Gas supply systems and gas pressure standards. Gas supply systems and gas pressure standards Rules for technical operation and occupational safety requirements in the gas industry of the Russian Federation

The health and life of people and the safety of their property directly depend on strict adherence to certain safety rules in gas management. Similar requirements are specified in special regulatory documents. This is direct responsibility for the long-term use of equipment and for maintaining all utilities in working order.

Basic requirements for gas operation

Modern safety rules in a certain way provide for certain responsibilities regarding the use of gas in everyday life. Here you can note such points as:

1. Completing training on the safe use of gas in organizations that are responsible for operating such a facility, as well as strict adherence to basic instructions for the use of gas equipment.
2. If necessary, you need to call an employee of the gas utility company. This is necessary to make certain changes to the taps of such engineering communications, during their operation, if some malfunctions are detected in the equipment used. At the same time, access to specialists must be ensured at any time. To ensure your own safety, it is necessary to check the presence of an official ID.
3. It is important to observe the most economical use of gas, as well as make timely payments. There is a requirement for competent and careful use of devices and for timely maintenance.
4. It is required to periodically check the head in winter time, thoroughly clean it of ice and frost.
5. Security in the building is required high-quality ventilation, in particular the installation of chimneys.
6. If breakdowns are discovered during thorough inspections, it is necessary to immediately organize repairs of gas equipment.

There are also some requirements that apply to construction companies. Moving into gasified apartments and houses is allowed only if you have all the necessary documentation, which will confirm that the owner of the apartment has undergone certain safety training, as well as whether the property complies with all safety requirements.

Summing up

Only with full compliance with safety rules in the gasified economy can the smooth operation of all structures that are responsible for the operational process be ensured. More importantly, the preservation of human health and life can be guaranteed. Strict adherence to such rules will prevent the occurrence of tragic situations.

1.1. In each gas facility, labor protection (safety) instructions must be drawn up and approved in the prescribed manner, establishing the rules for performing work and behavior in production premises and on the territory of gas facilities in relation to the types of work performed and taking into account local conditions and properties of the gas used. The instructions must contain fire safety requirements at gas facilities. 1.2. Responsible for general state labor safety in the gas industry is the head of the enterprise. 1.3. Workers of all professions involved in the operation of gas supply systems must undergo the following special instructions on labor safety: introductory; primary at the workplace; repeated; unscheduled; current. 1.4. An introductory briefing on labor safety for those entering work must be carried out by the chief engineer or his deputy, a labor protection engineer or an employee assigned these responsibilities. 1.5. Initial instruction on occupational safety in the workplace is carried out for each employee hired before he is allowed to work independently, as well as when the employee is transferred to another workshop or a new job for him. Instruction at the workplace is carried out by the person under whose supervision the employee is. 1.6. Workers in cross-cutting professions, regardless of qualifications and work experience in this profession, must undergo repeated training on occupational safety every 3 months. 1.7. Unscheduled occupational safety briefings are carried out in following cases: - when it changes technological process , replacement and modernization of equipment, as well as in cases where working conditions change significantly; - when workers violate the rules, norms and instructions on labor safety, as well as when using incorrect techniques and working methods that can lead to an accident; - if an accident occurs as a result of violations of labor safety requirements; - upon the introduction of new rules or instructions on labor protection (safety), by order of the head of the enterprise, at the request of the Gosgortechnadzor authorities of Russia, if insufficient knowledge of the instructions is detected by workers. 1.8. Current briefing is carried out before the performance of work for which a permit is issued and is recorded in this work order. 1.9. The results of the occupational safety briefings must be entered in the briefing registration log, in the personal briefing card. (as amended by Amendments No. 1, approved by the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation on March 22, 1994) 1.10. Control over the briefing is assigned to the chief engineer of the gas enterprise or his deputy and the occupational safety engineer. 1.11. Responsible for compliance with the rules and instructions on labor protection (safety) when performing work are the work managers (foremen, foremen, etc.). 1.12. The administration of a gas enterprise and the heads of gas services of enterprises and organizations are obliged to provide workers and employees with special clothing, special footwear and personal protective equipment of the required sizes in accordance with the nature of the work performed and standard standards. Personal protective equipment issued to workers must be checked, and workers must be instructed on how to use it. Work managers should not allow persons to work without appropriate protective clothing, safety shoes and personal protective equipment. The work manager is obliged to check the availability and serviceability of personal protective equipment for workers before starting work. 1.13. The requirements for persons performing gas-hazardous work must comply with the instructions of the "Safety Rules in the Gas Industry". 1.14. Only trained workers who know the safe methods of working with these tools are allowed to work with pneumatic tools. 1.15. Persons who have been instructed in safe methods of carrying out the specified work and are familiar with the Instructions for the delivery and replacement of LPG cylinders from consumers are allowed to transport and install filled LPG cylinders. (Clause 1.15 as amended by Amendments No. 1, approved. Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation 03/22/1994) 1.16. To carry out work with industrial alcohols, the most qualified workers at least 18 years of age must be appointed. The list of persons allowed to work with alcohol must be established by order of the enterprise. 1.17. In accordance with the current labor legislation, persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone industrial safety training are allowed to perform loading and unloading operations. The norms of maximum permissible loads when lifting and moving heavy objects manually should be taken according to table. 4. The mass of the lifted and moved cargo includes the mass of containers and packaging. It is allowed to lift loads along inclined gangways with a height of no more than 3 m. 1.18. Gas-hazardous work should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Section 6 of the “Safety Rules in the Gas Industry”. 1.19. For gas-hazardous work performed under work orders, a unified form of work order has been developed, which must contain references to instructions drawn up by type of work performed, occupational safety and fire safety. The release of gas to residential buildings must be carried out according to the work order for the initial release of gas to residential buildings. 1.20. All workers must be provided with the necessary protective equipment and devices appropriate to the type of gas hazardous work being performed. The personal protective equipment used must be checked and tested. 1.21. When carrying out all types of work on damaged underground gas pipelines, measures must be taken to prevent the ignition of gas escaping from the gas pipelines. If during excavation there is a threat of poisoning or gas suffocation, workers should wear gas masks. 1.22. Connecting power tools without plugs and sockets is prohibited. The handles of power tools and the inputs of the wires supplying them must have reliable and serviceable insulation, the condition of which must be carefully inspected before issuing the tool. Power tools must be disconnected from the power supply when you stop or interrupt work with the power tool, as well as when the power supply is turned off while the power tool is being used. 1.23. If voltage is detected on the body of the power tool, work must be stopped immediately. 1.24. The reserve of hose gas masks in the gas industry should be 5 - 10% of the number of people using them. 1.25. Before working with a hose gas mask, you must check its serviceability. A gas mask or helmet must be selected in size and fit snugly to the face without causing pain. The size of a helmet or a hose gas mask is selected in accordance with the general rules for selecting gas masks. 1.26. The gas mask hose must have an internal diameter of at least 20 mm and a length of at least 8 m, but no more than 15 m for self-priming and no more than 40 m for gas masks with mechanical feed air. 1.27. Oxygen-insulating gas masks should be used when the use of hose masks is not possible. If the regenerative cartridge has worked for more than 30 minutes in one or several rounds, it must be recharged or replaced with a new one. 1.28. The employee in charge of issuing oxygen-insulating gas masks is obliged to check the operation of all parts of the gas mask according to the instructions attached to each gas mask, in the presence of the responsible manager of gas-hazardous work and the owner of the gas mask. 1.29. Gas masks must be stored in special cabinets at a distance of at least 3 m from heating devices and 0.75 m from external walls, in a room with a temperature of no more than 25 degrees. C. Responsibility for the condition and maintenance of gas masks rests with a person appointed by the administration of the enterprise. Persons who constantly use a gas mask are given individual personalized gas masks and are allocated cabinets for their storage. 1.30. When assembled, oxygen-insulating gas masks are placed in a vertical position, while the cylinder valve must be closed. Oxygen-insulating gas masks must not be lubricated with any kind of oil. 1.31. The rubber parts of gas masks must be washed with a jet after use. warm water, directed so that water does not fall on the outer surface of the corrugated tube. After washing the gas mask, the part of the mask or helmet adjacent to the face should be disinfected. All metal parts (valve box, bends, valve guides, union nuts on the breathing bag) are thoroughly wiped, and the rubber parts are dried with heated air. Natural drying is allowed, but always in the shade, under a canopy or in a well-ventilated area. The gas mask body, the outer surface of the oxygen supply mechanism and the excess valve are wiped with a soft, clean rag. After cleaning, the gas mask is collected and checked according to the instructions. To disinfect the rubber parts of a gas mask, you can use: 1) ethyl alcohol (denatured); 2) 3% solution boric acid; 3) 0.1% solution of quinazole; 4) 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate. After disinfection with solutions 2, 3 and 4, the parts are washed with water and dried. 1.32. During long-term storage, the rubber parts of the gas mask (mask, corrugated tube and valve) must be sprinkled with talcum powder. 1.33. The degree of suitability of belts, carabiners and ropes is determined by external inspection and testing. 1.34. External inspection belts, carabiners and ropes must be checked before work and after each use by the employee to whom they are assigned. 1.35. The belt cannot be used due to the following damage: - waist tape or shoulder straps (tear, cut, regardless of their size); - belts for fastening (tear, cut, regardless of their size); - buckles, no washers on the rivets; - cuts from rivets of material (waist tape, straps, belts). The use of belts that do not correspond to the size, as well as sewing them in, is not allowed. 1.36. The main malfunctions of the carbine, due to which it is considered unusable, are: - jamming of the bolt when it is opened; - deformation (the shutter does not close); - the presence of protrusions and irregularities at the point where the fastening enters the lock; - leaks and protrusions in the place where the bolt is hinged; - weakness of the shutter spring; - presence of roughness and sharp protrusions on the surface. 1.37. The length of the rope used must be at least 6 m, and when working in wells, collectors, pits and trenches, its length must be 2 m greater than the depth of the well, collector, etc. 1.38. Faults and damage that make a rope unusable include broken threads and moisture. In case of moisture, the rope must be dried. 1.39. All personal protective equipment that fails the test must be rejected and destroyed.

PB 529 12 03 - a set of safety rules that must be observed during the operation of gas distribution and gas consumption systems, was in force for 10 years and was canceled in November 2013 by order of Rostechnadzor. Thus, as of today, PB 12 529 03, which came into force on March 18. 2003, have the status of an inactive document.

For what purpose did they approve PB 529 12 03

PB 12 529 regulated all stages of work with gas distribution networks: from the development of design documentation, construction of systems, their installation, maintenance, debugging to reconstruction and overhaul. Along with PB 12, the rules for working with gas networks are enshrined in General rules industrial safety for organizations involved in the field of industrial safety, approved by the predecessor of Rostechnadzor - Gosgortekhnadzor - in November 2002.

The PB for gas supply applied to gas pipeline facilities located:

  • in settlements and inter-settlement areas;
  • external and internal systems installed at industrial enterprises and agricultural production facilities;
  • CHP equipment, gas preparation, purification and drying stations;
  • internal and external systems of district heating stations, as well as boiler houses various types, both built-in and placed on the roof;
  • gas control points, gas distribution stations, cabinet points, gas control units;

PB 529 12 03 replaced the federal standards of Rostechnadzor

Safety rules in the gas industry (PB 12 529 03) also applied to means of protecting gas pipeline systems from corrosion, to means automatic control supply and distribution of raw materials, as well as to buildings located on gas pipeline networks. PB 12 529 03 did not apply to gas pipelines and equipment installed at metallurgical enterprises, as well as at automobile compressor stations.

Having lost force according to the order of Rostekhnadzor, the safety regulations for gas distribution and gas consumption were replaced by federal rules for the safety of gas distribution and gas consumption networks. Federal regulations, which became the successor to PB 529, came into force on July 28. 2014. New safety rules for gas distribution and gas consumption systems left in the past an entire section containing technical requirements to boiler houses: industrial and heating. The updated version of the rules, unlike PB 12 529 03, does not contain a block with gas distribution terminology, as well as certification requirements for employees and managers.

Where to find PB 12 529 03

In system "Technical expert: Industrial safety" You will find the text of the inactive PB 12 529 03 with the latest changes, comparative analysis PB 529 03 and new federal rules. Users of the system have access to original materials on topics such as:

  • legislative initiatives in the field of industrial safety during the operation of gas networks;
  • causes of emergencies at gas supply facilities.

Safety rules in the gas industry

Safety Rules in the Gas Industry *2 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) establish requirements for the design, construction and operation of gas supply systems with natural gases (gas and oil and gas fields with an excess pressure of no more than 1.2 MPa (12 kgf/cm 2), liquefied hydrocarbon gases ( LPG) with an excess pressure of no more than 1.6 MPa (16 kgf/cm 2), used as fuel. They apply to: gas pipelines of cities, towns and rural settlements (including inter-settlement), industrial, agricultural and other enterprises, gas regulatory points (GRP) and gas control units (GRU); gas filling stations (GNS), gas filling points (GNP), stationary automobile gas filling stations (AGZS LPG), tank and group cylinder installations of liquefied gases; internal gas pipelines and gas equipment buildings for all purposes.

*2: (Intersectoral rules on labor protection during the operation of gas facilities of organizations (Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2003 No. 27).)

Deviations from the Rules are permitted only with permission from Rostechnadzor. To obtain a permit, an enterprise must submit an appropriate technical justification, and, if necessary, a conclusion from a specialized design or research organization.

Welders certified in accordance with the Rules for Certification of Welders are allowed to weld steel gas pipelines; welders for polyethylene are welders who have been trained and certified by the commission in accordance with the temporary certification procedure for welders of polyethylene gas pipelines.

Workers engaged in construction, setting up automation, protection and alarm systems, operating gas pipelines, gas-using installations and instruments, as well as installing and operating ventilation ducts and smoke exhaust devices, before being assigned to independent work are required to undergo training in safe methods and techniques for performing work in the gas industry and pass an exam in the prescribed manner.

Only engineers and technicians and workers who have been trained and have passed exams on knowledge of safety rules and safety regulations, technologies for conducting gas hazardous work, who have undergone practical training in performing gas hazardous work, who are able to use personal protective equipment (gas masks and life belts) and who are knowledgeable are allowed to perform gas hazardous work. methods of providing first aid.

Gas supply systems and gas pressure standards

Depending on the pressure of the transported gas, gas pipelines of gas supply systems are divided into:

  • for high-pressure gas pipelines of category I - at operating gas pressure over 0.6 MPa (6 kgf/cm2) up to 1.2 MPa (12 kgf/cm2) inclusive for natural gas and gas-air mixtures and up to 1.6 MPa (16 kgf/cm 2) for liquefied hydrocarbon gases (LPG);
  • high-pressure gas pipelines of category II - with operating gas pressure over 0.3 MPa (3 kgf/cm2) to 0.6 MPa (6 kgf/cm2);
  • medium pressure gas pipelines - at operating gas pressure over 0.005 MPa (0.05 kgf/cm 2) to 0.3 MPa (3 kgf/cm 2);
  • gas pipelines low pressure– at operating gas pressure up to 0.005 MPa (0.05 kgf/cm2) inclusive.

The gas pressure in gas pipelines laid inside buildings should be no more than the values ​​given in table. 9.1.

For heating installations of industrial enterprises and free-standing boiler houses, the use of gas with a pressure of up to 1.2 MPa (12 kgf/cm2) is allowed, if such pressure is required by the conditions of the production technology.

It is allowed to use gas with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa (6 kgf/cm2) in boiler rooms located in extensions to industrial buildings.

The gas pressure in front of household gas appliances should be taken in accordance with the passport data of the appliances, but not more than that specified in pos. 4 tables 9.1.

Table 9.1

Gas pressure values ​​in gas pipelines laid inside buildings

Gas consumers

Gas pressure, MPa (kg/cm2)

1. Industrial buildings industrial and agricultural enterprises, as well as free-standing boiler houses and consumer service enterprises of a production nature (baths, laundries, factories, dry cleaners, enterprises for the production of bread and confectionery, etc.)

2. Consumer service enterprises of a production nature, listed in paragraph 1, attached to buildings for other industrial purposes or built into these buildings

3. Non-production consumer service enterprises and public buildings

4 Residential buildings