A message about our homeland. Essay on the topic: “Homeland

Date added: May 15, 2013 at 11:13 pm
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Abstract on the topic:



“Russia is my Motherland”

Russia is my homeland, I was born in it.

Russia occupies a huge territory. You need to travel, fly, and swim thousands of kilometers to cross our country.

The capital of our homeland is Moscow, a large and very beautiful city. There are a lot of ancient cities in Russia: Sergiev Posad, Yaroslavl, Kostroma. These cities are also called the Golden Ring of Russia. They preserve the warmth, life and skill of great people.

The nature of my homeland is beautiful and diverse. Fabulous forests, majestic mountains, endless plains. Many wild animals live in the forests - foxes, wolves, squirrels, hares.

Russia is rich in mineral resources - gold, coal, oil and various ores. This is necessary for people, for the future generation. They must be used wisely and carefully.

Russia is the birthplace of great writers, poets, and artists. Our country gave the world Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov, Gogol, Tolstoy, Vasnetsov, Serov. In their works they glorified Russia and showed its beauty in famous paintings.

In our country there lives a heroic people who won the Great Patriotic War! He suffered a lot and worked in harsh conditions. And the people’s love for Russia helped people survive and win the war.

Russia is a multinational country. It is inhabited by Russians, Tatars, Mordovians, Chuvash, Ingush, Chechens, Ossetians, Buryats, and Chukchi.

I would like to end my story in poetic form:

“What is the Motherland?”

I asked my mother.

Mom smiled

She waved her hand:

"This is our Motherland,

Dear Russia.

There is no other in the world

Such a homeland!”

What is Motherland?

All the guys know:

It's a beautiful world

Kind and big

Most Favorite

You, dear country,

There is no other in the world

Such a homeland!

You are in everyone's heart,

Motherland - Russia!

White birches,

The ear is poured.

There is no one more free than you,

There is no one more beautiful than you

There is no other in the world

Such a homeland!

Description of work

The capital of our homeland is Moscow, a large and very beautiful city. There are a lot of ancient cities in Russia: Sergiev Posad, Yaroslavl, Kostroma. These cities are also called the Golden Ring of Russia. They preserve the warmth, life and skill of great people.
The nature of my homeland is beautiful and diverse. Fabulous forests, majestic mountains, endless plains. Many wild animals live in the forests - foxes, wolves, squirrels, hares.


According to Russian History

On the topic of:

My motherland

My motherland


My motherland.


Used Books:

My motherland

Loving your Motherland means passionately

want to see fulfillment in it

the ideal of humanity and, to the best of our ability,

promote this.

(Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky)


What is the Motherland in the fate and life of a person? The homeland cannot, just like the word “happiness,” be defined in one word or even a phrase. Usually, this is the country where a person was born and raised. Homeland is the place where he spent best years your life, childhood years; this is his destiny, to which he feels involved.

It is from childhood that adults teach a little person to love and be proud of his homeland, whatever it may be. They teach to respect, admire, be content and develop a sense of patriotism for their country. Learning about the world from adults, a child becomes accustomed to the traditions, religion and culture of his family, and, consequently, of his state. In this period of life, he “absorbs everything like a sponge,” remembering even the smallest details.

F. Beccon said: “love for the Motherland begins with family.” And if there is harmony, love and order in the family, then all this will be reflected in the character of the individual. Love for the Motherland begins with love for parents. Appreciating his relatives, a person will also value his native country and empathize with it in every possible way. The second thing the Motherland begins with is love for the faith of our ancestors and, in general, for the memory of our ancestors. The history of each country is individual and full of its own curious moments. I believe that a resident of a particular country should know the history of the lands where he grew up and lives to this day. It will be hard for that person who does not know the history of his people.

Russia is a country with a great past, an incomprehensible present and a very vague future. The country took thousands of years to form, but Russian culture itself originated much earlier. Well, how can a Russian person not be proud of his country, if it has gone through so much and defended so much?

My motherland

I am very proud of the past of my Motherland. Of course, there were losses and wins. But there were significantly more victories. The question is asked: what is success? Success is not in physical strength, not in equipment... Success is in our Russian spirit, in courageous actions, in the intellects of rulers, in the hands of a simple peasant! Our value is people. A Russian man, he was raised on Russian soil, which has always been, is and will be ours. All strength lies in love for family, for the fatherland, for nature.

Another important point is faith. Faith in the future, in the best. Those who fought in the Second World War, they did not feel sorry for themselves, they did not think that they would die... They fought with the thought that they would die for the sake of future generations, for the sake of their children and grandchildren, for the sake of Russia, which was, is and will be. They went into battle with patriotism, and this spirit, this faith helped the fighters achieve success. When these thoughts arise in my head, it seems to me that God himself was on our side, and justice has triumphed. The memory of the heroes of our Motherland makes it clear that there is someone to follow by example. Heroes, like their exploits, they will live forever in the hearts of the Russian people. Our strength lies in the memory of the exploits of our heroes.

Faith develops conscience. A person without conscience cannot love the Motherland; he can only use it, and sometimes, unfortunately, even sell it.

Loving the Motherland is an implicit art. It is hidden in the depths of the human soul. For some it is hidden, for others it is active. Every person loves their country in their own way. Even those people who say that there is nothing good in the state, that everything is collapsing, that the government is robbing people, they are also patriots. Their words are sad, but if you look at it, they think and worry about their country, raise questions that interest them, try to find answers to them for themselves, and justify their point of view. All the thoughts of these people are still about the Motherland: which means they worry about it; therefore, they want to make the country at least a little better; This means that they wish their country and their people well.

Loving your country doesn't mean you have to join every charity. First you need to start with yourself, with self-education in yourself and strengthening your sense of patriotism. Starting with yourself is the beginning of beginnings. It’s quite simple not to litter, not to be rude to others... Even small good deeds can change a person’s worldview. By doing good to other people, a person is spiritually re-educated, and he himself becomes pleased to do good to his neighbor. Politeness, decency and a smile will always defeat negativity and grumpiness in society. Of course, one is not a warrior alone in the field, so every person should think about the problem of self-organization of their actions and views.

Each person evaluates the concept of “Motherland” according to his own life views. For some it is a whole country, for others it is a city, a village, a village. The place where he was born or where he grew up. But maybe a non-native place that a person loved very much, and it became dear to him from the time of his stay. But for some, the Motherland is limited to the walls of the apartment...

Homeland is the place where a person feels at home, where he enjoys being, where after a long departure he wants to return again and again. This may be the place of life of his predecessors, it may be the place where he was born and raised... But it may happen that a person lives in the place where he was born and raised, but he does not value his homeland, does not accept it for what it is . It's sad to know that such people exist, but they exist... Is the one who doesn't take care Natural resources country, does not value historical exploits, does not appreciate monuments and cultural heritage, can he be a patriot and love his country with all his heart? If this person acts this way and says something completely different, then he is contradicting himself.

It is very disappointing to see news reports that some individuals are deceiving the last surviving veterans of the Great Patriotic War for personal gain. Patriotic War, they steal the most valuable thing from them, these are orders and medals. These elderly people fought for our lives, risking their lives. They deserve the highest awards, and it turns out that those for whom they did not spare their lives are now shamelessly taking advantage of it... this is very indignant. These impudent people do not know what war is, they have not seen life as the veterans have seen it, but at the same time the scoundrels still commit their insidious crime.

I myself was born and raised in Russia, in Moscow. In childhood it is still difficult to understand the borders and limits of Russia, but over time this is possible. I remember being surrounded by family and friends. These childhood memories are very precious, every person has them and everyone has their own. Some had a hard childhood, some had an easy one. Analyzing my childhood years, I can say that I had a “golden mean”. I remember both good and not so pleasant moments, but there are still more good ones. With the changing seasons, Moscow always seemed different to me. It is warm, with ducks in ponds, with blooming lilacs and green leaves maples. And autumn, with colorful leaves, rain, wind and puddles. Winter, cold, with crunchy snow underfoot, sledding down the hills, and fluffy snowflakes in the sky. All this naturally repeats itself from year to year, but every year has its own twist, something new and different. IN winter time It was especially interesting to watch people prepare for the New Year, buying Christmas trees and gifts for loved ones.

Moscow is the largest city in Russia. I am proud that I was born in the capital of our state. After all, many people dream of getting here. The centuries-old history of the city is very interesting. Many cultural and architectural monuments have been preserved in the city center. I can go for a walk along Old Arbat or Red Square at any time. Every time I come there, I discover something interesting and new. This is the busiest corner of our capital - the center. The beauties of Moscow are numerous. I love my hometown very much.

I can’t help but say about the place that has also become dear to me. From my childhood, I remember life there even more than life in Moscow.

This place is not far from Moscow, in the Moscow region, in the northeast. This is the dacha where my grandparents have lived for more than fifteen years. A lot of interesting things happened there. Remembering my childhood life in that place, I want to smile, because it was there that I learned and understood a lot, it was there that I felt calm, a connection with nature, and knowledge of the world. If a child in childhood tries to unravel the secrets of nature for himself, he learns a lot for the future, especially if there are such good mentors as grandparents nearby.

My grandparents keep several goats, a cat and a dog. And nearby there is a large forest, there is a pond, and even further away there is a river. Nature surrounds. And a person who lives in Moscow simply needs to at least sometimes be in nature, among peace and tranquility. It is very interesting to watch animals; you can learn their habits. They are the same individual personalities, I remember well that each of the goats had their own character. It was like their own society, with a leader and subordinates. In goats, as in ordinary society, there are conflicts, respect and mutual assistance. Their milk is very healthy, even if not everyone likes it, but it is simply a treasure trove of vitamins and minerals. My family taught me to drink it since childhood, and now I love it very much. I noticed with cats that their purring is very calming. It was interesting for me to watch how the cat came from the street and lay down on my grandfather’s stomach, my grandfather stroked his head, and he purred. It feels like cats are healing. Even if a person is healthy, they treat nerves and relieve tension. I also really enjoyed watching insects. Oddly enough, I liked worms. I took them out of the ground and tried to look at them. I planted them in a jar with soil and tried to observe their way of life. The same thing happened with cabbage caterpillars. I put them in a jar and fed them cabbage leaves. Over time, by autumn they turned into cocoons. This is the first discovery that I learned on my own, not yet studying at school and not knowing the laws of nature. I found watching the garden and animals very interesting and exciting. Every day I discovered something new. Of course, my grandparents and parents helped me, answering questions to which I could not find answers. I loved being energized by nature, tranquility and solitude. I loved to play alone or with my parents. I remember going to the bathhouse. I didn’t like being in the steam room for a long time, but my grandfather forced me, spanked me with a broom, and now I remember all this with warmth in my soul. If my grandparents needed anything, I willingly helped them. I also loved going mushroom picking with my dad. There are so many interesting things you can see in the forest!

I can remember and remember, and I go there with joy again and again. The best years of my childhood passed there, I really liked that time, sometimes I even nostalgically want to go back to the past, but you can’t change time and you have to move forward with life, you have to believe to the best.

I think it’s good when a person has something pleasant and close to his heart to remember from his childhood. Immediately your soul becomes peaceful and very light.

Let not everyone have a place where they can come (arrive) and feel at home, feeling calm, peace and joy of the soul. But everyone can find that very place that will become native, close and calming to this person. Homeland is a broad concept. It’s really bad if a person can’t find himself anywhere; It’s good when there is that place that, like the love of his life, attracts him and mentally calls him.

This is a very valuable feeling - to feel the Motherland, the native place. This is what you perceive as it is, with its “pros” and “cons”; something where you want to return again and again, and living or being in that native place, you feel joy, pride and want to rejoice that you are in your ever-desired native place; where you like to be under any circumstances, in any weather.

We have a lot of people in Russia, but we also have a large territory, with great history. I think that patriotism for our country should be cultivated from an early age and throughout life until gray hairs. We Russians, if we want, we can do anything. The main thing is to believe and not give up, try not to pay attention to gossip and rumors, it is clear to everyone that this is a provocation from enemies and envious people. We are strong, strong. We can do anything. And for the people, the main thing is not to lose heart. If every person tries to make themselves better at least a little, then this will be a big plus.

Russia is one of the most multinational countries in the world. There were even more people, but the collapse Soviet Union cited that some allied countries separated from us. In general, our country is very friendly, so many nationalities live in one country, get along with each other, live in peace. We are united by the fact that we have one Motherland, one history, we live in one great power, and we are all proud of it together.

I compare the past years with the present time, and in truth, our sense of patriotism has really begun to grow. Celebration of “Great Victory Day”, organization of the “65th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow”, schoolchildren visiting hero cities.

Even though there are no pioneers or Komsomol members now, schoolchildren are still involved in various marches, processions, laying flowers at monuments, school organizations go to help veterans, to orphanages, and various events. I myself was in such an organization. And I don’t see anything wrong with getting together as a group and going to visit disabled children in an orphanage, because they are just like us, they just have health problems, they lack communication and positive emotions, but this would be the case for these kids this is useful.

I remember how this summer the whole country was worried about our Olympiad participants. This was talked about in the news, written in newspapers, various propaganda posters hung on the streets in order to support our Olympic participants. I was very pleased to see such active people.

“They love their homeland not because it is great, but because it is their own.” (Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)). This is exactly what any true patriot can say. The Motherland, it should not be special, eternally victorious, it should be its own! What's yours. What are you talking and thinking about? The fact that will never betray you, will not leave you in trouble. And if something doesn’t go well in life, don’t be angry with the country and blame it for your problems. First of all, you need to look at yourself and your surroundings, establish your life institutions. Consider the problem in more detail from different angles; perhaps it can be solved in no time, but there is no need to offend the Motherland. She gave birth to you, she supports you, she will accept you.

Liberal point of view: “Motherland is freedom.” There is an option: “Homeland is where a person finds himself.” (Sergey Dovlatov). I like S. Dovlatov's version. Not everyone can find themselves, but if you have found yourself, realized that this is near and dear to you, then don’t let it go! Homeland is in the person himself, in his feelings, soul and worldview.


Homeland is not just about living and belonging to a certain state of the world, you need to love the traditions, customs, know the culture and art of this country. Treasure and protect nature and architectural monuments in order to preserve them for future generations as they are, beautiful, mysterious and pleasing to the eyes of the Russian people and not only.

Home is where you are loved and expected. Where you come and can’t find where it ends. When you feel your insignificance before the greatness and significance of the Motherland. After all, if you love, then don’t betray. Not for nothing, there are so many sayings famous people about the Motherland, duty to the Motherland and love for it.

I think that every person must understand for himself, realize that there is a Motherland for him, in what light he sees it, and whether he is ready to do anything for her.

Unfortunately, in our modern world everything is much more complicated, there are people who will do anything for their country, and there are traitors who sell it...

My homeland is Russia. This is the place where I return and she is always happy to see me. She gave birth to and raised me. And I am very grateful to fate that I was born a Russian person, in this proud sense of the word.

Used Books:

1. Statements of Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky (Biography of V.G. Belinsky)

2. “Russia is my Motherland!” Kokoreva E.V. 2007. M

3. Resources from the Internet


On the topic of:

"Russia is our Motherland"

Completed by: Serov Maxim 4 “b” class

Teacher: Regina Maria Alexandrovna

Saint Petersburg


Russia is our Motherland.

Russia is our sacred power,
Russia is our beloved country.
Mighty will, great glory -
Your treasure for all time!

What is the Motherland? Everyone talks about it, but what does this word mean? Where were you born? The country where you spent your childhood? Or, perhaps, where will you meet old age? No, the Motherland is not determined by place of residence and birth. The real Motherland is a place where a person feels part of this place. The country where a person strives to return, regardless of age and circumstances. The homeland is the corner that we strive to preserve, protect, preserve. Where we feel good and free. Where we can be ourselves. Homeland is the place where he spent the best years of his life, his childhood; this is his destiny, to which he feels involved. Defending and loving the Motherland is the responsibility of every person. And it is not nationality or place of residence that determines this, but internal sensations.

It is from childhood that adults teach a little person to love and be proud of his homeland, whatever it may be. They teach to respect, admire, be content and develop a sense of patriotism for their country. Learning about the world from adults, a child becomes accustomed to the traditions, religion and culture of his family, and, consequently, of his state. In this period of life, he “absorbs everything like a sponge,” remembering even the smallest details.

F. Beccon said: “love for the Motherland begins with family.” And if there is harmony, love and order in the family, then all this will be reflected in the character of the individual. Love for the Motherland begins with love for parents. Appreciating his relatives, a person will also value his native country and empathize with it in every possible way. The second thing the Motherland begins with is love for the faith of our ancestors and, in general, for the memory of our ancestors. The history of each country is individual and full of its own curious moments. I believe that a resident of a particular country should know the history of the lands where he grew up and lives to this day. It will be hard for that person who does not know the history of his people. A Russian man, he was raised on Russian soil, which has always been, is and will be ours. All strength lies in love for family, for the fatherland, for nature.

I was born and live in Russia and love my Motherland, its nature, rivers, lakes, its endless expanses, traditions, customs. I live in the city of St. Petersburg - “Venice of the North”, as many call it, I am proud of this city, the cultural capital of Russia. The city that I love with all my heart, with its architectural monuments, with its history, with its grandeur and ever-changing weather. But this is my city, my country, my homeland! I also love Maksatikha - this is a village in the Tver region, my grandparents live there. I spend all my holidays there, winter, summer and spring. In the summer I swim in the river, ride a bike, walk with friends, go fishing with my grandfather, and pick mushrooms. I like the extraordinary beauty of the nature of the Tver region. Four rivers flow through Maksatikha: Mologa, Volchina, Rivitsa, Tifina. It’s so nice there in the summer, you can relax your body and soul there from the bustle and noise of the city.

Russia is a country with a great past, an incomprehensible present and a very vague future.

Russia is a state in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. Population - 146,267,288 people. (2015), territory - 17,125,407 km². Russia ranks first in the world in terms of territory and ninth in population. Russia borders on eighteen countries (the largest number in the world). It is distinguished by significant ethnocultural diversity. Most of(about 75%) of the population considers itself to be Orthodox, which makes Russia the country with the largest Orthodox population in the world. Russia is a great power and an energy superpower. One of the world's leading space powers has nuclear weapons and the means to “deliver” them. Representatives of more than 200 nationalities (ethnic groups) live in Russia. The peoples of Russia speak more than 100 languages ​​and dialects belonging to the Indo-European, Altai and Uralic language families, Caucasian and Paleo-Asian language groups. Among the most common spoken languages ​​are Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Armenian, Ossetian and German (Indo-European language family), Tatar, Chuvash and Bashkir (Altai language family), Udmurt, Mari and Erzya (Uralic language family), Chechen, Avar and Dargin (Nakh-Dagestan languages), Kabardino-Circassian (Abkhaz-Adyghe language family). Russian is the native language of approximately 130 million Russian citizens (92% of the Russian population). Russia is a huge country and a multinational power.

Russia is one of the most water-rich countries in the world. The country has some of the world's largest fresh water reserves. Surface waters occupy 12.4% of Russia's territory, with 84% of surface waters concentrated east of the Urals. The structure of water use is dominated by industrial needs.

The largest freshwater lake is Baikal in the eastern part of the country (about 31,700 km²), which is the deepest lake on the planet.

The country is rich in various minerals. Oil reserves have been explored to varying degrees in almost all regions of the country, in particular in the Tyumen region, Sakhalin, Bashkortostan, as well as on the shelf; natural gas - in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. More than 70% of Russian territory is a zone of risky agriculture. The agricultural season in most of Russia lasts 2-4 months (for comparison, in Europe or the USA it lasts 8-9 months). At the same time, Russia contains 9% of all productive arable land in the world and more than 50% of the world's black soil.

Do you know thatResidents of St. Petersburg who take the tram to work every morning have no idea that they are using the largest tram network in the world: 2,402 trams operating on 64 routes with a total length of more than 690 kilometers.

The capital's trams are still a long way from St. Petersburg's. But if, for example, in Moscow you take the 39th tram and get to the terminus, you can admire the skyscraper of Moscow State University - and this is the largest university building in the world, it is 240 meters high, 32 floors and 40 thousand rooms.

If you take the metro directly from there to the center, then, getting off at Kropotkinskaya, you will find yourself in front of the largest Orthodox church in the world - Christ the Savior.

Life is not easy in the village of Oymyakon in Yakutia - no other settlement in the world has such cold weather. Oymyakon is located in a valley between two high mountains, and the cold winter air does not allow heat into the valley. The most low temperature, installed there -69o.

There was also a newspaper boom in Russia. The record of Komsomolskaya Pravda, which was published one fine day in May 1990 with a circulation of almost 22 million copies, has not yet been broken by any daily newspaper in the world.

If you think that the defeat of the Russian football players by the Portuguese 1-7 was not going anywhere, then you know nothing about the Russian rugby players, whose match against Australia at the 2000 World Cup was the most devastating defeat in the history of rugby. The Russians lost with a score of 4-110.
The most valuable fish was also caught in Russia - 80 years ago in the Tikhaya Sosna River. It was a sturgeon weighing 1,227 kilograms. The 245 kilograms of first-class caviar in his womb would cost 289 thousand dollars today.

Historical sensation: the tallest man in world history was not the American Robert Wadlow (his height was only... 272 ​​centimeters), but the Russian citizen Fedor Makhov! His height was 2 meters 85 centimeters (with a weight of 182 kilograms). Makhov died in 1905 at the age of 25. By the way, today the giant is called either Makhnov or Makhno in newspapers. A correspondent for the Niva magazine, who photographed Gulliver in 1903, claims that his last name is Makhov.

In 1877, a girl, Lisa, was born into a family of Lysko burghers who lived in the provincial town of Krasnokutsk (near Novocherkassk). She developed normally until she was three years old, and then she began to grow “by leaps and bounds.” By the age of ten she was already taller than her parents (people of average height) - 2 arshins 11 vershoks, that is, 1 meter 92 centimeters, and by the age of 17 - 2 meters 27 centimeters and weighed 8 pounds (132 kilograms). This was an amazing development - after all, Elizabeth had a moderate appetite, like her “normal” brothers and sisters.

The smallest man is Miron Pavlik (Pavlik is his last name. Miron is originally from Western Ukraine). In 1989, at the age of 18, his height was only 95 centimeters. Today he is the smallest ordinary man in our country (Lilliputian).
The smallest woman, Zila Saitovna Galimova from Ufa, is only 1 meter 4 centimeters tall. She is 36 years old. Zila sews all her clothes herself. He orders shoes.

There are many such records in Russia; Russians learn about many of them from school, for example, about the deepest Lake Baikal or the largest forest in the world - the taiga.

But there are also records that people prefer not to talk about.

Just 400 kilometers east of Moscow, in the Nizhny Novgorod region, stands the city of Dzerzhinsk, considered the most polluted city in the world. Here, the phenol content in soil water exceeds the maximum permissible concentration by 17 million times. According to the Guinness Book, almost 300 thousand people live there, and the average life expectancy is 42 years. However, the editor-in-chief of the local newspaper "Dzerzhinets" Vyacheslav Bogachev says that this is old data and, since harmful enterprises are closed due to the collapse of the economy, life expectancy has increased - up to as much as 48 years.

This is our Motherland - huge, multifaceted and contradictory.

The Russian Federation is the world's largest state, occupying 1/8 of the landmass and located in the northeast of Eurasia. Russia is a country with a long history, rich cultural heritage and generous nature. In Russia you can find almost everything that a traveler encounters individually in one country or another - sunny subtropical beaches and snowy mountain peaks, endless steppes and deep forests, stormy rivers and warm seas.

The territory of Russia is 17,125,191 km². Russia ranks first in the world in terms of territory.

Official coat of arms of Russia

Moscow Kremlin

Official flag of Russia

Official coat of arms of Russia

The capital of our Motherland is Moscow.

Official flag of Russia

National language - Russian.

Russia is a presidential-parliamentary republic with a federal structure. Since May 2012, the post of President has been occupied by Vladimir Putin, the Chairman of the Government - Dmitry Medvedev.

Part Russian Federation includes 85 subjects:

46 of which are called regions (among them the Rostov region),
22 - republics,
9 - edges,
3 - cities of federal significance,
4 - autonomous okrugs and 1 - autonomous region.

Russia borders on twenty states (the largest number in the world), including two partially recognized and two unrecognized:

by land: with Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, North Korea, partially recognized by South Ossetia and Abkhazia, unrecognized LPR and DPR;

by sea: with Japan and the USA.

Russia is a multinational state characterized by great ethnocultural diversity.

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"Uzbekistan is my Motherland" (downloads: 891)

Each person is born in a certain country, where he usually lives his whole life. And the country where we are born is for us our family, for which we are ready to lay down our lives and defend it to the last drop of blood, while our heart beats in our chest. We want our homeland to constantly rise in the eyes of others and achieve great success and heights. Right now we are talking about such a potential country as Russia. This country is large and powerful, and the territory of the country occupies very large area all over the world, and its infrastructure is very large and promising. If we look at the history of Russia, we will see its difficult fate, but thanks to perseverance, it achieved what it wanted. This is the prologue I wanted to convey to you, my users, and now I’ll tell you about the information that you will find directly on my website of Russian dictations.

My dear users, you will sometimes need to write the text of essays on a certain topic, namely, as I told you from the very beginning, about the homeland, about the people. Here you will find a huge number of works on the same topic. We have a lot of topics, and each user will be able to choose works on the topic that he needs. All essays are written clearly and beautifully, following all the rules of writing and punctuation, which will not affect your grade when you write it. With us, you can easily both revise the text of this work and download it to your computer very quickly and conveniently. Our menu is very simple, which, dear user, will not bring any difficulty to anyone, even if they don’t know how to use a computer at all.

A person’s success lies in the fact that if a person really wants something, he will definitely achieve it. The main thing is persistence. I want to tell you the fact that the way you studied from childhood will greatly influence your affairs in life. future life, and especially - to your profession. If a person has been looking for something since childhood, trying hard, then he will achieve his place in life, and if he was still with early age everything is smooth, then it will be very difficult for such a person to start something. So study, write dictations and works.

I wish you success in writing your works, and I also wish you very good grades for them.