Unified State Exam pass percentage. How USE scores differ by region: student results and regional inequality

The Unified State Examination in the Russian language is a mandatory exam. In total, 616,590 people took part in the main period of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language in 2017 (in 2016 - 658,392 people; in 2015 - 672,407 people).

The results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language 2017 are generally comparable with the results Unified State Examinations of the past years.

On the official website of FIPI in the section "Analytical and teaching materials" "Methodological recommendations for teachers, prepared on the basis of an analysis of typical mistakes of participants in the 2017 Unified State Exam" have been published, this is where you can find information about What was the average Unified State Exam score in Russian in 2017?.

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Table 1

Average Unified State Examination score in Russian language 2015 - 2017

Year Average Test Score Test Score Range
0–20 21–40 41–60 61–80 81–100
2017 69,06 0,43% 2,62% 23,61% 48,30% 25,04%
2016 68,5 0,82% 3,40% 24,45% 45,75% 25,58%
2015 66,16 1,69% 4,79% 26,98% 46,75% 19,80%

The share of examinees who scored 100 points on the exam remained unchanged compared to 2016 – 0.5%. The share of high-scorers also remains stable: 25.5% in 2016 and 25% in 2017.

In 2017, the share of graduates who did not pass the minimum threshold (who did not receive the minimum (24) test score) decreased by 0.5%: from 0.99% (2016) to 0.54% (2017). The main reasons for the decline in the share of such participants in the Russian language include the successful implementation of the Rosobrnadzor system of measures to improve the quality of teaching the Russian language in the regions Russian Federation. Data on changes in the number and share of 100-point students in 2015–2017. are given in table. 2.

table 2

Statistics on the performance of work as a whole and individual tasks make it possible to identify the main problems in the preparation of examinees in the Russian language. As in previous years, sections of the course related to the formation of communicative competence remain insufficiently mastered. Insufficiently developed skills of analytical work with words and text, the lack of sufficient practice in analyzing linguistic phenomena also affect the quality of writing an argumentative essay. Graduates experience the greatest difficulties when applying punctuation and spelling standards in written speech.

The website “Teach at School” presents an interesting article Average USE score 2017 in the Russian language, based on other data from the Internet.

The other day, a new wave of the Unified State Exam started, and over the 8 years that the Unified State Exam has been mandatory, the controversy surrounding it has not subsided. In this material we make an attempt to show the dynamics of the average Unified State Examination points in Russian language and mathematics in the regions, and also explain what may be responsible for regional differences in exam results.

The data presented here is collected from open sources. The Unified State Exam results were obtained from regional websites of educational departments and centers for assessing the quality of education. Other indicators are collected on the websites of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Rosstat, and the Federal Treasury.

Unified State Exam results: regional differences

If you look at the map, you can see that the highest average scores in both the Russian language and mathematics are shown by the regions of the Central federal district. In 2015, the leaders in the Russian language were the Orenburg and Samara regions, as well as the Perm Territory, and in specialized mathematics - the Republic of Kalmykia, the Perm Territory and Udmurtia. The lowest results, contrary to stereotypes, are observed not in the North Caucasus regions, but in the Far East.

Of particular interest is the dynamics of Unified State Examination results in the regions. It is incorrect to directly compare scores over the years - the exam has gone through many changes over the years. For example, in 2013, during massive leaks of answers, the scores of participants in the country as a whole were higher, but in 2014, after tightening security measures, they fell. With this in mind, we looked at the position of the regions relative to the average score in Russia and used standardized z-scores. In other words, we compared the dynamics of the regions relative to the national average. The results of the regions were compared in 2010 and 2014, since during this period the content and structure of the exam were the most stable.

In general, significant (more than one standard deviation) growth over these five years was demonstrated by 16 subjects in mathematics, and 11 subjects of the Russian Federation in the Russian language. Basically, these are the regions that showed below average results in 2010. A serious decrease in scores occurred in mathematics in 6, and in the Russian language in 3 regions - where in 2010 the scores were quite high. In subjects of the Russian Federation with average results, there were no significant changes in scores.

Factors of regional differences in Unified State Examination results


To understand what explains the Unified State Examination results in mathematics and the Russian language in 2009 - 2014, we analyzed their relationship with a number of regional characteristics. The focus was, firstly, on the role of resource provision for schools, and secondly, on the role of family resources.

School resources are largely determined by the amount of government funding. If we adjust the volume of per capita funding for schools for inflation and differences between regions in the cost of living, then the growth of this indicator from 2006 to 2013 was about 40 percent. At the same time, the maximum gap in per capita financing over the same period decreased slightly - from 6 to 5 times. The greatest increase in school funding occurred in 2012, when the “May Presidential Decrees” were adopted.

Changes in school funding are important for student outcomes. According to our estimates, regions with a higher level of per capita financing show higher average Unified State Exam scores in mathematics (with equal levels economic development, income of the population and a number of other characteristics of the regions). In the Russian language, there was a significant connection between Unified State Exam results and per capita financing (taking into account other regional indicators) in 2009 - 2014. not detected. This can be partly explained by the fact that the results in the Russian language play a large role social characteristics families.

The main share of budget funding for schools comes from teachers' salaries. At the same time, the dynamics of their salaries relative to the average wage level in the region is important. Overall, this dynamic was positive. The most significant increase in relative salaries of teachers was observed in 2008 and 2012 - 2013, with a slight decrease in 2007 and 2010.

According to our estimates, the level of teachers’ salaries relative to the average salary in the region is positively related to regional Unified State Examination results in both the Russian language and mathematics. Pay determines which teachers will come to schools and with what attitude they will work. For example, data from the 2012 PISA survey of school principals shows that in regions with higher relative salaries, teachers are more motivated, enthusiastic, and driven to achieve.

In addition to the state, families invest in children's education. Families' resources are determined by their income. Our analysis shows that in regions with high levels of poverty (the proportion of people with incomes below the subsistence level), Unified State Exam results are lower. A high level of income inequality within a region also negatively affects average Unified State Examination scores (given equal levels of budget funding for schools and a number of other regional characteristics).

In other words, family resources are also important to improve the educational achievements of schoolchildren. At the same time, in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with low incomes, on average, the resources of regional budgets, and therefore the funding of schools, are lower.

Overall, on at this stage Equalizing the level of budget funding for schools between regions is not enough to equalize children’s scores.


If we talk about the results of 2015, the gap between regions with the minimum and maximum average USE scores can be 28 points in Russian and 16 in mathematics. Socio-economic characteristics of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (gross regional product, school funding per student, share of the population with higher education, as well as the share of the urban population) explain the average Unified State Exam score in mathematics by 25 percent and the average Unified State Exam score in Russian by 34 percent. Children from less affluent areas are less likely to achieve high test scores than those living in more economically developed parts of the country. Moreover, in the Russian language this gap is somewhat larger than in mathematics.

To almost the same extent (28 percent in mathematics and 30 percent in Russian), average regional scores are explained by the characteristics of schools and teachers. It is important to consider how many children in the region go to college after 9th grade, and how many remain in high school and take the Unified State Exam. As our analysis shows, in schools where less than half of ninth-graders remain in high school, the results are also higher than in schools where the selection (or self-selection) of children is less strict.

Teacher characteristics also matter. In all regions, teachers with completed higher education predominate, however, where such teachers make up more than 80 percent, the results Unified State Examination of students higher. But the connection between the results and the category of teacher turned out to be not so clear - the highest results are among graduates in regions where the share of teachers with the highest category varies from 22 to 30 percent.

Thus, our analysis shows how students from different regions do not have equal chances of achieving high Unified State Exam scores. By the way, the average results of Moscow schoolchildren on the Unified State Exam are 13 points in specialized mathematics and 5 points in the Russian language higher than those of schoolchildren from the Republic of Buryatia.

In general, the economic and educational characteristics of the regions determine USE scores by 64 percent in the Russian language and by 53 percent in mathematics. At the same time, these factors are outside the sphere of influence of teachers and schools themselves, so it is incorrect to evaluate them based on this result.


As our analysis shows, in Russia there are quite large regional differences in the educational results of schoolchildren. These differences can determine the future fate of children, including influencing admission to universities.

This difference is largely due to the extent to which schoolchildren are provided with educational resources. There are inequalities of resources both at the family level and at the level of government funding for schools. Often one accompanies the other.

Our analysis does not take into account variations in unified exam scores within regions, although this task seems extremely useful in developing educational policy measures. For such an analysis, researchers need access to anonymized Unified State Examination data. In developed countries, the results of such tests are used for analysis and development of management decisions, and it is important to use this experience in Russia.

The Unified State Exam as an objective tool for assessing school graduates has shown that there is a problem with inequality in education. The responsibility for solving this problem cannot be placed entirely on the exam itself or on the teachers. Equalizing educational opportunities is a public policy task.

So, the exams have been passed, mountains of textbooks and notebooks have been put away on distant shelves, and websites with results are updated daily. While you wait for your scores, we'll tell you how fruitful the past year has been.

Has the rating system been revised? Has the state exam format been updated? What discipline is popular now? Read about it below.


New tasks

The developers have introduced several questions in subjects such as Russian, physics, and chemistry. The graduates themselves say that certification has not become more complicated because of this, on the contrary, a good opportunity has arisen to earn more!

Completely changed

The same can be said about computer science. Most of examination KIM was revised and brought under modern conditions. The students themselves are happy that the tasks use common programming languages.

Points recalculated

In the Unified State Exam, the most important thing is the criterion for marking and the final amount, since it is this that will affect successful admission to the university. In social studies, literature has been modernized this system. Here's the takeaway: take a good look at the updates to get an idea of ​​the scoring structure.

Became clearer

You have probably encountered the fact that you did not understand the meaning of the tasks and the requirements for their answers. This problem was eradicated by the introduction of clearer and more specific language in the description of the test question and assessment criteria. This applies to foreign studies, social studies, and physics.

Unified State Examination Statistics 2018

In 2018, 731 thousand Russian schoolchildren took part in state tests. Of these, 645,000 are graduates of previous years. This is a significant increase compared to last year.

As usual, “society” turned out to be the most relevant, chosen by 62% of the guys. This discipline will be required for the humanitarian, social and pedagogical areas of universities. It can be assumed that the competition here will be high, and therefore the best of the best will be able to apply. We must not forget that the number of budget places is mainly reduced every year.

Natural science subjects exceeded the figures for 2017. Physics became the second most popular exam - 29% of high school students (the value increased by 2%).

25% of schoolchildren signed up for biology, which turned out to be unexpected for Rosobrnadzor specialists. A significantly smaller number of future applicants wanted to take history - 24%.

17% passed chemistry, 15% - English, 14% - computer science, 11% - literature.

What are the results?

Nobody knows yet. The check is still ongoing, forms are scanned, scores are given but not published, and participants in state exams are in agonizing anticipation. However, tentative dates have already been published when everyone will know how hard they prepared. The first will be geography - June 15.

But do you know why the verification takes so long?

On average, 15-19 days pass from the moment you leave the classroom until you receive a score on the computer screen.

Within 3-4 days, the forms are scanned, the information received is recognized and checked against the records for accuracy. Scans without a participant number are checked at the regional level.

7-8 - testing is carried out at the federal level (it is because of this that ninth-graders find out their results on the OGE earlier than eleventh-graders - they do not have this level). A recheck takes place, after which the works are returned to their regions.

1-4 - the final results are approved and the publication itself takes place.

In this regard, before swearing at the long wait, remember this long chain that your labors go through.

Expectations from the Unified State Exam 2019?

Official sources say that state certification will not see changes in the near future. Well, we just have to wait. We will inform you about future innovations as soon as possible so that you have time to prepare to the maximum!

Every student completing the course is required to take the Unified State Exam in Mathematics in our country. high school. We will not go into details of possible changes in the form of the exam and those exceptional cases when a graduate, being the winner of, for example, the All-Russian Olympiad, automatically receives 100 points for the Unified State Exam.

Let's look at the results of the Unified State Exam in Mathematics in previous years, when it contained both simple tasks, both complicated, but solved by graduates of ordinary schools, and very complex, requiring special training. Based on statistics published on the Official Information Portal of the Unified State Exam ( http://ege.edu.ru/ru/main/satistics-ege/), the picture turns out to be as follows:

Results of the recent Unified State Examination in mathematics

In fact, throughout the entire 11th grade (and sometimes longer), students prepare for the final exam, which for some of them is also the entrance exam. And what is the result? The majority of graduates wrote the Unified State Exam with 51-60 points (26%), the percentage of “twos” is very noticeable (up to 20 points, this is about 6.2% or almost 50,000 people!), and only 0.7% of all students were able to pass the Unified State Exam by 91-100 points! And in general, only 8% of all children who completed the 11th grade of high school were able to pass with decent scores (more than 70) required for admission to the country’s leading universities.

It is interesting to compare the results of the Unified State Exam in mathematics with the results of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language.

Unified State Examination results in mathematics and Russian language

We see that successfully passing the Russian language was incomparably easier. The turning point in points occurs around 60. This is also shown by the average score: in Russian - 63.4, in mathematics - 48.7.

At the same time, 2,559 people wrote work worth 100 points in the Russian language, and 538 in mathematics (i.e., almost five times less), which is less than 0.07% of all results.

It is in mathematics that there is the lowest percentage of maximum results among all subjects taken in the form of the Unified State Exam! And these are still “optimistic” statistics! Not so long ago, after a series of scandals surrounding the Unified State Exam, the high results were carefully rechecked, and as a result, only 64 people received the maximum score in mathematics - 8.4 times less than the year before! As a result of inspections, the proportion of graduates who passed with more than 80 points also decreased.

Now let’s look at the results of graduates of the same year who were trained at Matematushka. 32 people scored more than 70 points, of which: 71-80 – 19 people, 81-90 – 9 people, 91-100 – 4 people.

Now these are students of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, National Research Institute "Higher School of Economics", Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov, Moscow State Institute international relations(MGIMO), Moscow State Technical University named after. N.E. Bauman, Federal University under the Government of the Russian Federation and other prestigious universities in our capital.

Among the graduates of “Matematushka” there is also a 100-point result for the Unified State Exam. Ivan Pavlov received it in a year when only 157 people from 43 regions of Russia passed the exam with the maximum score. It is logical that among all the faculties, Ivan chose Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University. Konstantin Slavnov, who entered the Faculty of Computer Science and Technology of Moscow State University, was very close to this result. He passed the Unified State Exam with 98% (at that time 214 people passed the Unified State Examination in mathematics with 100 points, which amounted to 0.03% of all graduates).

Thus, “Matematushka” carefully prepares its graduates, and they successfully pass the Unified State Exam not only with high, but even with maximum scores! What, as could be seen from Unified State Exam statistics, is a very, very rare result.