Technological card azu. Technology for making azu and cookies

Organization of the technological process for the preparation of dishes Azu in Tatar style and Sochni with cottage cheese

1. general characteristics cooking as a science

Do you know that there are two professions in the world that we have known since childhood? Not only do we know, but we immediately start working?

These are the professions of a cook and a taster. Got it? Well, of course, we eat all the time, which means that someone has to cook this food. If the food was prepared by mom, dad, brother, sister or cook, we are, of course, tasters. If we cook food, we are cooks ourselves.

The images of cities are formed from many features and signs: each of them has its own face, unique appearance, and distinctive character. It is difficult to imagine this image without one more distinctive feature - the feasting traditions of the inhabitants and their inherent cuisine, which are of interest to travelers and sightseers no less than various city attractions.

Kazan - once a Bulgarian town - fortification, the main city of the Kazan Khanate, the Kazan state, today's capital of Tatarstan - has long been famous for its culinary traditions and rich culinary heritage. Even its name is translated from the Tatar “cauldron”.

Heir to the traditions of the Great Bulgars, a crossroads of trade routes, a meeting place between Europe and Asia, the unfading beauty of the East… Kazan was not honored with many epithets from wandering travelers and merchants, poets and journalists! Hearty and tasty, simple and refined, unpretentious and inventive - this is how Kazan cuisine appears in the reviews of numerous travelers of the past. At the end of the 16th century, the embassy of the Persian Shah Abbas I in Kazan remembered for a long time the “bountiful treat”, the jubilee table of the Russian Tsar Peter I, who celebrated his 50th birthday in Kazan in May 1722, was furnished with Kazan food.

Meat, cereals and potatoes appear as a second course in traditional Tatar cuisine. The second is most often served with meat boiled in broth, cut into small flat pieces, sometimes lightly stewed in oil with onions, carrots and peppers, and canned cucumbers. If the soup is cooked on chicken broth, then boiled chicken, also cut into pieces, is served for the second. Boiled potatoes are often used as a side dish, horseradish is served in a separate cup. On holidays, they cook chicken stuffed with eggs and milk (tutyrgan tavyk).

The most ancient meat and cereal dish is belish, baked in a pot. It is prepared from pieces of fatty meat (lamb, beef, goose or goose and duck giblets) and cereals (millet, spelt, rice). The same group of dishes should include tutyrma, which is a gut stuffed with chopped or finely chopped liver and millet (or rice).

I chose “Tatar Azu” as the topic of my final qualifying work, because I think this dish is very tasty and interesting. I consider the purpose of my work to fully master the technological process of preparing the dish "Azu in Tatar", as well as to remind about such a wonderful dish.

Change in nutrients during heat treatment.

Proteins - at a temperature of 35-40, protein denaturation occurs, and at temperatures above 70 - coagulation or coagulation. As a result of these processes, proteins lose their ability to dissolve and retain water.

Prolonged heating of proteins leads to a secondary change in the proteins of the molecule, as a result, their digestibility decreases.

Fats - during the cooking process, fat breaks up into tiny balls, and the more intense the boil, the more fat is emulsified, that is, it breaks down.

Roasting changes the fat more deeply. At temperatures above 180, fat decomposes into tarry and gaseous substances, which drastically impair the quality of products.

Signs of this process is the appearance of smoke. Roast at a temperature just below the smoke point.

Evaporation of water when starch is heated with water to a boil, its gelatinization occurs, the formation of a gelatinous mass. The increase in the mass of dry products (cereals; pasta) during cooking is explained by absorption in these products.

Vegetable products, during heat treatment, soften, which increases their digestibility. The main reason for softening is that protopectin and other resolvable pectin substances of cells pass into soluble pectin.

Vitamins: A, D, E, K - fat-soluble, well preserved.

B vitamins are stable when heated in an acidic environment, but are not destroyed by 20-30% in an alkaline and neutral environment. Vitamin B groups are water-soluble and easily pass into a decoction.

Vitamin C is the most degraded. It does this by oxidizing it with atmospheric oxygen.

Minerals - heat treatment practically does not change minerals, part of them goes into a decoction, which must be used to make soups and sauces.

Extractive substances - dissolve in the form, give dishes a taste and aroma, contribute to the digestion process. In boiled products, the taste deteriorates, and the ability is absorbed by the body.

Dyes - during the heat treatment of products change significantly. Destroyed chlorophyll, antantsiny.

White-dyed vegetables become creamy with flaon dyes.

2. Main body

2.1 Compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules when preparing the dish "Azu in Tatar"

2.2 Organization of workplaces and safety precautions when preparing the dish "Azu in Tatar"

The dish I have chosen is processed in three workshops: meat and fish (meat is processed there), vegetable (potatoes are processed) and hot (prepared semi-finished products are heat treated).

Hot shop. The hot shop is the production site of the PPP. Here, the heat treatment of products is carried out - one of the main operations of the technological process of cooking.

The hot shop should have a convenient relationship with the cold shop, distribution, halls and with the premises of the production manager. Washing kitchen and tableware should be located near the hot shop.

In a hot shop, it is advisable to use sectional equipment, which is installed in the form of separate production lines (wall or island method), on which jobs are organized. The most appropriate arrangement of equipment in three parallel lines. In the middle part of the workshop, thermal equipment is installed in one line, and on both sides of it there are workplaces for preparing products for heat treatment.

The hot shop must have daylight.

The work of the hot shop largely depends on the proper organization of workplaces, their equipment, utensils and inventory. With the linear principle of its arrangement, the paths for the movement of personnel and the movement of products, semi-finished products, and ready meals are reduced, which saves the size of the production area by 25%. Ventilation suctions are installed above the heating equipment.

The hot shop is divided into two specialized divisions - soup and sauce. In the soup department, preparation of broths and first courses is carried out, in the sauce department - preparation of second courses, side dishes, sauces, hot drinks. In addition, in the hot shop, products are thermally processed for the preparation of cold and sweet dishes.

At this site, ovens, electric frying pans, deep fryers, an electric stove, and cooking boilers are installed in the heating equipment line. Production tables are installed in the line of non-mechanical equipment for preparing products for frying and sautéing, sorting cereals and pasta. Along with thermal and non-mechanical equipment, mechanical equipment is installed: a universal drive with a set of interchangeable mechanisms, a wiping machine.

Safety and labor protection in workshops.

To avoid accidents, kitchen workers should learn the rules for operating thermal and mechanical equipment and receive practical instruction from the production manager.

The floors must be laid with a special slab, the walls - with tiles. The floors are provided with ladders for water flow. At workplaces, wooden gratings are placed on the floor. The ceiling height should not be less than 3…3.5 m. The temperature in the hot shop should not exceed 22˚С. In meat and cold - be at least 16 ° C. Forced ventilation is provided to remove odors. In all workshops, jobs are distributed in accordance with the stages of the technological process.

All equipment operating on electric current is grounded, i.e. metal parts of the equipment are connected to grounding conductors laid in the ground. Due to this, when a person is included in the circuit, a current passes through his body that does not pose a danger to life. There should be rubber mats and “High Voltage – Dangerous to Life” signs in front of the knife switch and machines. The danger of electric shock increases at elevated room temperatures, in humid and damp air. The safety of working on mechanical equipment depends on the design of the machines, the presence of guards, alarms and interlocks. Before starting the machine, make sure that there are no foreign objects in the working chamber and near the moving parts of the machine, tidy up the workplace and overalls, check the presence of guards near the moving parts of the machine; check the serviceability of the starting equipment and the correctness of the replaceable parts of the machine; start the machine at idle and make sure that the drive shaft rotates in the direction of the arrow. In the places where the equipment is located, it is necessary to post the rules for its operation.

In case of an accident, it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim before the doctor arrives, so there must be a first-aid kit with a set of medicines at the factory. See Appendix No. 2.

Meat shop. The meat and fish shop should have a convenient relationship with the cold and hot shops, in which the technological process of cooking is completed, from washing kitchen utensils.

Organization of workplaces.

The meat and fish shop provides for the organization of a separate area for processing meat, poultry and fish. The number of jobs at each site depends on the amount of processed raw materials and manufactured semi-finished products.

Three jobs are organized at the fish processing site:

For defrosting and gutting fish;

For the preparation of portioned semi-finished products;

For the preparation of chopped semi-finished products.

Baths for defrosting and soaking salted fish, a table for cleaning and gutting fish are located at the first workplace.

At the workplace for the preparation of portioned semi-finished products, a production table is installed with scales, cutting boards, boxes for spices and chef's three knives.

For the preparation of minced fish and products from it, a workplace is organized with a production table, scales, a meat grinder, cutting boards, boxes for spices and breadcrumbs.

The fish enters the shop frozen, salted and chilled. In addition to fish, crabs, shrimps, lobsters, oysters, mussels, and squids are processed in the shop. Fish processing: thawing frozen fish or soaking salted fish → cleaning fish scales → gutting → chopping heads and fins → washing → making semi-finished products.

The processed fish is washed in tubs with two compartments. To drain water from the washed fish, sides are provided on both sides of the baths. Fish semi-finished products are perishable products, therefore, they require urgent compliance with sanitary rules, the storage temperature of semi-finished products is from -4 to 6 ° C. See Appendix No. 3.

Vegetable shop. The vegetable shop should be located in a single block with warehouses, which ensures the convenience of unloading vegetables upon receipt. The workshop should have a convenient relationship with the cold and hot workshops, in which the technological process is completed.

Organization of workplaces. Depending on the capacity of the workshop, the following jobs can be organized: for cleaning potatoes and root crops, cleaning and washing them; peeling onions, horseradish, garlic; processing of fresh white cabbage, zucchini, fresh herbs and other seasonal vegetables.

At 1 workplace for the processing of potatoes and root crops, washing baths, a periodic table-top potato peeler, a production table, as well as the necessary equipment (tare for peeled vegetables and waste, a groove knife, etc.) should be installed. In the vegetable shop, vegetables can be cut. In this case, a workplace for cutting vegetables is organized, equipped with a production table, a vegetable cutting machine, and the necessary equipment. When manually cutting vegetables, cutting boards marked “OS” are placed on the production table, tools are placed on the right side, and raw materials are placed on the left. To the left of the worker at the table they put a container with vegetables prepared for cutting, to the right - a container for chopped vegetables. See Appendix No. 4

2.3 Commodity characteristics of raw materials processing of products and preparation of raw materials for production

Meat. (See Appendix No. 5) Meat is a combination of different types of tissues - muscle, connective, fat and bone. In addition to cattle, pigs, sheep (beef, pork and lamb), meat of buffalo, goats, horses, deer, and camels is used in some national cuisines. Pork meat has the greatest nutritional value, which has a delicate and juicy taste.

Meat contains a lot of complete proteins - 14.5 - 23%, fat - from 2 to 7%, water - 47 - 75%, minerals - 0.5 - 1.3% (of which the most valuable are salts of phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium and iron). Meat contains vitamins A, D, PP and B vitamins.

Muscle tissue (muscular) consists of individual fibers covered with a translucent sheath (sarcolemma). The main protein in muscle tissue is myosin. Muscle tissue proteins are complete - they contain amino acids that are similar in composition to human proteins, which is why they are so well absorbed by the human body.

Connective tissue is made up of incomplete proteins- Collagen and elastane. The more collagen and elastane a meat contains, the tougher and rougher it is. These are indicators of the quality of meat.

Adipose tissue of meat is cells filled with fat droplets, covered with connective tissue. Fat improves the taste of meat and increases its nutritional value.

Bone tissue consists of special cells, the basis of which is ossein - a substance similar in composition to collagen. The bones of the pelvis and the ends of the tubular bones are porous, they are called sugar. They contain substances that pass into the broth, giving it strength and aroma.

Beef is the meat of cows, oxen, bulls and their young (from the ancient Slavonic "govid" - cattle). It has a red color with various shades. The color intensity of envy depends on age, breed, growing conditions: meat in old animals (over 7 years old) is darker than in young ones; in animals of meat breeds is lighter than in dairy ones.

In cattle, under normal conditions, fat is deposited not only under the skin and in the internal cavity, but also between the muscles (“marble meat”). During heat treatment of such meat, intermuscular fat impregnates muscle tissue, which leads to high taste properties of dishes prepared from it. Subcutaneous fat in the anterior part of the carcass is deposited in the region of the posterior and then anterior cut of the shoulder blade.

The meat of adult cattle and young animals with a small amount of connective tissue from the lumbar and pelvic parts of the carcass, as well as from the dorsal part, are suitable for frying and stewing without prolonged heat treatment. The meat of other parts of the carcass of cattle with a large amount of collagen and elastane, as well as with complex connective tissue layers, is used for stewing or cooking, since these processing methods make it possible to soften the connective tissue. Protein substances of beef after heat treatment are absorbed by the body by 69%, veal - by 62%.

Primary processing of meat includes: settling, washing and drying, culinary cutting and deboning, cleaning and sorting of meat, preparation of semi-finished products.

In frozen meat, the frozen meat juice is between the fibers, and the amount of juice absorbed depends on the thawing method. The meat is thawed in special chambers (defrosters), using slow and fast thawing.

With slow thawing, the chamber maintains a temperature of 6-8 C and an air humidity of 90-95%. The meat is thawed in large pieces, which are hung on hooks so that they do not touch each other and do not touch the floor and walls. Under such conditions, the muscle fibers almost completely absorb the meat juice formed during thawing, and the original state of the muscle fibers is restored. The duration of thawing depends on the type of meat, the size of the pieces and is 1-3 days. Thawing is completed if the temperature in the thickness of the muscles reaches 0 - 1 C. Thawed meat does not differ from chilled. The loss of meat juice during slow thawing is 0.5% of the mass of meat.

During rapid thawing, the temperature in the chamber is maintained at 20 - 25 ° C and air humidity 85 - 95%. To do this, heated humidified air is supplied to the chamber. Under such conditions, the meat thaws in 12 - 24 hours, the temperature in the thickness of the muscles should be - 0.5 - 1.5C. After that, the meat is kept for a day at a temperature of 0 - 2C and air humidity of 80 - 85% to reduce the loss of meat juice.

Meat cutting consists of the following operations: division into cuts, deboning of cuts, trimming and trimming.

Deboning - separating the pulp from the bones.

Trimming and cleaning of parts - removal of tendons, films, cartilage. The main purpose of cutting and deboning is to obtain parts of meat that are different in their culinary qualities.

Potato. Potato is one of the most important agricultural crops for versatile use. Potato is cultivated as a field crop. Potatoes are biennial crops and can be propagated by seeds. However, potatoes are cultivated exclusively as an annual crop, and tubers are planting material. This method of growing plants is called cloning.

Potato tubers contain an average of about 25% dry matter, including up to 20% starch and 2% proteins, which are significantly superior in value to the proteins of many crops.

The importance of potatoes as a source of vitamin C and group B (B1, B2, B6) is great. In addition, it contains carotenoids and vitamins PP and K. 250 - 300 g of boiled potatoes provides 30 - 50% of a person's daily requirement for vitamin C. Young tubers are especially rich in them. All this, as well as high taste qualities determine great importance potatoes as a food product, and rightly called the second bread.

In addition to the main components, the chemical composition of the tubers includes a small amount of glucoalkaloid corned beef (0.002 - 0.02%), which has toxic properties. In green and germinated tubers, there is especially a lot of corned beef (up to 0.08%). Green potatoes not only should not be eaten, but also fed raw to animals.

Primary processing of potatoes can be done mechanically - this is the most common type of processing. The mechanical method consists of the following operations: sorting, calibrating, washing, cleaning. Potatoes are peeled manually or with a potato peeler. See Appendix No. 4.3

Raw potatoes are cut into cubes, slices, sticks, straws.

Bulb onions. In vegetable growing, several types of onions are cultivated, which are used mainly fresh. The most widespread is onion.

Onion is a biennial plant that forms a large bulb with tubular stems. The bulb contains 12 - 20% dry matter, including 3 - 10% sugars, up to 3% nitrogenous substances and many vitamins, especially ascorbic acid. The bulb and leaves contain finocides, which have a strong bactericidal effect. Onion is propagated by seeds. The bulb and leaves are used fresh and as a spicy seasoning.

The bottom of the onion is cut off, dry scales are removed. Cut the onion into rings, half rings, slices and a small cube.

Fat animal melted food. Animal fats are divided into two groups: essential animals, marine mammals, fish. Depending on the type, quality and method of rendering raw materials, edible fats are divided into varieties: higher beef and I; mutton supreme and I; porcine superior and I; bone superior and I; made; horse.

Tomato puree. Concentrated tomato products include tomato puree, tomato paste - salted and unsalted, tomato sauces. Tomato puree is obtained by evaporating moisture from mashed tomato mass, previously freed from the skin, and seeds, in open vats, and tomato paste - in vacuum machines. They produce tomato puree with a solids content of 12, 15, 20%, unsalted tomato paste - 25, 30, 35 and 40% and salted - 27, 32 and 37% (excluding salt).

Salt. Table salt is a natural crystalline compound, containing 97 - 99.7% pure sodium chloride and a small amount of other mineral salts. Table salt is white or colorless crystals of salty taste, odorless. It is extracted from crystalline deposits of rock salt or by evaporation from natural solutions. Among seasonings, table salt occupies the first place, it plays an important role in the human body: it participates in water-salt metabolism, in the formation of hydrochloric acid of gastric juice, regulates osmotic pressure in human cells, etc. , evaporation, self-planting and garden salt.

In our area garden salt is used. It is divided into fine-crystalline, ground, unground, iodized.

Iodized salt is widely used.

Iodized salt is produced for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. To obtain it, potassium iodide is added to the finely crystalline salt, most often in the form of a 1% solution. The iodine content in iodized salt is 1.91 mg per 100 g. Taking into account the daily intake of table salt, a person who consumes iodized salt receives about 200 micrograms of iodine per day.

Requirements for storage conditions depend on the type of salt and its purpose. Salt should be stored in dry closed warehouses. For iodized salt, the guaranteed shelf life is 6 months.

Appearance - salt has the appearance of whole crystals or ground particles. It should not contain extraneous mechanical contaminants visible to the eye. The color of extra salt is white, the taste is pure salty 5% salt solution, without extraneous aftertastes. Salt should be odorless and should dissolve in water. The reaction of salt solutions should be neutral or close to it.

Wheat flour. Flour is the main type of raw material in the production of flour and confectionery products.

The flour-grinding industry produces five varieties of wheat flour: grits, the highest, grades I, II, and wholemeal. For the production of flour confectionery products, flour of the highest and I grades is mainly used. Grade II flour is used for the manufacture of some varieties of cookies, gingerbread, biscuits. Grit is used in rare cases for yeast pastry. From wholemeal flour produce a limited number of dietary varieties of cookies and biscuits.

According to the type of cereals, flour is distinguished from wheat, rye, corn, barley, etc. The quality of flour is characterized by its color, taste, smell, humidity, acidity, ash content, content of various impurities, grinding, and composition.

Part wheat flour includes proteins, carbohydrates, fats, phosphatides, enzymes, vitamins, etc. The main integral part is starch (about 70%) and nitrogenous substances - proteins (about 13%), other substances are contained in a smaller amount. Wheat flour proteins have a high absorption capacity, which is taken into account in the preparation of flour confectionery. Due to this ability, when kneading dough, protein substances swell, forming a viscous gluten. Technological properties of flour depend on the quality of gluten: elasticity of the dough, its viscosity, porosity.

The freshness of flour is characterized by smell and taste. Flour should have a slight specific odor, foreign odors (sorption or decomposition) indicate the defectiveness of the flour. Bitter, sour, and sweet flavors indicate that the flour is derived from defective grains. The freshness of flour is also characterized by acidity.

Crunch in flour is not allowed, as it appears when grinding insufficiently refined grain.

Moisture content of flour should not exceed 15%. Flour with a higher moisture content is stored poorly, it may mold and self-heating. Infestation by pests of flour stocks is not allowed.

Pickles. Cucumbers are a source of various minerals and contain 96% water. Cucumbers are used for food and for processing only in an unripe state. All cucumbers must be marketed fresh, whole, uncontaminated, green in color, regular and typical of the botanical variety, firm flesh, underdeveloped, non-skinned seeds. For pickling, cucumber varieties with dense pulp, coarse skin, small seed chamber, and regular shape are most suitable.

Cooked cucumbers and spices are packed tightly in layers in barrels in accordance with the recipe. When pickling cucumbers, dill, horseradish (root), garlic, hot pepper, tarragon, blackcurrant leaves, etc. are added.

Barrels filled with cucumbers and spices are poured with brine (6-9% strength) through the tongue hole. Barrels are not corked until fermentation begins and until 0.3-0.4% lactic acid has accumulated. At high temperatures, this occurs in 1-2 days. Then the barrels are filled with brine, corked, labeled and sent to storage, where the accumulation of lactic acid continues, sugars are used for fermentation, which ends in unrefrigerated warehouses after 30, and in refrigerated warehouses after 60 days.

Recently, pickling of cucumbers in containers with a capacity of 200 kg, in which a polyethylene liner is put, has been widely used.

By quality, pickled cucumbers are divided into 1st and 2nd grades.

Cucumbers of the 1st grade must be whole, not shriveled, strong, greenish-olive in color, salty-sour taste, no more than 110 mm long, salt content -2.5-3.5%, acidity - 0.6-1, 2 deg.

In the 2nd grade, cucumbers with a weakened crunch, more salty taste, up to 140 mm long, salt content - 2.5-4.5%, acidity - 0.6-1.4 degrees are allowed.

Garlic. Garlic is a bulb, consisting of a bottom, to which cloves are attached, having a common integumentary scale. Each tooth is covered with dry scales. It has a high content of nitrogenous substances, carbohydrates, essential oils. The largest size of the bulbs is not less than 2.5 cm. The number of bulbs without individual cloves for sale is allowed no more than 4%, and the number of fallen cloves - no more than 1% of the mass.

2.4 The technology of cooking the dish "Azu in Tatar"

Recipe: beef (side and outer pieces of the hip), potatoes, onions, melted animal fat, tomato puree, wheat flour, pickled cucumbers, garlic.

Cooking technology. The meat is cut into cubes of 10-15 g, fried, poured with hot broth or water, browned tomato puree is added, stewed almost until cooked in a sealed container with a slight boil. On the remaining broth, a sauce is prepared, in which pickled cucumbers, chopped into strips, sautéed onions, pepper, and salt are placed. The meat is poured with the prepared sauce, fried potatoes are added and stewed for another 15-20 minutes. 5-10 minutes before readiness put a bay leaf. The finished dish is seasoned with crushed garlic. Azu is released along with sauce and garnish.

Sequence of operations:

    Get groceries and prepare the workplace.

    Prepare meat semi-finished products.

    Prepare vegetables.

    Save the onion.

    Sauté the carrots.

    Throw in the cucumbers.

    Save the tomato.

    Fry potatoes.

    Prepare azu.

    Prepare dishes for the holidays.

    Prepare and serve the dish.

M T O: pots, frying pans, boards, spatulas, stewpans, chef's knives, a boiler, plates, gravy boats.


Name of the dish: Azu in Tatar.

Name of products

Calculation for 1 serving

Calculation for 2 servings

Gross, g

Goth weight ed., g

Gross, g

Goth weight ed., g

Beef (side and outer thigh pieces)

Animal fat, rendered edible

tomato puree

Bulb onions

Wheat flour



Mass of stew

Weight of prepared vegetables

quality requirements.

Appearance: served in a pot, covered with sauce, on the surface - spangles of fat and greens.

Taste and smell: taste - sharp; smell - stew, vegetables, pickles.

Color: sauce - red.

Consistency: meat and vegetables - soft, evenly cut, well-preserved shape.

In the course of my final qualifying work, I achieved the goal that I wanted to achieve. I think that I have fully mastered the technological process of preparing the dish "Azu in Tatar".

3. Processes occurring during kneading and baking dough

Heat treatment increases the digestibility of food products, significantly reduces microbiological contamination, and gives new taste qualities. In the process of heat treatment, complex physical and chemical changes occur in the products, giving the manufactured products their characteristic taste, aroma, color and structure. Depending on the types of heat treatment, products acquire other taste qualities.

The main types of heat treatment: boiling, frying, baking, microwave heating, as well as combined types that combine two or three methods at the same time. Baking products from various types of dough is carried out in confectionery ovens with gas or electric heating of continuous or intermittent action.

In each individual case, a certain thermal regime is observed, sometimes the furnaces are humidified. This is used to obtain high quality products. As a rule, pastry cabinets and ovens are equipped with thermometers. During baking, moisture is redistributed in the product, dehydration of the surface layers and the formation of a crust. It is necessary to choose the right temperature for baking so that the appearance of the crust occurs only after the product has fully increased its volume. The baking time depends on their size and density: a well-leafed dough bakes faster than a dense one.

In addition to these processes, a number of others occur in the dough during baking, the formation of new aromatic and flavoring substances, changes in fats, vitamins, etc.

Baked products after heat treatment as a result of their loss of water during baking have a lower mass compared to the mass of products before baking. The ratio of the difference in the mass of the product before and after baking to the mass of the product before baking is called upek.

3 .1 Compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules when preparing dishes and dough products

Public catering establishments are facilities where ready-to-eat food products, dishes or semi-finished products are produced from food raw materials.

The most important control points of sanitary supervision are: the territory of the enterprise; technological and storage facilities; incoming raw materials; production technology; finished products; health and personal hygiene of staff.

Compliance with sanitary rules is mandatory. Business leaders Catering are required to provide:

Necessary conditions for compliance with sanitary rules and regulations in the processing of raw materials;

The presence of personal medical books for each employee with marks on the passage of periodic medical examinations;

Availability of sanitary and uniforms;

Availability of a sufficient number of production equipment;

Carrying out measures for disinfestation and deratization in accordance with the contract with decontamination departments;

Carrying out additional preventive measures according to epidemiological indications;

The presence at the enterprise of a journal of daily examinations for pustular diseases;

Availability of first aid kits;

Organization of sanitary and educational work.

Responsibility for compliance with the rules for the receipt of food products, proper sanitary maintenance of storage facilities, compliance with the conditions and terms of storage of products in the warehouse shall be borne by the warehouse manager.

Culinary processing is of great physiological and sanitary-hygienic importance. Its physiological significance is determined by the fact that as a result of mechanical and thermal treatments, taste qualities are improved, the nutritional value and digestibility of food.

Sanitary and hygienic value of culinary processing of products is to reduce contamination and microbial contamination of food. Therefore, during the culinary processing of products, it is necessary to strictly observe the technology of the process, which excludes the oncoming and cross movement of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, to achieve strict compliance with the throughput of the enterprise and the quantity of products produced. According to existing sanitary rules, the table should be wiped with a damp cloth before work, and at the end of the working day, washed with detergent and rinsed with hot water. In the process of work, timely remove food waste, empty kitchen utensils and equipment from the table, observe order. After each production operation, the table is washed with hot water. cutting boards and knives should be used strictly for their intended purpose and in accordance with the labeling.

3.2 Organization of workplaces and safety precautions when preparing a product from the dough "Juicy with cottage cheese"

Organization of the work of the confectionery shop.

A confectionery shop for baking bakery and flour confectionery, cakes and pastries is organized at large and medium-sized public catering enterprises (mainly restaurants), which supply their products to a wide network of small enterprises. The workshop is part of the procurement enterprises.

For the normal conduct of the technological process in the confectionery shop, there should be the following departments: dough kneading, dough cutting, baking, product finishing, preparation of cream, minced meat, pantry of daily food supply, containers, washing (for eggs, dishes, containers), expedition.

Workplaces for confectioners are organized in accordance with the technological process for the preparation of flour confectionery. The technological process usually consists of the following stages: storage and preparation of raw materials, preparation and kneading of dough, molding of products, preparation of finishing semi-finished products, fillings, baking, finishing and short-term storage of finished products.

Proper arrangement of equipment, preparation of workplaces, equipping them with the necessary inventory, utensils and vehicles, uninterrupted supply of raw materials, fuel, electricity during the shift are important factors in the economic use of working time, ensuring the rational organization of labor and the mechanization of labor-intensive processes.

In the pantry of the daily supply of food, chests, racks, understuffs are installed, and a refrigerator is equipped. For weighing products, scales with mass measurement limits from 2 to 150 kg and measuring utensils are used. Here they also prepare raw materials for production (dissolving and dosing salt, sugar, breeding yeast, cleaning oil, removing packaging, etc.). These operations require the staffing of workplaces with small-scale mechanization, inventory, tools and transport devices.

The egg is processed in a special washing room, where an ovoscope and baths with four compartments are installed for their sanitization. The eggs passed through the ovoscope in sieves are kept in the first compartment of the bath in warm water for 10 minutes. if necessary, they are washed here with hair brushes. In the second compartment, the eggs are kept for 5 minutes in a 2% bleach solution. In the third compartment, the eggs are kept in a 2% solution of baking soda and in the fourth, they are washed with warm running water for 5 minutes. washed and dry eggs are separated from the shell, if necessary, the protein and yolk are separated on a special device.

Melange in jars is washed and thawed in the same baths for 2-3 hours at a temperature of 45°C.

Before kneading the dough, the flour is sifted in a separate room or directly in the dough mixing department, if possible away from other workplaces, so that the finished products do not get dusty (there are special sifters with rocking and fixed sieves). Flour sieving equipment must have a local ventilation suction with a filter to remove dust. Flour is stored on wooden racks in bags and, as necessary, poured into the hopper of a sifting machine, while foreign impurities are removed and the flour is enriched with atmospheric oxygen. Flour can be sifted directly into a mobile bowl or plastic measuring cups with a lid.

The room for kneading dough is equipped with machines for kneading dough with bowls of various capacities. The dough is kneaded sequentially first with the shortest cycle - rich. Sand, puff, and then - yeast.

The inventory of the workshop is varied, since during molding and finishing it is required to ensure not only a beautiful appearance, but also the exact mass of products. For the design of confectionery, plastic or tin tubes are used, which are put into bags made of dense fabric, special syringes, aluminum or tin combs, and a number of other devices.

The dough portioning room is equipped as follows: a table, a dividing and rounding machine or a dough divider, a flour chest (under the table), a knife box (in the table), dial scales are installed. They also provide a place for moving the bowl with dough. The dividing and rounding machine divides the dough into pieces of a certain weight and rolls them into balls, which facilitates the very laborious operation of weighing and rolling each portion of the dough.

To roll out the dough, tables with tool cabinets and retractable chests, a dough sheeter, and a refrigerator are used (where butter and dough are cooled in the manufacture of puff products). Currently, a machine is used that not only rolls the dough of the required thickness into two strips, but also doses the filling between them and forms products.

The workplace for molding products is equipped with tables (with retractable chests for flour, tool boxes), wall racks.

For the preparation of biscuit dough, a separate workplace is equipped near the universal drive, since the dough is beaten in a mechanical beater, which is included with this drive. In addition, you need a separate table (or tables) for preparing eggs, pouring dough into sheets or forms. A special machine cuts the semi-finished biscuit into layers.

Creams are prepared in a separate room, in which beaters of various capacities and with different capacities of bowls and boilers are installed. The cream is brewed in special tipping boilers with a steam jacket or in stove-top boilers. A special table with drawers for storing tools is also needed, powder is sifted on it and other operations are performed.

For the manufacture of lipstick, a production line is organized, consisting of an electric stove, a boiler, a special table and a whipping machine. The table cover is metal with sides and two pipelines with cold and hot water are placed under it. One of the side boards, bordering on the overhead tray, is made removable.

The baking department is equipped with confectionery cabinets and ovens with electric, gas and, less often, fire heating.

For frying pies in deep fat, special electric or gas deep fryers are designed. Racks and a table with a mesh pan are placed near the deep fryer (to drain excess fat). This compartment should have particularly good ventilation, since the decomposition of fats releases products that are harmful to health (acrolene, etc.).

Pastries and cakes are finished in special rooms or, in extreme cases, on separate production tables isolated from other workplaces. The tables are equipped with drawers for tools, a tripod for strengthening pastry bags, a special tank for syrup (for soaking biscuit). Facilitate the work of the confectioner installed on the tables rotating, on the axis of the stand, on which cakes are placed during finishing.

Baths with three compartments and a sterilizer are installed in the washing room for washing tools and inventory. Racks are located next to the washing baths. In large workshops, a machine is used to wash functional containers. Confectionery bags are dried in an electric dryer.

The most rational way to organize the work of a confectioner is in large workshops that produce semi-finished confectionery products in full assortment and in large quantities: various types of dough, all kinds of fillings. Such enterprises have ample opportunities for mechanizing all labor-intensive work, and, consequently, for a sharp increase in production labor; machines and mechanisms are used at full capacity, product quality control is simplified, and the work culture is improved.

In large workshops, they form production lines for the manufacture of each type of semi-finished product, use small-scale mechanization and various devices in various areas.

Finished confectionery products are stored in the expedition, which is equipped with a refrigerator, racks, scales and production tables.

The shelf life of confectionery products is from 7 to 36 hours.

Finished products are transported in containers by special vehicles. Each tray must have a label indicating the name and quantity of confectionery products. Be sure to indicate the time of production and the name of the stacker.

The production plan determines the quantity and range of confectionery products. It is compiled taking into account the need for confectionery products, the qualifications of workers and the equipment of the workshop.

When working on the kneading machine, the safety guard must be lowered. It is impossible to load products into the tank of the dough mixing and whipping machine during the operation of the lever; Before turning on the mixer, check that the change bowl is properly attached to the platform. All machines included in the universal drive should be tested at idle before loading products.

When removing confectionery from the oven, the confectioner must wear special gloves. Exhaust devices should be installed above stoves and pans for frying pies. See Appendix No. 6

3.3 Commodity characteristics of raw materials processing of products and preparation of raw materials for production

Flour. Wheat flour is a powdered product that is obtained by grinding wheat grains.

In confectionery products, flour of the highest, first and second grade is used. Flour is included in all types of dough, which are prepared at catering establishments.

Wheat flour of the highest grade - very soft, fine grinding, white color with a slight creamy tint, sweet taste.

Cakes, cakes, waffles, as well as the best biscuits and various products from yeast dough are prepared from this flour.

Wheat flour I grade - soft, but less fine grinding than premium flour, white color, but slightly yellowish. Gingerbread, cookies and other yeast dough products are prepared from this flour.

Wheat flour II grade - coarser grinding than premium flour, its color is white, with a noticeably yellowish or grayish tinge. Used in small quantities in the manufacture of inexpensive varieties of gingerbread and cookies.

The quality of flour is determined by color, humidity, grinding size, smell, taste, acidity, content and amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, enzymes, minerals, harmful and metallic impurities.

The chemical composition of flour determines its nutritional value and baking properties. Chemical composition flour depends on the composition of the grain from which it is obtained, and the type of flour. Higher grades of flour are obtained from the central layers of the endosperm, so they contain more starch and less proteins, sugars, fat, minerals, vitamins, which are concentrated in its peripheral parts.

Most of all, both wheat and rye flour contain carbohydrates (starch, mono- and disaccharides, pentosans, cellulose) and proteins, the properties of which determine the properties of the dough and the quality of bread.

Carbohydrates. Flour contains a variety of carbohydrates: simple sugars, or monosaccharides (glucose, fructose, arabinose, galactose); disaccharides (sucrose, maltose, raffinose); starch, cellulose, hemicelluloses, pentosans.

Starch (С6Н10О5) n - the most important carbohydrate of flour, is contained in the form of grains ranging in size from 0.002 to 0.15 mm. The size and shape of starch grains are different for different types and grades of flour. The starch grain consists of amylose, which forms the inside of the starch grain, and amylopectin, which makes up its outer part.

The starch condition of the flour affects the properties of the dough and the quality of the bread. The size and integrity of starch grains affect the consistency of the dough, its water absorption capacity and the content of sugars in it. Small and damaged grains of starch are able to bind more moisture in the dough, they are easily amenable to the action of enzymes during dough preparation than large and dense grains.

The composition of wheat and rye flour proteins includes simple proteins (proteins), consisting only of amino acid residues, and complex proteins (proteins). Complex proteins can include metal ions, pigments, form complexes with lipids, nucleic acids, and also covalently bind a phosphoric or nucleic acid residue, carbohydrates. They are called metalloproteins, chromoproteins, lipoproteins, nucleoproteins, phosphoproteins, glycoproteins.

The technological role of flour proteins in the preparation of bread is great. The structure of protein molecules and the physicochemical properties of proteins determine the properties of the dough, affect the shape and quality of bread. Proteins have a number of properties that are especially important for making bread.

Raw gluten contains 65 - 70% moisture and 35 - 30% solids, dry gluten contains 90% proteins and 10% starch, fat, sugar and other flour substances absorbed by proteins during swelling. The amount of raw gluten varies widely (15 - 50% by weight of flour). The more proteins in the flour and the stronger their ability to swell, the more raw gluten will be obtained. The quality of gluten is characterized by color, elasticity (the ability of gluten to recover its shape after stretching), extensibility (the ability to stretch to a certain length) and elasticity (the ability to resist deformation).

The amount of gluten and its properties determine the baking value of flour and the quality of bread. It is desirable that the gluten be elastic, moderately elastic and have an average extensibility.

A significant part of flour proteins does not dissolve in water, but swells well in it. Proteins swell especially well at a temperature of about 30 ° C, while absorbing water 2-3 times more than their own weight.

Flour that has even a slight foreign smell can be used (in the absence of other signs of poor quality) only after laboratory analysis for the preparation of products with spices or fruit fillings, however, such flour cannot be used for biscuit, shortbread, puff pastry products that have a delicate aroma. Flour with a slightly bitter taste can be used with the permission of laboratory analysis for the preparation of gingerbread, because. when preparing the dough, burnt sugar and spices are added to mask this taste.

When storing flour in bags, they are first opened, cleaned from the outside of dust and opened along the seam with a special knife.

The flour is shaken out of the bags under the sifters. The remains of flour in bags cannot be used for the manufacture of flour products, because. they contain dust and fibers, grass seeds, metal impurities.

When sifting flour, foreign impurities are removed: it is enriched with oxygen, air, which contributes to the deepening of the rise of the dough. In winter, flour is brought into a warm room in advance so that it warms up to t 12С.

Cottage cheese. The product is obtained by fermenting milk and cream with lactic acid bacteria of various types. Cottage cheese is classified as a dairy product. Cottage cheese of the highest grade should have a pure sour-milk taste and smell, a uniform delicate texture, a uniform white color with a creamy tint. In cottage cheese of the first grade, slightly fodder and bitter aftertastes, uneven color, taste of containers, loose, smearing or crumbly texture are allowed.

Chilled cottage cheese is stored at a temperature not exceeding 8 ° C for no more than 36 hours. Frozen cottage cheese is stored at a temperature of - 8 ... - 41 ° C, packaged for 4 months, and by weight - 7 months.

Eggs. Egg has a mass of 40-60 g. In the calculation of food recipes, the mass of 1 egg is taken as 40 g. An egg consists of a shell, yolk protein. The share of the shell accounts for 11.5%, protein - 58.5%, yolk - 30% of the mass of the egg.

The shell has a porous surface. Through its pores, bacteria and mold fungi, water vapor, and air can penetrate into the egg. The shell consists of carbonates and phosphates of calcium and magnesium.

Egg white consists of 86% proteins, as well as carbohydrates and minerals. Its reaction is slightly alkaline (pH 7.2 - 7.6). At a temperature of 58 - 65 ° C, the egg white coagulates. When whipped, it forms a persistent foam. Egg white carbohydrates are represented by glucose.

The yolk contains 20% fat and 10% phospholipids, of which 8% lecithin. Egg fat contains 70% unsaturated fatty acids, such as oleic, linoleic, linolenic.

It is necessary to store eggs at the enterprise at a temperature of 1 - 3 ° C and a relative humidity of 85 - 88%, storage for more than a month is not recommended. Low temperature delays the aging process, and high humidity reduces their drying.

Sugar. Sugar - sand is a free-flowing food product consisting of individual crystals. In accordance with GOST 21-57, granulated sugar must meet a number of requirements in terms of organoleptic characteristics. In appearance, granulated sugar crystals should be of a homogeneous structure, with pronounced edges. Free-flowing, non-sticky, without lumps of unbleached sugar and without foreign impurities; the color of granulated sugar is white with a sheen; the taste is sweet, without foreign taste, the crystals have no smell either in dry form or in aqueous solution; solubility in water is complete, the solution is transparent.

Sugar-sand is characterized by the following physico-chemical parameters. Granulated sugar must contain at least 99.75% pure sucrose, reducing substances not more than 0.05%, ash not more than 0.03%, moisture not more than 0.14%, metal impurities not more than 3.0 mg/kg.

Butter. Butter is animal fat. It is characterized by high calorie content and high digestibility, has a good taste and is a complex mixture of milk fat, water, a certain amount of protein and minerals.

Depending on the production method, added flavoring and aromatic substances, type of raw materials, as well as methods of cream processing butter subdivided into the following types: sweet-cream, Vologda, sour-cream. The best butter comes from pasteurized cream.

Unsalted and salted butter is produced. Salted has a denser structure and is better preserved. It contains 1-2% salt.

Butter, subjected to heat or mechanical treatment, is divided into melted, sterilized, pasteurized, reconstituted, melted.

Butter contains approximately 83% fat, 1.1% protein, 0.5% lactose, 0.2% minerals, 15.2% water.

Physical and chemical parameters of butter.


Melting……….28 - 30 °С

Solidification………15 – 25 °С

Saponification number………….218 – 235

Iodine number……………..25 – 47

Butter is packed in plank or plywood boxes, in wooden or plywood-stamped barrels. Boxes and barrels are lined with parchment inside. Packed oil is stored in refrigerators at a temperature not exceeding 12 °C.

Vanilla powder (vanillin). Appearance - crystalline defect, color - from white to light yellow, smell - vanillin.

Margarine. They are anhydrous mixtures of refined hydrogenated lard, rendered animal fats and vegetable oils. Cooking and confectionery fats are not divided into commercial grades. These fats have a color from white to light yellow, taste and smell are characteristic of each type, consistency at 15 ° C is dense and plastic, the amount of fat is not less than 99.7%, moisture is not more than 0.3%.

The following defects are not allowed: musty and rancid taste and smell, greasy taste, foreign tastes and odors, in margarine - powdery and curdled consistency.

It is necessary to store edible fats in clean, dark rooms with a relative humidity of no more than 80 - 85%.

Lemon acid. Colorless crystals or white powder without lumps. The taste is sour, without foreign taste, there is no smell. The consistency is loose and dry, not sticky to the touch. Mechanical impurities are not allowed.

Sour cream. The product is obtained by fermenting milk and cream with lactic acid bacteria of various types. Sour cream is classified as a dairy product. Sour cream should have a pure sour-milk taste with a pronounced aftertaste and aroma of pasteurization, a homogeneous, moderately thick consistency without grains of fat and protein. It is not allowed to sell sour cream with sharply acidic, acetic, fodder, bitter and other tastes and odors, released whey, slimy, viscous consistency, foreign inclusions and changed color.

It is best to store sour cream at a temperature of 0 ... 1 ° C. In stores, it is stored at a temperature not exceeding 8 ° C for no more than 72 hours, and without cold for 24 hours.

Vegetable oil. Vegetable oils are refined and unrefined. Refined underdosed oils are those that have undergone mechanical purification, hydration (isolation of protein and mucous substances), neutralization and bleaching.

Unrefined oils are oils that have undergone only mechanical purification.

Refined deodorized oils are odorless, clear and do not sludge.

3.4 Technology for preparing a product from the “Juicy with cottage cheese” dough

Recipe: premium wheat flour, butter, eggs, cottage cheese, granulated sugar, sour cream, citric acid, baking soda, ammonium, vanilla powder.

Cooking technology. Sift the flour on the table (leave 6 - 8% flour for dusting), mix with baking soda and shape into a funnel.

Pour in eggs, mashed with sugar and sour cream, add softened butter. Combine the flour (about 50%) with the liquid, moving it towards the center, and then knead all the flour with quick movements until the dough acquires a uniform consistency. Keep the dough in the cold for 30-40 minutes, then roll it into a layer 0.5-0.8 cm thick and cut out cakes from it with a notched notch. Slightly roll out the cakes, give them an elongated shape, grease one edge of the cake with an egg and lay the curd filling on it, which is covered with the other edge of the cake. Brush the surface with egg. To prepare the filling, mix cottage cheese with sugar, sour cream, egg and butter.

bake on sheets lightly oiled at a temperature of 190 - 200 ° C for 20 - 30 minutes.

To serve, put the juice on a small plate covered with a napkin or in a vase.

Sequence of operations:

1. Receipt of products and preparation of the workplace.

2. Sifting flour.

3. Rubbing the curd.

4. Egg processing and separation from the shell.

5. Stripping butter and fat.

6. Kneading unleavened puff pastry.

7. Product molding.

8. Baking.

9. Preparation of dishes for the release of products.

10. Registration and release of the product.

M T O: Sieve, spatulas, cutting boards, knives, juicing bowls, confectionery sheets, rolling pins, brushes, small plates, vase.


Name of the dish: Sochni with cottage cheese.

Name of products

Mass fraction of dry matter, %

Consumption for p / f, g

100 pieces, 50 g.

Consumption of raw materials for p / f, g.

10 pieces of 50 g.

Premium wheat flour




Citric acid

Vegetable oil

Dough mass

Filling weight

quality requirements.

Appearance: in the form of a flat cake folded in half, minced meat is half open.

Color: surface - golden, minced meat - slightly toasted.

Consistency: soft, easy to break; products are well baked.

Taste and smell: sweet, slightly sour from cottage cheese.

In the course of her final qualifying work, she mastered the secrets of confectionery production when preparing juicy with cottage cheese, worked out the cooking technology, the main cutting processes and the mode of baking products from rich unleavened dough. I learned a lot of new and interesting things. I reached my goal and I got very beautiful and tasty juices with cottage cheese. In the process of its preparation, design and presentation, I learned all the technological processes. I learned how to beautifully decorate finished products to set the table. In the future, I also want to cook other products tasty, beautifully and correctly.

I do not regret that I entered the profession of a pastry chef.


Baranovsky V.A. - Cook; Ed. 4th. - Rostov n / a.: Phoenix publishing house, 2005. - 384s. (NGO Series).

Baranovsky V.A., Peretyatko T.I. – Confectioner; Ed. 5th, add. and revised / V.A. Baranovsky, T.I. Peretyatko. - Rostov n / a .: "Phoenix", 2005. - 352s. (NGO).

Golunova L.E. - Collection of recipes and culinary products for catering, St. Petersburg: "PROFIX", 2007. - 688s.

Dubtsov G.G. - 2nd ed., Publishing Center "Academy", 2002 - 264p.

Kalinina V.M. - Technical equipment and labor protection in public catering - Ed. 3rd, sr. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2004. - 432s.

Timofeeva V.O - Ed. 5th, add. and reworked. - Rostov n / a:, "Phoenix", 2005 - 416s.



According to TB personal hygiene

participants in the production process.

    Preparation for work.

Only persons who have passed a special medical examination are allowed to work.

Leave outerwear, hats in the dressing room.

Nails should be cut short, without polish.

Remove all jewelry before starting work.

Before starting work, put on clean sanitary clothes and change of shoes.

Pick up hair under a cap or scarf.

Before starting work, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, then dry them with an individual towel.

    Work process.

During working hours, washing hands with soap is repeated:

After each production operation:

After working with the container:

If an employee lifts something from the floor:

After visiting the toilet:

San. Change clothes when soiled.

The food waste tank should be emptied every 1-1.5 hours as it fills up.

During work it is forbidden:

Weekends from the laboratory room or dining room in sanitary clothing;

Visit the toilet in sanitary clothing foreign sharp prickly objects;

Pinning special clothes with pins;

    Completion of work:

Participants in the work process clean the workplaces of the laboratory room.


According to TB when working with a knife.

1.1. only persons who know the safety rules when working with a knife are allowed to work;

2.1. be careful when working with a knife;

2.2. hold your hand correctly when processing, cutting products;

2.3. carry, transfer a knife with a blade tied with a rag towards oneself, with a handle to the person being transferred;

2.4. when you stop working with a knife, put it in a special cell for knives;

2.5. Report any accident to the foreman immediately.


According to safety when working with a potato peeler.

1. Only persons who know the safety regulations for working with a potato peeler are allowed to work.

2. start work only with the permission of the software engineer.

3. before starting work, make an external inspection of the machine, grounding, sanitary condition.

4. turn on the machine and check its operation at idle.

5. Load potatoes into the working chamber only after starting the machine and when water is supplied to the chamber.

6. do not overload the machine with potatoes.

7. after cleaning, without turning off the electric motor, open the door, after substituting the container to receive the peeled potatoes.

8. During the operation of the machine, it is strictly forbidden to lower your hands into the working chamber.

9. Remove jammed tubers only after stopping the machine with a special hook.

10. Report any accident to the foreman immediately.

11. after finishing work, rinse the machine at idle, and wipe the body with a clean cloth.


According to safety when working with an electric meat grinder.

1. Safety requirements before starting work:

1.1. only persons who know the safety precautions when working with a knife are allowed to work;

1.3. check the presence and reliability of connection to the body of the electric meat grinder of protective grounding, as well as the integrity of the power supply cable;

1.4. prepare products and pushers for work on the electric meat grinder;

1.5. before starting the machine, make sure that there are no foreign objects in the working chamber and near the moving parts;

1.6. check the presence of guards for moving parts of the machine;

1.7. check the serviceability of the starting equipment and the correct assembly of the replaceable parts of the machine;

1.8. check the operation of the electric meat grinder at idle by turning it on for a short time;

1.9. start the machine at idle and make sure that the drive shaft rotates in the direction of the arrow.

2. Safety requirements during operation:

2.1. work on a meat grinder only with special devices:

2.2. before processing meat in an electric meat grinder, check the absence of bones in it;

2.3. put products for processing in an electric meat grinder into the receiving chamber in small pieces;

2.4. do not overload the receiving chamber of the machine when pushing meat;

2.5. when pushing meat, use a wooden pusher.

3. Safety requirements in emergency situations:

3.1. in the event of a malfunction in the operation of the electric meat grinder, as well as a violation of the protective grounding of its case, immediately stop working and turn off the electric meat grinder, report the incident to the foreman. Continue work after troubleshooting.

4.1. after finishing work, you need to turn off the electric meat grinder, the knife switch, and only then disassemble it to remove product residues, clean and rinse the working parts with hot water.

4.2. tidy up the workplace, wipe the case with a damp clean cloth.


Safety before, during and after work with the equipment.

1. Before and during work:

Only persons who are fully familiar with tools, equipment, devices, trained in their proper handling and safe working methods are allowed to work:

Do not work on machines and equipment, the device of which is unfamiliar;

Start work only with the permission of the software master;

Do not perform work that was not assigned;

It is forbidden to work on faulty equipment and with faulty tools;

Before starting work, you need to tidy up your workplace and check:

1.1. - serviceability and idling of the equipment:

1.2. - the presence and serviceability of fences;

1.3. - availability and serviceability of grounding;

1.4. - serviceability of other used equipment;

1.5. - make sure that the switches of the electric stoves and the oven are in the zero position;

1.6. - Serviceability and operation of local exhaust ventilation.

1.7. - in any accident, immediately inform the foreman of the p / o.

2. Upon completion of work:

2.1. Turn off the equipment;

2.2. tidy up the workplace;

2.3. Remove tools, fixtures;

2.4. Switch the lights off.


According to safety when working with a kitchen electric stove.

1. Safety requirements before starting work:

1.1. only persons who know the safety rules for working with a kitchen electric stove are allowed to work;

1.2. start work only with the permission of the master p / o;

1.3. Before starting work, you need to tidy up your workplace for safe work:

Check the presence and integrity of the handles of the package switches of the electric stove;

Check the presence and serviceability of grounding (reliability of its connection to the body);

Turn on the hob.

2. During work:

2.1. fill the working surface of the electric stoves with dishes as much as possible, turn off the sections of the electric stoves in a timely manner or switch them to a lower power;

2.2. do not allow the burners to turn on at maximum and medium power without loading.

3. Safety requirements in an emergency:

3.1. if a malfunction in the operation of the cooker is detected, as well as a violation of the protective grounding of its case, stop work and turn off the cooker, immediately inform the foreman;

3.2. it is not recommended to start work until the noticed problems are fixed;

3.3. You yourself are not authorized to make any repairs to the equipment or repair the malfunction.

4. Safety requirements upon completion of work:

4.1. turn off the kitchen electric stove and after it has cooled down, wash it with hot water.


According to safety while working with boilers

when cooking.

1.1. only persons who know the safety regulations for working with boilers during cooking are allowed to work.

1.2. start work only with the permission of the master p / o.

2.1. do not use stove-top boilers, pots and other kitchen utensils that have a deformed bottom or edges, loose handles or without them.

2.2. Fill cookware with liquid no more than 80% of the volume so that the liquid does not splash out and flood the stove.

2.3.Do not allow liquid to get on the heated burners of the stove.

2.4. move the dishes with liquid on the surface of the stove carefully, without jerking.

2.5. use oven mitts - do not take hot dishes with your hands.

2.6. open the lids of cooking pots, pots and other utensils with hot food carefully “away from you”.

2.7. when mixing hot liquid in a bowl, use spoons, ladles with long handles.

2.8. remove the boiler with hot food from the stove without jerking, being careful, together, using dry towels or mittens, the boiler lid must be removed.

2.9. make sure that the fat put on the stove does not flare up from the high temperature.

2.10. when frying semi-finished products, put them in a pan with an inclination “away from you”.

2.11. immediately clean up spilled liquids, fat, fallen food on the floor. Tanks with a capacity of more than 10 liters should be installed and removed by two people.

2.12. do not carry a load weighing more than the established norm: girls - 10 kg., boys - 20 kg.

2.13. during work, do not be distracted and do not distract others.

2.14. Report any accident to the foreman immediately.


According to safety when working with a wiping and cutting machine.

    only persons who know the safety rules when working with a wiping and cutting machine are allowed to work;

    start work only with the permission of the master p / o;

    before starting work, make an external inspection of the machine grounding sanitary condition;

    wash vegetables and potatoes, peel and remove eyes;

    clean the head of cabbage from dirty sheets, cut the stalk and then cut into pieces;

    potatoes should be served for rubbing peeled, without eyes, boiled, without broth according to the recipe of catering establishments;

    cereals and legumes are served for rubbing boiled in the form of liquid cereals, as well as with a decoction for soups puree;

    cottage cheese is rubbed without pre-treatment;

    apples are served for rubbing washed, peeled, baked or boiled;

    After assembling the machine, you must:

Substitute a receiving container under the outlet channel of the machine;

Turn on the circuit breaker and press the "Start" button;

Push the processed product through by gently pressing the pusher handle.

11. after processing all products, it is necessary:

Press the "Stop" button and de-energize the machine automatic switches;

Remove the loading device;

Remove working bodies;

Remove the sleeve with the registration nut and locknut;

Remove the ejector.

12. Do not install or remove the device and working parts until the machine stops completely.


Extract from the Standard instructions for labor protection for a confectioner

TI R M - 039 -2002

1. Safety requirements before starting work.

1.1. Fasten the worn sanitary clothing with all buttons (tie ties), avoiding hanging ends of the clothing. Do not stab clothes with pins, needles, do not keep sharp, breakable objects in the pockets of clothes.

1.2. Check the operation of local exhaust ventilation, and the equipment of the workplace with the necessary equipment, inventory, fixtures and tools for work.

1.3. Prepare the workplace for safe work:

Ensure the availability of free passages;

Check the stability of the production table, the rack, the strength of the equipment fastening to the foundations and supports;

Securely install (fix) mobile (portable) equipment and inventory on the desktop, stand, mobile cart;

It is convenient and stable to place stocks of raw materials, products, tools, devices in accordance with the frequency of use and spending;

check by external inspection:

Sufficiency of illumination of the working surface;

The absence of hanging and bare ends of the electrical wiring;

Reliability of closing all current-carrying and starting devices of the equipment;

Availability and reliability of grounding connections (absence of breaks, strength of contact between metal non-current-carrying parts of the equipment and the ground wire);

Availability, serviceability, correct installation and reliable fastening of the guards for moving parts of equipment (toothed, chain, V-belt and other gears, couplings, etc.), heating surfaces;

No foreign objects inside and around the equipment;

Availability and serviceability of safety, regulation and automation devices (presence of a brand or seal; timing of branding of devices; dates of inspection of vessels operating under pressure; finding the pressure gauge needle at zero; glass integrity; no damage affecting the readings of control and measuring instruments);

No cracks, bulges, significant thickening of vessel walls, gaps in welds, leaks in riveted and bolted joints, gasket breaks, etc. in cooking and water-heating equipment;

The condition of the floors (no potholes, unevenness, slipperiness);

Absence of potholes, cracks and other irregularities on the working surfaces of production tables;

The serviceability of the inventory, fixtures and tools used (the surface of special containers, cutting boards, handles of scoops, spatulas, etc. must be clean, smooth, without chips, cracks and burrs; knife handles must be tightly fitted, non-slip and comfortable to grip, having the necessary support for the fingers, not deformed from exposure to hot water; knife blades must be smooth, polished, without dents and cracks).

1.4. Perform the necessary assembly of equipment, correctly install and securely fasten removable parts and mechanisms.

Check the operation of mechanical equipment, ballasts at idle.

2. Safety requirements during work.

2.1. Perform only the work for which he has been trained, briefed on labor protection and for which the employee responsible for the safe performance of work has been admitted.

2.2. Do not allow untrained and unauthorized persons to work.

2.3. Use serviceable equipment, tools, devices necessary for safe work; use them only for the work for which they are intended.

2.4. Follow the rules of movement in the premises and on the territory of the organization, use only the established passages.

2.6. Do not clutter up the workplace, passages to it and between equipment, tables, racks, passages to control panels, knife switches, escape routes and other passages with empty containers, inventory, excess stocks of products.

2.7. Use hand protection when in contact with hot surfaces of inventory and kitchen utensils (handles of stove-top boilers, baking sheets, etc.).

2.8. Open valves, taps on pipelines slowly, without jerks and great efforts. Do not use hammers, wrenches or other objects for this purpose.

2.9. When working with a knife, be careful to protect your hands from cuts. During breaks in work, put the knife in a pencil case (case). Do not walk or bend over with a knife in your hands, do not carry a knife that is not in a case (pencil case).

2.10. When cutting a monolith of butter with a string, use handles, do not pull the string with your hands.

2.11. Move trolleys, mobile racks, rolling bowls in the direction “away from you”.

2.12. Carry products, raw materials only in serviceable containers. Do not load containers in excess of the nominal gross weight.

2.13. Do not use random objects (boxes, barrels, etc.), equipment for sitting.

2.14. When working with electromechanical equipment:

Comply with the safety requirements set forth in the operational documentation of equipment manufacturers;

Use the equipment only for those works that are provided for in the instructions for its operation;

Before loading the equipment with the product, make sure that the drive shaft rotates in the direction indicated by the arrow on its body;

Warn nearby employees about the upcoming start-up of equipment;

Turn on and off the equipment with dry hands and only with the help of the "start" and "stop" buttons;

Remove and install replaceable parts of equipment carefully, without great effort and jerks;

Reliably fasten executive replaceable mechanisms, working bodies, tools;

Load the equipment with the product evenly through the loading device, with the electric motor turned on, unless otherwise provided by the manufacturer's operating manual;

Comply with equipment loading standards;

Push products into the loading device with a special device (pusher, pestle, etc.);

Remove product residues, clean the working parts of the equipment with wooden spatulas, scrapers, etc.;

Inspect, adjust, eliminate the malfunction of the equipment, install (remove) the working bodies, remove the stuck product, clean the used equipment only after it has been stopped using the “stop” button, turned off by the starting device, on which the poster “Do not turn on! People are working! ”, And after a complete stop of the rotating and moving parts, which have a dangerous inertial course.

2.15. When using electromechanical equipment:

Do not work with protective and safety devices removed from the equipment, with open doors, covers, casings;

Do not adjust belts, drive chains, do not remove or install guards during equipment operation;

Do not exceed the permissible operating speeds;

Do not remove stuck product by hand;

Do not operate equipment without a loading device (bowls, funnels, hoppers, etc.);

Do not transfer (move) non-stationary equipment included in the electrical network;

Do not leave operating equipment unattended, do not allow untrained and unauthorized persons to operate it;

Do not place tools or products on the equipment.

2.16. To prevent the adverse effect of infrared radiation on the body, fill the working surface of the stoves with dishes as much as possible, turn off electrical cabinets, sections of electric stoves in a timely manner or switch them to a lower power.

2.17. To prevent harmful substances from entering the air of industrial premises:

Observe the technological processes for the preparation of confectionery;

Operations for sifting flour, powdered sugar should be carried out at specially equipped workplaces;

Bake new molds, trays and sheets in ovens before using them for baking. Do not use molds and sheets with soot for baking.

2.18. Do not push the dough with your hands, do not put your hands under the guards and do not wipe the rollers while the dough sheeter is in operation.

2.19. Cleaning of the hearth sheets from food residues, cleaning of shelves, racks should be carried out with the help of brushes, ruffs, wooden spatulas.

2.20. When using the nut crusher, do not stir the nuts with your hands.

2.21. During the operation of the biscuit cutter, do not straighten biscuit blanks with your hands and do not collect scraps near the string cutter. Clean the knives from product residues with scrapers only after the machine has stopped.

2.22. Remove from the stove and carry the jars of hot sugar syrup together, wearing mittens. In this case, the tank lid should be removed, and its volume should be filled no more than three-quarters.

2.23. When preparing cleaning and disinfecting solutions:

Use only cleaning and disinfecting agents approved by the health authorities;

Do not exceed the specified concentration and temperature of cleaning solutions (above 50ºС);

Avoid spraying detergents and disinfectants, contact with their solutions on the skin and mucous membranes.

2.24. Be careful when working with essences, detergents and disinfectants, do not allow them to splash. The concentration of solutions for processing eggs should not exceed: soda ash - 1 - 2%; chloramine - 0.5%.

2.25. Store the egg disinfectant solution in a labeled container with a closed lid in a designated area.

2.26. Carry bottles with disinfectant solution together.

2.27. To break eggs, use a special tool. Do not break eggs with a knife.

Scheme of organization of workplaces in a hot shop

1 - mobile rack;

2 - production table with built-in bathtub;

3 - universal drive;

4 - shell;

5 - production table;

6 - refrigerator;

7 - deep fryer;

8 – sectional modulated insert;

9 – electric oven;

10 - electric stove 2 burners;

11 - boiler.

azu tatar juicy cottage cheese

Sectional modulated electric stove

The PESM-4 stove consists of four burners and an inventory cabinet-stand. It is intended for the preparation of hot dishes in the cookware. It is used as an independent device or is part of the production line. The design of the plate is based on a frame, located on four height-adjustable legs.

The frying surface is a table on which four rectangular burners are mounted. The working surface of each burner is heated by spirals embedded in the grooves of the bottom of the burner in an insulated mass. The power regulation of each burner is stepwise, carried out using a switch in the ratio 4-2-1. To collect spilled liquid, the burner block has a retractable tray. The cladding of the plate body is made of steel sheets coated with white enamel and fixed on the upper and lower parts of the frame.

Operation of electric stoves. Persons serving the stove must have a diploma of education in the field of work. Complete training and pass exams on safety regulations, undergo a medical examination and have a work permit, as well as those assigned to this equipment in accordance with the order of the catering establishment.

Before starting work, the grounding, sanitary condition and technical condition of the plate must be checked. When performing these works, the handles of all switches must be set to the “0” (off) position. To heat the burners to operating temperature, set the switch knobs to position "3" (high heat). After the burners are heated to the required temperature, the switch knobs are set to position "2" (medium heat) or "1" (low heat) according to the requirements of the technological mode and the cookware with the processed products is placed on the burners. When operating the plates, it is necessary Special attention give the frying surface, which should be even, smooth, without cracks and be on the same level with the side surface. Do not allow liquid to get on the heated surface, as this may crack them. To avoid this, the dishes must be filled no more than 80% of the volume.

For better heat transfer from the burner, cookware should have a flat bottom and fit snugly against the surface of the burner. The use of cookware with an uneven bottom increases the time spent on cooking, degrades its quality and reduces the efficiency of the cooker. The dimensions of the cookware should correspond to the dimensions of the burner, which increases the efficiency of the stove. After finishing work on the electric stove, it is necessary to turn off all the burners with the corresponding switches, and also disconnect the electric stove from the mains. After the stove has cooled down, the burners, tray, and baking sheets are sanitized.

The scheme of organization of jobs in the meat and fish shop

1 - refrigerator;

2 - washing bath;

3 - production table;

4 - cutting chair;

5 - mobile rack;

6 - shell;

7 - universal drive.

Appendix 4

Scheme of organization of jobs in the vegetable shop

1 - podvarnik;

2 - industrial bath;

3 - potato peeler;

4 - table for cleaning potatoes;

5 - production table with a local exhaust device;

6 - production table;

7 - stationary rack;

8 - sink.

Vegetable cutter MRO-200 desktop type is used for cutting raw vegetables into circles, slices, straws, sticks, and you can also chop cabbage on it.

The MPO-200 vegetable cutting machine consists of a body 4, an electric drive, a loading chamber 7 and replaceable working tools 8. Inside the machine body there is a drive consisting of an electric motor 10 and a V-belt drive. The working chamber is made in the form of a cylinder; a removable loading container is attached above it, which has windows for loading vegetables. The machine set includes a circular knife, two grater discs and two combination knives.

The circular knife is used for slicing vegetables and shredding cabbage. Combination knives are used for cutting vegetables into cubes with a cross section of 3 x 3 and

The principle of operation of the MRO-200 vegetable cutting machine is based on immersing the product into the loading opening and pressing it with a pusher to the rotating working body. The knife cuts into the product and cuts it. The cut product is removed from the working chamber by the ejector. And then through the unloading tray enters the container.

Rules for the operation of the vegetable cutting machine MRO-200.

Before putting the machine into operation, the cook assigned to this equipment is obliged to comply with the safety regulations and work safety regulations. During operation of the machine, it is strictly forbidden to lower your hands into the wiping chamber. Sanitization is carried out after turning off and stopping the machine.

MOK-125 potato peeler.

At catering establishments, with a mechanical method of cleaning, a disk potato peeler MOK-125 is used (Figure 1). This machine is designed for peeling potatoes and root crops. The main components of the machine are: body, working chamber, rotating conical working disk and control panel.

The working chamber is made in the form of a cast cylindrical body, the upper part of which is open and serves to load vegetables. The loading funnel from above is closed by a cover. On the side surface of the working chamber there is a hatch with an unloading tray and a door for unloading vegetables after cleaning. At the bottom of the working chamber there is a drain pipe and a pulp collector.

The working body of the machine is a cone disk fixed on a vertical shaft, covered with an abrasive mass consisting of grains of corundum or silicon carbite on a bekelite basis. The bottom of the cone disc has radial waves for better movement of vegetables. Removable abrasive segments are installed on the walls of the working chamber, which, when triggered, can be easily replaced with new ones.

The drive of the machine consists of an electric motor and a V-belt transmission. The engine is mounted on a movable under-engine plate. To prevent the ingress of water from the working chamber into the drive and the electric motor, a special protection is installed.

A control panel is installed near the machine, which consists of an automatic switch and a push starter.

There is a grounding device at the bottom of the machine body.

The principle of operation of the machine. When loading through a funnel, vegetables receive a rotational movement, falling onto a rotating conical disk with an abrasive coating and, under the action of centrifugal force, are pressed against the walls of the machine. Due to friction on the abrasive surfaces, the skin is removed from the vegetables. The resulting pulp is removed through the drain pipe into the sewer, continuously flowing into the working chamber from the water supply.

Operating rules. Before starting work, an external inspection of the machine, grounding, sanitary condition is carried out, and after that the machine is turned on and its operation is checked at idle. If the machine is in good working order, start working on it.

Vegetables must be pre-treated: calibrated and washed. This contributes to better cleaning and extends the life of the machine.

Load potatoes and vegetables into the working chamber only after starting the machine and when water is supplied to the chamber, the potatoes must be calibrated and washed. Unwashed vegetables contaminate the product and lead to rapid wear of the abrasive chamber segments. The weight of the loaded potatoes must correspond to the weight recommended by the instructions, the optimal value is 2/3 of the volume of the working chamber of the machine. When the machine is overloaded, the quality of cleaning deteriorates, the wear of the electric motor and V-belts accelerates. A significant underload of the machine leads to a violation of the outer layer of tubers, waste and energy consumption increase significantly. The duration of cleaning depends on the variety and quality of potatoes, as well as on the state of the abrasive coating of the rotating cone and the walls of the working chamber of the machine. On average, cleaning lasts 2-4 minutes. After cleaning, without turning off the electric motor, open the door, and the vegetables are thrown into the substituted container. Then load the next batch of potatoes. After finishing work, the machine is washed at idle, and the body is wiped with a clean cloth. Jammed tubers should be removed only after the machine has stopped with a special hook. While the machine is in operation, it is strictly forbidden to put your hands into the working chamber, as this will lead to injury. Persons assigned to this machine and who have passed the HSE exam are allowed to work on the machine.

Scheme of cutting beef carcass

2 - cervical cut;

3 - shoulder cut;

4 - dorsal cut;

5 - lumbar cut;

6 - hip cut;

7 - back shank;

8 - flank;

9 - chest cut;

10 - front shank;

11 - shoulder cut.

The scheme of organization of jobs in the confectionery (flour) shop

Machine for sifting flour MPM-800.

Operating principle

The flour poured into the bunker is fed by an impeller through the window of a vertical pipe to the auger, which lifts it to the sifting mechanism.

Here the flour is sprayed, pressed under the action of centrifugal force against a sieve and sieved. Loading blades direct the sifted flour to the tray, where it is cleaned of metal impurities and enters the substituted container.

Operating rules.

Before starting work, check the sanitary and technical condition. The upper support of the auger is lubricated with edible unsalted fat. The movable frame is lowered to the lower position and a bag of flour is placed on it, after which the frame is raised and part of the flour is poured into the hopper. Then turn on the engine. At the same time, they are watching. So that the hopper is constantly filled with flour, which prevents it from spraying. Periodically, the sieve is cleaned of impurities.

At the end of the work, it is turned off and partially disassembled. The sieve is cleaned with a brush, and the body is wiped.

It is forbidden to work on the machine without a safety grid, push the flour into the hopper with your hands.

Dough mixer TMM-1M.

Operating principle.

The products loaded into the bowl are intensively mixed due to the movements of the kneading lever and the simultaneous rotation of the bowl around its axis, forming a homogeneous mass saturated with air.

Before starting work on TMM-1M, they check the reliability of fastening the bowl to the foundation plate and check it at idle. Then, the products intended for kneading the dough are loaded into the bowl. Then lower the shields and turn on the machine. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, the machine is turned off. The duration of the kneading is on average 7 ... 20 minutes and depends on the type of dough. Next, they raise the guards and, pressing the foot on the pedal, roll the bowl off the stove.

dough sheeter

Dough sheeter MRT-60M. The machine consists of a frame, a drive, two working rollers, a mechanism for regulating the thickness of the dough layer, a belt conveyor, an inclined guide plane and a flour mill. The frame of the machine is made of angle iron and lined with iron shields on the outside. It is divided by a pallet into two parts: the lower one, where the electric motor and the worm gear are located, and the upper one, where there are two rolling working shafts for rolling out the dough. At the end of the machine there is a flywheel for changing the thickness of the dough rolling in the range from 0 to 50 mm, which is controlled by a scale located on the upper right column. A mucosier is installed above the rolling rollers, which, during operation, sprinkles flour on the dough to prevent it from sticking to the working rollers. To feed the dough to the rollers, there is a loading table, which has a safety grill with automatic auto-lock. The unloading device is a belt conveyor, under which a pallet is installed, where excess flour is poured.

The principle of operation of the machine.

The prepared dough, not more than 10 kg, is placed on an inclined table and directed to the rotating rollers, which capture and roll it out. The dough in the form of a belt is lowered onto a conveyor, which places the dough on a pallet.

Rules for the operation of the machine.

Before starting work, they check the compliance with the rules of TB, BT, electrical blocking, the correct installation of the pallet and the correct setting of the specified thickness of the dough rolling. The prepared dough is placed on an inclined table, the machine is turned on and fed manually to the rolling rollers. It is recommended to roll out the dough in several steps with a gradual decrease in the gap between the rollers.

While the machine is in operation, it is forbidden to clean the rollers and other mechanisms, as well as to put your hands under the safety grille. After the end of work, the machine is disconnected from the mains and the remaining flour is removed from the flour pan, tray, table and conveyor belt. The rolling rollers are freed from dough residues and wiped with a dry cloth.

Confectionery electric oven KEP-400

Designed for baking a wide range of small bakery and confectionery products.

Electric confectionery oven KEP-400 is a cabinet consisting of a metal frame with sheet steel cladding.

The working chamber of the furnace is isolated from the facing sheet with heat-insulating material.

The oven is divided into two halves: heating elements, a fan, a steam generator, a control system and an alarm system are placed in the left half, a baking chamber with a door is placed in the right half.

The left side of the furnace has three compartments, each compartment opens with its own door 2, 5 and 8. In the upper compartment there is a thermostat 7 and a fan with an electric motor for forced air circulation.

In the middle compartment there are built-in time relay 4, switches 3, signal lamps 6 and a button for controlling the supply of water to the steam generator, a panel with electrical control and alarm equipment.

In the lower compartment there is a steam generator heated by heating elements, a branch pipe for connecting a feed water hose and a branch pipe for draining condensate.

Bread and confectionery products are baked on hearths mounted on a rack cart 12, which is rolled into the baking chamber of the oven. In the baking chamber, the trolley is fixed with the help of a centering ball 11, and from above it is connected to the rotation mechanism of the trolley 9.

The mechanism drives the trolley into rotation during the baking process.

The baking chamber is humidified by steam produced in its own steam generator, which consists of cast-iron heat-accumulating pipes heated by 12 heating elements.

The baking process is automated by means of a control and alarm system. The duration of the process is set on the time relay 4. After the set time has elapsed, sound and light signals are given.

The chamber door is electrically interlocked and the oven can only be operated when the door is closed.

To monitor the operation of the furnace, a viewing window 10 is provided in the chamber door. The baking chamber is illuminated during operation by two lamps.

Rules for the operation of a confectionery electric oven KEP-400. Persons who know its structure and safety regulations are allowed to work with the furnace.

Before turning on the furnace, check the serviceability of grounding and packaging, as well as the serviceability of ballasts. Then set the thermostat dial to the required temperature, connect it to the mains and, using package switches, turn on the working chambers for strong heating. At the same time signal lamps light up. As soon as the chamber warms up to the set temperature, the signal lamps go out, indicating that the furnace is ready for operation. Carefully open the doors, set baking sheets or confectionery sheets with products. Package switches switch to low or high heat, depending on the requirements of the technology for preparing culinary products. When transferring the furnace to a lower heating temperature, turn off the heating elements and allow it to cool to the required temperature. After that, the thermostat dial is transferred to a lower degree of heating and the heating elements are turned on.

The volume of escaping steam generated during the baking of products is regulated by means of a vent, depending on the requirements of the technological process of cooking.



In order for the cooked meat to be juicy and tasty, you must remember and observe the following conditions: rinse the meat under running water, do not soak it in water and do not salt it before cooking, since salt causes premature release of juice, and this reduces nutritional value and taste. food quality. Frozen meat cannot be thawed in water - it should be washed in cold water, then put in a clean bowl and covered with a lid for 2-3 hours. Before cooking, the meat must be thoroughly washed under running cold water, cleaned from small bones, rough tendons and surface films. You need to wash the meat quickly and in a whole piece, and then cut it into portions so that some of the nutritious juices do not pass into the water. The optimal temperature of water for washing meat is from 25 to 30 ° C - it is at this temperature that most of the harmful microorganisms on its surface will die. To reduce the loss of meat juice, it is advisable to cut the meat with a very sharp knife, while it is easier to cut meat that is slightly frozen in the freezer of the refrigerator.

When preparing meat, one should not beat off its pieces for too long with a chopper, because this destroys the meat tissues, and the meat loses its nutritious juice even before cooking.

For cooking it is necessary to use the meat of old animals, for frying - young ones. Young and fatty meat is fried in the oven. A large piece of meat, a carcass of a bird or a game every 10-15 minutes should be poured over with the fat in which they are fried. In order not to overcook meat placed in a very hot oven, it must be covered with oiled paper.

When warming up the meat left from yesterday's dinner, you need to sprinkle it with cold water from a spoon, put it in a frying pan with oil and put it on fire - the meat will not have an unpleasant aftertaste and it will taste like freshly fried.

In preparation for the preparation of five six-week-old suckling pig, the carcass should be scalded with boiling water, the bristles should be carefully scraped off (if necessary, singe the piglet over the fire) and pour cold water for 1 hour. Then gut the carcass, rinse it in cold running water, dry it with a towel, salt, pepper and leave for another hour. After that, the carcass can be filled with far-tem and baked or boiled

Cooking technology:

Pulp of beef, lamb or young horse meat cut into cubes

2 cm wide, 4 cm long, fry in a heated pan with fat.

Put the fried pieces of meat in a saucepan, salt, sprinkle with pepper, put the browned onion, pour in the broth, add a spoonful of tomato puree or chopped fresh tomato and stew for 30-40 minutes.

Separately, fry potatoes until half cooked in large slices or cubes. Place the potatoes together with the meat in a saucepan, add peeled and seeded, chopped and poached pickles and simmer over low heat. The finished azu is mixed, laid out on plates, sprinkled with herbs, chopped garlic and served.

Someone remembers this hearty meat dish as a Soviet restaurant classic, someone has heard about its Tatar roots. But even a novice hostess can cook the basics at home, and it is not necessary to wait for a solemn occasion.

The variant, familiar to most as a classic basics, is rather a Russified version. So this dish was passed from family to family, from mothers to daughters for decades. This is how you would taste it in the dining room No. 1 of the 1975 model. The recipe is simple.

To get 3-4 servings at the exit, take:

  • 500 grams of beef;
  • 500 grams of potatoes;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • 3 pickled cucumbers of medium size;
  • 300 grams of fleshy tomatoes;
  • 20 grams of wheat flour;
  • 40 grams of tomato paste;
  • a liter of beef broth;
  • oil (sunflower or corn);
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • parsley;
  • salt and pepper.

Prepare the ingredients. Wash the meat in cool water and let dry. Clean your vegetables. To easily remove the skin from the tomatoes, first scald them in boiling water. After cooling, the skin will easily come off.

Then we process the basis of the dish - beef tenderloin. Chop the beef into oblong pieces. The incision is made in the direction across the fibers. You should end up with sticks a few centimeters wide and about six inches long, similar to those used to make beef stroganoff.

Important! For the correct basics, a sirloin or shoulder blade is suitable. A less successful option is the rear edge. It is difficult to get the desired result from the sinewy and greasy parts of beef: when frying, you risk making the meat tough and evaporate the juice.

Turn on a high heat, heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan. Don't cover. Fry the beef until golden brown for ten minutes, stirring constantly. The high temperature during frying will ensure that the meat juice remains inside during further stewing.

Reduce the heat by a third, sprinkle the meat with flour and spices, and cook for another five minutes. Flour will make the sauce thicker, provide a consistency familiar from the Soviet Azu recipe. Now transfer the meat to a stewpan with thick walls (a saucepan will do), pour over the warmed beef broth. Simmer covered over low heat for about half an hour. For lack of broth, use boiled water.

While the beef is languishing, take care of the vegetables. Put the onion sliced ​​​​in rings into the still hot pan and sauté for a few minutes. Grate the tomatoes or chop finely. Add to the onion rings along with the tomato paste. Fry for another five to seven minutes over moderate heat.

Grind pickled cucumbers into small sticks. Add to the pan with vegetables, continue to heat for another ten minutes. Then raise the temperature slightly to evaporate the excess tomato juice. After adding vegetables to the beef, continue to simmer.

Cut the potatoes into strips, as for deep-frying. Fry in a new dish until golden brown at high temperature. Lightly salt. When the beef azu is almost ready, add potato strips there and mix.

Add chopped herbs and garlic. Add spices if not enough. Turn off the stove, and leave the food to languish under the lid for another ten minutes. Juicy meat dinner is ready.

Azu in Tatar

The phrase “azu in Tatar”, to be fair, is incorrect. We owe this to the Tatars simple recipe, and any basics - Tatar. And subsequent modifications of the dish have little to do with the original version of the nomads, retaining only the name and basic technology.

The main feature of the Tatar azu, which is hardly applicable in home cooking, is the use of horse meat. Originally prepared the basics in this way.

But you can add a national oriental flavor to the usual azu recipe by slightly changing the set of ingredients given in the classic recipe above:

  • replace beef with fresh lamb;
  • remove flour from the recipe;
  • replace the pasta with sun-dried tomatoes in their own juice;
  • instead of butter, use fat, or take ghee;
  • put more garlic and pepper - in the Tatar version, the azu is sharper;
  • replace parsley with cilantro.

The rest of the cooking technology remains the same. Instead of a saucepan, it is preferable to use a cauldron.

pork azu recipe

This is interesting:

A common modification of an oriental delicacy is a pork azu recipe. It will not work to feed a Tatar with this food, since Islam prohibits eating pork carcasses, but a Slavic husband will appreciate the tender and satisfying pork aza.

Dinner for four comes from:

  • 400 grams of pork tenderloin;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • 300 grams of potatoes;
  • Bay leaf;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sunflower oil;
  • tomato juice;
  • pickles or barrel cucumbers;
  • three or four ripe tomatoes;
  • greenery;
  • salt and pepper.

Cut the pork into neat bars and fry over high heat for ten minutes. Pig flesh is fatter than sheep or cow, so it is important to use less oil than in a traditional recipe.

Add onions, tomatoes and cucumbers. Slightly lowering the temperature, fry for another five to seven minutes. Add spices and pour in tomato juice. Simmer covered until half cooked.

Fry the potatoes in a separate bowl until golden brown. Send to the meat. At the end, add bay leaf, chopped garlic and herbs.

The total cooking time is significantly less than for beef azu. Therefore, such a recipe is good if guests suddenly appeared, or for a quick dinner.

Azu from turkey

You can diversify a low-calorie diet with a dietary variation of the azu: cook the azu from a turkey.

For 3-4 servings take:

  • 400 grams of turkey thigh fillet;
  • 2 pickles;
  • 30 grams of tomato paste;
  • 300 grams of potatoes (4-5 medium tubers);
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • spices to taste.

Chop the turkey into elongated sticks and send to fry over medium heat in a frying pan or thick-walled pan. After 15 minutes, add onion half rings and carrot strips. Continue roasting.

Meanwhile, in a separate skillet, cook the potatoes, also chopped into strips. Combine potatoes with poultry, add tomato paste, chopped pickles, salt and pepper.

If simple conditions are met, turkey azu is suitable for a children's menu. In this case, leave the amount of spices to a minimum. Tomato paste is only natural, cooked at home. Pickled cucumbers are preferably excluded or reduced to a minimum. In this form, turkey azu is suitable for feeding children from two years old.

Chicken fillet is less suitable for cooking azu, which requires a long stew. The soft flesh of chickens will lose its shape. However, if aesthetic requirements for a hearty dinner are not important, replace the turkey with chicken in the same ratio in the recipe.

How to cook the basics correctly: tricks and cooking features

To obtain a crispy azu texture, it is important to follow the technology of the recipe. Follow these helpful tips to help you achieve the famous spicy, salty taste.

  • Don't use pickled cucumbers. They contain a lot of vinegar, which will affect the palatability of the food and make the fillets tougher. Accordingly, canned gherkins are not suitable for azu.
  • Follow the rule: first, separate frying of the ingredients, then joint stewing. Only in this way, as a result, it will be the basics on the table, and not potato stew with tomato paste.

You can diversify the traditional recipe by preparing the basics not on the stove. The food will acquire new shades of taste.

Cooking azu in the oven in pots

Try to cook azu original recipe using ceramic or clay pots for baking.

The composition and number of components are identical to the classic azu recipe.

The beef will first have to be fried in a hot frying pan. Then distribute the ingredients among the pots, following the following sequence: first the vegetables, then a layer of tomato puree, after the half-cooked meat part, potatoes on top. Coat again with tomato puree, and you can also add sour cream to this option.

Place a crushed clove of garlic in the middle of the pot. Remember to lightly salt and pepper each new layer.

In a preheated oven, bake the aza for 60 minutes, maintaining a temperature regime of 200 degrees. If using pork, reduce the roast time to 40 minutes.

Cooking azu in a slow cooker

When the goal is to cook the basics quickly and with a minimum of hassle, use a slow cooker. Use products from classic recipe azu, reducing the number of components by half.

First, turn on the appliance to the "frying" function. Pour vegetable oil into the bottom of the bowl, heat up and put the beef or lamb. Stir constantly, keep the lid open. After 15 minutes, add onions and cucumbers. Cook for another 5 minutes until the vegetables are browned.

Place potatoes in the multicooker bowl, fill with water so that the contents are slightly visible from under the liquid. Add tomato paste, salt and pepper, garlic. Set the "extinguishing" program for 90 minutes. Ten minutes before the end of the program, open the lid, stir and add fresh chopped herbs.

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Topic: Cooking meat stews. "Azu"



Olkov Oleg

group number 13


Kuzevanova. T A

Barmina I.Yu

Yekaterinburg 2011


Meat contains many complete proteins - 14.5 - 23%, fat - from 2 to 37, minerals - 0.5 - 1.3% (of which the most valuable; salts of phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium and iron). Meat contains vitamins A, B, PP and group B.

The main tissues of meat are: muscle, connective, fat and bone.

Muscular (muscular) tissue consists of individual fibers covered with a translucent sheath (sarcolemma). Myosin is the main protein in muscle tissue. Animal muscle tissue proteins are complete - they contain amino acids similar in composition to human muscle tissue proteins, therefore they are easily absorbed by the body. The internal muscles located near the bones, the muscle tissues located along the spine, are the most valuable, as they have tender, fine-fibered meat. The muscles located in the neck, abdomen, consist of dense fibers, so they have a rough texture.

Connective tissue consists of defective proteins - collagen and elastin. The more collagen and elastin the meat contains, the more tough it is. This is an indicator of the quality of the meat.

Adipose tissue of meat is cells filled with fat droplets and covered with connective tissue. Fat improves the taste of meat and increases its nutritional value.

Bone tissue consists of special cells, the basis of which is ossein - a substance similar in composition to collagen. The bones of the pelvis and the ends of the tubular bones are porous, they are called sugar. They contain substances that, passing into the broth, give it strength and aroma.

For public catering enterprises operating on raw materials, meat
comes chilled and frozen. Beef - half carcasses and quarters; lamb, goat meat and veal - carcasses; pork carcasses and half carcasses. Many public catering enterprises receive meat semi-finished products: large-sized, portioned, small-sized and chopped.

When accepting meat, first of all, the presence of the stigma of fatness and veterinary and sanitary control is checked, and the quality of the meat is determined organoleptically. By fatness, beef, lamb, goat meat are of I and II categories, veal --I category, pork - meat, cut, fatty. Benign chilled meat has a dry crust on the surface of the carcass, the color is from pale pink to red, the texture is dense, elastic (when pressed with a finger, the dimple quickly levels out). Frozen meat on the surface and cuts has a pink-red color with a grayish tint due to ice crystals, the consistency is solid (makes a sound when tapped); It has no smell, but when thawed, the smell of meat and dampness appears. You can check the quality of frozen meat with a heated knife blade or by test cooking. The meat received by the enterprises is subjected to mechanical culinary processing.

Goal and tasks

Goal: Improve your professional competencies in the preparation of the stewed meat dish "Azu".

1. Select information about meat

2. Write an explanatory note to the practical work.

3. Select, work out and bring to perfection the technology for preparing basics.

4. Defend on "Excellent" final qualifying work.

Defrosting meat

Meat is defrosted in order to make further processing easier and more convenient. In frozen meat, the juice is located between the fibers in the form of ice crystals. When defrosting, the juice is again absorbed by the fibers, and its loss largely depends on the method of defrosting. The meat is thawed in special chambers in a slow or fast way.

With slow defrosting in the chamber, the temperature is maintained from 0 to 6--8 ° C, air humidity - 90 - 95%. Meat is defrosted
large parts (carcasses, half carcasses, quarters), them. hung on hooks so that they do not touch each other and do not touch the floor and walls. Under such conditions, muscle fibers almost completely absorb the juice formed during defrosting, and their original state is restored. The duration of defrosting depends on the type of meat, the size of the pieces and is 1-3 days. Thawing is stopped if the temperature in the thickness of the muscles reaches 0-1°C. Properly thawed meat is no different from chilled. The loss of meat juice during slow defrosting is 0.5% of the mass of meat.

With rapid defrosting, the temperature in the chamber is maintained! 20 25 ° C, air humidity - 85 - 95%, for which heated humidified air is supplied to it. Under such conditions, the meat is thawed for 12-24 hours, the temperature in the thickness of the muscles should be - 0.5 ... 1.5 ° C. After that, the meat is kept for a day at a temperature of 0 - 2 ° C and humidity; air 80 - 85% to reduce the loss of meat juice during cutting.

In enterprises that do not have premises for defrosting meat, this process is carried out in the procurement workshop. In this case, the meat is placed on wooden bars or tables.

It is impossible to cut the meat into pieces before defrosting, since in this case the loss of meat juice increases to 10%, and the meat becomes tough and tasteless. Defrosting meat in water is not allowed, as soluble nutrients will pass into the water. After defrosting, the stigma, heavily contaminated places, and blood clots are cut off.

When washing, dirt, microorganisms and their spores are washed off the surface of the meat. In large catering establishments, meat is washed in washing rooms. It is hung on hooks and washed with special brushes (brush-shower), with a jet of water from a brandite or hose.

In small enterprises, meat is washed in bathtubs. To do this, it is laid on grates and washed in running water with herbal or nylon brushes.

The water temperature should be between 20 and 30°C. Washed carcasses before drying are washed with cold water at a temperature of 12--15 ° C for cooling. This delays the development of microorganisms on the surface of the meat during further processing. Drying prevents the reproduction of microbes, in addition, when cutting the meat does not slip in the hands.

The meat is hung on hooks or laid on grates located above the washing baths, and dried in the air or with cotton napkins.

At large enterprises, outside air for drying is pumped through special pipelines and passed through filters.

Air temperature 1 -- 6°С. In small enterprises, natural drying is used.

dish meat azu food

The name of the parts; I - scapular part a) shoulder part, b) shoulder part II - neck part; III - dorsal part (thick edge); IV - hem; V - brisket; VI - subscapular part; VII - tenderloin; VIII - lumbar part (that cue edge); IX - flank; X - hip part: c - inner piece, d upper piece, d - side piece, e - outer piece

As a result of the culinary cutting of the forequarter, the following are obtained: shoulder part (shoulder and shoulder), neck part, thick edge, subscapular part, hem, brisket, as well as bones: cervical, vertebral, costal, scapular, humeral, ulnar and radial.

As a result of culinary cutting and deboning of the hindquarter, the following are obtained: tenderloin, thin edge, flank, inner, upper, lateral and outer pieces of the hip part, as well as bones: lumbar and sacral vertebrae, pelvic, femur and tibia. Losses during the processing of meat of category I are 26.4%, category II - 29.5%.

Sorting and culinary use of meat parts. The cleaned meat is sorted according to culinary use. The quality of meat is affected by the amount of connective tissue and its stability during heat treatment. Parts of meat containing little connective tissue are used for frying, and if there is a lot of it, for boiling and stewing.

Tenderloin - the most tender part of the meat, used for frying in large pieces, natural portions and small pieces.

Thick and thin edges - for frying large pieces, portioned natural, breaded and small pieces.

The inner and upper pieces are for stewing in large and portioned pieces, for frying breaded and small pieces.

Outer and side pieces - for stewing large, portioned and small pieces. The scapular and subscapular parts, brisket, hem (meat of category I) - for cooking and stewing in small pieces.

Neck, flank, hem (meat category II) - for the preparation of minced products, as they contain up to 80% connective tissue

Azu cooking technology


animal fat - 15.0 (grams)

tomato paste - 20.0 (grams)

onion - 42.0 (gram)

wheat flour, premium - 6.0 (gram)

tomatoes - 47.0 (grams)

pickled cucumber - 50.0 (gram)

potatoes - 133.0 (grams)

garlic bulb - 1.0 (gram)

beef, brisket (pulp) - 216.0 (gram)

water - 30.0 (grams)

table salt - 2.0 (gram)

bay leaf - 0.1 (gram)


The meat, cut into cubes of 10-15 g, is fried, poured with hot broth or water, sautéed tomato puree is added and stewed almost until cooked in a sealed container with a slight boil. Sauce is prepared on the remaining broth. In which they put pickled cucumbers cut into strips, browned onions, peppers, salt. Pour the meat with the resulting sauce, add fried potatoes and stew for another 15-20 minutes. 5-10 minutes before readiness put fresh tomatoes(I column), bay leaf The finished dish is seasoned with crushed garlic. The dish can be prepared by I count without tomatoes, increasing the potato tab by 45 g net. For ease of portioning, potatoes and tomatoes can be stewed separately. Azu is released along with sauce and garnish

Nutritional value and chemical composition of the finished dish "Azu"

Here is the content of nutrients (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 g of the edible part.

Azu Calorie

Calories (Calories): 177.62 (kcal)

The nutritional value

Calories: 177.62 (kcal)

Proteins: 9.3114 (g)

Fat: 12.2569 (g)

Carbs: 7.2551 (g)

Dietary fiber: 1.165 (g)

Organic acids: 0.3472 (g)

Water: 68.5101 (g)

Ash: 1.8494 (g)

Saturated fatty acids: 0.5271 (g)

Unsaturated fatty acids: 2.5593 (g)

Mono- and disaccharides: 2.4625 (g)

Starch: 5.2656 (g)

Azu is rich in the following vitamins and minerals: organic acids - 17.4%, vitamin B6 - 15.8%, vitamin B12 - 42.8%, vitamin E - 14.8%, vitamin PP - 21.4%, sodium - 25 .9%, potassium - 15.8%, phosphorus - 14.8%, zinc - 15.3%, copper - 15.8%, chromium - 15.7%, vanadium - 113.4%, cobalt - 62% , where % is the percentage of satisfaction daily allowance per 100 gr.

Useful properties of Azu

Good for the brain and spinal cord. Due to the content of vitamin B12, it promotes the synthesis of DNA, myelin, is an antioxidant, and is involved in the metabolism of fats. Increases oxygen consumption by cells in acute and chronic hypoxia.

Useful for the health of the skin and mucous membranes, nervous and digestive systems, regulates blood sugar, antioxidant.

I approve _______ director

"___" _____________2011

Business name


The name of the semi-finished product, dish, product "Azu in Tatar"

Recipe No. 640


According to the collection of recipes 2002

Consumption of raw materials per serving (gr.)

Raw material consumption (net) kg

Gross, g

10servings net


Tomato puree

onion turnip

Wheat flour

fresh tomatoes



Stew weight

Weight of garnish and sauce

Output of the finished dish

Cooking technology

The meat, cut in the form of sticks, 3-4 cm long and weighing 10-15 g, is fried until a crust forms, poured with hot broth or water so that the meat is covered with liquid, sautéed onions, sautéed tomato puree and tomatoes are added and stewed over low heat with closed lid until done. The broth remaining after stewing is drained and sauce is prepared on it. Poached cucumbers, chopped pepper, salt, bay leaf are put in the sauce. The sauce is poured over the meat, fried potatoes are added, cut into cubes and stewed for another 15-20 minutes. Released in a lamb, seasoned with thick garlic

Organoleptic indicators of the quality of dishes (products):

Appearance: meat and potatoes - in cubes, cucumbers in strips

Consistency: meat is soft, vegetables have retained their shape

Color: browned tomato (orange)

Taste: moderately salty, spicy

Smell: aroma of stew, garlic and sauteed tomato and vegetables

Requirements for registration, submission and sale: they are released in a portioned plate or in a lamb.

Calculation card No. ________

Organization_____ Enterprise_______________________________

The name of the dish "Azu in Tatar" company number according to the collection of recipes__

Weight of main meat and fish products in grams

Product set

Date 15.06.2011

Price for 1 kg

Amount per 100 servings

For 1 dish

For 100 dishes


Tomato puree

onion turnip

Wheat flour

fresh tomatoes



The total cost of a raw set for 100 dishes

P.P. markups

Selling price for 1 dish

Head production

Barmina I.Yu.


Olkov Oleg

"I approve"



The following semi-finished products are produced from beef:

tenderloin - a muscle covered with a shiny tendon;

thick edge - a layer of pulp of a rectangular shape, on the outside covered with a shiny tendon; without muscles and tendons adjacent directly to the spine;

thin edge - a layer of rectangular pulp, covered on the outside with a shiny tendon;

the upper piece is the pulp of a rounded shape, from which the rough tendons have been removed;

the inner piece is large muscles of a rounded shape, and covered with a thin surface film;

the side piece is large muscles of a square-flat shape; the outer piece is a layer of meat from two fused muscles, and gives an elongated-flat shape;

scapular part - the pulp is divided into two parts: the shoulder wedge-shaped and the shoulder - consisting of two oblong-shaped mice connected together by a film;

subscapular part - square-shaped pulp;

brisket - the pulp removed from the sternum and the lower third of the costal part adjacent to it; hem - a layer of rectangular-shaped meat;

cutlet meat - pieces of meat of various sizes from the neck, flank and trimmings, as well as trimmings from carcasses of meat of category II;

The following semi-finished products come from lamb, veal and pork:

loin - dorsal and lumbar parts with costal bones no more than 8 cm long, without vertebrae;

the hip part is the pulp of the hind leg without sinewy meat;

scapular part - pulp, removed in one layer with l< паточной и плечевой костей, без мяса, прилегающего к локтевой и плечевой костям;

brisket - the costal part of the pulp with the costal bones, without the breastbone and flank;

cervical part - the pulp removed in one layer from the cervical part of pork;

cutlet meat - pieces of meat of various sizes from the neck (except pork) and trimmings obtained by stripping large-sized semi-finished products.


The surface of the pieces of semi-finished products should be airless, the color and smell should be characteristic of benign meat. There should be no coarse tendons, cartilage, pieces of pulp with blood stains, bones.

Portioned semi-finished products should be cut across the muscle fibers. Semi-finished products from chopped mass must have the correct shape (depending on the type of semi-finished product). The surface is evenly covered with breading, torn and broken edges are not allowed. The mass on the cut is homogeneous, with a smell characteristic of benign meat with spices. Chopped semi-finished products are produced in accordance with OST 49121--78. It is not allowed to have any signs of damage, sunburn.

Prepared semi-finished products are stored at a temperature not exceeding 6°C. Large-sized semi-finished products are placed in one row on baking sheets and stored for no more than 48 hours. baking sheets with a layer of 5 cm and stored for no more than 24 hours, minced meat (unfilled) - no more than 6 hours. Products from cutlet mass are placed in one row on a baking sheet, sprinkled with breading, and stored at a temperature of 6--8 ° C for no more than 12 h. Uncut bones are stored for no more than 3-5 hours.

Equipment, inventory

Saucepan low, Econom series

Saucepan low with lid, stainless steel 18/8

The handles of objects and lids are attached with rivets, which gives strength to the connection.

The pot includes a lid.

Saucepan, Econom series

Saucepan, stainless steel 18/8

Polishing on the dishes of the ECONOM series - matte

The bottom of the cookware is made according to the "capsule" principle - a layer of heat-conducting aluminum is located between two layers of stainless steel, which allows heat to be evenly distributed over the surface of the bottom and prevents deformation.

Large handles of dishes give additional convenience when using.

frying pans

Frying pans from BKW-Gruppe: stainless steel and non-stick frying pans, cast iron fluted frying pans, for scrambled eggs.

The bottom of stainless steel pans is made according to the "capsule" principle - a layer of heat-conducting aluminum is located between two layers of stainless steel, which allows heat to be equal

Spatulas, spoons, scoops

Kitchen utensils from BKW-Gruppe: shovels (perforated and with wooden handle), spatulas, scrapers, scoops, scoops


Ladles from BKW-Gruppe. We offer a range of ladles with a choice of length and execution of the handle and different volumes of the bowl.

Chef's and kitchen knives

In the production of blades for BKW kitchen and chef's knives, alloyed chromium-carbon steel is used, containing elements such as tungsten, vanadium, molybdenum and nickel. The content of alloying elements provides the blade with strength, rigidity and durability of knives. The handles of kitchen knives are ergonomically shaped.

Series available: TOP, PREMIUM and ECONOM.

Steak fork Article: TSF300

Steak fork with wooden handle 200 mm

Muscat round Article: SS312 Muscat round 30.5 cm

Electric stove PES-4 RADA Russia RUB 33,000.00

Serving dish with lid

Scales CAS SW-20


1. Anfimova N.A. , Tatarskaya L.L. "Cookery" - 2nd ed. Moscow: IRPO; Ed., Fedinishina E.B. "Culinary characteristics of dishes" (2006)

2. Kharchenko N.E., Chesnokova L.G. "Technology of cooking" Ed. Center "Academy", 2004. - 288s.

3. Shatun L.G. "Technology of cooking" - 3rd edition - M .: Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and K *", 2007. - 480s.

4. Bogusheva V.I. "Technology of cooking" M .: ICC "MarT", Rostov n / D., 2005. - 320s.

5. Meat dishes. Groznov S.R., Nikashin F.P. (1963)

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Technical and technological map No.Azu in Tatar style with beef, 1 kg(SR-recipe No. 154)

Publishing house "Economy", Moscow 1983


This technical and technological map applies to azu in Tatar with beef, produced in the name of the object, city.


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for cooking azu in Tatar with beef, must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, declaration of conformity, quality certificate, etc.).

Preparation of raw materials is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Collection of technological standards for public catering establishments and technological recommendations for imported raw materials.

  • Meat. Primary processing of meat and meat products consists of the following operations: thawing (frozen meat); washing and drying carcasses; butchering carcasses; deboning and trimming of meat.
  • frozen meat defrost in refrigerators with t (4-8) ° C and relative humidity of 85-95%.

The meat is considered thawed if the temperature in the thickness of the muscles reaches t (1-3) ° C. The meat (cooled, chilled, thawed) is washed to remove surface contaminants. Before washing, varietal and veterinary marks are cut off from it and the contaminated areas are cleaned with a knife.

After washing, the meat is dried. The quickest and most hygienic way is to dry with cotton cloths or paper towels.

After drying, the meat is subject to deboning, stripping, trimming.

NameConsumption of raw materials per serving, g
Gross weight, g% cold workingNet weight, g% during heat treatmentYield, g
Beef pulp cleaned477,0 2.00 (stack)467,5 37,75 291,0
Peeled onion, semi-finished105,0 0,00 105,0 30,00 73,5
Vegetable oil45,0 0,00 45,0 40,00 27,0
tomato paste60,0 5.00 (portioning)57,0 12,28 50,0
Wheat flour18,0 0,00 18,0 20,00 15,0
Pickles150,0 10,00 135,0 20,00 108,0
Water616,7 0,00 616,7 70,00 185,0
Salt8,0 0,00 8,0 100,00 0,0
Ground black pepper1,0 0,00 1,0 100,00 0,0
Potato peeled, p / f300,0 0,00 300,0 17,00 249,0
Garlic peeled, p / f2,5 0,00 2,5 40,00 1,50
Exit 1000
  1. Cooking technology

The beef pulp is first cut across the fibers into oval-oblong semi-finished products 10 mm thick, and then into sticks 40-50 mm long with a cross section of 1 cm and weighing 10-15 g. The presence of intermuscular connective tissue is allowed.

Peeled onions are cut into half rings. Pickled cucumbers are peeled, cut into strips. Potatoes are cut into cubes 40-50 mm long, 10 mm in section. Potatoes are fried in oil until golden brown. Onion sauté until golden brown.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan or saucepan. Spread the chopped meat. The heating of the pan must be strong so that the meat immediately acquires a crust. Roasting is continued for 3-5 minutes. If the batch of meat is large, then it must be divided into several parts.

Sauté the tomato paste in vegetable oil. topped up hot water. Bring to a boil. Pour fried meat with water and tomato. Stew under a closed lid over low heat for 40-50 minutes. 30 minutes after the start of stewing, add fried potatoes, continue stewing. After the potatoes are completely ready, add browned onions, pickles, chopped garlic. Season with salt, black ground pepper. Stew for 7-10 minutes after boiling with moderate heat.

Ready azu in Tatar style is cooled, laid out in a shipping container. Mark (name, weight, date and time of manufacture).

Transported in a refrigerated car body.

  1. Characteristics of the finished dish, semi-finished product

Appearance- a stew, which is beef stewed with potatoes, onions, tomatoes, pickles. Beef and potatoes are cut into cubes, onions - into half rings, cucumbers, peeled - into strips. The sauce is tomato. The consistency of the sauce is creamy.

Taste- Corresponding to a beef stew in sauce with potatoes and pickles, without foreign aftertaste.

Smell- corresponding to a beef stew in a sauce with potatoes and pickles, without foreign smell.