Growing greens all year round as a business. We grow greens for sale

The demand for greens is consistently high. This makes the cultivation of spices a promising area. However, significant investments will be required to make a good profit.

Profitability is assessed based on the scale of the business. For large and successful entrepreneurs with an established sales market, it reaches 65%; at the initial stage it is 20-30%; on average - a little more than 40%. Among the advantages are:

  • inexpensive planting material;
  • ease of cultivation and unpretentiousness of crops;
  • year-round demand, increasing in winter and spring;
  • compactness: does not require large areas or expensive equipment;
  • quick payback;
  • the ability to harvest 4-5 harvests per year.

However, building a business on greenery is risky because:

  • high production costs;
  • products are not stored for long;
  • the crop may die from diseases and pests;
  • The costs of heating greenhouses are significant.

Interesting direction for business?


What you need to start a business

To grow greens you will need:

  1. Insulation: film, polystyrene foam, foil (for indoor growing).
  2. Soil, fertilizers and planting material.
  3. Containers: pots, boxes, pallets, water bottles.
  4. Thermometer for monitoring air temperature.

There are several places where you can grow herbs for sale:

  • in the apartment;
  • in open ground;
  • in the basement;
  • in the garage;
  • in the greenhouse.

Growing greens at home allows you to get a small amount of harvest all round
year. Plants will need a place away from batteries and artificial lighting. The same goes for basement growing. You can't make much money this way.

One option: sow plants in open ground or a greenhouse in the summer, and move them indoors in the winter. But the most effective method cultivation - greenhouse.

A favorable microclimate is always maintained in the greenhouse. Its design allows you to conveniently fertilize the beds and harvest the crop. In addition, plants are comfortable in heated greenhouses even in winter.

Types of greenhouses

The business plan will be built and adjusted based on the characteristics of the greenhouse.

The type of heating is selected depending on the available fuel resources and the thermal conductivity of the greenhouse material (the higher the thermal conductivity, the more productive the heating system should be).

Reference! Some entrepreneurs install wood stoves for heating and solar panels to provide electricity.

A lighting system and a well-functioning irrigation system are also required. For lighting, fluorescent lamps are preferable.

A watering system is required to minimize manual labor. The most affordable is a mass watering system. A more expensive and effective option is the system drip irrigation. Advanced farmers will benefit from hydrogel, a productive and cost-effective technology for preserving moisture.

Depending on the type of greenhouse covering, there are:

  1. Glass. Strong, durable, transmits color well. The main disadvantage is that they cause plants to get sunburned. Also, such greenhouses do not retain heat well, which makes them unprofitable in winter.
  2. Polyethylene. In polyethylene greenhouses, plants are not afraid of burns, but they receive much less light. In addition, film shelters are short-lived. The only advantages are low cost and ease of use and installation.
  3. Acrylic/polycarbonate. Quite expensive, but effective option.
  4. -thermoses. The design of such greenhouses provides for a double covering, which allows minimizing heating costs. In mid-February, the greenhouse is cleared of snow and lined with black film. The soil will warm up sufficiently by the beginning of March.

What plants are more profitable to grow?

The basis of the business is growing dill and onions. These are the most popular and profitable
plants. It is also advisable to plant:

  • parsley (leaf, because root parsley is not in demand);
  • salad (green and leafy, watercress);
  • spinach;
  • cilantro;
  • sorrel;
  • celery (leaf, root and stalk).

Before sowing, the seeds are briefly soaked in water. Planted in rows (in limited space - in a checkerboard pattern) to a depth of no more than three centimeters. The sowing density indicated on the packaging must be observed.

Advice! Give preference to ultra-early and early ripening varieties.

Before purchasing seeds, you need to read reviews regarding a particular variety. Well proven: Uzbek dill, Prima and Curly parsley, Vulcan onion, Curly celery, Lolla Rossa and New Year's lettuce.

There are several varieties of onions: hot, sweet and semi-sharp. Acute is the fastest to ripen, but is not suitable for pen. Sweet takes a long time to ripen. Semi-sharp onions are the golden mean, allowing you to grow both greens and bulbs.

After receiving the first harvest, you can grow the seeds yourself, changing the variety every two to three years to avoid degeneration.

Greens require less attention than vegetables or fruits. Many varieties are resistant to cold. But minimal care is required: watering, loosening, weeding and fertilizing. The landing order should also be observed. With rational crop rotation, after one plant is harvested, another is planted in its place.

Here are some tables to help guide you when boarding.

Table 1. Dill planting dates

Table 2. Onion planting dates

Table 3. Planting order when growing several types of plants.

PlantSowing time:
Basilfrom May 10 to June 10
Mustard leaffrom April 10 to August 10
Cilantrofrom April 20 to August 10
Watercressfrom April 10 to September 10
Onion setsfrom March 30 to May 10
Leekfrom March 10 to May 30
Onionfrom April 15 to May 10
Melissafrom April 20 to May 20
MintMarch, April, September
March, April, October
Radishfrom April 10 to May 25
Saladfrom April 10 to August 20
Leaf celeryfrom May 1 to June 10
Asparagusfrom May 1 to July 10
Dillfrom April 1 to July 31
Sorrelfrom April to June
Spinachfrom April 10 to July 20

Advice! If the “standard set” sells well, you can plant other herbs for testing: basil, cardamom, coriander. Or sow a bed of radishes. You don’t need to grow a lot: the volume can always be increased if there is demand.

On average, 3 kilograms of greens are obtained from one square meter. Based on these numbers, a business plan will be calculated.

Business plan for growing greens

The plan is attractive because it requires minimal investment at the initial stage. Seed material
it's very cheap. If you have your own plot, there is no need to purchase or rent land. The main expenses will be on greenhouses and equipment, as well as “little things”: fertilizers, pest control, shelving, containers for plants.

Calculating expenses

  1. Purchase of two greenhouses made of cellular polycarbonate with an area of ​​18 square meters. meters – 60,000 rubles.
  2. Seeds - about 2000 rub.
  3. Fertilizers and remedies for diseases - about 7,000 rubles.
  4. Transport costs (not included here, as they directly depend on the region and points of sale).

In total, you need to invest about 70,000 rubles. In the future, as the business expands, the assistant’s salary will be added to the expense item - 120,000 rubles per year, as well as registering a business and paying fees - 15,000 rubles.

Income calculation

  1. The useful area of ​​greenhouses is approximately 30 square meters. meters (you can increase the area due to additional tiers and racks). An average of 3 kg of greenery can be grown on one square meter. This is 90 kg from two greenhouses.
  2. There are 4-5 harvests per year. Let’s say we managed to grow 450 kg.
  3. The price per kilogram of dill varies from 50 to 200 rubles, depending on the season and sales volumes. Onions are more expensive. The average price per kilogram of greens will be about 150 rubles/kg.

In total, you can get 67,500 rubles for the sale. This means that in the second year the greenhouses will reach self-sufficiency. Every year, profits will grow due to a decrease in costs for greenhouses (only fixed costs for fertilizers and seeds will remain) and an increase in the consumer audience.

It is worth considering that greenhouses can pay for themselves in the first five months by increasing the usable area. The average profit of a developed business is 200-250% per season.

Growing greens in winter is more expensive, but at the same time demand increases, so it is worth considering the possibility of growing greens in a greenhouse year-round.

Business for growing greens all year round

From mid-autumn to mid-spring, plants in greenhouses require lighting and heating, which is expensive. However, growing greens for sale in winter is profitable, since it is during this period that demand and price increase.

Additional costs will be:

  1. Heating system (50 meters polypropylene pipes) – 12,000 rub.
  2. KamAZ coal for a year - 10,000 rubles.
  3. Electricity (fluorescent lamps) – 15,000 rub.

Advice! To save heat, place the greenhouses nearby and make a common entrance.

If the business plan comes true, then you can gradually add new greenhouses and reach the industrial level.

Harvest and sale of crops

Pre-sale preparation of goods includes several stages:

  1. A few hours before harvesting, the crops need to be well watered.
  2. Carefully remove from the ground, wash the roots and dry.
  3. Sort plants by size (long/short feather). Subsequently on different types different prices are set.
  4. Plants are placed in a special container with their leaves facing up.
  5. To keep greens longer, they are placed in water with the addition of an aspirin tablet (per liter).

Advice! You can grow and sell greens in special mini-pots. Greens in a pot last longer and attract consumers with their beautiful appearance.

Those who have had personal experience with growing greens say that the main problem is not production, but profitable marketing.

The markets are constantly highly competitive, and the need for greens can be fully satisfied by local farmers. A retail outlet on the market will only do for the first time; when production volumes increase, you will have to look for additional sales channels:

  • cafes and restaurants;
  • the shops;
  • vegetable warehouses;
  • wholesale warehouses;
  • companies engaged in the preparation of ready-made food;
  • schools, hospitals and other public institutions (by tender).

Sometimes documents may be required for sale - a certificate of availability of a personal plot and special certificates about the product.

Large production must be registered as an individual entrepreneur in the field of agricultural production (OKVED code - A.01.12.2). In this case, the form of taxation is Unified Agricultural Tax - 6% of net profit. To officially hire workers, you will have to register with the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund.

To increase sales, set the price slightly below the market price. Seasonal discounts, several types of payment, and the possibility of deferred payment are effective.

Reading time: 9 min · Viewed:.

Boiled potatoes with fresh dill or a sandwich with a juicy leaf of green lettuce are very tasty things. Greens on the table are always welcome, especially in winter, when the body lacks the sun's vitamin D and other beneficial substances.

We will tell you further about how to grow greens in a greenhouse in winter and all the nuances of this process.

Greens are best grown in greenhouse conditions

  • A greenhouse in which the temperature does not drop below 12 °C in winter
  • Lighting sufficient for good quality greenery
  • Irrigation system, preferably drip or sprinkler type
  • Good quality seeds and other planting material
  • Timely watering and care of growing greenery
  • Timely harvesting

If desired, all the components should come together, and there will be an excess of vitamins on the table all year round.

Types of greenhouses

From March to October, tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers are grown in a heated greenhouse. And in winter it is used to grow vitamins for the table. Greenhouses can be:

On a metal frame coated with polycarbonate. This is the most popular type of greenhouse.

With a wooden frame and covered with frost-resistant film. You can make such a greenhouse yourself.
On a wooden frame covered with ordinary glass. The old windows left after replacing the apartment with plastic ones are used by craftsmen to build greenhouses on their plots.

Industrial greenhouse of huge size with heating from central sources. Greenhouses of this scale are used all year round. Greens are grown in them as an addition.

Heating of the greenhouse can be water, carried out from the house, or electric. Even solar batteries are used for these purposes.

Each owner chooses the best option for himself in terms of the feasibility of bringing the project to life and the cost of maintenance.

Ways to grow greens

If you want greenery in winter, then this is a reason to plant it in a greenhouse

Winter greens are grown in a greenhouse depending on needs. If this is a family treasure trove of vitamins, then in winter you can use the entire greenhouse volume for various types of green crops and sow them directly in a garden bed freed from tomatoes. After other crops, it is necessary to renew the top soil layer and treat the soil against diseases with phytosporin.

Since many owners of personal plots prepare their greenhouses for growing vegetables in the fall, for best use space for the time of cultivating greenery, you can build racks with shelves in several tiers. Containers with crops of dill, parsley, onions, and lettuce are placed on them. In this case, the lower tiers need additional lighting.

Both options are good. In the first case, it will be much cheaper and faster. The second option will save space for growing vegetables earlier.

Soil preparation

The composition of the soil for all green crops is the same and can exist in several versions:

  • Garden soil, humus, sand in proportions 2:2:1. If the garden soil is sandy, then clay is added in the same proportion.
  • Forest soil from under birch or aspen, humus, sand or clay in a ratio of 2:2:1.
  • Ready-made soil with microfertilizers from the store and garden soil in a 2:1 ratio.

The basic rule is good water and breathability. The roots of green crops must receive sufficient water. Stagnation of water near the roots or lack of it will lead to the death of the plant. Therefore, good drainage is needed when preparing the growing site. This could be a layer of expanded clay at the bottom of a planting bed or a hole in a growing container. The container is placed in a tray, from where excess liquid flows down the drain into the sewer pit. Preparing the soil for sowing is one of the important components of a good harvest of tasty greens.

We recommend using forest or purchased soil, since the soil in your garden can contain many pests and insects. They will begin to actively function and reproduce in a heated greenhouse. Further, disinfection of the soil is a prerequisite.

If you plan to sow greens in several boxes, you can process them thermally by frying them in a frying pan or in the oven. If mass planting is planned, then the soil should be watered with a rich pink solution of manganese. After this procedure, we do not recommend planting plants there immediately; you need to give time for disinfection.

Sometimes, if garden or forest soil is taken, special large sieves are used that help separate debris, stones and pests from high-quality soil. In addition, this sifting procedure will help make the soil more airy, and this will improve the access of oxygen to the roots of plants.

If you prepare the mixture for growing greens yourself, you need to make sure that it is not too heavy. Since, even if the proportions are strictly observed, the final result can be affected by the quality of specific ingredients. If you have any suspicions, it is better to add a little sand or peat. Otherwise, there is a risk that the sown seeds simply will not germinate.

You need to make sure that after watering the top layer of soil does not become a kind of crust; this is harmful to the roots of the plants. If there is such a tendency, then you need to carefully loosen the top layer of soil.

If the plants in some container begin to suffer from a fungus, then after fruiting is over, it is better not to use the soil in which the infected specimens were located. In addition, the container itself should be doused with boiling water and a baking soda solution soaked there for several days.


Green crops are grown in an artificial climate and at an accelerated pace, so they take from the earth all the substances contained in it.

Artificial lighting suits greenery

The addition of nitrophoska or superphosphate is recommended when preparing soil mixtures for growing in exceptional cases. If the garden soil included in the composition is very depleted, then it is recommended to add no more than 10 grams of fertilizer per square meter.

In this case, it is better to replace the addition of mineral fertilizers when growing in the form of fertilizing with microelements or biological preparations such as HB-101, which are used to treat the soil before planting and the plants during cultivation.

Wood ash, added when preparing the soil mixture and during further plant care, can serve as a source of useful elements.

A smaller amount of mineral fertilizers contributes to a lesser accumulation of nitrates.

Selection of crops

It is better to start growing greens for year-round consumption with simple crops that do not require special care.

Such crops include:

  • Dill
  • Parsley
  • Leaf salad
  • Watercress
  • Arugula

Seed and planting material is purchased in advance, so it is better to study the question of choosing a variety in advance.

The varieties of onions, dill, parsley and lettuce for the greenhouse are preferably chosen from the south.

To get onion greens you need to choose perennial species wintering in open ground:

  • Slime
  • Chives
  • Onion
  • Shallot

All of these onions have different tastes. They don't have the same flavor as onion greens. You can choose the right type for yourself only after trying everything.

Arugula is a southern aromatic and edible plant, without which almost no dish in Italy is complete. Its interesting taste is suitable for cooking meat, poultry, and sandwiches.

Lettuce is a great plant to grow.

Watercress is so unpretentious that it is even grown on sawdust or as a compactor for other crops. The nutty-mustard flavor of this green crop will add zest and benefits to the winter menu.

Onion varieties

Onions for growing as greens:

  • Bamberger
  • Karatalsky
  • Krasnodar G-35
  • Spanish 313

Perennial varieties of onions for greens are grown from parts of ready-made plants: bulbs from the axils of leaves, clumps of three-year-old plants. From seeds, plants turn out weak and produce little greenery.

The green onion sometimes misleads ignorant people. It resembles the feathers of an onion, but without the bulb. Varieties of this vitamin storehouse for growing in a greenhouse:

  • Emerald
  • Ladozhsky
  • Tenderness
  • Picnic
  • Parade

Shallot varieties Mezhezonie and Elan were bred specifically for growing in greenhouses and have delicate, fragrant feathers.

Onions sprout very quickly and make you wait for the first harvest

All varieties have the right to exist. After trying each of them, the gardener will determine which one is right for him.

Dill varieties

For growing in a greenhouse, dill varieties that are capable of growing and producing good harvest and not bloom for a long time in case of insufficient lighting:

  • Diamond
  • Kutuzovsky
  • Sevastopol

Other varieties produce a large mass of juicy greens:

  • Aurora
  • Gribovsky
  • Further

If these varieties are not harvested in time, the plants will enter the flowering phase and will be unsuitable for food.

Parsley varieties

Parsley is perfect for artificial cultivation

There are two types of parsley: leaf and root. Despite the name, the second type produces beautiful greenery along with the root. Parsley seeds take a very long time to germinate, so the harvest can be obtained only after one and a half to two months. Root parsley of the Harvest Sugar variety will give a good harvest in just a month.

There are two types of leaf parsley: curly and ordinary. Varieties of curly parsley produce more green mass. And varieties of common parsley have a stronger aroma.

Varieties of common parsley for growing in a greenhouse:

  • Enchantress
  • Bogatyr
  • Beads
  • Sandwich.

Curly or curly parsley:

  • Aster
  • Vorozheya
  • Kucheryavets
  • Mooskrause 2
  • Green pearl
  • Lettuce varieties

The following varieties of lettuce are suitable for greenhouses:

  • Emerald
  • Moscow greenhouse
  • New Year
  • Snowflake
  • Golden ball
  • Zorepad

The last three of them are considered early ripening.

Watercress is presented on the market in the following varieties:

  • Fun
  • News
  • Ducat

In some varieties the leaf surface is smooth, in others it is wavy.

Arugula varieties

If the balcony is glazed, it can serve as an excellent place for growing greenery.

This unusual, but very healthy and tasty plant has many varieties:

  • curiosity
  • Oliveta
  • Rocket
  • Victoria
  • Poker
  • Solitaire

Each variety has its own exquisite taste, from sweet to spicy with a nutty-mustard aroma.

Growing onions

Perennial onions are planted in prepared soil in divisions, bulbs, and clumps close to each other and brought into a warm room. During the first days, until small sprouts appear, additional lighting is not needed.

Onion bulbs prepared for planting in a greenhouse must be selected by size. Bulbs with a diameter of 4-6 cm are best suited for this purpose. The neck of them is cut off to bring the bulb out of dormancy. Then all planting material is placed for several minutes in a pink manganese solution at a temperature of 40 °C. After this, the bulbs are laid out on a bed or in a container at intervals of 1 cm.

Watering is done with warm water depending on the condition of the soil. The top soil layer should be moderately moist, but not wet.

Growing dill

You can shorten the germination time of dill by pre-soaking the seeds. At a water temperature of about 50 °C, essential oils dissolve and seeds germinate much earlier. During three days the seeds swell and hatch. To prevent them from souring, they must be washed with running water twice a day.

Water your greens, but be careful not to overwater them.

The hatched seeds are dried and sown in ridges in furrows no more than 2 cm deep. It is better to water before emergence by sprinkling daily. After the first green blades of grass appear, watering is reduced to once or twice a week to maintain the top layer of soil moist.

Growing parsley

To speed up the process of germination and growth of green mass, parsley seeds are placed in a damp cloth for five days. Then the germinated seeds are placed in an environment with a temperature of 1 °C for 10 days.

Planting material treated in this way germinates in two weeks, unlike a month or more for ordinary seeds.

Parsley seeds are laid out to a depth of no more than 2 cm. The distance between them should be about 5 cm.

Then the soil is moistened with a sprayer and maintained in this condition until the first shoots appear.

Unlike onions and dill, parsley does not like high soil moisture, and watering is done as the top layer of soil dries out.

Growing lettuce

Almost all lettuces have rather small seeds, so sowing is done to a depth of about 1 cm.
The distance between lettuce plants for the bush to be full should be no more than 6 cm.

If this was not possible during sowing, then it is advisable to thin out the seedlings. Watering lettuce is best done by drip, placing the hoses between the grooves. With this watering system, the plants will remain clean. The soil must be kept moist.

For growing you can choose arugula

Watercress is sowed in heaps, without maintaining the distance between plants. In this case, it is convenient to cut off the overgrown greenery with scissors.

Business in growing greens - 7 stages of implementing this project + 10 ideas that will help ensure stable income + 10 business tips.

Capital investments: you will need from 30,000 rubles
Payback period: from 1 month

The prospects of such an undertaking are obvious: growing greens as a business meets the needs of current citizens.

Residents of megacities are increasingly experiencing a lack of strength and energy.

The high pace of life, abundance of information, and environmental degradation affect people’s health.

Citizens run to pharmacies and improve their health by buying synthetic vitamins.

Everyone knows that such drugs are absorbed much worse than natural vitamins, which are found in abundance in greens.

In addition, all the green stuff is a powerful antioxidant.

It is used as a “detox” diet.

"Detox" means detoxification.

That is, if a person is not a fan of eating greens or a raw foodist, he will still use it for dietary and medicinal purposes.

In extreme cases, as a seasoning and a means of improving appetite and digestion.

It is clear that there will always be a demand for this type of product.

So all you have to do is roll up your sleeves and work for the health of your fellow citizens.

Determining how to grow greens

4 ways to grow greens:

  • In a room in your own apartment.
  • At the dacha in open ground or a larger area.
  • In the greenhouse.
  • In an insulated garage or basement.

If you have absolutely nothing, you can start with a room in an apartment. There will be little investment.

You will need soil, growing containers, fertilizing and seeding material.

Boxes with seedlings should be arranged in tiers.

This will increase the usable area of ​​the room.

You can’t grow much here, but as a start to decide what, where, how much and how much they take from you, this is a good option.

What kind of competition?

Maybe this niche in your city is already occupied?

In a word, mini-marketing in action.

And you will get acquainted with the peculiarities of growing crops, you will probably try something new and exotic, unusual for our Slavic stomachs.

On a personal plot, it is possible to realize your idea only in warm weather.

The quality of the greens will be higher, but the price will be lower due to the abundance of produce in the summer. There is so much more you can grow here.

Investments will be minimal.

But since land are not in the city, transportation costs will increase.

Especially if you rent large areas.

Growing greens is a year-round business.

But this is the most expensive option.

You will have to buy a plot, if you don’t have your own, and build a greenhouse on it.

The room must be heated and lit.

The soil will deplete faster.

Transport costs will increase, since you will be delivering all year round and not seasonally.

Let's compare the pros and cons of each way of doing business:

Type of businessprosMinuses
Indoor cultivation
✓ Low costs.
✓ All year round.
✓ Opportunity to study the market.
✓ Low risks.
✓ Business from home.
✓ Small volume of production means small income.
✓ The quality of greens is low.
✓ The room may suffer due to climate conditions (fungus, etc.).
Growing in open ground✓ Low costs.
✓ High quality greens.
✓ Ability to regulate the amount of grown products (from medium to large).
✓ Product prices are lower than in winter.
✓ Only part of the year is occupied.
✓ Transportation costs.
Greenhouse businessYear-round business.
✓ Average quality of greens.
✓ Larger volume of production – greater income.
✓ Large investments.
✓ Utilities (heating, lighting, water).
✓ Seasonal sales risks (summer).
✓ Transportation costs.
✓ Doing business in warm areas. In winter, maintaining greenhouses in the northern regions is very expensive.
✓ Not all types of greens do well in greenhouses.
Greenhouse in the garage✓ All year round.
✓ Medium investment.
✓ Business within the city.
✓ Minor risks.
✓ There is no need to make repairs in the apartment (compared to point 1).
✓ Requires high lighting costs.
✓ Product quality is low.
✓ Small volume of goods.

The most profitable green crops to grow

The most popular crop is green onion, one of the most unpretentious and fastest growing.

The downside will be the search for buyers, since many people grow it.

Requires large sown areas.

The most profitable crop is lettuce.

It costs more and its growing season is 25 days.

Have time to sell!

It grows well in greenhouses.

Spinach is in demand, but it takes longer to grow.

Options that are always asked and are easy to care for are our traditional dill with parsley.

Radishes are very profitable.

It has a short ripening period and high demand.

But large areas are needed for its crops.

It’s better to start small, gradually expanding the range.

You can grow cilantro, celery, basil, tarragon (tarragon), thyme, and sorrel.

One of the new trends is growing arugula.

Choose early-ripening and hardy crops.

Pay attention to the shelf life and storage conditions of grown greens.

Let's organize our analysis and show it in a table.

Types of greeneryDemandGrowing seasonPriceRequired areaEnduranceLong-term storageGreenhouse cultivation
Bow-feather+ + - - + - +
Parsley+ - - + + + +
Dill+ + - + + + +
Salad+ + + + + + +
Spinach+ - + + + + -
Cilantro+ - - + + - +
Other types of greens- -
+ for arugula
+ + + + - (not all cultures)
Radish+ + + - + + +

You just have to decide what to choose in the conditions of your area as the most profitable crop.

Growing greens in a greenhouse as a business. Peculiarities.

Growing greens in a greenhouse is the most expensive and labor-intensive business of the listed options.

But it is 4 times more profitable than growing vegetables in a greenhouse method.

You will need:

  • plot, area for a greenhouse;
  • expensive materials for construction (a film greenhouse is cheaper than a glass greenhouse) and insulation;
  • investments in greenhouse equipment (lighting, watering system (watering cans), shelving, containers for plants, foil for wrapping pots (to avoid overheating of the soil), heaters, thermometer);
  • seeds or seedlings;
  • priming;
  • fertilizers;
  • costs for the necessary technological needs of cultivation.

There are different technologies for growing greens in greenhouses:

  • hydroponics (growing plants without soil in liquid media with the addition of fertilizers);
  • “intermediate” (peat, hydroponics (liquid fertilizers) and regular soil are used); this method is 3 times more expensive than conventional hydroponics.

Also available different types soils that can be used in combination with hydroponics: regular soil, sawdust, gravel, coconut fiber, expanded clay, hydrogel.

Each soil has its own characteristics.

So sawdust allows the greenery not to rot, it’s cheap.

Gravel is a practical, economical option, but it is heavy and does not retain moisture. Coconut fiber and hydrogel are environmentally friendly, versatile, but expensive.

Expanded clay is an ideal option.

Retains moisture, is lightweight, and inexpensive.

The larger the greenhouse, the more you can grow.

But the costs for a larger greenhouse are also higher.

It is always better to go from simple to complex, from small to large.

So start with a small greenhouse.

Type of seed for growing greenery

Traditionally, using seeds is the easiest and cheapest way to sow.

Later, you can collect your own seeds instead of buying them.

You can grow greens from seedlings, but you need to buy them or grow them yourself.

It is advantageous to use seedlings for planting in open ground instead of seeds in order to get a harvest faster.

Extended cultivation: transferring a plant from open ground to a pot and placing it in greenhouse conditions.

By the way, boxes of greens can be sold.

If the plant is decorative, for example, basil, then it can be sold in flower shops.

Forcing is growing from bulbs or tubers.

Registration of a business for growing greens

If you have small volumes of grown greens, then you may not need to register as an entrepreneur.

In this case, you sell the products yourself (market) or sell them to resellers who offer a low price.

To sell greens to bases and stores, you will need to register.

When you have a large surplus of products that you cannot sell yourself, start processing (coding

OKVED - A.01.12.2.)

This means that you are an agricultural producer with a preferential form of taxation: the Unified Agricultural Tax will be 6% of profit (Unified Agricultural Tax).

We evaluate the profitability and payback period of growing greens as a business

The payback period for a business growing greens is short.

This makes him very attractive.

Some entrepreneurs have achieved profitability of 500%.!

But this is from the realm of records.

Each growing method has its own profitability and its own lower threshold at which the costs will not pay off.

For example, growing greens in a greenhouse as a business has a deadline of 30%.

The plate will help us evaluate each type of business.

Type of businessNecessary investments,
Growing season and sowing cycleProfit per monthPayback period
Room or garage✓ Seed material – 4000
✓ Container – 5000
✓ Fertilizers and soils – 2500
✓ Lighting – 11,000
✓ Payment of utilities – 2500
✓ Transport – 5000
Total: 30,000 rub.
✓ All year round
✓ 4 crops
30,000 rub.1 month, profitability 50 -180%
Land plot✓ Seeds – 4000
✓ Fertilizers – 1000
✓ Watering – 1500
✓ Transport – 10,000
Total: 17,500 rub.
✓ 4-5 months
✓ 2 crops
30,000 rub.1 month, profitability 100-150%
Greenhouse✓ Construction materials – from 40,000 to 130,000
✓ Hydroponic installation – 30,000
✓ Container – 7000
✓ Fertilizers and soils – 3500
✓ Seed material – 4000
✓ Lighting – 11,000
✓ Transport – 10,000
✓ Utilities – 2500
Total: from 108,000 rub.
✓ All year round
✓ 4 crops
30,000 rub.1-3 months, profitability from 25-250%

How to organize the sale of grown greens?

“You don’t have to be afraid of big expenses. We should be afraid of small incomes.”
John Davison Rockefeller

For “green” business this is a key problem.

The product is perishable, so it is better to find a market in advance.

You will need to enter into an agreement with some buyers.

You can sell greens:

  • on the market (retail and small wholesale);
  • but a wholesale vegetable base;
  • in the cafe, ;
  • directly to stores;
  • organize your store.

To make good money growing greens, we recommend watching the video:

  1. Find places to sell greens.
  2. Start a business growing greens with traditional crops.
  3. Gain experience with simpler growing options: at home or in the country.
  4. Gradually expand your assortment.
  5. Growing lettuce will help increase income.
  6. If there is an excess of products, register.
  7. Invest the first income in the further development of the business.
  8. As your experience and desire grow, master greenhouse growing of herbs.
  9. Combine outdoor and indoor cultivation.
  10. Open your own greens sales outlets.

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Greens have always been and remain the main supplier of vitamins. Let's reveal a secret, there are even more of them here than in vegetables. But there is one problem - up to 70% of the elements of the vitamin complex are lost 2-3 hours after it is cut. The best way To provide your table with such a useful product throughout the year will be to grow greens in winter, spring, summer and autumn. Moreover, if you organize the process correctly, nothing will prevent you from setting up your own business supplying parsley, dill, basil and other varieties to stores and restaurants. We will not describe the business plan here, but we will pay attention to how to set up and automate the process of growing greens so that the harvest will be stable and sufficient from March.

Oddly enough, it is preferable to grow greens in wooden greenhouses covered with 2-3 layers of dense polyethylene. Despite the fact that such structures are gradually replacing metal and polycarbonate ones, wood, together with the film, creates the very microclimate that is necessary for curing feathers, dill and other types of greens.

The film must be dense and transparent with welded seams so that there are no gaps through which cold and drafts will enter the greenhouse. Separately, arches or a frame are installed on the top of each rack, which are additionally covered with another layer of film. Such a multi-layer “pie” will transmit sufficient sunlight and retain the necessary heat.

Onions and dill - what's what

The first thing we will focus on is how to grow onions for greens. To do this, cut top part heads of the set and soak it for 2-3 days in water. It is best to wrap it in a damp cloth and periodically add water. After this, plant the seedlings in a pre-filled warm water land. After 3-4 weeks, the height of the feather will reach the desired 18-20 cm, after which it is cut off.

Next in line will be more heat-loving crops - beets, carrots, radishes.

Beets and carrots are long-growing crops. In order to get the first harvest at the end of March, you should give preference to hybrid early ripening varieties labeled F1.

Recommendations from experts on growing greens in large quantities

Growing greens in a greenhouse as a business is not much different from your own consumption, in particular in that when you have 2-3 bushes, you take care of each one, and when a ton grows, you take care of everything at once. The main thing that is required from the gardener is to properly organize the entire process and automate the watering and ventilation system as much as possible.

It is better to grow greens for sale from hybrid varieties that give a good strong harvest that retains its marketable appearance for a long time even when cut.

The best time to sell greens, oddly enough, will be mid-summer - the second decade of autumn. During this period, there are no longer any industrial volumes, since greenhouse farms are reoriented to vegetables, and grandparents with bunches of dill have already sold all their goods.

VIDEO: How to properly plant onions on a feather

To facilitate work in the greenhouse, it is recommended to divide all beds into sectors no larger than 20 squares. This way you will have the opportunity to take care of each one separately and control the state of the culture. There are no special requirements for the composition of the soil; greenery is such an unpretentious plant that feels great both on greasy soil and on sawdust. Moreover, this does not even affect the taste. The only thing that needs to be monitored is for disease. When a whitish coating appears, the entire (!!) crop is treated with urea from a spray bottle. When mold appears, the entire planting is also treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

What varieties of onions are suitable for growing in winter?

The most preferred are:

  • "Batun";
  • "Emerald Island";
  • "Schnitt"
  • "Parade".

On average, the cycle takes about 70 days when grown from sets and about 82 days from seeds. Parade onions are considered the best - juicy, sweet, unpretentious, and can withstand any climatic shocks, including sub-zero temperatures.

If necessary, greens can be fed with mineral fertilizers - nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium.

How to grow onions in just a few days?

False bulbs

Experienced gardeners often practice growing feathers from false bulbs. This is a small thickening between the bulb and the stem, which appears on the head by the beginning of autumn. Such false bulbs are carefully dug up, dried in the shade and stored until winter-spring in a cool, dark room. As soon as the “X” hour arrives, they are planted in soil watered with warm water. After 20 days, a stable, strong, juicy feather appears. As a rule, this method is used to grow Parade onions, which are more expensive than regular onions and grow much faster.


Many people call this method the most effective and efficient. Essentially, this is the same hydroponics that every second person uses in a greenhouse. Take cassettes (plastic containers with separate sectors) with a neutral substrate and plant the Schnitt variety in them. The cassette size is 25x25 mm, fertilizers are applied with water. Situated in a bright, warm place. Watered daily.

Hydroponic growing technology

This is just the question of what can be grown in a greenhouse all year round. The idea of ​​hydroponics first appeared in the century before last, when they began to grow unpretentious crops in an artificial environment without any soil at all. The essence of this method is that the plant receives all its nutrients not from the soil, where a certain mineral complex is already provided, but from air and moisture, due to which the root system is naturally ventilated and enriched with mineral salts specially prepared for each specific species .

Growing herbs hydroponically in a greenhouse began to be practiced quite recently, but after a few years many began to perceive this method as the least expensive and most effective.

For hydroponics, special cassettes, separate plastic containers, and even PVC pipes with holes made on the surface can be used. Since there is very little soil here as such, all the nutrients supplied with highly aerated water are concentrated immediately in the root system, due to which the plant, in particular greens, grows literally in a matter of days.

But the most important thing is that there can be an unlimited number of such containers in a greenhouse - they can be installed vertically, horizontally and even diagonally. In any planting-free area where you can secure a pipe with sprouts.

VIDEO: How to grow onions in a greenhouse to recoup costs

Such a process as growing greenery in a greenhouse in winter turns out to be not such a simple matter. To achieve its positive result, you must first build the greenhouse correctly, specifications which must fully provide all technological factors for plant growth.

Technical and technological aspects for growing greens in winter.

Each gardener has his own ideas and views on the possibility of growing greens in winter. The majority have translated their beliefs into real life, in the form of special greenhouses in which onions, lettuce, parsley, dill and many other plants grow in winter.
This approach to business serves as an invaluable example and experience for other lovers of rural work.
The greenhouse structure can be made as follows:

  • Since the cultivation of greenery in a greenhouse will be carried out in winter, it must be installed on a foundation (see Foundation for a polycarbonate greenhouse - do-it-yourself installation).
  • Frame structures can be made of wood, so their cost will be lower and they will retain heat better.
  • To cover the greenhouse building, you can use polycarbonate sheets, or use old ones window frames with glass.
  • To create a certain temperature regime in the greenhouse, it is necessary to set infrared heaters, or make water heating.
  • To provide enough light for plants, it is necessary to install additional lighting.

Note. This short instruction for arranging a greenhouse structure is typical and contains only the main points that need to be taken into account.

What you need to know about growing greens

When the construction is complete and all the necessary communications are connected, you can begin to grow greens (see Greenhouse for greens: how to calculate income) in the winter in a greenhouse. The table presents all the necessary vital factors of plants that must be created and maintained for their growth during the cold period.

No. Plant name Required temperature Growth period Soil characteristics
Green onions Day - 18-20°С Night - 12-15°С 30 days With the addition of organic and chemical fertilizers
Not lower than 15°C 60 days Regular soil
Salad Ideal 18°C 2-4 weeks Soil with humus or chicken droppings
Parsley Not lower than 15°C 60 days Regular soil
Celery 10-20°С 2-4 weeks Soil with droppings or mullein

Compliance with all technological features and factors will significantly increase the profitability of growing greens in a greenhouse. To achieve a bountiful harvest, you don’t need to have any special secrets or knowledge.
You just need to follow the requirements and growing rules that apply to each plant.

Rules for growing green onions in winter in a greenhouse

Green onions are exactly the kind of plant that you can very easily and simply grow with your own hands in a greenhouse during the cold season.
But to achieve abundant yields, it is necessary to satisfy the following natural needs:

  • The soil should be loose with organic additives in the form of manure and compost; it is also necessary to add mineral fertilizers of potassium and phosphorus type.
  • Select suitable onion varieties for growing in greenhouses - “Spassky”, “Troitsky” and “Krasavets” are the most suitable option.
  • The temperature in the greenhouse should not be within 18-20°C;
  • Water the onions daily with water at room temperature, only before harvesting it should be done once every 3 days.
  • The light regime in a greenhouse building should be greater than the winter daylight hours.

The planting of onions itself, as shown in the photo, must be done in specially prepared boxes into which the prepared soil is poured.

Note. If you strictly follow all these requirements, you can get an onion yield of up to 15 kg per square meter. And this is in winter. The number says a lot about itself.

Conditions for growing parsley and dill in winter

The best example of an answer to the question of how to grow greens in a greenhouse is dill and parsley (see Parsley in a greenhouse - what growing methods exist). Of course, it is practically impossible to make any profit from their harvest during the cold season, but to have these useful plants in the everyday diet is quite possible.
And this will happen on cold winter days, subject to the necessary conditions for their growth:

  • Growing greens in a greenhouse in winter in the form of dill can be done in two ways - simply sow it like a regular garden crop, or lay it out as a compactor. The density of seed distribution should be approximately 25 - 30 dill seeds per 1 m2.
  • Before sowing, the seeds need to be soaked for several days, and then allowed to germinate a little.
  • Dill is an unpretentious plant and therefore there are no special requirements for the soil on which it will grow. For greater growth efficiency, you can feed the soil a little with mineral fertilizers of potassium and nitrogen type.

Advice. It is also worth remembering that dill loves a lot of light, so the place where it grows must be provided with sufficient lighting.

  • Growing greens in the winter in a greenhouse in the form of parsley is best obtained from seeds, which must be planted in the ground at a rate of 2 g per 1 m2. Before sowing, you need to place parsley seeds in damp gauze and soak for 5-6 days at room temperature.
  • After germination, parsley seeds undergo hardening at a temperature of +2°C for 10 days, after which they are sown in the ground.
  • To maintain moisture, dill and parsley should be regularly sprayed with water at room temperature. The temperature in the greenhouse structure where they grow should be maintained at 15°C.

If all the above conditions for growing dill and parsley are met, the desired harvest can be obtained after 2 months. Their ideal yield can be 6-8 kg per 1 m2.

Requirements for growing lettuce in a greenhouse in winter

Every gardener knows that growing greens in greenhouses is practically no different from those growing outdoors. The only difference between them is that plants from garden beds produce a slightly larger yield.

  • But there are some greens that are very unpretentious, and the method of growing them does not particularly affect its yield.
  • One representative of such plants is lettuce. All its varieties are ideal for winter growing in greenhouses.
  • Growing lettuce is shown in detail in the video, which explains step by step all the necessary requirements that must be met in order to have greens filled with vitamins on the table in winter.

Advice. The most important thing is that to obtain constant yields of lettuce in winter, it is not necessary to replant it. It is enough to plant lettuce in a greenhouse once and harvest it every two weeks.

But this will happen if the following requirements necessary for the growth of this culture are met:

  • The soil should be loose and compost should be added to it.
  • The required temperature in the greenhouse should be from +18°C to +20°C.
  • The place where plants grow should have constant lighting.
  • There should be regular watering using water at room temperature.

Watercress is a lettuce variety that is most suitable for growing in winter greenhouses. It can be grown almost all year round, since soil fertility and maintaining a certain regime are not important to it.
And the harvest, in comparison with its other brothers, produces the most frequent and largest. Almost 2-3 weeks after the emergence of its shoots, you can harvest the crop.

Behavior of celery in greenhouse structures

As you know, greens grown in a greenhouse in winter are saturated with a large amount nutrients and vitamins, so necessary for the human body during the cold season.
Carrying out work:

  • Celery is especially different in this regard from other crops. Therefore, it is recommended to grow it in winter in greenhouses.
  • Celery should be planted in well-prepared soil, which should be fertilized with chicken droppings or mullein.
  • Its planting material itself should be in the form of lateral buds, which are obtained from the trimmed tops of an adult plant.

The temperature regime for the growth of celery in a greenhouse should be maintained in the range of 10-20°C. And watering this crop should be rare but plentiful. When doing this, you need to try to prevent water from getting on the leaves of the plants.

Growing greens in a greenhouse

Perhaps everyone knows that in greenhouse conditions it is possible to grow a sufficient number of a wide variety of plants. In particular, these include primarily greens and their varieties. After all, green plants themselves are definitely suitable for growing in a greenhouse, so there will never be any special problems here.

Greens are often grown in greenhouses for sale. In winter it is in greatest demand.

Be that as it may, we will try to briefly tell you about what growing greens in a greenhouse is. At the same time, the technology for growing greens in a greenhouse itself is quite simple. So, how does growing greens happen in greenhouses?

Growing green onions in a greenhouse

Every gardener is proud of what he grows in his garden. This also applies to lush greens, which we are so happy to see on our table all year round. Separately, it is worth noting such a method as growing green onions in a greenhouse.
To grow a good one green onions, you need to choose varieties intended specifically for greens, for example, Spassky, Troitsky, etc. The bulbs are taken small, 3-5 cm in diameter.

To grow green onions, take small bulbs, 3-5 cm in size.

When planting onions closer to winter, you can use a greenhouse or film cover. Growing green onions in a greenhouse is, of course, better, since you will get the harvest earlier. To do this, you will first need to dig up a bed with manure and compost and apply fertilizer: 30 g of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium chloride per 1 m².

It is better to plant before severe cold weather, i.e. until October 15 for the onions to sprout roots. Planting is done in rows at a distance of 1.5-2.5 cm from each other. There are 5-7 cm between the rows. Next, 3-4 cm of light soil is covered on top. With the onset of cold weather, the plantings are covered with manure mixed with a large amount of straw or sphagnum peat is used for this.

In the spring, at the end of March-beginning of April, remove the insulating materials and stretch the film. From this moment on, the main thing is not to forget about fertilizing and watering. Fertilizing is done with nitrogen fertilizer (10-15 g of urea per 1 m²) 2 times in the spring. Greenery appears by May 5-15. Onions can also be planted in the spring, once the snow melts and the soil thaws. But the harvest will be 2 weeks later. When the greens reach 20 cm, they can be harvested along with the bulbs. You can count on an average onion yield of 10 to 15 kg per 1 m² (planting material consumption 8-13 kg per 1 m²).

Forcing onions in a winter greenhouse

Growing onions for greens in a heated greenhouse has some peculiarities. Use the same multi-primed onion varieties. After filling the boxes with garden soil or peat, begin planting. If you want to increase the yield, then before planting the prepared bulbs must be heated for 24 hours at a temperature of 40 ° C (at a radiator, in an oven), and then cut off the neck of the bulb.

Further care is the same: watering and fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers. The temperature for good growth of green mass should be maintained: during the day - 18-20 ° C, at night - 12-15 ° C. Then the harvest will be ready in 25-30 days. It doesn’t matter what you choose - growing onions for greens in a greenhouse or open ground - you can enjoy fresh herbs on your table every day.
We also advise you to watch a video about growing green onions in a greenhouse in winter:

Growing lettuce in a greenhouse

Dill grows quite quickly in a greenhouse. It is usually cut young.

There are a lot of options and tips for this profile, we will focus only on all the most common ones. Let's look at how lettuce is grown in a greenhouse. In this case, it is necessary to start with the fact that most salads are intended for growing directly in open ground, however, for greenhouse owners there are varieties such as “Larissa” (best sown from mid-August to approximately early February), “Imka” , "Omega" and "Muck".

In order for lettuce to be grown fully in a greenhouse, loose garden soil is needed, which will be seasoned with compost and at the same time moderately fertilized in the proportions: 50 g per 1 m² or 30 g of mineral fertilizers immediately before planting in beds. By the way, it is possible to grow greens in a greenhouse in winter in this case as well.

Growing dill

Now let's move on to a description of how dill is grown in a greenhouse. It is usually sown in early spring or already in autumn. In order to be able to obtain fresh herbs over a long period of time, dill is grown in a greenhouse in several stages. You can sow 5-6 times, starting in March, and then every month. By the way, dill is sown in continuous rows at intervals of 30-40 cm. The seeding depth is about 2 cm.

Planting parsley in a greenhouse

You should also dwell on how parsley is grown in a greenhouse. Soddy-podzolic and light loamy soils are most suitable for this. On heavy, highly compacted soils, root crops have an ugly appearance. It's also worth noting that parsley is a very good option if you plan to grow herbs in a greenhouse during the winter, as it is a very frost-resistant plant. And by and large, growing greens in winter greenhouses is allowed, of course, provided the required temperatures are observed. Therefore, growing parsley in a greenhouse is a pretty good investment of effort and money.

As we can see, the technology for growing parsley in a greenhouse does not have any serious features.

Growing green onions in a greenhouse is not particularly difficult for experienced gardeners. You just have to choose the right onion heads for seeds and create favorable conditions for cultivation.

What time of year can you grow green onions?

Growing onions for greens in a greenhouse can be done throughout the year.

  • The most important thing is that greenhouse structures or greenhouses must allow the process to be carried out.
  • You also need to choose the right onion variety.

Advice. If green onions are grown in winter or late autumn, then its variety should be frost-loving. Even with high-quality fertilizing, the crop variety may stop growing due to exposure to cold.

If the variety has already been purchased, then it is worth culling old or rotten bulbs.

What should a greenhouse be like for growing onions?

The designs of greenhouses or greenhouses in which green onions are grown may differ. They are based on what period of the year the crop is grown.
Summer greenhouse for growing green onions:

  • For the summer season, the greenhouse can be based on a wooden frame, which is assembled with your own hands using available tools. The covering of this design will be ordinary polyethylene film.
  • There will be no need to heat this type of greenhouse or greenhouse, which will provide an opportunity to save money cash. Additional lighting is also not required, since daylight hours will be sufficient.
  • More durable and reliable materials are used for the construction of greenhouses or greenhouses that are used for growing green onions in winter.

Winter greenhouse for growing onions:

  • Growing green onions in a greenhouse in winter is different from any other time of year. Here, favorable conditions for culture must be created inside the structure.
  • The greenhouse itself is made of a frame and covering. The frame can be metal or wood.
  • The choice of such materials is based on the duration of use of the greenhouse (how many years the onions will be grown).
  • The wooden frame is quite durable. Its price, unlike metal ones, is quite affordable. You can create it from available materials and tools.

Advice. Since wood is very susceptible to moisture and various types of deformation due to differences or changes in temperature, it is best to paint the frame made of it after manufacturing or coat it with a special primer.

  • There must be a foundation for such a frame. It may not be too deep, since the tree does not have much mass.

Advice. The choice of base for making a greenhouse should be based on the quality of the soil on the site and the size of the structure.

  • A metal frame for a greenhouse or greenhouse differs from a wooden frame in its stability and strength. It is not exposed to strong gusts of wind or exposure to sunlight.
  • The only drawback of this design is that the metal surface is subject to corrosion.

Advice. In order for a metal frame to last for a long period of time, it is painted or primed, just like a wooden one.

  • All frame elements are fastened using welding work. The size of a greenhouse or hotbed can vary.
  • Cellular polycarbonate can be used as a coating on a metal frame. This material is the most practical and reliable.
    It has excellent properties that will be important in order to grow onions in a greenhouse.
  • Polycaronate is very durable and is able to constantly maintain the same temperature regime. It does not allow cold masses to enter. This material is heat-intensive.
  • It, unlike a simple polyethylene film, is not torn off by strong gusts of wind. For 1 sq. m can be affected by a mass of 25-50 kg.
    It all depends on the type of cellular polycarbonate or on its production technology.

Advice. A base will also be needed for the metal frame of a greenhouse or greenhouse. Its choice depends on the soil on the site and also on the size of the structure.

The photo shows some types of greenhouses that are used to grow onions for greens.

What should be in the greenhouse when onions are grown in winter

Growing greens and onions in a greenhouse is characterized by the creation favorable conditions inside the structure.
These include:

  • Heating.
  • Lighting.
  • Irrigation.
  • Electric or gas boilers are used for heating, the pipes from which are evenly distributed around the entire perimeter.
  • Lighting should provide an increase in daylight hours through the use of lamps and daylight fixtures. They must also be distributed evenly within the structure.
  • Watering in a greenhouse for growing onions can be mechanical or automatic.

Advice. If the greenhouse or greenhouse is quite large, then in order to save effort and time it is best to use automatic systems irrigation.

In order to set up the automation there are specific instructions. In accordance with all recommendations and rules, electrical energy is connected to the system.

Choosing an onion variety for greens

Good cultivation of onions in a greenhouse and its yield depends largely on the variety.
At the moment, there are several types of onions that are used by gardeners:

  • Onion.
  • Shnit.
  • Slime.
  • Shallot.

More details:

  • The most unpretentious variety to care for is the type of onion that has several tiers. These are the slime onion and chives. These crops can also be grown in winter.
  • The spring onion has a certain period of rest. It lasts about 1.5 months, but already in November it can be planted in greenhouse soil. It gives an excellent harvest.
  • Shallots have the longest dormant period. After the seeds have ripened, it is planted in closed ground in December.

Advice. In order to grow green onions in winter and during periods of severe cold, it is best to give preference to slime onions. It can even get along in open ground and under a layer of snow.

Preparing seeds for planting

You can make your own seeds for growing onions in a greenhouse. For this purpose, onions are grown.
Such actions are performed based on the type of onion itself. You can also use ready-made seeds.

Advice. It is best to use ready-made bulbs of different varieties with rhizomes for planting green onions. This way, planting and growing onions will be very convenient and quick.

The seeds do not germinate as quickly as bulbs and do not produce a very large harvest.
All seed bulbs need:

  • Dry well.
  • Sort through (select rotten and soft ones).

After this, you can start planting onions.

Planting onions on greens in closed ground

How to grow green onions in a greenhouse?
It's quite simple. If created the necessary conditions for such work, the process consists only of the correct planting of the bulbs.

For this you will need:

  • Chopper and rake.
  • Beacons to indicate the landing row.
  • Other handy tools.

Advice. The soil in the greenhouse should be moist and there is no need to water it after planting the onions. It is also worth considering that if vegetables were grown in a greenhouse before, then it is worth feeding (fertilizing) before planting.

  • Using a hoe, we weed the rows into which the bulbs will be inserted at a distance of 10-15 cm.

Advice. If bulbs with rhizomes are used, it is not necessary to completely immerse them in the ground. They should be halfway in it.

After planting the bulbs, it is mandatory to slightly compact the soil in the planting areas. Thus, the bulb will “sit” securely inside.
It is worth watering the crop once every few days. The video shows the process of planting onions on greens in a greenhouse.

Advice. Irrigation depends on the degree of drying of the soil. If cracks have already appeared on the surface of the soil, it means the seeds are overdried. It's better not to allow this to happen.

Soil for growing green onions

Green onions can grow in any soil except sand and stone. The quality of the soil depends on the minerals that are in its composition.

Advice. Before planting any crop, the soil is fertilized with natural fertilizers (manure) for several days.

To keep the soil constantly moist and not dry out, it is necessary to add wood shavings to it, which not only fluffs up the soil, but also prevents the moisture from completely evaporating.

Growing onions for greens in a greenhouse: secrets of agricultural technology, varieties and their characteristics

Green onions can rightfully be called the guardian of human health, since they contain a huge amount of vitamin C, which in autumn-winter helps our immunity cope with many colds.

In addition, this product can perfectly decorate any table, so it’s not for nothing that the feathers of this healthy vegetable in the markets are almost 2 times more expensive than ordinary bulbs. Especially in the cold months, its price sometimes breaks all records.

Note! Approximately 100 g of green onions are fully capable of providing the human body with the required daily dose of vitamin C (40-50 mg), because in this amount of this product its content is about 80 mg.

Experienced gardeners have long realized that forcing onions into greens in a greenhouse is a very profitable activity, and, thanks to the huge consumer demand for it, many have long built a profitable business on it.

In fact, this plant is not as whimsical as, for example, tomatoes or cucumbers, so if there is even a small greenhouse on the site, then first you can try growing this healthy greens for your family.

However, if the question arises of how to grow onions for greens in a greenhouse with your own hands, then you cannot do without special knowledge. After all, like the methods of cultivating other plants, the technology for growing green onions in a greenhouse has individual characteristics.

Also, for the success of this business, you also need to be able to understand the varieties of onions, since not all of them are suitable for forcing feathers. In a word, planting onions on greens in a greenhouse, although it is not a very difficult task, nevertheless, this matter requires a serious approach.

Cultivation of this plant in a home greenhouse is possible both in autumn and winter and all year round. For the winter period, you will need a heated greenhouse, and a cold film structure is suitable for early mass shoots, which are planned to be collected in mid-April or early May. Onion feathers are grown in open ground only in the warm season.

Among other things, there is more than one way to plant onions on greens. Therefore, before taking up this activity, in order to avoid mistakes in the future and not waste time, time is in vain, you first need to study and the best varieties for forcing onions into greens, and what planting material is best to use, and the features of agricultural technology depending on the type of greenhouse.

So, how to grow green onions in a greenhouse in winter, autumn and other times of the year? Let's figure it out in order.

Agricultural technology for growing green onions depending on the type of planting material

Planting onions on greens in greenhouse conditions can be done using several methods. It should be remembered that each variety has individual characteristics. For example, some varieties are best planted with seeds, while others grow better if they are cultivated using sampling.

Cultivating green onions in a greenhouse from seeds

You need to start growing green onions from seeds in a greenhouse in early spring or closer to winter. They definitely need to be calibrated, since they do not swell and germinate well with a horny shell.

In order to speed up the emergence of seedlings, they are prepared:

  • a week before sowing, they are soaked in potassium permanganate for one day;
  • left in a room with a temperature of 20-25 degrees.

The ratio of the aqueous solution is 0.1 g per 1 liter. It should cover the seeds by no more than 1 cm.

After swelling, the seeds are spread in an even, thin layer on burlap, and then covered with the same material on top and left until tiny white sprouts appear. At the same time, you must ensure that they are constantly wet.

Immediately before sowing, they should be dried a little. Seeds are planted in a greenhouse on previously prepared beds. The distance between them should not exceed 15-20 cm. They should be planted to a depth of approximately 3 cm.

It is advisable that after this the grooves are mulched with peat or humus. This will prevent the formation of a soil crust, which will impede the flow of oxygen. Also, to avoid such a nuisance, you need to periodically loosen the soil. (once every 2 weeks).

To speed up the process of feather appearance, as a rule, plants are fed with nitrogen fertilizers. When sowing in spring, the seed consumption is about 2 g/m2, and when sowing before winter, they will need 20% more. The harvest can already be harvested when the onion feathers reach a height of 25 cm.

Note! This is a more labor-intensive and time-consuming method of growing green onions. It is applied mainly to certain varieties that tend to reproduce non-vegetatively.

Also, this method is necessary to enrich the heredity of the plant, since any variety with vegetative propagation in 5-6 years begins to degenerate and as a result the yield decreases. Every 4 years, onions should be sown with seeds.

Cultivating green onions in a greenhouse using sampling or sowing

This method of growing onions is considered the most inexpensive and easiest. For this, onion sets and selections are used, the weight of which should vary from 20 to 40 g. With this method, local ones showed the best results, especially for multi-bud varieties, the selections of which should have a diameter of 3-4 cm.

Note! For greenhouse cultivation green onions using this method, it is better to use bulbs and bulbs - perennial plants. These include chives, slime onions, multi-tiered onions and spring onions.

Planting should be done in early spring or late autumn. It should be taken into account that in farm greenhouses it is mainly used bridge landing method- the bulbs are placed on the beds close to each other.

However, if you plan to plant onions on greens using this method in the spring, then you can also use the half-bridge method - the distance between the bulbs is increased to 2-3 cm. The beds where the selection is planned to be planted must be prepared in advance, and the soil should be well fertilized. They can be either multi-line or ribbon.

In order to increase the yield of onions, it is advisable to cut large selections “to the shoulders.” In addition, soaking the bulbs in warm water (at least 35 degrees) for 24 hours allows you to shorten the period of forcing greens by about a week.

The so-called step (with an interval of 10-15 days) planting, sampling or sowing allows for a conveyor supply of greenery. To do this, the greenhouse can be divided into several sections.

List of popular varieties of green onions and their features

There is a great variety of onion varieties. However, not everyone can get the desired result. Therefore, the yield of green onions in a greenhouse will directly depend not only on correct landing plants and proper care for them, but also on their variety.

As the practice of experienced gardeners has shown, the following varieties are the most profitable in terms of business, high-yielding and resilient:

  1. Leek. Acidic soils are not suitable for cultivating this variety. This is a frost-resistant plant that can tolerate temperatures down to minus 7 degrees. Many people appreciate it for its refined smell and unusual taste. This onion has a white base, which is also used for food.

This onion is grown for greens in a greenhouse from seeds. In order for this variety to grow well, it needs to be watered and weeded regularly. To obtain a tall white stem, as the onion grows, you need to periodically add soil to its base.

  1. Onion. Growing this variety does not require a lot of soil and can be cultivated even on shelves located in a greenhouse. This plant thrives on used compost or a mixture sandy soil with humus.

The planting material for this plant is the so-called false bulbs. Since this species is unpretentious in terms of day length, it is convenient to cultivate it in a heated greenhouse in winter.

In October, planting material of this variety should be dug out from open ground and stored in a small amount of soil for about a month. Since onions have a short dormant period, they can be planted in closed ground already in November.

Onion has good yield. Moreover, the closer the warm season, the shorter the period of its forcing. So, if you plant it in February, then this period will be only two weeks.

It should be noted that this species requires frequent watering and high air humidity, which should be at least 75%. During forcing, the temperature of the greenhouse should be maintained at 15-16 degrees.

  1. Slime bow. This species is considered the most resistant to frost, quite early ripening and high-yielding, since it has no dormant period. Many gardeners are afraid to cultivate it, thinking that the technology for growing it is complicated, which is why this variety is not yet widespread enough.

In fact, this is a mistaken opinion, since it completes its growth only with the arrival of severe cold weather. Slime onions have wide and flat leaves that are rounded at the end. They taste very delicate, with a faint garlic smell.

  1. Chives. This species reproduces by thickening of the rhizome. During the growing season, quite a lot of them are formed, making it quite easy to obtain planting material of this variety. By the end of autumn it should be dug up and then left dormant for about 3-3.5 weeks.

After this period, the material can be planted in closed ground. In order for the plants to awaken, they need to be watered with warm water. Its temperature should be approximately 35-40 degrees. If such onions are grown in boxes, then the soil layer should not be less than 10 cm.

The existing instructions for growing this type of onion state that when sprouts germinate, the room temperature should be somewhere around 22 degrees, and during the period of feather formation - 18 degrees. In addition, chives are a very light-loving plant, therefore, in order for the feathers to have a beautiful shape, there must be enough light in the greenhouse.

It needs to be watered regularly. However, this variety does not like waterlogging of the soil, the moisture level of which should not exceed 80%. It is better if watering is done in portions. Sufficient air humidity for such a plant is 65-70%.

The entire forcing process usually takes from 3 to 6 weeks, after which the feathers can be cut off and the roots left to ripen the next harvest. In a word, this great option for forcing onions in winter and autumn.

  1. Shallot. The homeland of this variety is the Mediterranean. This drought-resistant plant, whose feathers have a delicate aroma and pungent taste. It is structured like garlic: several small bulbs are combined into a common single shell.

Reproduction of shallots is vegetative. Thanks to this, there is a high yield ratio to the amount of planting material, which for this onion variety is a complex bulb. When planting, it is divided into 3 or more parts.

This plant tends to grow strongly, which is why the distance between planting material should be about 15 cm. Shallots can be planted in both autumn and spring.

  1. Multi-tiered bow. This variety is cultivated in one place for no more than 5 years. Its planting is done using bulbs, which are taken from the first or second tier. They should be planted immediately after roots or root tubercles appear on the bottom of the bulbs. This plant loves well-fertilized soil.


Thus, right choice varieties of onions for forcing feathers to suit the characteristics of your greenhouse, as well as timely watering, loosening the soil and good lighting will allow you to get a high yield of greenery.

Even a small greenhouse can not only provide your family with a valuable product, but also bring additional income. You can learn even more interesting things in the video in this article.

Growing dill in a greenhouse: general information, variety selection, planting rules, growing technology, diseases and pests, tips and tricks, video

All types presented are quite easy to grow. The leaves of the plants are tender and resistant to lack of light.

Dill (video)

Landing rules

Seed preparation

Before planting dill seeds, you need to properly process them. The seeds contain a large amount of essential oils, which determines the specific aroma of the plant. During storage, the seeds oxidize, which has a negative effect on the quality of the seed. It is best to select last year's seeds for sowing.

A rule to keep in mind: we grow dill only if essential oils are first removed from the seed.

To do this, simply pour warm water over the seeds, and you will see that after a while it will turn dark. Replace the water with fresh water and carry out the procedure until the darkening of the moisture stops. Basically, the procedure takes about 2 days. Then the seeds are placed on a towel to absorb water. Planting is done after the seeds dry.

During storage, the seeds oxidize, which has a negative effect on the quality of the seed. It is best to select last year's seeds for sowing.

Features of sowing

Planting dill in a greenhouse should be in nutritious and fertile soil. Before sowing, 20 grams of potassium salt, 3 kilograms of humus, 25 grams of superphosphate, 20 grams of urea should be added to the soil for each square meter. Then the soil is watered, dug up and loosened. The seeds are buried in the holes to a depth of 2 centimeters. A distance of 15 centimeters is left between the seeds, and an interval of 30 centimeters is left between the rows.

It is correct to place dill in a building with moderate heat. If the temperature in the greenhouse is above 23 degrees, the growth of greenery will stop. It is also important to provide the plant with 12 hours of daylight.

Growing technology

We grow dill according to the rules! First of all, crops should be watered only with warm water. At the same time, you should not overheat the water too much - it should be 3 degrees warmer than the soil. Shoots, as a rule, appear after 2 weeks. However, for this purpose the temperature environment should be at least 15 degrees.

Agricultural technology also involves fertilizing. Ammonium nitrate should be applied twice a month. Instead, you can use regular peat. It is simply laid out at the base of the bushes.

If the leaves turn slightly red, this indicates compaction of the soil. Yellowing of the plant indicates a lack of nitrogen.

Dill diseases

Agricultural technology involves protecting plants from pests. Dill is most often affected by Fusarium wilt and powdery mildew. Sometimes a disease such as blackleg is observed. To prevent the development of infections, plant debris should be removed in a timely manner, crop rotation should be observed, and care should be strictly followed.

If you decide to grow fresh dill, you should correctly decide on the variety

Diseases develop quite quickly indoors. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the air temperature in the building is about 17 degrees and the humidity is about 55%. Watering should be done moderately, and the greenhouse structure should be ventilated during the daytime.

  • Powdery mildew. The infection is widespread in protected areas. A white coating appears on all parts of the plant. The disease develops quickly at high air humidity and temperature disturbances.
  • Cercosporosis of dill. The disease often occurs when dill is grown in open ground. The leaves become yellow, small with a gray coating. The stem is also covered with a coating, on which black streaked pads are observed in the autumn. The infection is transmitted through plant debris or seeds.
  • Blackleg. When we grow dill, blackleg may appear - a complex of soil fungi transmitted through the seeds. In this case, the root collars of young plants are affected. The disease actively manifests itself even at seedlings. The infection develops due to sudden changes in temperature and humidity, in the absence of loosening, and high acidity of the soil.

Dill pests

The plant is often attacked by pests that attack both above-ground and underground parts of the greenery. Control measures are almost the same - adherence to agricultural technology and the use of pesticides at the stage of sowing seeds.

To properly grow greens, you should correctly arrange biennial and annual umbrella plants, as well as eliminate weeds. If this is not done, umbrella blinds may appear and suck the juices from young plants.

If you decide to grow dill, you should make sure that the greenery has enough light

Also, when we grow dill, striped stink bugs may appear. They usually overwinter under the remains of vegetation. Adults eat the juice of ovaries, flowers and green seeds. As a result, a significant part of the plants die. Over the course of a year, 2 generations of pests can develop.

We grow dill year-round and even in harsh climates. The harvest is good if you follow some rules:

  • sowing depth should be up to 1.5 centimeters;
  • the soil must have enough necessary microelements;
  • greens will have to be sown 2 times every 30 days;
  • Watering and loosening are prerequisites for a good harvest.

You may also be interested in an article about the peculiarities of cultivating and choosing a variety of greenhouse asparagus.

Growing greens in a greenhouse in winter (video)

If you decide to grow dill, you should make sure that the greenery has enough light. It should be noted that the plant takes a long time to mature and you will need to protect it from diseases and pests, otherwise you may not expect a good harvest. But if all the care conditions are met, you can enjoy fresh herbs all year round.

Attention, TODAY only!


0#1Elena06.10.2015 19:05 Dill is a wonderful green, and anyone can grow it in a greenhouse in winter, the plant is not fancy, but it needs its own climate, not very high temperature and watering, the greens will grow within 14-20 days. For growing, I use the “alligator” variety, it is early, abundantly leafy, aromatic. Quote0#2Helena10.10.2015 12:27 And for some reason my dill does not want to grow at all ((((I remove parsley several times from one sowing, and dill - no way. And I took different varieties. I don’t know what it’s missing. This time I’ll try again, following ALL the recommendations, and if it doesn’t work, I won’t suffer anymore. So it’s not fate) Quote +1#3Nina10/13/2015 15 :52I usually plant one half of the greenhouse with onions, and the other with dill, but last season I took a risk and sowed dill between the beds. It seemed like it should have been a little dark there, but I barely had time to harvest. So the most important thing is the construction and proper greenhouse equipment - lighting, heating, ventilation, irrigation system.0#4Taya02.12.2015 19:10 Quoting Nina: I usually plant one half of the greenhouse with onions, and the other with dill, but last season I took a chance and sowed dill between the beds. It should have been there, but I barely had time to harvest. So the most important thing is the construction and proper equipment of the greenhouse - lighting, heating, ventilation, irrigation system. I also noticed that dill grows better in slightly shaded areas than in very sunny ones; it turns out taller and juicier. In general, there are no problems with growing it. I put dill in all my dishes. And one day I got carried away and bought fennel seeds. It looks very similar to dill, I thought that they tasted similar, but I didn’t like the taste of fennel.

Greens in a greenhouse: growing, business all year round - video

A greenhouse is a useful structure in which you can grow both early crops by the beginning of summer and engage in breeding cultivated plants throughout the year, without a break for the winter season. In a heated greenhouse you can grow flowers, fruits, berries, vegetables, but the easiest way is to grow greens.

Growing onions

Growing greens in a greenhouse will not only provide you and your family with vitamins and aromatic onions, lettuce, parsley, cilantro and dill, but can also be a source of good income.

Greenhouses for greenery are built on the same principle as greenhouses for growing berries, vegetables or fruits. But you need to know that each garden crop requires certain growing conditions, strict adherence to which is the key to a bountiful harvest. Let's find out in detail how to grow different types of greens in a greenhouse in winter.

How to grow a good harvest of green onions in a greenhouse

The most suitable greens for business in a greenhouse are green onions. Is it profitable to grow onions in winter? You can give yourself the answer to this question by looking at the price in the store for a small bunch of fragrant stems. There is always a demand for green onions: they are added to various dishes, restaurateurs buy onions in batches to decorate delicacies, make sauces, prepare soups, etc.

Note: experienced gardeners advise growing onion varieties such as Spassky or Troitsky in a greenhouse in winter. These varieties produce abundant and fine feathers.

In order for the planted bulbs to produce a good harvest, you need:

  1. Properly prepare the soil for planting. The soil needs to be thoroughly loosened and even dug up, mixed with organic and mineral fertilizers. The bulbs are planted before the onset of severe frosts - ideally before mid-October;
  2. Correctly calculate the distance between the bulbs themselves and between the rows. The distance between planted seedlings should be at least 20 millimeters, and a gap of five to seven centimeters should be left between the rows;
  3. Maintain temperature in the greenhouse. To grow, onions require temperatures of at least twenty degrees during the daytime; at night this figure can be lower - up to 12 degrees Celsius. If the specified temperature is ensured, the first harvest will be possible to harvest a month after planting the seed in the soil.

Feathers need to be cut off when their length is 18-20 centimeters.

Dill in a greenhouse: cultivation rules

Growing greens in a greenhouse as a business can also be profitable when planting dill in a greenhouse. The branches of this plant are also widely used in cooking: dill is added to dishes as a seasoning and used as a decoration for gastronomic delights.

Dill is not a capricious crop, but it loves high humidity and warmth. In order for the plant to be fluffy and bushy, it is imperative to maintain the proper level of humidity in the greenhouse. For this purpose, you can use special equipment or regularly spray the planting manually.

It is important to ensure that in the greenhouse in which dill is grown, neither daytime nor nighttime air temperatures fall below a limit of fifteen degrees Celsius. To keep humidity and temperature in the greenhouse under control, it is advisable to install appropriate sensors (photo). Attention! The culture is extremely sensitive to drafts, and therefore it is not necessary to ventilate the room with dill too often.

The first harvest of dill crop can be expected approximately two months after planting the seeds in the ground.

How to grow lettuce in winter

In a greenhouse you can grow different varieties of lettuce without much difficulty. Lettuce is not difficult to care for, but to plant it you need to prepare the soil and not forget about timely feeding of seedlings and young plants.

Almost all types and varieties of lettuce can be grown in a greenhouse: romaine, watercress, cabbage and asparagus varieties. Plants tolerate low temperatures well and do not reduce their growth rate when grown under artificial light.

Most quick harvest will give watercress: you can pick fresh greens within 14 days after planting the seeds.

What you need to know about growing parsley

Parsley is a type of green that is also in consumer demand throughout the year. However, its cultivation is somewhat more difficult than growing lettuce, dill or onions.

Parsley can be planted using two methods: sowing seeds or planting root crops. The second method is no different in simplicity, since the roots must be kept at a certain temperature in the sand before planting. The temperature indicator for aging root vegetables is only two degrees Celsius and should not change during the entire aging period. The roots are kept in the sand for ten days, after which they are planted in well-loosened and fertilized soil.

It is easier to work with seeds: the required number of seeds is wrapped in damp gauze before sowing. The seeds should remain in this gauze for approximately 4-5 days. Then the seeds are planted in the ground and within ten days abundant shoots will appear.

The nuances of different methods of planting parsley in the ground can be seen in the video appendix to the article.

Greenhouse growing of greens is a great way to make money

Knowing how to grow greens in a greenhouse, you can think about growing greens as a business. The business can be truly profitable, with the right approach and drawing up a competent business plan.

A business growing onions, dill or parsley does not require significant financial investments. Moreover, if you are going to sell your harvest at the market or distribute it among acquaintances, friends or colleagues, you can do without registering an individual entrepreneur and other documentation. A small but stable income can be obtained from growing herbs in an apartment or in a garden, but for large profits, dill and parsley must be grown in a greenhouse. And here you need to take into account the following fact: the business will be profitable if you live in an area with a fairly mild and warm climate and you do not have to heat the greenhouse during the entire cold season. Otherwise, the cost of paying off electricity and heat may exceed the income from the sale of crops.

Business plan for growing greens all year round - what is more profitable to grow? | Loan without problems

How to properly grow greens at home and industrially for sale: basic technology

First, let's define our goals. Why will we grow greens? For yourself, for soup and then selling the surplus, for sale near the store for 10-20 bunches a day or for selling this greenery on a large scale for greater profit?

It should be noted that if you have a summer cottage and land, the costs of fertilizers and planting material will not be significant. True, given the seasonal nature of the business, one cannot expect significant profits. She needs more rational approach and more significant investments .

So, what is the growing technology?

Criteria and requirements for premises for growing greenery in winter and summer

Depending on the scale of the business, growing greens can be carried out in different places...

  1. In the apartment That is, on the balcony, on the window sills, or even in a specially designated room - in pots, special boxes, plastic bottles, etc. Of course, in winter this business will be the most profitable - it is at this time that the price of greens increases, and the conditions of the apartment allow you to grow dill and parsley - no frost is scary. Greens need light 12-16 hours a day. It should be kept away from batteries.
  2. In the garden plot Ideal for summer. If you have 4-10 acres, you can make quite good money. Disadvantages: after the onset of cold weather, the business can be shut down, and the cost of greenery decreases in the summer. To make a profit, you need to focus on quantity.
  3. In a greenhouse/greenhouse If there good greenhouse, then even the vagaries of the weather and the time of year do not matter. True, growing greens year-round in a greenhouse is profitable only in the southern regions of the country. Otherwise, electricity costs will “eat up” all the profit. Greenhouses are available in glass (all year round) and film (seasonal). The second option is cheaper, but the first is of better quality and more cost-effective. To grow greens non-stop, you will need lamps, an irrigation system, greenhouse heating, shelving, etc.
  4. In the basement, garage If you don't have a plot of land, this is an excellent option. You can equip it like a greenhouse and grow parsley here all year round. Of course, we don’t forget about the equipment, and these are lamps, heating, etc. Still, the basement and garage are not an apartment, and plants need a certain temperature for rapid growth.

Video: How to grow greens in winter and summer - year-round care

Choosing soil for growing greenery: features of seed material

Today, 7 main soil options are used for growing greens.

  1. Natural soil That is, the earth. The most budget option that does not require special investments. The containers are filled with soil, peat and fertilizer are added, seeds are planted, plus lighting and warmth - that’s all. A start. You can buy land already with a complete “set” of fertilizers/feedings. Extra sand wouldn't hurt either.
  2. Sawdust (except pine, oak and other species harmful to greenery) They are treated with boiling water and placed in containers. Pros: greens do not rot, there is no smell, dill and parsley grow quickly, sawdust is cheap (sometimes you can get it for free).
  3. Hydroponics method It is a system for growing greens (or other crops) consisting of trays with water. Plants that only touch water with their roots receive nutrient mixtures through tubes. Pros: very fast growth of greenery, no need for soil, intensive development of foliage (not the root system). The downside is the price of the device.
  4. Pros: practicality, low cost, breathability. Cons: heavy weight, does not hold water.
  5. Coconut fiber There are many advantages: durability, environmental friendliness, versatility, etc. The disadvantage is the cost.
  6. The best material for hydroponics use. Pros: price, moisture retention, lightness.
  7. Hydrogel A new material in the form of granules that, when swollen, retain moisture for a long time. Pros: breathability, constant moisture retention, no harm to plants. The downside is the price.

List of necessary devices, installations and containers that will be needed for growing greens.

  1. Hydroponics A system that reduces to almost zero the risk of plants becoming infected with any disease and allows you to grow greens year-round. The choice of system depends on the size of the business. For an apartment - one installation, for an industrial scale - another. The assortment is wide. In the absence of a large “little box” under the mattress, it makes sense to think about hydroponics with your own hands.
  2. Insulation materials When growing greens on your property, you need a greenhouse. And if the “holy of holies” is located in the garage (basement), then you will need flexible insulation, foam plastic, light-reflecting foil, etc.
  3. Shelving You can buy, order or make them yourself, taking into account the height of the green plants.
  4. Lighting You can use regular light bulbs or fluorescent lamps (they are preferable).
  5. Watering system (or watering cans)
  6. Heaters to maintain a certain temperature in the room.
  7. Soil and planting material itself, fertilizers
  8. From containers You will need wide pallets, containers for settling water, containers for plants (pots, bottles or boxes with holes for draining water).
  9. Thermometer(control the air temperature).
  10. Knowledgeable people use it to wrap pots to protect plants from overheating of the soil.

How to grow greens year-round?

This business does not depend on the season only in a few cases, that is, if the greens are grown...

  • In equipped greenhouses.
  • In an apartment (or an insulated garage).
  • Using hydroponics.

If the business “grows” in the open air, in garden beds, then you will have to “transfer” them to a warm room during the cold season.

Planting material - seeds

What are some ways to grow greens at home?

  1. Forcing(using bulbs). The most convenient option.
  2. Extended cultivation. This option is suitable for those who grow greens in garden beds. Plants are simply dug out of the ground before cold weather (entirely) and moved indoors.
  3. Growing from seedlings. The downside is that you need to buy seedlings or grow them yourself.
  4. Sowing seeds. Classic option.

The choice of seeds is also a separate issue. In order not to lament later what kind of horror came out of the pot, and how to sell it, you need to choose seeds carefully , studying manufacturers and reviews from experienced businessmen in advance.

It is worth noting that seed costs are minimal . For example, a package of onion seeds does not exceed 12 rubles, and parsley - about 7 rubles.

You can also pay attention to greens in containers (already with roots) - we buy and carefully replant.

Which greens are more profitable to grow? Features of growing dill, parsley, cilantro, celery for sale

There are many benefits to growing greens. This is the ease of the process, the low cost of seeds, the unpretentiousness of plants, and modest investments (if you do not buy hydroponics). And also I must say about the high year-round demand for products and high returns relative to investment. The main thing is to decide on the type of greenery from which your business will grow. So, what is more profitable to grow?

Growing dill as a business

  • The optimal temperature for growing is 17 degrees.
  • Varieties that are worth paying attention to are Kaskelensky, Gribovsky, Uzbek-243.
  • We harvest 40-50 days after germination.
  • Seeds germinate in 2-3 weeks. In the future, you can not buy them, but use them from the harvested crop.
  • Diseases and pests of dill, as a rule, are avoided.
  • Cons: short shelf life, additional lighting required in winter.

Features of the parsley growing business

  • From the varieties we choose Prima, Sugar, Curly or Harvest - the earliest ripening varieties that give the maximum green yield.
  • When it’s cloudy, additional lighting is needed; in winter we also add phytolamps (3-4 hours).
  • The optimal temperature is plus 20 degrees.
  • After germination, about 25-30 days pass before harvest.
  • Watering is needed abundantly and frequently, and after cutting, fertilizing with fertilizers is required.
  • Parsley planted from seeds produces greens that last longer than a year.

Growing cilantro for sale

  • The soil needs to be light and moist (cilantro blooms quickly without moisture).
  • The capacity is large.
  • Illumination (additional light) is mandatory and constant.
  • Watering is moderate, once a week.
  • Top dressing - after each cut.
  • The first harvest is 3-4 weeks after sowing. The harvest is harvested immediately after the appearance of 1 inflorescence.
  • The best variety is Firstborn.
  • The optimal temperature is 20 degrees. Cilantro does not like heat.
  • The ideal soil is black soil.

Growing root and petiole celery

  • Growing celery is more difficult than onions or dill, but, in principle, not so difficult.
  • The types of celery are divided into leaf (for obtaining leaves), root and petiole (for obtaining juicy petioles).
  • The main feature is resistance to cold.
  • Seeds take a long time to germinate.

Growing green salad as a business (green salad, watercress)

The ideal option is to grow watercress.

  • Harvest in 10-12 days.
  • Unpretentious.
  • Conditions: shaded areas on the north and northeast side.
  • Shoots - on 5-7 days.
  • After cutting the leaves, fertilizing is needed.
  • The best varieties are Curly, Pepper, Broad-leaved.

Leaf salad no less in demand, but more capricious to care for.

  • You can't do without additional lighting.
  • The best varieties are Lollo Bionda, Vitamin, Lolla Rossa, Emerald Lace and New Year's.
  • Lettuce does not like heat and needs constant watering.

As for demand among consumers, the leader here, of course, is green onions (by the way, the least demanding option), in second place - dill , ranks third parsley , and then everyone else.

Speaking about profitability, experts unanimously highlight leaf salad (vegetative period - no more than 25 days).

Features of growing dill, parsley, cilantro, lettuce, celery and other greens in winter and summer

The conditions for growing greens in the summer are approximately identical for each type.

With the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to create for heat-loving species special conditions of care.

  1. Heating devices If greenery needs a temperature of 20 degrees to grow, then in winter they cannot do without heaters. For a garage or greenhouse, 1-2 heaters will be enough.
  2. Lighting A short daylight hours, or rather a lack of light, not only slows down the growth of plants, but can also destroy the harvest. Therefore, it is impossible to do without additional lighting. Classic lamps will not work (they simply won’t do any good). We select phytolamps and turn them on for several hours/day (1 lamp for 1 box). Additionally, we install reflectors (mirrors or metal, foil, etc.).
  3. Priming For the winter, it is recommended to purchase ready-made earthen mixtures.
  4. Drainage You also cannot do without it to avoid root rotting. Either we buy it ready-made, or we make it ourselves from crushed stone, broken brick, pebbles, etc. The drainage layer for pots is from 2 cm.

Business plan for growing greens

Sales market. This is the first thing you need to decide. To begin with, market analysis. That is, a study of prices for greens, demand (which is more profitable), places of possible sales. Where to sell? There are many options - take it to a store or market, to an organization Catering(for example, in a cafe, canteen), at vegetable warehouses.

We calculate expenses and profits (approximate calculations)

Growing green onions in an apartment.

  • When arranging containers in a room of 20 square meters in 2-3 tiers, we get 30 square meters of area for sowing.
  • 1 kg of seeded onions = 12-15 rubles. (wholesale). For 1 square meter of dense planting it will take 10 kg of onions. For 30 squares - 300 kg of onions (about 4 thousand rubles).
  • Fertilizers - about 2.5 thousand rubles. per month. For containers - about 5-7 thousand rubles. For lamps - 10-15 thousand rubles.
  • Water + electricity = 2-2.5 thousand rubles. per month. Fare.
  • The yield from 1 square meter is 10 kg of onions (minimum). That is, 600 kg/month, taking into account 2 harvests per month.
  • Wholesale price - 70-80 rubles/kg. Accordingly, profit = about 45 thousand rubles. per month (minus expenses). It is worth noting that the expenses in the future will not be so large-scale, so the net profit, even with a modest calculation, will be from 30 thousand rubles.

Higher yields await if you have an equipped greenhouse (costs for a greenhouse are 40-130 thousand rubles). And even more so if you have a hydroponic installation (about 35 thousand rubles for a room of 30 square meters).

Or you can make a “knight’s move” and buy in bulk mini-pots in which the greens will grow and then be sold. Greens in pots are aesthetically attractive, more in demand by consumers and last longer.

Registration and taxes

To grow greens for the purpose of selling them on the market, business registration is, of course, not required. But handing over greens to resellers is unprofitable, selling on your own is awkward and uncomfortable, and for the full sale of products (shops, etc.) you cannot do without registration.

Therefore, as soon as the scale of the harvest exceeds “How can we sell it in such quantities without documents?”, register the individual entrepreneur (OKVED encoding - A.01.12.2.) as an agricultural producer (preferential form of taxation - Unified Agricultural Tax, 6 percent of profit), and continue to calmly work for yourself.

On a note: Always invest your first profit in business development.