Recovering information from a hard drive r studio. How to recover a deleted partition using R-Studio

Recently, the support service has received several letters at once, where users report that they do not know how to work with the program R-Studio.

In this lesson I will give an example of working with this program.

R-Studio is designed for data recovery– deleted files or files from a damaged disk.

It is suitable for working with both flash drives and regular disks. The main thing is that the disk itself is visible in the OS so that the program can work with it.

Sometimes it happens that files are accidentally deleted past the recycle bin; Sometimes a failure occurs in the system areas of the disk and then all files on the disk are no longer accessible to the user.

If the area of ​​the disk where the files themselves were written is not damaged or modified, then you can try to restore the files.

The main thing is to try to do this immediately after the “loss” of files. If, after the “loss” of files, the disk was formatted or defragmented, then the likelihood of successful recovery is very low.

Another important point– you need to restore files to another disk, or, in extreme cases, a disk partition, but not to the same place where they were before.

In the article I will give the following example: I will create a test folder on one drive with different files, then delete all the files, and then try to restore the files to another drive.

Stage one.

I create a folder on the partition "R" with different files - presentation (ppt), 2 pictures - small and medium size (jpg), Excel table (xlsx), music in mp3, 4 texts - in different formats and sizes (txt, doc, rtf).

As an example, I took frequently used small file types.

Stage two. I'm deleting all files.

Not in the trash, but completely. For an inexperienced user, they can be said to be irretrievably lost.

Stage three. I launch the R-Studio program.

I found version 5.2 of this program on English language. In this version I will show the main elements and their translation so that users can navigate both the English and Russian versions.

I also remind you that for this program to work, you need administrator rights for the current OS user; in Windows 7, the program must be run as an administrator.

Here is the R-Studio window after launch:

The program has a clear interface. At the top there is a menu and buttons for main actions. The central part is divided into two areas.

On the left is a list of drives on your PC ( Drives) with basic information about disks and partitions. If you select a section, it will be visible on the right detailed information (Properties).

Below is the log area ( Log), where the results of actions are displayed.

Stage four. I'm looking for deleted files.

To do this I select the section "R" and double-click to open it. The program scans the entire partition at once. If the disk is damaged, then the partitions on it will not be visible, and the program will scan the entire disk.

In the log area ( Log) two entries appeared - about the start and completion of scanning the partition "R".

A list of directories/folders appears on the left side ( Folders), on the right is a list of contents ( Contents).

After that I select the folder "test" in the folder list.

If the folder name is unknown, then to search for files you need to go through all the folders in turn and even look into folders that do not have a name, but only a question mark (?).

When I selected the folder I needed, I saw the deleted files on the right. Among them was even present temporary file from MSWord is a file whose name begins with a tilde and dollar sign (~$).

Above the log area ( Log) there is a file sorting setting ( Sorted by:): « real"– valid (as I understand from the alphabet of file names), “ extensions"-by extension, " creationtime"-time of creation, " modificationtime"– change time, “ accesstime"–time of last access to the file.

This setting can be useful, for example, if you know the file type or the approximate time the file will be deleted.

In the right pane I select all the files as an example. After opening a disk or partition, the following buttons appear in the button bar:

These are buttons to restore all content from the right panel ( Recover) or only marked files ( Recover Marked).

I press the second button and see a new window - recovery settings ( Recover).

I didn’t quite understand the purpose of some settings; perhaps they are necessary in cases of more complex failures, and they are used by more advanced specialists.

The very first setting is the folder for the recovered files ( Output folder). It must be selected on another disk, which is what I did - I selected « H:/test» .

Below there are two tabs - basic settings ( Main) and extended ( Advanced).

On the main settings tab ( Main) there are the following points:

- condense successful restoration events– this is compression of messages about successful recovery, i.e. Successful recovery messages will not be shown in the log area. If this checkbox is checked, only error messages will appear in the log;

- restore folder structure– restore the folder structure. This setting is needed when restoring subfolders, so that the result is not a jumble of files, but the original appearance of the folders. Sub-items allow you to configure the actual folder structure and structure, starting from the root directory;

- recover metafiles- restoration of metafiles. In my example, this setting was disabled;

- recover alternative data streams– restore alternative data streams, this setting is related to the file NTFS system;

- recover security– restore security settings. If the files initially had any security settings (for example, access for different users), then this setting can restore them too;

- recover extended attributes– restore additional attributes, as far as I understand – these are the attributes “ hidden», « systemic», « for reading" etc.;

- skip file with bad sectors– skip files with bad sectors. This setting is needed in case of physical damage or wear of the disk platters, when you need to quickly restore what is still possible to read.

At the very bottom there is a setting “ ignore file mask" - ignore file mask. I don't understand what its effect is.

On the advanced settings tab ( Advanced) there are the following points:

- file already exist– the file already exists in the specified folder. In this case, you can configure the following actions with the file: “ prompt"rename"-rename, " overwrite"- rewrite, " skip"-miss;

- brokenfilename– corrupted file name. In this case, you can configure the following actions with the file: “ prompt"– offer the user all other actions, “ rename and change all invalid symbols to:"- rename and replace all incorrect characters with a new character, which is indicated in the input field " skip"-miss.

- hiddenattribute– hidden file attributes. Or does it mean only one file attribute – “hidden”. You can configure the following actions with it: “ prompt"– offer the user all other actions, “ remove"–delete attribute, " keep"– save the attribute.

I set the recovery settings as shown in the pictures above and click “OK”.

The restoration process is underway. During this process I saw this message:

Just that temporary MSWord file (whose name begins with the “tilde and dollar” sign (~$)) has the attribute “ hidden" (in English hidden).

Because I checked the box next to “ prompt", then the program gave me a request about what to do next with this file.

There are two options: " remove"– remove attribute, “ continue"– save the attribute.

You can also check the box so that the action will be automatically applied if the same issue arises again.

I choose the option to remove the attribute.

Recovery occurs quickly. Its result is visible in the log area:

The last entry means that 10 files were restored successfully, 0 files could not be restored, i.e. All the files I specified have been restored.

Here are the contents of the folder « H:/test »:

I checked all the files - they all open and the data inside them is not damaged.

IN in this example the files were restored immediately after deletion, so the recovery was successful.

From my limited experience recovering data both at home and at work, I have noticed the following:

  • Small files are best restored because... they occupy fewer clusters on the disk, and the likelihood of them being “put back together” is greater;
  • files like "jpg" or " doc" may be restored, but then they cannot be viewed or the image/text will be distorted;
  • Excel (xlx) files are most often not recovered.

And finally, we can say that data recovery programs can help out, but it’s better not to be lazy and don’t forget to do it backup copies of all important data.

Most likely you came to this page because you need to recover data lost as a result of some incident with your computer. Sometimes such recovery can be a very complex task that only data recovery specialists can handle, but most cases fit well into the typical data recovery scenarios that we have included in the list below. All you need to do is select the most suitable case from this list and get detailed instructions on how to get your data back specifically in your case. However, before proceeding, we recommend that you read our general tips for data recovery.

General tips:

1. First and most important: Stay calm, don't rush, and don't make the situation worse. Do not allow any further changes to the data to occur on the storage device that contained the lost data.

2. Learn more about data recovery. We recommend reading our article. You will understand how data recovery works and what to expect from it in your case.

3. Analyze the affected disk. You should not work with disks with damaged hardware. Signs that your hard drive has hardware problems:

  • The hard drive is not recognized by the operating system or is recognized under some unusual name.
  • The operation of the hard drive is accompanied by atypical sounds, clicks, and it works very slowly.
  • Bad sectors constantly appear on the hard drive.
  • Assessment programs hard state SMART disk displays messages about significant malfunctions of its hardware. To do this, you can use our data recovery programs.

Attention! If you think that your computer's hard drive is faulty, then use the R-Studio Emergency utility only to create an image of it. DO NOT TAKE ANY ACTION WITH THE DISK YOURSELF! Do not attempt to start the scanning or file recovery process. Do not try to use any other data recovery software. Remember that any incorrect actions with such a disk will likely cause even more data damage. It is best to use the services of data recovery laboratory specialists, otherwise you risk, at best, incurring even greater financial costs, and at worst, permanently losing your files. Take the disc to specialists: they have special equipment and, most importantly, the necessary level of knowledge to work with such discs.

5. Prepare enough space to save the recovered files and, if necessary, images. Never try to save recovered files on the drives on which they were located.

6. Last but not least, do not buy any data recovery software until you are sure that it can recover the files in your case. All normal data recovery programs allow you to work in demo mode so that you can find lost files and evaluate the chances of their successful recovery. Please note that even if the program shows the correct file structure, this does not guarantee that the files can be successfully recovered. Only those files that are successfully displayed in the viewer can be successfully restored.

Typical data recovery cases:

    Problems with computer programs . Signs that computer hardware is working normally, and the problem is damaged system programs: the computer turns on, the boot procedure begins, it starts to boot operating system, but then the download stops and the computer either freezes or goes into reboot. Signs that the computer"s hardware works normally and the problem is in faulty system software:
    . How to recover files from a Windows or Linux computer that won't boot.
    . How to recover files from a Macintosh that won't boot.
    . How to recover files from a non-booting computer over the network.
    Problems with computer hardware. Signs that your computer won't start due to faulty hardware: the computer won't turn on, you hear unusual beeps when you turn it on, the boot procedure ends suddenly, the computer gives warnings about faulty components in the computer, etc.

R-studio is a set of programs for recovering data and files from a hard drive. The application has versions for both Windows and Mac, as well as Linux. The program is paid, but has free version, and is considered one of best programs for data recovery.

The program conducts full analysis disk and determines what file systems were on it before, and then allows you to restore files from these file systems. Interestingly, you can detect file systems that were on the disk for a long time and even recover files from them. We previously reviewed free utilities for, and in this article we’ll talk about how to use R-Studio.

You can download the program installer for your operating system on the official website. For Linux there are deb and rpm packages that will be installed on most distributions.

For example, on Ubuntu, after the package is downloaded, go to your downloads folder and run the installation:

cd ~/Downloads/
$ sudo dpkg -i RStudio*

After installation is complete, the program shortcut will appear in the main menu:

On Windows, you only need to go through a few wizard steps.

How to use R-Studio

Now let's move closer to working with the utility, consider its first launch of the interface and file recovery.

1. Launch R-Studio

When you first launch the program, it will ask for a license. I don’t need to tell you where to look for free licenses, or you can click the Demo button. It's fine for recovering small files. The maximum file size for recovery is 256 kb.

If the program window is completely empty, then you need to run it through the terminal using the following command:

QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 rstudio

Everything should now work.

2. R-Studio interface

The program interface is quite typical for this kind of utility. It can be divided into the following parts:

  • Main menu- contains all available actions and functions;
  • Toolbar- the main functions of the program are included here;
  • Tabs - switch between different areas;
  • Workspace- divided into two parts, on the left side there is a list of disks or folders, and on the right side there is detailed information about them;
  • Status bar- at the very bottom of the window there is a status bar, where messages about the program’s operation are displayed.

In the work area of ​​the main window you will see a list of all disks and partitions. By default the program is in English, but you can choose Russian. To do this, open the menu "Help" ->"Language" and select "Russian":

3. Easy recovery

As a reminder, regardless of the file system, files are not physically removed from the disk during deletion. But you can lose them forever if file system will overwrite them with something. If you accidentally deleted some data, it is better to immediately disconnect this hard drive from the computer and restore it by connecting it as an external drive to another device. We can scan the entire partition and identify all the file systems that still exist on it, but there is an easier way. You can only work with this file system. To do this, simply select the desired section and click on the toolbar "Show section contents":

All deleted files will be marked with a red cross. To restore them, just press the button "Restore" on the toolbar:

3. Scan partition

If you want to recover all the data, you need to scan the desired partition to detect all the file systems that were there and with which the utility can work. To do this, select the desired section and click the button "Scan". This process may take a long time, progress will be displayed on the right side of the work area:

Once the scan is complete, you will see all available file systems. Select one of them and click "Show disk contents". By the way, the same option is available from the context menu:

Now, as in the previous case, you can see all available files and those that can be recovered are marked with a red cross. Additionally, you can check the boxes necessary files on the right side and restore them as a group:

If it is a media or text file, then you can open it directly in the program, without performing rstudio data recovery.

4. Search files

Very often, previous file systems have a very confusing directory structure and you don’t always remember what was where. But the program has built-in search capabilities. To configure the search, click "Find/Cancel":

In the window that opens, you can choose where to search, what files to search, what format, you need or search for directories, and so on. In the drop-down list at the very top of the window, you need to select the parameter by which we will search, for example, extension, file name or regular expression.

After completing the settings, click "Ok". All found files will be displayed on the right side of the workspace and you can restore them.

R-Studio how to use right, so as not to complicate the probably already difficult situation in which you find yourself.
Please listen to a short course by a young soldier on working with such programs, without this you can make a lot of mistakes and instead of getting your deleted data back, you will overwrite it even worse.

R-Studio how to use

The first mistake is excitement, which is accompanied by the ensuing consequences, for example, rash actions, calm down, read the article to the end, calmly think about everything, and then act. By the way, if you accidentally deleted photos from your hard drive, then we have a very simple article that I am sure will help you. You may also find this article useful: How to recover deleted files free programs, and and paid - , .

When you and I, my dears, accidentally delete a file, without which our further existence on planet Earth will not be joyful for us, know that it is not physically deleted from the hard drive, but you can lose it forever by writing any information over it. Therefore, even if you read how to use R-Studio, but you don’t have any experience as such, we immediately turn off the computer and preferably in an emergency. We do not perform any further actions with your hard drive, then our chances of successful success increase.

  • Note: Many times people have contacted me with similar problems and could not remember what actions they took before contacting technical service. They couldn’t even really name the exact name of the program they were trying to save their data with, and most importantly, after deleting their files, for example, past the recycle bin, they actively used the computer (sometimes for several days), which is absolutely forbidden to do, only then they still went to the service and demanded a miracle.

After we turn off the computer, we take the system unit and go to the professionals, 90% of your data will be saved, naturally they will take a little money from you, it’s better to find out how much right away, but if they ask for a lot of money, read on.

Now I am writing this article, and in front of me there is a system unit, it contains HDD, it was accidentally formatted, that is, everything that was on it was deleted, let's try to recover lost files using R-Studio, and at the same time learn how to use this good program.
First of all, you and I need to evacuate the victim, in other words, remove the formatted hard drive and connect it to my computer, I always do this, because it is impossible to save the recovered information on the same media from which the files were deleted.

If this is difficult for you, then at least do not restore the files to the partition of the hard drive from which they were deleted.

Note: Friends, the most important rule when recovering information is: the number of calls to hard drive with deleted data should be kept to a minimum. This means that before working with R-Studio, it is advisable to make an image of the hard drive with lost data and restore information from the image. How to make a sector-by-sector image of a hard drive and recover information from it is written in.

So let's start, on our hard drive that suffered from formatting, a lot of folders with family photos and video, we need them back.

Let's launch R-Studio, the program has an intuitive English-language interface, but we are no strangers to it, I am sure that after using it once, you will remember it forever.
The main window of the Device View program "Disk View" on the left side shows almost all the drives in the system: hard drives divided into logical partitions, USB drives, DVDs, flash cards, the right window provides complete information about the drive we have selected , starting with the name and ending with the size of the clusters.

Select our drive (N:) and click Open Drive Files,

Now we are using the easiest way to recover deleted files, several folders with a tree structure open in front of us, we open everything starting from the first, I warn you, do not expect the usual names of your files, in our case Photo of your son, etc. We can say we were lucky, there are folders crossed out in the window

red cross, this means they were deleted, look at the names: Chapter 01, 02, etc., these are the folders we need with lectures by a University professor, the fact is that before such recovery operations, I carefully ask people about the names of deleted files and their extensions , this is needed in special advanced cases for searching by mask, etc. You don’t have to bother yourself the first time, at the end of the article we will use the advanced scanning method (Scan) and restore everything that was on the hard drive, this will of course take time compared to in a simple way ten times more. Now check the boxes everywhere and then Recover,

select where to restore, by default to the personal R-Studio folder in My Documents and the offer to change the default recovery settings, leave everything as is, click OK.

File recovery process in progress

A window may appear, the contents of which I translated for you in Photoshop, I think nothing will happen to me for this, a window with a warning that any of the files being restored has the hidden attribute, R-Studio will offer to remove this attribute from all such files, we agree, set check the box where necessary and Continue.

After the restoration process is completed, go to the My Documents folder, then the personal folder R-Studio, it’s called R-TT and look at the result, folders with the very necessary video Chapter 01, 02 were restored, as well as several folders with personal photos, not bad anymore , but we are not satisfied with this result.

Complete search and recovery of deleted files

To search and recover other deleted data, we will use the full disk scan (Scan) function.

In this window, check the Search box known types files, and select Detailed scanning and click Scan.

Let's be patient, the operation is quite lengthy, in the right window in the form of multi-colored squares, the progress of the process is displayed, at the moment only 13% have been scanned.

We are waiting, almost half of the hard drive space has been scanned 43%

At 55% my patience is over, since almost an hour has passed, and I stop the process, click on Stop

In the program window below, you can see the file systems recognized by the program and, accordingly, information or data that can be restored.
Recognized 0 or Recognized 1, Recognized 2 – marked in green, this contains data that can be recovered almost 100%.
Extra Found Files - marked in yellow and red, data that the program could not recognize and compare to any file system; it will most likely not be possible to restore them, and if anything is restored, it will be unreadable, in order to extract information from such files, you need a hex editor, but this is another topic that requires not one, but several large articles.
Recognized 0, marked in yellow, also has little chance of recovery.

Data loss. These two words can cause a whole storm of emotions! Emotions, shades that cannot be counted!

Starting from such an ordinary phenomenon as accidentally deleting an important file, naturally without using the Recycle Bin, to problems with damage to the entire file system of the hard drive. Moreover, which is typical, no matter what was lost - a favorite film or graduate work on the eve of defense - in any case, this phenomenon never causes delight.

And then you immediately begin to think in a cold sweat how nice it would be to back up your valuable data in advance! That same life-saving backup. But thinking about it won’t help the matter, because the data is already lost! Or not?!

“But no!” – the developers will answer you without exaggeration of the unique program (you can download it from this link).

R-Studio works with almost all types of file systems, such as FAT, NTFS, USF, which means it will help recover data on computers running Windows, Linux or Mac.

A little about the R-Studio program:

The R-Studio program is very versatile; it can be used to recover data from a PDA after reinstalling the system or formatting the hard drive. It will also help recover data from flash drives, deleted information from the recycle bin, as well as simply damaged data.

And they will be absolutely right. Moreover, it does not matter at all for what reason and how the loss of important data occurred - except that, excluding cases of physical damage to the media, this in no way reduces the chances of saving the information.

Your humble servant and the author of this site had to experience the bitterness of losing data at the most inopportune moment. When there cannot and should not be room for error! Then I tried probably half a dozen useful programs for data recovery. Disappointment gave way to despair after the unsuccessful use of each subsequent utility. And only the R-Studio program, which is reviewed in this article, coped with the task with a solid five.

Overview of the R-Studio Network Edition program:

And before we proceed to a direct review of the latest fifth generation (we will use corporate R-Studio, the Russian version of which is available on the company’s website), I want to immediately explain to you two rules, without which you cannot do without when recovering data using any software:

1) First rule. You cannot save information that we restore to the same media. If your media is divided into several sections, then you are allowed to use another section of the same media. I'll repeat it again. Under no circumstances should you use a lost data partition to record any kind of information. Otherwise, the chances of recovery will tend to zero.

2) Second rule is that if you do not know exactly what your specific actions will lead to with the media on which the data was lost, it is better not to perform any operations at all. Otherwise, even specialists will not be able to help you. In this case, it would be more appropriate to take the media to a service center.

Now let's get to the most important question: how to work with R-Studio. By launching it, you are taken directly to the main program window, called “Disk Browser”.
The program offers to select from all detected devices the media from which lost data will be recovered. If your hard drive is divided into logical partitions, they will also be shown.

What immediately pleases the eye is the ability to recover information not only from hard drives, but also from CDs, as well as DVDs, floppy disks, all types of flash drives, and devices connected via USB. This information is clearly presented in the left area of ​​the main window in a tree form, which is very convenient and visual.

The right part of the window contains detailed reference information about the selected specific media. All the really important characteristics and parameters are presented here.

Disc Browser window
The R-Studio program is considered one of the best in its class. In particular, it is omnivorous: it handles all common file systems equally well, including FAT (R-Studio FAT), NTFS (R-Studio NTFS), EXT and USF. Thus, the program is able to work with both file Windows systems, and all families of Linux (R-Studio for Linux) and Mac (R-Studio for Mac).

If the files were simply deleted and the file system is not damaged, you will simply need to open the required media or partition. You can do this, for example, by double-clicking on it, through the program’s context menu, or through the main menu at the very top of the program window. Navigation is extremely convenient; you can choose one of several ways to perform each action according to your taste.

After opening the disk, the “View File” window immediately appears in front of you, shown in the screenshot below. This is very reminiscent of the familiar “Explorer” in Windows. And again: on the left is a tree structure of directories, and on the right is a list of files on the media or partition. Folders and files deleted the day before can be distinguished from existing ones by their icon - a crossed out red cross. In the photo we see that a directory called “New Folder” was recently deleted from the “C” partition of the hard drive.

File View Window
As you may have already understood from the caveats in the first rule at the beginning of this article, not all information can be recovered. It will be easiest to recover data if no other information was written to the same location on this media or partition (if the media is divided into partitions). Everything is quite simple here. In the “View File” window, you will be required to check the boxes for those deleted files that you need to recover. After this, you will need to select the “Restore marked” menu item and specify the destination. Here it is worth going back and re-reading the first rule at the beginning of this article.

Menu item “Restore marked” in the “File Viewer” window
An advanced user will also find a lot of useful things in this window. For example, you can restore files using a mask, specify attributes for search and subsequent recovery. Among the attributes there is a search by name, creation date of the file or directory, and its size.

Menu item “File Mask” in the “File Viewer” window
If your file system is damaged or has been modified (for example, in the case of regular formatting), the complexity of the procedure does not increase much, but it will take disproportionately more time. If this happens, you may not be able to restore the original file and folder names or extensions. You will need to perform a scanning procedure as shown in the image below.

Scan menu in the Disc Browser window
It is worth noting that R-Studio 5 has an advanced mechanism for recognizing many popular file types based on their characteristics. The R-Studio program makes it possible to obtain recognized files sorted by their type in the form of a separate list.

The preview mode will also help you decide which files to save. This option will be useful especially in cases where the file names could not be restored.

But the list of advantages of the R-Studio 5 program is not limited to basic functions. Advanced technologies include, first of all, the ability to create media images, after which they can be analyzed and restored.

Creating a media image will help you if bad sectors appear on it or information continues to disappear due to the activity of a worm or other malicious code that your antivirus cannot handle. By creating an identical image of the media on which the data is lost, you will protect yourself from further loss of information. If a virus attacks your data, this will protect it from further damage.

Other program features

Another advanced feature of this wonderful program is the ability to recover data from partitions combined into RAID arrays. Moreover, this operation is performed very easily and, most importantly, understandably. And array recognition occurs automatically, after which they are located next to regular media on the left side of the screen. It also supports creating a virtual array for subsequent work as with a regular array.

When purchasing a program, you should decide on the functions that you really need. The configurations of the R-Studio data recovery program differ from each other very significantly, both in the list of tasks they can solve and in their cost.

Yes, it’s possible that additional functionality will not be useful for home needs. In this case, you should definitely choose the most simple configuration. Believe me, this will be quite enough.

If the reader of these lines is a system administrator of a large company, then more expensive and advanced configurations of the program will be simply irreplaceable. And the program itself will “pay for itself” immediately after the successful recovery of seemingly irretrievably deleted valuable data. The corporate version of the program allows you to restore information within the entire local network (this is the version depicted in the photographs illustrating this article).

Regardless of which version of R-Studio you purchase, any package includes a separate version of the program - R-Studio Emergency, which allows you to boot from removable media, for example, from a CD. This version will be useful to you if your operating system does not boot due to damaged information on the media. This is especially true in the case of a virus attack.

Simplicity of the program

The simplicity of the program allows us to recommend it as a must software for novice users. If you know the basics of working on a computer, this will be enough to master the home version of R-Studio. The presence of rich advanced functionality makes it an indispensable acquisition for system administrators of any level.

By the way, you can find out more about how to use the R-Studio program on the company’s official website: in the User’s Guide section. R-Studio of all current versions is available for free download in a demo version, but limited in time. After the demo period has expired, you will have to purchase a license for the selected R-Studio product. The key can also be found freely available on the Internet, but always remember the legal consequences of such actions.

By the way, with a little googling, you can find on the Internet also portable - unofficial, hacked versions of the program that do not require any license - R-Studio Portable. Unfortunately, very often such versions contain Trojans and other malicious code that can cause significant harm to your computer and pose a threat of personal data theft.

And in conclusion I would like to say the following. If you buy any version of R-Studio, think that you are making an investment in your future. Remember that the amount of information accumulated by humanity doubles every year. And its value can sometimes be immeasurable. Thus, purchasing R-Studio can be considered a reasonable alternative to the expensive services of specialized centers.