Modern buildings - modern water supply technologies! What prevents the implementation of know-how in the communal sector? Innovative technologies in water supply and sanitation.

We are looking for new ones first of all non-standard and effective approaches to solving problems in the water supply and wastewater industry. This approach allows our customers to optimize device costs engineering systems and water supply and sewerage facilities, minimize operating costs, and solve complex problem problems.

Here's our take on some of them:

PROBLEM: existing treatment facilities do not provide wastewater treatment to the required quality standards, numerous adjustment measures are ineffective, and there are no funds for a full reconstruction of the wastewater treatment plant.

POSSIBLE SOLUTION: we have developed and offer block and block-modular installations for physical and chemical purification Wastewater full (high) factory readiness, created on the basis of serial installations of the line VKM.R. In the vast majority of cases, the use of post-treatment plants two or more times cheaper reconstruction of existing treatment facilities, three to four times faster according to deadlines and can be completed b without stopping work operating OS.

PROBLEM: existing domestic water treatment facilities, existing wastewater treatment facilities or any food production pollutes the atmosphere, emits unpleasant odors, which, naturally, leads to further unpleasant consequences in the form of fines, etc.

POSSIBLE SOLUTION: We have developed and offer block units for ozone purification and air disinfection. The units are efficient and safe to operate, have a duplicate system for the destruction of residual ozone, and a system for monitoring the ozone content in purified air. And, importantly, this solution is CHEAP to operate.

PROBLEM: there is no technical possibility of draining sewage wastewater from an individual facility or settlement into a large urban sewerage system or to urban treatment plants due to either the significant remoteness of the latter, or due to the unacceptable estimated cost of such an event, and any options for local discharge of treated wastewater are blocked by the rigid position of the competent authorities: "...either Rybkhoz or a ban!"

POSSIBLE SOLUTION: We offer block and block-modular installations for the treatment of household wastewater of the VKM.R. line, the configuration of which includes equipment for the physical and chemical post-treatment of biologically treated wastewater. The installations ensure compliance with the most stringent standards!

For details, see section Biological treatment plants for domestic wastewater, additional information in the relevant article on our website.

MIT has developed a robot to detect leaks in pipes

Modern water supply systems lose on average 20% of water due to leaks. Not only do they degrade the quality of the water supply, but they can also cause serious damage to buildings and roads by eroding foundations. Leak detection systems are expensive and slow: they don't work well where the wood, clay or plastic pipes that make up most of the world's water supplies are installed.

Researchers (MIT) are trying to solve this problem. According to scientists, the new system can quickly and cheaply find even tiny leaks, regardless of the material from which the pipes are made. The development and testing of such a system took nine years - all this time mechanical engineering professor Kamal Youcef Toumi and his PipeGuard team worked on it. The scientists are set to present their findings at the upcoming IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) in September.

In the summer of 2017, the team is testing on 12-inch concrete water distribution pipes in Monterrey, Mexico. In this city, the administration allowed testing to be carried out not by chance - every year Monterrey loses about 40% of its water due to leaks, and the damage in the form of lost profits is estimated at approximately $80 million. At the same time, leaks lead to overall water pollution, since leaked water sometimes returns to the distribution pipes.

The system uses a small rubber robot that looks similar to a badminton shuttlecock. The device can be integrated into the water supply system through any fire hydrant. There it floats passively with the current, registering its location as it goes. At the same time, the robot detects even small changes in pressure, measuring its value using a rubber “skirt” that fills the diameter of the pipe.

The device is then removed by the network from another hydrant, and the data is analyzed. There is no need to dig anything or even interrupt the water supply. In addition to a passive robot that moves through a pipe, pulled by the force of water, the team has developed an active version that can control its own movement.

PipeGuard intends to commercialize its robotic leak detection system to reduce overall waste. For example, in Saudi Arabia, where most of drinking water provided by expensive desalination plants, about 33% is lost due to leakage. And the first field tests at the beginning of 2017 took place there.

Pipetech LLC, a pipeline service company in Al Khobar, provided a rusty piece of pipe about 1.6 km long and 2 inches in diameter for the experiment. This piping system is often used to test and certify new technologies. Testing the robots in pipes with bends and T-junctions involved creating an artificial leak to demonstrate the system's capabilities.

In this experiment, the robot successfully detected leaks and distinguished them from false signals caused by changes in pressure or size of the pipe, roughness or orientation of the pipe in space. The tests were run 14 times over three days, and were successful each time, according to PipeGuard team member and graduate student You Wu. What's more, the robot detected a tiny leak that was about 3.5 liters (gallons) per minute, one-tenth less than the minimum size that standard detection methods can detect on average.

Following field testing in Monterrey, the team plans to create a more flexible, foldable version of their robot that can quickly adapt to pipes of different diameters. For example, the Boston pipeline system is a "mix" of 6-, 8-, and 12-inch pipes. Many of them were installed so long ago that the city does not have accurate data on their exact location. A new version The robot will be able to open like an umbrella and work in pipes of different diameters.

According to the researchers, the robot's value is not only to reduce water wastage, but also to provide a safer and more reliable water supply. The ability of the robotic system to detect the smallest leaks will allow timely renovation work long before a really serious accident. Moreover, robots can be used both in water pipes, as well as in other distribution systems, for example, natural gas.

Such pipes are also often old and not marked on maps. Gas can accumulate in them, leading to serious explosions. However, gas line leaks are usually difficult to detect until they are large enough for a person to smell the added odorants. In fact, the MTI system was originally developed to detect these leaks and was later adapted for water pipes.

PipeGuard hopes that the robot will eventually not only look for leaks, but will also have a special mechanism that can be used to repair small leaks on the spot.

Poltoratskikh Svyatoslav

Fresh water is the most valuable element of life on Earth. It is essential for meeting basic human needs, healthcare, food production, power generation and maintaining regional and global ecosystems. PAccording to UNEP, Russia has a third of all the world's fresh water reserves. However water resources distributed unevenly: 80% of the Russian population lives where only 8% of water is concentrated. In addition, every year the shortage of environmentally friendly water worsens and its quality deteriorates. This work describes modern methods of water purification, as well as other modern environmentally friendly methods in water supply and sanitation.



Modern environmentally friendly technologies in water supply and sanitation.

Fresh water is the most valuable element of life on Earth. It is essential for meeting basic human needs, healthcare, food production, power generation and maintaining regional and global ecosystems. Although 70 percent of the Earth's surface is covered by water, only a small portion - 2.5 percent - is fresh water, 70 percent of which is glaciers. The remaining water is present as soil moisture. As a result, humans can use only less than 1 percent of the world's freshwater resources.

Russia has, according to UNEP, a third of all the world's fresh water reserves. However, water resources are distributed unevenly: 80% of the Russian population lives where only 8% of water is concentrated. In addition, every year the shortage of environmentally friendly water worsens and its quality deteriorates.

The current environmental situation promotes wider use modern technologies in water purification.

These include:

  1. ozone sorption - ozonation followed by sorption purification on filters with granular activated carbon. This purification method has shown a significant increase in the efficiency of water purification for organic contaminants, reducing the concentration of organochlorines, residual aluminum and odors in drinking water.
  2. membrane technologies.

In the world practice of drinking water supply, membrane technologies in last years are beginning to occupy a leading position due to their universal ability to increase the efficiency of treatment for many groups of contaminants, including indicators of epidemic water safety. Interest in membrane technologies is also associated with ensuring maximum compactness and automation with a minimum of chemical reagents introduced into water and guaranteeing high reliability of the functioning of structures.

Modern membranes demonstrate undeniable efficiency and versatility in purifying water from various types pollution. The main feature of modern membrane technologies is their “ecological” purity - the absence of consumed reagents and, accordingly, hazardous to environment discharges and sediments, creating the problem of their disposal.

There is technology nanofiltration and ultrafiltration.

Membrane processes of ultrafiltration and nanofiltration have long attracted the attention of water supply specialists due to their “versatility” - the ability to simultaneously remove a number of contaminants of various natures: biological (bacteria and viruses), organic (humic acids, etc.), colloidal, suspended, and also soluble in ionic form. The differences in membrane processes are the level of water purification, which depends on the pore size of the membranes.

Nanofiltration technology which have been known for quite a long time and are already beginning to be used in drinking water supply thanks to the effective reduction of organic compounds and iron content, as well as hardness. Method nanofiltration is already widely used for the purification of surface and groundwater, including in large urban structures (for example, at stations in Paris - 10,000 m 3 /h and the Netherlands - 6000 m 3/h).

However, the use of ultrafiltration membranes (with a pore size of 0.01-0.1 microns) has a very limited scope and is not universal for the purification of waters of various compositions. Therefore, in water purification schemes, ultrafiltration is used in combination with other technologies (coagulation and oxidation-sorption). The main advantages of ultrafiltration are its very high specific productivity and the ability to backwash the membranes to remove contaminants from the membranes.

Thus, they are trying to create a technology that combinesefficiency of nanofiltration and ease of ultrafiltration.

To determine the operational characteristics of membrane circuits using reverse osmosis and nanofiltration devices, a special computer program has been developed.

The described technologies are used in the development of:

  1. Water purification systems for centralized water supply.
  2. Water purification systems for neighborhoods and complexes of industrial and commercial buildings;
  3. Quality improvement systems tap water for individual residential and office buildings;
  4. Water treatment systems for feeding heating networks and boilers of residential and industrial buildings;
  5. Systems for improving the quality of feed water from technical water pipelines of city enterprises;

Trenchless repair and restoration methods

Due to the unsatisfactory condition of drainage communications, the need for modernization and repair of drainage pipes has sharply increased with an emphasis on the use of economical and efficient trenchless technologies, and in conditions of dense urban development and traffic congestion, it is economically feasible to use trenchless repair and restoration methods.

The consequences of negative phenomena on drainage networks are the seepage of wastewater into underground horizons, which leads to contamination of groundwater, leaching of soil in the annulus and, as a consequence, to the failure of pipelines and other structures into the resulting voids. At the same time, groundwater can penetrate through existing defects in the body of the pipeline, which is reflected in an increase in the total flow of wastewater entering treatment plants and a serious disruption of their operating mode, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the efficiency of wastewater treatment.

Modern technologies for local repair of pipelines using trenchless technologies make it possible to carry out prompt and effective repairs of pipelines in single and multiple places where joints are broken along the pipeline route, sharply reducing losses of transported liquid.

Today, the most modern methods are used, including:

  • applying a cement-sand coating to the inner surface of the pipeline,
  • drawing of solid polymer hoses,
  • polyethylene pipes into an existing pipeline,
  • mastered the pipe-in-pipe repair method for large-diameter pipelines.

It is recommended to use industrial waste as materials for local repairs, in particular disused products made of polyethylene, polypropylene, other polymers, as well as old car tires.

The waste is finely ground and treated with binders.

These technologies make it possible to return inoperative communications to active operation, increase their service life by at least 50 years, increase throughput, and for water supply networks, which is especially important, maintain the high quality of transported water, reduce the number of accidents, and minimize unproductive water losses.

Modern technologies of treatment facilities

The main directions of development of sewerage treatment facilities are their reconstruction with the transition tomodern technologies for nitrogen and phosphorus removaland systems implementationultraviolet disinfection. The combination of these two technologies makes it possible today to return water to nature that fully complies with domestic sanitary and hygienic requirements and European standards.

Removal of nutrients

Ultraviolet disinfection of wastewater

GIS can be used to analyze the above

GIS – geographic information system,is based on a database of quality characteristics in various elements of spatially distributed information.

For example, GIS is used to analyze the quality of drinking water,water and runoff tracking systems, sewer system assessments, to assess current and future drain and sewer line needs. GIS enables each service to automatically update its data and maintain its integrity.

Vodokanals and housing and communal services use GIS to identify drainage collectors, pumping stations, pressure lines. Once identified, these objects and projects are mapped in a single system.

GIS helps in identifying and locating network damage caused by natural disasters such as earthquakes.

Not only his digestion depends on the quality of water that a person drinks daily. This liquid affects well-being, health, immunity, appearance, quality of sleep and a lot of other factors. For a long time now, humanity has not strived to obtain distilled water for its needs, which was once considered the standard. Now the requirements have become more modern and depend on the intended purpose: for daily consumption, for the manufacture of medicines, for watering plants, etc.

Cleaning for any purpose begins with the elimination of mechanical particles that are visible to the naked eye. This measure not only improves the final result, but also protects thin filters. It is important to understand that any method has both strengths and weaknesses. All modern innovations and advanced technologies are aimed at achieving optimal quality of the cleaning fluid, ensuring a minimum number of disadvantages inherent in the process.

For food purposes

The highest demands are placed on the quality of drinking water, since the optimal values ​​of the final product affect both the taste characteristics of various dishes and drinks and the human body.


One of the most modern technologies has primarily found application in countries such as France, Holland and the USA.

Nanofiltration has the following advantages:

  • ideally removes color;
  • eliminates halogen organic impurities;
  • removes chlorine ions using a reagent-free method.

The main advantage is considered to be highly effective control of chlorine-containing residues, which are often present in water supplied through a common pipeline after disinfection treatment.

Among the disadvantages of the new technique is the need to provide multi-stage pre-treatment, which will remove all mechanical particles and suspended substances from the solution.

To obtain extra-quality products, reverse osmosis units and coagulation systems can be installed in front of nanofilters.

Fulfilling all these requirements automatically makes nanofiltration the most expensive method, which does not allow its use on a mass scale. This technology is used for special categories: premature babies, in post-operative rehabilitation periods, for the preparation of artificial nutrition for infants, etc.


Another technology for preparing drinking water, which was invented recently, but has received the approval of all world experts in this industry.

Its main advantages:

  • no pre-treatment by chemical or other methods;
  • effective removal of suspended solids;
  • removal of organic impurities.

The first such cleaning devices were produced in the UK and the Netherlands. The tube contains one or more capillary membranes that allow the streams to be purified to pass through. The more such membranes, the higher the productivity of the installation. The tubular system ensures that there are no stagnant zones in the installation, in which bottom deposits can form.

Low productivity (up to 200 cubic meters per day) does not allow establishing mass production for high-power consumers. In addition, the high energy consumption, which ensures sufficient flow speed, attracts attention. It is advisable to use photocatalysts in industries that receive electricity from solar panels or from the wind.

Roll devices

Another new product in water treatment is roll-type devices. Testing in laboratories for such installations has already been completed, and they are now entering production.

Their advantages:

  • effectiveness in combating high color (up to 150) and suspended substances;
  • ability to adjust flow speed and productivity;
  • simplicity of the scheme;
  • ease of installation.

Roll devices have low hydraulic resistance, and in a separate section they are equipped with an open channel, which makes it easy to remove the formed sediment. Cleaning is also carried out by increasing the flow rate, which removes deposits from the roll apparatus.

The downside is that the system must be equipped with special mechanical after-treatment so that the solid elements contained do not clog bottlenecks in the pipe. But the energy consumption of roll-on devices is quite modest - 0.5 kW per 1 cubic meter of purified water.


Fresh water bodies are not always available for water supply, which is becoming a growing problem. The lack of fresh water forces scientists to constantly develop and improve new desalination methods.

Massachusetts has developed a new circuit diagram desalination, which is based on the separation of ions and pure molecules without the use of any membranes.

With shock electrodialysis, proposed by scientists, the flow passes through porous ceramics, on both sides of which powerful electrodes are equipped. A strong discharge is applied between them, forming a shock wave that cuts the flow into 2 parts. One of them contains fresh water, and the second contains salt water. A partition, which is installed further along the way, isolates these parts from each other.

The system of such innovative cleaning does not become clogged, does not produce sediment, and therefore does not require periodic cleaning. In addition, strong discharges kill bacteria and all biological contaminants; therefore, additional disinfection and sterilization are not carried out.

The materials for the production of the installation are moderately expensive, which gives hope for an early mass launch of such a system along the shores of salty reservoirs.


A method for separating salt using a nanothick porous material was proposed at the University of Illinois.

The material from which the membrane is made is molybdenum disulfide. It is rolled out to a thickness of several nanometers, which significantly reduces the cost of electricity required to move the flow through the ceramic layer. A thin membrane allows for minimal pressure inside the system, which reduces the frequency of clogging. Chemical properties Molybdenum disulfide causes water to permeate the filter at high speed due to attraction to molybdenum and repulsion from sulfur.

This fast and highly efficient technology has been adopted by many large farms, which can easily and inexpensively solve the problem of watering large areas in the coastal zone.

Industrial and waste water

Treatment of domestic or industrial wastewater is a necessary condition for many businesses and private homes. For household needs This measure allows you to get rid of the odor that spreads across the site from the cesspool and prevents the formation of bottom sediments, which impairs the seepage of liquid into the ground. All the more so, wastewater from industrial production must be subjected to pre-treatment and purification before entering the common system sewerage, so as not to damage city wastewater treatment plants.

UV irradiation

This treatment technology makes it possible to disinfect wastewater from potentially dangerous objects, such as specific production of biological substances or infectious diseases hospitals. Irradiation for disinfection does not affect human health, but reliably eliminates bacteria, viruses, fungi and other microorganisms.

The disadvantage of the technique is that ultraviolet radiation affects most microbes, but not all without exception. With high turbidity, ultraviolet radiation can be absorbed by the contaminated layer, so the efficiency of water treatment will decrease. This requires the use of additional mechanical or chemical filters to increase reliability. In addition, the system does not have high power, so it is not used in large enterprises.

Copper-zinc technology

The progressive development of industrial water treatment is based on the use of granules containing copper and zinc. The two metals have different charges, so the contaminants are attracted to either one pole or the other, remaining on the surface of the granules.

In addition to purification, copper-zinc technology removes hardness ions, making the water softened.

The disadvantage is that in technological process A lot of return fluid with a high concentration of polluting metals is formed, which must be disposed of through drainage. This increases the total water consumption on the meter, which affects production costs.

In addition, the copper-zinc membrane does not affect microorganisms during cleaning, so the fungus that has settled on it first reduces efficiency and then reduces it to a minimum. This forces the worn out membranes to be changed frequently.

Septic tanks

This technology has been used for private homes and small industries for a long time, but recently it has undergone a number of changes and has become cheaper and more effective.

Modern septic tanks contain bacteria that do not react to chlorine in wastewater, which used to be a big problem. Toilets located on site do not require any electricity for maintenance and heating, and the need for even rare pumping of the contents of cesspools is eliminated.

A modern septic tank includes 2 parts: a gravity sump and a biological purifier. After the settling tank, in which all suspended matter settles, the wastewater enters a volume saturated with microorganisms that process most organic and inorganic pollutants.

The efficiency of modern septic tanks is 98%. The sludge that forms in settling tanks is used as an organic fertilizer that increases the fractional characteristics of fertile soils.

Anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms, which are contained in new septic tanks for the treatment of domestic wastewater, are resistant to aggressive environments and do not die from a sharp change in the pH of the environment.

Special water treatment

To produce ultrapure solutions in medicine and laboratory research, water free from various impurities is required. And although it is known that ideal purity cannot be achieved in practice, scientists are tirelessly improving purification systems to produce top-class water.

The output product - bidistillate - approaches chemical purity. The new double-distillers combine several stages of filters: ultrafiltration, two-stage osmosis and ion exchange in mixed-action filters.

After passing through all stages of purification, the solution has the status of high-resistivity, which means a unique value resistivity(17-18 MOhm/cm). These are the characteristics that are necessary to obtain ultra-precise results from laboratory and medical experiments and research.

Demineralization and deionization

Modern technologies have made it possible to obtain water with a minimum content of minerals and ions, approaching zero. New devices that provide this result, using electrical charges on plates in the distiller columns, remove the maximum possible amount of pollutants, reducing their concentration to the minimum possible at the present time.

In addition, the system contains a reverse osmosis membrane and complex ion exchange resin.

With the use of demineralized and deionized components, the reagents provide minimal error during analysis and have virtually no effect on living tissue during experiments.

Thus, we can conclude that purification technologies in all areas are actively developing; researchers do not stop there, introducing new achievements of chemical, mechanical, biological and other types of treatment into this area. Progress and emergence modern methods makes it possible to improve the results, and an integrated approach to the use of the proposed methods allows us to hope for cheaper production of clean water in the future.

Introduction of modern innovative technologies is one of the priority areas of the Target Program "Clean Water of Moscow", which is reflected in the activities of the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise "Mosvodokanal". In addition to ensuring compliance with modern requirements for the quality of drinking water, innovative technologies offer environmentally friendly and effective ways to solve the main task of the enterprise - providing residents with high-quality drinking water and effective cleaning used water.

The full-scale implementation of new technologies began in 2002, when a water treatment unit using ozone sorption water purification with a capacity of 240 thousand cubic meters was put into operation. m per day. In 2009, another block of facilities with a capacity of 160 thousand cubic meters was put into operation. m per day, which also involves the use of ozone sorption technology.

The development of the modernization of technologies in the field of natural water purification is the commissioning in 2006 of the South-Western water station with a capacity of 250.0 thousand cubic meters per day. For the first time in the history of the Moscow water supply system, the technological structures included a membrane ultrafiltration stage.

The target program "Clean Water of Moscow" provides for a phased transition until 2020 of all operating water stations in Moscow to the use of ozone sorption and membrane filtration technologies. These technologies are the best available technologies water treatment as they allow you to obtain clean drinking water regardless of the condition of water sources.

An important direction in the development of water treatment plants is to improve the safety of their operation. Considering the danger of using chlorine gas, Mosvodokanal is transferring water treatment technology from chlorine to sodium hypochlorite. In the 4th quarter of 2009, the technological complex for disinfection with sodium hypochlorite was put into operation at the Western water treatment plant. It is planned to transfer all stations to this technology by 2011.

Along with this, Mosvodokanal is constantly improving water disinfection processes. Due to the tightening state standard to control the content of chloroform in drinking water, targeted testing of chlorination regimes is carried out at water treatment stations. As a result of this work, the concentration of chloroform decreased to less than 30 μg/l, while the standard is 60 μg/l.

The quality of water supplied to consumers depends not only on purification technologies, but also on the condition of the water supply network. Currently, out of 11 thousand km, 6 thousand km of pipelines, or 52% of their length, have been depreciated. The program provides for reducing this percentage to 45.5 by 2020. This will require an annual renewal of pipelines at a level of at least 2% of the entire length of the networks (currently this figure is 1.5%). The priority is to use pipes made of high-strength cast iron, the service life of which is 100-120 years.