Homemade solar power station for home. Do-it-yourself solar power plant

The article discusses practical application solar panels, describes in detail the components necessary for uninterrupted power supply, independent connection and setting up solar panels.

Power supply system equipment: range, characteristics

In the previous article we looked at the types of solar panels. But in solar energy generation systems, these elements are only primary converters. To create a full-fledged home power plant, we will need the following set of equipment:

  • battery charge controller
  • rechargeable battery
  • voltage inverter

Battery charge controllers There are two types: PWM controllers (PWM controllers) and OTMM controllers (MPPT controllers).

A PWM controller is a simpler and cheaper device that controls battery charging. The efficiency of a PWM controller is usually higher than that of an OTMM controller due to the fact that initial stage For charging, it connects the battery almost directly to the solar panel without converting the generated voltage. OTMM controllers are recommended for use with modules with a non-standard output voltage of 28 V and higher.

The use of OTMM controllers will be economically justified in generation systems with a rated power of more than 400 W. Another reason for using such a controller is designing a solar station for year-round electricity generation. On cloudy winter days, when charging batteries, the OTMM controller will show its best side.

Battery in a solar power supply system it plays the role of a buffer that accumulates electrical energy.

Unlike all other solar station equipment, the battery is a consumable item. Therefore, the longer it works without replacement, the shorter the payback period for the components you purchase will be. In order for the battery to serve for a long time, you need to take a responsible approach to its choice. The main parameters of the battery that are of interest to the potential owner are:

  • voltage (Volt, V) - there are batteries for sale for solar panels with voltages of 12, 24 and 48 V. For small home stations with a power of 200-300 W, 12 V batteries are quite suitable;
  • electrical capacity (Ampere⋅hour, A⋅h) - characterizes the amount of electricity that can be accumulated. Accordingly, the larger this parameter, the more the electrical system can work in autonomous mode (in cloudy weather or at night);
  • self-discharge level (% of the nominal capacity) - the lower this parameter, the better the battery.

Voltage inverter designed to convert DC voltage battery into an alternating voltage network of 220 V, supplying household loads.

There is a wide range of inverters available in the market with a variety of features. Among the most important parameters, the following should be noted:

  • inverter power;
  • primary circuit voltage (voltage of the connected battery);
  • the presence of built-in protections (from overload, from battery reverse polarity, from short circuit in the load, from excessive battery discharge);
  • sinusoidality of the output voltage (essentially, if the connected load contains motors, for example, washing machines, refrigerators, circulation pumps, fans, etc.).

It should also be noted that an excessive number of functions only increases the cost of the device and complicates its setup and operation.

Solar station equipment connection diagram

Assembling the solar power plant circuit is quite simple. Below is the sequence of connections, illustrated with photographs. To assemble a simple system, a solar panel with polycrystalline cells, a charge controller and a battery are used. We begin the assembly by connecting the cable to the solar battery.

Batteries that come with the cable do not require this step. We connect the battery to the output terminals of the controller. Next, the wires coming from the panel must be connected to the input terminals of the charge controller.

All connections are made according to the principle “+” to “+”, and “-” to “-”. We supply power from the battery to the input terminals of the inverter. After turning on the charge controller and inverter, we see that the electricity generated by the solar panel begins to charge the battery.

In order to determine the polarity of the solar battery terminals, it is enough to measure the voltage at the terminals using a multimeter. If there is a minus sign next to the voltage readings, then the position of the black probe corresponds to the positive terminal (check that the probes are connected correctly before measuring). If there is no minus sign, then the position of the black probe corresponds to the negative terminal of the battery.

Installation of solar panels and auxiliary electrical equipment

The electrical equipment of the solar station is installed using copper wire. Section copper wire for one panel you should choose at least 2.5 mm 2. This is due to the fact that the normal current density in a copper conductor is 5 amperes per 1 mm 2. That is, with a cross section of 2.5 mm 2, the permissible current will be 12.5 A.

At the same time, the short-circuit current of the RZMP-130-T panel with a power of 145 W is only 8.5 A. When combining several panels with parallel connection The cross-section of the common output cable should be selected based on the maximum total current of all panels according to the concept described above (5 A per 1 mm2).

There are a variety of cables available for connecting solar panels. Their distinctive feature is that the external insulation of the cable has undergone special treatment and has increased resistance to ultraviolet radiation. It is not necessary to purchase such cables. Solar panels can be connected with a cable with regular PVC insulation, but it should be laid in a corrugated sleeve, which is designed for laying external wiring. This option will cost 30-40% less.

The battery charge controller and inverter must be placed in a dry room at room temperature, for example, in a closet or hallway. It is not advisable to place this equipment outdoors, since the electronic components of the equipment should not be subject to significant fluctuations in temperature and humidity. The battery itself can be placed together with the electronics.

If you decide to use acid or alkaline batteries, you should place them in a well-ventilated non-residential area, since during their operation harmful electrolyte fumes are released. In addition, in the room with batteries there should be no sources of spark and fire hazards, since the released oxygen and hydrogen in poorly ventilated areas can form an explosive mixture.

The solar panel can be installed in two ways:

  • fixed installation involves permanently placing the panels on the roof of the house or on a bracket attached to a wall or foundation. In this case, the panels should be directed to the south, the horizontal inclination of the panels should be an angle equal to the latitude of the area plus 15°. The latitude of your location can be determined, for example, from the readings of a GPS navigator or in the Google Maps service;
  • movable installation of the panels is carried out on a traverse, which is capable of rotating azimuthally (in the direction of the sun's movement along the horizon) and zenithally, tilting the panels in order to Sun rays fell on them perpendicularly. This installation system makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the solar panels used, but requires additional tangible financial costs for the design of the traverse, drive motors and the system for their control.

Ways to increase the efficiency of autonomous power supply

To increase the efficiency of a solar power plant, you can go in two ways: increase the amount of generated electricity on the one hand and reduce its consumption on the other. Ways to increase the generated electricity can be the following:

  • installation of solar panels on a movable traverse or on a zenithal tilt control mechanism (a half-measure, but also quite effective, mainly for monocrystalline panels);
  • the use of high-quality batteries with a low percentage of self-discharge and a long service life without a significant reduction in capacity;
  • regular Maintenance systems: cleaning panels from dust and snow, maintaining detachable and terminal connections in order to reduce contact resistance and, as a consequence, power losses.

On the load side, energy efficiency can be increased as follows:

  • chain selection low voltage supply directly from the battery, for example to connect LED lighting. This will avoid double conversion of energy in the inverter;
  • turning off the inverter when the load at its output is disconnected, since an inverter running idle still consumes a small amount of energy;
  • installation together with motion sensor lighting with a timer to eliminate the annoying waste of electricity due to the fact that you simply forgot to turn off the lamp in the hallway.

Vlad Taranenko, rmnt.ru

In 2017, I installed one 260W solar panel on the site to generate electricity. In June, the panel generated 34 kW of electricity, which was 4.5 times higher than its standard capacity.

Who is suitable for a home solar power plant?

  1. For those who do not have electricity in their area. Solar panels will be able to autonomously supply the facility with electricity. As an alternative, you can also consider a windmill (for which there must be an appropriate wind rose) or a diesel generator (which is not very convenient to operate and is not economical).
  2. Also, a solar station can be considered as an investment in order to pay less for electricity in the future against the backdrop of constantly rising tariffs. In addition, the battery life is very long, and the sun is always shining.
  3. And the last option is for everyone who wants to make money. In Ukraine, there is a law on feed-in tariff, according to which the state buys back the generated electricity at a special price.

How does a solar battery work?

A solar battery (or PEM - photovoltaic module) operates using silicon elements that convert light energy into electrical energy (as opposed to those that operate using solar heat).

At the back of the panel there is an output of two cables that will connect to the inverter or battery, depending on the usage pattern (more on this later).

How to connect if there is no electricity on the site

If the site is not connected to the network, then the main task is to accumulate electricity in order to use it in the future as needed.

What equipment will you need:

  • Solar panels.
  • Battery for storing charge.
  • Charge controller (to control the battery charging current).
  • Converter to 220V. By default, the solar panel outputs 12V, 24V, while most electrical appliances are connected to 220V. If you use devices that operate on 12V, you will not need a converter.
  • Equipment for fixing and fastening the battery itself.

The simplest option, “do it yourself”

The most primitive, but working option “for the dacha”: solar battery + battery, which are connected to each other by terminals. In this form, the station is already ready for operation and you don’t even need to put it on the roof, but simply install it on the ground. Electricity will be stored in a battery, from which you can charge your phone, connect lighting, etc.

This station is very easy to assemble with your own hands. You just need to buy a battery (even a regular car battery will do), a solar panel, wires and terminals. If you come to your dacha only on weekends, then the station can be portable, as it can be easily disassembled and hidden (or taken with you).

More complex implementation

Diagram for everyday use and wiring to sockets. Solar panels are installed on the roof (or a separate metal structure), and the cable from them is laid to the battery, from which electricity is supplied to the sockets through a converter.

The station can be easily scaled as needed by connecting additional batteries and accumulators.

How to connect if there is electricity on the site

If the site is connected to the network, then installation of a solar power plant will make the house more energy independent, reduce energy costs and even make money on it thanks to the feed-in tariff.

There is no battery in this connection scheme, since there is no need to store electricity (but if you want to have a backup power source in case the lights go out, then a battery is required).

To connect such a station, you only need a solar battery (or several), which is connected to an outlet through a network inverter. In this form, the station is already ready for operation. The battery generates electricity and you immediately consume it for internal needs: running the refrigerator, lighting, kettle, etc.

For example, the station’s daily output is 1 kW of electricity, and the building consumes a total of 5 kW. In fact, you only take 4 kW from the network. But if the station produces 5 kW per day, and you actually consume only 2 kW, then the remainder (3 kW) is burned. In this case, you can connect and sell the difference to the state at a higher price, or install a battery and accumulate the excess for it.

Now there are companies that connect green tariffs on a turnkey basis. Starting from the selection and installation of the station to the conclusion of an agreement with OBLENERGO.

Real output of a solar power plant for a home

The output depends on the power and angle of inclination of the panels, the intensity of the sun and the length of daylight hours.

Batteries differ in area, which affects their power. It can be 10W, 100W, 150W, 260W and so on. However, the actual output of the panel is usually higher than its rated power, since the solar intensity factor must be taken into account. In the southern regions the sun shines stronger and longer, and in the northern regions it shines weaker and less, so the same panel produces different amounts of electricity.

Case Study

This is a graph of electricity generation from one 260W panel for June 2018. The total output of the station for the month is 34.89 kW. Based on the calculation that the nominal monthly power of the battery is 7.8 kW (260 W X 30 days), its actual power turned out to be 4.5 times higher (correction factor). In summer it is larger, in winter it is smaller or absent altogether.

The graph shows that production is not constant and there are sharp drops - these are cloudy days, when daylight hours are shorter and solar activity is very weak. The worst performance was recorded on June 17 - about 0.4 kW, and the maximum on June 25 - about 1.4 kW.

And this is what the output of a solar battery looks like hourly during the day:

Production starts around 9am, peaks around 1pm, then gradually declines and stops around 7pm. During the day there are small dips - when the sun was hidden by clouds.

Power generation was unstable from approximately 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm due to cloud cover. But this did not greatly affect the final performance of the station - 1.32 kW.

There were many failures during the day, which affected the final output of the station - 0.98 kW.

And this is a cloudy rainy day, when solar activity is very weak and the generation during the day was 0.45 kW.

From this we can conclude that relying entirely on solar electricity is difficult. The performance of the station is highly dependent on the intensity of the sun and even in summer it can be inconsistent due to cloudy weather.

Solar panel tilt angle

The panel generates maximum electricity when the sun's rays fall on it at right angles. In this case, the rays are practically not reflected and energy losses are minimal. But since the sun constantly moves and changes altitude during the day, it is difficult to maintain a constant angle of incidence of 90°.

For this, there are special mechanisms that rotate the panel following the sun during the day and change its angle, which gives the maximum possible electricity generation. However, for a home station they are impractical: with a low station power, an additional 5-15% of electricity will not cover the cost of their installation.

Therefore, a universal position of the solar panel is recommended: for the northern hemisphere, a direction to the south (which covers the maximum trajectory of the sun) and an inclination angle of 30 ° for summer and 60 ° for winter. Or the average option is 45 °, if the panel operates all year round.

How to calculate the power of a solar power plant

You need to start from how much electricity you need for the normal functioning of the building. The easiest way is to write out all emails. the devices you plan to use, their operating time and power consumption.


  • Refrigerator: 100W – 24h – 2400W
  • Lighting: 100W – 5h – 500W
  • Kettle: 15min – 1.5kW – 0.03kW
  • Washing machine:
  • Laptop:
  • Total: 3kW

3kW is the power that a solar power plant must produce for the normal functioning of the building. Those. you will need 12 panels with a power of 260W each. In practice, their productivity will be higher (with a solar activity coefficient of 4.5, the daily output of the station will be 14 kW), however, we are starting from the most pessimistic scenario, in which every day is cloudy. Also keep in mind: if you are not connected to a feed-in tariff or do not store energy in a battery, the excess will be burned.

If you are installing a solar power plant to earn money at the feed-in tariff, then you can start with any capacity and gradually increase it.


Solar power plants for the home solve two main problems:

  • can provide electricity to an area that is not connected to the network. In the very simple version you only need a panel, a battery and a charge controller, which are already capable of generating electricity. A more complex implementation is also possible, when the station generates electricity and transmits it to sockets through an inverter. This circuit additionally requires a converter from 12V to 220V.
  • serve as an investment and source of income. In Ukraine there is a law on feed-in tariff, according to which the state is ready to buy from the population electricity generated at alternative sources energy at a higher tariff. In other words: anyone can install a solar power plant in their home and sell electricity to the state.

The performance of the station depends on the power of the panel and the solar intensity factor. For the southern regions, where the sun shines for a long time and intensely, the production of panels can be 4.5 - 5 times more than the nominal value. In winter, the coefficient is practically absent.

On cloudy days, even in summer, production drops significantly. Therefore, you should not rely entirely on solar energy (especially if you have an autonomous power supply for the facility) and it would be a good idea to have a backup source, for example, a diesel generator.

Everything about a solar power plant for the home: connection, actual output, connection, features

Solar energy is no longer an innovation, but a reality that today is available to almost everyone.
In this master class I will show you how to make a completely autonomous power supply system for your garage. Although the garage has a stationary electrical network, but I decided to give it up because there are too many interruptions in its work... Often there is no light for long periods of time.

One of the main advantages of a solar power plant is its complete autonomy and independence. Considering that I am not in the garage all day, the power of my system is sufficient for all my needs.
I used a powerful 100W solar battery, so the battery can be charged even in cloudy weather. Of course, a 10W solar panel would be enough, but I decided to take it with a reserve in case I suddenly have to increase the power of the entire system.

What does the solar system provide?

  • - LED light in the garage. Taking into account the current consumption of LED strips (no more than 2 A), the continuous glow time will be about 25 hours, which is twice as much as needed, given the average length of the night is 12 hours.
  • - Network with three 220 V sockets with a load capacity of 400 W. An inverter is used to convert the current. The output is a stable sinusoidal voltage. Plus, the inverter has two USB inputs for powering mobile devices, with a current of up to 3.1 A.
  • - The light turns on automatically when the gate is raised, which is very convenient, especially at night.

All elements of an autonomous power supply system have been purchased, with the exception of distribution boxes, pipes for wires, etc.
I provide a list with links to the store:
The 100 W solar panel is ready, you can of course assemble it yourself, but I bought it -
Charging controller -
Rechargeable battery 12 V 100 Ah - in the nearest auto store.
Battery terminals -
Inverter 400 W -
Reed switch with magnet -
LED Strip Light -

Solar power plant diagram

The solar panel and battery are connected to the controller. The controller controls the charging of the battery, provides optimal current and prevents it from being completely discharged. LED strips and inverters are connected to the controller output.
To do automatic switching on light I used a reed switch. Because LED strips consume a current of about 2 amperes, then they cannot be switched with a reed switch; you will need to add a relay that will take on the entire load.
I don't think there will be any issues with the scheme.

A few words about installation

The entire system is sorted according to the standard. Wires are packed into pipes, connectors into distribution boxes.

The photo shows how the reed sensor with a moving magnet is attached to the gate itself.

LED strips are simply stretched and secured in special clips.
Separately, I would like to tell you about installing a solar panel. A hole is drilled in the roof into which a piece of pipe is inserted. To prevent any leakage of water, a piece sticks out from the top of the roof at a short distance. We seal it and coat it with liquid bitumen or tar. We connect the panel, pass the wires through this tube. We lay the panel horizontally and coat the edges with liquid bitumen. Everything turned out airtight. The roof does not have a large slope, and water will roll off it in any case.

I will say again that the system is completely autonomous and does not require maintenance. If only it is necessary to periodically check the battery.

Result after several weeks of use

Solar power plant has proven itself to be excellent. It can be made for a summer house, barn, etc. In general, where there is no electricity supply. You can make a power plant yourself with any power and not depend on anyone else.
It’s very healthy not to depend on anyone.

Solar power plants are no longer a rarity in everyday life; they are increasingly helping to ensure home autonomy, increasing living comfort. With basic knowledge of electronics/electrical engineering, you can assemble a home solar station yourself, saving a lot of money. Solar power plants can be of three types: autonomous, network (with generation into the network) and combined (a combination of network and autonomous power plants). This article discusses an example of building an autonomous solar power plant, since this type of station is most in demand for solving the problem of backup power supply to a home.

Any solar power plant that produces alternating current, consists of four basic elements:

Solar panels,

Battery charge controller,


Combined inverter - converter.

Note: nowadays it is not uncommon to have an inverter with a built-in battery charge controller; in the case of using such an inverter, the number of components of a solar power plant is reduced. But it must be taken into account that the use of a separate charge controller increases the reliability and possibility of upgrading a solar power plant.

In principle, these elements are enough for the complex to work and perform its functions.

However, if the complex is assembled correctly, strives to increase efficiency, durable operation, and also observe safety measures, you will need some additional elements and knowledge.

Let's draw detailed diagram standard solar power plant and make a list of necessary/recommended elements.

List and purpose of all elements of a standard solar power plant

1. Solar panels

The quantity and power are selected depending on the load, the required duration of power supply and geographical location object.

2. Response connectors (male+female set)

The wires of most solar panels end in special waterproof connectors (MC4 connectors), which cannot be found in stores. Therefore, in addition to solar panels, it is necessary to purchase response connectors.

3. Wire between panels and charge controller

Since the solar panels are located outdoors and the equipment indoors, the distance between them is usually significant. Therefore, to reduce losses, it is very important to select a wire of the appropriate grade and cross-section.

It is also necessary to remember to protect the wire from negative factors. environment(solar radiation, precipitation, icing) and mechanical damage.

4. Charge controller

Necessary to ensure correct battery charging: correct current and voltage.

There are 2 types of controllers: legacy PWM (PWM) and modern MPPT.

PWM controllers (PWM) are inexpensive and provide the simplest charging mode. Their efficiency is low, there are no settings. Certain restrictions narrow the range of their use.

MPPT controllers are a little more expensive, but have a number of undeniable advantages: efficiency is 20-25% higher, intelligent control of battery charging modes, customization options (for more powerful models), and no strict connection to the input voltage from solar panels.

Power and voltage are selected depending on the number and power of solar panels, as well as batteries.

5. Switch direct current(before entering the controller)

A very important element that many people do not pay attention to.

Firstly, this machine can protect the controller from burnout in cases where the current from solar panels exceeds the controller’s rating (this happens with incorrectly selected equipment or on sunny days).

Secondly, and more importantly, it allows for safe maintenance of the entire complex. Must be remembered important rule: solar panels, when their electrical circuit is closed and they generate current, ALWAYS need a storage device (battery) or a consumer (any heating element). If you disconnect the battery or load from the controller and leave the panels connected, it will burn out. The reason is that the controller has nowhere to put the incoming energy from the panels.

6. DC switch (after output from controller)

This machine is needed to protect equipment from short circuits that may occur on the battery side.

7. Storage batteries

Their capacity, voltage and quantity are selected depending on the load, power supply time, as well as the characteristics of solar panels, charge controller and inverter.

8. Jumpers between batteries

Many people do not know that the quality of jumpers significantly affects the operation and life of the battery.

Good jumpers are short, thick (from 25-35 sq.mm.), made of copper, with tightly crimped tips.

10. An inverter for a solar power plant is perhaps the most important component.

The inverter converts direct current into alternating current - for all household appliances.

The model and power are selected depending on the load, starting currents and battery voltage. In general, the ideal design of a solar power plant should be considered one where different groups of loads receive power from different inverters. Many companies produce inverters with a variety of properties. They may differ in the shape of the output signal (the simplest and cheapest ones give square wave, the so-called “meander”, the manufacturers of which, however, more often call it: a modified sinusoid, an imitated sinusoid, a pseudo sinusoid, a quasi-sinusoid), a method of load compensation (by preserving the voltage amplitude or the area of ​​the curve), the circuit design used (one or two transformations voltage, pulse or analog signal conversion).

Some inverters have built-in Charger from the existing network (combined inverter) and can additionally charge the battery from the network, others can recharge the energy received from solar panels with energy from the network (hybrid inverters), still others can channel energy captured from the sun into the grid (grid or in-grid inverters). In general, the design of the inverter can be very diverse. High quality inverter must produce a pure sinusoidal signal with distortion less than 3%, do not change the voltage amplitude when connected maximum load by more than 10%, carry out double conversion (the first is DC, the second is AC), have an analog part of the secondary conversion with a high-quality transformer, have a significant overload reserve and a set of protective functions against short circuits in the load, against improper connection to batteries, from overload, from battery malfunction, do not allow batteries to be deeply discharged.

Meets all specified requirements inverter IR with output power from 1 to 6 kW.

This short description types of inverters can help you choose the right inverter for your home (for solar power plant).

11. Circuit breaker alternating current

Protects the inverter from overloads and failure in the event of a short circuit on the load side.

12. Protective grounding

This is not a device or a device. These are recommended measures for arranging protective grounding for equipment and people. Even if no extreme event occurs (lightning, short circuit), devices accumulate static electricity. It must be taken to the ground.

Autonomous power supply systems for suburban properties allow you to live in comfort even far from centralized communications. Often, along with traditional schemes, alternative ones are used, based on the use of solar energy.

In order for the solar system to function correctly, a well-designed solar panel connection diagram is required. Kit required quality equipment able to cope with assigned responsibilities.

We will tell you how to correctly plan the placement of mini-power plant components. You will learn how to select technical devices for assembling the system and how to connect them correctly. Taking into account our advice, you can build an efficient installation.

Let's look at how the solar system works and works for country house. Its main purpose is to convert solar energy into 220 V electricity, which is the main power source for household electrical appliances.

The main parts that make up the SES:

  1. Batteries (panels) that convert solar radiation into direct voltage current.
  2. A controller that regulates the battery charge.
  3. Battery pack.
  4. An inverter that converts battery voltage to 220 V.

The design of the battery is designed in such a way that it allows the equipment to operate in various weather conditions, at temperatures from -35ºС to +80ºС.

It turns out that correctly installed ones will work with the same performance in both winter and summer, but under one condition - in clear weather, when the sun gives off the maximum amount of heat. In cloudy conditions, work efficiency decreases sharply.

The efficiency of solar power plants in mid-latitudes is high, but not so much as to fully provide electricity big houses. More often, a solar system is considered as an additional or backup source of electricity

The weight of one 300 W battery is 20 kg. Most often, the panels are mounted on the roof, facade, or special racks installed next to the house. The necessary conditions: turning the plane towards the sun and optimal tilt (on average 45° to the surface of the earth), ensuring a perpendicular incidence of the sun's rays.

If possible, install a tracker that tracks the movement of the sun and regulates the position of the panels.

The top plane of the batteries is protected by tempered shockproof glass, which can easily withstand hail impacts or heavy snow drifts. However, it is necessary to monitor the integrity of the coating, otherwise damaged silicon wafers (photocells) will stop working

The controller performs several functions. In addition to the main one - automatic regulation of the battery charge, it regulates the supply of energy from solar panels, thereby protecting the battery from complete discharge.

When fully charged, the controller automatically disconnects the battery from the system. Modern devices are equipped with a control panel with a display showing battery voltage.

For homemade solar systems best choice are gel batteries, characterized by a period of uninterrupted operation of 10-12 years. After 10 years of operation, their capacity decreases by approximately 15-25%. These are maintenance-free and absolutely safe devices that do not emit harmful substances.

In winter or cloudy weather, the panels also continue to work (if they are regularly cleared of snow), but energy production is reduced by 5-10 times

It is worth knowing that household power plants are capable of servicing a constantly running refrigerator, a periodically running submersible pump, a TV, and a lighting system. To provide energy for the functioning of a boiler or even a microwave oven, more powerful and very expensive equipment will be required.

The simplest diagram of a solar power plant, including the main constituent elements. Each of them performs its own function, without which the operation of the SES is impossible

There are other, more complex ones, but this solution is universal and the most popular in everyday life.

Steps for connecting batteries to solar power plant equipment

The connection occurs in stages, usually in the following order: first, the controller is connected to the battery, then the controller is connected to the solar panels, then the battery is connected to the inverter, and lastly, the wiring is done to consumers.

Step #1: Connecting to Battery

Batteries occupy a clearly defined place in the network. They are not connected to the solar panels directly, but through a controller that regulates their loading/unloading. On the other hand, the battery pack is connected to an inverter that converts the current.

Thus, the connection diagram to the battery looks like this:

  • We connect the battery/controller (then the controller/solar panels);
  • connect the battery and inverter.

Other connection options are possible, but this one is optimal, as it saves unspent energy and, if necessary, transfers it to consumers.

There are two options for purchasing batteries: as part of a solar power plant that is completely ready for installation or separately, according to specified parameters. An inexpensive Chinese kit costs no more than 2000 rubles

If one battery is not enough, purchase several batteries with the same characteristics. They are installed in one place and connected in series.

For ease of use and maintenance, the blocks are installed on a metal rack with a polymer coating.

Let's look at how the battery is connected to the controller and inverter.

Image gallery

The next step is to connect the controller to the solar panels and the battery pack to the inverter.

Step #2: connecting to the controller

Let's consider an option that owners often use in practice country houses. They order inexpensive equipment made in China on one of the Internet sites.

A budget controller with a minimum number of settings, equipped with three pairs of terminals, capable of servicing a 150 W solar battery pack. Cost – 1300 rubles

Connection occurs in the following order:

  • First, a battery pack is connected to the controller. This is done intentionally to check how the device will detect the rated mains voltage (standard values ​​- 12 V, 24 V). When connecting to the battery, use the first pair of terminals.
  • Then the solar panels are directly connected, using the wires supplied with them, and the controller has a second pair of terminals.
  • Lastly, night lighting equipment is installed. I – this is exactly what the third pair of terminals is for. Apart from low-voltage lighting, which operates only after dark and is powered by a battery, other equipment cannot be used.

For any type of connection, you must ensure polarity.

Failure to observe the polarity leads to instant failure of the controller, as well as failure of solar panel parts.

After connecting the controller to the battery and panels, we connect the inverter and, if necessary, low-voltage lighting devices.

The installation location of the inverter in the solar power plant system is between the battery unit and energy consumers, that is, home appliances, lighting devices, etc. (+)

The device is purchased in the same way as the rest of the solar system: as part of the SES kit or separately.

Procedure for connecting the inverter to the battery:

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We take the device out of the box, check it for integrity, and remove the protective films. We study the instructions so as not to make mistakes when connecting

Along with the device, the kit necessarily contains 2 wires with special terminals and “crocodiles” for connecting it to the battery.

The special cable that comes with the inverter is very easy to install: the terminals are placed on the contacts of the device and secured with plastic screw caps

Connecting to the battery is also very simple: we fix two special clamps on the battery contacts, observing the polarity - plus to plus, minus to minus

If you have not previously installed solar power plants, we recommend purchasing not individual devices, but a complete system.

The advantage of a ready-to-install system is that it matches the equipment parameters (batteries correctly selected for power, the required number of solar panels, a set of wires for quick connection).

It is logical that devices compatible in capacity, voltage and power will be much more efficient at converting solar energy and providing the house with electricity. In fact, free “green energy” can be used with heating systems

Video #3. Overview of one of the home installation options:

The use of alternative energy for the needs of humanity is truly a big technological leap. Today, every homeowner can independently assemble and connect a solar power plant that supplies the house with electricity. Taking into account the cost-effectiveness and environmental friendliness, this is a practical and effective solution.

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