The most downloaded applications for iPhone. Useful programs for iPhone: TOP best

We have selected the most useful applications that have become especially popular in the past year. Each of them will make your iPhone more interesting and convenient, and we'll tell you more about them.


This is a global video community where you will find interesting short videos and can express your creativity by sharing short sketches or just bright moments from your life.

The feed in the application is formed based on videos that you like. Therefore, you can discover something new and truly useful every day.

The social service has already gathered thousands of authors of unique content and millions of curious viewers. Which group did you decide to join?


A real online cinema for true fans of TV series. It offers you the best foreign projects, professional voice acting and the latest industry news.

The service will give you access not only to the most popular, but also to unique series from different parts of the world: Great Britain, Sweden, Germany, Israel and even Australia.

The unique broadcasting technology developed by the creators of the application will make it possible to watch TV series in high resolution even with low internet speed.

Download the app from the App Store:[for free ]


This mobile application is designed to solve the age-old problem of choosing movies and TV series. It will help you decide what to watch right now.

After installing the program, you can make a list of films and TV series that you always forget to watch, as well as a list of expected new releases.

Download the app from the App Store:[for free ]


An app that won an Apple Design Award. It is designed to form a whole list of useful habits in you.

To improve your life, you need to force yourself to do actions that are healthy and productive for several days. The program will help you with this.

Streaks is tightly integrated with the Health app. With your permission, she will record all your positive changes in him.

Download the app from the App Store:[379 RUR]

Zombies, Run!

An epic adventure for running fans. With this application you will try to escape from hundreds of virtual zombies that will follow you on your heels. In this way, it will be possible to gamify the running process, which means it will be easier to motivate yourself.

Tie your sneakers tight, put on your favorite headphones and join the five million runners who have already tried their hand at running against zombies.

Each of your runs will turn into a real mission, and the price of failure will be your life. This app will make you sweat but will improve your physical condition.

Download the app from the App Store:[free + in-app purchases]

Sky Guide

This application takes star atlases to a whole new level. Never before has their use been so simple and convenient.

All you have to do is launch the program and hold your iPhone above your head, and it will immediately automatically recognize and show you constellations, planets, satellites and more.

The application makes no difference whether you are looking for the Virgo constellation, the Andromeda galaxy or a large meteor shower - it will provide you with all the necessary information about these celestial bodies and phenomena.

Download the app from the App Store:[229 ₽ + in-app purchases]

Enlight Photofox

An advanced image editor suitable for photographers of any level. It will open up endless creative possibilities that anyone can use.

To bring even the most daring idea to life, special knowledge or skills are not required. All you have to do is open this app and start creating.

With the help of the program, you can combine the most unexpected scenes in one frame, add a stylish thematic signature to the picture and complement it all with one of hundreds of effects.

Download the app from the App Store:[free + in-app purchases]


A unique mobile application that is designed for those who experience discomfort in flight, do not know what to do on the plane and want to learn something new about aviation.

The program will explain to you all the processes that occur during takeoff, landing, and also during the flight. With it you will feel that a real pilot is sitting in the next seat with you.

The application was created by a professional pilot and the head of the center for the study of aerophobia. It receives all the necessary flight information directly from the airline.

Download the app from the App Store:[free + in-app purchases]

AdGuard Pro

Using the application, you can use special DNS servers and make access to the Internet via Wi-Fi or cellular networks more reliable and secure.

Additional features of the program include an anti-tracking module that will hide your online activities, as well as an advanced parental control extension.

Download the app from the App Store:[75 RUR]

Most network connections use a DNS system provided by your Internet Service Provider. It doesn't always work fast or safe enough.

That's why Cloudflare has released a special mobile application for iPhone that will help redirect traffic, thereby speeding up and protecting your connection.

The program works as simply as possible. When you install and open it, you will have only one button in front of you that will start or stop its operation.

Download the app from the App Store:[for free ]

The prices indicated in the article are current at the time of publication of the material and may change over time.

We have selected the most useful related applications that cope with their duties much better than the standard ones on iPhone and Mac. We call adjacent programs those that have versions for both smartphones and computers.

With them you can replace the standard weather informer and built-in email client, basic note-taker and system calendar. Pay attention to the best to-do list and convenient news aggregator, a good calculator and other useful software.

CARROT Weather - advanced weather robot

Instead of "Weather"

CARROT Weather is a weather informer with a real robot built into it. Its AI aims to make you feel better, so it will regularly throw out jokes that will rub you the wrong way (for example, it will constantly call your fingers sausages).

On the one hand, this application was created with an eye toward a positive user experience. But on the other hand, this program regularly produces a very accurate weather forecast, which is confirmed by the nature outside the window, even in the outback.

By the way, every day the probability of rain is indicated in large letters, for me this is very important in order to understand the need for an umbrella, the advisability of washing the car and the opportunity to go to work closer to the sea.

Definitely attracts attention and appearance apps on both iPhone and Mac. Through minimalistic illustrations, the app shows how you feel about current weather conditions and definitely does it in style.

The program is cool, but it may scare you off with additional purchases, despite the already high cost, as well as the lack of translation into Russian.

  • Download in App Store (RUB 379 + purchases)
  • Download from Mac App Store (899 rub.)

Airmail 3 - convenient email

Instead of "Mail"

One of the most convenient email clients, which won the Apple Design Awards in 2017. I use it heavily on both iPhone and Mac.

What first attracts me is the ease of use of gestures. I use an email client similar to a task book, and my inbox list becomes empty as I consume information or resolve issues. Therefore, the ease of dumping data into the archive is important to me, and here it is implemented with one swipe.

Secondly, the appearance of the application is important to me, and it captivates me with its total minimalism, which does not distract from the work process.

You may say that all this is also in standard Mail, which is more closely integrated into each of the systems, and you would be right. However, it doesn't have a full inbox update via Push, and instead checks messages based on time.

If you're a heavy email user at work, you'll also love the ability to share Airmail with other apps and services, from Dropbox to Evernote.

  • Download in App Store (379 rub.)
  • Download from Mac App Store (RUB 749)

Simplenote - notes with a history of changes

Instead of "Notes"

Since I constantly used third-party applications to record important text data, I even missed the moment when standard “Notes” turned into a real combine with a huge number of possibilities. Just think, they even learned how to scan documents.

Some people will definitely like this versatility, but I long ago came to the conclusion that highly specialized solutions suit me better. They are fast, reliable and sometimes offer unique features.

For example, Simplenote has a real time machine built into it, which makes it possible to return to any recent version of a note. This allows me to get the previous revision of the data regardless of changes.

This application was created to significantly increase the efficiency of your work with text data. To do this, there is a convenient tagging system, with which you can throw a post into a couple of project sections at once.

Last but not least, I want to emphasize the appearance of the program. It has a minimalistic interface that is highly visual.

  • Download in App Store (for free)
  • Download from Mac App Store (for free)

Fantastical 2 - the smartest calendar

Instead of "Calendar"

The developers of this application did not reinvent the wheel. Instead, they took Apple's very basic Calendar and added features that many of us were missing.

My favorite part is the ease of adding things to do. I don't need to specify the time separately, because I can simply indicate the hours and minutes separated by a colon in the task name itself.

And standard “Reminders” integrates very easily with this calendar - it’s a shame that I use an alternative application on both the iPhone and Mac.

The program has several interface design options. For example, you can choose between a dark and light solution depending on your personal preference.

I really like that on the Mac, all future tasks are displayed in a list on the left side of the application. Instead, the standard “Calendar” shows a selection of a list of services, which is configured once and then used without changes.

  • Download in App Store (379 rub.)
  • Download from Mac App Store (RUB 3,790)

Things 3 - simple to-do list

Instead of "Reminders"

The first versions of this application became winners of the Apple Design Awards back in 2009, and the latest received the coveted title in 2017. The program is very simple and easy to use, so this is natural.

Over the years I have used 3 planners: OmniFocus, Remember The Milk and Things. Each of them works well as a tool for the Getting Things Done philosophy, but it was the last one that I ended up liking the most.

The fact is that OmniFocus requires too much attention and is intended for overly complex multi-level projects, which in my work do not occur so often, while Remember The Milk is needed for those who completely forget about things.

I would like to call this decision the most intelligent one. It does not distract from performing work tasks, but provides all the necessary information about each of them in a timely manner.

And the developer managed to create an incredibly simple interface that is not only convenient, but also pleasant to use. I just want to plan something and then implement it as quickly as possible.

  • Download in App Store (RUB 749)
  • Download from Mac App Store (RUB 3,790)

Reeder 3 - powerful RSS news aggregator

Instead of "News"

However, such a high speed of obtaining information is needed, first of all, by news editors who maintain blogs, social media and are engaged in other services. I'm not involved with that now, so I prefer RSS.

Once upon a time, Google was the leader in the space of RSS services, but several years ago the search engine closed this line of activity, and it was immediately taken over by Feedly and the company. It's a pity, but using their standard applications is inconvenient, so I choose another powerful solution.

What I like most about Reeder is the ability to quickly sort new construction flow forward or backward chronological order and mark all messages above or below the current one as read. It's incredibly convenient.

The appearance of the program is also excellent, and it can also work closely with a huge number of additional services for every taste.

  • Download in App Store (379 rub.)
  • Download from Mac App Store (RUB 749)

Calcbot 2 - small and remote calculator

Instead of "Calculator"

Since I finally stopped using the iPad at the beginning of this year, in this large selection I’m only looking at apps for the iPhone and Mac. However, this program will solve the main misunderstanding of the tablet - the lack of a standard “Calculator” even in the Pro version.

At the same time, this program has enough other positive aspects. For example, if we talk about the interface, all the buttons here are located closer to the bottom edge, and it’s simply more convenient to press them with one hand.

The application also works incredibly well with transaction history. It displays all the latest entries and allows you to simply copy them and use them for additional calculations.

If you use an Apple Watch, you'll also enjoy the app's addition on your smartwatch. You can quickly make the necessary calculations even on them.

Among other things, the application has an incomparable version for Mac, which also makes it possible to very easily convert values ​​without having to go into the jungle of the menu bar.

  • Download in App Store (free + purchases)
  • Download from Mac App Store (379 rub.)

Pocket - perfect delayed reading

Instead of "Reading List"

This is one of the first apps I install on my new devices. Everyone uses it for different purposes, but in general the program is a “pocket” into which you can throw almost any information in order to return to it later and offline.

When I sort through the materials in my RSS feed, I throw in the most interesting news items, life hacks, or other useful information originally here. There is rarely time to immediately understand the saved data, so I study it in detail after the fact.

Of course, it’s very cool that you don’t need the Internet to access the information stored here. I have no problem scrolling through this whole thing on the subway, without even connecting to the always overloaded Wi-Fi in any of the nearby capitals.

It’s very cool that Pocket keeps informational occasions without unnecessary information, advertising and other heresy. It turns out that this is actually a reading view with headings, pictures and text, and it can be scanned very quickly.

The program is full of additional features, many of which are even paid. But most often I just use a list of favorite positions, into which I dump information for the future, as well as search.

  • Download in App Store (free + purchases)
  • Download from Mac App Store (for free)

VLC 3 - a reliable video player

Instead of "Video" and QuickTime Player

In 2018, the App Store has enough video players that can play files from absolutely any source. For the most part, they differ only in the interface and methods of data transfer, but most often I recommend VLC to everyone.

The fact is that this is an absolutely free solution that lives off the charitable contributions of users, and its capabilities will be more than enough for the vast majority.

The program supports playback from Dropbox, GDrive, OneDrive, Box, iCloud Drive, files downloaded via iTunes, directly via a link, via WiFi Sharing, as well as broadcasting from SMB, FTP, UPnP/DLNA media servers and via the Internet.

Not only do new applications for iOS appear every day, but there are also a huge number of ratings where the top, best, useful and other programs are collected. iPhone, when used correctly, can bring us great benefits in all areas of life.

Useful utilities can be divided into several categories

That's why we'll look at the best iPhone apps that will make your life easier and turn your iPhone into an indispensable tool. And to make it more convenient for you, we have divided them into separate categories, each of which relates to certain areas of our life.

First of all, the iPhone as such is convenient because it is almost always with us. This means it can be used as a small notepad for notes, which will provide information about birthdays, remind you of necessary purchases, make a to-do list, or notify about tomorrow’s meeting.

Therefore, the top “Useful Applications for iPhone” looks like this:

  • Evernote. The program is widely known among iOS, Windows, Android users and has incredibly rich functionality. The text editor has many editing features and is ideal for those who like to write anywhere, anytime. You can attach a file in the form of audio or a photo to what you write, making the program an excellent diary for the iPhone. It is attractive for its versatility - a notebook with notes can be easily moved to a computer or sent to a friend who will read it, even if he does not have an Evernote account. The application is supported on all kinds of platforms; you can also open the notepad through a browser. Using the program, you can even quickly download text from a web page, postponing it for later. The only drawback of the Evernote program is its slightly complex interface, which will be difficult to understand at first.

Documents and money - the best work apps

Among best apps for iPhone that will help you in your work, you should pay attention to the following developments:

Programs for reading books and Internet resources

There are all kinds of readers and other programs for mastering information. So we offer the top best applications for iPhone that will help you read books and magazines comfortably:

  • A native application from Apple developers called iBooks was created for convenient reading of books on iPhone and other devices. And even though it does not support all formats, it is beautifully made and pleasing to the eye, which is also important in the reading process. Books can be downloaded from the Internet through a browser from any source you like - it is not necessary to download them through a computer. But the most important thing is that the text looks unobtrusive and neat, and all the details of the interface, as you would expect, are thought out here to the last detail.

  • The FlipBoard program is a personal magazine that contains only the most interesting materials for you. How is this possible? The program offers you to select topics that interest you and selects the latest articles based on your interests. And if you often like the material you like, unnecessary texts will be weeded out even better. Therefore, you will receive only the most interesting content on your iPhone.

  • Pocket is a very useful app for those who like to put things aside to read later. Who among us hasn’t experienced a situation where we find a long article or review, but don’t have time to read it? This is exactly what happens all the time. With Pocket, you can save material from any browser and read it later, even if you don't have an Internet connection.

Sports applications

Because the healthy image lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular, but we often don’t have enough time for sports, applications for counting activity make it much easier for us to monitor our progress and the effectiveness of our training. Among the many products, we recommend paying attention to these best applications for iPhone:

Components for working with multimedia

Popular applications for iPhone are not only browsers or calendars and navigators, but also tools for working with multimedia files. Here's what the list of top photo programs looks like:

  • Camera+. This is one of the most famous programs for processing photos on the iPhone, and once you try it, you will never go back to the standard application of the system. For just a few dollars you get a ton of tools for improving shooting parameters, image stabilization, contrast, white balance and more. Naturally, there are also functions for editing finished photo- a lot of filters and effects, of which there are more here than on Instagram.

  • The Typic application is a cute compact program for applying all kinds of inscriptions to pictures. The image processing tool comes with a variety of fonts, borders, and patterns.

  • Snapseed is a free photo editor that has the same rich functionality as the top-end Camera +, but with its own subtleties. It’s easy to use and interesting because you can process individual photo fragments without affecting the overall image. You can very quickly perform standard operations - rotate or crop a photo, adjust colors, or play with the fine settings of the program.

  • AirVideo. The player made it to the top for one important reason: to play video through it on an iPhone, you don’t have to transfer the file to the phone’s memory. Using this program, you can watch movies via Wi-Fi from your computer, which requires just a few steps - download the player to your computer, specify the path to the folder with movies, then open the computer files on your smartphone and enjoy watching the video.

So, we have looked at the best of the applications that are sure to be useful to you every day. As you can see, you can choose one of several programs in each section to suit your taste. The key is to try new things and make the most of your iPhone's potential.

Even in 2017, one of the arguments for buying an iPhone is its extensive app library. Applications released for iOS are of a high level of quality and are designed in detail. If you are a new iPhone user and want to start with the best iOS apps, this article is for you.

Applications for sending and receiving emails

Music apps

Spotify: The best alternative to the stock Music app is the Spotify app.

Yandex.Music: Another great alternative to the standard Music app.

Vox ($4.99) : An application with one of the best interfaces from a third-party developer with support for high-quality music files. In the application, you can also play music streaming services such as SoundClound and YouTube music.

Podcast listening apps

The capabilities of the built-in Podcasts application will be sufficient for novice users, but if you plan to listen to a large number of podcasts, we recommend downloading third-party applications.

Overcast: Overcast app is the easiest to use and most widespread. The playlist function has more than enough capabilities: it can automatically increase the volume and remove pauses. The Overcast app is free, but has built-in advertising.

Pocket Casts ($3.99) : The Pocket Casts app is an alternative to the Overcast app and is as good as the latter. It has a more complex interface compared to the Overcast application. Price $4.99.

Applications for viewing and reading news

Reeder 3 ($4.99): If news feeds are your everything, then this app is the undisputed leader in the universe where iOS rules. Fast, simple and fun to use.

Quartz: The Quartz app is a fun way to quickly satisfy your news hunger at the end of the workday. The app uses an innovative and practical discussion-type approach.

Flipboard: Magazine-type applications are still one of the the best ways to open and read articles.

Nuzzel: With the Nuzzel app, you can receive and read articles shared by friends on Twitter or Facebook. The app only shows links to linked articles, so you get featured content.

Kindle: If the iBooks store app is not supported in your country, please download Kindle.

Fitness apps

MyFitnessPal : If you want to keep track of what you eat and how it affects your weight, do it with the MyFitnessPal app.

Pedometer++: The simplest application designed to measure the distance traveled per day. Has a useful built-in widget.

Strava: If you are passionate about cycling, then the Strava app will be your best assistant in this matter. Community advice can be really valuable.

Gyroscope : This app can be described as a “dashboard” of your lifestyle. It integrates with the built-in Health app and millions of other tracker apps to provide a visual representation of your current health and performance.

Sleepcycle : If you want to improve your sleep quality and wake up at the most suitable time for your body, install the Sleepcycle app and place your smartphone next to your bed while you sleep.

Apps for getting around the city

Uber: Uber city taxi service.

Yelp: The Yelp app can help you decide where to eat next.

Camera apps

Manual ($3.99) : iPhone features a high-quality camera, and iOS 10 lets you take and process photos in RAW format. The Manual app allows you to adjust settings such as ISO (light sensitivity) and shutter speed.

VSCO: VSCO app is an alternative to the built-in Camera app. You can take photos and edit images directly within the app. The latest application interface has been overdone, but the image processing quality is still excellent.

Photo editing apps

Prisma:Be sure to install this app to use artistic filters to edit your photos.

MSQRD:The application offers a large collection of filters, grimaces and facial expressions.

Enlight:Application for processing photos on professional level and offers an interesting collection of filters.

Pixelmator ($4.99):Use this application to work with professional imaging tools on your device iPhone. The application has a simple interface and is easy to use.

Lightroom:Lightroom for iPhone has limited functionality compared to the MacBook version, but still allows you to process photos at a professional level. Functionality applications have been adapted to work on touch screen. The application is easy to use if the same application is already installed on your MacBook.

Task Manager application

Todoist: If you don't want to use the built-in Reminders app, install Todoist. Free version The application includes basic functions. The application works on all devices.

Trello: Project management application.

Applications for automating actions

Workflow ($3.99 ): And although iOS closed system, however, there are ways to automate some actions. The Workflow app does the job perfectly.

Drafts ($4.99) : If you work with text, use the Drafts application. Drafts integrates with many other apps and services, so you can send text via email or add it to notes.

IFTTT: The IFTTT app is an excellent tool for working with network services and applications. You will receive various “recipes” for automating processes.

Applications for working with widgets

Launcher: The Launcher app creates shortcuts for making calls, sending text messages, and other in-app actions directly within the built-in Today View widget. So you can set up a shortcut to send someone a text message right from the lock screen (by swiping right).