Repair of sewerage in a residential building. Replacing sewerage in a house: stages of work

The Celsis company offers to order turnkey sewerage repairs in an apartment building in Moscow. This need arises both during planned repairs of premises and after unforeseen breakdowns and breakdowns of utility networks in the apartment. The same applies to hot and cold water supply. You can order all this work with high quality and inexpensively from the engineering company Celsis.

Why is it profitable to work with us?







Our advantages

  1. Any work in a short time. Regardless of what service you need - repair of a sewer riser in an apartment building, replacement of water supply networks, installation of internal sanitary installations, or even inspection of a well - our specialists will cope with all tasks efficiently and on time.
  2. Experience and skills of specialists. Our technical staff has sufficient experience and knowledge that allows us to carry out the construction and repair of communications of any level of complexity in residential buildings and apartments.
  3. Repair of any engineering communications. If necessary, work is also carried out on other utility networks, for example, heating. Despite our high professionalism, the price for repairing the water supply system of buildings by our company is affordable and allows us not to spend large amounts of money on the work.

Specifics of repairs in apartment buildings

Despite the fact that sewer and water supply networks in private and apartment buildings, office buildings and industrial enterprises differ little from each other; in multi-storey buildings there are also features that determine the specifics of repair and maintenance.

Communications in most houses on the secondary real estate market are worn out by more than half. The decision to replace pipes is made for different reasons, but the actions have to be taken in approximately the same way.

Replacing a sewer riser in an apartment raises a number of significant issues. The first thing you should find out is who should carry out the work and at whose expense. Secondly, what and how to do if you have to change the sewer riser yourself.

Partial replacement of the sewer riser, when changing a section of communications in a separate apartment, may be necessary in the following cases:

  • the sewer pipe became unusable and leaked;
  • the owner or tenant of the property decided not to wait for leaks, but to start with major repairs and replacement of pipes;
  • The sewer riser is being replaced as planned.

Sewage drains in multi-storey buildings were traditionally installed from cast iron pipes. The material is reliable, but in most homes it is already so old that it leaks and needs scheduled replacement or urgent repairs.

Note! There is a clearly defined procedure for replacing a sewer riser, which is defined in regulatory documents, which spells out the responsibilities and rights of home owners or tenants.

Who is obliged to change the sewer riser?

The state regulates the rules for maintaining property in apartment buildings, including the replacement of the sewer riser, since the riser itself and the drain from it to the first joint are the common property of the house.


  • Government Decree No. 491 of August 8, 2006 on the maintenance of common property.
  • Manual on repair and maintenance of common property dated April 2, 2004.
  • Resolution of the State Construction Committee of September 27 No. 170 on standards technical operation housing stock.

The sewer system in high-rise buildings has its own characteristics. For its normal functioning, it is necessary to ensure periodic inspection and, if necessary, repair. This is done by public utilities or private organizations.

Sewage system of a multi-storey building

Financial side of the issue

When force majeure circumstances arise and partial or major repairs of the pipeline are required, apartment residents immediately have a question about who should cover material costs.

In order to get an answer to this question, one should turn to the Law.

According to Articles 36-37 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, repairs must be carried out by the management company or public utilities.

Current expenses are covered by monthly payments from the residents of the house for utility services.

House sewer repair

Unfortunately, often people who do not know the Law are forced to pay for everything themselves. But if you are legally savvy, you can win this dispute.

What are the signs of a faulty sewer system?

In order to timely replace a riser or in an apartment, you need to know the main signs of their malfunction.

The very first signs are an unpleasant odor and constant clogging of pipes, which sometimes even leads to flooding.

Moreover, the formation of blockages is the most common reason emergency situations related to sewerage.

Sewerage malfunction, leak in house riser

There is another sign of a malfunction: leaking pipes. This can happen at the junction or due to the appearance of a fistula or crack.

In this case, the repair method depends on the material used to make the pipes.

Important to know about sewer repair

If you want to replace pipes with your own hands, you should know about some very important rules:

Do-it-yourself pipe dismantling

  • so that sewage does not linger in the pipeline, it must be on a slope. To do this, you need to know in advance the exact location of wastewater sources, plumbing, household appliances, and also determine the height of all sources separately;
  • complete tightness should be ensured - for this, all elements are tightly connected, do not bend or warp. By the way, you should not often experiment with assembling/disassembling the sewer system. This will not have a positive effect;
  • It is better to hide all components of the system from view.

If we talk about the stages of sewerage repair in apartment conditions, then it all starts, of course, with drawing up a pipeline diagram and preparatory work.

If you need to replace a riser in an apartment building, then you must warn the neighbors above and below.

So, the work begins with dismantling the old riser. For this, a pipe cutter or grinder is used.

Dismantling a cast iron pipe using a grinder

  • The cut is leveled using a grinder with a grinding disc. This way you will prepare this section for the installation of a new riser;
  • The lower part of the main pipe is removed, the tee is first loosened and then completely pulled out.

After this, you can safely proceed to installing a new plastic pipe. It happens like this:

Installation plastic pipes sewer

  1. The socket is first cleaned and lubricated with sealant, after which a new tee is inserted there.
  2. The main pipe is driven all the way into the expansion pipe, this entire structure is inserted into top part pipes. The maximum gap between the assembly and the tee is 0.5 cm.
  3. A tee is inserted into the lower part.
  4. The finished riser is attached to the wall.

Installation of plastic sewerage

If sewer repair in an apartment building involves eliminating a leak, then you can use repair methods such as soldering, or applying epoxy glue or putty to the damage site.

After this procedure, the pipe is wrapped with adhesive tape.

Repair of cast iron sewerage elements

The most common malfunction of cast iron pipes is the appearance of leaks or fistulas.

In order to avoid a breakthrough, you need to regularly inspect the system, even in hard-to-reach places.

If a leak is detected, then you can stop the damaged area, for this:

Fixing a leak using a bandage pad

  • appropriate tools and materials are prepared;
  • A rubber patch is applied to the crack and secured with clamps. A small fistula may be able to be caulked with a chisel or a gag made of lead;
  • if the pipe cannot be dehydrated, then you can try to apply a bandage soaked in a cement mortar with liquid glass to the damaged area. Layers need to be applied until a cocoon is formed, which at the end must also be impregnated with silicate glue;
  • If there are serious violations of the integrity of the pipe, it makes sense to use a more radical method. To do this, you treat the damaged area with a steel brush, thereby removing layers of paint and metal. Then the surface is degreased with gasoline or acetone, and a mixture of phosphoric acid and copper oxide is applied to it with a spatula. All this freezes very quickly.

Repairing leaks using special putty

If all the measures taken do not give a positive result, then there is only one way out - completely replacing the cast iron pipes in the apartment with plastic ones.

Installation procedure for plastic pipes

Repair of sewer pipes in an apartment building, namely their replacement, can be carried out locally and completely.

In principle, the process is not very complicated, especially if you follow the sequence of actions.

So, how do you replace your sewer pipe when the time is right?

Repair of sewer pipes in an apartment building

First, the installation locations for plumbing fixtures are determined; this is advisable in the case of a complete reconstruction of the system or installation of additional equipment.

Then a diagram is drawn with all the necessary symbols, then the old wiring is revised, as well as its dismantling.

Dismantling of cast iron sewerage in an apartment building

Once you have gotten rid of bulky pipes through which water did not flow well or escape, you can move on to the following steps:

Installation of plastic sewerage

  1. Pipes with fittings are tried on in place;
  2. The system is installed in sections on the floor;
  3. The pipeline is installed and adjusted to its destination;
  4. Finish installation with sealing of seams is carried out;
  5. Plumbing fixtures are placed and connected;
  6. The entire system is connected to a ventilated riser;

Check the system for operation

After the sealant has hardened, you can check the system for leaks.


Instead of outdated cast iron, it is now customary to install plastic pipes; they are lightweight, inexpensive and different aesthetically pleasing. There is also a drawback: thin plastic walls do not insulate sounds well, so the drainage of neighbors upstairs will be heard throughout the house if you keep the bathroom door open. The noise can be reduced by purchasing and installing thick-walled PVC pipes, but they will cost more.

Replacing risers is a rather labor-intensive operation, and it is better to perform it when there are no other options left: the fistula is large and sewage leaks constantly, emitting a terrible smell in the house. If the horizontal branch leading to the bathroom and kitchen sink is damaged, it is not necessary to replace the riser.

What applies to a major overhaul of the utility networks of an apartment building, and what to the current one: replacement of cold water and hot water risers, electrical wiring

Current repairs of engineering systems is carried out in a planned manner, the purpose of which is to restore functionality, partial restoration of their resource, which is expressed in the replacement or repair of certain components, which are expressly stated in the relevant provision.

  1. Central heating system - 25 years.
  2. Replacement of hot water supply risers when major renovation- 30 years (if the risers are not galvanized, then 15 years).
  3. Cold water supply risers - 30 years (if the pipes are not galvanized, then 15 years).
  4. Overhaul of the power supply system - 20 years.
  5. Sewerage - 60 years (if the pipes are ceramic or plastic) and 40 years (if the pipes are cast iron).
  6. Roofing - depending on the material. Accordingly, a slate roof lasts 30 years, a galvanized steel roof lasts 15 years, a roof made of roll materials- about 10 years.

Replacing risers in an apartment building: how and when it is done, organizational issues, basic technology

Unscheduled replacement of heating risers is the most difficult case. As a rule, there are no problems with neighbors: the pipes of heating risers do not stick to the ceilings due to regular temperature deformations, damage to the floor and ceiling when dismantling old ones is minimal, and the prospect of reducing heating costs or living warmer in winter for the same money (if heat meters not in the house) outweighs the irritation.

Here the following option for organizing work is possible: after removing the top pipe (see below), an inspection of the tee is made. If the old cast iron fan tee is still intact, without cracks, and strong, its clearance is expanded by treating it with “Mole” or another sewer cleaner and only the pipes are replaced. This is how they go from top to basement: transitions from plastic to cast iron can be made quite reliable. In this case, if experienced, skillful and not lazy craftsmen work, each apartment is deprived of the opportunity to use the toilet for a maximum of an hour and a half, and the capacity of the riser will not decrease. True, the neighbor above may significantly disturb you or the workers if he decides to use plumbing fixtures during the replacement. It is legally impossible to hold him accountable for this - it is a vital necessity.

Who should pay for sewer repairs in an apartment building?

The outer boundary of networks electricity, heat, water supply and drainage , information and telecommunication networks (including wired radio broadcasting networks, cable television, fiber optic networks, telephone lines and other similar networks), included in the common property, unless otherwise provided by law Russian Federation, is the outer boundary of the wall of an apartment building, and the limit of operational responsibility in the presence of a collective (common house) metering device for the corresponding communal resource, unless otherwise established by agreement of the owners of the premises with the provider of public services or resource supply organization, is the place of connection of the collective (common house) metering device with the corresponding utility network, part of an apartment building."

In this case, the sewerage system is the common property of all owners, and the responsibility for its maintenance rests with the owners. You need to find out whether this well is included in the common property of the house, I believe it is, and therefore all residents must pay for this work.

Technology for replacing a cast iron sewer riser when worn out in an apartment building

When signing a contract through management company, payment will be made from funds already paid by residents.
Cast iron sewer pipes have their drawbacks, so it is recommended to choose a cheaper, but still reliable option - plastic. Using plastic pipes for sewerage - pros and cons, installation features.

The reason for replacement may also be the presence of cracks, fistulas, breaks in the existing sewer system or its general deterioration. Replacement of cast iron riser pipes in an apartment should be done after 25 years of operation.
It makes sense to change sewer risers simultaneously along the entire riser. Replacing a sewer riser in one apartment will cause a number of inconveniences to neighbors, but will not increase the efficiency of wastewater flow at all.

Sewage repair in an apartment building

All apartment buildings, built during the Soviet period, were equipped with sewer systems with cast iron pipes, which are a very durable structure that can serve faithfully for several decades, but any structure has its own strength limit and maximum service life.

If you study engineering systems apartment buildings built during the Soviet period, it turns out that small apartments usually have a bathroom, toilet and kitchen located nearby. All sanitary fixtures are equipped with pipes that direct wastewater first into prefabricated horizontal sewer pipes, and then into a vertically located “riser”, which discharges wastewater into the main sewerage collection system.

Sewage system in an apartment building: 6 main elements

Typical material for well walls is reinforced concrete rings with a diameter of 1000 mm. Steel brackets are fixed in the wall, allowing you to go down to the bottom level. The bottom is concreted to prevent untreated waste from entering the ground; in concrete there is usually a recess - a tray, a guide wastewater into the next well and further into the collector.

As you know, in our country not all technological operations are carried out in accordance with the regulations. Drain cleaning is no exception. In practice, sewer wire is used for it - steel wire 5 - 6 mm in diameter with a hook at one end and a handle at the other.

05 Aug 2018 1711

The old sewer risers in an apartment building, assembled from cast iron pipes, in the vast majority of cases have served their intended life. In this regard, leaks, blockages from old fat plugs and unpleasant odors occur. Since the owner is responsible for the sewage pipelines passing through the apartment, he has to decide on repairs or complete replacement of the sewer system.

Sewage network device

In order to properly repair or replace a sewer system in an apartment building, you need to understand how the sewer system works and how it functions. Main element network - a vertical riser that penetrates all floors and opens with an open end onto the roof. In the basement, the pipe turns towards the control well located outside. The sewerage installation in the apartment meets the following rules:

  1. The living area in the apartment is located away from the technical area, which includes a bathroom (or a separate toilet and bathroom) and a kitchen. The technical rooms are arranged around the bathroom, where there is a centralized water supply, ventilation ducts and a common sewer riser.
  2. The toilet is located near the riser and is connected to it through a tee with a DN 100 pipe.
  3. A DN 50 pipe is laid to the remaining sanitary fixtures, maintaining a minimum slope of 20 mm per 1 m of horizontal section. To reduce the length of this section, the kitchen sink is installed as close as possible to the partition separating the kitchen from the bathroom.
  4. In the middle of the horizontal section there is a shaped element with a hole for cleaning pipes - revision.
  5. The sewer network in apartment buildings is free-flow. This means that excess pressure inside main pipelines and there are no branches.

The material of the old system is cast iron, the connections are made in a socket and caulked with cement mortar or sulfur. It is the horizontal section that fails most quickly and begins to leak; the vertical section lasts up to 30 years without problems.

Repairing leaks

Since there is no pressure in the home sewer network, it is much easier to fix a leak at a joint or crack in a pipe than in a water supply. There are several ways to repair a crack in cast iron:

  • as a temporary option, apply a clamp made of a rubber tube wrapped with aluminum wire;
  • caulk with pieces of lead using a hammer and a pointer with a pointed end;
  • a small crack can be carefully caulked with a small chisel.

When conducting repair work on old risers, it should be taken into account that cast iron is a rather fragile material and can crack from a careless blow. The listed methods may not work when the fistula is large. Then you need to use this technique: take cement and mix it with the solution liquid glass. Then soak a medical bandage with it, which needs to be wrapped around the fistula in several layers. After hardening, you should get a tight “bandage”.

There is an alternative method, performed in the following sequence:

  1. Clean the leak area with a steel brush until it has a metallic shine.
  2. Degrease the cleaned surface with gasoline or white spirit.
  3. Mix copper oxide with orthophosphoric acid in a ratio of 3:2 and apply the resulting mixture with a spatula to the fistula.

If none of the methods bring a positive result, then you will need to replace the sewer riser and the horizontal section of the apartment’s sewage system.

How does the riser change?

Replacing risers is a rather labor-intensive operation, and it is better to perform it when there are no other options left: the fistula is large and sewage leaks constantly, emitting a terrible smell in the house. If the horizontal branch leading to the bathroom and kitchen sink is damaged, it is not necessary to replace the riser.

Instead of outdated cast iron, it is now customary to install plastic pipes; they are lightweight, inexpensive and have an aesthetic appearance. There is also a drawback: thin plastic walls do not insulate sounds well, so the drainage of neighbors upstairs will be heard throughout the house if you keep the bathroom door open. The noise can be reduced by purchasing and installing thick-walled PVC pipes, but they will cost more.

The work begins with dismantling the cast iron riser. To do this, you need to come to an agreement with your neighbors for 2 reasons:

  • while the sewer riser is being replaced, you will have to turn off the water supply and flush the toilets in advance;
  • To remove the pipes, you will need to chisel the interfloor ceiling.

In an extreme situation, the ceiling may not be touched, but then part of the old pipeline will enter your apartment, which may leak over time.

It is not difficult to destroy a horizontal branch with a diameter of 50 mm; this is done with hammer blows. Before destroying the old system, buy new pipes and fittings, focusing on the current scheme. Then dismantle the toilet and begin removing the tee. This is where the main difficulties begin, since to extract it you will have to remove cement mortar or sulfur from the sockets.

Sometimes the sulfur caulking is heated from outside gas burner or a blowtorch and pull out the tee. Warming up is accompanied by the release of acrid smoke, so good ventilation must be provided in advance. As a last resort, the tee is simply broken with hammer blows. The sequence of further actions is as follows:

  1. Using an angle grinder, make 2 circular cuts in the middle of the riser. The pipe wall is cut through, but there is no need to close the notch ring; the circle may jam.
  2. Insert a steel wedge into the slot and hit it with a hammer, causing the pipe to crack completely. Remove the pieces of cast iron so as not to interfere.
  3. In the same way, cut off the riser at the top and bottom and dismantle the entire pipeline.

After removing the debris, a riser is assembled from plastic pipes. The transition to cast iron is carried out using silicone couplings and sealant; the sections are connected into a socket with the installation of rubber rings. When installing the horizontal part, do not forget to maintain a slope, and upon completion, attach all the pipes to the walls with clamps.