Using eggs from other birds in cooking. Eggs in cooking

Chicken eggs have been used always and everywhere. However, they come in different varieties and can be used for more than just culinary purposes. This article will describe the characteristics and classification of this type of product, as well as methods and methods of its use.

The calorie content of this product is 157 calories per 100 g of product. One specimen contains on average up to 50 calories, but larger specimens are also found. Medium-sized eggs weighing 47 grams contain 74 calories. Such calculations are correct when calculating the raw product. If you boil it, the calorie content will change insignificantly - up to 158 calories per 100 g of product. A fried egg, excluding oil, contains 175 calories.

The very first difference that may catch your eye with this product is its color. They come in white and dark. Does the color of the shell affect the contents inside? No, it doesn't. The color of the shell in no way indicates the quality of the contents inside, and it depends solely on the chicken. Therefore, when choosing a product, you cannot rely solely on the color of the shell, since it does not indicate any advantages or disadvantages.

Chicken eggs are marked with the letters “D” and “C”. The letter “D” means that this product is dietary. What is meant by this term? In this case, we do not mean any special composition. These products are called dietary if they are stored at above-zero temperatures for no more than 7 days. That is, a dietary product means very fresh eggs. These are the ones that can be eaten raw. Typically, the “D” marking is applied in red to the shell. There is one more feature in the dietary product: air space. It is no more than 4 mm, since this product is fresh. After the expiration of this seven-day period, the product is considered a table product.

Table eggs are marked “C”. Table eggs can be stored at room temperature for no more than 25 days. In the refrigerator, their shelf life is noticeably longer - up to 3 months. Due to the shelf life, the size of the air space inside the shell increases and reaches up to 9 mm. If they are initially presented as canteens, they are marked with a blue mark.

In addition, they are divided into categories. It is the category that speaks of mass. They vary greatly in weight, from 35 to 75 g.


  • Category 3 - these are specimens weighing from 35 to 44 g;
  • Category 2 - one piece. Category 2 has a mass from 45 to 54 g;
  • Category 1 - one piece. Category 1 weighs from 55 to 64 g;
  • selected - marked with the letter “O”, indicating selected ones weigh from 65 to 74 g;
  • the highest category are those marked with the letter “B” - rare giants weighing more than 73 g.

Easily digestible protein takes pride of place in a chicken egg. One unit of this product contains 15% of the protein requirement for an adult. Protein is indispensable for the construction of cells in the human body, as well as for the growth muscle mass. That is why chicken eggs often occupy a high place in the diet of bodybuilders.

This product also contains leucine. This is an essential amino acid. It is involved in the process of protein construction. In addition, this product contains many vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

This product is highly digestible. However, their digestibility largely depends on what this product was used with. For example, raw ones are less digestible than soft-boiled ones. In addition, if you eat them with vegetables or other easily digestible foods, their digestibility will be much improved, but dairy, meat products and potatoes, on the contrary, hinder digestibility.

Chicken eggs are extremely common in cosmetology. Probably, even cooking does not use them as extensively as cosmetology uses them.

Their benefits for hair are undeniable. Eggs can even be used as hair shampoo, as part of various therapeutic masks. Masks containing them help well in the fight against dandruff, hair loss problems or dry hair. Applying them to your hair as a mask makes the curls softer, shiny, and also makes combing easier. In addition, after using masks that contain chicken eggs, a protective film is formed on the hair, which protects the hair from damage that can be caused by a hairdryer, curling iron or straightening iron.

Yolk is often used in hair products. However, protein can also be used. There is a recipe against excessive oily hair:

  1. Beat the eggs into a thick foam, add a teaspoon of vodka and a teaspoon of lemon juice, squeezed directly from the lemon;
  2. Lather wet hair with this mixture, and then proceed in the same way as when washing your hair with regular shampoo;
  3. Be sure to rinse this shampoo out of your hair with cool or slightly warm water. It is unacceptable for the water temperature to exceed body temperature.

Such precautions are necessary because this product can very quickly curl and cook, and this can happen right in the hair. In this case, it will be very difficult to wash the coagulated protein from the hair and the harm from this procedure will be more than good.

You can also prepare a mask from the yolk, which will combat problems such as dandruff, split ends and excessively dry hair falling out. This mask is prepared like this:

  1. Beat two yolks and dilute in one glass of warm water;
  2. Apply this mixture to your hair;
  3. Wrap your head with plastic cling film on top;
  4. Wrap your head in warmth and leave the mask on your hair for 2 hours;
  5. After this, you need to wash your hair without using shampoo, since the components of the mask will cope with this task perfectly. The mask should be washed out of your hair very thoroughly.

This is not a complete list of possibilities for using chicken eggs. They are included in facial care products. Recipes for face and skin masks using this product are easy to find on the Internet.

In cooking, eggs are used to prepare independent main courses, various snacks and even casseroles. They are boiled, fried, everything is prepared from them possible types omelette.

In addition, they are widely used in the confectionery industry, in the creation of various cakes, pastries, desserts, creams and so on. Boiled often become an ingredient in meat and vegetable salads In addition, they are used in preparing main courses. Lezon and batter are also prepared with eggs; the product is dipped into it before frying or breading.

There are many opinions about the benefits and harms of eating raw eggs. Very often these opinions directly contradict each other. It is impossible to give a clear answer to the question whether it is possible and healthy to eat raw eggs.

However, there are a number of pros and cons, based on which you can form your own opinion. The following arguments can be made as advantages:

  • All microelements and vitamins remain intact in raw eggs;
  • proteins contained in the raw product have greater nutritional value than heat-treated ones.

However, along with this number of advantages, chicken eggs have a number of disadvantages. These include:

  • danger of salmonellosis infection. Heat treatment reduces this risk;
  • In addition to the fact that raw materials retain all useful substances, they also retain harmful substances; V
  • Chickens raised on special farms are often fed with additives and even antibiotics, which increase the number of eggs produced; in raw eggs, all these substances also remain intact.

Based on these facts, those who advocate eating raw eggs, or those who are considering it, should make their own informed decision, and also respect the opinions of others on their point of view on this issue.

The main danger of using eggs is salmonella bacteria, but this danger only exists if you eat chicken eggs raw. In addition, this product is a strong allergen. Therefore, it can be introduced into a children’s diet only after consultation with a doctor, and those who are allergic to the white or yolk of eggs should not consume them at all.

The world's largest chicken egg weighed 163 g.

A chicken egg is a product that can be successfully used not only internally, but also for external use. For it to be beneficial, you need to know how to use this remedy correctly.

No cuisine in the world from antiquity to the present day can do without eggs. Man began to eat eggs in such ancient times that it was almost his first food. Ancient people collected bird eggs from rocks and crevices and drank the nutritious and tasty contents. IN ancient Egypt Pelican eggs were sacrificed to the gods. During the Middle Ages, Christians were forbidden to eat eggs during Lent. In China, an ancient recipe for fermented eggs is still preserved, which seems completely unsuitable for food to Westerners. The so-called “centennial” or “thousand-year eggs” are aged for several months in a mixture of clay, ash, salt, straw and other “ingredients”. The finished delicacy is eaten without any cooking. In “hundred-year eggs,” the yolk turns into a dark green creamy mass, and the white turns into a brown transparent jelly. It all smells of sulfur and ammonia, but the Chinese like it.

In different parts of the world, not only chicken eggs are eaten, but also eggs that are exotic to us: thrush, guillemot, puffin, seagull, penguin, plovers, swan, cormorant and other birds. In addition to bird eggs, turtle eggs are also eaten, which are considered a delicacy and an aphrodisiac in Asian cuisine. Now the collection of turtle eggs is prohibited or limited, but local residents treat themselves to turtle eggs in the old fashioned way by baking them in a fire.

An egg (or oocyte) is, in fact, a separate cell in a hard shell in which it originates and develops. new life. This means that each egg must contain a complete set of substances necessary for the future chick. The ostrich egg is considered the largest, and in relation to the bird’s weight, the hummingbird is in the lead, laying eggs that make up 6% of its own weight, while the ostrich egg makes up no more than 1% of the bird’s weight. By the way, fish eggs are nothing more than thousands of small eggs.

Modern cooking is unthinkable without eggs. They often serve as an emulsifier to bring together immiscible ingredients such as oil and water. are so widely used that there is no replacement for them. Although, of course, modern technologies are trying to displace this tasty and nutrient element our diet with all kinds of substitutes - dry “egg” powders. The technology for making egg powder appeared back in 1878, and egg powder has long been used in mayonnaise and other industrial products. The taste of such products is not comparable to the taste of dishes made from real eggs using traditional technology.

Not all birds' eggs are used in cooking. Some eggs, which are quite rich in nutrients, are completely unsuitable or conditionally suitable. For example, goose or duck eggs can be used in baking, where they are subjected to prolonged heat treatment, but they should not be used raw at all, as they may contain the paratyphoid virus or other diseases.

The chicken egg - the most common in cooking - has a sufficient supply of all the necessary substances and is not much different from its “brothers” in the composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. So, on average, a chicken egg contains in percentage: 74% water, 12-13% protein, 11-12% fat, up to 1% carbohydrates. Calorie content of chicken eggs is 150-160 kcal 100 g. The weight of a chicken egg ranges from 40 to 75 grams.

A chicken egg, mainly in the yolk, has a fairly high content of vitamins A, B1, B2, D, E, PP, as well as enzymes and unsaturated fatty acids. The yellow color of the yolk is due precisely to the high content of carotenoids - important elements that can only enter the human body with food. In addition, eggs are rich folic acid, lecithin and provitamins. Don't be afraid that eggs contain cholesterol. After all, lecithin in eggs binds cholesterol to itself and interferes with its absorption.

Quail eggs are much healthier than chicken eggs. They are considered sterile and safe in their raw form, even for children. In equal volumes quail eggs contains 2 times more vitamins, 5 times more phosphorus and potassium, and 4 times more iron compared to chicken. It is recommended to eat quail eggs to strengthen the immune system, increase endurance and mental activity, for prevention and treatment stomach diseases. The shell of quail eggs consists of calcium carbonate, from which the human body easily absorbs much-needed calcium.

Raw chicken eggs are absorbed by the human body worse than cooked ones (especially raw egg whites), so eggs require cooking - grinding, beating, mixing raw with other products. On the other hand, hard-boiled eggs are less digestible than soft-boiled eggs.

The most useful are “village”, fresh eggs, that is, laid by chickens that eat natural food and in a place close to natural conditions, that is, in village chicken coops or small farms. It is almost impossible to determine the freshness of an egg by eye, but this can be easily done by shining the egg. At the blunt end of the egg there is an air chamber that expands over time. The freshest eggs have a very small air chamber, so if you put them in water, they will submerge almost entirely. Stale eggs protrude significantly from the water. If an egg floats on the surface, it is not edible.

Stores receive eggs that can be divided into several main types. Dietary, that is, put on sale no later than 7 days from the time of laying and not stored at sub-zero temperatures (ideal for preparing dishes with beaten eggs), fresh - no more than 30 days, refrigerator - eggs stored in the refrigerator for a month or more, and limestone - stored for a long time in a lime solution. The latter have a specific rough shell surface. Dietary and fresh eggs can be used for fried eggs and in cases where you want to leave the egg raw; refrigerator and limestone are used only for hard-boiling, baking or under strong and prolonged heat exposure.

In Russia, it is customary to label eggs with the letters D (dietary) and C (table) and a sign indicating the weight of the egg: category 3 (35-44.9 g), category 2 (45-54.9 g), category 1 (55 -64.9 years), selective (65-74.9 years) and highest category (from 75 years)

It would seem that it could be simpler boiled eggs soft-boiled or hard-boiled. However, this operation requires care and compliance certain rules. The classic recipe for boiling eggs goes like this:

2 eggs, room temperature,
1 liter cold water,
2 tablespoons salt.

Pierce the eggs with a needle from the blunt side, place in a saucepan and fill with salt water so that the water covers the eggs. Heat the water to a boil, then simmer over low heat.
To prepare soft-boiled eggs, cook for 2-3 minutes, hard-boiled for 10-12 minutes. Remove the saucepan from the heat and place under running cold water. When the eggs have cooled, peel and serve.

In order for everything to work out as it should, you should not lose sight of some features. Before cooking, eggs need to be warmed to room temperature for 15-20 minutes. Sudden temperature changes can lead to cracks in the shell. The shell should be pierced quite carefully, plunging the needle into the egg no deeper than 3 mm, being careful not to pierce the inner film, otherwise the white may leak out. It is important to follow this operation if the eggs have been stored for a long time (a sign is that they do not sink in water).

Boiling water should be kept moderate or even low. This is important to prevent the egg from cracking. The fact is that there are micropores in the egg shell that allow it to “breathe,” and it is through these pores that excess air escapes during cooking. But if the boiling is excessively intense, the air does not have time to escape, and under its pressure the shell bursts. There is another reason to start cooking in cold water and simmer over low heat. The gradual heating of the water allows the air inside the egg to escape gradually, slowly and evenly, making room for the contents, which take on a beautiful shape, completely filling the entire internal space. Thus, we “kill” all the birds with one stone - the egg does not crack, cooks evenly and subsequently looks beautiful, without dips or unevenness at the blunt end.

Adding salt to the water is necessary so that the protein instantly curls if the shell does crack. This is due to the structure of egg whites, which are 88% water and 11% protein. Under normal conditions, a protein molecule is folded into a ball and floats freely in a liquid, without bonds with other molecules. But as the temperature rises, water molecules begin to actively move, colliding with protein balls, destroying their structure and “pulling” them into ribbons. These ribbons or threads chemically bond with each other to form a dense structure.

Rinsing boiled eggs in cold water has another reason besides cooling. The natural release of hydrogen sulfide during the decomposition of protein amino acids reacts with the iron contained in the yolk, forming black sulfide. The active reaction is reflected in the color of the yolk, turning it grey colour. Rinsing the egg under running cold water significantly slows down the release of hydrogen sulfide and attracts the released gas to the cooled shell. Thus, the egg turns out with a beautiful yolk of a pleasant yellow color.

Perhaps the most famous dishes with eggs are scrambled eggs and omelettes. Although omelette-like dishes are found in many cuisines around the world, it is considered a French dish. A traditional omelet is made from beaten eggs and milk. You can add cheese, onions, ham, mushrooms and anything else to the omelette, as long as the result pleases you with taste and appearance. There are various versions of omelettes in world cuisines, each of which is interesting in its own way. For example, in Spain it is tortilla, in Italy frittata, in Japan omu-rice and omu-soba with fish ingredients and rice. In Austria they make omelettes with stale bread. It is believed that the recipe for such an omelet was invented specifically for the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph in the 19th century. Options for preparing omelettes differ in filling (ham, cheese, mushrooms, cracklings, chestnuts, seafood, vegetables, fruits), liquid part (milk, water, cream) and filler (flour, semolina or the absence of both).

One of the options for preparing an omelet involves separately whipping the whites and yolks until fluffy foam, and mixing the already whipped milk with flour or semolina diluted in it. The ratio of liquid part (milk or water) to eggs should be 1 egg to 1 shell of liquid. That is, for each egg half its volume. In France, a country where omelette is treated with particular reverence, it has its own secrets of preparing it and traditions of using special utensils for omelette. For this purpose, there is a special frying pan in which only the omelet is cooked. It should come with a fork, because the omelette is supposed to be whipped with a fork (using a whisk is considered bad manners). The classic “French” omelette recipe involves vigorously beating the eggs by hand to obtain a homogeneous, fluffy mass. This is necessary so that the beaten eggs are saturated with air bubbles. The second important condition is that the finished mixture (with milk) is poured into a hot frying pan and immediately mixed with butter. Experienced French chefs can give an omelette an interesting shape by “rolling” it at the right time. This is done by manipulating the frying pan without touching the omelette mass with kitchen utensils. After the omelette is cooked, wipe the pan with bread crumbs and rinse thoroughly.

Scrambled eggs are considered a bachelor's dish. It’s much easier - break an egg into a hot frying pan and after 3 minutes you can eat it. However, as in any business, the main thing for the right scrambled eggs is the nuances, or, more simply, the chef’s skill. General recommendations boil down to the fact that the frying pan must be thick-walled, sufficiently heated, but not hot. You can use any oil, but scrambled eggs with butter or olive oil are especially tasty. Classic fried eggs, that is, scrambled eggs with fried edges and a liquid, untouched yolk in the center, are cooked over fairly intense heat. Most often without adding any fillers. But you can also add finely chopped sausage, lard, sprinkle green onions and black pepper.

It's a little more difficult to prepare scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs. To do this, the eggs are scrambled with a fork (they are scrambled, not whipped, as in an omelet), salt is added and, if desired, diced sausage, mushrooms, vegetables or other ingredients. This mixture is poured into a well-heated, but not hot, thick-walled frying pan, greased with butter (best) oil. Cook over moderate heat, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula and adding oil if necessary.

In addition to being used in cooking, eggs also have sacred meaning in many cultures. Ancient peoples considered the egg a symbol of life, fertility and a prototype of the universe. In the early Christian era, the custom of painting eggs for Easter appeared. The first written mentions of this are found in Greek manuscripts of the 10th century. A little later they began to paint eggs for Easter in Rus'. This Christian holiday mixed in the pagan Russian land of those years with more ancient holidays and took root easily and naturally through food. After all, bringing gifts to the gods was characteristic of all pagan beliefs of that era. There are several classic recipes egg coloring.

Recipes using eggs

Classic French scrambled eggs

5 eggs
1 tbsp. sour cream,
salt, spices - to taste.

Heat the pan without adding oil. Place sour cream in it. Wait for the sour cream to evaporate a little and carefully pour in the eggs. Add salt and pepper and immediately turn off the flame, cover with a lid and let the scrambled eggs “rise” for 10 minutes.

Scrambled with chanterelles and onions

4 eggs,
400 g chanterelles,
green onions,
salt, pepper - to taste,
oil for frying.

Wash and cut the mushrooms. Heat a frying pan with oil. Add the onion, lightly fry it and add the mushrooms, fry the mushrooms and onions over high heat for a couple of minutes. Reduce heat and simmer the mushrooms until they are soft and the juice has evaporated. Fill the pan with scrambled eggs and fry until done. Ready dish goes well with salad fresh cucumbers with garlic.

Chicken eggs are a nutritious product that occupies an important place in the daily human diet (if, of course, there are no allergic reactions). In this article I would like to give an interesting and useful information, which may be useful to you in everyday life.

Nutritional and biological active substances eggs

Everyone knows well that a chicken egg is famous for its rich composition of proteins (proteins). But not everyone knows that more of them are contained in the yolk than in the white, namely:

100 g of yolk is saturated with 16 g of proteins;

100g of protein contains 11g of protein.

Chicken egg whites have the highest nutritional value among all plant proteins. This has its effect positive influence on the metabolism occurring in our body.

Chicken eggs contain relatively a lot of calcium, potassium and phosphorus; vitamins A, B1, B2 and E, also extremely necessary for human life.

It would seem that a chicken egg is a wonderful product - eat and eat to your heart's content! Still, you need to find a middle ground and not overuse eggs, as they contain a lot of cholesterol. This note will be especially significant for people with high levels of lipids in the blood.

Egg varieties

1. Varieties by quality:

Grade A-Extra. It includes only the freshest, cleanest eggs without any foreign odor. Pay attention to the container - it should indicate the week the product was packaged. After 7 days of storage, the “extra” sticker must be removed. Next, chicken eggs are transferred to grade A.

Grade B. Such eggs are already less fresh and clean. They may even be processed for longer storage.

Variety C. Eggs of this variety are supplied only to industry.

2. Varieties by weight:

Grade 1 – eggs weighing more than 70 g.

2nd grade – 65-70 g.

3rd grade – 60-65 g.

4th grade – 55-60 g.

5th grade – 50-55 g.

6th grade – 45-50 g.

7th grade – up to 45 g.

Determining egg freshness

You can check the freshness of eggs yourself at home using a simple method. To do this, you need to fill the glass 3/4 full with water and carefully immerse the egg in it. The final image can be presented in three versions.

1. The egg sank to the bottom. This is an indicator of its freshness, i.e. it was demolished no more three days back.

2. The egg floats in water in a vertical position. This means he is already a week old.

3. The egg floated to the surface, partially protruding from the water. This suggests that he is already at least 3 weeks old.

Using eggs in cooking

It is very difficult to talk about the invaluable contribution of chicken eggs to cooking in one article. They are an important ingredient in both the simplest and most ordinary dishes, and exquisite masterpieces. Here I want to look at several operations used in cooking using eggs.

1. Loosening. Egg whites, which are whipped into a stiff foam, are used to make sauces, soups, creams, and dough.

2. Thickening. The yolk will be indispensable if you want to give the dish a thicker consistency

3. Emulsification. The yolk contains lecithin, which helps turn the mixture into an emulsion. This is necessary, for example, to prepare mayonnaise by mixing cold ingredients.

4. Lightening. Whisk the egg white and add it to the broth, stirring until it boils. The protein coagulates, rises to the surface and captures particles contained in the liquid, making it cloudy. After straining, the broth becomes clear, like amber. This is especially important for aspic.

In fact, you can find a lot of interesting information about chicken eggs, learn about original recipes with their use, be it a light snack or a delicate dessert. Eggs are a product that allows you to do many unique experiments in the kitchen. It is quite appropriate to say here that there are no limits to imagination. Why don't you do this in your spare time?

What is cooking without eggs? There are many dishes that cannot be prepared without eggs. In addition to chicken, of course, you can use other types, for example, quail or goose, or duck, and even ostrich eggs. But often it is chicken eggs that are used, but for confectionery products, no other eggs are suitable at all.

In order to use eggs for cooking, you must first learn how to determine their freshness. The easiest homemade way to test an egg for freshness is to place it in salt water. If the egg is old, it will float; a fresh egg will sink to the bottom. Another tip: when broken, the yolk of a spoiled egg, even if it does not yet have an unpleasant odor, no longer holds its shape and spreads shapelessly across the plate. This egg is unusable and should be thrown away. Therefore, each egg should first be broken into a separate container, and then only if it is suitable, can it be placed with the others.

You should also know that the composition of the yolk is 65 percent fat, and the composition of the protein is 85 percent water and 15 percent proteins. Therefore, yolks are not always recommended for people to eat, but whites are absolutely not contraindicated for anyone. The taste of the egg depends on what the chicken was fed. The most delicious eggs are produced by chickens fed with herbs.

In cooking, eggs are usually always beaten, separating the whites from the yolks. The white and yolk are so different in their qualities that they are often not used together, but only separately, and they serve to achieve completely different effects. So protein is used to give the product viscosity or, on the contrary, airiness in all kinds of mousses and soufflés.

But the yolk, on the contrary, increases density, makes products brittle and dry, and therefore is used in biscuit and shortbread dough, in cookies and muffins.

A very interesting recipe for an ancient Slavic egg dish - “snowballs”. Beat 4 egg whites with sugar (150 grams), you can add vanilla to taste. Boil 3 glasses of milk. Place whipped foam snowballs into boiling milk with a spoon, turn them over and immediately take them out. It turns out something like bird's milk, only even more tender. When all the whites are cooked, a classic brew is made from the remaining milk, yolks and flour. custard, add oil (about half a stick) and let cool. The cooled cream is placed into portioned plates and snowballs are placed on top. The dish turns out not only very tasty and tender, but also very original.

. Chicken eggs in cooking., 03/12/2015

Chicken egg- one of the most consumed food products. It has an asymmetrical oval shape and consists of white and yolk, covered with a shell on the outside. Chicken eggs have been part of the human diet for several millennia.
This product of animal origin is a valuable storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Egg white contains all known amino acids, without which it is impossible to build protein in the human body, as well as lysozyme, which kills and dissolves harmful microorganisms. And the yolk contains a lot of lecithin, which gives a person the necessary daily norm phosphorus and has a positive effect on fat metabolism.


Breeding chickens for meat and eggs, that is, domesticating these birds, began about 5,000 years ago in Southeast Asia. According to legend, chickens were brought to Persia from India by the troops of Darius. The king ordered chickens to be kept in every house and strictly forbade killing them. He wrote about the benefits of chicken eggs in the 2nd century AD. e. and Ibn Sina (Avicenna) - Persian scientist, healer and philosopher, speaking of eggs not only as a nutritious food, but also calling them a healing medicine.
Chickens appeared in Rus' only many centuries later. For our ancestors, the egg had a magical meaning for a long time; some ritual customs and traditions were associated with it. To this day, at Easter people paint and give eggs to each other as a symbol of eternal life.

The nutritional value

A chicken egg consists of white and yolk. Egg white contains 85% water, 12.7% protein, 0.7% carbohydrates and 0.3% fat. It is rich in glucose, various enzymes and B vitamins. The yolk makes up about 33% of the entire egg and contains 60 calories (3 times more than the white). The yolk of an egg contains approximately 2.7 g of protein, 0.61 g of carbohydrates, 4.51 g of fat and 210 mg of cholesterol.
The egg is rich in vitamins A, E, D, as well as B vitamins. One egg contains 140 mg of potassium, 55 mg of calcium, 134 mg of sodium, 12 mg of magnesium, 192 mg of phosphorus, 156 mg of chlorine, 176 mg of sulfur, as well as fluorine , copper, manganese, chromium and selenium, which have antioxidant properties.

Use in cooking

The culinary capabilities of a chicken egg are superior to many other food products. Eggs can be boiled hard-boiled, soft-boiled or “in a bag”, cooked from them into omelettes and scrambled eggs, baked in the oven, poached and even pickled and salted (for those who like spicy sensations and new tastes).
It is impossible to imagine most confectionery and baked goods without the addition of eggs. For example, the main ingredient of soufflé, meringue, and biscuit dough is egg white. And absolutely nothing can replace it in these dishes. Eggs are also added when preparing cutlets, croutons, casseroles, soups; many salads cannot be made without them; even egg yolk or white is added to some cocktails.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

Egg is the only product that leaves almost no toxins in the intestines, being absorbed by the body by 98%. In addition, eggs are beneficial for hematopoiesis, and the substances they contain neutralize the harmful effects environment and have a beneficial effect on the eyes: they prevent the formation of cataracts and protect the optic nerve.

Chicken eggs contain many useful substances, so this product is used in cosmetology to improve the condition of hair and skin. So, if instead of shampoo you wash your hair with fresh eggs, your hair will gain elasticity, shine and strength, and become thicker. A protein egg face mask makes oily skin matte, cleanses pores and increases blood circulation.


Despite the great benefits of eggs, they can still be allergens. That is why it is recommended to introduce yolk into the diet of babies from 7 months, and white should not be given to children until they are 1 year old.
Cannot be abused chicken eggs and adults: it is recommended to eat no more than 1-2 eggs per day. This is especially true for middle-aged men with diabetes. Research by American scientists has shown that this particular group of people, if they abuse chicken eggs (from 7 to 10 eggs per week), are susceptible to premature death. The yolk of an egg contains cholesterol, an excess of which leads to the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels, which, in turn, leads to heart attack or stroke.

Interesting Facts
There are people who do not eat eggs in any form. And the reason for this is not medical
indications. These are vegetarians who do not consume any animal products.
oocytophobes - people who... are afraid of eggs, and religious fans who claim that the yolk is
a chicken embryo, which means, essentially, the corpse of an unborn chicken. But these categories of people
rather, in the minority, since, according to statistics, the average person consumes about 200 eggs per year.