Ecological picture of the world in science lessons. Formation of ecological ideas of junior schoolchildren in the process of studying the course "The world around us"


Relevance of the problem and research topics. The modern school is experiencing difficult process updates. Particularly relevant, in our opinion, is the study of the formation of an ecological picture of the world as a holistic image of the surrounding world, the assimilation by children of a system of environmental knowledge and ways of knowing nature, the development of personally significant initial worldviews on reality, the formation of a value-based, responsible attitude towards nature.

The purpose of education is not to simply acquire information or master laws, but to educate an ecologically cultural personality. The child must learn to acquire new knowledge, information, and most importantly, apply his knowledge correctly, without compromising nature.

The relevance of the problem of forming an ecological picture of the world among students in the process of teaching natural science at the socio-pedagogical level is determined by the search for new ways to develop thinking abilities associated with the formation of the foundations of an intellectually developed personality, open to new experience, in demand by modern society. In this period, the development of society is becoming increasingly important to the development of a harmonious relationship between man and nature, the need to form in the younger generation a holistic vision, feeling for nature and ways of studying it. The general picture of the world, corresponding to ideas about the structure and development of nature, in science is called the natural scientific picture of the world.

In the process of realizing oneself in the world and one’s place in it, the formation of an ecological picture of the world (EPP) in students plays a major role. One of the ways to solve this problem is to correct the subjective experience associated with knowledge about nature in the process of teaching natural science. We believe that such an adjustment is made on the basis of systematic excursions into nature.

The process of transformation of subjective experience when correcting it to a scientific one is considered by us as a process of creating a new image of the ecological picture of the world, which is the result of knowledge of one of the areas of the real reality of nature and its relationship with man and society.

The federal state educational standard provides for the development of knowledge about the surrounding world, the unity and differences of the natural and social, about man and his place in nature and society, the cultivation of a positive emotional and value attitude towards the surrounding world, ecological and spiritual-moral culture, patriotic feelings; the child must gain experience in practical activities: observations in nature, comparison of the properties of observed objects, orienteering, ensuring the formation of a holistic picture of the world.

The goals of teaching natural science disciplines are based on their ecologization, which provides for the development of an individual capable of obeying the laws of nature, thereby realizing the co-evolutionary development of humanity and nature.

An analysis of the development of natural science education in school in relation to the designated general theoretical foundations revealed a number of contradictions:

    between the need of society to ensure the quality of natural science education and the insufficient development of program material, which should contain seasonal excursions that ensure students master the ecological picture of the world;

    between the need to green the school natural science course and the insufficient development of approaches to forming an ecological picture of the world among students in the process of teaching natural science;

    between the rich potential of the content of the primary science education course for students and the lack of pedagogical tactics for forming an ecological picture of the world among students through seasonal excursions into nature in the process of teaching natural science.

Based on the identified contradictions, a pedagogical problem is identified, which consists in the formation of an ecological picture of the world through seasonal excursions into nature in the process of natural science education.

Purpose of the study - testing of a complex of seasonal excursions into nature, ensuring the formation of an ecological picture of the world among students in the process of teaching natural science.

Object of study - the process of natural science education of students.

Subject of study - seasonal excursions as a means of forming an ecological picture of the world.

Research hypothesis . Students will more successfully develop an ecological picture of the world in the process of natural science education if:

    The methodology for conducting excursions includes various forms of work (individual, frontal, group), and play activities.

    The content of the excursions includes tasks on environmental theme, phenological and ecological stories.


    Conduct an analysis of scientific literature and, on its basis, determine the essence of the concept “ecological picture of the world” as the main concept of environmental education.

    Develop a program of extracurricular activities for conducting excursions in order to form an ecological picture of the world.

    Implement a set of seasonal excursions into nature aimed at developing an ecological picture of the world as the main indicator of the effectiveness of environmental education.

    Carry out diagnostics to identify the level of formation of the ecological picture of the world.

Research base: Research work is carried out on the basis of the municipal educational institution Secondary School.


    1. The concept of “ecological picture of the world”

“Picture of the World” is a visible portrait of the universe, a figurative and conceptual model of the Universe, which outlines its spatio-temporal boundaries and the place of man in it. The concept of “picture of the world” expresses the specifics of man and his existence, his relationship with the world and is the most important condition for his existence in the world.

As a result of the analysis of literature, types of pictures of the world were discovered: religious, philosophical, scientific. Religious, philosophical and scientific pictures of the world coexist with each other. While maintaining due caution, it can be argued that the three pictures of the world do not oppose, but complement each other.

A scientific picture of the world is a system of general scientific ideas about the world, characteristic of a certain stage of development, built on the basis of relevant philosophical knowledge and ideas. The term “picture of the world” emphasizes that we are not talking about a part, a fragment of knowledge, but about an entire system. Along with the three main pictures of the world, there are other pictures of the world: linguistic, environmental, etc.

Research in the field of socio-natural history shows that a new ecological worldview paradigm is needed.

The ecological picture of the world includes generalized natural science and humanities knowledge about the structure of the surrounding world, the patterns of its development; it is a reflection in a person’s head of ideas about the world around him and his place in it, inherent in members of a certain community.

The ecological picture of the world is distinguished by the following features:

The ecological picture of the world appears to be part of the overall picture of the world. The core of the ecological picture of the world is the ecological worldview, which defines the most general ideas, methods and principles of human activity aimed at preserving environment and the person in it;

the ecological picture of the world arises as a result of both direct cognition of reality by a person with the help of the senses or thinking, and with the help of secondary symbolic means;

The ecological picture of the world is formed in the process of human socialization, is less individualized and has common national- specific features, characteristic of a person as a representative of a certain social group;

the image of the world that underlies the ecological picture of the world appears as a unity of living and inanimate nature, the natural and anthropogenic environment, humans and other living organisms;

When building an ecological picture of the world, a person relies on both everyday practical and scientific knowledge that exists in the form of concepts. Ecological knowledge is a constantly evolving system, supplemented by modern scientific discoveries. The ecological picture of the world is a synthesis of human natural science and humanities knowledge about the world around us and our place in the world and society;

the basis of the ecological picture of the world is knowledge about the state of the environment and the vital activity of living organisms inhabiting it, about the position of man in the world;

The ecological picture of the world is focused on the present and the near future, without taking care of which a person cannot survive.

The natural worldview is based on a corresponding scientific picture of the world, but this was not enough to understand, explain and transform the world to overcome the environmental crisis.

    1. Seasonal excursions into nature as a means of forming an ecological picture of the world for students in the process of teaching natural science

One of the most effective means of forming an ecological picture of the world is a seasonal ecological excursion into nature, which is defined as a form of environmental education in the organization of the educational process, which is a group visit to natural complexes.

The excursions used various forms of work: individual, frontal and group; mastery of the basic system of values ​​and value orientations.

As a result of observations, the child creatively transforms reality. Students' assimilation of certain knowledge begins with the creative transformation of the material they assimilate. The uniqueness of ecological seasonal excursions is associated with the assimilation of theoretical, environmental material, various relationships and dependencies in nature.

An excursion is one of the main types of classes and a special form of organizing work on environmental education, one of the most labor-intensive and complex. An excursion as a form of educational work allows you to organize observation and study various items and phenomena in natural conditions. The purpose of such excursions is the environmental education of children, understood as one of the components of the moral formation of the individual. Therefore, in the content of the excursion, the main role is played by the formation of a conscious and careful attitude towards objects of living and non-living nature. This attitude is developed in children on the basis of direct contact with living objects and various forms of interaction with them (observation, games), mastering the rules of nature conservation. All this contributes to the education of fundamental moral values ​​- kindness, responsiveness, cordiality, careful and caring attitude towards natural objects, respect for human work.

As V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote, it is necessary to cultivate in a child a love “for everything that cannot live without a gentle human hand; without a sensitive human heart. It’s about love for the living and the defenseless, the weak and the tender.”

The objectives of the educational component of the excursion are for children to master a system of environmental ideas and concepts about nature. The developmental component of excursions stimulates the formation of:

    sensory abilities (the ability to see various signs of objects: color and its shades, spatial arrangement, variety of shapes, textures, etc.);

    thought processes (analysis, comparison, generalization, classification), imagination and creativity.

When developing excursions, it is important to set and solve a set of educational, educational and developmental tasks. In the practice of the school, two traditional types of excursions have now been established: natural history and excursions to agricultural sites.

A nature excursion traditionally solves the problem of getting to know nature, i.e. accumulation of ideas about the diversity of living nature objects and their characteristic features. An excursion to agricultural facilities helps to develop an understanding of people’s work. These are excursions to the field, to the garden, to the vegetable garden, to the farm. A visit to these sites provides an opportunity to show how people influence nature, grow plants and animals, and care for them. The main goal of the excursion is to show what people do and for what purpose, how they use machines, and how they relate to their work. The use of these types of excursions is aimed at nurturing a love for nature and a conscious and careful attitude towards it. Any of the above excursions consists of an introductory conversation, collective observation, individual independent observation of children, collection of material, children playing with the collected material, a final part, during which the teacher sums up the excursion and reminds of the need to respect nature.

Having brought students to the excursion site, the teacher organizes collective observation, during which the main program tasks are solved, helps to notice characteristic features objects and phenomena, establish the necessary connections between them.

Domestic and foreign psychologists consider aesthetic perception as a means of emotional knowledge of the world. Organization of excursions.

For each excursion, tasks are determined that are mandatory for all children to master. Excursions are conducted according to a certain system. It is advisable to carry them out at the same objects in different times year, in order to show children the seasonal changes that occur in nature. For example, in the spring, students should be given three excursions to the park with gradually increasing complexity of tasks. The purpose of these excursions is to introduce spring changes, develop the ability to see them and understand the reason for what is happening in nature.

Organizing an excursion is much more difficult than organizing a group lesson, and it will only be successful if careful preparation has been carried out.

Teacher preparation consists primarily of determining the purpose of the excursion and selecting program content. The teacher plans an excursion based on the requirements of the program and the characteristics of the surrounding area. When determining the place of the excursion, the teacher chooses the best path to it - not tiring, not distracting the children from the intended goal. When determining the distance to the excursion site, one should proceed from the physical capabilities of the children. The duration of the journey to the selected location (one way) should not exceed 40-50 minutes. In this case, you should take into account the characteristics of the road and weather conditions.

The excursion site must be inspected in advance. Having visited the site of the future excursion, the teacher clarifies the route, finds the necessary objects, outlines the content and scope of the knowledge that students should receive about a given range of phenomena, the sequence of individual parts of the excursion, establishes places for collective and independent observations, and for children to relax.

Preliminary acquaintance with the place of the future excursion makes it possible not only to clarify and specify the plan, but also to think over the methods of conducting it.

Preparing children begins with the teacher telling them the purpose of the excursion. Students must know where they will go, why, what they will learn, what they need to collect. They should know that an excursion is an activity that is not carried out in a classroom, but in nature and on an agricultural site, so it is necessary to be disciplined and attentive during the excursion. The teacher reminds the children of the rules of behavior on the street.

When preparing for an excursion, you need to pay attention to the clothes of children. Children should be dressed comfortably, in accordance with the weather and season. For the excursion, the teacher should prepare excursion equipment and equipment for placing the collected material in a corner of nature. It is good to involve students in its preparation. This helps to arouse interest in the upcoming excursion.

Having brought the class to the excursion site, the teacher reminds the topic, gives the opportunity to look around, and then begins to observe the intended objects and natural phenomena.

The main part of the excursion is collective observation, during which the main program objectives of the excursion are solved. The teacher helps to notice the characteristic features of objects and phenomena and establish the necessary connections. The focus of the observation process is on issues and questions-tasks, forcing children to examine an object, compare, find differences and similarities, and establish connections between natural phenomena.

At the end of the main part, the teacher gives the opportunity to satisfy curiosity in individual independent observations and collection of natural history material. At the same time, he himself is not left alone, but shows a keen interest in their actions: he asks questions, supports the children’s initiative, and exchanges impressions with them. However, when giving tasks to collect, you should strictly limit its quantity in order to focus the children’s attention only on certain plants or animals, and, in addition, solve the problem of instilling a caring attitude towards nature. At the same time, children should be shown how to dig up plants, cut a branch, etc., but they cannot do all the work for the children. The collected material is sorted, placed into folders and baskets, and some of it is immediately used for games and exercises.

In the final part of the excursion, the teacher once again draws the children’s attention to the overall picture of nature. (Table 1).

Table 1 - Plan of the excursion to the forest



Methodical techniques

1.Introductory part

To prepare students for the perception of nature, to draw attention to the objects of the “forest” ecosystem.

Develop the ability to behave correctly in the forest.

Introduction of a motivating situation. Appeals to children's experiences. Reminder of the rules of conduct.

2. Main part

To form in students an idea of ​​the forest as a community of various plants and animals.

Comparison of meadow and forest. Collective observation aimed at perceiving and realizing the fury of the forest. Children's individual observations of animals in the Forest and stories about them. Solving a cognitive problem: does the forest need insects? Game "Guess the description". Collection of forest herbaceous plants.

3. Final part

Summarize the idea of ​​the forest ecosystem. Encourage a conscious, caring attitude towards nature.

Questions for students. Repetition of rules of conduct in the forest and their rationale.

    1. Conclusions on I chapter

Having analyzed the scientific and methodological literature on the research problem, we came to the following conclusions:

    The basis of environmental education for students is an approach to knowledge in which the pedagogical process is based on the leading ideas and concepts of the science of ecology. The ultimate goal of environmental education is the formation of principles ecological culture, which is formed, including through a system of knowledge about the surrounding nature, an understanding of natural mechanisms.

    The content of environmental education for children has recently included knowledge from a key section - bioecology. The central concept of the natural science block of knowledge is the relationship between the organism and the environment.

    Students can study the adaptation (adjustment) of living organisms, including plants, to environmental conditions. In this case, the objects of study can be plants that make up the immediatethe child’s natural environment (primarily indoor plants).


    1. Initial diagnostics of the level of formation of the ecological picture of the world among 5th grade students

At the diagnostic stage, a questionnaire was administered to: test initial knowledge. A survey was conducted in the experimental and control classes. The study involved fifth grade students: control grade 5 “A” and experimental grade 5 “B”.

The use of a complex of excursions in environmental education of students allows us to create a system of influence on the child’s personality. “Diagnostics of the level of formation of an individual’s ecological picture of the world” was carried out (Appendix 1). Depending on the indicators reflecting the formation of the ecological picture of the world, the levels of formation of the ecological picture of the world were identified: Level I (high) – I can independently apply environmental ideas, have environmental ideas and apply them with the help of an adult; Level II (intermediate) – have environmental concepts, but do not know how to apply them;IIIlevel (low) – they begin to perceive the ecological picture of the world. As a result, we received the following data (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Levels of development of the ecological picture of the world1

In both classes, a low level of formation of the ecological picture of the world prevails. There are students with a high level, these are those guys who participate in scientific activities, but are not always excellent students. The average level of formation of an ecological picture of the world is inherent in students attending elective courses. Most children have no idea about the ecological picture of the world.

2.2 Description of seasonal excursions into nature aimed at forming an image of the ecological picture of the world among 5th grade students

Purpose of the program: Formation in students of a holistic ecological worldview and ethical values ​​in relation to nature and the surrounding space through the greening of the entire educational and educational process.

Program objectives:

    1. to form schoolchildren’s ideas about the ecological picture of the world;

      to cultivate environmental culture and environmental consciousness of schoolchildren through educational activities of the school;

      to intensify environmental project activities and enhance their social significance;

      to promote the moral, aesthetic and labor education of schoolchildren using existing reserves, including a personal plot;

The developed content of excursions for the formation of an ecological picture of the world in children includes knowledge about nature (sensory images), elementary concepts (ecology, food chain, ecosystem, environment, adaptation), relationships (man - nature, nature - society), ways of knowing nature, Various forms of work (individual, frontal, group), and play activities were used.

To teach observation techniques, the content of the excursions includes various reference plans: studying the appearance of plants, studying the appearance of animals, identifying significant features of observed objects, comparing objects, summarizing observations of natural objects, establishing the influence of human activity on the surrounding nature.

The content of the excursions (Table 2) included tasks on environmental topics, which made it possible to make digital material more accessible, understand the features of nature, broaden one’s horizons, and understand the connection of program material with the environment. Solving problems on an environmental topic develops students’ interest in nature, educates inquisitive, inquisitive people who understand that man is also a part of nature and that human health depends on nature. Environmental tasks have educational significance, develop memory, thinking, and cultivate love for nature and the native land (Appendix 2). When compiling tasks containing information of an environmental nature, the material was taken from geographical sources, reference books, but also obtained by the students themselves when studying natural objects during excursions (Appendix 4).

Table 2.Tasks proposed in the content of excursions





1. Observation of autumn changes in nature.

2.Winter excursion to the forest.

3.Spring excursion to the forest.

4.Summer excursion to the forest.

Reveal changes in living and inanimate nature in autumn, winter, spring, summer. Expand your understanding of the forest.

Describe the weather.

Games: “What grows in the forest, who is in

lives in the forest", "Imagine yourself

tree”, “Get to know the tree”, “Nature”.

Collect fallen leaves and describe them (work in groups).

Why do you think there are few flowers, what flowers are listed in the Red Book, why?

In order to cultivate ecological culture, one of the indicators of the anthropological part of the ecological picture of the world, it is necessary to form an ecological worldview, environmental consciousness.

For this purpose, phenological and environmental riddle stories were included in the excursion material. A phenological story is dedicated to a specific season or even month (Appendix 3). The children's task is to find these mistakes while the teacher reads the story. Those mistakes that the students did not notice are explained by the teacher after finishing reading. It is not enough to point out mistakes; it is also necessary for students to explain why this does not happen. In addition, some stories mention species of plants and animals listed in the Red Book. Students should mark them. Ecological stories are devoted to the behavior of children in nature.

Thus, providing an increasing degree of independence when observing biological objects, the gradual complication of mental activity when performing tasks brings students closer to creative cognitive activity. This is largely facilitated by natural history seasonal excursions into nature.

After seasonal excursions into nature, a control diagnosis of the level of formation of the ecological picture of the world was carried out. In the class where the excursions were held, children began to more actively show emotions and feelings towards the environment and natural objects. The knowledge base about natural objects and phenomena has expanded significantly. Children began to formulate statements related to natural objects in a detailed and precise manner.

Analyzing the data obtained (Figure 2), we see: the results of the experimental class significantly increased the results control class. Students began to give more detailed and reasoned answers.

Figure 2. Levels of formation of the ecological picture 2

The results of diagnosing the level of formation of the ecological picture of the world among students in the experimental class before and after the study are presented in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Comparison of levels of development before and after seasonal excursions in the experimental class

Analysis of diagnostic results in the experimental class showed:

    The level of formation of an ecologically correct attitude towards the natural world has increased.

    The attitude of students in the experimental group towards natural objects changed noticeably. In the process of direct observations of nature, a clear and accurate idea of ​​objects and natural phenomena was laid in the minds of children, that in living nature everything is interconnected, that individual objects and phenomena are interdependent, that the organism and the environment are an inseparable whole, that any feature in the structure of plants, the behavior of animals is subject to certain laws, that man, as a part of nature, endowed with consciousness, actively influences nature through his work.

    Students began to actively participate in school and city Scientific and Practical Conferences; in subject Olympiads in Biology, Ecology; environmental competitions (Appendix 4).

Thus, the work to form an ecological picture of the world during seasonal excursions into nature is a rather long and labor-intensive process. To form an ecological picture of the world among students, a system for developing students’ mental operations in the process of teaching them natural science is necessary, which would take into account age characteristics development of children's thinking, results of the latest researchers in the field of psychology and pedagogy, experience of practical pedagogical activities. This is achieved by making changes to the content and organization of training, relying on students’ independent activities, requiring students to provide evidence-based, logical, detailed reasoning out loud, and making assignments more difficult.

As a result of the study, it was revealed that the higher the level of development of mental operations among students, the higher their level of formation of an ecological picture of the world in the process of studying natural science.


So, we can conclude that in order to form an ecological picture of the world among students, it is necessary to make changes in the content and organization of training: reliance on independent activity of students, requirements for evidence-based, logical, detailed reasoning out loud, and complication of tasks.

1. The work clarified the concept of “ecological picture of the world” - this is a generalized natural science picture of the world, representing as a multidimensional, holistic, individually formed image of the universe, where there is a place for ideas about the role of man in the world, about the natural conformity of human life.

The ecological picture of the world and leading ideological ideas set the contours of a new educational paradigm designed to resolve the contradictions of modern educational systems in its formation.

2. The content of the excursions included: guide plans that ensured the formation of observation techniques: the technique of analyzing the external signs of natural objects, the technique of identifying essential features, the technique of comparison, the technique of generalization, the technique of establishing cause-and-effect relationships, tasks of ecological content, phenological and ecological stories.

3. The program for organizing excursions includes various forms of work: group work, which united children, encouraged children to cooperate and develop tolerance, weak children began to reach out to stronger ones, while working in groups girls began to communicate with boys, individual, frontal, and also gaming activity.

4. The results of the study indicate positive dynamics and show that the inclusion of seasonal excursions into nature in the educational process from the fifth grade contributes to the formation of an individual multidimensional holistic image of the universe, in which there is a place for ideas about the role of man in the world, about the natural conformity of human life.

5. Interdisciplinary communication was carried out (mathematics and natural science), using tasks of environmental content. Environmental tasks have educational significance, develop memory, thinking, and cultivate love for nature and the native land. When compiling tasks containing information of an environmental nature, the material was taken from geographical sources, reference books, but also obtained by the students themselves while studying natural objects during excursions.

The conducted research fully confirmed the hypothesis, the goal of the study was achieved, and the assigned tasks were achieved.

Research prospects include improving the methodology and techniques for forming an ecological picture of the world. This methodological problem requires the selection and systematization of both natural science and humanities material, ensuring the further formation of a value attitude towards nature. Students take great pleasure in caring for indoor plants and pets.


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A methodological collection of educational excursions in extracurricular activities for the formation of an ecological picture of the world among students in the process of teaching natural science

The collection is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard.

The collection includes both examples of conducted excursions and, directly, an example of a virtual excursion into nature. The developed activities can be used by primary school teachers.

Forms and methods of studying the course

Design and research, games, laboratory and practical, experimental.

Expected Result

Students should expand their understanding of natural objects and phenomena, become involved in positive environmental activities, be able to work independently and in a group, and acquire design skills creative works, collections, raise the level of ideas about the ecological picture of the world.

Purpose of the program: Formation in students of a holistic ecological worldview and ethical values ​​in relation to nature and the surrounding space through the greening of the entire educational and educational process.

Activation of school activities to develop students' citizenship and social responsibility.

Program objectives:

    1. to form schoolchildren’s ideas about the ecological picture of the world;

      to cultivate environmental culture and environmental consciousness of schoolchildren through educational activities of the school;

      to intensify environmental project activities and enhance their social significance;

      to promote the moral, aesthetic and labor education of schoolchildren using existing reserves, including a personal plot;

Course content

Subject. 1 Excursions to natural and artificial communities. (2 hours)

    Natural community. Diversity of nature. Features of the school site.

Goals and objectives:

    development of environmental concepts;

    student health improvement;

    developing in students the ability to see the diversity of nature and connections in the world around them, and to correlate their actions with the laws and principles of nature;

    development of ideas about environmental factors, autumn phenomena and the diversity of natural communities;

    acquiring skills in compiling and designing simple and accessible collections;

    instilling hard work in the school area.

Topic 2. Cycle of autumn excursions. (10 hours)

    Diversity of plant communities. Deciduous forest. Coniferous forest. Meadow. Reservoirs. Human influence on the natural community.

    Artificial ecosystem. Cheremshansky (Big Blue) Marble Quarry. Open ground. Dumps. Medicinal plants. Protection of natural communities. Features of protected areas.

Goals and objectives:

    student health improvement;

    development of ideas about the species diversity of plants and animals;

    development of concepts about the characteristics of deciduous and coniferous forests, meadows, and reservoirs;

    development of ideas about natural and artificial ecosystems;

    nurturing love for nature;

    nurturing interest in natural science, biology, ecology lessons;

    clarification of ecological connections between members of the biocenosis in different ecosystems, their adaptations to living conditions.

Topic 3. Cycle of winter excursions. (8 ocloc'k)

    Features of the winter forest. Plants and animals in winter. Animal diversity and flora. Adaptation to unfavorable environmental conditions.

    Implementation of the “Young Ornithologists” project. Making and hanging feeders, nest boxes, birdhouses.

    Excursion to the Ufaleyskoye forestry.

Goals and objectives:

    development of ideas about the characteristics of the winter forest and adaptations to unfavorable environmental conditions, the diversity of flora and fauna;

    student health improvement;

    development of intellectual and creative abilities of students;

    formation of design thinking and environmental awareness;

    fostering a responsible attitude towards all living things;

    identifying influence various types economic activity humans on biogeocenoses;

    developing in students the skills of environmentally literate behavior in nature, developing a sense of love for the Motherland and caring attitude towards its natural resources;

    involving them in positive environmental activities.

Topic 4. Cycle of spring excursions. (14 hours)

    Excursion to the forest area. Making and hanging birdhouses. Ecological holiday “Bird Day”. Organization and holding school holiday and participation in the city holiday on the basis of the Leisure Center MBOU "SOC" "Nickelshchik".

    Excursion “Primroses”.

    Excursion “Soil habitat of living organisms. Soil composition and properties. Soil formation. Water in the soil. Living organisms that inhabit the soil.

    Excursion to the deciduous forest “Green Noise”. Birch grove: diversity of plants.

Goals and objectives:

    familiarity with methods for studying biological objects in different habitats;

    development of ideas about seasonal changes in communities: spring phenomena in nature, features of aquatic and soil habitats;

    fostering a caring and kind attitude towards nature and each other;

    nurturing independence;

    consolidation of knowledge of norms and rules of behavior in nature;

    development of knowledge about living environments;

    development of creative imagination and creativity;

    development of goodwill skills;

    expanding the worldview of students;

    student health improvement;

Calendar and thematic planning of the course

(34 hours per year)

Topic 1. Excursions to natural and artificial communities.

    Introduction. Ecology. Environmental factors. Autumn phenomena in nature.

    Excursion to the school site. Natural community. Diversity of nature.

Topic 2. Cycle of autumn excursions.

    Diversity of plant communities. Dubrava.

    Deciduous forest.

    Coniferous forest.



    Human influence on the natural community.

    Artificial ecosystem. Cheremshansky Marble Quarry. Dumps. Open ground. Medicinal plants.

    Protection of natural communities. Features of protected areas.

    Summarizing the reporting material. A game. Quiz.

    Registration of design and research work.

Topic 3. Cycle of winter excursions .

    Features of the winter forest. Plants and animals in winter. Excursion along the landscape-ecological trail.

    Implementation of the “Young Ornithologists” project. Making and hanging feeders, nest boxes, birdhouses. Quizzes. Puzzles. Game “Help the birds”

    Excursion to the Ufaleysky forestry “Why are they so different?”

    Summarizing the results of the excursions. Quiz. Design of an exhibition of reporting materials: drawings, photographs, crosswords.

Topic 4. Cycle of spring excursions.

    Seasonal changes in communities of living organisms. Spring phenomena in nature at the school site.

    Rivers, ponds and lakes as natural aquatic communities. Life of reservoirs in spring. Features of the aquatic habitat.

    Excursion along the landscape-ecological trail. Making and hanging birdhouses.

    Bird Day. Organization and holding of a school holiday and participation in a city holiday on the basis of the Leisure Center MBOU "SOC" "Nickelshchik".

    Excursion “Primroses”.

    Excursion “Soil habitat of living organisms. Soil composition and properties.

    Soil formation. Water in the soil. Living organisms are inhabitants of the soil.”

    Excursion to the deciduous forest “Green Noise”. Birch Grove.

    Generalization of the spring cycle of excursions. Organizing an exhibition of students' creative works. Summing up the course. Protection of design and research work.


1 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal state budgetary educational institution higher education“TYUMEN STATE UNIVERSITY” APPROVED by Director of the Institute /Full Name/ 201 NATURAL SCIENCE WITH METHOD OF TEACHING THE SUBJECT “THE WORLD AROUND” Educational and methodological complex. Work program for students in the areas of training Pedagogical education (Primary education), Academic bachelor's program, full-time and part-time courses

2 APPROVAL SHEET from..201 Contents: Teaching materials in the discipline “Natural science with methods of teaching the subject “The World around us”” for full-time students, Pedagogical education (Primary education) (bachelor’s level) Author: Kuprina L.E. Volume 37 pages Position Full name Date of approval Head of department (department name) Chairman of the Department of Education and Science (Institute) Full name..201 Result of approval Recommended for electronic publication Full name..201_ Agreed Director of IBC Full name..201 Approved Note Minutes of the department meeting dated..201_ Minutes UMK meeting dated..201_ 2

3 L.E. Kuprina. Natural science with methods of teaching the subject “The World around us”: Educational and methodological complex. Student work program for full-time students, Teacher Education (Primary Education) (Bachelor's level). - Tyumen: p. The work program “Natural science with methods of teaching the subject “The World around us”” was compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education, taking into account the recommendations and Prop of Higher Education in the direction and profile of training. The work program of the discipline (module) is published on the Tyumen State University website: [electronic resource] / Access mode: section “Educational activities”, free. Recommended for publication by the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Childhood. Approved by the director of the Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy. EDITOR IN CHARGE: O.V. Ogorodnova, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Tyumen State University, Kuprina L.E.,

4 Explanatory note 1.1. Goals and objectives of the discipline The goal is for students to gain an understanding of the specifics of the school discipline “The World around us” and master the methodology of teaching this discipline based on the system of natural scientific knowledge. The discipline “Natural science with methods of teaching the subject “The World around us”” prepares students to solve the following tasks of professional activity: - development of scientific thinking on the basis of the course being studied; - formation of a modern natural science picture of the world, reflecting the integrity and diversity of the world; an idea of ​​the importance of nature in human production activities and the role of man in the natural history of the Earth; - formation of ecological culture; - discovery and initial development of general methods of action; teach ways to build a natural science picture of the world and gain knowledge about the world around us. The volume and level of the course “Natural Science” for students and future teachers of primary education serves as a guideline that allows us to foresee the place of the primary school course “Natural Science” or “The Environment” in the system of secondary (complete) general education. Place of discipline in the structure educational program The discipline “Natural science with methods of teaching the subject “The World around us”” is a discipline of the variable part of the subject-methodological module and is based on such disciplines as “Natural scientific picture of the world”, “Philosophy”, “Pedagogy: general foundations of pedagogy”, “Psychology: general, developmental psychology”, “Workshop on educational work with younger schoolchildren”, “Methodology and methods of psychological and pedagogical research in the work of primary school teachers”, etc. Table 1 Sections of the discipline and interdisciplinary connections with the provided (subsequent) disciplines 6th semester p/n Name of the provided ( subsequent) disciplines 1. Methods of teaching and upbringing (by profile): educational programs of primary school with the basics of the history of primary education 2. Industrial practice (summer pedagogical), with a separation of subtitles Name of the provided (subsequent) disciplines 1. Design and research activities of juniors schoolchildren 2. Industrial teaching practice (trial lessons and extracurricular activities), with a gap Discipline topics necessary for studying the provided (subsequent) disciplines semester Discipline topics necessary for studying the provided (subsequent) disciplines

5 1.3. Student competencies formed as a result of mastering this educational program As a result of mastering the educational program, the student must have the following general cultural and professional competencies: readiness to implement educational programs in academic subjects in accordance with the requirements of educational standards (PC-1); ability to use modern methods and technologies of training and diagnostics (PC-2); - the ability to solve the problems of education and spiritual and moral development of students in educational and extracurricular activities (PC-3) List of planned learning outcomes in the discipline As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must: know: - methods of teaching natural science in its historical development; - subject, object, goals, objectives and place of the course “Natural science with methods of teaching the subject “The World around us”” in the primary education system; - ways of forming natural science ideas, concepts, plant growing skills; - characteristics and methods of using various teaching aids; standard structure and methods of conducting various types of lessons, natural history excursions, extracurricular and extracurricular activities; - technology of modern environmental education for junior schoolchildren; be able to: - navigate the variety of modern programs in natural science and social studies designed for teaching children of primary school age; - organize children’s observations of natural and social objects and phenomena; - conduct a diagnostic study of the level of natural science education and environmental awareness of younger schoolchildren; own: - select and logically construct the content of natural science education, guided by the individual characteristics of the class; - determine the typology, structure, methods, and methodological techniques of teaching, taking into account the age-related psychological, physiological, and pedagogical capabilities of children; - determine systems of ideas, concepts according to the course program, section, topic of a particular science lesson; - drawing up thematic and lesson plans for the course; - select and logically construct the content of natural science education, guided by the individual characteristics of the class; - determine the typology, structure, methods, and methodological techniques of teaching, taking into account the age-related psychological, physiological, and pedagogical capabilities of children; - determine systems of ideas, concepts according to the course program, section, topic of a particular natural science lesson; - drawing up thematic and lesson plans for course 2. Structure and labor intensity of the discipline Full-time education. Semesters 6, 7. Form of intermediate certification - test (6 semesters); test(6 sem.), exam (7 sem.). The total labor intensity of the discipline is 8 credit units, 288 hours, of which the student’s contact work with the teacher is 1 hour (54 hours of lecture, 54 hours of practical classes, 27 hours of control), including 63 hours in an interactive form. 153 hours are allotted for independent work. 5

6 weeks of the semester Lectures Seminar. (practical) classes Independent work Other types of work Total hours on the topic Of which in interactive form Total points Type academic work Total hours Contact work: 135 Semesters 6 7 Classroom classes (total) Including: Lectures Practical classes (PL) Seminars (C) - Laboratory classes (LZ) - Other types of work: Independent work (total): Total labor intensity credit. units hour Type of intermediate certification (test, test, exam) 8 4.5 3, test. k/r, exam. Table 2 3. Thematic plan of the discipline Full-time education 6th semester Types of educational work and independent work, per hour. Table 3 Topic Module 1. Fundamentals of general geosciences in the natural science system. The Earth as a planet 1.1 Fundamentals of general geoscience Shape and size of the Earth 4, Total Module 2. Inanimate nature 2.1 Atmosphere and climates of the Earth 6, Hydrosphere water shell 8, Earth 2.3 Lithosphere and land relief 10, Total Module 3. Live nature 3.1. Fundamentals of Wildlife 12, Kingdom of Plants and Animals 14, Ecology of Plants and Animals Total Total (hours, points): Of which in interactive form

7 colloquiums interview answer at the seminar test paper test abstract Total number of points 7 semester Module 1. Methods of teaching natural science pedagogical science 1.1 Methodological basis methods 1, teaching natural science 1.2 Research work in the field of methodology for studying the subject “The World around us” and environmental education Total Module 2. Contents of the course “The world around us” 2.1 Principles of selection of educational 7, material and construction of courses “The world around us” 2.2 “The world around us » as 9, academic subject 2.3 Universal educational 11, actions Total Module 3. Formation of the content of the educational subject “The World Around us” 3.1. Methodological features of variable courses “The World Around us” 3.2 Methods and techniques for forming knowledge, stimulating cognitive interest and forming attitudes 3.3 Material support for teaching the subject “The World Around us” 3.4 Forms of organizing the study of “The world around us” Total Total (hours, points): Of which in interactive form Types and forms of assessment tools during the period of current control Table 5 6th semester topics Oral survey Written work Module 1. Fundamentals of general geoscience in the system of natural science. Earth as a planet Total Module 2. Inanimate nature Total Module 3. Living nature Total Total

8 colloquiums interview test answer at the seminar test paper Total number of points 7 semester topics Oral survey Written work Module 1. Methods of teaching natural science pedagogical science Total Module 2. Contents of the course “The world around us” Total Module 3. Formation of the content of the academic subject “The world around us” Total Total Contents of the discipline 6th semester Module 1. Fundamentals of general geosciences in the system of natural sciences. Earth as a planet 1.1. Fundamentals of general geoscience Object, subject, goals, objectives of the discipline. The system “man - society nature”. Modern environmental problem and ways to overcome it. Geography in the system of geographical disciplines. Comparison of the content of the school discipline “The World Around us” and the university course “Natural Science” Shape and size of the Earth Planet Earth in outer space. Shape and size of the Earth. Earth. Gravitational forces and centrifugal force of the Earth. Gravity and plumb line. Ellipsoid of revolution. Earth spheroid. Leveled surface. Geoid. Earth ellipsoid. Normal Earth. Krasovsky's reference ellipsoid. The globe and map are the basis of geographical education. Map projections Module 2. Inanimate nature 2.1. Atmosphere and climates of the Earth Atmosphere. The structure of the atmosphere. Atmospheric pressure. Air movement. Vortexes in the atmosphere. Temperature regime. Weather. Climate. Climatic zones. Environmental problems Hydrosphere water shell of the Earth General information about water. World Ocean. Sushi waters. Surface waters: rivers, lakes, swamps, glaciers. The groundwater. Ecological problems. 8

9 2.3. Lithosphere and land relief Geological history of the Earth. Age of the earth's crust and periodization of the history of the Earth. Geological chronology. Historical and geological characteristics of geochronological units. The structure of the solar system. Basic hypotheses about the origin of the solar system. Distribution of solar energy on Earth. Lighting belts. Shape, size, mass, density, structure of the Earth's surface. Deep structure of the Earth. Internal geospheres. Relief of the Earth. Types of connection between continents and oceans. Edge mountain structures and mid-ocean ridges. Lithosphere. Tectonics of lithospheric plates. The world rift system and the world trench system. Diagram of the internal structure of the Earth and the mechanism of movement of lithospheric plates. Minerals, rocks and processes of their formation. Module 3. Wildlife 3.1. Fundamentals of living nature The essence of processes occurring in inanimate and living nature. The main property of living bodies. Assimilative-dissimilative process of self-renewal of bodies; constant exchange of substances of living bodies with the external nature surrounding them. Cellular structure of living organisms Kingdom of plants and animals Plant tissues. Classification of tissues according to their function. Vegetative and generative organs of plants. Soil nutrition of plants. Root. The mechanism of absorption of water and minerals by root hairs. Osmosis. Lower and higher plants. Characteristics of the main sections of spore and seed plants. Green algae department. Department Angiosperms. Animal Kingdom. Sarcomastigophora type. Class Flagellates. Subclass Plant flagellates. Subclass Animal flagellates. Phylum chordata. general characteristics. Proto-water: Class Cartilaginous fishes, Class Bony fish, Class amphibians. Primary terrestrials: Class Birds, Class Mammals Ecology of plants and animals Development of the plant world on Earth. Plant ecology. Protection and rational use of plants. Animal ecology. Evolutionary development of the animal world. Protection and rational use of animals. Basic principles of ecological systematics. Semester 7 Module 1. Methods of teaching natural science pedagogical science 1.1. Methodological foundations of the methodology of teaching natural science. Methodology of teaching natural science as a pedagogical science. Object, subject of research into the methodology of teaching “The World around us”. Objectives of this methodological course. Research methods used in the methodology: theoretical, empirical, statistical. Methodological foundations of the technique, its connection with other sciences. The synthetic nature of the methods of teaching natural science. Principles of course construction (unity of historical and logical, continuity, humanization and integration, developing and educating education). Conceptual apparatus of the methodology. Functions and tasks of teaching natural science in modern primary school. Characteristics of the educational, developmental, educational functions and tasks of the discipline “The World around us” in primary school. Research work in the field of methods of studying the subject “The world around us” and environmental education. The content of environmental education for junior schoolchildren. Goals, objectives, typical methods of environmental work. Environmental education, environmental education, environmental education, environmental culture. Formation of ideas for environmental education of schoolchildren. Principles of organizing an environmental work system. Method 9

10 formation of a positive attitude of children towards nature. Ecological culture of schoolchildren, criteria and levels of its development in children. Environmental activities of junior schoolchildren. Formation of a holistic scientific picture of the world among junior schoolchildren. Design research work(using the example of a thesis) Module 2. Contents of the course “The World around us” 2.1. Selection principles educational material and construction of courses “The world around us” General and specific principles of teaching natural science. Principles of selection of educational material in the course “The World Around us” and their classification: general didactic (systematic and consistent, scientific and accessible, connection of theory with practice, visibility, strength of knowledge acquisition, individualization of learning), specific didactic (seasonality, local history, environmental, cultural), historical (historicism, anthropocentrism, theorization of historical and social knowledge). The sequence of increasing the complexity of the content of the course “The World around us” in elementary school. Specific features of the natural science course, intra-subject and inter-subject connections. Single-subject, interdisciplinary and combined course construction models. Methodological processing and comprehension of educational material. The system of cognitive tasks of the course “The World around us” in traditional and developmental teaching models. The possibility of using problem-based, programmed learning in the process of mastering the “World around us” by younger schoolchildren. “The world around us” as an academic subject. Education and development of students in the process of teaching “The world around us”. Development of cognitive-search abilities, observation, attentiveness, logical thinking, speech, imagination, disclosure of the creative potential of children in the process of teaching natural science. Techniques for developing logical thinking in children using natural history material. Educating students in the course “The world around us.” The relationship between elements of education and development in the process of teaching natural science. Formation of a scientific worldview, an elementary holistic picture of the world. Objectives and content of environmental, moral, aesthetic, labor, sanitary and hygienic education of children of primary school age. The knowledge that students develop while studying the course “The World Around us”: empirical, theoretical, methodological about the world around them; knowledge about a person; about connections in nature; about society and technosphere. Skills: general academic, subject. Relationships: emotional-value, moral, environmental Universal educational activities Movement from the problem of equipping students with knowledge, abilities, skills (KU) to the problem of preparing them for active social and productive creative activity. Activity-based and competency-based approaches, person-centered learning. Universal educational activities: personal (self-determination, moral and ethical assessment); cognitive (general education, setting and solving practical problems, brain teaser); regulatory (goal setting, planning, self-control, self-esteem); communicative (planning educational cooperation, coordinated actions with a partner, constructing speech statements, working with information, etc.). 10

11 Module 3. Formation of the content of the educational subject “The World around us” 3.1. Methodological features of the variable courses “The World around us” The originality of constructing models for constructing the course “The world around us at the present stage”. Variety of natural science programs traditional system training: one-subject “Nature and People” (Z.A. Klepinina) and an integrated course “The World Around us” (Z.A. Klepinina, N.N. Vorozheikina); a system of educational courses with an environmental focus: “Green House” and the integrated course “The World Around Us” (A.A. Pleshakov); “The world and man” (A.A. Vakhrushev), integrated “The world around us” (N.F. Vinogradova), “The world around us” (O.T. Poglazova, V.D. Shilin) ​​Implementation of the ideas of developmental education in integrated programs courses “We and the world around us” (N.Ya. Dmitrieva, A.V. Kazakova), “The world around us” (I.P. Tovpinets) and others according to the methodology of L.V. Zankova; “The world around us” (E.N. Bukvareva, E.V. Chudinova) according to the method of D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydova. Specifics of teaching social science material in the educational component “The World around us” The place of valeological material in modern propaedeutic courses “The world around us”. Characteristics of modern valeological programs for children of preschool and primary school age: “Pedagogy of health” (V.N. Kasatkin), “Grow healthy” (G.K. Zaitsev), “Help yourself” (E.A. Vasilyeva), “ Health lessons" (L.A. Obukhova), etc. Methods of working with valeological material and implementing health-saving technologies Methods and techniques for forming knowledge, stimulating cognitive interest and forming attitudes Classification of teaching methods according to the source of knowledge (according to M.A. Danilova, S. .T. Shapovalenko, E.Ya. Goland, etc.): verbal methods, visual methods and practical ones. Reception element, component, which is part of the teaching method. Classification of teaching methods, taking into account the nature of students’ cognitive activity (I.Ya. Lerner, I.A. Skatkin): explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, method of problem presentation, partial search method, research method. The choice of teaching methods and techniques in accordance with the content of the “World around us” course being studied and the cognitive abilities of students junior classes. Methods for stimulating cognitive interest and forming attitudes Specific methods for stimulating cognitive interest: educational (didactic) game, travel game, auction competition, project competition, role-playing game, simulation game, etc.; entertaining exercises, riddles, quizzes, puzzle games (crosswords, chainwords, puzzles, braids, from letter to letter, etc.). Classification of methods for forming relationships: methods for forming a subjective attitude, methods for transforming relationships of personification into relationships of subjectification, methods for forming a sense of kinship with nature, methods for forming aesthetic attitudes towards nature Material support for teaching the subject “The World Around us” The importance of the material base for ensuring the delivery of lessons “The World Around us” , as well as other forms of organizing the educational process (excursions, workshops, etc.). A corner of wildlife. Requirements for the selection and placement of objects in it. The specifics of the arrangement of a school educational and experimental site, its significance for the study of the “World around us”. Educational ecological trail, technology of creation, uniqueness of conducting classes on the ecological trail. The concept of “system of teaching aids” (according to S.G. Shapovalenko). Leading and driven components of the teaching aid system. Textbook: text and extra-text components. Methodological requirements for working with the textbook “The World Around You”. eleven

12 Didactic tools used in the lesson. Natural objects: natural objects, preparations of natural objects, things and devices created by man. Volumetric visual aids: dummies, models. Planar visual aids: photographs, educational pictures, educational tables, diagrams, screen aids, educational films and television. Geographic map and the globe and working with them Forms of organizing the study of the “World around us” The variety of classifications of forms of teaching natural science, their specificity and interrelation. Frontal, group, paired, individual types of work for children in the natural science course, their combination. Technology of teacher preparation for course classes. Planning and its types. Stages of work on drawing up an annual, thematic plan. The lesson is the leading form of studying nature. Typology of lessons. Basic requirements for modern lesson natural sciences. General ways to improve science lessons, their intensification Excursion into nature. Implications for the training, education and development of students. Methodology for organizing natural history excursions. Extracurricular work. The need for extracurricular work in the process of studying nature in primary school and its features. Types of extracurricular work depending on the place where it is carried out: in nature, on the site, in a corner of wildlife, etc. Connection of extracurricular activities with the lesson. Homework for junior schoolchildren in natural science, its features. Classification of homework, specifics of their control. Extracurricular activities in science in educational and methodological complex, its importance for the education, development and upbringing of children of primary school age. The difference between extracurricular work and extracurricular work. Types of extracurricular work and its forms. Individual form of extracurricular work: students making observations, conducting experiments, collecting, extracurricular reading, registration of the results of the work performed, preparation of messages, abstracts, visual aids. Group extracurricular work: clubs, clubs, societies. Optional science courses in elementary school. Olympiads, quizzes, excursions, competitions, role-playing games, trips to stations, KVN, hours of entertaining leisure, etc. The essence of learning technologies. According to G.K. Selevko (1998) pedagogical technology functions both as a science and as a system of methods and principles used in teaching and is applied at three subordinate levels: general pedagogical technologies, specific subject pedagogical technology, local technology of individual parts of the educational subject. All basic teaching methods are included in one or another teaching technology. Classification of pedagogical technologies: by orientation to personal structures (informational, operational, emotional and moral); by type of cognitive activity management (programmed training, group training); according to the dominant method (game, creative, research, problem-based, dialogical). 6. Plans for seminars and practical classes 6th semester Module 1. Fundamentals of general geoscience in the system of natural science. Earth as a planet 1.1. Fundamentals of general geoscience 1. Characteristics of the elements of the “man - society nature” system. 2. Natural and artificial nature. The world. 3. The essence of the environmental problem. 4. Components and features of the educational subject “The World around us” in elementary school and the course “Natural Science” in a pedagogical university. 12

13 5. The importance of natural science in elementary school according to P.V. Zankov Shape and dimensions of the Earth 1. Proof of the sphericity of the Earth in the works of Aristotle. Lunar eclipses. 2. Globe. Facts about the deviation of the Earth's shape from the shape of a sphere. 3. The rotation of the Earth around its axis. 4. The gravitational field and centrifugal forces of the Earth. 5. The gravitational forces of material points and the formulation of the law of universal gravitation. 6. Approximation of spherical symmetry of the Earth's mass distribution. 7. Earth's gravitational forces and their directions. Gravitational field strength. 8. Centrifugal forces and their directions. Radii of parallels, angular velocity of rotation of the Earth. The resultant force of gravity and centrifugal force. 9. Gravity. Deformation of the globe and ellipsoids of rotation. 10. Earth's spheroid and its characteristics. 11. Level surface and its characteristics. 12. Geoid and ellipsoids of revolution. Krasovsky's Ellipsoid of Rotation. 13. Coordinate systems: geodetic, astronomical, geographical. 14. Globe and map are the basis of geographical education. 15. Map projections. Review of map projections in primary school atlases. Module 2. Inanimate nature 1. Characteristics of the Universe. 2. Big Bang. Milky Way Galaxy. M 3. Place of the Solar System in the Milky Way Galaxy. 4. Composition and structure of the Sun. Structure and origin of the Solar system. 5. Terrestrial planets and their structure. 6. The structure of the planets of the outer group. 7. Small cosmic bodies: asteroids, comets, meteorites. Origin of meteorites. 8. Origin of the Solar System. 9. External and internal shells of the Earth. 10. The role of the solar system in the life of our planet. 11. Physico-chemical composition and state of aggregation of the Earth’s matter. 12. Thermal regime of the Earth. 13. Structure of the earth's crust. 14. Continental and oceanic crust. 15. Material composition of the earth's crust. Basic chemical elements of the earth's crust. Module 3. Wildlife 3.1. Fundamentals of living nature 1. The diversity of organisms inhabiting the Earth. 2. Plant cells. Animal cells. Significant difference between a plant cell and an animal cell. 3. Phagocytosis. Pinocytosis. cytoplasm. Its organelles. 4. Endoplasmic reticulum. Ribosomes and mitochondria. Their function. 5. Plastids and their functions. 6. Golgi apparatus and its functions. 7. Cell movement organelles. 8. Cell nucleus. Structure and functions of the nucleus Kingdom of plants and animals 1. Plant tissues. Classification of tissues according to their functions. 2. Plant organs. Vegetative organs of plants. Generative organs of plants. 13

15 6. What are the functions and objectives of teaching science in a modern primary school? 7. Characterize the educational, developmental, functions and objectives of the discipline “The World around us” in elementary school. Historical excursion into the development of teaching methods 1. The origin of methods of teaching natural science, the pre-revolutionary period. Major milestones in the development of science teaching methods. 2. Development of teaching methods during the Soviet period. The sequence of development of natural history ideas in school years 3. Views of K. P. Yagodovsky, P. A. Zavitaev, M. N. Skatkin on the teaching of natural science in elementary school. 4. The restructuring of primary education in the 2000s, its impact on the teaching of natural sciences. 5. Reform of school education in the 80s. Strengthening the environmental aspect and ecological orientation of natural history courses in primary schools. 6. Methods of teaching natural science at the present stage Research work in the field of methodology for studying the subject “The Environment” and environmental education Content of environmental education for junior schoolchildren 1. Goals, objectives, typical methods of environmental work. 2. Environmental education, environmental education, environmental awareness. 3. The concept of “ecological culture”. Criteria and levels of its formation in children. 4. Principles of organizing the environmental work system. 5. What are the specifics of the methodology for developing children’s positive attitude towards nature? 6. Forms of environmental activities of junior schoolchildren. 7. Formation of a holistic scientific picture of the world among younger schoolchildren. Designing pedagogical research Designing pedagogical research, including the following sequence: analysis pedagogical system and its functioning, identify problems; defining a research topic that outlines the scope of the research work; definition of the object of research - the area where there is a problem, a contradiction, where new knowledge will be included; definition of the subject of research - an element in the pedagogical process, the study of which gives the student new knowledge; defining the purpose of the research - the knowledge that students should gain during the research; task formation - those paths or steps that students must go through to achieve the research goal; forming a hypothesis (a truth that has not yet been proven, but is probable). A hypothesis is the starting point of a study that predicts the connections between the object and the subject of research, patterns that will be identified and substantiated during the study. The next stage is the selection of methods scientific research(observation, conversation, questioning, testing, theoretical analysis of sources, study and generalization of teaching experience, comparative historical method, theoretical modeling method, pedagogical experiment, etc.). Determining the direction and stage of research work, deadlines. The need to identify research participants. Designing a research paper (using the example of a course work) 1. Designing a pedagogical study on a topic chosen by the student. 2. Public defense (presentation) of the research project. Module 2. Contents of the course “The World around us” 2.1. Principles for selecting educational material and constructing courses in “The World around us” 1. General and specific principles of teaching natural science. 2. Principles for selecting educational material in the course “The World around us” and their classification - 15

16 tion. 3. Reveal the sequence of complicating the content of the course “The World Around You” in elementary school (using an example) 4. What are the specific features of the natural science course? 5. Give examples of intra-subject and inter-subject connections of the course “The World Around You”. 6. Single-subject, interdisciplinary and combined models for constructing the “World around us” course. 7. The system of cognitive tasks of the course “The World around us” in traditional and developmental teaching models. 8. The possibility of using problem-based, programmed learning in the process of mastering the “World around us” by younger schoolchildren. “The world around us” as an academic subject 1. Education and development of students in the process of teaching “the world around us”. 2. Possibilities of the course “The World Around You” in the development of cognitive and search abilities, observation, attentiveness, logical thinking, speech, imagination (using an example). 3. Give examples of using techniques for developing logical thinking in children using natural history material. 4. Education of students in the course “The world around us”. The relationship between elements of education and development in the process of teaching natural science. 5. Knowledge acquired by students while studying the course “The World around us.” 6. Skills: general academic, subject. Relationships: emotional-value, moral, environmental Universal educational actions 1. Movement from the problem of equipping students with knowledge, skills, abilities (KU) to the problem of preparing them for active social and productive creative activity. 2. What is the essence of activity-based and competency-based approaches, person-centered learning? 3. Characterize universal personal educational actions (self-determination, moral and ethical assessment). 4. The composition of universal cognitive educational activities (general educational, formulation and solution of practical problems, logical). 5. The composition of universal educational actions - regulatory (goal setting, planning, self-control, self-esteem). 6. Communicative universal educational activities (planning educational cooperation, coordinated actions with a partner, constructing speech statements, working with information, etc.). Module 3. Formation of the content of the educational subject “The World around us” 3.1. Methodological features of variative courses “The World around us” 1. The variety of natural science programs of the traditional educational system: one-subject “Nature and people” (Z.A. Klepinina) and an integrated course “The world around us” (Z.A. Klepinina, N.N. Vorozheikina) . 2. Review of educational courses with an environmental focus: “Green Home” and the integrated course “The World Around Us” (A. A. Pleshakov); “The World and Man” (A.A. Vakhrushev), integrated “The World around us” (N.F. Vinogradova), “The World around us” (O.T. Poglazova, V.D. Shilin). 3. Implementation of the ideas of developmental education in the programs of integrated courses “We and the world around us” (N.Ya. Dmitrieva, A.V. Kazakova), “The world around us” (I.P. Tovpinets) and others according to the methodology of L.V. Zankova; “The world around us” (E.N. Bukvareva, E.V. 16

17 Chudinova) according to the method of D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydova. 4. What are the specifics of teaching social science material in the educational component “The World Around You”? 5. Characterize modern valeology programs for children of preschool and primary school age: “Pedagogy of Health” (V.N. Kasatkin), “Grow Healthy” (G.K. Zaitsev), “Help Yourself” (E.A. Vasilyeva ), “Health Lessons” (L.A. Obukhova), etc. 6. What is the peculiarity of the methodology for working with valeological material and implementing health-saving technologies? Continuity in preparing children 6-7 years old to study the “World around us” Continuity in programs for teaching preschoolers and primary schoolchildren natural science. Basic minimum of natural science knowledge for older children preschool age . Variability of programs for introducing preschool children to the outside world (“Young ecologist” by S.N. Nikolaeva; “Semitsvetik” by V.I., Ashikov, S.G. Ashikova; “Native Home” by M.Yu. Novitskaya; “Green Path” by A.A. Pleshakov; “Our Home is Nature” by N.A. Ryzhov; “Rainbow” by T.N. Doronov; “The Book of Nature by Tourists” by L.E. Kuprin; “Tourists” by T.P. Zavyalov; “Development” by L.A. Wenger et al.) Specifics of teaching 6-7 year old children in a natural science course, taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of their development. Structure, content, design of textbooks, notebooks with a printed base from educational and methodological kits for various courses “The World around us”, methods of working with these kits and manuals. Integrated use of teaching and educational tools in classes on the course of familiarizing children 6-7 years old with the world around them. Questions: 1. Continuity of science education programs for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. 2. Basic minimum of natural science knowledge for children of senior preschool age. 3. Variability of programs for introducing preschoolers to the outside world. 3. What are the specifics of teaching 6-7 year old children in a natural science course? 4. Structure, content, design of textbooks, notebooks with a printed base from educational and methodological kits for various courses “The World around us”, methods of working with these kits and manuals. 5. Integrated use of teaching and educational tools in classes on the course of familiarizing children 6-7 years old with the world around them. 6. Continuity of science education programs for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. 7. Basic minimum of natural science knowledge for children of senior preschool age. 3. Variability of programs for introducing preschoolers to the outside world. 8. What are the specifics of teaching 6-7 year old children in a natural science course? 9. Structure, content, design of textbooks, notebooks with a printed base from educational and methodological kits for various courses “The World around us”, methods of working with these kits and manuals. 10. Integrated use of teaching and educational means in classes to familiarize children 6-7 years old with the world around them. Methods and techniques for generating knowledge, stimulating cognitive interest and forming attitudes 1. Features of the classification of teaching methods according to the source of knowledge. 2. A methodological technique is an element, a component that is part of the teaching method. 3. Characterize the classification of teaching methods, taking into account the nature of students’ cognitive activity (I.Ya. Lerner, I.A. Skatkin). 4. Give examples of choosing teaching methods and techniques in accordance with the subject being studied. 17

18 maintaining the course “The world around us”, the cognitive capabilities of primary school students. 5. Describe specific methods of stimulating cognitive interest. 6. Drawing up an educational (didactic) game (travel games, auction competition, project competition, role-playing game, simulation game, etc. - to choose from). 7. Selection (composition) of entertaining exercises (riddles, quizzes, puzzle games: crosswords, chainwords, puzzles, braids, from letter to letter, etc. - to choose from). 8. Classification of methods for forming relationships. 9. Give examples: methods of forming a subjective attitude; methods of transforming relations of personification into relations of subjectification; methods of creating a sense of kinship with nature; methods for forming aesthetic attitudes towards nature (optional) Material support for teaching the subject “The World Around us” Functions of teaching aids. System of teaching aids 1. What is the importance of the material base for providing lessons on the “World around us”, excursions, and workshops? 2. Equipment for a corner of wildlife. 3. Requirements for the selection and placement of objects in a corner of wildlife. 4. What are the specifics of the arrangement of the school educational and experimental site, its significance for the study of the “World around us”? 5. Educational ecological trail, technology of creation, uniqueness of conducting classes on the ecological trail. 6. Expand the concept of “system of teaching aids” (according to S.G. Shapovalenko). 7. Leading and driven components of the teaching aid system, their relationship. 8. characterize the textual and extra-textual components of the textbook “The World Around You” (class, textbook of your choice). 9. Methodological requirements for working with the textbook “The World Around You”. Didactic teaching aids 1. Natural objects: natural objects, preparations of natural objects, things and devices created by man. 2. Volumetric visual aids: dummies, models. 3. Planar visual aids: photographs, educational pictures, diagrams, etc. 4. Geographic map and globe and work with them Forms of organization of studying “The World Around us” System of organizational forms of teaching “The World Around us” 1. The variety of classifications of forms of teaching natural science, their specificity and interconnection. 2. Frontal, group, paired, individual types of work for children in the natural science course, their combination. 3. Planning and its types. Stages of work on drawing up an annual, thematic plan. 4. Lesson is the leading form of studying nature. 5. Excursion to nature and its importance for the teaching, education and development of students. 6. What are the specifics of the methodology for organizing natural history excursions? 7. Drawing up a thematic and lesson plan (optional). Forms of extracurricular and extracurricular work 1. Extracurricular work in the process of studying nature in primary school and its features. Connection of extracurricular activities with the lesson. 2. Homework for junior schoolchildren in natural science, its features. 3. Classification of homework, specifics of their control. 4. Extracurricular work in natural science in the educational and methodological complex, its significance 18

19 education for the education, development and upbringing of children of primary school age. 5. What is the difference between extracurricular work and extracurricular work. 6. Types of extracurricular work and its forms. 7. Optional natural history courses in elementary school. 8. Olympiads, quizzes, excursions, competitions, role-playing games, trips to stations, KVN, hours of entertaining leisure, etc. The relationship between the concepts of “teaching method” and “pedagogical technology” 1. The essence of teaching technologies. 2. General pedagogical technologies, subject-specific pedagogical technology, local technology of individual parts of an educational subject. 3. The concept of “teaching method” and “teaching technology” 4. Classification of pedagogical technologies: by orientation to personal structures, by the type of management of cognitive activity, by the dominant method. Brief description of them. Designing an environmental lesson. Determining the goals and objectives, content of a lesson that has an environmental focus. The choice of methods and techniques, teaching aids and organizational form of the training session. Using the project method, gaming technologies, problem-based learning etc., corresponding to the goals and objectives of the designed lesson. Questions and tasks: 1. Determination of the goals and objectives, content of a lesson with an environmental focus (lesson to choose from) 2. Selection of methods and techniques, teaching aids and organizational form of the lesson (for the selected lesson). 3. Using the project method, gaming technologies, problem-based learning, etc., corresponding to the goals and objectives of the designed lesson (the method is selected). 4. Develop a lesson summary on the topic: “Diversity of plants and animals” (“We and the world around us” Dmitrieva N.Ya., Kazakov A.V.), “Where is the climate on Earth?” (“World and Man”, A.A. Vakhrushev) “Water” (“Green House” A.A. Pleshakov) “Air and its protection” (“Green House” A.A. Pleshakov) “Minerals” (“ Nature and People" by Z.A. Klepinina) "Parts of a Plant" ("Nature and People", Z.A. Klepinina) "The Life of Animals in Autumn and Winter" ("The World Around" by N.F. Vinogradov) "Ecological Systems" ( “The World and Man” by A.A. Vakhrushev) “Plants” (“We and the World Around us”, N.Ya. Dmitrieva, A.V. Kazakov) “Transformation of Energy by Living Systems” (“The World Around us” by E. N. Bukvareva, E.V. Chudinova) “Digestive organs. Food Hygiene" (“Nature and People” by Z.A. Klepinin) Approximate topics of abstracts 1. Use of entertaining material in lessons “The world around us” as a means of stimulating the cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren. 2. Study methodology natural areas in the course “The world around us”. 3. Teaching methods of comparison and classification in the lessons of the course “The World around us”. 4. Continuity of the content of environmental education in preschool educational institutions and primary schools. 5. Characteristics of the natural science component of preparing a child for school. 6. Questions of the history of studying the surrounding world in elementary school. 19

20 7. Comparative analysis content of training in the courses “Nature and People” Z.A. Klepinina and “Green World” by A.A. Pleshakova. 8. Methods of using natural objects in the lessons “The world around us”. 9. A corner of nature as a means of environmental education for younger schoolchildren. 10. Integrated use of visual aids in “The world around us” lessons in elementary school. 11. Forms of extracurricular work in natural science in elementary school. 12. Features and significance of excursion study of the surrounding world. 13. Screen-sound teaching aids, their role and place in the system of teaching children primary science. 14. Ways and means of developing observation skills in younger schoolchildren. 15. Development of search abilities of a primary school student in the process of becoming familiar with the world around him. 16. Development of cognitive interest among students through organizing and conducting excursions to local history museums. 17. Formation of the ecological culture of junior schoolchildren in the process of teaching the course “The World around us”. 18. Opportunities for extracurricular work in the course “The World around us” in the process of educating the ecological culture of junior schoolchildren. 19. The formation of school excursions and local history in Russia. 20. Specifics of the formation of the concept of “person” in primary school students (“health”, “healthy lifestyle”, “Universe”, “unified scientific picture of the world”, “plant”, “animal”, etc.). 21. Development of interest among younger schoolchildren in studying the “World around us.” 22. The opportunity for younger schoolchildren to carry out experimental work. 23. Activation of students’ cognitive activity during “The World around us” lessons. 24. Development of students’ creativity in the lessons of “The World around us”. 7. Themes laboratory work not provided Sample topics coursework not provided 9. Educational and methodological support and planning independent work students Table 6 Full-time education 6th semester Modules and topics Types of CDS Week Volume Number of mandatory additional semester hours* points Module 1. Fundamentals of general geoscience in the natural sciences system. The Earth as a planet 1.1 Fundamentals of general geoscience report independent study of material, preparation of reports 1.2 Shape and size of the Earth abstract Compilation of a presentation 4, Total: Module 2. Inanimate nature 2.1 Atmosphere and climates of the Earth Work with independent study 6, literature material, preparation of reports 2.2 Hydrosphere water shell of the Earth abstract independent study of material, preparation of reports 2.3 Lithosphere and land relief report independent study of material, preparation of reports 8,

Guarantor of the discipline: Krymguzhina Z.Z., Ph.D., senior lecturer of the Department of Education and Science of the Sibay Institute (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Bashkir State University" The work program of the discipline is carried out by:

“Teaching methods, pedagogical practice” 1. The main educational goals of the discipline are: familiarization of undergraduate students with the content and conditions of professional activity of a teacher

World" Annotated program Discipline: "Methodology of teaching the subject "Environment" Direction of training 050100 PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATION Profile "Primary education" Qualification (degree): bachelor

Department of Education of the City of Moscow State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education of the City of Moscow "Moscow City Pedagogical University" Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology

Annotated program Discipline “Biological experiment at school” Direction of training: pedagogical education, profiles “Biology”, “Ecology” Qualification (degree): bachelor Amount of labor input:

CONTENTS 1. Additions and changes to the work program that occurred after the approval of the program 2. Goals and objectives of mastering the discipline “Methodology of teaching biology” 3. Place of the discipline “Methodology

Annotated program Discipline “Natural - scientific picture of the world” Direction of training: pedagogical education Qualification (degree): bachelor Volume of work: 2 credits (72 hours, of which


PRIVATE EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION “SOCIAL PEDAGOGICAL INSTITUTE” Department of Natural Sciences Fund of assessment tools for intermediate certification of students

Names of sections of the professional module (PM), interdisciplinary courses (IDC) and topics Section 5. Fundamentals of organizing science teaching in primary grades MDK.01.05. Natural science with methodology

Municipal autonomous educational institution of the city of Kaliningrad secondary school 38 CONSIDERED at the meeting of the Moscow Region, minutes “29” August 206 “AGREED” at the meeting of the PS minutes

1. Goals and objectives of mastering the discipline The goals of mastering the discipline “Methods of teaching and upbringing of physical culture” - Formation of readiness to implement teaching methods in the field of physical culture

EXPLANATORY NOTE The standard curriculum for the discipline “Methods of teaching biology” is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the educational standard of first-level higher education in

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation State educational institution of higher education vocational education“Slavic-on-Kuban State Pedagogical Institute” “I approve”

Adapted work program for 7th grade VII type in biology for children with disabilities health (mental retardation) EXPLANATORY NOTE Adapted work program

Abstract of the work program of the discipline “Teaching Methods” Direction of training 03/06/01 Biology Level of higher education undergraduate 1. Purpose of the discipline: formation of theoretical knowledge and practical

1. Goals and objectives of mastering the discipline 1.1. The goals of mastering the discipline “Psychology of Physical Education and Sports” are to give students knowledge of basic psychological principles, taking into account the characteristics of professional


Municipal budgetary educational institution of Irkutsk secondary school 36 Work program in biology for grade 5 (level: basic) The work program is developed on the basis

2 1. Goals and objectives of the discipline The goal of studying the discipline “Methods of teaching psychology in secondary educational institutions"is to familiarize students with the principles and specifics of teaching psychology

UDC 373.167.1:57 BBK 28.0ya72 P19 P19 Pasechnik, V. V. Biology: Diagnostic works for the textbook by V. V. Pasechnik “Biology. Bacteria, fungi, plants. 5th grade” / V.V. Pasechnik. 3rd ed., stereotype. M.

Abstract to the work program in geography The work program for the academic subject of geography for grades 5-9 is compiled on the basis of: - requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC; - basic educational program of basic general

1. Goals and objectives of mastering the discipline The purpose of the discipline: to prepare the future primary school teacher as a comprehensively developed personality with deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills


Work program in natural history for grade 5 Explanatory note A sample program in natural history is compiled in accordance with the general education program in natural history, grade 5 Pleshakov

Explanatory note THE WORK PROGRAM IS BASED ON: federal state educational standard for basic general education; sample program of basic general education in

Abstract to the work program in biology 10th grade advanced level The work program is compiled on the basis of the Federal component of the state standard of general education, the Model program

“Theory and technology of children’s speech development” Compiler of the abstract: Filippova L.V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Department of Methods of Preschool and Primary Education Purpose of studying the discipline Brief

Administration of the Admiralteysky District State budgetary educational institution secondary school 280 named after M.Yu. Lermontov Admiralteysky district of St. Petersburg Considered:

Explanatory note. The work program in biology for the 2015-2016 academic year is compiled on the basis of the program of basic general education in biology for grades 10-11, edited by A.A. Kamensky, E.A. Kriksunov,

Fund of assessment tools for conducting intermediate certification of students in the discipline (module): General information 1. Department of Natural Sciences 2. Direction of training 3. Discipline (module) 4. Type of tasks

EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program in biology is built on the basis of the fundamental core of the content of basic general education, the requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program

Municipal autonomous educational institution of the city of Kaliningrad secondary school 38 CONSIDERED at the meeting of the Moscow Region protocol “29_” _08 206 “AGREED” at the meeting of the PS protocol

Work program of the discipline Theory and methodology of introducing preschoolers to the world around them Level of higher education Bachelor's degree Direction of training 03/44/02 Psychological and pedagogical education

Explanatory note The work program is based on an approximate program of basic general education in geography, developed Russian Academy education commissioned by the Ministry of Education

EXPLANATORY NOTE The standard curriculum for the discipline “Methodology of teaching biology and ecology” has been developed in accordance with the educational standard of first-level higher education in the specialty

Abstract The discipline “Methodology of teaching theological disciplines in higher education” is included in the basic part of block 1 (“Disciplines (modules)”) of the training program in the direction 48.04.01 “Theology” (level

Work program on natural history for grade 5 Explanatory note. The work program is based on: - The federal component of the educational standard for basic general education. - Approximate

Abstract to the work program of the academic subject "Biology" (FSES LLC) EXPLANATORY NOTE. The work program is based on 1. The fundamental core of the content of general education in biology; 2.

Abstract to the work program in geography (grades 5-11) 5th grade. This work program is compiled on the basis of: 1. Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012. 273-FZ.

WORK PROGRAM for the subject “Biology” for 5 grades Compiled by: Sultanova L.A., biology teacher. Tolyatti 2016 Contents 1. Explanatory note. General goals of teaching biology at the basic level


Annotated program Discipline "Biological Fundamentals Agriculture» Direction of training: pedagogical education, profile “Biology” Qualification (degree): bachelor Amount of labor input:

DISCIPLINE “Psychology and pedagogy of gaming activity” Direction: pedagogical education Qualification (degree) bachelor Volume of labor intensity 9 credits (credit units), (324 hours, of which: 134

B3. B4 Methodology of teaching and upbringing (primary education) Goals and objectives of studying the discipline (module) The goal of mastering the discipline “Methodology of teaching and upbringing (primary education)” is the formation

Abstract to the work program in biology for grade 5 of the MBOU "Secondary comprehensive school 35 with in-depth study of individual subjects" of the Volga region of Kazan (general education level)

Annotated program Discipline “Plant and animal world Kuban" Direction of training: pedagogical education, profiles "Biology", "Ecology" Qualification (degree): bachelor Volume of labor input:

1 The goals of mastering the discipline “Methods of teaching and educating geography” The goals of mastering the discipline “Methods of teaching and educating geography” are to improve and raise the level of teaching geography

Biology grade 5 35 hours, 1 hour per week Explanatory note The work program “Biology grade 5” (concentric course) is compiled on the basis of the Approximate basic educational program of the educational institution basic

Abstract to work programs in geography Work program to the textbook by E.M. Domogatskikh, E.L. Vvedensky, A.A. Pleshakov “Geography. Introduction to Geography". Grade 5 The work program is based on

An article about the formation of environmental competencies in children with intellectual disabilities. The success of solving problems in environmental education in geography and science lessons, in overcoming psychophysical deficiencies and correcting some pathological personality traits of children with intellectual disabilities will largely depend on the correct choice and use of working methods and forms of teaching. From work experience.



Formation of environmental competence in science and geography lessons at school for children with mental retardation.

Galaktionova Galina Anatolevna

Geography and natural science teacher, GKOU School No. 2124

"Center for Development and Correction", Russia, Moscow

The topic of my report is two meaningful words- competencies and ecology. We live in a time of global changes, transformations in the world and society. The term “competence” came to us from the Concept of Modernization of Russian Education. The goal of modernization is to obtain modern educated, moral, enterprising people who can independently make responsible decisions in a situation of choice, predicting them possible consequences, which will be distinguished by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness. The two main lines of modernization are:

  • Systemic-personal approach - i.e. development of universal learning activities, the ability to learn, the student’s ability for self-development, self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of social experience.
  • Competence-based approach - mastering the totality of knowledge, abilities, skills, methods necessary for high-quality productive activity, personal ability to solve certain problems.

The main result of the activities of an educational institution should not be a system of knowledge, skills and abilities per se, but a set of key competencies declared by the state:

  • Educational competence- a set of semantic orientations, knowledge, abilities, skills and experience.
  • General cultural competence- the ability to understand the world around us, navigate in it, value understanding of nature, careful attitude to cultural and historical heritage.
  • Educational and cognitive competence- organization of independent cognitive activity, planning, analysis, reflection, adequate self-esteem, etc.
  • Information competence- ability to work with various sources of information, systematize knowledge, generalize, save and transmit information.
  • Social and civic competence- practical skills in environmental monitoring, the ability to make decisions, responsibility for the results of one’s own activities.
  • Communicative competence- the ability to listen and hear, accept another point of view, work in a team, be sociable.
  • Competence of personal growth and development -improvement of personal qualities, emotional self-regulation, health care, formation of internal ecological culture.
  • Environmental competence- the ability to apply environmental knowledge and skills for independent and collective activities to solve environmental problems in accordance with the ideas of sustainable development.

What does the term “ecology” and “idea of ​​sustainable development” mean? The terms “ecology” come from the Greek word “oikos” - home, habitat. Previously, the word ecology was replaced by the concept of “nature conservation”. Nowadays, this word has a broader meaning. This is awareness and care for your body - human ecology, this is the ecology of the home (ecologically friendly food and materials, economical use of resources - water, heat). This is the relationship between family members (family ecology). Ecology of the city (structure, population, transport, production, landscaping). Ecology of countries, continents, oceans. Resources, human economic activity and its impact on the global ecosystem. Ecology is a science that describes the interactions of various organisms united common environment a habitat.

Modern economic laws grossly violate basic environmental laws. The last century has been a remarkable demonstration of the successes of civilization following the path of scientific and technological progress. However, these successes have been achieved at the expense of the ever-accelerating destruction of the Earth's ecosystem. Declining fertile land, climate change, loss of biodiversity. 10,000 known species of birds, almost every third species of fish, and every fourth species of mammals are under threat of extinction. The human community is characterized by blatant social injustice. Armed conflicts have not yet been eliminated. To change the situation, the UN developed a model of “Sustainable Development” as a concept for improving the quality of life of people, subject to the harmonization of relations between man, society and nature, their coordinated changes, which should lead to the preservation of the biosphere. The state of the environment is quality indicator the nature of interaction between society and nature. It is the quality of this interaction that is commonly called “ecological culture of society.” The development of environmental culture is the main task of environmental education and upbringing in school. |

Speaking about the formation of environmental competencies, we are talking about the formation of a new moral ideal of a person who voluntarily changes his needs and assumes full responsibility for the lives of all living on Earth. Today, environmental education and upbringing is, first of all:

  1. searching for new forms and methods of transmitting environmental knowledge (today, innovative methods of teaching are interactive learning technology and project activity technology, since the use of these technologies forms the environmental competence of students);
  2. orientation of the student’s personality towards active participation in solving a specific environmental problem;
  3. developing a sense of personal responsibility for the quality of the environment; providing concrete assistance to nature.

The school course in geography and biology is especially helpful in developing environmental knowledge and environmental awareness among students. In his work “The Pedagogical Concept of Forming Environmental Competence of Students,” D.S. Ermakov defines environmental competence as a normative requirement for the educational training of students in the field of environmental activities aimed at preserving life, at practical improvement of the state of the environment in the process of identifying, solving and prevention of environmental problems. This is the possession of knowledge about the world around us, the ability to analyze, see problems and the ability to find the right solutions to these problems.

Unfortunately, when teaching and educating students with disabilities in a school for children with mental disabilities, we cannot talk about the full formation of environmental competence. Analysis of the situation, understanding of environmental problems, ability to find correct solution not available to most students at our school. Environmental education in science and geography lessons in a correctional school aims to form a responsible attitude of our students towards the environment. In this regard, the following set and interconnection of pedagogical tasks can be identified:

  1. Educational tasks - the formation of knowledge about the unity of living and inanimate nature, the laws of natural phenomena, the interaction of nature, society and man; informing about environmental problems and ways to solve them; development of practical skills to assess and improve the state of the environment in their area;
  2. Educational tasks - the formation of value orientations of an environmental nature, needs, habits of environmentally appropriate behavior, will, perseverance in achieving environmental goals; the ability to form aesthetic, moral, legal judgments on environmental issues in the interests of sustainable development, the desire for active practical activities to protect the environment;
  3. Developmental tasks - the ability to perform a basic analysis of environmental situations, choose ways to solve environmental problems, formulate correct environmental behavior aimed at preserving the environment; in the emotional sphere - the perception of the beautiful and the ugly, satisfaction and indignation from the behavior and actions of people in relation to health, the natural and socio-cultural environment.

The program in natural science and geography for children with mental disabilities is structured in such a way that after studying each topic there is material devoted to studying issues of environmental conservation, studying the rules that a person must follow in relation to himself, other people, animals, and the surrounding world .

The formation of environmental thinking is a continuous process. It includes family and school. In primary school, a child in lessons about the surrounding world and natural science expands his knowledge about the components of nature, about the cyclical nature of phenomena in the natural environment. At the middle level of school, when abstract thinking is formed in students, they realize the need to solve environmental problems, the diversity of relationships “Man - nature”, and the consequences of these relationships. My task, as a geography teacher, is to help children evaluate human economic activity, identify the causes of environmental problems and propose solutions.

Almost any geography lesson needs to address environmental issues. The main goal of such lessons is to develop an ecological worldview among children and help them become an environmentally literate person.

Due to their developmental characteristics, children with reduced intelligence, to a greater extent than normally developing ones, need the targeted teaching influence of an adult. They do not spontaneously assimilate social experience. The success of solving problems of developing environmental competencies, overcoming psychophysical deficiencies and correcting some pathological personality traits of children with intellectual disabilities will largely depend on the correct choice and use of working methods and forms of training. On initial stage The main method of studying the course “Natural Science” is: a story, a conversation with a demonstration of pictures of nature, illustrations using multimedia equipment, and conducting simple experiments. Students receive basic knowledge about the world around them: water and its properties, air, soil, minerals, animals and plants of forests, meadows, fields, gardens, wild and domestic animals. Children conduct phenological observations and observations of living objects and learn the very first rules and norms of behavior in nature. For example: “You can’t make noise in the forest,” “We must take care of the birds,” “You can’t destroy anthills,” “Don’t leave garbage in the forest, in the park, in the meadow, or by the river.”

In high school, when developing environmental competencies, lessons can be conducted with elements of problem-based learning. For example, the topic is “Ravine, its formation” and “Fighting ravines.” Students already know how a ravine is formed. At the beginning of the next lesson, the teacher describes the problem that needs to be solved - 1) the ravine interferes with human economic activity, 2) the ravine is growing. Students are offered several ways to deal with ravines. Children must choose the correct method for a particular case and explain their choice.

When studying environmental problems of natural regions of Russia in 7th grade, you can use a group form of work to solve a problem situation. Students must find the cause of an environmental problem and find the most correct solution from the proposed list. In a circle, students offer solutions. The group listens to everyone’s opinion, and using signal cards of 2 colors, they vote, either accept this point of view, or reject it. At the end, the results are summarized and the best solution is noted.

It can also be lessons with practical tasks. For example, making bird feeders, birdhouses; separate waste collection, monitoring of air pollution, water purity in nearby reservoirs.

One of the forms of organizing the educational process is an excursion, which allows you to instill norms of environmental behavior in nature. The teacher must carefully prepare for such a lesson:

  • choose a topic. It is advisable that the topic of the excursion sounds emotional;
  • determine the goal, objectives and draw up a plan, develop a route;
  • select educational and gaming material, riddles, poems to match the topic;
  • conduct a preliminary conversation with students, instruct them, plan forms of student activity, distribute responsibilities between excursion participants:
  • help children generalize observations and draw correct conclusions.

Of particular importance for environmental education is conducting lessons together with employees of the museum named after. Darwin. Visit to the Polytechnic and Zoological Museum. Their classes in an original, fun, entertaining form with demonstrations of experiments help children with reduced intelligence to better master educational material.

Another form of environmental education can be project activities. When the same problem is studied in different lessons. For example, on the topic “Wintering birds of the Moscow region”, students study the behavior of wintering birds in science lessons, give a descriptive portrait of birds in Russian language and literature lessons, draw birds of the Moscow region in art lessons, and make feeders in labor lessons. The result of such work can be the “Bird Day” holiday summing up the work. Several classes can participate in the celebration. Each event is preceded by a large preparatory work, during which children prepare messages, learn riddles, poems, proverbs, and draw illustrations. According to this scenario, preparations were carried out for the holiday “Bread is the head of everything”, “Poisonous plants are enemies and friends.”

"Ecology and human health." This section is aimed at 9th grade students who explore individual human health and its dependence on environmental factors. When studying program topics, you can involve parents and friends, which contributes to the socialization of schoolchildren and the development of their communicative culture.

Gaming technologies help solve many of the problems listed above. They are aimed at solving the following problems: didactic on mastering the content of a particular subject area;psychological, that is, the development of the cognitive and personal sphere of subjects of the educational process, optimization of relationships between children, as well as between the teacher and students;communicative,as the basis for the formation of a culture of communication.

Among the effective methodological techniques that contribute to the activation of cognitive activity of students with disabilities is a didactic game. Didactic games give great opportunities for correction and development of higher mental functions. They activate mental activity: they teach to analyze, compare, generalize, classify, and highlight unnecessary things. When solving riddles, puzzles, and crosswords, students’ vocabulary is replenished, and the skills of correctly spelling difficult words and natural history terms are strengthened (for example, when solving crosswords, spelling errors do not allow correctly guessed words to be entered into intersecting columns). Students develop voluntary attention. In the process of gaming activities, especially in games of a competitive nature in rows, teams, and groups, students develop a sense of collectivism. The guys worry not only about themselves, but also about their classmates, and try to help each other. While playing in class, a good emotional mood is created and fatigue is quickly relieved. It should be noted that students develop a careful attitude towards games and handouts, they try not to spoil them, because they will not be able to play in subsequent lessons; that is, the positive impact of play on children with reduced intelligence is beyond doubt.

Attracting various didactic games allows the teacher to carry out an individual and differentiated approach to students with disabilities. For example, the whole class is given cut pictures, given the task of folding them and naming the resulting animal (plant). Some students receive a set of pictures from which two animals can be added, others receive pictures divided into 6-8 parts, and others - into 4 parts. Some children are additionally given a large card on which the outline of the animal is drawn. It is important that students get the impression that the assignments they receive are identical.

The game can be used at any stage of the lesson, for example, the theme of the lesson can be given in the form of a riddle, rebus, charade. The use of games is appropriate in the process of explaining new material. So, when teaching a lesson on the topic “A plant is an integral organism,” the game “Where did the artist go wrong?” Students must correct mistakes by rearranging individual cards to form a complete flowering plant (root, stem, leaf, flower).

Lessons on the formation of environmental competence are interdisciplinary in nature: natural history, natural science, geography, social and everyday orientation, agricultural lessons, interdisciplinary connections are used. So the mathematical skills required when calculating flight speed and altitude different birds, differences in day and night temperatures, and the rate of glacier melting. When calculating the amount of water flowing from a poorly closed tap. Or the number of trees to make one set of textbooks.

There are quite a few fiction for knowledge of ecology. These are environmental fairy tales by B. Zakhoder, stories by V. Bianki, poems about nature by I. Bunin, F. Tyutchev, Russian folk art - proverbs and sayings. SHT lessons reinforce knowledge about cultivated plants, about the properties of the soil, about the methods of its cultivation, practical skills are developed.

One of the tasks facing a teacher of natural science and geography is the education of a person for whom nature is his home, the safety and purity of which must be taken care of. And everyone living around is the closest beings who need to be loved and protected.

Ecology is one of the serious factors of social life. This is where the most influential processes and circumstances on which forms of sustainable development are built intersect. Ecology is a concern not so much for the environment, but first of all for the person himself.


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