Animal world of Adygeya. Fauna of the Republic of Adygea

Animals of the Republic of Adygea

The Republic of Adygea is one of the picturesque corners Russian Federation. The forests of Adygea are one of its most important riches. They occupy almost 40% of the territory. The forest serves as an excellent habitat for many species of mammals.


Appearance. In Adygea, the common squirrel settled from the Teberdinsky Reserve, where it was acclimatized in 1937. The body length of the squirrel is 200-240 mm. The head is rounded, the eyes are large, black, the ears are relatively long, with a brush at the end. Two variants are expressed in the summer color of the fur - a dark gray back and a white belly or a red, bright red back and a white belly.

Spreading. In Adygea, it occurs in the forest-steppe and in broad-leaved and dark coniferous forests.

Lifestyle. The common squirrel is found in broad-leaved, coniferous and mixed forests. Feeds on seeds coniferous trees, mushrooms, beech nuts, oak acorns, berries. The squirrel leads a daily lifestyle. Hollows of trees or nests, which are called "gaino", serve as a refuge, their squirrels are located at a height of about 10 m. The number of litters is from 2 to 3 per year, in each there are from 2 to 12 individuals. They become sexually mature at the 9th month of life, but they start breeding in the second year of life.

Economic importance . Valuable object of commercial hunting.


Appearance . Body length 105-160 cm. Outwardly, the wolf looks like a long-legged large domestic dog. The neck of the wolf is short, inactive, the muzzle is wide, elongated, the ears are pointed. The color of the fur is variable - from whitish-gray to sandy-yellow, usually gray, with a reddish or blackish tint, the belly and paws are somewhat lighter. The hairline is thick and fluffy.

Spreading. In Adygea, the wolf is found in the steppe zone, forest-steppe, in broad-leaved and dark coniferous forests, subalpine and alpine belts.

Lifestyle. The wolf lives in the steppes, subalpine and alpine meadows. Active at dusk and at night. It feeds on rodents, hares, ungulates, as well as plant foods. Lair suits in dense forests. Wolves lead a family lifestyle - pairs persist for a long time or for life. There are 6-7, sometimes up to 13 cubs in a litter, which are born in February. Males become sexually mature in the third year of life, and females in the second year.

Economic value. The wolf is a dangerous predator, its numbers must be strictly controlled and regulated.


Status - 5th category. A rare species that restores its numbers with the active help of man. The Caucasian subspecies has disappeared, and in the mountainous regions of the country, work is underway to restore free herds of a hybrid form - the Caucasian-Belovezhskaya bison. It is included in the Red Books of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Adygea.

Appearance . Large mammal, body length up to 350 cm. Females are smaller than males. They are characterized by a massive physique with a powerful body, large head, short limbs and tail. The eyes are small. The front part of the body, except for the end of the muzzle, is covered with long, mostly curly hair. The hair at the end of the tail is long.

Body coloration dark brown in winter, lighter and reddish in summer.

Spreading. In Adygea, it occurs in broad-leaved forests, subalpine and alpine belts.

Lifestyle . In the North Caucasus, the bison is a restored species. In Adygea, it is mainly found in the Caucasian Reserve. In 1999, there were 300 bison in the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve, and 120 individuals in the Adygei branch of the Caucasian Reserve. In winter bison stay more within the forest belt, in summer they rise to the mountains. They feed on plants, branches, leaves, bark of trees and shrubs. In summer the bison grazes in the morning and in the evening, in winter it feeds during the day. Leads a herd or group lifestyle. Females give birth to one calf, rarely two.

Economic value. protected animal.


Appearance . The body length is 100 - 155 cm. The roe deer has a graceful physique, high legs, a long neck, a small head, and a short tail. Males have horns with 3-5 processes. The coloration is one-color - gray or brownish in winter, red or rusty-red in summer. The belly is white. The hairline is coarse, brittle.

Spreading . In the Republic of Adygea, it occurs in the steppe zone, in the forest-steppe, broad-leaved and dark coniferous forests. Lifestyle. Roe deer enter the steppe zone along the river valleys, their favorite places are light forests with dense undergrowth. They feed on shoots, leaves, buds, herbaceous plants, lichens, acorns, berries. They make autumn and spring migrations. The female brings one or two kids.

Economic importance . Industrial look. Roe deer sometimes damage young forest plantings.


Appearance. A medium-sized animal with an elongated slender body, body length 60-90 cm. The muzzle is narrow, pointed, the ears are high, pointed, wide at the base. Coloration reddish-orange to yellowish-grey, chest white, belly white or black, back of ears black, tip of tail white. There are black-brown and silver-black foxes. The coat is thick, soft and fluffy.


Lifestyle. Fox - found in forests, steppes, along river valleys, in the mountains. It feeds on mouse-like rodents, hares, birds, insects, berries. Digs shallow, simple burrows. Active throughout the day. In April, puppies are born to the fox, there are up to 12 individuals in the litter. Foxes become sexually mature at 9-10 months.

Economic value. The fox is useful, as it destroys a huge number of harmful rodents. It is the most important object of the fur trade, but in some places it harms poultry farms.


Appearance. Body length 150-185 mm. The coloration of the back is grayish-brown, with a large development of rusty-yellowish hues in old individuals, in young it is gray. The chin, throat and chest of the Caucasian hamster are black, extending to the middle of the belly. Against the general reddish-brown background, black and white spots are clearly visible.

Spreading . In Adygea, it occurs in the steppe zone and the forest-steppe zone.

Lifestyle. Ciscaucasian hamster settles in cultivated fields, virgin areas, in forest belts, in perennial grasses. In addition to a residential hole, the hamster also has pantries, where, without mixing one with the other, it contains food reserves. It feeds on plant foods, germinated seeds, stores grains for the winter. The female brings one or two litters per year, where there are up to 15 cubs.

Economic importance . The hamster harms agriculture, it is the carrier of the causative agent of tularemia.


Appearance . Body length 51-82 mm. The color of the fur above is gray-reddish-brown, the sides are distinguished by a fawn tone, the underside of the body is silvery-white, with a slight yellow bloom.

Spreading. In Adygea, it occurs in the steppe zone, forest-steppe, in broad-leaved and dark coniferous forests, subalpine and alpine belts.

Lifestyle . Active throughout the year and around the clock. Most of the shrew's life is spent in search of food. Nests from dry plant residues are located on the ground or in abandoned rodent burrows. The shrew feeds on insects, worms, small vertebrates; daily eats food 2-3 times its weight.

Economic importance . Destroys harmful insects and serves as food for predatory mammals and birds.


Appearance . Body length 50-70 cm, weight about 4 kg. The ears are long, bent forward, and protrude far beyond the end of the muzzle. The hind limbs are long. In summer, the color of the hare is reddish-gray, with black ripples, the sides are lighter, without ripples. Ears with black border. The tail is black above. In winter, the color is lighter.

Spreading. In Adygea, it occurs in the steppe zone, forest-steppe, in broad-leaved and dark coniferous forests, subalpine and alpine belts.

Lifestyle. The hare lives everywhere, in forest belts and in fields, in the forest on the edges, overgrown with shrubs. In summer it feeds on herbaceous plants, in winter - dry grass, bark and shoots of various trees and shrubs. Active during twilight hours. The hare does not make holes in the ground; during the day it also rests in secluded places. During the year, the female brings 3-4 litters, in each 3, less often - 7 individuals. The number of hare is declining due to the use of chemicals and fertilizers in agriculture.

Economic value. The hare is an object of fishing, its meat and skin are used, but the hare harms gardens and forest plantations.


Appearance. Large animals, body length 165 cm, weight up to 170 kg. The body of the wild boar is short, massive, short neck, large head, short tail. The ears are long and wide, the muzzle is elongated, ending in a snout. In females, the upper and lower fangs protrude upward from the mouth. Body color varies from black and red-brown to sandy and silver-gray. The hairline is coarse, bristly. Piglets are light brown, with bright longitudinal stripes on the back and sides.

Spreading. In Adygea, it occurs in the steppe zone, forest-steppe, in broad-leaved and dark coniferous forests, in the subalpine zone.

Lifestyle. Wild boar inhabits broad-leaved, dark coniferous and riverine forests. It feeds on plant and animal feed. In summer it is active from sunset to dawn, and in winter it feeds during daylight hours. Leads a group or herd lifestyle; old males keep alone. In a brood from 4 to 14 piglets.

Economic importance . A game animal, sometimes damaging crops.


Appearance. Body length 111 - 139 mm. The coloring is black. The underside of the body is slightly lighter than the back.

Spreading. In Adygea, it occurs in the steppe zone, forest-steppe, in broad-leaved and dark coniferous forests, in the subalpine and alpine belts.

Lifestyle . The Caucasian mole is found in various forests, shrubs and mountain meadows. The number is higher in broad-leaved forests. Moles live in underground structures. Nests are located at a depth of up to 50 cm. Moles are active throughout the year and around the clock. They feed on earthworms, insects and their larvae.

Economic importance moles varied. Skins can be used for furs. By eating harmful insects, moles also benefit. In meadows, where there are many molehills, machine haymaking is complicated.


Appearance. Body length 200 cm. Large beast of heavy build, with massive thick limbs. The head is broad, with a short muzzle, the ears are small and rounded. The color of the fur is from brownish-yellow to dark brown. There is sometimes a small white or whitish spot on the chest. The hairline is thick, coarse and shaggy.

Spreading. In Adygea, it occurs in broad-leaved and dark coniferous forests, subalpine and alpine belts.

Lifestyle. The brown bear lives in forests and mountains. It feeds on berries, seeds, fruits, nuts, insects, chicks, fish, and mammals. Bear cubs appear in the den in January. The female brings 1-2 cubs.

Economic value. The bear is hunted for its skin and meat. Sometimes a bear harms crops, apiaries, livestock.

By the nature of the relief, Adygea can be divided into three parts: flat - from the latitudinal course of the Kuban River to the latitude of Khanskaya - Kuzhorskaya - Natyrbovo; foothill - to the latitude of Kamennomostsky (to the Rocky Range) and mountain - to the southern borders of the republic.

The southern part of the Kuban Plain, Zakubanskaya, is located in the foothill trough and is a lowland, gradually turning into an elevated foothill plain. A strip of foothills stretches from the city of Maykop, which lies at an altitude of 230 m above sea level. m., and reaches approximately the village of Kamennomostsky. Here are low (up to 300 - 500 m), gentle ridges covered with oak forests, dissected by wide river valleys. Individual peaks reach 700 - 900 meters.

Along the line Abadzekhskaya - Maykop - Yaroslavskaya there is a wide strip of asymmetric ridges - kuest, stretching parallel to the Main Caucasian Range. Their southern slope is steep, the northern slope is gentle. The formation of cuestas is associated with uneven erosion of rocks of different strengths and with their inclination in one direction, in this case, to the northeast. The width of the kuesta strip increases from west to east, reaching 45 km in the basin of the Kurdzhips River.

The northernmost cuesta, which is sometimes called wooded, is strongly dissected by river valleys and gullies, so it is not equally well expressed in relief everywhere. The second cuesta is represented by separate asymmetric hills composed of Cretaceous limestones and marls. The presence of convenient pastures on the gentle slopes of this cuesta was, obviously, the reason why in the geographical literature it is often called the Pasture Range. In addition, both northern cuestas are covered with dense beech forests, which gives them a dark appearance against the backdrop of the snow-white peaks of the Main Caucasian Range.

The southern cuesta, or Rocky Range, is a high (1200 - 2300 m) limestone ledge facing south. It stretched for a considerable distance from the northwest to the southeast, starting with the peaks of Fisht and Oshten and ending in Dagestan. The crest part of the Skalisty Ridge is composed of Upper Jurassic limestones, which are replaced below by shales of the Middle and Lower Jurassic. Being subjected to intense weathering, the limestones of the southern slope of the Rocky Range acquired bizarre forms of peaks, towers, and grottoes. In many places, karst is developed, represented by saucers, funnels, dips and caves. The Rocky Range is divided into separate asymmetric blocks by deep mountain valleys. The river valleys crossing the cuest ridges form picturesque gorges (Jurassic, Granite, Perm on the Belaya River). On the northern slope of the ridge, longitudinal valleys are also often found, stretching between the cuesta ridges. They are distinguished by soft relief features, a significant width and an asymmetric structure. In a mountainous landscape, these are the most convenient places for settlements. The Dakh River flows here, on the banks of which the Dakhovskaya village is located.

The high-mountainous part of the North-Western Caucasus is represented by the system of the Peredovoi and Dividing Ranges. Here the relief is high-mountainous glacial-tectonic and erosion-tectonic in nature, due to the presence of fold-block structures of pre-Mesozoic age. Glacial relief forms are widespread: karr, cirques, trough valleys. The Fisht-Oshten mountain range begins the Main Caucasian Range. On some mountain ranges reaching the snow limit, in particular, on Mount Fisht, there are small valley glaciers. On the slope of Fisht, Oshten, as well as on the vast Lagonaki highlands, karst landforms are developed, due to the wide distribution of Upper Jurassic limestones here.

Most of the mountains of Adygea are occupied by the Lagonaki highlands. It stretches from north to south and from west to east for more than 40-45 km. Its average height is 1200 - 1800 m. Large orographic elements of the highlands are: ridges - Guamsky, Lagonaksky, Azish-Tau, Stone Sea, Nagoy-Chuk; plateau - Montenegro, Murzikao, Iron. The alpine zone includes the southern part of the Lagonaki highlands, the mountains of the Main Caucasian Range.

The center of the highland part of the Lagonaki Highlands is the Fishta mountain group. The height of Fisht is 2867 m. Its southern, eastern and western slopes are steep and dissected by glacial cirques, troughs, karst basins, and tectonic cracks. In the northwest, Fisht connects with the Pshekha-Su massif, 2743 m high. To the northeast of Pshekha-Su lies the Oshten massif (2804 m). Mountains Chugush (3238 m), Dzhemaruk (3099 m), Tybga (3064 m), Urushten (3020 m) are the highest mountains in the republic. They are located within the Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve, are little visited and are not used in recreational activities.


The climate of the Republic of Adygea is moderately warm and mild. The nature of atmospheric circulation has a great influence on the formation of the region's climate. An important climatic and recreational characteristic of the area is the duration of sunshine. In general, there are from 200 to 250 clear days a year in the republic; total solar radiation is 115 - 120 kcal/

To a large extent, the nature of the climate of Adygea is determined by the features geographical location republics, first of all, by the proximity of the non-freezing Black Sea, the latitude of the terrain, the height and distribution of the mountain ranges of the North-Western Caucasus. The Black Sea is a good "accumulator" of heat, accumulating it in the summer and gradually giving it to the surrounding areas in the winter. At the same time, it is the focus of the formation of the so-called Black Sea cyclones, which carry moisture to coastal areas. In turn, the Caucasus Mountains hold back the moist winds of the western components and contribute to sufficient moistening of the territory of the republic in the spring and summer. Therefore, precipitation in Adygea falls twice as much as, for example, in the northern steppe zone of the Krasnodar Territory. The number of days with precipitation in general for the year is 115 - 150. There are 200 - 210 warm days in a year.

Precipitation across the territory of the republic is very uneven, especially in the foothill-mountain zone. In general, their number increases with height. However, the distribution of precipitation is greatly influenced by the orography of the area. Thus, the northern ledge of the Lagonaki Highlands is a kind of “orographic screen”, in front of which the amount of precipitation increases sharply. The highest average annual precipitation (2744 mm) was recorded at the Belorechensky Pass.

The wind regime of the territory is also subject to the orography of the area. So, if in Art. Dakhovskaya is dominated by winds of the northern and southeastern directions, then in the river located in the valley. White village Guzeripl - northern, northeastern, southern and southwestern directions. Wind speeds in the area are relatively low. The greatest storm winds are observed mainly in winter and are associated exclusively with the passage of atmospheric fronts. A characteristic feature of the wind regime of the mountain and foothill zone is the presence of mountain-valley winds.

Despite the small length of the territory of Adygea from north to south (about 200 km), the climate of the republic is very diverse. In its northern plain part, the climate is moderately continental, in the foothills - warm, humid, and in the southern part - the cold climate of the highlands.

In general, the climatic resources of Adygea are favorable for Agriculture, development of industry, transport and recreation. Climatic features are best traced by the seasons of the year.

Winter in the republic is not snowy, moderately cold, mild. In rare years, it starts right away. Usually there is a more or less long pre-winter period. During this period of time, there is an incessant change of cold snaps and thaws with complete snow melting. On average, winter in Adygea begins at the end of November, when the air temperature drops to -5°C. The coldest winter month is January. Its average long-term temperature ranges from -2.0°C in the plains to -4.4°C in the foothills. In winter, significant cooling is not uncommon, when the minimum air temperature drops to -20, -25°C. In this case, the absolute minimum can reach -30, - 35°C. In the middle of winter, sharp thaws are possible with temperatures reaching +5, +10°С and causing snow melting, breaking of the ice cover and floods on rivers. Often these thaws are associated with a warm dry wind - a hair dryer.

The height of the snow cover on the flat part is small - 6 - 10 cm, in the foothills and mountains it ranges from 50 cm to 2 - 5 m. The maximum snow height (6.1 m) was recorded in the Fisht mountain group. Soil freezing on the flat part of the territory of Adygea does not exceed 15-30 cm.

Spring is usually associated with the weakening of the Asian baric maximum and the retreat to the east of its western spur. As a consequence, Mediterranean cyclones are able to move to the east and northeast. The associated removals of warm air masses from the south and southwest contribute to a rapid increase in air temperature, thawing and warming of the soil. A distinctive feature of the spring circulation in Adygea is the great variability of atmospheric processes and the rapid change of air masses.

Spring on the plain comes early (according to long-term average data, at the end of February - the first decade of March), and in the mountains at an altitude of 2000 m - at the end of March and later. By the beginning of March, the snow completely disappears from the fields, and the complete thawing of the soil is observed already in February. The increase in heat in the spring is, as a rule, fast. Already 15 days after the beginning of spring - during March, the air temperature passes through + 5 ° С, and on April 10 - 20 - through + 10 ° С. By this time the frosts have stopped.

In summer, the circulation of air masses is significantly weakened. The weather is mainly formed due to the transformation of air masses into slowly moving in the Azores and Arctic anticyclones, which is largely facilitated by a large influx of solar radiation. Summer in Adygea lasts an average of about 140 days. On the flat part of the republic, it occurs in the first half of May, in the foothills - 10 - 15 days later, and in the mountains up to an altitude of 1700 - 1800 m above sea level - in the first half of June. The average monthly air temperature in the warmest month of the year, July, is +23.2°С on the plains, and +20, +22°С in the foothills. Summer on the plain is hot and dry, in the foothills it is much cooler. In the higher mountains, a stable transition of air temperature above + 10°C is not observed.

Summer precipitation is predominantly torrential in nature. In total, during the warm period on the flat territory of Adygea, it falls from 300 to 400 mm. In the foothills, the amount of precipitation during this period increases to 500 - 550 mm, and in the mountains up to 800 - 1000 mm.

Autumn on the flat territory of Adygea comes in late September - early October, in the foothills 10 - 15 days earlier. The beginning of autumn is characterized by consistently warm, dry and sunny weather ("Indian summer"). In the second half of October, the air temperature passes through 10°C towards a further decrease, the active vegetation of agricultural crops ends, the first frosts are noted. The rains become continuous. In mid-November, there is a steady transition of air temperature through -5 ° C, the vegetation of agricultural crops stops completely.

Inland waters

One of major rivers Adygea, its natural border in the east is the Laba River. It is the largest tributary of the river. Kuban. Its beginning is considered to be the confluence of the Bolshaya and Malaya Laba rivers. The length of the actual river. Laby is 214 km, together with Bolshaya Laba it is 341 km; the total area of ​​its drainage basin is 12,500 sq. km. The origins of the river Big Laby - glaciers on the top of Mount Abytskha. Malaya Laba originates at the snowy peaks of Aishkho and the Pseashkho glacier. In total, the Laba receives 4,776 large and small tributaries with a total length of 10,500 km. The largest left tributaries of the river. Labs are, counting from top to bottom: Hodz, Chekhrak, Fars and Giaga. In turn, the largest right-bank tributary - the river. Chamlyk. The water regime of the river. Laby is peculiar, its water content varies significantly according to the seasons of the year. Severe spills and floods are possible in almost all seasons except winter. The causes of floods are spring snowmelt, summer glacier melt and autumn showers. Groundwater also plays a significant role in the nutrition of the Laba; in some places powerful springs wedged out in the river valley.

Belaya - the second longest and most powerful in terms of water content left-bank tributary of the river. Kuban. It originates on the slopes of the Fisht-Oshten mountain range and, after passing 265 km, flows into the Krasnodar reservoir, below the station. Vasyurinskaya. The total drop of the river is 2283 m; catchment basin area - 5990 sq. km. In total, in the river 3459 large and small tributaries flow into the Belaya, of which the largest are the Pshekha and Kurdzhips, Kish and Dakh (right-bank) on the left side. Food r. White occurs due to atmospheric precipitation in the form of rain and snow, groundwater, as well as the melting of high-mountain snows and glaciers. There are 29 glaciers in the river basin with a total area of ​​7.6 sq. km. High water on the river. White happens, as a rule, in the spring-summer period, but it often overflows at any time of the year, with the exception of winter.

Fars, translated from the Adyghe language as “rolling, overflowing”, is one of the left-bank tributaries of the river. Laby, originates from the slope of the Greater Caucasus, 13 km northeast of the station. Dakhovskoy from a spring flowing from a cave near the tourist center "Romance". Falls into the river Labu near st. Vozdvizhenskaya. The largest tributaries of Fars are the river. Psephyrus (right) and Kuzhora (left). Its length is 197 km, the catchment area is 1450 sq. km. In the upper course, Fars is a mountain river, in the lower reaches it has a flat character.

Pshekha is the largest left-bank tributary of the river. White. Its sources originate on the slopes of the Fisht and Oshten mountains; flows into the river Belaya below the city of Belorechensk. Its length is 139 km; the area of ​​the catchment basin is 2090 sq. km. In the upper and middle reaches, it is a typical fast-flowing mountain river, characterized by the passage of short-term but strong rain floods. Mineralization of river waters - from low to medium.

Kurdzhips - the left tributary of the river. White, the second largest after Pshekha. It begins on the Lagonaki Highlands, from the eastern slope of Mount Abadzesh (2376 m above sea level) and flows into the river. Belaya southwest of Maykop. The length of the river is 108 km, the catchment area is 780 sq. km. It has 84 tributaries, of which the most significant are: Mezmaika, Morozka, Khakodz, Pripukha, Luchka, Dry Balka, etc. Kurdzhips is a typical mountain river, with a fast flow, water levels and discharges fluctuate significantly throughout the year. In the upper reaches there are picturesque waterfalls.

Pshish. Left tributary of the river. Kuban originates on the western slope of Mount Shessy. The length of the river is 258 km, the catchment area is 1850 sq. km, it flows into the river. Kuban (Krasnodar reservoir) below st. Starokorsunskaya. The most significant tributaries are Gunayka, Tsitse, Tusheps, Khadazhka and others. Pshish is a flood, its levels and costs fluctuate greatly according to the seasons of the year. The largest water level rises are observed in spring after snowmelt and in autumn - from rains, and the largest drops in levels occur in the period July-September. At the same time, the amplitude of level fluctuations in some places can exceed 7 m.

Psekups originates on the northwestern slope of Mount Agoy. Its catchment area is 1430 sq. km, having passed the path of 146 km, it flows into the river. Kuban (Krasnodar reservoir). Its most significant tributaries are the river. Chepsi and Kaverze, the last of which is very interesting for tourists with its waterfalls. Psekups feeds mainly on atmospheric precipitation and groundwater; its flood regime. There are many mineral springs of various chemical composition in the river basin: hydrogen sulfide, hydrochloric-alkaline, iodine-bromine, etc.

Afips. The sources of this river begin on the northern slope of the wooded mountain Afips (738 m above sea level), composed of limestone, shale, marl of the Cretaceous system, the river pours its waters through the Shapsug reservoir into the river. Kuban at a. Afipsip. Food sources of the river. Afips are atmospheric precipitation and groundwater. The water regime of the river is flood. In the river basin Afips has mineral springs.

Hodz - the left tributary of the river. Laby originates on the slopes of Mount Thach. It flows first to the northeast, then to the north and flows into the river. Labu at st. Vladimirskaya. The length of the river is 88 km; the area of ​​the catchment basin is 1250 sq. km. It has a number of tributaries, among which the largest river. Gubs (left). With the exception of the lower reaches, it has the character of a mountain river. Mineralization in low water increased.

Giaga is also a left-bank tributary of the river. Laby originates in the northern foothills of the Greater Caucasus, 8 km northeast of the city of Maykop. Falls into the river Labu at st. Novolabinskaya. The length of the river is 87 km, the catchment area is 401 sq. km. In the upper reaches, it dries up during low water.

Ulka - the left tributary of the river. Afips originates on the southern slopes of Mount Ubin-Su. After passing a total of 100 km, it flows into the river. Afips near its mouth, the catchment area is 402 sq. km. In its upper course it is a typical mountain river.

There are many lakes in the mountainous part of Adygea, they are small in area and most of them are located in hard-to-reach areas. Most of the lakes in the mountainous part (55-60%) are located within the Main and Side ranges. With distance from them to the north, the number of lakes within the Rocky, Pasture, Wooded Ranges decreases. Lakes of karst and glacial origin are mostly concentrated in the region of the Caucasian State Reserve. They are small in size (0.1-0.3 sq. km), the water in them is fresh and clear. Karst and glacier-karst lakes are common in the Lagonaki Highlands.

A large glacier-karst lake is Lake Psenodakh, located in the upper reaches of the Tsitse River, at the bottom of a large glacial cirque separating the Oshten and Pshekha-Su massifs, at an altitude of 1940 m above sea level. m. The lake has the shape of a crescent, with a convex shore facing north. Its length is 165 m, the maximum width is 72.5 m, the length of the coastline is 492.5 m, the depth varies from 0.2 to 0.8 m, and the maximum is 3.5 m.

Lake Huko is located in the extreme southwestern corner of the mountainous Adygea on the border with the Krasnodar Territory, 8 km west of the Circassian Pass. Its height above sea level is 200 m lower in comparison with Lake Psenodakh. Lake Huko is of karst-tectonic origin, shaped like an oval, elongated from southeast to northwest by about 260 m. The lake is framed by low and relatively gentle slopes of limestone mountains with a wide beach in the northeastern part of the oval. The northwestern slope is overgrown with shrubs, and the rest of the territory adjacent to the lake is framed by subalpine vegetation. On the Fisht-Oshtenovsky massif, in the high-mountainous region of Chugush-Dzhemaruk-Tybga, on the Nagoi-Chuk and Lagonaksky ridges, there are several dozens of smaller, often tiny lakes, or small accumulations of water that have filled the cirque depressions.

There are two small little-known lakes and in the foothills. One of them, Lake Saz, is located 8 km northeast of the station. Abadzekhskaya, another, Lake Belintsevo, - 5 km southeast of the station. Dagestan. These lakes, used as a watering hole for livestock, are at the stage of extinction, gradually become shallower and overgrown with vegetation.

In the foothill areas there are underground thermal and mineral waters of various composition: iodine-bromine, hydrogen sulfide, ferruginous and others. Sanatoriums and a balneological clinic were built, where a wide range of diseases are treated with mineral waters.

In the Republic of Adygea, two hydrogeological zones are distinguished: flat and mountainous. Both are rich in mineral springs of various chemical composition: carbonic, hydrogen sulfide, hydrochloric-alkaline, ferruginous, iodine-bromine and radioactive springs used to treat a wide variety of diseases. Mineral waters found in Adygea contain a wide range of trace elements that are essential for the human body: iodine, bromine, boron, arsenic, zinc, cobalt, barium, etc. The presence of mineral waters creates the possibility of forming a medical profile in the region.


The proximity of the warm Black Sea and the strongly dissected mountainous relief of the southern part (most of the mountain peaks and ridges are higher than 2000 m) contributed to the formation of a large species diversity of vegetation. The heterogeneity of the relief causes the formation of high-altitude plant belts, distinguished by the height of their distribution above sea level, by the diversity of communities and their species.

The species composition of vegetation includes about 2000 species. Its distinguishing feature is the latitudinal and waist placement. The Maikop mountainous region is characterized by a mountain-forest belt, subalpine and alpine meadows, subnival vegetation of rocks. The forest belt is divided into low-mountain (300 - 500 m above sea level) and mid-mountain (1000 - 2000 m above sea level) forests.

The main forest resources are located in the Maykop region, where 98% of all forests are concentrated. The forest fund is divided into 2 groups. The first group includes forests that perform water protection, sanitary, anti-erosion and other functions. Forests of group I make up 37% of the total area. In the low-mountain forests, the pedunculate oak and the Hartvisa oak dominate. Maple, ash, Caucasian pear, apple, dogwood, hawthorn are also found here. At an altitude of 450 - 500 m, oak forests give way to a belt of beech forests. Rock oak and Caucasian hornbeam also grow. From the tertiary relics here you can find yew berry.

In the middle mountains, beech-fir and fir forests are common. Relic fir forests are rich in rare plant species (laurel cherry, Colchis holly, Pontic rhododendron). Eastern spruce penetrates into high-mountain dark coniferous forests - this is the western edge of its range. An altitude of 1700 - 2000 m above sea level on the border of mountain forests and subalpine meadows is framed by a narrow strip of birch and beech crooked forests. Subalpine meadows (1800 - 2500 m above sea level) are very diverse in composition. Here are common hazel grouse, gentian, primrose, bluebells. Cereals are widely represented. In the subalpine, on the border with the forest, tall grass develops - a community of giant grasses reaching 2-3 meters in height. Communities are composed of elecampane, valerian, as well as relic species: giant capitula, Pontic hogweed. The Alpine belt extends from 2000 - 2400 to 2600 - 2800 m above sea level. m. The carpet of short-grass alpine vegetation is formed mainly from sedges and grasses. The decoration of alpine meadows is Helena's buttercup, an ancient Tertiary endemic. The subnival and nival belts begin above 2900 - 3000 m. Here there are only patches of lichens, mosses, specific plants of rocks and talus. In the cracks of rocks and stones, you can find cornflower triple-triple, rock valerian, silk cuff.

Animal world

The rich and diverse vegetation of the flat, forest-steppe and mountain-forest zones, alpine meadows, the proximity of the Black Sea, combined with the favorable climate of the region, predetermine the amazing diversity of the animal world of Adygea. On a relatively small area located at the junction of two zoogeographic subregions, Tibetan, Kazakhstan, South Asian, Holarctic, European faunas are represented, while a significant number of endemic species and subspecies indicate the deep antiquity of the animal population, primarily in the basin of the river. White.

In total, there are 87 species of mammals, 91 fish, 275 birds, 11 amphibians, 19 reptiles and several thousand species of invertebrates in the republic. In the distribution of the animal population, as well as the vegetation cover, a belt character is clearly expressed. Each altitudinal zone is characterized by a certain complex of animals. Of all the altitudinal belts, the forest-steppe zone is the most diverse in terms of animal population. Both with the ascent to the mountains and with the transition to the Ciscaucasian Plain, the number of animal species noticeably decreases.

The fauna of the forest-steppe zone in the Teuchezhsky and Shovgenovsky districts of the republic has no endemic species. The field and yellow-throated mice, the Caucasian mole, the common shrew are common and widespread here, the hare and the fox come across. In the spring and summer, you can meet many birds of prey here, feeding on rodents and insectivores. The original inhabitants of the steppe - bustard and little bustard - are practically exterminated as a result of economic activity. Occasionally, moose come here, and in 1997 wild boars often visited the Shovgenovsky reserve. In the river valleys, semiaquatic birds are found in large numbers.

The forest regions of the lower and middle mountain belt are characterized by Caucasian subspecies of animals living in the broad-leaved forests of Europe: bear, lynx, badger, otter, deer, forest cat. On rocky screes and near water bodies, one can meet rock and Caucasian lizards, common and water snakes, crested and Asia Minor newts, tree frogs, Caucasian frogs, etc. Birds are widely represented here: finches, warblers, warblers, blackbirds, jays.

The fauna of the uppermost landscape zones is represented by a significant number of endemic species and subspecies. Caucasian mouse, Promethean vole, Kuban tur, Caucasian chamois, stone marten are distributed only in the Maykop region. Of the 30 high-mountain species of birds nesting here, the most typical are: Caucasian black grouse, snowcock, griffon vulture, vulture, bearded vulture, wall climber. The main attraction of the fauna of the republic is the mountain bison. The forests of mountainous Adygea are inhabited by the Caucasian red deer, Caucasian tour, chamois, Caucasian brown bear, Caucasian species of otter, badger, lynx, wild cat, fox, pine and stone marten, etc.

Broadleaf forest birds

Republic of Adygea

I've done the work:

Iskandaryan Artur

7th grade student "A"

MBOU "Lyceum №19"

Teacher: Petrova Larisa Konstantinovna


The Republic of Adygea is rightfully considered one of the most picturesque corners of the Caucasus. This is a protected haven of vast forests, mountains with snow-capped peaks, turbulent streams, vast steppes and flowering alpine meadows. The flora and fauna of Adygea is considered a special wealth of the Caucasus.

The green woodpecker in Adygea is a wintering species. It occurs in the forest-steppe, in the forest belt (broad-leaved and dark coniferous forests).

The great spotted woodpecker in Adygea is found in the nesting period in the steppe zone, forest-steppe and forest belt (broad-leaved and dark coniferous forests). Breeds in subalpine and alpine zones.

Vertisheyka in Adygea is a nesting species, found in the steppe zone, forest-steppe, in broad-leaved and dark coniferous forests

Goldfinch in Adygea is found in the nesting period in the steppe zone, forest-steppe, in broad-leaved and dark coniferous forests, and in the subalpine and alpine belts - a nesting species.

The black thrush in Adygea is found in the nesting period in the steppe zone, forest-steppe, in broad-leaved and dark coniferous forests, and in the subalpine and alpine zones it is a nesting species.

The gray flycatcher in Adygea is a nesting species found in the steppe zone, forest-steppe belt, in broad-leaved and dark coniferous forests.

The common nuthatch in Adygea is a sedentary species, kept mainly in mixed, deciduous and dark coniferous forests.

The common pika in Adygea is found in the nesting period in the steppe zone, forest-steppe, in broad-leaved and dark coniferous forests; in the subalpine and alpine zones.

Magpie in Adygea is found in the nesting period in the steppe zone, forest-steppe, in broad-leaved and dark coniferous forests.

Jay in Adygea is found in the steppe zone, forest-steppe, in broad-leaved and dark coniferous forests, and in the subalpine and alpine belts it is a nesting species.

Common dove in Adygea is found in the steppe zone, forest-steppe and belt of broad-leaved and dark coniferous forests, is a nesting species.

The common cuckoo in Adygea is a nesting species found in the steppe zone and in the belts: forest-steppe, forest, subalpine and alpine.

The Caucasian black grouse is found in the belts of broad-leaved and dark coniferous forests, subalpine and alpine belts of Adygea.

The song thrush in Adygea is a nesting species that occurs in the steppe zone, forest-steppe, in broad-leaved and dark coniferous forests, in the subalpine and alpine zones.

Dubonos in Adygea is found in the nesting period in the steppe zone, forest-steppe, in broad-leaved and dark coniferous forests.

The rich and diverse vegetation of the flat, forest-steppe and mountain-forest zones, alpine meadows, the proximity of the Black Sea, combined with the favorable climate of the region, predetermine the amazing diversity of the animal world of Adygea. On a relatively small area, located at the junction of two zoogeographic subregions, Tibetan, Kazakh, South Asian, Holarctic, European faunas are represented; while a significant number of endemic species and subspecies indicates the deep antiquity of the animal population, primarily in the basin of the river. White.
The fauna of Adygea is very diverse. There are 87 species of mammals alone in the republic, 91 species of fish, 275 birds, 11 amphibians, 19 reptiles and several thousand species of invertebrates. Animals, like vegetation, live in Adygea according to the location of climatic zones. Each altitudinal zone includes certain types of flora and fauna. The animals of the forest-steppe belt are most common, the higher the rise to the mountains, the fewer animals and plants are observed.
In the forest-steppe zone, such animals as the field and yellow-throated mice, the Caucasian mole, and the common shrew are common. There is a fox, a hare, in the spring-summer period you can observe many birds of prey that feed on small animals, insectivores and rodents. Two species of birds - the bustard and little bustard - are practically exterminated as a result of human activities. Sometimes in the Shovgenovsky reserve you can see an elk, and at the end of the last century wild boars were often found here. Near-water birds live in the river valleys.
In the forest, lower and middle regions of the mountain belt, animals such as bear, lynx, badger, otter, deer, forest cat are often found. In the rocks and foothills there are rock and Caucasian lizards, ordinary and water snakes, you can meet comb and Asia Minor newts, tree frogs, Caucasian crosses, etc. Birds are widely represented here: finches, warblers, warblers, blackbirds, jays.
All kinds of animals have a lot of subspecies, which also live in large numbers in the republic. Caucasian mouse, Promethean vole, Kuban tur, Caucasian chamois, stone marten are distributed only in the Maykop region. In total, 30 species of alpine birds are known, and Caucasian black grouse, snowcock, griffon vulture, vulture, bearded vulture, wall climber nest in the mountains of the republic.
But the main attraction and pride of the republic is the mountain bison, as well as the Caucasian red deer, Caucasian tour, chamois, Caucasian brown bear, Caucasian species of otter, badger, lynx, wild cat, fox, pine and stone marten.

Irina Koloteva
Project "Animal World of Adygea"

Objective of the project. To form the ideas of older preschoolers about the animal world (wild animals, birds) of Adygea, the upbringing of patriotic feelings for their small homeland.


Educational: to form children's ideas about wild animals and birds of Adygea;

To consolidate knowledge about the structure of animals and birds, the way of life, how a person protects them;

To consolidate the ability to distinguish predatory animals (birds) from herbivores;

Strengthen knowledge in games.

Developing e: develop coherent speech, thinking, memory;

To enrich the vocabulary of children on this topic;

Develop the ability to convey your feelings about animals and birds in drawings, applications, design;

To promote the development of positive emotions when getting acquainted with the animal world.

Educational : to cultivate love and caring attitude towards animals and birds;

Bring up ecological culture children;

Cultivate communication skills, independence;

Raise a child as an object of children's activity.

Relevance of the topic: the participation of children in the project will allow to form and deepen knowledge about their native republic of Adygea, about the diversity of the animal world of their way of life.

Project participants. Children, teachers, parents.

Project type. Collective, cognitive-creative, short-term.

Region integration."Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Communicative and personal development", "Physical development".

Expected Results. Children will develop elementary environmental knowledge and a culture of behavior in nature.

Work planning.

I. Organizational stage of the project.


1. Collection of information.

2. Selection of methodological and fiction.

3. Work with parents within the framework of the project.

4. Determining the topics of conversations.

5. Selection of objects for the tour.

7. Development of a quiz.

Responsible: group teachers, parents.

II. Project implementation (January from 15-19)

Mon. 15.01. GCD.

Conversation: "Land of the Circassians"

Interaction with parents.

Selection of literature about Adygea.

Making a mini wall newspaper"My beloved land, you are not more beautiful."

Joint activities with children.

Album review"Nature of Adygea", "Life of the Circassians".

Reading"Legends of Adygea"

Games:"Fold the whole" (coat of arms and flag of the republic, national costume)

Coloring coat of arms of the republic and national costume, flag

VT. 16.01.GCD.Conversation:"Wild animals of Adygea"

Joint school with children. Construction paper: "Wolf", "Fox", "Hare"

Puzzles about wild animals.

Reading: D. Chuyako "Bunny", "Wolf"

mobile game(national) "Blind Bear"

Independent activity of children.

Outlining stencils, patterns of wild animals.

Games:"Whose traces?", "To whom what?", "Who is superfluous?", "Recognize by silhouette"

SR. 17.01. GCD,Conversation"Birds of Adygea"

Working with parents. Photograph birds for a photo exhibition. Making bird feeders.

Joint school with children. Construction: "Dove", "Bullfinch" (origami)

Riddles about birds.

Reading: K. Zhane "Swallow", D. Chuyako "Woodpecker"

National sub. game "Cranes-Cranes"

Independent school for children: Trace patterns and stencils.

Games: "Add the whole", "4th extra", "Find out by description"

Viewing the album "Birds"

Thu. 18.01. GCD Excursion to the National Museum

Joint school with children. Drawing:"Animals and birds of Adygea"

Crosswords: " Wild animals", "Where do these animals live?"

National sub. a game"Shepherd", "Crane Cranes"

Independent d-th children. Board games "Mom, dad, me", "Find a cub for mom", "Add the whole", "Zoloto"

Fri. 19.01. NOD, Quiz"Animal world of Adygea"

Exhibition of wall newspapers, photo exhibition, feeders.

Joint d-th with children:Application"Tit"

Reading D. Chuyako "Crow's Nest"

Adyghe dramatization. nar. fairy tales"Stupid Wolf"

National sub. games "Fox", "Shepherd"

Independent school for children Laying out along the contour "Wolf", "Bear", "Magpie"

Outlining templates and cutting along the contour.

III. Generalizing stage.

1. Summing up.

2. Design of the exhibition of wall newspapers "My beloved land, you are not more beautiful", an exhibition of children's works.

3. Quiz "Animal world of Adygea".

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