1 concept and content of the political system of society. The concept of the political system of society

Concept of political system

The political system is understood as a set of state, party and public bodies and organizations participating in the political life of the country. Any system, including a political one, has the following characteristics: - consists of many parts;

The parts make up a whole;

The system has boundaries.

The essence of the political system

The political system as one of the fundamental concepts of social science is the fruit of the modern stage of political knowledge. The term "political system" is found in the works of Aristotle. However, it was not conceptualized either by the great Greek or by the theorists of later times in categorical terms, but designated only a separate side of political life.

In modern political science, the concept of “political system” has been developed as a category that covers all the main aspects and elements of an organization organized within of this company political activity and political relations.

A political system can be defined as an integral and dynamic set of similar, complementary roles, relationships and institutions of power, interacting on the basis of common norms and values, set by the interests of the dominant social groups in society and allowing the latter to realize their goals and intentions.

At its core political system characterizes deep, qualitatively defined foundations for the organization of public state power on a societal scale, reflecting the basic prerequisites and factors for the reproduction of relations between the state and society as a whole. A political system exists in a real country or group of countries, its basis is a certain community of people (national or international).

Functions of the political system

1) Regulating, relating to the management of the behavior of groups and individuals (maintenance of norms, administration actions, etc.);

2) Extraction, associated with the extraction of economic and other resources necessary for its functioning;

3) Distributive- the ability to distribute and redistribute resources, goods, services, insignia, etc.;

4) Reactive, associated with the need to constantly respond to the demands of the social environment and adapt to its changes. P. Sharon quite rightly adds a fifth, no less significant, and perhaps the most important ability: self-regulation, which characterizes internal, self-directed controllability.

Structure of the political system

1. A political community of people, including large social groups - those bearing the social components of the system, the ruling elite, a group of civil servants, various layers of the electoral corps, the military, etc., in a word, all those who are in power, strive for it, demonstrate only political activity or alienated from politics and power.

2. The set of political institutions and organizations that make up the structure of the system: the state, all levels of government from the highest authorities to local ones, political parties, socio-political and non-political organizations pursuing political goals (associations of entrepreneurs, interest groups and others).

3. Normative subsystem: political, legal and moral norms, traditions, customs and other regulators of political behavior and activity.

4. Functional subsystem: methods of political activity.

5. Political culture and communication subsystem (media).

The elements of the political system include all institutions of social life, groups of people, norms, values, functions, roles, and means by which political power is exercised and the social life of people is managed. As part of the system - political structures and a community of people with a style of political activity characteristic of it.

Types of political systems

Most Western political scientists distinguish the following three types of political systems.

Political systems of the Anglo-American type. They are characterized by a secularized political culture, based on rational calculation, tolerance and tolerance of citizens and the political elite. Systems of this type are stable, efficient, and capable of self-regulation. Here the principle of division of power into legislative, executive, judicial is optimally implemented and their functions are clearly defined.

Political systems of totalitarian type. Power is concentrated in the hands of a small political nomenklatura (bureaucracy). Facilities mass media are under state control. In society, as a rule, only one party is allowed to operate, which controls the activities of all elements of the political system. The ideology of the ruling party dominates. The functions of repressive bodies are overly expanded. Political activism is disruptive and coercive .

Continental European systems. This refers to the systems that have developed in France, Germany, and Italy. They are characterized by the interaction of old and new cultures, political traditions and forms of political activity, parties and socio-political associations function freely within the boundaries of existing constitutional norms, the representative and executive branches of government carry out their activities on the basis of regulations and procedures determined by law.

7. Civil society. Origin, concept, characteristics, functions. Relations between civil society and the state.

Civil society- this is the sphere of self-expression of free citizens and voluntarily formed associations and organizations, independent of direct interference and arbitrary regulation by government authorities

Signs of civil society

· presence in society of free owners of the means of production;

· developed democracy;

· legal protection of citizens;

· a certain level of civic culture;

· the most complete provision of human rights and freedoms;

· self management;

· competition between the structures that form it and various groups of people;

· freely formed public opinions and pluralism;

· legitimacy.

Functions of civil society

· legality ensures protection of private spheres of human and citizen life from unreasonable strict regulation of the state and other political structures.

· protects citizens and their associations from unlawful interference in their activities of state power and thereby

· contributes to the formation and strengthening of democratic bodies of the state, his entire political system.

· Institutions and organizations civil society are designed to provide real guarantees of human rights and freedoms, equal access to participation in government and public affairs.

· social control function towards its members. It is independent of the state, has the means and sanctions with which it can force an individual to comply with social norms, ensure socialization and education of citizens.

· communication function.A democratic state is called upon to satisfy the interests and needs of its citizens as much as possible. However, in conditions of economic pluralism, these interests are so numerous, so diverse and differentiated that state power has practically no channels of information about all these interests

· stabilizing function creates strong structures on which all social life rests.

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1. The concept and content of the political system of society

The fundamental ideas about the political system of society were formulated in the theory of the state at the turn of the 60-70s. Recently, science has made significant progress in the development of the theory of the political system and in the analysis of its practice. General issues are being developed, scientific ideas about the integrity of this education are being deepened, elements of the political system are being analyzed, political parties, political norms, the political regime, political ideology, features of direct and feedback connections with the social environment, the social environment of the system are being studied.

The most common idea is of the political system as an instrument, a mechanism of coercion, and power for variously understood socially significant purposes: integration, adaptation of society, etc. Thus, the concept of state is transferred to one degree or another to the political system. The political system is a mechanism for transforming social impulses coming from society into political decisions and actions. But how to distinguish between the mechanism and the social environment surrounding it?

Like many others, the concept of “political system” came from sociology. Without making excursions into the long history of political and legal thought with references to Aristotle, Plato or Hobbes, who likened society to a living organism - an organic system, let us name G. Spencer and E. Durkheim, in whose works there are a number of categories of the social theory of the system, such as institution , function, regulatory system of society, political management. However, the concept of “political system” acquired its conceptual outlines in the works of American researchers D. Easton and G. Almond.

The political system of society is a complex, multifaceted phenomenon, analyzed by specialists in various fields of state and law, sociology, philosophy, etc. In particular, scientists in the field of theory of state and law study it using systemic and structural-functional analysis, from the point of view of its relative statics and continuous dynamics, the relationship of the political system of society as a whole with its individual elements, first of all, clarifying the place and role of the state in this education, its new qualities, features, facets. Important feature system is the presence in it of integral qualities that are not characteristic of its constituent parts, and its relative independence, which, however, does not exclude its connection with the external environment.

Structure is understood as a way of connecting elements into an integral system formation as a set of stable relationships between elements. Thus, a system is an integral unity of elements and structure, structure is a way of ordering elements, characterized by stability.

The political system is associated with a special sphere of human activity - politics, which reflects the area of ​​​​relationships between classes, social groups, teams, individuals regarding state power.

Analyzing the political system of society, it should be emphasized that it is based on political relations, policies that are formed in a state-organized society. At first, it is characterized by underdevelopment, although already with the advent of the state, the first formal and informal priestly associations and parties appeared.

Political is the universal management system of a state-organized society, the components of which are connected by relations of power and which ultimately regulates the production and distribution of social benefits based on the use of state power by large social communities, has internal orderliness (organizational criterion) and a political orientation of activity (political criterion). ; it must be expressed normatively in the relevant charters, programs, regulations, reflecting the purpose of creating a political organization, its social purpose, main field of activity, the nature of the main tasks and functions, features of their implementation, specific principles of organization and activity, etc. (program criterion).

Particular attention should be paid to the importance of the second criterion, which for a particular institution of the political system means the ability to: firstly, express the political interests of a certain class, group or any other social community; secondly, to be a participant in political life and a bearer of political relations; thirdly, have a direct or indirect relation to state power - its conquest, organization or use, and not necessarily in the form of interaction with state bodies, but also in opposition to them; fourthly, be guided in your daily activities by the norms or rules that have developed in the depths of the political life of a particular country.

Depending on this criterion, the actual political organizations include: the state, all political parties, and individual public organizations. Their characteristic feature is a direct connection with politics, and the immediate task of their creation and operation is to achieve a certain political goal, which is necessarily enshrined in the charters and consists in the formation and implementation of internal and foreign policy at different stages of the development of society, in political and ideological influence (education) on the various layers and classes existing in society, in pursuing the political interests of the ruling circles and partly of society as a whole.

Non-political organizations include those that arise and develop due to economic and other reasons. These are trade union, cooperative and other organizations that carry out their activities in production, social, everyday, cultural and other spheres of social life, and they do not enshrine in their charters the tasks of active political influence on state power. This, of course, does not belittle their role and importance in the political system of society, because we are talking only about the absence of a dominant political aspect in their activities, and not about denying it as such.

A separate group consists of organizations that arise and function on the basis of the individual inclinations and interests of one or another layer of people (societies of philatelists, numismatists, car enthusiasts, etc.). They acquire a political connotation only as objects of influence of state and other political bodies and organizations, but by no means as subjects - carriers political power and related relationships.

The third criterion - programmaticity - makes it possible to determine the degree of participation of a particular organization in the political life of the country, to record its political goals and objectives, and, therefore, to include it in the political system of society.

There are various approaches to the study of the political system, however, despite their diversity, it seems that it is a complex set of relations between classes, nations, other social groups and communities, individuals and their political institutions.

The institutional approach consists not only in defining and highlighting the institutions that form the political system (organization) of society, but also in analyzing its elemental-structural, subject-institutional and partly formal-legal aspects.

The functional approach is associated with the consideration of the political system from the perspective of the directions of its activity, the characteristics of the political process and the implementation of the political regime both by the system as a whole and by its individual institutions or groups of institutions.

The regulatory approach reflects the peculiarity of the functioning of the political system of society on the basis of the entire complex of normative regulation (customs, traditions, principles, views, rules of law, morality, corporate norms, etc.).

The ideological approach reflects the peculiarities of the views, ideas, and ideas of certain researchers on the problem of the existence of the political system of society, and is aimed at formulating a specific political theory.

The communicative approach is an analysis of the political system from the perspective of system-forming connections and relations between its various institutions.

The personal approach should be singled out as an independent one in the study of a political system, especially since in the philosophical understanding the primary element of the system is considered to be a person, whose essence is the totality of all social relations. A person in a political system appears in different political and legal states.

The functioning of any system (economic, political, social, legal, etc.) is ultimately determined by man. People form the political system and participate in the realization of its capabilities, they also make up the civil society that is affected by this political system, therefore its character, type, forms of influence always bear the imprint of culture, traditions, and psychology of people.

Thinkers of the past noted huge role people as subjects of politics. A political dimension is organically inherent in personality. Aristotle also wrote that man by nature is a political being; whoever, for one reason or another, lives outside the state is either a superman or a creature underdeveloped in moral terms. Let us note that in modern civilized society politics is carried out for people and through people.

In the literature there is no consensus on the concept of a political system and its relationship with the concept of political organization of society. However, it should be emphasized that the development of the concept of the political system of society, its theory, took place especially intensively on the basis of the already existing theory and concept of the political organization of society.

Arguing, for example, that the correct scientific interpretation and application of the category “political system” allows not only to overcome the difficulties that have arisen in connection with the study of the political organization of society, but also to bring into a single complex all the main categories and concepts that characterize the political life of society, some authors believe that the political system as a phenomenon and as a concept is broader than the political organization of society.

The political system of society accumulates and brings together both political institutions and relationships, which develop primarily in the form of organizations, institutions (state and public), and the practice of political life. The political organization of society determines its political structure, the relationship of political institutions and institutions. In other words, the political organization of society provides primarily an institutional characteristic of the political system.

The main content of the concept of political organization of society is the totality of state and public institutions that make up the institutional and organizational structure of its political life. In this case, the main objects of research are political institutions and organizations, the tasks they perform, the nature and content of their activities, the relationships between them, their expression of the interests of classes, strata and social groups, etc.

Thus, supporters of a broader understanding of the political system emphasize that the political organization of society is the most essential element of this system, since it is through political organizations that the main goals and objectives of society are put forward and determined political line, formation of political and legal norms, mobilization of the entire society.

The second group of scientists, on the contrary, considers the political system integral part political organization of society. It is argued that the need to use state power and the state to protect and develop the historical gains of the working people presupposes the existence of a political system as a component of the political organization of society.

The third group of researchers is of the opinion that these concepts are identical. political party constitutional citizenship

Respecting the positions of the authors of various points of view, one should, apparently, join the first of them and consider the political system in the broad sense of the word as a richer category, including the political organization of society and all other manifestations of political life.

Considering the above, we can give the following definition.

The political system of society is a set of interconnected state, public and other organizations designed to develop organizational independence and political activity of individuals in the process of exercising political power.

2. The concept and content of the political organization of society and its relationship with the political system

The political organization of society is a set of organizations participating in the political life of the country, in regulating relations between the main social groups of society (classes, nations, professional strata). The political organization of society consists of two main components: the state as the main, central link in the political organization of society; public political associations (parties, trade unions, national and professional organizations).

State power is political in nature, since it concentrates and expresses the interests of the main social groups and coordinates the activities of all subjects of society. By its nature, the state occupies a leading, central place in the political system and is the main instrument of policy. In addition to the state, the political system of society includes various public associations (political parties, trade unions, religious, women's, youth, national and other organizations). They consolidate the interests of individual social groups and sectors of society. The main task of political public associations is to influence the state and its policies through the election of representatives to elected representatives. government bodies, through the media, public opinion.

Within a pluralistic political system, there are various political associations that have equal opportunities to participate in the political life of the country. In a monistic political system, there is one political association that plays main role in the political life of the country. Depending on the political regime created by state power, the political system can be democratic, when political associations are recognized with broad rights to participate in the formation public policy. The opposite of it is an authoritarian political system, where the role of political associations is reduced to nothing, or their activities are completely prohibited.

In science, there are several points of view regarding the relationship between the concepts of a political system and the political organization of society. Some scientists identify these concepts. Others consider the political system of society to be a broader concept than a political organization, which includes not only political institutions, but also relationships and the practice of political life. There is also the opposite opinion: the political system is an integral part of the political organization of society.

The political system regulates the processes occurring in society based on political goals. The task of creating and functioning of each component of the political system of society is to achieve political goals. This applies not only to state institutions, but also to political parties and public associations of civil society.

3. Constitutional and legal status of political parties and public associations

It is generally accepted to understand a political party as an association of citizens - supporters of a certain national program of social development, with the goal of participating in the development of public policy, the formation of government bodies, local governments and representation in their composition.

Before 2001, the foundations and procedure for creating political parties in Russian Federation were regulated by the 1990 USSR Law “On Public Associations,” which has not been repealed. The adoption of the Federal Law “On Political Parties” was due to the need to more clearly define the role of political parties and their place among the institutions of civil society. According to the Law, a political party is defined as a voluntary association of citizens of the Russian Federation, created for the purpose of participating in the political life of society through the formation and expression of the political will of citizens, participation in elections and representing the interests of citizens in legislative (representative) bodies of state power and representative bodies of local self-government. The law establishes the requirements for political parties: the presence of regional associations in more than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; the total number of members of a political party is at least 10 thousand citizens of the Russian Federation, while each regional branch must have at least 100 members of the political party; the governing and other bodies of a political party, as well as its structural divisions, must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation (Article 3). A political party has the right to carry out its activities throughout the territory of the Russian Federation (Article 5). According to the Law in the Russian Federation, the creation and activities of interregional, regional and local political parties, as well as other political public associations, are not provided for.

The basic principles of the activities of political parties are legality and transparency, the freedom of parties to determine their internal structure, goals, forms and methods of activity, with the exception of restrictions established by law. The creation and activities of political parties whose goals or actions are aimed at violently changing the foundations of the constitutional system and violating the integrity of the Russian Federation, undermining the security of the state, creating armed groups, inciting social, racial, national and religious hatred is prohibited. The activities of political parties must also not violate the rights and freedoms of citizens guaranteed by the Constitution and federal laws (Articles 8 and 9). In accordance with the Law, a political party can be created at the founding congress of a political party or by transforming an all-Russian public organization, an all-Russian social movement into a political party, provided that the state registration of the transformed public association is carried out no later than 6 months before the congress of the public association makes a decision on transformation into a political party. To prepare and conduct the founding congress, it is envisaged to create an organizing committee. In the case of transformation of an existing public association into a political party, the formation of an organizing committee is not necessary (Articles 11-13 of the Law). Political parties and their regional branches are subject to state registration and, in this regard, are endowed with the rights of a legal entity. At the same time, registration of regional branches is carried out after registration of a political party and must be completed in more than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation no later than 3 months from the date of registration of the political party. Only after this can a political party carry out its activities in full. Otherwise, the certificate of state registration of a political party loses its force, and the entry on its creation entered into the unified state register of legal entities is canceled (Articles 15-19).

In order to ensure democratic principles in the organization and activities of political parties, the Law provides for requirements for their charters. Compliance with these requirements will ensure the election and replacement of governing bodies of political parties, as well as a democratic decision-making procedure, including when nominating candidates during elections to state authorities and local governments.

According to the Law, membership in a political party is voluntary, fixed and individual. Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18 can be members of a political party. Foreign citizens, stateless persons, as well as persons declared incompetent by a court or held in prison by a court verdict are not entitled to be members of a political party. Restrictions on the right to join political parties may be established for certain categories of citizens of the Russian Federation by federal laws. A member of a political party can be a member of only one regional branch of a given political party - at the place of permanent or primary residence, main place of work or study.

In order to ensure financial transparency of the activities of political parties, annual state funding is provided for parties based on the results of their participation in elections, and not during the elections themselves. This form of financing political parties is quite widespread in world practice.

Since political parties play a special role in organizing electoral processes, the Law establishes that political parties are the only type of public associations that have the right to independently nominate candidates for elections to government bodies. At the same time, the criteria are determined according to which a party is recognized as participating in the elections. If within five years after the creation of a party it does not take part in elections, such a political party is subject to liquidation. The law also provides for other grounds for the liquidation of a political party, as well as grounds for suspending its activities.

Part 1 of Article 13 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes the principle of ideological diversity as one of the foundations of the constitutional system of Russia, as well as - in parts 2 and 5 - the limits of its implementation, in which it does not sharply contradict other democratic principles of the Constitution.

The principle of ideological diversity can be correctly understood based on a precise understanding of both words that form this concept. Ideology is usually defined as a system of legal, political, economic, ethical, environmental, artistic, as well as religious ideas, views, concepts, directly or indirectly related to the practical life of people and its assessment. This is a system aimed at preserving, partial change or radical transformation in one way or another of social and political system, as a rule, enshrined in the Constitution and other laws. Diversity (pluralism) in the sphere of ideology means the right of every person, group of people, their associations: to freely develop their views and scientific theories of an ideological nature; distribute and protect them using all existing technical means; also actively work on the practical implementation of their ideas by developing policy documents, bills, submitting them to public and state bodies for consideration, participating in the support and implementation of proposals already adopted by these bodies, etc. Commentary on the Constitution of the Russian Federation (under the general editorship of V.D. Karpovich) - M.: Yurait - M; New legal culture, 2002

Part 1 of Article 13 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is meaningfully connected with a number of other constitutional provisions. These are Articles 14 and 28, establishing religious diversity and freedom of conscience, Article 29, providing everyone with freedom of thought and speech, searching, receiving, producing and distributing information, guaranteeing freedom of mass information, Article 44, guaranteeing everyone freedom of literary, artistic, scientific and other types of creativity.

The establishment of the principle of ideological pluralism in the Constitution is one of the important democratic achievements of the people of Russia.

Part 2 of Article 13 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes a rule organically related to the content of part 1. Recognition of ideological diversity, strictly speaking, means prohibiting the recognition of any state and generally binding ideology. Like Part 1, Part 2 of this article is meaningfully related to Articles 14, 28-30, 44 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, etc.

The rule of part 2 applies to any ideologies (liberalism, social democracy, religious-democratic and religious-social, national-democratic doctrines, etc.)

The Constitution also provides for exceptions related to those ideologies that try to justify the actions it prohibits. Such actions and prohibitions are discussed in Part 5 of this article and in a number of other articles. This is, for example, the prohibition to seize power (Part 4 of Article 3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation), to violate the rights and freedoms of man and citizen (Article 2, 17-63 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, etc.).

But the beliefs and views of citizens are free, and no one should be subjected to any persecution or restrictions of rights for their beliefs, whatever they may be. Only actions expressly prohibited by law can be punished.

Part 3 of Article 13 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is devoted to some practical consequences of ideological diversity, which have great social and, in particular, constitutional and legal significance. The point is that political diversity and a multi-party system are recognized in Russia. Political diversity means the presence of various directions in practical political activity - in campaigning for or against certain trends, programs, bills, etc. in political life, for or against certain candidates in elections, for this or that solution to issues put to referendums, etc. The most important role in political activity is played by its organizational part - the creation and activity of political parties and other public associations affiliated with parties or independently striving to achieve constitutionally permissible political goals. The main form of political diversity is multi-party system. Multi-party system has replaced the one-party system, the undemocratic nature of which is obvious. Scientific and practical commentary on the Constitution of the Russian Federation (ed. V.V. Lazarev) - System Garant, 2003.

IN last years ideological and political diversity and the multi-party system that largely expresses them are becoming an increasingly stable organic part of the socio-political life of Russia. The legal consolidation of this achievement of Russian democracy is the inclusion of these provisions of this article in the fundamentals of the constitutional system, which play a central role in the Constitution and can be changed - if necessary - in a particularly complex manner. This, as well as the compliance of these constitutional provisions with the principles and norms of international law, allows us to hope for the irreversibility of the establishment and development of pluralism in the political life of Russia.

But democratic political parties, associations or blocs thereof, expressing the political will of their members, strive to exercise state power through their representatives, members and supporters in state bodies. Exercising power in accordance with its program, a party or bloc of parties that has a joint program of parliamentary or government activities, to a certain extent, acts in accordance with those provisions of its ideology and policies that have received the approval of citizens in elections and in other forms. Therefore, a certain dependence of state power on certain ideological and political positions of parties, blocs, their leaders and figures exists, but under the democratic control of voters. It is their will, and not just the decisions of his party, that their chosen one must, first of all, implement.

The equality of public associations before the law is established to exclude the possibility of creating a one-party system again, which does not allow the existence of other political parties and subordinates other parties and public associations to its dominance, each of which (trade union, youth, etc.) is the only one in its field of activity , as it was in the USSR. The possibility of the emergence of the same system, disguised by fictitious pluralism, is excluded, i.e. through the creation, along with the monopoly party, of puppet pseudo-parties and public associations. Such a system existed in a number of socialist countries (GDR, Bulgaria, Poland, etc.) Scientific and practical commentary on the Constitution of the Russian Federation (ed. V.V. Lazarev) - System Garant, 2003.

According to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1966, the law may establish restrictions on freedom of association necessary in a democratic society in the interests of state or public security, public order, protection of public health and morals, protection of the rights and freedoms of other persons (Part 2 of Art. 22) International Covenant of December 16, 1966 “On Civil and Political Rights” // “Bulletin of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation”, No. 12, 1994.

The Constitution and other laws of Russia do not practically observe reasonable restrictions on the rights to association, free education and free activity of parties in all cases. But other restrictions on these rights are proposed and discussed, which do not always correspond to international and constitutional norms.

1. Form of government of the Russian Federation

The form of government of the Russian Federation is one of the elements of the form of the state, characterizing the order of organization and election of the highest authorities in the Russian Federation.

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Russian Federation is a state with a republican form of government.

Main characteristics of the Russian Federation as a republic:

The President of the Russian Federation is the head of state (Article 80 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

The Chairman of the Government of Russia is appointed by the President of Russia with the consent of the State Duma (Part 1 of Article 111 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

In accordance with these characteristics, the Russian Federation can be defined as a mixed (semi-presidential) republic.

2. Political regime of the Russian Federation.

The political regime of the Russian Federation is a set of techniques, methods and methods of exercising political power in the Russian Federation.

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a democratic political regime is established in the Russian Federation.

Political regime of the Russian Federation:

The only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational people (Article 3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

State power in the Russian Federation is exercised on the basis of division into legislative, executive and judicial (Article 10 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

In the Russian Federation it is recognized and guaranteed local government(Article 12 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

The Russian Federation recognizes political diversity and a multi-party system (Article 13 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

In the Russian Federation, human and civil rights and freedoms are recognized and guaranteed in accordance with generally accepted principles and norms of international law and in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 17 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

In the Russian Federation, equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen is guaranteed (Article 19 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

3. Shape government structure Russian Federation.

The form of government of the Russian Federation is a method of political-territorial structure of the state. The method of interrelating the state with its parts, used in the Russian Federation.

In accordance with Article 1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Russian Federation is a state with a federal form of government.

Main characteristics of the Russian Federation as a federal state:

Subjects of the Russian Federation have equal rights (Part 4 of Article 5 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

The territory of the Russian Federation is the totality of the territories of its subjects (Part 1 of Article 67 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

Republics within the Russian Federation may have their own citizenship and state language (Article 68 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

Subjects of the Russian Federation have the right to adopt their own Constitution, statutes and laws (Part 2 of Article 5, Article 6 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

Subjects of the Russian Federation have their own executive, legislative and judicial bodies (Article 77 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

Representatives of the Subjects of the Russian Federation form the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (Article 95 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

Citizen Semenyuk must contact the Office of the Federal Migration Service (FMS), where he will receive a list of documents that he will need to collect.

In accordance with Article 14 of the Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation”, citizenship can be obtained in a simplified manner:

If a person lives on the territory of the Russian Federation and is legally married to a citizen (citizen) of this country for at least three years(Article 14, part 2, paragraph b).


1. Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation” dated May 31, 2002 No. 62-FZ.

2. Constitution of the Russian Federation (RF) of December 12, 1993.

3. M.V. Baglay. Constitutional law of the Russian Federation: textbook. B14 for universities - 6th ed., rev. and additional - M.: Norma, 2007. - 784

4. Romanov A.N., Igishev K.A. Constitutional law: textbook. allowance. - Ekaterinburg: Ural Publishing House. state econ. University, 2008. - 180 p.

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    general characteristics political system of society, its structure and types. The nature and essence of the state as an institution of the political system. The relationship of the state with the elements of the political system. Features of the political system of the Russian Federation.

    course work, added 01/28/2014

    Political organization and society. The state as the most important element of political organization, its essence, origin and functions. The main features of a rule of law state. The political nature of the structural elements of the political organization of society.

    test, added 11/25/2008

    Consideration of the state as an organization of political power. Classification of the main functions of the state. Description of the elements of the political system of society. Study of institutional, communicative, normative and cultural-ideological subsystems.

    presentation, added 09/17/2015

    Concept, functions and structure of the political system of the state. Constitutional and legal characteristics of public associations and political parties in the Republic of Kazakhstan, determination of their legal status and legal regulation of activities.

    thesis, added 06/20/2015

    The concept and structure of the political system of society. Classification of political subsystems according to functional criteria: institutional, normative, communicative, cultural and functional. Features of the development of the political system of society.


Subject of study in test work is sociology.

The object of study is the influence of the political system on the life of society.

The relevance of the study is obvious. Today's processes taking place in modern society, when people come out to the squares of Ukrainian cities and talk about the crisis of political power, about distrust in it, cannot leave anyone indifferent. Within the framework of a democratic state, the people are trying to express their disagreement with the construction of such a system of society, when the people work, and the results of their work are appropriated by the oligarchic elite.

The purpose of the work is to characterize the object of study in the test work on the basis of the studied methodological and periodical educational literature.

To achieve this goal, it is planned to solve the following main tasks:

Define the composition and structure of the political system;

Reflect the influence of society on the construction of the political system;

Outline the functions of the political system in the life of society;

Point out the need to legitimize political power.

Content and structure of the concept “political system”

The political system of society is an integral, ordered set of political institutions, political roles, relationships, processes, principles of political organization of society, subordinate to a code of political, social, legal, ideological, cultural norms, historical traditions and guidelines of the political regime.

The political system includes the organization of political power, relations between the state and society, characterizes the course of political processes, including the institutionalization of power, the state of political activity, the level of political creativity in society, the nature of political participation, and non-institutional political relations.

The political system of a society is one of the parts or subsystems of the overall social system. It interacts with other subsystems: social, economic, ideological, legal, cultural, which form its social environment, its public means, along with its natural environment and natural resources(demographic, spatial-territorial), as well as the foreign policy environment. The main position of the political system in the structure of its external and internal environment is determined by the leading organizational and regulatory-control role of politics itself. The political system of society is determined by the class nature, social system, form of government (parliamentary, presidential), type of state (monarchy, republic), the nature of the political regime (democratic, totalitarian, despotic, etc.), socio-political relations (stable and unstable, moderate or acute conflict or consensus, etc.), political and legal status of the state (constitutional, with developed or undeveloped legal structures), the nature of political, ideological and cultural relations in society (relatively open or closed with or without parallel, shadow, marginal structures) , historical type of statehood, historical and national structure and traditions of the way of political life, etc.

The political system of society - the one that governs society - must be viable so as not to enter into long-term crisis states, with the stability of the functioning of all links and subsystems. The political system exists in the political space of society, which has territorial and functional limits, determined by the scope of the political system itself and its components at different levels of political organization of society.

The political organization of society includes the distribution of elements of the political system, the definition of their functions and relations with society. The political system forms the so-called political society, that is, a set of people, social strata and groups endowed with political functions, forming political institutions, administrative apparatuses, authorities, political parties and movements, etc.

Of course, the political system of society is a set of interacting spheres: institutional (political institutions), normative and regulatory (political regime), information and communication (political communications), etc. Political institutions are a type social institutions. Each of the political institutions carries out a certain type of political activity and includes a social community, layer, group specializing in the implementation of political activities to manage society. Political norms regulate relations within and between the political system of society, as well as between political and non-political institutions. Material resources necessary to achieve the goals. In the political sphere, political institutions: the state, political parties, interest groups of a wide variety of social communities, layers that have certain goals and demands for political power (trade unions, youth and women's movements, creative unions and associations, ethnic and religious communities, various associations, etc. etc. Interest groups are voluntary associations, organizations created to express and represent the interests of the various segments of society included in them. Political institutions ensure the reproduction, stability and regulation of political activity, maintaining the identity of a political community even when its composition changes, strengthen social ties and intragroup cohesion, exercise control over political behavior, etc.

Political institutions are an important source of social and political changes, create a variety of channels of political activity, and form alternatives for social and political development. The leading institution of the political system, concentrating maximum political power, is the state. The state is the source of law and law, organizing the life of society and the activities of the state itself and its structures in the system of political and social relations. The state, the exponent of the interests and will of the economically dominant layer, protects its dominant position in society, protects the use of all resources: human, material, production in the interests of the development of society, etc.

The state of all times and types is characterized by a number of stable, general historical features and functions: the mandatory formation of ruling forces on one or another social and class basis, a process that modern conditions tends to democratize due to political parties, social movements, electoral technologies of government, etc.); the presence of political organizations.

Political system, ramified power structures, expansion of political space beyond the borders of state territory; maintaining mutually beneficial relations with all states; retention inner world and order, stability in society; regulation of social, class, national, economic relations, pursuit of welfare goals, etc.

In a political system, political parties, mass public organizations and movements, and interest groups are important. In democratic states, all political institutions are autonomous and successfully carry out their functions: they influence the formation of state and government structures, adjust political goals, and direct political development society. In authoritarian and totalitarian societies, various associations and organizations are created to express and represent the interests of the people within them. Political parties and mass public associations are strictly subordinated to the ruling elite, their natural functions are deformed.

A political regime is understood as a form of government that is characterized by greater mobility compared to relatively more conservative political institutions and depends on the balance of socio-political forces and the political situation. The political regime determines the nature of the struggle for political leadership (free competition in elections, changes in leadership are carried out by co-optation, the presence of an opposition tamed and adapted to the regime, etc.).

All kinds of norms that determine the behavior of people in political life (their participation in the processes of putting forward demands, turning demands into decisions and implementing decisions, etc.) constitute the normative and regulatory sphere in the structure of the political system. Norms are the basic rules for citizen participation in all types of political processes. Norms are divided into two types: norms-laws and norms-habits. The establishment of connections between the institutions of the political system and the coordination of their actions is carried out in the structure of the political system by the information and communication sphere and channels for transmitting information to the government (the procedure for hearing cases at open meetings of distribution commissions, confidential consultations with interested organizations, associations, etc.), and also the media (print, television, radio, etc.) A certain amount of knowledge and information, especially in the sphere of political life, is of great importance for citizens’ assessment of actions and events occurring in the political, economic and social spheres of society. In different systems, the position of the media is different: if in democratic societies the media are independent, then in totalitarian and authoritarian ones they are completely subordinate to the ruling elite.

The problem of society, its organization and functioning has always occupied an important place in the research of scientists.

At a certain stage in the development of society, private property, classes and social groups appear, political ideas and theories are formed, and the need to lead society arises. This is how the political system of society is formed and historically develops.

Political system of society- a set of institutions (state bodies, political parties, movements, public organizations) ordered on the basis of law and other social norms, within which the political life of society takes place and political power is exercised.

The term “political system of society” owes its origin to the widespread development in the 60s of the twentieth century. systems method of research (the general theory of systems by L. von Bertalanffy) and the development on its basis of the theory of the social system (primarily in the works of T. Parsons, I. Merton, M. Levy, etc.). This topic came to the center of attention of Soviet social scientists and scientists from socialist countries later: from the second half of the 60s to the end of the 70s. If we look deeper into the history of science, one of the founders of the systematic approach to politics was the outstanding ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, and the English philosopher and thinker T. Hobbes is considered the author of the first scientific definition of politics and attempts at its practical application to the analysis of political reality.

The political system of modern society is characterized by extreme complexity, diversity of structural elements, functional characteristics and relationships. It provides one of its subsystems along with the economic, social, political and spiritual-ideological. There are many definitions of the political system of society.

In the domestic literature, a definition based on the functional approach has become widespread. The author of one of the first definitions, F.M. Burlatsky, understands the political system as “relatively closed system, which ensures the integration of all elements of society and its very existence as a whole, a social organism centrally controlled by political power, the core of which is the state, expressing the interests of the economically dominant classes." In this definition, the emphasis is on two points , having great importance to reveal and understand the political system: firstly , its intended purpose (integration as the main function) and, secondly , the class essence of the system, which is identified by indicating the nature of state power.

In Western political science, there are several directions in the interpretation of the political system of society - the American school, the French and the German.

American school(D. Easton, D. Deutsch, G. Almond) gives a broad interpretation of the political system of society, understanding it as a whole the way people behave when this system carries out an authoritarian (powerful) distribution of values.

French school(M. Duverger) identifies political system with a political regime. Here the concept of the political system of society is narrowed, only one of its sides is taken.

German school(M. Weber, K. von Boime ) consider the political system as a state and its structure. But we cannot agree with this, because... The state is one of the elements of the political system.

In addition to these directions, there are many other models of the political system that characterize the political system as a political process, political behavior within the framework of certain communities - trade unions, firms, clubs, cities.

The most rational are two definitions of a political system:

1 political system of society - a system of institutions (state institutions, political parties, public organizations), within the framework of which the political life of society takes place and power is exercised;

2 political system of a society - a set of political institutions and relations of a particular society.

As life develops and becomes more complex, caused by socio-economic, scientific, technical, and international factors, the political system also changes. The political system transforms and adapts to changes in society. At the same time, it influences environment, governing and regulating social force.

Like any orderly system for ensuring the life of society, the political system has internal organization, structure.

The political system structurally consists of 4 elements:

1) political institutions;

2) the relationship between them;

3) political norms, consciousness, culture;

4) political activity, political process.

So, The political system is divided into subsystems: institutional, normative-cultural, functional and substantial. Considered in unity and integrity, they constitute a complex of interacting institutions and relationships, reflected in consciousness, culture and realized in practical political activity.

Structure of the political system determined either on the basis of a systems approach or from a structural-functional approach.

Subsystems in the structure of the political system of society: institutional, regulatory, functional, communicative, political-ideological, normative-cultural.

1. Institutional subsystem- the “framework” of the political system of society, which includes government bodies, political parties, social movements, public organizations, the media, etc. A regulatory and legal framework is created for the functioning of the entire political system, and the forms of its influence on other social systems are determined. This is a collection of different contents political views, ideas, ideas, feelings of participants in the political life of society. She plays a key role in the political system.

2. Regulatory subsystem- legal and moral norms, traditions, customs, prevailing political views in society that affect the political system.

3. Functional subsystem- these are the forms and directions of political activity, methods of exercising power. This is expressed generally in the concept of “political regime”.

4. Communication subsystem covers all forms of interaction between various elements of the political system (classes, social groups, nations, individuals) regarding their participation in the organization, implementation and development of political power in connection with the development and implementation of certain policies, as well as between the political systems of different countries.

5. Political-ideological subsystem- a set of political views, ideas, theories and concepts, ideas of participants in the political life of society on the basis of which various socio-political institutions arise, form and develop. This subsystem plays a significant role in determining political goals and ways to achieve them.

Normative-cultural subsystem- an integrating factor of the political system, a complex of ingrained patterns (stereotypes) of political ideas typical for a given society, value orientations political behavior; political norms and traditions that determine and regulate the political life of society.

Each of the subsystems has its own structure and is relatively independent. Under specific conditions in each state, these subsystems function in specific forms.

Among political institutions, influencing the political process and political impact on society, it should be highlighted state and political parties. Adjacent to them are non-political institutions public associations and organizations, professional and creative unions and etc. The main purpose of political institutions is to represent the fundamental interests of various sectors of society. The desire to organize and realize one's political interests and goals is the main thing in the activities of political institutions.

The central institution of power in society is state. It is the state that is the official representative of the entire society; on its behalf, government decisions that are binding on society are made. The state ensures the political organization of society, and in this capacity it occupies a special place in the political system, giving it a kind of integrity and stability.

Have a significant impact on society political parties, representing the interests of a part of the people and aiming to realize them by conquering state power or participating in its implementation, as well as political movements that do not aim to gain state power, but to have influence over those who exercise it.

The political system also includes political relations. They represent varieties of social relations that reflect the connections that arise regarding political power, its conquest, organization and use. In the process of functioning of society, political relations are mobile and dynamic. They determine the content and nature of the functioning of a given political system.

An essential element of the political system are political norms and principles. They form the normative basis public life. Norms regulate the activities of the political system and the nature of political relations, giving them orderliness and a focus on stability. The substantive orientation of political norms and principles depends on the goals of social development, the level of development of civil society, the type of political regime, historical and cultural characteristics of the political system. Through political norms and principles, certain social interests and political foundations receive official recognition and consolidation. With the help of these principles and norms, political-power cultures solve the problem of ensuring social dynamics within the framework of the rule of law, bring their goals to the attention of society, and determine the model of behavior of participants in political life.

The elements of the political system include political consciousness and political culture. Reflection of political relations and interests, people's assessment of political phenomena are expressed in the form of certain concepts, ideas, views and theories, which in their totality form political consciousness.

The political system of society arose to solve certain problems. Their solution finds expression in the functions of the political system.

Functions of the political system:

1. Political leadership of society- management of public affairs, goal setting - defining goals, objectives and ways of development of society; organization of the company’s activities to achieve goals and programs

2. Integrative function aimed at consolidating society as a single whole; coordination of the diverse interests of social communities and the state. This function is objectively determined by the existence of multidirectional, sometimes antagonistic in their manifestations, political processes, behind which there are different political forces, the struggle of which is fraught with grave consequences for society.

3. Regulatory function- creation of a special subsystem of socio-political norms, adherence to which is recognized as the standard of socially acceptable behavior.

4. Mobilization function- ensures maximum use of society's resources.

5. Distributive function is aimed at the distribution of resources, material and spiritual values ​​between members of society.

6. Legitimization function ensures the achievement of the necessary degree of compliance with real political life with official (generally accepted) legal and political norms. Interacting with the external environment, the political system performs the following functions:

7) Function of political communication- provides a connection between the elements of the political system, as well as between the system and the environment;

8) Control function- monitoring compliance with laws and regulations, suppression of actions that violate political norms; control of conflicts of interests of various social groups in order to preserve the unity and integrity of society.

9) Worldview function contributes to the development of a vision of political reality, the formation of citizenship, political culture, political beliefs, value orientations, political consciousness, and the involvement of members of society in political activity.

10) Protective and stabilizing function ensures internal and external security and stability of the political system;

The political system is a complex complex of state institutions, political parties, public organizations, within the framework of which the political life of society takes place and political power is exercised. The political system is a set of political institutions, political parties, relations, processes, principles of political organization of society, subordinate to a code of political, social, legal, and ideological norms. The social essence of a political system consists in whose interests (which social groups) it prioritizes, and by what means and methods. It should be understood that the political system is a form of expression of the relations (interests) of social groups regarding power. It includes the organization of political power, relations between society and the state, characterizes the course of political processes, including the institutionalization of power, the state of political activity, and the level of political creativity in society.

The political system has its own structure and performs a number of functions. It includes three subsystems: institutional, information-communicative and normative-regulatory. In domestic political science, four groups of elements are distinguished in the political system: political institutions (state, political parties, public organizations, etc.); political relations; political principles and norms; political consciousness and political culture. It is necessary to reveal the role of these elements in the political system. The main institution of the political system is the state.

The general civilizational trend is the gradual transformation of the state into an organ for expressing the needs and interests of society as a whole.

Each country develops its own institutional structure of power. Thus, in the Russian Federation, state and political structures are represented.

The President (head of state), the Federal Assembly (parliament), consisting of two chambers - the Federation Council and the State Duma, and the Government. In the USA, this is the President (head of state and government), Congress (the highest legislative body), consisting of the Senate (upper house of parliament) and the House of Representatives (lower house of parliament).

The government is the Cabinet (14 people) under the President, consisting of the heads of executive departments. In France, the structure of government bodies is as follows: President (head of state), Government, bicameral parliament (Senate and National Assembly). In Germany, the President is the head of state, the Federal Chancellor is the head of government, the highest legislative authority is the Bundestag and the Bundensrat, which represents the German states.

Political parties play a significant role in the life of modern society and its political system. In the mid-90s. Over 500 parties operated in more than 100 countries around the world. They are representatives of the interests and goals of various social groups of the population, and take an active part in the functioning of political power.

The political system includes political relations, which are a type of social relations expressing relations regarding political power. Political relations can be relations of cooperation, taking into account the balance of interests, isolation, neutralization, and struggle. Conventionally, they can be divided into three groups: relations between large social strata, as well as nations and states; vertical relationships that develop in the process of influence of leadership and management bodies on socio-economic, political and cultural processes in society; relations that develop between political organizations and government agencies,

An essential element of the political system are political principles and norms, enshrined in constitutions, laws and regulations. The elements of the political system of society also include political consciousness and political culture, on which the behavior of people and their organizations and the process of preparing and making political and managerial decisions depend.

With the help of the mechanisms of the political system, social contradictions are resolved and consensus is achieved regarding the direction of social development.

Next, it is necessary to highlight and consider the functions of the political system: a reflection of the state of society; a goal-setting function (identifying the main groups of social interests, building social priorities, determining goals and objectives for the development of society); a coordinating or regulatory function (coordinating the interests of participants in political life, coordinating the efforts of various social groups); integrating function (unification of all elements of society around common goals and values); the function of ensuring holistic management influence on social processes.