Articles in newspapers about the new water supply system. At the mine rescue station there is a new water supply

The government was concerned about the quality of tap water. According to the Russian Association of Water Supply and Sanitation (RAWV), 37% of water supply systems do not meet sanitary standards.

In order to improve water quality, it was decided to transfer control over the work of water supply organizations to improve quality to the authorized bodies (we are talking about regional departments regulating the housing and communal services sector) drinking water in accordance with established requirements. The corresponding amendments to the federal law “On Water Supply and Sanitation” and the Code of Administrative Offenses were prepared by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities in pursuance of the order of the Deputy Chairman dated July 9, 2016 (available to Gazeta.Ru).

In addition, the bill for the first time spells out liability for dirty water.

“Violation of sanitary and epidemiological requirements for drinking water, as well as for drinking and domestic water supply, entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of 1 thousand to 1.5 thousand rubles; for officials - from 20 thousand to 30 thousand rubles; for persons carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - from 20 thousand to 30 thousand rubles. or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days; on legal entities— from 100 thousand to 300 thousand rubles. or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days,” the bill says.

The Ministry of Construction was unable to comment on this proposal.

Representatives of the industry, in turn, believe that although there is indeed a problem with water quality, it will not be possible to restore worn-out networks through fines.

As RABB recalled, after the provisions of the federal law “On Water Supply and Sanitation” came into force in 2012, the vast majority of water supply organizations that had such a need developed and agreed upon plans to improve the quality of drinking water. But most did not have enough money to implement their plans.

“Such problems are associated with a lack of funding for the activities included in the plans, especially given the sharp rise in prices for technologies, design, construction and reagents. A lack of funding can arise due to various circumstances: this is incomplete accounting of necessary expenses when regulating tariffs, and incomplete collection of funds by the water and waste management organization from subscribers (non-payments), and non-receipt of promised budget funding, etc.,” the RAVV reported.

The head of the legal department of the NP Housing and Communal Services Control believes that complaints from water suppliers about low tariffs, at which they will not be able to raise enough money to fix the worn-out sewer system, are justified.

“At current tariffs, there really isn’t enough money for modernization. If the obligation to pay fines is added to this, then there will be even less money, which results in a vicious circle,” the expert noted.

According to Novikov, it is possible that the new rules will be followed by an increase in water tariffs.

“In municipalities where a modernization program is already underway, tariffs are increasing. However, here we must understand that tariffs cannot be increased indefinitely; social tension is growing because of this,” Novikov recalled.

Last year, RABB already applied to an unscheduled doubling of water tariffs, since the reagents necessary for water purification had risen several times in price.

This proposal was not supported then.

According to RABB, 14 thousand deaths and more than 3 million cases of illness per year are associated with the unsatisfactory quality of drinking water in the Russian Federation.

The RABB believes that the bill does not sufficiently spell out the authorities’ responsibility for water quality.

“The most effective measure to improve the quality of drinking water supply would be to assign to authorities the responsibility for maintaining sources of drinking water supply, those sources from which water supply organizations take source water for water treatment.

Currently, no one is responsible for its quality.

Tightening responsibility (adding to articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses and increasing the size of fines) for failure to develop or implement plans to improve water quality will certainly become one of many additional sources of budget replenishment, but will not be able to positively affect the quality of water itself; this issue is deeper and requires much more effort from state and comprehensive consideration,” the RABB summarized.

One day, the telephone rang in the editorial office of the Kurya regional newspaper. A resident of the village of Krasnoznamenka, Nadezhda DUBOVA, called. She complained that Naberezhnaya Street, where she lives, had three-meter-deep trenches dug up and down. Because of this, the freedom of movement of street residents is limited, vehicle access to their homes is impossible, and cows returning from the herd cannot enter their farmsteads.

As soon as the opportunity arose, we arrived in the village and saw that the street was indeed crossed by trenches, people and an excavator based on the MTZ tractor were working near them. Let's get acquainted. Village resident Alexander Terekhov manually digs a trench with a shovel, in which a polyethylene water pipe has already been laid. But next door, it turns out, is not his house; Alexander helps the rural pensioners Denisovs level the trench and clear the estate of the excavated clay.
Near Nadezhda Nikolaevna’s house, the trenches were completely buried, but, probably, the impressions of the inconvenience suffered were so strong that she again expressed her complaints about the builders. Particularly a lot of dissatisfaction was caused by the fact that the plots of land left for crossing the trenches were too narrow and without fences, while in Kurye, when laying a heating main to the new House of Culture, a trench was also dug. But there, for the convenience of pedestrians, the builders installed a wide wooden bridge with railings. Why couldn’t anything like this be done in Krasnoznamenka?
I would like to answer this question as follows. In Kurye, the work is carried out by an experienced construction team, where all production technology has been worked out to the smallest detail. And here the newly created team got down to business for the first time and could not calculate and provide for all its subtleties and features in advance.
Having met with Yuri Zverev, we asked him to answer the question why such large-scale works.
“The construction of a new water main,” explains Yuri Alekseevich, “was started because central pipe The old water pipeline has rotted, and we cannot reconstruct or repair it, since the old pipeline does not go along the street, but through the courtyards of the owners of the estates.
It is difficult to answer who carried out such an unsuccessful planning about half a century ago. During this time, bathhouses, sheds for pets, and planted fruit trees, berry bushes, vegetable gardens. And the highway itself lies at a depth of 1 m 70 cm, as a result of which it freezes every winter. Gusts occur annually in both summer and winter. And the fact that until now a pipe has never burst under a barn or bathhouse is a matter of time. And the resulting gusts have to be dug out not with a tractor, but manually, since the equipment simply will not approach the accident site, and this is labor-intensive and expensive. Therefore, in order to solve the problem with water supply, it was decided to build a new highway along the roadway of the street. And it must be said that the project being implemented meets many modern requirements. The depth of the main line is 3 meters; separate pipelines are laid from the distribution well to each water user, on which shut-off valves are installed.
And how other residents of the street perceived these temporary inconveniences, Tatyana Maksimovna Denisova told us.
- Every year in winter we were left without water, it froze. My husband and I are disabled, and we had to hire people to bring a flask of water. When Yuri Alekseevich notified us about the upcoming construction of a water pipeline, we did not believe him. But in June he started working, and in July we already had water. This is the first time we have met such a responsible person and we are very grateful to him for everything. I can’t even believe that we will have water this winter.
Yuri Zverev showed us pits filled with water. These are the results of recent bursts of the old highway. It takes 3-4 thousand rubles to eliminate each accident. Therefore, it was decided to build a new water pipeline, which is being built with money received from village residents for water use. This year the water supply will be replaced on Embankment and Tselinnaya streets. Next year, work will be carried out on other streets, and perhaps in a few years a new one will be built in Krasnoznamenka plumbing system.

Vladimir TURULIN,
Kurinsky district.

The hottest problem today is providing the population with drinking water. For example, only on May 30 to the Unified Duty Dispatch Service of the district regarding a shutdown cold water appeals from citizens from ten rural settlements were received. What is the reason?
- Every spring and summer we face the same problem. As soon as the garden watering season begins, the rate of water consumption per person automatically increases. If the usual norm is about 190 liters, now it has more than tripled. Water towers cannot withstand such a load, pumps pumping water burn out. I am not against watering; gardens certainly need to be watered, but only during a certain period of time. In our area, watering is allowed from 11 pm to 6 am. Otherwise, a very ugly picture emerges: some waste water on watering their gardens, while others, because of this, cannot pour, figuratively speaking, a cup of water. I would like to appeal to the residents of the area through the regional newspaper: my dear fellow countrymen, until the water problem is resolved, please use tap water for watering at night. This simple measure will make it possible for all residents, and not individual citizens, to have water available around the clock.
- Galina Vladimirovna, but some of our fellow countrymen have “their own truth” about the lack of water. They believe that the problem is that there are not enough water towers, networks, etc.
- This is not entirely true. There are 370 wells in the district, 349 of which are operational. 643 kilometers of water supply networks, 172 wells, 103 water towers are owned by rural settlements. This system water supply makes it possible to provide drinking water to the population of 80 (out of 86) settlements. Centralized system There is no water supply only in the villages of Tuzhilovka, Slobodka, Spasskoye-Chirikovo, Popova Lyada, the village of Krasny Oktyabr and Khutor Pashkov.
The issue of providing the population with drinking water receives the closest attention in the region. Every year, activities are carried out to improve the operation of the water supply system. Thus, in 2010, 4.5 kilometers of water supply networks, 92 deep-well pumps, and water-lifting pipes in six wells were replaced. 23.9 million rubles were allocated for the construction of new facilities. 13 kilometers of new water supply networks have been laid. Six artesian wells were built in the villages of Sentsovo, Vvedenka, Kuzminskie Otverzhki, Yeletskoye, and in the villages of Popova Lyada and Tuzhilovka. All this made it possible to provide drinking water to six settlements, or 1,440 people.
And this year the work continues. It is planned to allocate more than 47 million rubles from all sources of financing for the construction of water supply facilities. These funds will be used for the construction of a water supply system and the development of an artillery well in the village of Yeletskoye, the arrangement of artillery wells in the village of Popova Lyada, in the villages of Sentsovo, Kuzminskiye Otverzhki, and for the construction of a water intake along 9 May and Polevaya streets in Borinskoye. Some of the funds have already been disbursed. But in order to put all the water supply and sewerage systems in order in the region, we will need about 2 billion rubles. We place our hope in the Clean Water program, which is under development.
- And yet, what exactly is being done now in order to relieve temporary difficulties with water?
- Believe me, no one sits with arms folded. Both the district administration, and the heads of rural settlements, and the management of ZhKK LLC - everyone understands the importance of this problem, so all our efforts are aimed at solving it. Currently, all artillery wells are operating at maximum capacity. All reserve wells are connected. If gusts or other technical problems occur, emergency crews urgently leave and correct the situation.
- Which settlements are the most problematic?
- The situation is difficult in the village of Troitskoye, where since April of this year, by a court decision, the operation of one of the wells has been prohibited due to the boron content in the water. Now urgent work is being carried out to revive two old wells, which we hope will start operating in the near future.
There is a problem with water in the village of Popova Lyada. Residents of this settlement use water from a well, the quality of which leaves much to be desired. But soon water will come to this village too. This year the construction of the artillery well will be completed. The construction of the water supply network is being completed here. The situation is similar in Tuzhilovka, where there has never been running water. To date, the well has been drilled and the water quality is good. There is every reason to say that water will soon come here too.
Throughout the winter, work was carried out to find sources of water supply in the Kosyrevsky rural settlement, where residents of the new village are eagerly awaiting water. The fate of four acts of selecting land plots for drilling a well in Kosyrevka and one act in Bruslanovka is now being decided. All measures are being taken to begin drilling wells as soon as possible.
At one time there were complaints about the water supply in the village of Makhovishche, but in the winter we restored the reserve well, which eliminated the problem. In Novaya Derevnya, the issue of water has been resolved for a long time. Finally, it has been resolved and when the technological connection to the power grid is completed, a new well will start operating. Another well will soon be connected to Vvedenka. In Kuzminskiye Otverzhki, a new water intake will be operational one of these days. By the way, the water from the new wells is of high quality. Two drinking water treatment stations have been put into operation in the village. Old wells with nitrate contamination have been removed from the water supply system.
System centralized water supply The village of Krutogorye has the ability to supply each resident with 320 liters of water per day, which is twice the water consumption norm. But there is one bad nuance here. Due to the fact that the water-bearing rocks are fine-grained sands, which have a cutting effect, well filters wear out in 3-5 years. Last year, a major overhaul of the artesian well was carried out with the replacement of the filter and deep pump, received technical specifications for the supply of drinking water from the Borino-Prometey water pipeline of NLMK OJSC. Design and survey work is currently underway and will be completed this year.
In the village of Syrskoye, the issue of constructing a water intake along Kurskaya Street is being resolved. An application for co-financing has been submitted. The cost of the project is about 7 million rubles. In Sentsovo, the construction of a water pipeline has been completed and the long-awaited water will soon come to residents’ homes. In Borinsky, along Lenin and Tsentralnaya streets, water problems arise due to large water intake for watering gardens. Two projects have been prepared for the construction of an artillery well on 9 May Street and on Polevaya Street.
Sometimes water supply shutdowns are associated with the reconstruction of old power supply lines, of which there are many in the area. But the administration of rural settlements warns the population about these outages in advance.
- Another sore point is landscaping. Unauthorized landfills, garbage on the streets, bad roads - there are also many complaints from the population about all this.
- A lot of money and effort is invested in the improvement of populated areas. Thus, in 2010, more than 71 million rubles were disbursed. At the expense of the regional budget, major repairs of roads were carried out in the villages of Krutiye Khutora, Veshalovka, Podgornoye, and the village of Ivanovka. Extrabudgetary funds were spent on major repairs of roads in the territory of 14 rural settlements with a length of 22 km. The plans include major repairs of roads with the installation of hard surfaces in the rural settlements of Borinsky, Vasilyevsky, Vvedensky, Kosyrevsky, Kruto-Khutorskoy, Kuzmino-Otverzhsky village councils.
So we are slowly eliminating the gaps in the “road” issue. And we are fighting landfills. By the way, our district is the only one in the region where a scheme for sanitary cleaning of populated areas has been developed. It is no coincidence that a seminar on working with solid waste waste will be held in our district in July.
Well, there really are a lot of complaints about the lack of garbage containers. We hope that 722 containers for solids will solve the problem to some extent. household waste, which will arrive in the region in a few days, as well as five utility tractors based on MTZ-82, which will be available to the rural settlements of Bolshekuzminsky, Verbilovsky, Novoderevensky, Padovsky, Chastodubravsky village councils, as well as a solid waste landfill, which is planned to be built this year.
But let's think about where these garbage dumps come from, which over the years turn into huge mountains. We ourselves, the residents of the area, are to blame for their appearance; we ourselves breed them, without thinking about the consequences. Many of us are absolutely not brought up to maintain cleanliness and order on the streets, in in public places, Outdoors. They smoked a cigarette and threw the butt on the road or in the grass, drank a bottle of beer and threw it there, or, even worse, broke it into small fragments. And next to it is a trash can, but no one cares about it. So it is not only the village administration that is to blame for all mortal sins. Of course, it happens that the heads of rural settlements are in no hurry to resolve issues regarding the elimination of landfills, and then the whole world has to help them. Here is a recent example in Veshalovka, where a mountain of garbage was accumulated for many years, and then removed in a few hours.
- Which villages have recently stood out for their well-groomed appearance?
- Purely in Borinsky, Lenino, Sukhoi Lubnya, Vasilyevka, Telezhenka. There are, of course, problematic spots there, but overall it’s fine.
- Galina Vladimirovna, and one more heart-warming question. Summer is a time of fire danger. Is the area ready to fight back against “unwise” fires?
- This issue is under constant control of the head of the district. Each operational meeting of the heads of rural settlements and heads of enterprises is focused on ensuring fire safety. The heads are recommended to hold citizen gatherings and explain the importance of the measures being taken to prevent a fire hazard. All measures are being taken in the area to prevent fire. The 38th fire department and three separate fire and rescue posts are on alert around the clock. Work is underway to create voluntary fire brigades. Fire extinguishing equipment has been purchased and hydrants are in working order. The district administration has issued leaflets on compliance with fire safety measures, which are posted on special boards in all rural settlements. As you know, the root cause of all fires is the human factor. Therefore, it is important that we all handle fire very carefully. I would like to remind you that lighting fires anywhere is now prohibited and will be severely punished.

Residents of the village of Kurmysh, Nizhny Novgorod region, contacted RG: they have been living without normal water supply for several years.

Everyone gets out of the situation in their own way: someone goes half a kilometer to the Piana River, someone drop by drop collects moisture that has fallen from the sky, someone takes dirty water directly from open wells. In winter, people melt snow.

Kurmysh is a picturesque village in the Pilninsky district. Just over a thousand people live here year-round, and in the summer, when summer residents are eager to get some fresh air and grandparents meet their grandchildren, the number of Kurmysh residents reaches 1.5 thousand. The village lives!

And everything would be fine, only half of the inhabitants do not have water there. The school, hospital and orphanage in Kurmysh provide themselves with their own pumps, but ordinary residents cannot afford this. This year, people have been on dry rations since June 13, when water stopped flowing from their taps. Until that day, at least sometimes it dripped or flowed like a thread. According to the old-timers of Kurmysh, this situation with water supply has not happened for the first year - be it summer or winter.

In order to get at least a little water,” pensioner Albert Kochetkov tells an RG correspondent, “I have to take a wheelbarrow, put flasks on it and go to the neighboring pump, which is still working (people have water in the center of the village). It’s hard, of course, for old people, but what about without water? You have to wash yourself and water the garden, otherwise in this heat the whole crop dies.

People who were born in the village and spent several decades in it began to sell their houses, tired of living in unbearable conditions.

Our deputies wrote letters to the district, the prosecutor's office, wherever they wrote - there was no point, - the pensioner is sad. - At the same time, we all pay for water. Once a car with technicians came to us, they dug into the pump, pumped out the water, but they had neither tools nor spare parts. We somehow assembled the valve, but there was no water. They promised to come in the morning to fix it, but they never showed up again, they ticked off the problem, supposedly fixed it and forgot about us.

And how can one not be sad - many Kurmys live subsistence farming, and plantings in such heat simply die before our eyes. In the hot summer of 2010, when forest fires were burning in the Nizhny Novgorod region, half of the Kurmysh residents did not have water for six months. Then many apple trees withered and had to be cut down. It was at that moment that the village residents could no longer remain silent and began to complain and write letters to Putin. Then it was decided to allocate 42 million rubles to restore water supply in the village (38 from the regional budget, four from the district).

By the way, there is no consensus on what actually happened to the water supply in Kurmysh. According to the head of the village administration, Alexander Filimonov, the water supply system was built back in Soviet times and can no longer function: half of the old pipes have turned into a rusty sieve, and the water simply goes into the ground.

Residents see the reason for their troubles in something else: of course, the water supply system is old, but the money allocated for its repair was spent unwisely. The head of the local village council no longer knows what to do.

I've been scratching my head over our problem. The water pipeline needs to be completed urgently, otherwise next year it will be even worse! But there is no money for our needs in the region. Using the allocated 22 million, we built an eight-kilometer water supply line and a water tower. But this new water supply only serves three streets. They connected a new water supply to the old one, which is 70 percent rotten, and the water flows into the sand... I don’t even know what to do, where to turn,” laments Alexander Filimonov.

Member of the local village council Faina Rubtsova told RG that in 2011 a new water pipeline was indeed built, but an error crept into its design.

The head of the village personally drew a diagram of the water pipeline and sent it to the design institute in Cheboksary. Its specialists should have gone to the site, checked, made their measurements, but this was not done. Now we don’t have enough pressure, the water doesn’t flow uphill. Nobody hears us: the district ignores us, we wrote to the regional government - silence. But how to live further? But in the village there are children, disabled people, old people! We, of course, are trying to help them, bring water, but you understand, you can’t take much, and you also have to do laundry and water the gardens. We decided that we would write a complaint to Moscow, and if they don’t hear us there, we’ll go on a hunger strike,” Rubtsova concluded.

A comment

Valery Ulyanov, Minister of Housing and Communal Services and Fuel and Energy Complex of the Nizhny Novgorod Region:

Due to the excess service life, the water supply system of the village of Kurmysh was dilapidated and in emergency condition, which caused frequent accidents and interruptions in water supply. In 2010, the central dispatch service of our ministry (only for the period from May 1 to June 22) registered seven technological violations (TN) in the water supply system. In addition, the artesian wells that provide water to the village also required repairs due to worn-out equipment, a reduction in water flow and the lack of a sanitary protection zone due to the impossibility of organizing it within the territory of the settlement. Particularly difficult in eliminating TN was the lack of as-built survey of network laying and the impossibility of detecting leaks in the winter-spring period, which made it extremely difficult to eliminate TN within the regulatory time frame.

In connection with the current emergency situation in the village of Kurmysh, by order of the administration of the Kurmysh village council of the Pilninsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region, Gazproekt LLC (Cheboksary) developed a project for the construction of a water supply system for the village of Kurmysh, which received a positive expert opinion. Due to the lack of funds in the budgets of the administrations of the Kurmysh village council and the Pilninsky district, the regional government found a financial opportunity to implement the first stage of the project “Construction of a water supply for the village of Kurmysh, Pilninsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region” in the regional target program “Development of social engineering infrastructure as the basis for improving the quality of life of the population of the Nizhny Novgorod region in 2010."

In 2010, as part of the implementation of the centralized program, a gravity-pressure water supply system with a length of eight kilometers was built from the village of Belovka to the village of Kurmysh. The water pipeline is made of polyethylene pipes in accordance with GOST 18599-2001 grade PE80 SDR13.6 160*11.8. Two artesian wells have been put into operation, which have a strict security zone with a perimeter fence around the area. On the territory of well No. 1 there is a water tower-column 10 meters high. Thus, we received the following water supply scheme for the village: water from artesian wells No. 1 and 2 is supplied by submersible pumps through a pressure conduit to a water tower, from which it enters the village water supply network through a gravity-pressure conduit with a diameter of 160 mm.

The implementation of the first stage of construction of the water supply system improved the situation with the water supply of Kurmysh, however, to completely solve the problem it is necessary to build distribution networks of the central water supply system with the installation of water dispensers.

The government of the Nizhny Novgorod region plans to complete construction of the facility in 2013.


In the Komi Republic, in the villages of Zimovka, Ivan-Chomya and Podz, Koygorodsky district, the operation of 11 wells was suspended due to violations of sanitary standards. An inspection by Rospotrebnadzor showed that the well shafts were lopsided and began to fall apart, their walls were rotten and overgrown with fungus. Because of this, there could be infectious diseases and mass poisonings. Village residents take water from other wells.

Among them is the Pilninsky district, on whose territory, thanks to participation in the project to support local initiatives, pressing problems of rural settlements have been successfully resolved for the third year in a row. During this period, roads and cultural centers were repaired, a hockey rink was reconstructed, fences were made in cemeteries, and a number of other issues were resolved that could not be resolved for a long time.

The value of this program lies in the fact that the residents themselves agree on what local problem they want to solve first, and invest their funds in this common cause. Most financing is taken over by the regional budget, as well as the local budget, sponsors take part, and in the end the pressing problem is solved.

In 2016, 9 projects from our district were submitted for participation in this program, only four were selected by the regional competition commission, for a total amount of 5,209,680 rubles, of which 694,767 rubles were collected by residents, 1,917,153 rubles were allocated from local budgets, Sponsors paid 570,455 rubles, and 2,027,304 rubles were allocated from the regional budget.

The road is not a luxury, but a necessity

This is what the residents of the village of Deyanovo think and for the second time they are voting for their repairs in their village. This initiative is also supported by the head of the Deyanovsky village council T.V. Davydova.

The problem of roads in rural areas is very acute today,” says Tatyana Vasilyevna. We are trying to repair them at the expense of the municipal road fund, but there are not enough funds; the program of local initiatives in solving this issue is of great help to us. So in 2014, thanks to her, we were able to repair the road on the street. Molodezhnaya in the village Deyanovo, and for 2016 two projects were prepared to repair the road on the street. Oktyabrskaya in the village. Deyanovo and st. Sovetskaya in the village. Maltsevo. The regional commission approved the project of the village of Deyanovo for a total amount of 2 million 641 thousand rubles, of which 790 thousand were allocated by the region, more than 1 million 100 thousand rubles from our budget, 330 thousand were raised by the population and 370 thousand rubles were allocated our permanent sponsor is SEC “Deyanovsky”. Thanks to joint efforts, the project was implemented and today the road to the street. Oktyabrskaya has already been put in order. We don’t want to deviate from the project for the village of Maltsevo, and we plan to get into this program next year, especially since the New Way agricultural production company is ready to allocate considerable funds for it. This year, too, the roads in this village could not go without repairs. Small area We were still able to repair it together with the New Path agricultural production company.

Water without interruptions

is now served in the homes of residents of the yungorod village of Ozerki. It was for the repair of the water supply system that its residents voted last year at a citizens’ meeting, wanting to join the regional program of local initiatives.

This project totaled 272.557 thousand rubles, of which 93.5 thousand were allocated by the region, about 82 thousand were raised by the population, 70 thousand rubles were allocated by the administration and 28 thousand rubles were sponsored by the Voskhod SEC, says the head of Yazykovsky village council V.D. Gordeev. All work has already been carried out and now water is supplied to residents’ homes through new pipes. The year before last, under this program, we repaired the roof of the Yazykovsky House of Culture, and next year the initiative group came up with a proposal to repair the fence of cemeteries in the village. Navats.

Young people know how to persuade

Last year, says the head of the Bortsurman village council T.A. Starinskaya, - under the program to support local initiatives, we repaired a 678-meter section of the road in the village of Kozlovka, and this year the youth proposed to make a major overhaul of the veranda of the Bortsurman House of Culture. They were supported by village activists, as they understand that there is no other way to independently complete such projects rural settlement impossible. Well, when the issue is decided by the whole world - with the participation of the authorities, the population, sponsors - the result is obvious. The entire project cost about 346 thousand rubles, of which more than 155 thousand were allocated by the region, 111 thousand by the local budget, 45 thousand by the population and about 35 thousand rubles by the SEC “Country Defense”. There are still a lot of problems; the roof at the recreation center needs to be repaired, the fences at the cemeteries need to be replaced, the water supply and sewage systems need to be replaced. The priority, of course, is water, but time will tell how the population decides.

The initiative is welcome

The long-standing “road” problem has been haunting the residents of Pilna for a long time, but where can they get enough money to repair everything at once? As a result of the active position of the urban settlement of Pilna, the deputies of the village council, the public, and sponsors managed to move dead center the first project under the program to support local initiatives in the regional center.

New houses and even streets in the village are growing like mushrooms, says D.N., head of the administration of the urban settlement of Pilna. Tsapin, - but the development of infrastructure is slow due to a lack of funds. An initiative group of residents of Molodezhnaya streets and pilot Morozov raised the issue overhaul roads in this area. The project amounted to about two million rubles, of which 987 thousand were allocated from the region, 585 thousand from the local budget and 380 thousand rubles were collected by residents of these streets and sponsors. Thanks to this, a 515-meter section of the road has already been completed and is functioning, and people have normal access roads to their homes. We have a lot of new streets and we would like the population to be more active in resolving issues not only with road repairs, but also with landscaping, because there are already positive results.

We see that thanks to the project to support local initiatives, what seemed impossible at first glance has become real: roads, sports facilities, cultural institutions and many other issues have moved forward. For the third year now, we have been convinced that the solution to many pressing problems facing municipalities depends primarily on the activity of residents, and together we can do a lot.