Speccy instructions for use. Piriform Speccy: a simple program for diagnosing PC hardware

Find out the current temperature of the processor and the amount of available memory, determine the brand of BIOS and motherboard, check the operation of the WIFI module and numerous peripheral devices, get complete information about the operating system and other PC parameters using the monitoring innovation. Hurry up to download free Speccy in Russian.

Program Features

Spacey reads, processes and displays the following data:

  • Processor brand, socket used, core frequency and temperature.
  • Type and size of DDR, number of slots for memory strips.
  • Model and manufacturers of the motherboard, bridges, information on connectors.
  • Monitor and graphics card manufacturers and specifications.
  • Interface, speed, capacity and status of hard drives.
  • Options for optical drives and audio devices.
  • Characteristics of peripheral modules and network equipment.

In addition, generalized information on the main components of the PC is provided.

Version Price Opportunities
Free for free Monitoring the status and characteristics of the PC
professional 24,95
  • Monitoring the status and characteristics of the PC
  • Automatic updates
  • Premium Support
Professional Plus 39,95 Set of 4 programs:
  • Speccy Professional;
  • CCleaner Professional;
  • Recuva Professional;
  • Defraggler Professional.

Software functionality

The application developer, Piriform, has implemented the following options in the program for comfortable use:

  1. Support for more than 30 languages, including the software operates in Russian.
  2. Saving monitoring results in text format, XML, Snapshot.
  3. Publication of pictures on the official website of the program and obtaining links.
  4. Work in full screen mode and minimize to tray.
  5. Selecting the options displayed in the tray and setting the data refresh time.
  6. Saving all program settings in an INI file.

Where to buy

For full-scale PC monitoring, the program can be downloaded for free from the piriform resource at the link. The official site offers two spacey options: free software and premium support, automatic updates for $24.95 per year.

How to monitor

Download Spacey. To install the Russian version, select Russian during the installation process. In addition, the language setting in the program itself is provided. Use the menu item " View» — « Options". In the block " Interface» select a language and check the radio button for the desired temperature display system: standard metric or fahrenheit. Additionally, tick the necessary items: store settings in an ini file, ignore the user account system (UAC). To always use the latest version of the program on the PC, check the box " Automatically check for Speccy updates».

For general PC data: system, processor, memory, motherboard and HDD, use the first item of the side menu " general information ».

To view version information operating system, installed additional modules: "JAVA", ".NET Framework", open the tab " Operating system". It also displays all running processes and applied security settings.

Control the frequency and temperature of the processor on the tab " CPU". Separate data for each core, caching levels, cooler speed are provided.

In chapter " RAM»DDR parameters are displayed: type and volume, number of slats and virtual memory.

Detailed information on motherboard: description of connectors, marking and release date of BIOS, presented in the latest version of the program in the section " Motherboard».

Data for hard drive, detailed parameters of S.M.A.R.T attributes are on the page « Data storage».

To keep track of information on graphic components, sound modules, drives, peripherals, use the appropriate sections of the side menu.

To transfer the program to the tray, in the top menu, click " View", Further " Options» and tab « notification area(tray)". Check the box " Roll into tray” and select the type of data to display: processor, motherboard, or storage. Click " OK and roll up the spacey. In the same tab, the mode of launching the monitoring program in the tray when the PC starts is activated.

About the Spacey program, advanced and free software for the full control of computer components, user reviews are extremely positive. The program has a clean and understandable interface, supports multilanguage, does not load the system and has a full set of functions for saving scan results.

Use the free Russian version of Speccy, get detailed reports on all devices, run system diagnostics and monitor the temperature regime of critical PC components.

Scanned Components Processor, DDR, HDD, motherboard, peripherals
Temperature sensors Motherboard, processor (separately by cores)
temperature scale Customizable: Celsius or Fahrenheit
Display in system tray Yes, selection of components to display
Automatic start Yes, together with the start of the computer
Saving results Text, XML, Snapshot
Saving settings INI file
Multilingual Yes, there is Russian language support
Automatic update Yes, enabled in settings
Price Free and paid versions

The free Speccy program is used to obtain detailed information about the hardware component of the computer. When using this program, you will receive detailed information about all the devices that are installed on your computer.

Such data may be needed for various purposes, for example, for the operation of certain programs, certain hardware and system requirements. With Speccy, you can find out if your computer meets these requirements or not.

Knowledge about computer devices will be required if it is necessary to replace, for various reasons, any component of the computer. You will need information about the technical characteristics of the device when upgrading (upgrading, updating) the equipment that is installed on your computer. Such information will also be needed when repairing a computer.

To obtain information about your computer, you can use special programs that provide information about this. detailed information. Such programs can be paid, for example, AIDA64, SIW (there is a free version of SIW), and free, such as PC Wizard, 3DP Chip and others. Free program of this type is the Speccy program. The main purpose of the Speccy program is information about the hardware components of a computer.

The Speccy is manufactured by the British company Piriform, which is known worldwide for its software. The company's products are such popular programs: CCleaner, Recuva, Defraggler.

You can download the Speccy program from the official website. A regular version of the program is available for download, as well as a portable version. The regular version will need to be installed on the computer. The portable version does not require installation on a computer and is launched from a folder.

Installing Speccy

To start the installation, run the program executable file previously downloaded to the computer. This opens the Speccy Setup Wizard window.

In step " Select your language"Choose the Russian language, and then click on the button" Next».

The installation wizard interface will be switched to Russian. In this window, click on the button Further».

In the window " Installation options"click on the button" Install».

The Speccy program is being installed on the computer.

After the installation is completed, the window " Completing the Speccy Setup Wizard". In this window, before clicking on the button " Ready”, you can uncheck the box next to the item “ Program Information”, so that the web page with information about the Speccy program does not open in the default browser.

After the installation is complete, the main Speccy window will open.

Enabling the Russian language in Speccy

If you use the portable version of the program, then after launching Speccy from the folder, the program window in English will open.

To enable the Russian language, you will need to enter the menu " view”, in the context menu select the item “ Options...". In the opened window " Options", in the tab " General", in step " Languare”, you will need to select the Russian language. After that, the interface language will immediately change in the program.

Information about the computer in Speccy

Once launched, the program scans your computer to collect information about all devices installed on a particular computer.

After the collection of information is completed, the main window of the program will display general information about the computer:

  • operating system
  • CPU
  • RAM
  • motherboard
  • graphics devices
  • hard drives (Storage)
  • optical discs
  • sound devices
  • These sections will display detailed information about the hardware installed on the computer.

    Entering the "View" menu, you can use the "Find ..." context menu item to open the "Find" window to search for the necessary information.

    From the menu " View”, using the context menu item “ Refresh» you can restart the collection of information about your computer.

    In chapter " general information”, in addition to the basic information about the equipment, next to the name of a particular device, there is information about the temperature of those devices that can seriously heat up during their operation.

    For more detailed information about devices, you can use the sidebar. There are sections dedicated to certain types of devices.

    For more detailed information, you will need to click on the corresponding item in the central part of the program window, where information about the computer is displayed.

    For example, in the "Operating system" section, in addition to the basic information: the name and version of the system, serial number, information about the update installed by the antivirus, you can get other additional information.

    What components are installed inside your computer? Most people are ready to answer this question only when they buy new computer. No wonder - when you go to a computer store, all the detailed information about its components is in its description. It usually includes the type and clock speed of the processor, the volume random access memory, speed and volume hard drive and so on. Time passes, and often it becomes necessary to sell the computer or improve some of its components. To do this, you need to remember what is inside him. Speccy will show you all the information about your PC's hardware in seconds.

    The program not only shows information that you can find out by yourself from the properties of the Windows system (processor type and amount of RAM), but detailed information about the motherboard, type of RAM, video card, hard drives, optical drives, sound card and many other devices. In addition, Speccy can read the temperature sensors installed in your computer. Thus, you can find out about the temperature inside the case, the temperature of the processor, video card and hard drives.

    The range of Speccy users is very wide. First of all, the need for a program arises among system administrators and other IT industry workers, who often deal with computer hardware. For simple, inexperienced users, the program will be useful, for example, if it is necessary to update some system components (RAM, hard drive, etc.).

    Hello, dear readers, visitors, rogues and other personalities :)

    It happens that sometimes there is a need to find out detailed information about the components of a computer (for example, in case of occurrence or if you want to upgrade computer hardware), but standard Windows tools this is inconvenient to do, and the information is not detailed enough.

    Such monsters and system monitoring tools as or System Information for Windows, but sometimes there is no desire, strength and need to install them (information that is too unnecessary in a particular situation), and then small handy programs can come to the rescue. Today we will just talk about one of them.

    "Find out information about the computer and the system" or "About Speccy"

    Of course, the program has the ability to export to XML and .txt files. In addition, you can create so-called snapshots, which you can send to your friend, and he, having opened it in , will be able to see your configuration in the same way as you see it. In general, it is convenient and useful in every possible way, and in some ways even better than the same AIDA64.

    Well, the general description is over, and therefore now let's proceed directly to the installation and use of our .. collector :)

    Download and Install Speccy

    It goes without saying that the program, like almost everything that is advised on this site, is completely free, supports the Russian language and is generally simple and pleasant to use. By the way, the author of the utility is the company that made it known to many.

    You can download this happiness directly from.

    The installation is extremely simple and I won’t dwell on it (you don’t even need to uncheck the boxes anywhere :)).

    Using Speccy to get information about a computer

    After starting the program, you will see a small window with basic information:

    • Operating system
    • Optical discs
    • Sound devices

    On the left side there is a menu to go to more detailed information on each of the items.

    On the tab " Operating system" You can find out what OS system you have installed and when you installed it. By the way, if you lost your serial number after installing the system, you can find it here.

    Various system information is also presented in a convenient form: Power Profiles, Installing an update, System folders and Paths, as well as Tasks from " Task Scheduler".

    In chapter " CPU", as you might have guessed, information about the "brain" of the computer is hidden :)

    If you are interested in what this or that parameter means on other tabs, then write in the comments, I will try to suggest.

    Well, accordingly, the remaining tabs contain other differences and certain devices. I think you'll figure it out ;)

    Briefly about the "pictures" in the Speccy

    How to do them? Very simple. Click "File" then " Save Snapshot", select a location and a name, click" Save"(Save). The picture is saved in the program format and opened by it.

    There is also an interesting point here Share a snapshot", when you click on it, the program will automatically upload all the information about your system to the manufacturer's website and give you a link that you can send, for example, to a friend. At the same time, personal information is not published.


    These are the pies, or rather a small handy program.

    As always, if you have any questions, thoughts, additions, etc., then write in the comments, I will be glad to read;)

    To make your computer better - to improve its hardware characteristics, you must first find out what is inside it at the moment. For example, what is the cost of the video card, which video card driver, installed processor, etc.

    Information about the internal contents of the computer may be needed not only for upgrading, for example, a rare driver is needed for a rare model of some video card, motherboard, network controller or other hardware component, and no driverpack can handle this problem. In this case, you will have to manually search and download the driver on the Internet, and this requires the exact brand and model name of such a hardware component.

    It is also necessary to know the hardware characteristics of your computer in order to receive answers to questions left on computer Internet forums such as “why the computer slows down”, “why the game does not pull”, “why such and such a version of such and such an operating system is not installed”, etc. P.

    In general, about the Speccy program

    To diagnose hardware components, the software market provides quite a lot of both minimalistic and advanced software with built-in functions for testing overall performance and individual components, including comparative analysis with other models of these components. The Speccy program, against the background of other software products of this kind, stands out for its free distribution, lightness, and convenience. internal organization, simplicity and clarity of the interface.

    A program from British developers - Piriform Limited (the developers of CCleaner) - provides the user with detailed information about his computer. With its help, you can find out the data of all the internal components of a PC - the central processor, motherboard, RAM, hard drive, network controllers, disk drives, operating system, graphics, audio and other devices. In addition to providing information about the internal contents of the PC, Speccy also shows the temperature of individual hardware components - the motherboard, video card, hard drive.

    Sections of the Speccy program

    "General information" - in this section, the program displays general information about the computer and its main hardware components (including the temperature of some) - the installed operating system, processor, video card, RAM, hard drive, etc.

    The program sections below will provide more detailed information.

    "Operating system" - this section contains all the technical issues related to the operating system - its version, bit depth, serial number, installed anti-virus products and other security settings, installed software environments, power settings, etc.

    "Central Processing Unit" - this displays the brand and model of the processor, the number of cores, their frequency, support for instructions, etc.

    "RAM" - this section is devoted to data on the amount and type of RAM. It also shows the percentage of RAM used at the moment.

    "Graphics Devices" - visible here specifications video card of the computer and monitors connected to it.

    "Data storage" - in this section you can get acquainted with the technical data of all available hard drives or other installed memory drives.

    "Sound devices" - here you can see all the audio devices available on the computer and externally connected to it: sound card, speakers, microphone, etc.

    "Peripheral Devices" - this section contains information about various externally connected devices: mice, keyboards, game controllers, printers, fax machines, as well as their connection ports, mobile phones connected via USB and similar devices.

    "Optical drives" - here information is displayed on installed CD / DVD drives, as well as on virtual drives, if they were created using special programs such as Demon Tools.

    "Network" - this section is devoted to the network cards available in the computer, as well as various information about connecting to the network.

    Saving a snapshot of your computer configuration and sharing it over the Internet

    Another indisputable advantage of Speccy is the ability not only to view data about your computer in the active state of the program, but also to save this information as a separate file in the program format and even publish it all on the Internet for other people to view. This is a very convenient functionality, since you do not need to take screenshots of each section of the program in order, for example, to consult with a knowledgeable person about the state of the computer. You can always take a separate file with the saved configuration of your computer and a portable version of Speccy on a USB flash drive with you when you go to visit a friend who is an expert in the field of computer technology. Or provide him with a link with which all information about the computer will open in a browser window.

    To save computer information to a Speccy file, select Save Snapshot from the File menu. A little higher, the “Open Snapshot” command will launch the saved file with information about the computer on any other computer device with installed program or its portable version.

    Here, in the "File" menu, the "Publish snapshot" command will lay out all the data about the computer on the developer's server and suggest either copying the link or opening it in a browser window. By the same link, any other person to whom the link will be sent will be able to see the same information.

    Summing up…

    What to say about the Speccy, summing up? Its advantages were discussed above, and as for the shortcomings, they will be very conditional. So, for some users, the excessive information content of the program may seem frightening, since Speccy gives out information about the computer more than exhaustively, with meticulous accuracy and pettiness. But, perhaps, this program, on the contrary, will impress experienced specialists in the field of computer technology.

    You can download the Speccy program for free, including its portable version, from