Tribestan plus instructions for use. Reviews on the use of the drug Tribestan and instructions for it

Tribestan is a herbal preparation that contains a dry extract of the aerial part of the plant Tribulus terrestris(Tribulus terrestris). Tribestan stimulates the functions of the reproductive system, increases libido, increases the strength and duration of erection, has a beneficial effect on lipid metabolism and hormonal status, and relieves menopausal symptoms in women.

Tribestan is used in complex treatment decreased libido, impotence (sexual weakness), infertility in men and women; for dyslipoproteinemia (disorder of fat metabolism) to reduce total cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins; in women with menopausal and post-castration syndrome (condition after surgical removal of the ovaries) to alleviate neurovegetative and mental manifestations.
Use for these purposes is based only on experience of long-term use.

Do not take the drug

If you are allergic (hypersensitivity) to the active substance or any of the excipients;
- in case of severe cardiovascular or renal disease;
- with prostate adenoma;
- if you are under 18 years of age;
- Tribestan should not be taken during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Special attention when applying" type="checkbox">

Pay special attention when using

When treating women with menopausal syndrome, the transition from a therapeutic dose to a maintenance dose should be gradual. After a sharp reduction or withdrawal of the effective dose, a secondary appearance of menopausal symptoms is possible.
Before you start taking the drug, you should consult your doctor. If there is no effect while taking the drug for 1 month, you should consult a doctor.
To avoid possible irritating effects of Tribestan on the gastric mucosa, it is recommended to take the drug after meals.
The drug shell contains soy lecithin. Patients with allergies to peanut protein or soy should not use this drug due to an increased risk of severe allergic reactions (including anaphylactic shock).

Taking other medications

Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken other medicines, including those available without a prescription.
The simultaneous use of Tribestan with drugs that stimulate ovulation leads to a mutual enhancement of their effects.
The use of Tribestan may enhance the effects of diuretics (water medications) and antihypertensive drugs (to treat high blood pressure).

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking any medicine during pregnancy.
It is not recommended to use Tribestan during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to the lack of clinical data confirming the safety of the drug during these periods.
If pregnancy is established, the drug should be discontinued.

Driving vehicles and working with machines

Tribestan does not affect active attention and can be used by drivers and machine operators.

How to use

Take Tribestan as described in this leaflet. If you are unsure, ask your doctor or pharmacist.
The tablets are taken orally after meals.
For low libido, impotence and infertility
For men with low libido, impotence and infertility, the recommended dosage is 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is at least 90 days. The course of treatment can be repeated until a satisfactory therapeutic effect is obtained.
In women with infertility, the recommended dosage is 1-2 tablets 3 times a day from days 1 to 12 menstrual cycle. This course can be repeated periodically until pregnancy occurs.
2 tablets 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is at least 3 months. Repeated courses - on the recommendation of a doctor.
Menopausal and post-castration syndrome in women
1-2 tablets 3 times a day for 60-90 days. After the condition improves, they gradually move on to a maintenance dose - 2 tablets per day for 1-2 years.
If you take a larger dose of Tribestan than necessary
There are no reports of cases of overdose with Tribestan. When using the drug in doses exceeding the recommended ones, dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting) may occur. Upon admission more drug, consult your doctor for advice. Treatment is symptomatic.
If you miss taking Tribestan
Do not take a double dose to make up for a missed dose.
If you have any additional questions about the use of this medicine, please contact your doctor or pharmacist.

Possible side effects

Like all medicines, Tribestan can cause side effects, although not everyone gets them.
Predisposed patients may experience hypersensitivity reactions. The drug may have an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa.
If any of the side effects becomes serious or you notice others not listed in this leaflet, please notify your doctor or pharmacist.


In original packaging, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Tribestan is a herbal medicine obtained from herbal extract creeping Tribulus (Tribulus terrestris). Various tinctures, extracts and decoctions prepared from Tribulus have been used for centuries in folk medicine recipes of Bulgarians and other Balkan ethnic groups. In 1981, the empirically identified properties of Tribulus herb received their scientific confirmation in studies conducted by specialists from the Research Institute of the Chemical-Pharmaceutical Industry in Sofia. It was from this moment that the Bulgarians registered a trademark and began to produce and sell Tribulus extract in the form of a medicinal product called Tribestan.

Tribestan enhances the production of testosterone and estrogen hormones, improving sexual function, erection, spermatogenesis, libido and other overall indicators sexual activity and the ability to reproduce in both men and women. In addition, the drug has a positive effect on the mental and physiological state of men and women who have undergone various operations to remove the genital organs, for example, the uterus, prostate, ovaries, etc. Tribestan reduces the intensity and severity of symptoms that develop during menopause in men and women, or after surgical castration (for example, after removal of the prostate due to a tumor, or the uterus along with fibroids, etc.), such as insomnia, excitability, tension etc. This universal effect on men and women is explained by the stimulating effect of Tribestan on the brain structures responsible for the production of hormones that control the activity of the genital organs.

In addition to its beneficial effect on sexual function, Tribestan improves immunity and increases resistance cell membranes to the effects of damaging factors, and also has the ability to reduce cholesterol concentrations. Thus, Tribestan can be used as a general strengthening and tonic drug, as well as improving the ability to conceive and preventing atherosclerosis.


Tribestan is produced in the form of biconvex round tablets, which are covered with a brown film coating on top. Each package contains 60 tablets.

The active ingredient in the tablets is a dry extract of Tribulus terrestris herb. One tablet contains 250 mg of extract, from which at least 112.5 mg of protodioscin is produced during metabolism in the body. And protodioscin is the main active ingredient present in the extract.

As auxiliary components, each Tribestan tablet contains the following substances:

  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • povidone;
  • crospovidone;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • talc;
  • soy lecithin;
  • opadry brown;
  • polyvinyl alcohol;
  • iron oxides black, yellow and red;
  • xanthan gum.

Therapeutic effects

All therapeutic effects of Tribestan are caused by substances of biological origin belonging to the group of steroidal saponins of the furastanol type. The main active component of the extract is protodioscin, which is already formed in the human body as a result of a series of chemical transformations of its precursors contained in Tribestan tablets.

Protodioscin is a steroidal saponin in chemical structure, which is a precursor for the synthesis of its own steroid hormones. That is, when protodioscin, which is a kind of “semi-finished product,” appears in the body, its own sex hormones are synthesized, which are also steroids in chemical structure. This explains the versatility of Tribestan - the ability to stimulate the production of testosterone in men and estrogen in women.

In addition to the ability to normalize the concentration of sex hormones, Tribestan has the following therapeutic effects:
1. Antibiotic (destroys a number of pathogenic microorganisms).
2. Antiviral effect (destroys herpes and influenza viruses).
3. Hypolipidemic effect (normalizes the concentration of total blood cholesterol, reduces the content of atherogenic fractions and increases the level of antiatherogenic lipid fractions).
4. Powerful anti-inflammatory effect (severity is almost the same as that of dexamethasone and other glucocorticoids).
5. Anti-edema effect.
6. Stimulate sexual function, including fertility and libido.
7. Fungicidal effect (destroys pathogenic fungi).

Thus, Tribestan is a herbal medicine that has a general strengthening and hypolipidemic effect, and also improves the functioning of the reproductive system of men and women.

In addition, protodioscin improves immunity and increases the stability of cell membranes, which maintain integrity even when exposed to strong damaging factors (for example, free radicals). Also, steroid saponins in Tribestan improve fertility (the ability to conceive) and normalize cholesterol metabolism. The drug reduces the amount of cholesterol absorbed from the intestine and reduces the concentration of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) in the blood, which are atherogenic fractions that lead to the development of atherosclerosis. At the same time, the drug does not affect the concentration of high-density lipoproteins (HDL), which, on the contrary, prevent the development of atherosclerosis. Thus, the herbal medicine effectively prevents atherosclerosis of various vessels.

By reducing the concentration of cholesterol and atherogenic lipid fractions, Tribestan helps reduce blood clotting. This means that the drug prevents a tendency to thrombosis or already existing increased thrombus formation.

Tribestan has a general strengthening and tonic effect on the reproductive system of both men and women. This effect is achieved through the activation of central regulatory mechanisms located in the structures of the brain. Therefore, the drug improves the functioning of the genital organs in both men and women. However, there are some gender differences in the effects of the drug.

Tribestan for women

Tribestan normalizes ovulation cycles in women. Its therapeutic effect is similar to that of hormonal drugs containing estrogen and testosterone (for example, combined oral contraceptives). Along with the normalization of ovulation, Tribestan reduces the risk of developing tumors of the breast, ovaries, uterus and other genital organs. Normalizing ovulation means increasing the ability to conceive, that is, the ability to become pregnant and bear a child. And that’s why the Bulgarians have long used this plant for the treatment of infertility.

In addition, Tribestan stimulates the production of pituitary hormones, which in turn regulate and balance the process of synthesis of sex hormones - estrogens. In women, Tribestan affects mainly the level of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which is “responsible” for ovulation, as well as estradiol. At the same time, the drug does not suppress the natural mechanisms of hormone production - it simply enhances the stimulating effect of the brain and leads the body to a balanced, that is, healthy state. According to studies, taking Tribestan for 5 days leads to an increase in estrogen concentrations by 40% of the initial level. However, when using the drug, an increase in the concentration of hormones above normal is excluded, and all fluctuations occur within the limits of physiological values.

Normalizing the hormonal balance in the body leads to the restoration of libido and the ability to conceive. Tribestan also normalizes the psychological and physiological state of a woman after removal of the genital organs (for example, the uterus due to fibroids, etc.) or during menopause. The tablets eliminate the main symptoms of these conditions - hot flashes, headaches, insomnia, irritability, lethargy, tension, etc.

Summarizing all the mechanisms of action of Tribestan, we can say that its use has the following positive effects for women:

  • stimulates estrogen production;
  • improves sexual desire (libido);
  • inhibits the development of menopause;
  • reduces the severity of negative phenomena that develop during menopause due to a lack of estrogen;
  • normalizes hormonal balance;
  • stabilizes and normalizes body weight;
  • rejuvenates the skin.
Tribestan helps women cope with infertility, menopause and hormonal disorders of the genital organs.

Tribestan for men

Tribestan, acting on the central mechanisms regulating the production of sex hormones, stimulates the synthesis of luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone in men. Thanks to the normalization of hormonal balance, under the influence of Tribestan in men, lost libido is restored or existing libido is enhanced. The erection also increases and the duration of sexual intercourse increases. In addition to improving the ability to copulate, Tribestan has a stimulating effect on the process of sperm formation, increasing their number and motility.

Under the influence of testosterone, which is the main male hormone, the functioning of all organs and systems of the stronger sex improves, endurance increases, a surge of strength appears, and well-being is normalized. The use of Tribestan for five days leads to an increase in testosterone concentration by 30%. However, the increase in hormone concentration occurs within the physiological norm. That is, the drug never leads to an increase in testosterone levels above the physiological norm, at which the development of negative phenomena is possible.

In addition, Tribestan, by increasing testosterone levels, enhances the metabolic process and helps athletes intensify their training. In this case, the herbal medicine increases endurance and readiness for high physical activity, and also shortens the recovery period of the body after intense training. Acting as a metabolism enhancer, Tribestan helps build muscle mass.

Tribestan - application in bodybuilding

The herbal medicine Tribestan is successfully used by athletes - bodybuilders who want to intensify training and quickly gain muscle mass. Since Tribulus extract is capable of increasing testosterone concentrations, Tribestan actually improves the set muscle mass. The appearance of this drug in the arsenal of bodybuilders is due to the amazing effects obtained by Bulgarian weightlifters in the 60s of the 20th century. At that time, Bulgarians used Tribulus extract specifically for the purpose of gaining muscle mass, which is necessary for a weightlifter to improve his performance, as well as for constant training with enormous loads.

An additional advantage of Tribestan is its properties that increase endurance and strength, comparable in intensity and effects to hormones and doping. However, Tribestan is neither a hormone (steroid) nor a doping agent. In addition, experienced bodybuilders use it to maintain normal testosterone levels while using steroids that reduce the concentration of the hormone. According to empirical data, bodybuilders noticed an increase in testosterone within a week after regularly taking the drug.

However, when using Tribestan for the purpose of gaining muscle mass, it is necessary to take proteins, vitamins and eat well.

Indications for use

The herbal medicine is indicated for use in the treatment of the following conditions:
  • As a tonic and general strengthening agent in order to increase resistance to physical and psychological stress.
  • In order to enhance performance and accelerate recovery during intense training in athletes.
  • To speed up recovery after serious illnesses.
  • Impotence.
  • Weak and short-lived erection.
  • Sperm pathology – oligoasthenoteratozoospermia and azoospermia (small number, poor motility, pathological forms).
  • Low libido.
  • Frigidity in women.
  • Endocrine (ovarian) infertility.
  • Menopausal syndrome.
  • Post-castration syndrome (after removal of the genital organs) with severe neurasthenia, psychological and vasomotor disorders.
  • Prevention of atherosclerosis (in order to reduce the concentration of LDL and cholesterol in the blood).

Tribestan - instructions for use

Tribestan tablets should be taken orally, preferably with meals. If it is not possible to take a tablet with food, then you can do it at any time, washing it down with clean water or eating something (for example, an apple, banana, sandwich, etc.). Usually tablets are taken 1 - 2 pieces 3 times a day. The minimum duration of treatment is 1 month. However, it is optimal to take the drug for 50–60 days. Treatment courses with Tribestan can be repeated if necessary. In this case, the duration of treatment courses and the intervals between them are determined by the achieved therapeutic results and tolerability of the drug. For example, therapy for high cholesterol concentrations should last for at least 3 months, for impotence - for at least 40 - 50 days, for menopausal disorders - for at least 2 - 3 months, for infertility - for at least 70 - 90 days. Let's consider the specific dosages and duration of treatment with Tribestan, depending on the pathology.

As a general tonic

As a general tonic, Tribestan is taken 1 - 2 tablets three times a day. In this case, the drug can be taken within one calendar year without breaks, one tablet three times a day. However, it should be remembered that the drug has an anabolic effect, that is, it promotes weight gain, and if you do not exercise, you can seriously gain weight. But with regular physical activity while taking Tribestan, you can gain muscle mass rather than create fat deposits.

Impotence, weak and short-lived erection

Impotence, weak and short-lived erections in men should be treated by taking Tribestan 1 - 2 tablets 3 times a day for 2 months.

Infertility in men

Infertility in men requires taking Tribestan for 3 months, 1 - 2 tablets, 3 times a day. In the treatment of infertility, the drug is taken to improve the quality of sperm, increase the number of sperm and their motility.

Prevention of atherosclerosis

Prevention of atherosclerosis (treatment of high concentrations of cholesterol and LDL) requires the use of Tribestan for at least 3 months, 2 tablets, 3 times a day. In this case, it is necessary to regularly monitor the concentration of cholesterol and its fractions (HDL, LDL, TG). With good positive dynamics and tolerability of the drug, the course of continuous use of Tribestan can be extended to six months.

Intense physical activity

To increase endurance and quality of training, you need to take 1 - 2 tablets 3 times a day. It is optimal to take Tribestan in courses of 30 days, with breaks between them of 2 weeks.

If nausea develops while using Tribestan, then it is necessary to reduce the dosage or stop taking the tablets for 2 to 3 days. Tribestan does not reduce concentration and reaction speed, so people taking the drug can engage in any activity.


An overdose of Tribestan is possible when taking more than 10 tablets at a time. Symptoms of overdose are anxiety, increased nervous excitability, nausea, and bleeding. To treat this condition, it is necessary to remove the remaining drug from the body using gastric lavage with activated charcoal. In case of severe nervous excitement, diazepam is administered intravenously.

Tribestan - instructions for use for women

Hormonal infertility

In women, Tribestan is used to normalize the menstrual cycle and increase the concentration of estrogen in the blood. Usually such conditions are the cause of infertility. In order to treat such infertility caused by low levels of sex hormones, women should take the drug from the first to the twelfth or fifteenth day of the menstrual cycle, 1 to 2 tablets, 3 times a day. In this case, Tribestan must be taken for at least 4 to 6 menstrual cycles. The effect of treatment is monitored by regular laboratory tests to determine the concentration of estrogen hormones (FSH and estradiol). When hormone levels return to normal, you can stop taking the drug and try to get pregnant.

Menopausal syndrome

This syndrome develops during natural menopause or after surgical removal of genital organs, for example, ovaries, fallopian tubes or uterus due to any disease. With menopausal and post-castration syndrome, the same disorders occur, caused by low levels of sex hormones due to insufficient production.

Therapy for these conditions requires the use of Tribestan for 2 to 3 months, 2 tablets 3 times a day. After this time, they switch to taking a maintenance dose - 2 tablets per day (one piece in the morning and evening), which is continued for another 2 months.

Tribestan for infertility - how to take

If the infertility of a married couple is due to the low quality of the man’s sperm, then Tribestan must be taken to improve its properties. The drug effectively increases the number of sperm, their motility, and reduces the number of pathological forms. To treat male factor infertility, you need to take 2 tablets 3 times a day for 3 months. At the end of treatment, it is necessary to take a spermogram and monitor the result. If necessary, this course can be repeated after 1 - 1.5 months.

If the infertility of a married couple is due to female factor, namely low levels of sex hormones and an irregular menstrual cycle, then Tribestan is taken according to a certain scheme. So, a woman should take 2 tablets 3 times a day, from the 1st to the 12th or 15th day of each menstrual cycle. Thus, Tribestan is taken for 4 to 6 menstrual cycles in a row.

Tribestan and alcohol

Alcohol does not mix with Tribestan. The mechanisms of action of herbal medicine and alcohol on the human body are directly opposite. That is, to put it simply, we can say that alcohol reduces testosterone levels, and Tribestan, on the contrary, increases it. Therefore, the use of alcoholic beverages will neutralize the effect of the herbal medicine. It is precisely because of these circumstances that you should refrain from drinking any alcoholic beverages during the entire course of treatment.

Side effects

The herbal medicine Tribestan has virtually no side effects. To date, to side effects tablets include nausea and allergic reactions. If nausea occurs, it is necessary to reduce the dosage or stop taking the drug for 2 to 3 days. After 2–3 days, if the nausea has stopped, you can resume taking Tribestan in a lower dosage.


Today, Tribestan tablets are contraindicated for use in the presence of the following conditions:
  • breastfeeding period;
  • age under 18 years;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • hypersensitivity, individual intolerance or allergic reactions to Tribestan components;
  • ;;
  • Homeopathic solution for injection Solidago compositum C;
  • Speman and Speman forte tablets;
  • Vaginal and rectal suppositories Superlymph;
  • Solution for subcutaneous and intramuscular injections Testis compositum;
  • Rectal suppositories Uroprost;
  • Cream for external use Himcolin;
  • Cernilton tablets;
  • Cernilton forte capsules.


Tribestan tablets have three main areas of application - treatment of infertility and improvement of sexual function in men and women, therapy of atherosclerosis, gaining muscle mass and increasing endurance in athletes. People who have taken the drug to achieve any of these goals give it an appropriate assessment and characteristics, depending on the effect achieved. For convenience, we will consider reviews about Tribestan left by people who took it for various purposes separately.

Thus, almost all reviews about Tribestan left by people who took pills to reduce cholesterol concentrations are positive. Both men and women noted an improvement in general well-being and normalization of laboratory parameters. Tribestan also received positive reviews from people who took the drug to treat severe fatigue, lethargy and

Subject: Potency as at 18 years old!

From: Mikhail P. ( [email protected])

To: Administration https://site

Hello! My name is
Mikhail, I want to express my gratitude to you and your site.

Finally, I was able to improve my potency. I have an active sex life, my relationship with my wife has reached a new level!

And here is my story

At the age of 35, due to a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, the first problems with potency began, “I began to have only one time,” the duration and quality of sex decreased significantly. When I turned 38, real problems began, I began to panic and in order to somehow improve sex life began to resort to Viagra and its analogues. And the pills seemed to “work,” but later I realized that without the pills the erection disappeared completely! But Viagra is quite expensive, and besides, it has a huge number of side effects that have an extremely negative effect on the entire body. All this led to constant quarrels with my wife, I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, everything was very bad...

Everything changed when a friend at work advised me of one remedy. You can’t imagine how grateful I am to him for this. I only took 2 pills a day and had sex for 2-3 hours every day! In addition, after taking just one course, my potency was completely restored and became more powerful than at 18 years old without any pills! The results have lasted for 2 years! The most important thing is that family relationships have improved. My wife and I are simply happy.

It doesn’t matter whether you are experiencing the first symptoms or have been suffering from poor potency for a long time, I advise you to take a course of this remedy, I guarantee you will not regret it.

Tribestan and alcohol

There were no indications of negative consequences of taking pills and alcohol together. Therefore, there is no need to expect serious consequences. However, infertility treatment involves management healthy image life. Alcohol must be excluded.

Drug price

The cost of the drug varies depending on the region and markups of pharmacy chains. The price starts from 1800 rubles for a package containing 60 tablets (a package, depending on the prescribed dose, is enough for 10-20 days of use. Tribestan is a drug produced by the Bulgarian pharmaceutical company Sopharma, packaged in 60 or 180 tablets in cardboard packages. It’s not difficult to calculate: a full course, lasting 3 months, will require about 7 thousand rubles.It is sold without a prescription.

Tribestan – medicinal product of natural origin, which has proven its effectiveness in clinical trials in men for potency and asthenozoospermia. Many men wonder: are there cheap analogues? Currently, there are other medications on the pharmaceutical market for the treatment of male infertility caused by a violation of the composition of sperm, but none of the available ones is identical in composition or mechanism of action.

Tribestan is unique in its segment of products for infertility in men. If the doctor prescribed the medicine, then that’s what you need. Do not self-medicate. In pursuit of savings, you can harm your health, because cheaper products can cause significant harm to your health.


Did you have a misfire? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory is not on your side. And of course, you know firsthand that impaired potency is:
  • Low self-esteem
  • Women remember your every failure, tell their girlfriends and your friends
  • Prostate disease
  • Developing depression, which negatively affects your health
Now answer the question: IT SUITS YOU? Can this be tolerated? Do you remember that feeling when you look at a naked woman and can’t do anything? Enough is enough - it's time to get rid of potency problems, once and for all! Do you agree? We have studied a huge amount of materials and, most importantly, tested most potency products in practice. So, it turned out that a 100% working drug without any side effects is the Solomon Vector. This drug consists of natural ingredients that completely eliminate chemicals.

Frigidity in men and women can occur for various reasons. To identify it and choose the appropriate treatment, you should contact an appropriate specialist. The latter is obliged to conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary medications.

One of the most effective means designed to eliminate sexual dysfunction is the medication “Tribestan”. Women's reviews of this medicine will be presented below. You will also find out whether this drug has analogues and how to use it correctly.

Form, packaging, description and composition

The drug "Tribestan", the price of which is indicated below, is available in the form of tablets that contain dry extract of Tribulus creeping. They also contain additional ingredients in the form of microcrystalline cellulose, colloidal silicon dioxide, povidone, crospovidone, magnesium stearate, polyvinyl alcohol, talc, black, red and yellow iron oxide, lecithin and

The drug "Tribestan" goes on sale in blisters of 10 tablets. They red-brown color, round and convex.

pharmachologic effect

Analogues of "Tribestan" and the medication itself are used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Thanks to the presence of steroid saponins included in the drug, as well as protodioscin, this drug restores libido and erectile function. It also has a tonic effect (general) and improves hormonal balance during menopause.

It should also be noted that the drug in question can stimulate the production of the hormone testosterone, improve the quality and increase the number of sperm.

When the drug enters the human body, it is metabolized to dehydroepiandrosterone. The latter exhibits an immunostimulating effect, improves the permeability of cell membranes and enhances cholesterol metabolism.

It should also be noted that this remedy reduces cholesterol in the blood and has a positive effect on the tone of the small intestine, preventing the formation of blood clots.


180 minutes after taking the medication, it is excreted from the body through the kidneys. A small amount of the drug undergoes biological transformation.


What are Tribestan analogues and the mentioned medication itself prescribed for? According to expert reviews, this remedy is effective for:

  • Sexual dysfunctions and decreased libido (for men: to increase libido, with sexual weakness, poor sperm motility, to increase the strength and duration of erection; for women: with frigidity, menopause, in postoperative period, with infertility of hormonal origin).
  • Lipid metabolism disorders and to reduce cholesterol.
  • Decreased performance due to a serious illness, as well as physical and intellectual stress.


The medication "Tribestan", the composition of which was presented above, is not recommended for use for:

  • bleeding tendencies;
  • under age;
  • allergies to the ingredients included in the drug;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Instructions for use

Tribestan tablets are taken after meals.

In case of violations in representatives of the stronger sex, they are prescribed 1-2 pieces three times a day. The course of such therapy is 40-90 days.

Representatives of the fairer sex are recommended to take 1-2 tablets three times a day. The maintenance dosage is 2 tablets per day.

In case of lipid metabolism disorders, the medicine is used 2 tablets three times a day for 90 days.

Side effects

The drug in question is tolerated relatively well by men and women. When taking the drug before meals, patients may experience nausea or vomiting.

Price and analogues of "Tribestan"

The cost of this drug is about 560 rubles. If necessary, it can be replaced by the following means:

  • "Verona" - used to treat representatives of the stronger sex with sexual dysfunction. This medicine is also effective for testicular hypotrophy, secondary and primary and neuropsychiatric symptoms in menopausal women.
  • "Satibo" - used for short and weak erections, as well as erectile dysfunction and accelerated ejaculation. Women use this remedy for low sensitivity of erogenous zones and low libido.
  • "Tribustim" - used as a food additive as an additional source essential oils, arbutin, damiana and saponins. The drug is used to normalize the reproductive system in men, including maintaining normal testosterone levels, increasing libido and activating spermatogenesis. It is also advisable to use it during significant psychological and physical stress, playing sports to increase muscle mass and improve endurance.
  • Kamagra is a drug intended for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
  • "Apollo". Indications for the use of this medicine are in women and men, sexual insufficiency, sexual weakness in the elderly, functional impotence, prostatic hypertrophy, spermatorrhea, complex therapy of male and female infertility.

Also similar actions possess: “Spulan”, “Vizarsin”, “Viafil”, “Kamafil” and others.

Thus, analogues of Tribestan can be found in any pharmacy. However, before taking them, you should definitely consult a specialist.

For patients with diseases of the genitourinary system, doctors often prescribe a course of prophylaxis with the drug Tribestan - the instructions for use of this drug contain generalized information, so the substance should be taken only with a prescription from a specialist. The Bulgarian-made medicine is created using a unique technology from natural plant extracts, which guarantees absolute safety for human health when used according to the instructions.

Tribestan tablets

An antihypertensive drug of plant origin improves the production of testosterone and other sex hormones in the body of men and women. When using tablets, patients experience stimulation of the functions of the genitourinary system and, as a result, an increase in potency. The drug affects the duration of sexual intercourse and improves libido in both sexes. Tribestan is prescribed for the treatment of infertility or sexual dysfunction.

Composition and release form

A drug of natural origin, the main components of Tribestan are steroid saponins. The therapeutic effect of the drug is due to the effect of protodioscin, since this substance is the predominant ingredient of the composition. The tablets are produced in cardboard packaging; on the pharmaceutical market you can buy a pack with different amounts capsules


Concentration, mg

Active components

extract of dry creeping herb Tribulus


microcrystalline cellulose

colloidal silicon dioxide


magnesium stearate

Film casing

polyvinyl alcohol

titanium dioxide

iron oxide red

iron oxide black

iron oxide yellow

soy lecithin

xanthan gum

Release form

The Bulgarian company Sopharma produces the drug Tribestan, so medicines from other manufacturers with the same name are fake. The concentration of the active substance varies; if necessary, you can purchase 60, 120, 180 or 240 tablets in one package. Recently, the manufacturer created another product called Tribestan Plus.

pharmachologic effect

The mechanism of action of the therapeutic agent is to stimulate certain functions of the human genitourinary system. Thanks to the main component of the drug Tribestan, the functioning of the immune system improves, which has a beneficial effect on the metabolism of cholesterol in the body of patients. In addition, women experience an increase in libido, and men have an improvement in potency. By increasing the concentration of the hormone testosterone, the pills affect the number of sperm and their motility.

During treatment, hormonal activity and ovulation normalize in the weaker half of humanity. Tribestan has a hypolipidemic effect, reducing the level of lipoproteins in the blood plasma. Active substance is quickly eliminated from the body - within three hours after taking the drug, the concentration of protodioscin is insignificant. The drug is intensively biotransformed and excreted via bile.

Tribestan for women

Non-hormonal tablets produced in Bulgaria are often prescribed to women suffering from infertility, menopause or even obesity. Tribestan is considered an effective herbal medicine; however, positive results from use can only be expected under certain conditions. The patient must have a cyclical menstrual cycle and be free of any abnormalities in the ovulation mechanism. Otherwise, the therapeutic agent will be powerless.

The course of therapy helps women get rid of postmenopausal symptoms, eliminates neuropsychic manifestations, and makes them feel better. The drug affects the course physiological processes in the body and can significantly reduce cholesterol levels. In the fight against obesity, this indicator plays an important role, since normalizing lipid metabolism helps prevent atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.

Tribestan for men

The restorative Tribestan has tonic properties, which allows you to increase physical and mental performance, relieve irritability and improve memory. The therapeutic effect of tablets on the male reproductive system is manifested in increased libido, which affects the quality and duration of erection, increased sperm motility and decreased plasma cholesterol levels.

The drug helps cope with infertility and impotence even for those patients who have other accompanying illnesses: prostatitis, diabetes, testicular hypotrophy, varicocele. Practice has shown that Tribestan lowers the level of locally secreted immunoglobulins, which helps normalize the functioning of the reproductive system even in the presence of antibodies against sperm in the plasma.

Indications for use

The tablets are used to treat people with genitourinary disorders. Depending on the type of illness, preventive or complex therapy is prescribed. Tribestan is indicated for men with various forms of erectile dysfunction and infertility. The drug serves to stimulate libido, increasing the duration of sexual intercourse. The drug is used to treat women with endocrine dyslipoproteinemia, ovarian infertility, menopause or post-castration syndrome.

Directions for use and dosage

According to reviews of the drug Tribestan, the instructions for use contain all the necessary instructions regarding the use of the product. The tablets must be taken after meals; the course and dosage are prescribed by the attending physician. For impotence, men are advised to take one or two pills three times a day for three months. If necessary, treatment can be repeated until the desired result is obtained.

For women suffering from infertility, therapy involves the use of capsules during the menstrual cycle. Patients should take one or two pieces three times a day for twelve days. The course is allowed to be repeated until pregnancy. Treatment of dyslipoproteinemia takes about three months, the dosage is two tablets three times a day. For menopausal and post-castration syndrome, taking one or two tablets for two to three months is indicated. As soon as the patient's condition improves, the dose can be reduced.

special instructions

Tribestan does not affect the ability to control complex mechanisms, including a car. The transfer of patients from a therapeutic to a maintenance dose is carried out gradually, otherwise a sharp reduction in the dose may cause a recurrence of the disease. There have been no studies confirming the safety of use of the drug among pregnant or lactating women. For this reason, this category of patients is prohibited from taking pills. The product is contraindicated for children under eighteen years of age.

Side effects and overdose

In some patients, during therapy, individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug was revealed. Cases of overdose with Tribestan have not been recorded, but if nausea occurs during the course of treatment, then it is necessary to reduce the dose. When taking tablets before meals, the drug may cause irritation of the gastric mucosa.


The drug is contraindicated in pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as children under eighteen years of age. It is not recommended to take tablets if you have severe kidney or cardiovascular diseases. Patients suffering from prostate adenoma are prohibited from using Tribestan. If hypersensitivity reactions to the components included in the product are detected, treatment should be discontinued. The drug should not be combined with alcohol or other drinks.

Terms of sale and storage

Tribestan tablets must be stored in their original packaging and kept in a dark place inaccessible to sun rays place. Temperature environment should not exceed 25 °C. It is recommended to keep away from small children.

Tribestan analogue

The pharmaceutical market offers a huge variety of drugs for infertility and impotence. Tribestan is a unique herbal medicine, so analogues, which also contain the tribulus plant, cannot be bought in a pharmacy. As a replacement, you can use tablets with other active ingredients. The most popular analogues of Tribestan are:

  • Apiprost;
  • Bioprost;
  • Vitaprost;
  • Aflazin;
  • Gentos;
  • Job-nephro;
  • Kataria;
  • Lespefril;
  • Nephrophyte.

Tribestan price

This drug does not belong to the category of cheap pharmaceutical products, since the average price per pack is 1923 rubles. However, the medicine fully compensates for any costs due to its high quality and effectiveness. During administration, the functions of the genitourinary system are stimulated, which helps fight diseases such as infertility and impotence.

Drug name


Number of tablets, pcs

Price, rub



