Plaster mixtures for stoves. How to plaster a stove without cracking

Today there are a large number of different and different finishing materials, which are used for cladding fireplace stoves and portals, and each coating differs not only in its individual appearance, but also in characteristics and cost.

Plaster for stoves and fireplaces is one of the most suitable and frequently used options, the main advantage of which is its low cost. However, we should not forget that the plaster must be applied correctly, so that subsequently various cracks and peeling do not begin to form on the fireplace stove. In order to do everything as correctly and professionally as possible, you need to use the tips, instructions and recommendations that you can find in this article, and also follow the clear sequence of these actions.

Composition and division

Plastering a fireplace is a rather complex and ambiguous process in which it is necessary to apply all available skills and knowledge and not try to do everything faster, not get ahead of yourself and not disrupt the phasing of the work.

Finishing a fireplace with plaster, in turn, implies that when choosing such a material, it is necessary to choose it in strict accordance with certain qualities and characteristics. First of all heat resistant plaster for stoves and fireplaces should be able to withstand high heating temperatures and rapid cooling, while such a coating will be not only decorative, but also protective.

Plaster for stoves can be mixed with your own hands, for this you will need to purchase and prepare the necessary components, it is important that they are of high quality and added strictly in the required proportion. You can also buy a ready-made solution for plastering the surface of stoves, fireplaces, grills, barbecues and other heating units; the most popular are Pechnik and Terracotta solutions.

Plaster, with which the oven will be reliably protected, can perform not only a protective, but also a decorative function, thereby you can choose the most suitable color and structure of such a coating. According to its varieties, decorative plaster can be silicone, mineral, silicate or acrylic; to create a unique and inimitable image, you can buy Venetian plaster, the surface of the fireplace, after application, will be similar to marble with a unique and interesting pattern and color variations.

Plaster for the stove, which you can buy in Moscow and anyone, even the most small town may be Finnish, the surface of the fireplace covered with such a composition will be similar to the most expensive natural minerals.

Plastering the stove with your own hands is necessary only after you have purchased a ready-made solution and diluted it in the required proportion with water; alternatively, you can use a special proportion in which you need to prepare and combine certain components. Below you can familiarize yourself with several options and proportions of this composition:

  • Mix 1 part finishing clay and mix with 2 parts asbestos and 2 parts sand;
  • Take 2 parts sand, 1 part lime, 1 part clay and 1 part asbestos, mix everything;
  • 1 part Portland cement, 2 parts sand, 1 part asbestos and 1 part clay - mix everything well until smooth.

A fireplace, the plaster for which is initially mixed without water, which must be added just before use, will withstand high heating temperatures of up to 900 degrees. Such fire-resistant plaster can be even stronger if you add a little straw to it at the last stage and sift this solution well through a fine sieve, thereby eliminating all pebbles and debris.

The stove, for which the brick is chosen to be of exceptional quality, without cracks, chips, or deformations, in addition, must be stove fireproof, this is especially important if your stove is solid fuel and you need to assemble the firebox and chimney - areas where heating will be maximum.

A stove finished with decorative plaster, will not only have good protection, but also an interesting design and decoration that will bring comfort, an indescribable atmosphere and color to your home.

Plaster, the solution of which can either be bought in a specialized store or made with your own hands, must be layered taking into account a number of rules and only in compliance with the necessary sequence, which will ensure such a coating in the future durability and presentability.

The mortar, with which the oven will accumulate thermal energy well, must be fireproof, plastic, thereby it will be able to expand when heated to the required extent and together with the brick and masonry mortar, which will not allow cracks and deformations to form. The composition of such plaster should be as environmentally friendly and natural as possible - this will allow for safe heating of the fireplace stove, in which harmful and hazardous substances will not be released into the air of the room. The clay, with the use of which the stove will warm up well, must, when added to the composition, form a consistency that provides your fireplace stove with good accumulation of heated air, as well as high thermal conductivity, which will ensure maximum and effective overheating of the house.

Do-it-yourself finishing

Plastering fireplace stoves is a responsible and difficult process, although things may look a little different at first glance, before you begin facing works, it is important to make sure that you have prepared all the necessary components, materials, tools, and that you have studied the instructions and the stages of the actions performed in detail.

To work, at the first stage you will need to purchase the following tools, which are guaranteed to make your work easier:

  • A reservoir in which you will mix the solution and a trowel;
  • Sandpaper and medium-sized brush;
  • Bucket with clean running water;
  • Tools for measuring evenness - building level and/or plumb line.

After all the tools and materials have been purchased and prepared, you need to once again read the work instructions and determine the steps that you plan to follow to the end.

For convenience, at the first stage you need to heat your fireplace stove for 2-5 hours, and then start cleaning its surface (remove old cladding, wipe off dust, degrease, put all seams and joints between bricks in order).

Now you need to begin the main work, which is carried out strictly in stages; you can familiarize yourself with the sequence below:

  1. In order to ensure that the brick surface of the fireplace does not absorb a large amount of cladding and at the same time the adhesion is maximum, at the first stage it is necessary to properly moisten and soak the bricks with running clean water;
  2. Now we begin to apply the so-called base or first layer of plaster; to do this, using a special device, apply it in a thin layer to the brick surface and level it evenly. The thickness of the feather base layer of plaster should not be more than 4-5 millimeters;
  3. Now we proceed to priming the surface of the brick stove-fireplace; for this we use a special heat-resistant primer, which is specifically designed for these purposes. The thickness of the second applied layer of primer should also be optimal and small, about 4-6 millimeters; the second layer must be applied especially efficiently, while distributing it over the entire brick surface, rubbing every seam, brick, and thereby eliminating all previous irregularities and flaws. The second layer must adhere tightly to the surface, and its consistency will be more liquid than the first main one. To prevent your grout from drying out immediately, the surface of the fireplace must be periodically moistened by applying water;
  4. The third layer is the very last one to be applied, and how well it is applied and distributed over the surface determines what appearance the final furnace lining will have. The consistency of the third and final layer will be even more liquid than the second; it will also be evenly distributed after application over the entire surface of your brick heating unit. In order for you to ultimately get a perfectly flat and sealed surface, make sure that at the last stage, your solution fills all the remaining cracks, voids, and irregularities.

Ultimately, if you follow all the tips, rules, regulations and recommendations, your layer of plaster, completed in three stages, will be about 1.3-1.6 centimeters in thickness, but not more than 1.7 centimeters. Since in this case cracks and chips may begin to form on the surface, for thick cladding a special fine-mesh reinforced mesh is often used and secured to the brick surface, which reliably fixes any material and does not allow it to crumble and crack in the future.

Also, if necessary, you can design such cladding various materials and other compositions, for example, you can apply a certain design, pattern or ornament to the surface of the fireplace using acrylic or any other fireproof paint. You can do this either with your own hands or with the help of special stencils, which can guarantee you the best result; you can also assemble various decorative elements, shelves, boxes, table tops, and firewood racks with your own hands.

You can further design and decorate your fireplace by using not only plaster or paint for its cladding, but also other fire-resistant components, such as: natural and fake diamond, ceramic tiles, tempered glass and metal.

Plaster for fireplaces and stoves is a universal product, since with its help you can decorate not only a fireplace in a classic style, but also in the most unusual stylizations, ranging from modern and high-tech to Provence, country, loft, art-pop , gothic, minimalism.

An interesting use of decorative plaster for finishing and lining fireplace stoves with your own hands is proposed in this article, namely imitation brickwork:

A fireplace in a house or country house is a place of attraction for the whole family. It’s clear that you want it to be beautiful, but practicality also doesn’t hurt - soot and soot, dirt or tar from firewood, all this often ends up on the walls of the portal. For this reason, the surface must be easy to clean. In addition, the finish of the fireplace must be heat-resistant - although the sides of the fireplace do not heat up to the same temperatures as the stove, this requirement should not be neglected. Not many materials meet these requirements. This is heat-resistant plaster, special types of ceramic tiles and stone - natural or decorative.

Fireplace plaster

Plaster is one of the simple and practical options for decorating a brick fireplace. A few years ago, plastered surfaces were whitewashed or painted. Today it is possible to apply a decorative layer with different textures on top of ordinary plaster.

Types of plaster for fireplaces

Finishing a fireplace with plaster is popular for the reason that any design can be developed. The second plus is that if everything is done correctly, you can achieve a smooth surface, the finish is beautiful and durable. For plastering fireplaces, the same compositions are used as for brick kilns. Although the heating temperatures of the surfaces differ, the plaster mixtures are made the same. There are two options: make the plaster composition yourself or buy a ready-made one. If you don’t have experience working with clay and determining its fat content, it’s better to buy one. Store-bought plasters for fireplaces and stoves contain additives and additives that make the surface more durable and cracks are less likely to appear in it.

As a rule, each manufacturer has two formulations with different properties. The first is basic, for rough finishing. It can be applied in a fairly thick layer - up to 10 mm. After drying, the second layer is laid - the finishing layer. It contains more finely ground substances, is applied in a thin layer - usually up to 3 mm, and the surface is smooth. Such a surface can already be painted if it has been plastered smoothly) or decorative plaster can be applied.

If you want the fireplace finishing to cost minimum amount, you can make plaster compositions from clay, sand and lime yourself. But, let us repeat once again, without experience working with clay, it is difficult to ensure that homemade plaster does not crack. Compositions for plastering a fireplace for making them yourself are different, here are a few proven ones:

  • Clay-lime:
    • 1 part clay and slaked lime + 2 parts sand;
    • based on slaked lime - 2 parts lime, one part gypsum and sand.
  • Cement-clay: one part each of clay and cement (M 500) + 2 parts sand;

To make the fireplace plaster solution more durable, reinforcing fibers are added to it. Previously, it was finely chopped straw, later - asbestos fibers, and today glass or fiber fiber is mainly added. The fractional part of this additive is small - 0.1-0.2 parts. It is added to the dry components (cement and sand), and everything is mixed. The dry mixture is added to the clay and/or lime dough, mixed thoroughly again, and water is added if necessary.

It is better to take lime already slaked, in the form of lime paste. If you extinguish it at home, unreacted particles always remain, which are then extinguished during the operation of the fireplace, destroying the plastered surface. Regarding sand, its quantity is precisely selected depending on the fat content of the clay. The solution must be sufficiently plastic. The fat content of the solution is checked using a piece of wood. Dip it into the solution and remove it. If an even layer 2-3 mm thick remains on the surface, the solution is normal. If the layer is thick and lumpy, you need to add sand; if the stick is almost clean, add clay.

The clay is pre-soaked (2 days or until all the lumps are limp), then rubbed through a metal sieve with a mesh of 2 cm. The ground clay dough is once again pressed through the mesh, but with a fine mesh of 0.5-0.7 mm.

You need quarry sand, it must be clean and dry. It is also sifted before use.

For those who don’t want to deal with homemade compounds, here are several companies that produce plaster for fireplaces and stoves. The following compositions performed normally:

  • Plitonite super fireplace refractory;
  • Petromix KU;
  • heat-resistant Terracotta plaster;
  • Bossnab;
  • RS Parade;
  • rtner;
  • Kiln plaster HEFNERPUTZ.

The list includes both domestic and European manufacturers. It can't be said that Russian compositions worse, but working with imported ones is easier.

Features of plastering stoves and fireplaces

The technique of applying the solution itself is no different: a certain layer is applied (sprayed) with a spatula or a special ladle, then leveled (possibly using beacons). The main points are to prepare the fireplace surface for plastering:

  • First, all old finishing, if any, is removed from the walls - paint, lime, remains of plaster, mortar, etc. Only clean brick should remain.
  • For better adhesion of the plaster mortar to the surface, the seams are deepened by about 1-1.5 cm. Take jointing, a chisel or a screwdriver and scrape out the mortar in the seams.
  • All existing cracks are sealed with a repair compound or heat-resistant sealant (which can withstand heating up to 800°C).
  • When everything is prepared, take a brush with long bristles and clean the surface well. It must be clean.
  • The following are the options:
    • If the surface of the fireplace is relatively flat (the difference is less than 5 mm), you can wet the walls and begin to apply plaster.
    • If, due to the curvature of the surface, the layer will have to be made more than 5 mm, reinforcement is necessary. A metal mesh with a fine mesh is stuffed onto the walls of the fireplace. It is secured with nails, which are driven into the seams (the seams can be left unstitched, or stitched, but not so deeply). To ensure that the caps hold the mesh, metal washers larger than the mesh size are put on. Plaster is applied over this stack. In this case, you can be sure that the plaster will not fall off.

Before you start plastering the fireplace, carefully read the instructions on the package. It usually describes under what conditions and how the plaster should be applied. But experts advise lighting the fireplace, heating the walls to 60°C, then moistening the surface and starting to plaster. The walls are heated so that the brick takes on its “working” dimensions. In this case, there is less chance that the plaster will tear when heated. Wetting with water is necessary to ensure that the solution is not too dry: brick is hygroscopic. If it is dry, it quickly draws water out of the plaster mortar and it becomes too dry and does not harden to its normal state. The result is cracks on the surface.

A few more points regarding drying. When plastering a fireplace, at least two layers are applied. The second can be applied only after the first has dried completely. To speed up drying, you can create a draft, but you cannot light the fireplace. The same applies to the second - finishing - layer.

For the technology of plastering stoves and fireplaces, see the following video.

Fireplace cladding with tiles and porcelain stoneware

The fireplace is finished with tiles or porcelain stoneware using a special heat-resistant adhesive. Not all tiles are suitable for such work. It should withstand heat well, be durable, dense (with small pores), plus, it should be easy to care for.

Regular fireplace decoration ceramic tiles is a lottery. If you're lucky, it will stand normally; if not, after a while the layer of glaze will be covered with a network of tiny cracks. The appearance will be “not very good” and it will be difficult to wash. If possible, it is better to use special materials:

  • Terracotta. The tile has an unglazed surface and has a characteristic color, which is how it got its name. It has a coefficient of thermal expansion similar to brick, so it does not crack.

    Terracotta - tiles for finishing fireplaces and stoves

  • Majolica. These are the same terracotta tiles only with glaze applied to the front side. The technology is more complex, the price is higher. Decorating a fireplace with majolica requires careful development of the sketch - you won’t be able to cut such tiles. It also requires a highly qualified craftsman - the slightest deviations are noticeable. Apparently, for this reason, and also because of the very high price, you can more often see fireplaces and stoves with majolica fragments. I must say that these fragments greatly decorate and enliven the interior.

    Majolica - colorful and beautiful

  • Heat-resistant clinker tiles. It is made from a mixture of several types of clay, with the addition of fireclay. It is molded, pressed, then fired. The result is a thin - 9-12 mm thick - and durable tile. Colors range from whitish-gray to brown.

  • Porcelain tiles. The production technology is similar - first the composition is pressed, then fired. The components differ: in addition to several types of clay, quartz sand, fine granite or marble chips, dyes, oxides and metal salts are added. The structure of porcelain stoneware is low porous, it tolerates both high and low temperatures. The technology makes it possible to obtain material that imitates marble, other natural stones, terracotta, clinker and majolica. The disadvantage of porcelain stoneware is that it is difficult to cut and has a lot of weight. For cladding fireplaces, thin slabs are used, so the weight is not terrible, and you can send it to the company to cut it (you just need to know the exact dimensions of the required fragments).

    Finishing the fireplace with porcelain stoneware - you can design it in any style

  • Tiles. The production technology is not much different - the clay is molded and fired in a kiln. The main difference is the shape and method of installation. The tiles are installed during the laying of the stove or fireplace - the fragments are fixed in the seams using wires. So finishing a finished fireplace with tiles is impossible.

Special tiles for facing fireplaces and stoves are made in small or medium format, and the same porcelain tiles are available in large slabs. Seamless installation is certainly attractive, but there is no guarantee that such a finish will not fall off. The coefficient of thermal expansion is quite different, which is why incidents are possible.

Technology for installing tiles on the walls of the fireplace and exhaust pipe

All of the listed types of tiles, except tiles, are installed on fireplaces using the same technology. Finishing a fireplace with tiles begins with the preparatory stage, and it coincides exactly with the one described above: clean the surface, unstitch the seams, heat to 60°C, wet it and you can start finishing the fireplace with tiles.

If there are large irregularities, the fireplace must be plastered. Mortars - any containing clay and cement, but not containing lime. Preparation is standard, as is the plastering process. The difference is that the second leveling layer does not need to be applied.

The tiles should be laid on the walls of the fireplace after they have completely dried. The laying technology is standard, the difference is in the thickness of the seams. For a fireplace it is better to make them larger (to compensate different sizes thermal expansion), therefore, instead of crosses, pieces of plasterboard 9.5 mm thick are used.

The adhesive is applied to the wall or tile and leveled with a notched trowel. The tile is pressed against the surface, rocking it from side to side to set it in the desired position. Set the distance between the fragments using plasterboard spacers. Remove from 3-4 hours after installation.

The tiles on the fireplace are left to dry. The exact time depends on the glue used and the weather, and is usually indicated on the glue packaging. The last stage is filling the seams. The grout used for the joints is also special; it is better to buy it together with glue from the same company, so that there are no compatibility problems. The process is also standard - the composition is diluted with water according to the instructions, the seams are filled with a rubber spatula or from a construction syringe. The freshly applied solution is leveled, forming beautiful seam. Excess is wiped off with a soft cloth.

Here are some tips from the experts:

  • To ensure that the tiles do not fall, attach a metal mesh with a fine mesh to the wall. It’s even better to stuff nails into the seams and weave them with soft steel wire, creating a wire frame. This option the better that in difficult places the mesh can be made thicker. This step is necessary if you are going to install heavy porcelain tiles or large format tiles.
  • In order not to put a thick layer of glue, apply it both to the wall and to the tiles, and remove the excess here and there with a notched trowel.
  • Before laying the tiles, lay them out on the floor so you can get a realistic idea of ​​how attractive the finish will be.
  • After laying each tile, excess mortar is removed from the joints. They will then be filled with a special paste. The surface of the tile is immediately wiped clean - if the glue hardens, it is almost impossible to clean it.

The main thing during this work is to ensure that no air cavities form under the finishing. Air has a high coefficient of expansion and, when heated, it will eventually tear the tiles away from the wall.

Video tutorials for finishing a fireplace with tiles

No matter how much you read about how to do it, it’s much more useful to look - you can grasp more details.

How to veneer a fireplace with stone

Finishing a fireplace with stone is technologically not much different from laying tiles. The difference is in working with the material itself, but there are almost no technical features. The only thing is that when using natural flagstone, be sure to cover the fireplace with mesh. Without it it will fall off.

Finishing the fireplace with stone is one of the options

Features of working with artificial gypsum stone

This kind decorative stone inexpensive and lightweight, you can finish fireplaces, especially without overloading the ceilings. There are only some nuances, without which you will not achieve a good result.

The technology for producing gypsum stone is such that each element has some irregularities, sagging, and protrusions. We grind them off with a knife, fortunately the plaster is cut without problems. We grind each cladding element so that at the back, around the perimeter, a frame is formed with an angle of 45° (or so).

Moreover, often the corner elements of the gypsum decorative stone are several millimeters higher than the ordinary ones from the same collection. In order for the cladding to look monolithic, this difference also has to be removed - grinded down. When all the cladding elements are adjusted, they can be glued into place. Heat-resistant glue is used for cladding fireplaces, although with the correct design it almost does not heat up.

Working with natural stone

Most often, fireplaces are lined natural stone, sawn into plates. It is also called flagstone or stone tiles. The shape of all the fragments is different, you have to adjust it to make everything look beautiful. In this case, it is definitely better to first lay out the entire picture on some plane, select and process the elements. Only after the mosaic is complete can it be glued. The entire technology for installing a fireplace on the walls is described above and is practically no different. The whole process can be seen in the video.

Interesting options for finishing fireplaces (photo)

All the methods described above can be combined to create finishes in different styles. Sometimes it turns out very beautiful. We post some already implemented ideas below.

There are two options to achieve this effect - paint the existing brick fireplace or veneer it with clinker tiles

This is polished porcelain stoneware

This is unpolished porcelain tile, small format. As you can see, it fits well into round shapes. Horizontal surfaces and columns are also porcelain tiles of a similar texture, but in the form of slabs

Smooth clinker tiles - strictly and functional

Tile inserts - beauty

Properly applied plaster has a smooth, even surface and does not crack when exposed to high temperatures. When applying it, it is important not only to strictly follow all stages of the work, but also to the type of mixture used.

What is the need for plastering?

You should not leave the stove or fireplace unfinished. There are several reasons for this:

  • attractive appearance;
  • creation of an additional hermetic layer: even if the brick joints crack, the likelihood of carbon monoxide leaking into the room is significantly reduced;
  • hygiene: alignment of masonry joints prevents dust from settling on them.

That is why, after building a stove or fireplace, it is better to plaster them or cover them with heat-resistant ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware or stone. The first option is used most often. After all, the plaster mixture is inexpensive, looks neat and lasts quite a long time.

If you want to master the finishing of stoves and fireplaces at a professional level, then I recommend you a video course by Alexander Zalutsky, a stove maker with twenty years of experience. The lessons cover in detail the technologies for decorating fireplaces with tiles, stone and plaster. Only the experience of the master and practical advice without water 👍

How to plaster: choose a fireproof mortar

The main requirements for mixtures used for finishing home stoves and fireplaces include heat resistance, the ability to withstand temperature changes, high elasticity and resistance to cracking. Conventional solutions used in construction are not suitable here. The following types of heat-resistant mixtures are used for plastering stoves and fireplaces:

  • clay-lime:
  • cement-clay:
  • clay-gypsum;
  • mixed using several binders.

Manufacturers add to these mixtures different types plasticizers, as well as moisture-retaining additives, with the help of which the rate of hardening of the solution is regulated. It is more convenient to work with them, since they set more slowly.

As a rule, two types of refractory compounds are produced. The first is used for rough primary finishing. It can be applied in a thick layer up to 10 mm. The second type of mixture is used only for final leveling of the surface. This layer is thinner, up to 3 mm. Finely dispersed components are introduced into the composition of the finishing solution, making it possible to obtain a perfectly flat and smooth surface, which can later be painted or coated

Finishing fireplaces with plaster is the final stage of installation work. It is performed quite often. Even if you want to tiling, plastering the fireplace is carried out as follows: preparatory stage. And this work must be done efficiently; the final finishing touch can ruin all the work done. Our article will be devoted to this topic. You can watch videos and photos on this topic. will be given step-by-step instruction performing this work. And this does not even depend on the cladding material.

Plastering a fireplace can be done with several types of mixtures. This may be affected by the location of the fireplace (outdoors, indoors).
But any plaster must have one property: it must withstand elevated temperatures well. There are quite simple solutions for carrying out work.
Their price is quite low, and the quality of the cladding is excellent.
Plaster for fireplace stoves can be made from materials such as:

  • cement-clay mortar;
  • mortar using cement and gypsum;
  • a mixture of clay and lime.

All of the above mixtures perfectly tolerate elevated temperatures and are resistant to temperature changes, so fireplace plaster can be used both indoors and outdoors.

Attention! All of the solutions listed are commercially available in the form of a dry mixture and a ready-made solution. When covering the entire fireplace, it is better to use a dry mixture.
It's much more profitable. Moreover, you can always make a batch exactly for the amount that you produce.

Now you know what kind of fireplace plaster can be used. However, it should be said that a clay solution is best suited for these purposes.
Although this is a little difficult work, it will be completely worth it.

Clay mortar

Plaster for fireplaces and clay stoves is perhaps the most practical coating (see). This type of finish consists entirely of natural materials, not harmful to human health.

Will withstand high temperatures perfectly. Easy to use.


  • For proper preparation, we first need to determine the fat content of the clay. To do this, we make several balls and at the same time make the proportion of sand different in each element. After they dry, throw them onto a hard surface from a height of one meter. The ball that simply falls and is not damaged will have the correct composition of elements. Others may become deformed or simply fall apart.
  • After we have determined the proportion, we take the clay and sift it through a sieve. We should not have pebbles and clots. When plastering, all this will appear.
  • We sift the sand in the same way. It should also be free of debris.
  • Pour the clay into a mixing container and fill it with water. Leave it for a day. The clay must sour, gain the required viscosity and acquire the required elasticity.
  • After this, we knead in the required proportion. The quality of the solution will be determined by its elasticity and ease of application to the surface.
    For high-quality mixing, it is best to use a drill with an attachment. It is with its help that you can achieve good results.

Attention! Start making the solution a day before the start of work. This is the time it will take you to prepare the solution.

Now you know what is the best way to plaster a fireplace.

Tools and materials

Plastering a fireplace or stove is carried out using a special tool, which should be purchased in advance. So:

  • First of all, you will need a spatula, with which you will apply and mix the solution. It will help remove its excess.
  • To complete the finishing, you will need a ladle that should hold about one liter of the mixture. With its help you can make an accurate dosage.
  • You will also need graters that have different lengths and widths. They are used for leveling and applying mortar to the surface.
    They will be needed for fireplaces and after drying.
  • Find a building level, a plumb line and a square.
  • To work, you need to acquire a rule. It consists of aluminum slats of different lengths. They are good to use for finishing slopes and for leveling mortar along beacons. However, if you have a small structure, then you don’t need to take this.

Plastering the surface

After purchasing the tools and materials, you can start working. There is no need to rush in this matter; everything should be done in a certain sequence.

Surface preparation

Plastering stoves and fireplaces begins with preparing the surface. The quality of surface bonding will depend on this.
The plane must be completely clear of irregularities.

  • If the surface has been painted, then the paint should be removed with a metal brush.
  • All irregularities and cracks must be removed (see).
  • We look at the working plane and apply an even strip to it. If the difference is more than two cm, then the plaster cannot be applied simply; a mesh will be required. It will give a good connection. If this is not done, then after a short time the coating may begin to peel off. Don’t forget, this process will also speed up the heating of the plane.
  • The plaster on the fireplace should stick well, so we deepen the seams. This can be done with a trowel, and for a small layer of material this is enough. If you need to secure the mesh, then the seam does not need to be deepened. To attach the mesh, nails should be driven into it, the length of which should be 100 mm. If the seam is strong, then you should make holes using a drill.

  • After this, you need to put washers on the caps; they will help the mesh hold more firmly. Fireplace plaster will have high-quality adhesion.
  • The grid should be at a distance of 3 mm from the base plane. To do this, you can use inserts made of wood or plastic. After applying a layer of plaster, a mesh is obtained inside the mixture, which allows it to adhere securely. This type of screed is the most durable.
  • After this, you need to apply a layer of primer. Give preference to deep penetration liquids. They will be able to provide a reliable connection.

Applying plaster

The fireplace plaster mixture must be properly applied to the surface. If you don't follow some rules, then it won't last long.

Attention! Before starting work, wet the surface. Don't forget this. If this point is not fulfilled, then the mixture will not last long. And also, do not make too much solution, mix as much as you can lay at one time. The material should not be left until the next day.

Plasters for stoves and fireplaces are applied in several stages that must be followed:

  • Plastering the fireplace begins with a liquid solution, which is applied by spreading or spraying. This is the first layer, which is about 5 mm thick and creates the basis for further work. If you are using a mesh then this is done by spraying. We take the solution on a spatula and throw it onto the surface through the mesh. This is done with a sharp movement so that the solution lies tightly on the surface. The mixture is made a little thinner for this purpose. We need to ensure that there are no voids left in the plaster.
  • If finishing a fireplace with plaster is done without using a mesh, then the process looks a little different. Then the first layer is applied with a trowel.
    We take the solution with a wide grater and apply it with both hands to the surface. In this case, you should press the tool and apply the mixture in a thin layer. Typically this work starts at the bottom of the fireplace and works its way up. If there is excess mortar, then after installation it is cut off and added to places where it is missing.
  • We're waiting a little. Plaster for stoves and fireplaces should set.
  • After this, a thicker solution should be applied. This will be the main layer. Plastering for stoves and fireplaces must be done in exactly this sequence, and only then will it have a long service life.
  • With the second layer we overlap the mesh and go beyond it. We have already covered all the unevenness.

  • We are waiting for the solution to dry.
  • Now we plaster the fireplaces with the last, final layer. This will be the finish of the work, and the layer will be about 2-3 mm. Plastering the fireplace with the last layer is quite troublesome. It is necessary to correctly draw the plane.
    The solution for this work must be of very high quality. Therefore, it is worth taking care of this. Knead all the material, and if there are stones, then they must be removed.
  • Apply the solution to the frozen surface using a spatula. For this work you should use a wide tool. With its help it is easier to make the plane flat.

  • Now the plastered fireplace needs to be sanded down. To do this, wait until the solution dries, but not completely. We take a grater and press it tightly to the surface and rub it with quick circular movements. If depressions are visible during the work, then mixtures should be added to these places. Where there is excess, it should be cut off with the edge of the tool. Periodically, the grater should be moistened in water. This work cannot be done dry. The pressure of the tool should be adjusted; in places of bulges, the pressure should be increased. If there are depressions, on the contrary, reduce it.

Now you know how to plaster a fireplace, and you can do this work yourself. To imitate a fireplace, a slightly different work is used - Venetian plaster is applied.
Finishing a fireplace with plaster is not such a difficult job that should be approached creatively. After the surface has dried, it can be tiled or simply painted. There are detailed articles about these works on our website.

Pechnik (Moscow)

Plaster for stoves and fireplaces is one of the most inexpensive options most often used for treating the surfaces of these heating installations. This material is characterized by its environmental friendliness, ease of use and application, durability and high heat-resistant performance characteristics.

Do not forget that plaster for fireplaces and stoves can be of different quality and requires compliance with a certain application technology. You can learn about this and much more from this article and carry out this work, as well as choosing a high-quality composition without the help of a specialist.

When does the need for plastering arise?

Before you start plastering your stove unit with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with the most important features of this composition:

  • It is distinguished by its tightness and serves as additional protection for brickwork. Even if the seams between the bricks crack, the tightness due to the plaster will not be compromised and carbon monoxide will continue to escape through the installed chimney;
  • Textured plaster of the fireplace makes it more attractive and well-groomed;
  • Plaster often contains various antiseptic substances. This makes this finish hygienic. Subsequently, the coating prevents various insects, growths and mold from forming on the surface of the heating unit.

Classic monochrome finish with space decoration

Advice: when choosing a specific composition, pay attention to its purpose, properties, characteristics and labeling. Only heat-resistant mixtures that can withstand high temperatures are suitable for stoves and fireplaces. Depending on the manufacturer and brand, stucco can be used in environments with a temperature range of 700 to 1700 degrees. For example,plaster mixture for stoves and fireplaces "standard» , is distinguished by its environmental friendliness and consists exclusively of natural components, as a result of which it is widely used in stove construction.

Selecting the appropriate solution and composition

The best and most proven composition will be the one prepared by you personally. In this case, you will be absolutely sure that each component is selected and environmentally friendly. Making such a mixture is quite difficult, given the time and effort spent on the preliminary collection and preparation of each component.

Instructions and classification of compositions:

  1. Simple formulations include only two components. In this case, you will need to separately prepare or buy components such as sand and clay;
  2. Complex mixtures include large quantity various ingredients.

Important: complex compositions are used more often in kiln construction, since in addition to sand and clay they may contain salt, cement and other impurities. This plaster has higher heat resistance, fire resistance, strength and adhesion to the prepared brick surface.

The price for complex mixtures is slightly higher than for simple two-component products. However, in this case, not only the category of plaster and its components, but also the manufacturer and brand play a big role.

It is interesting to know: in order for the self-prepared mixture to be of the highest quality, it is necessary at the first stage to thoroughly sift each component using a fine sieve. When preparing or purchasing clay, pay attention to the degree of fat content; you need to find the right middle (not too fat and not too skinny). And to achieve favorable reinforcing properties, it is recommended to add a little straw, fiberglass or asbestos to the standard components. Asbestos is used quite rarely, since it is not an environmentally friendly and healthy material.

The photos presented in this article will help you become more familiar with both the process of preparing such a composition and with ready-made dry compositions, which you can buy in a specialized store.

Compliance with proportions ensures reliability and durability

If you want to prepare a fairly complex mixture with your own hands, consisting of three or more components, you must strictly observe certain proportions. Below you can familiarize yourself with several ready-made solutions that are most often used in the work of stove makers:

  1. A mixture of asbestos, clay and sand has the following ratio - 0.2 to 1 to 2;
  2. When mixing asbestos with clay, lime and sand, adhere to the proportion of 0.1 to 1 to 1 to 2;
  3. If you decide to use Portland cement with sand, asbestos, clay, the optimal ratio is 1:2:0.1:1;
  4. You can also take building gypsum as a basis and add pre-slaked lime, sand and fiberglass to it in a ratio of 1:2:1:0.2.

Tip: if your plaster solution contains gypsum, remember that it hardens quickly. This plaster must be prepared in small portions and used as quickly as possible for its intended purpose. To give the gypsum additional strength and better adhesion, you can additionally use a component such as lime.

In order to familiarize yourself with the process and criteria for choosing plaster for your furnace unit, we also recommend watching the video in this article.

Basic rules for plastering

In order for the plaster to become not only a decoration for your heating installation, but also serve as protection and not crack as a result of using the stove, it is necessary not only to prepare or buy a suitable mixture, but also to perform all the work correctly at each stage. Conventionally, the plastering process can be divided into three main stages:

  • Performing spraying;
  • Applying a primer layer;
  • Covering or final stage.

Important: when plastering the surface, make sure that the solution lies at the same level. The thickness of the final finishing layer should be from 8 to 22 millimeters.

Advice: if you just recently laid out your stove out of brick, you shouldn’t immediately move on to covering its surface. It is necessary to wait up to 20-30 days and allow the structure to obtain its characteristic shrinkage, and the solution to dry well and harden. If you start finishing the surface immediately after assembling the fireplace, the finishing layer may subsequently completely or partially collapse, crack and completely lose all its performance characteristics and original appearance.

Carrying out reinforcement and applying mortar

After the first stage of work is completed, it is necessary to proceed according to the following scheme:

  • Before applying the prepared mixture, thoroughly clean the brick surface from excess masonry mortar, then perform a deep cleaning and deepen all seams;
  • Next, a special construction reinforced mesh is installed on the entire brick surface. It is necessary for the subsequent application of the mortar and its uniform fastening and adhesion to the brick;
  • For fastening, it is most convenient to use dowels;

Important: for better adhesion, before applying the mixture, heat your unit well and apply a little water to the brick.

The first two layers should be more liquid than the subsequent ones

Advice: if you see that chips and cracks have appeared on a smooth surface, you need to repair them, then fill them with the prepared mixture and level them.

  • At the last stage, it is necessary to allow the composition to dry on its own. To speed up this process, you can cover the walls of the structure with burlap, slightly moistening it with water;
  • To give the finish a complete and well-groomed look appearance, you will need to apply a finishing layer, before which the surface is sanded.

Decorative plaster

Plaster for finishing fireplaces, can be decorative. This coating must be heat-resistant and fire-resistant. This type of facing material is applied to a previously sanded, leveled and primed surface. The composition of such a mixture may include stone chips, acrylic and silicone resins, and silicates.

Now you know that plaster for stoves and fireplaces must be fireproof, heat-resistant and environmentally friendly. You can make such a product with your own hands using the instructions presented in this article, or you can also buy it in a ready-made state, simply diluting it with water before use in the proportion specified by the manufacturer.