Maintenance of computer equipment and computer equipment. Maintenance of computer equipment and computer systems

1. Introduction

2. Main part

2.1.6 Operational characteristics of serviced SVT

2.2 Practical part

2.2.1 Description of the subject area

2.2.2 Justification of the need to use methods inherent in this special discipline

2.2.3 Problem statement

2.2.4 Description of the solution to the problem statement based on the selected methods

2.2.5 Development of operational documentation



LAN - local computing systems.

AIS - automated information system

BC - computing system

VC - computer center

SVT - computer facilities

TO - technical maintenance

1. Introduction

The relevance of the topic under study lies in the fact that today the development of computer technology has led to the need not only to transfer a large load of documentation and performing mathematical calculations to computer equipment, but also to develop methods for maintaining this equipment in working condition.

Maintenance of computer equipment in the workplace consists of diagnosing, collecting and storing information about the characteristics of computers and peripheral devices.

The goal of the project is to develop methods for maintaining computer equipment in the workplace

The object of the project is maintenance methods

The subject is the development of methods for carrying out maintenance of computer equipment in the workplace

2. Main part

2.1 Theoretical foundations of the topic being developed

2.1.1 Computer maintenance

This problem is solved in different ways by different organizations. In some cases, their own service departments are created, but this path is very complicated from an organizational and technical point of view, requires serious material costs and can only be economically justified for very large LANs (more than three thousand automated workstations (AWS)).

Therefore, in most cases, contracts for the maintenance and repair of equipment are concluded with external organizations that have the necessary package of licenses, technical equipment, qualified personnel and established supply channels for spare parts and components. This path is preferred by budget organizations operating small and medium-sized aircraft.

2.1.2 Purpose of computer maintenance

Maintenance is a set of organizational measures, including providing the PC with the necessary hardware and equipment, intended for the effective operation and repair of the PC.

The purpose of maintenance is to prematurely inspect the PC for operational status. Identifying the problem at the starting level allows for quick and minor repairs.

2.1.3 The importance of computer maintenance

The importance of carrying out maintenance of computer equipment lies in maintaining the functionality of the computer as a whole, and separately its components. PC components require constant inspection and monitoring of its technical condition, since the performance of any component is limited by a different service life, but with timely maintenance, PC components will last the required service life.

2.1.4 Computer maintenance tasks

Maintenance refers to carrying out preventive work to maintain the functionality and appearance of equipment (including internal and external cleaning).

There are quite a lot of methods for carrying out maintenance of computer equipment. For optimal operation of SVT, it is possible to create your own service departments, but this approach requires quite large financial investments, which makes the scope of application of this method quite limited and possible only for large LANs. The most common is the SVT maintenance method, based on the conclusion of contracts for the maintenance and repair of SVT with external organizations that have the necessary package of licenses, technical equipment, qualified personnel and established supply channels for spare parts and components.

Such agreements require regular routine maintenance of the entire fleet of vehicles in accordance with the approved list.

Lists routine maintenance are developed for printers, photocopying, facsimile and other office equipment.

At the customer’s request, the list may additionally include other work, for example, testing PCs for viruses and, if necessary, treating them.

2.1.5 Information base for maintenance

To maintain system viability, ensure information security and reduce the total cost of ownership of AIS, the most preferable option is:

·periodic qualified maintenance of SVT, including external and internal cleaning using special chemicals, cleaning of magnetic and optical read heads, testing and adjustment of the monitor, hard drive, network card, etc.;

· periodic qualified monitoring, condition analysis and maintenance of cable systems;

· timely modernization of equipment;

·phased replacement of morally and physically obsolete equipment according to a pre-developed schedule.

The configuration of the SVT depends on financial level enterprise or organization, so we can talk about the impossibility of creating a universal optimal configuration of maintenance methods and means. In most cases, updating the fleet of aircraft is not economically viable, so maintenance often involves repairing the existing aircraft. Solving problems related to the maintenance and development of such automated information systems requires a thoughtful systematic approach based on economic criteria. This problem is in the territory Russian Federation has been poorly studied to date. When building large aircraft, the following factors must be taken into account:

It is impossible to maintain the functionality of the existing SVT fleet without repairs and modernization. This is due to the constant increase in the complexity of the problems being solved and the increasing level of development of computer technology in the world. Efficient and reliable operation of large aircraft is possible only within the framework of planned measures to maintain operability, modernization, timely introduction of new computing power and decommissioning of obsolete equipment according to pre-selected schemes.

The creation and implementation of new generations of computer equipment is carried out over a three to four year period. Therefore, the lifespan of a computer for corporate user is 3-4 years. Provided that the modernization of the equipment is carried out in a timely and competent manner, this period can be extended to approximately five years. After this, the equipment becomes hopelessly outdated, ceases to meet the level of the tasks being solved, cannot be further modernized due to the incompatibility of new components with old ones, and in case of failure is practically unrepairable. Compliance with the specified replacement periods for SVT is of particular importance if they are used to work with critical applications, as well as as part of categorized objects.

When conducting tenders for the purchase of computer equipment, the main emphasis is often on minimum cost one-time delivery, while the main criterion here should be minimizing the total cost of ownership of the information system.

Total cost of ownership refers to the sum of the costs of purchasing hardware and software, personnel training, configuration, administration, modernization and technical support during a given period of operation.

The cost of ownership can be divided into initial costs that are obvious to the user (the cost of purchased equipment, software, personnel training) and hidden (costs during operation). According to research from the world's leading computer hardware manufacturers, obvious

Romanov V. P. Maintenance of computer equipment Educational and methodological manual Preventative voltage changes allow you to identify the weakest circuits in the system. Typically, circuits should remain operational when the voltage changes within specified limits. However, aging and other factors cause gradual changes in the performance characteristics of the circuits, which can be detected in prophylactic regimens. Checking the SVT with a preventive change in voltage reveals predictable faults, thereby reducing the number of hard-to-locate faults that lead to failures. During monthly maintenance, all necessary work specified in the operating instructions for external devices is performed. During semi-annual (annual) maintenance (STO), the same work is carried out as during monthly maintenance. As well as all types of semi-annual (annual) preventive maintenance: disassembling, cleaning and lubrication of all mechanical components of external devices with their simultaneous adjustment or replacement of parts. In addition, cables and power bars are inspected. A detailed description of preventive maintenance is given in the operating instructions for individual devices supplied to the SVT by the manufacturer. When performing maintenance based on technical condition, maintenance work is unscheduled and is performed as necessary based on the condition of the object (test results), which corresponds to maintenance with continuous monitoring or maintenance with periodic monitoring. Unscheduled preventive maintenance includes extraordinary preventive maintenance, prescribed mainly after the elimination of serious malfunctions of the equipment. The scope of preventive measures is determined by the nature of the malfunction and its possible consequences. SVT can also be placed on unscheduled maintenance when the number of failures occurring over a certain specified period of time exceeds the permissible values. The system requires the availability and correct use of various testing tools (software). The system makes it possible to minimize the cost of operating the SVT, but the readiness of the SVT for use is lower than when using a scheduled preventative service station. With a combined maintenance system, “minor types of maintenance” are carried out as needed, as with condition-based maintenance based on the operating time and operating conditions of a particular type of equipment or the results of its testing. It is planned to carry out “senior types of maintenance” and repairs. The rational organization of the service station should provide for the accumulation of static material based on the results of the operation of the equipment for the purpose of its generalization, analysis and development of recommendations for improving the service structure, increasing the efficiency of use of the equipment, and reducing operating costs. 21 Romanov V.P. Maintenance of computer equipment Educational and methodological manual 1.2.2. Methods of maintenance (repair) of SVT Maintenance (service), regardless of the adopted maintenance system, can be organized using well-known maintenance methods. The method of maintenance (repair) of the equipment is determined by a set of organizational measures and a set of technological operations for maintenance (repair). Methods of maintenance (repair) are divided according to the organization into: proprietary; autonomous; specialized; combined. The proprietary method is to ensure the operating condition of the SVT by the manufacturer, which carries out maintenance and repair work on the SVT of its own production. The autonomous method consists in maintaining the operating condition of the SVT during the period of operation, in which the user performs maintenance and repair of the SVT on his own. A specialized method is to ensure that the equipment is in working condition by a service company that carries out maintenance and repair work on the equipment. The combined method consists in ensuring the working condition of the equipment by the user together with the service company or the manufacturer and comes down to the distribution of maintenance and repair work on the equipment between them. According to the nature of implementation, maintenance (repair) methods are divided into: -individual; -group; -centralized. With individual maintenance, servicing of one vehicle is provided using the forces and resources of the personnel of this vehicle. The set of equipment for this type of maintenance includes: - equipment for monitoring the electronic equipment base and power supply: - control and adjustment equipment for autonomous testing and repair of electronic equipment; - a set of electrical measuring equipment necessary for the operation of SVT; - a set of programs (tests) to check the operation of the SVT; -tools and repair accessories; -auxiliary equipment and devices; -special furniture for storing property and equipment for operator and component base adjuster workplaces. 22 Romanov V.P. Maintenance of computer equipment Educational and methodological manual All of the listed equipment provides the possibility of prompt troubleshooting using bench and control equipment. This kit, in combination with the necessary spare parts (spare tools, devices) should provide the specified recovery time for the SVT. If you have the necessary service equipment and qualified technical personnel, individual service can significantly reduce the recovery time of the SVT, but this requires significant costs for the maintenance of technical personnel and service equipment. The efficiency of the SVT largely depends on the qualifications of the operating personnel, the timeliness of preventive and repair work and the quality of their implementation. Group maintenance serves to service several equipment concentrated in one place, using the means and forces of special personnel. The structure of the equipment for a group service is the same as for an individual one, but it assumes the presence of a larger number of equipment, devices, etc., eliminating unjustified duplication. The group service set includes at least a set of equipment for individual SVT service, supplemented by equipment and devices of other SVT. Centralized maintenance is a more progressive form of SVT maintenance. The centralized technical service system is a network of regional service centers and their branches - technical service points. With centralized maintenance, the costs of maintaining technical personnel, service equipment and spare parts are reduced. Such maintenance involves the repair of SVT elements, assemblies and units on the basis of a special workshop equipped with everything necessary equipment and devices. In addition, centralized maintenance allows you to concentrate in one place materials on the statistics of failures of elements, assemblies, blocks and devices of SVT, as well as obtain operational data from dozens of similar SVT with direct reliability control. All this makes it possible to use information to predict the necessary spare parts and issue recommendations for the operation of the equipment. 1.2.3. Types of SVT repairs. The type of repair is determined by the conditions of its implementation, the composition and content of the work performed at the SVT. Repair of SVT is divided into types: current; average; capital (for mechanical and electromechanical SVT). Current repairs should be carried out to restore the operation of the equipment without the use of stationary means of technological equipment at the site of operation of the equipment. 23 Romanov V.P. Maintenance of computer equipment Educational and methodological manual During routine repairs, the equipment is monitored for operation using appropriate testing tools. Medium repairs must be carried out to restore the functionality of the SVT, or components SVT using specialized stationary technological equipment. During a medium repair, the technical condition of the individual components of the equipment is checked, the detected faults are eliminated and the parameters are brought to the prescribed standards. Major repairs should be carried out to restore the performance and service life of the equipment by replacing or repairing the components of the equipment, including basic ones, using specialized stationary means of technological equipment in stationary conditions. Medium and major repairs of equipment or their components are, as a rule, planned and are carried out on products for which the time between repairs has been determined and (or) the service life (resource) is limited. 1.2.4. Main characteristics of STO One of the main characteristics of STO is the duration of SVT prophylaxis, which is determined by the formula r n t t profPi t t. . Вj Ф К i1 j1 where tПi is the total time of preventive measures carried out sequentially; tВj – recovery time of n faults during maintenance; tF.K. – time of functional control. The duration of prophylaxis is largely influenced by the qualifications of the service personnel. Analysis of static data on the operation of a specific EVT makes it possible to make recommendations for replacing preventive measures of shorter frequency with preventive measures of greater frequency (for example, daily to weekly). This allows you to increase the time you use the computer directly for computational work. Another important quantitative characteristic is the prevention efficiency coefficient kprof., which characterizes the degree of increase in the reliability of emergency equipment due to the prevention of failures at the time of prevention. The prevention effectiveness coefficient is calculated using the formula nprof. kpof. ngeneral where nprof. – the number of failures identified during preventive maintenance; ngeneral + nprof. – the total number of SVT failures during the period of operation. 24 Romanov V.P. Maintenance of computer equipment Educational manual 1.2.5. Calculation of the number of workers engaged in service maintenance and ongoing repairs of electric vehicles Calculation of the number of workers required to perform service maintenance and current repairs PC (Chn) is carried out according to the formula: where: Nr.v - standard working time for one employee for the planned year (2000 hours); Tob - the total time spent on servicing computer equipment is calculated using the formula: where Tr - time standards for a certain type of work; n - number of types of work performed; K = 1.08 is a correction factor that takes into account the time spent on work that is not provided for by the standards and is of a one-time nature. The standard time spent on a certain type of work is calculated using the formula: where Hvri is the standard time for execution of i-th operations per unit of measurement in a certain type of standardized work; Vi is the volume of operations of the i-th type performed per year (determined according to accounting and reporting data). The range of changes from 1 to i is the number of standardized operations in a certain type of work. The basis for drawing up the staffing table for the number of employees is the average number of employees (AS), which is calculated by the formula: Chsp = Chn x Kn, where Kn is a coefficient taking into account the planned absence of workers during vacation, illness, etc., determined by the formula: , where the % of planned absenteeism is established according to accounting data. 25 Romanov V. P. Maintenance of computer equipment Educational and methodological manual EXAMPLE: CALCULATION OF THE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES EMPLOYED IN THE SERVICE MAINTENANCE OF SVT Table 1 Repair and maintenance work Volume Standard Standard of work for its costs Unit of time for No. Type of work performed year in time for measurements unit units volume of work, measurements, h. measurements h. Weekly maintenance 1. Checking the performance of devices on tests in one 1654 0.13 215.0 accelerated mode device 2. Cleaning the magnetic heads of external memory devices one head 1654 0.09 148.9 (floppy disk drives) 3. Checking and removing computer viruses on one PC 1654 0.20 330.8 external memory devices of the PC 4. Defragmentation of hard drives on one 1654 0.27 446.6 magnetic disk drive 5. Checking lines and local computing devices one LAN 94 0.19 17.9 network (LAN) using offline tests Monthly maintenance 6. Full testing of all PC devices with issuance of one PC 382 1.70 649.4 protocols, including LAN, identification and correcting errors in the distribution of disk space 7. Supply of updated anti-virus programs and one complete PC 382 0.48 183.4 checking disk memory for viruses 8. Lubricating mechanical devices of vehicles (flat drives, tape drives, one 763 0.34 259.4 printers ) device 9. Cleaning the internal volumes of a PC from dust with disassembly one PC 382 0.37 141.3 10. Cleaning the screens of video monitors from dust and dirt, one 382 0.35 133.7 adjustment and setup, cleaning the internal volumes from dust video monitor 11 Cleaning and washing of matrix print heads and one printer 382 0.17 65.0 inkjet printers 12. Cleaning and washing of pens and lubrication of mechanical components of one plotter plotter 13. Cleaning print elements of one printer 5 0.34 1.7 laser printers from unused toner, cleaning and washing optics and timely refilling of toner 14. Cleaning dust and washing the reading element in one scanner 1 0.28 0.28 scanners and lubricating mechanical parts Semi-annual maintenance for personal computers (PCs) and peripheral equipment 15. Cleaning dust from the internal volumes of PC power supplies, one PC 64 0.80 51.2 cleaning and lubricating fans 16. Cleaning video monitor screens and LCD panels from dust one 636 0.22 139.9 and dirt, adjustment and setup of video monitor 17. Cleaning of dust from the internal volumes of external modems, one 256 0.47 120.3 independent power supply devices (UPS) with subsequent testing of their device Total Tr1 2904.8 Table 2 ROUTINE REPAIR OF PC Volume Regulatory Norm No. of work per cost Unit of time per standard Type of work performed year in time per measurement unit we units volume of work, measurements, hours of measurement parts 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. Carrying out diagnostics and localizing faults one 1080 0.40 432.0 devices device 2. Full testing of RAM and identification of faulty one RAM 318 0.30 95.4 modules 3. Full testing of external memory devices for one 516 0.35 180.6 magnetic disks and tapes device 4. Repair of PC power supplies with the replacement of faulty one block 318 2.50 795.0 elements and subsequent power adjustment 5. Repair of individual PC blocks (boards) (video controllers, one block 1908 1.15 2194.2 input-output controllers, modem boards, etc. ) with replacement of chips (CHIP) 6. one 318 1.20 381.6 Keyboard repair keyboard 7. Repair of laser printers without optical adjustment one printer 4 1.60 6.4 systems 8. Optical adjustment of laser printers one printer 4 0.50 2.0 9. Repair of inkjet printers one printer 12 1.80 21.6 10. Repair and adjustment of plotters one - - - 26 Romanov V. P. Maintenance of computer equipment Educational and methodological manual plotter 11. Repair of flatbed scanners one scanner 1 1.50 1.5 14. Repair of Pentium motherboard one board 6 1.60 9.6 15. Repair of SVGA 14" video monitor (power supply) one monitor 150 1.50 225.0 16. Repair of SVGA 14" video monitor (color block) one monitor 150 0.80 120.0 17. Repair of SVGA 14" video monitor (scan block) one monitor 150 0.70 105.0 18. Repair of SVGA 21" video monitor one monitor - - - 19. Repair of video monitors with replacement of CRT, adjustment and one monitor 318 2.30 731.4 adjustment 20. Repair of 9 pin printers (control board) one printer 268 1.90 509.2 21. Repair of 24 pin printers (control board) one printer 50 1.90 95.0 22. Repair of 9 pin printers (print head) one printer 268 1 ,10 294.8 23. Repair of printers 24 pin (print head) one printer 50 1.20 60.0 24. one 318 1.00 318.0 Replacement of printer motors of any type engine 25. Replacement of the LMD IDE control board one board 314 0.40 125.6 26. Replacement of LMD SCSI control board one board 4 0.40 1.6 28. one 318 1.10 349.8 Repair of HDD drives 3.5" 1.44 MB drive 29. one 318 0 .50 159.0 Repair of manipulators Mouse manipulator Total Tr2 7893.8 Total Tr = Tr1 + Tr2 = 10798.6 The standard time spent on the volume of work for the year is: n SUM Tr = Tr1 + Tr2; Tr = 2904.8 + 7893, 8 = 10798.6 hours 1 Thus, the total time spent on PC maintenance (Tob) is equal to: n Tob = SUM Tr x K; Tob = 10798.6 x 1.08 = 11662.49 hours 1 Estimated number workers engaged in PC maintenance is equal to: Tob 11662.49 Chn = ---- = -------- = 5.83 people. No. in 2000 The required average number of employees engaged in PC maintenance is equal to: Chsp = Chn x Kn = 5.83 x 1.05 = 6.12 people, where Kn is the rate of planned absenteeism of workers during vacation, illness, etc. d. is determined according to accounting data and is assumed to be 5% in the example. The staffing level is Chsh = Chsp = 6.12 people. - about 6 people 1.2.6. Material support for SVT maintenance The quality of SVT operation depends on the provision of spare parts, various devices, consumables, provision of control and measuring instruments, tools, etc. The creation of necessary conditions for the normal functioning of computing facilities (temperature and humidity conditions, power supply conditions, etc.) and for operating personnel (climatic conditions, noise levels, lighting, etc.). The operation of SVT must be carefully planned. Planning should cover the entire range of issues related to both the preparation of a general program of work for computer equipment, the distribution of computer time, etc., and to the entire work of maintenance personnel. The rational organization of operation should provide for the accumulation of static material based on the results of the operation of the equipment for the purpose of its generalization, analysis and development of recommendations for improving the service structure, increasing the efficiency of use of the equipment, and reducing operating costs. 27 Romanov V.P. Maintenance of computer equipment Educational and methodological manual 1.3. Systems of automated control, automatic recovery and diagnostics, their relationship Control is checking the correct operation of an object (element, node, device). The device works correctly - the control circuit does not generate any signals (in some systems, however, a normal operation signal is generated), the device does not work correctly - the control circuit produces an error signal. This is where the control functions end. In other words, control is a check: right - wrong. The diagnosis process can be divided into separate parts called elementary tests. An elementary test consists of applying a test stimulus to an object and measuring (evaluating) the object’s response to this stimulus. The diagnosis algorithm is defined as a set and sequence of elementary checks together with certain rules for analyzing the results of the latter in order to find a place in an object whose parameters do not meet the specified values. Consequently, diagnostics is also control, but sequential control, aimed at finding a faulty place (element) in the diagnosed object. Typically, diagnostics begin based on an error signal generated by the SVT control circuits. An automatic monitoring and diagnostic system is often called an error detection system. The principle of organizing an automatic control system. The occurrence of an error in any SVT device causes an error signal, which causes program execution to be suspended. Upon an error signal, the diagnostic system immediately begins to operate, which, in interaction with the SVT control system, performs the following functions: 1) recognition (diagnosis) of the nature of the error (failure, failure); 2) restarting the program (part of the program, operation) if the error is caused by a failure; 3) localization of the fault location, if the error is caused by a failure, followed by its elimination by automatically replacing (or disconnecting) the failed element or replacing it with the help of an operator; 4) recording information about all failures and failures that have occurred into the SVT memory for further analysis. 1.3.1. Diagnostic programs For PCs, there are several types of diagnostic programs (some of them are supplied with the computer) that allow the user to identify the causes of problems that occur in the computer. Diagnostic programs used in PCs can be divided into three levels: BIOS diagnostic programs - POST (Power-On Self Test). Runs every time you turn on the computer. Diagnostic programs for operating systems. Windows 9x and Windows XP/2000 come with several diagnostic programs for 28 Romanov V. P. Maintenance of computer equipment A training manual for checking various computer components. Diagnostic programs of equipment manufacturers. Diagnostic programs general purpose . Such programs, which provide thorough testing of any PC-compatible computers, are produced by many companies. Power On Self Test (POST) POST is a sequence of short routines stored in the BIOS ROM on the system board. They are designed to check the main components of the system immediately after it is turned on, which, in fact, is the reason for the delay before loading the operating system. Every time you turn on your computer, it automatically checks its main components: the processor, ROM chip, auxiliary components of the system board, RAM and main peripheral devices. These tests are performed quickly and are not very thorough; if a faulty component is detected, a warning or error (fault) message is issued. Such faults are sometimes called fatal errors. The POST procedure typically provides three means of indicating a malfunction: beeps, messages displayed on the monitor screen, and hexadecimal error codes output to the I/O port. Sound error codes generated by the POST procedure When the POST procedure detects a malfunction, the computer emits characteristic sound signals by which you can identify the faulty element (or group of them). If the computer is working properly, you will hear one short beep when you turn it on; if a malfunction is detected, a whole series of short or long beeps, and sometimes a combination of both, is issued. The nature of the beep codes depends on the BIOS version and the company that developed it. Error messages displayed by the POST procedure On most PC-compatible models, the POST procedure displays the progress of testing the computer's RAM on the screen. If a problem is detected during the POST procedure, a corresponding message is displayed, usually in the form of a multi-digit numeric code, for example: 1790- Disk 0 Error. Using the operation and service manual, you can determine which malfunction corresponds to this code. Error Codes Issued by POST to I/O Ports A lesser known feature of this procedure is that at the beginning of each test at the address of a special I/O port, POST issues test codes that can only be read using a special expansion card installed in the expansion slot adapter. The POST board is installed in the expansion slot. At the time of execution of the POST procedure on its built-in 29 Romanov V. P. Maintenance of computer equipment Educational and methodological manual The indicator will quickly change two-digit hexadecimal numbers. If the computer unexpectedly stops testing or freezes, this indicator will display the code of the test that failed during execution. This allows you to significantly narrow down the search for a faulty element. Most computers POST codes to I/O port 80h. Diagnostic programs of the operating system DOS and Windows have several diagnostic programs. Which ensure testing of SVT components. Modern diagnostic programs have graphical shells and are part of the operating system. Such programs are, for example: a disk cleaning utility from unnecessary files; disk error checking utility; utility for defragmenting files and free space; data archiving utility; File system conversion utility. All of the programs listed are available in Windows. Diagnostic programs of equipment manufacturers Equipment manufacturers produce special specialized programs for diagnosing specific equipment, a specific manufacturer. The following groups of programs can be distinguished: Hardware diagnostic programs Many types of diagnostic programs are designed for specific types of hardware. These programs are supplied with the devices. SCSI device diagnostic programs Most SCSI adapters have a built-in BIOS that can be used to configure the adapter and perform diagnostics. Network adapter diagnostic programs Some network card manufacturers also offer diagnostic software. Using these programs, you can check the bus interface, memory control installed on the board, interrupt vectors, and also perform a cyclic test. These programs can be found on the floppy disk or CD that came with the device, or you can visit the manufacturer's Web site. General Purpose Diagnostic Programs Most test programs can be run in batch mode, allowing you to run a series of tests without operator intervention. You can create an automated diagnostic program that is most effective if you need to identify possible defects or perform the same sequence of tests on several computers. These programs check all types of system memory: main (base), extended (expanded) and additional (extended). The location of the fault can often be determined down to an individual chip or module (SIMM or DIMM). thirty

Basic concepts Computer equipment SVT these are computers, which include personal computers PCs, network workstations, servers and other types of computers, as well as peripheral devices, computer office equipment and computer-to-computer communications. The operation of the equipment consists of using the equipment for its intended purpose, when the equipment must perform the entire range of tasks assigned to it. For effective use and maintaining the SVT in working condition during operation is carried out...

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General information on the operation of computer equipment.

Basic Concepts

Computer facilities (CT)these are computers, which include personal computers (PCs), network workstations, servers and other types of computers, as well as peripheral devices (computer office equipment) and means of intercomputer communication.

Operation of SVTconsists in using the equipment for its intended purpose, when the VT must perform the entire range of tasks assigned to it. To effectively use and maintain the SVT in working order during operation,Maintenance.

Maintenance- this is a set of organizational measures, including providing the SVT with the necessary equipment and equipment, intended for the effective operation and repair of the SVT.

All activities included in maintenance can be divided into three groups:

1) technical condition monitoring;

2)preventive maintenance;

3)routine maintenance.

Technical condition monitoringserves to monitor the operation of the SVT, localize the location of the malfunction, and eliminate the influence of random failures on the resultscomputer calculations. In modern computers, such control is carried out mainly using the computer itself using software (for example, a program POST).

Preventive Maintenanceis a series of measures aimed at maintaining the specified technical condition of the machine for a certain period of time and extending its technical life. Preventive measures carried out on SVT can, in turn, be divided into two groups.

1) Working with the machine turned off- external inspection, cleaning, lubrication and elimination of defects found during inspection.

2) Work with the machine turned on- control and adjustment work.

From the point of view of organizing preventive maintenance, the most widespreadscheduled preventive maintenance, based on the calendar principle. At the same time, a schedule of routine maintenance is drawn up, which indicates the volume and timing of preventive measures.

Routine MaintenanceSVT is a set of adjustment and repair work aimed at restoring lost properties or performance of a computer or other equipment by replacing or restoring parts, assemblies and blocks.

Efficiency of SVT operation

The efficiency of the operation of the equipment largely depends on the level of its organization. Organization of operation is a set of measures aimed at training maintenance personnel, planning work, timely and complete provision of the required spare parts and accessories (spare tools, instruments, fixtures, components), consumables and correct and systematic maintenance of documentation, etc.

Rational organization of the computer operation system and constant improvement of this system is one of the main means of ensuring the effective use of computers.

There are three types of service:individual, group and centralized.

Personalized service.

With individual service, servicing of one or more computers (or other computer equipment) located in one or adjacent premises is provided by the forces and means of the most qualified personnel from among the users operating this equipment. The set of equipment for this type of service mainly includes software tools for diagnosing and monitoring equipment, as well as simple hardware (for example, for monitoring power supply), and a simple set of tools. This kit in combination with a small set of spare elements (modules) RAM, HDD , expansion cards, etc.) provides the ability to quickly find and fix faults.

With this service, it is possible to quickly find and eliminate a simple malfunction using software or simple hardware anddoes not provideavailability of test benches and control and measuring equipment. This service assumeslow costsfor tools, devices, spare parts.

Group service.

Group service is used to service several dozen sets of computers and/or sets of peripheral devices concentrated in one enterprise (computer center, computer room, office or enterprise equipped with computer equipment) by specially dedicated technical personnel responsible for the effective use and maintenance of computer equipment in good working order state.

The structure of service facilities includes programs, as well as group service equipment, which presupposes the availability of inexpensive equipment, devices, etc., eliminating their unjustified duplication. The group service package includes:

  • equipment for monitoring the computer element base and power supply;
  • control and adjustment equipment for autonomous testing and repair technical means Computers and peripherals;
  • control and adjustment equipment for autonomous testing and repair of local computer networks (LAN);
  • a set of electrical and radio measuring equipment necessary for the operation of a computer and the operation of simple stands for testing individual components and standard elements of machine replacement;
  • a set of programs (tests) for checking the operation of a computer, peripherals and LAN;
  • tools and repair supplies;
  • auxiliary equipment and devices;
  • workplaces equipped with special furniture and devices for carrying out repair and adjustment work.

If you have the necessary spare parts, developed service equipment and qualified technical personnel, group service can significantly reduce the recovery time of a machine in case of complex faults, but it requires significant costs for the maintenance and retraining of technical personnel and for the maintenance of service equipment.

Centralized maintenance.

Centralized technical maintenance of computer systems is the most progressive form of maintenance of computers and peripherals. The centralized maintenance system is a network of regional centers (service centers) and their branches for servicing computer equipment, peripheral equipment and networks. These organizations centrally carry out:

Installation and commissioning works and commissioning of SVT and networks;

Elimination of complex failures that arise during operation;

Centralized repair of electronic and electromechanical devices;

Supply of components to enterprises that have personnel to provide group services;

Providing assistance to service personnel (individual and group) on software (mathematical) support and improving operational efficiency;

Management of the equipment maintenance process based on data from the accounting and analysis system;

Training of SVT operating personnel;

Commissioning of existing and developing operating systems and packages application programs and so on.

With centralized maintenance, the costs of enterprises that operate SVT are reduced for the maintenance of technical personnel, computers and peripherals, service equipment and components. However, the computer restoration time in this case depends on the efficiency of centralized service points and can range from several hours to several days, depending on various factors (distance from the enterprise, working conditions of the repair team, etc.).

Main operational characteristics of SVT

The degree of suitability of computer equipment for its intended use and the possibility of its maintenance are determinedoperational characteristics of SVT, in particular the operational characteristics of the computer.

The main operational characteristics include:operability, reliability, safety, maintainability, durability, reliability, productivity.

Performance- this is the ability of the SVT to function, ensuring the performance of specified functions with the parameters established by the requirements of technical documentation. This characteristic allows us to judge the state of the equipment at a certain point in time.

However, during operation, it is important to know the state of the equipment not only at the moment, but also the ability to perform the tasks assigned to the equipment within a given period of time. For these purposes, the concept is introduced reliability.

Reliability - this is the ability to maintain operability for a given period of time under certain operating conditions of the SVT.

Safety this characteristic is used at the stage of computer storage, which is understood as the ability of computers to maintain good condition under given storage conditions.

Maintainabilitythis is a characteristic of SVT from the point of view of adaptability to repair, i.e. ease of access to units, installation, equipment suitability for troubleshooting, etc.. Requirements for maintainability are imposed depending on the operating conditions of the SVT. For example, some peripheral devices, as well as on-board or industrial computers, due to their specific use, are not designed for routine maintenance and are therefore considered non-repairable.

Durability this is the property of the SVT to maintain operability to the limit state with the necessary breaks for maintenance and repairs.

Reliability - this property is to function stably under given conditions of maintenance and operation of the SVT.

Performance- This is an important concept that characterizes the operational properties of a computer and some peripheral devices. Throughout the development of computers, various criteria and methods have been proposed to evaluate their performance. With the development and improvement of computers of different generations, it is impossible to compare them according to one specific criterion. If computers of the first generations were compared in terms of speed (number of commands executed per second 1 ), then for computers of modern generations such concepts as the overall performance of the machine, computing power, performance in solving a certain type of problem and other parameters began to be introduced. Depending on the field of application, a computer is a less fast machine, but has best set commands to solve a specific problem often has greater performance than a faster machine.

Operating principles

The effectiveness of using electronic computers largely depends on how rationally the operation of the computer and its peripherals is organized. In general, the organization of operation includes:

Selection of service system;

Material support for SVT maintenance;

Determining the required number of service personnel and their qualifications;

Scheduled preventive maintenance;

Operational documentation;

SVT operation planning;

Analysis and recording of operating results;

Organization and systematic training of service personnel.

Selection of service system. General system operation of the equipment and the number of personnel servicing and ensuring the operation of the equipment depends on the number and class of computers and peripherals, the nature of the tasks being solved, as well as the operating mode (single shift or round the clock), the type of enterprise and the conditions in which the equipment is operated.

Before the introduction of personal computers into almost all types of professional activities, typical enterprises involved in the operation of machines were computer centers (CCs). Currently, along with the computer centers, there are a large number of enterprises (or separate divisions) performing the functions of computer centers, where computer technology operates various services for solving scientific, engineering and technical problems, planning and economic calculations and research, as well as centers for automated control of objects or technological processes .

Typically, a computer center or a similar enterprise (division) includes technical maintenance services, mathematical preparation of problems, programming and operators (users).

Centers for automated control of objects or technological processes, small enterprises or offices usually do not have large departments of programmers. The main division of such enterprises is the technical maintenance division of electronic equipment, computers and network equipment.

Regardless of the purpose and scope of application, a modern computer is a system consisting of hardware and software. To rationally organize the operation of such a system, it is necessary to take into account three aspects of its maintenance:operational, technical and mathematical.

  • Operational service consists of preparing the computer and inputting initial information into the computer, monitoring the progress of the computing process and intervening in it as necessary.
  • Technical Maintenance serves to maintain the equipment in working condition through preventive maintenance and routine repairs.
  • Mathematical maintenance ensures the preparation of tasks for implementation on a computer.

In the case of round-the-clock operation of the equipment at enterprises such as computer centers or centers for automated control of objects or processes, maintenance of the equipment is carried out by special duty groups - shifts. The duties of the duty groups include monitoring the general technical condition of the equipment and, if necessary, performing routine repairs of the equipment. If the group on duty cannot cope with the repair on its own, then specialists from service centers are called. It follows that with individual and group maintenance, the efficiency of the operation of the equipment primarily depends on the qualifications, knowledge and practical experience of the maintenance personnel, which especially affects the time of troubleshooting in the process of routine repair of the equipment and, consequently, the efficiency of using machine time.

Material support for SVT maintenance.The quality of operation of the equipment depends on the provision of spare parts, instrumentation, tools, various accessories and consumables. It is also of great importance to create the necessary conditions for the normal functioning of computing facilities (temperature and humidity conditions, power supply conditions, etc.) and for operating personnel (climatic conditions, noise level, lighting, etc.).

Composition of service personnel. An important question organizing servicing of equipment is a matter of determining the rational number, qualifications and placement scheme of specialists for its implementation.

When SVT operates around the clock, maintenance is carried out by shift personnel organized into duty groups (shifts). Usually have 34 shifts, with the help of which 8-hour or 12-hour shift work of service personnel is organized. The operation of a computer can also be one-shift or two-shift.

The composition of the maintenance personnel depends on the type of maintenance and operating mode of the SVT.

For quality performance SVT The technical (hardware and software) maintenance service is responsible, whose responsibilities include participation in preventive and adjustment work, as well as management of work on making changes to the design of computers and peripherals. The nature of the changes can be agreed upon with the service center in which SVT costs to service.

The technical maintenance service is also engaged in maintaining the documentation necessary for statistical analysis of the operation or changes in the composition of the equipment, its elements and components, to determine reliability, the necessary regime of preventive maintenance, and analysis of the conditions for solving problems, in particular on a computer. In addition, the causes of various errors that arise during the operation of the SVT are analyzed, and together with system programmers they take part in reviewing the program that caused the error.

Planned preventative work.The operation of SVT must be carefully planned. Planning should cover the entire range of issues related to both the preparation of a general program of work for computer equipment, the distribution of computer time, etc., and to the entire work of maintenance personnel.

Rational organization of operation should include the accumulation of statistical material based on the results of operation, especially for computers, with the aim of generalizing it, analyzing it and developing recommendations for improving the service structure, increasing efficiency of use, and reducing operating costs.

Planned maintenance work is carried out in order to maintain equipment in good condition, identify failures in equipment, and prevent malfunctions and failures during operation.

Operational documentation (ED).The composition of the ED depends on the class of equipment, its purpose, composition, etc. The set of ED on the computer and peripherals from the main documents includes technical description, operating instructions and form.

Planning the operation of SVT.Planning is the basis for the rational organization of SVT operation. It serves to determine a specific action program for service personnel for a certain calendar period.

The initial data for planning the operation of the equipment are: the nature and volume of equipment loading; technical and operational characteristics of SVT; the complexity of all types of work performed on computers and computers during their maintenance; the number of service personnel and their level of qualifications.

The following types of planning are distinguished:

  • operational-calendarconsists in drawing up plans for the loading of equipment and the work of maintenance personnel, based on the volume of loading and maintenance standards for a given type of equipment,
  • planning of organizational and technical activities -consists in drawing up a work program for maintenance personnel for a certain calendar period of operation of the SVT,
  • planning for the operation of SVT - comes down to determining the need for consumables, spare parts, medium and major repairs of certain types of equipment or their elements.

Analysis and accounting of operating results(maintenance of accounting documentation).During the operation of the equipment, it is necessary to maintain a log of the technical operation of the equipment and, if necessary, a log of computer time. The information accumulated in the logs makes it possible to quantify the operational properties of VT, analyze the quality of work and develop recommendations for improving the maintenance of certain types of VT.

1 For the first machine models, the number of addition operations per second was considered an acceptable estimate. For example, if the addition time of one operation was 1 μs, then it was believed that the machine could perform 1 million operations per second.

Then, the average performance Vcp was chosen as a performance indicator, characterized by the average number of operations per unit of time vi and expressed through the execution speed of each operation qi

where k the total number of operations performed by this computer.

For machines of the second and third generations, performance was assessed using the methods of Knight and Gibson. Since the results of assessing computer performance using different methods differ significantly, several tests are used to assess performance, each of which is focused on checking the performance of certain calculations and operations.

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A modern computer is a complex multi-component software and hardware device that requires appropriate maintenance.

Maintenance- this is a set of operations to maintain the functionality or serviceability of products (in particular, this can be a PC and other VT).

The task of maintenance is to ensure reliable (correct and uninterrupted) operation of computer equipment.

Areas of work for SVT maintenance:

1. Ensuring the operability of computer equipment.

2. Ensuring the operability of operating systems and application software.

3.Ensuring the integrity, safety and operability of information arrays

4. Ensuring the functionality of peripheral, network and communication equipment

All activities within the framework of maintenance are divided into:

Technical condition monitoring;

Preventative maintenance;

Routine maintenance.

Technical condition monitoring- serves to monitor the operation of the electronic equipment, localize fault locations, and eliminate the influence of random failures. In modern SVT, such control is carried out mainly using the SVT themselves.

Preventive Maintenance - measures aimed at maintaining the specified technical condition of the equipment for a certain period of time and extending the technical service life.

There are two type of preventive measures : Active; Passive

1.Active Preventative Maintenance - operations whose main purpose is to extend the trouble-free service life of the PC. It comes down mainly to periodic cleaning of both the entire system and its individual components.

Active preventive maintenance methods: System backup Cleaning Reinstalling chips Cleaning connector contacts Cleaning the keyboard and mouse Maintaining hard drives Defragmenting files Anti-virus measures

2. Passive prevention - measures aimed at protecting the computer from external adverse influences (installation protective devices in the power supply network, maintaining cleanliness and acceptable temperature in the room, reducing vibration levels, etc.).

Passive preventive maintenance methods: Acceptable, favorable workplace conditions Heating and cooling of the computer On and off cycles Interference in the power supply Electrostatic charges

Types of maintenance (by frequency):



with periodic monitoring;

with continuous monitoring.

A detailed description of maintenance work is given in the operating instructions for individual devices supplied by the manufacturer.

Preventive control carried out in hardware and software. Hardware control is carried out using special equipment, control instruments and stands and hardware and software systems. Software control requires the availability and use of various testing tools (software). Hardware and software control should be considered the most effective if the VT has a developed hardware control system.

Methods of maintenance (service) based on organizational measures and a set of technological operations are divided into: branded; autonomous; specialized; combined.

Based on the nature of their implementation, maintenance methods are divided into: individual; group; centralized. Centralized maintenance is a more progressive form of VT maintenance and is a network of regional service centers and their branches of technical service points.

Automated control systems Control is checking the correct operation of an object (element, node, device). Whether the device is working correctly or not, the control circuit issues a signal.

Error detection system(automatic monitoring and diagnostic system) The diagnosis process can be divided into elementary checks Basic check consists of applying a test impact to an object and measuring (evaluating) the object’s response to this impact. Diagnostics This is a sequential control aimed at finding a faulty element in the diagnosed object.

Error detection system algorithm (automatic control and diagnostic system) Error signal Recognition (diagnosis) of the nature of the error (failure, failure) Restarting the program (operation) if the error is caused by a failure Localizing the location of the fault if the error is caused by a failure, followed by its elimination by replacing (or shutting down ) failed element

So, main types of control: program; hardware. Modes of using control: operational (during PC operation), preventive check, automatic or with the involvement of an operator.

Software control is based on the use of special programs that control the operation of the PC. It is divided into: program-logical and test

Program-logical control is based on the fact that additional operations are introduced into the main working program, the execution of which produces redundant information necessary for detecting and correcting errors. It does not require the use of special equipment, but it leads to an increase in the time required to solve the problem.

Test control designed to check the correct operation of a PC using special test programs. Control using tests comes down to the machine performing certain actions on the initial numbers and comparing the results with known ones. If the answers do not match, an error is recorded.

PC tests are divided into: adjustment, verification, diagnostic.

Hardware controls - are created by introducing special control equipment into the PC (working independently of the program and OS, and not reducing performance). However: it leads to complication and increased cost and a decrease in overall reliability.

Modern combined control method is a combination of software and hardware.

Upon completion of this chapter, the student should

structure and types of SVT maintenance;

functions and frequency of active and passive prevention;

composition of a standard set of tools for standard maintenance;

types of automated control and automatic recovery systems;

automatic diagnostic methods;

interaction and comparative characteristics of all of the above systems;

methods of software, hardware and combined control;

diagnostic programs for general and special purposes;

apply theoretical knowledge in practice;

carry out active prevention of PC components;

restore Windows OS using its standard means;

create an image of the system disk during backup;

create boot disk with a set of necessary programs;

carry out testing of PC components using general and special-purpose diagnostic programs.

Computer equipment (CT) includes computers (PC, PC), peripheral and network equipment, as well as software.

Computers, depending on the purpose of their use, are divided into workstations and servers. All peripheral equipment must be technically and software interfaced with the PC, regardless of its “stuffing”. Connecting and managing peripheral equipment should be simple and not require prompt use of instructions and descriptions of how the devices operate. The failure of any peripheral device should not affect the stable operation of the PC with other peripheral equipment. Depending on the type and complexity of networks, it is also necessary different kinds network equipment.

In addition to PCs, handheld computers (PDAs), laptops and netbooks are now widely used.

A personal pocket computer (PDA) is a portable computing device that has a wide range of functionality. The PDA is often called a “handheld” due to its small size. PDAs are mainly used as electronic organizers.

A laptop is a full-fledged computer, but to ensure mobility, portability and energy independence, all its components have their own characteristics.

The laptop body is usually made of durable plastic. Inside, it is covered with a special thin metal foil to protect the “electronic filling” from external electromagnetic fields. There is usually a metal cord around the perimeter, which gives additional strength to the body.

The laptop keyboard is built into its body and consists of several layers of thin plastic with contact pads, which allows its thickness to be reduced to several millimeters.

Instead of a mouse, modern laptops most often use a touch panel that responds to the touch of a finger (touchpad).

Inside top cover The laptop contains a color LCD monitor, as well as cables - cables that transmit data, an inverter to ensure the operation of the backlight and some additional devices (for example, a webcam, speakers, a microphone, antennas for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless modules).

A laptop CD/DVD drive usually does not have a mechanism that extends the tray (it has to be pulled out/pushed in manually). Thanks to this, it was possible to make it so thin while maintaining all the functions of a full-fledged drive. Most modern drives have the DVD-RW standard, but in expensive multimedia laptops you can already find drives of the new Blu-ray standard.

Due to the higher chip density and smaller overall size, laptop RAM has characteristics comparable to the memory of a conventional computer.

The laptop cooling system consists of a cooler that takes air from the ventilation holes in the bottom of the case (this is why the laptop can only be used on a hard, flat surface, otherwise cooling is impaired) and blows it through a radiator, which is connected to the processor and, sometimes, the chipset with a copper heat pipe motherboard.

Laptop processor appearance and is very similar in size to a regular PC processor, but has lower power consumption and heat dissipation.

The laptop hard drive, despite its small size (due to the use of magnetic media with a diameter of 2.5 inches), has a capacity comparable to that of a desktop hard drive. The most common connection interface is SATA, but you can also often find the IDE interface, especially in older laptops. Recently, so-called solid-state hard drives (SSDs) developed on the basis of flash memory have also appeared.

and organizing leisure activities for users who are constantly on the move. With a keyboard, LCD display, hard drive, speakers, and Internet connectivity, the line between these two types of PCs is blurred. The main difference between a netbook is its small size (and weight) and simpler electronic “stuffing” to reduce the price and increase battery life. However, the netbook provides several limited opportunities when processing information, therefore it is optimal for solving not very resource-intensive tasks, for example, for training purposes, for making reports at outdoor events, etc., as well as for working on the Internet.

Maintenance is a set of measures aimed at maintaining equipment in good condition, monitoring its parameters and providing preventive repairs.

The organization of technical maintenance of computer equipment (CT) includes not only standard technical and preventive maintenance systems, frequency and organization of work and logistics, but also automated monitoring and diagnostic systems, automatic recovery systems, as well as various types of software, hardware and combined control, microdiagnostics and diagnostic programs for general and special purposes. We will continue to get acquainted with these and other concepts.

Maintenance of SVT includes the following stages (Fig. 1.1):

hardware maintenance (HW) of VT equipment and networks:

prevention of AP,

APOB diagnostics,

– repair of ApOb;

Organization of technical maintenance of SVT

Rice. 1.1. Maintenance of SVT

maintenance of software (software) of VT equipment and networks:

– software installation,

software support,

antiviral prophylaxis.

All types of work related to prevention (caring for the external condition, cleaning dust inside the PC case) can usually be carried out by the user of the SVT himself. In addition, enterprises have specialists (if the enterprise is small) or even entire information departments that service the entire range of available equipment. They also perform work to diagnose and repair hardware in case of failure.

Software maintenance is usually carried out by system administrators.

TO SVT, in accordance with GOST 28470-90, can also be divided into the following types:



with periodic monitoring;

with continuous monitoring.

Regulated maintenance must be carried out to the extent and taking into account the operating time provided for in the operational documentation for the SVT, regardless of the technical condition of the SVT.

Periodic maintenance must be performed at intervals and to the extent established in the operational documentation for the SVT.

Maintenance with periodic monitoring must be carried out in accordance with the frequency of monitoring the technical condition of the equipment established in the technological documentation and the necessary set of technological operations depending on the technical condition of the equipment.

Maintenance with continuous monitoring must be carried out in accordance with the operational documentation for the equipment or technological documentation based on the results of continuous monitoring of the technical condition of the equipment.

1.1. Typical Maintenance System

During the operation of SVT, maintenance (TO) is carried out to ensure their effective use and maintenance in working condition.

Computer maintenance is a set of organizational and technical measures that must be carried out to ensure the preservation of the required parameters and operational reliability of computers.

Currently great importance acquired a comprehensive centralized service SVT (CC TO SVT), which is aimed at long-term maintenance of the computer park of organizations.

A typical SVT CC TO system can be represented (Fig. 1.2) as:



centralized service.

With individual service, each device is provided with a full set of service equipment

Rice. 1.2. Typical maintenance system SVT

and test programs, spare tools and appropriate maintenance personnel, who together must ensure the specified recovery time of the device.

In case of group maintenance, several workstations and corresponding peripheral devices are serviced by the personnel of information technology departments (ACS, AIS, etc.) or service centers; The structure of the equipment is the same as for individual service, but with the inclusion of additional equipment and devices.

Centralized technical maintenance of equipment is carried out by a network of regional service centers and their branches, which centrally produce:

installation and commissioning works and commissioning of any type of equipment;

elimination of complex failures that arise during the operation of SVT;

centralized repair of standard replacement elements and electromechanical devices in repair agencies;

providing assistance to service personnel of enterprises on issues of material support and improvement of operation, improving their qualifications;

management of the equipment maintenance process based on accounting and analysis data;

commissioning of existing and developing operating systems (OS), application software packages (APP), test software, etc.

1.2. Typical Preventive Maintenance System

Preventive maintenance is a series of activities aimed at maintaining the equipment in working condition for a certain period of time and extending the technical life of the equipment.

The period of preventive maintenance is a necessary and fairly long-term stage in ensuring the working condition of the equipment. Reducing the timing of preventive maintenance usually negatively affects the fault tolerance of the equipment.

Planned maintenance work is a set of measures aimed at maintaining the equipment in good condition, preventing failures and failures during the operation of the equipment. The scope of scheduled maintenance work depends on the technical condition of the equipment and on the qualifications of the engineering and technical personnel. The duration and frequency of such work are determined by the manufacturers in the relevant operating instructions.

The essence of preventive maintenance boils down to the following: when preparing SVT for solving relevant problems, the serviceability of not only the SVT, but also their components must be checked using specially prepared tasks or test programs with known answers (for example, when connecting a printer, a test page - a welcome message - must be printed) .

Current maintenance of SVT includes a complex of adjustment and repair work aimed at restoring lost

the measured properties or performance of SVT by replacing or restoring their components.

Currently, typical preventive maintenance can be divided (Fig. 1.3) into:

daily prevention;

weekly prevention;

monthly prevention;

six-month prophylaxis;

annual prophylaxis.

Rice. 1.3. Typical Preventive Maintenance

A detailed description of preventive maintenance is usually given in the SVT operating instructions supplied by the manufacturers. These instructions also contain instructions on possible malfunctions SVT.

Careful implementation of scheduled maintenance significantly reduces the risk of malfunctions. However, the speed of finding and eliminating faults largely depends on the qualifications and experience of the maintenance personnel.

Typically, each data sheet for any device includes a section on maintenance and operation. This also applies to netbooks and laptops.

Basic rules for operating these devices:

You should not eat or drink while in close proximity to a laptop (netbook) - this can lead not only to contamination of the keyboard, but also to damage to the motherboard, the cost of which is about half the cost of the entire device;

You should not leave your laptop (as well as a netbook or any other device) under prolonged exposure to sunlight;

to transport a laptop (netbook), it is better to use special bags with shockproof, sealed walls, since any shock or simply strong vibration can lead to serious consequences for the equipment;

unwanted contact of a laptop (netbook or any other device) with children and home household devices should be excluded;

connect your laptop (netbook) to the network through a surge protector (or, even better, through an uninterruptible power supply (UPS)) to avoid malfunctions due to voltage surges;

Do not forget to unplug your laptop during a thunderstorm and use the battery during this time.

1.2.1. Preventive actions

There are two types of preventive measures: active and passive.

Active preventative maintenance performs operations whose main purpose is to extend the uptime of your computer. They come down mainly to maintenance of both the entire system and its individual components.