Is it profitable to grow tulips for sale? Tulip growing business

To be honest - year-round growing tulips for sale is not a super profitable business. But such a business can also bring profit. And during the season, for example, by March 8, earnings increase by an order of magnitude. So how to properly organize profitable business for growing tulips for sale? Using the technology of forcing cut flowers! How and what is this process? Answers to all questions in this article!

Tulip- perennial bulbous plant. There are more than 80 modern species of these flowers in the world. In the natural environment, the development of a tulip takes from three to seven years. During this time, the seed turns into a flowering plant. beautiful flower. Under cultivation conditions, there is a way to force a tulip - from bulb to flower - in a few months. This will be the basis of this business idea.

In our country, the tulip is an irreplaceable and main symbol of the awakening of nature - spring, beauty and tenderness. It's a rare girl who will refuse tulips given to her! Here and there, like snowdrops, on early spring holidays - February 14 and March 8— there are cars on the roads with banners advertising — “ tulips for the holiday" These are typical private traders involved in the technology of forcing tulips, or simply resell finished products. The forcing technology is not so much complicated as it is demanding in terms of start time. And yet, judging by the increasing number of such offers, one can judge that the flower business is thriving.

It would not be surprising if some of these merchants spotted a business idea on the site. That is, exactly what you are reading now. Do you know what we're talking about?

Legal form of organizing the cultivation of tulips for sale

We will talk about organizing such a business in Russia. Any activity aimed at making a profit falls under the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

According to paragraph 13 of Article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, income from the sale of crop products grown on private farms is not subject to taxes. Also, according to this article, it is not necessary to register your activities as an individual entrepreneur.

To fall under this clause, you must fulfill a number of conditions, one of them is to obtain a certificate from local authority self-government that you grow flowers on your plot without hiring hired force. This will exempt you from paying taxes, which means it removes unnecessary expenses from you. You can read more details in Article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Selecting seed material. Secrets of growing tulips by pasture for cutting

Even though the tulip perennial and the flowering period of a plant from one bulb reaches several years, it is worth noting that the technology of forcing tulips reduces the waiting period to several months.

The disadvantage of the technology is that it does not involve repeated use of the bulb. Because driving out tulips weakens the plant so much that it loses the ability to form a new bulb, and therefore cannot germinate next year. Therefore, to force tulips, you will have to purchase new seed every year..

Tulips are grown from “extra” bulbs with a diameter of about 3.5 cm (the circumference or caliber of the bulb is 11-12 cm). Bulbs of a smaller caliber lose the plant's ability to force; bulbs of a much larger caliber are not suitable for a busy forcing schedule.

The wholesale cost of bulbs is 10-15 rubles per piece. All seed must be purchased before the end of September, this will allow you to grow flowering tulips for cutting by the beginning of March, when the sale of finished plants is maximum.

The most unpretentious varieties of tulips suitable for home business on forcing - hybrids - Eric Hofsier, Forgotten Dreams, Gesner, Parade.

Plants of these varieties, with proper care, bloom simultaneously, on time. Therefore, there will be no unpleasant surprises, such as the flowers did not have time to germinate. Of course, if you follow the forcing technology.

Business secrets for forcing cut tulips

To shift the natural timing of flowering of tulips, several proven methods of forcing are used.

To shift the flowering of plants to February-March, forcing technology is used with pre-cooling the tulip bulb.

In mid-September, the bulbs are placed in a ventilated cellar, where the bulbs “go through” the winter development cycle - storage must be carried out in the dark at a temperature of +9°C and a humidity of 85%, for no more than 14-20 weeks. The duration of storage in the cellar depends on the variety of tulips. The timing is usually indicated on the packaging or communicated by the seller of the bulbs.

Further planting of tulip bulbs is carried out in thermos greenhouses in mid-November - such tulips begin to bloom in mid-February of the following year.

The first two to three weeks of forcing tulips in the greenhouse maintain a temperature of +5...+9°C, and with the appearance of green shoots the temperature is gradually raised to +15°C; temperatures above +18°C for tulips are unacceptable. Plants in warm conditions “slow down” their development.

During the growth period, tulips are regularly watered. Maintain high humidity in the greenhouse. Illumination at ground level should be at least 3500 lux with natural light, or 700 lux with 24-hour artificial lighting.

An alternative technology for forcing tulips by February-March - forcing in boxes. The bulbs are planted in boxes, placed in a cellar with a temperature of +9°C (or an insulated trench is arranged outside). In December, the boxes are transferred to greenhouses, where the above steps are repeated.

To shift the flowering of tulips to December, the bulbs are placed in the refrigerator in August, where they are stored at a temperature of +2...+5°C. Subsequently, forcing is carried out using the technology described above, 3-4 weeks before flowering.

Video - circuit diagram forcing tulips in a greenhouse for sale

Fertilizers, soil and arrangement of greenhouses and premises for forcing are selected individually, depending on you and your place of residence.

You can find a lot of advice on all issues on thematic sites, forums and in social networks. Moreover, when purchasing bulbs, the seller will tell you exactly how to grow the purchased variety. Because different varieties require different conditions - winter cycle, forcing conditions, etc.

How much can you earn from growing tulips using the forcing method?

To calculate our business, let’s take a batch of 1000 tulip bulbs. Accordingly, the cost of these bulbs will be 10-15 thousand rubles.

We will use the method of forcing in boxes, this will save space. One box holds 50 bulbs. Accordingly, for our quantity of tulip seed material, 20 boxes are needed. The cost of 20 boxes will not exceed 2,000 rubles.

Soil, auxiliary equipment, etc. cost approximately another 2,000 rubles.

The energy required to grow tulips - water, electricity and heating - is another approximately 1-2 thousand rubles per season.

In total, the total costs, including capital costs, are - 21,000 rubles.

The wholesale cost of one flower starts from 40 rubles. Even with such, frankly speaking, a small cost - at the end of a batch of 1000 flowers, we will get - 40,000 rubles. If you sell it yourself from a car, even for 60 rubles - 60,000 rubles. Although in season, good (not small and bright) tulips cost 100-200 rubles per flower. Or from 400 rubles for a bouquet of small 3-5 flowers.

Thus, the theoretical profit from independently selling 1000 large flowers can reach up to 200,000 rubles. When selling in bouquets (5 small tulips in a bouquet) - 80,000 rubles.

The net profit for the wholesale sale of 1000 tulips grown by forcing is 19,000 rubles. Not a super profitable business, as was written above. However, this business has a number of advantages:

  • Forcing tulips can be done by one person;
  • Labor costs for this business are minimal and can be combined with any other activity;
  • Capital costs are guaranteed to pay off within 1 season;
  • An increase in the number of tulips grown does not lead to a significant increase in costs. Thus, doubling the number of bulbs grown leads to an increase in the cost of energy (water, electricity, heat) by only 50%;
  • Such a business can easily be redirected to growing other flowers and plants, depending on the season and market demand. And then forcing tulips will be an additional income, for example, strawberries grow very well in such greenhouses, after tulips.

Tulips are beautiful spring flowers that are among the first to awaken. This feature of this plant could not go unnoticed by businessmen. In this article we will look at tulips, their cultivation and proper care behind these beautiful flowers so that they have a marketable appearance and make a profit. Growing and care can be done using two technologies: open ground and in the greenhouse (forcing).

  • Technology of growing tulips for bulbs and for cutting in open ground
  • Growing tulips in a greenhouse
  • How to start a tulip growing business
  • How much can you earn
  • Start-up capital to start a business
  • What equipment to choose for growing tulips
  • OKVED for business registration
  • Documentation for starting a business
  • Which taxation system to choose for business registration
  • Do I need permission to open?

Beautiful, marketable flowers are obtained if you pay attention to three factors that influence the result:

  1. Selection of bulbs;
  2. Soil preparation;
  3. Good place for plants.

Technology of growing tulips for bulbs and for cutting in open ground

Bulbs are planted in the fall: approximately late September - early October. Before the soil freezes, the plants have time to take root. Growing tulips in open ground is carried out in an area that is protected from strong winds and well lit by the sun. This way the color of the flowers will be brighter and their stems will not stretch. If water stagnates in the area, the bulbs may rot, so the area should be level.

Fertilizers are added to the ground when digging. For 1 sq.m. approximately you will need:

  • Manure (rotted) or compost – 20 kg;
  • Wood ash – 0.2 kg;
  • Flour (dolomite) or chalk – 0.5 kg;
  • Superphosphate (double dose) 0.05 kg;
  • Potash fertilizers – 0.03 kg;
  • Ammonium nitrate – 0.025 kg;

This complex can be replaced with nitrophoska at the rate of 0.1 kg per 1 sq. m or special fertilizers for tulips.

Immediately before planting, the bulbs need to be treated with a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate. Different varieties always planted in separate beds. Typically, bulbs take root within a month at a soil temperature of 5-7 degrees. The planting material is deepened into the ground to such a depth that it is 3 times the diameter of the planting material itself. The distance between plants also depends on its size. On average, this is 10 cm, and between the rows is about 25 cm. Tulips are usually placed in the amount of 50 pieces per square meter. When planting bulbs, you do not need to make any effort to avoid damaging the root area. After finishing the work, the area is leveled.

In the spring, after the plants have sprouted, cultivation and care involves inspecting the beds to identify diseased bulbs. They need to be dug up and destroyed.

Water the tulips in the furrows made between the rows. A lot of water is needed so that it wets the layer of soil with roots. There is no need to water the flowers on top of the leaves. This will lead to sunburn. The average amount of water is 10-40 liters per 1 sq.m. The famous Dutch tulips in their homeland are nourished by artificially increasing groundwater. Such cultivation and care guarantee abundant flowering and healthy planting material.

Growing tulips in open ground and additional care involves loosening and weeding the beds. In spring, three plant feedings are carried out:

  1. when the plants reach a height of 6 cm,
  2. closer to budding,
  3. ten days after the second feeding.

If plants are grown for the purpose of obtaining bulbs as a commodity, then after flowering the flower itself is removed from them, and the stem remains in place. This method allows you to correctly determine the variety and allow the formation of a strong, healthy bulb. From June to July, tulips are dug up, dried and stored. This procedure can be avoided for two to three years.

Growing tulips in a greenhouse

Growing and caring for flowers in a greenhouse is also called forcing. If agricultural technology for cultivation in open ground does not provide for additional equipment, then early flowering requires the arrangement of a greenhouse. For this you will need:

  • Polycarbonate greenhouse installed on the site;
  • Irrigation and temperature control systems:
  • Additional lighting;
  • Refrigeration chambers.

The last piece of equipment is needed to cool the tulips to 5-9 degrees before planting. Power heating devices should allow maintaining the temperature at 18 degrees.

It is better to purchase bulbs from specialized farms, taking into account the fact that about 3% of planting material is rejected. Such results are quite acceptable for high-quality bulbs. Care and cultivation in flower farms, as a rule, is carried out at the proper level. Red tulips are the most popular. You can also plant white, yellow and lilac, which have become popular in last years. Over time, planting material can be grown independently. This is done only in open ground using the technology described above.

The beds are made from a mixture of peat and sand. Before planting plants, the soil must be disinfected. Growing tulips in a greenhouse can be done in two ways: Dutch and traditional.

Routine care includes preliminary germination bulbs in the sand outside the greenhouse. The temperature does not exceed 12 degrees, and the place must be dark. When the plant reaches a height of 10 cm, it is planted in a greenhouse. The temperature is gradually increased, bringing it from 14 to 18 C. Using the temperature difference, you can regulate the flowering time, thereby selecting the most profitable time for sale.

Dutch technology requires longer and stricter exposure of the bulbs in the cold. In general, planting material is kept in refrigerated chambers for 34 weeks. At first the temperature is 5, and then it is increased to 9 C. It is important that the humidity in the chambers should be close to 100%. To achieve this, daily care includes spraying them with water.

After planting in a greenhouse, the temperature is sharply increased to 18 C. With this technology, tulips can be cut already at the stage of half-colored buds. Experts also recommend pulling out plants along with the bulbs, this way they last longer. Before sale, flowers are stored in a dark room. Observing this technology forcing, you can achieve spring flowers by March 8 or February 14.

The average cost of growing one plant is about 20 rubles, while the price of tulips is in the range holidays can start from 70 rubles. The benefits of this type of business are obvious.

How to start a tulip growing business

If you decide to organize a business activity for breeding and growing tulips in greenhouses, then this process should be approached very responsibly. First of all, you must decide on the varieties of tulips that you want to grow. After this, you need to begin choosing the location where the greenhouses will be installed. Once you find such a place and have fully equipped the greenhouses, you can start planting flowers. But before this, you must officially register your activities.

How much can you earn

When calculating future earnings that can be obtained from selling flowers such as tulips, you must first take into account the fact that this is a seasonal flower. On average, for one tulip at the market you can ask for 40-50 rubles in the season, and not 80-90 rubles in the season. But at the same time, on holidays, especially on March 8th, the price for one flower is 100-120 rubles. Your earnings will depend directly on how many flowers you can sell. If you can establish wholesale sales, your earnings can increase several times.

Start-up capital to start a business

The starting capital should be about 250 thousand rubles. This money will be enough to purchase planting material, arrange greenhouses, purchase additional fertilizers and other important elements that are required to implement this type of business.

What equipment to choose for growing tulips

An equally important role in the implementation of this type of business is assigned to the acquisition of special equipment. In order for you to have the opportunity to grow these flowers in any season, you must take care of arranging greenhouses. Since tulip bulbs are often cooled before planting in the ground, you need to purchase special freezers. An equally important role is given to the watering and heating system, which is very important for the growth of any flowers. To ensure the temperature is as optimal as possible, you should buy a batch of fans.

OKVED for business registration

Registration of a business for growing tulips occurs under the OKVED code 01.19.21 - the process of growing vegetation in the ground.

Documentation for starting a business

Registration of tulip growing activities is not possible without the following important documents:

  • Registration of individual entrepreneurs.
  • Personal information about the entrepreneur.
  • Statement from the owner with a stamp and signature of a notary.
  • Payment of state duty.

Which taxation system to choose for business registration

Among all possible options for taxation systems, the best one in this case would be a system where a single agricultural tax is paid. Interest rate while it is 9%.

Do I need permission to open?

Flower growing businesses are not subject to special licensing. Therefore, you can engage in this type of activity regardless of the availability of various certificates.

Tulips in a polycarbonate greenhouse: forcing technology

How to grow tulips in your greenhouse, what nuances need to be taken into account - read our article. We reveal the secrets of success for flower growers.

Collecting gorgeous armfuls of bouquets of tulips in your greenhouse is the dream of every gardener. This is not an easy task, but it is quite feasible. These flowers are very light-loving, however, when using artificial lighting, growing tulips in a greenhouse will be effective even in the winter months. All we need is patience, a few tricks and, of course, luck.

If you follow the laws of nature and skillfully use forcing techniques, then by May your flower greenhouses will be fragrant with the subtle sweet aromas of tulips of all colors. And since tulips are a very common and beloved flower, forcing tulips in a greenhouse can be a good help for the family budget - they sell out very quickly.

How to store bulbs

You can collect the bulbs yourself if you already have these wonderful flowers growing in your dacha or flower bed in the open ground. Or you can purchase already prepared tulip bulbs in specialized stores - the choice is yours.

Be that as it may, the bulbs need to be placed in ventilated boxes (it is better if they have a mesh bottom) and be patient. The bulbs should remain in this form until the pistils with 3 tubercles hatch. This phenomenon is a signal that our bulbs are ripe and ready for cooling before planting. After all, without cooling, growing tulips in a greenhouse will not be successful - the plants simply will not bloom. Therefore, we place our boxes with bulbs in a refrigerated room (you can do this directly in the greenhouse if you have a thermostat). Humidity must be sufficient during this period, otherwise the bulbs will dry out.

With the appearance of sprouts 9 cm long, you can prepare to force tulips in the greenhouse. Before growing tulips in a greenhouse, the bulbs must be treated with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. A decoction of celandine is also suitable for these purposes. As a last resort, you can simply hold the tulip bulbs in hot water. These measures are necessary to destroy putrefactive bacteria that may have settled on our bulbs during cooling.

When to plant

You can start forcing tulips in a greenhouse from the end of August to November. The month of planting depends on the desired cutting time. If you want to receive early forcing, August-September are suitable for planting; if you plant in October, you will get an average forcing - the tulips in the greenhouse will begin to bloom by the December holidays. And if you want fragrant bouquets by February-March, you need to plant the bulbs in November.

When your bulbs take root in the soil, the humidity should be high. To do this, not only the soil itself is regularly watered, but also the floors and walls in the greenhouse, and the plants themselves are also sprayed with water once a day. To keep flower stems strong, water the soil with calcium nitrate 2-3 times.

Also consider this point: tulips in a greenhouse will bloom in three weeks. This will happen if the sprouts have reached the required length described above. If the sprouts are still short, cover the seedlings with black film to make them grow faster.


There are two more ways to regulate the moment your tulips bloom in a greenhouse. If you want to force things a little and speed up the process, spray the plants twice a day warm water. If, on the contrary, you want to delay flowering, lower the temperature in the flower greenhouse by 2-3 degrees, no more.

If you do everything correctly, you will be guaranteed a fragrant flower garden. Love your flowers, take care of them, and they will answer you with an abundance of colors, strong stems and large buds.

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Cucumbers in a greenhouse: everything a gardener needs to know

Cucumbers are rightfully considered one of the most popular vegetable crops along with tomatoes and potatoes. Therefore, most often in our country you can see this vegetable in greenhouses. Is it possible to influence the yield of this crop in order to avoid diseases? - Can!

Growing flowers is pure pleasure: aesthetic pleasure, light work and interesting experiments in breeding new beautiful hybrids. And the most unpretentious in this regard - bulb culture, which has thousands of varieties and types, and which invariably enjoys success during the most important holidays of the country. Do you dream of mastering the cultivation of tulips in a greenhouse on your own site? It’s not difficult - now we’ll look at all the subtleties and nuances of this business. Even the Russian State Agrarian University is preparing Dutch beauties for March 8. K.A. Timiryazev. They strive for the following result: beauty, maximum yield for a certain number of planted bulbs and long-term storage after cutting. And from this point of view, new varieties are selected, old ones are crossed and unusual hybrids are developed. Try it too – it’s an interesting and profitable hobby!

Which variety should I choose?

The most popular variety when grown in greenhouse conditions is “Strong” - these grow tall, strong and bright yellow. The varieties “Barcelona”, “Prior” and “Rol Virgin” also turn out quite beautiful. But terry tulips are especially in demand.

Where can I get bulbs?

For a long time now, flowers have been growing in greenhouses only from Dutch bulbs - producing your own in Russia is both labor-intensive and not profitable. You can order Dutch bulbs via the Internet - and they arrive in our country via railway. In Soviet times, however, such a supply could be made from the Baltic states, but today only the Rostov region is engaged in such business in Russia, which does not yet provide the required assortment for large flower greenhouses. At the same time, they are grown both in America and New Zealand, but only in Holland have world auctions been concentrated for many decades, from where the bulbs and the flowers themselves end up in various parts of the world. Moreover, tulips in this country are very cheap - but transporting them to Russia is extremely problematic due to inconvenient transportation: only exclusive hard varieties survive.

We are planning plantings - what should we take into account?

When drawing up a forcing plan, take the time of passage of the cold period as a basis. Calculate everything like this: from the desired flowering date, you need to subtract the number of weeks in the greenhouse itself, and the weeks of the cold period, when the plants will be treated at low temperatures. So you will get the landing date - i.e. the beginning of the cold period. They also do this: they plant the bulbs in November, and when the shoots reach the required length, they place their pots in another room, where the temperature is from -1°C to 1°C.

Usually flowers are planted already in the first days of January - in special 60x40 boxes, where all 80 bulbs fit. Four of these occupy an area of ​​one square meter, and on it you will grow about 320 pieces. But in order to prepare the required number of flowers for women's day, bulbous plants need to be planted in November - then by the end of February they will just bloom their first flowers.

On average, it will take you up to 17 weeks to grow - the period depends on the chosen variety and how close to the onset of warmer weather you started doing all this.

How to prepare the soil and adjust the thermal regime?

Tulips are traditionally grown in a mixture of sawdust and sand. About 10 cm of such soil is placed in boxes, bulbs are planted and covered with a five-centimeter layer of sand - this is the only way to save yourself from the common penicillin mold, but buying infected bulbs is not a problem. Also, the layer of sand itself helps to collect flowers later - the cutting will be clean and you won’t have to wash it additionally.

By the way, this species is quite resistant to nutritional deficiencies, and therefore mineral fertilizers or vermicompost are not always applied to greenhouse soil. But you will have to take care of good drainage - otherwise the bulbs will begin to rot. In this regard, well-structured soil material is also suitable. It is advisable to heat the greenhouse soil for growing Dutch beauties at 80 degrees and additionally treat it with a fungicide.

The boxes must first be kept at a temperature of 9°C for two weeks, and then placed in a greenhouse with good lighting and high temperature. Within a month, buds will appear, and by playing with the temperature, you can “adjust” their development to the day you need - March 8 or May 9.

Ideal indoor conditions are 16-20°C temperature and 75% relative humidity. It is important that all this is the same in all parts of the greenhouse, so install fans immediately. Already at the beginning of March, the temperature in the greenhouse should be maintained at about 18°C ​​- tulips are quite thermophilic. By the way, they are grown in pots in order to have flowers throughout the winter, and the bulbs are planted at any time.

What is a cooling-off period and why is it needed?

A relatively short cold period and bright lighting will help to grow such flowers. As soon as the cold period ends, place the pots with bulbs in the greenhouse. There must be enough light in it - this is a prerequisite. Once placed, water well and always try to keep the soil moist. But only in wet conditions - with a deficiency or excess, the work of the roots will deteriorate significantly, and the flower may dry out. By the way, you can cool the bulbs in a regular home refrigerator - just dry them well first.

The cooling period is very important - this is the key to high similarity.

How to care for growing flowers?

It's not so difficult here:

  • Step 1. Set the optimal temperature for planting tulips - this is 9-10°C.
  • Step 2. Before planting the bulbs, carefully free their bottoms from scales so that shoots appear earlier.
  • Step 3. Plant the bulbs quite densely - 350 bulbs per square meter.
  • Step 4. After planting, water, but do not flood.
  • Step 5. Two weeks after forcing, begin to gradually increase the temperature to 16°C.
  • Step 6. Carefully inspect the plants - if you still find infected ones, despite pre-treatment soil, then pull it out of the ground.
  • Step 7 When most of the plants reach 10 cm in height, remove ungerminated specimens from the soil so that the bulbs do not rot and spread this process to other flowers.
  • Step 8 Be sure to harvest before the flowers open.

And finally, strictly control air humidity - its excess leads to a decrease in turgor in plant cells, causing them to simply wither. Moreover, the same symptom can also serve as a sign of dry soil.

How to harvest tulips correctly?

At the beginning of March, you will need to start removing the flowers: simply pull the flowers with green buds out of the ground, shake them off and put them back in the box. But only vertically - if you place them, the buds will stretch upward, the stems will immediately bend and the bouquet will then be the same.

Store cut or plucked flowers in a well-ventilated area at a temperature of 2-3°C. But when you start to form bouquets for sale, gradually increase the temperature, and do the pruning itself under running water. You can also put ripe flowers in boxes - this way they will not lose their presentation for another month if the room temperature is +2-3°C. True, experienced flower sellers do not reach this level. Remember that cutting itself is dangerous due to the risk of subsequent introduction of bacteria and fungi.

Carry out all harvesting operations in a cool room - where the temperature does not exceed +12°C. This is the only way the cutting will be of high quality. Tulips should be removed from the greenhouse early in the morning while their buds are still closed. You need to take the flowers along with the bulbs, sort them and put them in boxes. And then the boxes themselves will be taken from you by flower shops or merchants. There they will cut the bulbs - although some still sell the Dutch in this form: people then put them directly with their roots in water, and they delight their households with their pleasant aroma for several days. Although there is an opinion from experienced workers: the bulbs need to be cut at the beginning of the day, and only then put in water. By noon the flower will bloom, but the bulb can cause it to simply wither.

As one millionaire once said, “make your hobby profitable - and never work again!” Growing tulips for sale is just the kind of activity that is interesting to tinker with, and then to receive large amounts of revenue on such “diamond days” as March 8th. And each owner of such a greenhouse has his own technology. These are their own secrets of choosing varieties, their own subtleties of planting and temperature conditions. So, over time, you will have your own secrets of successful breeding!

​Similar articles​

The technology for forcing tulips involves planting them in pre-disinfected boxes, pots and other containers while simultaneously disinfecting the bulbs themselves. To do this, you can use a dark solution of potassium permanganate or a special preparation Maxim.​

​In September, the bulbs are planted quite densely in a container with pre-prepared soil. The container must have drainage holes. The depth of the container must be at least 25 cm.​

Preparatory stage

​To get blooming tulips by the beginning of March, the bulbs are planted in the greenhouse in early December. In containers with prepared soil, and the requirements for it are the same as for tulips planted in open ground, the bulbs are planted at a distance of 10 cm from each other. Planting depth - about 15 cm.

​To plant bulbs in a flower bed, make rows 18-20 cm deep. The distance between planted bulbs is 30 cm. Superphosphate is poured onto the bottom of the rows. The onions are laid out bottom down, lightly pressed into the soil and sprinkled with soil on top. If winters in your area are frosty, tulip plantings are mulched on top with peat or humus.​

The soil requires special preparation, since tulips grow best in a mixture of sand, soil and humus. To do this, take 40% humus and 30% each of earth and sand.​

​Quite easy to grow even for beginners, you just need to follow the special instructions. Since constant temperature is necessary for the full development of flowers, it is better to grow them in

Preparation of planting material

Cooling is a process that regulates shoot growth. It is characterized by the accumulation of gibberellins, which are responsible for stem development. The cooling period depends on factors such as bulb size, variety, and forcing date. The average time is considered to be from 16 to 22 weeks, during which the plant should take root and sprout a sprout 5-7 cm high with a bud hatching at the base. The temperature suitable for rooting is 7-9 degrees.​

Growing tulips in a greenhouse begins with planting the bulbs in small containers filled with substrate. It is not recommended to use manure or greenhouse soil for this purpose. The substrate must have the following qualities:​

From the end of July to the first days of August, the bulbs are dug out of the soil. During this period, the upper leaves of the tulips fade, and the lower ones acquire a yellowish tint. You can also determine the period when it is time to dig up the bulbs by the presence of brown scales on them. Flat-shaped bulbs are not suitable for forcing tulips in a greenhouse. The best option to obtain high-quality flowers - large, rounded bulbs.​

Growing tulips in a greenhouse can bring good income if you take into account all the nuances of forcing and create optimal conditions. These flowers are considered quite unpretentious.

​The bulbs are planted in the ground, cleared of covering scales, but care must be taken to ensure that the root roll, from which roots subsequently develop, is not damaged. It should be planted at such a depth that the crown of the bulb remains on the surface. There is no need to press the bulb forcefully into the soil, so as not to damage the root roll. The planted bulb is watered and put in a dark place with a temperature of 9-10 degrees above zero. After two months, the rooted bulbs are transferred to grow tulips in a polycarbonate greenhouse. For 10 days, the pots are at a temperature of +20-24 degrees, closed from sunlight and daylight. After this, the shelter is removed and the cultivation and forcing of tulips continues at a temperature of +18 degrees. With this regime, the plants will show their first flowers at the end of November.​

How to plant material

​The composition of the soil is the same as for growing tulips in a greenhouse. Water the soil occasionally. In late autumn, before frost sets in, the container with the planted bulbs is insulated by wrapping it in a blanket. In March, when severe frosts have passed, the shelter is removed and the soil is watered abundantly.

After planting, water the soil thoroughly. For rooting, boxes with bulbs must be kept at a temperature of 9 degrees for 4-5 months. It depends on the type of tulips and the date by which you need to receive the flowers. While the bulbs are cooling, they should be watered twice a week. They are brought into the greenhouse when the leaves reach 5 cm in length. Three weeks before the desired date, the temperature in the greenhouse must be raised to 18 degrees.​

​As soon as the snow begins to melt and the sharp tips of the tulip leaves begin to peck, to strengthen their “health” they do the first fertilizing with mineral fertilizers directly on the snow.​

​You need to plant the bulbs in threes, but in such a way that they do not touch. Top part The bulbs should stick out a little from the ground; there is no need to bury them completely. If you do this, the plant growth process will go much faster.


  1. ​After cutting, care should be taken to obtain planting material. Tulips are watered 2 times less until the plant completely withers. This is a process of vegetation with accelerated growth of the bulb. As soon as the leaves turn yellow, the bulbs are dug out of the soil, dried and stored. It is worth considering that this material Excellent for growing in open ground and not suitable for forcing in greenhouse conditions.​
  2. ​Classification of tulips.​
  3. In addition, depending on the size of the bulbs, they are differentiated into 2 types. The first cut, suitable for further forcing, includes a size exceeding 3.5 cm.​

​Depending on the period when you need to get blooming tulips, the timing of planting for forcing is also determined.

​As soon as sprouts appear, the plants are fertilized with complex fertilizer, as when grown in open ground. Containers with tulips are placed in partial shade so that the soil does not dry out too quickly.​

Sprout care

​For normal development of tulips in the greenhouse, it is necessary to maintain a high level of humidity. To do this, spray the floor and walls with water 2-3 times a week.​

Loosening the soil around the tulips is carried out very carefully so as not to damage either the bulb or the roots.

​The greenhouse must be equipped with a special temperature sensor that will regulate and control the temperature. It is necessary to maintain a constant temperature of 12 degrees; this is what is considered optimal for growing tulips in a greenhouse.​

​. Tulips can be propagated in three ways: seeds, traditional bulbs and children. Grow tulips in a greenhouse and delight your family and friends with the beauty of these delicate flowers not only in spring and summer, but also in winter.​

​Varieties optimally suited for forcing:​

During the cooling period, as well as the rooting of the bulbs, the humidity of the air and substrate is maintained in the room. Watering the soil, floor and walls should be done twice a week. Lighting should be green and diffused. To water the soil, use a 0.2% calcium nitrate solution. This will help strengthen the stems.​ ​Neutrality.​

How to cut and save buds

​Shapes of tulip flowers: a – early non-double; b – late non-double; c – triumph; d – early terry; d – liliaceae; e – fringed; g – Darwinian hybrids.​

​With proper patience, you can get greenhouse tulips for cutting about two weeks earlier than when using open ground.​

In order to force tulip bulbs for the New Year, after digging them up, they need to be stored for 28 days at a temperature of +20 degrees, 10 days at +17 degrees, and until planting at a temperature of +9 degrees. The planting itself takes place from September 20 to October 1. Rooting takes place at a temperature of +9 degrees in the dark. The pots are brought into the polycarbonate greenhouse on November 20-25. Tulips are grown further at a temperature of +23 degrees.​

​Very simple technology Growing tulips in a container will make your balcony bright and elegant.​

  • To keep the tulip stems strong, it is recommended to feed them with a solution of calcium nitrate.
  • ​It also goes underground active work: the mother bulb enlarges, daughter bulbs are formed, grandchild bulbs are laid. For all these changes, the plant needs a lot of energy, which can be given nutrients and moisture.​
  • Tulips need to be watered with water also heated to twelve degrees. If you use tap water, it needs to sit for several days so that various chlorine compounds evaporate. The soil should be constantly moist, but not dry or too wet.​

- tulip bulbs,

​early forcing is provided by Monte Carlo, Primavera, Abba, Jan Van Nes, Sunrise, Zorro;​

The greenhouse for tulips must be prepared in advance. Containers with sprouts should be transferred indoors 3 weeks before flowering. This time can be determined by the growth of the stem. Its height should be 9-10 cm, and above the bulb, at the base of the shoot, you can already feel the bud. If the time for forcing has arrived, and the shoot remains short, the containers are transferred to the greenhouse and covered with black film, which is not removed until the stems of the required height are obtained.​ ​Sterility.​​But, growing tulips in a greenhouse with artificial lighting will work especially well if you use Extra parsing bulbs with a diameter of 4 cm or more. To get a positive result, you need Special attention devote to planting material. Of course, you can purchase bulbs prepared for forcing in a specialized store or from an amateur gardener. However, self-prepared material more guarantees the production of healthy and strong flowers suitable for sale.​

You will need

  1. ​To force tulips by March 8, the bulbs, after digging, are stored for 21 days at a temperature of +20 degrees, then at a temperature of +17 degrees, planted in pots for rooting in the first ten days of December, germinated at a temperature of +2 to +9 degrees, in a greenhouse for cultivation they are brought in on February 18-20. It is important to remember that the later the forcing, the lower the rooting temperature should be.​
  2. ​Tulips are easiest to grow in winter time. The process of premature flowering of tulips is also called forcing. We won’t say that growing them in greenhouses in winter is very easy, but it’s not that difficult either.​
  3. During flowering, tulips are pollinated. As a result of pollination, a triangular capsule appears in which the seeds ripen. After the petals fall, the peduncle is tied up so that it does not break and the seeds can ripen. When the capsule bursts, the ripe seeds are collected and stored in a dark, dry place.
  4. In order to obtain well-formed bulbs for further growing of the flower, the plants continue to be watered for two weeks after flowering.


  • ​After the flowers fade or you cut them, do not stop caring for the plants. Continue watering them until they completely wither, as at this moment the bulbs ripen, which will need to be dug up, dried and stored. Next spring, these bulbs can be planted on the site.​
  • ​- greenhouse,​
  • ​for medium forcing, Barcelona, ​​Charmer, Sevilla, Ad Rem, Pandion, Tosca, Darwinian hybrids, Carola, Triumph, Abu Hassan were created;​
  • ​After transferring the containers, the temperature in the greenhouse is maintained at 12-14 degrees for 2-3 days. As soon as the sprouts turn green, the temperature is raised to 17-18 degrees. Water for irrigation should be heated to 20 degrees. When used for watering tap water it is protected from chlorine for several days. Apply fertilizing with mineral and organic components, constantly loosen the soil, and carry out weeding. If all the rules are followed, plant flowering will begin 2-3 weeks after the shoots are transferred.​
  • ​Moisture capacity.​
  • In order to select truly high-quality material suitable for further forcing in closed ground, all bulbs are inspected and the scaly hard cover is removed. This is the only way to weed out diseased tulip bulbs with damaged surfaces. The cleaning procedure will also allow the bulb to receive the maximum amount of moisture and nutritional components that are vital for the flower during the forcing period.​
  • Thus, flowers should be removed already on the 2nd or 3rd day from the beginning of flowering in order to improve the quality of the bulbs. Buds that have not bloomed should not be picked off; this will lead to a cessation of leaf growth and a decrease in the level of accumulated organic matter, which is necessary for the proper development of tulips during the winter months. Magnesium, calcium and nitrogen compounds, which must be present in sufficient quantities in the soil, play a major role in the accumulation of organic matter.

Growing tulips

​In the greenhouse it is necessary to maintain a high level of air humidity, for which you should water the soil, spray the walls and floor with water 1-2 times every 7 days. To form strong stems, it is recommended to water the soil a couple of times with a solution of calcium nitrate.​

It is unlikely that you can buy tulip bulbs prepared for forcing in regular stores. Most often they sell planting material that should be planted in the fall and produce flowers, as expected, in early spring. But our task is to make the bulbs wake up much earlier, a month or two, and delight us with their beautiful flowers. Therefore, it is necessary to start preparing the bulbs in the summer. The fact is that the rudiments of future flowers are formed in the bulb, starting from the moment it is dug up, i.e. at the beginning of July. And when we plant them again in the fall in open ground, the process continues until spring.​

Growing tulips in open ground

In September, the seeds are sown in soil consisting of humus, river sand and garden soil. They are sown densely and covered with a layer of 2-3 cm. Seeds can be planted in open ground or in a container. If the temperature drops below 5 degrees below zero, the planting needs to be insulated.​

Planting tulips in the ground

​Wilted flowers must be removed, since the developing seed pod can provoke the disintegration of the mother bulb into small daughter bulbs.​

​It’s hard to find a dacha where tulips don’t bloom in spring. As soon as the bright sun warms up and the snow begins to melt, the sharp arrows of the tulips begin to stretch upward. After a month and a half, their flowering fascinates with its proud beauty.​

Conditions for growing tulips in spring

​- sand,​

​late forcing - Atom, Aristocrat, Diplomat, Parade.​

​Air tightness.​

​Before you start planting the bulbs, you should disinfect them from putrefactive bacteria. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction of celandine or a dark solution of calcium permanganate. It is necessary to keep the bulbs in the solution for half an hour. In the absence of potassium permanganate and celandine, you can use water heated to a temperature of 40 degrees.​

Technology for growing tulips in a greenhouse

​The pots are brought into the greenhouse when the leaves reach 5-6 cm in length. Before bringing them into the greenhouse, pots with plants need to be kept in a room where the air temperature is +10-12 degrees.​

To speed it up and do the so-called forcing, the bulb is dug up in mid-June and stored for a month at a temperature of +23 degrees, after which the temperature is reduced to +17 degrees for two weeks. By the last days of July, the formation of the flower bulb bulb is completed. Naturally, when planting tulips for forcing, healthy, developed bulbs with a regular round shape and a diameter of at least 3 cm in diameter are selected.

​In the first year, seedlings grow from the seeds, similar to onion seedlings - with one tubular leaf.​

In June, as soon as the leaves turn yellow, the tulip bulbs are removed from the ground and laid out in the shade. Particles of soil are removed from dried bulbs and placed in carton boxes or paper bags. They must be signed, indicating the variety and date. At the end of September, tulip bulbs are planted in the flower garden.​

Conditions for growing tulips in a greenhouse

​Growing tulips at home is not at all difficult if you stick to a few simple rules. You can grow tulips, like many bulbs, both in a flowerbed and in a greenhouse. Let's consider both options.​

- humus.

Growing tulips from seeds

In a greenhouse for tulips, you can speed up or slow down flowering by setting the temperature

​You cannot use last year’s substrate for planting, as there is a high risk of bulbs becoming infected with putrefactive bacteria and pest larvae. The best option substrate - sawdust, perlite, river sand, peat.​

It is recommended to plant bulbs from the end of August to the beginning of December. The exact planting date is determined by the time when it is necessary to obtain blooming tulips. For example, if flowers need to be received for the New Year and Christmas holidays, planting is carried out in late August - early September. With average forcing, when flowers are received in late January, planting is indicated in October. Flowering in February-March will be ensured by planting in November.​

Growing tulips at home

Equally important for the confident growth of tulips is the storage of bulbs selected for planting. The time most suitable for starting to cool the planting material is determined by the formation of a pistil with three pronounced tubercles. Bulbs should be stored in a humidity-controlled area and temperature conditions. It is better to prepare boxes with a mesh bottom in advance, into which the bulbs are placed, arranged in 2 rows. The bottom of the boxes must be made of mesh, as it is necessary to ensure ventilation of the planting material and prevent the tulip bulbs from drying out.​

​You need to open the pots when the bud grows higher than the leaves.​

​In addition, if you are going to force, mark those specimens and do not let them bloom for more than two days.​

​In the second year, a real wide leaf grows from it. In the third year, a bulb is formed, which can already produce a peduncle. It is better to remove the flower so as not to weaken the bulb. Only in the fourth year do they receive high-quality planting material.​

​Scientists have studied the process of formation and development of a tulip and the influence of temperature on this process. All this knowledge made it possible to create a technology for growing tulips by a certain date.​

​In order to grow beautiful tulips in open ground, it is very important to create for them favorable conditions not only in the spring, during flowering, but also in the summer, when the bulb ripens, and in the fall, when it is planted in the ground. If the technology for growing tulips is violated, at least at one of these stages, you may not get high-quality flowering.​

Preparing tulip bulbs for forcing

​If you propagate tulips using seeds, you will have to wait a very long time for the flowers, since they will bloom for the first time only after five years. This method is most often used in scientific purposes for crossing and obtaining a new variety of tulips. For full flowers, bulbs are needed, which are stored in a cool, dark place until planted in the greenhouse in early spring.​

​Knowing how to grow tulips indoors, you can not only get a good profit, but also peace of mind. It is important to be patient and carefully follow the recommendations for forcing flowers and caring for shoots.​

​. In order for the plant to bloom earlier, spray with warm water 2-3 times a day until the leaves fully unfold. Flowering can be delayed by lowering the temperature by 2-3 degrees. You can also extend the flowering time of tulips if you lower the temperature in the greenhouse to 12 degrees.​

​The container selected for planting must be filled approximately 2/3 with the substrate. The depth of the layer should not be less than 10 cm. The bulb with an intact root bead and a bottom cleared of scales is planted at intervals of 1.5 cm to a depth of 3-4 cm. It should be lightly pressed into the ground, trying not to damage the bottom, and sprinkle with substrate to the top. Carry out abundant watering. Containers with planted bulbs are sent to a darker room for cooling and rooting. It is necessary to water regularly to avoid drying out of the soil.​