Management of social development of the organization's personnel introduction. Planning and organization of social development of personnel

7.1.1. Social development of the organization as an object of management

Social development means changes for the better in the social environment of an organization. In general, it embraces the entire complex mechanism that drives human activity, a consistently unfolding chain of needs, interests, motives and goals that motivate people to work, concretize the business orientation and value systems of personnel.

The development of the social environment is an indispensable object of organization management and at the same time component personnel management. According to its purpose, social development management is focused exclusively on people, on creating appropriate working and living conditions for the organization’s employees, and on the constant improvement of these conditions. Accordingly, its main goals are: improving the social structure of personnel, its demographic and professional qualification composition, regulating the number of employees, increasing their educational, cultural and technical level; improvement of ergonomic, psychophysiological, sanitary, hygienic, aesthetic and other working conditions, labor protection and safety of workers; ensuring social insurance of workers, respect for their rights and social guarantees; stimulation by means of both material reward and encouragement of effective work, proactive and creative attitude to work, group and individual responsibility for the results of joint activities; creating and maintaining a healthy moral and psychological atmosphere in the team, optimal interpersonal and intergroup connections that promote coordinated and friendly work, the disclosure of the intellectual and moral potential of each individual, and satisfaction with joint work; growth in the living standards of workers and their families, satisfaction of needs for housing and household appliances, food, non-food products and necessary services, full use of leisure time.

Managing the social development of an organization is a set of methods, techniques and procedures that allow solving social problems based on a scientific approach, knowledge of the patterns of social processes, accurate analytical calculations and verified social standards. It represents an organizational mechanism of a pre-thought-out, predicted, multilateral, i.e. systematic and comprehensive impact on the social environment.

1) the basis for people’s well-being and increasing their living standards is an effective economy, which is equally true in relation to National economy the country as a whole, and in relation to the results commercial activities a single organization;

2) the determining condition for economic success is not so much the resource potential of the organization and the form of ownership, but rather the fact that the products (goods and services) produced by a joint-stock company, private, state or municipal organization are needed by society, consumers and are in demand on the market, making a profit ;

3) the effective functioning and competitiveness of an organization is to a decisive extent ensured by its personnel, the coordinated efforts of people united by common interests and business;

4) the high impact of joint work is achieved by skillful management of all aspects of the organization’s development, including constant training of personnel, instilling in them independence, responsibility, and well-deserved pride in their organization;

5) the attitude of employees, a favorable moral and psychological atmosphere, everyone’s confidence that he is protected from social and professional risks, that his contribution to achieving the goals of the organization, initiative and hard work will receive recognition, fair assessment, and decent reward are important.

There is also no doubt that the scientific management of social development requires taking into account the specific situation. In fact, this requires avoiding templates, involves choosing from various management decisions depending on the specifics of given conditions, the confluence of certain circumstances at the current moment and the foreseeable future, and the use of diverse factors influencing the social environment of the organization.

7.1.2. Main factors of the social environment

A factor is the driving force of development. In relation to the social environment of an organization, this concept expresses the conditions that determine the nature and possible consequences changes occurring in it, which in turn affect the staff.

The main direct factors of the social environment of an organization include: the potential of the organization, its social infrastructure; labor conditions and safety; material reward for labor contribution; social protection of workers; socio-psychological climate of the team; outside work time and use of leisure time.

Potential reflects the material, technical, organizational and economic capabilities of the organization, i.e. its size and territorial location, number and quality of personnel, nature of leading professions, industry affiliation and profile of the enterprise, volumes of products (goods and services), form of ownership, financial position, state of fixed assets and technical level of production, content and organizational forms labor process, the fame of the organization, its traditions and image. These are, of course, basic factors that have a versatile, essentially complex influence on the social environment as a concentration of the most important means and incentives that encourage and ensure the social development of an organization.

Social infrastructure is a complex of facilities designed to provide life support to the organization’s employees and their family members, and to satisfy social, cultural and intellectual needs. In conditions Russian Federation the list of such objects includes:

Socialized housing stock (houses, dormitories) and public utility facilities (hotels, baths, laundries, etc.) with networks of energy, gas, water and heat supply, sewerage, telephone communications, radio broadcasting, etc.;

Medical and treatment-and-prophylactic institutions (hospitals, clinics, outpatient clinics, first-aid posts, pharmacies, sanatoriums, dispensaries, etc.);

Educational and cultural facilities (schools, preschool and out-of-school institutions, cultural centers, clubs, libraries, exhibition halls, etc.);

Trade objects and Catering(shops, canteens, cafes, restaurants, farmsteads for the supply of fresh products);

Public service facilities (factories, workshops, studios, salons, rental points);

Sports facilities (stadiums, swimming pools, sports grounds) and public recreation centers adapted for physical education and recreational activities;

Collective dacha farms and gardening partnerships.

An organization, depending on its scale, form of ownership, industry affiliation, location and other conditions, can have its own social infrastructure entirely (Fig. 7.1) or have a set of only its individual elements or rely on cooperation with other organizations and on the municipal base of the social sphere. But in any case, care about social services workers and their families

Rice. 7.1. Social infrastructure of the organization

mei is an essential requirement for managing social development.

Labor conditions and safety include factors that in one way or another affect the well-being and useful performance of workers, ensuring safe work, preventing injuries and occupational diseases.

Working conditions are a set of psychophysiological, sanitary-hygienic, aesthetic and socio-psychological factors of the production environment and the labor process that influence human health and performance. They include safe working conditions in which workers are exposed to harmful and dangerous production factors reduced to a minimum - to the level of established standards or completely excluded; reducing the amount of heavy work that requires great physical effort; overcoming the monotony of work, rational use regulated breaks during the working day (shift) for rest and nutrition; availability and convenience of social facilities (locker rooms, showers, toilets, first aid station, rest rooms, buffets, canteens, etc.).

Occupational safety, designed to ensure the safety of life and health of workers, in particular, provides for: the establishment of uniform regulatory requirements in the field of occupational safety, the development of programs corresponding to them and the implementation of events in organizations; state supervision and public control over compliance with the legal rights of workers to work that meets safety and hygiene requirements, the fulfillment of labor protection obligations by employers and the workers themselves; providing workers at the employer’s expense with special clothing and footwear, personal and collective protective equipment, medical and preventive nutrition; prevention of accidents at work, implementation of a system of measures for the rehabilitation of persons injured at work.

Material reward for labor contribution is a key point in the social development of the organization. It combines basic labor costs, compensation for workers’ labor costs, their social status and, at the same time, family budgets, meeting people’s immediate needs for the goods of life.

Remuneration should be based on the social minimum - on what is necessary to maintain a decent standard of living and reproduce a person’s ability to work, to obtain a means of subsistence not only for himself, but also for his family. In the Russian Federation, the total monetary income of the population includes wages, all types of pensions, scholarships for students and students are added to it educational institutions, benefits for children and child care, the cost of natural farm products used for cash consumption, as well as income from property, sales of farm products on the market and business activities, including dividends and interest from bank deposits.

The expenditure part of the family, mainly consumer, budget consists of cash expenses for paying taxes and making various contributions (including interest on loans), for the purchase of short-term and durable goods - food, clothing, shoes, cultural and household items and household items. household goods, to pay for housing, utilities, transport, medical and other services Balance of expenses and revenue parts The budget is an indicator of the volume of benefits received by a family during a certain time (month, year) per person. Average per capita income and corresponding expenses reflect the level of family wealth, quality and standard of living.

Social protection of the organization’s employees consists of measures for social insurance, unconditional compliance with civil rights and social guarantees established by the legislation in force in the country, collective agreements, labor agreements and others. legal acts. In the Russian Federation, these measures, in particular, provide for:

Ensuring a minimum wage and tariff rate (salary);

Normal working hours (40 hours per week), compensation for work on weekends and holidays, annual paid leave of at least 24 working days;

Compensation for harm to health in connection with the performance of work duties;

Contributions to pension and other off-budget social insurance funds;

Payment of benefits for temporary disability, monthly benefits to mothers during their maternity leave, stipends for employees during professional training or advanced training.

These guarantees are implemented with the direct participation of the organization. Cash payments, as a rule, are made from the organization’s funds, their sizes are based on the average salary or a share of the minimum wage. The social protection system should insure workers against the risk of finding themselves in a difficult financial situation due to illness, disability or unemployment, and give them confidence in the reliable protection of their labor rights and privileges.

The socio-psychological climate is the total effect of the influence of many factors influencing the personnel of the organization. It manifests itself in work motivation, communication between employees, their interpersonal and group connections. In the structure of the socio-psychological climate of the team, three main components interact: the moral and psychological compatibility of workers, their business spirit and social optimism. These components relate to the subtle strings of human intellect, will and emotional properties of the individual, which largely determine her desire for useful activities, creative work, cooperation and cohesion with others. Expressing the attitude of workers to a joint business and each other, the socio-psychological atmosphere brings to the fore such motives that are no less effective than material rewards and economic benefits, stimulate the worker, cause him tension or decline in energy, work enthusiasm or apathy, interest in action or indifference.

Non-working time forms another group of factors in the social environment of an organization. They are associated with the rest and recuperation of workers, the arrangement of their home life, their fulfillment of family and social responsibilities, and the use of leisure time. The time resource of a working person is divided into working hours on a weekday (the length of the working day in different countries is not the same, it also differs by economic sector and profession) and non-working time in a ratio of approximately 1: 2. In turn, time not directly related to work activity includes the expenditure of 9-9.5 hours on recuperation and satisfaction of natural physiological needs person (sleep, personal hygiene, food intake, etc.). The remaining time of the day is occupied by traveling to and from work, running the home and household chores, caring for children and activities with them, as well as leisure.

Free time equivalent to leisure is of particular importance for the comprehensive development of the individual. It serves to restore the physical and intellectual strength of workers, and is closely connected with the satisfaction of their socio-cultural needs, caused, among other things, by the acceleration of scientific, technical and social progress, and the requirements of the humanization of labor. The size, structure, content and forms of use of leisure significantly influence the lifestyle and worldview of a working person, his choice of moral guidelines and civic position.

7.1.3. Personnel social protection management

As already noted, social protection is the most important factor in the social environment of an organization. Any employer always wants to ensure that the work of the employees of his organization is effective, and the employee also strives for this, since, by contributing to the achievement of the goals facing the organization, he thereby satisfies his needs that correspond to these goals.

In this direction, great opportunities open up for successful cooperation between employees and employers, since the former can satisfy their motivational expectations, and the latter can implement a motivational policy aimed at the effective performance of personnel. Of particular importance in this case is the attitude of the administration to improving the organization of work.

The organization of labor is not a set of dogmatic rules; it is constantly modified and improved in accordance with the development of scientific and technological progress and the increase in the socio-cultural level of workers. Therefore, when developing forms of labor organization at an enterprise, it is necessary to take these aspects into account. From the point of view of social aspects of improving labor organization, it is necessary:

Ensure increased content, diversity and prestige of work, fair wages that fully take into account the employee’s contribution to the process labor activity, education of high labor discipline;

Create and improve working conditions that can be favorable or unfavorable, which is largely determined by the balance between the human body and the social environment around it.

Conditions are considered favorable when the totality of their constituent elements does not have a negative impact on the employee’s body, but, on the contrary, contributes to his development as an individual, increased motivation to work, job satisfaction, development of creative abilities and initiative.

Unfavorable working conditions are considered to be those in which the totality of their constituent elements can cause the employee a greater degree of fatigue, poor physical well-being or a painful condition, the development of negative attitude to their activities, dissatisfaction with work. Unfavorable working conditions lead to occupational diseases, contribute to injuries and can ultimately lead to disability for the worker. For organizations, such working conditions are often the cause of high staff turnover. Therefore, in practical activities, it is very important to correctly determine the content of the elements that make up the working conditions in an organization, to objectively assess their complex impact on the team in the labor process, and also to systematically analyze their changes under the influence of improving production and the humanization of labor.

The social aspect of labor organization is realized through Special attention to personnel management, selection, training and development of personnel, distribution of functions and responsibilities between employees of the organization, planning the labor process, developing effective systems of payment and incentives, ensuring high professional qualifications of employees, the ability of personnel to learn, creating interest in a specific job during competitive selection applicant, employees mastering related professions, creating a favorable psychological climate in the team, reducing staff turnover.

Social protection of the organization’s personnel represents measures related to the provision of guarantees and compensation to its employees, additional benefits, services and payments of a social nature, and also provides for ensuring safe working conditions, preserving the health and working capacity of a person and includes compensation for loss of ability to work, ensuring a minimum income in the event of unemployment, loss of income due to temporary disability, illness, industrial accident, occupational disease, disability, etc. Forms of social protection are provided not only to current employees, but also to former employees (for example, those who have shares in the enterprise or employees who have retired pension). The size of payments is influenced by: the size of the enterprise, its industry, financial and economic situation, the level of influence of trade unions, the form of ownership, the share of shares held by external shareholders, etc.

The implementation of social protection is possible in two ways.

Firstly, the enterprise provides benefits and guarantees within the framework of social protection of workers (social insurance for old age, temporary disability, unemployment, etc.), established at the state or regional level.

Secondly, enterprises provide their employees and members of their families with additional benefits related to elements of material incentives, using funds allocated for these purposes from the enterprise’s social development funds. The provision of additional benefits and social services in addition to mandatory payments is carried out either on the initiative of the administration, which truly implements the principles of social personnel policy, or as a result of tariff agreements between the administration and the labor collective council (trade committee) as a representative of the interests of workers. These payments become as binding as those provided under labor laws.

The interest of employees in working at the enterprise and its success economic activity the higher the large quantity benefits and services provided, and how much more the amount exceeds the amount established by law. At the same time, staff turnover is reduced, since the employee is unlikely to want to lose numerous benefits upon dismissal. Such policies may provide subsistence benefits to workers where wages are low (as in state-owned enterprises) or may be proposed to attract and retain skilled labor, as occurs in large corporations.

Social protection of employees, development of their personality, preservation of health is a condition for the successful operation of the organization. As a motivational management resource, the socially oriented personnel policy of the enterprise and related social services help ensure that the employee meets his needs, interests and value orientations. The following main goals of social protection can be identified:

Identification of the employee with his enterprise (satisfying the need for involvement in the enterprise);

The coincidence of personal goals and desires of employees with the goals of the enterprise or compliance with them;

Increased labor productivity and the desire of workers to work;

Improving the moral atmosphere at the enterprise, creating a favorable socio-psychological


Growth of the enterprise’s image in the eyes of employees and society.

Foreign and domestic experience in carrying out measures for the social protection of workers at enterprises allows us to draw up an approximate enlarged list of payments, benefits and social services provided in various forms:

1) material (monetary) form:

Payments by an enterprise for the acquisition of property and assets (purchase of shares of an enterprise at par value);

Paid release from work (in case of marriage, death of close relatives, etc.);

Additional vacation pay;

Compensation for shortened working hours for older workers;

Payment for travel to the place of work and around the city (in the form of payment for travel tickets);

Payment and provision of study leaves to persons combining work with study, in accordance with labor legislation (practised mainly in state-owned enterprises);

Subsidies and disability benefits paid by the health insurance fund;

Monetary remuneration provided in connection with personal celebrations, round dates of work or holidays (money or gifts);

Paid working hours with a shortened pre-holiday day;

Provision of a company car for use;

Progressive payments for length of service;

Payment of several official salaries upon the employee's retirement. Differentiation of payment amounts depending on the position held and the employee’s length of service at the enterprise;

2) in the form of providing workers with old age:

Corporate pension is a supplement to the state pension from enterprise funds;

One-time remuneration to pensioners from the enterprise;

3) non-monetary - in the form of use of social institutions of the enterprise:

Subsidies for food in the enterprise canteen;

Reduced rent in service housing;

Interest-free loans for housing construction;

Use of holiday homes, sanatoriums, children's health camps (for children of employees);

Payment for training of employees at various courses or educational institutions different levels (secondary specialized, higher);

Providing places on preferential terms in preschool institutions, etc.

In modern practical activities, it is necessary to take an active part in the organization of work at the enterprise, as well as to choose those forms of social protection that most contribute to meeting the needs and interests of personnel. And here it is necessary to carry out various studies in the form of surveys, questionnaires, testing, the results of which will help to accurately determine the needs and interests of the enterprise’s personnel, which will help management create comfortable conditions for effective work.

7.1.4. Tasks and functions of social service

Changes in the life of society, caused by the acceleration of scientific, technical and social progress, lead to an increase in the role of the human factor in labor activity and the importance of the personal qualities of workers. This circumstance at all levels, including organizations, reinforces the need for regulation of social processes, for competent, scientific management of social development.

In fact, every large enterprise in foreign countries has management services that are involved in working with personnel (human resources), regulating social and labor relations and relations with trade unions, providing social services to staff, and spending funds for charitable purposes.

In Russia, social services currently operate under conditions of transition from a planned, overly centralized economy to a socially oriented market economy. Their structure is determined, on the one hand, by the form of ownership, scale, industry affiliation and location of the organization, and on the other hand, by the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of its personnel, the increased responsibility of entrepreneurs and managers at any level for the increasingly complex solution of both production-economic and social problems.

When choosing the structure of social services, the socio-economic consequences of the privatization of former state property must now be taken into account; fundamental changes in the labor remuneration system, dictated by the establishment of market relations, the commercialization of the provision of an ever-increasing range of social services; reform various types social insurance and social assistance; the breakaway of a number of former trade unions social functions. We also have to take into account the fact that real concern for the social sphere is largely shifted to non-state bodies, primarily to the municipal level and the organizations themselves.

Depending on the specific situation, social development management is carried out either by the management of the organization, or by specially authorized persons, or by autonomous units that are elements of the personnel management structure and social services. Typical option organizational structure Such a system, as mentioned above, provides for the position of deputy director for personnel with the relevant departments subordinate to him.

If an organization has an extensive network of its own social infrastructure, it is usually managed separately. In this case, an option is possible that provides for the position of deputy director for social and domestic issues with the subordination of management units and officials in charge of the relevant social infrastructure facilities (see Fig. 7.1), the provision of housing and communal services, household services, health, leisure and other social services

The tasks performed by social services differ in their characteristics. Specialists of this service must be extremely attentive to people and their requests, use the means entrusted to them to support the well-being of workers and socio-psychological comfort in the team, strictly observe the requirements for labor protection and labor regulations, and stimulate interest in the business. To do this, it is important to have the necessary minimum of humanitarian knowledge, a reserve of psychological and pedagogical tact, and to comply with ethical standards.

It is useful to assimilate foreign experience in solving social problems. It. in particular, it convinces that. that a market economy is not only equal relations regarding the purchase and sale of goods and services, it is also a culture of such relations, which should be focused on those recognized in given society values, social norms and moral requirements. The significance of world practice lies in this. that it warns against blindly copying foreign models of social development, and makes it possible to compare and critically evaluate domestic experience in managing social processes. In the movement towards a market, socially oriented economy, one cannot recklessly reject everything that has been tried by a planned economy; it is necessary to draw the necessary lessons and rational conclusions from previous practice.

An important task of managing social development is the use of various types of social and humanitarian technologies as a set of means of streamlining, reproducing and updating the social environment of an organization, as a kind of algorithm for obtaining the desired results in this matter. Such technologies, based on knowledge about a person, the content and forms of social connections, are used in management activities with the aim of humanizing work, creating conditions most favorable for teamwork, free and versatile development of the individual.

An indispensable component in the functioning of a social service is compliance with social norms, norms, standards - established by society, the state, the organization itself, rules, techniques * principles, patterns of behavior, requirements for human living conditions. These include both legal norms enshrined in the laws of the country, as well as regulated values ​​of social indicators and moral and ethical guidelines. The social service of the organization is obliged to ensure full implementation of social and labor legislation and to be at the height of the legal culture of management. In particular, this means strict compliance with legal norms regulating social and labor relations in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the current laws of the country.

The tasks of the social service include the development and implementation of measures that ensure social partnership - mutually interested cooperation of employers and employees in solving social problems. It is equally important to achieve interaction and coordination of activities with sectoral and regional structures for managing the social sphere, representing the authorities state power And local government, as well as with trade union organizations, whose role in establishing and implementing social partnership is especially great.

The functions of a social service consist of the entire set of known management elements. They are naturally consistent with the social environment of a particular organization and the general specifics of social management.

Forecasting and planning are the most important tools for managing social development. It primarily involves a deep and comprehensive analysis of the state of the organization’s social environment, meaningful diagnosis, clarification and explanation of the relationships that develop between its individual parts, as well as foresight and prediction of which “scenario” is best to direct the solution of an urgent social problem. This requires reliable sources of information, which, in particular, include statistical data characterizing the material base and other components of the social environment, the results of a special study and audit of labor conditions and safety, opportunities for recreation and meaningful leisure for workers, public opinion and prevailing sentiments a team. Planning, being a type of rational-constructive activity, means both setting goals and choosing means and ways to achieve them. A systematic approach allows you to influence social processes in the organization with greater expediency and efficiency.

The social service has organizational, administrative and coordinating functions of providing activities justified by targeted programs and social development plans. This requires interaction and coordination with related management structures of the organization, trade unions and other public associations, sectoral and territorial social management bodies. It is also necessary to prepare draft documents on social issues - decisions, orders, regulations, instructions, recommendations, etc. The main thing in management is personnel, business and ethical training of workers involved in considering issues of social development. They must have a high degree of competence, combining general and professional knowledge with the desire to learn from life, and a willingness to cooperate with those whose interests are affected in this case when choosing options for solving a particular social problem.

An essential aspect of the activities of the social service is the use of various types of incentives that encourage the team to active work to implement targeted programs and plans for social development, to increase the effectiveness of joint efforts. This includes material and moral encouragement for those who show useful initiative in social development and set a good example. It must be assumed that social motivation as part of common system work motivation ensures efficient and friendly work of all personnel. At the same time, it stimulates the social activity of each employee and helps create an atmosphere of enthusiasm and inspiration for people.

The responsibility of the social service is to constantly monitor the practical implementation of planned social activities and inform the team about changes in the social environment. The implementation of these functions is associated with obtaining, analyzing and summarizing information relating to social development, examining the working and living conditions of employees, summing up results, and assessing the economic and social effectiveness of improvements achieved in the social environment of the organization.

It is important for social service officials to respect social priorities. With limited material, financial and other resources, preference should be given to what contributes to the achievement of the main goals of the organization, nourishes the business spirit of employees, and improves the quality of working life.

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Management of social development of personnel is a set of methods, techniques, procedures that allow solving social problems based on a scientific approach, knowledge of the patterns of social processes, accurate analytical calculations and verified social standards. It represents an organizational mechanism for a pre-thought-out, predicted, multilateral, i.e. systematic and complex impact on the social environment, the use of diverse factors influencing this environment.

Social development is the process of changing for the better the material, spiritual and living conditions of the organization's employees and their families on the basis of the rational distribution and consumption of goods, relationships between individuals, taking into account moral and ethical values ​​and the development of human resources in the organization. Social development can go in several directions:

- improving the social structure of personnel, its demographic and professional qualification composition, changing the number of employees, increasing their educational and cultural-technological level;

- motivation and stimulation of personnel on the basis of material rewards, increasing labor efficiency, proactive and creative attitude to work, group and individual responsibility for the results of the organization’s final activities;

- creation and maintenance of a healthy socio-psychological climate in the team, friendly interpersonal and intergroup connections that promote coordinated and friendly work, the development of intellectual and moral potential and satisfaction with joint work;

- social security and insurance of employees, compliance with their social guarantees and civil rights in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, provision of additional social benefits (social package);

- growth in the quality of working life of workers, expressed in wages and consumption of material goods, food, industrial goods and various services, full use of leisure, improvement of relationships with management and members of the workforce, as well as working conditions.

Social development, in its intended purpose, focuses exclusively on the organization’s personnel. Its main task is to create appropriate working and living conditions for the organization’s employees and to achieve their continuous improvement.

The social environment is organically interconnected with the social, production and economic aspects of the functioning of the organization and together with them forms a single whole. At the present stage of development of the humanitarian society, the successful activity of any organization depends on the high effectiveness of the joint work of the workers employed in it, on their qualifications, professional training and level of education, on the extent to which working and living conditions are conducive to meeting the material and spiritual needs of people.

The social development of an organization means a change for the better in its social environment, i.e. those production, economic, social and spiritual-moral conditions in which the organization’s employees work, live with their families and in which the distribution and consumption of the benefits of society take place, and objective connections between individuals, their moral and ethical values ​​find expression.

Management of social development should be subordinated to the achievement of its strategic goals, normal functioning and rational use of the potential capabilities of the organization’s personnel. As a specific function of management, it has its own object and subject, methods, means, resources and forms of development and implementation of decisions, etc.

Managing the social development of an organization is a set of methods, techniques and procedures that allow solving social problems based on knowledge of the patterns of social processes, accurate calculation of the needs for material and spiritual benefits, and justified social standards. Management is a process of targeted, systematic and comprehensive influence on the social environment based on allocated resources and rational use of diverse factors influencing the social environment of the organization.

The object of management of the social development of personnel is the social environment of the organization. The social environment is formed by the organization’s personnel with their differences in demographic and professional qualifications, the social infrastructure of the organization, the achieved quality of working life of employees and the degree of satisfaction of their personal needs through productivity and quality of work in a particular organization.

The subject of social development management is the patterns of creation, functioning and improvement of the quality of working life of personnel based on the consumption of material and spiritual goods.

Over the past 200 years, diametrically opposed models of society have been quite clearly defined, which were formed and developed as different socio-economic formations, namely capitalist and socialist.

The capitalist model of society is based on: - compliance with the fundamental principles of private ownership of the means of production; - compliance with the constitution and laws of the state, the rights of individuals and citizens of the country; - independence in planning production and economic activities; - open competition in national and regional markets; - freedom in the distribution of profits after paying the necessary taxes and appropriation of part of the profits by businessmen as owners of capital; - distribution of goods, works and services through the laws of the market; - independence in forms and systems of remuneration based on compliance with minimum wages.

The main goal of capitalism is to obtain maximum profit through the production, exchange and distribution of products and services based on the laws, principles and values ​​established in society. In a capitalist society, there are such public needs as ensuring national security, increasing the country’s defense capability, protecting health and environment, ensuring law and order and the legality of infrastructure development in regions and cities, which can only be satisfied by the state and are ensured through the tax system and profits from the activities of state-owned enterprises.

Personal social needs are satisfied by employees on the basis of wages, income from business activities and social payments. In a capitalist economy, most social goods (housing, food, furniture, transportation, education and health care) are the object of purchase and sale on the market. Each citizen of society can consume as much material and spiritual goods as his purchasing power allows. The gap between groups of people in terms of income level in the capitalist system is very significant, therefore, the level of satisfaction with these benefits is uneven. There will always be groups of people for whom certain social benefits are not available.

Capitalist society is characterized by unresolved contradictions associated with the contradiction between labor and capital, the unequal distribution of material goods between members of society, underemployment and high unemployment, insufficient participation of workers in self-government, the struggle of trade unions for higher wages and improved working conditions. The classic of the theory of orthodox capitalism is K. Marx (fundamental work “Capital”).

The socialist model of society is based on the predominance of state ownership of the means of production, the denial of a market economy, planned management of the national economy, free distribution of social services, collective labor and equal distribution of benefits in society, a one-party system and a unitary state.

Typical features of socialist enterprises and organizations: - the presence of social infrastructure facilities on the balance sheet of enterprises (housing, preschool institutions, hospitals, sports facilities, etc.); - significant social guarantees (mandatory employment in case of layoffs, payment of sick leave and temporary disability, retraining of personnel at the expense of the enterprise, protection of the employee from the arbitrariness of the administration, pensions and old-age benefits, etc.); - rational use or disposal of state property (buildings and structures, machinery and equipment, finances and profits, etc.) of organizations under state or municipal ownership; - the possibility of state intervention in the management of an organization directly through administrative planning by providing government orders and resources, appropriating most of the profits, appointing a manager and his deputies; - the presence of a significant number of regulatory documents regulating the production, engineering and financial and economic activities of organizations, the denial of competition and free enterprise, the systematic distribution of material and spiritual benefits, etc.

However, the practical implementation of this theory using the example of the former USSR and China, member countries of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Yugoslavia), North Korea and Vietnam, Cuba and Mongolia showed that the classical model of socialism is a dead end in the development of society.

This is due to: 1) the lack of material and spiritual goods in society for fair distribution according to work and, even more so, according to need, and therefore for the realization of the global goal of a socialist society. The result is an equal level of poverty among large masses of people; 2) the inability of the administrative system of socialism to correctly determine the proportions of production and distribution of goods, even using the model of intersectoral balance and social standards in a hostile environment, and therefore the rational ratio of expenses “for guns and butter,” which was usually decided in favor of the “guns.” But in general, society was in a state of readiness for war with capitalism;

3) the reluctance of a significant part of society to comply with the moral code of the builder of communism and the reproduction of the negative aspects of socialism: unproductive work, a significant percentage of marriages, drunkenness at home and at work, theft of state and personal property, crime. As a result, the backward part of society did not decrease and required state coercion.

The mixed model of social capitalism actively began to develop in the Western world in the 20th century. influenced by the real advantages of the socialist model and as a way to correct the inherent shortcomings of capitalism. Therefore, this direction was developed as a theory of convergence - the rapprochement of two opposing formations and the achievement of a stable equilibrium, mainly thanks to the works of J. Keynes, A. Marshall, J. Galbraith, P. Drucker, A. Porter.

The positive aspects of the mixed model of society are that the state can regulate certain proportions and sectors of the economy, private property is the basis of the market economy, and society has a working middle class (60% or more), the state shares income in society through the tax system and finances social sphere, competition and free enterprise form the basis of the economy, and citizens are law-abiding and comply with the laws of civil society.

The disadvantages of the mixed model of society, naturally, migrated from the social formations of capitalism and socialism: - society is still divided into rich and poor, and this gap will increase in the future; - state regulation cannot be comprehensive, as under socialism, and does not allow to avoid economic crises (for example, 2008 -2010); - the formation of a significant layer of the middle class is a serious problem for socialist and feudal countries due to the mentality of egalitarianism and religion; - the formation of a collective social worker whose work is productive and of high quality requires a long period; - the creation of a civil society with law-abiding citizens and requires two or three generations of citizens (50 -75 years old) who have lived in this model of society.

All this is confirmed by the post-war 50-year experience of highly developed countries with state regulation of the economy (Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Japan, Sweden, partly the USA).

The most important element of the modern economy is state regulation of the activities of enterprises and organizations. Having its own budget, the state can have a significant influence on the economic life of the country: regulate expanded reproduction, reducing or increasing taxes, pursuing protectionist policies towards domestic producers; influence the creation of new jobs; support production through subsidies individual species products; develop entire sectors of the economy by investing government revenues.

Levers government controlled scientific and technological progress (STP) and other aspects of economic life in many developed countries are direct budget subsidies, preferential targeted lending through specialized state credit institutions, tax breaks and preferential depreciation rates, investment privileges. State programs are organized specifically for the implementation of large projects, and special methods for their management are developed.

Consequently, state regulation of the economy must be considered as an integral part of modern society, which does not contradict the principles of its functioning. True, it differs significantly from the directive planning of the administrative system of socialism.

State planning of the proportions of the economy acts as a complementary element of the market economy, a kind of economic management tool. Of course, in the modern economy of capitalism there is no need for an end-to-end planning system that unites all levels of management into a single system based on minimum economic standards and the needs of members of society.

1. Social development of the organization as an object of management

Social development of an organization means a change for the better in its social environment. In general, it includes the entire complex mechanism that drives human activity, a consistently unfolding chain of needs, interests, motives and goals that motivate people to work, concretize the business orientation and value systems of personnel.

The development of the social environment is an indispensable object of organization management and, at the same time, an integral part of personnel management.

According to its purpose, social development management is focused exclusively on people, on creating appropriate working and living conditions for workers and constantly improving these conditions.

Accordingly, its main goals are:

Improving the social structure of personnel;

Its demographic and professional qualification composition;

Regulation of the number of employees

Increasing their educational, cultural and technical level

Improving ergonomic, psychophysiological, sanitary, hygienic, aesthetic and other working conditions, labor protection and safety of workers;

Ensuring social insurance for workers, respecting their rights and social guarantees;

Stimulation by means of both material reward and encouragement of labor efficiency, proactive and creative attitude to work, group and individual responsibility;

Creation and maintenance of a healthy material and psychological atmosphere in the team, optimal interpersonal and intergroup connections that promote coordinated and friendly work, the disclosure of the intellectual and moral potential of each individual, and satisfaction with joint work;

Increased living standards of workers and their families;

Satisfying the need for housing and household appliances, food, non-food products and necessary services, full use of leisure time.

Managing the social development of an organization is a set of methods, techniques and procedures that allow solving social problems on the basis of a thoughtful scientific approach, knowledge of the patterns of social processes, accurate analytical calculations and verified social standards.

Firstly, the basis for people’s well-being and increasing their standard of living is an effective economy, which is equally true at the macroeconomic level, in relation to the country as a whole, and at the level of commercial activity of a single organization;

Secondly, the determining condition for economic success is not so much the resource potential of the organization and the form of ownership, but rather the fact that the products (goods and services), produced either by a joint-stock company, a private, state or municipal organization, are needed by society, consumers and are in demand in the market, bring profit;

Third, the effective functioning and competitiveness of an organization is crucially ensured by its personnel, the coordinated efforts of people united by common interests and business;

Fourth, the high impact of joint work is achieved by skillful management of all aspects of the organization’s development, including constant training of personnel, instilling in them independence, responsibility, and well-deserved pride in their company, production, institution;

Fifthly What is important is the attitude of employees, a favorable moral and psychological atmosphere, everyone’s confidence that he is protected from social and professional risks, that his contribution to achieving the goals of the organization, initiative and hard work receives recognition, fair assessment, and decent remuneration.

There is also no doubt that managing social development requires taking into account the specific situation. In fact, this requires avoiding templates, involves choosing from management decisions depending on the specifics of given conditions, the confluence of certain circumstances at the current moment and the foreseeable future, and the use of diverse factors influencing the social environment of the organization.

Social environment of the organization is a set of factors that determine the quality of working life of workers.

That is, in relation to the social environment of an organization, the concept of a factor expresses the conditions that determine the nature and possible consequences of the changes occurring in it, which in turn affect the personnel.

The main direct factors of the organization’s social environment include:

Organization potential;

Its social infrastructure;

Labor conditions and safety;

Material reward for labor contribution, as well as family budgets;

Social protection of workers;

Social and psychological climate of the team;

Non-working time and use of leisure time.

Potential means the material, technical, organizational and economic capabilities of the organization, i.e. its size and territorial location, number and quality of personnel, the nature of leading professions, industry affiliation and profile of the enterprise, volumes of products produced or services provided, form of ownership, financial position, state of fixed assets and technical level of production, as well as such points as the organization’s fame , traditions and image.

All these basic factors act as the focus of the most important means and incentives, exerting a diverse, complex influence on the social development of the organization.

Social infrastructure provides a complex of facilities designed to provide life support for the organization’s employees and members of their families, and to satisfy social, cultural and intellectual needs.

In our conditions, the list of such objects may include:

T.N. socialized housing stock (houses, dormitories), and public utility facilities (hotels, laundries, etc.) with networks of energy, gas, water and heat supply, sewerage, telephone communications, local computer network, etc.;

Medical and treatment-and-prophylactic institutions (hospitals, clinics, outpatient clinics, first-aid posts, pharmacies, sanatoriums, dispensaries, etc.);

T.N. educational and cultural facilities (schools, preschool and out-of-school children's institutions, clubs, libraries, exhibition halls, etc.);

Trade and public catering facilities (shops, canteens, cafes, and there may also be subsidiary farms for the supply of fresh products);

Consumer service facilities (workshops, salons, rental points);

Sports facilities (stadiums, swimming pools, sports grounds) and public recreation centers;

Collective dacha farms and gardening partnerships.

An organization, depending on its scale, form of ownership, and industry affiliation, may have its own social infrastructure entirely or have a set of its individual elements, and may rely on cooperation with other organizations or on the municipal base of the social sphere. But in any case, taking care of the social services of workers and their families is the most important requirement for managing social development.

If an organization has its own extensive network of social infrastructure, it is usually managed separately. In this case, it is possible to have the position of director for social and domestic issues or something like that.

Labor conditions and safety include factors that in one way or another affect the useful output of workers, ensuring safe work, preventing injuries and occupational diseases.

Working conditions is a set of psychophysiological, sanitary-hygienic, aesthetic and socio-psychological factors of the production environment and the labor process that affect human health and performance. They include safe working conditions, under which workers’ exposure to harmful and hazardous production factors should be minimized – i.e. to the level of established standards, or better yet, excluded altogether, if possible. Unfortunately, the most common practice is that instead of improving working conditions and creating a favorable environment, enterprises spend money (and sometimes many times more) on compensating employees for production risks (introducing shortened working hours, increasing tariff rates, providing free medical treatment). nutrition, early retirement, etc.)

This also includes reducing the volume of heavy work that requires great physical effort, overcoming the monotony of work, rational use of breaks during the working day or shift for rest and nutrition; availability and convenience of social facilities (locker rooms, showers, toilets, first aid station, rest rooms, buffets, canteens, etc.)

Occupational Safety and Health is designed to ensure the safety of life and health of workers, in particular, it provides for:

Establishment of uniform regulatory requirements in the field of labor protection, development of programs corresponding to them, as well as carrying out relevant activities in organizations;

State supervision and public control over compliance with the legal rights of workers to work that meets safety and hygiene requirements, the fulfillment of labor protection obligations by employers and the workers themselves;

Providing workers at the employer’s expense with special clothing and footwear, personal and collective protective equipment, medical and preventive nutrition;

Prevention of accidents and incidents at work;

Implementation of a system of measures for the rehabilitation of persons injured at work.

Material reward for labor contribution, which acts as a key point in the social development of an organization, we examined in the last lesson.

Social protection of the organization's employees constitute measures for social insurance, unconditional compliance with civil rights and social guarantees established by current legislation, collective agreements, labor agreements and other legal acts.

In Ukraine, these measures, in particular, provide for:

Ensuring minimum wages and tariff rates;

Normal working hours (40 hours per week), compensation for work on weekends and holidays, annual paid leave, duration of at least 24 days;

Compensation for harm to health in connection with the performance of work duties;

Contributions to pension and other off-budget social insurance funds;

Payment of benefits for temporary disability, monthly benefits to mothers during their maternity leave, stipends for employees during professional training or advanced training.

These guarantees are implemented with the direct participation of the organization. Cash payments, as a rule, are made from the organization’s funds, their sizes are based on the average salary or a share of the minimum wage.

The social protection system is needed in order to protect workers from the risk of finding themselves in a difficult financial situation due to illness, disability or unemployment, and to give them confidence in the reliable protection of their labor rights and privileges.

The socio-psychological climate is the total effect of the influence of many factors influencing the organization’s personnel. It manifests itself in work motivation, communication of workers, their interpersonal and group connections.

From the point of view of personnel management, it is generally accepted that three main components interact in the structure of the socio-psychological climate of the team:

Moral and psychological compatibility of employees

Their business spirit

And social optimism

These components relate to the nuances of human intellect, will and emotional properties of the individual, which largely determine her desire for useful activity, creative work, and cooperation. These factors, along with material ones, stimulate the employee, causing him tension or loss of energy, work enthusiasm or apathy, interest in the work or indifference.

After hours forms another group of factors in the social environment of the organization. Associated with them is the rest and recuperation of workers, the arrangement of their home life, their fulfillment of family and social responsibilities, and the use of leisure time.

The time resource of a working person is divided into working and non-working hours on a weekday, as is commonly believed, somewhere in the ratio of 1:2 (the length of the working day in different countries is not the same, it differs by industry and profession). It is believed that time not directly related to work activity should include spending about 9-9.5 hours to restore strength and satisfy the natural physiological needs of a person (sleep, personal hygiene, eating, etc.). And the rest of the day is occupied by traveling to and from work, running the home and household chores, caring for children and activities with them, as well as leisure.

Leisure, from the perspective of human resource management, is of particular importance for the comprehensive development of the individual. It serves to restore the physical and intellectual strength of workers and is closely related to the satisfaction of their sociocultural needs.

From Western practice it gradually comes to us that in a more or less large enterprise, personnel services should include in the scope of their activities the regulation of social and labor relations and relations with trade unions, the provision of social services to personnel, and the expenditure of funds for various charitable purposes.

When choosing the “design” of such a service in our organization, we need to take into account many aspects, for example, the socio-economic consequences of the privatization of former state property, fundamental changes in the system of compensation or remuneration, the fact that the provision of social services in general is increasingly commercialized, then that trade unions today do not fulfill many of their former social functions, etc. We have to take into account the fact that real concern for the social sphere is increasingly being shifted to the organizations themselves.

Specialists of services dealing with social issues in an organization need to have the qualities that are required in the requirements for social workers: they must be extremely attentive to people and their needs, have the necessary minimum of humanitarian knowledge, a stock of psychological and pedagogical skills and tact, and comply with ethical standards. They must be able, using the means available to them, to create and maintain socio-psychological comfort, stimulate interest in work, and strictly comply with requirements regarding labor protection. The social service of the organization must ensure full implementation of social and labor legislation, act both in accordance with the laws of the country and more general regulatory documents, in particular, in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

An important point in managing social development is the use of theoretical and practical developments in the humanities, and sociology in particular. Knowledge about a person as a social being, about his behavior in a social group, about the processes occurring at the level of a social group.

The most important tool for social development is forecasting and planning. Of course, it involves a deep and most comprehensive analysis of the state of the organization’s social environment, establishing the relationships that exist between its parts and other labor factors in the organization. In particular, this is necessary in order to anticipate social problems or resolve them according to the most optimal scenario.

This requires reliable sources of information, which can include statistical data, the results of special audits of labor conditions and safety, opportunities for rest and proper leisure for workers, as well as data regarding public opinion and the prevailing sentiments in the team, obtained as a result of the use of sociological methods of obtaining information .

Managing the social development of an organization requires coordination and interaction with trade unions and other public associations, for example, a labor council. In this regard, collective agreements are primarily considered as a tool for implementing the organization’s social policy.

“Voluntarily” benefits and services provided to employees under an internal agreement become as mandatory for the administration as those provided in accordance with labor legislation.

Regardless of whether social services at an enterprise are vital (ensuring subsistence) or are offered only in the interests of attracting qualified personnel (labor market), they create employee interest in the effective economic activities of the organization.

Consequently, the social security of employees, the development of their personal qualities, and the preservation of health are a condition for the success of the organization.

2. Social policy of the organization

When talking about managing the social development of an organization, one more term can be used - Social policy of the organization , which is characterized as part of the personnel management policy, and includes all goals and activities related to the voluntary social services of the organization.

The social policy of the organization means respect, recognition of merit and encouragement of people. Accordingly, the system of additional social benefits should not only be attractive for the employee, but also oriented towards the success of the organization and, therefore, equally useful for both production partners - the employee and the employer.

Social policy in the organization must meet the following principles:

* know and take into account the material and non-material needs and interests of employees;

* the services provided must be known to employees and regarded by them as voluntary expenses for social needs;

* be economically justifiable for the organization and focus in the market economy system on considerations of costs and efficiency;

* social needs that are already sufficiently satisfied by the state or other public institutions should not be the subject of social policy in the organization.

The social policy of the organization, being part of the personnel management policy, performs the following functions:

* reduction of conflicts;

* formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate;

* improving relations between employers and employees;

* attracting new employees;

* creating a favorable image of the organization in the eyes of the public;

* “binding” personnel to a given organization, helps the employee identify himself with it.

Thus, social policy is an integral part of the mechanism for improving the quality of the workforce and the conditions for its effective implementation.

The object of influence of social policy is not only employed workers, but to a certain extent also former workers, including those who have retired

Social development of personnel is a process that allows you to create a cohesive team of like-minded people. By using innovative systems and management methods, you can achieve optimal results in a short time and significantly improve the productivity of all employees.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is the social development of the organization’s personnel;
  • How is the social development of personnel managed?
  • What methods of personnel development are the most effective;
  • How to improve the system for managing the social development of personnel.

What is social development of the organization’s personnel

Social development of an organization’s personnel is the formation of social skills and regulation of collective behavior. The organization is an economic and social entity. The external and internal culture of an enterprise is formed under the influence of certain factors. Successful joint activity of members of one team depends not so much on the orders of the management team, but on the socially adapted system of the organization itself. Based on these factors, a system of social development of personnel is formed.

The interests of the company are supported by a team of like-minded people united by a common goal - creating economic stability that helps you feel confident and independent. An important component of the social development of personnel is the self-development of each employee and advanced training. In turn, the management team is developing methods to improve working conditions. A system of motivation and social environment is being created that determines the quality of the entire working life of employees.

How is the social development of personnel managed?

Managing the social development of personnel is an organized and systematic process carried out by the personnel service together with the head of the company. The main tasks are aimed at creating and maintaining:

  • Healthy and trusting relationships within the team.
  • Corporate culture of the organization.
  • Social, psychological assistance employees in need.
  • Comfortable working conditions.
  • Methods of motivation.
  • Conditions for advanced training.
  • Social programs aimed at improving the standard of living of each employee.

Professional personal development only possible with favorable conditions. HR specialists periodically conduct assessments and certifications of personnel. This helps identify those who fully meet all the parameters for further promotion and promotion. Specialists are sent to advanced training courses. In the future, they are promoted or a personnel reserve of management is created.

Managing the social development of an organization's personnel is impossible without improving the entire internal social structure. First of all, the number of hired workers is regulated. Professional qualification level is always taken into account when selecting new personnel. Then the main efforts are directed towards creating optimal ergonomic, sanitary and hygienic, psychophysiological, aesthetic and safe working conditions. Provide a social insurance system in compliance with all social guarantees.

The work of managing the social development of personnel is considered successful if the team connects personal success with the success of the company. Warm relations are maintained within. Each employee is ready to use their intellectual and creative potential, show initiative and responsibility. All this contributes to the high-quality performance of the assigned work.

What methods of personnel development are the most effective?

Personnel development methods are created taking into account the main directions that help to carry out diverse and comprehensive work over a long period of time. As a rule, socio-psychological services and professional psychologists working in specialized centers are involved in the development of the system.

Forms of social development of personnel are divided directly into purely social, psychological and economic. All of them are aimed at solving diverse problems and helping to create an effective unified system. The company's potential is reflected in its organizational, economic, material and technical capabilities. Social infrastructure is aimed at meeting the social, intellectual and cultural needs of employees.

Basic methods of personnel development

  • Social methods are used to create a favorable atmosphere within the team. The work is considered completed if employees interact successfully and are ready to provide full support and mutual assistance. There are completely no conflict situations within one team; all controversial issues are resolved through negotiations.
  • Psychological methods aimed at supporting each member of the team if an unfavorable situation arises. Psychological counseling, correction, diagnosis of the problem is the task of a full-time psychologist.
  • Economic methods allow for work on financial incentives. This helps improve production performance in general and each individual employee in particular.

How to improve the personnel social development management system

The system for managing the social development of personnel is improved through periodic analysis and refinement of the results obtained. If necessary, professional specialists from social support centers are invited to adjust existing systems.

The technique is considered effective:

  • If you managed to reduce staff turnover;
  • To achieve a responsible attitude of employees towards the assigned work;
  • Eliminate industrial injuries and illness;
  • Increase staff satisfaction with working conditions and social package;
  • Significantly increase the level of material well-being;
  • Provide housing;
  • Eliminate conflict situations, claims, complaints;
  • Reduce social tension in general.

The system of social development of personnel improves the social status of employees and the personnel situation, improves the quality of work. All this generally affects the economic well-being of the organization. The financial and time costs required to search and select new employees are reduced.