Practical functions of the bjd. Basic concepts of BJD

1. Theoretical basis and practical functions of BJD

The concept of “life safety” is very multifaceted and also means the science of safe human interaction with the technosphere, and in a broader sense, with the environment. In other words, traditionally in this scientific direction, only the local system of life activity is considered primarily as a

developing a kind of security foundation for a higher level system, the so-called global system of life. Accordingly, it is possible to identify a space of local life safety, which forms part of a more general space of global life safety.

In addition, speaking about local life safety, it should be taken into account that recently there has also been a tendency to generalize the consideration of life safety as a complex system property, requiring the use of a systematic approach to the problem of security of political, business, information and other types of activities that are not so much technogenic, how much social character.

Risk is the ratio of certain realized dangers (injury, Occupational Illness, death at work) to the possible number for a certain period of time.

To analyze the state of labor protection in production, individual, social and technical risks can be distinguished.

Individual risk characterizes the danger of a certain type for an individual. Social risk (group) is the risk of danger for a certain group of people (including those united by profession). AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Technical risk expresses the probability of accidents during the operation of machinery and equipment, implementation technological processes, operation of industrial buildings.

Thus, reducing the number of negative production factors, i.e. by reducing the base of the pyramid, the number of accidents can be proportionally reduced. Consequently, the main strategy in reducing production risk appears to be a scrupulous identification of negative factors in the labor production process and the systematic elimination of these factors at all stages labor process and at all stages of the life cycle of elements of the production environment. First of all, the factors that cause accidents at work are determined and, if possible, completely eliminated.

Life safety problems must be solved on a scientific basis.

Science is the development and theoretical systematization of objective knowledge about reality.

In the near future, humanity must learn to predict negative impacts and ensure the safety of decisions made at the stage of their development, and to protect against existing negative factors, create and actively use protective equipment and measures, limiting in every possible way the areas of action and levels of negative factors.

The implementation of goals and objectives in the “human life safety” system is a priority and should be developed on a scientific basis.

The science of life safety explores the world of hazards operating in the human environment, developing systems and methods for protecting people from dangers. In the modern understanding, life safety studies the dangers of the industrial, domestic and urban environment both in the conditions of everyday life and in the event of emergency situations of man-made and natural origin. The implementation of life safety goals and objectives includes the following main stages scientific activity:

Identification and description of zones affected by the dangers of the technosphere and its individual elements (enterprises, machines, devices, etc.);

Development and implementation of the most effective systems and methods of protection against hazards;

Formation of systems for monitoring hazards and managing the safety state of the technosphere;

Development and implementation of measures to eliminate the consequences of hazards;

Organization of training of the population in the basics of safety and training of life safety specialists.

The main task of life safety science is the preventive analysis of the sources and causes of hazards, forecasting and assessing their impact in space and time.

A modern theoretical basis for BJD should contain, at a minimum:

Methods for analyzing hazards generated by elements of the technosphere;

Basics comprehensive description negative factors in space and time, taking into account the possibility of their combined impact on humans in the technosphere;

Basics of forming initial environmental indicators for newly created or recommended elements of the technosphere, taking into account its state;

Fundamentals of managing technosphere safety indicators based on monitoring hazards and applying the most effective measures and means of protection;

Basics of developing safety requirements for operators technical systems and the population of the technosphere.

When determining the main practical functions of BJD, it is necessary to take into account the historical sequence of occurrence negative impacts, formation of zones of their action and protective measures. For quite a long time, the negative factors of the technosphere had a major impact on people only in the sphere of production, forcing him to develop safety measures. The need for more complete human protection in production areas has led to occupational safety and health. Today, the negative influence of the technosphere has expanded to the limits when people in urban space and housing, the biosphere adjacent to industrial zones, have also become objects of protection.

In almost all cases of hazards, the sources of impact are elements of the technosphere with their emissions, discharges, solid waste, energy fields and radiation. The identity of the sources of impact in all zones of the technosphere inevitably requires the formation of common approaches and solutions in such areas of protective activities as labor safety, life safety and environmental protection. All this is achieved by implementing the basic functions of the BZD. These include:

Description of the living space by its zoning according to the values ​​of negative factors based on an examination of the sources of negative impacts, their relative location and mode of action, as well as taking into account the climatic, geographical and other characteristics of the region or area of ​​activity;

Formation of safety and environmental requirements for sources of negative factors - assignment of maximum permissible emissions (MPE), discharges (MPD), energy impacts (MPE), acceptable risk, etc.;

Organization of monitoring of the state of the habitat and inspection control of sources of negative impacts;

Development and use of eco-bioprotection products;

Implementation of measures to eliminate the consequences of accidents and other emergencies;

Training the population in the basics of BJD and training specialists

Assessing the consequences of the impact of negative factors based on the final result is a gross miscalculation of humanity, which led to huge casualties and a crisis in the biosphere.

The implementation of goals and objectives in the “human life safety” system is a priority and should be developed on a scientific basis.

The implementation of life safety goals and objectives includes the following main stages of scientific activity:

1. Identification and description of zones affected by dangers of the technosphere and its individual elements (enterprises, machines, devices, etc.).

2. Development and implementation of the most effective systems and methods of protection against hazards.

3. Formation of systems for monitoring hazards and managing the safety state of the technosphere.

4. Development and implementation of measures to eliminate the consequences of hazards.

5. Organization of training of the population in the basics of safety and training of life safety specialists.

The main task of life safety science is the preventive analysis of the sources and causes of hazards, forecasting and assessing their impact in space and time.

The modern (theoretical) basis of BJD should contain, at a minimum:

1. Methods for analyzing hazards generated by elements of the technosphere.

2. Fundamentals of a comprehensive description of negative factors in space and time, taking into account the possibility of their combined impact on humans in the technosphere.

3. Fundamentals for the formation of initial indicators of environmental friendliness for newly created or recommended elements of the technosphere, taking into account its state.

4. Fundamentals of managing technosphere safety indicators based on monitoring hazards and applying the most effective measures and means of protection.

5. Fundamentals of the formation of safety requirements for operators of technical systems and the population of the technosphere.

The identity of the sources of impact in all zones of the technosphere inevitably requires the formation of common approaches and solutions in such areas of protective activities as labor safety, life safety and environmental protection. All this is achieved by implementing the basic functions of the BZD. These include:

1. Description of the living space by its zoning according to the values ​​of negative factors based on an examination of the sources of negative impacts, their relative location and mode of action, as well as taking into account the climatic, geographical and other characteristics of the region or area of ​​activity.

2. Formation of environmental requirements for sources of negative factors - assignment of maximum permissible emissions (MPE), discharges (MPD), energy impacts (MPE), acceptable risk, etc.

3. Organization of monitoring of the state of the habitat and inspection control of sources of negative impacts;

4. Development and use of environmental protection means.

5. Implementation of measures to eliminate the consequences of accidents and other emergencies;

6. Training the population in the basics of safety precautions and training specialists at all levels to implement environmental requirements.

The main directions of practical activity in the field of safety are the prevention of causes and the prevention of conditions for the occurrence of dangerous situations.

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Life safety
“Approved by the Educational and Methodological Association of Universities for Education in the Field of Automated Mechanical Engineering (UMO AM) as teaching aid for students higher institutions, students

Terms, definitions
Life safety - area scientific knowledge, studying dangers and ways to protect people from them in any living conditions. Safety - State of Operation

Evolution of the habitat, transition from the biosphere to the technosphere
In the life cycle of man and environment form a permanent system “man – environment”. Habitat – the environment surrounding a person, determined in

Interaction between man and technosphere
Man and his environment (natural, industrial, urban, household, etc.) in the process of life constantly interact with each other, and, moreover, harmoniously interact with each other

Dangerous (harmful and traumatic) factors
Danger is processes, phenomena, objects that have a negative impact on human life and health. All types of hazards (negative impacts) generated in the process

Security, security systems
All dangers are then real when they affect specific objects (objects of protection). Objects of protection, like sources of danger, are diverse. Every component of the environment

Criteria for comfort and safety of the technosphere. Risk concept
A comfortable state of living space in terms of microclimate and lighting is achieved by complying with regulatory requirements. Comfort criteria are set

Fundamentals of technosphere design according to the conditions of the Belarusian Railways
This is achieved by ensuring comfort in living areas; correct location sources of dangers and areas of human presence; reducing the size of hazardous areas; applied

The role of the engineer in providing safety and security
Practical safety assurance during technological processes and operation of technical systems is largely determined by the decisions and actions of engineers and technicians.

Physical work. The physical severity of labor. Optimal working conditions
Physical labor Physical labor is characterized primarily by an increased load on the musculoskeletal system and functional systems (heart

Mental labor combines work related to the reception and processing of information, which requires primary tension of the sensory apparatus, attention, memory, as well as activation of the brain.

General characteristics of analyzers
Expedient and safe human activity is based on the constant reception and analysis of information about the characteristics of external environment And internal systems body. This process

Characteristics of the visual analyzer
In the process of activity, a person receives up to 90% of all information through the visual analyzer. Reception and analysis of information occurs in the light range (380-760 nm) electromagnetic

Characteristics of the auditory analyzer
With the help of sound signals, a person receives up to 10% of information. Characteristic Features auditory analyzer are: 1. The ability to be ready to receive information

Characteristics of the skin analyzer
Provides perception of touch (light pressure), pain, heat, cold and vibration. For each of these sensations (except vibration) there are specific receptors in the skin, or

Kinesthetic and taste analyzer
Provides a sense of position and movement of the body and its parts. There are three types of receptors that perceive: 1. Stretching of muscles during their relaxation - “muscle spindles”.

Psychophysical activity of a person
Any activity contains a number of mandatory mental processes and functions that ensure the achievement of the required result. Attention is the direction of mental

Hygienic standardization of microclimate parameters of industrial premises
To create normal working conditions in production premises provide standard values ​​of microclimate parameters - air temperature, relative humidity and air temperature

Types of chemicals
In industry, harmful substances are found in gaseous, liquid and solid states. They are able to penetrate the human body through the respiratory, digestive or skin organs. Harmful

Chemical toxicity indicators
The study of the biological effects of chemicals on humans shows that their harmful effects always begin from a certain threshold concentration. For quantities

The influence of sound waves and their characteristics
Noise is a chaotic combination of sounds of varying frequency and intensity (strength) that arise during mechanical vibrations in solid, liquid and gaseous media. Noise negative

Types of sound waves and their hygienic standards
Based on frequency, noise is divided into low-frequency (maximum sound pressure in the frequency range below 400 Hz), mid-frequency (400...1000 Hz) and high-frequency (over 1000 Hz).

Vibration is the process of propagation of mechanical vibrations in a solid body. When vibration affects the body, central nervous system analyzers play an important role - vestibular,

The influence of constant magnetic fields on the human body
The spectrum of electromagnetic radiation of natural and man-made origin, which affects humans both in everyday life and in industrial conditions, has a range of

Radio frequency electromagnetic field
The electromagnetic field (EMF) of the radio frequency range has a number of properties that are widely used in economic sectors. These properties (the ability to heat materials, spread

Standardization of exposure to electromagnetic radiation of radio frequencies
Standardization of exposure to electromagnetic radiation of radio frequencies. Assessment of the impact of RF EMR on humans in accordance with SaNPiN 2.2.4/ is carried out according to the following parameters:

Infrared radiation (IR) is thermal radiation, which is invisible electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength from 0.76 to 420 microns and has wave and light properties

Biological effect of infrared radiation. Rationing of IKI
Radiant heat has a number of features. In addition to enhancing the thermal effect on the working body, infrared radiation also has a specific effect, depending on the intensity

Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is optical radiation with wavelengths less than 400 nm. For biological purposes, the following spectral regions are distinguished: UVI-S - from 200 to 280 nm;

Biological effect of UVR. Standardization of UFI
The biological effect of UVR is associated with both one-time and systematic irradiation of the surface of the skin and eyes. Acute eye damage caused by UV irradiation usually manifests itself as

Components of the formation of the light environment
The light environment is formed by the following components: Radiant flux F is the power of the radiant energy of the electromagnetic field in the optical wavelength range, W. Light

Light sources for artificial lighting are gas-discharge lamps and incandescent lamps. Gas discharge lamps are preferred for use in artificial lighting systems.

Hygienic regulation of artificial and natural lighting
The normalized parameters for artificial lighting systems are: the minimum illumination value Еmin, permissible brightness in the field of view Ladd, and also n

Biological effect of laser radiation
The biological effect of laser radiation depends on the radiation energy E, energy En, power (energy) density Wp (We), irradiation time t, dl

Standardization of laser radiation
When normalizing LI, acceptable levels of LI are established for two conditions of irradiation - single and chronic, for three wavelength ranges: 180...300 nm, 380-1400 nm, 1400-100000

Types of electric shock
There are two types of electric shock to the body: electrical injuries and electrical shocks. Electrical injuries are local damage to tissues and organs. To them

The nature and consequences of electric shock to a person
Electric shock can occur when touching: live parts; disconnected live parts on which the light remains

Categories of industrial premises according to the danger of electric shock
According to the “Rules for Electrical Installations” (PUE), all industrial premises are divided into three categories based on the danger of electric shock. 1. Premises with

Danger of three-phase electrical circuits with isolated neutral
Wires electrical networks in relation to the ground they have capacitance and active resistance - leakage resistance, equal to the sum insulation resistance by current to ground (Fig. 3). For y

The danger of three-phase electrical networks with a grounded neutral
Rice. 4. Danger of three-phase electrical circuits with a grounded neutral. Three-phase networks with a grounded neutral have low resistance.

Danger of single-phase current networks
Rice. 5. Danger of single-phase current networks When one-pole touches the wire of an insulated network, a person becomes “connected” to another

Current spreading in the ground
The current flow diagram in the ground is shown in Fig. 6, a. A current short circuit occurs when the insulation is damaged and a phase breakdown occurs on the equipment housing, when a power supply wire falls to the ground

Prevention of adverse effects of microclimate
Leading role in prevention harmful influence high temperatures, infrared radiation belongs to technological measures - replacement of old and introduction of new technological

Types of ventilation. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for ventilation systems
Types of ventilation: 1.By the method of air stimulation: · artificial; · natural; · mixed. 2.According to the method of air exchange

Determining the required air exchange
Air exchange, m3/h, in a normal microclimate and the absence of harmful substances or their content within normal limits can be determined by the formula L=nL

Calculation of natural general ventilation
Natural ventilation of buildings and premises is determined by thermal pressure (the difference in the densities of indoor and outdoor air) and wind pressure. According to Gay-Lussac's law, when

Calculation of artificial general ventilation
The ventilation system includes: air intakes in the form of holes in the structures of fences or shafts, equipped with louvered grilles; devices for adjusting the number of positions

Calculation of local ventilation
· Calculation of the performance of the exhaust hood; · Calculation local ventilation surfacing installations; · Calculation of local ventilation of welding installations; · Calculation

Air conditioning
Air conditioning is the process of maintaining temperature, humidity and air purity in accordance with the sanitary and hygienic requirements for production premises

Monitoring the performance of ventilation systems
The efficiency of the ventilation system is monitored in practice by two methods: direct and indirect. The direct method involves checking ventilation performance by

Heating of industrial premises. (Local, central; specific heating characteristics)
Heating is designed to maintain normal air temperature in production premises during the cold season. In addition, it contributes to better preservation of buildings and

Standardization and calculation of natural lighting
Natural lighting is created by direct sun rays or diffused light from the sky. It should be provided for all production, warehouse, sanitary and administrative

Artificial lighting, rationing and calculation
For artificial lighting of premises, incandescent lamps and gas-discharge lamps are used. Standardization of artificial illumination Norm

Incandescent lamps are simple to install, cheap and easy to use. However, they convert only 2.5...3% of consumed energy into luminous flux and are sensitive to voltage fluctuations

Methods and means of reducing the negative impact of noise
To reduce noise in industrial premises they use various methods: · reduction of noise level at the source of its occurrence; sound absorption and sound

Determining the effectiveness of some alternative noise reduction methods
Usually there are several noise sources with different intensity levels installed in the premises. In this case, the total sound pressure level (L, dB) in frequency bands or average

Methods and means of reducing the harmful effects of vibration
To combat vibration of machines and equipment and protect workers from vibration, various methods are used. The fight against vibration at its source is associated with eliminating the causes

Means and methods of protection from exposure to electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies
Protection of personnel from the effects of electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies (RF EMR) is carried out through organizational, engineering, technical, treatment and preventive measures

Means of protection against exposure to infrared and ultraviolet radiation
Measures to protect against the effects of infrared radiation The main way to improve labor health in hot shops, where infrared radiation is the main component of the microclimate, is

Laser protection
Work with optical quantum generators (OQGs) - lasers - should be carried out in separate, specially designated rooms or fenced off parts of the premises. The room itself

Protective grounding
Protective grounding is called intentional electrical connection with the ground or its equivalent of metal non-current-carrying parts of electrical installations that may be under ground

Grounding is a deliberate connection to the neutral protective conductor of metal non-current-carrying parts of electrical equipment that may be energized. Zeroing pr

Safety shutdown
Protective shutdown is called fast-acting protection that ensures automatic shutdown of an electrical installation with voltages up to 1000 V when there is a danger of electrical damage in it

Use of personal electrical protective equipment
They are divided into basic and additional insulating protective equipment, as well as auxiliary devices. Basic insulating protective equipment has insulation

Design and rules for using PPE for respiratory organs, protection of the head, eyes, face, hearing organs, hands, special protective clothing and footwear
Workwear and safety footwear are designed to reliably protect the human body from hazardous production factors while maintaining normal functional state and performance.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for master plans of industrial enterprises
The main condition for maintaining safety when designing an enterprise, technology and equipment is to prevent the impact of harmful and dangerous production factors on work

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for industrial buildings and premises
At the design and construction stages, it is necessary to take into account the sanitary class of the room, the norms of usable space for workers and for equipment, and also observe the width of the passages

Organization of certification of workplaces for working conditions
Certification of workplaces according to working conditions is an important component of the organization of labor protection at an enterprise. The tasks of workplace certification are: 1. Definition

Goals of occupational safety management at an enterprise
Occupational safety management is understood as a systematic process of influencing the system “man - machine - production environment” to obtain specified values ​​for the totality of indicators.

Tasks, functions and objects of occupational safety management
The main tasks of the labor protection service are: 1. Organization and coordination of labor protection work at the enterprise. 2. Monitoring compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements

Information in occupational safety management
All information necessary for managing occupational safety and health can be divided into normative and informative. Regulatory information contains information characterizing

Constitution of the Russian Federation
Constitution Russian Federation on labor protection. It defines the basic rights and freedoms of citizens in the political and socio-economic life of society, serves as the basis for the development

Labor Code of the Russian Federation
It came into force on February 1, 2002 and regulates labor relations of people. The code contains enough detailed interpretation labor protection legislation. In Section I

Regulatory legal acts on labor protection
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 12, 1994 No. 937 “On state regulatory requirements for labor protection in the Russian Federation.” Legal acts on labor protection. T

System of occupational safety standards. (SSBT)
The structure of the SSBT includes five subsystems of standards (12.0-12.4). 12.0. Organizational and methodological standards for the fundamentals of building a system establish the structure, tasks, goals and

1. Life safety: textbook for universities / S.V. Belov, A.V. Ilnitskaya, A.F. Kozyakov, etc.; edited by S.V. Belova. - M.: Higher School, 2001. - 448 p. 2. Kukin P.P. Without

When determining the main practical functions of BZD, it is necessary to take into account the historical sequence of occurrence of negative impacts, the formation of zones of their action and protective measures. For quite a long time, the negative factors of the technosphere had a major impact on people only in the sphere of production, forcing him to develop safety measures. The need for more complete human protection in production areas has led to occupational safety and health. Today, the negative influence of the technosphere has expanded to the limits when people in urban space and housing, the biosphere adjacent to industrial zones, have also become objects of protection. It is easy to see that in almost all cases of hazards, the sources of impact are elements of the technosphere with their emissions, discharges, solid waste, energy fields and radiation. The identity of the sources of impact in all zones of the technosphere inevitably requires the formation of common approaches and solutions in such areas of protective activities as labor safety, life safety and environmental protection.

All this is achieved by implementing the basic functions of the BZD. These include: 1) description of the living space by its zoning according to the values ​​of negative factors based on an examination of the sources of negative impacts, their relative location and mode of action, as well as taking into account the climatic, geographical and other characteristics of the region or area of ​​activity; 2) formation of safety and environmental requirements for sources of negative factors; 3) assignment of maximum permissible emissions (MPE), discharges (MPD), energy impacts (MPE), acceptable risk, etc.; 4) organization of monitoring of the state of the habitat and inspection control of sources of negative impacts; 5) development and use of eco-bioprotection means; 6) implementation of measures to eliminate the consequences of accidents and other emergencies; 7) training the population in the basics of safety and safety and training specialists at all levels and forms of activity to implement safety and environmental requirements.

Not all functions of BZD are now equally developed and put into practice. There are certain developments in the field of creation and application of environmental and bioprotection means, in the formation of safety and environmental requirements for the most significant sources of negative impacts, in organizing monitoring of the state of the living environment in industrial and urban environments. At the same time, only recently have the foundations for the examination of sources of negative impacts, the foundations for preventive analysis of negative impacts and their monitoring in the technosphere emerged and are being formed.

The main directions of practical activity in the field of safety are the prevention of causes and the prevention of conditions for the occurrence of dangerous situations.

Analysis of real situations, events and factors today allows us to formulate a number of axioms of science about life safety in the technosphere. These include:

Axiom 1. Technogenic hazards exist if everyday flows of matter, energy and information in the technosphere exceed threshold values.

Threshold or maximum permissible hazard values ​​are established based on the condition of maintaining the functional and structural integrity of humans and the natural environment. Compliance with the maximum permissible flow values ​​creates safe conditions for human activity in the living space and eliminates the negative impact of the technosphere on the natural environment.

Axiom 2. Sources of man-made hazards are elements of the technosphere.

Dangers arise in the presence of defects and other malfunctions in technical systems, in the incorrect use of technical systems, as well as due to the presence of waste accompanying the operation of technical systems. Technical malfunctions and violations of the modes of use of technical systems lead, as a rule, to the occurrence of traumatic situations, and the release of waste (emissions into the atmosphere, runoff into the hydrosphere, the entry of solid substances onto the earth’s surface, energy radiation and fields) is accompanied by the formation of harmful effects on humans and the natural environment. environment and elements of the technosphere.

Axiom 3. Man-made hazards operate in space and time.

Traumatic influences act, as a rule, short-term and spontaneously in a limited space. They occur during accidents and disasters, during explosions and sudden destruction of buildings and structures. The zones of influence of such negative impacts are, as a rule, limited, although it is possible for their influence to spread over large areas, for example, in the event of an accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Harmful impacts are characterized by long-term or periodic negative effects on humans, the natural environment and elements of the technosphere. Spatial zones of harmful influences vary widely from working and domestic areas to the size of the entire earth's space. The latter include the impact of emissions of greenhouse and ozone-depleting gases, the release of radioactive substances into the atmosphere, etc.

Axiom 4. Technogenic hazards have a negative impact on humans, the natural environment and elements of the technosphere at the same time.

Man and the technosphere surrounding him, being in continuous material, energy and information exchange, form a constantly operating spatial system “man - technosphere”. At the same time, there is also a system “technosphere - natural environment”. Man-made hazards do not act selectively; they negatively affect all components of the above-mentioned systems simultaneously, if the latter are in the zone of influence of the hazards.

Axiom 5. Man-made hazards worsen people's health, lead to injuries, material losses and degradation of the natural environment.

Exposure to traumatic factors leads to injury or death and is often accompanied by focal destruction of the natural environment and technosphere. The impact of such factors is characterized by significant material losses. Exposure to harmful factors is usually long-term; it has a negative impact on people’s health and leads to occupational or regional diseases. By influencing the natural environment, harmful factors lead to the degradation of flora and fauna and change the composition of the components of the biosphere. At high concentrations of harmful substances or at high energy flows, harmful factors, by the nature of their effects, can approach traumatic effects. For example, high concentrations of toxic substances in air, water, and food can cause poisoning.

Axiom 6. Protection from man-made hazards is achieved by improving the sources of danger, increasing the distance between the source of danger and the object of protection, and applying protective measures.

It is possible to reduce the flows of substances, energies or information in the area of ​​human activity by reducing these flows at the exit from the source of danger (or by increasing the distance from the source to the person). If this is not practically feasible, then protective measures must be applied: protective equipment, organizational measures, etc.

Axiom 7. Competence of people in the world of dangers and ways to protect against them - necessary condition achieving life safety.

A wide and ever-increasing range of man-made hazards, the lack of natural mechanisms of protection against them, all this requires a person to acquire skills in detecting hazards and using protective equipment. This is achievable only as a result of training and experience at all stages of a person’s education and practical activity. First stage life safety training should coincide with the period preschool education, and the final one - with a period of advanced training and retraining of personnel in all spheres of the economy.

From the above it follows that the world of man-made dangers is completely knowable and that humans have sufficient means and methods of protection against man-made dangers. The existence of man-made hazards and their high significance in modern society are due to insufficient human attention to the problem of man-made safety, propensity to take risks and neglect the danger. This is largely due to limited human knowledge about the world of dangers and the negative consequences of their manifestation.

In principle, the impact of harmful man-made factors can be completely eliminated by humans; the impact of man-made traumatic factors is limited by acceptable risk due to the improvement of sources of hazards and the use of protective equipment; exposure to natural hazards can be limited by prevention and protection measures.

BJD is the science of preserving human health and safety in everyday life, production and emergency situations. Her goals :

    achieving accident-free situations;

    injury prevention;

    maintaining health;

    increased performance;

    improving the quality of work.

In achieving these goals, decides the following tasks:

    identification of negative environmental impacts;

    protection from or prevention of hazards;

    eliminating the consequences of hazards;

creating a comfortable state of the human environment.

Stages of scientific activity:

    Identification and description of zones of influence of the technosphere and its individual elements;

    development and implementation of effective hazard protection systems and methods;

    formation of systems for monitoring hazards and managing the safety state of the technosphere;

    development and implementation of measures to eliminate the consequences of hazards;

    organization of training of the population in the basics of safety and training of specialists in safety.

Functions of practical activity:

    Description of the living space according to the values ​​of negative factors, taking into account the climatic and geographical characteristics of the region or area of ​​activity;

    assignment of maximum permissible emissions, discharges, concentrations, etc.;

    organization of condition monitoring and inspection control of hazard sources;

    development and use of eco-bioprotection means;

    implementation of measures to eliminate the consequences of accidents and other emergencies.

    organization of training of the population in the basics of security and training of specialists at all levels on security issues.

6. The role and tasks of managers in ensuring life safety.

The production process manager is obliged to:

    Ensure optimal (acceptable) operating conditions at the workplaces of employees subordinate to him.

    Identify traumatic and harmful factors accompanying the production process.

    Ensure the use and proper operation of protective equipment for workers and the environment.

    Constantly (periodically) monitor operating conditions, the level of exposure to traumatic and harmful factors on workers.

    Organize instructions or training for workers on safe operating practices.

    Personally observe safety rules and monitor their compliance by subordinates.

    In case of accidents, organize rescue of people, localization of fire, impact electric current, chemical and other hazardous influences.

7. Functions and structure of the nervous system.


    interacts the body with the environment;

    unites the organs and systems of the body into a single whole and coordinates their activities;

    carries out mental activity (sensation, perception, thinking)

The nervous system is conventionally divided into two parts: somatic (controls the muscles of the skeleton and some internal organs - tongue, larynx, pharynx), vegetative (innervating all skin muscles, blood vessels, organs).

The nervous system is divided into central (spinal cord and brain) and peripheral (nerve roots, nodes, plexuses, peripheral nerve endings) sections. The central and peripheral parts of the nervous system contain elements of the somatic and autonomic parts, thereby achieving the unity of the nervous system.

The structural and functional unit of the nervous system is the nerve cell ( neuron ). The main properties of nerve fibers are excitability and conductivity . Conducting excitation along the fiber is possible only if it is anatomically intact and in normal physiological condition. Stimulation is also not carried out in the event of compression, cessation of blood supply, severe cooling, poisoning with poisons or drugs, or when using certain medications (Novocaine)

The place where nerve excitation is transmitted from one nerve cell to another or from a nerve cell to a muscle or glandular cell is called synapse. Synapses provide unilateral conduction of excitation.

Nerves conducting excitation from the central nervous system to the working organs - descending, centrifugal or motor . Nerves that transmit excitation from organs and parts of the body to the central nervous system - ascending, centripetal or sensitive. Motor nerves end in motor endings - effectors , sensory nerves with sensory endings receptors .

Receptors - specialized nerve cells that have selective sensitivity to the effects of certain factors.

The functions of the nervous system are carried out according to the mechanism reflex (the body’s reaction to irritation from the external or internal environment, carried out through the mediation of the central nervous system).

The basis of any reflex is the activity of a system of neurons connected to each other, forming the so-called reflex arc .

Reflex arc elements:

    a receptor that transforms the energy of stimulation into a nervous process associated with an efferent neuron.

    The central nervous system (its various levels from the spinal cord to the brain), where excitation is converted into a response and switches it from centripetal to centrifugal fibers.

    an efferent neuron that carries out a response (motor or secretory).

A prerequisite for the implementation of a reflex is the integrity of all elements of the reflex arc.

Spinal cord located in the spinal canal. Performs reflex and conductive functions. Departments:

  • lumbar


Brain located in the cranial cavity. Departments:

    telencephalon or cerebral hemispheres;





The cerebral cortex is the highest section of the central nervous system, which appeared later in the process of evolution and is formed before other parts of the brain during individual development.

With a relatively small weight (only 2% of the total body weight), the cortex consumes about 18% of the oxygen entering the body. Therefore, even a short-term cessation of blood circulation (for a few seconds) leads to loss of consciousness, and 5-6 minutes after bleeding the brain dies.

One of the most important functions of the cerebral cortex is analytical, i.e. signals from all body receptors are analyzed and responses are synthesized.


The concept of “life safety” is very multifaceted and also means the science of safe human interaction with the technosphere, and in a broader sense, with the environment. In other words, traditionally in this scientific direction, only local the life activity system as forming a kind of security foundation for a higher level system, the so-called global life activity system. Accordingly, it is possible to identify a space of local life safety, which forms part of a more general space of global life safety.

In addition, speaking about local life safety, it should be taken into account that recently there has also been a tendency to generalize the consideration of life safety as a complex system property, requiring the use of a systematic approach to the problem of security of political, business, information and other types of activities that are not so much technogenic, how much social character.

Risk is the ratio of certain realized hazards (injury, occupational disease, death at work) to the possible number for a certain period of time.

To analyze the state of labor protection in production, individual, social and technical risks can be distinguished.

Individual risk characterizes the danger of a certain type for an individual. Social risk (group) is the risk of danger for a certain group of people (including those united along professional lines).

Technical risk expresses the probability of accidents during the operation of machinery and equipment, the implementation of technological processes, and the operation of industrial buildings.

Thus, reducing the number of negative production factors, i.e. by reducing the base of the pyramid, the number of accidents can be proportionally reduced. Consequently, the main strategy in reducing production risk appears to be a scrupulous identification of negative factors in the labor production process and the systematic elimination of these factors at all stages of the labor process and at all stages of the life cycle of elements of the production environment. First of all, the factors that cause accidents at work are determined and, if possible, completely eliminated.

Life safety problems must be solved on a scientific basis.

Science is the development and theoretical systematization of objective knowledge about reality.

In the near future, humanity must learn to predict negative impacts and ensure the safety of decisions made at the stage of their development, and to protect against existing negative factors, create and actively use protective equipment and measures, limiting in every possible way the areas of action and levels of negative factors.

The implementation of goals and objectives in the “human life safety” system is a priority and should be developed on a scientific basis.

The science of life safety explores the world of hazards operating in the human environment, developing systems and methods for protecting people from dangers. In the modern understanding, life safety studies the dangers of the industrial, domestic and urban environment both in the conditions of everyday life and in the event of emergency situations of man-made and natural origin. The implementation of life safety goals and objectives includes the following main stages of scientific activity:

identification and description of zones affected by the dangers of the technosphere and its individual elements (enterprises, machines, devices, etc.);

development and implementation of the most effective systems and methods of protection against hazards;

formation of systems for monitoring hazards and managing the safety state of the technosphere;

development and implementation of measures to eliminate the consequences of hazards;

organization of training of the population in the basics of safety and training of life safety specialists.

The main task of life safety science is the preventive analysis of the sources and causes of hazards, forecasting and assessing their impact in space and time.

A modern theoretical basis for BJD should contain, at a minimum:

methods for analyzing hazards generated by elements of the technosphere;

the basics of a comprehensive description of negative factors in space and time, taking into account the possibility of their combined impact on humans in the technosphere;

the basis for the formation of initial environmental indicators for newly created or recommended elements of the technosphere, taking into account its state;

basics of managing safety indicators of the technosphere, intentions and means of protection;

the basis for the formation of safety requirements for operators of technical systems and the population of the technosphere.

When determining the main practical functions of BZD, it is necessary to take into account the historical sequence of occurrence of negative impacts, the formation of zones of their action and protective measures. For quite a long time, the negative factors of the technosphere had a major impact on people only in the sphere of production, forcing him to develop safety measures. The need for more complete human protection in production areas has led to occupational safety and health. Today, the negative influence of the technosphere has expanded to the limits when people in urban space and housing, the biosphere adjacent to industrial zones, have also become objects of protection.

In almost all cases of hazards, the sources of impact are elements of the technosphere with their emissions, discharges, solid waste, energy fields and radiation. The identity of the sources of impact in all zones of the technosphere inevitably requires the formation of common approaches and solutions in such areas of protective activities as labor safety, life safety and environmental protection. All this is achieved by implementing the basic functions of the BZD. These include:

description of the living space by its zoning according to the values ​​of negative factors based on an examination of the sources of negative impacts, their relative location and mode of action, as well as taking into account the climatic, geographical and other characteristics of the region or area of ​​activity;

formation of safety and environmental requirements for sources of negative factors - assignment of maximum permissible emissions (MPE), discharges (MPD), energy impacts (MPE), acceptable risk, etc.;

organization of monitoring of the state of the habitat and inspection control of sources of negative impacts;

development and use of eco-bioprotection means;

implementation of measures to eliminate the consequences of accidents and other emergencies;

training the population in the basics of BJD and training specialists

all levels and forms of activity to implement safety and environmental requirements.

Not all functions of BZD are now equally developed and put into practice. There are certain developments in the field of creation and application of environmental and bioprotection means, in the formation of safety and environmental requirements for the most significant sources of negative impacts, in organizing monitoring of the state of the living environment in industrial and urban environments. At the same time, only recently have the foundations for the examination of sources of negative impacts, the foundations for preventive analysis of negative impacts and their monitoring in the technosphere emerged and are being formed.

The main directions of practical activity in the field of safety are the prevention of causes and the prevention of conditions for the occurrence of dangerous situations.

Analysis of real situations, events and factors today allows us to formulate a number of axioms of science about life safety in the technosphere.

So, the world of man-made dangers is completely understandable and that a person has enough means and ways to protect himself from man-made dangers. The existence of man-made hazards and their high significance in modern society are due to insufficient human attention to the problem of man-made safety, propensity to take risks and neglect the danger. This is largely due to limited human knowledge about the world of dangers and the negative consequences of their manifestation.

In principle, the impact of harmful man-made factors can be completely eliminated by humans; the impact of man-made traumatic factors is limited by acceptable risk due to the improvement of sources of hazards and the use of protective equipment; exposure to natural hazards can be limited by prevention and protection measures.