Improving the regional youth policy of the city of Krasnoyarsk. Recommendations for improving work with youth Development of activities for the development of youth policy

To revive the traditional values ​​of Russian culture, it is necessary to raise the cult of nepotism as a norm of life. This, of course, requires the support of official authorities to determine the place of traditional values ​​in the new value structure of society in order to preserve national individuality.

The state must ensure the social security of the family, its well-being, and create conditions for the performance of socially significant functions, since the family is the most important instrument of society. A family that can ensure not only its survival, but also fruitful development, can become a powerful factor in the development of society, therefore family policy should be aimed at increasing the life potential of the family. It is the well-being of the family that is a clear result of social transformations. Here are some tasks that family policy should be aimed at: creating conditions for the fulfillment of reproductive, economic, sociocultural and life-preserving functions; assistance in adapting families to socio-economic changes; improving the culture of marriage and family relations and values ​​to strengthen the institution of family and improve the demographic situation; ensuring social security of the family, including through “examination of all bills and programs from the point of view possible consequences their impact on the functioning of the family”; fostering parental responsibility and a friendly attitude towards the older generation; improving the quality of life of all generations; creation of a system of comprehensive support for families, and especially young people; ensuring a guarantee of protection for families, especially those in a socially dangerous situation; fight against homelessness and others.

Legislation on youth should be focused not only on additional funding, but mainly on the optimal and targeted distribution and use of allocated budgets Russian Federation(federal, regional and local) financial resources, creating favorable conditions for attracting extra-budgetary financial sources for the implementation of state youth policy.

State youth policy cannot be limited to one comprehensive “law on youth” or some universal strategy that is the same for all times. It is formed taking into account the specific historical stage of development of the state and society, as well as, importantly, the specifics of the state structure. Here, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the federal government system Russia.

Today in Russia a lot is being done to support young families. However, often the benefits established for young families are formal or there are a huge number of bureaucratic obstacles in the way of obtaining them. In this regard, it is necessary to review the number of benefits established for young families and simplify their receipt; special attention should be paid to families with children.

In the Russian Federation the situation in this area is quite complex. There are a number of technical and legal problems. The current federal and regional legislation does not enshrine the basic concepts: “youth”, “young citizens”, “social infrastructure for youth”, “social services for youth”, “subjects of the implementation of state youth policy”. Moreover, the essence of state youth policy, its goals, objectives, priority areas and implementation mechanisms, forms of interaction between bodies have not been defined state power with youth public organizations, as well as forms of realization by young citizens of their constitutional rights - both participation in the management of state affairs and in the protection of their inalienable rights. The absence of a long-term legislative strategy for the younger generation can lead to serious economic and social miscalculations, the consequences of which in the long term can be fatal for Russian society.

A significant problem, in addition to defining a general strategy, is a clear delineation of the competence of each level of government in the field of youth policy. As part of the ongoing administrative reform, it is necessary and possible to solve this problem. It is necessary to determine the powers in this area of ​​each of the levels of government and consolidate them legislatively. In the Republic of Bashkortostan, as one of the leading subjects of the Russian Federation, active work with youth is carried out. Most regions have adopted laws on state youth policy, and there are other regulatory legal documents at various levels that determine the content of work with youth. Regional youth policy programs are being successfully implemented. However, at the federal level, a very narrow range of targeted youth policy is legislatively regulated. Comprehensive solution for many critical issues not in this area. Therefore, in the near future, it will continue to be relevant to determine a strategy for further directions for the development of youth policy in the country and to develop on this basis a legislative act that would allow for comprehensive regulation of youth problems at all levels of government and to pursue a unified, coordinated and effective state policy.

In connection with the above, at the regional level it is advisable to make additions to the current law of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated November 12, 1991 No. 353-z “On state support for youth in the Republic of Bashkortostan”:

youth (young citizens) - persons aged 14 to 30 years;

young family - a family in which the spouses or one of the spouses has not reached the age of 30, as well as parents under the age of 30 with minor children;

social services for youth - organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, carrying out activities for social support, providing social, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, socio-legal services and material assistance, assistance in social, psychological adaptation and social rehabilitation of young citizens who are in difficult life situations, as well as citizens carrying out entrepreneurial activities in social services for youth without forming a legal entity;

social infrastructure for youth - a system of facilities (buildings, structures, structures) necessary for the life support of youth, as well as organizations that carry out activities for health protection, education, upbringing, social services, physical, spiritual and moral development of young citizens, ensuring their employment and meeting their social needs.

To create a full-fledged youth policy and its implementation, it is necessary to revive a full-fledged youth policy body in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Transferring powers over youth policy to other bodies, such as the Ministry of physical culture and sports does not allow the implementation of a full-fledged youth policy.

The problems of youth in modern Russia determine the priority directions of state youth policy in the Russian Federation: support for socially significant initiatives, socially useful activities of youth, youth and children's public associations; promoting the economic independence of young citizens and the realization of their right to work; state support for young families; provision of social services for youth; providing conditions for health protection, formation of a healthy lifestyle for young citizens, their upbringing and education.

State youth policy in the Russian Federation is implemented in difficult and complex economic and social conditions. In the existing socio-political system, the state direction for the implementation of youth policy is practically the only one. Political parties, as a rule, do not have a clear, developed, formalized youth policy, reducing their role to the proclamation of positions, which, in their opinion, should be reflected in state actions in relation to youth and the use of youth as their reserve for replenishing party membership. rows.

Youth associations play an insufficient role; due to organizational weakness, they cannot adequately protect the interests of young people and organize sufficiently effective work in the youth sphere. In most cases, the role of trade unions in solving youth problems and in developing and implementing their professionally focused youth policy is low. A significant negative impact is that with the expansion of market relations, labor collectives have lost their previous experience of attracting young people to management processes.

In the conditions of the modern federal structure, three levels of state youth policy with their own specifics of its implementation are clearly visible: federal, regional and municipal. Currently, an all-Russian approach to youth policy is being formed, taking into account the characteristics, opportunities, and specifics of the regions, and a regional legal framework is being created.

Youth policy is based on the fact that young people have powerful innovative potential. However, under certain conditions and the influence of political forces, it can be worn as constructive orientation, and destructive, to the detriment of the state and society, including the youth themselves. The activities of government bodies are designed to promote the development of creative, creative activity youth, the implementation of their initiatives in all spheres of life while forming responsibility for the present day of society and its future.

The goal of state youth policy is to establish the status of youth, create necessary conditions for her self-realization, resource provision of these conditions and the creation of guarantees for her social security.

The participation of young people in the formation and implementation of state youth policy is one of the principles of this policy. Youth is the most important subject of this area of ​​government activity. At the same time, the mechanism for truly involving young people in state-sponsored events addressed to them remains the fundamental problem of state youth policy.

Improving the principles and approaches to the implementation of youth policy at the municipal level should be guided by the following aspects:

1. At the organizational and managerial level, the tasks have been set to establish coordination in the field of youth policy, increase the role of youth affairs bodies in intersectoral regulation, strengthen the structures for coordinating activities in the field of youth policy under the heads of administrations, with organizational support for their activities by youth affairs bodies.

2. It is necessary to continue the policy of forming youth affairs bodies that do not combine their specific functions with other functions of state activity. It is advisable to establish a vertical in the management of youth policy on the basis of coordination and joint work in the implementation of issues related to joint management. The primary task is to support the efforts of local governments to create and stabilize the work of youth affairs bodies.

3. Youth policy should integrate resources from different sources to concentrate on several key areas: ensuring educational and employment employment for young people; education of citizenship and patriotism; support for socially significant initiatives of various youth groups, children's and youth public associations; organization of recreation and health improvement for youth.

4. It is necessary to exclude the residual principle of financing youth policy; approval of the principle of long-term investment in costs in the field of municipal youth policy. Introduction of a separate line in budgets of all levels for the support of youth and children's public associations.

5. One of the priorities of youth policy in the field of employment remains the creation and development of full-fledged information and consulting services for youth, accessible to young people.

6. It is necessary to expand the network of social service institutions for youth and develop standards for their provision. Of key importance is the formation of a system of minimum social standards for providing youth within the framework of municipal youth policy and, based on them, social norms and standards, including volumetric and network (norms and standards for provision by institutions and other institutions), performance standards and financial cost standards.

7. To enhance the effectiveness of youth policy, it is necessary to mobilize youth initiative in the public interest. The task is to create conditions for the development of youth initiatives in the region and stimulate volunteerism.

8. It is necessary to develop measures for regular coverage of the situation of young people, both in the Starooskolsky urban district and in the Belgorod region, the initiatives of youth and children's public associations, and the progress of the implementation of youth policy.

In the Department for Youth Affairs and Interaction with Public Organizations of the Stary Oskol City District Administration, it is necessary to organize sociological and socio-psychological services to identify the interests, needs and needs of the youth of the municipality. It is necessary to fully support initiatives to organize student unions, as well as student and working youth.

Primary attention should be paid to the organization of communication between management and means mass media, primarily the Internet. It is advisable to put into practice regular meetings of the heads of the department for youth affairs and interaction with public organizations with journalists, as well as with active youth of the city.

In accordance with this, the tasks of state youth policy should be designed. They should reflect the path of a young man’s life development, his inclusion in the system of social relations, and his life activity as a citizen.

IN strategic plan State youth policy must reach a higher level of initial principles than those applied in modern Russia. The following four provisions should be recognized as the starting principles: the principle of responsibility, which consists in the responsibility of the state to new generations of Russians for the socio-economic, environmental, cultural state of the country, and new generations are responsible for preserving and enhancing the received heritage; the principle of continuity, which consists in the independence of state youth policy from organizational changes in the state management system - the adopted strategic directions of state youth policy should be revised no more than once every 10-15 years (world experience shows that the plan of state youth policy is implemented in about 30 -40 years after the start of implementation); the principle of priority, which consists in the fact that measures in the field of state youth policy are developed and implemented as a priority in the activities of the state to ensure the socio-economic and cultural development of Russia - the strategic side of this principle is the recognition of the high efficiency of investments in youth; the principle of participation, which consists in the fact that youth is not only an object of upbringing and education, but also a conscious participant in social transformations; in this sense, supporting the organizational forms of the youth movement is not only an urgent task, but also a promising direction for the activities of public authorities pursuing the goals of self-realization youth in Russian society, which is impossible without her real participation in reforms.

The state does not always manage to mobilize youth initiative in the public interest.

Based on this, it should be noted that the new requirements for state youth policy can be formulated as follows:

“The initiative of the young - for the benefit of Russia”, which includes: promoting and supporting the development of civil initiatives of youth, stimulating youth self-government and intensifying the activities of youth and children's public associations.

“Diversification of youth policy” implies the use of a differentiated approach to youth by social and age groups and the development of new technologies for working with youth, based on social and age differences.

“Interdepartmental cooperation and integration” primarily determines the priority of state youth policy as an intersectoral sphere, the joint use of the material base of institutions of various departments and the development of “youth sections” in target and investment programs at all levels.

“Accessibility of social institutions” should represent the integration of sources of financing of state youth policy, strengthening the role of economic levers of attracted resources and equipping youth policy institutions with modern equipment.

“Approaching the interests of youth” can be realized through repurposing the activities of youth centers taking into account the modern needs and interests of youth and creating a modern infrastructure for youth policy.

“Eliminating lost profits” affirms the principle of long-term investment in costs in the field of state youth policy and forecasting the possible amount of profit.

“The creation of an information youth space” should be formed through interactive interaction between the state and youth in global information networks by the youth themselves, the creation of an all-Russian youth information portal and the conclusion of a social agreement on mass media for the full coverage of youth with information.

“Dialogue with youth” should take place through organizing meetings, “round tables” with young people, holding annual festivals of youth initiatives and stimulating the creation of public associations in the field of working, rural, creative, serving in law enforcement agencies and other youth.

“Tolerance instead of aggression and violence” will be possible only if a system of street social work by older youth to establish channels of interaction with informal subcultures, correction and rehabilitation.

Consequently, we can dwell on the most important factors of new approaches to working with youth, which are: the activity of the youth themselves, associated with expanding potential opportunities in their social development; meeting the needs of each age group of youth (17-19 years old, 20-24 years old, 25-30 years old); formation of targeted projects and programs at the regional and federal levels, confirmed by the regulatory framework, government support mechanism, and financial resources. The basis of the system of work with youth should be the socio-pedagogical triad: state - society (represented by a wide range of youth and children's public associations) - social and age groups of youth.

The basic principles of state youth policy must first of all be considered the responsibility of the state for respecting the rights and legitimate interests of young people and the priority of state support for youth at the stage of social, cultural, spiritual and physical development, choice of life path. Consequently, in order to confirm these arguments, we will dwell in more detail on the priority areas of state youth policy and the main mechanisms for their implementation:

1. State support for young citizens in the field of education, upbringing and development.

2. Assistance and support for young citizens in the field of protecting their health and prevention dangerous diseases and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

3. Promoting the economic independence of young citizens and the implementation of their labor rights and responsibilities.

4. State support for young families.

5. State support for young citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations in their social services, social rehabilitation and adaptation.

6. Support for socially significant initiatives, socio-political activities of youth, youth and children's public associations.

First of all, to implement the main directions of youth policy, it is necessary to create an effective management system. Building an effective management system requires regulating the relationship between federal bodies regulating issues of state youth policy and the corresponding bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in terms of delimitation of powers and interdepartmental coordination.

The current practice also requires the delimitation of the powers of governing bodies according to organizational and legal approaches to the implementation of state youth policy as an intersectoral sphere, on the one hand, and as an independent industry that has its own institutions, organizational and financial mechanisms, a system of subordination, its own personnel, information, scientific methodological support, performance standards.

In the new system of managing state youth policy, special attention should be paid to coordination of activities all government agencies and interaction with the authorities of education, health care, labor, physical culture and sports, defense, internal affairs, and other social, political, public entities on working with youth.

The second aspect that can be considered is the improvement of the regulatory framework. In order to significantly improve federal regulatory legal acts in the field of state youth policy, it would be advisable to systematically implement the following measures.

1. Work on the issue of approval, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, of the Concept and main directions for the implementation of state youth policy by the President of the Russian Federation.

2. In accordance with the main identified priorities, prepare a draft basic federal law on state support for youth in the Russian Federation, establishing priority areas and basic mechanisms of state support for young citizens at the stage of social formation and entry into independent life.

Special legal regulation should be carried out in issues that are not sufficiently addressed in federal legislation (issues of lending to young families, social services for youth, support for youth entrepreneurship, etc.).

Legislation should provide for resolving issues related to attracting extra-budgetary sources, creating favorable conditions for organizations implementing youth support programs that promote the formation of a healthy lifestyle; sponsors and investors directing their funds to the development of the younger generation. One of the priority directions in the implementation of state youth policy can be called state support for young citizens in the field of education, upbringing and development; for this it is necessary to expand the availability of education, improve its quality and efficiency, develop long-term measures to ensure employment of graduates of professional educational institutions, to support their stable , full labor activity. It is necessary to formulate and implement targeted programs and projects to support public associations operating in educational institutions.

It is extremely important to develop and implement federal, regional, local target programs for the civic development of youth, their cultural and physical development, patriotic and spiritual-moral education, as well as coordination and support for the activities of youth and children's public associations in the field of military-patriotic, spiritual-moral , environmental education, career guidance, consumer education, introduction into practice of competitions for programs and projects in this area. To support the above, it is necessary to hold competitions, olympiads and festivals in various areas of creative realization of children and youth, including in the field of professional and entrepreneurial activities, as well as support and development of various forms of educational work in specialized institutions, in institutions of additional education, in adolescent and youth clubs in your area of ​​residence.

In the field of protecting the health of young citizens, in the prevention of dangerous diseases and the formation of a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary for the state to implement the following measures: improving measures of state support and assistance to young citizens, including those who find themselves in difficult life situations, ensuring a healthy lifestyle for young citizens, activating measures to prevent drug addiction and dependence on narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, to treat and rehabilitate young citizens with drug addiction, to preserve mental health youth. stimulating measures to promote a healthy lifestyle, developing young citizens’ need for and ensuring active physical education and sports, developing the practice of holding all-Russian, interregional and regional sports competitions, youth tournaments in mass sports. It is necessary to expand the system of social service institutions for youth and formulate measures to support the activities of children's health, educational institutions, and experimental sites in order to implement innovative technologies and methods in the field of developing a healthy lifestyle, full-fledged children's, youth, family recreation, leisure, and creative development.

The next provision of the direction of state youth policy is to ensure the economic independence of young citizens and the implementation of their labor rights and responsibilities - and this is, first of all, the creation of conditions for youth employment, including the development and adoption of measures to quota jobs for youth, the formation of programs to promote social adaptation, increase youth competitiveness in the labor market and support for youth entrepreneurship.

No less important can be considered state support for young families, which must be carried out through the development and adoption of federal, regional, local targeted programs and projects for state support for young families, primarily low-income families, to provide them with material and other assistance in solving social problems. economic, social and everyday problems, ensuring employment of young parents and promoting a healthy lifestyle. First of all, this requires improvement of legislation on supporting young families in the construction and purchase of housing (for example, on the implementation of subsidies, targeted preferential lending, mortgage lending, on the introduction of rental mechanisms for state and municipal housing, etc.) Next, we will consider the following aspects of state participation in youth policy - state support for young citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations, for example, with deficiencies in physical and (or) mental development; for this purpose, it is necessary to improve a number of measures, including the regulatory framework for supporting public associations and other legal and individuals providing assistance and support to young citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations.

Due to the insufficient resource support for solving major problems in the field of state youth policy, it is necessary to implement a number of priority initiatives in the field of state support for youth and, above all, initiatives of the youth themselves as part of the implementation of new elements of the Federal Target Program “Youth of Russia”, developed by the Department for Youth Policy of the Ministry of Education of Russia , regional target programs in the field of state youth policy:

1. Subprogram of the federal target program “Youth of Russia (2001-2005)” - “State support for social initiatives of children and youth.” The subprogram contains a system of relevant activities and includes: development of regulatory legal acts to develop and improve the mechanism of state orders for the implementation of children's and youth initiatives; creating conditions for improving information support for public initiatives of children and youth, etc. As part of the implementation of the latter and based on an analysis of research, the opinions of young people (92% are interested in events taking place in the district, while sources of information are limited) are recommended in places with large crowds of people (public transport stops - in the case of large settlements), or in places high traffic (main roads in the case of small settlements) of the Stary Oskol urban district to post up-to-date information about the program of events planned by the youth affairs department for the current year (quarter, month).

2. A program to promote the employment of youth entering the labor market for the first time, which involves: improving the regulatory framework governing youth employment; development of financial mechanisms and technologies aimed at solving youth employment problems; dissemination of experience in the use of organizational, financial and other technologies aimed at ensuring solutions to youth employment issues; expanding the range of entities promoting youth employment, etc. As part of the implementation of the latter, it is recommended to organize a conference with the participation of representatives of the administration of the Stary Oskol urban district, the trade union and representatives of enterprises operating in the territory of the Stary Oskol urban district on the issue of regulating social and labor relations and aimed at ensuring harmony in society and creating, based on the principles of social partnership, the necessary conditions for economic development, increasing the level and quality of life, social and legal protection workers, residents of the Stary Oskol urban district, the result of which would be a tripartite agreement (the employer, the administration of the Stary Oskol urban district and the trade union), which would spell out issues related to the development of the social partnership system and coordination of the parties’ actions, the area of ​​labor protection, health and environmental safety, and the area of ​​market development labor and employment promotion, the field of economic policy, the field of regulation of issues of wages and social protection of the population, as well as the field of youth policy.

3. Program of additional resource provision for 2003-2015 on the topic “Providing housing for young families”, offering the following system of measures: development and implementation into practice of constituent entities (and then municipalities) of the Russian Federation of legal, financial and organizational mechanisms for providing state support to young families those in need of improved housing conditions; assistance to initiatives of youth organizations aimed at improving the housing and social conditions of young families; development of interdepartmental forms of planning and design of possible ways to solve the housing problem of young people; creation of new organizational and legal forms of youth association in order to solve housing problems; coordination and support on a competitive basis for projects and programs of youth, enterprises and organizations aimed at solving the housing problem of youth in the regions; development of a mechanism for implementing a system of state support for young families for the construction (purchase) of housing, etc. Proposing recommendations to trade unions on the extraordinary and larger issuance of loans at preferential interest rates to young families who have joined mutual aid funds and stimulating the activities of employers and aimed at organizing credit activities in relation to young families on preferential terms.

4. The concept of implementing youth policy at the municipal level through the model of intermunicipal agencies.

State youth policy in the Russian Federation, which is based on the principle of goal-setting, efficiency, and focus on all regions and territories of the Russian Federation, must certainly meet the requirements of modern transformations taking place in the system of state and municipal government, in particular the requirements of local government reform, administrative reform, transformations in the system of interbudgetary relations. And achieving efficiency at the level of a specific municipality is only possible if it is part of the national youth policy.

Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On general principles Organizations of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation" has determined an exhaustive list of issues of local importance of each municipal entity, issues on which the population independently and under their own responsibility directly and (or) through local government bodies makes decisions. Thus, having classified the organization and implementation of activities to work with children and youth as issues of local importance, the legislative bodies assigned municipalities the right to develop and implement an independent “exclusively their own and individual” youth policy in the relevant municipality within the framework of Russian legislation.

Consequently, the youth policy of municipalities may be different, including in terms of priorities and directions, from the youth policy of the regional and federal levels. Another option is that in modern conditions of the organization and functioning of local government bodies, youth policy at the municipal level may not exist as such at all. The latter is predominantly the case today in most municipalities, and is justified by the fact that municipalities lack, and sometimes even lack, qualified personnel; the role of youth policy in terms of development priorities of municipal territories is underestimated. Such an attitude cannot form the integrity of the system of work with this group and is not capable of producing high-quality results and positive changes in the youth environment.

Under these conditions, the implementation of state youth policy as a unified system of activities of state authorities and local governments is impossible.

In addition, the regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regulating interbudgetary relations between regional authorities and local governments, guarantee a minimum “limit” amount of funding for activities. In this case, not the cost principle of financing is used, but the residual one. In these conditions, taking into account the fact that youth policy at the municipal level is not a priority, the amount of budget expenditures for its implementation is extremely limited. The budgets of a significant number of municipalities do not have these expenditure obligations at all.

At the same time, a significant number of municipalities, primarily municipal districts and rural settlements, currently do not have the necessary resources, primarily personnel and financial, to formulate their own policies in the field of work with youth.

Thus, today, when forming a new youth policy, there is a situation where federal, partly regional authorities are ready for changes, but municipalities, on the contrary, are not ready to perceive the new.

The implementation of Federal Law No. 131 involves the creation of new models of the system of organization of local government bodies on the basis of intermunicipal cooperation. Without creating these models, increasing funding, including as part of the implementation of youth policy, is inappropriate and even to some extent harmful.

With this, the norms of administrative reform are transposed, providing for the introduction and development of outsourcing mechanisms (transfer of powers to an external contractor). This is necessary in cases where the activities of the municipality in a particular area are ineffective.

The reasons for ineffectiveness may be different:

1. Lack of a single vertically and horizontally integrated structure government controlled youth policy.

2. The majority of local budgets are subsidized, primarily rural settlements and municipal districts, which determines the extreme insufficiency of budget funding for youth policy at the municipal level and is aggravated by the lack of experience in working with other financial sources.

3. Lack of conditions for attracting highly qualified managers to structures implementing youth policy, incl. through the use of a program-target method.

4. Lack of external examination of the activities of bodies working with youth, which perform the function of stimulating innovation in activities, monitoring and evaluating the activities being implemented.

5. The imperfection of the internal structure of municipal bodies for youth affairs (vertical “dual power”, wage scale that does not provide for motivation, limitations in the number of employees, lack or insufficient development of public participation) to the requirements of modern transformations.

Thus, today there is a pronounced need for the introduction of innovative methods, forms and models of youth policy, without the creation of which the new youth policy will not be sustainable.

For this reason, it was proposed to improve the structure of the Youth Affairs Directorate. At the same time, it is recommended to focus on youth self-government (both political and socio-economic) and take into account the work of public youth organizations (military-patriotic, political, sports, religious, etc.). The key positions on the organization of intermunicipal agencies are as follows (participants in the mechanism for implementing the regional Youth Policy Strategy are presented in Figure 3.1 of Appendix 4):

one of the innovative approaches to the implementation of the new youth policy should be the development of an alternative in the choice of mechanisms at the municipal level;

Along with the option of using the existing approach, based on the presence in the structure of municipal administrations of departments (specialists) for working with youth, it is proposed to introduce another one - intermunicipal agencies for the implementation of youth policy;

The goal of the intermunicipal (district) Agency for the Implementation of Youth Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Agency) is the implementation of priority areas and projects of youth policy strategies in the territory of the municipality (district). The agency is part of the mechanism for implementing regional youth policy strategies.

The agency is established by the administration of the Stary Oskol urban district in the form of an autonomous institution, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Autonomous Institutions”.

Administrations of municipalities (districts, settlements) enter into agreements with the Agency on the transfer of powers for the implementation of youth policy and work with youth, enshrined in their charters.

To form a material and technical base in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Autonomous Institutions”, the Agencies are transferred property (buildings, premises, office equipment) of liquidated municipal institutions, which can be used to generate additional income refinanced for the needs of the Agency (basic salaries, development of MTB, current expenses).

In connection with the reorganization of municipal bodies for work with youth and the transfer of powers to Agencies, the administrations of the Stary Oskol City District may, at their discretion, transfer municipal tariff rates.

To ensure the formation and development of the Agency’s material and technical base, competitions for the development of agencies can be held as part of the implementation of regional youth policy strategies.

The approval of criteria for the requirements for candidates for filling Agency positions (with the exception of the prerogative of the founder to appoint a director) is carried out by the Supervisory Board of the autonomous institution. The Supervisory Board includes representatives of the administrations of municipal settlements that have transferred powers to the Agency, as well as representatives of the expert community. The organizational structure of the Agency is built taking into account the use of a project approach.

The funds allocated in the budget of the Stary Oskol city district for youth policy form the share of co-financing when participating in competitions within the framework of regional youth policy strategies.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Autonomous Institutions,” the Agency has the right to attract additional funds and resources necessary for the implementation of youth policy in the territory of the municipality.

The Agency, as part of the implementation of regional strategies, will carry out the following functions in the Stary Oskol urban district (district):

Independent executor, co-executor, contractor of regional youth policy strategies;

A full participant in the formation of priority areas, the development of forms, methods and mechanisms for the implementation of youth policy;

Center for Personnel Training of Specialists Working with Youth;

Center for Support of Youth Public Organizations and Associations, Initiative and Creative Groups;

Local Community Foundation for pooling resources to solve local problems and challenges, incl. with the involvement of youth structures and in the interests of youth.

The Agency's activities are based on independent development and assistance in the development and implementation of projects in the interests of municipal territories. The Agency can independently develop and promote projects in the following categories:

All-Russian, interregional, regional, as well as projects to create support platforms for regional youth policy strategies;

District and inter-settlement network projects;

Local projects for the development of the Agency and support system for youth structures, organizations and associations in the Stary Oskol urban district.

In the future, if the development of the agency is successful, other social powers of local government bodies of the Stary Oskol urban district (culture, sports, etc.) may be transferred to it.

The Agency's activities are assessed according to the following criteria:

Number of settlements that have transferred authority to work with youth to the Agency;

Number of projects of various categories aimed at participating in competitions within the framework of regional youth policy strategies;

The volume of raised regional funds for the implementation of regional youth policy strategies in the Stary Oskol urban district;

The budget component of the cost of the Agency’s services and the dynamics of its reduction due to an increase in the volume of services or an increase in the share of components from other attracted sources;

Dynamics of changes in the number of youth structures, organizations and associations and the number of young people involved in them living in the territory of the municipality (settlement);

Positive results and conclusions of monitoring by the administrations of municipalities (settlements) and evaluation of projects by experts.

The totality of the results of the Agency’s activities ensures qualitative changes in the youth policy of municipalities, which are expressed in the following:

The social activity of youth at the lowest level (rural settlements) is increasing, which is expressed in the formation of a field of social services in these territories through the implementation of their own initiatives and projects;

The system of state support for youth receives support in the form of actually functioning youth associations that have received the opportunity and competence to represent their interests and needs at the level of local administrations;

The activity and effectiveness of interaction between various public structures at the level of urban and rural settlements is increasing, based on joint participation in solving youth issues and, as a consequence, issues of development of their territory;

The responsibility of specialists responsible for working with youth increases through the use of project approaches, which is impossible without increasing their professional level;

Solving problems and issues at the “grassroots” level will make it possible to change the population’s attitude towards the authorities towards increasing trust, which will contribute to increasing socio-political activity.

Monitoring of the Agency's activities and results is carried out by the administration of the Stary Oskol urban district.

The results of implemented projects are assessed by experts attracted by project groups and working groups in the areas of regional youth policy strategies.

Managerial and financial control over the activities of the Agency is carried out in accordance with current legislation and constituent documents.

In addition, the implementation of the youth policy strategy will lead to an increase in the youth development index (WPI 0 - according to data for 2011, WPI 1 - after the implementation of the Strategy):

Where. - education index,

Health index,

Income index.

According to statistics and calculations, the implementation of these priority areas, as part of the implementation of the state youth policy strategy in the Stary Oskol urban district, will contribute to: increasing the economic, social and political activity of the younger generation; increasing the level of health, level of education and income level of young people compared to previous periods and other age categories of the population; improving the demographic situation in the region (increasing the number of marriages, reducing the number of divorces among young people, increasing the birth rate); reducing unemployment through the creation of temporary and seasonal jobs for young people, self-employment and the development of youth entrepreneurship; the formation of the civic position of young people and the development of youth parliamentarism; improving the social and living conditions of young people and young families; reduction of deviation processes among young people (youth and teenage crime, drug addiction, alcoholism); creating conditions for effective adaptation of young people who find themselves in difficult life situations (disabled people, orphans, combatants, young people prone to antisocial behavior, migrants).

In addition, the effectiveness of improving the structure of the Youth Affairs Department will be expressed through: financial efficiency, that is, through the ratio of the costs of maintaining management personnel and the costs of implementing projects and programs. Social and economic efficiency, which, first of all, will be expressed through the emergence of additional jobs, as well as the emergence of temporary jobs for project implementers, their receipt of wages or other types of remuneration. And managerial efficiency, which is primarily represented by partnerships between proactive representatives of youth subcultures, subjects of youth self-government, youth public organizations, municipal leadership, business entities and the administration of the Stary Oskol urban district.

Conclusions on Section III:

1. An analysis of the results of the implementation of youth policy in the Stary Oskol urban district showed that in order to implement the main directions of youth policy, it is necessary to create an effective management system, improve the regulatory legal framework, as well as ensure the economic independence of young citizens and the implementation of their labor rights and responsibilities, including stimulating social activity of young people.

2. As part of eliminating the identified shortcomings, it was recommended: for the implementation of the main directions of youth policy, the creation of an effective management system - through the model of intermunicipal agencies; to create conditions for improving information support for public initiatives of children and youth - in places of large crowds of people, or in places of high traffic in the Stary Oskol urban district, post up-to-date information about the program of events planned by the youth affairs department for the current year (quarter, month); to promote youth employment - organize a conference with the participation of representatives of the administration of the Stary Oskol urban district, the trade union and representatives of enterprises operating in the territory of the Stary Oskol urban district, the result of which would be a tripartite agreement.

“DIPLOMA PROJECT on the topic: Improving the activities of municipal government bodies in the formation and implementation of youth policy (using the example of the city of Balashikha, Moscow region) in the specialty:...”

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education



Faculty of Management and Design

Department of Personnel Management and State and Municipal



on the topic: Improving the activities of municipal government bodies in the formation and implementation of youth policy (using the example of the city of Balashikha, Moscow region) in the specialty: State and municipal administration Nina Ivanovna Zotova Student Head Doctor of Economics, prof. Khavanova Natalya Vladimirovna Moscow 2014

Abstract Report 129 pages, 3 parts, 32 figures, 31 tables, 17 sources




The object of research in this diploma project is youth policy in the urban district of Balashikha, Moscow region.

The purpose of the work is to develop measures to improve the activities of municipal government bodies in the formation and implementation of youth policy in the Balashikha urban district of the Moscow region.

The volume of information analyzed covered various sources directly or indirectly related to approaches to the formation and implementation of youth policy, implemented both in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in municipal practice. Mechanisms and tools for the formation and implementation of a system of work with youth are outlined.

When writing the thesis project, research methods such as theoretical, economic, logical and comparative analysis, description, generalization.

This diploma project used official regulations and documents of legislative bodies of federal and municipal authorities dealing with youth issues.

In the process of work, an analysis of the socio-economic state and infrastructure of the Balashikha urban district, an analysis of the formation and implementation of the youth policy of the district was carried out.

The activities developed in this project are aimed at improving the activities of municipal authorities in the formation and implementation of youth policy in the Balashikha urban district.


The report 129 pages, 3 parts, 32 figures, 31 tables, 17 sources



The object of study in this thesis-project is the youth policy in the city district Balashikha, Moscow region.

The purpose of work is development of measures on improvement of activities of municipal bodies on the formation and implementation of youth policy of city district Balashikha, Moscow region.

The volume of analyzed information covered various sources, directly or indirectly related to the approaches of formation and implementation of youth policy, realized in subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal practice.

Marked the tools and mechanisms of formation and implementation of the system of work with young people.

When the diploma project was used such techniques as theoretical, economic, logical and comparative analysis, description, generalization.

In this thesis the project used the official normative-legal acts and documents of legislative bodies of Federal and municipal authorities dealing with youth issues.

In the process of work was the analysis of socio-economic status and infrastructure of the city district Balashikha, analysis of formation and implementation of youth policy of the district.

Developed in the project activities are aimed at improving the activities of municipal bodies on the formation and implementation of youth policy Balashikha city district.

Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………. Section I. Theoretical part. Theoretical and methodological foundations development of the diploma project …………………...……………………… 1.1. Concept and main directions of development and implementation of state youth policy ………………………………………………………...... 1.2. Mechanisms and tools for implementing the Strategy for the Development of State Youth Policy ……………………………...…….… Section II. Analytical part. Characteristics and analysis of the state of the research object…………..……………………………………………………….. 2.1. Socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the Balashikha urban district of the Moscow region ………………………….. 2.2.1. Main trends in the development of the demographic potential of youth……………………… ………………

2.2.2. Analysis of demographic behavior of young people……………...……..... 2.2.3. Analysis of the main indicators of youth health…………………… 2.3.Analysis organizational structure and the main areas of activity of the Department of Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Work of the Balashikha Urban District of the Moscow Region………..... 2.4. Characteristics of the network of institutions for working with youth of the urban district of Balashikha……………………………..…………………………… 2.5. Analysis of the main problems of youth in the urban district of Balashikha...... 2.5.1. Youth employment and youth unemployment………………...…. 2.5.2.Financial situation of young people…………………………………..... 2.5.3. Labor priorities, consumer orientations and problems of social mobility of young people……………………...………………….... 2.5.4.Preferences of young people in the field of culture and art..……... .......... 2.6. Characteristics and analysis of municipal target programs directly related to the implementation of the main directions of youth policy in the territory of the urban district of Balashikha, Moscow region…………………………….……… ……………………..... Conclusions.………………………...……………...………………………………... Section III. Project part. Development of project activities...… 3.1. Development of activities to promote a healthy lifestyle and organization of recreation for youth …………………………………..………...….. 3.2. Development of measures for improvement information space of youth ……………………………………………………....... 3.3. Development of measures for organizing the work activity of youth …………………………… ……………………………………..…. 3.4.Development of an event for the development of the patriotic youth movement in the Balashikha urban district…………………….. 3.5.Development of an event for organizing leisure time for youth………….... Conclusion……………………… ……………………………………………. Bibliography ……………………………………………………………. Youth policy is an integral part of the policy of the state and modern society. Only those states that pay increased attention to youth achieve political and economic success; sustainable development is demonstrated precisely by those societies that have revised their system of views on the younger generation. Young people are not only our future, but a significant part of society, bearing the function of responsibility for the preservation and development of the country, for the continuity of its historical and cultural values. The need for youth policy is determined by the very specifics of the position of young citizens in society. Currently, it is a system of public services and legislative acts focused on the active development of the personality of each young person and a set of priorities aimed at creating conditions and opportunities for effective self-realization and successful socialization of youth.

Due to recent circumstances, the state and society are aware of the special role and status of youth. Therefore, this diploma project reveals issues of socio-political activation of youth, issues of formation and implementation of youth policy. Effective state policy in the sphere of solving youth problems is today not only a factor of social stability, but also a guarantor of the security of Russia as a whole. In this regard, the theme of this project “Improving the activities of municipal government bodies in the formation and implementation of youth policy” (using the example of the Balashikha urban district) is relevant and lies in the fact that youth are the driving force of our society and their contribution to the economic development of the country ensures well-being the entire state.

One of the main ways to implement state youth policy is the development and implementation of certain programs, projects and concepts. Practice proves that such a program-targeted approach is the most promising.

Youth policy is unthinkable without the active participation in its implementation of young people themselves, as well as youth public associations and other elements of civil society. The formation and implementation of youth policy measures in the Balashikha urban district is carried out through the activities of the Department for Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Work, the work of several youth centers, the Youth Council under the Head of the urban district, together with other structural divisions of the administration. At the municipal level, a certain system of social support for young people, their education and employment is being formed, which makes it possible to regulate migration processes and ensure the protection of the rights of young people. Short-term municipal programs are being created, as well as long-term targeted ones, for example: the target program “Youth of the Balashikha Urban District” for 2011-2013, developed and created on the basis of the project “Strategy of State Youth Policy in the Russian Federation”.

The purpose of these Programs is to create legal, socio-economic, organizational conditions for the formation, development and self-realization of youth, their inclusion in the political, socio-economic and cultural life of the urban district. To implement these programs, funds are allocated budget resources federal, regional and municipal levels.

The object of the diploma project is the Department of Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Work of the Balashikha City District Administration.

The subject of the diploma project is organizational and economic relations that arise in the process of formation and implementation of the main directions of youth policy.

The goal of the diploma project is to improve the activities of municipal authorities in the formation and implementation of youth policy in the urban district of Balashikha, Moscow region.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were identified:

- consider the concept, goals and objectives of state youth policy;

- analyze and identify the main problems of youth in the Balashikha urban district;

Reveal the priority directions and features of the implementation of the youth policy of the Balashikha urban district;

Develop measures to improve the activities of municipal government bodies in the formation and implementation of youth policy in the Balashikha urban district.

When writing the thesis project, the following methods were used: comparative analysis, description, and generalization.

regulatory legal acts and documents of youth legislative bodies: laws, decrees, government regulations, reports, analytical reports, texts of targeted programs of the Balashikha urban district. As well as materials from Russian periodicals, such as: “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”, “Statistical Review”, “Sociological Modernity”, etc.

The theoretical basis of the diploma project consists of provisions and conclusions contained in scientific publications, textbooks, textbooks and the works of domestic and foreign researchers in the field of youth policy and socialization of youth: Basova N.F., Boytsova S.V., Grigorieva S., Guslyakova L., Kolobova O.A., Sentyurina Yu.P., Sochneva D.V. ., Abysheva R.Z. and etc.

The chronological scope of this graduation project is 2011-2013.

The diploma project consists of an introduction, three sections, a conclusion, a list of references and an appendix.

The first section examines the theoretical aspects of youth policy at the state level, identifying the essence and main directions of youth policy. Mechanisms and tools for the formation and implementation of a system of work with youth are outlined. The goals, objectives and financial support of youth policy are given. The importance of the federal project for the socio-economic development of Russia “Strategy 2020” has been determined

The second section provides a brief description of the socio-economic state of the Balashikha urban district. An analysis of the formation and implementation of the district's youth policy is presented. The main problems of the youth of the urban district are covered. An analysis of the activities of the Department of Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Work of the city district administration in the field of youth policy was carried out.

In the third section, measures have been developed to improve the activities of municipal government bodies in the formation and implementation of youth policy in the Balashikha urban district.

In conclusion, brief conclusions characterizing the conducted research are presented.

Section I. Theoretical part. Theoretical and methodological foundations 1.1. Concept and main directions of development and implementation of state youth policy A factor in the sustainable development of the country and society as a whole, the growth of the well-being of citizens and the improvement of public relations is an effective state youth policy. Youth is a social-age group of the population that is in the stage of its primary formation and development of social roles. The socialization of Russian youth and their full inclusion in social processes is facilitated by state youth policy. In public policy, the subject of influence is the state, the object is all social processes, including social problems youth. This means that the state must create conditions and incentives for young people to solve their problems, force them to comply with the norms and rules of society, develop their innovative and creative potential, and ensure the participation of young people in managing the affairs of the state.

State youth policy is considered as an object of research by many sciences. Economists see in youth policy the impact of the state on macroeconomic processes, investment projects, employment programs, and production development. Within the framework of economic science, public policy is interpreted as a form of targeted influence of the state on a functioning system in order to ensure or maintain certain processes, change phenomena or their connections. Jurisprudence interprets public policy through legislative acts, studying their adequacy to the real situation.

The democratization trends of our society suggest actively influencing the personality of each representative of the new generation and preventing problems associated with his employment, education, upbringing, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to make the young man more independent, that is, to create such conditions for him so that he can realize himself in business in a specific job. Therefore, public policy is, first of all, influencing the behavior of a young person, individual social groups and society as a whole with the aim of stimulating or limiting their desire for a certain behavior through the creation of the necessary conditions for this.

State youth policy is an integral system of measures of an economic, legal, social, educational and organizational nature, carried out by government and administrative bodies, enterprises, institutions, organizations of various forms of ownership, public associations, and citizens. State youth policy expresses the strategic line of the state to ensure the socio-economic, political and cultural development of Russia, to develop in young citizens patriotism and respect for the history and culture of the fatherland, for other peoples, and for the observance of human rights. The very concept of “youth policy” appeared in the 20s, which was associated with the formation of the Komsomol organization as an independent social force and its self-determination in the socio-political space. By the 70s. In the 20th century, youth policy in most developed countries became an independent direction public policy. Laws and special programs were created to implement the rights of youth in the field of education and employment; solving the problems of young families (lending for the construction and purchase of housing, issuing loans for improvement, etc.). By the beginning of the 90s. XX century, according to the UN, there were more than 100 countries in the world that adopted special legislative acts on the development of youth protection.

About 90 countries had bodies and structures at the highest state level that directly developed and coordinated state youth policy. The system for working with youth differs both in concept and in the methods used in practice for its implementation. This depends on what is recognized as the main problems of young people, how the tasks and boundaries of state regulation of social processes are defined, and how differentiated the population is by age.

The basis for the formation and implementation of youth policy is made up of both objective and subjective factors. An objective factor expressing the need to resolve a number of problems. In conditions of significant disruptions in the functioning of the institutions of socialization of young generations (in some cases - destruction): family, education, peer communities, etc. But subjective factors arising from the needs and interests of young people reveal their real socio-economic situation.

Defining the phenomenon of youth policy from the point of view of the socio-economic status of young people, their status in Russian society. carried out at three levels of government, the interaction of which contributes to improving the situation of young people, increasing the contribution of youth to the competitiveness of the country and at the same time characteristic of young people. This:

- federal level;

- regional level;

- local level.

At the federal level, programs for social support of youth are being developed. Regional government bodies are directly responsible for the success of youth policy projects in the regions. Municipal (local government authorities), with the participation of youth and public associations, non-governmental organizations and other legal entities and individuals, carry out the developed activities in cities and districts.

carried out at three levels of government.

Functions of federal government bodies, public authorities, public organizations, and business Fig. 1.1.1. Functions of federal authorities in the sphere of implementation Functions of regional government authorities coordination of specific social qualities of communities on the progress of Fig. 1.1.2. Functions of regional authorities in the sphere of implementation of state provision of organizational assistance in the implementation, on their own initiative, of measures in the field of youth and other measures in the field of youth policy on relevant policies that do not contradict Fig. 1.1.3. Functions local authorities authorities in the implementation of municipal The main goal of youth policy is that it creates conditions for providing youth with rights and opportunities in solving their own problems, entrusts young people and their creative processes with active socially useful activities.

This allows us to consider state youth policy in a number of issues strategic development of the entire society, increasing its creative potential and innovative resources. Youth policy must create economic, legal, organizational conditions and guarantees for the social development of the younger generation and the realization of its potential in the interests of society. The goal of the state’s youth policy should be, on the one hand, to designate and structure the level of society’s values, and on the other hand, to help the younger generation during its formation.

Youth policy at the municipal level is closely related to state policy, however, it is a relatively independent process with its own implementation mechanism. The latter involves taking into account the most pressing problems of young people, specific transformations in the spheres of employment and education, health and leisure, and everyday problems.

The main goal of municipal youth policy is the creation, development and strengthening of legal, socio-economic and organizational conditions for the integration of youth as a subject into the process of socio-political and cultural development of the region. The practice of implementing youth policy shows that the most promising is a program-targeted approach to the implementation of municipal youth policy. It involves the development at the municipal level of a system of annual state social areas and activities in the field of youth policy.

A whole range of activities of state authorities and local governments is aimed at achieving the goals of state youth policy. In terms of its components, youth policy is very heterogeneous - there are issues of social protection, and problems of labor and employment, ensuring the processes of education and upbringing, and issues of so-called “risk groups”.

state youth policy of the Russian Federation in accordance with their competence. Public associations and other legal entities participate in the implementation of the tasks of state youth policy in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Achieving a goal requires solving certain problems.

Objectives of the implementation of municipal youth policy p/p Study theoretical basis implementation of youth policy Study methods of management in the field of youth policy at the municipal level of government providing conditions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle, health protection, prevention of social negative phenomena among youth, conditions for the involvement and participation of youth in socio-economic, political and cultural. Study experience in implementing the main directions of state youth policy at the municipal level Develop recommendations for solving the problems identified in the study and increasing the efficiency of management in this area to ensure the opportunity for every young person to be successful, that is, included in the active political, socio-economic and cultural life of the country, integration into international life.

state youth policy state youth policy is built taking into account:

Goals and specific objectives of state policy, recognizing youth as a strategic resource for socio-economic development, strengthening a democratic rule of law state and civil society, ensuring a high quality of life for the people and national security;

implementation of socio-economic policy, including in the field of state youth policy.

The following main directions and mechanisms are highlighted in the formation and implementation of state youth policy.

1) State support for young citizens in the field of education, upbringing and development:

Creating conditions for equal access to education for young people from large, low-income families living in urban settlements with up to 50 thousand people, rural settlements, regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, young people in difficult life situations, including young citizens from number of children with disabilities development, children left without parental care and orphans, young citizens from among the military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, retired, and combat veterans, as well as especially gifted young citizens;

Formation and implementation of measures to create favorable conditions for obtaining education by young citizens enrolled in state and municipal educational institutions of secondary, higher and postgraduate vocational education on a budgetary basis and on the basis of contracts with them paying the cost of training;

Development and implementation of long-term measures to ensure employment of graduates of professional educational institutions, to support their stable, full-fledged work activity;

Implementation of a system of measures for state support of pupils and students in educational institutions;

Formation and implementation of targeted programs (projects) to support public associations operating in educational institutions;

Development and implementation of measures to support and encourage talented young citizens in the field of education, science, technology, culture;

Development and implementation of federal, regional, local target programs for the civic development of youth, their patriotic and spiritual-moral education, cultural and physical development;

public associations in the field of spiritual and moral, military-patriotic, environmental education, career guidance, consumer education, introducing into practice competitions for programs and projects in this area;

Development and implementation of measures to disseminate among young people the ideas of spiritual unity, feelings of Russian patriotism, friendship of peoples, interethnic harmony;

- formation and implementation of a system of measures to improve the legal culture of young citizens;

Formation and implementation of measures to support various forms of intellectual, moral, physical development of young citizens to familiarize them with the values ​​of universal and national culture, to enhance their participation in the cultural life of society;

holding olympiads, competitions, and festivals in various areas of creative realization of children and youth, including in the field of professional and entrepreneurial activities;

Support and development of various forms of educational work in specialized institutions, in institutions of additional education, in youth and teenage clubs at the place of residence.

2) Assistance and support for young citizens in the field of protecting their health, in the prevention of dangerous diseases and the formation of a healthy lifestyle:

Improving measures of state support and assistance to young citizens, including those who find themselves in difficult life situations, ensuring a healthy lifestyle for young citizens, ensuring safe motherhood, preventing sexually transmitted diseases;

Intensification of measures to prevent drug addiction and dependence on psychotropic substances and narcotic drugs, for the treatment and rehabilitation of young citizens with drug addiction, to preserve the mental health of young people;

Activation of measures for preventive work with young citizens at social risk, to prevent negative behavior among young people;

Stimulating measures to promote a healthy lifestyle, to develop young citizens’ need for and ensure active physical education and sports;

Development of the practice of holding all-Russian, interregional and regional youth tournaments, sports competitions in mass sports;

- formation and development of a system of social service institutions for youth, creation of conditions for medical, psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation, social adaptation of minors;

Creating conditions for the development of mass types of youth tourism, supporting the activities of youth and children's public associations in this area;

Implementation of measures to support the activities of children's educational and health institutions, experimental sites in order to introduce innovative methods and technologies in the field of promoting a healthy lifestyle, full-fledged children's, youth, family recreation, leisure, and creative development.

3) Promoting the economic independence of young citizens and the implementation of their labor rights and responsibilities:

Creating conditions for youth employment, including the development and adoption of measures for quotas of jobs for youth;

support for specialized organizations carrying out activities to promote employment, vocational guidance, vocational training and retraining of young citizens:

youth labor exchanges, centers for seasonal and temporary youth employment, student labor groups, youth associations (implementing programs in the field of employment and career guidance for youth);

Formation and implementation of programs to promote social adaptation and increase the competitiveness of youth in the labor market;

Providing financial support for activities to create workers of eighteen years of age who are in particular need of social protection and have difficulty finding work (disabled children, orphans, children without parental care), and young citizens from among former military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - combat veterans, as well as young people living in rural areas and regions of the Far North;

Formation and implementation of the system government measures on logistical and financial support for the activities of youth training and business centers, educational enterprises, commercial organizations, more than 75% of the number of employees of which are young citizens;

- formation of state mechanisms to support youth entrepreneurship.

4) State support for young families:

Development and adoption of federal, regional, local target programs (projects) for state support of young families, primarily low-income families, to provide them with material and other assistance in solving socio-economic, social and everyday problems, to ensure employment of young parents, to form healthy lifestyle;

Organization of educational work with young citizens on issues of reproductive health, safe motherhood, education and development of child welfare, organization of children's and family recreation;

Introduction into practice of sociological monitoring on the problems of young families, on scientific and methodological support for work with young families;

Improving legislation on supporting young families in the construction and purchase of housing (on the implementation of subsidies, targeted preferential lending, mortgage lending, on the introduction of rental mechanisms for state and municipal housing and others), improving housing conditions for young low-income families;

Development and implementation of measures to support the initiatives of young citizens, the movement of youth housing complexes, other youth associations and other organizations for the construction of affordable housing for youth;

Formation of a system of social services in order to expand the scope of educational, socio-legal, medical-social, psychological-pedagogical, information, consulting and other services to young families to ensure health protection, education, upbringing and development of children, social protection, social adaptation and rehabilitation of young citizens, in difficult life situations.

5) State support for young citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations, in their social services, in social rehabilitation and adaptation:

Development and implementation of state support measures for young citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations (young citizens with disabilities in physical and (or) mental development; young citizens who are victims of armed and interethnic conflicts, natural disasters, man-made and environmental disasters that find themselves in extreme conditions; young citizens from among refugees and internally displaced persons; young citizens serving a sentence of imprisonment, including in educational colonies, young citizens in special educational institutions;

young citizens whose livelihoods are disrupted and who cannot overcome difficulties on their own or with the help of their family;

Improving the regulatory framework to provide the necessary assistance and social and legal protection for young citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations;

Development and implementation of measures to enhance social-legal, psychological-pedagogical, advisory and information assistance young citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations, on issues of choosing directions and forms of education, career guidance, employment, organizing business activities and other types of assistance;

Activation of measures to provide assistance, provide medical, socio-psychological, social rehabilitation and adaptation of young citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations;

improving the regulatory framework for supporting public associations and other legal entities and individuals providing assistance and support to young citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations.

6) Support for socially significant initiatives, socio-political activities of youth, youth and children's public associations:

Intensifying measures to support public initiatives of children's and youth public associations, socially useful activities of young citizens, their public associations, but creating conditions for the realization of creative activity and the potential of young citizens in all spheres of public life;

Further improvement of practices in scientific, methodological, information, and personnel support for the activities of children's and youth public associations;

Stimulating measures to support public initiatives at the federal and regional levels to attract youth to the advisory activities of legislative and executive authorities in the field of state youth policy, to disseminate the practice of creating and operating advisory bodies on youth issues under these authorities;

normative legal acts on the implementation of the legal rights and interests of young people.

In world practice, there are various options for creating an effective mechanism for working with youth, which can be conditionally grouped into three areas (Fig. 1.2.1.).

Options for creating an effective mechanism for working with youth State system Non-state system Social work with youth State system of work with youth Fig. 1.2.1. Options for creating an effective mechanism for working with youth State system of working with youth.

It involves the creation of state bodies for working with youth at all levels of government of the country down to the local, unified state infrastructure of institutions and organizations for youth, estimated state funding for these bodies and institutions.

Such a system has been implemented in Ukraine, Belarus and other countries.

The advantages of such a system include: the ability to ensure the unity and integrity of state policy throughout the country and the formation of a unified standard of services provided and offers for young people. However, there are also disadvantages that are inherent in state centralized systems, primarily high inertia.

Non-governmental network for organizing work with youth.

A similar mechanism for implementing youth policy has been created in countries with a market economy and liberal ideology, such as the USA or Great Britain. In these countries, the role of non-governmental associations, which traditionally bear responsibility for the implementation of youth policy, is important. Such systems provide operational and effective solution problems relevant to the state. However, the use of such a mechanism is possible only in the conditions of the existence of developed institutions of civil society.

Public-state system for integrating resources for working with youth.

This approach is typical for German associations. It is based on a precise division of the functions of educating and helping young people between the family and the state. The state ensures its role in the education of young people by paying targeted benefits for raising children in amounts sufficient for the family to implement the function of education. This payment does not depend on the financial situation of the family.

Such a mechanism for implementing youth policy ensures the mobilization of both state and public resources to solve socially significant problems. Disadvantages include the need for complex, comprehensive regulation of procedures for joint activities and long-term detailed planning.

So, the process of formation and implementation of youth policy in new conditions involves determining its goals and objectives, content, system of factors influencing this process, who plans it and how, develops, implements, controls it, what technologies can be the most optimal and effective, etc. .d.

In our country, the legal document in the field of state youth policy is the “Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020”

or “Strategy 2020”. This is the basis for the socio-economic development of the country and in this concept there is a section “Youth Policy”.

The main social projects in the field of state youth policy are the “Strategy of state youth policy in the Russian Federation”, developed for the period until 2016, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 2006 No. 1760-r., the Federal Target Program “Youth of Russia” for 2011-2015". These documents are aimed at solving issues that are relevant to young people.

The “Strategy 2020” identifies 8 projects, each of which is designed to solve pressing problems of young people:

"Russian citizen"; "Volunteer of Russia"; "Team"; "Career";

"Russian youth information network"A New Look";

"Young Family of Russia"; "Step forward"; “Success is in your hands”;

Main directions of implementation of “Strategy 2020”

No. Main directions of implementation of the “Strategy”

Involving youth in the social practice of ethnic and religious extremism Creating an infrastructure for youth policy The main goal of the state youth policy of the Russian Federation in accordance with “Strategy 2020”, “Strategy of the state youth policy of the Russian Federation until 2016” is: “creating conditions for the successful socialization and effective self-realization of youth, development potential and its use in the interests of innovative development of the country.”

specific tasks, for example, “Concept for the development of human resources for youth policy in the Russian Federation” (order of the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy dated December 23, 2008 No. 72) or “Concept of state policy regarding young families”

(Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 05/08/2007 No. AF-163/06).

Relying on federal programs, regional programs for the implementation of youth policy are also being created, for example, “Strategy of the state youth policy of the Moscow region until 2020”, “Concept for the implementation of state youth policy in the Moscow region for the period until 2020”, “Long-term target program “Youth of the Moscow Region” until 2016" etc.

At the municipal level, depending on the local problems of youth, their own priority directions for the formation and implementation of youth policy arise, for example, “Rapid decline in the youth population,” “Unemployment,” “Drug addiction,” “Family crisis.

Thus, a vertical of state youth policy is created, where all documents have a common goal to solve common and partially “own” problems.

The effective development and implementation of concepts, strategies, projects and programs produces positive results, and this creates a huge incentive to create new, more advanced and innovative projects.

Section II. Analytical part. Characteristics and analysis of the condition 2.1. Socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the Balashikha urban district of the Moscow region The Balashikha urban district is located on the territory of the Moscow region to the east of Moscow, bordering the Noginsky, Shchelkovsky, Ramensky, Lyuberetsky districts, the urban districts of Reutovo, Zheleznodorozhny, Korolev, and the city of Moscow. Territory of the Balashikha urban district; is 21.3 thousand hectares and borders the Moscow Ring Road, on one side it is intersected by the Moscow-Federal Highway Nizhny Novgorod(“Volga”), on the other – Shchelkovsky Highway. On the territory of the district there are railway stations in the Kursk direction (Balashikha, Saltykovskaya, Nikolskoye). Balashikha has a diverse historical, cultural and architectural heritage. There are more than two hundred memorable and historical places on the territory.

The urban district has a favorable geographical location, high economic and personnel potential, and is a dynamically developing municipal entity of the Moscow region, but the territorial proximity of the district to Moscow also creates problems with the use of available labor resources. All those employed in the economy are divided into 2 groups: those employed at enterprises in the Balashikha urban district and those employed at enterprises in adjacent territories. Those working outside the region make up 35% of the employed population.

On the territory of the urban district of Balashikha, 22 large and medium-sized organizations carry out industrial activities, of which the leading ones are: OJSC “Cryogenmash”; OJSC "345 Mechanical Plant"; JSC Aviation Corporation Rubin; OJSC "Balashikha Foundry and Mechanical Plant" and others. There is an increase in chemical production, production of machinery and equipment, aircraft and spacecraft.

However, a comparative analysis of the district's enterprises showed that small and medium-sized enterprises play an important role in the socio-economic development of the Balashikha urban district. As of January 1, 2013, according to statistical data, 1,256 small enterprises carry out economic activities in the city district.

Distribution of small enterprises by industry Fig. 2.1.1. Quantitative distribution of small enterprises by industry (units) Trends in the development of small businesses show that enterprises are created and developed mainly in industries that do not require significant capital investments - trade, catering, intermediary services.

The area of ​​the housing stock in the Balashikha urban district in 2012 was 6122.4 thousand square meters. Since 2013, due to the commissioning of new buildings, this figure has increased to 6449 thousand square meters. m.

In 2013, profit increased by 1.4% compared to 2012 and amounted to 4.5 billion rubles. The main share of profits comes from large and medium-sized organizations - 59.4% of total profits.

In the healthcare sector, the main task is to provide the residents of the district with qualified and affordable medical care.

Long-term departmental target programs have been developed and are being implemented aimed at comprehensively solving the problems of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with social diseases and strengthening the material and technical base of healthcare institutions. Namely, the long-term target program “Development of healthcare in the Balashikha urban district for 2011-2013” ​​and activities under the Program “Modernization of healthcare in the Moscow region”. Characteristics of medical services for the population of the Balashikha urban district are presented in Table 2.1.2:

Characteristics of medical services provided to the population by institutions:

Number of cases of hospitalization of patients per resident, units.

Average length of stay of a patient in a hospital 10, Capacity of outpatient clinics per shift, visits Availability of doctors to the population:

number of doctors of all specialties, total units.

per 10,000 people

Provision of the population with paramedical personnel, total units.

per 10,000 people

Preventive examinations of the population, examined as a percentage of those subject to examination, % One of the priority areas for the development of the Balashikha urban district is education. The general education system includes general education municipal institutions of the Balashikha urban district and 47 preschool institutions.

In the urban district of Balashikha there is an increase in the number of preschool and school age due to massive development, increasing birth rates and population migration to the urban district due to the attractiveness of the location, the presence of developed infrastructure, and proximity to Moscow. The amount of funds provided for the creation of places in preschool institutions in 2013 is 687 million.

rubles This is 4.5 times more than in 2012.

Unprecedented volumes of construction of children's institutions are planned. In 2013, 11 kindergartens and an educational school for 825 places were put into operation. In 2014, kindergartens for 3,300 places and 5 educational schools for 4,400 students are planned.

Characteristics of the education sector of the Balashikha urban district Number of preschool institutions, units. (number, places) 47 (9546) Occupancy of preschool institutions, children in groups Number of secondary schools, units. total including:

specialized schools with in-depth study of various subjects Graduation of students who have completed full high school, 2, thousand people Number of schools operating in two shifts, units.

Number of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, total units.


Number of students in secondary special and higher education 6, educational institutions, thousand people

In general educational institutions of the city district, work is being done to timely identify children and families at risk.

Individual preventive work with students and families at risk is carried out in collaboration with other bodies of the prevention system: KDNiZP, PDN of the Balashikhinskoye Municipal Internal Affairs Ministry, the Department of Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Work of the City District Administration, the Raduga Center for Medical Social Protection.

The number of students who are on various types of registration Types of registration In-school KDNiZP accounting PDN accounting With a trend toward an increase in the number of students who are on intra-school registration, the proportion of students who are registered with KDNiZP and PDN for committing illegal acts remains at the same level.

This indicates the timely identification and socialization of those categories of children who have acquired factors that contribute to the emergence of deviant behavior.

In the urban district of Balashikha there are 2 theaters: the MBUK “Little Puppet Theater”, which has a separate room (for 40 seats) and the MBUK “Musical Theater of the Young Actor “Orpheus”. The level of provision of the population of the Balashikha urban district with theaters was 0.82 units per 100 thousand population in 2013.

The network of municipal libraries consists of 23 units, in 2013 it was 84% ​​per 1000 residents and does not meet the regulatory needs.

The network of cultural and leisure institutions increased in 2013 by 2 units due to the adoption of former officers' houses into municipal ownership and amounted to 12 institutions. The actual number of seats in 2013 is 3,195, with a standard requirement of 6,223 seats (25 seats per 1,000 inhabitants).

The provision of museum-type institutions in the urban district of Balashikha complies with the standards and amounts to 2 units: a local history museum and an art gallery.

On the territory of the Balashikha urban district there are 5 stadiums, a sports complex - MBUFK and S "Ice Palace "Arena-Balashikha", 48 gyms, 5 indoor swimming pools, 76 organizations of various forms of ownership of physical culture and recreational leisure - of which 3 are municipal sports institutions and 5 children's and youth sports schools. The number of flat sports facilities (sports grounds and fields) is 80 objects.

In 2012, the number of residents involved in physical education and sports increased to 39,389 (38,922 in 2011). The share of the population systematically involved in physical education and sports is 16.53%. Competitions at the regional, all-Russian and international levels in various sports are held on the territory of the district.

The district administration has made a number of fundamental decisions to equip the district with modern physical culture and health complexes, build the Meteor football center, and ensure timely maintenance of sports grounds and sports clubs at the place of residence.

The population of the Balashikha urban district as of January 1, 2013 was 247.8 thousand people and shows positive dynamics. Demographics Balashikha urban district over the past five years are reflected in table 2.1.5:

Demographic situation in the urban district of Balashikha Population thousand.

The number is constant in thousands.

living population people

Including those aged (0-16 years) (0-7 years) (7-18 years) At working age thousand.

Number of births per 1000 inhabitants Number of deaths per 1000 inhabitants Coefficients:

total load - the ratio of the disabled age to the working age population per 1000 people pension load - the ratio of the number of people of retirement age to the working age population per 1000 people Number of arrivals per 1000 inhabitants Number of departures per 1000 inhabitants In the territory urban district in 2013, the birth rate increased. The crude birth rate was 14.5 people per 1,000 inhabitants. In general, according to estimates for 2013, the increase in the resident population was 3.99%.

Rice. 2.1.2. Demographic situation of the population There is a natural increase in the population, which amounted to people. In table 2.1.6. The dynamics of natural population growth in the urban district are presented.

Dynamics of vital statistics indicators Number of births per population,% of population,% Natural population decline (persons) Fig. 2.1.3. The number of births and deaths of the population In the urban district of Balashikha, as well as in the Moscow region, in general, there continues to be a downward trend in the overall mortality rate of the population from 11.4% in 2012 to 9.2% in 2013, which is due to improved quality and accessibility medical care, strengthening preventive work in outpatient health care institutions, strengthening their diagnostic base.

Along with natural growth, there is also migration (mechanical) population growth, caused by the influx of emigrants, the commissioning of housing and the settlement of new microdistricts of the city district, including microdistricts for military personnel.

Dynamics of indicators mechanical movement population Fig.2.1.4. Distribution of citizens who arrived, by age, % Fig. 2.1.5. Distribution of citizens who arrived, by gender, % Fig. 2.1.6. Distribution of citizens of working age, 2.2.1. Main trends in the development of the demographic potential of young people The dynamics of the total population reflects patterns in the trends in the formation of its age structure and natural reproduction of the population.

In the urban district, the number of births in 2013 was 3590 people, in 2012 – 3432 people, in 2011 – 3076 people. Therefore, in 2013, compared to 2012, the birth rate is growing, the number of births increased by 4.6%. Infant mortality decreased. This indicates natural positive population growth.

In addition, the number of people getting married increased by 12.5% ​​in 2013, and divorces decreased by 22.8%.

There have also been changes in the age structure of the population: the share of the working age population has decreased and the number of the retirement age population has increased, as evidenced by the load factors (total and pension).

Rice. Number of able-bodied and disabled population Fig. The share of youth in the population The share of youth in the total population of the urban district is 40%, namely 99,121 thousand people (Fig.

Rice. The share of youth in the total population The number of young people in the Balashikha urban district by age is presented in Table and in Figure

Number of youth in the Balashikha urban district by age Fig. The number of youth in the Balashikha urban district by age (thousands of people) From the data presented it is clear that a large quantitative niche is occupied by youth in the age category from 26 to 30 years.

2.2.2. Analysis of the demographic behavior of young people The institution of family plays an important role in the system of population reproduction and life support for the basic needs of society. However, at this stage there is a family crisis, the number of single-parent families is increasing, the number of divorces is increasing, and the birth rate is decreasing. This is due to the fact that the institution of the family does not fulfill its basic social functions.

Young people do not have sufficient knowledge about family and family relationships. The decline in social morals and the lack of state support have an extremely negative impact on issues of marriage and the institution of family. Every year, 1.2 million children are born in the country, while at least 750 thousand more newborns are required for simple population reproduction. The total fertility rate should exceed 2, but in our country it is now 1.7.

Today, according to official statistics, every third child in Russia is born out of wedlock. Almost half of marriages in our country are not registered. The erosion of social norms has led to the fact that 45% of women and men are living with their first partner in a “civil marriage” by the age of 25. In 2005, for every 1,000 people in the population, there were 7.5 marriages and 4.2 divorces. Negative phenomena are caused not only by socio-economic transformations, but also by the direct influence on the behavior of young people of information conveying the ideology of the Western sexual revolution. Under its influence the previous social functions. Changes in sexual behavior sharply increase the number of cohabitations and, as a result, children born out of wedlock, abandoned and street children. The dynamics of unregistered marriages in the Balashikha urban district are presented in Table

Number of marriages (cohabitation), units.

Rice. Number of unregistered marriages Young people, having their own system of values ​​and views, evaluate the modern family in their own way. And here it is extremely necessary to control on the part of the state, formulate tasks and implement measures to strengthen the institution of the family, purposefully prepare young people for conscious parenthood, increase the birth rate, and increase the number of prosperous families. Main tasks to strengthen the institution of family:

1) monitoring needs related to family and marriage;

2) determination of attitudes towards family and marital relations;

3) implementation of programs that form positive attitudes towards family values;

4) promoting family values;

5) information support for resolved issues of a young family.

The following indicators are considered indicators of the youth policy measures taken in the formation of a young family in the urban district:

-increase in the number of young people getting married;

-decrease in the number of unregistered marriages;

preparation for marriage.

In the urban district at the municipal level, the Balashikha Civil Registry Office forms and implements measures to strengthen the institution of the family:

conducts marriage and naming ceremonies, organizes city holidays “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity”, “City Day”, “In the Constellation of Gemini”, honoring anniversaries family life, leads active work at the Young Family Club.

Young families include families permanently residing at their place of registration and provided that both spouses have not reached the age of 30.

The youth project “Young Family of Russia” is aimed at creating conditions for the social, psychological, pedagogical, material and economic well-being of young families, through the coordination and joint activities of state and non-state structures.

Successful implementation as a whole depends on the degree of development of the project and how effective the ways to solve existing problems will be.

We have moved away from the edge of the demographic abyss, but have not emerged from the democratic crisis.

Main directions of project implementation:

- developing a positive attitude among young people towards marriage, family and responsible parenthood;

Expanding the network of advisory centers in the city district to provide services in solving the problems of young families;

- Creation information base data on the needs of a young family;

- assistance in expanding the district’s infrastructure in solving everyday problems of a young family;

Development and support of an effective model of assistance to young families at all levels of government;

Creation of a commission for the purpose of disseminating and implementing state policy in relation to young families in all social spheres.

In 2013, new positions were introduced into the program “Social protection of the population of the Balashikha urban district”: support for family, motherhood and childhood, including partial monetary compensation for the purchase of school uniforms for large families - 372 thousand rubles, material support for those in need disadvantaged families- thousand rubles. Within the framework of Law No. 73/2011-OZ of June 1, 2011 “On the free provision of land to large families,” as of May 2013, 342 families were registered.

On the basis of 3 youth centers of the Balashikha urban district, Young Family Clubs have been created and are actively operating: “Two Fates”, “Crystal House”, “Constellation” and “Pearl”. Working closely with each other, the clubs hold a large number of family events, both city level and internal: “Seven + Me” competitions are held annually.

“Super Mom”, Family Ecological KVN, “Mom, Dad, I am a sports family.”

2.2.3 Analysis of the main indicators of youth health Positive health indicators are the proportion in the population physically and health indicators - mortality, morbidity, life expectancy, physical development of a young person. Auxiliary health programs that have favorable weight and height indicators, those who do not seek medical help, etc. The main problem when using these indicators is the development of normative criteria at the local municipal level.

A unified healthcare policy has been formed in the urban district, aimed at ensuring an increase in funding for the industry, stable operation of its institutions and increasing the efficiency of use of resources in healthcare.

Long-term and departmental target programs have been developed and are being implemented aimed at comprehensively solving the problems of diagnosis, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with diseases of a social nature and strengthening the material and technical base of healthcare institutions, for example, the program “Providing the population with medicines in the Balashikha urban district.”

More than 87.90 million rubles were spent from the budget of the Balashikha urban district on the development of the healthcare sector.

Orphans and children without parental care and in difficult life situations underwent medical examination - 137 children - 114%.

institutions. During the clinical examination, the following chronic diseases were identified in young people and adolescents Fig.

Fig. Structure of chronic diseases of young people, % In order to reduce infectious morbidity among the population, within the framework of the national project “Health”, residents of the Balashikha urban district were immunized:

Adult population:

Hepatitis B - 3899 people - 65% of the plan for 2013.

Diphtheria - 3115 people - 57% of the plan for 2013.

Rubella - 269 people - 59% of the plan for 2013.

Child population:

Polio - 2227 people - 73.1% of the plan for 2013.

Hepatitis B - 2243 people - 71.1% of the plan for 2013.

Rubella - 2293 people - 76.6% of the plan for 2013.

Diphtheria - 2274 people - 76% of the plan for 2013.

Mumps - 2201 people - 73.8% of the plan for 2013.

We were tested for carriage of HIV-22936 and hepatitis C - humans.

Rice. Share of HIV-infected youth in the total number of HIV-infected citizens % Fig. Proportion of HIV-infected youth In pursuance of the order of the Governor of the Moscow Region A.Yu.

Vorobyov, in April-May 2013, voluntary testing of high school students was carried out for early detection of the need for narcotic drugs.

The administration of the Balashikha urban district pays special attention to organizing activities for the recreation and recreation of young people. In 2013, 223 thousand rubles were spent for these purposes from the budget of the Balashikha urban district. 1,600 children rested in city and country health camps.

The district is carrying out a set of measures to improve the health of young people by involving them in regular physical education and sports. In accordance with the long-term target program “Development of physical culture and sports of the Balashikha urban district for 2011-2013. » in 2013, more than 500 sports and public sports events were held, attracting 45,000 thousand people; a tournament for children and teenagers with a coverage of 5,500 people; 28 tournaments for residents with disabilities, covering more than 10,000 people, and more than 270 matches in football, volleyball, basketball, baseball, and hockey.

positive dynamics: the number of teenagers regularly attending sports clubs and sections increased by 18%; the number of specialists in the field of sports increased by 2.5%; the total number of young people involved in sports increased by 0.7%.

2.3. Analysis of the organizational structure and main activities of the Directorate for Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Work of the Balashikha Urban District, Moscow Region Directorate for Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Work of the Administration of the Balashikha Urban District, created by the Decision of the Council of Deputies of the Balashikha Urban District dated 24.04 .2012

No. 41/325, is a structural unit of the administration of the Balashikha urban district, implementing state and municipal policies in the field of physical education, sports and work with youth on the territory of the urban district.

The department coordinates and controls the activities of municipal institutions under its jurisdiction in the field of physical culture, sports, tourism and work with youth in the Balashikha urban district.

The Department is guided in its activities by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other legal acts federal authorities, the Charter and laws of the Moscow region, as well as other legal acts of state authorities of the Moscow region, regulatory legal acts of the Balashikha urban district.

The youth policy of the district is carried out in accordance with the target long-term program “Youth of the Balashikha Urban District” for 2011-2013, socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period before the state youth policy in the Russian Federation”, developed until 2016.

The main priorities of youth policy in the urban district of Balashikha are:

1) creating conditions for successful socialization and effective self-realization of youth;

2) development of the potential of youth and its use in the interests of innovative development of their hometown;

3) involvement of youth in social practice;

4) ensuring effective socialization of young people in difficult life situations.

The department carries out its activities in cooperation with other structural divisions of the Administration of the Balashikha Urban District, local governments, government bodies and other organizations.

The department is a legal entity, has a seal with the image of the coat of arms of the Balashikha urban district and with its name, other seals in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Rice. 2.3.1. The structure of the Directorate for Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism, management activities, control of the activities of subordinate institutions, organization of interaction with the Ministry of Physical Culture, Sports and Work with Youth of the Moscow Region, with structural divisions of the administration of the Balashikha urban district.

The deputy head of the department coordinates the activities of youth policy, organizes the implementation of programs, calendar and long-term management plans.

Department of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism - develops targeted programs in the field of physical culture and sports, organizes and conducts physical education and sports events.

The Youth Department develops targeted programs in the field of youth policy and organizes youth events.

quarterly and annual management reports and consolidated reporting for subordinate institutions, prepares proposals for drawing up a consolidated budget list for management, including all subordinate institutions, compiles and submits statistical reports to funds and the tax office.

2.4. Characteristics of the network of institutions for working with youth of the Balashikha urban district. Three municipal budgetary institutions for working with youth operate on the territory of the Balashikha urban district (Table 2.4.1.). On the basis of these youth centers, 12 clubs have been created and are functioning at the place of residence, in which there are clubs, creative associations, clubs of interest, people are engaged, of which 1,496 are children and adolescents.

Institutions for working with youth of the Balashikha urban district No. Name Main areas of activity Age of the youth center for working with teenagers and students Municipal Status: Basic experimental state-financed organization platform for the implementation of the youth policy of the Moscow region in the urban district in the direction of “Work at the place of residence”

Balashikha "Comprehensive Youth Center (MBU "KMC" New Patriotic Education Structural Spiritual, Moral and Civil Division of MBU "KMC " Patriotic Education " New World" - Promotion of employment and employment 16- Structural Disclosure of creative potential division of MBU adolescents and youth "KMC "New World" - Spiritual-moral and civic-12-adolescent-patriotic education (PMC "Galatea") of antisocial behavior of adolescents and division of MBU Patriotic education Municipal Status: The center has been a supporting platform for 10-30 years, a budgetary institution for the preparation and conduct of large urban activities. Balashikha youth leisure programs.

"Comprehensive youth center "Sputnik"

subdivision of MBU "KMC "Sputnik" Provision of socio-psychological 7th division of MBU "KMC "Sputnik"

youth sport Club"Athlete"

division of MBU "KMC "Sputnik"

youth sports club "Zvezda A 1"

budgetary institution for work with youth Balashikha “Leisure activities for adolescents and youth, career guidance, preventive center for training of young personnel (student (MBU “DPC “Family”) master classes, psychological trainings;

establishments; implementation of the projects “Russian Priorities” and National Treasure”; excursions to enterprises of the Balashikha urban district; presentations of professions; survey of students of secondary schools and vocational schools; organization of the work of teenage work teams) - Prevention of psychoactive 7-addiction, crime, extremism, terrorism, injuries on the roads of children, adolescents and youth (organization of cultural and sports events to promote a healthy lifestyle;

organization of events for the life safety of children, adolescents and young people; organization of leisure activities at the place of residence; organization of informational and educational preventive activities) - Support for young families (program 16 for teenagers “It’s time to grow up”;

prevention of early motherhood; club "Happy Parents"; “Healthy Baby” school; early childhood development school;

initial preparation for school; classes with a speech therapist; group of short-term stays for children) - Spiritual, moral and heroic 12-patriotic education of children, adolescents, youth and young families (interaction with the Deanery of churches of the Balashikha district; interaction with military units of the Balashikha garrison, the Military Technical University under the Federal Agency for Special Construction of the Russian Federation; heroic -patriotic events; youth festival “We are your sons, Russia!” military sports game “Glory to Victory”) - Organization of work with families raising children with disabilities (work with the NGO “Peace for All” and MSOU IIX type ) - Organization psychological assistance 7- (group and individual psychological counseling;

puppet theater “Fairy Tale”, spiritual and creative development studio “Golden Keys”, “Coeval”, “Tinky-Winky”, “Art Prevention”, volunteer team.

MBU division support for talented youth "Children's Children's Center "Family" - children's Spiritual, moral and civic 10- puppet theater "Fairy Tale" patriotic education Structural Organization of sports and recreational 7-30 years old MBU division martial arts work patriotic education of children Structural Support for young families division MBU Spiritual, moral and civic 10- “DPC “Family” - patriotic education teenage club Discovering creative potential 10- 2.5. Analysis of the main problems of youth in the Balashikha urban district The situation of youth is considered an indicator of the state of society, since they represent a socio-demographic group with which the prospects for the development of the state are directly related.

Today, the situation of young people is characterized as extremely unstable and contradictory. On the one hand, it represents the most dynamic, mobile part of our society; on the other hand, the most socially unprepared, and therefore the most vulnerable, part of it.

The material stratification of society naturally led to a certain way of life and behavior of young people. It stimulates the following forms of self-realization of young people: alienation from work, an increase in criminal manifestations, alcoholism, drug addiction, the desire to participate in informal youth associations, the growth of extremism, and increased aggressiveness. It is known that child and teenage crime and, in general, crime in Russia is almost entirely youth crime, caused by social inequality, poverty, misery and the availability of drugs and alcohol. There has been a rejuvenation of crime, an increase in the number of crimes committed by minors and “female” crimes.


Rice. 2.5.1. Dynamics of personal cases against minors for alcohol and drug use reviewed by the CDN and ZP, units.

There is a moral degradation of the individual, there is an erosion of values ​​and the foundations of morality, and a decrease in the interest of young people in national culture, its traditions and history. This is further facilitated by the uncertainty of young people, the negative influence of the media, and the imposition of consumption standards. And as a result, we see the pessimism of young people, disbelief in the future, the opportunity to realize their interests in no other way than deviation from legal and moral norms. The mentioned phenomena are also associated with such an acute problem as the explosive growth of social diseases (including AIDS).

Each new generation of youth, in comparison with previous generations, is much less spiritual, more criminal and immoral, distant from knowledge and education, less professionally trained and work-oriented.

Each new generation turns out to be less healthy than the previous one; diseases have “moved” from old age to youth, threatening the gene pool of the nation. The intellectual potential of young people and the innovative capabilities of society are rapidly declining. There is a clear conflict between the interests of young people and the real opportunities for social mobility.

Young people act as a conductor of the ideology of tolerance, the development of Russian culture and the strengthening of interethnic and intergenerational relations. But at the moment, 30% of young people aged 18-35 experience hostility towards representatives of other nationalities, 40% would approve of the decision to evict some national groups from the region.

An important area of ​​work with youth in the city district is the organization of activities to prevent antisocial manifestations among young people, primarily the use of alcoholic beverages and smoking, drug addiction and substance abuse, and youth participation in extremist associations.

However, statistics show a negative picture:

Alcoholic beverages (including beer) are consumed by 81% of adolescents and young people, including 33% of boys and 20% of girls who do so daily;

- up to 75% of 18-year-olds smoke;

- about 5% of children and youth use drugs intravenously (including 70% - at least 2 times a month).

The proportion of adolescents and young people among the country's residents who use drugs without medical indications is more than 80%; the increase in the level of HIV-infected people and other pathologies that develop as a result of non-medical drug use is alarming.

Rice. 2.5.2. The share of youth who use drugs in the total Implementation of youth policy activities contributes to the inclusion of youth in the socio-economic, political and cultural life of society, the formation of civil legal consciousness, tolerance, the development of the volunteer movement, the implementation of the innovative potential of youth and socially significant youth initiatives in the interests of the state and community development of the district.

2.5.1. Youth employment and youth unemployment The main reason for unemployment in the urban district of Balashikha is the ineffectiveness of social policy. Among the unemployed, young people under 25 years of age predominate.

Rice. The share of unemployed youth in the total number of other categories Due to the deterioration of the financial situation of young people and the lowering of the age of employment, adolescents under 18 years of age who do not have the status of unemployed by law are actually unemployed and constitute at least 45% of the total number of unemployed youth. The current situation with teenage employment is very alarming. Most often, this is self-employment, such as washing cars and selling newspapers, or working in the “shadow” sector of the economy.

Youth employment can be represented as follows:

89.8% of young people are employed;

2.7% - in business with hired labor;

2.5% - are engaged in individual activities;

10% are engaged in small business;

In 2013, 729 people applied to the state employment service to find a suitable job, which is 97 people less than in 2012. The number of citizens recognized as unemployed during the reporting period was 726 people. 1,590 people were employed, incl. 632 schoolchildren.

Fig. The share of youth who applied to the employment center and received the status of unemployed in the total number of young people of working age, %. The administration of the city district and the Balashikha employment center, through the implementation of the activities of the “Targeted program for promoting employment of the population”, provides support in solving the socio-economic problems of youth, organizing employment, finding employment and professional development of youth. As part of this direction, the following were held: 70 career guidance events, where 7,500 young people were tested to select a field of activity, employment and vocational education; increase in employed young people to 900 people; The work of teenagers in work teams was organized.

All indicators of the above program have been “exceeded”:

Organization of job fairs – 6 (150% completion) Organization of public works, persons. -71 (81.6%) Organization of temporary employment of young unemployed citizens experiencing difficulties in finding work, people -11 (91.7%) Organization of temporary employment of unemployed youth aged 18 to 20 from among graduates of primary and secondary vocational education education, job seekers for the first time, people - (100.0%) Organization of temporary employment of minor citizens aged 14 to 18 years, people - 632 (109.9%) Social adaptation of unemployed young people in the labor market, people - 75 (76.1 %) Providing assistance to self-employment of the unemployed, people -23 (92.0%) of those who opened their own business with the assistance of the employment service, Professional education unemployed citizens, including young people - 131 (93.6) people.

Professional training, retraining and advanced training of young women during the period of parental leave upon reaching the age of three years, persons - 6 (150%).

Providing psychological support, persons. - 9.

In connection with the resolution of the Administration of the Balashikha city district dated 04/19/2013 No. 589/8-PA “On the organization of recreation, health improvement and employment of children during the holiday period 2013.” The Department of Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Work created temporary jobs for the summer holidays at the MBU “KMC “New World” and MBU “DPC “Family” with 30 places in each institution. The work of labor teams for minors aged 14 to 18 years was organized, in which 60 teenagers worked. The organization of the work of labor teams is financed from the local budget under the section of the long-term target program “Youth of the Balashikha Urban District for 2011-2013” ​​and also from the funds of the state government institution of the Moscow region Balashikha Employment Center - 1275 rubles. The total salary is 4,500 rubles per month of work. The teenagers worked 5 days a week, no more than 4 hours a day for a month. In addition to working with the children, qualified teachers and psychologists worked with them.

All government services are in demand by citizens. Attending job fairs, acquiring a new profession or improving existing qualifications significantly increases employment opportunities and reduces the unemployment rate of the urban district.

2.5.2. Financial situation of youth In modern society, Russian youth enter into socio-economic relations earlier than youth in Western countries, which, on the contrary, have an age of entry into adult life rises. At the same time, various sectors of the economy accept young labor resources extremely unevenly. And if in the sphere of services and entrepreneurship young people make up a significant percentage of workers, then in the social budgetary sphere and the sphere of state and municipal administration the share of young workers today is insignificant. Young people are generally patriotic; they want changes to improve the well-being of the country. Young people want to live in a state that will provide them with a decent life, and they want to be useful to their country, they want to do what they love, receive decent pay for their work, without fear that they will be fired tomorrow. However, after graduating from college and having a diploma of higher education, it can be extremely difficult and sometimes even impossible for young people to find a job. Therefore, over time, the resources of a potential employee are reduced, young people gradually lose faith in their abilities, at the same time, their dependent position is increasingly strengthened, which continues to reduce their competitiveness in the labor market.

Today's youth are not confident in the future, although 61.6% of them have completed higher education and are ready to work for the good of their homeland.

Due to the social stratification of society, there is a deterioration in the financial situation of young people. The average salary of young people in the municipal sphere of the Balashikha urban district ranges from 11,000 to 18,000 rubles. In May 2013, in accordance with the standards of the City District Administration, wages for social workers were increased by 6%, and in September 2013 - by 9%. In addition, in September 2013 a resolution was issued on additional payment to young specialists of social institutions in the amount of 2,000 rubles per month. In order to attract qualified personnel to the municipal sphere of activity, in 2013, 15 young families of workers in the public sector and housing and communal services were provided with housing.

The average statistical income and expenses of youth in the urban district are presented in Table

Average statistical income and expenses per capita, rub.

The minimum cost of a grocery basket per month is 2986.4 rubles, which increased by 105.9% compared to 2012.

2.5.3. Labor priorities, consumer orientations and problems of social mobility of youth conditions, it has become pragmatic, rational and realistic, focused on sustainable development and creative work. She has a much freer choice of profession, behavior patterns, life partners, style of thinking, compared to her peers 20-30 years ago. There has been a sharp differentiation and social polarization of young people, based on wealth stratification, social origin and their own social status.

In a society where material well-being and enrichment become priority goals, culture and value orientations young people. Consumer orientations prevail in the sociocultural values ​​of modern youth.

Material well-being began to be valued much higher than freedom, the value of wages became much higher than the value of interesting work.

The dominant values ​​in the value system of modern youth are:

money, education and profession, business career, the opportunity to live for your own pleasure, i.e. The policy of “bread and circuses” behavior prevails.

Attracting prestigious and beautiful things to the world becomes the end in itself of existence, the meaning of life. The cult of fashion and consumption is gradually and gradually taking over the consciousness of young people, acquiring a universal character.

Young people soberly and without false hopes evaluate the attitude towards themselves as a consumer. Maybe that’s why today’s young generation has withdrawn into its own “world.” Young people are absorbed in the internal problems of survival in difficult and cruel times. They strive to receive the culture and education that will help them survive and succeed.

2.5.4. Preferences of young people in the field of culture and art Free time is one of the important means of shaping the personality of a young person. It directly affects his production and labor activity, because in conditions of free time, restoration processes occur that relieve intense mental and physical stress. The use of free time by young people is a unique indicator of their culture, range of spiritual interests and needs of young people. Due to the socio-economic difficulties of society, a large number of unemployed young people, the lack of the required number of cultural institutions and lack of attention from local authorities, young people develop a passive consumer attitude towards culture. Today there is a tendency towards further dehumanization and demoralization of sociocultural values. This trend is manifested in the interest of young people in scenes and episodes of violence and cruelty in cinema, television, theater, literature, music, and art. There is a total eradication from cultural circulation of an entire layer of culture, art, and science. The practice of youth leisure shows that the most attractive forms for young people are music, dancing, and games.

The main problem is the lack of youth centers and clubs.

A partial way out of this situation was the construction of a comprehensive youth center in the urban district of Balashikha at the address:

st. Molodezhnaya, building 9 and improving the activities of cultural and leisure centers in all areas: finalizing the economic mechanism, developing concepts for cultural institutions in new conditions, planning and managing leisure institutions.

In the cultural institutions of the Balashikha urban district there are clubs, interest clubs, and creative associations, in which 7,180 people study monthly, including 5,060 children, adolescents and youth. Most clubs and sections operate free of charge. There are 2,120 students studying in children's art schools. In 2013, about 6,000 thematic cultural and leisure events were held for residents of the urban district, which were attended by 377.8 thousand.

According to the target long-term program of the Balashikha urban district “Development of the district’s culture for 2011-2013”, resolutions of the Administration of the city. dated June 26, 2013 No. 843/8-PA “Changes aimed at increasing the efficiency of the cultural sector of the urban district” and the municipal program “Culture of the Balashikha urban district” for 2014-2016. main activities have been developed and are being carried out.

2.6. Characteristics and analysis of municipal programs aimed at solving the main problems of youth To summarize the above, I would like to note that solving youth problems is relevant only with the help of the state, through improving the system, methods and forms of implementation of youth policy in the Russian Federation. The state must organize the joint work of various departments, institutions, organizations, government structures, create action programs, organize dialogue between authorities, social institutions and youth, study social and demographic problems of youth, create optimal conditions for the development and self-realization of young citizens.

One of the main ways to solve this problem is the development and implementation of projects, concepts and programs. They are created at the federal, regional and municipal levels. Depending on the specific problems of our district, priority areas for the formation and implementation of youth policy are determined. The Department of Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Work of the Balashikha Urban District Administration implements its activities in the field of youth policy through the targeted long-term program “Youth of the Balashikha Urban District” for 2011-2013.

Purpose of the program:

Creation of legal, socio-economic, organizational conditions for the formation, self-realization and development of youth. Inclusion of youth in the socio-economic, political and cultural life of the Balashikha urban district.

Main goals:

Formation of high patriotic consciousness and civic responsibility, legal, moral and cultural values ​​among young people.

Involving young people in social practice and informing them about potential opportunities, providing support for the creative, scientific and entrepreneurial activity of young people.

Ensuring an interdepartmental approach to the primary prevention of antisocial manifestations, addictive behavior and promoting a healthy lifestyle among adolescents and youth, creating mechanisms for support and integration into social life young people in difficult life situations.

Ensuring effective socialization and involving youth in active social activities, increasing the social activity of youth public associations in Balashikha, creating conditions for their activities.

Creation and development of mechanisms for multi-level training of leaders of youth associations, support for student initiatives and student self-government, development of volunteer activities.

Organization of healthy leisure time, formation of a holistic support system for initiative and talented youth with leadership skills.

Assistance in solving socio-economic problems of youth in employment and professional development.

Support for young families.

The amount of funding for this Program is 2800.0 thousand rubles, including:

2011 - 800.0 thousand rubles.

2012 – 900.0 thousand rubles.

2013 – 1100.0 thousand rubles.

Main activities of the Program implementation:

1. Civic-patriotic and spiritual-moral education of youth. Within the framework of this direction, during the specified period, the following were held: 290 events (memory watches, memorial days, competitions, shows, festivals, conferences) in which 67,000 young people took part;

108 environmental events in which 27,000 people took part; 108 events of pre-conscription and conscription age in which 21,000 people took part.

2. Support for the activities of youth public associations and organizations. Training and retraining of youth activists. Within the framework of this direction, the following were held: 36 training events for volunteer activists (1800 people); 37 events aimed at increasing electronic literacy (10,500 people);

3. Prevention of antisocial manifestations among young people, support for young people who find themselves in difficult life situations. Within the framework of this area, the following were carried out: 320 events aimed at preventing the use of psychoactive substances (63,000 young people); the volunteer anti-drug movement has been increased to 300 people; 30 training events for 500 teachers and parents; 37 thematic publications were published in the media, 200 events aimed at developing tolerance and preventing extremism among young people (46,000 people);

4. Assistance in solving socio-economic problems of youth, organizing employment, employment and professional development of youth. Within the framework of this direction, the following were carried out: 70 career guidance events (7,500 young people), an increase in employed young people to 900 people; the work of teenagers in work teams was organized;

5. Support for young families. Within the framework of this area, the following were carried out: 108 events aimed at developing a positive attitude towards marriage, strengthening the institution of family, organizing family leisure (10,000 people);

6. Information and analytical support for the implementation of youth policy. As part of this area, a unified information resource has been created, information booklets have been published, and the number of young people working with the media has increased;

7. Development of the creative and intellectual potential of youth, support for gifted youth. Within the framework of this direction, the following were held: 200 events aimed at developing creative and intellectual potential (10,200 people); 30 events aimed at developing youth subcultures (1500 people); 108 events for youth with disabilities;

8. Development of youth infrastructure, strengthening the material and technical base of institutions for working with youth. Within the framework of this area, the following were held: 15 training events for specialists in the field of youth policy; 3 city competitions among specialists in the field of youth policy; 9 manuals were published with a circulation of 100 copies. for specialists in the field of youth policy. M E C H A N I K I M A R K S H E Y D E R S K O G O D E L A M E F O R S I C T I O N S C E N T R - ATTENTION MINING GEOMECHANICS AND Mine Surveying Collection of scientific works St. Petersburg 2009 Mining Geomechanics and Mine Surveying: collection of scientific works. - S P b.: VN I M I, 2009. - 252 p. In the articles of this anniversary...”

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"2. Bondartseva, M.A. Flora of tinder fungi in Siberia. 1. Polypores of Altai / M.A. Bondartseva // News of the taxonomy of lower plants. - L.: Science, 1973. - T.10. - pp. 127-133. 3. Vasilyeva, L.N. Study of macroscopic fungi as components of plant communities / L.N. Vasilyeva // Field geobotany. - M.; L.: Nauka, 1959. 4. Vasser S.P. Family Agaricaceae - Agaricaceae // Lower plants, fungi and bryophytes of the Soviet Far East. Mushrooms. T. 1. L.: Nauka, 1990. P. 118-206. 5. Kovalenko,...”

For many years I have been concerned about the general situation in society and especially among young people. In recent years, moral education, social culture and the moral health of society as a whole have suffered greatly. Every year, children and teenagers increasingly ignore books, classics, and art. , painting, history , science, etc. To all this, children prefer virtual games, which negatively affect the psyche, and immoral literature. Teenagers use alcohol and drugs more often. They become dependent on various harmful television programs, vulgar series and films, which increasingly hint at intimate things, which provokes children to rash actions. In connection with this situation, I have prepared a project that allows us to assess the level of morality in modern society, offering real aspects of the development of youth policy.

Relevance . In modern society, more and more problems are emerging among the most important social and age group - youth. To solve the problems of young people, special institutions have been created that regularly conduct events and preventive work aimed at attracting young people to study the important social foundations of society. This knowledge can form a correct understanding of life for young people. The study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the presence of specialized institutions in the city of Apatity and to propose alternatives for the development of the city's youth policy.

Target . Determining the effectiveness of youth policy institutions in the city of Apatity. Suggesting alternatives as the research progresses.

Tasks . Studying the main problems of modern youth, identifying positive and negative factors influencing adolescents.

Hypothesis. The spiritual and moral problem of society is problem number one, and the lack of moral education of the younger generation is the key to all subsequent problems.

Object of study . Youth as a social-age group, special and municipal institutions of youth policy in the city of Apatity.

Research methods . Studying regulatory documents, studying other literature. Sociological survey, survey of officials in order to obtain expert assessments and comments. Studying local press and video materials on the topic.

Problems of modern youth.

As I noted above, youth, as a transitional and unstable social group, are most vulnerable to the negative trends of our time. Thus, the values ​​of labor, freedom, interethnic tolerance, etc. are gradually leveled out, and these “outdated” values ​​are replaced by consumer attitude towards the world, intolerance towards others, herdism. The protest charge characteristic of young people in times of crisis is distorted, acquiring cruel and aggressive forms. Teenagers become interested in informal subcultures and immerse themselves in them. Currently, there is a whole range of different subcultures (lat. sub- under and culture- culture;). These subcultures “hypnotize” easily led teenagers, pushing them to commit criminal and other acts. There are several types of subcultures: Musical subcultures, Art subcultures, Countercultures, etc. There is antagonism between some subcultures. This concerns musical subcultures and conflicts based on different musical tastes. For example, punks and rappers. I agree that some subcultures are not harmful, but the most common subcultures today are radical, extremist subcultures capable of global destruction. A strong and in-depth passion for the values ​​of such subcultures leads to the destruction of the human psyche, and as a consequence - social harm, manifested in one form or another.