Akalifa bristly indoor plants. Akalifa "fox tail" - a bright tropical in your home

Description. Akalifa is a semi-lignified shrub with a height of 50 cm to 3 m. There are ampelous species. The color of the leaves of indoor akalifa is very diverse, and the long fluffy inflorescences are decorative. Needs moderate watering. Very photophilous. Leaf color varies greatly among different varieties of this plant - from copper-red to green with veins, bordered with pink, red, bronze, purple. These bright, hairy leaves can grow up to 13 cm in length, often with a finely toothed edge. The plant develops quickly and will grow into a large bush without proper pruning. Drooping spike-shaped inflorescence up to 50 cm bears very small flowers. Flowering is almost continuous. The fruit is a capsule.

Height. Up to 1.8 m, if not trimmed.

1.Caring for Akalifa at home

1.1.Reproduction - indoor plants from seeds

In early spring, apical semi-lignified cuttings 8 cm long are planted in soil consisting of coarse sand and peat in equal parts. Maintain the air temperature around 24 ° C. Rooting occurs quite quickly - in about 2 weeks, without any particular difficulties, even in a glass of water. Akalifa takes root well in peat tablets with bottom heating and root treatment.


Keep the plant compact by pruning to about half height in the spring. If the plant has lost its shape, you need to get rid of it. The plant can be moved outside during the summer months, but the plants should be given time to acclimatize to the new conditions. In winter, when the central heating is on, Akalifa loses some of its leaves - do not place plants near radiators. Rotate the pot with the plant 1/4 turn every week so that the bush does not stretch towards the light source.

1.3.When akalifa blooms

In good conditions, the plant can bloom all year round.


A mixture of turf, leaf and humus soil with peat and sand.

1.5.Containment temperature

Heat-loving plant - average temperature 18 - 27 ° C in winter - not lower than 18 ° C; tolerates temporary reduction to 16 °C.

1.6. Transplantation of akalifa

As needed - when the roots fill the pot. It is better not to replant adult plants, but to replace the top layer of soil in the pot.


Bright, diffused light is necessary for intense coloration of leaves. It is afraid of direct sun; if it is not shaded on a summer day, brown spots may appear on the leaves. In conditions of insufficient lighting, the plant stretches out and becomes loose - the bush can be artificially illuminated.

1.8. Fertilizer for akalifa in a pot

Every 2 weeks from spring to autumn with liquid fertilizer at half concentration. Organic and mineral fertilizers with microelements in the form of watering or spraying on the leaves; Slowly soluble forms of fertilizer are added to the soil mixture.


Moderate to high (above 50%). Use a humidifier or tray of wet pebbles to increase humidity. The plant does not like drafts. You can spray only in the morning - so that the moisture dries before dusk.

1.10. Watering akalifa

Abundant watering all year round, especially in summer, when the soil dries out faster. Too wet soil causes the plant to weaken. For watering, use only warm water- slightly above room temperature. Akalifa does not tolerate hypothermia of roots.

1.11.Pests and diseases

Akalifa growing indoors can be affected by spider mites. If you see any signs of pests, such as dull green leaves with tiny brown spots, you should isolate the plant and begin treatment immediately. Maintenance required humidity air prevents the proliferation of pests. Leaves reduce turgor when the soil dries out. When changing conditions, Akalifa may shed its leaves - accustom it to all changes gradually. The tips of the leaves turn brown and dry out when there is insufficient air humidity.



There are cultivated forms of the plant with white inflorescences. The older the akalifa, the longer its “fox tails” will be and the longer the flowering period. Akalifa is a poisonous plant.

Hydroponics. It is possible to use the hydroponic method.


2.1.Acalypha hispida

A small indoor plant with dark green, thin leaves covered with branched veins. The edges of the leaf blades have small teeth. It has abundant and long-lasting flowering. The flowers are collected in long (up to 45 cm) dark pink or red “earrings”.

2.2.Acalypha wilkesiana

Unlike the previous species, Wilks' akalifa should be classified more as an ornamental foliage plant, since flowering is not of particular interest. The leaves of Wilks's akalifa have burgundy or red hues and often have contrasting speckles. Young shoots and leaf blades covered with sparse pubescence.

3. To summarize - 7 secrets of success:

  1. Growing temperature: Keep at room temperature throughout the year.
  2. Lighting: A brightly lit location without direct sunlight.
  3. Watering and air humidity: regular and abundant watering, with slight drying of the soil, high air humidity.
  4. Trimming: formative, do not place the plant near heating appliances.
  5. Priming: nutritious, with good drainage.
  6. Top dressing: in the warm season, feed with both organic matter and mineral fertilizers.
  7. Reproduction: mostly cuttings.

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Akalifa is a spectacular ornamental plant, caring for it at home is relatively simple. In the photo you can see the unusual flowering of the crop.

Another name for the plant is foxtail or foxtail. This is the name of the flower for its fluffy, elongated inflorescences of bright pink color, which resemble the tail of a fox.

Akalifa is translated from Latin as “nettle”. This is due to the visual similarity of the leaves of the plant with nettles.

Botanical description and origin

The leaves of the plant are ovoid in shape. The leaf blade is pointed, the edges are serrated. The surface of the leaves is covered with small fibers.

The color depends on the type of crop. They can be bright green or green with a bronze tint and various splashes and touches of red. Leaves length is up to 20 cm.

Flowering also depends on the Akalifa variety. In some species, the flowers are especially decorative. The inflorescences have the shape of spikelets of bright red color. The length of the fluffy inflorescences can reach half a meter. In other species, the inflorescences are not so large, their length does not exceed 10 cm.

Interesting to know: The plant is native to the tropical regions of Asia, the island of Fiji. The culture can also be found in the nature of Australia and Polynesia.

The genus includes both annual and perennial varieties. Among them you can find herbaceous crops, shrubs and even trees.

Akalifa belongs to the Euphorbiaceae or Euphorbiaceae family.

Popular varieties

Akalifa bristly

The genus includes about 450 species. The most popular include:

  • bristly- the brightest and most effective look. Polynesia is considered the birthplace of the bristly Akalifa. In nature, the crop can grow up to 3 meters. Spike-shaped inflorescences are up to 50 cm long. The color is bright red. There are also plant varieties with white fluffy inflorescences;
  • oak leaves- culture comes from countries Latin America. Has spreading shoots. The leaves are serrated and heart-shaped. The shade of the leaf blade is light green, the leaf length does not exceed 4 cm. The inflorescences are fluffy and red. Their length is no more than 10 cm. The species can be grown as a hanging crop or ground cover;
  • Godsefa- This is a hybrid variety with unusual leaf color. The jagged, ovate leaves have a green and bronze tint with red splashes;
  • Vilkez- a shrub that grows up to 1.5 meters in natural conditions. IN room conditions Low-growing forms of the plant are usually grown. It is distinguished by variegated foliage color. Leaf color is dark green. There are copper specks on the surface.

Rules of care

Foxtail is a tropical crop. Therefore, when growing a plant indoors, it needs to create conditions similar to natural ones. The plant is quite unpretentious, but has its own maintenance characteristics.

Basic rules for crop care:

  1. Akalifa is a light-loving crop, so it needs plenty of light. However, it is recommended to protect the foxtail from direct sunlight;
  2. Watering the crop should be regular and plentiful. Especially in the spring-summer season. With the onset of winter, watering is reduced, but the soil should not dry out;
  3. The plant prefers high air humidity. It must be sprayed regularly. During the flowering period, spraying is undesirable. To increase humidity, you can use special humidifiers or fill the tray with moistened expanded clay;
  4. Suitable maintenance temperature from spring to autumn is about 23 degrees Celsius. With the onset of winter, it is recommended to lower the temperature, but not below 16 degrees;
  5. It is recommended to feed the crop once every two weeks. Subcortex is applied from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn. Organic matter is also used as fertilizing. In winter, the plant does not need feeding;
  6. Once a year, Akalifa needs to be pruned, leaving shoots no more than 25 cm high. Pruning is carried out at the end of winter.

All parts of the crop contain toxic substances, so you must wear rubber gloves when working with Akalifa.

Transfer rules

It is recommended to replant young specimens every year, and adults - as needed (usually no more than once every three years).

The soil for planting the crop should be loose, drained and breathable.

For replanting, soil is taken from the following components:

  • turf land;
  • deciduous soil;
  • sand;
  • peat.

All ingredients are taken in equal parts.

Reproduction methods

The plant propagates by the following methods:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds.

How to propagate a plant by seeds?

  1. Sowing must be done at the beginning of spring.
  2. The substrate for crops is prepared from equal parts of deciduous soil and sand.
  3. The top of the container with crops can be covered with plastic film or glass - this will allow the seeds to germinate faster.
  4. After a pair of leaves appear, the seedlings dive into separate containers.

Varieties that are distinguished by decorative flowering are propagated by cuttings in early spring, and species with decorative foliage - year-round.

How to propagate by cuttings?

  1. For propagation, apical shoots that have not yet become lignified are selected.
  2. To root cuttings, use soil consisting of equal parts of peat and sand.
  3. The optimal temperature is about 22 degrees.
  4. After rooting, the cuttings are planted in the substrate.

For splendor, you can plant several rooted cuttings in one pot at once.

Pests and diseases

The most common pests:

  • spider mite;
  • whitefly

Good to know: Leaf spot is another common disease. A sign of the disease are brown spots.

The reason for the development spider mite is excessive dry air. The pest must be controlled through the use of insecticides.

A common disease is rot. The cause may be waterlogging of the soil. The culture needs to be transplanted into a fresh substrate and processed.

Problems during cultivation

Often, the owners of this beauty face the following problems:

  1. If the leaves wither, it is likely that the soil was too dry or, conversely, waterlogged. Another reason is the soil is too heavy.
  2. Lack of lighting causes leaves to turn pale. Light is especially important for variegated species.
  3. If the tips of the leaves dry out and turn brown, then the plant does not have enough moisture in the soil and in the air.
  4. Spots on the leaves are a clear sign of too low temperatures or drafts.

Akalifa is a spectacular crop native to tropical regions. Therefore, for favorable cultivation it will be necessary to create conditions close to tropical ones. This is an abundance of light, heat and air humidity.

You should not neglect the rules of care, otherwise you will not be able to see the bright fluffy inflorescences, and the leaves will lose their bright or variegated color.

Foxtail or Akalifa is a common houseplant. The culture is distinguished by decorative flowering and unusual foliage color. If you follow the proper care, you can admire the blooming crop for a long time - from spring to mid-autumn.

How to effectively care for a flower to see beautiful flowers, see the tips in the following video:

What kind of plants are not being bred by flower growers now? They amaze with the color and shape of the leaves, as well as the beauty of the flowers. But one of the most amazing indoor plants is akalifa. This pretty shrub is divided into two types. One has funny inflorescences that look like fox tails. And the other - leaves of incredible color. Each type is good in its own way. Akalifa fox tails grown at home fluff up for six months in a row. And plants with decorative variegated foliage grow very quickly. So, with proper care, Akalifa can handle the landscaping of a spacious room alone.

Akalitha: foxtail and copperleaf

Akalifa, like most of our indoor plants, comes from the tropics. In the South American, Asian and Australian rainforests you can see a wild relative of the domestic akalifa. This is a shrub with beautiful foliage and bright earrings-inflorescences and a height of about 2–3 meters.

Scientists have described over 400 varieties of the plant. But flower growers have tamed only some of them. Among the most common in indoor floriculture are Akalifa bristles and Wilksa. The first flower grower was nicknamed foxtail and is valued for its fluffy inflorescences. The second is bred for its carved reddish foliage, which is why it is sometimes called copper-leaved acalypha.

At home, Akalifa rarely grows above one and a half meters. Both varieties have large leaves with a serrated edge. They are very similar to nettle foliage. Thanks to this, the name of the plant appeared - akalifa, in ancient Greek the word means nettle.

The bristle-haired variety has rich foliage, but is unremarkable - just green. And the inflorescences are original. Bright, long (up to half a meter) drooping spikelets of red-red or white color. They really look like the tails of foxes, just as fluffy . Tailed flowers take a long time to bloom, almost six months.

Akalifa varieties with variegated foliage will not please you with flowers. Their inflorescences are small and inconspicuous. The beauty of these plants is in the color of the large (about 13 cm in length) leaves. They can be copper-red, green with a white border, or red-orange-bronze.

Akalifa, according to Feng Shui masters, is a very harmonious plant. Its fluffy inflorescences-tails connect feminine and masculine energies - yin and yang. This means that in a house where akalifa grows, women will be more enterprising, and men will be gentle. Furry foxtail owners can use a rational and intuitive approach to problem solving equally well.

Flower growers who are attracted to the original akalifa need to know that this flower is not the easiest to live with. Foxtail has a negative attitude towards apartment air that is overdried by heating. Due to dry air, the naturally evergreen acalypha may lose its beautiful foliage. A tropical plant needs high humidity and bright lighting. But it’s not so difficult to create tropics at home, if you have the desire.

When considering whether or not to get a foxtail, consider one more thing. Akalifa is not so “white and fluffy”, it is poisonous. The plant will not do any harm if you do not try to taste it. The poison is completely harmless to breathing and skin. And if ingested, it can cause poisoning. Therefore, Akalifa is not recommended to be grown in homes where there are small children and pets. And when caring for the plant, be sure to follow safety precautions: wear protective gloves, and wash your hands well afterwards.

Some representatives of the Akalifa genus

Akalifa belongs to the Molochai family. The genus is divided into two species groups. The first is distinguished by hanging bright inflorescences-tails and ordinary green leaves. The most famous representatives of this group are Akalifa bristle-haired and oak-leaved.

  • Akalifa bristle-haired is a powerful shrub that comes from Polynesia. Wild plants grow about three meters. At home - no more than one and a half. Green leaves large, slightly pubescent, edges with jagged edges. Flowers with bristle petals are collected in long (40–50 cm) drooping spikelets of red or burgundy color.
  • The bristle-haired acalypha has alba variety, it has white and fluffy inflorescences.
  • Akalifa oak-leaved, also known as Haitian or ampelous, comes from South America. This is a plant with drooping spreading shoots. The leaves are small (4 cm) light green in color, sometimes with a lighter border. The spikelet inflorescences are never longer than 10 cm. They are pubescent and deep red in color. Akalifa oak-leaved is grown as a ground cover and hanging plant.
  • Akalitha Viginsi, originally from the Galapagos Islands. Now this species is on the verge of extinction. Scientists believe that it is time to immediately save this Akalitha.
  • Akalifa southern is an annual plant with thin stem and inflorescence spikelet, growing in Asia, America and Japan. The plant is very similar to nettle and has no decorative value. It is not cultivated, but destroyed as a weed.

The second group of acalyphs are decorative leaf plants. They do not have such beautiful flowers (reddish and sparse inflorescences, no more than 8 cm long), but the leaves are of amazing color, combining bronze and copper shades.

  • Akalifa Wilksa is a one and a half meter shrub that grows naturally on the Pacific islands. Among the cultural forms there are miniature ones. The leaves of this species resemble an egg in shape and color semiprecious stones. Color varies from bronze-green to copper-red. There are plants with spotted leaves.
  • Wilks' akalifa variety - Mosaic. The plant has wider leaves. The whimsical color combines orange, red and green.
  • Akalifa Wilksa - Ceylon variety with bronze-copper leaves with green leaves.
  • Akalifu Godsefa is considered to be a hybrid. It can be seen in the wild on the islands of New Guinea. The long and narrow leaves are bronze in color and turn copper-red in bright light. There are plants with foliage decorated with white or pink borders.

Photos of flower types: bristle-haired, Wilks, southern, ampelous and others

Akalifa southern
Akalifa bristle-haired
Akalifa Godsefa, white-edged variety
Akalifa Godsefa
Akalifa Godsefa, variety with pink edge
Akalifa Viginsi
Akalifa oak-leaved
Variety Akalifa Wilks - Mosaic
Bristle-haired acalypha alba
Akalifa Wilkes
Akalifa Wilkes - Ceylon

Conditions for a tropical plant

Akalifa is a native of the tropics. And like a tropical plant, it respects warmth and plenty of light, but without the hot sun. Only with sufficient lighting will the bright foliage of Akalifa show all its beauty. But the most important thing for this flower is moisture. Akalifa is ready to live “breathing the mists.” If the air is dry, it will not bloom fluffy and will shed its leaves.

Table: Rules for breeding at home

Season Lighting Humidity Temperature
SpringBright, diffused. The best location for akalifa is western and eastern windows. The southern direction is also suitable, but you will have to protect it from the midday sun.Increased, from 70% or more.
Spray the leaves and stems, as well as the air around the plant, as often as possible.
Place the pot in a tray with wet pebbles and humidify the air in other ways.
The plant loves warmth. Slightly above moderate, 20–25.
SummerBright, without direct sun.
AutumnHigh. Do not place the plant next to heating devices. Humidify the air in all available ways.
WinterIntense, may require artificial lighting. With a lack of light, variegated forms lose color.Can't stand cold. Optimally 18 0. The temperature should not fall below 15 degrees.

How to help a houseplant breathe

Maintaining a high level of air humidity requires some effort. Especially in autumn and winter. Heating makes the home climate desert-dry.

Tropical plants cannot tolerate this. Help them breathe, try to create a semblance of the tropics in your home. By the way, moist air is also good for human health.

  • Place the akalifa where the air is initially most humid. For example, it is always humid in the kitchen or bathroom. Akalifa will feel great in these rooms, of course, if there is a window in the bathroom.
  • Spray the plant with the smallest spray bottle. Use only warm water. In winter, do the procedure in the first half of the day so that the leaves dry out by evening. In summer, do not spray at midday to avoid burns.
  • Place the akalifa next to the same moisture-loving plants. Water procedures will be easier to carry out, and the humidity will last longer.
  • Place the pot of acalypha on a tray with gravel or expanded clay. Constantly moisten the pebbles.
  • Keep Akalifa in a double pot. Place the container with the plant in a waterproof pot filled with cut moss or peat. Keep them moist at all times. Excess moisture from the second pot, when evaporated, will provide air humidity around the akalifa.

Video: Akalifa in the subtropics

How to replant a fox tail

Young akalifas need to be replanted every year in the spring. Adults approximately once every 3–4 years. Sometimes, when the plant is too large, it is not replanted at all, but only the top layer of soil in the pot is renewed.

Akalifa soil needs a light, porous soil. It should conduct moisture and air well. Here are sample compositions:

  • one part each of turf, leaf soil, peat and sand;
  • humus, sand, turf soil and peat - all in equal parts;
  • 4 turf, 1 part leaf and 2 parts greenhouse soil and sand in the ratio 4:1:2:0.5;
  • equal parts peat, leaf soil and sand;
  • ready-made soil for begonias or roses.

The Akalifa pot will prefer a fairly spacious one. It grows quickly, and the root system grows almost as quickly. If you are growing ampelous acalypha, purchase a hanging pot. And don't forget to make drainage holes. The moisture-loving acalypha does not tolerate stagnation of water at the roots. How to replant foxtail?

  1. Prepare and disinfect the pot, soil and drainage (expanded clay, small crushed stone, gravel, crushed brick or foam).
  2. Fill the pot with a drainage layer about 2–3 cm high.
  3. Wear protective gloves (akalifa juice is poisonous).
  4. Carefully remove the plant from the old container, keeping the earthen lump.
  5. Inspect the roots; if you find damage, remove these sections.
  6. Place the earthen ball in the center of the new pot. Fall asleep carefully new soil, shaking the pot slightly and compacting the soil. This way the soil will fill the entire volume, leaving no voids.
  7. Water the plant, place it in a permanent place, spray it. Replanting is stressful, and humid air helps the acalypha to adapt.

Tropical Habits

The best care for a houseplant is to create conditions close to natural. Akalifa, born in the tropics, has adapted to the peculiarities of this climate. She remembers that tropical rain pours down in torrents, and then the moisture begins to actively evaporate. That is why Akalifa, which moved to our latitudes, is so demanding of humidity and watering.

Water and food for Akalifa

Without plenty of water, Akalifa will not be able to grow rich greenery and fluff up its fox tails. As soon as the plant wakes up after winter sleep, increase the volume and frequency of watering. The soil in the pot should be constantly moist, just do not make a mud bath out of it. A lack of moisture is bad for akalifa, but an excess can cause illness, especially if the air is cool. For irrigation you need soft and lukewarm water. The tender daughter of the tropics cannot stand the cooling of the earthen clod. And an important addition: Akalifa really likes the soil to be loosened after watering.

The closer to winter, the less often and more modestly water the akalifa. Winter watering should be such that the soil does not dry out. The plant has stopped growing and can take the necessary moisture from the air. It is in winter Special attention Pay attention to humidifying the atmosphere around the flower.

During the period of growth and flowering (from March to October), akalifa will be grateful if you feed it. A fertilized plant will put on beautiful foliage and acquire bright inflorescences. Apply fertilizing every two weeks; it is better to alternate mineral and organic fertilizers. Complexes (for example, Agricola) are suitable for flowering plants, if your pet is a foxtail species, or feeding for ornamental foliage plants if you have a variegated specimen.

Akalifa takes well to foliar feeding. When spraying the plant, add biostimulants to the water, for example, Epin, Zircon or Silk.

In winter, when the foxtails have already faded and new foliage is not growing, there is no need to feed Akalifa.

Blooms readily

Akalifa, which is properly cared for, blooms for a long time, at least six months. The older the plant, the longer the inflorescences-tails stretch out. In adult specimens they can grow up to half a meter. Each inflorescence lives for two weeks or longer.

Flower growers almost never complain that Akalifa refuses to bloom. On the contrary, they call it “uncontrollable flowering plant” and they write that sometimes it fluffs up so actively that it forgets to grow greenery.

As they fade, the red-red tails acquire a brownish tint. This means it is time to remove the inflorescence. Trim browned tails without pity, this way you will save the plant’s energy for the formation of new flowers.

Formation of Akalifa

The recommendations are simple: in young plants, you need to pinch the top of the shoots so that the lateral buds develop. And adult akalifas should be pruned annually. Pruning is carried out before the start of seasonal growth, in February. Experienced flower growers recommend not sparing the akalifa, but cutting off the stems, leaving 20–30 cm from the ground. This haircut is both a hygienic and rejuvenating procedure. But Akalifa does not always understand its importance and begins to mope. To lift the mood and tone of the plant, spray it and cover it with film. Such a mini-greenhouse will help Akalifa get used to new form and will give impetus to development.

When disposing of Akalifa, do not forget about safety measures: wear gloves and wash your hands after.

Time relax

From late autumn to March, Akalifa rests. Watering is reduced and fertilizing is cancelled. But it can’t be done without careful care. While Akalitha is resting, you will have to work a little.

As plant owners note, this period is the most difficult for the flower. The dry air of apartments literally kills him. Although, with proper care, even this time can be survived without loss. How to make your home climate more humid, read the chapter “How to help acalypha breathe?”

Table: Care errors

Manifestation Cause What to do
Akalifa leaves wither and droop.1. The earthen ball is too dry or waterlogged.
2. Excessively heavy soil
1. Follow the watering schedule. The soil should not dry out, but also not be a swamp.
2. Replace all the soil with a lighter one or at least a top layer.
The leaves become discolored and pale.Lack of light.Provide bright lighting. In winter or early spring, artificial lighting is necessary.
The tips of the leaves dry out and turn brown.Dry air, lack of watering.Humidify the air by all means, adjust watering.
Dark spots on leaves.Hypothermia of the earthen coma or exposure to drafts.Water the plant only with lukewarm water. Protect from temperature changes.

Plant pests

  • spider mite,
  • whitefly,

If the pest infestation is minor, it is enough to remove it manually and then treat the flower with a soap solution. But if there are a lot of insects, you will have to use chemicals.

Table: Pests threatening Akalifa

What does it look like? What kind of pest? How to fight? Prevention
The leaf becomes covered with yellowish spots, sometimes with severe damage a white cobweb is noticeable.The spider mite is an almost invisible insect that sucks the juice from the leaves.To destroy, you can use tobacco infusion.
If the damage is severe, spray with a systemic insecticide (Fitoverm, Aktara), prepare the solution according to the instructions.
Spider mites do not tolerate high humidity. Spray the plant more often and humidify the air.
The leaves turn yellow and die. Greenish larvae cover the underside of the leaf; they feed on the sap of the plant.The whitefly is a tiny white insect that reproduces quickly. The larvae damage the plant.Fighting whiteflies is not easy. Once every three days, spray the plant with preparations containing permethrin, Admiral or Kinmiks insecticides.
The pest dies only after repeated treatment.
Inspect the plant regularly. At the first signs of damage, take measures to prevent pests from multiplying.
Young leaves and shoots curl, become deformed and die.Aphids are small insects that live in colonies.Remove insects by hand. Treat the plant with a specialized aphid repellent.
Spray with products containing permethrin.

How to propagate

Two methods are suitable for propagating akalifa: seed and cuttings.


Akalifa seeds are sown in early spring. The soil mixture for sowing should be light: from leaf soil and sand in equal parts.

  1. Soak the seeds for a day in a growth stimulator (Epin or Zircon).
  2. Pour soil into a container (preferably a heated greenhouse) and moisten it.
  3. Plant the seeds in the soil, only lightly sprinkling them.
  4. Cover the container or greenhouse with a transparent lid and turn on the heating.
  5. Place the crops in a warm place; the soil should maintain a temperature of 20–22 degrees. Bottom heating accelerates seed germination.
  6. Moisten and ventilate crops.
  7. When two true leaves appear on the sprouts, transplant the seedlings into separate pots with soil, as for adult acalyphs.


Cuttings of flowering varieties of Akalifa are carried out in early spring. Plants with variegated foliage all year round. You can root cuttings in sand, a sand-peat mixture, or simply in water.

  1. Cut shoots of about 10 cm that are already woody using a sharp knife or blade.
  2. Remove the lower leaves. Next, place the cuttings in an opaque container with water (its level should not be higher than 5 cm) or place in damp sand (a mixture with peat) poured into a greenhouse.
  3. Cover the cuttings in a container with a bag, in a greenhouse with a lid, and place in a bright place without direct sun.
  4. Maintain the temperature at least 22–25 degrees.
  5. Spray the cuttings and ventilate.
  6. After the roots appear, plant the akalifa cuttings in a nutrient substrate (compositions are in the chapter on replanting). You can plant each cutting separately, or you can plant several in one pot to make the plant more luxuriant.
  7. Take care of growing Akaliphs as if you were adults. But get used to intense lighting gradually.
  8. When the seedlings are one and a half months old, pinch off the top buds.

Akalifa - amazing plant with wonderful fluffy inflorescences or with incredibly beautifully colored foliage. Caring for it is not so easy, it is not for the lazy. And for those who are willing to spend a little time and effort, Akalifa will repay them in full. Bioenergetics experts claim that akalifa successfully fights pessimism and despondency. It accumulates the energy of joy. This plant is warming. In addition, akalifa foliage cleanses environment from laziness and negative emotions. If you want to deal with troubles more easily and become easier to rise to, try getting an Akalifa. Her fox tails will always lift your spirits.

I am a philologist by education. My hobbies are reading, traveling, caring for the garden and pets. Therefore, much of what I write about is not theory at all, but practice, personally experienced.

Akalifa bristle-haired is native to the tropics of Australia and East Asia. The plant is a very decorative lush shrub, with a very long flowering period. Akalifa can be grown as an hanging crop if the shoots are pinched. Caring for akalifa at home is quite simple, but it is still necessary to fulfill some requirements for keeping it in the house. Akalifa bristle-haired attracts a lot of attention with its very unusual flowering. The inflorescences of the plant are somewhat similar to birch catkins, but they only have a very bright color - scarlet, red, crimson, snow-white. Bright inflorescences simply glow against the background of soft light green foliage. Although the plant is native to the tropics, it has perfectly adapted to growing conditions in an apartment. Even the most inexperienced gardener can grow these “tails”.

Common mistakes

Akalifa is bristly, if you do not care for it correctly, it will very quickly lose its decorative effect and stop blooming luxuriantly. By appearance flower, you can determine what mistakes the grower makes in caring for it.

  • If the stems of the plant begin to stretch, the foliage becomes smaller and fades, it means that it does not have enough light. To solve this problem, just move the flowerpot to a place where there will be more light. You can illuminate the flower with lamps. But keep in mind that the akalifa needs to be accustomed to new conditions gradually.
  • If the leaves begin to turn yellow and the tips turn brown and dry out, then the soil in the pot dries out too often and too much. It is necessary to establish correct mode irrigation to solve this problem. But you can’t flood the flower too much.
  • If the leaves lose their tone, begin to droop and wrinkles appear on them, then the flower is not watered correctly. Or the soil may be unsuitable for akalifa, which allows water to pass through very poorly.
  • If brownish wet spots appear on the leaves, and the bases of the petioles and shoots turn black, then the cause of this problem is excessive watering, which leads to the appearance of various rots. This problem can also appear due to drafts.
  • If the leaves begin to dry out and fall off, this may be a sign of shortage nutrients in the ground. But if the process is not too intense and affects only the lower part of the crown, then this is a completely normal phenomenon - this is how the flower grows.

Correct microclimate

To grow bristly akalifa, it is very important to create a suitable microclimate for it.

Location and lighting

It is advisable to place a flowerpot with a flower on a southeast or southwest window. You should not try to grow the plant on the south side, as Akalifa does not tolerate sunlight. For the same reason, flowerpots are not taken out into the open air even in summer. But the room needs to be ventilated regularly.

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The flower loves bright light, but it must be diffused. When the sun is most active at noon, the plant must be shaded.

In winter, akalifa needs to be illuminated with special lamps, since akalifa has a hard time withstanding short winter days. Daylight hours for this flower should be at least 12 hours. The brighter the foliage of a variety, the more light it needs. Akalifa in the shade may lose the bright color of the leaves.


In summer, the optimal temperature is +20-25. In winter it is better to keep the plant at +17-20. If the temperature is above +35, the flower may die. Temperatures below +15 degrees are also detrimental to akalifa.

This plant really does not like sudden changes in temperature. Also, you should not place the flower in a draft. If you cannot lower the temperature in winter, then you need to water the flower more often than usual during the dormant period.

The optimal humidity level is 80%. It is advisable to spray the foliage every day, especially in hot weather. If it is hot, then you need to spray the flower two to three times a day. You should try to spray water around the plant so that there are water droplets in the air.

In summer, you can place a container of water next to the flowerpot as a source of additional air humidity. Pebbles are poured into the pan and water is poured. The soil in the pots is covered with moss or coconut fiber. But too high humidity can cause various rots to appear, so you should not overdo it.

How to replant a flower

These southern beauties need frequent replanting, so the plant needs to be replanted every year. They do this in the spring. But if the plant is already old, then it can be replanted once every four years. Sometimes, if the bush is very large, then they simply add the top layer of fresh soil.

This plant prefers porous, very light soil. The soil mixture should conduct moisture and air well. You can make the following soil mixture: take 1 part each of turf, leaf soil and peat, add a little sand.

The following soil mixture is also suitable for akalipha: humus, turf, sand and peat are mixed in equal parts.

You can do this too - mix leaf soil, peat and sand in equal parts. For growing akalifa, ready-made soil from the store for begonias or roses will also work.

It is important to know: this plant must be planted in a spacious pot. Akalifa grows very quickly, and the root system grows almost as quickly.

If you are growing a hanging plant, it is worth purchasing a spacious pot. Akalifa is a very moisture-loving plant, but it does not tolerate stagnation of moisture around the roots. How to replant a flower correctly?

Read also: Basil foliage - features of plant care

First you need to prepare the flowerpot. Choose a wide and voluminous pot for the akalipha so that the plant has room in it. The pot is washed well and the soil and drainage are disinfected. Small crushed stone, gravel, crushed brick or polystyrene foam will work well as drainage.

Then a drainage layer of about 3 cm is laid at the bottom of the flowerpot. When replanting the plant, you need to wear gloves, as it is poisonous. The plant is carefully removed from the old pot, trying to preserve the earthen lump. Damaged roots are removed.

An earthen ball with a plant is placed in the center of the new flowerpot. Carefully pour new soil around the roots, shaking the pot slightly to settle the soil. The soil mixture should fill the entire volume of the flowerpot, leaving no voids. Now you need to moderately water the transplanted flower and spray it. For two or three days the pot is placed in partial shade.


From spring until autumn, the flower needs to be fertilized, this helps it grow quickly. Feed Akalifa every two weeks with any complex compositions for flowering plants. Do not use organic matter as it can burn the delicate roots.

Rest period

This plant does not have a pronounced dormant period. During the dormant period, that is, for the winter, they stop applying fertilizers and try to at least slightly reduce the air temperature in the room. Watering is also reduced to once every 5 days. In winter, the plant needs bright light, so it will have to be illuminated with lamps.


If the growing conditions “like” the flower, it will grow very quickly. Therefore, you need to learn how to prune this plant correctly. In addition, akalifa grows quickly in height and at the same time stretches too much, which reduces its decorative value.

To make the flower more lush and bushy, its shoots are pinched to the top 2 buds two or three times during the period of active growth.

You can use another trimming option. Every year at the end of February, you can radically prune the flower, leaving a stump up to 20 cm high from each shoot.

To stimulate the growth of green mass after such radical pruning, the plant is often sprayed and kept under a transparent film for about a month. You can also add Akalifa with a highly diluted growth stimulator.

The first thing you need to do to keep the plant pest-free is to care for it properly. It is also necessary to carry out preventive measures to reduce the risk of infection with akalifa:

  • newly purchased plants must be quarantined for some time;
  • the room should be regularly ventilated, but so that there are no drafts;
  • all indoor flowers should be carefully examined through a magnifying glass once a week;
  • For akalifa to be healthy, air humidity and temperature are very important;
  • You need to water the flower according to all the rules and apply fertilizers on time;
  • When replanting, you need to be very careful not to damage the plant. Use only sterile instruments and process the sections;
  • the soil and pots must be disinfected;
  • The plant needs to be washed periodically in the shower. You can do this with soap foam.

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Most often, Akalifa suffers from aphid attacks. These small insects settle on flowers in whole colonies, clinging to shoots and buds. When attacked by aphids, the plant becomes covered with small beige dots, which are clearly visible in the light.

If an aphid has attacked, it is best to cut off the most affected parts of the plant. You can spray the plant a couple of times a day with an infusion of strong-smelling herbs. Pine needles, tobacco, orange peels are suitable.

If this pest attacks, you should spill the soil several times with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The plant itself is sprayed with Inta-Vir, Kinmiks, Aktara.


It happens that the akalifa is attacked by a whitefly - an insect similar to a house moth. As soon as you touch the flower, the whitefly begins to fly into the air. The whitefly lays eggs on the underside of leaves and leaves colorless spots.

These insects are least active in the morning, so you can try simply vacuuming them up. You can install a fumigator for a week or use adhesive tape against flies. You can make bait against whiteflies by smearing cardboard with honey or jam.

The preparations Fitoverma, Aktara, Mospilan are excellent in helping to cope with whiteflies - the plants are treated two to three times every 5 days.

Spider mite

The main sign of the appearance of a spider mite on acalife is the thinnest cobweb entwining the shoots and foliage. Whitish spots appear on the underside of the foliage.

To get rid of this pest, you should water the plant well and place it in a bag for a couple of days. You can water the flower with a decoction of cyclamen or infusion of horsetail. Among the drugs that help cope with the pest are acaricides - Antiklesch, Aktofit and Omite. Plants are sprayed with preparations a couple of times with an interval of 12 days.

Akalifa is a wonderful plant for the home, which is sure to become the main decoration of the interior. Caring for a flower is not so difficult and even a novice gardener can cope with its cultivation.

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