A region of the biosphere transformed in the past by people. Introduction


Technosphere - a region of the biosphere that was transformed in the past by people through direct or indirect influence technical means in order to best meet their material and socio-economic needs (technosphere - region of a city or industrial zone, industrial or domestic environment). The technosphere is usually considered as an integral global system in two systemic links:

· “man - technosphere” (the technosphere represents and replaces nature; acts as a natural element, is a continuation of the structural complication of living nature) The structural elements of the technosphere as a natural phenomenon can be considered technical products that are the final link in the transformation of natural matter. In this case, it is legitimate to talk about technological methods of production or technological structures as a formalized principle of goal setting. It is also legitimate to describe objects of the technosphere as technocenoses as spontaneously formed communities and technological species as units of these communities.

· “technosphere - biosphere” (in it the technosphere represents and replaces society, acts as an artificial element, and separates man from nature). The structural elements of the technosphere as an artificial phenomenon are usually recognized as territorial-industrial complexes (TIC). There are agro-industrial, urban-industrial, mining and mining processing, energy, and recreational complexes. The determining factors in this type of description are the external function of environmental pollution, as well as the common function of goal and control from the outside for each of them. human society. This classification is due to the natural patchy distribution of technosphere objects over the surface of the globe. Transport communications connect these mega-objects into a common framework of the technosphere.

Thus, an external geographical description of the material part of the technosphere shell is carried out. At the energy level, the technosphere can be considered continuous, since electromagnetic radiation (for example, in the radio range) can be detected anywhere on the earth. The territorial description of technosphere objects is externally functional, and, in essence, these objects are considered as a black box.

The internal description of the system is truly structural, since it is determined by a single criterion of objects belonging to the system and a fundamental property - ambivalence.

The internal structure of the technosphere is determined by the processes occurring in it.

The general classification of processes is based on the most general nature of the transformation of matter. Contains the following classes:

1. Processes of transformation of substances;

2. Processes of creating things;

3. Processes of operating things;

4. Processes of decomposition of used items.

The ambivalence of the technosphere is manifested, in particular, in the fact that the processes of the third group - the exploitation of things - cannot be carried out without the processes of the first and second groups, and the latter, in turn, cannot be carried out without already created things. A group of processes of the first class creates structural materials for a group of processes of the second class, energy prerequisites for the implementation of processes of the first three classes, new concentrated substances, and releases elements, thereby performing functions similar to the functions of soil in the biosphere. Therefore, such a function cannot be avoided. To implement its first stage - mining during historical development— mechanisms were created that imitate the human hand (excavators, draglines, etc.). Some minerals can be extracted without the use of such mechanisms (underground gasification of coal, ore leaching, oil and gas extraction, etc.).

But when developing others, for example, construction or chemical raw materials, such technologies are impossible, because A mineral is an entire rock. Some elements are extracted from the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere and pass into the technogenic cycle, while others remain in waste. The general chemical composition of the technosphere is thus very different from that of the lithosphere. It also differs from the general composition of the biosphere. And it is precisely this discrepancy chemical compositions leads to the emergence environmental problems. The movement of material flows during the implementation of processes of transformation of substances creates network structures similar to the trophic chains of the biosphere.

To create each material, through the combined efforts of people, such network structures for the transformation of matter are organized, covering significant spaces. Ore can be mined in one place, metal can be smelted hundreds of kilometers from the mine, metal parts can be produced in another country, cars from these parts can be assembled on another continent, and a car can end up in a landfill on the other side of the earth.

Thus, the things for the production of which the technosphere exists are local, and the processes of transformation of matter for the production of these things are global. Flows of matter, being autonomous for the production of individual materials, are partially combined at the stage of creating things.

The smaller structural elements of the techno-trophic chains of the sphere are various levels of transformation of matter, usually associated with various industries - mining, metallurgical, chemical, etc. At each of these levels, there are thousands of enterprises that are united by goals, objectives, materials, and technologies on a social level, but are separated on a physical level—geographically. Each such enterprise is a structural unit of the technosphere, similar to an organism in the biosphere. Each of them is essentially a natural-technical system, i.e. artificial system located in the natural landscape. The functioning of such systems is studied in various branches of geoecology. At the same time, they study the interaction of natural and artificial components as a whole, i.e. produce a description of their external functions. The natural component is not considered from the point of view of its internal functions, but how it affects the artificial one (for example, how a rock mass affects the structure standing on it).

Conversely, an artificial component (for example, a building) is considered not from the point of view of the processes occurring in it, but from the side of those processes that influence the surrounding natural component.

Thus, when studying natural-technical systems, the functional (external) properties of these technosphere objects are considered in the system links “man - technosphere”, “technosphere - biosphere”, “technosphere - lithosphere”, “technosphere - hydrosphere”, “technosphere - atmosphere” . The internal properties of a natural-technical system as a structural unit of the technosphere, which largely determine external behavior, can only be described through the processes of technological transformation of matter within it.

The links of technotrophic chains are connected not only by material and energy flows, but also by the consistency of technologies of different industries, because in the process of converting a substance, the products of the previous link are a material in the subsequent technological process.

A single element of the structure of the technosphere can be considered elementary technological process transformation of a substance that retains the properties of ambivalence as a defining property of any object belonging to the technosphere.

The functioning of each elementary technological process does not contain ambivalence, since, in addition to obtaining useful product(for which it is intended), it is, as it were, a motor of influence, i.e. constant supplier of pollution, technical system to natural. An attempt to control the process by limiting waste or changing its quality is ineffective, because in an already functioning technical system It is impossible to achieve two optima - a certain product quality and specified waste properties. This leads to the transfer of pollution to another level, i.e. Requirements for the material included in the technological process are becoming more stringent, which leads to the creation of new production facilities to bring the material to the required standards, while new waste arises. Another way is to change the properties of a useful project, which leads to additional technological difficulties at subsequent stages of converting the substance. Types of technosphere zones:

1) Industrial zone

2) Urban zone - a conventional territorial unit of the city

3) Residential zone

4) Transport zone.

test material

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Instructions: from the proposed answer options, choose one correct one and write down its letter:

1. A region of the former biosphere, transformed by people through direct or indirect influence by technical means in order to best meet their material and socio-economic needs

a) biosphere

b) technosphere

c) hydrosphere

D) atmosphere

2. In a nuclear explosion, 50% of all energy is spent on the damaging factor

a) light radiation

b) ionizing radiation

c) shock wave

d) radioactive contamination

3. During a nuclear explosion, light radiation is

a) flow of radiant energy

b) a flux of gamma rays and neutrons emanating from the nuclear explosion zone

c) electric and electromagnetic fields

d) chemical elements

4 . The group for rescuing people in high-risk operations is called

a) centrifuge

b) Leader

c) civil defense units

d) Ministry of Emergency Situations

5. The gonads include

a) thyroid gland

b) bone marrow

c) gonads

d) musculoskeletal system

6. Collective remedies include

a) gas mask, respirator, PTM

b) AI-2, IPP, PPI

c) PRU, cracks (open, closed), basements

d) KZD, OZK, L-1

7. A document defining the possible nature and scale of emergencies and measures to prevent and eliminate them

a) Law

b) investment

c) declaration

d) plan

8. The territory in which mass casualties of people occurred as a result of exposure to hazardous substances is called

a) the source of chemical damage

b) infection zone

c) width of chemical damage

d) length of chemical contamination

9. The first tests of the atomic bomb took place

10. The source of chemical damage at a wind speed of 0.5 m/sec takes the form

a) circles

b) angle 90 0

c) angle 45 0

d) semicircles

11. RSChS was created with the purpose of:

a) forecasting emergencies on the territory of the Russian Federation and organizing emergency rescue and other urgent work

b) combining the efforts of authorities, organizations and enterprises, their forces and means in the field of prevention and liquidation of emergency situations

c) priority life support for the population affected by emergency situations in the territory Russian Federation

d) creating material reserves

12. Special ammunition and combat devices equipped with biological agents intended for mass destruction of manpower, farm animals and crops

a) nuclear weapons

b) bacteriological weapons

c) chemical weapons

d) laser weapons

13. Weapons of mass destruction based on the toxic properties of chemicals

a) nuclear weapons

b) bacteriological weapons

c) chemical weapons

d) laser weapons

14. Weapons of mass destruction based on intranuclear energy

a) nuclear weapons

b) bacteriological weapons

c) chemical weapons

d) laser weapons

15. The charters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are divided into:

a) regulations of the military branches and combat drills;

b) tactical, rifle and general military;

c) combat and general military.

d) everyday, holiday

16. General rules and the responsibilities of military personnel, the relationship between them, the responsibilities of the main officials of the regiment and its units, as well as internal regulations are determined by:

a) charter of the internal service of the RF Armed Forces

b) drill regulations of the RF Armed Forces

c) disciplinary charter of the RF Armed Forces

d) everyday, holiday regulations of the RF Armed Forces

17. Military personnel are responsible for offenses related to violation of military discipline, moral standards and military honor.

a) administrative

b) criminal

c) disciplinary

d) none

18. The state of activity in which, with a certain probability, the occurrence of dangers is excluded or there is no excessive danger

a) safety

b) acceptable risk

c) performance

d) inactivity

19 Terrorism is an emergency

a) natural character

b) technogenic nature

c) anthropogenic in nature

c) social nature

20. The legal basis for protecting the population and territories from emergencies is the Federal Law

a) “On civil defense”

b) “On the state of emergency”

c) “On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies”

d) “On fire safety”

21. The territory directly exposed to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion is called

a) a source of nuclear damage

b) the site of a nuclear explosion

c) the epicenter of a nuclear explosion

d) nuclear explosion zone

22. If signs of the enemy’s use of toxic substances are detected following the “Chemical Alert” signal, it is necessary:

a) hide in the attic, in a ravine

b) put on a gas mask and skin protection

c) close the door and don’t go outside

d) do nothing until you are evacuated

23. Federal laws come into force

a) from the moment of signing by the President

b) from the moment of adoption by the State Duma

c) from the moment of approval by the Federation Council

24. The ability of an economic entity to produce established types of products in the volumes provided for by the plan in emergency situations

a) the need for OE work

b) stability of the OE operation

c) operating conditions of the OE

d) the foresight of the boss

25. The conditions and procedure for military service are determined

a) The Constitution of the Russian Federation

b) Federal Law “On Civil Defense”

c) Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”

d) Federal Law “On Defense”

26. Moral internal qualities and principles of a warrior, characterizing his behavior, attitude towards the performance of military duty

a) moral behavior

b) military honor

c) patriotic education

d) friendly mutual assistance

27. A bandage placed on the nose is called

A) cape-shaped;

b) ivy-shaped;

c) stopping;

d) sling-shaped

28. A bandage placed on the head is called

A) cruciform

b) Hippocrates' cap

c) "Bridle"

d) "Cap"

29. . Destruction of pathogens of infectious diseases in the external environment

a) disinfestation

b) deratization

c) disinfection

d) decontamination

30. Achieving bone immobility at the fracture site is called

a) immobilization

b) transportation

c) pain relief

d) mechanical impact

31. After stabilization of the radiation situation in the area of ​​the accident, during the period of liquidation of its long-term consequences, the following zones can be established:

a) strong infection, medium infection, weak infection

b) alienation, temporary resettlement, strict control

c) mandatory eviction, restrictions, low contamination

d) protection of the population, dangerous contamination, strict control

32. The zone on the outer border of which 50% of people receive fatal injuries is called:

a) uncomfortable (threshold)

b) affecting toxodosis (dangerous infection)

c) a zone of fatal toxodoses (extremely dangerous infection)

d) highly toxic

33. According to the degree of fire resistance, buildings and structures are divided into:

a) 4 groups

b) 6 groups

c) 3 groups

d) 5 groups

34. Depending on the situation, the scale of the predicted or emerging emergency, operating modes of the RSChS are established

a) mode of daily activity, high alert, emergency situation

b) martial law, unforeseen circumstances, natural disasters

c) regime of daily activities, martial law, emergency response

d) quarantine, epidemic, high alert regime

35. Hydrological emergencies

a) hurricane, storm, tornado

b) floods, mudflows, tsunamis

c) landslides, mudflows, avalanches

d) landslides, epidemics, tsunamis

36. The basis and organization of the defense of the Russian Federation is determined by:

a) Federal Law “On Defense”

b) Federal Law “On Civil Defense”

c) Federal Law “On Safety”

d) Constitution of the Russian Federation

37. The general management of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is carried out by:

a) Minister of Defense

b) Minister of Emergency Situations

c) Supreme Commander-in-Chief

d) general staff

38. The first order in Russia, established by Peter 1 in 1699

a) St. George

b) St. Alexander Nevsky

c) Saint Andrew the First-Called

d) St. Vladimir

39. The military unit is subject to disbandment

a) upon the death of the commander

b) upon loss of the Battle Banner

c) if 40% of the unit’s military personnel die

d) upon the death of the flag bearer

40. The conscription of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service is carried out on the basis of:

a) order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation

b) resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation

c) Decree of the President of the Russian Federation

d) the wishes of the conscripts

Sections and topics:

Peacetime and wartime emergencies

Emergencies associated with the release of radioactive substances into the atmosphere

Emergencies associated with the release of hazardous substances into the environment

Emergencies associated with fires and explosions

The source of nuclear damage, its definitions and characteristics

Technosphere is a region of the biosphere that was transformed in the past by people through the direct or indirect influence of technical means in order to best suit their material and socio-economic needs.

By creating the technosphere, man sought to improve the comfort of the living environment, to increase communication skills, to provide protection from natural negative impacts. All this had a beneficial effect on living conditions and, together with other factors (improved medical care, etc.), affected people’s life expectancy.

However, the technosphere created by the hands and mind of man, designed to maximally satisfy his needs for comfort and safety, has not lived up to people’s hopes in many ways. The emerging industrial and urban environments turned out to be far from the acceptable requirements in terms of safety and environmental friendliness.

The emergence of the technosphere led to the fact that the biosphere in many regions of our planet began to be actively replaced by the technosphere. There are few areas left on the planet with undisturbed ecosystems. Ecosystems are most destroyed in developed countries - in Europe, North America, Japan. Here, natural ecosystems have been preserved mainly in small areas; they represent small patches of the biosphere, surrounded on all sides by areas disturbed by human activity, and therefore are subject to strong technospheric pressure.

New, technospheric conditions include human living conditions in cities and industrial centers, production, transport and living conditions. Almost the entire urbanized population lives in the technosphere, where living conditions differ significantly from those in the biosphere, primarily due to the increased influence of man-made negative factors on humans.

Man and his environment (natural, industrial, urban, household, etc.) constantly interact with each other in the process of life. At the same time, “life can only exist in the process of movement of flows of matter, energy and information through a living body” (Law of Conservation of Life, Yu.N. Kurazhkovsky).

States of interaction between man and the technosphere, characteristic of human life

Man and his environment interact harmoniously and develop only in conditions where the flows of energy, matter and information are within limits that are favorably perceived by man and the natural environment. Any excess of the usual flow levels is accompanied by negative impacts on humans and/or the natural environment. Under natural conditions, such impacts are observed during climate change and natural phenomena. In the technosphere, negative impacts are caused by elements of the technosphere (machines, structures, etc.) and human actions. By changing the value of any flow from the minimum significant to the maximum possible, you can go through a number of characteristic states of interaction in the “person - environment” system:

Comfortable (optimal), when flows correspond to optimal conditions of interaction: create optimal conditions for activity and rest; prerequisites for the manifestation of the highest performance and, as a consequence, productivity; guarantee the preservation of human health and the integrity of the components of the habitat;

It is acceptable when flows, affecting humans and the environment, do not have a negative impact on health, but lead to discomfort, reducing the efficiency of human activity. Compliance with the conditions of permissible interaction guarantees the impossibility of the emergence and development of irreversible negative processes in humans and in the environment;

Dangerous when flows exceed permissible levels and have a negative impact on human health, causing disease during prolonged exposure, and/or lead to degradation of the natural environment;

It is extremely dangerous when flows of high levels in a short period of time can cause injury, lead to death, and cause destruction in the natural environment.

Of the four characteristic states of human interaction with the environment, only the first two (comfortable and acceptable) correspond to the positive conditions of everyday life, while the other two (dangerous and extremely dangerous) are unacceptable for human life processes, conservation and development of the natural environment.


life activity person technosphere external

From the first moments of life until the very last minute, the human body interacts with the external environment. She surrounds him always, everywhere and everywhere. This interaction is necessary condition for normal human growth and development. Without this, human life, as well as any other biological system, is impossible. It is under the influence of the external environment that the structure and functions of the human body are formed at different periods of life. But this is especially noticeable in early childhood, when the activity of all systems and organs improves. External environment stimulates the formation of body responses.

Human interaction with the environment can be positive or negative; the nature of the interaction is determined by the flow of substances, energies and information.

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Kovalenko T. G. Fundamentals of theoretical knowledge of physical education. – Volgograd: VolGU Publishing House, 2002. – P. 57.

Kovalenko T. G. Fundamentals of theoretical knowledge of physical education. – Volgograd: VolGU Publishing House, 2002. – P. 58.

Grushevitskaya T. G. Concept of modern natural science. – M.: Higher. school, 2001. – P. 357.

Life safety / Under general. Ed. S. V. Belova. – M.: Higher. school, 2000. – P.14.

Mazurkevich E. Man and the world// LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. – 2004. - No. 7. – P. 11.

Life activity is daily activity and recreation, a way of human existence.

When starting to study the fundamentals of human life safety in the technosphere, it is necessary to determine, first of all, the place of life safety in the total volume of “knowledge about the interaction of living beings with each other and environment"(E. Haeckel, 1869), studied in the science of ecology.

In the 19th century ecologists studied mainly the patterns of biological interaction in the biosphere, and the role of humans in these processes was considered secondary. At the end of the 19th century. and in the 20th century. the situation has changed, ecologists have increasingly become concerned about the role of man in changing the World around us. During this period, significant changes occurred in the human environment. The biosphere gradually lost its dominant significance and in regions inhabited by people began to turn into the technosphere.

In the World around us, new conditions for the interaction of living and inanimate matter have arisen: the interaction of humans with the technosphere, the interaction of the technosphere with the biosphere (nature), etc. Now it is legitimate to talk about the emergence of a new field of knowledge - “Ecology of the technosphere”, where the main “actors” are humans and the technosphere he created.

In new technospheric conditions, biological interaction has increasingly begun to be replaced by processes of physical and chemical interaction, and the levels of physical and chemical factors of influence in the 20th century. continuously increased, often having a negative impact on humans and nature. There has been a need in society to protect nature (“Nature Conservation”) and humans (“Life Safety”) from the negative influence of the technosphere.

The root cause of many negative processes in nature and society was anthropogenic activity, which failed to create a technosphere of the required quality both in relation to man and in relation to nature. Currently, in order to solve emerging problems, people must improve the technosphere, reducing its negative impact on humans and nature to acceptable levels. Achieving these goals is interconnected. While solving the problems of ensuring human safety in the technosphere, the problems of protecting nature from the destructive influence of the technosphere are simultaneously solved.

The main goal of life safety as a science is to protect people in the technosphere from the negative impacts of anthropogenic and natural origin and to achieve comfortable living conditions.

The means to achieve this goal is the implementation by society of knowledge and skills aimed at reducing physical, chemical, biological and other negative impacts in the technosphere to acceptable values. This determines the body of knowledge included in the science of life safety, as well as the place of life safety in the general field of knowledge - the ecology of the technosphere.

Life safety is the science of comfortable and safe human interaction with the technosphere.

Evolution of the habitat, transition from the biosphere to the technosphere

In the life cycle, a person and the environment surrounding him form a constantly operating system “man - environment”.

Habitat is the environment surrounding a person, currently determined by a combination of factors (physical, chemical, biological, social) that can have a direct or indirect, immediate or remote impact on human activity, his health and offspring.

Acting in this system, a person continuously solves at least two main tasks:

Provides its needs for food, water and air;

Creates and uses protection from negative influences, both from the environment and from its own kind.

Negative impacts inherent in the environment have existed as long as the World has existed. Sources of natural negative impacts are natural phenomena in the biosphere: climate change, thunderstorms, earthquakes, etc.

The constant struggle for one's existence forced man to find and improve means of protection against the natural negative influences of the environment. Unfortunately, the emergence of housing, the use of fire and other means of protection, the improvement of methods of obtaining food - all this not only protected people from natural negative influences, but also influenced the living environment.

Over the course of many centuries, the human environment has slowly changed its appearance and, as a result, the types and levels of negative impacts have changed little. This continued until the middle of the 19th century. - the beginning of an active increase in human impact on the environment. In the 20th century Zones of increased pollution of the biosphere have emerged on Earth, which has led to partial, and in some cases, complete regional degradation. These changes were largely facilitated by:

High rates of population growth on Earth (demographic explosion) and its urbanization;

Increased consumption and concentration of energy resources;

Intensive development of industrial and agricultural production;

Massive use of means of transport;

Increased costs for military purposes and a number of other processes.

From the above it is clear that the 20th century was marked by a loss of stability in processes such as the growth of the Earth's population and its urbanization. This caused large-scale development of energy, industry, Agriculture, transport, military affairs and led to a significant increase in technogenic impact. In many countries it continues to grow to this day. As a result of active man-made activity in many regions of our planet, the biosphere has been destroyed and new type habitat - technosphere.

The biosphere is the area of ​​distribution of life on Earth, including the lower layer of the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the upper layer of the lithosphere, which have not experienced anthropogenic impact.

Technosphere is a region of the biosphere, transformed in the past by people through the direct or indirect influence of technical means in order to best meet their material and socio-economic needs (technosphere is a region of a city or industrial zone, industrial or domestic environment).

By creating the technosphere, man sought to improve the comfort of the living environment, to increase communication skills, and to provide protection from natural negative influences. All this had a beneficial effect on living conditions and, together with other factors (improved medical care, etc.), affected people’s life expectancy.

However, the technosphere created by the hands and mind of man, designed to maximally satisfy his needs for comfort and safety, has not lived up to people’s hopes in many ways. The emerging industrial and urban environments turned out to be far from the acceptable requirements in terms of safety and environmental friendliness.

The emergence of the technosphere led to the fact that the biosphere in many regions of our planet began to be actively replaced by the technosphere. There are few areas left on the planet with undisturbed ecosystems. Ecosystems are most destroyed in developed countries - Europe, North America, Japan. Here, natural ecosystems have been preserved mainly in small areas; they represent small patches of the biosphere, surrounded on all sides by areas disturbed by human activity, and therefore are subject to strong technospheric pressure.

The technosphere is the brainchild of the 20th century, replacing the biosphere.

The new technosphere includes human living conditions in cities and industrial centers, production, transport and living conditions. Almost the entire urbanized population lives in the technosphere, where living conditions differ significantly from those in the biosphere, primarily due to the increased influence of man-made negative factors on humans.