“Modern trends in the development of education, pros and cons. Education in Russia - modern development trends Trends in the development of management of modern education

state budgetary professional educational institution

Rostov region "Shakhtinsky teacher training college»

Article on the topic:

« Contemporary issues education, trends in its development and directions of reform.”

Completed by: student of group 4 “B”

specialties 02/44/05

Corrective pedagogy

in primary education

Vinichenko Tatyana Anatolevna



The education system in Russia, and throughout the world, is influenced by a variety of factors: geopolitical, socio-economic, demographic, technological and others. Despite this, currently Russian Federation a satisfactory system of education and science has developed. However, speaking specifically about science, the uncertain situation in this area is demonstrated not only by the low level of inventions and discoveries, but also by the annually decreasing scientific community. Therefore, the main direction public policy in the field of science there is support for the most talented domestic scientists, incl. young people and inviting leading foreign specialists.

The central task of modernizing the education system was and remains to ensure the unity of the educational space, through the formation of a common civic culture and providing everyone with equal opportunities to receive a quality education. The most important elements of modern Russian system education – certification, licensing and accreditation procedures.

Education management in the Russian Federation is carried out at the federal, regional, and municipal levels. At the federal level, this direction is implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and federal Service for supervision in the field of education and science (Rosobrnadzor). The powers of the Ministry of Education and Science include: approval of state educational standards, licensing, accreditation and liquidation educational institutions, development and implementation of state and international programs, etc. The main powers of Rosobrnadzor are control and supervision in the field of education and science. At the regional and municipal levels, management is carried out through bodies state power subjects of the Russian Federation and relevant local government bodies.

At the end of 2015, President of the Russian Federation V.V. At a meeting of the State Council on Improving the Education System in the Russian Federation, Putin identified its key areas of development and improvement. These include: improving the quality and efficiency of teaching work, creating comfortable conditions for the learning and education of schoolchildren, introducing new forms of vocational guidance based on the interaction of schools, universities and production.

The modern Russian education system has a number of trends that are important to take into account both in theoretical and practical aspects.

1. Availability. Already now a successfully implemented direction for improving the educational environment is the creation of conditions for comfortable and accessible learning for children with disabilities. disabilities health, through the use of new teaching methods, educational technologies, information and telecommunication technologies and distance learning.

2. Variability. Improved educational institutions make it possible to take into account the interests of a particular student and use a person-centered approach to training and education. Profile institutions offer applicants to obtain new specialties, with increasing fundamentalization of programs.

3. Additional education. In the vocational education system, additional service programs focused on adult education are gaining popularity among the mature population. They include educational programs and services implemented, for example, in continuing education institutions, retraining courses, vocational guidance centers, etc.

4. Mass character. A debatable trend in higher education is the growth of its mass character, which in Russia is occurring at an accelerated pace. This is due to the process of transition from industrial economy to the “knowledge economy”. Also added to this is the factor of the younger generation’s lack of broad institutional opportunities for professional self-realization.

5. Continuity. Thus, in the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020, the most important task in achieving accessibility to education is the creation of a system of continuous education, training and retraining of personnel. The system is based on the principles of adaptation of the population to the constantly changing conditions of professional activity, ensuring the possibility of constant self-development in accordance with individual aspirations, and increasing the educational resources of society.

However, there are a number of problems that need to be identified. Firstly, the excessive theoretical orientation of training. This affects the complication of the process of adaptation of a graduate of a higher educational institution directly to the workplace. In our opinion, the main difficulty for many is the inability to compare theoretical knowledge with its practical application.

Secondly, there is a high degree of depreciation of fixed assets and equipment necessary for the implementation of a highly effective educational process, both in schools and in higher educational institutions. Obviously, the obsolescence of educational equipment slows down the process of learning and mastering new technologies.

Thirdly, manifestations of corruption in the Russian education system. This phenomenon blocks the possibility of vertical mobility through obtaining quality education for children from disadvantaged families, and also does not contribute to the development of high-quality intellectual potential in the country.

Fourthly, insufficient funding for the Russian sphere of education and science. Lack of financial resources leads to a reduction educational institutions and highly qualified personnel, which undermines the prestige of work in this field. In addition, the lack of cash may lead to a decrease in the level of education and, as a consequence, a drop in economic growth as a whole, which will negatively affect the socio-economic development of the state.

Finally, fifthly, the absence of an often direct close relationship between higher educational institutions and the labor market, which becomes the final stage in summarizing the quality of intellectual potential and the use of human capital in the country. Most graduates after graduation go to work outside their specialty, or even retrain, which undermines the effectiveness of the educational system. However, even when looking for a job “in their specialty,” graduates are not ready to choose low-paid entry-level vacancies, but at the same time, the employer does not want to hire a university graduate without relevant work experience and the necessary skills for a responsible position. The problem is developing into a conflict of interests between employers and university graduates.

Summarizing all of the above, I would like to note that at this stage development, the Russian education system supports previously uncharacteristic features and characteristics, actively developing and setting new vectors for socio-economic growth. However, there are definitely problems and shortcomings in the current education system, but at the same time, through active policies, the state is trying to solve them. The successful implementation of all goals and objectives in the field of educational development requires careful planning, a well-developed strategy, attention to resources, provision of retraining and the development of appropriate procedures.

The current difficult macroeconomic situation in the country and ambitious strategic goals dictate the need for qualitatively new areas of training, starting from preschool institutions and ending with centers of advanced training, which should contribute to raising the educational level of the population, strengthening intellectual potential, increasing the number of qualified specialists and improving the quality of education in the Russian Federation, taking into account the processes of globalization. The structure of the Russian education system and modern directions for the implementation of state policy in this area embody the values ​​and goals that society sets for the new generation. At the moment, there is a decline in the quality of education, a low level of training for the transition to a knowledge economy, innovative development of national economic system. In addition, the role of higher education in focusing on the continuity of the educational process, training does not contribute to the visual preparation of a person for his future specialty.

It is the education system in modern society that should become the most important reproducer of the country’s human capital. To implement this, in our opinion, it is necessary to solve current problems as follows:

1. Strengthen the practical orientation of education, introduce more practical disciplines into educational programs, attract more practicing teachers into the educational process, which will strengthen the practice-oriented orientation of training.

2. Support and develop the technological side of the education system as much as possible. This means a focus on solving the problem of equipping and using domestic scientific and technical developments to form an innovative economy.

3. Develop, based on the Unified State Examination, other forms of objective final assessment of students’ knowledge, by creating an examination base prepared by universities for applicants, while in every possible way revealing creativity and supporting the interest and activity of school graduates.

4. Select from state budget additional volumes of financial resources for the development of infrastructure of educational institutions and wages. In particular, establish a minimum hourly wage for teaching staff in the relevant specialty and area of ​​training, not lower than the regional average.

5. Expand the infrastructure of institutes for advanced training and retraining of personnel to solve the problems of structural unemployment.

6. Smooth out the processes of international educational integration by internationalizing higher education, increasing the mobility of teachers and students and providing opportunities for a wider exchange of experience.

7. Conduct an analysis of the strategies of the upcoming education reforms from the point of view of risks for the national security of the Russian Federation.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the education system is one of the key indicators of the socio-economic development of the state. With the desire and desire to take a leading position on the world stage, the state is obliged to take care of the literacy and education of the population, thereby forming the highly intellectual human potential of the country. At the same time, for Russia, the problem of forming intellectual potential focused on modernization and innovative development of the economy is today no longer a humanitarian task, but a major issue of ensuring national security.

“Modern trends in the development of education, pros and cons”

IN modern world Issues related to the field of education are of particular importance. Radical changes in the field of economics, politics, and law raise the question of the need for an adequate and essential understanding of the processes occurring in various spheres of social reality. Their most general assessment is the recognition of the highly crisis state of society as a whole and, in particular, the education system as one of the most important social institutions.

Speaking about modern trends in the development of education, about its pros and cons, one cannot help but touch upon the importance of education for modern society. In his article "Current problems in the development of modern education in Russia,” authors M. A. Barzaeva and E. A. Abdulazizova expressed their views on the importance of education for the country as a whole. They wrote: “In the modern world, education plays a very important role in determining the social status of an individual, in the development and reproduction of the social structure of society, in maintaining social status, order and stability, and in exercising social control. Moreover, being a factor in the reproduction of the socio-professional structure of society, education is one of the main and effective channels of social mobility. The quality of labor resources, and therefore the state of the economy as a whole, directly depends on the level of education.”.

I fully support their opinion. The meaning of their statement is that inin the modern world, the importance of education as the most important factor in the formation of a new quality of economy and society increases along with the growing influence of human capital.A rThe role of education at the present stage of Russia’s development is determined by the tasks of its transition to a democratic and legal state, to a market economy, and the need to overcome the danger of the country lagging behind global trends in economic and social development.

Based on the goals and objectives of the country’s development at the present stage, education is also being reformed. These changes are reflected inFederal State Educational Standard-2 and related concepts, programs, textbooks, technologies, in the new law “On Education of the Russian Federation” and other regulatory documents.

One of the distinctive features of the modern education system is the transition from state to state-public education management. The essence of state and public management lies in combining the efforts of the state and society in solving educational problems. In accordance with Federal program it is planned to develop mechanisms for improving the interaction and coordination of the activities of government bodies of the Russian Federation, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, associations of the education system and public organizations for the development of the education system as a single complex. This task is due to the presence of problems in the management of the educational system in the Russian Federation. These include:

The fragmentation of joint activities of society,
education systems and facilities mass media on the creation and dissemination of educational, educational, scientific and educational programs, broadcasts and other materials;

Imperfection of forms and insufficiency of intensifying the participation of professional associations and associations of educational institutions, teaching and research workers, parents (legal representatives) and public organizations in the implementation of state policy in the field of education;

The practical absence of forms and methods for developing student self-government;

Lack of development of the legal framework for the relationship between providers of educational services, students and their parents (legal representatives).

The education system in Russia since the collapse Soviet Union has undergone many changes and is still in the reform stage. Today it is becoming fashionable to criticize the weaknesses of the educational process in schools and universities (just look at the sensational saga with the Unified State Exam, the pros and cons of which are still being debated), but we must not forget that everything is learned by comparison. Let's try to find out whether the modern education system has any advantages.

Let's go toLet's briefly describemodern trends in education development :

1. Humanization of education – consideration of the student’s personality as the highest value of society, emphasis on the formation of a citizen with high intellectual, moral and physical qualities. Despite the fact that this principle is one of the traditional principles, at the present stage of development of education its implementation is ensured by other conditions, first of all, the complexity of traditional and new trends in the functioning of the educational system.

2 . Personalization as an effort of another traditional didactic principle of the need for an individual approach.

The implementation of this principle is manifested, first of all, in the organization of a personal-activity approach in education. The emergence of such an integrated, systematic approach to the upbringing and education of children is due not only to the natural development of pedagogical science, which, like any field human activity, characterized by a constant desire for progress, but also by an urgent crisis existing system education. A feature of this approach is the consideration of the learning process as a specific form of subject-subject relations between teacher and student. The very name of this approach emphasizes the relationship between its two main components: personal and activity.

The personal (or personality-oriented) approach assumes that the student with his individual psychological, age, gender and national characteristics is at the center of learning. Within this approach, training should be built taking into account the individual characteristics and “zone of proximal development” of the student. This consideration is manifested in the content of educational programs, forms of organization of the educational process and the nature of communication.

The essence of the activity component is that education contributes to the development of the individual only if it encourages him to take action. The significance of the activity and its result influences the effectiveness of a person’s mastery of universal human culture. When planning educational activities, it is necessary to take into account not only General characteristics activity (subjectivity, subjectivity, motivation, purposefulness, awareness), but also its structure (actions, operations) and components (subject, means, methods, product, result).

3.Democratization – creating prerequisites for the development of activity, initiative and creativity of participants in the educational process (students and teachers), broad involvement of the public in education management.

If we proceed from the fact that education is the most important institution of social reproduction, and should become a key tool for the democratization of society. AND e If we want our society to be democratic, then we must teach the child from childhood, within the limits available to him, to manage his own affairs and instill basic skills in democratic procedures, a democratic approach to decision-making, public dialogue and respect for the positions of others. The choice of rights and freedoms makes a person not only an object of education, but also its active subject, independently determining his choice from a wide range educational programs, educational institutions, types of relationships.

For current state educational management system is the most characteristic processdecentralization, those. transfer of a number of functions and powers from higher government bodies to lower ones, in which federal bodies develop the most general strategic directions, and regional and local authorities concentrate efforts on solving specific financial, personnel, material, and organizational problems.

4.Variability or diversification (translated from Latin - diversity, diversified development) of educational institutions involves the simultaneous development of various types of educational institutions: gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, schools with in-depth study of individual subjects, both state and non-state.

It manifests itself in structural changes in the educational system. The realization that high-quality training and education is possible only in conditions of real continuity of all links of the educational system leads to the emergence of complex educational institutions ( kindergarten– school, school – university, etc.). The trend towards integration is still noticeable today in the content of education: interdisciplinary connections are being strengthened, integrative courses are being created and implemented in different types of educational institutions, etc.

5.Integrity manifests itself in structural changes in the educational system. The realization that high-quality education and upbringing is possible only in conditions of real continuity of all links of the educational system leads to the emergence of complex educational institutions (kindergarten-school, school-university, etc.) The trend towards integration is still noticeable today in the content of education: there is an increase interdisciplinary connections, integrative courses are created and implemented in different types of educational institutions, etc.

6.Psychologization modern educational process of integration. This not only reflects increased social interest in psychology (which is typical during periods of social crises and, as a consequence, frustration and neuroticism of society), but also suggests that today the very formulation of pedagogical tasks is changing.

In addition to the task of developing knowledge, skills and abilities (KAS) in students, the teacher is faced with the task of developing thinking abilities that will allow the child to receive them. If the formation of the ZUN field is a pedagogical task, then the formation of mental properties is a psychological and pedagogical task. However, the level of psychological training of our teachers does not allow us to successfully solve this problem today.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to conduct special research, the results of which would help to better implement the current trend toward the practical integration of pedagogy and psychology. Therefore, educational institutions have introduced the position of educational psychologist, who helps solve assigned problems.

7. Transition from informative to active teaching methods includes elements of problematic, scientific research, widespread use of reserves independent work students, it implies a rejection of strictly regulated, controlling, algorithmic ways of organizing the educational process in favor of developmental ones that stimulate the creativity of the individual.

According to Yu.M. Lotman, “... We have to learn to live in a world that is unusual for us, a rapidly changing world, in comparison with which the dynamic twentieth century will seem comfortably motionless.” Today, having lived almost two tenths of the 21st century, it is difficult to disagree with this statement. The cultural situation of our time presents a picture of a chaotic kaleidoscope of forms, phenomena, innovations, phenomena, both mental and spiritual, both real and virtual.

Therefore, today the need for specialists with high potential and the ability to systematically set and solve various problems is quite clearly expressed. Creativity, as the most important mechanism of adaptation in a broader sense, can be considered not only as professional characteristics, but also how necessary a personal quality is that allows a person to adapt to rapidly changing social conditions and navigate the ever-expanding information field. The formation of such quality requires a systematic approach and can be successfully implemented at all levels of education, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the individual.

8.Standardization content of education is characteristic of modern international educational practice and is caused by the need to create a unified level of general education, regardless of the type of educational institution. It is understood as a system of basic parameters adopted as the state norm of education, reflecting the social ideal and taking into account the individual’s ability to achieve this ideal.

9.Industrialization training, i.e. its computerization and accompanying technologization, which makes it possible to create and use new models of teaching and testing the effectiveness of mastering its content (for example, programmed training). In addition, computerization of the educational process greatly expands the possibilities of distance learning, especially for people who, due to health reasons, are not able to attend educational institutions.

Functional The purpose of a computer in teaching is different for students and teachers. For a teacher, computer technology is a tool of his work, for students it is a means of their development. On the one hand, computers facilitate the learning process in the sense of increasing the efficiency of transfer educational information, control of its assimilation, correction of various types of deviations in learning. On the other hand, excessive passion for computers and their inept use can become a source of loss of cognitive interests, laziness of thinking and others. undesirable consequences in students. In the age of ICT, according to the writer M. Wehler, a person receives a lot of varied information. But the problem arises of understanding this information, processing it, students’ literacy has fallen, children are poorly retelling what they read, as the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Vasilyeva says, children have become tongue-tied, etc. (Interview published in AIF)

In his “Letter to his Son's Teacher,” Abraham Lincoln asked: “If you can, teach him to take an interest in books... And give him also free time to meditate on the eternal mysteries: the birds in the sky, the bees in the sun, and the flowers in the green.” hillsides." Therefore, in Russian educationThe priority should remain live communication between the teacher and students, during which the teacher conveys his life experience, positive moral attitudes, not only instructs, but also inspires independent knowledge of the world (of course, if we are talking about a Teacher with a capital T).

The modern education system, undoubtedly, cannot be called perfect. There are still many major and minor flaws that need to be worked on.The undoubted disadvantages of modern education include the fact that, moving away from Soviet education, it did not come very close to education oriented to the Western value system. The modern education system can definitely be called transitional. Educational institutions are underfunded, especially schools in small cities, towns and rural areas. Education is replaced by training and coaching. Unified State Exam tests are not well thought out. The delivery forms are not suitable for all children. In education, the possibilities for an individual approach are minimal. The assessment system is very imperfect. Often both student and teacher work for and for assessment. The approach is average, because everyone needs to be taught. The teacher physically cannot interview everyone and devote enough time to them. Students are overloaded with classes, they receive a lot of things that they will never need in the future. The amount and quality of knowledge acquired in modern school is greatly questioned by many people. Paid education and the mass Unified State Exam make school education not very necessary, in fact. And that's not itshortcomings in the development of modern educational reforms that can be listed. But we, parents and teachers, must remember one thing: in any conditions, it is important not only to educate a child, but also to raise a highly moral, strong-willed personality who will direct his knowledge and skills to making this world a better place! Knowing the shortcomings, we must pay attention to them and try to fill the shortcomings of the existing system with personal participation in the child’s life.

In conclusion of my work, I would like to draw attention to the following points. Currently, education in Russia is going through hard times. When considering the numerous problems of education, it is necessary to proceed from its development in specific educational systems and its place in the world and society.This paper examined a number of problems of modern education. Based on the above, the following conclusion suggests itself: an active search for modern social and pedagogical technologies development of education. The previous traditional position - waiting for instructions from above - is unlikely to bring success today. The problem is to study the needs of subjects of the educational process and create favorable conditions for their satisfaction. But on the other handPedagogical science has now explored many trends in the development of education, however, without understanding them and accepting them at the state, administrative and managerial level, it will not be possible to fully develop them and bring them to the point of implementation into widespread educational practice. The system always strives for a state of balance and stability, and some changes will introduce a clear imbalance.

Therefore, at the end of my work, I want to emphasize that for the successful development of education in generalWhat is needed is broad public support for the ongoing educational policy, the restoration of responsibility and the active role of the state in this area, a deep and comprehensive modernization of education with the allocation of the necessary resources for this and the creation of mechanisms for their effective use.


1.Barzaeva M.A., Abdulazizova E.A. Current problems of the development of modern education in Russia // Young scientist. - 2015. - No. 8. - P. 463-465

2. Zagvyazinsky A.E. The current educational situation and the tasks of modernization of Russian education

nia // Public education No. 5. 2012. pp. 11–16.

3. Kudyukin Pavel Article - Five theses about education -
Lotman Yu.M. Education of the soul. St. Petersburg: “Art of St. Petersburg”, 2005.


The article is devoted to the influence of the main trends in the development of education in the modern world, on the formation of personality and the process of globalization of education in society, as well as the modernization of modern school education. The author reveals the role of the modern school in the stable organization of the educational process and the formation of comprehensive personal development that meets the requirements of modern society. The author emphasizes the existence of many approaches to substantiate trends in the development of education in the 21st century, such as the humanization of education, the democratization of education, the rapid development of vocational education and the desire for lifelong education. The author scientifically identifies and defines the main trends in the development of education, such as humanization, democratization, integration, standardization, informatization, computerization, globalization. The importance of the above trends for the formation of comprehensive personal development and the development of modern education is scientifically substantiated. The article indicates the effectiveness of the application of the above scientific trends in the formation of students' personality in the educational process.










1. Great Russian Encyclopedia. T. 7. – M.: Scientific publication “Big Russian Encyclopedia”, 2007. – P. 767.

2. State program for the development of education of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2010–2015: Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan dated April 29, 2009, No. 254. http://www.aot.tj/ (date of access: 01/13/2014).

3. On education: law of the Republic of Tajikistan. – Dushanbe, 2013. http://www.aot.tj/ (access date: 01/13/2014).

4. Malkovskaya I.A. Profile of the information and communication society (review of foreign theories) // Social Research. – 2007. – No. 2. – P. 76–85.

5. National strategy for the development of education of the Republic of Tajikistan until 2020. http://www.aot.tj/ (date of access: 01/13/2014).

6. National development strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan until 2015. Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan dated April 3, 2007. No. 166. http: //amcu.gki.tj/ (date of access: 01/13/2014).

7. Programs for the socio-economic development of Tajikistan until 2015. Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan dated March 1, 2004. No. 86. http://amcu.gki.tj/ (access date: 01/13/2014).

8. Sharifzoda F. Current problems of modern pedagogy. Dushanbe: Irfon, 2009. – P. 460

Recently, the entire progressive public of the republic has been concerned about the organization of school education and its modernization, since the school - in the broad sense of the word - should become the most important factor in the humanization of socio-economic relations, the formation of new life attitudes of the individual. The learning process at school should provide the younger generation with the opportunity to obtain reliable, necessary and lasting knowledge, which is the foundation of a competent personality. A developing society needs modernly educated, moral, enterprising and competent individuals who are capable of independently making responsible decisions in a situation of choice, predicting them possible consequences who know how to choose ways of cooperation. They are distinguished by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, and have a developed sense of responsibility for the fate of the country.

Currently, there are many approaches to substantiating trends in the development of education in the 21st century. The following main trends in the development of education in the modern world can be identified:

  • humanization of education as a radical turn from its technocratic goal (providing production with personnel, their adaptation to the needs of production) to the humanistic goals of the formation and development of the individual, creating conditions for his self-realization;
  • democratization of education as a transition from a rigid centralized and uniform system of organizing education to the creation of conditions and opportunities for every educational institution, every teacher, lecturer, pupil and student to fully reveal their capabilities and abilities;
  • rapid development of general and professional education of the individual in relation to the level of development of production, its equipment and technology;
  • the desire for lifelong education as a transition from the “education for life” design.

But these approaches do not take into account one of the main features of modern civilization, which is determined by the processes of globalization. As a result, the development trends of modern education, in our opinion, need to be considered on a global scale, that is, in the context of the development of the world educational process. Based on this, the development trends of modern education in the 21st century can be represented in the form of a picture.

Let's take a quick look at each of these trends.

Trends in the development of modern education

Humanization of education. 21st century, a century of struggle between cultures and human resources associated with educational systems. Therefore, education must be reoriented from the interests of society and production to the interests and capabilities of the individual students.

The humanization of education is opposed to its technocratization, that is, its focus on serving society and, above all, production and scientific and technological progress.

Humanization of education means creating optimal conditions for the comprehensive development of the individual. Therefore, training should be personally oriented.

The main characteristic features of such training are:

  • priority of development over training;
  • subject-subject relations;
  • knowledge, skills and abilities as a means of personal development;
  • usage active methods training;
  • inclusion of reflection, self-analysis and self-assessment in the learning process.

Humanistic education should contribute to the education of the following components of the basic structure of personality:

  • culture of life and professional self-determination;
  • intellectual culture;
  • moral culture;
  • technological culture;
  • information culture;
  • civic culture;
  • ecological culture.

The humanization of the modern school contributes to the strengthening and complication of level and profile differentiation of education in accordance with the inclinations, interests, capabilities and abilities of students.

Fundamentalization of education. In a market economy, education becomes the main personal capital. In order to dispose of it profitably, it is necessary that it be “convertible,” that is, find application in the labor market. Hence the need for fundamentalization arises.

The conditions for ensuring the fundamentalization of education are:

  1. Reducing the core content of education.
  2. Training pupils and students in basic qualifications.
  3. Strengthening general education components in professional educational programs.
  4. Strengthening the scientific potential of educational institutions.

Technologization of education. The formation and development of information technology civilization led to the implementation of technologization of education. Technological training is considered as an integral element of general education and is the main constituent element vocational education.

Democratization of education. Democratization is one of the leading directions in the development of modern education. Democratization of education is based on the following principles:

  • self-organization of educational activities of pupils and students;
  • cooperation between teachers and students;
  • openness of educational institutions;
  • diversity of educational systems;
  • regionalization of education;
  • equal opportunities in education;
  • public and public administration.

Democratization should contribute to the realization of every person's right to education, regardless of his social status, gender, nationality, religion, or race.

Integration of education. Integrated learning is becoming increasingly widespread in the world school.

The main objective of integrated learning is to familiarize students with the basic phenomena, facts of the relevant sciences, the formation of skills, classification and measurement of the phenomena being studied, and the development of scientific intuition.

In addition to internal integration, external integration is also being carried out, aimed at bringing together the educational systems of different countries and the formation of a single world educational space.

Integration in education as a process is not new at all methodological phenomenon. A historical analysis of pedagogical research has shown that the problem of integration in teaching has been given attention during all periods of development of pedagogical science and practice, both domestic and foreign. At the same time, integration involves the creation of fundamentally new educational content, educational and methodological support, and new teaching technologies.

Integration of learning today is being implemented primarily at its first stage - in primary school. And they begin this process with the content of primary education, the essence of which is that integration enables the child to perceive objects and phenomena in a comprehensive and systematic manner in a holistic manner.

Essentially, integration of learning allows already in elementary school to lay the foundations for a holistic perception of nature and society and form one’s own attitude to the laws of their development. Therefore for junior school student it is important to look at an object or phenomenon of reality from different sides: in logical and emotional terms, in work of art and a scientific and educational article, from the point of view of a biologist and literary artist, painter, musician, etc. .

Standardization of education. An important condition for achieving a certain quality of education are educational standards. Standardization of education has always been carried out in various countries through the development of curricula and programs, and the establishment of a certain level of education.

The Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On Education” stipulates that government agencies The authorities formulate the educational minimum content of basic educational programs, the maximum volume of study load, and requirements for the level of training of graduates.

Informatization and computerization of education. The formation of information technology civilization led to the process of informatization and computerization of education. New information technologies are being introduced in educational institutions. The very concept of learning is changing, since productive acquisition of knowledge is now impossible without the ability to use information. The ability to obtain information is one of the components of functional literacy of a modern person.

Computer technologies develop students’ intellectual abilities, promote a deeper understanding of the material, and increase learning motivation.

Globalization of education. The beginning of the 21st century is characterized by the intensification of globalization processes in all spheres of life of the world community and our country. The Great Russian Encyclopedia presents the following definition of globalization: “Globalization is the modern stage of internationalization international relations, economic, political and sociocultural processes, characterized by particular intensity. The most obvious manifestations of globalization are the consolidation of a single world market, the active development of interstate, financial, trade production relations, the expansion of cash, commodity and human flows, the accelerated adaptation of social structures to dynamic economic processes, cultural universalization, the formation of a universal information space based on the latest computer technologies.” .

But this definition, in our opinion, does not fully reflect all aspects of this process. This is due to the fact that at the present stage of social development, globalization is a very multifaceted, contradictory and, as a consequence, not fully understood process. Today there are a large number of diverse opinions on the main problems of globalization, but basically two approaches to this process predominate. Some scientists view globalization as a process that is a guarantor of the integrity of the world and its development, others see globalization as a process of “Westernization,” that is, the spread of values ​​and norms characteristic of Euro-American culture.

Globalization processes affect almost all aspects of life in our society, including education. In these conditions, the education of Tajikistan faces new tasks, which were first outlined in the State Program for the Development of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2010-2015. , in the National Strategy for the Development of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan until 2020. and in other fundamental documents defining the development of the education sector in Tajikistan.


Sharifzoda F., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, academician of the Academy of Education of Tajikistan, professor, head of the department of science and innovation of AOT, Khujand;

Negmatov S.E., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of the Academy of Education of Tajikistan, Khujand.

The work was received by the editor on February 18, 2014.

Bibliographic link

URL: http://fundamental-research.ru/ru/article/view?id=33726 (access date: 01/04/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Currently, our country is undergoing major changes in various public spheres. A reassessment of values ​​is taking place, and public consciousness is being modernized.

The main trends in the development of education are closely related to similar phenomena and processes.

Modernization goals

Since almost a third of Russians study, systematically improve their skills, or teach someone, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of education reform.

The main trends in the development of modern education suggest:

  • creating the required conditions for the formation of a harmoniously developed personality;
  • launching mechanisms that contribute to the self-development of the younger generation;
  • continuity in education;
  • giving educational activities social significance.

The basis of the modern policy of changing the educational structure is the construction of educational activities on a student-oriented method.

Basic principles of changing the content of education

Let's consider the main trends in the development of education in Russia. They are based on several principles.

Thus, the democratization of the domestic educational system presupposes the active participation of local and state authorities in the management of educational institutions. Teachers received the right to creativity and demonstration of their own teaching experience.

Thanks to the alternativeness and variability of domestic education, it is possible to move away from the classical educational system to a variety of innovative methods that provide alternative ways of obtaining education.

There are also trends in the development of the education system that contribute to its openness and accessibility. It is thanks to openness that emancipation is currently observed, the liberation of education from internal dogmas, its harmonious unification with culture, politics, and society.

Humanization of education

It consists in overcoming the main vice of the classical school - impersonality. Modern trends in the development of education are aimed at respecting the child’s individuality, interacting with him on trusting terms, taking into account his interests and requests.

Humanization presupposes a serious revision by pedagogy and society of the attitude towards the younger generation who have certain deviations in physical and mental development.

The main trends in the development of education are aimed at the early identification of gifted and talented children, building individual educational development trajectories for them. The teacher serves as a mentor, helps students overcome emerging difficulties, correct the path of self-development and self-improvement.

Differentiation of the educational process

Modern trends in the development of education suggest the identification of two fundamental tasks:

  • ensuring children's rights to choose basic or specialized education;
  • individualization of the educational process based on conformity with nature and a person-oriented approach.

Among those features that need to be noted in Russian education, we highlight its continuity.

Such trends in the development of education contribute to the multidimensional movement of the individual in educational activities.

Ways and directions of development of education in the Russian Federation

In the domestic education system, contradictory and complex processes. With deep reform and development of content, there is a significant lag in financial, economic, material, technical, and personnel support.

Among the most important areas are:

  1. Preservation and strengthening of the harmoniousness of the educational system, taking into account the regional, economic, national interests of peoples and regions.
  2. Reforming domestic education.
  3. Retraining of qualified personnel.
  4. Legal and regulatory support for the development and functioning of the educational system.


To update national education, it is necessary to implement a unified target system for planning educational programs, development and functioning of methodological centers. Regional plans are created on the basis of the basic federal plan.

Also among the trends of our time, it is necessary to note the structural restructuring of the content of education along a complete vertical, starting with preschool institutions and ending with postgraduate education.

Special attention is paid special education. Due to the increase in the number of sick children, work is being carried out with children who have serious limitations in physical health.

Developed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation national project, according to which distance learning is carried out for schoolchildren with disabilities due to physical health. Within the framework of this project, the child and the teacher are provided with a computerized workplace, training is carried out via Skype.

graduate School

The main trends in the development of higher education are associated with the development of scientific potential, strengthening the importance of university science, and solving the problems of training qualified personnel to carry out innovative work.

Higher professional education is carried out on the basis of vocational secondary or complete (secondary) education according to special programs. In the Russian Federation there is the following structure of higher education:

  • educational state standards;
  • programs;
  • design, scientific, cultural and educational organizations;
  • scientific centers that ensure the existence and improvement of higher education;
  • university, institutes, academies.

According to the Federal Law, the following types of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation are established: academy, university, institute.

After our country joined the Bologna Declaration, significant reforms have been observed in higher education. In addition to changing the paradigm of the educational system, management of the quality and effectiveness of education has been intensified, and the idea of ​​lifelong education is being implemented in practice.

Let's sum it up

The main directions of change in the domestic educational system are noted in the Law “On Education of the Russian Federation”. Federal educational standards of the new generation have made a significant contribution to the modernization of the content of education.

They not only characterize the basic level of content of Russian education, but also form the basis for assessing the level of preparedness of the younger generation.

In the transition from subject centrism to individual educational areas, a person-oriented approach to the training and education of the younger generation is fully implemented.

In the near future, for example, significant changes in the main priorities are envisaged in primary education.

Developmental learning, project-based and research activities younger schoolchildren.

At the educational institution, at the initial stage, a course appeared “ The world", which promotes the socialization of schoolchildren, is aimed at the formation positive attitude to the living world, environment. A six-year primary school program is currently being developed.

In the natural sciences there is a move away from abstractions and a transition to an applied focus.

The twenty-first century is undergoing a lot of changes, this is due to the expansion of the available information field, progress, rapid economic development which requires qualified personnel. In this regard, new trends in the development of education are observed:

  • humanization;
  • humanitarization;
  • nationalization;
  • openness;
  • active approach;
  • comprehension and analysis;
  • focus on self-realization and self-education;
  • cooperation;
  • creative focus;
  • use of stimulating and developmental techniques;
  • assessment of educational results;
  • continuity;
  • inseparability of training and education.

A diagram representing the direction vector for the development of modern education is presented in Figure 1.

Let's take a closer look at these trends.

Main trends in modern education


The humanization of education is the recognition of man as the highest social value. New education takes into account the priority of education focused on the individuality of the student over training aimed at obtaining knowledge in certain disciplines. Such education is capable of fully revealing the student’s abilities, satisfying his various educational needs, and instilling a sense of self-esteem.

Humanitarianization of education helps individuals gain spirituality, breadth of thinking, and form a holistic picture of the world around them. On the basis of the acquired universal human culture, all aspects of the personality are successfully developed, taking into account its subjective needs and objective conditions associated with the level of material and personnel potential of education.

The inseparability of education from the national basis of statehood determines the national orientation of education. The vector of development must be directed forward, but at the same time be based on history and folk traditions. Education should help preserve and enrich national values.

In modern society, the educational system must be open. The goals of education should be shaped not only by state orders, but also expanded by the needs of students, their parents and teachers. Educational programs are subject to the principle of openness. They should contain a basic core of knowledge and be easily supplemented, taking into account cultural, regional, ethnic and other characteristics.

New times require a transfer of teacher attention from educational activities to more productive educational, cognitive, labor, artistic and other activities of the student. Culture is able to realize its function of personal development only when it encourages a person to productive activity. The more diverse the activities that are meaningful to a person, the more effectively he masters culture. The activity-based approach to education makes it possible to endow theoretical pedagogical tasks with a personal meaning of human activity.

Previously, education used mainly informative forms of teaching. Today this approach does not work. Training should take place using the elements of identifying and solving problems, scientific research, independent work, and student interaction. Today there must be a transition from reproduction to understanding, comprehension, and use of acquired knowledge in real life.

According to the needs of today's reality in education, it is important to create conditions and give students the opportunity for self-affirmation, self-realization and self-determination. This helps the development of self-organization.

The time has come when the positions of the teacher and the student move into a form of cooperation. The transformation of forms of interaction is associated with a change in the roles and functions of all participants in the educational process.

A modern teacher tries to activate, stimulate aspirations, form motives that encourage self-development, studies the student’s activity, and creates conditions for independent movement forward. In this case, a certain sequence should be followed: from maximum assistance from the teacher in solving educational problems at the initial stage of education, to complete self-regulation in learning and the emergence of partnership relations between student and teacher. It is very important in the process of transition from mentoring to cooperation to maintain respect for the teacher on the part of the student.

Creative orientation is clearly manifested in modern education. Turning to the creative process, discovering the creative side of education helps the student experience a sense of personal growth and development, satisfaction from achieving their goals. The creative component helps the student find pleasure in the educational process itself.

Strict regulation of the educational process is becoming a thing of the past. Today, the teacher is free from strict rules and regulations. This is more difficult for the teacher, but more effective in terms of achieving results. This approach makes education individually focused.

The result of any activity must be assessed. This helps to understand the degree of effectiveness of education. Evaluation of the results of educational activities is determined by certain requirements, or standards, unified regardless of the form and specifics of training.

Continuity of education has been talked about for a long time. But today this is a particularly important trend in the development of education. Continuity opens up the opportunity for constant deepening of knowledge, helps to achieve integrity and continuity in training and education; helps transform acquired knowledge throughout a person’s life.

Training and education must be inseparably linked. Unfortunately, the educational component has left many educational institutions. But only in the symbiosis of these two pedagogical categories is the formation of a holistic and harmoniously developed personality possible.

Technological progress does not stand still. This is important to take into account and apply in the educational process. New methods must be accompanied by the introduction of modern technologies. It is necessary to teach how to use the huge information array in which we live. Don’t get lost in it, but take everything useful from the information field and apply it in real life.