Pour on wax after how long the result is. Pouring wax - what is useful? What does wax casting do? How to remove damage using wax casting? Improve your health

In modern magic, such a casting is the most effective remedy for damage. Especially if church candles are used in the ritual. Today we will talk about the rules and meanings of such rituals. In addition, we will provide you with information on how wax casting is done at home and what areas wax removal is used for.

Features of rituals

In magic, wax is called the casting of any negative effect on a person by melting a substance. Exist certain rules and the methodology for conducting such rituals for yourself. Let's look at each method in detail and what it means.

In ancient times, our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers used this substance for various purposes, but primarily to remove wax damage. In this way they could remove fears, the evil eye, and fear. Many women of those times performed this ritual even in order to acquire beauty. In modern magic, wax casting has not lost its popularity and relevance.

The biggest advantage of such magic, which no other magical ritual has, is the elimination of any evil spirits, even the most old ones. The disadvantages of such magic include a slow effect on the monetary and protective rituals that you performed for yourself. Therefore, experienced magicians recommend performing such a ritual to people who have no experience and practice in witchcraft.

Another advantage of this casting is that it is carried out at any time of the day and regardless of the lunar phase. Of course, as magicians and sorcerers say, damage is best removed during the waning moon. But, when casting with wax when removing any negative, there is no prohibition in days. The restoration of a person’s previous state after some time occurs in any case.

The technique for performing such rituals is quite simple. All you need to do is get the substance in the form of pieces or church candles (without wicks). Well, after that, study the rules of the sacrament, their text for yourself or the victim. Pouring out spoilage with wax at home is also done early in the morning. Remember that only performing the ritual yourself without strangers will allow you to achieve the desired result. This is the most important rule for eliminating damage using wax.

Required Attributes

How to determine damage by wax? Depending on the type of magical ritual, wax to remove damage is used in different weights:

  1. For large castings you will need about 40 g of the substance. It is melted in the oven or on the stove in a special vessel.
  2. For little ones, 10 g is enough, which is melted under the fire of a burning candle.

If you decide to treat damage with wax, you will need to stock up on additional components:

  • a bowl or other vessel for melting the substance;
  • towel or potholder;
  • a vessel for pouring the molten substance - a glass, a bowl, etc.;
  • icons of Saints;
  • towel.

Remember - you cannot cast damage with paraffin, since this method of cleaning damage on wax will not bring any results, but only barriers and obstacles to the implementation of such magic. When exposed to water, this substance instantly scatters and can get into your eyes. And paraffin itself does not have the same properties that wax has.

Diagnosis of damage

Any magic ritual, including removing damage with wax yourself, requires preliminary diagnosis. After all, few ordinary people can immediately determine the presence of the impact of a negative program. In this case, diagnostics are needed, which is carried out on the bee product.

To determine the designations of cast wax figures, you need to familiarize yourself with information about the state of the human biofield based on the bee product.

A cast substance in the shape of an egg without holes or bubbles will indicate a pure biofield. Even small deviations from such a casting are not a reason to think that you are damaged. Sometimes this can be explained as a person’s physical or psychological fatigue.

The damage to the human energy biofield will be indicated by the torn edges of the wax casting. In this case, two options are possible:

  • a person becomes very ill for unknown reasons;
  • he was cursed with illness.

This concerns internal signs. External factors of such a casting indicate the presence of an energy shock, as well as a strong conflict, which led to a violation of the human biofield.

Damage can also be diagnosed by other wax figures - torn holes and cast substances in the shape of things. Such castings give a signal to a person that there are things in the house that threaten both his health and life. Most often this is damage made to the lining.

The numbers poured from this substance help not only to diagnose the presence of damage, but also to determine the date of its induction. The main thing in this matter is the correct interpretation. This meaning of figures when casting with wax will make your task easier and help you quickly remove the damage caused.

Interpretation of figures

How to learn how to do wax casting yourself correctly? Before you begin this procedure, you need to practice. The correct decoding and meaning of the figures when casting with wax will help you find out exactly what kind of negative is directed at a person - the evil eye, damage, fear, fright, illness, etc.

The examples below will give a clear interpretation of each casting:

  1. The surface of the cast substance looks like it has wave elements - this is a clear sign of a spell being cast.
  2. The poured wax took the shape of a sloping wall in the form of a slide. This can be deciphered as severe damage with elements of a curse for illness or misfortune.
  3. Thick tubercles or balls in the shape of cones, indicating the presence of fear, the evil eye, deliberate damage and a spell. For a man, such a meaning of figures when cast in wax with such an image is evidence of damage to childlessness and a sign of a strong curse.
  4. Deep waves inside the poured substance are a sign of a person’s strong inner experience. He may be worried about fears for his life and the lives of his family. This also means that a person under the influence of damage is afraid that someone may harm him, cause both physical and mental pain. There is a fear that he might get very sick.
  5. It happens that the cast substance has torn edges with bubbles and tubercles - this indicates conflict situations both within oneself and in relationships with other people.
  6. Numerous dents and bumps indicate very strong and long-standing damage. Such damage can be done to heart disease and other internal organs, as well as psychological disorders.
  7. Holes on the wax surface are evidence of severe damage to the human biofield. Such a victim may exhibit the following symptoms: loss of energy, irritability, frequent illness, general malaise and apathy.
  8. About a strong magical effect aimed at deteriorating human health and his general condition, will be indicated by a substance poured in the shape of a muzzle. The victim may develop an incurable disease.
  9. If, while casting yourself on wax, you notice a shapeless substance with holes, waves and bumps - this is a sure sign of a strong violation of the chakras, both sexual and marital. Perhaps such a person is cursed with loneliness and infertility.
  10. A bird with small dots on the surface is a sign of a violation of the psychological and physical state of a person due to damage caused.
  11. The snake is evidence of strong damage from ill-wishers and envious people to a very serious and difficult to cure disease.
  12. Ring - a lock has been placed on your future or current job, i.e., there is damage to the loss of a job or an unsuccessful search for a new job.
  13. There are even castings in the shape of female genital organs. This means that there is damage to you, especially due to severe illness, infertility or loneliness. Often such damage is caused by a grandmother or another female witch.
  14. A branched tree indicates that you are damaged by gossip, gossip and constant desecration both at home and at work.
  15. A horse is evidence of major damage, possibly eternal poverty or loss of great benefits.
  16. The rooster is a sign that somewhere there is a person who is very jealous and wishes you harm. Over time, such negativity turns into a strong evil eye and can end badly for you.

An easy and effective ritual

Prepare all the attributes that were used in the process of diagnosing the negative. Then place the wax on the stove. While it is warming up, read the prayer:

“The servant of God (name of the patient) will descend from you and extinguish once and for all the devilish power and evil. The Holy Spirit will dwell in you. Amen. I ask all heavenly saints - angels, archangels, apostles, the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ, to heal and have mercy on the servant of God (name of person) through this ritual. I ask you to cleanse him from diseases and all unclean things that have entered his body. Amen".

With such a wax casting, when removing damage, you can read any other prayer addressed to all saints with the aim of healing the patient. You can carry out such a ritual both independently and for your family and friends. The main condition is that there should be no strangers in the room. Only a performer and a victim if you really want everything to work out. This technique of removing negativity helps very quickly. The first signs of the cleansing magic program:

  • improvement of general condition;
  • a feeling that life has returned to the right direction;
  • disappearance of financial and personal problems.

Wax protection for home

If you feel that your house has suffered a magical attack, you need to act urgently, namely, pour out the damage with wax. You can determine the presence of negativity by external and internal signs - frequent quarrels, scandals in the family, marital problems, lack of money.

How to remove damage with wax on a house? Negative energy in your home can be easily removed by pouring wax.

For this ritual you will need several details:

  • large apple;
  • church candle;
  • needles - 5 pcs.

Stages of the ritual

With such wax casting, there should be no one in the room when removing damage to housing. Make all rooms dim. Light a candle and go around all the corners of each room, moving clockwise. Each corner must be christened with a candle three times.

Using a knife, make a depression in the apple where the core itself is located. Before pouring the wax, light the wick with matches, then bring a burning candle to the hole. Every drop of melting wax should get inside the apple. In total you need to pour 6 drops. While pouring the wax, read a prayer to yourself:

“Lord Almighty - You are our savior. I ask You, help me banish all spells and witchcraft from my house. Cleanse my home. Let the demons leave him once and for all. And let no disease, love spell, fright or fear enter here. Amen".

After the wax has poured out, the apple must be covered with the cut top and pinned with needles.

Cleansing the house with a candle occurs from the moment the charmed fruit is thrown out in a vacant lot. At the same time, it is very important that no one finds the apple with needles, otherwise the damage may return. To be sure, you can just bury it.

In this way, your home gains powerful and long-lasting protection from lack of money, poverty, family quarrels, disagreements and illnesses.

Ritual for children

We remove damage with wax from children. You can get wax either in a church or in a specialized store. For children, the same wax against damage and the evil eye is used as for adults. So, lay the baby down comfortable spot. Place a container of holy or spring water over his head. Take wax for the ritual weighing no more than 150 g. As soon as the wax has melted, slowly pour it onto the water in a bowl. You pour the wax over the child’s head very carefully so that drops of the hot substance do not fall on the baby’s head. Next you need to read a prayer against damage or the evil eye:

“I ask all heavenly saints to help me expel from my child all the negativity, evil looks and tongues of sorcerers. Heal and cleanse my child. May health and good sleep come to him. Amen".

The ritual against spoilage, after removal, the wax is transformed into figures and, thus, all the negativity is poured out. How many times is wax poured out of both damage and the evil eye from a child? For children, 3 such casting sessions are enough to completely cleanse. To enhance the effect, you can place 2 images of Saints next to each other - the Mother of God and the Guardian Angel.

Symptoms such as loss of appetite, Have a good mood, the baby's energy and healthy, full sleep after the ceremony will indicate to you that cleaning with wax was successful.

Wax casting of a negative from a photo

Take a wide container with spring water and a photo of the person from whom the negative will be taken. If you do this for yourself, then take your photograph. Where you will perform such a ritual does not matter, the main thing is to create a secluded environment for yourself before performing it.

You will need 600 g of wax, which must be divided into three casting sessions - 200 g each. While heating the substance, you need to read a spell prayer. There should be no one in the room where the ritual will be performed except you or the victim. For Orthodox people they read orthodox prayers. One of the most powerful is the following:

“Lord Almighty, Blessed Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ and all the heavenly Saints, help to expel from the servant of God all the bad, evil and black that has accumulated in his soul, heart and body. Let the terrible damage come from him and leave him alone once and for all where it was inflicted. I hope and trust in your help. Amen".

To treat damage with wax from a photo, the prayer must be read three times:

  • the first session clears the brain nervous system;
  • the second rite removes negativity from the heart, circulatory system and other internal organs;
  • the third cleansing eliminates the negative impact on the genitourinary system and lower extremities.

    Such a ritual, carried out for three days in a row, gives instant results in complete cleansing of the negative program.


    Knowing what to do with wax and how to cast it correctly, you can protect yourself, your loved ones and your home from any magical influence. And if there is damage or the evil eye, quickly get rid of them. The most important thing is that any magical sacrament of pouring wax is not dangerous and quite effective.

The book presents one of the ways to remove negativity from yourself - wax casting. In our troubled times, about protecting yourself and your loved ones from negative impacts people think more and more often. Casting on wax is a method that our great-grandmothers used. Nowadays a lot has been written about this on the Internet. I tried to compile and systematize this information for you. This book is written for readers over 18 years of age.

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The given introductory fragment of the book Wax casting. Remove negativity from life yourself (Olga Zvezdinskaya) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

CHAPTER 2. About the wax casting method

Why the method of casting a negative with wax? Pouring on wax has been used since ancient times by healers, hereditary folk healers and the so-called “grandmothers”. Previously, in the absence of proper medical care, everyone went to the “grandmother” - a healer who, excellently using this method, removed all the negativity, and also removed illnesses from a person, fears, fears, stuttering in children, intestinal infections, poisoning, flu, energy disorders, nervous disorders, fears, stress, melancholy, blues. In addition, the casting serves as a shield, repelling all attacks from the outside.

With the proper desire and certain skills, this method can be used by any person or loved ones of a sick person, if it is not possible to turn to a professional healer.

Wax casting can be done on yourself or on another person, using a photograph. You can do a general diagnostic test or separately for each chakra.

IMPORTANT! Casting another person (relative) is possible only with his CONSENT!!! Grandmothers said: “Good is what is done on time, when you were asked for it and when it does not deprive you of your own freedom. Evil is what is done at the wrong time, when you are not asked for it and when it deprives you of responsibility for the freedom and life of one of the people.”

If the work is carried out with the consent of a third party: you should not expect drastic changes from individuals with a bad character, despite the fact that their shell is cleared, they can show their true face, which should not surprise you.

The casting collects the negativity present on the person. This is a serious test for the cast. That is why it is not recommended to do more than 3 castings per day. Not only the one being cast loses strength, but also the one casting.

Children under one year old have very weak energy, so castings are not recommended for them.

Children under 2 years old can have one casting per month, but no more than three months in a row.

Children 8-10 years old can have three castings at a time, 3 times a week.

Of course, this method does not replace the traditional medical care, if you feel unwell, then you need to go to the doctor, take pills, do the procedures prescribed by the doctor. But why not at the same time help yourself and your loved ones with wax casting. One definitely won’t interfere with the other, especially since the method is quite simple to implement, does not require “seven spans of brains” and can easily be implemented in a city apartment or in a country house. Even if the problem is not completely eliminated - this depends on the experience of the person making the casting - then at least the influence can be greatly reduced. The only condition for this method is faith in own strength and a well-developed imagination!

A few words about working for complete strangers. I STRONGLY DO NOT ADVISE YOU TO DO THIS AND GET INVOLVED IN IT! This book is intended to help yourself and your family! No more! Despite any protection, you can attach someone else’s negativity and karmic debts to yourself!

You work with energies and casting wax uses quite a lot of your personal energy. And since you don’t know why a stranger to you got into such a situation or why he has this particular disease, it may turn out like this - the person violated the Higher laws, his Higher powers (God) punish and limit (illness is limitations), and you have decided to abolish these restrictions and punishments. That is, you begin to compete with God on your own. Who do you think will win? I assure you, you will lose in any case, believe me.

There is no need to save the whole world, there is not enough strength))). Save yourself - that's more than enough.

In any case, if you make the decision to work with strangers, I want you to understand the full responsibility of the step you take.

I warned you.....

Required Tools

You will need things that are not at all complicated and not expensive, which are better to buy separately only for wax casting (buy without haggling, it’s better to “go”), since they can no longer be used for food at all and never:

A Turk with a wide neck, or a small ladle, or a deep ladle. You will melt the wax in this container. The wax needs to be melted over an open fire; some sources say that it is better to melt the wax in a water bath, but as experience shows, this is not at all necessary. Why open fire? It is believed that in this method it is necessary to use only natural materials and elements - water, fire, wind (when reading a wax and water spell, it is advisable that your breath touch the surface). Therefore, an open fire is needed. This is not difficult for those who live in apartments and houses with gas, but it is more difficult for those who have an electric stove. Of course, you can light a candle and hold a ladle or Turk over it, but this will be a very long process.

I believe that if there is a situation where there is no open fire, then there will be nothing terrible if you melt the wax on electric stove. The main thing is your intention to help yourself and your loved ones.

You will also need a bowl or bowl into which you will pour water and subsequently pour the melted wax into the water. The cup can be any, I believe that it must be chosen with the heart. And of course she must be from natural materials, not made of plastic. Each master prefers his own material, for example, some prefer glass, others stainless steel, and often work with crystal salad bowls. In fact, it doesn't matter. Personally, I think that glass and crystal bowls and bowls are very heavy on their own, and when water is poured into them, they become completely heavy. Imagine that you need to cast wax on a child and he will have to hold this weight above his head. Therefore, choose with your heart - whichever one you like, buy that one, and the size will also depend on the amount of wax that you plan to pour out in one casting. It is necessary that the amount of wax does not exceed the amount of water in the bowl.

You will also need a knife without serrations, i.e. the blade should be solid and with a wooden, preferably black handle. If you can’t find one with a wooden and black handle, then you can paint the handle of the knife black with nail polish))). I don’t know why the handle should be black, the method is passed down from mouth to mouth and it is customary for the knife to be exactly like that. We will need a knife to detach the wax from the walls of the bowl, and it can also be used when casting wax through a knife.

You will need natural wax in a piece (sold in stores - the "Honey" department, if you live in Moscow and the Moscow region, you can buy wax candles of any size in Sofrino stores. You can also buy them at the market where honey is sold) or wax candles, which need to be broken and the wicks removed.

You will need a sheet of paper, a rag, a tray or a special plate on which you will place the finished castings for drying and viewing.

The photo must be used in full length. The age of the photo is whatever you find, but it was taken no more than 10-15 years ago for an adult. The photo should be single, without other people, trees, cars and motorcycles, without animals and without a crowd in the background. If you make castings for yourself, then accordingly, put your own photo.

You can place icons and candles in front of them. And you can only use conspiracies to remove various negatives and no icons. Wax works great on its own.

When can you make wax castings?

Wax castings can be made regardless of the phase of the moon and day of the week. Perhaps someone will disagree with me, I am sharing only my opinion and my experience. It is clear that any damage is easier to remove on the waning moon, but in castings there is no prohibition on working on any day.

There are several prohibitions, I will give them in this book. They are generally accepted and can be followed. You cannot cast with wax:

End of introductory fragment.

To properly help your loved ones and not get hurt yourself, you need to study:

Castings- a fairly old method of removing negative programs. However, sometimes it is simply irreplaceable in the treatment of the evil eye, fright, and damage.

Now there are a lot of removal methods negative influence, essences. I often just use energy. And yet, often this ritual is necessary.

Castings are made using lead, tin, wax and other materials. We will talk about wax - the most accessible thing for us natural material, easy to use.

Wax has the ability to absorb negative programs, both other people's and your own. At the same time, the casting serves as a shield, repelling all attacks.

At the same time, the casting takes away the strength of the person: the one who heals and the patient himself. Therefore, it is advisable during treatment with castings to support yourself with prayers and necessarily spoken water or holy water.

What can be cured and removed in this way?

If you adhere to the rules I have given, you will be able to remove damage, the evil eye, fear, headaches of energy origin, nervousness, and neurosis.

I do not promise that you will be able to help yourself in any case with home casting. But often, if the situation is not neglected, then by doing everything diligently you can help yourself.

What you can’t remove with castings

Everything else that is not included in the first list. Plus - you cannot use castings to remove damage to death, damage done in a church, a cemetery and some others; intrauterine fright, psychosis, internal negativity is not always, or, more precisely, almost never removed by castings.


Be sure to wash your hands cold water to the elbow.

Repeat the procedure on the prescribed days until the casting from below becomes smooth; small and infrequent waves are possible (not frequent grooves).

A portion of wax is used per person until the negative is completely removed or until the wax begins to crumble.

When the process is completely completed or when the wax is saturated with negativity, then it is destroyed. How? Burn wax while reciting the Lord's Prayer or prayer the life-giving cross. They burn it on the ground in a hole and then cover it with earth.

How do I do it

I have two mugs for castings and, accordingly, two portions of wax. I place both mugs with wax on the tile. When the wax melts, I remove one mug from the heat and pour it from the other. When one casting has already cooled down, I remove it from melting in a mug, and pour another portion of already melted wax over the patient or over the photo. Saves a lot of time.

What additions can there be?

You can place a mirror at the bottom of a container of water to better reflect the energy strike.

The master also works energetically and mentally. If you can mentally push the disease out of the patient’s body, good. If you energetically push the disease towards recovery, that’s great. But you can do without it. If you yourself feel such strength within yourself, then you yourself will understand how to act.

The casting will not be completely smooth: the grooves reflect more or less deep feelings. Lumps are bad.

How to help yourself

Wax casting. Wax fencing

Wax casting is the most accessible method of helping yourself, cleaning your energy from foreign influences. What can you remove when casting yourself on wax? Energy information influences: Damage, evil eye, fear, and - energy disorders, nervous disorders, stress, unless the situation turns into depression, which lasts several years, and does not develop into a serious mental illness.

It is difficult to remove with castings: damage to death, damage done in a church, in a cemetery, intrauterine fright, an oath, the crown of celibacy - they are almost never removed by castings. Because these types of energy-informational influences imply the Knowledge and experience with which they were induced on a person. Consequently, without special training and qualifications, it is difficult for an inexperienced person to remove them. To do this, you need to know the nature of these influences, the ability of inner vision and experience.

There are many methods for removing external negativity. Let's talk about casting on wax. This method is very suitable for beginners who want to help themselves.

This cross fills our Soul, Spirit and Body with the vital Force of the Almighty, that energy (REIKI, PRANA, KI, CHI - whoever used to call it) with which our entire Universe is saturated. If there are negative changes in any of a person’s subtle bodies, then these changes will necessarily affect all subtle bodies and, of course, the physical body.

Wax - living matter, when solidified, tends to restore its inherent shape of the arrangement of molecules - a hexagon.
Water is an informationally mobile substance, capable of receiving and transmitting any information. Naturally, the information that is carried by the subtle bodies of a person.
When molten wax is poured into water, it receives information from the water, or more precisely, from the subtle bodies of a person through water. Most often the astral and etheric bodies. When the wax is melted again, it loses this information and it evaporates. If you read conspiracies, prayers or mantras while the wax is melting, then negative information is destroyed.

What you need: wax (50-100 grams), dishes for wax, dishes for a water bath, an oven mitt, your photo, a glass of water that will stand in the photo, texts with spells, mantras, prayers.

Before starting work and at the end of it, we praise the Gods:




Place the wax in an enamel bowl and place it on water bath. Place a glass of water in the photo. When the wax melts, pour it slowly into the water in the glass that is in your photo. You recite a mantra, a prayer (of any religion, who is closer to whom, who is used to praying to whom) on wax, and read those prayers. For example, in Christianity strong prayers from the negative: Archangel Michael, the Life-Giving Cross and Psalm 90), conspiracy (from the negative) - who likes what.
I always read this hymn to Perun, it helps a lot.

Perun! To those who call upon You, be Glorious and Trislavic! Give the goodness of Svarga and Peace to the entire Holy Race, and the awakening of the Spirit, to the children, show Perun!

And to enhance it we add:Glorifying the race, rule over all, so that Spiritual darkness may disappear! So be it, so be it, so be it! And we draw Malaya Perunitsa (⚡) over the wax. You can read any of the ancient Russian prayers.

I also propose this conspiracy:

Come out, unclean spirit, from (name). From the head, from the hands, from the stomach, from the intestines, from the heart, from the stomach, from the liver, from the greens, from the spleen, from the uterus ("from the womb" is read for a woman), from the ovaries, from the bladder, from the whole body. Go, pain, to where the grass does not grow, where the wind does not blow, where the sun does not warm. Go to the abyss, to the bottom! So be it, for so it will be!

When the wax has hardened, turn it over and examine it. This is an art that comes with experience. For beginners, I suggest it be simpler: cast yourself until you see the casting is even. If you are interested in the details of what the casting wants to tell you, you can order casting diagnostics from us.

General interpretations are something like this:

Cones, grape bunches - damage. Waves, bubbles- fear, stress, anxiety, heart disease. Squares and triangles - oath, spell. Different faces- settlement, possession. Various symbols similar to genitals (mostly male) - love spell. Otherwise, the different figures mean the same as the images described in the article “archetypes”.

You can make from 1 to 9 castings at a time, each time moving it along the chakras. And so many days until the casting from below and above is smooth. Do this procedure on a waning moon.

Wax can be used for healing as many times as needed. This means that after each session it is enough to simply melt it down and store it somewhere away from strangers until the next one. After the final healing (when the wax is completely clean), the wax must be melted down for the last time and thrown into the river, or better yet, burned or buried in the ground. After the session we pour the water down the drain with the words:

“Mother Water, take away all my illnesses, sorrows, everything superficial, cross-talk. So be it, for so it will be!”, “The Good Spirit - to the Earth, the Evil Spirit - Under the Earth!”

At the end of the work we set protection against the penetration of negativity :

My father, Rod! You are the God of Gods. Take me under your wing. Let no one stop me from living and working in Your Name. You are Perfect, and I am improving my Love for You, for I know that Love and justice are the most powerful protection from all evil. I thank You, my Father, for caring for me and my family. Ohm.

Important: copy this protective prayer from the website by hand onto paper. The Teacher gave it to me in handwritten form.

And we read the charm charm:The ocean-sea cannot be bypassed, the white Alatyr-stone cannot be turned aside, the child of God (name) cannot be condemned, neither the sorceress nor the sorceress can be disgraced.

Important: after the ritual, we be sure to wash our hands, for as Perun’s commandment says: “Wash your hands after your deeds, for whoever does not wash his hands loses the power of God.”

About face-to-face session castings to humans. I took a leak in person. People sometimes come with SO much negativity that one time my mug with wax escaped from my hands (that’s how the entity came out, or rather, didn’t want to come out) and poured all over a woman’s dress. It literally knocks out the evil spirits that reside in a person. It’s good that boiling wax wasn’t doused on my head.
Therefore, I found such a way out for myself. A person comes, I sit him down, he sits with his eyes closed, observes the sensations, colors before his eyes, images and reports to me about this, and at this time I cast him according to his own photo, which I put next to him. That is, the person needs to be told to bring the photo with him. You don’t have to clarify or tell him the details. Just sit him down, let him close his eyes, and do the work yourself.

About waning moon many questions come. The outgoing era (before 2000) was lunar, Kali Yuga (Fox), so they were guided by the moon and everything had to be observed. Failure to comply with the rules threatened the exact opposite result. But now the era of LIGHT (Satya Yuga, Age of the Wolf) has begun and, in principle, it is possible to cast without taking into account the position of the moon (if it is very urgent!).

But beginners should still follow all the original rules.

Also, after cleansing, it is necessary to carry out harmonization ( Reiki It helps a lot with this), filling the space vacated by the negative program with something light, so that the old one does not return. Be sure to change your lifestyle, thoughts, habits.

When should you not use wax?

On the waxing moon.
Women during menstruation.
During pregnancy or breastfeeding.
If you are unwell or unwell.
If you are in a bad mood.
Casting should not be performed on children under one year of age.

You can only take pictures of yourself and close relatives (wife, husband, child, mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, groom, bride) and ONLY AT THEIR REQUEST.
For complete strangers, this work is done by a person experienced in this matter for a certain payment. Otherwise, you can attach other people’s negativity and karmic debts to yourself.

The best protection is your transparency, where there is nothing to cling to. And work on yourself and with yourself. Please, for this we have prepared a whole section for you - Practical techniques for working with yourself. Also visit the page on self-knowledge. Dare, work, everything is in your hands. If you can’t cope, ask for help, we’ll help you remove the negativity. Wax takes away exactly what a person is ready to part with, rethink, change. The casting calms, relaxes the nervous system and body, helps to realize and change your life. Registration for waxing by email

Please take a look at the page where we have collected all your questions about castings and published them, in case there is an answer to your question.

With love to you, dear people!