Polymer sewer hatch dimensions, types, features Polymer sewer hatch dimensions, types, features. Dimensions of plastic sewer manholes Dimensions of polymer composite manholes for sewer wells

The sewer hatch, despite its apparent simplicity, should be chosen extremely carefully. The thing is that it performs a rather important function, simultaneously providing access to the inspection or inspection well and protecting underground part sewer network from damage.

Below we will tell you what features of this part you should pay attention to first, and which product is better to choose when equipping a drainage line in different conditions.

Design Features


The sewer manhole is a structure that is installed in the upper part of the inspection or inspection shaft.

As mentioned above, this part performs two functions:

  • On the one hand, it prevents unauthorized access to the pipes.
  • On the other hand, using a hatch, we ourselves can go underground to perform diagnostics or repairs.

The hatch design is not complicated:

  • An annular neck is fixed in the well itself - a stationary part.
  • A lid is installed on top, which can be removable or hinged (hinged design).
  • In some cases, two covers are mounted in the neck: a protective one, which is placed on top, and a locking one, equipped with a lock.

Note! Many people wonder why sewer manholes are round and not square. There are quite a few possible answers to this question, but the most plausible would be the following: a round lid, unlike a square one, will not be able to fall into the neck, no matter how you turn it.

So you don’t have to pull out a heavy cast iron “pancake” from a depth of several meters.

This is how the square lid falls into the neck. A similar “trick” won’t work with a round one – it will still get stuck!

  • The outer surface of the lid is made smooth or convex. The use of concave parts is irrational: rainwater will collect in them.

Hatch locks

Typically, the connection between the neck and the lid is equipped with various locks.

Their main function is to prevent spontaneous opening, and - less often - to block the opening of the lid without a special key.

  • The heavy cast iron sewer manhole we are familiar with, as well as some models made of polymer-sand composite, are equipped with side projections that fit into grooves on the neck.
  • A plastic sewer manhole can be produced with a threaded connection between the lid and the well itself.

  • Steel models are equipped with mechanical locks of the flag, bolt or spacer type. However, such structures are rarely used in drainage systems: more often, locking covers are used to equip shafts of communication lines, power transmission lines, etc.

Functional classification

The weight of a sewer hatch depends on two parameters: its dimensions and the type to which it belongs. Today, the most commonly used varieties are made of cast iron, and therefore in the table below we present exactly their characteristics:

Marking Product type Weight, kg Usage
lid frame
R Repair 35 Used for temporary blocking of the neck during road work.
L Easy 30 35 Installed within green spaces, on pedestrian paths, in private households.
T Heavy 50 50 It is used when equipping inspection wells on highways.
TM Heavy trunk 45 50 It is mounted in the neck of wells located on highways with high traffic intensity.

Note! In addition to the type, the marking of sewer manholes, which is applied to the products upon their release, must include the designation of the utility network for which the part is intended, the year and month of production, etc.

The dimensions of cast iron sewer manholes according to GOST are also strictly fixed. Most often, models with a diameter (over the cover) of 645 or 800 mm are used for equipment of underground networks. However, polymer and steel models may have other dimensions.

Popular varieties

Cast iron

If we understand the basic parameters and typology, let's take a closer look at the classification by materials.

The first place in popularity will naturally be occupied by cast iron hatches:

  • Both necks and lids are produced by injection molding. For the manufacture of cases, material SCh15 and stronger is used, and the covers are cast from cast iron of a grade not lower than SCh45.

Note! The design strength of the structure must exceed 60 tons.

  • In some cases, the joint between the lid and the neck is additionally sealed with a rubber gasket. For this purpose, dense rubber is used, which can remain in a compressed state for a long time without loss of elasticity.
  • Life time similar designs practically unlimited. In Europe you can find products that have been properly performing their functions for more than a hundred years: in appearance, if they differ from new ones, it is only in the erased edges.
  • Cast iron is characterized by minimal temperature deformation, so the road surface around the neck is not destroyed.

As for the minuses, they are as follows:

  • Due to its high mass, installation of a sewer hatch requires the involvement of assistants, and sometimes the use of additional devices.
  • The price of the product is also very significant, which, however, is partially compensated by its service life.
  • But the main thing is that manhole covers are systematically stolen, which makes their installation in an unguarded area irrational.


Recently, for installation on pedestrian paths and in green areas, instead of cast iron hatches, structures made of plastic and composites are used:

  • A polymer manhole cover is usually made from quartz sand, cement and molten plastic. The mixture is heated to 300 0 C and placed in a special mold under a press.
  • To give the product the desired shade, green, brown or orange pigments are added to the raw material. This allows you to either make the hatch as invisible as possible, or, conversely, draw attention to it to avoid injury.
  • The result is a fairly light (up to 45-50 kg) structure, which, depending on the internal structure, can withstand from 3 to 15 tons.

Note! In the most reliable hatches, a reinforcement frame made of steel rods or metal fiber is laid in the thickness of the polymer.

  • Such parts are quite easy to install with your own hands; they simply open and close. In addition, they are not of interest to “non-ferrous metal hunters”, and the body itself is very vandal-resistant.
  • Other advantages include significant tightness, which is ensured by precise adherence to dimensions during pressing, as well as the fact that in winter the lid does not freeze to the neck even at very low temperatures.

Well, the price of such products is incomparable with cast iron, which is why they have recently been mostly chosen for private construction.

Structures made from other materials

Along with cast and polymer models, you can find other hatches on sale:

  • Plastic (most often polyvinyl chloride). They are produced by the injection molding method, often equipped with composite or steel reinforcement. Thanks to their high elasticity, they cope well with pedestrian loads, but in the cold they become very fragile.
  • Concrete. Such parts are most often used as a temporary plug - during construction or when a metal hatch is stolen. They are discs made of reinforced concrete with one or two brackets used for movement.

  • The main disadvantages of concrete hatches are the almost complete lack of tightness (the lid is difficult to fit tightly to the neck) and unattractive appearance.
  • Steel ones are lighter than cast iron ones, but are less durable. Most often they are equipped with locks and installed in those places where it is necessary to guarantee blocking access of strangers to the sewer system.


A polymer or cast iron sewer hatch must be selected in accordance with the loads that it must experience. Then the drainage system will be reliably protected, and you won’t have to spend money on replacing the part very soon ().

The arrangement of a wastewater disposal system in the private sector involves the installation of wells and septic tanks. According to SNiP and SES, all these devices must have a sealed lid.

In most cases, hatches are used for this. To choose the right product, you need to know the diameter of the sewer manhole.

Lids are made from

  • . Such hatches are installed in areas with heavy loads. The material is very strong, heavy, durable.
  • Polymers. Used for installation in private homes and park areas.
  • Concrete. Products made from this material are heavy and have poor sealing properties, but they are great for non-standard necks.

Manufacturers offer hatches of different shapes

  • Round
  • Square
  • Triangular
  • Oval
  • And all kinds of covers of non-standard geometric shapes.

Triangular, oval and “exclusive” are extremely rare. Square and rectangular ones can be seen more often. The vast majority use round hatches. They are the easiest to install. Round cast iron sewer manholes have a diameter from 380mm to 810mm.

Polymer round caps are available with a diameter of 315-1000mm. Square products are offered with rib lengths from 300mm to 800mm, dimensional increments of 50mm.

Plastic hatches

Polymer hatches are marked in the center of the cover - a letter.

  • V-plumbing
  • G-hydrant
  • K-sewer
  • D-rain inlet
  • TM-highway automobile
  • TS- heating network
  • GS-gas network
  • GKS-city cable network
  • GTS - city telephone network

Knowing the designations makes it easier to choose the right cover for the well.

Attention. When choosing a round hatch, two indicators should be taken into account: internal and external diameters. The diameter of the neck must be the same as the inner diameter of the hatch. The correct diameter ensures a sealed installation.

Sewer cover sizes

Model Class Weight, kg) Application area Serve (years) dimensions
garden A15 11 1500 Park, garden, a private house, cottage. 50 540*540*80
Green lungs A15 10 1500 Park, square, country house. 20 750*750*80
With locking device A15 46 1500 Pedestrian areas, parks. 20 780*789*110
A15 25 1500 Park, light, pedestrian area. 20 730*730*60
Plastic lungs A15 44 3000 Inspection wells, parks. 20 750*630*115
Road averages B125 50 12500 Highways, sidewalks, parking lots 50 780*780*110

Plastic products

  • Light weight
  • Do not rust
  • Don't rot
  • Resistant to aggressive environments
  • Easy to install

Cast iron hatches

Cast iron covers are cast from SCh45, and the body is cast from SCh15. Sometimes a rubber gasket is installed between the hatch and the neck. The gaskets are made of high-strength rubber, which retains its properties for a long time.

The service life of cast iron covers is up to 100 years or more. Cast iron is not subject to deformation due to temperature changes, for this reason the destruction of the neck is minimized. The main disadvantages of cast iron hatches are that they are difficult to install and the covers are often stolen, and they are not cheap.

All products are manufactured on the basis of GOST. You can install the polymer hatch yourself. But you will have to install a cast iron or concrete cover with an assistant or use special equipment.


Sewage hatches

There are so many stories associated with sewer manholes - funny and sad, anecdotal and tragic, real and fictitious. But one thing is clear - this is an important and mandatory part of many communication systems. And it is simply impossible to imagine any street in a city or village without a single cast-iron sewer hatch.


Why do sewer hatches deserve such attention?

The huge length of various highways requires constant maintenance and, if necessary, repairs. At the same time, the only way to get into the underground space was the construction of technological wells. They can be used to reach telephone cables, heating mains, water supply and sewerage.

Wells are located in the main sections of underground utility lines. They install components of shut-off and distribution equipment, as well as control and monitoring mechanisms for systems.

Every well must be closed. And not haphazardly, but thoroughly and reliably, so that neither the wheels of a random car nor the curious and ubiquitous boys could open it.

A tightly closed lid is a guarantee of its protection from theft and falling into the well. various items and pets. But the most important purpose for which heavy and massive covers are installed is to prevent accidents and people falling into them. It is almost impossible to see the hole of the well in the dark, in the grass or in other difficult conditions.

Thus, the main purpose of hatches is to provide access to underground communications and safe vehicular traffic and movement of people. The cover must be universal and suitable for any well, regardless of the city and region. At the same time, hatches are distinguished by purpose and systems passing through the well.

Manufacturing sewer manholes is a labor-intensive and expensive process, so the recent increase in theft of cast iron covers entails significant costs for their restoration.


Cast iron hatch

Until recently, hatches were exclusively cast iron. Cast iron is a durable, corrosion-resistant and very heavy material. Its strength is important for installation on highways, where a heavy sewer hatch should not crack or even move under the influence of the wheels of passing cars. At the same time, the main types of cast iron hatches are designed for a load of 25 tons.

Cast iron is also ideal from the point of view of resistance to corrosion, constantly being in conditions of high humidity.

However, in last years Various cast iron products have become the target of thefts, and the first place among all stolen items is occupied by hatches.

And not only cast iron...

To prevent theft, well covers began to be made of polymer materials and rubber. Of course, they cannot be installed on the roadway, as they will not withstand the loads from passing cars. But in pedestrian areas and in unpaved areas they will last a long time. According to manufacturers, the service life of such hatches is at least 50 years, and they weigh 5 times less than their cast iron counterparts.
In this case, rubber hatches can be painted in different colors.

Round polymer-composite sewer manhole

Lids made of polymer-composite materials do not have many of the disadvantages of polymer and even cast iron ones. They have virtually no restrictions in application, including loads. They can be installed on the roadway, pedestrian paths and green areas. At the same time, the different colors of the products make them not only invisible in the grass, but also inconspicuous on sidewalks and pedestrian paths.

An important advantage of such hatches is the complete elimination of the formation of sparks upon contact of parts, which eliminates the possibility of ignition of gas in the well.

In order to combat theft, chemical compounds are added to the material of polymer products to prevent recycling. In addition, it is increasingly possible to see a sewer hatch with a lock. This virtually eliminates theft of not only the covers themselves, but also the materials and equipment located in the well.

Types of hatches and their markings

Marking K - sewerage

Although most people call all the manholes on the road or sidewalk a sewer, there is often no sewer running underneath them. You can determine the true purpose of the “sewer hatch” by the markings on the lid. It is applied when casting the product and is indicated by the letters:

K - sewerage
B - water supply, plumbing
D - rainwater, storm sewerage
G - fire water supply, hydrant
TS - heating network
GS - gas main
GTS - telephone network

Special services, of course, do not look for their communications using these letters, since they have detailed diagrams indicating distances to houses and other landmarks. But with a large concentration of communications in a small area, marking helps.

According to the places of application, all cast iron and polymer-composite hatches can be divided into:

Heavy - type "T"
Lungs - type “L”

Hatches of the “T” type are used on highways, highways and roadways in yards. The weight of such a cast iron product ranges from 90 to 110 kg, and that of a polymer-composite product - 45 kg. Polymer products are not presented in this category.

Lightweight cast iron hatch

Hatches of the “L” type, being lighter, are used on pedestrian paths, in “green” zones and in other areas inaccessible to vehicles. A cast iron lid weighs 55-90 kg, a polymer-composite lid weighs 45 kg, and a polymer lid weighs 12-15 kg.

For special conditions Other types of hatches are also used, for example, main hatches. The weight of such products is more than 150 kg, while they can withstand a load of 40 tons. Special ones also include airfield and drainage hatches.


On personal plots the installation of a hatch can be associated not only with sewerage, but also with water supply or other systems. The criterion for choosing a cover material for a home well is often the price.

Since heavy traffic on the site is unlikely to be expected, in most cases it is sufficient to install a lightweight hatch with a maximum permissible load of 3000 kg.

How much does this type of sewer manhole cost? If we talk about cast iron products, their price ranges from 2.5 to 4 thousand rubles. Polymer analogues cost about 1 thousand rubles.

Hatch installation

The entire structure is designed in such a way that effort only needs to be applied when installing the support ring. The hatch itself simply fits into the manhole opening with the guide protrusions in the grooves of the support ring. At the same time, the support ring has technological holes for high-quality and reliable concreting.

If the well is a sewer well, then it is necessary to install it so that water does not get inside through the cover during precipitation, melting snow or irrigation. Therefore, the upper plane of the cover with openings for operation should rise slightly above the surface of the lawn. If the well is located on a path or car entrance, you need to provide a slope in the area of ​​the cover for water drainage.

Important! Installation is not allowed when the top plane of the cover is below the level of the road surface, soil or pedestrian path.

The well may also be below ground level, for example, when updating the road surface, raising the ground level, laying paving slabs on top of asphalt, and in other cases.


Operation of a polymer-composite hatch

Despite the apparent simplicity of the construction of wells, their operation requires compliance with certain rules:

1. Opening the well cover, especially when it is cast iron, must be done very carefully. The heavy weight of the cover can cause serious injury.

2. When opening a well, it is prohibited to use open fire for lighting and heating. Any spark can ignite the gases inside.

3. You can go down into the well only after it has been ventilated. And in sewer hatches it is allowed to carry out work only in personal protective equipment.

4. It is strictly prohibited to work in wells alone.

5. The device for descending into the well (ladder, stepladder) must have an appropriate height, and people working below must be securely secured with safety devices.

6. The open opening of the well must be fenced off and illuminated at night.

All these rules apply not only to employees of special enterprises for servicing underground utility networks, but also any person who is in one way or another connected with work in wells. They fully apply to owners of private houses.


The standard specifies the types of hatches, the strength loads that the hatches and installation locations must withstand, identical European standard: hatch L - class A15; hatch C - class B125, etc. This connection is reflected in the designation of hatches and rainwater inlets: hatch L (A15); storm water inlet DM1 (S250). The dimensions of the storm drain grate grooves and their location in relation to the curb stone are harmonized with the EN 124-1994 standard. Participating in the development were: M.Yu. Smirnov, S.V. Tsygankov (Kirov Plant OJSC, Kaluga region), V. A. Glukharev and V. P. Bovbel (Gosstroy of Russia), L. S. Vasilyeva (GP CNS), Yu. M. Sosner.

2 Normative references

GOST 380-94 * Carbon steel of ordinary quality. Grades ________________ GOST 380-2005 GOST 1412-85 Cast iron with flake graphite for castings. Brands GOST 14192-96 Marking of cargoGOST 15150-69 Machines, instruments and other technical products. Versions for different climatic regions. Categories, conditions of operation, storage and transportation in terms of the impact of environmental climatic factors GOST 26358-84 Iron castings. Are common technical specifications GOST 26645-85 * Castings from metals and alloys. Tolerances of dimensions, weights and machining allowances________________* On site Russian Federation the document is not valid. GOST R 53464-2009 is valid, hereinafter in the text. — Note from the database manufacturer.

4 Types, main parameters and dimensions

4.1 Types, main parameters and dimensions of hatches, their installation location are indicated in Table 1 and Appendix A. The type of hatch is selected depending on the installation location. Table 1

Type (designation according to EN 124)


Full opening, not less, mm

Depth of installation of the cover in the housing, not less, mm

Total weight, reference, kg

Lightweight, compact hatch

Green area, pedestrian area

Light hatch

Middle hatch

Parking lots, sidewalks and roadways of city parks

Heavy hatch

City roads with heavy traffic

Heavy main hatch

Main roads

Super heavy hatch

Repair insert

Hatch bodies of types C (B125) and T (C250) with repair work on roads (when increasing the height of the road surface)

* For underground communications with a channel depth of up to 600 mm from the outer surface of the manhole cover.

4.2 According to their design, hatches are divided into:

1 — general purpose(Appendix A, Figure A.1);

2 - with a locking locking device on them (Appendix A, Figure A.2). The design of the locking device is agreed with the consumer;

3 - covers with a recess in the design for filling with concrete of class not lower than B30 (Appendix A, Figure A.3);

4 - with a device for lifting the cover using a standard lifting mechanism. The design of the device must be agreed with the consumer;

5 - with reinforced body seal anchor bolts or special bosses on the body (Appendix A, Figure A.4). The design of anchors, bosses and their number (at least two) is agreed with the consumer;

6 - with a cover consisting of two parts (Appendix A, Figure A.5);

7 - with a lid hinged to the body;

8 - with a square or rectangular shape of the cover and (or) hatch body.

4.3 Types, main parameters and dimensions of rainwater inlets, their installation location are indicated in Table 2 and Appendix B. The type of grille is selected depending on the installation location. Table 2

Type (designation according to EN 124)


Clear cross-sectional area, not less, m

Depth of grille installation in the housing, not less, mm

Total weight, reference, kg

Small storm water inlet

Pedestrian zone

Large storm water inlet

Parking lots and roadways on city roads

Main storm water inlet

Main roads with heavy traffic

Super heavy storm water inlet

High load areas (airfields, docks)

On roads (airfields) with longitudinal slopes:

* DB1 - 0.005; ** DB2 - 0.005.

4.4 Based on their design, rainwater inlets are divided into:

1 - with a minimum width of the supporting part of the body along the contour (Appendix B, Figure B.1);

2 - with the minimum width of the longitudinal supporting part of the body adjacent to the road curb (Appendix B, Figure B.2); 3, 4, 5 - with the minimum width of the longitudinal supporting part of the body adjacent to the road curb, and one right (version 2) either the left (version 3), or both (version 4) short sides; 6, 7 - with the minimum width of the short supporting part of the body adjacent to the road curb (version 5), or both short sides (version 6);

8 - with a single body for two grilles (Appendix B, Figure B.3);

9 - with reinforced sealing of the body, for which the latter is equipped with anchor bolts or special bosses on the body (Appendix A, Figure A.4). The design of anchors, bosses and their number (at least two) are agreed upon with the consumer;

10 - with a grille hinged to the body.

4.5 The symbol for a hatch or storm drain must consist of the word “Hatch” or “Storm drain”, its type, design or several designs, overall dimensions of the hatch in centimeters and the designation of this standard. Additionally, symbol hatch, the designation of the utility networks for which the hatch is intended is introduced: B - water supply; G - fire hydrant; K - domestic and industrial sewerage; D - rainwater drainage system, TS - heating network, GS - gas network, GKS - city cable network (including GTS - as agreed with the customer). Examples of symbols: lightweight hatch for the water supply network with a square lid and a manhole size of 60x60 cm

Luke L(A15)-V. 8-60x60
GOST 3634-99 ;

medium hatch for sewerage with a locking device and a manhole diameter of 60 cm

Luke S(B125)-K.2-60
GOST 3634-99 ;

repair insert for a heavy hatch of any design and designation of utility networks with a manhole diameter of 60 cm

Repair insert R.T-60
GOST 3634-99 ;

large storm water inlet 2 with a minimum width of the longitudinal supporting part of the body adjacent to the road curb, with a manhole size of 30x50 cm for roads with a longitudinal slope of 0.005

Storm water inlet DB1(V125)-2-30x50
GOST 3634-99 .

3 Definitions

For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and corresponding definitions apply. Inspection well
— a design in the form of a chamber or shaft for access to channels with underground utilities Stormwater drainage well
- chamber or shaft for receiving surface Wastewater and atmospheric precipitation into the storm sewer system Manhole hatch
top part covering the inspection well, installed on the supporting part of the chamber or shaft and consisting of a body and a cover Stormwater drainage well
- the upper part of the storm drain well covering, consisting of a body and a grate Ventilation hole
- a hole in the manhole cover of the inspection well, intended for ventilation of the chamber, shaft or underground channels Full hatch opening
- the diameter of the circle that can fit into the opening of the hatch body or storm water inlet

Modern life is unimaginable without basic household amenities. A very important element of modern comfort is the presence of water in the house.

The process of installing a sewer system is not very complicated. However, it requires attention and responsibility in the choice of materials, so that later you do not have to carry out costly rework.

The design of the sewer hatch is simple. Consists of a shaft, a working room, and a hatch. Availability required closing lid.

All parts of the sewer manhole are interdependent. The working space depends on the type of underground utilities. Depth route of communications affects the depth of the room. Height does not exceed 1.8 meters.

The shaft is a pipe with a diameter of 0.7 meters. Its depth depends on the depth of the working room. For arrangement sewer well use brickwork, plastic containers, reinforced concrete rings. There must be a ladder to go down.

Types of sewer wells

The main purpose of sewer manholes is injury prevention, accidents and debris getting inside. Also, if necessary, they serve for free access to underground communications for the purpose of control or repair.

For safety reasons, a sewer well is required should close. Hatch shapes are available in square, oval, rectangular, convex, and flat. There are no concave ones. The most common ones are round ones. In any situation, round lid won't fall inside. Ease of transportation is also important - you can roll it.

In some American cities, there are triangular manholes that indicate the direction of water in the sewer. But because their insufficient security, are gradually being replaced by regular ones.

Sewer hatches are usually heavy, from 50 kg and higher. This is necessary to prevent self-opening hatch on the roadway. All hatches, without exception, have a ribbed surface for greater traction with the surface of shoe soles and car tires.

Sometimes there is a very interesting decorative markings hatches Which is of great interest to collectors from all over the world.

For the manufacture of hatches they use various materials, But classic version- this is cast iron.

Cast iron hatches

Cast iron hatches are strong and durable. The service life is at least 80 years old. Withstand loads up to 90 tons. Resistant to temperature changes. The disadvantage is high price. But if you take into account that such a hatch will last for quite a long period, then the amount turns out to be quite justified.

Depending on the scope of application, there are 4 types of cast iron hatches:

  1. Trunk. Can withstand loads of up to 40 tons. Installed on highways and highways.
  2. Heavy (full weight reaches 180 kg), used on highways and roads with heavy traffic.
  3. Medium sewer cast iron hatches. Can withstand loads of up to 12.5 tons. Installed in residential areas with little vehicle traffic.
  4. Lightweight sewer hatches. The recommended load for this type of hatch is no more than 1.5 tons. Mounted on lawns, sidewalks, pedestrian areas. The weight of the hatch itself does not exceed 65 kg.

When installing a sewer system in a private house, a cast-iron hatch is installed only on the roadway. In all other places, it is recommended to use lighter models made from other materials.

Due to the frequent theft of cast iron hatches, they are very popular polymer-sand, plastic, concrete, composite, rubber sewer coverings.

IN landscape design, are mainly used decorative hatches. From a simple graphic design to imitation of natural stone, decorative stump, sculpture.

Plastic hatches

Plastic hatches are durable and environmentally friendly. Have light weight, resistant to temperature changes. Wide range of colors. Unlike cast iron hatches, it is excluded danger of sparking. They are not suitable for scrap metal, they are not stolen. The cost is much lower than cast iron. Disadvantages include the inability to withstand heavy loads. But these hatches are installed on pedestrian paths and in parks, so this drawback can be considered very conditional. This a good option when installing sewerage in a private house.

Composite and polymer-composite hatches

Composite hatches. They are made of fiberglass, polyester resins, and powder filler. Have light weight, can withstand at least 40 tons. They also have a long service life. Resistant to temperature changes, do not lose color. The cost is lower than cast iron hatches, but more expensive than plastic ones.

Polymer-composite hatches (polymer-sand). Manufactured using the method hot pressing from plastic bottles and sand. Such hatches have a number of advantages, namely:

But, despite obvious positive qualities, they also have some disadvantages. Cannot withstand heavy loads and 70% consist of sand. It is recommended to install polymer-sand hatches in pedestrian areas and parks. If the hatch is installed in places subject to snow drifts, you need to use reinforced type, to make searching with a metal detector easier.

There are 3 types of polymer-sand hatches:

  1. Type L (light). Maximum load 6 tons. They are installed in parks, pedestrian areas, and in private gardens.
  2. Type C (medium). Withstands loads of 12 tons. Installed in parking lots and roadways.
  3. Type T (heavy). Permissible load 25 tons. This allows you to install such hatches on all engineering communications and city roads. Not suitable for installation on highways.

Scope and safety

Installing sewer hatches on wells underground communications: gas, heat, water supply, sewerage, cable networks.

differ in design, the type of communications passing under them (sewage, storm water, cable, pipeline sewerage) and the material of manufacture.

Scope of application of sewer manholes indicated by markings. The most famous are V, GV (city water supply), PG (fire hydrant), K (sewage), T (telephone network), etc.

Also common schematic designation. Lightning is an electrical network, telephone is, respectively, a telephone network.

Most hatches have opening hole using a hook. If there is no such hole, then a handle is welded on top of the lid, which is cut off after opening.

Holes are allowed in sewer, water, and storm hatches. Hatches electrical networks, telephone connections are issued no holes.

Due to frequent thefts, sewer manholes are often filled with concrete mortar or additionally closed with plastic covers, locks are installed, mainly on telephone communications. Recently, modern hatches available with hinges like door ones. It is almost impossible to open them.

Cable communication ducts have two covers at once - protective and locking, which has a lock and is protected.

Sewage systems perform all the necessary functions to maintain a comfortable life. But inspection and repair alone are not enough. Open hatches carry great danger. They cause accidents and even deaths. Therefore, if an open hatch is detected, it is necessary install a fence, and mark the location with flags. If this is not possible, then you can limit yourself to a tall stick inserted into the hatch.

The most dangerous are storm and water sewers. They are very deep (6 meters) and, as a rule, with protruding reinforcement inside.

According to statistics, the most high percent injuries occur among children. It is very important to explain to your child how dangerous games near and on sewer hatches.

If it becomes necessary to lower workers into the well, all safety measures must be observed. Firstly, using a lamp you need check the well for the presence of gas. If there is hydrogen sulfide or methane, the light from the lamp will decrease. Gasoline vapors change color to blue. Carbonic acid extinguishes light. All light gases are removed with the help of ventilation. Removing heavy gases requires the use of special equipment.

When descending into the well, the worker must have everything necessary equipment. It is prohibited to smoke near an open sewer or light a fire. You are only allowed to work wearing a mask and for no more than 10 minutes without a break.