Rules for accepting rooms in a hotel. Improving methods of receiving, registering and accommodating guests

Introduction 3

1. Organization and technology of the reception and accommodation service

1.1. Organizational structure services 4

1.2. Operational service process 4

1.3. Functions of the reception and accommodation service 6

1.4. The procedure for booking places and rooms in the hotel 7

1.5. The order of registration and accommodation of guests 14

1.6. Features of registration of tourist groups 17

1.7. Features of registration of foreign citizens 18

1.8. Documentation required to account for the use of the number of rooms 20

1.9. Types of settlements with residents 21

1.10. Rules for calculating payment for accommodation 23

1.11. Automated processing of data in the reception and accommodation service 24

2. SE NO "Hotel Oktyabrskaya" building "Volzhsky slope"

2.1. General information about the hotel 28

2.2. Technical equipment of the reception and accommodation service 28

2.3. The structure of the service of the hotel "Volzhsky Otkos" 29

2.4. Room reservation 29

2.5. The order of registration and accommodation of guests 30

2.6. Documentation required to account for the use of the number of rooms 30

2.7. Rules for calculating payment for accommodation 31

Conclusion 32

Bibliography 33



In economics modern Russia tourism occupies an important place. One of the priorities of the Federal Target Program "Tourism Development in Russian Federation”is the formation in Russia of a modern, highly efficient and competitive tourist complex.

In order to successfully solve the whole variety of guest service tasks, the staff working in the field of tourism and hospitality need to acquire professional knowledge and constantly improve it.

Hospitality cannot exist without meeting the primary needs of a person, such as: sleep, food, rest. In this regard, the most logical is the following definition of a hotel:

Hotel is an enterprise that provides services to people who are away from home, the most important of which are accommodation and catering services.

The essence of providing accommodation services is that, on the one hand, special premises for living are provided, and on the other hand, services that are performed by employees, so the hotel staff is an important link in creating a customer experience. And since the guest, first of all, is in contact with the reception and accommodation service, it is necessary to have good employees in this service.

The main functions of the reception service are: hotel booking, registration and accommodation of tourists, settlement of payments upon departure of the guest, provision of various information. In order to become a highly qualified manager of the hotel and tourism business, it is necessary to clearly know these functions.

The main purpose of the author's work is to study the organization and technologies of the reception and accommodation service. To do this, you need to complete a number of tasks. Firstly, to study the activities of the reception and accommodation service, secondly, to study the organizational structure of the service, and thirdly, to study the documents that SPiR employees work with.

Organization and technology of the reception and accommodation service.

1.1 Organizational structure of the service.

The organizational structure of the hotel enterprise is determined by the purpose of the hotel, its category, the size of the room stock, location, the specifics of the guests and other factors. It is a reflection of the powers and responsibilities assigned to each of its employees.

The composition of the service: deputy director (manager) for accommodation, administrator service, porter, operators of mechanized calculation, employees of the passport and information desks, porters, porters, security service, etc.

Approximate diagram of the reception and accommodation service.

1.2 Operational service process.

The process of serving guests in hotels of all categories can be represented as the following stages:

Advance reservation of places in the hotel (reservation);

Reception, registration and accommodation of guests;

Provision of accommodation and catering services (room cleaning);

Providing additional services to residents;

Final settlement and checkout.

Pre-booking of places, registration at check-in, payment for accommodation and services rendered, check-out takes place at the reception and accommodation service, where the duty administrator, porter, cashier (operator of mechanized calculation) and passport officer work. In many hotels in the Russian Federation, this service has the English name "Reception".

Services to residents can be provided by hotel staff (service and room service) and staff of other enterprises (trade enterprises, hairdresser, first-aid post, etc.) located in the hotel.

According to the "Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation" No. 490, "the contractor must ensure round-the-clock registration of consumers arriving at the hotel and departing from it." Therefore, the work of the reception and accommodation service has a shifting character. According to the chosen mode of work of shifts, the number of employees of the service is determined.

The hotel has different opening hours. There is a work schedule for staff every three days, this work schedule has a number of advantages: time is saved for transferring shifts, the porter has the opportunity to study the guests, which plays an important role in security. But in general, this model is recognized as inappropriate, which is associated with great responsibility and emotional stress of employees. Service standards require you to meet the guest and it's hard physically. Abroad and in many Russian hotels, the working shift is 8 hours: day shift from 7 am to 3 pm, evening shift from 3 pm to 11 pm, night shift from 11 pm to 7 am. Often they use a non-matching schedule, which involves a delay at work until 15:30, and the departure of the evening shift 30 minutes earlier, i.e. at 14:30. Thus, employees of the day and evening shifts work for an hour together. This way of working creates the possibility of a smooth transition from one shift to another, otherwise it is called "seamless service". During the shift, when two shifts work at the same time, it is very effective. the dealers have the opportunity to fully transmit information both orally and in writing in the shift transfer journal. Sometimes an additional work shift from 6 am to 2 pm may be required to offload the day shift if a mass check-in or check-out of guests is planned.

In large hotels with a Western style of management, the day and evening shifts include a senior administrator (shift supervisor), a receptionist, a cashier, a concierge, a telephone operator, workplace The telephone operator may be located in the hotel premises.

The night shift is formed from an administrator on duty, one or more night auditors and operators.

1.3 Functions of the reception and accommodation service.

The reception and accommodation service is the first unit that the guest gets acquainted with when arriving at the hotel. The impressions received from this acquaintance largely form the guests' feedback on the quality of service in general.

The main functions of the service are:

Distribution of rooms and accounting of free places in the hotel;

Greeting the guest and completing the necessary formalities upon arrival and departure;

Issuing invoices and making settlements with guests.

The job responsibilities of the reception staff, as well as the skills and knowledge required to perform them, are defined by the professional standard. (Attachment 1)

Starting work administrator must look at the log with the records of the previous shift. This log records information about what happened during the shift, about the needs of guests who contacted the service during this period of time, but were not satisfied for any reason. Before starting work, you must also view information about the availability of seats and applications for the current day. Based on the documents, which will be discussed in the following sections, the administrator keeps records of the use of the number of rooms.

The reception and accommodation service should ensure the maximum load of the hotel, avoiding unreasonable downtime.

During check-in and check-out, payments for hotel accommodation and additional services are made. When checking out, they check the guest's account, clarify all his expenses during the stay and accept payment. Check-out control is very important in order to prevent the departure of guests who have not paid their bill.

receptionist responsible for storing and issuing room keys to residents upon presentation business card. In addition, guests often contact the reception and accommodation service to receive some information or other service.

Mechanized settlement operator (cashier) controls the timely payment of all types of services, receives payment for accommodation in cash and makes cash calculations for accounting.

Passport office worker checks the passport data, the correctness of their entry in the registration card, controls the validity of visas, issues passes based on passport data.

1.4 The procedure for booking places and rooms in the hotel.

Booking - pre-booking places and hotel rooms. This process begins serving guests. Room reservations are handled by managers of the reservation department or the reception and accommodation services. It is in these divisions that requests for bookings from customers are received. In addition to the formal collection of applications, the reservation department must study the demand for hotel rooms. Studying the long-term experience of the hotel, taking into account the plan of events that will take place in this region (sports competitions, carnivals, conventions, festivals, etc.), forecasting the demand for places and analyzing the load of rooms in the past and present periods, the booking hotel, together with the marketing service plans the activities of the hotel.

The occupancy of the hotel depends on the season, business activity in the area, economic and political situation. During political instability, the interest of tourists in this area is reduced due to the inability to ensure the safety of their stay. During the peak season, the hotel may double book.

double booking- this is a confirmation of the future provision of rooms in the hotel at the same time to two clients on the same date. By choosing this path, the hotel takes a risk. Of course, it is possible that one of them cancels the application some time before arrival or simply does not arrive on the appointed day. Then the risk is justified. But if both clients arrived at the hotel, then the one who arrived earlier gets the place. To satisfy another client, you can redirect him to another hotel, and the consent of the guest to change the hotel is required.

It is desirable for both the hotel and the guest that the rooms be booked in advance, and the sooner the better.

According to the "Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation" "the contractor has the right to conclude an agreement for booking rooms in a hotel by drawing up a document signed by two parties, as well as by accepting a booking application by mail, telephone and other communications, which makes it possible to reliably establish that the application comes from consumer."

If the organization regularly uses the services of the hotel, then it is more profitable for it to conclude an agreement for a certain period. In this case, the organization is assigned its own serial number and, subject to the terms of the contract, the hotel provides accommodation for tourists sent by this organization. Currently, many travel companies seek to conclude an agreement with a particular hotel.

For travel companies that regularly deliver customers, the hotel sets discounts on accommodation, meals and some services.

The contract between the hotel and the travel company specifies: in what time period an application for accommodation of tourists should be submitted, when and how payment is made. Very often, a booking resembles a rental, as it is carried out for a long period, possibly affecting several rooms and even floors.

There are several ways to book a room or a place in a hotel: written, oral and computer.

By mail or by fax, the client sends a letter of application to the hotel. (Annex 2)

The same application can be made at the hotel in the reservation department. Application processing requires a lot of attention.

Every booking request and cancellation must be registered.

If the booking managers did not cancel the order in time, then the room may remain unsold until the error is discovered. Only an application on company letterhead can serve as confirmation of payment for the booked room.

The application of the organization that is booking the room must contain the details of this organization (name, address, telephone, fax, bank account number).

In any case, the application must contain the following information: number and categories of rooms; length of stay at the hotel; surnames of visitors; form of payment (non-cash or cash, details of the paying organization).

The application is registered (assigned a registration number) and confirmed or denied in the same way that the application was received by sending a booking confirmation letter. (Annex 3)

When booking by phone, it is very important to be attentive to the client, since the impression of this conversation will determine his attitude towards the hotel as a whole. It is important for the client how long he will wait for an answer, since according to the norms, the phone should be picked up after a maximum of five rings.

An employee who has information about the loading of the hotel should pick up the phone. In hotels that accept reservations for rooms by phone, special forms have been developed. They should only make marks in the required columns, and not write down the entire application.

The same forms can be in a special section of the reservation department computer.

Phone bookings require written confirmation.

Computerized booking method opens up a wide range of opportunities for hotels and clients. Computerized reservation systems are known in world practice: a corporate reservation network unites hotels that are part of a chain, another reservation network unites independent hotels that are not included in the chain.

When booking through the network, reservations can be made at a hotel located in another city or even in another country. The advantage of the automated network is that the booking can be redirected to any other hotel in the same chain located in the same city.

You can book a hotel room through a computer network by phone. The dispatcher contacts the hotel via a computer network and finds out the possibility of booking. This method is not very convenient, as it takes a lot of time to find out the conditions of booking and accommodation.

There are two more options for booking using a computer: the hotel has its own Internet page or is a member of one of the Internet booking systems (Academservice, WEBInternational, NoteBene, etc.). The effectiveness of this method of attracting customers is higher, the shorter the response time to the received order. The speed of sending a confirmation largely depends on the degree of automation of the processing of incoming applications and on the clarity of interaction between the hotel and the agent.

A competent organization of the exchange of information between these two links allows to reduce the time for the client to receive confirmation to a minimum (ideally, the so-called online should take no more than 7 seconds, which is rare in Russian practice).

By connecting the hotel automated control system and the Internet booking system, the hotel and the agent are able to quickly exchange information about the free number of rooms, about the categories of rooms and services offered by the hotel, as well as about current rates, discounts, special programs for guests, etc. Having the opportunity to update tariffs as often as desired, the hotel, in turn, will be able to conduct a more flexible pricing policy and adequately respond to demand.

In this system, booking is as follows. The client enters the WEB-site of the Internet booking system and gets acquainted with the rules of booking. Then he chooses a hotel. After making sure that there are free rooms, filling in the required information fields, he sends the order to the system by e-mail. The system automatically processes the order (except for non-standard cases) and sends a preliminary confirmation with the conditions for making an advance payment, and the client is put on the waiting list. After receiving the appropriate guarantees (prepayment, letter of guarantee, etc.) from the client, the latter receives the final confirmation from the agent. A copy of the final confirmation is sent to the hotel. Here the reservation is entered into the loading schedule with subsequent automatic change. If the hotel has its own page, the reaction to incoming requests is a function of the reservation service of the hotel itself.

In this case, the interaction procedure is as follows. The client enters the website of the Internet booking system and gets acquainted with the rules of booking. Then he chooses a room and, after making sure that there are free rooms and filling in the necessary information fields, he sends the order directly to the hotel by e-mail. The system automatically processes the order (except for non-standard cases) and sends a preliminary confirmation with the conditions for making an advance payment, and the client is put on the waiting list. After receiving the appropriate guarantees (prepayment, letter of guarantee, etc.) from the client, the latter receives the final confirmation of the reservation from the hotel. The reservation is entered into the loading schedule, with the subsequent automatic change in the status of the room stock.

The Internet makes it possible, without leaving home, without intermediaries, to obtain the necessary information about the hotel, to see how the rooms are decorated.

With telephone or computer bookings, there is a risk of abrupt termination of the reservation, and then the client, who has not received confirmation, may arrive for check-in and not receive a room, as there will be no free places.

On request, the reservation department can draw up a long-term plan for loading the hotel for a certain period (year, month, week) and a load plan for the current day.

The reservation department must constantly interact with the reception and accommodation service, which provides information about the current room occupancy. If the load report is incorrect, then managers can make the wrong decision regarding load forecasts. And when the room remains unsold, it reduces the income of the hotel.

A booking confirmed by a special notice sent by the hotel to the client is called a confirmed booking. It takes some time for the reservation confirmation to be received by the customer by mail or fax. Typically, the confirmation will include the registration number of the claim, the guest's expected arrival and departure dates, the type of room booked, the number of guests, the number of beds required, and any special guest requirements. The client takes this confirmation with him to the hotel in case of any unforeseen situations. But such a confirmation is not always a guarantee for the client, because there are rules: if the guest does not arrive before 18:00, the reservation is canceled when the hotel needs it.

Guaranteed Booking is a booking with a special confirmation from the hotel that it guarantees the client to receive the booked room. Such confirmation is necessary if there is a possibility that the guest may arrive late at the hotel, when booking, the guest's credit card number is recorded, which is a guarantee of payment even if the guest is late. Under these conditions, the room remains free until the arrival of the guest. The convenience of a guaranteed reservation is that the guest will try to cancel the order if he sees that he will not be able to use it. With this confirmation, the hotel has an accurate picture of the availability of rooms.

Another form of guaranteed booking can be a deposit (advance) payment. In some situations (for example, at the height of the holiday season), in order to avoid downtime of rooms due to the absence of the expected guest, the hotel may ask you to transfer the cost of living in advance for one day or even the entire period. Prepayment is also required when placing a tourist group. This is also a way to deal with "absenteeism".

According to the "Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation", in case of delay, the consumer is charged, in addition to the booking fee, also a fee for the actual downtime of the room (place in the room), but not more than a day. If more than a day late, the reservation will be cancelled. In case of refusal of the consumer to pay for the reservation, his accommodation in the hotel is made in the order of the general queue.

The "Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation" does not specify the amount of payment for the reservation. It is set by the hotel management. Usually, individual tourists are charged 50% of the rates of a room or a place in a room. For tourist groups there are discounts for booking, accommodation and even some services. The size of the discount depends on the number of people in the group, the length of stay. On average, 25-30% of the fare is taken for booking places for a tourist group.

1.5 Procedure for registration and accommodation of guests.

The next part of the operational process - resettlement - consists in turn of a meeting, registration, handing over the key, escort to the room.

Two types of meetings are possible: at the airport or at the train station (on the distant approaches); near the entrance to the hotel or in the lobby (on the near approaches).

A meeting at the distant approaches allows you to get to know the guest before arriving at the hotel, draw up or adjust a service program, talk about the hotel and the services provided. Such a meeting is agreed upon when booking. In high-end hotels, guests are greeted by a porter who greets them at the entrance. For guests arriving by car, he helps to open the car doors and get out of it, if necessary, explains the rules for parking vehicles at the hotel. The porter also assists in unloading luggage from the car, delivers it to the reception and accommodation service. Under no circumstances should a client's luggage be left unattended.

In small hotels, the guest comes to the reception desk, where he is greeted by the administrator. The receptionist should let the guest know that he has been noticed. Greet the client with a greeting. If the client does not come to the hotel for the first time, then it is advisable to address him by name, this will make a positive impression. It would not be superfluous to ask how long he was on the road, but you should not delay asking questions, since the accommodation formalities have a time standard: 8 minutes. – individuals, 15 min. – group up to 30 people, 40 min. – a group of 30 to 100 people.

The first impression of communication with the receptionist plays a big role in the overall assessment of the hotel by the guest. At the same time, everything is important: attention, smile, posture, gestures, voice timbre, posture. The guest needs to be given a warm and welcoming welcome to show the guest how important he is to the hotel.

The rule for many hotels is that the receptionist stands behind the counter, not sits. By this he emphasizes his respect for the guest.

The registration process varies in hotels of different categories in terms of time and quality of service, but the information about the guest is the same everywhere. In hotels with an automated system, check-in is very fast.

There are two types of clients who come to register. Some of them pre-booked hotel rooms, others did not. Settlement in the hotel of clients on reservation in automated hotels takes a few minutes.

When pre-ordering, the customer's details are already known from the booking request. The administrator specifies the application number, selects the required module in the computer system and registers. The guest is only required to sign the registration card.

The check-in process for guests without prior booking takes longer. In this case, the administrator takes into account the nature of the accommodation required by the guest.

In addition, in the process of communicating with the guest, you need to discuss such issues as the cost of the room, the terms of accommodation, and the payment procedure. During this discussion, the hotel worker, knowing the basics of psychology, asks other questions that make it possible to judge the solvency of the guest. It is normal for most hotels to ask the guest to show his credit card, which is a kind of guarantee of his solvency. If the client is the owner of a gold card from one of the leading credit companies, such as American Express, Visa or MasterCard, this is quite enough not to worry about payment.

According to the “Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation”, “the contractor is obliged to conclude an agreement for the provision of services with the consumer. The contract for the provision of services is concluded upon presentation by the consumer of a passport, military ID, identity card, other document issued in the prescribed manner and confirming the identity of the consumer.

If confirmation of accommodation is received, the guest fills out a registration card (questionnaire) of form 1-G, which is an agreement between the Contractor and the Consumer. (Appendix 4) In the questionnaire, the guest indicates the address of his permanent place of residence, the address of the organization paying for the accommodation (if payment is made by a third party) and the type of payment (cash, credit card or check).

The questionnaire at the hotel is filled in two copies. The hotel submits one copy to the passport and visa service of the internal affairs department, the second copy is stored in the hotel's passport office.

The questionnaire must be completed without errors.

After filling out the questionnaire, the guest signs it, thereby concluding an agreement with the hotel confirming the type of accommodation, duration of stay and room rate.

After the guest has filled out the questionnaire, the administrator checks the data of the questionnaire and the guest's passport, enters in the questionnaire the number of the room in which the guest will live, the date and time of arrival and signs it. Next, the administrator issues a settlement permit - a document giving the right to occupy a room or place in a room. (Appendix 5) The settlement permit must be issued in two copies (for the cashier and porter or floor attendant in a file cabinet to control timely departure).

After payment, the guest receives a second copy of the invoice - a document by which he pays for accommodation and services provided. Upon registration, the guest is issued an invoice for accommodation in the form 3-G. (Appendix 6) It includes the room or seat rate multiplied by the number of nights, the reservation fee, the payment for additional services that the guest orders at check-in, and various hotel fees.

The administrator fills out a guest card form 4-G - a document for the right to enter the hotel and receive a room key. (Appendix 7) The guest card is always issued in one copy and must contain the following data: guest's surname, room number and length of stay.

Many hotels use the guest card as a means of advertising. It may contain information about the location of the hotel and transport, with which you can get to the hotel, as well as information about the operation of auxiliary and additional services: location, opening hours.

Upon completion of registration, the bellboy or messenger escorts the guest to the room, helping to bring the luggage.

During check-in, luggage arriving at the hotel is located in the lobby. In large hotels there is a special room where luggage carriers bring guests' belongings. To identify luggage, it is convenient to use coupons on which the owner's surname is written, and after check-in the room number is entered. Such a ticket is issued by a porter or luggage carrier at the guest's entrance to the hotel, thus simplifying the work of luggage carriers. If there is no coupon, then the guest points to his luggage, shows permission to settle, where the room number is recorded, and the carrier takes the luggage to the room. In the room, he shows the guest how to use the equipment and tells the safety rules.

1.6 Features of registration of tourist groups.

Pre-ordering seats makes it possible to prepare rooms for check-in in advance, plan the work of administrators and luggage carriers. On the eve of the arrival of the group, the administrator fills out a card for preparing and settling rooms (booking card). (Annex 8)

When a tourist group checks into a hotel, its leader presents to the administrator the direction of the travel company (a document confirming the right of residence of this group in the hotel and guaranteeing that payment has been made) and a list of the group, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the passport regime.

The administrator reports the numbers of the rooms that are booked for this group. Tourists from the group are usually accommodated in double rooms, the leader of the group - in a single room. All tourists fill out questionnaires, in the column the purpose of the visit should be written - tourism. The administrator fills in a group permit for settlement by bank transfer, which indicates the numbers of the rooms in which the tourists will live.

The administrator issues a guest card to each guest. An invoice for accommodation is not issued when registering a group, since payment is made by bank transfer.

Very often, in travel companies, along with a ticket, tourists are given labels with luggage numbers. The number on the label corresponds to the tourist's serial number in the list of the group, which is held by the group leader. By comparing the numbers on the baggage and the list of the group, the carrier determines the room number and delivers the baggage there.

Often, in order not to pay for another day of accommodation, tourists vacate the rooms, and hand over the luggage to the storage room. But behind the group there is one “headquarters” room for tourists to relax.

1.7 Features of registration of foreign tourists.

Entry into the Russian Federation requires a visa.

Visa - This is a special permission of the government to enter - exit, reside or transit through its territory.

The permit can be stamped in the passport or be a separate document (for example, a group tourist visa).

Visas are: single and multiple; individual and group; student; entry, exit, transit, etc.

Since August 1, 1997, the following categories of visas have been valid: diplomatic (DP), service (SL), ordinary (OB), tourist (TO). Visa coupons are pasted into the national passport of a foreign citizen.

For the implementation of border control, cards of the arrival / departure of a foreigner are provided, which are attached to the national passports of foreign citizens. A mark on the registration of stay in the territory of the Russian Federation is made on the reverse side of the sheet of the national passport, on which the visa is pasted.

Upon arrival at the destination, the entrant must present his passport for registration within 3 days, excluding holidays and weekends.

In order for the hotel to have the right to independently register foreign citizens, it is necessary to obtain a license for international tourism activities.

During check-in at the hotel, the administrator pays attention to the validity of the visa, puts down the guest's registration number, the name of the hotel and the date of registration in the visa. In some hotels, foreign citizens do not fill out a questionnaire. A state fee of 20% of the minimum wage is included in the account of a foreigner if this is the first registration point after crossing the border.

There is no fee for a diplomatic visa. Every day the hotel submits a report to the passport and visa service on the number of registered citizens with notifications of payment of the state fee.

When registering accommodation, the administrator fills in the "Register card for a foreigner" in two copies, a copy of the passport and visa is taken and sent to the OVIR. Registration of foreign citizens is carried out according to the journal, which must be numbered, sealed and signed by the director. Must be kept in the hotel for 3 years from the date of the last entry. A foreign citizen is issued a guest card and an invoice.

The register of registration of foreign citizens of form 2-G contains the following information:

Registration number (the same number is in the visa registration stamp);

Date and time of registration;

Passport data;

checkpoint entry;

The route and name of the organization to which he arrived;

Room number;

Valid term of a visa.

1.8 Documentation required to account for the use of rooms.

In addition to the documents that are transferred to the guest, the administrator fills out documents for internal use. In automated hotels, all these documents are generated automatically after entering the guest's data during check-in.

In hotels where the documentation is filled in manually, until now the main document for accounting for the use of the room fund is the statement of the movement of the room fund. (Annex 9)

The administrator on duty works with this document when guests settle, as it reflects all free places and rooms. In the first part of the table, the seats that were free at 00:00 of the current day are recorded, in the other part, the administrator records the seats that are free during the current day. The sheet begins to be filled in by one administrator on duty at 00:00, and is completed by another administrator at 24:00 of the same day.

On the floor, the floor attendants or the head of the section fill in the list of people living on the floor (checkerboard). (Appendix 10) There are several types of this document. According to the checkerboard, the floor attendant draws up a daily cleaning order indicating the type of cleaning and the maid who will carry it out.

In some cases, an extra bed or a folding bed can be placed in the room. This happens when there are no rooms in the hotel or if tourists want to live in one room, and there are no free multi-bed rooms in the hotel. An extra bed is also placed for a child, if the guest wants it. Payment for an extra bed is made in the amount of 50% of the main bed in a standard room and 100% in a superior room.

But not all hotels have such an additional service. High class hotels have rooms with beds for children or sofas in suites.

During the stay, it may be necessary to change the room. This happens at the request of the guest, if he didn’t like the room for some reason (noisy, not good enough view from the window, a relative arrived, etc.), or due to official necessity (equipment problems that could not be fixed, etc.) . When transferring a guest to another room, you should issue permission, make a note in the questionnaire and other documents about changing the room. If the new room is more expensive, then the guest will be billed for a surcharge. If the room is cheaper, the hotel will reimburse the difference in payment.

1.9 Types of settlements with residents.

Hotels use two types of payments - cash and non-cash (transfer of money to the hotel account). In high-class hotels, credit cards are accepted as a cashless payment. They are paid by individual tourists. In the application for the reservation, the credit card number, the name of the payment system and the expiration date of the card are indicated. For payments using plastic cards, there must be special equipment: an imprinter or an electronic terminal.

There are electronic keys, which are also a means of payment in all retail outlets of the hotel.

Credit card - a plastic card or plate used by a client of a bank or other financial institution within the established limit for borrowing cash to buy goods and receive services on credit. It contains the name of the owner, a sample of his signature, the number assigned to him and the expiration date of the card. The usual information about the client and his account number is encoded on a magnetic carrier or in the form of holes punched in a certain order on the plate. When paying by credit card, the hotel cashier checks whether the card belongs to you or whether there are funds on the account.

An example of the use of credit cards in the service sector is the Moscow Discount System (MDS). The IBC Administration concludes contracts with service providers. Companies that operate in this system can be hotels, travel companies, restaurants, car rental companies, etc. The client buys a "guest card" and thereby provides discounts when paying for services. The guest card is a plastic card that encodes information about the client, indicates the date of purchase of the card (valid for 1 year), and has a sample of the client's signature.

For payment by bank transfer, traveler's and personal checks can be used.

Traveler's checks are issued for a certain amount, so the client chooses services in a hotel or restaurant for exactly this amount. The recipient of the check, i.e. the hotel only has to determine the authenticity of the check, since the check company that issued the traveler's check guarantees payment on it, since it has already been paid by the client. A traveler's check cannot be transferred to another person, but it can be exchanged for cash at any bank.

Personal checks are issued by the guest for the amount required for payment each time it is necessary. It takes some time for the payment of such a check to be credited to the hotel account.

In Russia, the first place is occupied by cash and transfer to the hotel's current account. Credit cards and checks are only accepted in high class hotels. Paying in cash saves the hotel from trouble if the check for some reason cannot be paid by the bank. The payment system based on plastic cards enhances the prestige of the hotel, brings it closer to world standards, and thus helps to attract credit-paying customers.

1.10 Rules for calculating payment for accommodation.

According to the "Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation", payment for accommodation is made in accordance with a single checkout time - 12:00 of the current day, local time. The calculation of payment for accommodation starts from 12 o'clock on the date when the guest arrived, regardless of the actual hour of arrival.

For stays of less than a day, payment is charged for the whole day, regardless of checkout time.

If the check-out is delayed no more than 6 hours after the check-out time (from 12:00 to 17:59), an hourly fee is charged, if the check-out is delayed from 18:00 to 23:59, a fee for half a day is charged. If the departure is delayed by more than 12 hours, payment will be charged per day.

According to the "Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation", the Contractor must ensure the provision of benefits to categories of persons entitled to receive benefits in accordance with applicable law. The list of categories of persons entitled to receive benefits, as well as the list of benefits provided in the provision of services, should be placed in the premises of the reception service in a convenient place for viewing. Participants of the Great Patriotic War and disabled people of the 1st group with accompanying persons have the right to a discount of at least 30%.

If the calculation of payment is done manually, then the guest is issued an invoice form 3-G. The invoice is issued in three copies, each of which has the same registration number. The first copy of the invoice with the stamp of the hotel "paid" is issued to the guest. The second copy at the end of the shift is transferred to the accounting department. The third remains in the book of accounts. For their storage in the service, there is a special file of invoices, in which invoices are stored in a special pocket according to the dates of departure.

If the calculation is made using automatic seat counting, then the invoice is issued by a computer.

There are times when a client refuses to pay for a particular service. When dealing with such situations, each case must be approached individually. In such cases, it is necessary to take the client away from the general queue, you can invite the head of the service. In any case, clarifying the circumstances of the misunderstanding should not be offensive to the client.

1.11 Automated data processing in the reception and accommodation service.

Ensuring a high level of service in the hotel modern conditions impossible without the use of new technologies. New technologies provide for the automation of many hotel processes, in particular electronic reservations, and contribute to improving the quality of service at the same time as reducing staff. Automated systems are aimed at increasing labor productivity and the level of knowledge of senior management employees.

The combination of professions is becoming commonplace, which entails the need for more fundamental training of personnel, in teaching them several professions.

No hotel in modern world high technologies cannot exist without access to the global computer network Internet. Access to the Internet provides virtually unlimited opportunities in finding business partners, establishing relationships, advertising, promoting services, and also provides the opportunity to communicate with direct customers, bypassing numerous intermediaries, which reduces the cost of hotel services. In addition, it is also necessary to have a computer reservation system (CRS), which allows you to book and reserve places in a hotel, depending on the needs of guests and the available facilities of the hotel.

The opening on the Internet of booking systems for hotels, air tickets and other components of the tour allows customers to independently organize their holidays without resorting to the services of agencies. Today, a multi-million army of Internet users can not only browse and select using home computers, but also book all segments of the tour (hotels, air tickets, cars, excursions).

Creating your own web - pages or specialized server- the most effective way of electronic advertising. The information placed on this page becomes available to everyone who uses the Internet.

The system for booking hotels and flights on the Internet contains detailed information on all leading hotel chains and airlines, has a search system for customer requests and a built-in subsystem for searching for segments with minimum fares.

The search for the desired accommodation facility can be performed according to several criteria: location, name, type of accommodation facility, belonging to the hotel chain, the required set of services and cost. The next step is to create a request. A minute later, a list of hotels appears on the screen, from which the desired one is selected. The screen displays a photograph of the type of hotel, its description is carried out (location, availability of restaurants, bars, equipment of rooms, payment procedure - more than 20 information fields in total). To make a reservation, you must fill out a form with information about the client, including the credit card number. Booking via the Internet occurs 24 hours a day in real time, allows for instant booking and confirmation.

Computers are widely used in information and computer centers of hotels. With their help, reservation management, visitor registration, room allocation, inventory accounting and control of food supplies are carried out.

The hotel must be installed automated workstations for personnel, which provide automation of the main functional processes.

All automated workstations are combined into a single local network, which organizes interaction between departments, reducing the time for communication, and allows you to effectively organize the work of the entire hotel.

Any hotel carries out a number of standard operations with documents in the course of its activities: creating advertising, sending letters and requests, preparing reports, collecting and analyzing data. Database management systems are used to accumulate and store the received information and ensure its quick search. To do this, we can advise you to use Microsoft Office 97. It contains a package of standard programs that allow you to perform basic actions with data.

The activity of the hotel is regulated by rules, norms and decrees of both federal and local significance. In this case, the "Consultant" and "Codex" programs help. For reference accounting and all financial transactions, it is recommended to use the 1C Accounting program.

Various management systems operate in Russian hotels. The most common is the Russian Hotel ACS, recently developed by the Edelweiss ACS.

Some hotels have systems that are specially designed for this hotel, taking into account its characteristics.

The advantage of "Edelweiss" is that this system works in operating system Windows, which is modern and promising in comparison with MSDOS, in which the Russian Hotel operates.

The technical level of foreign backup systems is much higher than domestic systems. They are more mobile, multifunctional, reliable, easy to manage, integrated into the Internet. These systems include: Gabrial, Saber, Galileo, Amadeus, FideliaHotelBank.

All computer systems can:

Book places and rooms;

Monitor room loading

Register clients;

Keep a card index of guests;

Produce and prepare financial statements.

Performing all these functions in automatic mode significantly improves the quality of guest service.

Organization and technology of the reception and accommodation service in SE NO "Hotel Oktyabrskaya" building "Volzhsky slope".

2.1 General information about the hotel.

SE NO "Hotel Oktyabrskaya" building "Volzhsky slope" is located in the center of the city of Nizhny Novgorod, on the upper bank of the Volga River. The hotel is located near the historical, business and cultural and entertainment centers of the city. And this factor influences the decision of tourists and guests of our city to stay in this hotel. Also, the hotel "Volzhsky Otkos" has a good transport interchange with any area of ​​​​our city, which attracts people who come for business purposes. The hotel has not been certified to assign a certain category to it.

Legal address:

603005, city of Nizhny Novgorod, Verkhnevolzhskaya embankment, 2a.

Phone: 39-19-71, 39-16-41

2.2 Technical equipment of the reception and accommodation service.

The reception and accommodation service is equipped with the following technical means: fax, 6 telephones (3 telephone numbers), 3 computers, copier, 2 cash registers, credit card terminal, banknote authentication machine.

This equipment enables the manager and administrator to receive the necessary information in full and without delay, which contributes to improving the quality of service in the hotel.

2.3 The structure of the service of the hotel "Volzhsky Otkos".

Scheme of the reception and accommodation service at the Volzhsky Otkos hotel.

The work schedule of the employees of the reception desk and accommodation in the hotel is a day after three. At the same time, two administrators and a booking manager are present at the workplace.

At the Volzhsky Otkos hotel, the reception service does not include doormen, porters, passport officers and other support staff, which reduces the quality of guest service, as they have to perform many functions themselves.

For each position in the prima service, job descriptions in accordance with which they must carry out their work activities. (Annex 11)

2.4 Booking rooms.

Hotel reservations are handled by a reservation manager. It accepts and processes booking requests (Appendix 12), sends confirmations. Reservations at the Volzhsky Otkos Hotel are made on request.

The client sends a request for booking a room to the reception and accommodation service by fax. The application must include: full name, date of arrival and departure, room category and contact telephone or fax number. The booking manager processes the received application and then sends a confirmation of the booking or refusal of it by fax. The confirmation indicates the category of the room, its cost, the number of rooms, the date and time of arrival and departure, and the reservation number.

Reservations can be made by computer, rooms and places can also be booked by phone, fax or mail.

The hotel uses both a guaranteed type of booking and a non-guaranteed one. Double booking in this hotel is not applicable, because the occupancy of the rooms is not so great.

2.5 Procedure for registration and accommodation of guests.

When a guest checks into a room, the administrator offers the guest to fill out a questionnaire. Then the guest is offered to choose a room according to the price list (Appendix 13). If the guest wants to see it, then the administrator escorts the guest and shows him the room. If registration is carried out by advance booking, then the procedure for discussing the number is usually missed; and the guest usually does not ask to see the room. Then the guest card is filled in. After the guest is issued an invoice (Appendix 14), a check to the cash account. After that, the guest is given a key, and he goes to the room. If the guest asks to see him off, then the security officer will escort the guest to the room.

2.6 Documentation required to account for the use of the number of rooms.

Also, the administrator fills out the following documentation: a card for registering the movement of the number of rooms, a list of those who have left the hotel, a questionnaire, a registration card for a foreigner, a register of registration of foreign citizens (Appendix 15).

If during the stay it became necessary to change the number and at the same time its cost changes, then a permit is issued, a note is made in the questionnaire and other documents about changing the number. If the new room is more expensive, then the guest will be billed for an additional payment, and if the room is cheaper, the hotel will reimburse the difference in payment.

If the guest left ahead of schedule, the administrator issues an act on the return of money to buyers on unused cash receipts. (Annex 16)

2.7 Rules for calculating payment for accommodation.

The procedure for payment for accommodation in the hotel "Volzhsky Otkos" is made in accordance with a single checkout time - 12:00 of the current day local time. “Regulations on the procedure for paying for services provided by SE NO “Oktyabrskaya Hotel” Building “Volzhsky Otkos” (Appendix 17.18) are located in an accessible place for viewing, so the client can always familiarize himself with these provisions.

The hotel also has a system of discounts, which are provided to both individuals and organizations. Individuals who can receive a discount on accommodation at the Volzhsky Otkos Hotel include guests arriving on a weekend; newlyweds; regular customers. Legal entities can also receive a discount: a tour operator and a travel agent who has concluded an agreement for the provision of hotel services; concert agency; enterprises that have concluded a long-term contract for the settlement of its specialists; an enterprise that needs a one-time settlement for a long time or a settlement of a large group. (Annex 19)

Calculation of payment for accommodation can be both cash and non-cash. A terminal is installed in the hotel especially for payment by credit cards. The hotel also accepts traveler's and personal checks and transfers from one current account to another in the form of a voucher.


As a result, we can say that the author completed the tasks that he set before starting work. He studied the activities of the reception and accommodation service, the organizational structure of the service and the documents that employees work with, and as a result achieved the intended goal, namely, studied the organization and technology of the service.

Receptionists are in direct contact with the client, so they are more demanding than employees of other hotel services. In addition to professional knowledge and work experience, such requirements are imposed on personnel as: neat appearance, impeccable demeanor, knowledge of ethics and psychology of communication, communication skills, knowledge foreign languages, age restriction.

In order to satisfy guests as much as possible and encourage them to use the services of this particular hotel next time, the staff of the reception and accommodation service must make every effort, since the guest comes into contact with the workers of this service in the first place, and at this moment the first stable impression of the client about hotel.

And in conclusion, we can add that the organization of the work of the reception and accommodation service is a complex process that requires a lot of effort from employees. In order to learn how to communicate competently with customers, to be able to correctly select the necessary information from a large amount and convey it to the guest, you need to have broad knowledge and sufficient work experience, only then you can achieve a high quality of the services provided.


1. Arbuzova N.A. Organization of service in hotels and tourist complexes - Nizhny Novgorod, 2001.

2. Volkov Yu.F. Technology of hotel service - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2005.

3. Lyapina I.Yu. Organization and technology of hotel services: A textbook for the beginning. prof. education: Tutorial for avg. prof. education. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2005.

4. Chudnovsky A.D. Tourism and hotel industry. - Moscow, 2000.

The reception and accommodation service is the first department that guests get acquainted with when booking rooms and arriving at the hotel. The impressions received from this acquaintance largely form the guests' feedback on the quality of service in general. It is this service that can be called the face of the hotel, and occupancy largely depends on it, and, consequently, economic efficiency hotels.

The reception and accommodation service (portier service) is a division of the hotel that receives and registers arriving guests, and places them in rooms. The reception and accommodation service is headed by an accommodation manager.

The accommodation manager is the responsible person of the hotel, whose tasks include the management of the reservation service, the registration desk, the porter, administrators, service bureaus, cloakroom attendants, doormen, storekeepers of the left-luggage office. The accommodation service arranges the guest's stay. Reception of guests is carried out on the basis of the documents of the arrival. The administrator coordinates with the guest the place of residence (room category, location, etc.), the services provided, the length of stay. Accommodation fees apply. Upon completion of registration, a guest card and a room key are issued for the settlement. Guest service during the period of stay is reduced to extending the period of stay, transferring the guest from one room to another (if necessary), charging for accommodation, organizing the provision of additional services at the request of the client. When registering the departure of the guest, a full payment is provided for the services rendered (with the return of the unused advance payment), the client handing over the room and key. Although the duties of porter service clerks overlap, they differ depending on the shift in which one or another porter service clerk works. The morning clerk usually works from 6.45 to 15.15 with a 30-minute lunch break, which is an 8-hour work day. The work of the morning shift is mainly focused on making payments for hotel accommodation with guests (especially in the period from 7.30 to 12.00). Naturally, the employees of the same shift also answer the questions of the guests and perform their immediate duties. Day shift clerks work starts at 2:45 pm and ends at 11:15 pm, given that most guests arrive after 4:00 pm. Therefore, taking as a basis the room loading plan started by the morning shift, the day clerk continues to receive (issue) guests. The night clerk starts work at 22.45 and finishes his work day at 7.15. When all registrations are completed, usually by 1.00, the clerk draws up invoices that were not taken into account by previous shifts, after which he sums up (balance) for the whole day (day), taking into account all expenses and payments.

The organizational structure of the departments of the enterprise is a form of interconnection of its structural elements - divisions, departments, services. At the hotel enterprise, it is customary to distinguish between services of the front (front of the house) and back (back of the house) plans. Front end service workers perform line functions and actively interact with guests; they are directly engaged in the production of services (servicing) - this is a reception and accommodation service, a maid service, a restaurant and bar service, a health center, a business center. Back office workers have little to no direct contact with guests and perform administrative functions; such services include engineering and technical services, economic service, accounting, sales and marketing department, personnel department, etc.

In the structure of the reception and accommodation service, it is customary to single out Front Desk (reception and accommodation desk, reception desk, porter, Reception) and Front Office. The reception desk is staffed by reception managers (porters), night auditors, there may be concierges, but there is usually a separate concierge desk. The reception and accommodation desk is divided into three sections: the registration section; section of cash transactions; information and mail section.

This service is the main information node of any hotel, as it contains current information about incoming, staying and departing guests, events held at the hotel, the state of the room stock, guest accounts, etc. This information is processed, distributed and is the basis for coordinating the activities of other services involved in the service (maid service, engineering department, restaurants and bars, etc.).

The reception and accommodation service (Front office) most often contacts and interacts with guests throughout the entire service process, from the moment the guest first contacts the hotel until the moment he leaves. This service implements a large number of important functions, and its staff usually makes up 10-15% of all hotel employees. The front office manager manages the work of the service.

This service is largely responsible for the first impression of the client about a particular hotel. If you do not take into account the descriptions in guidebooks or the Internet, then it is the front office service in the hotel that is the first acquaintance of the guest with their place of residence.

Hotel accommodation service personnel are administrators and porters, porters, reservation service managers, telephone operators. Not so long ago, the position of a guest relations manager was added to the staff of the front office of the hotel, who, as a rule, works with VIP clients.

Each division of the reception service consists of several employees, including the general manager. The front office includes a reservation department, baggage delivery services, a switching department, and a cash department.

Reception services in small hotels are sometimes limited to only a receptionist and a porter. In this case, the administrator is responsible for most of the front office services, from taking calls for room reservations to receiving customers themselves. The porter, in addition to delivering the luggage of the guest, also acts as a porter, showing the client his room and introducing the rules of the hotel. However, most small hotels with 20-30 rooms try to maintain the generally accepted structure of the reception staff, where each department, in addition to the administration and the delivery service, has at least one employee.

Working in the front office is literally like working at the front. The front office service operates around the clock, with day, evening and night shifts. Reception service specialists are required to be able to not only be well versed in issues such as booking rooms and participate in the settlement of guests. They must be able to resolve conflicts with clients and often show miracles of diplomacy even in cases where the eccentricity of the client goes beyond common sense.

Reception staff is responsible for the main interaction with clients and has the longest contact with them. According to the assessment of the quality of service and its maintenance system adopted in the hospitality industry, the reception and accommodation service is the main “point of contact” by which the entire hotel is evaluated as a whole.

Negative impressions of the client from this service can develop into a denial of the hotel in the future. A tactless question, "wrong" intonation from the point of view of the client, can cause his negative reaction of much greater force than the satisfaction that he was simply well served.

It is important that all information about booking a room is at the reception desk (cost and type of room, payment method, room possibilities).

Functions of the reception and accommodation service:

  • sale of rooms, registration of guests and distribution of guest rooms;
  • Processing of bookings when the hotel does not have a special unit or when it is closed;
  • Coordination of all types of customer service;
  • providing guests with information about the hotel, local attractions and any other information of interest to the guest;
  • · providing the hotel management with accurate data on the use of the room stock (report on the status of the rooms);
  • preparation and issuance of payment documents (invoices) for the services provided and the implementation of final settlements with clients. The porter service exercises control over the hotel's room stock, keeping a file of room occupancy and availability, and performs the functions of an information center. Information through the porter service moves in two directions: to guests (informing about the types of services provided by the hotel, about local attractions, about the operation of public transport, etc.) and to various departments of the hotel enterprise (about the needs of customers).

The process of serving guests in hotels of all categories can be represented as the following stages:

  • Pre-booking of places in the hotel (booking);
  • reception, registration and accommodation of guests;
  • Provision of accommodation and catering services (room cleaning);
  • provision of additional services to residents;
  • final settlement and registration of departure.

Pre-booking of places, registration at check-in, payment for accommodation and services rendered, check-out takes place at the reception and accommodation service, where the duty administrator, porter, cashier (operator of mechanized calculation) and passport officer work. In many hotels in the Russian Federation, this service has the English name "Reception".

Services to residents can be provided by hotel staff (service and room service) and staff of other enterprises (trade enterprises, hairdresser, first-aid post, etc.) located in the hotel.

According to the "Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation" No. 490, approved by the Government Decree of April 25, 1997: "the contractor must ensure round-the-clock registration of consumers arriving at the hotel and departing from it." This determines the shifting nature of the work of the reception and accommodation service. Based on the mode of operation of the shift, the number of employees of the service is determined.

The reception and accommodation service should ensure the maximum load of the hotel, avoiding unreasonable downtime.

During check-in and check-out, payments for hotel accommodation and additional services are made. When checking out, they check the guest's account, clarify all his expenses during the stay and accept payment. Check-out control is very important in order to prevent the departure of guests who have not paid their bill.

The reception and accommodation service is the first service that a hotel client contacts. The attitude of the guest to the whole organization largely depends on it. Therefore, the following requirements are necessarily imposed on the reception and accommodation service.

Firstly, the reception and accommodation service should be located in close proximity to the entrance to the hotel. If the hotel lobby is very large, then it should be equipped with appropriate signs or customers should be met by hotel staff. The reception desk should be convenient for customers and equipped with various information materials and signs.

Secondly, the customer check-in counter must be clean and free from foreign objects. It should have a clear functional zoning - information for customers should not be mixed with the information materials of the hotel staff. Equipment and information for hotel staff should be hidden from customers.

Thirdly, the employees of the reception and accommodation service must be neatly dressed, have an impeccable appearance. Reception staff should behave appropriately and be as open and friendly as possible. Talk to guests only while standing. And most importantly - you can not make people wait. For example, a sign of bad taste is the simultaneous service of the client and communication on the phone.

Thus, it was revealed that the main functions of the reception and accommodation service are: hotel booking, registration and accommodation of tourists, settlement of payments upon departure of the guest, provision of various background information.

For the client, the important points are: security, stability, a range of services, their availability and efficiency of provision, the culture of personnel behavior. The hotel and restaurant should not only be a place to spend the night and a cooking workshop, but also a “home away from home”, where peace and comfort await them. The guest must feel that he is not a requester for services, but a master of the situation. Hospitality is the secret weapon of service.

The human factor in the hospitality industry plays a leading role, is an important resource of the enterprise. During service, the defining relationship is between employee and customer. In the preparation and selection of personnel in contact with consumers, professional knowledge of business communication technologies is of particular importance.

The professional ethics of hospitality industry workers is primarily related to the culture of service. Hospitality workers should have a whole range of positive qualities.

Let's name some of them: discipline, conscientiousness, honesty, organization, politeness, attentiveness, friendliness, hospitality, balance, tact, tolerance, restraint.

It is important to master the arsenal of ways and means of attracting consumers to your company. Listening to the wishes and accepting orders for services should be done with full awareness of their importance to the client. You must be able to unobtrusively offer your services, anticipate the desire of the guest, while not rushing to make promises to fulfill this or that request if you are not sure that you can fulfill it.

The staff of the contact services of the hotel, as it were, observes the behavior of the guest from the outside. Knowing the sequence of ordering allows them to actively influence the clientele and apply the best psychological service tactics. It has three stages.

At the first stage, it is necessary to capture the attention of the client, to arouse his interest in the proposed service. At the second stage, the task of the contact zone worker is to skillfully stimulate the client's decision to use the service. The third stage is the completion of the process of registration of a hotel service.

Let us now consider the most common options for contacting hotel contact services with guests using the example of a reception and accommodation service. The employees of this particular service are the first to come into contact with visitors. Reception staff have the closest contact with hotel guests and must have the following qualities:

  • professional demeanor;
  • suitable favorable personal qualities;
  • communication skills;
  • hospitable attitude;
  • good appearance: clothes, hairstyle;
  • diligence, kindness, attentiveness.

Reception staff should adhere to elementary rules when receiving guests and selling rooms:

  • · Smile.
  • · Establish and maintain eye contact.
  • · If possible, call the guest by name and patronymic.
  • · Be polite, friendly, knowledgeable, businesslike.
  • Offer accommodation in a good room and try to sell it.
  • · Take accurate, legible notes.
  • Maintain a neat and well-groomed appearance.
  • Keep all promises.
  • · The room selection offer is a key procedure in the settlement and sale process and requires thought, planning and experience. To create a favorable impression with the guest, the duty manager must know the product in detail and describe it positively. The guest may give a few hints about what would suit him during the stay, some information may already be known from the booking card.

Along with the physical characteristics of the room, other benefits for guests should also be mentioned. After describing each room to choose from, the guest may nod approvingly or otherwise indicate that another room is desired. Some hotels, as part of their policy, offer guests a choice of more than one room and then ask which they prefer.

After the guest has made his choice of room, he is asked to fill out a questionnaire or registration card. The duty administrator can mark the approval of the room by the guest. At the end of registration, the administrator can acquaint the guest with the prices at the hotel and the available amenities. Guests usually like this information.

Before the guest leaves the counter, the duty manager should thank the guest for choosing their hotel and express personal interest in making their stay as enjoyable as possible. Some hotels add a personal call to the guest's room shortly after check-in to make sure the guest is happy.

All administrators must be patient and consistent when discussing the lack of available rooms with arriving guests. Some helpful tips:

  • · guests can be invited to return to the hotel in the coming days, as soon as places become available. Upon their return, they should be posted as a VIP and preferably given a small gift to compensate for the inconvenience;
  • · send guests who had a reservation, but were not accommodated, letters of apology for the inconvenience caused and an invitation to return to the hotel in the future;
  • · if the participant of the mass race was not accommodated, the organizer of the group race should be notified. He can solve the problem by asking the participants to “compact” (to make room together). In such a situation, the administrator on duty should have good official relations with the organizer of mass races;
  • · if a tour group member cannot be accommodated, notify the tour operator immediately, explain the situation, it may be better to let the tour operator deal with any customer complaints. If there is no other option than refusing to explain this to the guest, he should be in a separate room. Settling a guest in front of someone who is denied accommodation can be very inconvenient and tactless. In the event that there are no vacant rooms in the hotel, the reception and accommodation service should have telephone numbers of similar hotels located nearby. It is necessary to do everything possible so that guests do not reject your hotel in the future. Additional care for visitors can create an atmosphere of caring and goodwill among colleagues throughout the hospitality industry.

The staff of the reception service (administrators, porters, employees who make settlements with residents for services) in the vast majority of hotels consists of women. Their work is related to filling out documents, keeping records, but it is not allowed to meet, greet the guest while sitting. A high culture of service and hotel etiquette obliges you to have a standing reception, which is emphasized Special attention to the guest.

The politeness of the administrator is manifested in attention, the ability to listen, to provide a service, to give the necessary information. Inattention to the guest, rudeness and harshness in treatment are evidence of ignorance and low culture. A manifestation of courtesy is the ability of the hotel administrator to tactfully end the conversation with the guest, resolving all questions with him, and only after that turn to another waiting person. If that other person had to wait for a while, you should apologize for the delay. Since there can often be several visitors at the reception desk (table) in large hotels at the same time, it is necessary in such cases that other service workers immediately attend to the waiting guest.

Employees of the accommodation service should remember that when placing a consumer of a hotel service, filling out all types of forms, arrival sheets is the responsibility of the hotel staff. The client only signs them. The presence of cards containing complete information about the client, information about his first stay at the hotel will allow the staff to better accept and serve the client, largely anticipating the wishes. At the same time, it helps to carry out constant work with the client, sending him information about the hotel (new services, etc.), congratulations on his birthday, holidays.

A helpful accommodation officer (or floor attendants) will acquaint newly arrived customers with the rules, remind them of the most important requirements for guests, and list the main services provided. An employee interested in good customer service will ask in advance about the services he is interested in: do I need to iron, wash a shirt, do I need to book return tickets, do I need breakfast in the room? Courtesy will also affect the recommendation of the service he needs or the performance of it.

The ability to listen is one of the main criteria for a culture of service. Administrators must be extremely attentive to the speaking client. Listening is a tricky business. But it is important to understand that in establishing a trusting contact the main role belongs to the speaker. If the administrator does not know how to listen, he will not focus on the essence of the conversation, give a subjective assessment of individual facts and show irritability about what was said.

Of great importance is the care of order, silence, compliance with the rules established in the hotel. The hotel employee must be able to politely warn the guest about the inadmissibility of violating the order, and stop various manifestations of such violations. Leaving the hotel, guests say goodbye to the staff, thank you for the hospitality, and wish you all the best. Employees, in turn, are obliged to thank the guest for visiting their hotel, wish him a good journey.

So, hotel employees (and especially the reception and accommodation services) must be outwardly neat, polite, attentive and helpful in relation to visitors - this is a rule that should be strictly observed. But the specifics of the hotel business is such that conscientious fulfillment of one's duties is not enough. The professional skills of hotel workers are determined by a high culture of service, which includes tact, goodwill, knowledge of psychology, the ability to comply with international etiquette, and much more.

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    The essence of the reception and accommodation service. Characteristics of the hotel enterprise "Empire". appearance standards. Inner order rules. Legal aspects of the settlement in the hotel of citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens. Guest service standard.

    term paper, added 05/05/2015

The main functions of the reception and accommodation department are the registration of arriving guests, the distribution of rooms, the settlement and discharge of clients and the provision of numerous additional services to them.

The process of serving guests can be divided into several stages:

1) booking - pre-booking places in a hotel;

2) reception, registration and accommodation of guests;

3) provision of accommodation services;

4) provision of additional services;

5) final settlement and check-out.

Booking. The functions of the booking service include: accepting applications for booking rooms, processing them, as well as compiling the necessary documentation (check-in schedule for every day, week, month, quarter, year). Based on the available data, the service compiles a card file of guests, maintains statistical records and provides data to the marketing department for further analysis.

Acceptance of applications can be carried out orally, by telephone, by telegraph, by telex, by mail, by electronic reservation system.

Each application must contain the following details:

Date, day and time of arrival;

Date, day and approximate time of departure;

Services in the room (the presence of a bath, shower, TV, refrigerator, etc.);

Catering services (breakfast only, half board, full board);

Price (when specifying the price, it is necessary to determine exactly what the client pays for: does it mean the price for the room, for one day of stay, for each resident, etc.);

Who will pay for (last name);

Type of payment (cash or non-cash, settlement through a company, credit card);

Special requests (pre-book a table in a restaurant, transfer, pet in the room, etc.).

Application processing. After receiving the application, a special form is filled in, after which the receipt of the application or refusal is sent to the client. At the same time, an application received orally or by telephone shall be confirmed in writing within one day. An application received by telex or telegraph is answered within a few hours, respectively by telex or telegraph. An application sent by mail is answered in writing, and it is sent by mail within one to two days. After confirmation, each application is entered into the electronic booking system. If there have been any changes in the booking, or the application has been canceled, then this is recorded by the service employees, for which special forms are also used. For convenience and clearer work, the forms are used in different colors (for example: booking application - white, changes in booking - pink, cancellation - green or different sizes).

In their activities, hotel companies very often use guaranteed booking of accommodation services, which implies the responsibility of the hotel for maintaining a free room for a guest until a certain time after the expected date of his arrival. In turn, the guest assumes the obligation to pay for the reserved room even if it is not used, if the cancellation procedure has not been carried out.

Usually, a guaranteed reservation is provided after prepayment for accommodation services, which is carried out in the following ways:

full pre-payment for services;

payment by credit card (the hotel blocks a certain deposit on the guest's bank account, usually in the amount of payment for one night of the stay);

· an advance deposit, which involves the client making a certain amount of money (the cost of one night's stay) before his stay;

Travel agent guarantee. In this case, the guarantor of the booking is the travel agency, which, in the event of a cancellation of the booking, is responsible for covering the costs;

tourist voucher, which testifies to the prepayment by the client of accommodation services to the travel agency.

When filling out the forms, it should be clearly indicated who and at whose request made the appropriate changes or canceled the application. All changes and cancellations are immediately entered into the electronic booking system, and the guest is informed that the desired changes to the booking have been made.

The functions of the booking service also include keeping a guest file. For each guest after his stay in the hotel, a special card is filled out. Information about the guest is collected from all hotel services that had contact with him: floor services, restaurants, reception services, etc. Then this information is summarized and entered into a card, which is stored in the archive of the hotel. When the client re-arrives, the reservation service gives instructions to all hotel services about his preferences and special wishes. This significantly improves the quality of service, as it allows the guest to feel in a familiar environment.

All documentation prepared by the booking service is sent to the reception service for further work with it.

Rregistration. Upon arrival at the hotel, the guest must register. The standard information required at check-in is usually the same in hotels of all types. The full address includes details such as zip code, residential address, since many countries have cities with the same name. Commercial hotels are often asked to provide the name and legal address of the organization. The expected departure date of the guest is very important for registration. By double-checking the guest's departure plans, the reception and accommodation service guarantee the accuracy of the future readiness of the room to receive new guests.

The duration of the process depends on whether the guest has booked a room or not. Check-in at hotels where automated accounting is organized takes a few minutes, because. almost all the necessary information is indicated in the preliminary application. The administrator reconfirms the accommodation order, the guest signs the registration card, the payment method is agreed and the room is selected.

The registration process without pre-order takes a little longer. The information that would have been received by the administrator as a result of the booking must now be obtained directly from the client and verified. If the guest's request cannot be fulfilled exactly, the administrator offers alternative accommodation options.

Upon registration, the client is issued an invoice for accommodation, which includes the room rate multiplied by the number of nights of stay, payment for booking services, payment for additional services that the guest orders during registration, etc.

ATclient statement. Calculation and discharge of departing guests are made at the hotel cash desk. At the box office, all expenses of the guest are credited to his account. The cashier receives information from the booking service about how the payment will be made (voucher, cash, credit card)

On the guest's account card, all bills issued to him for the use of various hotel services during the guest's stay at the hotel are recorded. Based on these data, at check-out, the guest is presented with an invoice for payment, usually including payment for accommodation, breakfast (if it is not included), meals in a restaurant (if not paid on the spot), telephone, cable TV (pay channels), additional services.

The client's statement is recorded with immediate notification of other hotel services (information, telephone and economic). After cleaning the room and preparing it for occupancy, the housekeeping service informs the accommodation service about this.

The first, strongest impression of the hotel as a whole largely depends on how the guest is received and how quickly the necessary formalities are completed. In this regard, the following requirements are imposed on the reception service:

  • The reception service should be located in the immediate vicinity of the entrance to the hotel. In the case of a large area of ​​the hotel lobby, the nature of the interior should orient the guest in the direction of the location of the reception desk;
  • The front desk should be clean, it should not be randomly scattered papers and unnecessary items;
  • Reception staff must be of impeccable appearance and conduct themselves accordingly. Guests should only be spoken to while standing. Guests must not be kept waiting;
  • The reception staff must thoroughly know all the information about the hotel (the advantages and disadvantages of each room, prices, location and opening hours of all hotel services), the sights of the city and how to get around it, the schedule of transport, theaters, museums, etc.

It should be noted that the provision of hotel services is carried out according to the rules of a public contract. Therefore, one should refer to Article 426 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

"one. A public contract is a contract concluded by a commercial organization and establishing its obligations to sell goods, perform work or provide services that such an organization, by the nature of its activities, must carry out in relation to everyone who applies to it (retail trade, transportation by public transport, communication services , energy supply, medical, hotel services).

A commercial organization is not entitled to give preference to one person over another in relation to the conclusion of a public contract, except in cases provided for by law and other legal acts.

2. The price of goods, works and services, as well as other terms of a public contract are established the same for all consumers, except for cases when the law and other legal acts allow the provision of benefits for certain categories of consumers.

3. The refusal of a commercial organization to conclude a public contract, if it is possible to provide the consumer with the relevant goods, services, perform the relevant work for him, is not allowed.

In case of unreasonable evasion of a commercial organization from concluding a public contract, the provisions provided for by paragraph 4 of Article 445 of this Code shall apply.

4. In cases stipulated by law, the Government of the Russian Federation may issue rules binding on the parties when concluding and executing public contracts (standard contracts, provisions).

5. The terms of a public contract that do not meet the requirements established by paragraphs 2 and 4 of this article are void.”

The public contract defines the conditions and cost of services and acts equally in relation to everyone who applied to the hotel.

The main activity of the hotel is related to the provision of accommodation services.

In order to properly organize accounting in any hotel, it is necessary, first of all, to imagine the entire operational process of serving guests and what primary documents should be drawn up at each stage of this process. Therefore, the accountant should pay special attention to the primary accounting forms, which, together with brief instructions for their application and completion, are approved Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 13, 1993 No. 121"On approval of forms of documents of strict accountability". This document contains forms of strict reporting documents that are used by all hotels, regardless of their organizational and legal form. Moreover, in the text of the Order, we draw your attention to the fact that these forms are applied without any changes and additions.

Please book for the employees of our organization Ilyin P.M. and Fedorova N.S. two single rooms from 10.01.05 to 15.01.05, check-in at 15:00.

The purpose of the visit is a business trip.

We guarantee payment.

Please confirm your booking by fax 345-56-73.

Director of Segment LLC Mishin Yu.V.

Chief Accountant Smirnova L.S.


Having received such an application, the reservation service is obliged to register it. In the event that the hotel can provide its accommodation services, then confirmation of the application must be sent to the organization. If the hotel cannot satisfy the application, it must send a refusal.

Hotel "Tourist"

In response to your fax dated 08.01.05, we confirm the reservation of two single rooms from 10.01.05 to 15.01.05. The cost of living per day is 800 rubles.

If your plans change, please cancel your booking by 18.00. 01/09/05 in order to avoid billing for idle number.

Checkout time at the hotel "Tourist" 12 noon.

Director Golovin M.P.

Chief Accountant Novikova O.S.



Each application for booking and cancellation of the order is registered without fail. Otherwise, for example, if the canceled order is not registered in time, then the probability that the number will remain unsold is high. We have already noted that one of the features of the hotel product as a service is the impossibility of storage. If the number remains unsold, then the potential income from such a service is lost.

Applications for booking seats by telegrams, phone calls, letters are registered in a special journal "I" in the form established by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 13, 1993 No. 121 "On approval of forms of strict reporting documents", containing the following details:

Applications received from organizations are registered in a special journal "P" in the following form established by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 13, 1993 No. 121 "On approval of forms of strict reporting documents":

The Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation do not specify the amount of the reservation fee. This size is set by the hotel administration. As a rule, it ranges from 30% to 50% of the rate of a room or a place in a room per day.


The next stage is resettlement, which in turn consists of a meeting, registration, handing over the key and escort to the room.

High-class hotels can meet the guest not only "on the doorstep", but also offer such a type of service as a meeting at the airport or railway station. Such a meeting, as a rule, is agreed upon when booking.

Upon arrival at the hotel, the client must register. And although the process of registering a client in hotels of different categories is different (mostly it differs in time and quality of service), but the information about the guest is the same everywhere.

The check-in time depends on which guest arrived at the hotel: the one who pre-booked the room or not. Naturally, check-in at hotels where automated accounting is organized takes only a few minutes, since almost all the necessary information is indicated in the preliminary application.

The registration process without a preliminary order takes a little longer, while the administrator and the guest must discuss such issues as the cost of the room, terms of accommodation, payment procedures. If the parties come to a mutual agreement, then in accordance with the Rules, the contractor is obliged to conclude an agreement with the consumer for the provision of services.

“Registration of citizens at the place of stay in a hotel, sanatorium, rest home, boarding house, camping, hospital, tourist base, as well as in another similar institution is carried out upon their arrival by the administration of these institutions on the basis of identity documents.”

At the same time, the administrator on duty must ensure that the client fills out the form No. 1-G. Filling out this questionnaire indicates the conclusion of an agreement between the client and the hotel. The administrator must ensure that the guest correctly fills out this document, the date of arrival, the date of departure, and indicates his home address. Indeed, in the future, incorrectly specified data will complicate, for example, the return of forgotten things in the room, in addition, a correctly filled address guarantees receipt of payment if the guest left without paying for the services provided. An incorrect check-out date may lead to downtime in the future, and if the guest plans to stay longer, the room may be sold, resulting in a conflict between the administration and the resident.

Citizens who arrived on a business trip, at meetings, conferences, gatherings, fill out a questionnaire form No. 1-G in one copy, the rest - in two.

After verification, personal documents are returned to the owners.

To store questionnaires and work with them in the administration room, there must be two file cabinets: the first contains questionnaires for those living in the hotel, the second - for persons who have left the hotel for a month.

Questionnaires in card indexes are placed in alphabetical order.

After checking the data of the questionnaire, the administrator issues ra settlement permit - a document confirming the right of the guest to settle. Such a permit is issued in two copies: one for the cashier to issue an invoice for accommodation, the second for the floor attendant.

Typically, this document looks like this:

Settlement permit.

Individual on the 3rd floor

Country Russia____________________________________

Application 04/00______________________________________

Accommodation from 10.01.05 to 15.01.05 ___________

Number №___ 318 __________________________________

FULL NAME. Ilyin Petr Mikhailovich ____________________

Settlement index _________________________________

Calculation type non-cash _________________________

Booking payment __50%_______________________

additional information ______breakfast in the room_____

Administrator __________________________________

Upon registration, the client is issued an invoice for accommodation form No. 3-G.

This invoice includes the rate of the room (or place in the room) multiplied by the number of nights of stay, payment for booking services, payment for additional services that the guest orders during registration.

The invoice is issued in three copies: the first is issued to the client, the second, together with the “Cash Report” - form No. 5-G, is daily handed over to the accounting department, the third is stored until the guest leaves in the settlement part of the hotel in special pockets arranged according to payment numbers in the control file cabinet.

With an automated method of conducting settlements, the account is filled in two copies. It fixes the payment for the entire period of residence. Both copies are stored in the control file until the guest leaves. An accounting employee checks forms No. 3-G, No. 3-Gm with form No. 1-G (questionnaire).

This receipt is issued by a hotel employee in one copy. It is rented to the accounting department along with the “Cash Report” (f. No. 5-G). When making a return, on the first and third copies of the invoice (form No. 3-G) or on the first and second (form No. 3-Gm), a note is made on the return. The accounting officer checks the identity of the guest's signature in form No. 8-G with the signature in form No. 1-G, after which the questionnaire is returned to the administrator.

However, these documents alone are not enough to make a refund.

We have already noted that in accordance with the Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation, the contractor is obliged to conclude an agreement with the consumer for the provision of services.

When paying for accommodation, hotel employees issue an invoice to the guest in the form No. 3-G, which is a strict reporting form. The issuance of this document confirms that the contract between the contractor and the consumer has been concluded.

Paragraph 12 of the above Rules establishes that the price of a room (a place in a room), as well as the form of its payment, are established by the contractor. And the consumer is obliged to pay for the service rendered by the contractor in full after its acceptance by the consumer. With the consent of the consumer, the service can be paid by him at the conclusion of the contract in full or by issuing an advance.


In the event that the invoice form used by the hotel in the form No. 3-G was not made in a typographical way (for example, using a computer), then in this case this document cannot be considered a strict reporting form, therefore, settlements with the guest must be carried out with the obligatory use of control cash register equipment.

Let us assume that the client, upon checking into a hotel, paid the bill for accommodation in advance, and the calculation was made using cash registers. The hotel employee gave the client a cashier's check.

Then the client decided to leave the hotel ahead of schedule. This situation often occurs in practice. Paragraph 20 of the above Rules states:

“The consumer has the right to terminate the contract for the provision of services at any time by paying the contractor a part of the price in proportion to the part of the service provided before receiving a notice of termination of the contract and reimburse the contractor for the expenses incurred by him up to this point in order to fulfill the contract, if they are not included in the specified part of the price services".

Thus, if the guest leaves earlier than the specified period, the amount paid by him in excess must be returned to him. In this case, the return can be carried out using two possible options:

· on the day of payment (before the closing of the shift and the removal of the Z-report);

on a day that does not coincide with the day the funds are deposited at the cash desk.

If the return is carried out according to the first option, then a new invoice must be issued to the consumer and a new cash receipt for the amount of the actually provided service must be punched. At the same time, the “old” documents, namely the invoice that was originally issued and the cash register check (hereinafter referred to as CCP) must be claimed by hotel employees from the resident.

For the amount of the return on the original check, an act is drawn up in the form KM-3, approved by Decree of the Goskomstat of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 1998 No. 132 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for trading operations” (the form of this act is given further in the section “Cash processing settlements with clients). The canceled check is pasted on a sheet of paper and, together with the act and the initial invoice, is submitted to the accounting department.

The amount for which the refund was made is entered in a special journal of the cashier - teller (form KM-4) in column 15 and the amount of revenue per day is reduced by this amount.

Such a return procedure is provided for by the Model Rules for the Operation of Cash Registers when Making Cash Settlements with the Population, approved by Letter No. 104 of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 1993.

If the refund is not made on the day of payment (that is, after the Z-report is removed), then the refund to the client is made only from the main cash desk of the hotel, on the basis of a written application and an identity document. At the same time, the cashier of the organization draws up an expense and cash warrant (form KO-2) with the obligatory filling in of all the details of this document. An application for a refund, an originally punched check and an originally issued invoice are attached to the cash order.

Based on our consulting practice, it can be judged that hotel employees often make mistakes related to the return of funds when a guest leaves the room early.

The most common mistake is that when returning funds, the cashier-operator breaks the return check and thereby increases the total amount of revenue fixed at the end of the day.

The check returned by the consumer (its amount is already contained in the fiscal memory of the cash register) with the preparation of all necessary documents is evidence that the consumer refused the service, terminated the contract concluded with the hotel and received cash back. A correctly executed return procedure is documented by a returned check, an act and an entry in the book of the cashier - teller.

If the cashier-operator punches the “refundable check”, the amount on it is again recorded in the memory of the cash register, however, in this case there is no documented fact of termination of the contract. As a result, the hotel has a difference in the amount of revenue and the results of the fiscal memory block.

And one more thing that I want to dwell on when talking about the hotel business.

We are all living people, and it may happen that due to the negligence or accident of the guest, the property of the hotel becomes unusable.

In this case, hotel employees are required to draw up an Act on damage to hotel property, Form No. 9-G.

For more information on issues related to accounting and taxation of the hotel business, you can find in the book of CJSC "BKR Intercom-Audit" "Hotel Services".