Is it possible for nursing mothers to have coffee and cocoa: chooses drinks that are allowed during breastfeeding. Should I give up coffee while breastfeeding Coffee while breastfeeding

In our difficult time of dependence on everything tasty, but not very healthy, it is very important to find the answer to the question: is it possible for a nursing mother to drink coffee or still abstain?

Mom, starting to breastfeed her baby, should remember that from now on, everything that she eats, her baby eats with her.

Almost all products, splitting in the body, pass into breast milk, and with it to the baby.

And coffee is undoubtedly a very complex food product that has not only useful properties. Therefore, if your baby has just been born or was born prematurely, coffee is not the product that mommy can drink.

Harm from coffee with HB

Nursing mothers should not drink coffee in the first place, because:

  1. Coffee, unfortunately, reduces the concentration of iron in breast milk, which can lead to anemia in the newborn. It is worth pulling yourself together and giving up coffee completely in the first three months of a child's life.
  2. It would not be superfluous to recall that the child's body is not adapted to the absorption of many substances, until a certain age, and the caffeine contained in coffee belongs to these substances. In addition, coffee can cause allergies in a child.

If the desire to drink a cup of coffee completely exhausted you, then you can afford such a luxury once every few days, while the coffee should not be strong.

Watch carefully how your baby reacts to a drink drunk with mom.

He became irritable and fussy, sleeps badly and is very active, has a rash appeared on his skin?

If the child does not really “like” coffee, you can replace it with chicory, the taste for mom is the same, but there is no caffeine that the little one does not like.

See also my video tutorial on coffee while breastfeeding:

In the West, it is believed that mommy can start drinking coffee occasionally after three months of age.

One type of coffee is green coffee.

Can I drink green coffee while breastfeeding?

Normally, a nursing mother should have body fat, and the desire to lose weight earlier than 9 months after childbirth can lead to the opposite effect - the body will begin to store fat, since for now the main task of your body is to take care of enough milk for the baby, and fat deposits successfully solve this task.

I hope I helped you figure out if a nursing mother can have coffee? And in the comments, share your opinion, perhaps experience about drinking coffee while breastfeeding!

Restrictions on the nutrition of pregnant women and nursing mothers are justified by concern for the health of the child. Coffee is not prohibited, but the use of the drink is dosed in accordance with the requirements of pediatricians.

The introduction of the state of the child is not allowed. Nursing mothers need to know when to allow themselves their favorite invigorating drink and how much to drink so as not to harm the baby.

We offer you to get acquainted with the information about the effect of coffee drinking on the health of the baby, after which you will understand whether it is possible for nursing mothers to drink coffee and whether it is worth giving it up.

The composition of the drink includes caffeine, this substance has an invigorating effect. A woman needs this because every day is busy, but she worries that the child will not sleep well.

This is the first myth that has nothing to do with reality. Tea also contains caffeine, but drinking it is not prohibited, but is recommended to increase lactation.

Is it possible to drink coffee to a nursing mother, if it is proven that it affects the brain, will the child become mentally retarded? Doctors say that in order for the drink to work on the baby's brain, it must be drunk a lot and often. That is, this is also a "horror story", but not an explanation for the restriction of the use of the product.

But the fact that caffeine is not absorbed and excreted through natural feces by the children's body is not a myth. Therefore, you should not abuse drinks with its content.

Caffeine is not only in coffee, but in tea, especially green, chocolate, cocoa. A more strict ban on consumption applies to chocolate and green tea.

To avoid negative consequences for the child, follow the reaction of the baby in the first couple of hours if they themselves used the drink. This is important because coffee is considered an allergen and can cause dermatological or other problems in a child.

The harm and benefits of a drink with HB

Is coffee allowed for nursing mothers of newborns and how will the baby feel if he receives “coffee” milk - a question that requires a specific answer:

  1. With frequent use of the drink in a child, nervous overexcitation is possible.
  2. If the mother does not check whether the newborn can tolerate the components included in the drink, this is fraught.
  3. Coffee drinks dehydrate the body, as they have an effect on water metabolism.
  4. Coffee promotes the accelerated excretion of beneficial trace elements, including calcium, which is necessary to strengthen the skeletal system.

We are not talking about one cup, such a dose will not cause serious consequences. But coffee in large quantities during breastfeeding will definitely cause the listed effects.

If you drink coffee after breastfeeding, then the risk of negative consequences for the baby is reduced by a multiple.

How to choose

The criteria for choosing a product are its quality, taste, aroma.

When buying coffee varieties, focus on the characteristics:

  • natural grains;
  • manufacturer of products, the best varieties are branded.

There is one answer to the question of whether instant coffee is possible while breastfeeding - it is impossible. For the production of secondary products, lower grades are used; during processing, impurities and chemical components enter them, which is dangerous for a newborn baby.

Advice from consultants. Drink only bean-brewed coffee. Beware of any substitutes in the form of powders, granules. The use of low-quality products contributes to the fact that harmful substances involved in industrial processing, causing allergies, enter the body of the baby.

Can I have decaffeinated coffee

Without the caffeine content of the drink with the name coffee does not exist. In this case, the low content of this substance is meant. Such varieties are commercially available, any well-known brand produces a line with a reduced indicator of the active substance.

It is preferable for a nursing mother to drink weak coffee, since it has little effect on the baby. If it is permissible to drink a strong cup, then the so-called, without caffeine, it is allowed to drink two per day. But the second immediately after the first or after a short period of time is not recommended.

Green coffee

Unroasted beans are more beneficial than those that have been heat treated. They preserve the natural vitamin, microelement complex. This is a product with a fat-burning effect, so women after childbirth use it to get rid of extra pounds.

Is it possible for breastfeeding women to drink coffee without restriction if it is brewed from green beans? Despite the low content of caffeine in it, the answer is no, the drink should be dosed. It is recommended to cook it from natural raw materials, refuse the ground and sublimated product. Choose grains of pale greenish with beige shades.

Dietary supplements for weight loss with the addition of green grains are forbidden to drink for nursing.

Rules of use

  1. Brew your own coffee, skip the ready-made cups at the bistro.
  2. To reduce caffeine levels, brew the product more often by letting it brew.
  3. Start to introduce coffee drinking gradually into the diet, do not use it in the first month. In the second month, try drinking a cup a day.
  4. When you make sure that the “coffee” milk does not harm the child, you can afford a couple of cups a day.
  5. Do not time coffee drinking with feeding, the later after drinking you give the breast to the baby, the less the effect of caffeine.
  6. Drink a glass of water for every coffee you drink to help reduce dehydration.
  7. When mixed feeding, choose formulations that do not contain components that are identical in action to caffeine.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to drink coffee with milk, why is it more useful? Doctors note that calcium for a child and mother is a stabilizer of the level of microelements that are actively excreted during coffee drinking. Also, milk gives a decrease in caffeine levels, this is its double benefit.

Komarovsky's opinion

What does it say about whether it is possible to drink coffee while breastfeeding Dr. Komarovsky. Mothers adhere to his advice on feeding children.

He developed criteria for the inadmissibility of coffee drinking by nursing mothers:

  • if there is a rash from "coffee" milk, then immediately exclude the drink from the diet;
  • you notice that after drinking a drink and feeding the baby, he shows anxiety, his sleep is disturbed;
  • prohibition on medical grounds when a child is treated with drugs containing caffeine, such as theophylline for lung diseases.

If these factors are absent, mothers with HS are allowed to drink coffee, says the well-known pediatrician Komarovsky.

Now you know why you need to limit the use of the drink, is it possible to drink more than two cups of coffee while breastfeeding, and from how many months it is acceptable to introduce coffee drinking into the diet. Follow the recommendations and pamper yourself, but do not abuse the drink so that your baby is healthy.

The appearance of a baby and breastfeeding impose certain obligations on a woman. We have to reconsider the regime, give up friendly gatherings with any alcohol, forget about sweet carbonated drinks with dyes and artificial flavors, and the diet of a nursing mother is significantly different from her prenatal diet. But what about a cup of invigorating coffee in the morning? Is it really that the young mother, who does not get enough sleep and often just falls down from fatigue, will also have to be abandoned?

Not everything is so bad: there is no unequivocal ban on coffee during guards. Although you still have to be careful. How and why? We begin to understand.

The benefits and harms of coffee drinks, their role in nutrition with hv

“Ban on everything” is a tactic convenient for outsiders, used quite actively by pediatricians of past years. And in such a situation, when a young mother was afraid of every product, the question of whether coffee can be breastfed or better to abstain was considered almost seditious.

Fortunately, today doctors are much more loyal to this issue. And this is quite justified, because in fact, a coffee drink can bring a lot of benefits. In addition to the fact that the presence of tannins in it has an invigorating effect, helps to gather strength, tones and awakens, coffee beans contain:

Besides, it's just delicious. And coffee with milk during breastfeeding also allows you to reduce appetite, an increase in which during the formation of lactation often leads to unconscious overeating.

However, coffee can be harmful to a breastfed baby, especially if the mother consumes it in large quantities, for example, 5-7 cups per day. Therefore, the optimal dose, according to various experts, should not exceed 1-3 servings.

Komarovsky demonstrates a confident and adequate position in relation to coffee during breastfeeding. He recommends giving up this drink completely in just three cases:

  • if the baby has an allergy to "coffee" milk. We will dwell on the description of this state in more detail below;
  • if the baby becomes overly excited after feeding, sleeps poorly, cries and worries. Caffeine is not effectively excreted from the body of an infant, therefore, accumulating, it can cause a negative response from the nervous system;
  • if a mother or child is prescribed a medical drug called eufilin as part of pulmonary therapy, caffeine enhances its effect on the body.

If the above is not observed, the decision on whether it is possible to drink coffee while breastfeeding is made by the lactating woman herself.

Which coffee is better to choose and what precautions to take?

Of course, natural. Grain or ground, by and large, does not matter, although you need to understand that the strength of freshly ground coffee will be higher than that of the one that has been ground for a long time. If you need to reduce this fortress, it is recommended not to brew the mixture in a Turk or coffee machine, but simply pour boiling water directly into the cup. You can then strain.

But instant drinks, various variations of "three in one", as well as decaffeinated coffee during breastfeeding are not recommended: the raw materials for their manufacture are not the best, in addition, the technology involves the use chemical processing, which is not the best way to affect the health of the child. By the way, caffeine-free drinks still contain caffeine, albeit in smaller quantities.

You should not savor your favorite drink in coffee shops, cafes and restaurants - there is a risk of drinking a drink made from low-grade raw materials. It is best to buy and prepare coffee with your own hands, controlling its quality and strength.

The following actions will help to partially neutralize the effects of coffee on the body of mother and baby:

  • it is best to enjoy your favorite drink immediately after feeding - this way most of the caffeine will have time to leave the body before the next children's meal;
  • since coffee has a diuretic effect, and calcium is also washed out with the liquid, it is advisable to introduce more fermented milk products, as well as pure water, into the diet of a nursing mother. Ideally, each cup of coffee should be offset by a glass of neutral liquid;
  • when choosing a coffee blend, it is better to prefer strong robusta to more fragrant and at the same time less intense Arabica;
  • when planning the nutrition of a nursing mother, it is worth excluding or at least minimizing other caffeinated foods from the menu - chocolate, cocoa, black and green tea, and, of course, cola and pepsi.

Allergy to coffee in a baby: does it happen?

This type of allergy exists in both adults and breastfed infants. Causes it, according to experts, contained in coffee beans chlorogenic acid.

An allergic reaction to this component in a baby can be expressed in a skin rash, shortness of breath, coughing, sneezing, bloating, constipation or, conversely, diarrhea, incessant hiccups, and in especially difficult cases - tachycardia and severe chills.

The appearance of such symptoms is a signal that breastfeeding nutrition should be reviewed and adjusted. If it is unambiguously proven that the baby's body reacted specifically to coffee, it will have to be completely excluded from the diet, replacing, for example, with strong tea, in which there is no substance provoking allergies.

In addition, other products containing it, in particular, chicory, sunflower seeds, decoctions with blueberry leaves, will have to be removed from the diet of a nursing mother with an infant allergy to chlorogenic acid.

The conclusion from all of the above can be drawn as follows: whether you drink coffee while breastfeeding for your own pleasure or refuse it by willpower should depend only on how your child reacts to traces of this drink in breast milk - subject to the restrictions and the right choice. coffee blend. In all other respects, the young mother is provided full freedom actions.

Young mothers, who before pregnancy started every day with a cup of aromatic coffee with milk, are especially concerned about the question: is it possible to keep the habit during lactation? There is no strict ban on drinking a flavored drink while breastfeeding, but you need to know a few important rules: how to cook it, how many times a day to drink, which product is better to choose and some others.

Coffee has an invigorating property. Already after about 15 min. after drinking 1 cup of the drink, the concentration of attention and the working capacity of the brain increase. Coffee also has other interesting properties.

More details about them are discussed in the table:

coffee properties Explanation
Stimulation of the cardiovascular system. The drink can increase blood pressure and increase heart rate. For older people, this is an undesirable result, but for a healthy young body, it feels like a burst of energy.
Stimulation of the digestive tract. Helps prevent stool problems.
Reduces tissue resistance to insulin. Prevents the development of diabetes
Accelerates metabolism. Regular proper consumption of coffee contributes to weight loss.
Reduces blood viscosity. Reduces the risk of blood clots.
Has an antioxidant effect. It is the protector of the body from oncology.

The composition of coffee will vary depending on the quality of the product. An instant drink contains only about 20% natural substances. It also contains flavors, dyes, numerous chemical additives.

The composition of both instant and natural coffee includes:

  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • ash;
  • proteins fats carbohydrates;
  • vitamin B2;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • niacin;
  • water;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • organic acids.

Caffeine is a substance without color and aroma, which stimulates the central nervous system, activates the heart, dilates blood vessels. In small doses, it can eliminate drowsiness, increase efficiency. But with the abuse of drinks and foods with caffeine, it can negatively affect the functioning of the human body.

Another important constituent of coffee is theobromine. This substance, on the contrary, is able to calm. For example, low-quality instant coffee contains little caffeine and a lot of theobromine, so it does not invigorate, but only worsens a person's condition.

Tannin is responsible for the special taste and aroma of coffee. Especially a lot of it is found in raw grains of the product. After roasting, no more than 1% remains. Despite this, the drink still turns out to be fragrant and with a bright taste.

Effects of coffee with milk on breastfeeding infants

Coffee with milk while breastfeeding is not forbidden to mothers. But every woman needs to know what risk she exposes her baby to, being carried away by an invigorating drink.

Coffee affects the child in the following ways:

  • increases nervous excitability, which can lead to irritability of the newborn, his tearfulness, sleep disturbances and deterioration (or even complete absence) of appetite;
  • is a very allergenic product and often causes skin rashes;
  • worsens stool (the child may suffer from diarrhea or constipation as a result);
  • removes calcium and other useful minerals from the baby's body;
  • reduces the concentration of iron in breast milk;
  • has diuretic properties.

If a woman notices that a child becomes more restless and nervous after drinking coffee, it is worth experimenting: give up an invigorating drink for a week, and then treat yourself to a cup again. If the result is the same, then coffee affects the baby negatively and it is better to completely refuse it.

The body of the child from breast milk does not receive all the caffeine that the mother consumes. And about 1-1.5%.


There are some conditions under which drinking coffee during lactation is strictly prohibited:

  • prescribing medications with caffeine in the composition to the child (these can be painkillers or improve lung function);
  • lack of newborn iron or calcium in the body (a drink can only worsen its condition);
  • weakness of the child's body, premature birth;
  • diseases in the mother, among the symptoms of which are poor filling of blood vessels (caffeine narrows them even more).

In these cases, drinking an invigorating drink is prohibited even in minimal doses.

Can coffee with milk reduce lactation?

In fact, the claim that caffeine reduces milk production is a common myth. It does not affect this indicator in any way. There are interesting studies by German scientists proving the opposite. It turned out that in some mothers, coffee consumption increases the amount of milk produced.

Coffee selection

Coffee with milk while breastfeeding should be drunk very high quality. Mothers during lactation should special attention choose any products in the store. This also applies to coffee.

It is best to purchase for yourself an exclusively natural product in grains and not be lazy to cook it. This coffee will have less caffeine than pre-ground coffee. There are no harmful additives in the natural product - flavors, flavor enhancers, as in a cheap soluble one. Therefore, saving on coffee for a nursing mother is not worth it.

The best solution would be to go to a specialized store and ask for quality certificates for the purchased product. From bags "3 in 1" with a variety of bright flavors (nutty, caramel, cognac) should be abandoned for the entire period of lactation.

Coffee with milk when breastfeeding in bags of the "3 in 1" type during lactation is better not to use.

It must be remembered that different varieties of grains differ greatly in caffeine content (% of the dry composition):

  • in Arabica it is from 0.5 to 1.3;
  • in Liberica– from 1.1 to 1.7;
  • in Robusta- from 1.7 to 2.9.

Manufacturers note that high-quality Arabica (preferably high-altitude growth) will contain a minimum percentage of caffeine, so this is the coffee that nursing mothers should choose. There are some rules for choosing milk for coffee.

It is best to take a natural, rather than ultra-pasteurized product. The optimal fat content is 2.5%. But we must not forget that up to 6 months of a child, a woman is allowed to drink no more than 50-60 ml of milk per day. Otherwise, the newborn may have various problems - from stool disorders to serious allergies. The same portion is relevant when adding milk to coffee.

Rules of use

There are several rules that all mothers need to remember during lactation (in descending order of importance):

Pediatricians note that the best time to start introducing coffee into your diet is 3 months old newborn. Previously, it is not forbidden to do this, but still a young mother risks facing various unpleasant consequences.

How much caffeine is acceptable when lactating

The most detailed study on the amount of caffeine allowed while breastfeeding can be found in British scientists. Experts note that this is up to 200 mg per day.

To determine the optimal portion of foods and drinks with caffeine in the composition, which will not harm the child, the table will help:

Beverage/Product The amount of caffeine in mg
Espresso (50 ml) 145
Instant coffee (250 ml) 80
Black tea (250 ml) 75
Bitter chocolate (50 g) 50
Filtered coffee (250 ml) 140
Coca Cola (350 ml) 40

It is especially important to consider these data if a woman is used to consuming both coffee and chocolate a day.

How to make coffee with milk while breastfeeding

Coffee with milk during breastfeeding is prepared according to the usual scheme: it is brewed until foam appears, after which milk is added to it. But it is best to use a coffee machine that will help you get a drink in a cup without grounds. If only a Turk was at home, then the coffee must be filtered on its own.

For the period of lactation, you will need to abandon the soluble and flavored drink. If decaffeinated coffee is chosen, then its serving should also not be more than 2-3 cups per day.

How long does it take for coffee to leave breast milk?

Coffee is not completely eliminated from the mother's body immediately. The whole process takes about 5 hours. This means the content of the substance in both the blood and breast milk. Therefore, if a woman takes long breaks between feedings, for example, replacing part with formula or complementary foods, then there is a chance that caffeine will not enter the baby’s body at all.

Doctor Komarovsky about nursing coffee

A specialist who understands the health of expectant mothers and babies already born has his own opinion about coffee during the feeding period. The doctor is very loyal in this matter.

He is sure that mom should not deny herself pleasure and everyone should try possible ways enjoy life.

The pediatrician replies that a woman can afford a couple of cups of really good coffee a day, even while breastfeeding. But you need to pamper yourself with an invigorating drink only if it does not affect the well-being and behavior of the baby in any way.

The frequency of coffee consumption by a woman during lactation

There is no categorical ban on the daily consumption of coffee during lactation in moderation. But it’s better to take breaks so that caffeine has time to completely get out of the female and children’s body. For example, the optimal scheme is to enjoy your favorite coffee 2 times a week. And on other days - drink invigorating drinks without caffeine. It can be chicory or other natural substitutes.

Aromatic coffee is not forbidden to women even during breastfeeding. It is best to dilute the drink with milk, as well as choose high-quality grains and grind them just before brewing.

Article formatting: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about whether coffee is possible while breastfeeding

Coffee while breastfeeding, features of use:

Can breastfeeding mothers drink coffee

Can a nursing mother drink instant or natural coffee? With the birth of a long-awaited baby, not only joyful moments and happy days await you, but also sleepless nights and fatigue, without “recharging” in any way. But will caffeine harm your baby?

First, it is worth considering the individual characteristics of the body of your child. Caffeine, like citrus fruits, eggs are a food that can cause allergies. Therefore, if you can not resist a cup of coffee in the morning, carefully watch your baby. Did he have skin rashes?

Secondly, in addition to allergies, coffee can cause problems with sleep. If you drank coffee, and then breast-fed your baby, then you should also pay attention to his mood. Unreasonable anxiety, poor sleep and arousal - all these signs should alert you. These problems may not occur immediately, as caffeine is slowly removed from the blood, and can also linger in the child's body for a long time. Among other things, caffeine is not excreted from the child's body until approximately 4 months of age. Therefore, you need to be especially careful with high doses of caffeine while the baby is very young.

In addition, those who are wondering if nursing mothers can drink coffee should take into account the fact that this substance is also found in many medicines and products. Of the drugs, one can cite as an example the banal Citramon, some drugs with a preventive effect on colds, painkillers. And from the products - mostly drinks. For example, Coca-Cola and regular tea (black and green). And by the way, if you eat coffee with chocolate, then remember that this delicious product contains theobromine, which has a similar effect on the body of mother and child as caffeine. A nursing mother can drink coffee in a volume of no more than 750 ml (five or less cups of coffee) per day. With excessive coffee consumption, your child is likely to change his behavior for the worse. May confuse day with night, sleep will not be strong, periods of wakefulness are too long, etc.

What to do if the baby reacts badly to the presence of caffeine in breast milk? If your child has become restless and does not sleep well, then it is not necessary to completely eliminate caffeine from your diet. Just reduce the amount of coffee and caffeinated drinks you drink per day by about one-third.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to drink coffee with milk or cream? If you drink the drink undiluted, then it's time to change your habit. What if it's an allergy? There is nothing you can do about it, you will have to remove all drinks containing caffeine from your diet.

A cup of hot black coffee in the morning can easily be replaced by chicory. Not only does chicory not contain caffeine, it will also be useful for the body of a nursing mother.