Unusual delicious cake for the New Year. New Year's cake recipes

Homemade New Year's cake is a real event. They spend much more time, effort and imagination on its preparation than on ordinary baking for tea. Experiments with trendy cakes, favorite recipes from Soviet confectioners or creative gingerbread houses maintain a warm family tradition.

The chocolate extravaganza of Soviet times will more than reward the time spent in the kitchen.

Biscuit dough:

  • 100 g flour;
  • 6 eggs;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 40 g butter;
  • 30 g cocoa.

The biscuit is baked in advance, no less than a day before the “X” hour. It must “rest” well before they start cutting it into cakes, otherwise you will end up with nothing but crumbs. It will take a few more hours for high-quality impregnation.

  1. Preheat the oven to 200ºC. The mold must be placed in a hot oven until air bubbles come out of the dough.
  2. Beat the egg whites and half the sugar in a mixer until they form a strong foam. To make the mass fluffy, you can add salt at the tip of a knife.
  3. Grind the yolks to a white cream with the remaining sugar. All grains should dissolve.
  4. Carefully combine both masses, maintaining the foam structure.
  5. Sift the flour and mix with cocoa. Add it little by little to the egg mixture.
  6. Add melted and cooled butter.
  7. Cover the pan with parchment. For the specified amount of products you will need a container 22 cm in diameter. The sponge cake is baked tall so that it can be divided into layers.
  8. Pour the whipped dough into the mold, place in a hot oven for 30 minutes and do not open the door during this time. Biscuit does not like drafts and temperature changes.
  9. Cool the cake preparation and keep it under a towel for 8 hours.

Chocolate cream:

  • 50 g cocoa;
  • 15 ml water;
  • yolk;
  • 100 g condensed milk;
  • 200 g butter;
  • vanilla sugar.

The cream is prepared on the basis of syrup.

  1. Dissolve the yolk in water.
  2. Add condensed milk and vanilla.
  3. Heat the mixture over low heat, stirring constantly. The mixture should thicken a little.
  4. Pour the cooled syrup into the softened butter and beat the whole mass.
  5. While beating, add cocoa powder a pinch at a time so that no bitter lumps form.

An important step: in order for the cakes to acquire moisture and heaviness, “Prague” is soaked in sweet tea:

  • brew strong black tea without flavorings;
  • Dilute 70 g of sugar in 100 ml of hot drink and cool.

The biscuit is divided into at least three layers. This is done with a long knife or fishing line. The result depends on practice. If the cakes break or turn out uneven, you can glue and level them using cream.

  1. Place the cake on a serving plate and soak it in tea.
  2. Apply a layer of cream.
  3. Repeat with the rest of the cakes.
  4. Spread the top one with apricot jam.
  5. Cool the cake.

For decoration:

  • 100 g dark chocolate;
  • 10 g butter.

The icing is prepared just before applying to the cake.

  1. Dissolve chocolate and butter in a water bath.
  2. Sprinkle the cake with starch to secure the glaze.
  3. Distribute it, smoothing it with a warm wide knife or spatula. To prevent the instrument from cooling down, it is dipped in boiling water from time to time.
  4. Decorate the cake once the icing has completely hardened.

Here it is, a simple recipe for a delicious Prague cake. According to standards, after “assembling” the dessert should sit for another eight hours, although it is already quite ready.

"Bird's milk" for the New Year

The secret of this famous cake is its elastic, creamy soufflé and plenty of sugar.

For the biscuit:

  • 150 g flour;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • two eggs;
  • vanillin.

For the soufflé:

  • 450 g sugar;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 100 g condensed milk;
  • 150 ml water;
  • two proteins;
  • a teaspoon of agar-agar;
  • half a teaspoon of citric acid

The glaze is prepared from chocolate and butter taken in a 2:1 ratio.

  1. Add vanillin and sugar to the softened butter.
  2. Beat in the eggs.
  3. Sift the flour.
  4. Combine everything into a homogeneous dough, thick like sour cream.
  5. Bake two separate cakes for 10 minutes at 200ºC.

Before preparing the soufflé, you need to prepare the agar-agar according to the instructions on the package.

  1. Heat it until completely dissolved.
  2. Boil the syrup for 5 - 10 minutes over very low heat. Quality control: from a drop of finished syrup you can roll an elastic ball.
  3. While the syrup is cooling slightly, mix the butter and condensed milk cream.
  4. Add citric acid to the whites and beat the mixture into a strong meringue-like foam.
  5. Continuing to work with the mixer, gradually pour in the syrup and add the buttercream.
  6. Agar-agar stabilizes at 40ºС, so the cake must be formed immediately, without allowing the creamy mass to cool.
  7. Line a springform pan with parchment and place alternate layers of sponge cake and cream on it.
  8. Leave the workpiece in the refrigerator for at least an hour.
  9. Prepare and cool the glaze. Spread it over the frozen soufflé.

You can carefully cut the soufflé with a hot knife.

Festive cake "Napoleon" with custard

A multi-layer cake becomes tastier the better it is soaked. The custard gives Napoleon a special tenderness.

For the classic test:

  • egg;
  • 125 ml water;
  • 5 g citric acid;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 300 g flour.

It will take a long time to work with the dough. To prevent it from being “dragged out”, all products are pre-cooled strongly.

  1. Sift flour onto a kneading board. Rub oil into it.
  2. Mix the ingredients with chopping movements of the knife until they form moist crumbs.
  3. Dilute the egg, acid and salt with water.
  4. Pour the liquid into the butter crumbs while continuing to chop the dough.
  5. Knead the finished dough lightly with your hands and divide into 12 parts.
  6. Wrap each one in film and refrigerate.

In cream:

  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 2 pcs. eggs and individual yolks;
  • 80 g starch;
  • 5 g vanillin.

If the cream seems cloying, the amount of sugar can be reduced by a third.

  1. Melt sugar in hot milk.
  2. Combine the eggs and yolks with the rest of the ingredients and some of the milk to equalize the temperature. No need to beat.
  3. Pour the egg mixture into the milk.
  4. As soon as it starts to thicken and stretch behind the whisk, immediately remove it from the stove.
  5. To prevent the cream from winding, cling film should be pressed close to its surface.

Before rolling out the cakes, you need to preheat the oven. Then:

  1. Roll out the chilled dough portions to the size of the pan.
  2. Pierce in several places so that the cake does not warp during baking.
  3. Bake until golden brown at 200ºC.

Before assembling Napoleon, you should drop a little cream onto the dish to fix the cake.

  1. Distribute at least 3 tablespoons of cream onto the cake.
  2. Coat “Napoleon” with cream and sprinkle with cake crumbs.
  3. Leave to soak for several hours in a cool place.

How to cook "Bounty"

Recipes for delicious cakes are born from the most unusual associations. “Bounty,” a delicacy with a delicate coconut filling, is created “based on” the famous chocolate bar.

For soft cake layers:

  • 80 g flour;
  • 20 g cocoa;
  • 120 g sugar;
  • three eggs;
  • 5 g baking powder.

For the specified quantity of products you will need a mold with a diameter of at least 22 cm.

  1. Beat eggs with sugar.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients little by little and mix well.
  3. Pour the batter into the greased pan. Bake for 30 minutes at 190ºС.
  4. Cool the dough completely in the mold and divide into two cake layers.
  5. Soak them in a mixture of cream and Malibu liqueur, taken 1:1.

For the filling:

  • 200 ml milk;
  • 150 ml coconut flakes;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 100 g sugar.

Coconut flakes are pre-steamed in a deep saucepan.

  1. First melt the butter and sugar. Pour in the milk carefully so as not to curdle.
  2. Pour in the coconut flakes and, stirring vigorously, keep the mixture on the stove for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Place the cooled mixture on the bottom layer and cover with the second layer on top.

To give the cake a finished look, you need to coat it with melted chocolate and butter icing.

Red Velvet Cake

A popular American recipe from Adams Extract, a manufacturer of confectionery dyes and flavors, is designed to use original products from this company. But by replacing a few ingredients, you can successfully adapt it for home cooking and surprise your guests with an original, colorful treat.

For a cake with a diameter of 22 cm:

  • 300 g flour;
  • 300 g powdered sugar;
  • 20 g cocoa;
  • two eggs;
  • 110 g white margarine;
  • 240 ml kefir;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 10 g vanilla extract;
  • 15 g soda;
  • 15 ml vinegar;
  • 30 ml red dye.

You only need 2 teaspoons of gel dye. Dry dye will not allow you to achieve the desired rich shade. White margarine can be replaced with cream and vegetable oil in a ratio of 7:3. Vegetable oil will give the cakes moisture and the right texture.

  1. Sift together flour, cocoa, salt, soda.
  2. Beat softened margarine and powdered sugar.
  3. Add eggs, vanilla extract and beat the mixture thoroughly again.
  4. Alternately add the flour mixture and kefir in parts. You need to mix the dough quickly so that it does not “drag on.”
  5. Add vinegar to the last portion of kefir.
  6. Bake in turns in 2 - 3 parts or in 2 - 3 forms at once. The optimal temperature is 175ºС. Baking time – 30 – 35 minutes.
  7. Remove the “cap” from the cooled cakes with a fishing line so that the surface is smooth. The remains of the biscuit will be useful for decoration: cut out stars and other New Year's symbols. It is convenient to sprinkle the sides with crumbs.

For thick cheese cream:

  • 600 g of curd or cream cheese (Philadelphia or Mascarpone);
  • 300 ml cream 33 – 35%;
  • 300 g powdered sugar.

Cream can be replaced with 300 g of butter.

  1. Beat chilled cream and powder until smooth.
  2. Add the cheese little by little without stopping the mixer.

It is better to assemble the cake in a ring, as you will get thick layers of cream.

  1. Spread about a quarter of the cream onto each cake layer.
  2. Smooth it over the surface with a pastry spatula.
  3. To stabilize the dessert, place it in the cold.

Clock cake for the holiday

For the New Year's table, you can use any proven recipe for sponge cake, turning it into a symbol of the holiday with the help of appropriate decor.

To decorate a cake in the form of a dial:

  • 100 g dark chocolate;
  • 300 ml condensed milk;
  • 300 g butter.

For the base of the cake - sponge cakes. The dough, as in the Bird's Milk cake recipe, or from the previous version, is perfect.

  1. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and spread in an even layer on cling film until completely set.
  2. Prepare two fluffy cakes and one very thin one.
  3. Beat the cream from equal parts of condensed milk and butter.
  4. Combine the cakes with cream and put the dough in the cold.
  5. Using a cake cutter, cut out 12 circles for numbers from the thin cake layer.
  6. Place them around the circumference of the top cake and secure to the surface with cream.
  7. Cover the top and sides of the cake with the remaining cream.
  8. Using a sharp knife, cut out numbers and arrows from the chocolate sheet. the right size and carefully transfer them to stands. Set the clock hands to 23:55 so that guests have time to make a wish before the chimes strike.

New Year's cake "Christmas tree" with meringue

A no-bake cake made from ready-made meringue will save the housewife a couple of hours in the pre-holiday bustle.

For decoration:

  • meringue 3 – 4 cm in diameter;
  • chocolate-covered hazelnuts or colored dragees;
  • white chocolate as “glue”.

From cardboard or thick paper you need to roll a cone to the size of the future Christmas tree and wrap it in foil.

  1. Melt the chocolate in a water bath.
  2. Dip the flat part of the meringue into it and attach it in rows to the cone.
  3. Glue chocolate balls or other delicious decorations in between.

Festive dessert “Shishka”

This themed no-bake dessert is also quick and easy to make. Children will cope with this work independently and will help in preparation. festive table.

For the cake you will need:

  • 100 g chopped nuts (walnuts or hazelnuts);
  • 100 g of dry cookies;
  • a can of boiled condensed milk;
  • 30 g cocoa;
  • “Straw” cookies according to the number of cones;
  • 150 g chocolate corn flakes;
  • powdered sugar.

"Pine cones" are about 4 - 5 cm tall. “Spruce” - up to 8 – 10 cm. Ordinary ones are suitable for them cornflakes dark honey-colored or almonds, cut into petals.

  1. Crush the cookies and rub out any lumps.
  2. Combine crumbs, nuts, cocoa and condensed milk.
  3. Form cones from the resulting sticky mass on the “straws” and place the blanks on a dish with the wide side down.
  4. Press the cornflakes in rows around the circumference. The scales of “pine cones” are open, like the petals of a flower, while those of “spruce cones” are pressed together.
  5. Break off the excess part of the straw and mask the tip.
  6. Dust portions with powdered sugar to create a snow effect.

The cake must be kept refrigerated until serving.

Cookie treat “Winter House”

The famous “Gingerbread House” is an integral part of the European and now Russian tradition of decorating the festive table.

For beautifully decorated still lifes, such houses are baked from special dough in special molds, carefully considering the assembly method and design. For a home party or a creative evening with children, the process can be greatly simplified.

The walls and roof will look great from dry cookies; for decoration you can use any “goodies” that you have on hand.

To connect parts and create all kinds of icicles and snowdrifts you need to prepare sugar icing:

  • egg;
  • 260 g powdered sugar.

No kitchen equipment is needed; everything can be easily mixed with a spoon.

  1. Separate the white from the egg.
  2. Grind it with powdered sugar until smooth.
  3. Use the glaze immediately before it hardens. You can pipe it from a pastry bag with the smallest hole.

A 1:1 scale drawing for the walls and roof will make your work easier.

Hard cookies can be carefully cut with a serrated knife.

  1. “Cut out” parts for the house: two walls with triangular projections for the roof, two with holes for windows or doors.
  2. Connect the walls with edges using glaze. The excess that protrudes from the seams is not removed.
  3. Glue the piece onto a serving plate.
  4. Secure the roof and, if desired, the pipe.
  5. Decorate window openings and roof edges with icicles made from glaze.
  6. Lay out the tiles from marshmallows, pieces of marmalade, or draw them using icing squeezed out of a pastry bag.
  7. Make “drifts” around the house using glaze.

No-bake marshmallow treat

Without baking, you can prepare not only children's desserts for fun, but also quite solid, and most importantly, a delicious cake.

A simple recipe for a marshmallow masterpiece:

  • 1 kg marshmallows;
  • 700 g whipped cream;
  • 200 g ground hazelnuts;
  • 200 g dark chocolate;
  • 500 g candied cranberries or currants.

Spread a little cream on a serving plate to seal the bottom layer of the cake. Then:

  1. Lay out in layers: marshmallow halves/nuts/berries/marshmallows again and so on.
  2. Cover all layers with whipped cream. The top layer should be marshmallow.
  3. Pour melted chocolate over the cake and decorate with berries. Cool.

Jelly fruit cake for New Year

For filling:

  • 1 kg of oranges or tangerines;
  • 150 g canned pineapples;
  • 150 g canned peaches;
  • 100 g Savoyardi cookies or any biscuit.

For cream:

  • 50 g gelatin;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 1 packet of vanillin;
  • 800 g sour cream or thick yogurt;
  • 180 g sugar.

If using a metal baking dish, simply immerse it in hot water and invert onto a serving plate.

  1. Dilute gelatin with water according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Dissolve sugar in this liquid.
  3. Combine the composition with sour cream. It is better to mix with a regular spoon, not a mixer, so that air bubbles do not form.
  4. Peel citrus fruits and remove white films. Place a beautiful pattern on the bottom of the pan.
  • 350 ml heavy cream;
  • 400 g dark chocolate;
  • 50 g white chocolate;
  • 100 g powdered sugar;
  • 80 ml Baileys liqueur;
  • 100 g ground nuts;
  • 50 g biscuit crumbs.

The crumble can be made from stale sponge cake or butter cookies.

  1. Melt dark chocolate in hot cream. Add liqueur and cool slightly.
  2. Mix nuts and biscuit crumbs and divide in half.
  3. Place one part on the bottom of the greased mold and pour in the warm mixture.
  4. Cover with the other half of the crumbs, gently pressing them into the chocolate.
  5. Cool.
  6. Before serving, invert the dessert onto a plate and decorate with white chocolate snowflakes.

Ideas on how to decorate a New Year's cake

Any cake can be turned into a Special New Year's Treat with a capital “S” using themed decor.

From colored mastic you can make voluminous or flat figurines of Santa Claus, snowmen and deer, garlands of colored lanterns, mistletoe wreaths, gift boxes, decorative socks, etc.

For plastic mass:

  • powdered milk,
  • powdered sugar,
  • condensed milk,
  • a pinch of citric acid,
  • food colorings.

Using melted chocolate, you can make inscriptions and patterns directly on the cake. If you apply drawings to cling film and cool them, you will get original figures: snowflakes, stars or Christmas trees.

You can also create a drawing or pattern using a stencil.

  • Cut a snowflake from a napkin.
  • Trace it on a second napkin and cut out the “negative”.
  • Place a stencil on the cake covered with chocolate glaze and dust it with powdered sugar.
  • The stencil should be removed very carefully so as not to disturb the design.

You can make any applique from colored slices of fruit or marmalade: kiwi for a green Christmas tree, cranberries for balls, strawberries for red caps, banana for round gnome faces.

To use all the ideas, you'll have to cook something special for Christmas, Old New Year and other holidays. Even for a Chinese New Year cake there is a unique designer solution.

New Year's feast is always associated with abundance. There are a lot of different dishes put on the table, all of it needs to be eaten at night and quickly, but despite this you can’t do without cake. After all, this is one of the most festive symbols. An original dessert for the New Year 2019 will decorate the richest table and will never be out of place on it. Today, an incredible number of recipes for New Year's cakes have been invented, but every time housewives face a difficult choice. It is not so easy to choose one single cake recipe, whether new or old, that will not only correspond to the symbol of the coming year, but will also please the whole family and guests. We bring to your attention a category where we have collected for you recipes for original, tasty, beautiful and unusual cakes for the New Year 2019.

Each nation customarily prepares New Year's sweets in its own way. special recipes. For example, in Norway there is a tradition of making cookies in the shape of animals or shaped bread. For Danish residents, this is a great excuse to enjoy fruitcakes and honey pies. In Wales, traditional sweets include oatcakes, puddings and apples in dough. Italians celebrate the New Year with shaped cookies with powdered sugar called “chiachiere”. And the Slavs, as you know, cannot imagine a holiday without a delicious, beautiful cake.

Housewives usually look for cake recipes that will outwardly remind them of the holiday. Therefore, many have already decided to make a New Year's cake in the shape of a dog, which will be a symbol of the coming year. But don’t refuse to coax your dog with a dessert in the form of a sugar bone; decorating it will be much easier. You can also prepare “Napoleon”, “Raffaello” or any other cake that is loved in your family according to the traditional recipe. In this section of our culinary website you will find sponge cakes, ice cream cakes, marshmallow cakes, fondant cakes, shortcake cakes and others for the New Year 2019. Bright step by step recipes with a photo they will turn even someone who is very far from the kitchen into a skilled cook.

Every housewife understands how important it is for delicious New Year cakes to look beautiful and appetizing. That's why so much attention is paid to their design. So, using the same cake recipes, you can decorate them in different ways. And as a result, something new will come out every time. For example, you can make a New Year's cake in the shape of Santa Claus, a Christmas tree, a snowman, or a snowflake. If you are not deprived of imagination and a sense of proportion, then you can prepare a cake in the shape of a fairy-tale house, adding plots and traditional New Year’s symbols to it. Choose step-by-step recipes for New Year cakes on our website, put in a little effort and your own imagination, and you will definitely be able to surprise your guests.

Cook with us and you will see how easy it is. Making cakes according to recipes with photos is as easy as shelling pears. Choose the one you like and serve only the most delicious and beautiful desserts on your holiday table, surprising everyone with your culinary masterpieces.

Cake is one of the main attributes of the festive table and the New Year is, of course, no exception. There are simply a huge number of recipes for New Year's cakes, but you need to choose exactly the one that will appeal to even the most fastidious gourmet who will be present at your holiday table. Therefore, we bring to your attention a category that contains the most unusual, original, delicious and beautiful recipes New Year's cakes.
In this category you can find sponge cakes, shortbread cake recipes, ice cream cakes, meringue, marshmallow cakes, mastic cakes for the New Year 2021, as well as many more different recipes that are definitely worth paying attention to.
It is very important that cakes for the year of the pig are not only tasty, but also appetizing and beautiful. It’s worth spending some time on decorating New Year’s cakes Special attention. After all, cakes for the New Year can be decorated in the form of Santa Claus, a snowman, a Christmas tree, Christmas decorations, a gift, a snowflake and, of course, the future mistress of the year - a pig. You can also assemble a cake in the form fairy house or play with other traditional New Year's symbols and themes. That is, you just need to choose the most original recipe or get a little creative to surprise your guests.
Also here for your convenience are New Year's cakes 2021; recipes with photos will help you prepare them easily. Such recipes will become a real helper for you in the kitchen, because they not only help you prepare dishes correctly, but also decorate and serve. As for cakes, decorating them is probably one of the main stages in preparation, because almost all adults and children are really looking forward to the end of the evening, so that the hospitable hostess will finally bring out a beautiful, appetizing cake, the very sight of which will make your mouth water. and I want to enjoy a piece of that deliciousness.
If you want to learn how to make New Year's cakes with photos, you should definitely pay attention to these recipes so that your New Year's dessert is the most delicious and original.
Choose unusual cakes with a New Year's theme and go ahead to conquer the pinnacle of culinary skill. Prepare your family and friends the most delicious and beautiful cake for your favorite and long-awaited holiday, give them a fairy tale that they will remember for a long time and for which they will thank you very much.


Cake "Snowflake": tender, fluffy, melting in your mouth, not in your hands

Ingredients: egg, sugar, flour, butter, salt, baking powder, cream cheese, cream, sour cream, chocolate, powdered sugar, coconut flakes

Delicate cream based on white chocolate and cream, crumbly dough and fluffy coconut shavings - all this is about the cake with the beautiful name “Snowflake”. With our recipe you can easily prepare it.
- 3 eggs;
- 180 g sugar;
- 330 g flour;
- 45 g butter;
- 1 pinch of salt;
- 1.5 tsp. baking powder.

For cream:
- 300 g cream cheese;
- 450 ml heavy cream;
- 250 g sour cream;
- 150 g of white chocolate;
- 60-80 g of powdered sugar;
- 150 g coconut flakes.


How to make Bounty cake at home

Ingredients: flour, milk, boiling water, sugar, soda, baking powder, egg, salt, cocoa, vegetable oil, vanillin, coconut flakes, cream, gelatin, chocolate

For the Bounty cake you will need cocoa, chocolate, and, of course, coke shavings - with this composition, the dessert is really very similar to the popular candy bar. And preparing it is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.

For the biscuit:
- 140 g flour;
- 100 ml milk;
- 100 ml boiling water;
- 200 g sugar;
- 0.5 tsp soda;
- 1 tsp. baking powder;
- 1 egg;
- 0.5 tsp. salt;
- 15 g cocoa;
- 50 g vegetable oil;
- 1 pinch of vanillin.

For filling:
- 50 g coconut flakes;
- 200 ml cream 335;
- 50 g sugar or powdered sugar;
- 1 tsp. gelatin.

For the glaze:
- 50 g chocolate.


Cake "Fairy Tale" with poppy seeds, nuts and raisins at home

Ingredients: flour, sugar, sour cream, egg, soda, vinegar, poppy seeds, nuts, raisins, confectionery sprinkles

- 230 g flour;
- 220 g sugar;
- 250 g of fat sour cream;
- 3 eggs;
- 1 tsp. soda;
- 10 ml vinegar 9%;
- 70 g poppy seeds;
- 100 g of nuts;
- 100 g raisins.

For cream:
- 400 g sour cream;
- 50 g sugar;
- confectionery topping for decoration.


Cake "Lady fingers"

Ingredients: egg, butter, flour, water, salt, sour cream, sugar, coconut flakes, berries

Cake " Lady fingers"got its name thanks to its base - custard cookies in the form of sticks that resemble thin fingers. This is a very tasty and beautiful dessert.

For the test:

- 4 eggs;
- 100 g butter;
- 180 g flour;
- 250 ml water;
- 1 pinch of salt.

For cream:
- 1 kg of sour cream;
- 1 tbsp. Sahara.

For decoration:
- 50 g coke shavings;
- berries.


Cake "Flight" according to GOST

Ingredients: peanuts, protein, sugar, vanillin, butter, yolk, milk, cocoa

Cake "Flight" when it comes to classic version, prepared without any flour at all, but with nuts and meringue. It turns out very tender and airy, incredibly beautiful and incredibly tasty.
For the cakes:

- 130 g peanuts;
- 5 egg whites;
- 320 g sugar;
- 0.5 g vanillin.

For white cream:
- 220 g butter;
- 200 g sugar;
- 0.5 g vanillin;
- 5 yolks;
- 150 ml milk.

For chocolate cream:
- 2 tbsp. white cream;
- 1.5 - 2 tsp. cocoa.


Cake "Ferrero Rocher"

Ingredients: egg, flour, sugar, vanillin, cocoa, starch, baking powder, hazelnuts, waffles, chocolate, coffee, coffee liqueur, cream, Nutella, candy, cake

Ferrero Rocher cake is not so easy and quick to prepare, but your efforts will be rewarded with a magnificent result. This is a very beautiful and incredibly delicious cake.
For the test:

- 5 eggs;
- 70 g flour;
- 180 g sugar;
- 1 pinch of vanillin;
- 25 g cocoa;
- 40 g starch;
- 1.5 tsp. baking powder.

- 100 g hazelnuts;
- 30 g waffles;
- 150 g white chocolate.

- 150 ml coffee;
- 2 tbsp. coffee liqueur.

- 6 Ferrero Rocher chocolates;
- 2 macarons.


Cake "Count's Ruins": sweet meringue cloud

Ingredients: egg, sugar, lemon juice, starch, milk, cocoa, vanilla sugar. butter, prunes

The "Count's Ruins" cake will appeal primarily to children: they love such beautiful names, and the shape of the cake will surely impress them. Preparing the dessert is not as easy as you might like, but it turns out incredibly tasty.

For the meringue:
- 4 squirrels;
- 200 g sugar;
- 5-6 drops.

For cream:
- 4 yolks;
- 100 g sugar;
- 1 tbsp. corn starch;
- 200 g of milk;
- 1 tbsp. cocoa;
- 20 g vanilla sugar;
- 150 g butter 82%
For sprinkling:
- 100 g prunes.


Cake "Mashenka" on condensed milk with sour cream and nuts

Ingredients: condensed milk, sour cream, butter, flour, baking powder, egg. cocoa, vanilla sugar, powdered sugar, sour cream thickener, peanuts

Among the many recipes for homemade cakes, it is worth paying attention to this one - sponge cake with sour cream. It turns out not only very appetizing, but also delicious, so we definitely recommend preparing it for the next holiday.
- 1 can of condensed milk;
- 250 g sour cream
- 30 g butter;
- 350 g wheat flour;
- 2 tsp. baking powder;
- 3 eggs;
- 2 tbsp. cocoa;
- vanilla sugar;
- salt.

For cream:
- 350 g sour cream 26%;
- 50 g of powdered sugar;
- 2 tsp. sour cream thickener.

For decoration:
- 70 grams of peanuts.


Homemade soufflé cake

Ingredients: egg, sugar, flour, salt, butter, gelatin, milk, water; chocolate, cream, jam

An impossibly beautiful and delicate soufflé cake is prepared, of course, not as easily and quickly as we would like, but it turns out so tasty that all your efforts will pay off with interest, believe me!

For the biscuit:

- 3 eggs;
- 100 g sugar;
- 100 g flour;
- 1 pinch of salt.

For cream soufflé:
- 6 eggs;
- 150 g sugar;
- 130 g butter;
- 200 ml milk;
- 25 g gelatin;
- 80 ml water;
- 1 tbsp. flour;
- 1 pinch of salt.

For the glaze:
- 80-100 g dark chocolate;
- 2-3 tbsp. heavy cream.

For sugar syrup:
- 50-60 g sugar;
- 100 ml water;
- 3-4 tbsp. apricot jam.


Cake "Snowflake"

Ingredients: cream cheese, cream, chocolate, sour cream, powdered sugar, coconut flakes, salt, baking powder, butter, egg, flour

Those who love tender, airy cakes will love this recipe for “Snowflake” cake. It turns out very white, very beautiful, appetizing and tasty.

For the test:

- 330 grams of wheat flour;
- 3 eggs;
- 180 grams of sugar;
- 45 grams of butter;
- 1.5 tsp. baking powder;
- 1 pinch of salt.

For cream:

- 300 grams of cream cheese;
- 450 ml heavy cream (33%);
- 150 grams of white chocolate;
- 240 grams of sour cream;
- 150 grams of coconut flakes;
- 3-4 tbsp. powdered sugar.


Brownie cake

Ingredients: flour, soda, salt, cocoa, sugar, vanillin, egg, butter, milk, vinegar, cheese, cream, chocolate, condensed milk,

This recipe will appeal primarily to ardent fans of chocolate: there really is a lot of it in this cake called “Brownie!”
For the biscuit:

- 120 grams of wheat flour;
- 5 grams of soda;
- 1 pinch of salt;
- 2-3 tbsp. with a heap of cocoa powder;
- 150 grams of sugar;
- 1 g vanillin;
- 1 egg;
- 30 grams of butter;
- 30 grams of vegetable oil;
- 130 ml milk;
- 1 tsp. bite 6% (wine or apple).

For cream:
- 250 grams of mascarpone cheese;
- 200-250 ml of whipping cream;
- 100 grams of powdered sugar;
- 150 - 200 grams of dark chocolate.

For impregnation:
- 5-6 tbsp. boiled condensed milk;
- 4-5 tbsp. cow's milk.

For the glaze:
- 80 grams of dark chocolate;
- 50 grams of butter;
- 50 ml milk;
- 1-2 tbsp. .l powdered sugar.

For decoration:
- chocolate bars, balls, cookies - at your discretion.


Strawberry sponge cake

Ingredients: strawberries, sugar, water, thickener, sour cream, egg, flour

Strawberry and biscuit lovers will definitely love this cake. In addition to the air test and delicious berries it's also very gentle sour cream, as well as sweet strawberry syrup... It turns out just great.
For the test:

- 4 eggs;
- 1 cup of sugar;
- 1 glass of flour.

For cream:
- 450 ml sour cream (20% fat);
- 3\4 cups sugar;
- 5-12 grams of thickener.

For the syrup:
- 50 grams of frozen strawberries;
- 2 tbsp. Sahara;
- 150 ml of water.

For filling:
- 400 grams of frozen strawberries.


Cake "A Busy Woman's Dream"

Ingredients: sour cream, powdered sugar, tangerine, lemon juice, soda, cocoa, butter, egg, condensed milk, flour

It’s not for nothing that this cake was named that way. It is very simple and quite quick to prepare. The taste of the cake will please absolutely everyone.


- 1 glass of flour;
- 1 can of condensed milk;
- 2 eggs;
- 180 grams of butter;
- 3 tbsp. cocoa;
- half tsp soda;
- 1 tbsp. lemon juice;
- 400 grams of sour cream;
- 100 grams of powdered sugar;
- 2 tangerines.


Mousse cake with mirror glaze

Ingredients: egg, sugar, flour, salt, vanillin, persimmon, gelatin, pear puree, cream, chocolate, milk, cocoa, water

Mousse cake with mirror glaze is very tasty, but making it is not so easy. Don't worry, my detailed recipe with a photo will help you prepare this cake without any hitches.


- 2 chicken eggs,
- 360 grams of sugar,
- 70 grams of wheat flour,
- a pinch of salt,
- vanilla sugar to taste,
- 200 grams of persimmon,
- 24 grams of gelatin,
- 150 grams of pear puree,
- 720 ml. heavy cream,
- 50 grams of white chocolate,
- 75 ml. milk,
- 60 grams of cocoa,
- 150 ml. water.


Pancake cake like Palych's

Ingredients: milk, water, flour, egg, soda, vinegar, sugar, butter, cottage cheese, sour cream, jam, chocolate

One of the interesting no-bake desserts is pancake cake. The cream for it is prepared on the basis of cottage cheese, and berry jam or jam adds a special charm. Be sure to try it, you will definitely like it!
For the test:

- 150 ml milk;
-150 ml water;
- 250 grams of flour;
- 3 eggs;
- soda;
- vinegar;
- salt;
- sugar;
- vegetable oil;
- butter.

For cream:

- 450 grams of full-fat homemade cottage cheese;
- 40 grams of sour cream 26%;
- 120 grams of powdered sugar;
- 120 grams of strawberry or currant jam;
- chocolate for decoration;
- fresh berries for decoration.

Cake is a must-have attribute of almost any holiday. Moreover, the New Year cannot do without this beloved dessert by many. Not only tangerines, champagne and the notorious Olivier salad

are invariable components of the New Year's celebration - what feast, especially if children are present, can do without sweets? New Year's cake, as the final note of a magical night, should be in keeping with the holiday - just as elegant and beautiful. And, of course, New Year's cakes simply have to be not just tasty, but truly delicious.

How to cook bright and spectacular, themed cakes for New Year 2017, You will learn from this article. We have chosen the two most best recipes New Year's cakes and will be happy to introduce you to them. In addition, you can admire photographs of New Year cakes and look for a muse in them to create your own culinary masterpiece.

Not everyone knows how to skillfully create a birthday cake, however, thanks to, make a beautiful and delicious dessert for the New Year there will be no extra work.

New Year's cake "Winter Cherry"

Cake " Winter cherry"- an ideal solution for the New Year's table. We all know how difficult it is for a housewife to find time in the pre-New Year bustle of preparing for the holiday. And this cake will only take a couple of hours of your time and you won’t have to spend half a day in the kitchen because of the dessert.

“Winter cherry” is also called “Cherry in the snow” because appearance this beautiful cake. When planning your menu for the New Year, be sure to pay attention to this quick-to-prepare cake.

Required ingredients:

For the test:

  • Flour – 350 g;
  • Butter or margarine – 200 g;
  • Sugar – 200 g;
  • Vanilla sugar – 2 teaspoons;
  • Cocoa powder – 6 teaspoons;
  • Slaked soda or baking powder - 1 teaspoon.

For cream:

  • Sour cream (20-25% fat) – 750 g;
  • Fresh/frozen/canned cherries – 500 g;
  • Powdered sugar - 8 tbsp. spoons

Cooking process:

Step 1. Margarine or butter should be melted.

Step 2. Separating the yolks from the whites, beat the latter with sugar into a fluffy strong foam, and the yolks separately.

Step 3. Now you need to combine the whipped whites, yolks, margarine and vanilla sugar, mix all this without sudden movements, very smoothly, so that the whipped foam does not disintegrate.

Step 4. To the stirred homogeneous consistency you need to add quenched soda or baking powder, flour mixed and sifted with cocoa and mix smoothly again.

Step 5. A baking dish with a diameter of approximately 26 cm should be greased with vegetable oil and pour half of the dough into it and bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

Step 6. When the first cake is ready, you need to bake the second one from the remaining dough in the same way.

Step 7 The resulting cakes must be cut into pieces. This way you will get four cakes.

Step 8 Beat the sour cream with powdered sugar and spread the resulting cream cake by cake, not forgetting to add the cherries.

Step 9 The almost finished cake needs to be coated with cream on all sides and decorated with berries. If desired, you can use confectionery beads, sprinkles and chocolate, being careful not to disturb the overall color scheme so that the feeling of a “winter” cake is not lost. The New Year's dessert has 5 hours left to soak in the refrigerator and can be served.

New Year's cake "Mozart"

Mozart cake is a truly wonderful New Year's dessert with an exquisite taste. It will be a wonderful decoration for your holiday table on the most important night of 2017. This cake is quite famous and there are a great many recipes for its preparation. But the most delicious is the recipe from Karl Schumacher. We will cook according to it. Of course, you will have to tinker with this cake, but the result, rest assured, is worth it!

Required ingredients:

For the biscuit:

  • Chicken proteins – 90 g;
  • Chicken yolks – 60 g;
  • Wheat flour – 60 g;
  • Butter – 60 g;
  • Sugar – 70 g;
  • Powdered sugar – 30 g;
  • Dark chocolate – 60 g.

Chocolate cream:

  • Sugar – 50 g;
  • Vanilla sugar – 15 g;
  • Gelatin – 8 g;
  • Cream (33% fat) – 250 ml;
  • Milk chocolate – 60 g;
  • Chocolate nut butter – 50 g.

Pistachio cream:

  • Chicken yolks – 30 g;
  • Gelatin – 6 g;
  • Cognac – 10 ml;
  • Sugar – 20 g;
  • Marzipan – 30 g;
  • Cream (33% fat) – 140 ml;
  • Milk – 100 ml;
  • Pistachio paste – 30 g.


  • Raspberry syrup – 50 ml;
  • Cognac – 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • Gelatin – 10 g;
  • Water – 50 ml;
  • Sugar – 100 g;
  • Honey – 100 ml;
  • Cream (33% fat) – 65 ml;
  • Dark chocolate – 100 g.

The recipe calls for chocolate and pistachio paste. You can make your own pistachio paste or replace it with ground pistachios. You can use Nutella instead of chocolate spread.

Cooking process:

Step 1. Melt the chocolate for the biscuit and butter, add powdered sugar.

Step 2. Add the yolks to the cooled mass, and beat the whites with sugar or powdered sugar, add to the mass in parts, stirring gently. Add flour there and mix smoothly.

Step 3. A mold with a diameter of 24 cm should be covered with baking paper and baked in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

Step 4. After the biscuit has cooled, you need to remove it from the mold and use a knife to remove the crumbling top chocolate biscuit and grease the cake with impregnation. The resulting biscuit base for the cake should be placed in a mold with sides. If the size of the cake is not suitable, it can be cut off.

Step 5. Now you need to make pistachio cream: pour milk into a saucepan, mix with one yolk and sugar. All this needs to be heated in a water bath until thickened, stirring constantly.

Step 6. Gelatin, as in the case of chocolate cream, should be poured with water and squeezed out, then added to the saucepan.

Step 7 You also need to add pistachio paste and chopped marzipan to the mixture, mix everything and keep in a water bath until the cream thickens, remembering to stir.

Step 8 The cooled cream should be poured onto the cake and put in the refrigerator.

Step 9 It's time for chocolate cream: you need to mix chocolate, paste and vanilla sugar. 80 ml of cream should be heated and added to the chocolate.

Step 10 Gelatin must be poured with water, then squeezed out and added to the warm chocolate mass.

Step 11 The remaining cream for the chocolate cream should be whipped with sugar and mixed with the remaining mass after cooling.

Step 12 Chocolate cream should be poured onto the cake and refrigerated for 4 hours.

Step 13 When the cake is ready, you need to release it from the mold.

Step 14 It's time to start making the chocolate glaze: add water (50 ml) to the gelatin and let it swell. Mix water for glaze, honey, sugar and cream and heat everything to a boil, then remove from heat.

Step 15 The crushed chocolate must be added to the mass and stirred thoroughly, then add the dissolved gelatin.

Step 16 Once cooled to room temperature, pour the glaze over the cake standing on a wire rack. The finished “Mozart” needs to be put in the refrigerator overnight.

Step 17 All that's left is the New Year's dessert is ready!

Cakes with New Year's symbols

Here you will find a wide variety of cakes that are made in one theme - New Year. Some will depict Christmas trees, New Year's balls and garlands, a clock dial with hands at twelve, and some themselves will be made in the form of the same decorated Christmas tree or even Santa Claus. Take inspiration from colorful photographs and get ready to create an equally beautiful cake.