How to make a chicken feeder with your own hands? Pros and cons of homemade structures. Various ways to make a chicken feeder with your own hands from scrap materials. What kind of chicken feeders

The hopper feeder consists of a hopper closed type, where the food is poured and a tray from where the chickens peck this food.

There are quite a lot of descriptions and drawings for self-made in the country.

The most common feeders due to their low cost and ease of manufacture are:

  • Feeder from water pipes(about how to make a chicken feeder with your own hands from sewer, polypropylene, plastic pipe, read).
  • Plastic and plywood feeder.
  • Bucket.



  1. Hopper feeders are designed for dry food only. A complete diet for chickens includes wet mash, fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits that are not able to feed themselves from the hopper.
  2. The need for regular cleaning and disinfection.

Prices in stores

In specialized stores for amateur gardeners and farming, you can buy an industrial feeder. If you take a cheap Chinese feeder, then it’s just throwing money away. A high-quality automatic one may not be affordable for everyone (you can find out more about how to make an automatic chicken feeder with your own hands).

Feeders for 10-20 kg cost 1100-1300 rubles in stores. Prices for automatic feeders for 70 kg reach up to 10,000 rubles.

Making a bunker feeder with your own hands is not difficult. The materials will only cost a few hundred rubles. Some materials are probably lying underfoot: boards, plastic buckets, barrels, bottles and pipes.

We talked more about how to make a chicken feeder from a 5-liter plastic bottle in.

Where to start: we make it ourselves

From pipes

Before starting work, you should decide what kind of feeder you want to make and for how many birds. The easiest to make is a pipe feeder. There are two types of pipe feeder:

  • With holes or slits.
  • With a tee.

With holes and slots

Necessary materials and tools. To make a feeder with holes or slots, the following materials are needed:

  1. 2 PVC pipes 60-150 cm with a diameter of 110-150 mm.
  2. “Elbow” connecting pipes at right angles.
  3. 2 plugs corresponding to the diameter of the pipes.

One pipe serves as a filling hopper. The longer it is, the more food will fit into it. The second pipe serves as a tray from which the chickens peck the grains. Long pipe allows you to make more holes or slits in it so more chickens can feed at the same time.

With tee

For a feeder with a tee you will need:

  1. 3 PVC pipes 10, 20 and 80-150 cm long with a diameter of 110-150 mm.
  2. Tee with an angle of 45 degrees for pipes of the selected diameter.
  3. 2 plugs.
  4. Accessories for attaching the pipe to the wall.

Tools you will need to make the tray:

  1. Grinder or hacksaw for cutting pipes.
  2. Electric drill with wood drill and bit with a diameter of 70 mm.
  3. Jigsaw.
  4. File.
  5. Marker, pencil, long ruler.

Cost of materials:

  1. PVC pipe D=110 mm – 160 RUR/m.
  2. Tee D = 11 mm - 245 rub.
  3. Cap - 55 rub.
  4. Knee-50 rub.
  5. Clamps for fastening to the wall for 40-50 rubles.

How to make a version with slots yourself?

The feeder is shaped like the Latin letter L. The vertical pipe serves as a hopper for loading feed. The horizontal pipe will be the feeding area.

  1. On a pipe 80 cm long, mark the centers of the holes.
  2. We draw holes D=70 mm. Leave the distance between the edges of the holes 70 mm. The holes can be in two rows or in a checkerboard pattern.
  3. Using an electric drill with a circular bit D = 70 mm, we make holes in the pipe.
  4. We process the holes with a file so that the chickens do not cut themselves on the burrs.
  5. We put a plug on one side of the pipe, and an elbow on the other side.
  6. We thread a vertical pipe into the elbow.
  7. We attach the structure to the wall.

How to make a structure with a tee?

  1. We put a plug on a pipe 20 cm long. This will be the lowest part of the structure.
  2. On the other side, we put on the tee so that the outlet faces up.
  3. We put a short pipe of 10 cm on the tee outlet.
  4. We insert the remaining 150 cm pipe into the upper hole of the tee.
  5. We attach the structure to the wall.

You can also watch an overview of the design with a tee and learn how to make it in this video:

From the bucket

Required materials:

  • Plastic bucket with lid.
  • Menazhnitsa is a special bowl for feeding animals, divided into sections. The diameter of the bowl should be 12-15 cm larger than the diameter of the bottom of the bucket.
  • Instead of a menagerie, you can use the bottom of a bucket or barrel of the appropriate diameter.
  • Self-tapping screws.


  • A bowl costs 100-120 rubles.
  • Bucket with lid 60-70 rub.
  • Screws 5 rub.

Manufacturing algorithm:

  1. In the wall of the bucket, at the point of contact with the bottom, we cut out horseshoe-shaped holes according to the number of sectors in the bowl. Feed will spill out of these holes.
  2. We attach the bottom of the bucket to the bowl with screws.
  3. After filling the feed, the bucket is covered with a lid.
  4. If the structure turns out to be small and light, it can be hung at a height of 15-20 cm from the floor to avoid tipping over.

You can also see one of the options for making a bunker feeder from a bucket:

Made of wood

Creating a bunker feeder from wood requires more serious preparation. Before starting work, you need to make a drawing. We select sizes based on the number of chickens on the farm. All dimensions from paper are transferred to wood.

Necessary materials:

  • Wooden boards for the bottom and lid.
  • Plywood sheets for the side walls.
  • Door hinges.
  • Nails or screws.


  • Saw.
  • Drills and drill bits.
  • Screwdriver or screwdriver.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Roulette.
  • Pencil.

The standard feeder is made with dimensions 40x30x30 cm:

  1. We cut out the bottom 29x17 cm and the lid 26x29 cm from the board.
  2. We cut out the side walls from plywood with a height of 40 cm and a length of the top edge of 24 cm and the bottom of 29 cm.
  3. We make 2 parts from plywood for the front wall 28x29 cm and 70x29 cm.
  4. We make the back wall 40x29.
  5. We clean all wooden parts with sandpaper so that there are no burrs left anywhere.
  6. Using a drill, we make holes in the places where the structure is fastened with screws.

Build process:

  1. We screw the sides to the bottom with screws.
  2. We fix the front and back walls. They should have a slope of 15 degrees.
  3. The top cover is fixed using door hinges to the rear walls of the side panels.
  4. We form a tray from the scraps of boards in the front part so that the grain does not spill out.
  5. All parts are treated with an antiseptic. You cannot cover the feeder with varnish or paint.

You can also see one of the options for making a bunker feeder made of wood:

From a barrel

The manufacture and review of a bunker feeder from a barrel can be seen in this video:

The importance of proper feeding

Hopper feeders do not completely solve feeding problems - the food has fallen asleep and is free. For greens, vegetables and fruits, tray-type water bowls and water bowls are required, the filling of which must be regularly monitored. For proper nutrition and development, chickens must receive minerals and vitamins in addition to the necessary proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

For high-quality daily feeding, you can use waste from the kitchen, garden and vegetable garden: potatoes, bread, leaves and tops of vegetables, protein feed, dairy products, vegetable cakes and meal. Chickens are fed 3-4 times a day.

In the morning and evening they give grain and dry food. During the day, wet mash and greens. An amateur poultry farmer does not need to purchase expensive additives and feed. Everything you need is already on the farm to properly feed your poultry.

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Feeding poultry in terms of monetary costs is in first place in the entire process of breeding and raising chickens. That is why it is necessary to select ready-made feeders according to special requirements. You can save a lot on expenses if you create a chicken feeder with your own hands. In addition to saving money, you can also get moral satisfaction by seeing how your birds eat from the products you create.

Requirements for feeders

The list of main requirements will directly depend on the task of raising birds and the specific circumstances on the farm. . There are certain standards for creating such structures:

Main types of drinkers

Before you start creating a feeder with your own hands, you need to clearly divide the designs into certain types. This will help determine what type of feeder do you need?.

Variety of materials

Chicken feeders are made from wooden materials, plastic, and also metal. The choice of specific material will directly depend on what kind of food the container is needed for. Main types of materials for feeders:

Correctly selected material when creating a feeder will help preserve food, which means saving the owner’s finances.

Feed mixture supply features

The comfort of feeding itself will depend on how food is supplied to the chicken feeder. It will be much more convenient to pour grain into the chickens once than to constantly go to the barn and add feed mixture.

Based on the method of feeding feed, feeders can be divided into the following types:

All feeders are divided according to the method of feeding the feed and the material from which they are made.

By type of grain supply: bunker and groove.

According to the material in the design of the feeder, there are:

  • combined;
  • wooden;
  • plastic;
  • made of metal mesh or rods;
  • solid metal.

Installation location in the chicken coop

The last factor by which all feeders are grouped is the location of their installation. Two types of structures can be used in a chicken coop or cage:

  1. The floor type is convenient because of its mobility. The feeder can be moved to a higher position if necessary. comfortable spot inside the barn.
  2. A hanging structure that is attached to the wall of the chicken coop. Such products are convenient because of their stability. In this case, the chicken will not be able to tip the feeder with food inside on its side.

Vertical bottle product

The simplest design is considered to be a bottle feeder. To create one container, you need to use a bottle with a total volume of 1.5 l, 2 l and 5 l. Creation instructions:

The structure must be turned over so that the cap of the 1.5 liter bottle is at the bottom. As a result, we will get a special vertical bunker. You need to pour food inside, and cover the container on top with a lid from the bottom of a two-liter bottle. Through such a hole near the throat, food is poured into a container from the bottom of a 5-liter bottle.

Feeder from a 5-liter container

The simplest type of chicken feeder can be obtained from a 5 liter bottle. Near the bottom, special holes of various diameters are cut in a circle with a knife to pour out the feed mixture. The bottle should be placed on a large diameter bowl. Using a special copper wire, spacers are placed, piercing the side walls of the bowl and the jar itself. Grain is poured into the container through the neck using a watering can.

In the second option for creating a feeder, you do not need to use a bowl. Holes are cut fifteen centimeters above the bottom of the bottle. The windows are created in such a size that the bird’s head can fit through them freely. The feed is poured through the neck, as in the previous container.

Bowl designs are the easiest to maintain. The bottle can be filled with feed mixture under the neck; the mixture can last for the whole day. In the second type of feeder, grains are poured, not reaching two centimeters from the window.

Bunker design

To create a bunker feeder yourself, you need special plywood or a sheet of steel. First, a special project for the entire structure is created. On a sheet of selected material, the front wall of the bunker with a total size of 40*50 cm and the rear wall with a total size of 40*40 cm are drawn. In addition, two identical cone-shaped parts are drawn from which the side walls are created. For the roof, draw a rectangle larger than the top of the bunker.

All parts must be processed with an electrical unit. The plywood bunker will be connected using slats and special hardware. Steel parts are welded using electric or gas welding. A special slot is left at the bottom of the bunker for pouring feed. In the same part you need to strengthen the oblong tray. For convenient filling of food, the lid is attached to special hinges.

With automatic feeding system

Good feeders for chickens from sewer pipe can be supplied automatic system submissions. In the first case, special elbows are put on both ends of a pipe with a diameter of 100-150 mm. These places will be filled with food. In the side wall of the pipe an oblong window is cut through which the chickens can peck the grains. The structure is secured in a horizontal position with special clamps.

For a vertical feeder, a special riser is created from PVC pipe for filling grains. A special tee and several elbows are put on the bottom. Such automatic feeder for do-it-yourself chickens, suitable for feeding two individuals. In this case, a whole chain is created from such containers, which will correspond to the number of chickens on the farm.

Grass for birds

To create such a bunker feeder for chickens, you need a special welding device, as well as rods with a total thickness of 6-8 millimeters. To create it, a V-shaped bunker is created from rods. In a chicken coop, such a device is simply attached to the wall itself or is first fixed to plywood or a tin sheet, and then clings to a permanent place. You can install a special tray underneath the bunker to prevent small grass from spilling onto the floor.

Simple dining room

Design does not require much time, as well as the most affordable materials. To do this you need to prepare:

  • sharp knife;
  • chain-link mesh;
  • a special plastic canister with a handle.

Such a plastic container must be emptied of the contents inside, washed and dried well. The old side is carefully cut off. A cut is made in the handle so that it can be hung on the mesh that encloses the chicken coop. The food is poured directly into the bottle. It is very important that the container is located at a height that is as comfortable as possible for the chicken itself.

Unusual product from a cutting board

Such a feeder will be very unusual. To create it you need to prepare in advance:

  • funnel;
  • cutting board;
  • electric drill;
  • a small plastic cup;
  • rubber transparent hose.

First you need to take a funnel (it is best if it is made of plastic) and trace it along the outline on the board. Try to trace as clearly as possible. Drill a large number of holes within such a circle. Here you need not to overdo it too much, since the incoming dry food should be limited in quantity.

Take the prepared transparent hose the right size. Connect the hose and the end of the funnel; if necessary, you can also use additional fasteners (for example, a clamp). Take a plastic cup and make a special hole in its bottom. The diameter of the hole must be such that the end of the hose can be inserted freely, and it must also be fully supported.

The second end of the hose must be inserted into the resulting hole. If the fit is not tight enough, treat the edges of the hole, as well as the outside of the hose, with a special sealant.

All handmade feeders are easy to use and create. The food gets into them automatically. You can pour grain into such containers in the morning before leaving for work, and add a new portion in the evening.

A bunker feeder is any device for feeding animals that has a container for storing food. It is easy to use for any farm animals. It can be filled with food, which is enough for a day at correct calculation, and this will save the farmer’s time. Such a feeder has many other advantages, which we will talk about later, and also learn how to build similar device with your own hands.

Why is it better to have a bunker feeder on the farm?

Most often, inexperienced farmers resort to two types of feeding poultry - from a bowl or from the floor. But both options have more disadvantages than advantages. For example, chickens will trample in a bowl and dirt will get into the food, or they will simply turn it over and not be able to get food.

Sprinkling food on the floor is also not the best option, because the bird will be able to peck large grains, but small food will be mixed with dirt, trampled into crevices and may not even notice.

Therefore the most best option- use a bunker container.

Important! The bunker can be filled once a day. Such a system is suitable, for example, for broilers:They eat constantly, and only such a food container can supply food uninterruptedly.

This feeder has the following advantages:

  • supplies food as the chickens eat it;
  • protected from birds carrying dirt and debris into it;
  • can accommodate a daily dose of nutrition;
  • provides free access to food at any time;
  • It’s convenient to add food and clean it when necessary.

What should be the requirements for the parameters of the feeder?

There are several basic requirements for any poultry feeder:

  1. Protecting the container from dirt and excrement - special sides, turntables and shelters are used for this.
  2. Easy to maintain - food containers need to be washed and cleaned regularly, regardless of whether animals have brought dirt into them. In addition, food must be poured there at least once a day. To spend less time on this, farmers are advised to build or buy mobile, lightweight feeders from universal and quick-to-clean materials (plywood and plastic).
  3. Size - it is important to provide the birds with such feeders that all individuals of the livestock can have access to them at the same time, otherwise the weaker ones will be oppressed. In the tray there should be at least 10 cm per head, and in circular trays there should be up to 3 cm per individual. These figures should be halved for chickens. You don't have to make one huge power station, just make several smaller ones.

Homemade feeder made from plastic containers

It’s easiest to make a feeder from such materials - even if you don’t have a large bottle, bucket or PVC pipe in your house, buying them won’t be too expensive. Such materials are easy to clean, and the food supply system and storage container itself are quite easy to maintain.

Let's look at two options for feeders - from a bucket and PVC pipe.

Important! Only dry food can be stored in bunker feeders. If you put something wet in there, it can soften, heat up and stick to the walls.

Tools and materials

For a bucket feeder you will need:

  • plastic bucket (for example, for water-based paint) 10-15 l;
  • the tray is twice as large in diameter as the bucket;
  • screwdriver;
  • bolt.

For a vertical feeder made of PVC pipe you will need:

  • pipes (take the amount you need based on one pipe for 1-2 individuals);
  • a lid with a diameter like a pipe to cover it from above;
  • coupling with 1 or more branches;
  • brackets.

We make a feeder from a plastic container:

  1. Cut out windows with a diameter of 30-40 mm near the bottom of the bucket in a circle.
  2. Place the bucket in the tray and make a hole exactly in the middle in both objects.
  3. Secure these objects with a bolt.
  4. Pour food into the bucket and cover with a lid.

Pipe feeder:

  1. Place a branch coupling on the pipe.
  2. Attach the pipe vertically to the grate or post using brackets.
  3. Pour food into the pipe and cover the top with a lid to prevent dust from getting in there.
  4. It is better to take a pipe half the size of your height - this will make the process of filling the feed easier.

How to make a bunker feeder from wood

For the manufacture of such a power supply, sheet wood - plywood or chipboard - is suitable.

First make a drawing like the picture below. Use these dimensions as a starting point, or you can substitute your own. After creating the drawings, all data is transferred to the wooden material.

Basic tips for making an object:

  • It will be possible to cut smoother and more accurately with a jigsaw;
  • The lid is attached solely to the hinges so that it can be opened and closed.

Did you know? Chickens have a good memory-if one individual gets lost and does not return to the barn, then it will be remembered for many more days. And upon her return, even after a couple of days, she will be accepted back.

Tools and materials

You will need:

  • plywood;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • bolts;
  • slats;
  • sandpaper;
  • hinges for the lid.

Hopper feeder for chickens. Review: video

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

  1. Based on the size of the feeder in your drawings, we cut out parts of the object from plywood. If you follow the diagram that we attached, then we will need to cut out: two side walls, the front and back walls, the side and the bottom.
  2. After you have cut out all the parts from the drawings, you need to sand the edges with fine-grained sandpaper.
  3. Make holes with a drill in the places where you will fasten the parts of the structure. It is best to fasten the connecting joints with slats - this will strengthen the feeder.
  4. Assemble the structure by screwing its parts with bolts and screws.
  5. Attach the hinged lid to the top.

Improving the feeder with a pedal with a dispenser

For the wooden bunker feeding system, you need to separately build a special pedal and a lid for the tray with food.

It works like this: the chicken stands on the pedal and the lid rises. As long as the bird is standing on the pedal, it can eat.

The design is only suitable for a small number of chickens. In addition, it is important to consider that the pedal must weigh less than the chicken so that it can lower it.

Tools and materials

You will need:

  • plywood;
  • bars;
  • bolts;
  • 2 loops;
  • drill;
  • jigsaw or saw.

Did you know? Yolk inside chicken egg always placed at an equal distance from all sides of the shell.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

  1. When creating such an automated mechanism, take into account the parameters of your feeder and take measurements yourself for the necessary parts.
  2. Cut a lid from plywood to the size of the feed tray and a slightly larger rectangle that will be the pedal.
  3. Divide the bars into 6 parts: 2 long ones for the pedals, 2 shorter ones for the lid, 2 for fastening the previous 4.
  4. We take plywood, which will become a lid for the tray with food, put shorter bars on it along the edges, screw each of them with a drill.
  5. At the free ends of the block we make 2 holes at a distance of 5 cm - the hole closer to the end of the block should be slightly larger than the bolt. We also make holes on the side covers of the feeder and screw our structure to them. It should rise and fall freely onto the feed tray.
  6. We attach longer bars to the pedal using the same principle. To attach the free ends to the walls, make holes at a distance of 1/5 from the height of the block. And at the very end below, make another hole. Thus, you will have two holes on the block, placed vertically - the top one for attaching to the wall, and the bottom one for fastening with a small block.
  7. Now we connect the bars from the pedal and the lid with small bars. Tighten the bolts as firmly as possible so that the mount does not wobble.
  8. Check the operation of the structure - when you press the pedal, the lid should rise. If this does not happen, try loosening the bolts.

The bunker feeding system for poultry is very convenient to maintain and organize food. It does not need to be filled every hour, it is easy to clean and lasts a long time. And if you make such a feeder with your own hands and treat it with an antiseptic, it will be able to feed your birds for many years.

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6 once already

It is a well-known fact that the eggs of chickens that live in the wild, and not in the cramped walls of poultry farms, are much tastier and healthier. Recently, an increasing number of people have been trying to keep these bird representatives.

The greatest difficulties for owners arise when organizing the process of feeding chickens, since it involves significant labor costs and financial expenses. Because of this, the choice of feeders must be approached with all responsibility.

But you can save a significant amount if you independently set up a collection point for bird feed. A do-it-yourself chicken feeder is an opportunity to create a useful device that will be useful in everyday life. You will receive not only material benefits, but also moral satisfaction when the chickens peck grain from these feeders.

Primary requirements

There are a number of requirements that are presented when creating them:

Strength. The creation of feeders should be based on materials that retain their shape and are resistant to mechanical stress.

Ease of use. The device should be easy to clean. It is necessary that the feeder is easy to pour food into, and that it is convenient for poultry to eat from it.

Sustainability. Under no circumstances should the feed collection point change its location after direct contact with poultry.

Rationality. It is necessary to make the device in such a way that it is impossible for droppings or debris to get into it.

There are other requirements for the feeder that apply to them depending on the characteristics of keeping poultry.

Types of devices for feeding chickens

The pressing question: “How to make a chicken feeder?” There are several types of feeders that you can make yourself. Let's present the most interesting of them.

From a plastic bottle

This is perhaps the easiest feeder model to make. To make it you will need two plastic bottles, the volume of which can range from 1.5 to 5 liters. You will also need a flat material of a certain hardness.

First, the bottom part of a 1.5 liter bottle is cut off. This must be done to make it convenient to fill the grain. Holes should be made closer to the neck of the bottle. It is through these holes that the feed will move.

A hole is created in the central part of the cut container, which is the same size as the neck of the bottle. We take a sheet of plywood with a diameter of 50 by 30 and also create holes with a diameter that matches the bottle.

At the last stage, you need to lower a 1.5 liter plastic bottle into a container whose volume is larger. This must be done in such a way that the neck passes through both holes and comes out directly below relative to the piece of plywood. We fix the cover. The plastic chicken feeder is made in the best possible way.

In the photo of the chicken feeder you can visually see the features of this design.

Hopper feeder for chickens

Another chicken feeder idea is to create a hopper feeder. To create this type of bird feeding device, you will need a sheet of plywood from which several elements are cut:

  • in front of the bunker (400 x 500 mm);
  • back of the bunker (400 x 400 mm);
  • 2 pcs. sides. The side walls are made in the form of a cone that connects the main parts of the feeder;
  • lid. It should be slightly larger in size top part devices for feeding poultry.

Simple drawings of chicken feeders demonstrate that an opening is left at the bottom of the installation where food will be delivered to a tray, from which the chickens will subsequently peck grain.

After the chicken coop residents eat a certain part of the feed from the tray, the volume of grain in the bunker will decrease. Adding poultry food to the device is easy.

You just need to open the top of the device and pour in the required amount of feed. You can use a do-it-yourself bunker feeder for chickens for many years.

Photos of chicken feeders