Aloe juice - beneficial properties, preparation and use. Homemade aloe is a panacea for diseases! Use of the flower for medicinal purposes Beneficial properties of aloe about the correct

Hello friends! Lately, I have become increasingly active in using aloe juice to take care of my appearance and to improve the health of my body.

This is a unique medicine that has many beneficial properties.

Let's take a closer look at the use of aloe juice and its beneficial properties.

From this article you will learn:

Aloe juice - beneficial properties and methods of use

Aloe is a genus of succulent plants of the subfamily Asphodelaceae of the Xanthorrhoeaceae family, containing more than 500 species common in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Previously, the genus Aloe could be classified in the families Aloaceae or Asphodelaceae. Wikipedia

As a rule, we will talk about two types of aloe that have the most active ingredients: aloe vera and aloe vera.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of aloe juice is very impressive!

Minerals found in aloe vera include:

  • copper,
  • iron,
  • sodium,
  • calcium,
  • zinc,
  • potassium,
  • chromium,
  • magnesium
  • manganese

As well as other beneficial compounds such as polysaccharides, anthraquinones and lectins, barbaloin, enzymes, lignin, saponins and salicylic acid.

Beneficial properties of aloe juice

The drug has a huge number of medicinal properties, the main of which are:

  • anti-inflammatory
  • regenerating
  • laxative
  • restorative
  • antioxidant
  • immunostimulating
  • wound healing.

Using aloe juice to improve the health of the body

  • For the digestive system

Very useful for solving problems gastrointestinal tract due to its high anti-inflammatory activity.

It promotes tissue regeneration, helps in the growth of good bacteria in the intestines, and relieves inflammatory processes in the digestive organs.

A drink made from aloe juice reduces high stomach acidity.

Due to its laxative properties, it serves as an excellent remedy for constipation.

  • For joint diseases and rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that affects the entire body.

The immune system attacks the body's tissues, inflammation occurs, which manifests itself as the accumulation of fluid in the joints and severe pain.

As a rule, the drugs prescribed for this disease have a lot of side effects on the body.

Today there are scientifically proven facts that aloe juice can reduce inflammation in the body and actively fight rheumatoid arthritis.

This is due to the presence of phytosterols, plant hormones, which function like steroid painkillers, but without causing any harm to the body.

  • To lower cholesterol levels

Modern research confirms the effectiveness of aloe juice for maintaining normal blood cholesterol levels by reducing triglyceride levels.

Those who include fresh aloe juice in their daily diet to maintain their cholesterol levels are effectively protecting their heart.

  • Aloe juice for weight loss

It is an easy and natural solution for weight loss.

Boosts metabolism, lowers lipid levels and helps burn fat.

  • Use in dentistry and oral hygiene

Studies have shown that regular consumption of aloe juice improves oral health, strengthens gums and reduces plaque formation.

  • Aloe juice for diabetes

There are some Scientific research confirming the fact that aloe juice helps regulate blood sugar levels

  • Anticarcinogenic effect

Aloe juice contains high levels of anti-carcinogenic properties that prevent the growth of tumors in the body.

  • To boost immunity

It replenishes deficiencies of amino acids and vitamins in the body, enhancing the body's immune system.

  • Aloe juice for colds and coughs

Aloe juice is the best natural medicine for cough, flu, nasal congestion, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases.

Aloe juice in cosmetology - methods of application

So, let's look at the main methods of application:

  • Aloe juice for skin

For skin treatment, it is best to use aloe vera juice or gel.

Aloe juice also helps remove stretch marks.

He heals cuts and wounds, sunburn dermatitis, as well as insect bites when applied externally and even

  • Aloe juice for acne and acne

Aloe Vera juice is the best natural remedy for treating acne and pimples. It has antimicrobial activity and helps fight acne-causing bacteria.

  • Aloe vera juice for hair

Regular use of aloe vera juice on your hair will make it smooth, silky and shiny.

Aloe Vera juice is rich in proteolytic enzymes that help remove dead skin that clogs the pores of the scalp, which prevents the growth of new hair follicles.

Aloe removes sebum, leaving the scalp crystal clear and promoting hair growth.

In addition, this juice has alkaline properties that help maintain the pH level of the scalp and hair, which means it combats scalp dryness.

You can add 2 teaspoons of fresh aloe juice or gel to your favorite conditioner. This will help increase its moisturizing properties.

How to make aloe juice yourself?

There are two ways to prepare aloe juice.

First method for aloe vera:

  1. Suitable for aloe vera.
  2. Cut a few outer stems of the plant from the bottom.
  3. Rinse thoroughly and cut them lengthwise with a thin knife.
  4. Use a spoon to scoop up all the pulp or gel into a bowl.
  5. Place the gel in a blender and add 1 cup of water.
  6. Mix everything thoroughly and you will get drinkable pure aloe vera juice. Use the extracted juice within 3-4 days.

Preparation method for aloe vera:

  1. Suitable for aloe vera.
  2. Carefully cut off the leaf at the base, rub it using a grater or using an electronic blender.
  3. Strain the juice through cheesecloth.
  4. You can use a juicer.
  5. This way we will get good concentrated aloe juice.

Healthy recipes with aloe juice

Consider healing recipes with aloe juice:

  • For the stomach and blood purification

Mix the juice or pulp of adult aloe leaves (3-5 pieces) with lemon juice 3:1 and take a tablespoon before meals three times a day.

  • Against cough

Honey, lingonberries and aloe, 25 grams of each component, mix together and take 2 tablespoons 4 times a day.

  • Heart attack and heart disease

For half a glass of water 3 tbsp. spoons of dried fruits and 2 tbsp. spoons of pure aloe juice. You can add strawberry leaves and hawthorn berries.

  • Warts

Apply fresh aloe pulp with ointment as a compress on the wart. After some time, it will disappear from the skin on its own.

  • Headache
  • Aloe vera gel ointment, recipe

Remember that you cannot consume more than 100 ml of aloe juice per day!!!

Video about drinks and cocktails with aloe juice

Be sure to watch this interesting video about what cocktails and drinks you can make with aloe juice.

Aloe juice contraindications for use

Main contraindications:

  • Despite the fact that aloe juice has versatile active medicinal properties, there are some contraindications to its use.
  • Excessive consumption of aloe juice can cause nausea and liver inflammation.
  • Also, the high mineral content in the plant can have a detrimental effect on the health of a pregnant woman. You should not use aloe as a medicine if you have a personal intolerance to this plant and its juice. Hold off on consuming juice during uterine bleeding.
  • Since aloe is a powerful biostimulant, before using it for cancer, it is better to consult a doctor.

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Many people wonder if homemade aloe leaves are eaten raw, and what will happen if the plant is eaten every day.

In order to effectively use a flower for medicinal purposes, you need to know how much it is permissible to take, how to do it correctly, and what parts of the agave can be eaten.

The answer to all these questions can be that ingestion of aloe leaves in raw form is a salvation from ailments for some people, but unacceptable for others. The juice of this plant, which is squeezed from the leaves, is often used.. You can also make a special gel obtained from several layers of peel.

For using homemade aloe flowers for medicinal purposes, the varieties Barbadensis, Miller and Aloe Vera are more suitable. Plants contain the substance Acemannan, which promotes rapid regeneration at the cellular level. Nutrients are found in large quantities in those types of aloe that are grown in open ground.

For treatment, the lower leaves and certain parts of the stem are used. Young plants do not have as many medicinal properties. Flower growers do not recommend watering the plant several weeks before cutting the leaves. Eating the leaves raw is incredibly beneficial. How to eat them correctly to improve your body?

If you include juice and leaves in your diet, you can improve the functioning of the immune system and cleanse the body of harmful toxins. Medicinal aloe can often be successfully used both internally and externally. There are ways and recipes on how to use the leaf and juice of the plant for medicinal purposes at home.

The plant in its raw form helps cure digestive diseases, ulcers, and colitis. It also maintains the normal state of the nervous system and joints, and regulates blood sugar levels. Raw aloe pulp helps reduce excess weight. This substance can be added to drinks, salads, and soups.

Buying juice at a pharmacy

You can buy aloe juice at any pharmacy, which is available in various dosage forms. People can choose exactly the form that will not only be suitable, but also more effective. Most often, pharmaceutical products contain alcohol. Therefore, whether and how to properly use or take such drugs orally is decided individually.

Alcohol-based aloe vera juice is used in the same way as juice prepared at home (find out what you can make with aloe). The instructions for the drug contain a narrow list of indications. There are no special differences with homemade juice.

If you consume juice for a long time, it is likely that you will experience constipation, diarrhea, nausea, increased temperature and pressure. Whether it is possible to drink it constantly if these symptoms are present, even if there is a therapeutic effect, is decided by the doctor.

It is very important to remember that in combination with iron, aloe helps restore blood flow and intake of all nutrients to the organs. For uterine bleeding and hemorrhoids, this remedy should not be used without consulting a specialist.

Fresh aloe juice is a powerful biogenic stimulant. It is forbidden to drink it in its pure form in large quantities. It is necessary to adhere to the dosage of 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. You should consult your doctor before starting treatment. The drug can cause exacerbation of some chronic diseases, heavy bleeding, and heartburn.

How to use a flower for treatment at home?

The use of aloe in the treatment of various diseases:

  1. Often the juice and pulp are used to treat the stomach, gastritis, and peptic ulcers.
  2. The plant also helps prevent poisoning and dysentery disorders.
  3. Aloe is a strong antibiotic that kills E. coli. This product has a bitter, slightly unpleasant taste.
  4. The plant is often used to prevent constipation. The fact is that the plant is known for its laxative effect. It is better to use this product in powder form, diluting it with water.
  5. The juice and pulp are used in the treatment of sore throat, pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, runny nose, and sinusitis (safe methods of treating runny nose with aloe juice during pregnancy are described).

Many experts claim that the aloe flower is a natural aphrodisiac. Men use it to enhance sexual activity.

Can the leaves be chewed and eaten?

Can I take this remedy often? Yes, you can several times a day, but it is better to contact your dentist immediately.

How to drink?

The pure juice of this plant is used in many medicines.. You need to take a teaspoon of the product 3 times a day, but no more than 2 weeks.

The juice cannot be stored for a long time, so you need to prepare it for one-time use.

Using juice in its pure form


There are also a number of contraindications that, if not followed, can lead to serious problems.

Contraindications include:

  • severe cardiovascular diseases;
  • gallbladder and kidney disease;
  • acute mental disorders;
  • bleeding, hemorrhoids;
  • oncological diseases.

Aloe is a wonderful tonic. If you take it regularly and according to the rules, you can significantly improve the functioning of all organs in the human body. The use of plant juice during exacerbation of many diseases is relevant.

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The medicinal properties and contraindications of aloe attract the attention of doctors and pharmacists. The juice of the plant has life-giving powers and brings considerable benefits. Aloe-based products are produced in various forms, from cosmetic to medicinal. The drugs are taken both internally and externally and help against a whole range of diseases.

Its composition is responsible for the healing properties of aloe. The pulp of the plant contains phytoncides, enzymes, tannins, vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids. In total, more than 200 useful components were found in the flower.

The juice of the plant is a powerful antibacterial agent. It stops the growth of staphylococci and streptococci. Resists tuberculosis and dysentery bacillus. Aloe preparations are suitable for the treatment of conjunctivitis. Various dosage forms are used to treat the throat and rinse the nose.

Aloe can remove toxins from poisoning. Cleanses the blood. Normalizes metabolism. Stimulates the immune system and helps resist colds.

The plant is often used to treat skin, purulent wounds, and burns. The juice contains substances that promote tissue restoration.

The succulent leaves act as antioxidants. Anti-aging creams are made on their basis.

The drugs relieve inflammation. Have a positive effect on digestion. Aloe is used to prepare remedies for restoring intestinal motility.

The use of various dosage forms of aloe

At home, the lower fleshy leaves of a mature plant are used. Juice is made from them, which is used in fresh, used for preparing ointments, lotions, and rinses.

The pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries produce a wider range of products: lotions, powders, creams, ointments, tablets and even injection solutions. Any form of product is used in medicine and cosmetology.

Use in gynecology

In folk medicine, tampons soaked in plant juice and honey are used to treat cervical erosion and dysplasia. The combination of two components helps relieve inflammation and restore damaged tissue.

Official medicine is skeptical about this method of treatment. However, there is an equally effective method to improve health with the help of aloe. As a general tonic and adaptogen, the patient is prescribed a course of subcutaneous injections of the plant extract.

Aloe stimulates defenses, promotes tissue regeneration, and is used as an aid in chronic female diseases.

In the absence of data on the sufficient safety of injections for pregnant and lactating women, injections are contraindicated for these categories of people.

Aloe vera for face

Aloe juice for the face is actively used in cosmetology. It is suitable for oily, problematic and aging skin. Tones it, gets rid of acne, restores color, tightens the oval.

The juice contains many enzymes and phytoncides that have a regenerating and rejuvenating effect. Based on extracts, creams, lotions, tonics, soothing gels for oily skin, and rejuvenating masks are prepared.

Aloe protects the skin from free radicals, moisturizes, softens, and saturates with vitamins. At home, you can wipe your skin with a sheet cut in half.

Cough treatment

For severe cough, use aloe juice with honey. At home, prepare an ointment based on rendered lard or butter, mixed with a mass obtained from the plant. The ointment is used as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory. It is applied to the chest to stimulate the cough reflex.

Benefits for hair

The cosmetics industry produces balms, shampoos, conditioners and hair care masks with plant extract. Aloe relieves dandruff and itching, nourishes oily scalp, regulates sebum production, and prevents hair loss.

At home, a spoonful of freshly squeezed juice can be added directly to your regular shampoo. Aloe gives hair shine and silkiness, accelerates its growth.

Aloe vera for acne

The medicinal plant is a reliable remedy in the fight against skin rashes. It restores cell structure, strengthens local immunity, and increases resistance to pathogenic microorganisms.

Creams, masks, and cleansing alcohol lotions are used to treat rashes. Acne can also be removed with the help of homemade agave. The cleansing mask is prepared from freshly cut leaves. It is crushed into a paste and applied in a thick layer to problem skin.

Aloe for acne can be applied pointwise to the blemish to dry out the specific formation.

Traditional medicine recipes

At home you can prepare healthy and effective ointment from frostbite, abrasions, acne and burns. With the same remedy, warm compresses are applied to the chest when coughing.

You will need two-thirds of a glass of fresh plant juice, a glass of rendered internal pork fat (can be replaced with badger or butter), 4 tablespoons of honey. Place everything in a heating container and melt until smooth. Store the cooled ointment in the refrigerator. Lubricate the skin as needed.

The plant juice is not stored. It must be used immediately upon receipt. When mixed with honey, it becomes an effective remedy. From cough. You need to mix both products in equal proportions. Take a teaspoon three times a day before meals for 1-2 weeks.

One teaspoon of freshly squeezed juice is used to treat eating disorders and inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases accompanied by low acidity. To disperse bile and as a laxative. Squeeze out the juice and strain. Drink three times a day before meals for 2 weeks.

Vaginal candidiasis, erosion and cervical dysplasia are treated with tampons soaked in juice. The product is inserted deep into the vagina before bed. Leaves on all night. The procedure is repeated for 2 weeks.

For acute rhinitis 3-4 drops of fresh juice should be instilled into each nasal passage. The action is performed 4-5 times a day. Treatment continues until symptoms disappear.

Helps you recover from illness tonic. It is prepared from a glass of honey, an incomplete glass of aloe juice and a glass of fortified red wine. All components are mixed and infused for 5 days. The mass is consumed one tablespoon four times a day before meals for 14 days.

For a sore throat will save the product from aloe juice diluted in half with water. Gargle with liquid up to 4 times a day. After treatment, drink warm milk with a teaspoon of liquid extract. Treatment continues until complete recovery.

The pulp of crushed aloe leaves is mixed with honey in a ratio of 1:2. Take one teaspoon of this remedy in the morning on an empty stomach to relieve constipation. To avoid addiction, it is recommended to use this method for no more than 6 days in a row.

To preserve youthful skin Once a week you can apply a mask of aloe juice (a teaspoon), full-fat sour cream (a tablespoon) and chicken yolk (a tablespoon) to your face. The mixture is spread over and over again in a thin layer. After the previous layer has dried, you can apply the next one, and so on until the product runs out. At the end of the procedure, the aloe face mask is washed off with warm water.

Benefits of aloe juice for children

With the help of aloe juice, diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract are successfully treated in children. The herbal remedy is used as an assistant in basic therapy to relieve inflammation, facilitate breathing, remove mucus and phlegm, and destroy pathogenic bacteria.

The juice can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared at home. To rinse the nose, use a three times diluted solution. After disinfecting the passages, 1-2 drops of concentrated juice are instilled into each nostril. The action is repeated 3 times a day for a week.

Cough is treated with a mixture of aloe and honey, taken in equal quantities. The product is infused in the refrigerator for a day. The next day, give a teaspoon. Three times a day before meals, until complete recovery.

Side effects and overdose

When taking the drug orally, the following side effects are observed:

  • intestinal disorders;
  • heartburn;
  • abdominal pain;
  • feeling of hot flashes in the pelvic area;
  • increased uterine tone;
  • allergic reactions.

The plant contains glycosides, which in small quantities have a therapeutic effect, but in large quantities can cause harm to the body. In case of overdose, intestinal and uterine bleeding, miscarriages, diarrhea, vomiting, and bloody stools are observed.

The peel of the plant contains the component aloin, which has a carcinogenic effect. Frequent and excessive consumption of the plant whole orally can provoke the growth of tumors.

Contraindications for use

Aloe preparations are contraindicated in the acute phase of gastrointestinal diseases, heart failure, hypertension, uterine and intestinal bleeding, and pregnancy.

For children under 3 years of age, the product can only be used externally.

Recipes with aloe contain a lot useful information. Their effectiveness has been tested by time. Aloe improves skin condition, solves digestive problems, and relieves inflammation in chronic internal diseases.

No matter how useful this remedy is, it is not safe. Aloe extract must be taken in strictly prescribed doses. Abuse of the product can lead to the opposite effect.

Sore throat, arthritis

  1. Combine 1 share of aloe juice, 2 shares of honey, 3 shares of vodka. Soak a towel in the resulting mixture and place it on the throat, then cover with parchment, cotton wool and tie it with a scarf. Keep the compress for 6 hours.
  2. In a half-liter glass jar, fill it ½ full with crushed aloe leaves, add sugar, it should be 1 cm higher than the leaves. We tie the neck of the jar with gauze and put it away for three days out of reach of light. We take out the jar and add vodka to the top, let it sit for another 3 days, strain, and squeeze out the remaining juice through gauze. We take the tincture three times a day, half an hour before meals is enough, a tablespoon at a time until health returns completely.
  3. Take 30 g of aloe (leaves), 3/4 cup water, beat with a mixer and leave to infuse for a whole hour, boil the resulting mixture for 3 minutes and strain with gauze or a strainer. Gargle at least three times a day.
  4. Grind the aloe leaf, add sugar in 1:1 proportions. We leave it in the dark for 3 days, then fill the container to the brim with water and leave it in the dark again for three days. The resulting mass must be filtered and squeezed. We drink three times, half an hour before lunch is enough, a tablespoon.

You can also see a recipe using the properties of aloe for arthritis


  1. We take half a liter of grape wine, pour it into 4 large aloe leaves and leave for 4 days. Take 1 dessert spoon three times a day.
  2. You need to take 1 glass of finely chopped aloe leaves, 1300 g of linden honey, 1 glass of olive oil, 150 g of birch buds and 50 g of linden flowers. Before preparing the medicine, you need to wash the aloe leaves with boiled water and put them in the refrigerator in a dark place for 10 days. Melt the honey , add crushed aloe leaves to it. The resulting composition must be steamed. Brew birch buds in 2 glasses of water and linden blossom, boil for 2 minutes. Strain, squeeze out the broth, pour into cooled honey, mix, pour into 2 bottles, add olive oil to each equally. Keep refrigerated. You need to take a tablespoon three times a day. Shake before use.
  3. Combine warm honey, aloe juice and melted butter in 1:1 proportions. We consume it before meals, four times in the amount of two teaspoons for five days, then stop for five days.

For painful menstruation

  1. Mix 300 g of crushed aloe leaf, 3 glasses of red wine and 550 g of May honey. Place the resulting mixture in the cellar or refrigerator for 5 days. Take a tablespoon three times an hour before meals. The reception period lasts from twenty to forty-five days.
  2. We drink freshly squeezed aloe juice 9 drops twice or thrice a day.

Hair loss

  1. For hair loss, keep a healthy compress of aloe juice for 1 hour.


  1. We prepare a composition from 150 g of aloe juice, 250 grams of honey, one and a half glasses of Cahors wine. We insist in darkness for five days. Take 1 tablespoon half an hour before meals four times a day.
  2. Grind the thick leaves of the plant, mix one hundred grams of crushed leaves and 100 g of honey. Take a teaspoon a quarter of an hour before meals three times a day. Treatment lasts three weeks.
  3. We take the juice of the plant three times a day, two teaspoons 0.5 hours before meals. The period of admission is one or two months.
  4. Aloe juice, preserved with alcohol, twice a day, only a teaspoon 0.5 hours before meals.


  1. Three times a day before meals, drink a teaspoon of aloe juice.
  2. Apply aloe juice to the areas where the herpes rashes.


  1. We take 3 drops of freshly squeezed aloe juice daily, diluting them (drops) in boiled water (a teaspoon). Drink before meals. The blood pressure returns to normal by the end of 2 months.


  1. We apply scarlet pulp from a leaf cut in half to the temples. We take a horizontal position for half an hour in a room where there is twilight.

Greasy hair

  1. 3 hours before washing, you should rub aloe juice into the roots of your hair. This will strengthen your hair and help get rid of dandruff.


  1. We take freshly squeezed aloe juice for a whole month, 1 teaspoon three times a day before meals.
  2. Ingredients: 0.1 kg of honey and 0.5 cups of plant juice (you need to take thick leaves, which have many healing properties) and leave for about 3 hours. Take a teaspoon three times a day for gastritis, chronic constipation, and excessive gas formation.
  3. Grind 0.15 kg of plant leaves by hand and pour in 0.3 kg of heated honey, but not boiled. Leave for a day, then reheat, strain and take a dessert spoon in the morning an hour before meals.

Skin treatment

  1. We make compresses from aloe juice or apply freshly picked leaves to wounds for eczema, purulent wounds, burns, lupus, insect bites, and cuts. You need to cut an aloe leaf and bandage the juicy side to the wound.
  2. If skin diseases are chronic. In Chinese medicine, it is recommended to take freshly squeezed aloe juice.

For stroke

Aloe juice with mumiyo will help restore health after a stroke, as they help resolve compactions and scars that form in the brain. Five grams of mumiyo are poured with three quarters of a glass of aloe juice. The solution should be taken before meals twice a day, a teaspoon in the morning and shortly before bed. The duration of treatment is two weeks, the break lasts the same amount. During the break, take propolis tincture three times a day, 20–30 drops. And continue treatment again. The treatment period should not exceed 2 months.

Exhaustion of the body

We cut aloe leaves older than 3 years, put them away in the dark, in a cool place (temperature 4–8°C) for 12–14 days. Take out the leaves, wash them, chop them, fill them with water in proportions of 1:3, leave for 1 hour, squeeze juice. Take half a glass of juice, add 0.5 kg of peeled walnuts, 0.3 kg of honey, juice from three lemons. We drink the composition 0.5 hours before meals three times a day, a tablespoon.

Infections in the genitourinary system in women

A tablespoon of plant juice is mixed with a pinch of turmeric. Pour the mixture with warm boiled (liter) water, mix well and use it after urination to douche the vagina. The period of use of the drug is from two to four weeks.

For cataracts

Mix aloe juice and honey in equal proportions. We wash our eyes with this mixture three times a day.

For conjunctivitis

Place the aloe pulp on the tip of a knife into a glass and pour very hot water. Wash your eyes with this infusion three or four times a day.

For mastopathy

Take aloe juice, corn oil, radish juice, 70% alcohol in equal parts, mix everything, leave in the dark for 1 week. Take a tablespoon three times a day, 20 minutes before meals. Another remedy resolves uterine tumors.

For calluses

Steam your feet. Cut the aloe leaf and cut it lengthwise. Apply the pulp to the callus, then put polished paper on top and leave overnight. We make compresses several nights in a row. During the day, lubricate the callus with nourishing cream.

For wrinkles and sagging skin

  1. Remove the skin from a leaf of the plant and wipe your face with fresh pulp. Carry out the procedure every day.
  2. Cut off the bottom two leaves of aloe, chop and add water (three-quarters of a glass), stir and leave to infuse for a day. Pour the infusion into ice molds and freeze in the refrigerator. Wipe your face with ice cubes of aloe vera infusion.
  3. Mix lanolin cream with aged aloe juice and vegetable oil in equal parts. The warm mixture is applied to damp skin (previously applied with a warm salt compress) with massaging movements of the forehead and neck. Remove the mask after a quarter of an hour with a spatula (or the handle of a spoon) and apply a protein mask on top (grind 2 tablespoons of protein with half a teaspoon of fine salt). The skin is cleansed with cotton wool soaked in tincture of sage or St. John's wort after 10 minutes, then rinsed with the same infusion and lubricated with any liquid cream.
  4. Take 3 large aloe leaves, chop them, add a liter of chilled boiled water. Boil for five minutes over low heat, cool, strain. Should be stored in the refrigerator in a glass bottle. Lotion from the plant rejuvenates aging skin and acts as a wrinkle prevention.
  5. Add 1 teaspoon of aloe juice and the same amount of vegetable oil to the mashed yolk. If your facial skin is aging.

For male sexual impotence

Take an equal portion of aloe juice, melted lard or goose fat, fresh butter (unsalted), rosehip powder, honey. Mix all the ingredients well, boil over low heat for five to seven minutes, cool and store only in a cool place. Dissolve a tablespoon of the drug in a glass of hot milk and take three times a day half an hour before meals. Duration of treatment is at least 1 week.

Runny nose

  1. Place five drops of aloe juice in each nostril every three to four hours.
  2. We take 4 parts aloe juice, half as much gruel from the pulp of fresh rose hips, the same amount of honey mixed with lard in a 1:1 ratio, 1 part eucalyptus oil. Mix everything well. Place tampons moistened with the mixture into each nasal passage alternately for a quarter of an hour. We repeat the procedure up to several times a day.
  3. Dilute the plant juice with boiled water in a ratio of 1:10 and drop it into the nose. Especially useful for children.


For nosebleeds (frequent), twice a day for two weeks you need to eat a piece of aloe, no more than 2 cm long, a third of an hour before meals.

All types of tumors

We combine ten grams of aloe leaves, elecampane, chaga, and half a liter of wine, leave for 1 week. Take a quarter or a third of a glass three times a day.
You can read more about the treatment of tumors with aloe

With reduced immunity

  1. We take freshly squeezed aloe juice 30 g, St. John's wort 20 g, honey 15 g, dry red wine three quarters of a glass and one and a half liters of water. Fill St. John's wort with water and cook for 5 minutes. Cool the broth and strain. Combine honey with aloe juice, pour it into the St. John's wort decoction, add wine. We pour everything into dark glass bottles and leave for a week. We take 2 teaspoons after meals three times a day for a whole month.
  2. Place 2 tablespoons of honey at the bottom of a half-liter jar, add chopped aloe leaves up to the shoulder of the jar and fill it all with vodka. Leave for 5 days and store on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Take a tablespoon half an hour before meals three times a day. Dry white wine can be used instead of vodka.

For a cold

Mix equal parts of vodka, aloe juice, honey thoroughly, take a tablespoon at a time. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.


We take medical alcohol and aloe juice in proportions of 1:4, stir and rub, moving the hair along the strand, into the scalp. The duration of treatment is for three months every other day. Keep the solution in the refrigerator.


Chop 5 large cloves of garlic and half an onion. Cut off an aloe leaf (take the prickly leaves), a small piece of beeswax (with quail egg size) and place everything in a saucepan. Add melted butter (a tablespoon) to the potion. Bring to a boil over low heat, hold for another 1 minute, remove from heat and thoroughly crush and mix everything. Cool and place overnight as a compress on the area that hurts.

For bedsores, burns, frostbite

Take 100 g of aloe leaves, add half a glass of boiled water and mix in a mixer. Add half a glass of glycerin to the mixture, a teaspoon of lemon juice, and mix again in the mixer. Let it sit for a day, then strain through cheesecloth into a dark glass bottle and place it on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator. Fold the bandage in several layers, apply the tincture and apply to the sore spot for half an hour.

Pimples, blackheads

  1. We take aloe leaves, wash them, peel them from thorns and peel, and chop them. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin of the face for a quarter or a third of an hour, then rinse with warm water.
  2. Useful procedures for masks made from aloe juice are indicated for acne. Soak a napkin (10 layers of gauze) with freshly squeezed plant juice and leave it on your face for half an hour. You need to do such masks every day, if it improves - every other day, and then twice a week is enough. The treatment period includes 25 procedures.
  3. Cleansing cream. Take 20 g of aloe juice and honey, two egg yolks, sunflower oil 10 ml, beeswax 15 g. Melt the wax in a water bath and mix with oil. In the resulting warm alloy, add warm aloe juice, crushed mixture of yolks and honey. When stirred, a creamy mass is formed.

Poor digestion

Nine drops of freshly squeezed aloe juice three times a day are used for poor digestion.

For radiculitis, rheumatism

Mix 3 tablespoons of aloe juice and honey, pour a third cup of boiling water over the mixture, hold in a water bath for 5 minutes and cool slightly. Rub warm ointment into sore spots, cover with plastic wrap and tie with a scarf. Make compresses 2 times a week, at night. The treatment period is at least a month.

Stomach cancer

  1. We cut the leaves from a three-year-old aloe, place them in the refrigerator, then chop them and squeeze out the juice. Pour boiling water (3 tablespoons) over 3 fresh leaves of rose geranium and place on a hot water bath for 8 o'clock. We connect 2 tbsp. spoons of aloe juice, half a liter of cognac, geranium infusion and five percent iodine tincture 3 drops. We strictly observe proportions! We take a tablespoon before meals twice a day in the morning and evening. There may be discomfort and pain, which will then subside.
  2. 1 kg of aloe leaves, which have been growing for at least three years, needs to be washed, dried, cut off the thorns from the sides, and crushed into a paste. Place and pour half a kilogram of May honey and 1.2 liters of strong red wine into a glass jar, close very tightly and keep in the refrigerator for 5 days. For the first 6 days you need to take a teaspoon a day an hour before meals, and then a tablespoon twice a day. The treatment period is up to one and a half months.

All recipes are made from aloe. You can find out more about the use of aloe in the treatment of cancer.

For stomatitis

We cut off an aloe leaf, wash it and chew or rinse the mouth with freshly squeezed aloe juice.

For chronic tonsillitis

  1. We put the juice from an aloe leaf that has been growing for at least two years into a plate. We drink a teaspoon of juice in the morning before we eat. Treatment lasts 10 days. Then there is a break - 1 month. If symptoms recur, another 1 course of treatment is given.
  2. Lubricate the palatine tonsils with aloe juice every day, combined with natural honey, in fractions of 1:3 for two weeks. Every other day for the next 2 weeks. We carry out the procedure on an empty stomach.

For tuberculosis, chronic pneumonia

  1. We make the composition by mixing 15 g of fresh aloe juice and taking 100 g of lard (you can use goose fat), butter, honey and cocoa powder, mix and keep in the dark. a tablespoon of this medicine stir in hot milk (1 cup). We take it twice a day when there is tuberculosis. You can add 10 g of cuff juice to the composition.
  2. Grind about a third of a kilogram of aloe leaves, mix 250 g with honey, add three-quarters of a glass of water, put on low heat for one and a half to two hours. Leave the broth to cool, then put it in a cool place for 24 hours. (The bottom shelf of the refrigerator is fine.) Take a tablespoon of the mixture once a day.
  3. From the cut leaves of a three-year-old aloe, make a green paste with a volume of 1 cup. We do not water the plant from which we will cut leaves for about a week. Place the prepared leaves in the refrigerator for a whole week. Grind the leaves. Mix 1 cup of aloe leaves (gruel) with 1.2 kg of linden honey, put on fire and bring to a boil. Take 50 g of dried linden flowers, pour boiling water (1 glass) and boil for 2 minutes. We also pour 150 g of birch buds with boiling water (1 glass) and boil for 2 minutes. Cool the resulting decoctions and squeeze, strain, add aloe, honey and half a glass of olive oil. Take a tablespoon three times a day. Don't forget to shake before taking.
  4. Take a glass of aloe juice, Cahors wine (can be replaced with something similar), honey, 1 tablespoon of birch buds, mix and leave for 9 days. Take a tablespoon of the mixture three times a day.
  5. Take half a glass of aloe juice, one and a half kilograms of melted cow butter, 25 g of mumiyo, 50 g of ground propolis, a quarter kilogram of honey, 25 g of pine resin. Mix and cool by stirring. Infuse for 5-6 days and take a tablespoon three times a day.
  6. We take crushed aloe leaves 150 g, half a kilogram of rendered lard, half a glass of cognac, 25 g garlic, 50 g each of birch buds and honey, white shells from 8 eggs (grind the shells into powder) and mix everything. Keep it out of reach of light for 5 days, don’t forget to stir. Take a tablespoon of the mixture once a day half an hour before meals.
  7. We take 3-5 year old aloe leaves and put them in the refrigerator (temperature 4–8°C) in the dark for 2 weeks. After washing the leaves, chop them and add boiled water in proportion. Leave for one and a half hours. Squeeze out the resulting juice. Mix half a glass of aloe juice with chopped walnuts 500 g and add 300 g of honey. Take a tablespoon with 1 glass of hot milk in the morning, at lunch and in the evening half an hour before meals.
  8. Grind two bottom sheets 3-year-old aloe, add three tablespoons of honey and a glass of water. Cook the mixture for 2 hours over low heat, strain when cool. For pneumonia, take a tablespoon of decoction three times a day, half an hour before meals. We have been undergoing treatment for a month and a half.

For tired eyes

Mix aloe juice and boiled water in equal parts. We wash our eyes.

Attention!!! Do not use undiluted aloe juice for rinsing.

For uterine fibroids

Pound 200 g of aloe leaves into a pulp, finely chop 1 horse chestnut fruit, mix, add 3 tablespoons of crushed medicinal roots, 600 g of honey, 3 glasses of red wine. Boil in a water bath for half an hour, then cool, strain, and squeeze out the remainder. Take the mixture three times in the morning, at lunch and in the evening (1 tablespoon) 20 minutes before meals.


Mix any vegetable oil(preferably olive) and aloe juice in equal proportions. We wet a gauze pad, apply it to the boil and fix it for 1 day. We change the napkin before going to bed every day. We are undergoing treatment for at least a week.


We drop pure (undiluted) aloe juice daily into the eye that hurts, 3-4 drops 4 or 5 times a day, and massage it a little. Feeling better after a month and a half.

For cervical erosion

  1. Lying on your back, a pillow is placed under your buttocks. Inject 5 ml of juice into the vagina using a syringe without a needle or microenema. We lie down for 20 minutes. We carry out the procedure daily.
  2. We insert the tampon into the vagina, soaked in freshly squeezed aloe juice.

For stomach and duodenal ulcers

  1. We cut off the thorns from the aloe leaves, wash them and chop them. We get half a glass of green gruel, mix with honey (1 glass) or sugar and leave in the dark for 3 days. Add a glass of red grape wine and let it sit for another day. We drink a tablespoon of tincture 4 times a day, and 3 times a day we drink another 8-9 drops of aloe juice.
  2. Mix Cahors wine, aloe, beet, cabbage and radish juices in 1:1 proportions. We simmer the drug in the oven for about six hours. For stomach ulcers, drink 3 tablespoons in the morning, at lunch and in the evening half an hour before meals
  3. Aloe juice is drunk in the morning, at lunch and in the evening, 0.5 tablespoon before meals, half an hour before meals to increase immunity to infectious diseases, with stomach ulcers, chronic gastritis.
  4. Combine crushed half a glass of aloe leaves with a glass of sugar and wine, leave for 1 day. Strain, use 2 or 3 times a day before meals, a tablespoon for 1 or 2 months.

All recipes are made from aloe. Learn more about the use of aloe vera products for diseases of the digestive system

If barley

  1. Pour cooled boiled water over the washed and crushed aloe leaf. Leave for 5 or 6 hours, strain. We apply compresses to the eyes.
  2. Pour 1 part of aloe leaves minced in a meat grinder (for example, 2 leaves) with 10 parts of cooled boiled water. Leave for 6–8 hours, strain. We wash the eyes and use them for compresses until the stye goes away.

The healing plant aloe vera, also known as agave, has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. Due to the huge number of beneficial properties, the plant is widely used in our time.

Beneficial properties of aloe vera.
The aloe vera plant manifests its truly healing qualities thanks to its biochemical composition, which includes simply a huge number of components, which, with such a combination, have an exceptional positive influence on the human body. Among them are minerals, various vitamins, microelements, enzymes, almost the entire range of amino acids, including essential ones, biologically active substances, mono and polysaccharides, substances with an anesthetic effect, essential oils etc. Another component found in this plant was identified - acemannan, which stimulates the body's protective functions, destroys cancer cells and fights the spread of the AIDS virus.

Aloe vera supports the functioning of metabolic processes in the body, especially in the intestines. The plant contains a rare element called ulcin, which prevents the development of peptic ulcers. Aloe vera can penetrate deeply into skin cells and tissues, remove toxins and waste, and also stimulate lymph cleansing processes. The cleansing qualities of aloe vera are due to its bactericidal, antifungal, and antiviral properties, so it is considered effective and, most importantly, a natural antibiotic.

Aloe is a natural anti-allergic and anti-stress plant, as it has the ability to enhance the adaptogenic function of the body. The plant also stimulates blood circulation, significantly increasing the overall tone of the body, which is important for elderly patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

This is a unique plant with beneficial and healing properties accelerates cell regeneration processes, which makes it possible to use it in the treatment of burns, wounds, cuts and other injuries to the skin. Aloe effectively stimulates the production of collagen, the protein basis of connective tissue, so it is often recommended for myocardial infarction. Some enzymes in its composition cope well with dead skin cells, enhance regeneration, have a high nutritional effect, and in combination with collagen have a rejuvenating effect, preventing premature aging and the appearance of wrinkles. Aloe also has an analgesic effect and is a natural and effective immunomodulator.

Against this background, aloe can be called a miracle elixir for our body, which restores, helps maintain its vital functions and correct work. Its healing effect is applicable to many diseases and ailments. The plant is effective against various diseases of the digestive system, gastritis, arthritis, stomach ulcers, throat and lung diseases. Juice it amazing plant rich in vitamins and microelements, fiber and enzymes, it restores intestinal microflora, has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effect.

Uses of aloe vera.
Aloe leaves are rich in the component Aloe-M1, which has high regenerating properties and inhibits the active growth of cancer cells.

This plant is actively used in the field of dentistry. Juice of this plant, if you rinse your mouth with it, it will help cure stomatitis, when diluted with water it will relieve inflammation of the gums, the leaves fight toothache. In addition, aloe juice is an excellent helper for patients. diabetes mellitus and those suffering from various types allergies, it perfectly alleviates the conditions of these diseases. Aloe is used for disrupted metabolic processes, disruptions in the digestive system, kidney diseases, to enhance bile secretion and intestinal motility.

Thanks to the substance sabur contained in the leaves of this plant, aloe exhibits effective laxative properties. The juice of the plant is useful for sleep disorders and is one of the remedies complex treatment asthma, used to strengthen the immune defense and general toning of the body, in the treatment of tuberculosis and skin diseases, colitis, chronic gastritis, pancreatitis, conjunctivitis, cataracts, glaucoma, progressive myopia, vitreous opacities and other eye diseases, including inflammatory character.

The plant is also effective for some forms of baldness; to stimulate hair growth, simply rub the plant juice into the scalp.

Aloe vera is also known for its bactericidal effect against streptococci, staphylococci, typhoid, diphtheria and dysentery bacilli. It copes well with chronic and atonic constipation. Inflammatory diseases, wounds, cracks, burns and other skin damage can be treated with its help. It helps well with atonic and chronic constipation. In minimal doses, it improves digestion and increases bile secretion.

Aloe juice is a common ingredient in many cosmetic formulations, including sunscreens. In official medicine, the juice of this plant is widely used in the field of dermatology for the treatment of psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, boils, etc.

Treatment with aloe vera, recipes.
The strong antiseptic properties of aloe are widely used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.

If the body is depleted due to a serious illness, in order to increase appetite and improve digestion, you should take the following aloe-based infusion: combine 150 g of plant juice with 250 g of liquid honey and 350 g of high-strength red wine. Keep the composition in a dark place for five days and drink a tablespoon three times a day before meals.

For the same purposes, the following composition with aloe vera is recommended for children: mix 100 ml of aloe juice with 500 g of chopped walnuts, add 300 g of liquid honey and fresh juice of three lemons. Give your child a dessert or teaspoon before meals three times a day.

To treat pulmonary tuberculosis, you should prepare a composition of 100 g of butter (you can take goose fat), 15 g of plant juice, 100 g of honey and the same amount of cocoa powder. Mix the composition thoroughly and take a tablespoon no more than three times a day with hot milk.

If you have a runny nose, you should drip two or three drops of fresh aloe juice into each nostril. The course of treatment is no more than a week.

Throat diseases can also be effectively treated with aloe juice. To do this, gargle your sore throat with juice diluted with water (in equal proportions). After the procedure, you should take a teaspoon of freshly squeezed aloe juice with a glass of warm boiled milk.

A laxative recipe based on this medicinal plant is widely known. Combine 150 grams of pre-crushed aloe leaves with 300 g of liquid honey, you can keep it in a little warm water. Leave the resulting mixture for a day, then heat it and strain. Take the remedy one hour before breakfast in the amount of one teaspoon.

If you lubricate herpetic eruptions with pure juice (cut a plant leaf in half, take a new leaf each time) up to five times a day, you can eliminate them quite quickly.

To speed up the healing processes of wounds, fistulas, and ulcers, ointment helps; it is applied to the affected area and secured with a bandage. To prepare it, you need to combine half a glass of liquid honey and aloe juice, add 200 ml of alcohol and stir thoroughly. Store the resulting product in the refrigerator.

In case of radiation injuries, peptic ulcers, bronchial asthma, gastritis, laryngitis, dysentery, it is recommended to use a mixture of half a teaspoon of aloe juice and the same amount of liquid honey as treatment. It is necessary to consume this remedy three times a day, half an hour before meals, after diluting it in a glass of warm boiled milk. The treatment course with aloe includes three weeks, then a break of two weeks, and the course can be carried out again.

During a heart attack, it is good to take aloe juice with a decoction of dried fruits. Brew three tablespoons of dried fruits with boiling water (100 ml) and allow time to brew. Then drain the infusion from the dried fruits and combine with two tablespoons of aloe juice. Drink the composition in small sips throughout the day.

For heart pain, you should take the following composition: brew a tablespoon of dried strawberry leaves and two tablespoons of hawthorn berries in a thermos with a liter of boiling water. Leave to infuse for a day, then strain the infusion and combine with a tablespoon of aloe juice. Take a glass, preferably before bedtime, adding honey to taste. Store the infusion in the refrigerator, and warm up the required amount before each dose. The treatment course lasts a week.

To get rid of heartburn attacks, the following recipe with aloe vera is recommended: take calamus root, chop (a tablespoon) and brew it with 300 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for twenty minutes, then put it in a water bath and heat for ten minutes. After this, filter the broth and combine with half a tablespoon of aloe. Take the product thirty minutes before meals, half a glass in the morning and evening. Usually two weeks of treatment bear fruit, heartburn is cured.

For chronic colitis, this remedy is effective: take 50 g of plantain and aloe leaves, rinse and dry in advance, grind with a meat grinder, then pour half a glass of hot boiled water. Leave the mixture to infuse, and after twenty minutes filter. Take the product one tablespoon three times a day. The course of treatment is three weeks, after which treatment should be stopped for a month.

It is also useful to take aloe juice for dizziness and headaches, rubbing it into the temporal area.

For the treatment of neuroses ethnoscience recommends taking aloe juice in combination with other beneficial ingredients:
In equal proportions, carrots, spinach and aloe leaves, squeeze out the juice. Take two tablespoons three times a day.
In equal proportions, carrots, aloe, cucumber, beets, squeeze the juice and take three tablespoons twice a day.
Pass the same amount of carrots, aloe, celery, parsley and spinach through a juicer. Take two tablespoons per day in four divided doses.

Aloe also helps get rid of warts if crushed aloe leaves are applied to them. Usually after five procedures the growths disappear.

In case of inflammatory processes in the eyes, you should wash your eyes with an infusion of aloe leaves. To prepare it, you need to cut the leaves of the plant, pre-washed and dried, put them in a bowl and pour a glass of boiling water. After three hours, strain the infusion, do the procedure three times a day until complete recovery.

Aloe vera in gynecology.
Aloe is effective in treating women's diseases, in particular vulvitis, colpitis, cervical erosion. To do this, it is good to take baths with aloe juice diluted with water, and use tampons soaked in the juice. Keep tampons in the vagina for no more than three hours.

Taking one tablespoon of freshly squeezed aloe juice after meals three times a day helps with constipation in pregnant women, chronic dysplasia during menopause, and cervical dysplasia.

To reduce the intensity of menstrual bleeding, it is recommended to take a tablespoon twice a day before meals. To regulate the cycle, take ten drops of aloe juice three times a day, the same method is effective as preventative measure against inflammatory diseases female genital organs.

In case of acute inflammation of the vaginal vestibule, it is recommended to use aloe tincture in the amount of one tablespoon three times a day before meals. To prepare the tincture you need to: chop fresh aloe leaves (pre-washed), you will need three tablespoons, combine with the same amount of liquid honey. Next, separately pour two tablespoons of St. John's wort flowers and leaves with a glass of boiling water, hold in a water bath for three minutes, and then strain. Combine the decoction of St. John's wort with a mixture of honey and aloe, add a small amount of wine and place in a cool, dark place to infuse. After ten days, the composition can be taken for medicinal purposes, two tablespoons per day in the morning before meals. The treatment course lasts two weeks.

To treat infertility, it is recommended to prepare the following potion with aloe: grind several leaves of the plant, add a mixture of sea buckthorn oil and goose fat, taken a tablespoon at a time. Pour everything into a tightly sealed container and store in a cool, dark place. After a week, the composition can be taken a tablespoon three times a day, diluted in a glass of hot milk.

Aloe vera for cough.
The juice of this plant perfectly fights coughs and other respiratory diseases, relieves inflammation in the bronchi and lungs, and has an expectorant effect.

Combine 25 g of aloe juice with the same amount of lingonberry juice, add 10 g of liquid honey. Take the composition four times a day, two tablespoons.

Aloe vera for face.
If you apply freshly squeezed juice of this plant to your skin every time after a shower, you can quickly eliminate blackheads, narrow pores, relieve inflammation, make your skin much younger, and restore a beautiful, even tone. The juice improves blood circulation and effectively deals with the stratum corneum, which is responsible for the effect described above.

Masks and creams with the addition of aloe juice (both ready-made and homemade) are especially recommended for owners of sensitive skin prone to allergies. Cosmetics containing this component saturate the skin with essential vitamins, protect, moisturize, and also eliminate age spots. In addition, they perfectly relieve inflammation, treat pustular rashes, and are effective for eczema and psoriasis.

For fading facial skin, this mask is useful: mix fresh aloe juice and liquid honey in equal proportions (two tablespoons each). Apply the mixture to a previously cleansed face and leave for thirty to forty minutes. The mask gives an excellent moisturizing effect and smoothes out wrinkles.

Here is the recipe for a mask for dry skin: mix two tablespoons oatmeal, previously ground in a mill, with two tablespoons of aloe juice, add a tablespoon of honey and the same amount of glycerin. Leave the mixture for fifteen minutes, then apply to the skin and leave for thirty minutes. You can do this procedure every other day.

Aloe vera for acne.
The bactericidal, cleansing, healing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of aloe juice are effective against the appearance of acne and their treatment. In addition to treating acne, aloe helps prevent the appearance of spots, scars and acne scars (post-acne). The easiest way to prevent this problem from occurring is to lubricate problem areas with aloe juice daily. Or you can make this mask every other day: combine two teaspoons of aloe juice with the same amount of lemon juice and add beaten egg white. Mix everything, apply to the face, and after fifteen minutes remove the composition with cold water.

Here is a recipe for a useful anti-acne mask: grind a couple of aloe leaves in a blender (rinse well under running water first), mix the mixture with beaten egg whites, add four drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Distribute the composition onto the face, and application should take place in three stages; after the previous layer has dried, the next one is applied. After half an hour, wash off the mask.

Mask against skin inflammation: mix a teaspoon of white or blue clay with aloe juice to form a paste consistency. Apply the mixture to your face and wash off with cool water after fifteen minutes. In general, with any masks that contain clay, when applying it, it is impossible for the face to show any emotions. You must remain calm and not talk.

Aloe vera for hair.
Aloe is useful in hair care. It returns or adds shine to hair. For these purposes, various masks with the addition of aloe juice are effective. So, the juice can be combined with kefir, castor oil, egg yolk, lemon juice. Apply the mask to damp hair half an hour before washing your hair. After the procedure, rinse your hair with shampoo.

The plant has a positive effect directly on the scalp, treats dandruff, strengthens hair, treats split ends, nourishes hair follicles, and prevents baldness. After a course of medicinal masks with aloe, hair becomes thicker, stronger and acquires a natural shine.

Aloe juice should be rubbed into the scalp as a daily prevention and treatment. For oily hair, the plant juice must be mixed with vodka in equal proportions. Once the condition of your hair has noticeably improved, you can rub in the juice twice a week. The treatment course lasts two to three months.

To increase volume and add shine to your own hair, a very effective mask is recommended: combine a tablespoon (if there is not enough hair, then reduce the proportions) of aloe juice, castor oil and honey, lubricate wet hair and leave for three minutes, then rinse your hair with shampoo.

Aloe vera injections.
Often in traditional medicine, injections are prescribed to improve blood flow and tissue self-healing. Typically, this practice is common for eye diseases, bronchial asthma and peptic ulcers. Injections are administered intramuscularly and subcutaneously. The dosage in each specific case is different, taking into account the patient’s age, illness and individual characteristics of the body. Adults: 1 ml no more than four times a day, children under five years old - 0.2 ml, over five years old - 0.5 ml per day.

Such injections are prohibited for women during pregnancy, patients suffering from heart and vascular diseases, kidney diseases, as well as those with high blood pressure. Such injections are prescribed exclusively by a specialist.

How to do it right medicinal juice from aloe vera?
The lower or middle leaves of the plant are most suitable for obtaining juice. The leaves must be cut, washed well, then dried and placed in the refrigerator for a week. Now, as needed, you can prepare healing juice from the leaves.

Contraindications for the use of aloe vera:

  • pregnancy and lactation period,
  • menstruation,
  • cystitis,
  • individual intolerance,
  • allergic reactions,
  • liver and gallbladder diseases,
  • haemorrhoids.
To avoid the development of insomnia, it is advisable to take aloe no later than two hours before bedtime. Long-term treatment with aloe contributes to disruption of water-salt metabolism.