Business selling entrance and interior doors. How to help a buyer make a decision in retail sales How to increase sales of entrance doors

M We're all buyers. And for each of us there are categories of goods in which we do not understand and are not oriented. For some it is washing machines, for others - computers, for others - plastic windows. And in this case, it makes no sense for us to ask the question of what we want - we don’t know, because we are not experts. In this case, we are afraid of making the wrong choice, and the higher the purchase price, the stronger this fear. Therefore, we wait for expert advice from sellers, and when we don’t receive it, we turn to our friends or go to forums.

In situations where it is requiredexpert sales, the key mistakes sellers make when making a presentation are three:

Mistake 1. Transferring 100% responsibility for the choice to the buyer.

Ideally, when the buyer is not very knowledgeable about the product, the retailer should use expert sales technology, that is:

· sell yourself as an expert, instilling trust in the buyer,

· understand for yourself which option is best suited to the buyer in his situation,

So ideally. Unfortunately, in practice, the work of salespeople most often resembles an anecdote when the doctor says to a patient complaining of abdominal pain: “I have two pills - white and red. Which one do you want? They can tell everything they know about the product and answer the buyer’s questions, but they are not ready to share the responsibility for making a decision, often making the excuse: “Decide for yourself what to choose.” In extreme cases, they begin to get annoyed that the buyer “doesn’t know what he wants.” To be honest, such sellers can easily be replaced by cardboard analogues - price tags with more detailed information about the product. In my retail sales trainings, I invite participants to feel the condition of their customers, imagining that they are seeing doctors who are not ready to take responsibility for diagnosis and treatment (after all, a person is a client to another and you need to be prepared in response to your behavior get something similar).

Mistake 2. Making it more difficult, rather than easier, for the buyer to make a decision.

99% of the presentations I hear as a trainer and buyer make it difficult to make a decision: they are full of obscure terms, are not structured, do not answer the question of what will this give me, and contain virtually no thought. The only thing I want to say in response is: “I’ll go think.”

Mistake 3. Inform rather than motivate.

It is enough to inform only those buyers who have already made their choice. When the buyer has not chosen and is not an expert, he needs to be encouraged. If this is not done, the fear of making the wrong decision may prevail in him, and everything will again end with the phrase “I’ll go think about it.”.

Example of a real sale (retail sales interior doors)

- Good afternoon!

- Hello. I need doors. I have a private house, 7 openings.

- Fine. Are you already familiar with our doors?

- Well, like this. I saw it on the Internet.

-Only on the Internet? Have you already chosen something specific? Are you interested in anything?

- Nothing concrete yet.

- Fine. What kind of house is yours? Country?

- Yes.

- What style is the decoration in?

- In the classic way. I saw your doors are made of oak.

- Yes, made of oak. Do designers work with you or do you choose yourself?

- I choose it myself.

- Fine. Well, then, maybe we can decide on a color.

- I like the dark color, wenge.

- Fine. Are any of the models on display here interesting?

- Yes, for example. Good quality?

- Well, everything we have is made of solid oak, so our factory is responsible for the quality.

- Is there any guarantee?

- The factory provides a 5-year warranty. Probably the only factory that gives such a guarantee.

- What else can you tell me? Can it be installed in a bathtub?

- Can. It’s even necessary, I would say, because oak is a fairly durable material. It tolerates moisture very well. Naturally, each door requires some kind of care. Standard, wipe with a rag somewhere, do something else somewhere. In terms of style, if you like it, we can consider it... In terms of color, as I understand it, you are not considering another option. Then we can play with the models. Our factory makes any model in this color, so we can play with the style. We can see what is already on the sales floor.

- Okay, I'll go and think. Do you give discounts?

- We give a discount based on volume. Come.

So it turns out that in retail, where expert sales are expected, the client more often buys not because of the sellers, but in spite of them. As my mentor jokes: “I have good news for you. If you're selling while making all these mistakes, imagine how much your sales will increase when you get rid of them." Below we will discuss how best to do this.

A few words about responsibility.

Let's start with responsibility for choice. When using expert retail sales technology, it must be shared between the seller and the buyer. If the seller is not ready to do this, he is likened to a guide in a museum: “And here we have Shishkin’s painting “Morning in a Pine Forest” ...”. In order to share this responsibility, the seller needs to qualitatively identify needs, including to understand where and how the product will be used, what its characteristics are priority (how to do this is the subject of a separate article). When a salesperson takes responsibility for his or her recommendations, he or she instills more trust in the buyer. Plus, it’s easier for the latter to make a decision (it’s no coincidence that many of us take someone else with us when going to the store so that this responsibility can be shared). Thanks to this, the likelihood of a successful sale increases significantly. And problems with returns become noticeably less.

How to make it easier for the buyer to make a decision.

As for the presentation itself, it would be a good idea to start by structuring it. Usually it looks like a madman's lunch: first there is compote, the soup is eaten with dessert mixed with salad, and the second course has only a side dish... All this goes in a stream, without time for chewing and swallowing. The result is predictable: “Up or down?”

· Use key decision factors

When selecting any product category, you can select key decision factors (KDF). For example, buyers plastic windows pay attention to their heat and sound insulation (which depends on where the window will be installed) and quality (problem-free service life). Buyers of steel doors are interested in their protective properties, noise and heat insulation, beautiful appearance. And consumers of interior doors are more concerned about how they will fit into their interior, how beautiful they are, and whether anything will happen to them (quality). And of course, the vast majority of buyers are concerned about not overpaying.

The buyer can be informed about these KFPR: “You know, when choosing plastic windows, they pay attention to the following factors - so that they provide the necessary heat and noise insulation, are of high quality and so that they do not have to overpay.” Thus, his perception will be formatted and prepared to receive subsequent information, and the seller’s status as an expert will become even higher.

I recommend using KFPR as a presentation structure. In this form, the presentation allows you to convey to the buyer key thoughts and make it as easy as possible for him to make a decision. And definitely explain why you recommend this or that option to the buyer. Let's see how this can be done using the same example of the presentation of an interior door:

- Firstly, this door is very fits well with your interior. As we found out, the color of your floor is light, cream, and the color of the door will contrast perfectly with it. It will become a worthy decoration of your interior. Plus, it is made in a classic style, which matches the design of the furniture. And you and I know that classics are always relevant and never go out of fashion.

Secondly, this door is beautiful. It is made using artificial aging technology, which is very fashionable today. The door design is typical for the rich interiors of Mediterranean countries, primarily Italy. I'm sure your guests will appreciate your taste.

What else? This door is very high quality. It is manufactured using the most modern equipment from Italy and Germany. The difference between this factory is that quality control is carried out at all stages - starting from harvesting and drying of wood. Very few factories can boast a full production cycle like this one. Therefore, we give a 5-year warranty on this door, while other manufacturers give a 1-year warranty, rarely anyone gives 2 years. Do you feel the difference?

Another important point. Buying this door from us, you do not overpay because we are brand salon manufacturing factory. You also said that there are small children in the apartment. I focus on this because the door should not be damaged - games, pranks... I myself have two children, and I understand how this can be. The door is made of solid Caucasian oak. Oak itself is a very durable material, and Caucasian oak is the standard of strength among other types of oak. Moreover, over time it becomes even harder. But even if something happens - for example, a scratch is left with a sharp object (wood is wood), this door can be easily restored by yourself at home. Nothing will be visible. This number will not work with veneer. Do you like the door? A very worthy choice. Do you have measurements with you? Then let's do the calculation.

· Do a comparative analysis

What will characteristics such as a 5-year warranty or a lock with class 4 burglary resistance tell the buyer? I'm afraid nothing. And if we add that 5 years of warranty is the maximum warranty period for interior doors that only exists in Russia? That burglary resistance class 4 is the highest class for entrance doors to residential premises, and that only armored bank and safe doors have a higher class? What if we add that that door only has a one-year warranty, but this lock only has a second-class burglary resistance? Do you feel how much easier it becomes to make a decision?

Therefore, compare. Compare different models with each other based on key characteristics, compare your product with competitors’ products, focusing on the differences between your product, compare with regulations and standards (“Thermal insulation of this model is 30% higher than GOST standards!”). Be especially vocal about the differences of your product if they are unique (for the city, for the country).

By the way, a technique that works well is when you make a presentation of one model, and when talking about others, you focus only on their differences (both positive and negative).

· Don't be frequent.

You can make an amazing presentation, worthy of a sales textbook, but if the buyer does not perceive it, it will go to waste. The buyer's receptivity can change significantly throughout the dialogue, and the seller needs to be sure that everything he says will be heard and understood. How to achieve this? Pause often. According to research, the volume of human short-term memory is 7±2 units of information, and pauses serve as punctuation marks. During it, the client “digests” what he heard. Another one valuable feature pauses - they add weight to your words.

Watch for affirmative head nods - they are an excellent indicator of assimilation of your information. If the buyer does not nod his head during your presentation, this is a sign that his receptivity may have dropped. It's time to slow down. Ask clarifying questions, whether everything is clear to him, whether something needs to be told in more detail. Questions invigorate the buyer's attention. Include the buyer in the presentation process - give him the opportunity to see, smell, touch everything himself.

· Suggest other selection criteria

You can greatly simplify the buyer’s decision-making process if you refer to the assessments and recommendations of experts, the opinions of the majority of buyers or significant figures. Whatever one may say, man is a social creature. We tend to act with an eye on others. That’s why phrases like:

- Excellent door. By the way, it was she who was installed in one of the episodes of “Housing Question” on NTV.

- 63% of our customers choose this particular model.

- The roofing made from this material was installed by the chief architect of our city.

- Excellent TV. Even our owner bought one for himself.

- This model won a gold medal at the last exhibition in Moscow.

Of course, the presentation is the seller's finest hour. And beyond the scope of this material there are still many techniques and principles that make it even more effective.. Here I tried to focus on those aspects of a commercial presentation that often remain behind the scenes, but at the same time have the most serious impact on the success of the entire transaction. I wish you big and successful sales!

For particularly suspicious readers, I will note that I do not promote black PR, but only suggest focusing on how your product differs from competitors’ analogues.

For example, the well-known and well-proven CPV model (characteristics-benefit-benefit).

This article is primarily useful to those who have traditional business entrance and interior doors. A person who comes to a salon to pick up doors, in 80% of cases does not know what doors he wants. The seller’s task is to find out where the door leaf is being purchased (house or apartment), for which rooms, what style does the buyer prefer? Lastly, how much money is the buyer willing to pay for one canvas?

What kind of clients are there in door stores?

"Dunno" clients

As statistics show, only 15% of buyers buy immediately, without hesitation and without listening to the seller’s recommendations. The conceit of such people is great and their point of view is correct, they know a lot about everything. When selling doors to them, you only need to place an order. Next comes the “know-nothing” category of buyers (there are many of them), such people have little understanding of doors and they need your help if you give them correct recommendations, they are happy with their choice and in the future recommend the salon to family, friends and friends of friends.

Client "grumpy"

There are also grumblers and inappropriate people. The grumblers are unhappy, they express dissatisfaction about this (the price is not clear, or the font is not the same, or expensive - cheap, there is a strange smell of wood in the cabin, and much more). Grumps require a separate approach, these people are deprived of attention and you need to win such people over - this means sometimes asking questions and assenting, and most importantly listening. I can assure you, you will get a loyal client. Just like the “dunno”, he advises you to everyone he knows.

Client "inadequate"

The list ends with the category “inadequate”. Such people are extremely rare, but if they are found, they are certainly remembered. These people are rude and noisy, often shouting obscene phrases. It is difficult to work with such people, but it is possible. As practice shows, these people are irritated by external factors when they come to the salon. Behave calmly and confidently with such people, try to make contact with them, usually they themselves ask what’s what. If you manage to win over such a client, count on commissions. Such customers make expensive purchases.

Rules for selling interior doors

Now let’s look at the sales algorithms for entrance and interior doors:

1. We greet the client standing and with a smile (this is attractive).
2. With a hand gesture we invite the buyer to enter the hall and get acquainted with the goods.
3. Keep a distance of 1.5 - 3 meters.
4. To start a dialogue with the buyer, we do not speak loudly, but so that he can hear, we characterize the door (which he paid attention to, not much, a couple of phrases).
5. Find out where the buyer chooses the door (house or apartment).
6. From memory, we ask the client to describe the interior where the door is being purchased.
7. We ask what kind of doors he wants, with glass or without glass, with veneer or laminated. We identify buyer priorities.
8. Comparing the above, we select 2, maximum 3 canvases for the client.
9. We bring the client to the door that meets the requirements and ask, do you like it?
10. If the answer is yes, use eloquence and give full description of this canvas.


Before entering the market, study consumer demand for certain types of goods sold. Find out which doors are in greatest demand (wooden or metal), which brands sell well and which don’t. Find out the most popular samples in each type category: top sellers among iron and among wooden doors, among entrance and interior rooms, etc.

Calculate the profitability of your business. That is, will your costs be recouped, what prices must be set for the goods so that trade is not only profitable, but also competitive.

Make a grand opening of your store, announce it a few days in advance through the media. Decorate the entrance with colorful balloons, promise gifts to the first 100 buyers, organize some kind of competition, for example, a competition for the best children's drawing “Our house is the most beautiful”, etc.

Carefully select service personnel, pay attention to their training, and introduce a uniform style of uniform. Consider the fact that a lot depends on the design of your store. Think over and develop an interesting sign, original style interior presentation.

In addition to selling doors, offer related products: locks, door handles, hinges, etc. Give customers the opportunity to independently select such accessories on some product samples.

Add door delivery and installation experts to your store's staff. Organize special discounts for your customers. For example, you can place the following ad: “If you buy a door in our store, the cost of its delivery and installation by our specialists will be 30% lower than the city average.”

Don't lose touch with your customers. Give them discount or other types of cards that give them the right to a discount in the event of a repeat purchase, etc.

Owning a door showroom is not a very expensive business and is designed for a stable profit. Select the optimal range, add additional services to the price list and organize affiliate programs. All this will set you apart from your competitors and significantly increase sales.

You will need

  • - IP status;
  • - premises for a store;
  • - staff;
  • - inventory;
  • - trade equipment and cash register;
  • - money for business development.


Selling doors is not such a simple business. You need to have a good understanding of suppliers and models, be able to conclude profitable contracts, and know what is in demand among buyers. To become a professional in the door business, get a job as a salesperson in any similar salon - six months of work will be enough to understand the nuances of trade.

Find a suitable room. A door showroom aimed at retail customers should be located close to a busy highway, on a street with good pedestrian traffic.

Create an assortment. Choose manufacturers who produce models that are optimal in terms of price and quality. The cheapest doors are usually the most popular among buyers, but selling them alone is unprofitable. Supplement the interior assortment with a sufficient selection of entrance doors - this is the most profitable position for the seller. Some exclusive goods can only be sold to order, through catalogues.

Normal conditions for beginning retailers – payment upon delivery or prepayment. Once you have proven yourself, you may be offered a deferred payment plan.

Calculate retail prices for goods. The markup on doors starts from 30% and reaches 100%. The cheaper the model, the higher the markup on it. For goods from popular and well-known manufacturers, keep the city average prices; new items can be sold at a higher price. Provide discounts for bulk purchases and bonus services for regular customers.

When considering how to open a door shop, consider a variety of options. The starting project can be a small retail outlet or department. Having achieved profit and returned the initial investment, you can decide to expand retail space or increase the number of points. A gradual approach will bring success to a novice entrepreneur and help avoid major losses.

  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • Which doors are more profitable to sell?
  • Step-by-step plan for opening a door store
  • Door store premises
  • Business registration
  • Necessary equipment for a door shop
  • Supplier search
  • Staff to work in a door store
  • Door store pricing and advertising
  • How to make your door sales business more profitable
  • How much can you earn
  • What is the OKVED code for business of opening a door store?
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Do I need a permit to open a door shop?
  • Sales technology

How much money do you need to start a business?

You can start a business selling doors. Having 100 thousand rubles, you can open a small store in a good location. Within a few months, the outlet will pay for itself and then begin to generate a stable profit.

Which doors are more profitable to sell?

In your own department or store you can sell the following types of doors:

  • interiors made of solid wood, veneer, covered with film;
  • glass;
  • sliding plastic.

The door store's assortment can be supplemented with fittings, locks, and interior partitions. It is advisable to adhere to a certain price category, focusing on buyers in the economic, middle or luxury segment. An attempt to fit all available price options into one place will lead to a dilution of the consumer audience and a narrowing of the assortment.

Step-by-step plan for opening a door store

The very first step is drawing up detailed business plan. It takes into account all upcoming expenses for renting premises, purchasing goods, and paying sellers. A plan is necessary to adjust your own steps; you will also need it when receiving a loan or attracting co-investors.

Door store premises

Find a suitable premises. It must be in a walkable location. It is advisable that there is a public transport stop and a parking lot nearby. Most convenient option- first floors public buildings and departments in shopping centers. Make sure there are no competitors' outlets nearby. Very advantageous neighbors - floor coverings and others finishing materials, as well as outlets selling home decor and textiles.

Business registration

Register entity. The most convenient form for beginners is IP. It makes it possible to pay a simplified tax and reduces the amount of documentation.

Necessary equipment for a door shop

Equip your store with exhibition stands. At least 20 ready-made doors must be placed on them, and they must open, demonstrating all the advantages of the product. If the premises do not have a warehouse, you can work on an advance payment basis, taking a small deposit from the buyer and then picking up the door at the wholesaler's warehouse. This approach is convenient at first, but in the absence of popular models from suppliers, sales may slow down. The best option- pre-purchase of the best-selling models and pre-order for less popular doors.

Supplier search

Find suppliers. It is most profitable to cooperate with small manufacturers who sell goods in small quantities. Large wholesalers have a good range, but profitable terms they are ready to provide only large retail. It is unlikely that a novice entrepreneur will be provided with a deferred payment or given goods for sale, so it is impossible to make a mistake in creating an assortment. There is another option to do it yourself, but this option requires additional investment.

Staff to work in a door store

Hire a driver with a car who will deliver the purchased doors. You will need 2 salespeople (one per shift), a cleaner, and an accountant who can work remotely.

Door store pricing and advertising

Think over your pricing policy. Typically, the markup on doors varies from 40 to 150% depending on the supplier’s conditions, models and other nuances. The best option is the city average price with periodic discounts and sales.

Don't spend a lot of money on advertising. It is enough to open a point in a good location, make a noticeable sign and choose the right assortment. First buyers can be promised very tempting discounts, but incentives should not be constant or protracted, as this reduces their effectiveness.

Gradually expand your range. You can add entrance groups, various partitions, stained glass windows, and other popular products to interior doors. The principle of their implementation is no different from the door one. Expanding the range will require larger areas.

How to make your door sales business more profitable

Selling doors is a highly competitive business. To be successful, you need to have an edge that sets you apart from other salespeople. The most important point is the price. If you cannot set a minimum price, create an assortment of models that are not available in other stores. Offer analogues of the most popular doors. Their cost may be lower due to the lesser popularity of the manufacturer, more affordable fittings or simplified production technology. It is important that the product is of high quality and safe.

Try to maximize your assortment.

In a small store it is difficult to place many samples, so work more actively with catalogs.

Make a place where you can see the existing doors. It is advisable to present them in the interior, this will speed up the buyer’s decision making. Organize a system of online pre-orders, setting additional discounts on such purchases.

Include door installation in your list of services. Installers can work under a contract with piecework payment. It would be nice if customers are offered warranty repairs, a service for removing the old door, and other additional benefits that encourage them to make a purchase from you.

Consider co-branding programs. You can team up with other stores offering repair products, organize joint promotions, and exchange customer databases. This approach will help save on promotion and increase store recognition.

November 14, 2013 business coach. WOW - SALES

Door sales training "Doors are easy to sell!"

I offer door sales training services. This is the first specialized training for sales of interior doors, demonstrating door sales techniques.
Guaranteed commercial result:

  • increase in conversion by 50-70%;
  • an increase in the average check by 20% for experienced sellers, by 40-60% for beginners;
  • increase in total sales - count for yourself.

These results are the result of assessing the effectiveness of trainings that were conducted for the Agora company in Yekaterinburg in 2013.

Training program

How to achieve success?

  • Implementation of the achievement strategy - movement FROM - TO. (FROM avoidance TO achievement)
  • Now a seller. So what is next? Planning a sales career in a company

Transformation of limiting beliefs into expanding ones (it was: “This is impossible”, it became: “Everything is possible!”)

Introduction to sales.

  • Specifics of door sales - “long” sales
  • Consumer behavior model of a Client choosing doors
  • Door sales algorithm - step-by-step instructions

How to gain the Client's trust?

What to ask a potential buyer?

  • Questions as a tool for influencing the interlocutor - stupid questions = negative influence, reasonable questions = managing the client’s actions
  • Types of questions - universal (to which they will never say “no”; main ones (revealing the leading need); questions that reveal the need, etc.
  • A funnel of questions to identify the needs of a client choosing doors (one chain - 6 questions, 3-4 minutes for detailed identification of needs!)

How to provoke a desire in the Client to own a product?

  • What should and should not be told to clients about doors?
  • Application of the AIDA concept is a way to manage client perception (check it out on YouTube "Mercedes with death", look at this advertisement, it is made according to AIDA. Your presentations can be just as cool!)
  • Technique “SV” (property-benefit). Transforming product characteristics into benefits for the customer.
  • “Anchor” technique - “anchoring” benefits using questions (technique of influencing the client)
  • “Tell me yes” technique - questions that provoke the client to agree with the seller
  • “Beautiful Stories” technique (client persuasion technique)
  • “Strong-medium-strongest” technique
  • Ways to compare two similar products (how to answer the client’s question: “Which doors are better?”)

Calculation of complete set and order cost

  • How to make the correct calculation of door configurations in accordance with measurements?
  • How many extenders will you need? Equipment options
  • How to influence the cost of an order by varying its packaging?

How to convince a Client?

  • False and true objections or how to deal with customer excuses
  • Algorithm for working with objections - 5 sequential actions that will allow you to work out any objection
  • Working with “difficult” objections (expensive, cheaper in other stores, long wait, I’ll think about it, I need advice

How to sell custom doors?

  • Selling measurements as an opportunity to sell doors
  • How to get a client's phone number? How to bring a client to a deal over the phone?

How to direct the Client to the cashier?)

  • Reception "Questions"
  • Reception "NO"
  • "I need to think" technique
  • Reception “Silence is a sign of consent”
  • Reception "Interest"
  • “Conditional closing of a deal” technique and other techniques.

The total duration of the training is 16 hours - 2 days.

At the end of each training block, participants complete practical exercises to develop sales skills.

If the training provides a corporate format, then the program is adjusted to the needs and business results of the customer.