the window opening. As for the doors, their frame can be successfully assembled independently from wooden planks 25-30 mm thick.

Instructions for proper insulation

The frame house is being built step by step, and now it is necessary to start insulating the house. High-quality insulation ensures the ability to maintain a comfortable temperature in winter, and also determines your future payment costs winter heating. Therefore, here it is better to overdo it and insulate a frame house well with your own hands, than to save money and insufficiently insulate the walls of the building. What is used for insulation:

  • Mineral wool in the form of pressed matsbest option insulation of the frame structure. It allows air to pass through, provides air exchange, limits heat loss due to the fact that it does not conduct heat from the house to the street, does not cake and does not lose its properties over time. During installation, it shrinks a little and then expands, which ensures the absence of installation seams and cracks through which heat loss also usually occurs.

Wall insulation mineral wool
  • Styrofoam– rigid polyurethane foam boards. They have one advantage over mineral wool mats - they are cheaper in price. In all other respects they are inferior to cotton insulation. They do not shrink during installation and leave small gaps that need to be filled with foam. They do not allow air to pass through and do not provide air exchange. Requires the construction of exhaust ventilation, when permanent residence in a residential building.

Since thermal insulation with mineral wool mats has obvious advantages, let’s turn to this technology.

  • Mineral wool– moisture-absorbing material. Therefore, when installed inside the wall, it is covered from the outside with a special film. This film must be made of a membrane that will not stop air exchange. That is, the membrane structure should allow wet steam to pass through only on one side, i.e. do not allow moisture to pass through atmospheric air and release from within.

On a note

Using polyethylene instead of a membrane negates the efforts to build a “breathable” wall at home. You can equally well insulate the wall with airtight foam.

  • An external one can also block the removal of moisture. finishing material. Therefore, an air gap is provided between the membrane and the outer slabs - a void or air layer 50 mm thick. The moist air that has accumulated in the frame wall will come out through it. To construct such a gap, a wooden sheathing is used - wooden planks 50x50 mm wide. They are attached along the supports on top of the insulation. Afterwards, the outer wall panels are attached to the sheathing.

Step by step finishing

After installation of the walls, interior wall finishing begins. The basis for finishing are panels of wall material that were installed during the installation of the wall from inside the frame. The following materials are used as internal walls:

  • GKL plasterboard is a natural material, environmentally friendly, with an absolutely flat surface that does not need to be plastered or leveled in any way. Only the joints between adjacent plasterboard boards need to be sealed with putty.

Wall finishing with plasterboard.
  • Gypsum fiber boards GVL are a variant of plasterboard walls with higher strength properties.
  • OSB is a wood-containing material, shavings joined with synthetic glue. Has a lower degree of environmental safety. In addition, it has a rough surface and requires plastering and putty.

So, the sequence of operations when performing wall finishing is as follows:

    1. Installation interior wall(gypsum board or OSB wall panels).
    2. Sealing joints between panels. If it is drywall, then putty and glue the joints with paper tape. If OSB - then plastering the surface of the wood board.
    3. Primer for appropriate wall finishing. For gluing wallpaper - primer with glue. For painting - primer for paint.
    4. Direct execution of wall finishing - wallpapering, painting, decorative plastering of room walls.

If wall panels (MDF, cork) are used as wall decoration, then they turn to a different finishing technology. They do not make a rough wall, but immediately install the internal finishing material.

Finally, we offer you an interesting educational video about building a frame house with your own hands (a video with a step-by-step demonstration of technological operations).

It is important that the result is of high quality. If I build a frame house with my own hands, then I do everything reliably and correctly.

Options for a technology popular among developers differ in the choice of construction materials, construction method and type of insulation. It combines reliability, durability, speed of construction, and absence of shrinkage. The assembly instructions will help you master the science of private house building.

Without a project - blindfolded

What does a finished frame house project provide:

  • Floor plans and drawings of components and structures;
  • Complete list of quantities and sizes of materials;
  • Calculation of costs for components and work;
  • Timely supply of utilities;
  • Reduced overhead and transportation costs;
  • Elimination of the purchase of excess materials;
  • Planning the expenditure of personal funds according to the estimate.

Site preparation

A thrifty owner will clean up in advance weeds at the future construction site of a frame house, organizes covered storage areas for material, a room where power tools will remain overnight. Plans and prepares convenient entrances for vehicles. You will need a temporary toilet, a shelter for resting and eating.

Laying the foundation

Linking a project to a location involves familiarizing yourself with hydrogeological surveys in the area - this will give an idea of ​​the required type of foundation.
The total weight of the building, the layout, the nature of the terrain, the type of soil and the depth of groundwater will determine the thickness and depth of the foundation. Important: concrete foundations need reliable waterproofing and, at a minimum, a gravel-sand drainage layer for drainage. Embedded elements with threaded anchors are pre-installed into the concrete.

  • On weak, floodable soils, by the way, you will need a screw pile foundation, which can be installed mechanically in one daylight;
  • Frosty swelling will be tamed by a reinforced columnar foundation with an upper reinforced concrete grillage raised above the ground;
  • The tape, made together with a single cast slab, will support the weight of a multi-ton monolithic frame house.

Selection of building material

In terms of frequency of use, the usual pine board is in the lead. LSTK (light steel thin-walled structures) and monolithic houses are less common. Traditional technology and the LSTC method are similar. The instructions will cover common issues for them.

Bottom trim and floor joists

The frame of the lower frame is made not only from timber, but also from boards assembled into a package and placed on edge - warping of the material is less felt. Each board is nailed individually. The joints are spread along the entire length. A jute tape is laid between each pair of boards. Important: use dried, antiseptic planed material. The connections of the supporting structure are made with nails. Points of contact with concrete are laid with two layers of roofing felt.
Frame elements of a frame house are fastened with log joints and complemented by reinforced metal corners and supports. Horizontality is checked by level if it is not possible to use a level. A large washer is placed under the nut. The joists are suspended on open supports of suitable size. They are connected to each other by crossbars. The preferred fixation to the frame is studs. For ease of installation of the wall frame, a temporary subfloor is laid.

Accelerated wall installation

An increase in the pace of construction is possible if you purchase a complete house kit - the component parts do not require processing or adjustment. Second option - this is consolidation assembly units. To do this, an exact copy of the wall element is drawn on the subfloor, restrictive bosses are attached, and the first block is assembled. Control of dimensions and diagonals is the most thorough! The value should be calculated so that the weight does not exceed 100 kg when working with two people.
The step along the axes of the vertical posts is 60 cm. In order not to lose the geometry of the fragment, it is covered with OSB on top (oriented particle board) 9–12 mm thick. In this case, braces are not installed; the necessary spatial rigidity is provided by OSB and reinforced corners (optional). Sheet covering materials are fastened with self-tapping screws, with a distance of 10–12 mm from the edge of the sheet. The gap between the sheets is 3 mm. Window and doorways cut along the contour after hemming. Don't miss strengthening the openings with headers and additional racks.

Installation begins from the corner along the jute tape. Verticality and stability will be ensured by struts. The next block is also a corner block - they will hold each other. The conductor also carries out the assembly of interior partitions. It will also be useful for installing modules on the second floor. The connecting overlaps of two modular elements along the plane are laid with jute to avoid the appearance of cold bridges, and are tightened with pins.

The corners of the external walls are designed as a warm corner. This is more reliable than timber in retaining heat. The strength characteristics are the same. It is advisable to orient the OSB outward for subsequent ease of filling and protecting the insulation from precipitation during installation.

The walls of the first floor of a frame house are covered around the perimeter with boards 50 mm thick. This ensures that the weight of the superstructures is evenly absorbed and improves the connection between the corners. The joints are arranged exactly along the axis of the vertical posts, not coinciding with the underlying posts one step at a time. The ceiling is an exact copy of the floor of the first floor. The axes of the joists and vertical pillars of the walls of the second floor (if it is arranged) coincide. Assembly according to the rules implies distribution of weight precisely along the axes.


Mostly the roof of a frame house is gable according to its configuration: simple design with a slope of 35–45 degrees it has less windage and does not accumulate snow mass. The power frame duplicates the axes of the structures located below. Roofing work begins when the frame gains rigidity due to the main walls, partitions, interfloor ceilings and sewn-in gables sheathed on one side with OSB.

Insulation according to the rules

Significant parameters for choosing insulation:

  • Air permeability – the ability to remove condensate from the dew point;
  • Thermal conductivity level;
  • Durability;
  • Density.

The above requirements are met by penoizol and basalt wool. The pitch of the posts and logs of a frame house is initially adjusted to the slab mineral wool materials: they are clamped in width during installation. An additional safety net against sagging is fixation at several points with mushroom holders. Each subsequent layer is laid overlapping the joints of the previous one.

Thermal insulation is installed under a covered roof. The instructions for insulating walls, ceilings and roofs are identical. In interior partitions, basalt wool functions only as a sound absorber. External structures not only hold, but also protect the insulation from getting wet and weathering.

A vapor barrier membrane is installed on the inside of the wall. The orientation of the sides is marked on the packaging. Purpose: to prevent moisture from entering the heat insulator from inside the house. The reverse process is possible. The film strips are overlapped with double-sided tape. The places where the staplers are attached are taped with adhesive tape.

A hydro-windproofing film is installed on the outside. It protects stone wool from precipitation and gusts of wind. To effectively drain the insulation, a ventilated facade is installed: vertical slats under exterior decoration maintain a continuous flow of air, not allowing moisture to linger in bad weather, and drawing vapors from the thickness of the mineral wool in dry weather.


The instructions presented to your attention are not a dogma, but an unobtrusive guide to the basic points of bringing to life the idea of ​​​​building your own frame housing. Strict adherence to traditions or reckless immersion in high-tech avant-garde is your right choice. Creativity is never wrong. Be brave, you can do it!

An important advantage of such buildings is that a person has the opportunity to build a house in full accordance with his preferences. After all, you can choose any suitable one.

The peculiarities of building frame houses are that first a rigid frame of the house with a roof is constructed. After this the finishing begins sheet material And . Further construction is also underway. If you start building with my own hands, then the construction of such a dwelling can be completed within six months.

When building a house using this technology, it is very important to take into account the expected time of residence there. Because if it is seasonal, then the house will have the same requirements, but if you plan to use the home all year round, then it must be carefully insulated.

Construction technology: foundation

You can get by with one of the following:

  • not buried.

The final choice of foundation depends on the number of storeys of the future house and the type in the area.

For a low-rise building, a simple one will be enough, which is suitable even for the capricious.

Recesses are made in it with a diameter of about 20 centimeters and about a meter deep, at a distance of 0.8 m from each other.

Construction in stages: piping

The subfloor itself is usually made from unedged boards, the cheapest material.

But it must also be treated with means. The boards are fastened to them with nails, the logs are attached to the strapping with metal corners.

House in stages: mounting the frame

It is fixed with nails with large heads. Installation occurs at the very last stage. If the method of using the material used allows, then all activities can be carried out with your own hands.

House in stages: insulation and finishing

There are many various materials used for exterior decoration. This is a simulator of timber, chipboard, etc. Final finishing preceded by the installation of sheathing made of 50/40 beams, with a distance of 0.6 m between them. Metal profiles are successfully used for this purpose.

If the sheathing is wooden, then it must be treated with fire-fighting and antiseptic agents.

Then manual finishing is carried out in accordance with the technology of the material used for finishing.

In order for something built with your own hands to be warm and cozy, it must be. This will require both internal and