Profitability of dentistry for 2 chairs. Where to start and how to open your own dental office? Advertising and promotion as one of the important stages of a dental business plan

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This project provides for the development of services and promotion of this dental clinic in an already established market.

From the foregoing, it follows that the purpose of this project is to study the mechanisms of business planning in economic activity enterprises.and development of a business plan for a dental clinic.

Project objectives:

  1. study literary sources;
  2. give a description of the business plan, its significance;
  3. analyze business planning in terms of its importance for the economic activity of the enterprise.

The clinic will include the following services:

  • therapeutic dentistry;
  • orthopedic dentistry;
  • children's dentistry;

Clinic throughput:

  • 60 people on a busier day.

The dental clinic will achieve success among its potential customers due to its advantages over competitors:

  1. large price range;
  2. the ability to keep prices lower than those of competitors;
  3. highly qualified trained personnel;
  4. high quality of services provided;
  5. use of the latest modern technologies in the field of dentistry;
  6. card service;
  7. providing discounts.

The amount of initial investment is 6,203,400 rubles.

Break-even point - 4 months.

Payback period - 25 months.

The average monthly profit is 242,306 rubles.

2. Description of the business, product or service

Throughout the civilized world, the system of private clinics is developing more and more rapidly, where the best doctors go to work. A private clinic is one of the most profitable and fastest growing types of business. With the global deterioration of the environment from year to year, the number of potential patients is increasing, with the growth of living standards, Russians are ready to spend more and more on their health.

Among the most promising areas of investment in medicine are investments in dental, venereal, gerontological, and narcological clinics.

The main purpose of the clinic is outpatient treatment and preventive care of the population.

The clinic building has the following departments:

  • therapeutic dentistry;
  • orthopedic dentistry;
  • children's dentistry;

Clinic throughput:

  • 30-50 people per shift;
  • 60 people on a busier day

The polyclinic is located in the center of the city, has an attractive appearance, is well-equipped, and a well-developed transport network is a positive feature.

The presence in the Clinic of autonomous dental rooms (without double chairs), a surgical dentistry room with preoperative and sterilization rooms, a diagnostic room for X-ray and radiovisiographic studies allows us to provide all types of dental care in full. The Clinic complies with the necessary sanitary and hygienic requirements for modern medical institutions. All this was created after summarizing and analyzing the work of many foreign and best domestic clinics.

According to the standard, the dimensions of the rooms (using the example of a treatment room):

  • length - 11m;
  • depth - 6m;
  • height - 3.5m;
  • area - 66 sq.m.;
  • cubic capacity - 231 cubic meters

The cabinet contains:

  1. dental chairs, dental units;
  2. office desk, medicine cabinet;
  3. table for placing sterile instruments;
  4. table for medicines and filling materials;
  5. sterilization installations;
  6. 2 sinks for washing hands and tools;

Separately, it should be noted the team of specialists of the clinic, it is very solid and at the same time young. The advantage of the Clinic's specialists is that, in addition to consulting assistance, they also conduct medical work. The level of assistance provided goes far beyond the treatment, extraction or prosthetics of the tooth (teeth): malocclusion and occlusion, pathology of the muscles of the maxillofacial region (bruxism), changes in the temporal joint (dysfunction), complex cases of prosthetics of edentulous jaws, jaw surgery, complex cases of dental implantation and other types of highly qualified care. In complex cases, a joint consultation of specialists is carried out with the preparation of a complete plan for treatment and prosthetics.

Considerable attention is paid to the prevention of cross-infection in the clinic. This is one of the urgent problems of modern medicine and especially dentistry. Clinic patients are completely protected from infection. The sterilization room is equipped with the latest devices and equipment that ensures the complete disinfection of all instruments with ultrasonic treatment, including dental handpieces and assistant's devices. The clinic uses only disposable certified consumables.

In general, the working conditions of doctors can be considered satisfactory. The positive aspect is that all departments are located in the same building. The proximity of the motorway, on the one hand, creates conditions for communication with the population, but on the other hand, it is a source of dust and noise effects. Therefore, it can be recommended to increase the percentage of landscaping of the site.

In the conditions of market relations, dentistry found itself in very unusual circumstances, the main of which is the need to attract and constantly expand the circle of patients.

3. Description of the market

Entry of the company into the market

To date, the needs of customers in the market of dental clinics are met mainly by the clinics "Dentist" and "32" - 46%. Our company intends to enter the market with the price of providing services below the price of these competitors (about 800 rubles). This will allow some pressure on these dental clinics. However, the following market entry problems may exist:

  • enterprise power barrier;
  • the wide popularity of dentists "Dentist" and "32" and the relatively low popularity of our clinic in the market medical services in the field of dentistry.

Ways to solve these problems in an aggressive marketing strategy and tactics. According to the research company "Nevada-plus", Table 6 shows comparative characteristics by competitiveness factors. Each factor in the table receives a score from 0 (weakest position) to 5 (dominant position). For peer review research company formed a group of the most qualified employees of the company.

4. Sales and Marketing

There are 5 dentists working in dentistry (2 - the first category, 3 - the second category).

  • Flexible pricing

In order to ensure clinical admission by doctors of all levels of training, several levels of prices for certain types of prosthetics and treatment have been introduced. Prices for prosthetics at a paid appointment can be either lower or higher than the market ones - depending on the loyalty of consumers, the service provided, the image of the product. This principle is used by firms that have competitors.

  • Individual contact with the patient.

IN modern conditions there is a growing need to comply with the norms and rules of ethics and deontology, raising the level of culture of medical reception. The subjective relationships of employees, the psychological climate in the team, the doctor's ability to establish contact with the patient are important components of the overall success of any clinic.

  • Favorable location.

Dentistry is located at the intersection of the main transport communications, next to public transport stops; near the building there is a parking lot for staff and patients, which makes it easier for residents of both the city and its suburbs to visit the clinic.

  • Favorable conditions for the sale of services.

The entire environment of the dental clinic affects the subconscious of patients. To get a positive effect, visitors need to provide comfort, peace, and a friendly attitude. To achieve these goals in dentistry, a major overhaul of the premises was carried out, much attention is paid to the selection of medical personnel.

  • Orientation to the consumer, his needs and wishes.

Given the specifics of the activities of dentistry, in order to increase the flow of patients, the clinic's work schedule has been introduced from 9-00 to 19-00; consultative reception and reception on Saturdays were introduced; X-ray room was opened, year-round work of the orthopedic department was organized. Employees of dentistry continue their clinical work (optional) while on vacation, which has a positive effect on performance. In addition, the recruitment period is significantly shortened after employees return from vacation, the flow of patients does not stop during the vacation period, they do not go to other dental institutions.

5. Production plan

The main equipment necessary for organizing the work of a dental clinic

NameQuantityPrice for 1 piecetotal amount
Dental chair and installation5 600 000 3 000 000
Visiographer1 427 000 427 000
doctor's chair5 18 000 90 000
Dentist tool set5 40 000 200 000
Autoclave5 90 000 450 000
Fridge5 12 000 60 000
Compressor5 29 000 145 000
Furniture set Arkodor5 75 000 375 000
Receptionist1 40 000 40 000
Wardrobe4 10 000 40 000
Sofa2 20 000 40 000
coffee table2 3 000 6 000
Office chair12 2 200 26 400
Starter kit consumables1 50 000 50 000
Alarm system1 15 000 15 000
Ventilation system1 50 000 50 000
water cooler1 3 000 3 000
Television1 15 000 15 000
PC with software1 25 000 25 000

5 057 400

6. Organizational structure

The cost of registering an LLC is 12,000 rubles.

To carry out the production activities of an LLC, it is required:

  1. Dentist - 5 persons; Higher education, work experience 5 years, references.
  2. Nurse - 3 people, medical education or special courses, work experience more than 1 year.
  3. Nurse - 4 people. Secondary education, at least two years of work experience,
  4. Administrator - 3 people. Secondary vocational education, work experience of at least two years, characteristics, good appearance, ability to communicate with people.
  5. Accountant - 1 person. Higher education, work experience of at least 5 years, on an independent balance sheet.
  6. Cleaning lady - 1 person, without bad habits, not older than 55 years.

The main functions of the director are:

  • Development of organization development strategies;
  • Analysis of the external environment (control of the raw materials market, competitors, new technologies);
  • Organizes the work of the accountant and administrator;
  • Performs salary payments.

The accountant maintains the company's accounting records and prepares financial reports.

  • Is special education important?
  • Equipment
  • The documents
  • Recipe for success
  • Profitability calculation
  • Helpful Hints

Dentistry is a popular type of medical services. Today, people pay a lot of attention to the health of their teeth, keeping them in perfect condition. Opening your own dental office or a small clinic with the right approach will allow you to make significant profits, because treatment and preventive procedures are not cheap, not to mention prosthetics. But creating your own business from scratch will require impressive investments and rational approach to the organization of its activities. It is necessary to disassemble step by step where to start this path. Next, we will try to tell you in as much detail as possible how to open dentistry from scratch in Russia and how much it will cost.

Is special education important?

There is a common misconception that without education, opening even a modest dental office for one chair is impossible. Rather, on the contrary, a profile diploma in a certain sense will become an obstacle, because it is difficult to combine professional growth and business development - a dental office. Here, to a large extent, the benefits of such a phenomenon as the division of labor are manifested, where everyone does what he knows how to do well. Some are engaged in the commercial part, organize work, others carry out treatment, removal, prosthetics. Only in this way will dentistry become a successful, profitable business.

To open your clinic or office, you need a room. It is better if it is owned, renting creates certain difficulties for doing business, such as:

  1. The need to create a financial reserve in case of a sudden relocation and staff retention.
  2. Expenses associated with the search and repair of a new premises, transportation of equipment.
  3. The cost of an information campaign aimed at notifying clients about the relocation of the dentistry to a new location.
  4. Launching an advertisement to promote a dental office in a new location and attract customers.

In fact, resorting to renting a room, you will have to start a business from scratch every few years. This is due to the impressive financial costs that can be spent on business development - the expansion of the clinic, the opening of a new office.

Separately, I would like to talk about the calculation of the area for opening dentistry. On average, one chair requires from 10 m 2 of space to ensure full functionality. In this case, the need to equip the reception desk, sanitary unit, utility room and waiting area should be taken into account. As a result, to open a modest dental office, you need to use a standard one-room apartment with an area of ​​​​32–36 m 2.

Most often, dentistry is opened in re-planned apartments on the first floors of residential buildings or small detached buildings are being built. It is very important that the premises be removed from the housing stock and equipped in accordance with the requirements of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. To open a clinic, it is recommended to buy several nearby apartments.

Attention! A common mistake is to invest significant funds in the renovation of the premises. Most entrepreneurs are driven by the desire to create an exclusive design. For this, expensive materials are used, but this is not the secret of success in the field of dentistry.

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The next important step in opening a clinic or office is the selection and purchase of equipment. Its standard set consists of:

  1. Armchair, its cost is 1,200,000 - 1,500,000 rubles.
  2. Additional equipment, tools - 370,000 rubles.
  3. Furniture - 200,000 rubles.
  4. X-ray, the cost of which starts from 1,500,000 rubles.

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In total, it turns out that from 3,270,000 to 5,570,000 rubles must be spent in 2020 to open a dentistry for 1 chair. It is easy to calculate how much an average clinic for 5-6 seats costs, and this is not counting the cost of turnkey repairs.

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At the same time, before purchasing equipment, it is worth attracting a specialist for advice so that investments are balanced and optimal. Ideally, it is necessary to recruit staff before opening a private dental clinic and order equipment according to their wishes. This will significantly improve the level of service.

The documents

Another stage that requires time and nerves will require the design of a clinic. To open a dentistry, you will need a lot of permissions:

  • for the redevelopment of the premises - the architectural department;
  • sanitary organization of the enterprise - SES;
  • fire safety of the premises;
  • medical license allowing to carry out dental activities;
  • permission to use the x-ray machine.

You can find out what documents are needed to register an enterprise with the fiscal authorities by going to their official resource. In short, if you need open a sole proprietorship, as well as to assign OKVED codes for the following activities: 85.13. "Dental practice" and 85.12 "Medical practice".

Recipe for success

Starting your own business is the beginning of a difficult path to success in the form of a high level of profitability. It is important for dentistry to provide services of the highest class, and this is impossible without a team of professionals. Therefore, if you can save on repairs and equipment, then you can’t save on personnel in any case, otherwise all investments will be in vain and the business will turn into a burden.

Due to this specificity, the selection of specialists should begin before opening a dental office. At the same time, it should be taken into account that an impressive part of the profit will need to be spent on personnel. How much does it cost to maintain a professional staff?

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Dentists work for a percentage of revenue, it varies from 20 to 25%. Nurses, orderlies, administrators receive a flat rate of $100 to $400. Approximately a quarter of the profits should be spent monthly on the staff. But it should be noted that it is the staff that makes the dental office, the clinic profitable.

The optimal level of profit is up to $ 20,000 per month from one chair. Provided that the business is untwisted. This is the average for the metropolitan area.

Profitability calculation

How much profit does successful dentistry bring? Let's say that a private clinic is equipped with five chairs, hence the total monthly income is $100,000. Of these, you need:

  • Pay staff salaries - 25%;
  • Purchase consumables - up to 10% of the profit. You can’t save on this, otherwise customers will go to competitors;
  • Current expenses, including business expenses - up to 5% of profit.

In total, you must pay 40% of the amount earned. Accordingly, the profitability of the business will be about 30%, which is a good indicator.

What does it take to open dentistry as the first step towards creating a brand, a well-developed, successful network of clinics? The main requirement is a rational approach to capital investments. This will create a powerful base for business, build its foundation. Secondly, you should not be afraid to start a business from scratch, just as you should not completely trust it to third-party people - managers, especially if they are specialized specialists. It is necessary to remember the division of labor and understand that dentistry requires attention, it is not enough just to open a business, it needs to be developed and promoted.

Speaking of promotion, a private clinic from scratch will quickly be brought to the top by experienced professionals who have their own client base. Therefore, you should by any means lure them into your dental office to work.

Attention! Opening a dental office franchise is a waste of money, as most projects use the standard scheme described above. An exception is marketing moves, but most of them can be found using specialized literature or the Internet.

Dentistry, perhaps, is one of those areas of medicine that will always be in demand, because every person has had dental problems in his life. To solve these problems, there is a dentist, but he needs to work somewhere. An analogue of the state clinic is a private dental office.

For the successful operation of the dental office, you need to know and have a well-thought-out business plan.

This article contains a comprehensive answer to the question that worries many aspiring entrepreneurs: “How to open a dental office?”.

Dentistry, for quite probable reasons, is one of the most, not inferior to other medical areas. As you know, demand creates supply.

Patients are more likely to use dentists than general practitioners, although the cost of dental care is much higher. That is why the development of the dental business can be successful and promising, despite the tough competitive environment.

The activities of private dentistry can be conditionally divided into three branches:

  • First direction is the work of a single dental office with two or three units. This direction occupies about 60 percent of the dental services market. Most often, such offices are located on the first floors of residential buildings.

Despite the demand for such a direction, this format of the dental office is extremely undesirable due to its instability. Usually, such dental offices will face bankruptcy.

  • Second direction activities of the dental office is a network of dental clinics. The level of financial stability of such cabinets is several times higher than single ones.
  • third direction- This is the work of large medical centers that provide a wide range of not only dental services, but a number of other medical services.

The dental business can be classified according to different approaches to customer service:

  1. You can organize the work of the clinic, for which the main guideline will be customer flow service. A distinctive feature of the work of such a dental office is satisfactory quality and inexpensive prices. Such an office uses a lot of dental chairs and works around the clock.
  2. You can bet on corporate customer service or create small dental clinics oriented to VIP clients with one to three units.

Dental office business plan

To start the work of the dental office, you need to calculate all the costs:

  1. Room: renting or purchasing premises affects financial costs. The choice of a locality or even a district of one city significantly affects the price of real estate per square meter. Therefore, it is very difficult to name any specific amount. For rented premises monthly rent of 100 sq. m. will be about 300 thousand rubles.
  2. Equipment: according to data for 2015, the purchase of equipment will go at least 600 thousand rubles.
  3. Repair cost at least 100 thousand rubles. and depends on the parameters of the room, as well as on your imagination.
  4. For clearance licenses need 50 thousand rubles.
  5. personnel usually includes the rate and interest. Naturally, at the start, wages will not be as high as we would like, but with growth they will gain momentum.
  6. Current expenses for utilities, advertising, etc.

Calculation of the final amount of expenses requires an individual approach. Usually, an amount of 1–2.5 million rubles is required, excluding expenses for the purchase of premises. As for profit, if the forecast is successful, it will be about 600 thousand rubles.

To start the work of the dental office, you will need to draw up a number of documents:

  • or (depending on independent work or hiring employees);
  • a document confirming the place of residence;
  • license for the type of medical activity;
  • permission from the fire department.

Obtaining a dental license

The list of required documents for issuing a medical license:

  • application to Rospotrebnadzor;
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion (Rospotrebnadzor);
  • documentation of the lease of premises or ownership;
  • certificates for installed equipment, availability of personnel medical books, copies of diplomas of specialized education and qualifications, etc.

The term for consideration of documents for issuing a dental license usually ranges from 30 to 45 days.

The term for issuing a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion is 30 days.

You can apply for a license yourself or pay for the services of a specialized company, while adding an amount of 60–80 thousand rubles to the main expenses.

Choosing a room for a dental office

After analyzing the plan of the office, and the possible location of the equipment, it will be possible to proceed with the choice of premises. The arrangement in the office is carried out according to the BTI plan.

The office space must be a minimum of 14 square meters for one installation, plus 7 meters for each additional one.

So, for an office with one workplace, there are 30 square meters of area. This area includes a hall of 10 and a bathroom of 5 square meters.

In the future, if there is a question about, it will be necessary to take into account the following data:

  • sterilization room (with three or more units) - 6 sq. m;
  • x-ray room - additional 11 sq. m. and 6 sq. m. for the processing room;
  • orthodontics office - 15 sq. m;
  • children's office - 15 sq. m;
  • implantology room - 15 sq.m;
  • premises for administration, pantry, bathroom, etc. - 30 sq. m.

The height of the cabinet should be from three or more meters, the depth - a maximum of six meters. Each office should be equipped with one-way daylight.

Dentistry offices are opened both in central and in residential areas. It is desirable that the location of the office is adjacent to a bus stop or metro station.

If the selected premises do not meet the required standards, then it will not be possible to avoid redevelopment, which will affect costs.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that a license is issued for a specific premises, and if the tenant refuses to extend the lease, you risk starting all over again, but in a different place. And the cost of the rented premises for 2 years is equal to the cost of the apartment.

The best option would be to purchase a room with subsequent redevelopment for a dentistry office. When purchasing an apartment, you will need to register it as a non-residential premises.

Why would you need to order architectural and technological project, replace communication systems, coordinate project documents with the expert and fire services, Rospotrebnadzor and the architectural and planning department.

Procurement of equipment and recruitment

The choice of dental equipment is carried out on the basis of SANPINA standards.

Mandatory equipment of the dental office:

  • complete dental chair;
  • hygiene products, medicines, filling materials;
  • medical instruments with cabinets for him, furniture;
  • gel reflecting lamps, apex locators, radiovisiograph;
  • autoclave sterilizer.

Specialists of the dental office must have an education in accordance with the profile of work. The dentist must have a certificate and diploma of completion of the internship, and practice experience professional activity at least five years.

The presence of one such employee in the state provides medical license.

According to the norms of the work of the dentist and nurses should not exceed six hours a day.

When planning the staff, it is necessary to take into account the work in two shifts. Therefore, the staffing will consist of two dentists, two nurses, a nurse and an administrator.

Profitability of the dental office

One chair monthly makes a profit about 500 thousand rubles. If the work is carried out on its own area, then the figure will be higher.

Nuances of the dental business

Opening a dental office is fraught with some nuances:

  • With a negligent approach to - penalties.
  • Attracting clientele and raising prestige is the cost of an advertising campaign.
  • Few patients - unqualified staff and unfortunate location of the office.
  • The price does not match the quality of work - strict control over the work of employees and communication only with trusted suppliers.
  • Lack of initiative and rude staff - insufficient financial and other incentives for employees.

Obtaining a license is not an easy process. Therefore, conscientious conduct of business will only strengthen your business, but negligent conduct may lead to its loss. You can lose your license if, for example, you find that the autoclave sterilization log is filled out incorrectly.

And this will be true, since dentistry is directly related to human health.

The main thing when opening a dental office is an analysis of all possible difficulties and peculiarities of doing business, the availability of a business plan, the selection of highly qualified doctors and a professional leader.

How to open a dental office? and advice from a qualified lawyer in the following video:

Dental office design and turnkey equipment.

Everyone who wants to open a dental clinic / office from scratch is faced with the question: where to start? Our vision of the algorithm is as follows:

1) determination of the range of dental services provided and zoning of the existing premises

2) an approximate selection of dental equipment according to the budget, manufacturer, models and required parameters in accordance with paragraph 1)

3) placement of large equipment (installations, X-ray, compressors, aspirators, sterilization) and furniture on the clinic plan

4) technological design of the dental clinic

5) choice of room design, finishing materials, lighting of dentists' workplaces

6) repair of the premises of dentistry, taking into account the laying of the necessary communications according to the project

8) delivery, installation, commissioning of equipment, staff training

9) purchase of a minimum of consumable dental materials, tools, accessories necessary for the start of the clinic

In this article, we will focus only on point 4: "Designing a dental office / clinic", as the most complex, important and the only one of the entire list that only a specialized organization can perform.

Creating a private dental office in Russia from scratch requires the entrepreneur not only to own the market for these services, but also to know very specific requirements for the functioning of medical institutions. At the same time, the strict standards of the SES, the fire inspectorate and other regulatory authorities are the same for both small offices and a multidisciplinary dental clinic.

Let's take one example. The latest SanPiNs entered into force on September 17, 2010 (No. The fifth chapter of this document is completely devoted to dental medical institutions, regardless of the form of ownership. In the second appendix of these norms are given: the composition, purpose and requirements for the areas of premises of dental medical organizations. The minimum set of premises includes:

1. Lobby group (minimum area - 10 sq.m);

2. Dentist's office (minimum area - 14 sq. m. with an increase of 10 sq. m. for each dental unit);

3. Staff room (minimum area - 6 sq. m);

4. Toilet - at least 3 square meters. m;

5. Pantry - at least 3 square meters. m.

This minimum set is relevant only for a small dental clinic, since a multidisciplinary clinic, according to the same standards, must have a sterilization room, a surgical unit, an X-ray room, a dental laboratory, a physiotherapy department, etc. Separately, SanPiNs stipulate requirements for interior decoration, heating, ventilation, disinfection and air conditioning, and lighting. It is especially necessary to highlight the requirements for equipping dental X-ray equipment.

In addition to complying with the specified requirements for the premises, it is very important to decide at an early stage on such key points as:

1. Will you have a centralized compressor room, or will a compressor stand at each unit;

2. The aspiration system will be unified or personal for each installation;

3. Whether you will have a network version of the software for dental X-ray with a radiovisiograph or not;

4. Calculation and distribution by consumers of electrical power supplied to the premises;

In addition, competent design of a dental clinic will save you from a lot of unexpected, unnecessary and very costly troubles in the future, such as:

The drain line into the sewer was clogged due to an incorrect section of the pipe and the angle of inclination + the inability to clean it (result - opening the floors, chasing, laying pipes again, repairing on a new one)

The compressor failed ahead of time and all work immediately stopped due to the wrong selection of its power, receiver volume and air duct diameter to the installations

The voltage sags when powerful consumers are turned on, the electrical wiring heats up, the contacts of expensive equipment burn out, it does not work correctly

During the audit, the fiscal authorities found non-compliance with the norms and rightly demand to suspend the activities of the clinic until the identified violations are corrected

There are many more nuances, without which it is impossible to launch a clinic for full-fledged, reliable work. The purpose of this short article is just to acquaint you with possible difficulties and help you avoid them, saving your money, time and nerves.

All of the above factors require a very professional approach. In our opinion, this part simply needs to be entrusted to specialists who, for relatively little money, will make you a competent project, which provides solutions to all possible problems related to the laying of engineering communications, compliance with all norms and rules (SNiPs and SanPiNs). Our specialists, at your request, will carry out architectural supervision of the repair work, issue all project documentation, including an explanatory note with sections: the general plan of the clinic, the layout plan for equipment and communications connections of the dental office, power supply and grounding, calculation of the energy consumption of dental equipment, communications layout air, aspiration, sewerage, water supply.

You can list many more different problems in the organization of a dental clinic. But we did not aim to cover them all in this short article. We only urge you to entrust this most important part of the organization of the clinic to professionals.

We invite everyone to cooperate!

Sincerely, site team

With prices and fragments already made by our specialists, projects of dental clinics can be found below.

Technological design of a dental clinic price:




Initial data

Price ($)


Development of the concept of a dental clinic

1. Plan for the placement of offices, utility and technological premises in accordance with the norms of SANPin.

2. Explanatory note

BTI plan, client's wishes



Development of a technological project for one dental office without a centralized compressor, aspiration system and dental X-ray.

1. Connections and communications,

5. Plan for the placement of equipment and connections of the dental office.6. Plan of communications of air and aspiration



An additional dental office without a centralized compressor room, aspiration room and X-ray.

Explanatory note

BTI plan, client wishes, list of equipment



Development of a technological project for one dental office with a dental X-ray and a radiovisiograph, without a centralized compressor aspiration system.

Explanatory note with sections:

1. Connections and communications,
2. Placement of bactericidal irradiators, 3. Power supply and grounding,
4. Calculation of energy consumption of dental equipment

6. Plan of air and aspiration communications

BTI plan, client wishes, list of equipment



Development of a technological project for an additional dental office with a dental x-ray and a visiograph, without a centralized compressor aspiration system.

Explanatory note

Layout plan for equipment and connections of the dental office

Plan of communications of air and aspiration

BTI plan, client wishes, list of equipment



Development of a technological project for one dental office with X-ray and radiovisiographic equipment in a clinic with a centralized compressor and aspiration system.

Explanatory note with sections:

1. Connections and communications,
2. Placement of bactericidal irradiators, 3. Power supply and grounding,
4. Calculation of energy consumption of dental equipment

5. General plan of the clinic6. Layout plan for equipment and connections of the dental office

8. Plan for laying air communications9. Plan for laying aspiration communications

BTI plan, client wishes, list of equipment



Development of a technological project for an additional dental office with a dental x-ray and a radiovisiograph, with a centralized compressor aspiration system.

Explanatory note

Plan for the placement of equipment and connections of the dental office Plan for air and aspiration communications

BTI plan, client wishes, list of equipment



Development of a technological project for one dental office without X-ray and radiovisiographic equipment in a clinic with a centralized compressor and aspiration system.

Explanatory note with sections:

1. Connections and communications,
2. Placement of bactericidal irradiators, 3. Power supply and grounding,
4. Calculation of energy consumption of dental equipment

5. General plan of the clinic

6. Plan for the placement of equipment and connections of the dental office

7. Plan for the placement of equipment in the compressor room,

8. Plan for laying air communications9. Plan for laying aspiration communications

BTI plan, client wishes, list of equipment



Development of a technological project for an additional dental office without dental x-ray and radiovisiograph, with a centralized compressor and aspiration system.

Explanatory note

Layout plan for equipment and connections of the dental office

BTI plan, client wishes, list of equipment



Development of a technological project for an X-ray room without panoramic X-ray

Section of the explanatory note.

Layout plan for equipment and connections of the X-ray room



Development of a technological project for an X-ray room with panoramic X-ray

Section of the explanatory note. Plan for the placement of equipment and connections for the X-ray room,

BTI plan, client wishes, type of equipment



Development of a technological project for a sterilization cabinet

Section of the explanatory note. Plan for the placement of equipment and connections

BTI plan, client wishes, list of equipment



Development of the technological project of the operating unit

Explanatory note with sections:

1. Connections and communications,
2. Placement of bactericidal irradiators, 3. Power supply and grounding,
4. Calculation of energy consumption of dental equipment

5. Plan for the placement of equipment and connections of the operating room

6. Plan of preoperative and hospital

7. Plan for laying air communications8. Plan for laying aspiration communications

BTI plan, client's wishes



Development of a technological project for a centralized compressed air system

Section of the explanatory note. Plan for the placement of equipment and connections in the technical room. Plan for laying air communications

BTI plan, client wishes, list of equipment



Development of a technological project for a centralized aspiration system

Section of the explanatory note. Plan for the placement of equipment and connections in the technical room. Plan for laying aspiration communications

BTI plan, client wishes, list of equipment



Development of a technological project for a centralized compressed air and aspiration system

Section of the explanatory note. Plan for the placement of equipment and connections in the technical room. Plan for laying air and aspiration communications

BTI plan, client's wishes



Development of a technological project for a dental laboratory

Section of the explanatory note. Plan for the placement of equipment and connections.

BTI plan, client's wishes



On-site consultation



Control over the execution of works in accordance with the technological project. Written instructions for the elimination of comments and shortcomings


The content of the explanatory note of the project

1. The composition of the premises of the dental clinic…………………………. 3

2. Placement of dental equipment………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4

2.1. General provisions ……………………………………………………………4

2.2. Ordinatorskaya..………………………………………………………. ……… 4

2.3. X-ray room (Plan 2).…………………………… 4

2.4. Compressor / Aspiration (Plan 3).……………………..……….… 5

2.5. Utility room (Plan 4) …….…………………………………… 6

2.6. Orthopedic office (Room 1) (Plan 5) ……..…………………… 6

2.7. Therapeutic room (Room 2) (Plan 6)…………………….…. 6

2.8. Therapeutic room (Room 3) (Plan 7) ………….…………..…. 7

2.9. Sterilization room (Plan 7) ………..……………………………………. 7

2.10. Tambour (Plan 8) ………………………………………….…………………. 7

2.11. Surgical room (Room 4), (Plan 8) ………………..….…….. 8

3. Connections and communications……………………………………………….…….. 8

3.1. Air line ………………………………………………….……. 8

3.2. Aspiration line ……………………………….………….………8

3.3. Water supply and sewerage …………………………………..………….……9

4. Placement of bactericidal air recirculators ………………… 9

5. Power supply and grounding……………………………………….…….………9

6. Energy consumption of dental equipment………………. 10

7. Local computer and telephone network………………………….…. 12

8. Conventions…………………………………………………………….12

9. Plan 1 Plan of premises ……………………………………..………………….14

10. Plan 2 X-ray room ……….................................................. 15

11. Plan 3 Compressor / Aspiration ……………………………..….. 16

12. Plan 4 Utility room ………………………………………….…..17

13. Plan 5 Room 1…………..………………………………..…………………..18

14. Plan 6 Room 2…………….………………………………….………………19

15. Plan 7 Cabinet 3 and sterilization room …………………………...…….20

16. Plan 8 Surgical room (Room 4) / Vestibule ..…………..…….21

17. Plan 9 Scheme of air communications …….…………………………..…..22

18. Plan 10 Scheme of aspiration communications ……….……….…..…………23

19. Appendix 1 Arcadia chair assembly diagram …..………..……….… 24

20. Appendix 2 EXPERT DC wall X-ray dimensions

Part 1 …………………………..……………………………. 25

21. Appendix 3 EXPERT DC wall X-ray dimensions

Part 2…………………………………….……………..….. 26

22. Appendix 4 ORTHORALIX panoramic X-ray dimensions

9200………………………………………………………..…. 27

23. Appendix 5 Position of holes in the x-ray wall

ORTHORALIX 9200……………………………………..….. 28

24. Appendix 6 Scheme for supplying hot, cold water and

sewerage for sinks.……………………………………… 29